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Notes about graphs…
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Graphs done in a scientific graphing programs (eg. Sigma Plot, Prism, SPSS, Statistica) should be saved as JPEG or TIFF if possible. For more information see MIU.
The best type of image files to insert are JPEG or TIFF, JPEG is the preferred format.
Be aware of the image size you are importing. The average colour photo (13 x 18cm at 180dpi) would be about 3Mb (1Mb for B/W greyscale). Call MIU if unsure.
Importing / inserting files…
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To insert scanned images into your poster, go through the menus as follows: Insert / Picture / From File… then find the file on your computer, select it, and press OK.

POSTER3海报招贴设计 ppt课件

POSTER3海报招贴设计  ppt课件
艾明•霍夫曼(Armin H0fman),瑞士重要的平面设计家,以他为代表 的巴塞尔学派,注重形式和功能的统一、字体的易读性和信息传达功能、 画面“余白”的运用及其空间比例分割。追求动态平衡效果,以及各种 对比关系产生的视觉效果,倡导将图形、文字、色彩等设计元素构筑在 数学网格上,并使之出现秩序、和谐、统一的整体效果。他设计的一系 列招贴,都体现着他提出的各种元素统一、对比、和谐平衡、美的思想 和设计立场。
以瑞士、波兰、纽约等风格流派为主的招贴,在战后初期影响着 世界招贴发展的方向。而意大利米兰风格的招贴受到了设计界和人们 极大的关注。进入20世纪60年代,现代主义之后的各种风格流派成为 招贴设计的主流方向,70年代至80年代中期,后现代主义(如“新浪 潮”、“朋克”艺术等)风格的招贴开始盛行。80年代,西方国家将 电脑运用到招贴设计领域,对现代招贴设计产生了极为深刻的影响。
斯坦科夫斯基,德国著名设计师,20世纪30~80年代,创作了大量 作品,在表现科技和现代工业题材方面具有卓越的贡献。他把科学和工 程的观念、物质的运动和特征及其内在的力的概念,成功地转化为抽象 的形态,并运用构成主义等设计语言,创造出了很多具有象征性的简洁 图形,有效地传递了信息。如他在战后为维斯曼公司产品设计的作品, 运用象征的色彩和造型,很好地表现了锅炉转换热克曼(J0sef Muller Brockman),瑞士最著名的平面 设计家,他追求绝对的设计,主张非人格化、系统化、规范化和工整化 的原则,以传达功能为最高目的宗旨。以他为代表的苏黎世学派,注重 视觉设计元素的强度和明晰度,使之适合功能性传播的要求。强调抽象、 具象图形的高度概括和简洁,使之具有一定的象征性。在数学比例、几 何空间分割、无衬线字体运用等方面具有独到的创新意识。

《广而告之》优秀PPT课件 图文

《广而告之》优秀PPT课件 图文

在短短7年中败光了970万英镑,重新沦 为穷光 蛋,而 妻子女 儿也双 双弃他 而去。

物质可以满足一个人一时的快乐,但当 人生只 剩下享 乐和放 纵,就 难以体 会到发 自内心 的快乐 和成就 感。

正如爱因斯坦所说: “我从来不把安逸和快乐看作是生 活目的 本身— —这种 伦理基 础,我 叫它猪 栏的理 想。” 华人首富李嘉诚,一生征战商界,拥有 无数财 富,即 便这样 直到90岁他才 选择退 休。

让忙碌成为生活的常态,是实现人生价 值的必 经之路 。

人生有许多美好,无非是长期坚持的结 果,而 那些厉 害的人 ,无一 例外都 过着自 律的生 活。

“闲不住”从来都不是人们所说的毛病 和坏事 ,而是 上天给 的嘉奖 。

一口气爬上10层楼梯不带喘气,这对一 个年轻 人来说 都很难 ,但91岁的老 人李绍 鲁做到 了。


每天早上七点起床,锻炼一小时,八点 吃完早 餐,出 门散步 ,九点 半回来 读书看 报,下 午听音 乐、练 书法, 再继续 锻炼一 小时, 抽空还 帮老伴 做家务 。

有句话说:闲人愁多,懒人病多,忙人 快活!

