

泊位调度问题的基本假设包括 : ①每条船的计划作
1 泊位与岸桥联合调度问题 _ 3
业时间是己知的;②每条船必须且仅被服务 1 ; 次 ③每
个泊位在同一时间只能服务 1 艘船舶, 且不考虑作业中 的移泊 ; ④泊位必须满足船舶的物理约束 , 如满足水深、 岸线长度等要求。
船舶在港时I 、 司由船舶到港后的等待时间和装卸作
适合用于求 解该问题。泊 位、岸桥单独优化与联合优化效果的比较结果指出, 对系统进行联合优化, 有利于提高集装
关键词 :泊位 ;岸桥 ;联合调度 ;动态调度 ;遗传算法 中图分类号 :U1 9 2 6. 6 文献标志码 :A 文章编号 :17 ~7 8 (0 11 —0 0 —6 6 3 102 1)1 89
业的时间 2 部分组成 。 在泊位和岸桥调度过程中, 等待 时间与作业时间存在一定的相互制约现象。 泊位与岸桥 的联合调度就是指通过分配合理的泊位 , 选择恰当的靠
1 岸桥调度问题 . 2 岸桥调度是在既定的泊位分配方案下, 根据到港船
舶装卸作业量和离港时间等约束 , 为船舶分配若干岸桥 完成船舶的装卸任务。缩短岸桥闲置时间、最小化船舶 在港装卸作业时间是岸桥调度的主要优化目标 , 同时需 要满足一些现实约束 。
A s a tB s n h r n s t aoao dat losa tf t a ae Q )ceun , e ya c C b t c: ae r do te ur tt c l tna u cnt is o h q y r ( C s dl gt nmiQ c e a l ci n c a i rn r e u c n h i h d
泊顺序 , 进而配备相应的岸桥 , 并确定岸桥数量 , 将岸 桥与泊位看作一个协调作业的整体, 在等待时间和作业

集装箱码头泊位、岸桥和集卡协同调度优化田星;孟庆柱【摘要】针对集装箱码头泊位、岸桥和集卡的协同调度问题,考虑了船舶到港的先后顺序、实际操作过程中岸桥和集卡的相关约束,以物流作业总成本最低为目标,构建了一个数学模型.通过分析我国T集装箱码头实际操作过程中船舶待卸载集装箱量与分配的岸桥数量之间的关系,设置了一个常数k,对每艘船分配的岸桥数进行预处理,即每艘船分配的岸桥数等于船舶待卸载的集装箱数量与常数k的比值,将该模型转化为一个整数线性规划数学模型.然后以该码头的真实数据为算例,运用商业软件ILOG CPLEX进行求解,在可接受的时间内求得了最优解,并将求得的结果与实际操作过程进行对比,表明得到的最优解在实际操作过程中是可行的,验证了模型的有效性和准确性.【期刊名称】《物流技术》【年(卷),期】2018(037)003【总页数】6页(P32-36,130)【关键词】集装箱码头;泊位;岸桥;集卡;协同调度;整数线性规划【作者】田星;孟庆柱【作者单位】武汉理工大学物流工程学院,湖北武汉 430063;天津东方海陆集装箱码头有限公司,天津 300456【正文语种】中文【中图分类】F550.6;U691.31 引言对集装箱码头来说,泊位、岸桥和集卡是三种重要的基础资源,泊位分配、岸桥配置和集卡调度对提高集装箱码头的运作效率至关重要。


Co n t i n u o u s b e r t h a nd q ua y c r a n e i n t e g r a t e d s c h e d u l i ng
wi t h q u a y c r a n e t r a v e l i n g r e s t r i c t i o n
r e a l i z e r a t i o n a l d i s t r i b u t i o n o f q u a y c r a n e s i n q u a n t i t y t h r o u g h e x p a n d i n g t h e e x i s t i n g b e r t h a n d q u a y c r a n e
i n t e g r a t e d s c h e d u l i n g m o d e l s .T h e n ,b y a n o b j e c t i v e f u n c t i o n t h a t c a n m i n i m i z e t h e s h i p d e l a y c o s t a n d
t he q u a y c r a n e t r a v e l i n g c o s t ,t h e b e r t h a nd q u a y c r a n e i n t e g r a t e d s c he d ul i n g mi x e d i n t e g e r p r o g r a mmi n g
第3 4卷 第 4期
2 0 1 3年 1 2月 Leabharlann 上 海 海 事 大 学 学
Vo 1 . 3 4 No . 4 De c. 2 01 3

桥交叉 等现 实约 束 , 设计 了启 发式算 法 , 照船 舶预 按 计到港 时 间逐 一 配置 。文献 [ 1 和文献 [ 2 均考 虑 1] 1]
了船舶 优先权 对 泊位 配 置 的影 响 , 都 是 针对 离 散 但
的泊位 调度 问题 。
调 度 与岸桥 配置 的协 同优 化 问题 。
关键词 : 通运输经济学 ; 续泊位调度 , 桥配置 , 交 连 岸 混合 整 数 规 划 , 发式 算 法 启 中 图分 类 号 : 6 . 2 U1 9 6 文 献标 志码 : A
C o d n tdOp i z t n o o t u u e t n u yC a eAl c t n o r iae t miai fC n i o sB rh a d Q a r n l a i o n o o
1 问题 建模
1 1 建 模 假 设 .
