资料范本本资料为word版本,可以直接编辑和打印,感谢您的下载浅论模糊语言在商务谈判中的作用地点:__________________时间:__________________说明:本资料适用于约定双方经过谈判,协商而共同承认,共同遵守的责任与义务,仅供参考,文档可直接下载或修改,不需要的部分可直接删除,使用时请详细阅读内容许昌职业技术学院毕业论文(设计)浅谈模糊语言在商务谈判中的作用系别:外语系姓名:杨普萍班级: 08级 10班专业:商务英语指导教师:完成时间:摘要模糊性,就是人们认识中关于对象类属辩解和性态的不确定性,它是自然语言的一种本质属性。
关键词:商务谈判;模糊语言,作用AbstractFuzziness, is people know about the object belongs in the allegations and behavior of uncertainty, it is a kind of the essential attribute in natural language. It is observed that vague language is highly adaptable to contexts . It is shown that the pragmatic functionsvague language has can properly serve the negotiators’communicative purposes.The employment of vague language in business negotiations thus is a result of negotiators’ deliberate use and the interadaptability between context and structure.In the business nagotiation,vague language has also become a kind of strategy and method, This present analyize the function of the vague language in the negotiations:First, make the language euphemised.Second ,avoid absolutely, make the language flexible rigorous; Third,leave some leeway for us. Fourth, enhanced the ability to persuade and make the negotiations succeed.Key words:business negotiation,vague language,function引言模糊性是自然语言的一种本质属性。
英语论文 商务谈判英语中的模糊性语言语用分析
![英语论文 商务谈判英语中的模糊性语言语用分析](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/cc814e343169a4517723a3fb.png)
XX科技大学题目Pragmatic Research on Hedge of English inInternational Business Negotiation商务谈判英语中的模糊性语言语用分析姓名院系外国语学院专业英语指导教师2012年5月20日AbstractHedge is the essence of the natural language. As an important component and general phenomenon of language which reflects the objective world and expresses human thoughts, hedge is widely used in various aspects and fields. Up till now, Chinese and foreign researchers have carried out many researches on hedge in language, mainly about the semantics, motives, and discourse analysis. However, there are still few systematic studies on pragmatic significance and positive pragmatic functions of hedge in business conversation which is the main concern of this essay.In section one, this article gives the definitions and the research achievements about hedge home and aboard,then it discriminates some similar definitions. Section two studies the application of hedge to business English. Section three gives pragmatic interpretation on hedge in business English. Section four concentrates on the pragmatic effects of hedge in English for business negotiation.The final part is the conclusion, summarizing the research content, importance and the limitations in the present research.KEY WORDS: hedge; business English negotiation;pragmatic interpretation摘要模糊性是自然语言的属性。
信您应该是.知道的。我们产品较同类产品而言质量还是比较 好的.
马经理:那么说就是包退包换了? 赵小姐:正常使用情况下,产品出现技术故障我 们保修、保退。 马经理:恩,保质期怎么才一年啊?是不是可以 适当延长一下? 赵小姐:我相信我们产品的质量,您觉得有妊要 可以适当延长一段时间。 在这则商务谈判中,-马经理和赵小姐是长期合作伙 伴,马经理之所以在谈判桌上提出产品质茸问题,是为了 使赵小姐方全面承担因质量问题而可能引起的产品纠纷。 赵小姐在IⅡl应马经理的要求时如果拒绝对方的请求,就可 能使整个谈判陷入僵局,如果答应了对方的请求就可能使 自己遭受不必要的损失。所以,赵小姐在回答这一问题时 使用了一系列的模糊语言“正常使用条件下”“技术故 障”“我相信”“一段时间”等表述方式,减少自己话语 输出的绝对意义,使自己的话语留有充分的余地,即使 将来出现产品质量问题也能在此基础上和对方进行新的磋 商,不全于使自己显得过于被动。 四、维护谈判双方的面子 面子理论最早由Goffman提出。Goffman认为,面子 是社会交往中人们有效地为自己赢得的lF面的社会价值, 是一种公众形象,这种称之为面子的“公众形象”是由他 人的评价所支撑的,是社会“借给”个人的。所以,人们 为了确保这种公众形象,避免丢面子,就要尽力实施符合 社会规约对面子所要求的言语行为。Brown和Levinson对 Goffman的面子理论进行了改造,并且把面子区分为积极面 子和消极面子。前者指希望得到别人的赞同和喜爱,后者 指不希蠼别人强加于自己,自己的行为/fi受别人的干涉和 阻碍。Brown和Levinson同时认为,有些言语行为具有周有 的威胁面子的性质。如果使用这类言语直接交际,则会给 听话人的面子造成伤害,在其内心形成负面影响,因而不 利于交际的顺利进行。近年来,众多语言学家开始将模糊 语言的运用和“合作原则”“礼貌原则”等其他语用学理 论结合起来,取得了不小的成就。在日常会话中如果本方 的言语行为与对方的面子相悖时,为了达到交际日的,可 以使用模糊限制语隐藏我方真实意图,削弱FAT威胁力度, 保全对方面子。就商务谈判而言,既要维护自我的积极面 子又要维护自我的消极面子,既要维护对方的移{极面子也 要维护对方的消极面子。如果对方提出的问题本方不便回 答,或者对方的要求和本方利益不一致的情况下就可以采取 模糊语言的表达策略,把输出的信息“模糊化”,做出富有 弹性的【口I答,以有利于避免尴尬、僵持状况的出现。如: (3)马经理:李先生,由于金融危机的影响,我们打 算取消上周与责公司订的货。 李经理:这样做是不是有点儿那个?我们和贵公 司的合作一直是很愉快的。 马经理:是的。这次实在是迫不得己,请您谅解。 李经理:是什么原因呢?可以告诉我一点信息吗? 马经理:李经理,我想您很清楚,近几年来,纺织
【最新】模糊语言在务英语谈判中运用word版本 (4页)
![【最新】模糊语言在务英语谈判中运用word版本 (4页)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/2ec0a3e80508763231121298.png)
本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==模糊语言在务英语谈判中运用准确和模糊是人的自然语言里面的二种主要属性,大多数情况下语言不但需要准确,有的时候更需要模糊。
AbstractIn general, language in business negotiation is believed to be precise, but actually, pragmatic application of vagueness is a common phenomenon in business negotiation. As early as 1965, Zadeh (1965) issued a “fuzzy set”, and for the first time it brought the “fuzzy” concept into language areas.Business negotiation is a complex process. Nowadays, vague language in business negotiation is commonly used. The thesis tries to study the application of vague language and its functions from the pragmatic point of view in international business negotiation. Through analysis, it manifests that negotiators can employ vague language such as vague words, hedges, and syntactic vagueness to satisfy certain communicative purposes, which reveals the functions of vague language, namely being flexible, giving right amount of information, being persuasive, self-protection and being polite.Appropriate use of vagueness can help negotiators to communicate much more smoothly and achieve their goals successfully. Vague language in business negotiation provided the basis for negotiation theory and linguistic methods to resolve problems in negotiation.Key words: vague language; vagueness; pragmatic functions; business negotiation摘要人们普遍认为商务谈判中的语言应该是准确简洁的,而不是模糊不清的。
