人教版新课标高一英语必修三词组归纳总结Unit1doingsth.意味着;meantodosth.打算或企图做某事;meansb.todosth.打算让某人做某事bemeantfor打算作用;为而有place发生;举行allkinds各种各样的todeath饿死bestarvedof缺乏,starveforsth,starvetodo,渴望of大量;充足satisfiedwith感到满意toone’s satisfaction感到满意是harmtosb.=dosb.harm伤害某人theshapeof呈的形状,以的形式memoryof/tothememoryofsb.纪念某人up穿上最好的衣服;打扮,化装sth.(tosb.)和awardsb.sth.(forsth.)给予、颁奖rewardsb.forsth.因奖赏某人;rewardsb.withsth. 用某物酬劳某人admiresb.forsth在某方面钦佩某人forwardto期望,期待,盼望14,havefunwith(与某人)玩得开心;过得快乐(haveagoodtime,enjoyoneself.) turnup.来;出现;把(收音机等)音量开大些turndown 拒绝; turnoff 关掉;turnon 翻开;turnout 结果是......turntosb.forhelp 向某人求助16.keepone’sword守信用;breakone’sword,失信17.Itbeobviousthat+句子显而易见;一目了然18.setoff动身,出发;使〔地雷、炸弹〕爆炸;setin开始;setup建立,创立;setouttodo=setaboutdoingsth.着手做setdown写下,记下19.remindsb.ofsth. 提醒,使想起Unit2healthydiet健康饮食;abalanceddiet平衡的饮食differentway用另外方式often最经常frustrated感到沮丧lunchtime到午餐时间havehappened一定发生过theendofthestreet在街道的尽头tiredof 厌倦amazedatsth.对...感到惊奇away扔掉awaywith逃脱lies说谎food提供热量的食物body-buildingfoods 提供营养的食物14feelfit保持精力旺盛weaknessofthediet饮食的弱点thestrengthofthediet饮食的优点someresearchinto做一些...方面的研究one ’sliving谋生indebt负债at怒视round绕过on在暗中侦察;打探sb.使......不安ill 感到不舒服feelsick感到恶心food不易消化的食物25.chat(ting)about聊起关于......with用......配than而不是down减少long不久Unit31.knowabout 了解关于事2.makeabet打赌3.winorlosethebet在打赌中赢或输4.havebadluck运气不好5.stepinside走进里面6.leadtheway带路7.Iwonderif我想知道是否8.gorightahead说下去9.asamatteroffact事实上10.byaccident偶然11.sailoutofthebay驶出海湾12.stareat盯着13.towardsnightfall到夜幕降临时14.carry outtosea把带到了大海15.giveoneselfupforlost 因为迷路而绝望16.workasanunpaidhand免费劳动17.accountfor导致18.tobehonest坦白地说19.yourideaofsomekindofjoke你认为的一种笑话20.beonmyway上路21.showsb.out把某人带出去22.beconfidentabout对自信23.thecostofajourney旅行费用24.givesb.aride让某人搭车25.loseone’spatience失去耐心26.dofiftyjumpswithoutstopping不间断地连续跳五十下27.fallover跌到28.accountforyourbehaviour对你的行为做出解释29.bejealousoftheothers ’嫉success妒别人的成功30.showawillingnesstodosth.表示乐意做谋事31.stayoutofjail免坐牢32.bereserved被预定了33.takethegentleman’sorder让那位绅士点菜34.thelookonthewaiter ’服s务face员脸上的表情35.takeachance碰碰运气36.readthebill看帐单37.inarudemanner用粗鲁的方式38.forawhile一会儿Unit41.thinkof 把as 看作是2.acloudofenergeticdust具有能量的尘埃combineinto合成movearoundthesun环绕太阳运转becomeviolent变得剧烈thesolidsurface固体外表explodeloudly猛烈爆炸intime及时,最终producethewatervapor产生水蒸汽maketheearth’satmosphere构成了地球的大气层down冷却onthesurface在外表bedifferentfrom与⋯不同roundthesun环绕太阳运转disappearfrom从⋯消失stayon存留在showone’squality显现某人的特性,harmfulgases分解,溶解有害气体, becomepartof变成的一局部,developlife开展生命,inthewater在水里生,22.encouragethedevelopmentof鼓励⋯⋯的展,23millionsofyearslater几万年以后,onland在地上生活,liveinthesea在海里生存,growintoforests成森林,produceyoung生出幼仔,layeggs下蛋,withhandsandfeet着手脚的物,allovertheearth遍布全世界,newmethods展了新的方法,32..movearound迁徙,33.goby去,推移,⋯from防⋯止⋯⋯做⋯⋯,from ⋯into从⋯⋯逃离到⋯⋯,on⋯依.靠,依,取决与⋯⋯,37.solveaproblem解决38beluckyenough足幸运,makeatrip去旅行,visitthemoon参月球,inthespaceship在太空船中,explainto⋯that向⋯⋯解⋯⋯,onthejourney在旅程中,beoff启程,riseintotheair升人太空,feelthepulloftheearth感到地球的拉力,47call⋯gravity称⋯⋯地球引力, push⋯intotheseat把⋯⋯推向座位,say⋯toeachother向彼此⋯⋯,backto 朝⋯⋯落下去,fromatree从上掉下来,falltotheground朝地上落下去,getcloseto接近⋯⋯⋯,54cheerup高起来,55floatweightlesslyaround失重来去,56inthespaceshipcabin太空船,watch⋯do看着⋯⋯做,movefreely自由的活,climbdownthesteps从梯上爬下来,stepforward向前步,over摔倒,62.needpractice需要63..getthehangof掌握⋯了⋯⋯的,64.enjoyoneself感到自如,65.leavethemoon ’sgravity脱月球引力66 ebackto 回⋯到⋯⋯Unit5frostontheground地上覆盖了一薄霜aroundnoon中午分,themostwealthyandbiggestcityinCanada加拿大最大最富有的城市leavefor离⋯开去⋯⋯goonatourofthecity在市内游一番goupthetower登上塔lookacrossthelake俯瞰湖面8.flowinto流⋯人⋯⋯9.flowover⋯流⋯⋯10.onone’swayto在去⋯⋯⋯的路上11.acoveredstadium加的运12.walknorth向北走13.phone⋯fromatelephonebooth到亭⋯⋯打14.havedinnerindowntownChinatown在市内的中国城吃晚15.moveto移⋯居到⋯⋯16.meet⋯at在⋯⋯⋯迎接⋯⋯17.getgoodCantonesefood吃到好吃的广菜18 efromSouthChina来自中国南方19.goasfarasOttawa去到至渥太20.aboutfourhundredkilometersnortheastofToronto距多多北大有400公里21.taketoolong花的22.atdawn黎明23.atthetrainstation在火站24.haveEnglishwordsinsmallletters有小字体的英文注25.godowntown到市区去26.becloseto 接⋯,近⋯⋯spendtheafternooninthelovelyshops整个下午在可的商店visit⋯in在⋯⋯拜⋯⋯sitinacaf坐在咖é啡30. lookover ⋯眺望⋯⋯sitdownwith和⋯⋯坐在一起onatraintripacross坐着火⋯上横穿⋯⋯haveaFrenchculture具有法国文化speedalongtherivertoward沿着河流⋯向⋯⋯dreamof⋯梦想⋯⋯onatrip在旅途中)ontheAtlanticcoast在大西洋海岸taketheaeroplane乘机flyfrom⋯to从⋯⋯⋯行到⋯⋯40. takethetrainfrom ⋯乘to火⋯从⋯⋯到⋯⋯fromwesttoeast从西到acrossCanada横穿加拿大crossthewholecountry横整个国家attheairport在机take⋯to⋯把⋯⋯到⋯⋯catchthetrain乘坐火onthewayto在⋯去⋯⋯的路上seegreatscenery看美壮的景onthetrip在旅途中goeastward向行passcities城市inlessthanfivedays在不五天的里fromcoasttocoast从一个海岸到另一个海岸inthewarmestpartof在最⋯的地方besurroundedby被⋯⋯⋯所包onthenorth在北skiinthemountains在山上滑雪sailintheharbour在港湾了帆行船northof⋯⋯⋯的北settledownintheseat落座,lookoutofthewindowatthewildscenery从窗口看到了自然光amountaingoat野山羊agrizzlybear大灰熊afamousWesternfestival有名的西方日65. comefromallover 全⋯来自⋯⋯competein~ing比做⋯⋯ridewildhorses野haveagiftfor~ing有天/天分做⋯⋯workwith与⋯⋯⋯共,win⋯prizes得⋯⋯金,livewithin320kilometresoftheUSAborder居住在靠近美国320公里以内的境地71. gothrough ⋯穿⋯⋯awheat-growingprovince种植小麦的省份thousandsofsquarekilometersinsize面有数千平方米74. atthetopendof 在⋯⋯的最上首abusyport繁忙的港口rushthrough穿⋯行⋯人教版新课标高一英语必修四词组归纳总结Unit1inpairs成对givereasonsfor给理由improveprisonconditions改善监狱的条件theNobelPeacePrize诺贝尔和平奖oneofthetopleaders高级领导人之一concernoneselfwith让自己关注(beconcernedabout对担忧)welfareprojects福利工程ChinaWelfareInstitute中国福利协会9.showtheconncetionbetween 显and示出和之间的联系fightfor为而战puttodeath将处死12.aspecialistinwomen ’s妇illnesses科疾病的专家devoteallherlifeto将自己的一生献给致力于ratherthan而不是behavelikehumans像人类的举止thenightbefore前一天晚上wonderoff离开makeitallworthwhile使值得19 eintoone ’s回arms到的怀抱fullyunderstand完全理解observeandrecordtheirdailyactivities观察记录他们的日常活动bedeterminedto下定决心communicatewith与交流workouttheirsocialsystem勾勒出他们的社会体系therestoftheworld世界上的其他人arguefor为辩护argueagainst反对arguewithsb.与争论comecrowdingin纷塌而至achieveeverything做成了所有的事gainadoctor’s获degree得了博士学位cheertheachievementsofwomen为妇女的成就喝彩supportafamily支撑一个家庭getupset感到不安beofgreatimportance很重要lookdownupon看不起dosomeresearch做研究36.catchone ’吸seye引cutthedeathrate降低死亡率carefor照顾、喜欢followsomesimplerules遵循一些简单的规那么beintendedfor为准备getamedicaltraining获得医学培训beplacedsecondto放在之后furtherreading进一步的阅读aswellas和,还有/和一样storyafterstory一个故事接着一个故事deliverababy接生makesure确保,确信carryon继续fillintheforms填表theuniversityentranceexam大学入学考试Unit2growplants种植作物knowaboutfarming了解农业耕种amianfood主要食物Asiancountries亚洲国家havethechancetodosth有时机做endhunger结束饥饿forthat’showheregardshimself因为那就是他如何看待自己的worktheland耕种土地asunburntface晒黑的脸inmanyways从许多方面来说strugglefor为而战/挣扎thepastfivedecades在过去的五十年ahighoutput高产量makeitpossibleto使成为可能graduatefrom从⋯毕业seethegreatneedfor看到了对的需求aseriousproblem一个严重的问题searchfor寻找withourexpandingtheareaoffields不扩大农田面积circulatehisknowledge传播知识lessdevelopedcountries欠兴旺国家thanksto幸亏,由于ridof使摆脱twiceaslargeasbefore是以前的两倍大besatisfiedwith对满意carelittleabout对很少关心leadacomfortablelife过着舒适的生活equipwith用装备givehimlessfreedomtodosth给他更少的自由wouldrather宁愿nolonger不再playtheviolin拉小提琴preferto更喜欢ridehismotorcycle骑摩托awakefrom从中醒来withthehopeof带着的希望exportrice出口大米asDrYuanproves正如DrYuan所证明的那样besuitablefor对适宜forsale卖chemicalfertilizers化肥getconfused感到困惑taketurns轮流bepreparedto准备nomatterhow无论怎样referto指的是参考查阅berichin富含begoodfor对有好处reducediseases减少疾病thewatersupply水的供应yearafteryear一年又一年asaresult结果getexhuasted感到筋疲力尽insiston坚持everytwoorthreeyears每两三年writeasummaryof写的总结exchangewith与交换giveeachothercomments互相评论befreeof远离thatistosay那就是说Unit3sildeonabananaskin在香蕉皮上滑倒bumpintosomeoneelse撞到别人roundacorner在拐角处falldown掉下5.becruelto 对残忍attimes有时,常常becontentwith对满意badlyoff(worseoff)贫困astonishuswiththedeepfeelings用深厚的感情打动beborninpoverty出生贫寒becomefamousfor变的有名aparticularfromofacting一种特殊的表演方式hisentertainingsilentmovies他那滑稽的无声电影bewell-knownthroughouttheworld举世闻名wearworn-outshoes穿着破鞋子carryawalkingstick拿着手杖asocialfailure一个社会生活中的失败分子overcomedifficulties克服困难beunkindtosb对不好aboiledshoe煮熟的鞋子theproblemfacingsb面对某人的问题thousandsof成千上万rushthereinsearchof冲向寻找fortunateenough足够幸运pickup拾起/接某人becaughtinasnowstorm遭遇到暴风雪becaughton被钩住ontheedgeofamountain在大山边缘pickout挑出cutoff切断,隔绝asif似乎,好象eateverymouthfulwithgreatenjoyment每口都吃得津津有味starin主演hislifetimeoutstandingwork他终生杰出的工作beburiedin被埋葬在knockinto撞到36.thinkitfunnyto 