时的需 求 ; 和 r 分 别 为船 i 许 同时作业 岸桥 r 允 的最 大数 量 和 最 小 数 量 ; A ET 为 船 i预 计 到港 时
间; a为多 台岸 桥 同 时工 作 的干 扰 系 数 ; 为 泊位 偏
移 系数 ; 为 一个 充分 大 的正整数 。 M 对 于船 i ∈V , 策 变 量 定 义 为 : 船 i的 船 决 b为
为便于计 算 , 将泊 位 划 分 为每 1 一 个单 位 , 0m
时 间 划 分 为 每 1h一 个 单 位 , 成 以 泊 位 为 横 轴 、 构 时
间为纵 轴 的二 维 坐标 系 ( 图 1 。泊位 配置 即可 理 见 )
解 为 : 每个 船舶 找到 一个 空 闲区域 , 足船 舶长度 为 满
头 在泊 位坐 标轴 上 的实 际 停 靠位 置 ; B S 和 F 分 . B 别 为船 i 在港 开始 服务 和结束 服务 的时 间 ; b 为船 A i 移 最 佳 靠 泊 位 置 的距 离 , b — l 。对 于 偏 A 一b l b 船 i EV 的各 变 量 均 已知 。此外 , 有 三 个 二 元 决 还


五、集卡调度下的场桥调度及堆场分配策略针对集卡调度下的场桥调度及堆场分配问题,本文提出以下策略:1. 优化集卡调度:通过智能调度系统,实时掌握集卡的数量、位置和状态信息,合理安排集卡的行驶路径和任务。
2. 智能场桥调度:利用现代信息技术和人工智能算法,对场桥的作业任务进行智能分配和优化。


分 考虑 岸桥 不 能 交叉作 业 、 卸 任务 有作 业顺 序要 求 等现 实约 束 下 , 此 问题 构 建 了非 装 对
线 性数 学规 划模 型 , 于 问题 自身 的特 点设计 了基 于任 务排 序 的 染 色体 结构 , 基 用遗传 算 法进行 求 解.通过 与 文献 中单 船 的调 度 结果 的 对 比 、 单船 岸 桥 调 度 与 多船 动 态岸 桥 调 度 结 果的 对 比 , 以及 多船 动 态岸桥 调 度 的仿 真 实验 , 明 了模 型及 算法 的有 效性 . 证 关 键词 : 系统工程 ; 路运 输 ; 水 岸桥 分 配 ; 态调 度 ; 线性规 划 ; 动 非 遗传 算 法
中图分 类号 : U 9 64 文献 标识 码 : A
n Opi z t n o a a eDy a i c e u i g Ba e n t miai fQu yCr n n m c S h d l s d o o Be t c e uls i n a n r Te m i a rh S h d e n Co t i e r n l
摘 要 : 所 谓基 于泊位 计划 的 集装 箱码 头岸 桥 动 态调 度 问题 , 指 在 计 划周 期 内 , 每 是 在
艘 船舶 均 已安排 了靠泊 时 间和 靠泊位 置 的前 提 下 , 有 限 的岸 桥 资 源 在船 舶 上 的装 卸 将
任 务 间进. 动 态分 配与 排序 , 彳 亍 以最 大限 度 地减 少计 划 期 内所有 船 舶 的 滞 港 时 间.在 充
第 1卷 第3 1 期
21 0 1年 6月 பைடு நூலகம்
交通 运输 系统 工程 与信 息
J u n lo r n p rai n S se n i e rn n n omain T c n l g o r a f a s o tt y tms E gn e i g a d I f r t e h o o y T o o

单船岸桥分配与调度集成优化模型郑红星;吴岳;涂闯;刘进平【摘要】针对集装箱码头泊位确定条件下的单船岸桥(QC)分配和调度问题,建立了线性规划模型.模型以船舶在泊作业时间最短为目标,考虑多岸桥作业过程中的干扰等待时间与岸桥间的作业量均衡,并设计了嵌入解空间切割策略的改进蚁群优化(IACO)算法进行模型求解.实验结果表明:与可用岸桥全部投放使用的方法相比,所提模型与算法求得结果平均能够节省31.86%的岸桥资源;IACO算法与Lingo求得的结果相比,船舶在泊作业时间的平均偏差仅为5.23%,但CPU处理时间平均降低了78.7%,表明了所提模型与算法的可行性和有效性.【期刊名称】《计算机应用》【年(卷),期】2015(035)001【总页数】6页(P247-251,261)【关键词】岸桥分配和调度;整数线性规划;作业量均衡;干扰等待时间;船舶在泊作业时间;改进蚁群优化算法【作者】郑红星;吴岳;涂闯;刘进平【作者单位】大连海事大学交通运输管理学院,辽宁大连116026;大连海事大学交通运输管理学院,辽宁大连116026;大连海事大学交通运输管理学院,辽宁大连116026;大连海事大学交通运输管理学院,辽宁大连116026【正文语种】中文【中图分类】F224;TP18在集装箱码头中,当待作业船舶靠泊后,该船的岸桥(Quay Crane, QC)分配与调度方案将直接影响船舶的在泊作业时间,这是当前研究集装箱码头的热点问题之一。
其中Kim等[1]采用分支定界法(Branch and Bound, B&B)和贪婪随机适应性搜索算法(Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure, GRASP)对单船作业的岸桥调度问题进行了研究,最后验证了GRASP更有效;但是该文献中为船舶分配的岸桥数量最多为3台,有一定的局限性。

三、研究内容1. 泊位分配优化泊位分配是码头作业的第一步,合理的泊位分配能够为后续的岸桥操作和集卡调度提供良好的基础。
2. 岸桥操作优化岸桥是码头装卸作业的关键设备,其操作效率直接影响到整个码头的作业效率。
3. 集卡调度优化集卡是码头内部运输的关键工具,其调度效率直接影响到码头的物流效率。


( L o g i s t i c s R e s e a r c h C e n t e r , S h a n g h a i Ma r i t i me U n i v e r s i t y , S h a n g h a i 2 0 0 1 3 5 , C h i n a )
摘要 :岸桥 与集卡是 集装 箱港 口装卸过程 中的重要机械, 其配置情 况关 系到整个港 口的作业效率 。为了提 高集装 箱码
作业效率 ,针对 集装 箱在码 头堆 场分区堆放的情况和码头泊位装卸作业 的状 态要 求,考虑 了岸桥作 业时间和 集卡运输
提 出了集装 箱码 头集卡 与岸桥协作优化模 型 ,该模型以总时 间最 小为 目标 。算例结果表 明,该模型 为码 头集装 箱装
业优 化 问题 提 供 了 决 策 支持 。
关键词 :岸桥 ; 集卡 ;装卸 ; 协作优化
中图分类号 :U 6 5 6 . 1 3 5 文献标志码 :A 文章编号 :1 0 0 2 — 4 9 7 2 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 0 3 — 0 1 2 4 — 0 5
Co l l a bo r a t i v e o p t i mi z a t i o n o f qu a y c r a ne a nd y a r d t r u c k i n c o nt a i ne r t e r mi na l
年 3月 期 总第 4 7 7期
水运 工程
Po r t& W a t e r wa y Eng i ne e r i n g
Ma r .2 0l 3 No .3 Se r i a岸桥 与集卡装卸协作优化术

Co o r d i n a t e dห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ o pt i mi z a t i o n o f c o nt i nuo us be r t h a l l o c a t i o n a n d qu a y c r a ne d y na mi c s c he du l i ng
c o s t s o f d e l a y c o mp l e t i o n t a s k s , d e v i a t i n g f r o m t h e o p t i ma l b e r t h i n g l o c a t i o n a n d q u a y c r a n e mo v e me n t . B e r t h i n g
2 01 3卑 4 Y l
水 运 工 程
P or t& Wa t e r wa y En g i n ee r i n g
Ap r . 2 0 1 3
No . 4 Se r i a lNo . 478
第 4期
总第 4 7 8期
连 续 泊 位 下 泊 位 分 配 与 岸 桥 动态 调 度 的联 合 优 化 水
ma k e f u l l u s e o f q u a y c r a n e r e s o u r c e s , d y n a mi c s c h e d u l i n g o f q u a y c r a n e i s t a k e n i n t o a c c o u n t a n d c o mb i n e d wi t h

在集卡调度的基础上,场桥调度的策略与方法主要包括以下几个方面:1. 优化装卸顺序:根据集装箱的种类、目的港、装船顺序等信息,合理安排装卸顺序,以减少场桥的空驶时间和等待时间。
2. 动态调整作业区域:根据堆场的实际情况和集卡的到达情况,动态调整场桥的作业区域,以实现资源的合理配置和高效利用。
3. 引入智能调度系统:通过引入先进的智能调度系统,实现场桥调度的自动化和智能化,提高调度的准确性和效率。
在集卡调度的背景下,堆场分配的策略与方法主要包括以下几个方面:1. 考虑集装箱的存储特性:根据集装箱的尺寸、重量、存储时间等因素,合理安排堆场的空间布局,以提高存储效率和作业效率。
2. 动态调整堆场布局:根据码头的实际情况和集卡的运输情况,动态调整堆场的布局和空间分配,以实现资源的优化配置。