邯郸学院本科毕业论文题目论模糊语言在商务英语谈判中的应用学生崔诺奇学号014103081037指导教师胡冰讲师年级2008级本科1班专业英语(商务英语方向)二级学院外国语学院邯郸学院外国语学院2012年6月The Application of Fuzzy Language in BusinessNegotiationByCui NuoqiSupervisor: Lecturer Hu BingA Thesis Submitted to School of Foreign LanguagesOf Handan College in Partial FulfillmentOf the Requirement for the DegreeOf Bachelor of ArtsHandan, ChinaJune,2012郑重声明本人的毕业论文是在指导教师胡冰的指导下独立撰写完成的。
毕业论文作者(签名):年月日AcknowledgementsDuring the writing of this thesis, I can not deny that I have gained quite a lot of instructions as well as assistance from my generous and kind-hearted teachers and buddies in the first place. To me their invaluable suggestions and heartfelt criticism are very precious and unforgettable, and I believe my thesis would have been supposed to be impossible without their sincere contributions. Therefore I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of those individuals who assisted me to accomplish this paper.First, the accomplishment of this paper benefits from the enlightenment of my supervisor, Lecturer HuBing. Her inspiring insights, generous encouragements and enthusiastic instructions have facilitated me much throughout my thesis writing. Her penetrating and insightful comments afford me with inspiring source. She has been in constant concern about my paper, spared no pains to entertain my thesis draft. I want to show my gratitude to our Dean, Professor Wei, who teaches me the format of the thesis. I would also like to extend my sincere thanks to all the three professors in the rejoin group whose careful examines and instructive suggestions really help me a lot in the process of composing. They are so kind and warm-hearted when I have some problems in my essay, providing all the presentation work for our writing. Thanks to their instructive guidance and comprehensive education during the four years‟ schooling, I can acquire the opportunity to further study English. And I want to thank my parents. It is them who brought me up and give me financial support through my college life. Finally, my great gratitude also goes to all my friends, including my roommates, who encouraged me in the process of writing this thesis and who has always been there for me every step of my way. All thanks to the person who help me and encourage me during these days.The application of fuzzy language in business negotiation is a systematical progress. In this thesis it will be presented through three chapters to show its functions.In Chapter One, the styles of the fuzzy language in English for business negotiation is formulated. With the application of these styles, they will furnish the negotiators with better knowledge and skills of speaking fuzzy language. In Chapter Two, the reasons for use the fuzzy language are well presented. It improves the efficiency and appropriateness, enhances the flexibility. The negotiators use fuzzy language persuasively and create a harmonious atmosphere. In Chapter Three, the vagueness in English for business negotiation will be interpreted by pragmatic theories. It is available after knowing the different cultures of two sides, negotiating style of the opponents, the bottom lines.This study helps the language users to speak business English appropriately and effectively by adopting the vagueness as a politeness strategy. At last, the major findings of the study on vagueness in Business English negotiation are presented for the negotiators to use fuzzy language effectively.Key words:fuzzy language application business negotiation模糊语言在商务英语谈判中的应用是一个系统的过程,本论文将通过三部分的论述,具体展现模糊语言的应用。
在语言学研究领域,模糊语言的存在也吸引了许多语言学家,像英国的语言学家D. Jones,美国的语义学家G. Lakoff等等。
在商务谈判中应用英语模糊语时,需要注意以下几个方面。首先,模糊语的 使用应该结合具体的语境和谈判背景,避免出现歧义或误解。其次,模糊语的使 用应该恰到好处,既要保证表达清晰准确,又要避免过于绝对或含糊。此外,谈 判者应该善于倾听对方的需求和意见,以便更好地运用模糊语来表达自己的立场 和诉求。最后,在谈判结束后,应该及时总结和评估模糊语的使用效果,以便在 今后的谈判中更好地运用和发展。
二、商务谈判中英语模糊语的运 用
在商务谈判中,英语模糊语的使用可以有效地帮助谈判者处理复杂的问题和 缓解紧张的氛围。下面我们就从几个方面来探讨英语模糊语在商务谈判中的运用。
在谈判中,有时会遇到一些敏感或者争议较大的问题。在这种情况下,使用 模糊语可以有效地避免直接冲突,为双方留下回旋的余地。例如,“我们可以在 细节上稍作商量”,这样的表述既表明了立场,又避免了直接冲突。
三、从认知语境的角度看商务谈 判中英语模糊语的使用
从认知语境的角度看,商务谈判中英语模糊语的使用可以帮助谈判者更好地 理解和适应对方的语境。通过准确地理解对方使用模糊语的意图,谈判者可以更 好地判断自己的下一步行动。例如,如果对方在某个问题上使用了模糊语,那么 我们就可以推断出对方可能对这个问题的态度并不明确,或者希望在这个问题上 留下更多的灵活性。
总之,商务谈判中英语模糊语的研究具有重要的现实意义。通过对其背景、 具体表现、优缺点以及应用实践的探讨,我们可以更好地理解模糊语在商务谈判 中的作用和价值。随着全球经济的不断发展和贸易合作的日益加深,英语模糊语 在商务谈判中的研究和实践将具有更加广阔的前景。未来的研究可以进一步探讨 模糊语的跨文化差异、语用特征以及在商务谈判中的应用等问题,为国际商务交 流和合作提供更加全面和深入的理论支持和实践指导。
Bi Ye Lun Wen(20_ _届)英语模糊语在商务英语信函中的语用功能The Pragmatic Function of Vague Language in Business Correspondence摘要模糊与精确是人类语言的两种基本属性。