觉得滑稽playonwords说俏皮话treatitasaquestion把当作一个问题ananswertothequestion问题的答案gocamping去露营inamountainousarea在山区intheopenair在户外lookupatthestars抬头看着星星howvasttheskyis天空多么广阔tryathirdtime又试了一次payspecialattentionto特别注意bringoutthehumorousmeaning指出/说明幽默的意思turninto变成improveyourEnglishvocabulary扩大英语词汇量asenseofsuccess成功感,成就感Unit4ontheleftsideofthechart在图表的左边makenotes作笔记actout表演出来thepurposeoflanguange语言的目的giveanexample举例beinterestedinthedevelopmentof对的开展感兴趣atamajorhotel在大酒店localbusinesspeople当地商人representtheChinesegovernment代表中国政府lookaroundinacuriousway好奇地四处张望disappointyourboss使老板失望anexcitingexperience一次另人兴奋的经历13.closelyfollowedby 后面跟着introduceto介绍approachsb靠近theapproachofspring春天的到来theapproachingexaminations即将到来的考试touchherandkissheronthecheek吻她的脸颊stepback后退takeafewstepsawayfrom离开退开几步atthetimeas同时reachhishandoutto伸出手去alearnedman有知识的人,有学问的人inthesameway同样spokenlanguage口语expresstheirfeelings表达感情keepphysicaldistance,保持身体距离bemorelikelyto很有可能shakehandswithsb与握手nodat对点头avoiddifficultyincommunication防止交流中的困难withthehelpof在的帮助下ingeneral一般而言actionsspeakloudrthanwords行动胜过言语takeaction采取行动benervousabout对紧张thecomedyshow喜剧表演allkindsof各种各样evenif即使speakto对说话misunderstandeachother互相误解besimilarto与相似turnyourbackto背对showanger显示愤怒theuniversalfacialexpression通用的脸部表情beintendedto打算putatease使放心loseface丢面子nodtheheadupanddown点头refusetodosomething拒绝做lookawayfrom从转过眼神(不看) holdyourarmsacrossyourchest双臂抱胸turnforwardto向前倾rollyoureyes转动眼珠showrespectfor对表示尊重giveahugto拥抱bewillingto愿意lookdirecltyatanadult直视一个成人looksbintheeye直视tellthetruth说实话bewrongabout误解beangryatsb生气bepleasedwith对快乐/满意Unit5athemepark主题公园amusementpark游乐园providesbwithsth提供providesthforsb amuseoneself自娱自乐,消遣escapetheirbusylifeforawhile暂时逃避他们繁忙的生活sharethisbasicpurpose有着共同的根本目的variousways各种方式avarietyof各种各样,种类繁多meetthisneed满足这种需要relaxabit稍微放松一下havefuntogether一起玩得快乐inotherways用别的方式inrecentdecades在最近几十年里morethan不仅仅getaround四处走动,四处传开chargemoneyforadimission收取门票费makeaprofit挣钱notjustbut不also仅而且sellsouvenirs卖纪念品advertistethemontelevision在电视上做广告acertainidea某种特定的思想bebasedon以为根底involvein使⋯参与(介入)athleticcompetition运动竞赛23.thechallengefor 的挑..战abrandofsportsequipment某种品牌的运动装备alongwithsneakers随同运动鞋一起cometolife活泼起来goforrides去玩haveourpicturestaken让人替我们拍照(havesthdone)intheclothingofminoritypeople穿着少数民族人的服装nameafter以命名aplaceoffantasy梦幻之地getcloseto靠近beclosetotheearlysettlersinAmerica早期美洲移民marineoroceanparks还有公园about了解takeanactivepartinexperiments积极参加实验goonimaginarytrips进行虚拟的太空旅行advancedcomputertechniques先进的电脑技术expeirencelife感受生活carefultest仔细的测试largeamountsofmoney大量的钱remindhimoftheholiday使他想起假日ajourneydeepintospace作一次太空旅行bepulledintoaBlackHole被拖进黑洞surviveanairplanecrash在坠机事件中幸存inthejungle在丛林中mysteriouscreatures神秘的生物forabreak作为间歇takepartin参加facetoface面对面presenttime当前时间andtechnology-basedthemeparks以科技为根底的主题公园information最新的信息learning实践性学习for为准备goodcombinationoffunandlearning娱乐和学习的良好结合volunteerguide志愿导游themeparkofyourownchoice你自己选择的主题公园out指出60.change ⋯into把⋯成⋯(把⋯翻成⋯)。

人教版新课标高一英语必修3词组归纳总结一、Unit 11、 take place 发生2、 in memory of 纪念;追念3、 dress up 盛装;打扮;装饰4、 play a trick on 搞恶作剧;诈骗;开玩笑5、 look forward to 期望;期待;盼望6、 day and night 日夜;昼夜;整天7、 as though 好像8、 have fun with 玩得开心9、 turn up 出现;到场10、 keep one's word 守信用;履行诺言11、 hold one's breath 屏息;屏气12、 set off 出发;动身;使爆炸二、Unit 21、 ought to 应当;应该2、 lose weight 体重减轻;减肥3、 get away with 被放过;(做坏事)不受惩罚4、 tell a lie 说谎5、 winback 赢回;重新获得6、 earn one's living 谋生7、 in debt 欠债8、 spy on 暗中监视;侦查9、 cut down 削减;删节10、 before long 不久以后11、 put on weight 增加体重;发福12、 bring up 抚养;培养;教育;提出三、Unit 31、 account for 导致;做出解释2、 on the contrary 与此相反;正相反3、 take a chance 冒险4、 in rags 衣衫褴褛5、 as for 关于;至于6、 by accident 偶然;无意中;不小心7、 stare at 盯着看;凝视8、 on the spot 当场;在现场9、 be patient with 对……有耐心10、 to be honest 说实话四、Unit 41、 in time 及时;终于2、 lay eggs 下蛋3、 give birth to 产生;分娩4、 in one's turn 轮到某人;接着5、 preventfrom 阻止;制止6、 cheer up 感到高兴;感到振奋7、 now that 既然8、 break out 突发;爆发9、 watch out 密切注视;当心;提防五、Unit 51、 rather than 与其;不愿2、 settle down 定居;平静下来;专心于3、 manage to do 设法做4、 catch sight of 看见;瞥见5、 have a gift for 对……有天赋6、 in the distance 在远处7、 as far as 远到;直到;至于8、 go through 经历;经受9、 be surrounded by/with 被……环绕10、 at dawn 在黎明;在拂晓这些词组在高一英语必修 3 中非常重要,理解并掌握它们对于提高英语水平和应对考试有很大的帮助。