3. 解决冲突与拥堵问题:在堆场分配过程中,需要解决由于设备过多或操作不当导致的冲突与拥堵问题,以确保码头的顺畅运行。

余刘海 庞洪静 (上海海事大学 物流工程学院,中国 上海 201306)
【摘 要】为提高集装箱码头运作效率,在计划周期内,将有限的泊位和岸桥资源合理的分配给船舶,并在船舶上的装卸任务间进行动态调 度,提出了基于任务的连续泊位与岸桥协调调度的模型,通过遗传算法对该模型进行求解。 本文通过实例,验证了该模型和算法的有效性。
隔。 船 i 的 相 关 属 性 :bi0 是 船 i 的 最 优 靠 泊 位 置 ;Ci 是 船 i 到 港 时 间 ;
r max i
r min i
允许同时作业的岸桥数量的最大值和最小值 ;min
是船 i 上任务 n 的装卸台时;Li 是船 i 的长度。 决策变量定义:bi 是船 i
在泊位坐标轴上的实际停靠位置;△bi 是船 i 偏移 最 佳 靠 泊 位 置 的 距 离,△bi=|bi- bi0|;ri 是实际分配给船舶 i 的岸桥的数量;lin 船 i 上任务 n
0 引言
泊位调度和岸桥调度常作为码头运作的两个独立的环节,当集装 箱码头处于繁忙状态时,船舶按照最优的靠泊计划靠泊后,存在岸桥 不能立即服务,需要在泊位进一步等待岸桥的情况,浪费了宝贵的时 间。国内外对港口泊位分配的优化研究和岸桥调度的优化研究已取得 重要进展,但研究只局限于泊位与岸桥的单独调度。 协调调度优化不 仅同时解决了集装箱码头作业优化的两个核心子问题,同时由于泊位 分配和岸桥调度互相影响,协调优化相比单独研究强调了系统优化的 统一性和协调性 ,大大增强了优化效果 。 因此,为计划周期内的到港船 舶分配泊位和岸桥以及岸桥在装卸任务间的调度时,应将泊位资源和 岸桥资源联系起来,统筹协调。 对于连续泊位下为船舶配置泊位和将 特定的岸桥在任务间调度的研究,是缩短船舶在港时间、提高港口经 济效益的关键,具有重要的意义。


集装箱码头岸桥调度优化模型及算法1. 引言集装箱码头是现代物流运输中不可或缺的一环,而岸桥调度问题则是集装箱码头运营管理中的关键问题。
2. 岸桥调度的重要性集装箱码头作为货物的重要中转站点,岸桥调度的合理性和高效性直接影响到整个物流系统的运行效率。
通过优化岸桥调度,可以实现以下几个方面的目标:2.1 提高货物吞吐量合理的岸桥调度能够更好地分配岸桥资源,使得不同岸桥的工作负荷均衡,避免一些岸桥过度负荷而造成运营瓶颈。
2.2 降低服务时间岸桥调度优化能够减少船舶、集装箱车辆和岸桥之间的等待时间,提前预判和规划岸桥作业计划,减少作业环节的空闲和重复。
2.3 减少资源浪费通过优化岸桥调度安排,可以降低岸桥资源的浪费。
3. 岸桥调度优化模型岸桥调度优化模型是针对岸桥调度问题建立的数学模型,通过对问题的建模和求解,得到最优或较优的岸桥调度方案。
常见的岸桥调度优化模型包括:3.1 静态模型静态模型是在岸桥调度问题的基本框架下,基于静态数据进行建模和优化。
3.2 动态模型动态模型是在岸桥调度问题的基本框架下,考虑到实际运营中的动态变化因素进行建模和优化。

自动化集装箱码头智能化装备协调运作优化算法库包括泊位分配、岸桥调度、堆场计划、发箱顺序与配载、AGV 作业、场桥作业、道口检查与选位、场桥调度、提箱、统计等分类模型可扩展库,遗传算法、粒子群算法等多种自动化集装箱码头模型求解的通用智能算法。
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The optimization of container berths and shore bridge coordination schedulingMartin EAbstractThe global economic development, the container quickly raised up into exports. Rapid growth of the import and export cargo throughput brings to the container terminal larger benefits at the same time increase the burden of the port, have higher requirements on the terminal operation efficiency. How is the existing equipment of container terminals, reasonable resource allocation and scheduling, is common problem facing the container terminal. Therefore, how to improve the terminal facilities such as the maximum utilization of resources, to meet the increasing port demand, improve their competitive advantage, and has more practical meaning to improve the working efficiency of the container terminal. The main content of this study is berth, gantry cranes and set card co-allocation research, has plans to all ship to the port assignments during mathematical model is established with the target of minimum cost, according to the characteristics of the scale model by genetic algorithm, finally validates the effectiveness of the model.Keywords: System engineering; Water transportation; Gantry cranes allocation; Dynamic scheduling;1 IntroductionContainer terminal logistics is an organic system, made of interactive and dy namic components, such as containers, ships, berths, yards, tracks, quay cranes and yard cranes trucks, labors and communications, in a limited terminal space. It is a complex discrete event dynamic system related to kinds of complicated problems in l ogistics transport field.Berth scheduling (berth allocation) refers to the vessel arrival before or after according to each berth free condition and physical condition of the constraint for ship berthing berth and berthing order. To port berth scheduling optimization research has made important progress, but research is only limited to the single scheduling berth and shore bridge. Of berth scheduling problem in recent years has been based on simple berth scheduling considering more factors, but only for gantry cranes operatingsequence when performing a specific loading and unloading of microscopic optimization. Container ships in the port of time depend on how well the berth scheduling on one hand, on the other hand depends on the completion of tasks of gantry cranes loading and unloading time. Gantry cranes loading and unloading time tasks assigned by the Shore Bridge and gantry cranes scheduling two link form. Gantry cranes allocation is reasonably allocated to the ship to shore bridge. Scheduling is a bridge across the river shore bridge between loading and unloading task scheduling. For container terminal how