IIIAbstractVagueness and precision are the basic attributes of human language. Since the concept and theory of vague language was proposed by L.A Zadeh in 1965, much has been done in systematic and descriptive study of vague language. Business English has always been required to be clear and concrete, so the study of vague language in this field has long been neglected. The author takes a review of previous research on vague language from four perspectives and then makes an analysis on the business correspondence. This study attempts to explore the following two questions :( 1) How does the addresser use vague language in different type of business correspondence?(2)What pragmatic functions does the vague language make in business correspondence? Based on the definition and delimitation of vague language in the present study and the analysis of the data, it is found that the use of vague language is different in good-news and neutral letters, bad-news letter and persuasive letters. Vague language has four pragmatic functions in written business communication: (1) making the writing more polite and persuasive, enhancing the flexibility of business language, making the expression more accurate, and ensuring self-protection.Key words: vague; vague language; business correspondence; pragmatic function.IVContentsAbstract (Ⅱ)1Introduction (1)1.1Overview (1)1.2 Rationale of the present study (1)1.3 The specific research questions (2)1.4 Outline of the thesis (3)2 Review of previous research on vague language (3)2.1 Pragmatic perspective (3)2.2 Philosopher perspective (3)2.3 Psychological perspective (3)2.4 Semantic perspective (4)3 Business correspondences (4)3.1 Definition of business correspondence (4)3.2 Classification of business correspondence (5)3.3 Principle for business writing (5)4 Specific contexts of using vague language in business correspondence (6)4.1 Employment of vague language in good-news and neutral letters (6)4.2 Employment of vague language in bad-news letter (8)4.3 Employment of vague language in persuasive letters (9)5 Four pragmatic functions of vague language in business correspondence (10)5.1 Making the writing more polite and persuasive (11)5.2 Enhancing the flexibility of business language (12)5.3 Making the expression more accurate (13)5.4 Ensuring Self-Protection (13)6 Conclusion (14)6.1 Major findings (14)6.2 Implications (14)6.3 Suggestion for further study (15)Bibliography (16)Acknowledgements (17)1.IntroductionVagueness and precision are the basic attributes of human language, both of them are very important. Precision is needed most of time when people want to express emotion, while vagueness also plays an important role because some things are vague. In fact, vague language doesn’t affect communication; on the contrary, it has special functions, making the words more polite and flexible. As the development of international business, people pay more attention on the vague language in business corresponds. In the present thesis, the author finds that vague language is used to realize the addresser’s communicative intention, and it is the result of the adaptation to various contexts.1.1OverviewSince Zadeh first proposed the concept and theory of vague language, people have done much systematic descriptive study on vague language. Many linguists think vague language play an important role in communication. Whether one can properly use vague language shows one’s language perfo rmance, because vague language is an inseparable part of language communication.(Zhang, 1998)It can be easily found that vague language has always been used as a communicative strategy in business activities. The addresser shows his communicative attention by it. And it also provides addressee with a guideline for understanding the addresser’s intentions. Crystal and Davy (1975) give four reasons for vagueness: (a) memory loss- the speaker forgets the correct word; (b) the language has no suitable exact word, or the speaker does not know it; (c) the subject of the conversation is not such that is requires precision, and an approximation or characterization will do; (d) the choice of a vague item is deliberate to maintain the atmosphere. Channel (2000) arg ues that “vagueness in language is neither all ‘bad’ nor all ‘good’. What matters is that vague language is used appropriately.” If it is used properly, vague language would lead unexpected success.1.2 Rationale of present studyThe author chooses the vague language in business corresponds as the object of the present study mainly because of the following reasons.Firstly, although vague language has been accepted extensively, and the researches about it are more and more, there is still a little research about the vague language in business corresponds. Maybe it is because the traditional idea that business corresponds should be clearly and accurately without any ambiguity. However this study argues that proper vague language has the special characteristics other words can’t instead.Secondly, the study on vague language in business corresponds has practical significant. People can use vague language perfectly if they comprehend it. The addresser can show his intention with vague language and the reader can understanding the real mean of the letter.Thirdly, in