的确如此。当一个人闲下来,他的心灵 和身体 都将受 到折磨 。闲下 来会容 易胡思 乱想, 自怨自 艾,而 身体上 的懒惰 也会让 我们离 健康越 来越远 。

十七、所有的深爱都是秘密,所有的深 情都只 为你。 你是我 期待又 矛盾的 梦想, 抓住却 不能拥 抱的风 ,想喝 又怕醉 的酒。

十八、注定要在一起的人,晚点也真的 没关系 。愿你 能在人 海茫茫 中,和 你的命 中注定 撞个满 怀,所 爱之人 最后成 为你的 爱人。


Foreign Language Department May 15, 2011
Sample 4
例四:招聘广告(Recruitment Advertisement )
首先要对用人单位作简单介绍,然后说清楚招聘岗 位,人数,招聘条件等。注意招聘条件可以用名 词或形容词短语逐条罗列,不需要用完整句子。 最后应该写清楚用人单位的联系方式。
下面就以活动宣传、影讯、讲座 招聘四种海报形式为例,介绍海 报的写作方法。
• 例一:活动宣传 • 写宣传广告时可以先介绍需要宣传的活动,再
写活动的地点、时间、目的以及活动安排等。 • 写宣传广告常用到的短语和句型有: • …is an organization to raise money for …. • …is holding a party at its biggest hall … • The time is from … to … • We hope to raise money to help poor
China vs. Korea
Place: Capital Stadium Time: 3:30, January 18, 2000 Fare: 25 yuan
Please book tickets at the Reception Office (Tel:4679561) Everyone is welcome to come and cheer for the teams!
Байду номын сангаас16

英语写作之海报poster 共44页PPT46页

英语写作之海报poster 共44页PPT46页
40、人类法律,事物有规律,这是不 容人,才不会再掉进坑里。——黑格尔 32、希望的灯一旦熄灭,生活刹那间变成了一片黑暗。——普列姆昌德 33、希望是人生的乳母。——科策布 34、形成天才的决定因素应该是勤奋。——郭沫若 35、学到很多东西的诀窍,就是一下子不要学很多。——洛克
英语写作之海报poster 共44页
36、如果我们国家的法律中只有某种 神灵, 而不是 殚精竭 虑将神 灵揉进 宪法, 总体上 来说, 法律就 会更好 。—— 马克·吐 温 37、纲纪废弃之日,便是暴政兴起之 时。— —威·皮 物特
38、若是没有公众舆论的支持,法律 是丝毫 没有力 量的。 ——菲 力普斯 39、一个判例造出另一个判例,它们 迅速累 聚,进 而变成 法律。 ——朱 尼厄斯

英语写作海报_poster PPT

英语写作海报_poster PPT
4. In国te际rn足al球Fo赛o:tba巴ll 西Ma队tc对h 英“B国ra队zil” versus “England ” in the C地ap点it:al 首of 都Gy体m育na馆sium at 3:00 P.M. on March 12. 时间:3月12日下午3点
Time: 8:00 a.m. --- 10:00 p.m.
Fee: RMB 3 Yuan / hr for an adult
RMB 2 Yuan / hr for a child
Please have swimming suits with yourselves.
June 12, 2012
The President’s Office
2. S中on央g歌s a舞nd团D歌a舞nc表es演by the Central Song and Dance T时ro间up:e 4o月n A5日pri晚l 57点at 7:00 P.M. at Shanghai Grand T地he点at:re上. 海大剧院
3. V录id像eo:fi《lm外: E星.T人. (E》x(tra英T国err科es幻tri电al)影. A)n English scientific m放o映vie地in点th:e语S音ou实nd验L室ab.
8. All are warmly welcome to the New Year’s Eve En星各te期位rt日光ain晚临m上。e在nt学o院n 礼Su堂n举da行y除e夕ve联n欢ing晚i会n ,th欢e 迎 college auditorium.
9. A s王p晓ee明c博h o士n关C于o“nt当em代p文o学ra发ry展Li趋te势ra”tu方re面tr的en演d will b讲e given by Dr. Wang Xiaoming in the lecture r地oo点m:o教f t学he楼演te示ac厅hing building.



Just highlight this text and replace with your own text. Replace this with your text.
Poster title goes here, containing strictly only the essential number of words...
Captions to be set in Times or Times New Roman or equivalent, italic, between 18 and 24 points. Left aligned if it refers to a figure on its left. Caption starts right at the top edge of the picture (graph or photo).
Captions to be set in Times or Times New Roman or equivalent, italic, between 18 and 24 points. Right aligned if it refers to a figure on its right. Caption starts right at the top edge of the picture (graph or photo).
Address/es Goes Here, Address/es Goes Here, Address/es Goes Here
Printing and Laminating… Once you have completed your poster, bring it down to MIU for printing. We will produce a A3 size draft print for you to check and proof read. The final poster will then be printed and laminated. Note: Do not leave your poster until the last minute. Allow at least 5 working days before you need to use it. Simply highlight this text and replace. Cost… For poster-printing and laminating charges contact to MIU


Objective one ▪Sub point
Objective two Objective three Objective four
Insert your text here. You can place your organizations logos on either side of the title of the poster. Remember, you can change template colors to suit your own taste or institution colors. The graphic can be replaced with several smaller graphics. Insert your text here. You can place your organizations logos on either side of the title of the poster. Remember, you can change template colors to suit your own taste or institution colors. The graphic can be replaced with several smaller graphics.
in this area.
Insert your inIfnortmraotiodn huerce tion
Insert your text here. You can place your organizations logos on either side of the title of the poster.