to out of berth allocation, and collaborative scheduling shore bridge set card effective allocation and the arrangement of the container yard, etc are the main factors influencing the efficiency of port operations.2 Literature reviewBerth, gantry cranes and set card configuration and operation quality directly determines the operational efficiency of container ports. Container port whether can meet customer demand depends on whether the scheduling of a better, affecting the competitiveness of the port. So how to coordinate the three configurations and scheduling caused the wide attention of scholars both at home and abroad. Most experts and scholars in different circumstances port hardware facilities according to the different methods of berth, gantry cranes, set card and etc were studied. In recent years, the berth, shore and set scheduling and allocation problem of study to become a hot topic, scholars in a wide range of further research.2.1 Research on berth allocation problemEdmond will berth allocation problem as queuing theory for the first time, and establish the mathematical model research berth allocation problem. Lai and Shih to adopt rules first come first service berth allocation problem, and design the corresponding heuristic algorithm for the optimization of the mathematical model of the berth allocation, and to obtain the berth allocation to wait for the mooring time, and the average berth utilization indicators for evaluation. Prove the feasibility of obtained berth allocation scheme. Kiin mixed integer programming model is established to study the for large container ship berth allocation problem to determinethe ship docked location and time, the design of simulated annealing algorithm to solve the model. Since then, many scholars study of berth allocation problem scheme compared with Kim. Imai respectively studied and dynamic to static to the port to port berth allocation problem, at the same time the berth allocation in the process of container ship is introduced into the berth time priority, berth allocation was studied for the ship to port. Later, Mr Imai and Sun to adopt continuous geographical space to study the method of continuous berth allocation, established the mathematical model of the minimum vessel waiting time and operation time and coefficient using LaGrange relaxation algorithm to solve. Hansen, considering the schedule and ship docked preference location problems, such as setting the berth scheduling optimization goal for waiting time while minimizing of the ship. At the same time describes what preference position of the ship is. Lee also adopt the rules of first come first service to research into the port ship berth allocation problem, design the corresponding heuristic algorithm to solve the berth allocation model. After this, Lee and ship at the port of all research cycle to overall in the shortest time continuous berth allocation problem for the target research, through random greedy adaptive search algorithm to solve the model.2.2 Research on Shore Bridge factors problemDiazole in 1989 for the first time put forward the concept of gantry cranes scheduling by the author and a mixed integer programming model was established to solve the model to determine the distribution of each ship to the shore bridge. Park and Kim first studied the static to the port of berth and gantry cranes scheduling problem. Lim under interference constraint made the gantry cranes scheduling decisions made by a branch and bound method will be a period of time the latest ship to minimize the departure time of this algorithm ability is limited but simulated annealing method feasible solution can be obtained for the same question then also has used the genetic algorithm and greedy algorithm. Mussel and had to use a more realistic shore bridge resources use function to replace the method of linear hypothesis this paper proposes a new model to improve insufficient corrected simulation in the study of land bridge in front of the interference constraint error and put forward aimproved model than other algorithms are good before fast branch and bound method based on one-way operations. Bierwirth to before 2010 to berth allocation problem, task