traditional opinion, writing business corresponds should follow 7Cs principle, that is, be clear, concise, correct, courteous, conversational, convincing and complete. However, in some situation, the 7Cs can’t meet the demand because not everything in business is certain. Sometimes, people will adopt vague language rather than follow strictly the 7Cs so as to avoid unnecessary disputes or to facilitate business deal.1.3 The specific research questionThe present study has focused on the employment of vague language in business correspondence, and in so doing, it has set out to work towards answers to the following two questions:1. How does the addresser use vague language in different type of business correspondence?2. What pragmatic functions does the vague language make in business correspondence?1.4 Outline of the thesisThis thesis consists of six chapters. Chapter one is a general picture of the vague language. It introduces the vague language and the rational of the study and the research questions. Chapter two is a review of previous research on vague language. And the author mainly focuses on pragmatic perspective. Chapter three gives a research on business correspondence. And it mainly focuses on the classification of business correspondence and 7C principles in business correspondence writing. Chapter four describes the different use of vague language in different type ofbusiness correspondence. In this chapter, the author uses many business correspondences as examples to show that vague language used in each type of letter is the result of adaptation to its specific context. The employment frequency is different in good-news and neutral letters, bad-news letter and persuasive letters. In chapter five, the author gets four pragmatic function of vague language in business correspondence: making the writing more polite and persuasive, enhancing the flexibility of business language, making the expression more accurate, and ensuring self-protection. The chapter six is a conclusion which summarizes the major findings of the present study. At the same time, some suggestions are provided for further research on vague language.2 Review of Previous Research on Vague LanguageThe following is a brief survey of the related studies on vague language since the present study is about the employment of vague language in written business discourse. Vague language is an interdisciplinary subject with four perspectives, namely philosophical perspective, psychological perspective, semantic perspective and pragmatic perspective. And it will mainly focus on pragmatic perspective.2.1 Pragmatic perspectiveWhat pragmatics focuses on is the relationship between language and language users, and the pragmatic principle of the language. Atmosphere is very important to this relationship. People always enhance the speaking effect with vague language.Channel is one of the most famous linguist in this aspect. She thinks that using vague language is a language policy for native English speakers. In her vague language, Channel lists eight situations or purposes for people to use vague language: giving the right amount of information; deliberate withholding information; lexical gaps; lacking specific information; displacement; self-protection; power and politeness; information and atmosphere; women’s language(Channel,2000:194). The vague language’s pragmatic function can be seen from the above review. And a pragmatic perspective is necessary in the present study for the purpose of exploring the pragmatic function of vague language.2.2 Philosophical perspectiveWith the linguistic turn of philosophy at the end of nineteenth century, some attention is drawn to the phenomenon of vagueness of natural language in the philosophical circle (Ballmer & Pinkal, 1983:2). Philosophers have concentrated on the origin of vagueness, and they have worked hard to solve the problems of “why natural language has such property as ‘vagueness’ and how this property is handled”.2.3 Psychological perspectiveActually, vague language is less analyzed from the psychological perspective .But there are still some research. Psycholinguists focus on the question of how ambiguous sentences are comprehended in spoken and written discourse. It is viewed by psycholinguistics that potential ambiguity, which is considered as a kind of reflection of vagueness in our terms, is pervasive and ubiquitous in natural language.2.4 Semantic perspectiveMuch attention has been paid on the vague language in the field of formal semantics. Truth-conditional semantics which aims to describe the meaning of sentences in terms of the conditions usually operates with three truth value: true, false, and lacking a true value.3 Business CorrespondenceSince it is a research on vague language in business correspondence, it is necessary to have a general idea about what business correspondence is and what its characteristic is.3.1 Definition of business correspondenceBusiness refers to all the activities of buying and selling goods or services. Business correspondence is one of