词组归纳总结Unit_1高一英语必修3_词组归纳总结一词组1 relate to 与…有关;有关联;理解2 get a new hairstyle 换个新发型3 have a conflict with 与...发生冲突4 be seated at the table 坐在桌子旁边5 turn to sb for a chat 找某人聊天(turn to sb for help 求助于某人)6 focus on 关注7have a career in music 以音乐为职业8raise one`s voice 提高嗓门9 music industry 音乐行业10 make music 做音乐,作曲11calm down 冷静下来12in the end 最后13advise sb to do sth 建议某人做某事;劝告某人做某事(劝而不服)14 be proud of 因...自豪,以...为骄傲15 take/follow one`s advice 接受某人的建议,听从某人的意见16 have two options for 对...有两种选择17 the generation gap 代沟18 in one`s 70s 某人70多岁19 at the same time 同时20in a similar situation to sb处于与某人相似的处境21 be certain to do sth 一定会做某事22 in the past 在过去23 throw sb a big party 为某人举办盛大的生日聚会24 a new tea set 一套茶具25 work on 忙于,从事于26 draw up a guest list 拟定客人名单26make a checklist 列一个清单27make invitations 制作请帖28hear from 收到某人的来信,听到某人的音讯29 go camping 去露营30 a square jaw 方下巴31 straight black hair 黑色直发32 wear one`s hair in a ponytail 头发扎成马尾辫33 can`t wait to do sth 迫不及待地做某事34 compared to/with 和...比较起来35 say sorry to sb 向某人道歉36 apologize to sb 向某人道歉37 make an apology to sb 向某人道歉38 deepen sb`s understanding of sth加深某人对...的理解39 be related to 与...有关系,和...有关40 a wide range of 广泛的,各种各样的41 at local,national and international levels在地方、国家和国际各级42 have a big impact on 对...有很大的影响43 place stress on 强调44 in an individual style 以个人的风格45 people stories 人物故事46 start with 以...开始,从...开始47set the tone of 给...定调48 light skin 浅色皮肤49 in third place 处于第三名的位置50 in the lead 领先51 push sb towards 朝...推某人52 the finish line 终点线53 in the burning 在炙热中54 be in trouble 处于困境中55 an unexpected end to...意想不到...的结果56 discuss sth with sb 与某人讨论某事57the World Triathlon Series世界铁人三项系列赛58 now and then 时而,不时59 throughout one`s entire life 某人一生中60 an enormously positive force 一种非常积极的力量61 praise sb for sth 因某事而表扬某人62 leave sb behind 使某人落在后面63 no longer 不再64 the triathlon final铁人三项决赛65 wake up 醒来66 throw away 扔掉67 end up doing sth 最终做某事68 to one`s surprise 使某人惊讶的是69 meet up 碰面,偶尔碰面70 have sth in mind 记得某事,想要做某事71 in one`s opinion 在某人看来72 pick sb up 开车接某人73 in a big hurry 匆忙,马不停蹄地74 be busy with sth 忙于某事(be busy doing sth 忙于做某事)二句型1 Oh look, here comes my boy.哟,我的孩子来了2You just assume I want to be a lawyer, but that’s only because you are a lawyer.您以为我想当律师,可那只是因为您自己是律师。

实用文档人教版新课标高一英语必修三词组归纳总结Unit 11.mean doing sth. 意味着;mean to do sth. 打算或企图做某事;mean sb. to do sth. 打算让某人做某事be meant for 打算作……用; 为…而有2.take place 发生;举行3.of all kinds 各种各样的4.starve to death饿死be starved of 缺乏,starve for sth, starve to do,渴望5.plenty of 大量; 充足6.be satisfied with感到满意to one's satisfaction感到满意是7.do harm to sb.=do sb. harm 伤害某人8.in the shape of呈…的形状,以…的形式9.in memory of/ to the memory of sb.纪念某人10.dress up 穿上最好的衣服;打扮,化装11.award sth.(to sb.)和award sb.sth.(for sth.) 给予、颁奖reward sb. for sth. 因…奖赏某人;reward sb. with sth. 用某物酬劳某人12. admire sb. for sth在某方面钦佩某人13.look forward to期望,期待,盼望14,have fun with(与某人)玩得开心;过得快乐( have a good time, enjoy oneself.)15. turn up.来;出现;把(收音机等)音量开大些turn down 拒绝; turn off 关掉;turn on 打开; turn out 结果是......turn to sb. for help 向某人求助16.keep one's word 守信用;break one's word, 失信17.It be obvious that +句子显而易见;一目了然18.set off动身, 出发; 使(地雷、炸弹)爆炸;set in开始; set up建立,创立;set out to do = set about doing sth.着手做set down 写下,记下19.remind sb. of sth. 提醒,使想起Unit 21.a healthy diet健康饮食;a balanced diet平衡的饮食2.in different way用另外方式3.most often最经常4.feel frustrated感到沮丧文案大全.实用文档5.by lunchtime到午餐时间6.must have happened一定发生过7.at the end of the street在街道的尽头8.be tired of 厌倦9.be amazed at sth. 对...感到惊奇10.throw away扔掉11.get away with 逃脱12.tell lies说谎13.energy-giving food提供热量的食物body-building foods提供营养的食物14feel fit保持精力旺盛15.the weakness of the diet饮食的弱点the strength of the diet饮食的优点16.do some research into做一些...方面的研究17.earn one's living谋生18.be in debt负债19.glare at怒视20.move round绕过21.spy on在暗中侦察;打探22.upset sb.使......不安23.look ill感到不舒服feel sick感到恶心24.heavy food不易消化的食物25.chat(ting) about聊起关于......26.serve with用......配27.rather than而不是28.cut down减少29.before long不久Unit 31. know about 了解关于…事2. make a bet 打赌3. win or lose the bet 在打赌中赢或输4. have bad luck 运气不好5. step inside 走进里面6. lead the way 带路7. I wonder if 我想知道是否…8. go right ahead 说下去9. as a matter of fact 事实上10. by accident 偶然11. sail out of the bay 驶出海湾12. stare at 盯着13. towards nightfall 到夜幕降临时14. carry …out to sea 把…带到了大海15. give oneself up for lost 因为迷路而绝望文案大全.