allocation problem shore bridge, gantry cranes scheduling problem of research literature made a detailed statistics and investigation and study analysis. Ship movement were studied using genetic algorithm reaches the case of fixed alongside berths and gantry cranes scheduling problem, homework and assumes that each ship shore bridge number is fixed, the optimization goal to minimize shipping time in Hong Kong. At present scholars to container terminal berth allocation, gantry cranes scheduling and allocation, set operations such as path planning are detailed studies. They mainly from the perspective of time and economic cost and so on, studies the optimization of container terminal handling operation link research, makes the anticipated goal of optimal. But can be seen from the collected literature at home and abroad, the research of the container terminal although in-depth and meticulous, but there are still insufficient. At present study mainly just to container terminal operation of a single link a job scheduling optimization, or are the two assignments link joint scheduling optimization research. However, container terminal berth allocation, shore bridge distribution and collection card is a complete operating system. If is simply the optimization study of a job link, can only reach a certain optimal operation link, it is difficult to achieve with other assignments link affinity. In the whole container operating system does not make the overall optimal.3 Container terminal operation analyses(1) ChannelChannel is refers to the container ship in the in and out of the container terminal area can satisfy container ships and other water traffic tools (tug, etc.) the requirements of the safe navigation channel.(2) AnchorageAnchorage is used for container ships waiting for berthing of ships docked or for a variety of water homework need water. Main floor including loading and unloading of anchorage, anchorage, shelter, water diversion fault, fault and quarantine and so on, this article proposed tracing refers to anchor it wrong, is to wait for container vesselsinto anchored into the dock before berth waters.(3) BerthBerth is to point to inside the container terminal for container vessels, loading and unloading to the docking area by the sea, for the container ship safety and to meet the need of loading and unloading operation waters and space. Have a certain length of call with berthing waters adjacent quay wall line, referred to as the shoreline. Berth coastline length meet the requirement of container ship loading and unloading and berthing safety distance, depth of berth satisfies the requirement of container ship's draft. Container port berths are mainly divided into two forms. Berth discrete and continuous berths. Discrete berth: container terminal of the coastline of the corresponding berth waters is divided into a number of different lengths of part, at the same time there can be only one ship in a garage to accept service, and any ship berthing of ships in the harbor cannot take up two berths at the same time. Continuous berth: in the container terminal to the coastline of the corresponding vessel berthing water not to break up, to the port container ship in meet the demands of the depth and the captain of the ship to draft cases, can be arbitrary parked in container terminal coastline of the corresponding boundary waters.(4) Gantry cranesLand refers to the coast side of container loading and unloading of the bridge crane, is a special hoisting machinery container wharf apron loading and unloading of containers, container terminal is the only direct contact with berthing ships operating equipment, is one of the most important resources in container terminals and scarce resources. Gantry cranes loading and unloading efficiency and quality of high and low will directly affect the length of the container vessel in operation time, at the same time also affect other container terminal operation link configuration and scheduling. Among them, the land bridge is mainly divided into orbit type gantry cranes and tired gantry cranes. Orbit type gantry cranes, coastline of gantry cranes are all in the same orbit, land bridge between the mobile can not appear the phenomenon such as cross. Tyred Gantry cranes can move than rail type gantry cranes move large range. But at present most of the container terminal mainly Is to use rail type gantry cranes, so inthis paper, we study the land bridge for track type gantry cranes.