the basic means of communication in international trade. It used to sell products or services, request material or information, answer customer inquiries, maintain good public relations, and serve a variety of other business function. In order to write effective business correspondence, it is quite essential we have a good understanding of the language characteristics and some principle of business correspondence so as to establish relationship and get a satisfactory result.3.2 Classification of business correspondenceBusiness correspondence may be classified from various angles. The most common ways of classification are as follows:The first one is classified based on the content of the correspondence as follows: request correspondences, correspondences answering requests, claim and adjustment correspondences, credit and collection correspondence, sale correspondences, employment correspondences and social business correspondences, etc(Stewart, 1984: 380-381)The second one is classified based on the different functions in the process of a business transaction. There are correspondences for establishment of business relations, correspondences for the enquiry of business, quotation correspondences, negotiating correspondences, confirming order correspondences, payment correspondences , shipment and insurance correspondences, acknowledge goods receipt correspondences, claim correspondences and adjustment correspondences, etc.(Shi ,1993)The third one is classified by the intention that the information given. Stwart (1984: 382) summered up “four kinds of information in terms of its effects on the readers’ needs:good-news correspondence, neutral-news correspondences bad-news correspondences and persuasive correspondences. Good-news correspondences and neutral-news correspondences together are called everyday correspondence.”It is impossible to make a complete and perfect classification as business correspondences’ various and rich types. And it can be found that there is no differencebetween some types of correspondences, so sometimes we can’t distinguish one kind of correspondences from others. Letters of establishing business relations, orders, confirmation to orders, routine inquires, reply to inquires, favorable response to claims and adjustment requests ,favorable replies to credit inquires, shipping advice and so forth fall into good-news letters and neutral-news letters, while letters about orders such as back orders, substitutions, infallible orders and non-confirming orders, negative answers such as denying cooperation with routine requests, declining invitations and request for favors, and adjustment of claims and complaints etc. belong to bad-news letters. Persuasive letters are letters that aim to convince the reader to do something not previously considered or something that might be inconvenient. Sales letters, claims letters and letter that request special favor orinformation such collection letters belong to persuasive letters.(Hu ,2005:10)3.3 Principle for Business Writing7C principles in business correspondence writing (Lu Mozhu, 2002:1-5)(1)Consideration: Prepare every message with the reader in mind and try to put oneself in his place. Adapt the language and message to the recei ver’s need, and focus on the positive rather than the negative approach.(2)Courtesy: Courtesy is not mere politeness. The courteous writer should be sincere and tactful, thoughtful and appreciated.(3)Clarity: The writer must try to express himself clearly so that the reader will understand. To achieve this, he should keep in mind the purpose of his correspondence and use appropriate words in correct sentence structure to convey his meaning. He should also avoid ambiguous sentences.(4)Conciseness: conciseness means saying things in the fewest possible words. A concise business correspondence should say things briefly but completely without losing clarity or courtesy.(5)Concreteness: Make the message specific, definite and vivid.(6)Correctness: Correctness means appropriate and grammatically correct language, factual information and accurate figures.(7)Completeness: A business communication should include all the necessary information.It is absolutely right that the business correspondences should be precise because the addresser should give the correct information to the addressee which matters two companies’ relationship. Only that, the addressee can know the addresser’s real intention without misunderstanding. However, in some situations, the principles are not against the use of vague language in business letters. Vague language will play an important role in business correspondences if it is used properly. So vague words and precise words are both needed.4. Specific Contexts of Using Vague Language in Business CorrespondsBusiness corresponds can be divided in to three types, namely, good-news and neutral letters, bad-new letters and persuasive letters. And addresser will choose proper words to adapt the context. Vague language used in each type of letter is the result of adaptation to its specific