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同学们今天老师给你们讲讲特殊疑问句,其实特殊疑问句就是特殊疑问词加上一般疑问句。通俗地讲,特殊疑问句就是要问出点东西来,而不是用yes或no来答。最常见的特殊疑问词有what (问名字、物品、动物、爱好、职业), where (问地点), who (问人物), whose(问物品归属), how (问天气、身体状态、程度、乘坐方式)等词。



①Her name is Wei Hua. 划线部分是Wei Hua,一定疑问词→what,二变一般疑问句,把

Her name is变成is her name写在What后面。答案是:What is her name?

②He is reading an English book. 划线部分是an English book(物品),一定疑问词→what,

二变一般疑问句,把He is reading变成is he reading写在What后面。答案是:What is he reading?

③My uncle is a postman. 划线部分是a postman(职业), 一定疑问词→what,二变一般疑

问句,把My uncle is变成is your uncle写在What后面。答案是:What is your uncle?

④Peter can see some birds in the tree. 划线部分是some birds(动物),一定疑问词→what,二

变一般疑问句,把Peter can see变成can Peter see写在What后面, 三照抄,把in the tree 表示地点的词组写在句子最后。答案是:What can Peter see in the tree?

⑤There are some houses near the river. 划线部分是some houses(事物),一定疑问词→what,

这句就是比较特殊,主要是问某地有某物,所以第二步要先去掉There are,第三步在what加上单数be动词is(这里提问的某物都视为单数),最后把表地点的词组near the river照抄下来。答案是:What is near the river?

⑥She’d like a cup of tea. 划线部分是a cup of tea (物品), 一定疑问词→what,She’d like还

原she would like, 二变一般疑问句,把she would like变成would she like写在What后面。

答案是:What would she like?

⑦They are having breakfast now. 划线部分是having breakfast(干什么),一定疑问词→what,

二变一般疑问句,把They are变成are they写在What后面。原句的时态是现在进行时,其三要素:主语、be动词、现在分词。缺少现在分词,划线部分having不能出现在问句中,用现在分词的代表doing代替。答案是:What are they doing?

⑧I’d like a round cake. 划线部分是round(形状),一定疑问词→what shape of cake,二变

一般疑问句,把I’d like变成would you like写在What shape of cake后面。

答案是:What shape of cake would you like?


①I often get up at six in the morning. 划线部分是at six(几点几分),用what time提问,

一定疑问词→what time,二变一般疑问句(没有be动词、情态动词时,主语为第一

人称加助动词do帮忙,I变you提问),把I often get up变成do you often get up 写

在What time后面, 把词组in the morning照抄下来。答案是:What time do you often get up in the morning?

②Lucy’s mother goes shopping on Sunday. 划线部分是on Sunday (星期几), 用What提

问,一定疑问词→What day,二变一般疑问句(没有be动词、情态动词时,主语为

第三人称单数加助动词does帮忙,does一出动词还原),把Lucy’s mother goes

shopping变成does Lucy’s mother go shopping 写在What day后面。答案是:What day does Lucy’s mother go shopping?

③His birthday is on June 5th. 划线部分是on June 5th (几月几日,日期),用When提问,

一定疑问词→When,二变一般疑问句,把His birthday is变成is his birthday写在

When后面。答案是:When is his birthday?

④Today is December 23, 2013. 划线部分是December 23, 2013(日期), 用What date

提问,一定疑问词→What date,二变一般疑问句,把Today is变成is today写在

What date后面。答案是:What date is today?

⑤Yang Ming likes winter. 划线部分是winter (季节), 用What season提问,一定疑问词

→What season,二变一般疑问句(没有be动词、情态动词时,主语为第三人称单

数加助动词does帮忙,does一出动词还原),把Yang Ming likes变成does Yang Ming like, 写在What season后面。答案是:What season does Yang Ming like?


①He always has lunch in his office . 划线部分是in his office(地点), 一定疑问词→Where,

二变一般疑问句(没有be动词、情态动词时,主语为第三人称单数加助动词does帮忙,does一出动词还原),把He always has lunch变成does he always have lunch, 写在Where 后面。答案是:Where does he always have lunch?

②We are going to visit the Great Wall next week. 划线部分是the Great Wall (地点),一定

疑问词→Where, 二变一般疑问句,把We are going to visit变成are you going to visit, 写在Where后面,最后next week照抄下来。答案是:Where are you going to visit next week?