(5) Set cardSet card can achieve a container in the container yard and onshore bridge between the yard and mobile, collection card is container terminal based on the shipping container truck. Set card according to the different main purpose transportation of container terminal is divided into inside and outside sets card two types of collection card. Set inside the card, is to realize the gantry cranes loading and unloading of containers and a bridge on the stacking yard box between the means of transport. Of all the set inside of the container terminal equipment configuration, scheduling the most complex number of mobile devices. Outside the set of CARDS, sonograms are directly from the port to the shore bridge shipment, or from the shore bridge directly discharging to the container truck outside of a container terminal. (6) YardImport and export container yard is the function of container terminal is used to store the site area, close distance tend to berth. Container terminal will stay according to the purpose of import and export container shipping and shipping time factors such as different, in order to facilitate access to the specified container, the container yard area is divided into multiple box. Due to the container depot in box area position is different, so each box area the distance from the need to load and unload ships size is different. Packing storage location and the distance between the ship dock berths will also affect the level of set card transport time, thus affecting the entire pier loading and unloading efficiency of the system. Can be inferred from this, container storage location is the operation efficiency of container terminals also has a great influence. (7) BridgeThe role of a bridge is similar to the gantry cranes and container loading and unloading transportation tool. Just a bridge job is located in container yard. A bridge, it is within the container yard stacking, move the box and the box operation of loading and unloading equipment. Will set card transport imported within the container stack to the designated container terminal yard box area or take out the box of export containers of area specific location set card, to the specific land bridge loadingoperations.(8) The work facilities such as container yard behindBehind the container yard operation facilities mainly make mouth, control room, maintenance shop, container freight station and other facilities. Describes the mouth, is the container and the container cargo of containers of intersection, and container terminal, both inside and outside dividing line of responsibility. Due to the gate is the container of in and out of the harbor, in the mouth is set between the container of relevant documents, related to container number and seal number and container exterior condition for inspection operations such as link.Berth allocation problems Scope and classification schemeIn berth allocation problems, we are given a berth layout together with a set of v essels that have to be served within a planning horizon. The vessels must be moored within the boundaries of the quay and cannot occupy the same quay space at a time. I n he basic optimization problem, berthing positions and berthing times have to be ass igned to all vessels, such that a given objective function is optimized. A variety of o ptimization models for berth allocation have been proposed in the literature to captur e real features of practical problems. In Bierwirth and Meisel (2010), we have propos ed a scheme for classifying such models according to four attributes, namely a spatia l attribute, a temporal attribute, a handling time attribute, and the performance measur e addressed in the optimization. The values each attribute can take are listed in Fig. 1 Spatial attributeThis attribute concerns the berth layout, which is either a discrete layout (disc), a co ntinuous layout (cont), or a hybrid layout (hybr). In case of