context.4.1 Employment of vague Language in Good-news and Neutral LettersIn this kind of letters, good news or routine, neutral information are carried. Such as placing an order, making an adjustment requested by a customer, and supplying information. The information in the letters is positive and good for the relationship of both sides. So these letters are relatively easy to write.The order letterIn an order letter, the addresser uses less vague language because he has to explain every detail to avoid the trouble caused by inaccuracy. However vague language still exists when it mentions personal emotion. An example is given as follows:We have much interest in the different models of electric fans you offer, but as we have had no experience in dealing in Chinese electric appliances we can only place a small order at the moment for a trial sale for the following on the terms and conditions stated in your letter.500 sets of “Five Rams” Brand, Model 145 USD 14.5 per set CIF2% Port LouisI hope we will keep a long mutually beneficial trading relationship.The purpose of this letter is to indicate the details of quantity, price, shipment date etc. when describe these, there is no vague language because these information must be accurate. And the addresser use vague language “much” and “small’’ to descriptive the interest and order. The addresser shows his interest towards the electric fans. “A small order” may give the addressee the impres sion of a potential big order in the future. It is benefit for the trade cooperation. It is more acceptable compare with the letter without vague language although the means aren’t changed.Inquires and reply to inquiresThis pair of business corresponds is written as the first exchange of information. Both parties want to give the other a friendly and cooperative impression. So the addresser uses vague language to make its language not so absolute but morecomplimentary and its content more negotiable.Dear SirWe have been looking for a reliable manufacturer to supply us with photocopying machines on a regular basis. I visited your stall at the Spring Guangzhou Fair, 2006 and noticed that you manufacture photocopying machines.There is a good demand for photocopying machines of high quality. We are very interested in your products and would be glad if you would send us your catalogue with full specifications and latest price list.Please let us know what discount you can give us for substantial orders as well as some other favorable terms that may help us to make the best choice for our purpose. We are looking forward to receiving an early reply.At the beginning of the letter, the addresser compliments the addressee a “reliable” manufacturer which makes the addressee feel pleasant. Then the addresser uses several vague expressions to give positive feelings to the other party. The request seemed to be attractive and negotiable. After reading this letter, the addressee will try his best to satisfy the request for the potential big order in the future.The adjustment letterThe main purpose of the adjustment letter is to give the reader positive information. When a customer seeks an adjustment, most firms grant the adjustment immediately although they are not sure whose fault. Sometimes neither party appears to be at fault, and a third party may be responsible, but the firms don’t want to lose a customer.Dear SirsHere is our credit memorandum for $521, which covers the returned shipment of Family lawn chairs ($477.80) and shipping charges ($43.20).Although the chairs we sent you seem to be the ones listed in your April 7 order, perhaps they are not what you had in mind. I’m sending you a copy of your order, together with an ad sheet of the Family Line, so that you may check. Because we think there might have been some misunderstanding,we are paying the return shipping charges, which we don’t ordinarily do.The important thing, of course is that you have a stock of lawn chairs to meet your summer needs. Be sure to place another order soon so that you may have them for the first warm day. Separately I am sending you a section from our general summer furniture catalog: you might be more interested in the new Easy-fold ling, which isfast becoming our best seller.Let me know, please, how I can be of future help. By the way, we can ship your next order the same day it is received.Sincerely yours Vague expressions “seem to be”, “what you had in mind” ar e used because the addresser think although they sent chairs as customer’s order, the customer doesn’t satisfy because it is different from the chair they want. The addresser gives the information that it’s not just their fault mildly with “some misunderstanding”. But the company still agree to give customer compensation, it creative chance to communication next time.Therefore, the addresser adopts vague language when conveying good-news message or neutral message. Such employment of vague language helps the addresser realize his communicative intention more smoothly.4.2 Employment of vague language in bad-news letterThis kind