实用文档16. work as an unpaid hand 免费劳动17. account for 导致18. to be honest 坦白地说19. your idea of some kind of joke 你认为的一种笑话20. be on my way 上路21. show sb. out 把某人带出去22. be confident about 对…自信23. the cost of a journey 旅行费用24. give sb. a ride 让某人搭车25. lose one's patience 失去耐心26. do fifty jumps without stopping 不间断地连续跳五十下27. fall over 跌到28. account for your behaviour 对你的行为做出解释29. be jealous of the others' success 嫉妒别人的成功30. show a willingness to do sth. 表示乐意做谋事31. stay out of jail 免坐牢32. be reserved 被预定了33. take the gentleman's order 让那位绅士点菜34. the look on the waiter's face 服务员脸上的表情35. take a chance 碰碰运气36. read the bill 看帐单37. in a rude manner 用粗鲁的方式38. for a while 一会儿Unit 41. think of…as 把……看作是2.a cloud of energetic dust具有能量的尘埃3. combine into…合成……4. move around the sun环绕太阳运转5. become violent变得激烈6. the solid surface固体表面7. explode loudly猛烈爆炸8. in time及时,最终9. produce the water vapor产生水蒸汽10. make the earth's atmosphere构成了地球的大气层11.cool down冷却12. on the surface在表面13. be different from…与……不同14.go round the sun环绕太阳运转15. disappear from…从……消失16. stay on…存留在……17. show one's quality显现某人的特性,18.dissolve harmful gases分解,溶解有害气体,19. become part of…变成……的一部分,20. develop life发展生命,文案大全.实用文档21.grow in the water在水里生长,22. encourage the development of…鼓励……的发展,23 millions of years later几万年以后,24.live on land在陆地上生活,25. live in the sea在海里生存,26. grow into forests长成森林,27. produce young生出幼仔,28. lay eggs下蛋,29.animals with hands and feet长着手脚的动物,30.spread all over the earth遍布全世界,31.develop new methods发展了新的方法,32.. move around迁徙,33. go by过去,推移,34.prevent…from…防止……做……,35.escape from…into…从……逃离到……,36.depend on….依靠,依赖,取决与……,37. solve a problem解决38 be lucky enough足够幸运,39. make a trip去旅行,40. visit the moon参观月球,41. in the spaceship在太空飞船中,42. explain to…that…向……解释……,43. on the journey在旅程中,44 be off启程,45 rise into the air升人太空,46. feel the pull of the earth感觉到地球的拉力,47call…gravity称……为地球引力,48. push…into the seat把……推向座位,49. say…to each other向彼此说……,50.fall back to…朝……落下去,51.fall from a tree从树上掉下来,52. fall to the ground朝地上落下去,53. get close to…接近……,54 cheer up高兴起来,55 float weightlessly around失重飘来飘去,56 in the spaceship cabin太空船舱,57. watch…do看着……做,58. move freely自由的活动,59. climb down the steps从梯级上爬下来,60. step forward向前迈步,61.fall over摔倒,62. need practice需要练习63..get the hang of…掌握了……的诀窍,64. enjoy oneself感到自如,文案大全.实用文档65. leave the moon' s gravity摆脱月球引力66. come back to…回到……Unit 51. frost on the ground地上覆盖了一层薄霜2. around noon中午时分,3. the most wealthy and biggest city in Canada加拿大最大最富有的城市4. leave for…离开去……5. go on a tour of the city继续在市内游览一番6. go up the tower登上塔顶7. look across the lake俯瞰湖面8. flow into…流人……9. flow over…流经……10. on one's way to…在去……的路上11. a covered stadium加顶的运动场12. walk north向北走13. phone…from a telephone booth到电话亭给……打电话14. have dinner in downtown Chinatown在市内的中国城吃晚饭15. move to…移居到……16. meet…at…在……迎接……17. get good Cantonese food吃到好吃的广东菜18. come from South China来自中国南方19. go as far as Ottawa去到远至渥太华20. about four hundred kilometers northeast of Toronto距多伦多东北大约有400公里21. take too long花费的时间长22. at dawn黎明23. at the train station在火车站24. have English words in small letters有小字体的英文标注25. go downtown到市区去26. be close to…,接近……27. spend the afternoon in the lovely shops整个下午在可爱的商店28. visit…in…在……拜访……29. sit in a café坐在咖啡馆30. look over…眺望……31. sit down with…和……坐在一起32. on a train trip across…坐着火车上横穿……33. have a French culture具有法国文化34. speed along the river toward…沿着河流驶向……35. dream of…梦想……36. on a trip在旅途中)37. on the Atlantic coast在大西洋海岸38. take the aeroplane乘飞机39. fly from…to…从……飞行到……文案大全.