disc, the quay is partitio ned into berths and only one vessel can be served at each single berth at a time. In cas e of cont, vessels can berth at arbitrary positions within the boundaries of the quay. F inally, in case hybr, the quay is partitioned into berths, A particular form of a hybrid berth is an indented berth where large vessels can be served from two oppositely loc ated berths. The spatial attribute is extended by item draft, if the BAP-approach addit ionally considers a vessel’s draft when deciding on its berthing position.Temporal attributeThis attribute describes the arrival process of vessels. The attribute reflects static arri vals (stat), dynamic arrivals (dyn), cyclic arrivals (cycl), and stochastic arrival times (s toch). In case of stat, we assume that all vessels have arrived at the port and wait fo r being served. In contrast, in case of dyn, the vessels arrive at individual but determi nistic arrival times imposing a constraint for the berth allocation. In case cycl, he ves sels call at terminals repeatedly in fixed time intervals according to their liner schedu les. In case stoch, the arrival times of vessels are stochastic parameters either define d by continuous random distributions or by scenarios with discrete probability of occ urrence. Cyclic and stochastic arrival times are considered in a number of recent pub lications and, therefore, we have extended the original classification scheme with reg ard to these cases. The temporal attribute is completed by value due, if a due date i s preset for the departure of a vessel or if a maximum waiting time is preset for a ves sel before the service has to start.Handling time attributeThis attribute describes the arrival process of vessels. The attribute reflects static arri vals (stat), dynamic arrivals (dyn), cyclic arrivals (cycl), and stochastic arrival time s (stoch). In case of stat, we assume that all vessels have arrived at the port and wait f or being served. In contrast, in case of dyn, the vessels arrive at individual but deter ministic arrival times imposing a constraint for the berth allocation. In case cycl, h e vessels call at terminals repeatedly in fixed time intervals according to their liner sc hedules. In case stoch, the arrival times of vessels are stochastic parameters either de fined by continuous random distributions or by scenarios with discrete probability o f occurrence. Cyclic and stochastic arrival times are considered in a number of recent publications and, therefore, we have extended the original classification scheme wit h regard to these cases. The temporal attribute is completed by value due, if a due dat e is preset for the departure of a vessel or if a maximum waiting time is preset for a vessel before the service has to start.Handling time attributeThis attribute describes the way how handling times of vessels are given as an input t o the problem. It takes value fix, if the handling times of vessels are known and considered unchangeable. Value pos indicates that handling times depend on the berthin g positions of vessels and value QCAP indicates that handling times are determine d by including QC assignment decisions into the BAP. In case of value QCSP, the ha ndling times are determined by incorporating the QC scheduling within the BAP. I n order to classify the recent literature properly, we have inserted case stoch as a ne w attribute for the scheme. Again, handling times can be subject to either discrete or c ontinuous random distributions. A similar extension of our scheme is also suggeste d by Carlo et al. (2013), who also open it to further sources of influence on vessel han dling times, like operations of transfer vehicles and yard cranes. However, as we har dly find instantiations of these cases in the literature, we refrain from extending the s cheme in further directions.Performance measureThis attribute considers the performance measures of a berth allocation model. Mos t models consider to minimize the port stay time of vessels. This is reached by differ ent objective functions, e.g. when minimizing waiting times before berthing (wait), m inimizing handling times of vessels (hand), minimizing service completion times (co mpl), or