of letter is difficult to write because it gives negative information. If the addresser can’t use proper words, the reader might be angry. But if the words are chosen properly, it would give the other an honest impression. And it is very important to the relationship between two companies.Adjustment refusalAdjustment refusal is a typical kind of bad-news letter expresses negative information. It needs the addresser have skills of using vague language.Dear Ms.Black:I talked with you on the telephone about returning the machines yesterday, and I promise we are willing to do as much as we reasonably can to make things right. What we can do in each instance is determined by the facts of the case. When the machines arrived today, I was shocked at their condition. All returned machines must be unquestionable new. As you know, our customers expect only the best from us. So I’m afraid we can’t receive the machines.I’m sorry to disappoint you, but under the circumstances I am confident that you will fully appreciate my position.Very truly yours, The final aim of the addresser is to refuse adjustment. And he uses a large number of vague words to avoid the unhappy consequence caused by refusal. Itseemed polite and honest. And it is good for solving the problems. The addressee may be enraged if the addresser refuses him directly. So using the vague language in bad-news letter properly is real important.4.3 Employment of vague language in persuasive lettersSimply defined, persuasion is the art of getting people to do something that they would not ordinarily do if you don’t ask. The es sence of persuasive letter is making the reader believe what the addresser says and getting the reader’s understanding and support. Then the reader will do as the addresser’s anticipation. In the persuasive letter, vague language is used frequently.Sales letterIn the sales letter, the addresser uses a lot of vague words to persuade the addressee purchasing the goods.Dear Sirs,I enclose an illustrated supplement to our catalogue. It covers the latest designs which are now available from stock.We are most gratified that you have, for several years, included a selection of our products in your mail-order catalogue. The resulting sales have been very steady.We believe that we will find our new supplement; please let us know if you would like to take the matter future. We would be very happy to send samples to you for closer inspection.For your information, we are planning a range of classical English dinner services which should do well in the North American market.We will keep you informed on our progress and looking forward to hearing from you.Yours faithfully,Peter Vague language is most frequently employed in this type of letter. And the letter becomes attractive and persuasive with vague words. In the above example, the addresser persuades the addressee to purchase their new products with frequent employment of vague language which makes the letter more persuasive. However, if the letter was written without vague language, it would be very normal and the persuasive function will be little.ConclusionIt can be easily found that vague language exists in every type of businesscorresponds. And in different contextual, different vague language are used to express the addresser’s intention. And as we see, the employment frequency are also different in different type of business corresponds. In good-news and neutral letters, little vague language is used. While more vague language exists in bad-news letter and persuasive letters. And the chosen of the vague language depends on the writing purposes. Channel (2000) argues that “vagueness in language is neither all ‘bad’ nor all ‘good’. What matters is that vague language is used appropri ately.” If it is properly used in business correspondence, the vagueness will promote the business communication and help to fulfill the communicative purposes.5 Four Pragmatic Functions of Vague Language in Business CorrespondenceWith the rapid development of Socio-economic, English business corresponds has became a important way to communication with each other in the global economic fields. People can exchange the information, contact business and deal with problems by it. Now there are much vague language are used extensively in business corresponds and it not only affect the preciseness of the expression but also get many advantages. Vague language has four pragmatic functions in written business communication: (1) to make the writing more polite and persuasive; (2) to enhance the flexibility of business language; (3) to make the expression more accurate (4) to ensure self-protection5.1 Making the writing more polite and persuasivePoliteness is a basic principle in people’s communication and we sh ould consider the feelings of others. Brown and Levinson (1987) suggest that “one way for speakers to be polite when expressing a point, which might be construed as threatening or rude to the hearer, is to be vague.” Likewise, Channell (1994:206) argues t hat an understanding of vague strategies would