实用文档40. take the train from…to…乘火车从……到……41. from west to east从西到东42. across Canada横穿加拿大43. cross the whole country横贯整个国家44. at the airport在机场45. take…to…把……带到……46. catch the train乘坐火车47. on the way to…在去……的路上48. see great scenery看美丽壮观的风景49. on the trip在旅途中50. go eastward向东行驶51. pass cities经过城市52. in less than five days在不五天的时间里53. from coast to coast从一个海岸到另一个海岸54. in the warmest part of…在最热的地方55. be surrounded by…被……所包围56. on the north在北边57. ski in the mountains在山上滑雪58. sail in the harbour在港湾了扬帆行船59. north of………的北边60. settle down in the seat落座,61. look out of the window at the wild scenery从窗口看到了自然风光62. a mountain goat野山羊63. a grizzly bear大灰熊64. a famous Western festival有名的西方节日65. come from all over…全来自……66. compete in ~ing比赛做……67. ride wild horses驾驭野马68. have a gift for ~ing有天资/天分做……69. work with…与……共处, win…prizes赢得……奖金,70. live within 320 kilometres of the USA border居住在靠近美国320公里以内的边境地带71. go through…穿过……72. a wheat-growing province种植小麦的省份73. thousands of square kilometers in size面积有数千平方米74. at the top end of…在……的最上首75. a busy port繁忙的港口76. rush through…穿行过…文案大全.实用文档人教版新课标高一英语必修四词组归纳总结Unit 11. in pairs 成对2. give reasons for 给…理由3. improve prison conditions改善监狱的条件4. the Nobel Peace Prize诺贝尔和平奖5. one of the top leaders高级领导人之一6. concern oneself with 让自己关注(be concerned about对…担心)7. welfare projects福利项目8. China Welfare Institute中国福利协会9. show the conncetion between …and…显示出…和…之间的联系10. fight for为…而战11. put…to death将…处死12. a specialist in women's illnesses妇科疾病的专家13. devote all her life to将自己的一生献给…致力于…14. rather than而不是15. behave like humans像人类的举止16. the night before前一天晚上17. wonder off离开18. make it all worthwhile使…值得19. come into one's arms回到…的怀抱20. fully understand完全理解21. observe and record their daily activities观察记录他们的日常活动22. be determined to下定决心…23. communicate…with与…交流24. work out their social system勾勒出他们的社会体系25. the rest of the world世界上的其他人26. argue for…为…辩护argue against…反对…argue with sb. 与…争论27. come crowding in纷塌而至28. achieve everything做成了所有的事29. gain a doctor's degree获得了博士学位30. cheer the achievements of women为妇女的成就喝彩31. support a family支撑一个家庭32. get upset感到不安33. be of great importance很重要34. look down upon 看不起35. do some research 做研究36. catch one's eye吸引…37. cut the death rate降低死亡率38. care for照顾、喜欢文案大全.实用文档39. follow some simple rules遵循一些简单的规则40. be intended for为…准备41. get a medical training获得医学培训42. be placed second to放在…之后43. further reading进一步的阅读44. as well as和,还有/ 和…一样45. story after story 一个故事接着一个故事46. deliver a baby接生47. make sure确保,确信48. carry on继续49. fill in the forms填表50. the university entrance exam大学入学考试Unit 21. grow plants种植作物2. know about farming了解农业耕种3. a mian food主要食物4. Asian countries亚洲国家5. have the chance to do sth有机会做…6. end hunger结束饥饿7. for that's how he regards himself因为那就是他如何看待自己的8. work the land耕种土地9. a sunburnt face晒黑的脸10. in many ways从许多方面来说11. struggle for为…而战/挣扎12. the past five decades在过去的五十年13. a high output高产量14. make it possible to…使…成为可能15. graduate from…从…毕业16. see the great need for看到了对…的需求17. a serious problem一个严重的问题18. search for寻找19. withour expanding the area of fields不扩大农田面积20. circulate his knowledge 传播知识21. less developed countries欠发达国家22. thanks to幸亏,由于23. rid …of…使…摆脱…24. twice as large as before是以前的两倍大25. be satisfied with对…满意26. care little about对…很少关心27. lead a comfortable life过着舒适的生活28. equip…with…用…装备…29. give him less freedom to do sth给他更少的自由…文案大全.实用文档30. would rather宁愿31. no longer不再32. play the violin拉小提琴33. prefer to更喜欢…34. ride his motorcycle骑摩托35. awake from从…中醒来36. with the hope of带着…的希望37. export rice出口大米38. as Dr Yuan proves正如Dr Yuan 所证明的那样39. be suitable for 对…合适40. for sale 卖…41. chemical fertilizers化肥42. get confused感到困惑43. take turns轮流44. be prepared to准备…45. no matter how无论怎样46. refer to 指的是…参考…查阅…47. be rich in富含…48. be good for对…有好处49. reduce diseases减少疾病50. the water supply水的供应51. year after year一年又一年52. as a result结果53. get exhuasted感到筋疲力尽54. insist on坚持55. every two or three years每两三年56. write a summary of…写…的总结57. exchange…with…与…交换…58. give each other comments互相评论59. be free of远离…60. that is to say那就是说Unit 31. silde on a banana skin在香蕉皮上滑倒2. bump into someone else撞到别人3. round a corner在拐角处4. fall down掉下5. be cruel to …对…残忍6. at times有时,常常7. be content with对…满意8. badly off(worse off) 贫困9. astonish us with the deep feelings用深厚的感情打动…10. be born in poverty出生贫寒文案大全.