minimizing tardy vessel departures (tard). If soft arrival times are given, als o a possible speedup of vessels (speed) is taken into consideration at the expense of a dditional bunker cost. Other models aim at reducing the variable operation cost of a t erminal by optimizing the utilization of resources (res) like cranes, vehicles, berth sp ace, and manpower. An often considered feature is to save horizontal transport capac ity by finding berthing positions for vessels close to the yard, which is why we inclu de this goal by its own value pos. Rarely met performance measures are summarize d by value misc(miscellaneous). The introduced measures are either summed up for al l vessels in the objective function. Alternatively, if the minimization of the measure fo r the worst performing vessel is pursued, i.e. a min–max objective is faced. Vessel-sp ecific priorities or cost rates are shown by weights. Different weights w1 to w4 addre ss combined performance measures.Literature overviewIn the relevant literature, we have found and classified 79 new models for berth allocation, most of them published after 2009. Fig. 2 shows the BAP models devel oped by researchers since 1994 by year of their publication, including also those app roaches reviewed in Bierwirth and Meisel (2010). The figure shows that the interest i n berth allocation started with the early papers of Hoffarth (1994) and Imai, Nagaiw a, and Tat (1997). However, the growth of publications followed the pioneering pape r of Park and Kim (2003), who combined berth allocation and QC assignment for th e first time, and the early survey on container terminal operations by Steenken et a l. (2004). In particular, journal publications scaled up to ten and more per year after 2 010. To the mid of 2014, already 13 new journal papers have been published or acce pted for publication. The continuous effort spend on research in berth allocation confi rms it as a well-established field today, which still shows potential for future researc h.With Table 1, we also provide an overview of the methods that are used for solv ing the BAP models. Note that only the most successful method presented in a pape r appears in the table. It is not surprising that heuristic approaches dominate as the B AP is known to be NP-hard in both, the discrete and the continuous case, see e.g. Li m (1998) and Hansen and Oǧuz (2003). Exact methods are applied in only one fourt h of the approaches, ranging from MILP formulations combined with standard solver s to highly sophisticated branching-based algorithms. Among the heuristic approache s, Genetic Algorithms and Evolutionary Algorithms take the by far largest share wit h 40 percent, see Fig. 3(left). The rest of the methods comprise other meta-heuristic s like Tabu Search and Simulated Annealing as well as problem specific heuristics lik e local search techniques and greedy rules. The richness of BAP models favors meta-heuristic approaches as they allow handling various problem features flexibly. On th e other hand, a systematic evaluation of algorithms is hindered by the strong heterog eneity of BAP models. Although comparing models is definitely necessary for assessi ng the suitability of methods, the comparison of alternative models formulated by dif ferent research groups is just emerging slowly, see Buhrkal, Zuglian, Ropke, Larse n, and Lusby (2011),Umang, Bierlaire, and Vacca (2013), and Imai, Nishimura, an d Papadimitriou (2013). To make this process sustainable, ommonly accepted BAP benchmark instances are needed to provide authors with the opportunity to evaluate the ir work. However, the current benchmarks are either not general enough to fulfill thi s aim or they are merely used in small substreams of the entire research field. Defini ng benchmark problems for general berth allocation problems that fulfill the principle s of comparability, unbiasedness, and reproducibility remains an open topic for futur e research.In the following, we abstain from reviewing all papers listed in Table 1 individu ally. Instead, the next subsection discusses those papers in more detail that contain n ovel features of which we think they might receive particular attention in the future.。