这种手法由于直接将产品推向消费者面前,所以要十分 注意画面上产品的组合和展示角度,应着力突出产品的品牌 和产品本身最容易打动人心的部位,运用色光和背景进行烘 托,使产品置身于一个具有感染力的空间,这样才能增强广 告画面的视觉冲击力。
运用各种方式抓住和强调产品或主题本身与众不同的特征, 并把它鲜明地表现出来,将这些特征置于广告画面的主要视 觉部位或加以烘托处理,使观众在接触言辞画面的瞬间即很 快感受到,对其产生注意和发生视觉兴趣,达到刺激购买欲 望的促销目的。 在广告表现中,这些应着力加以突出和渲染的特征,一
术都受惠于对比表现手法。对比手法的运用,不仅使广告主 题加强了表现力度,而且饱含情趣,扩大了广告作品的感染 力。对比手法运用的成功,能使貌似平凡的画面处理隐含着 丰富的意味,展示了广告主题表现的不同层次和深度。
借助想象,对广告作品中所宣传的对象的品质或特性的某个 方面进行相当明显的过份夸大,以加深或扩大这些特征的认 识。文学家高尔基指出:“夸张是创作的基本原则。”通过 这种手法能更鲜明地强调或揭示事物的实质,加强作品的艺 术效果。 夸张是一般中求新奇变化,通过虚构把对象的特点和个 性中美的方面进行夸大,赋予人们一种新奇与变化的情趣。 按其表现的特征,夸张可以分为形态夸张和神情夸张两
异质 同 构:
置 换 :将一个物体的局部与另外一 个物体的局部进行 “偷梁换 柱” 移植,揭示主题内涵。
形的破坏 : 使人们对熟悉的图形产生新的强烈的视觉感受。
重复 : 在海报设计中,同一元素反复出现,表现出无限、永 恒、循环的特征。能使海报主体鲜明。
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That’s all.
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
We divided our article into six section, including abstract, introduction, methods, discussion and reference. According to six section, we will introduce our poster completely .
1. Expression of group 1 LEA proteins
2.Expression of group 2 LEA proteins
In summary, we presented data on the developmentally regulated tissue specific expression of LEA 1 and 2 proteins under different levels of water stress in horsegram. From these results we hypothesize that the reduced protein aggregation and water stress induced accumulation of proteins could perhaps be due to high expression of LEA proteins particularly LEA 1 and 2 which are thought to play an important role during water stress induced desiccation. Further, it might be suggested that LEA proteins acts as a special form of molecular chaperones to protect the formation of protein aggregation during water stress and further research on behavior of proteins during extreme water loss will be required to elucidate the exact function of the LEA proteins in detail.
Made by Group2
Conclusion: In this study we report the water stress induced protein aggregation and its abrogation followed by expression of group 1 and group 2 LEA proteins of water soluble proteomes in horsegram Method: Tissue-specific expression of LEA 1 protein decreased in the embryonic axis when compared to cotyledons in 24 h stressed seedlings. Result: We found no cross reaction of LEA 1 with proteome of 48 h stressed embryonic axis and 72 h stressed root and shoot samples. However, LEA 2 antibodies were cross reacted with four polypeptides with different molecular mass in shoot tissue samples and found no reaction with root proteome as evidenced from immuno-blot analysis. Discussion:The role of LEA proteins in relation to protein aggregation during water stressed conditions was discussed
Present: In the present study we report the accumulation of waterstress-induced proteins, protein aggregation in vivo, expression of group 1 and 2 LEA proteins and their importance in anti-aggregation of other proteins during germination and early seedling stages of horsegram subjected to different levels of induced water stress conditions.
Method and materials
1. Plant material and stress treatments 2. Relative water content 3. Protein extraction and estimation 4. Protein aggregation 5. Electrophoresis 6. Protein gel blot analy
Background: Plants produce an array of proteins as a part of a global response to protect the cellmetabolismwhen they grow under environmental conditions such as drought and salinity that generate reduced water potential. The synthesis of hydrophilic proteins is a major part of the response to water deficit conditions. An increased expression of LEAproteins is thought to be one of the primary lines of defense to prevent the loss of intercellularwater during adverse conditions. These LEA proteins are known to prevent aggregation of a wide range of other proteins.