实用文档11. become famous for变的有名12. a particular from of acting一种特殊的表演方式13. his entertaining silent movies他那滑稽的无声电影14. be well-known throughout the world举世闻名15. wear worn-out shoes穿着破鞋子16. carry a walking stick拿着手杖17. a social failure一个社会生活中的失败分子18. overcome difficulties克服困难19. be unkind to sb对…不好20. a boiled shoe煮熟的鞋子21. the problem facing sb面对某人的问题22. thousands of成千上万23. rush there in search of冲向…寻找…24. fortunate enough足够幸运25. pick up拾起…/接某人26. be caught in a snowstorm遭遇到暴风雪be caught on被…钩住27. on the edge of a mountain在大山边缘28. pick out挑出29. cut off切断,隔绝…30. as if似乎,好象31. eat every mouthful with great enjoyment每口都吃得津津有味32. star in主演…33. his lifetime outstanding work他终生杰出的工作34. be buried in被埋葬在…35. knock into撞到…36. think it funny to…觉得滑稽…37. play on words说俏皮话38. treat it as a question把…当作一个问题39. an answer to the question问题的答案40. go camping去露营41. in a mountainous area在山区42. in the open air在户外43. look up at the stars抬头看着星星44. how vast the sky is 天空多么广阔45. try a third time又试了一次46. pay special attention to特别注意…47. bring out the humorous meaning指出/阐明幽默的意思48. turn into变成…49. improve your English vocabulary扩大英语词汇量50. a sense of success成功感,成就感文案大全.实用文档Unit 41. on the left side of the chart在图表的左边2. make notes作笔记3. act out表演出来4. the purpose of languange语言的目的5. give an example举例6. be interested in the development of 对…的发展感兴趣7. at a major hotel在大酒店8. local business people当地商人9. represent the Chinese government代表中国政府10. look around in a curious way好奇地四处张望11. disappoint your boss使老板失望12. an exciting experience一次另人兴奋的经历13. closely followed by…后面跟着…14. introduce…to…介绍…15. approach sb靠近…the approach of spring春天的到来the approaching examinations即将到来的考试16. touch her and kiss her on the cheek吻她的脸颊17. step back后退18. take a few steps away from离开…退开几步19. at the time as同时…20. reach his hand out to伸出手去…21. a learned man 有知识的人,有学问的人22. in the same way同样…23. spoken language口语24. express their feelings表达感情25. keep physical distance,保持身体距离26. be more likely to很有可能27. shake hands with sb与…握手28. nod at 对…点头29. avoid difficulty in communication避免交流中的困难30. with the help of在…的帮助下31. in general 一般而言32. actions speak loudr than words行动胜过言语33. take action采取行动34. be nervous about对…紧张35. the comedy show喜剧表演36. all kinds of各种各样37. even if即使38. speak to对…说话39. misunderstand each other互相误解40. be similar to与…相似文案大全.实用文档41. turn your back to背对…42. show anger显示愤怒43. the universal facial expression通用的脸部表情44. be intended to打算…45. put …at ease使…放心46. lose face丢面子47. nod the head up and down点头48. refuse to do something拒绝做…49. look away from从…转过眼神(不看)50. hold your arms across your chest双臂抱胸51. turn forward to向前倾…52. roll your eyes转动眼珠53. show respect for对…表示尊重54. give a hug to拥抱…55. be willing to愿意…56. look direclty at an adult直视一个成人look sb in the eye直视…57. tell the truth说实话58. be wrong about误解…59. be angry at sb生…气60. be pleased with对…高兴/满意Unit 51. a theme park主题公园amusement park游乐园2. provide sb with sth提供provide sth for sb3. amuse oneself自娱自乐,消遣4. escape their busy life for a while暂时逃避他们繁忙的生活5. share this basic purpose有着共同的基本目的6. various ways各种方式a variety of各种各样,种类繁多7. meet this need满足这种需要8. relax a bit稍微放松一下9. have fun together一起玩得高兴10. in other ways用别的方式11. in recent decades在最近几十年里12. more than不仅仅13. get around四处走动,四处传开14. charge money for adimission收取门票费15. make a profit挣钱16. not just…but also不仅…而且…17. sell souvenirs卖纪念品文案大全.实用文档18. advertiste them on television在电视上做广告19.have a certain idea某种特定的思想20. be based on以…为基础21. involve…in…使…参与…(介入)22. athletic competition运动竞赛23. the challenge for…..的挑战24. a brand of sports equipment某种品牌的运动装备25. along with sneakers随同运动鞋一起26. come to life活跃起来27. go for rides去玩…28. have our pictures taken让人替我们拍照(have sth done)29. in the clothing of minority people 穿着少数民族人的服装30. name …after…以…命名31. a place of fantasy梦幻之地32. get close to靠近…be close to33. the early settlers in America早期美洲移民34. marine or ocean parks还有公园35.learn about了解…36. take an active part in experiments积极参加实验37. go on imaginary trips进行虚拟的太空旅行38. advanced computer techniques 先进的电脑技术39. expeirence life感受生活40.a careful test仔细的测试41. large amounts of money大量的钱42. remind him of the holiday使他想起假日43.take a journey deep into space作一次太空旅行44. be pulled into a Black Hole被拖进黑洞45. survive an airplane crash在坠机事件中幸存46. in the jungle在丛林中47. mysterious creatures神秘的生物48. for a break作为间歇49. take part in参加50. face to face面对面51.the present time当前时间52.science and technology-based theme parks 以科技为基础的主题公园53.up-to-date information最新的信息54.hands-on learning实践性学习55.prepare for为…准备56.a good combination of fun and learning 娱乐和学习的良好结合57.a volunteer guide志愿导游58.a theme park of your own choice 你自己选择的主题公园59.point out指出文案大全.实用文档60. change …into…把…变成…(把…翻译成…)文案大全.。