seem to be essential to the analysis of some types of politeness. Pilegaard(1997:35) points out that in business correspondence, politeness strategies are used to(1) prepare the group for formulation of the letters main request, (2) redress the face-threatening act of requesting, and(3) round off the letter. Channell(2000) holds that “vagueness is used as one way of adhering to the politeness rules for a particular culture and of not threatening face”. Vague la nguagein business correspondence can save both the addresser’s and the addressee’s face. Alexander (1994: 18) point out that “your reader must be addressed in a sincere, polite tone: your letter should be courteous when writing business letters”. Now that politeness is an important principle of business correspondence, and one way to follow this rule is to use vague language.(1)Your reply is a little lateThe use of “a little” ease the tough tone, makes opponent aware his mistake but give him face. This practice is polite and socially. It makes possibility for the cooperation next time.(2)We saw other company’s catalogue, and I’m afraid that your price is not competitive.It doesn’t use “expensive” but “is not competitive”. Their means are the same while the second one is more polite and acceptable.Hubler(1983) also holds that the reason for using hedges is to make sentences more acceptable to the addressee and thus increase their chances of ratification, which in turn would facilitate business. According to Hubler the function of hedge is to reduce the chances of negation, which could save both of the addresser’s and the addressee’s face. So it is very important to pay attention to the principle of politeness in business corresponds, and it is a pragmatic principle we must follow.Channel summarized that one of the purposes of using vague language is for using language persuasively.(3)As a busy manager, you appreciate the importance of meeting deadlines; customers demand prompt service. On the othe r hand, you are sensitive to your employees’ need. When the day is too hectic for an hour away for lunch, employee performance can suffer. Gordon’s Deli has a solution that will perfectly serve your needs.The addresser uses “prompt” and “perfectly” to describe the service which is demanded by the customer and the quality service they offer respectively. The two words give the information that what you need is just what the FaxFood service offers, this service may be your right choice. And it is more persuasive than express the mean directly.5.2 Enhancing the flexibility of business languagePreciseness and accurate is indispensable in business. But sometime we need vague language to avoid the conversation be too absolute because some questions are。
关键词:模糊语国际谈判商务英语应用效果中图分类号:h319 文献标识码:a 文章编号:1673-9795(2013)04(b)-0085-02在国际商务活动中,不同的利益主体需要就共同关心或感兴趣的问题进行磋商,为了达成某笔交易,通常就某些交易条件进行谈判。
1 商务谈判中使用模糊语的重要性和必要性“模糊”一词往往带有贬义意味,人们常常会把它与“含糊不清、不清不楚”等同起来,而我们此处研究的模糊语言指的是一种弹性语言。
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在语言学研究领域,模糊语言的存在也吸引了许多语言学家,像英国的语言学家D. Jones,美国的语义学家G. Lakoff等等。
美国伯克利得加利福尼亚大学札德(Zadeh)教授1965年在《信息和控制》杂志上的一篇题为“模糊集”(Fuzzy sets)的文章中指出:在现实物质世界中所遇到的客体,经常没有精确规定的界限。
如“morning”、“afternoon”、“night”、“mid - day”等,这些词之间都没有一条截然分明的界限,中间存在一个过渡的边缘地带,就像调色板中的红色和橙色一样,这两种颜色是渐渐过渡形成的,彼此间没有绝对界限。
具体地说,一个概念离它的否定面越远 ,它就越不模糊;相反,如果离否定面越近,这个概念就越模糊。
甘长银《析商务谈判中的模糊语言》:1模糊语言的委婉性是指谈判人员以礼貌、得体的语言陈述自己的观点或愿望,提出请求和建议 ,以利于创设良好的商务环境。
2含蓄灵活在商务谈判中,考虑到双方的利益和表达目的的需要 ,谈判者往往把那些不能、不便、不想明说的话,用模糊语言把本意烘托、暗示出来 ,让对方思而得之。
毛凡宇《商务英语谈判中模糊语言的语用功能》描述了商务英语谈判中的模糊语言现象 ,并从语用学的角度论述了模糊语言的语用功能: 掩饰功能 ,礼貌功能 ,缓和功能 ,避讳功能和外交功能。
Harvard Business School Case Selections Business Fundamentals Series 中Deborah M. Kolb和Judith Williams 在Breakthrough Bargaining一文中提到谈判中应察言观色,给其他人留面子是需要的。
Wenhui Yang 的A Discourse Analysis of Interpersonal Business Negotiations中写到商务谈判中礼貌原则能拉近距离。
这种典型人有两种特殊的品质: 理性和面子。
理性经济人首先具有商业“理性”, 不仅指交际双方能运用一定的模式进行实施推理的能力, 而且还包括从商务交际的目标出发, 确定达到这些目标所应运用的最佳手段的能力。
比如数词的模糊性词就有:around, more or less, about, over, more than 等等。
1.负面表现李师君《模糊语在商务英语中的风险规避》中归纳了模糊语使用不当下的表现,比如文化差异下,-Do you want some tea?-thanks.在中国人的思维下,这就有同意的表示,而提问者听起来既不肯定也不否定,西方通常以yes,please的肯定方式表达接受。
2. 如何适当使用模糊语谈判话语要避免晦涩;避免歧义。
四、参考文献(根据文中参阅和引用的先后次序按序编排)[1] Deborah M. Kolb & Herminia Ibarra& Lyle Sussaman. Harvard Business SchoolCase Selections Business Fundamentals Series[M].Beijing: China Renmin University Press,2003.[2] Wenhui Yang. A Discourse Analysis of Interpersonal Business Negotiations [M].Beijing:Science Press Beijing, 2009.[3] 张煜,2005年,商务谈判[M].四川:四川大学出版社.[4] 伍铁平,1999年,模糊语言学[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社.[5] 张玉荣,2009年,英语模糊限制于的言语交际功能与语用失误[J],《四川理工学院学报》(社会科学版)第24卷第5期.[6] 赵东华,2007年,英语模糊语言及其翻译[J],《新疆石油教育学院学报》第9卷第7期.[7]甘长银,2005年,析商务谈判中的模糊语言[J],《重庆三峡学院学报》第9期.[8]邓素芬,2008年,模糊语言及其在商务英语谈判中的作用[J],《科教文汇》8月中旬刊.[9] 朱洁,2009年,模糊语在商务谈判中的语用功能[J],《湘潭师范学院学报》(社会科学科学版)第31卷第5期.[10]毛凡宇, 2009年,商务英语谈判中模糊语言的语用功能[J]. 《企业家天地下半月刊》(理论版) 第02期.[11]杨梅,2008年,糊语在商务英语语用原则下的运用[J].《湖南商学院学报》第15卷第2期.[12] 王逢鑫,2001年,英语模糊语法[M].北京:外文出版社.[13] 袁娅娅,2007年,模糊语言在商务英语谈判中的语用功能与表达[J],《湖北大学成人教育学院学报》第25卷第4期.[14] 李师君,2008 年,模糊语在商务英语中的风险规避[J],《湖州职业技术学院学报》,第3期.。