人教版必修第三册复习Unit 1Festivals and Celebrations .................................................................................. - 1 - Unit 2Morals and Virtues ............................................................................................. - 8 - Unit 3Diverse Cultures................................................................................................ - 14 - Unit 4Space Exploration ............................................................................................. - 20 - Unit 5The Value of Money ......................................................................................... - 27 -Unit 1Festivals and Celebrations【话题词汇】1.the Spring Festival 春节2.the Dragon Boat Festival 端午节3.the Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节4.Double Ninth Festival 重阳节5.National Day 国庆节6.Teachers' Day 教师节7.decoration n. 装饰品8. balloon n. 气球9.firework n. 焰火(pl.) 烟火10.candle n. 蜡烛11.ceremony n. 典礼;仪式12.package n. 包;包裹13.decorate v t. 装饰;布置14.celebrate an anniversary 庆祝周年纪念日15.exchange gifts 交换礼物16.family reunion 家人团圆17.paper-cutting n. 剪纸18.dragon boat 龙舟【话题短语】1.be on holiday/leave/vacation 在度假2.in memory of/in honor of 为纪念……3.look forward to 期望;期待4.dress up 打扮;装扮5.turn up 出现;到场6.celebrate the festival 庆祝节日7.have fun with 玩得开心8.of good/poor quality 质量好/坏9.a display of fireworks 烟火表演10.hold one's breath 屏息;屏气【话题佳句】1.What we love most is the time when the whole family enjoy the full moon together.我们最喜爱的是一家人一起赏满月的时刻。
2019 新人教版高一英语必修三短语词组归纳总结

2019 新人教版高一英语必修三短语词组归纳总结Unit 1ing-of- Age Day 成人节2.Chinese Lantern Festival 元宵节3. wear traditional costu穿me传s 统服饰4. dress sb up 穿上盛装;装扮5.receive congratulations 接fr受om/收到某人的祝贺6.guess riddles 猜灯谜7.attend the ceremony 出席典礼8.give performances 表演节目9.a tour guide and a tour 导gr游ou和p旅游团10. pay attention to 注意;重视11. It takes sb. some time to d某o 人st花h.了一些时间做某事12.do one’s hair做头发13.get dressed 穿好衣服14.after all 毕竟;别忘了15. congratulations on doin 对g某st事h表示祝贺16. have a great time 玩得高兴;过得愉快17.take part in 参加,参与18.all around the world 世界;在世界上19.a wide range of 数量繁多的20.such as 比如;诸如21.no matter how 无论怎样,无论如何,22.take place 发生;举行;就位23.gather in 收割,收获24.be grateful for 对…心存感激25.get together 聚会,集合26.the Mi-dAutumn Festival中秋节27.play a significant role 在…中扮演重要角色28.over time, 随着时间的推移, 久而久之29.with the development 随of着…的发展30.with the spread of 随着…的传播31.fade away 逐渐消失;(身体)变得虚弱32.Chinese Spring Festiv中al国春节33.light firecrackers 燃放鞭炮34.drive away the evil s 驱pi 鬼ri 神ts35.give up 放弃36.in order to do sth. 为了做37.in spite of 不管;尽管38.take advantage of 利用;欺骗;占…的便宜39.spend…on…在…方面花费…40.be good for 有益于;对…有好处41.attitudes towards 对..的. 态度/意见42. have something in commo兴n 趣( 、想法等方面)相同;有相同的特征43. It is fun doing sth. 做某事很有趣44. on the Lunar New Y’easr Eve在除夕之夜45. can't take one's eyes对o…ff看不够,无法将视线从..移. 开46.Christmas Carol 圣诞颂歌47.Merry Christmas 圣诞快乐!48.reach up to 高达,达到49. wash away 冲走;洗掉;忘却50. to be frank 坦白说;坦率地说51. go off 爆炸;离开;走火;(食物)变质52.see your point 明白你的意思53.There seem to be 似乎有54.except for 除…之外55.look forward to 盼望,期待56. China’s Inner Mongolia Autonomous Reg中io国n 的内蒙古自治区57. be represented by 由..代. 理;用..来. 表示;主要表现为58.set off to 动身去59.from near and far 从四面八方60.the opening ceremony 开幕式61.be different from 与…不同62.as if 犹如,好似63.at first 起先起初首先64.be a little worried a有bo点ut担心65.be worth it 值得;有必要66.range…from… to…包括从…到…之间67.the National Day para国de庆节游行68. the media 大众传播媒介69. dozens of 几十,许多70. at a wedding 在一个婚礼上71.clap one's hands 拍手, 鼓掌72.mashed potatoes 士豆泥73.the Double Ninth (Chongyang) Fes重ti阳va节l74.show respect to 表示尊敬75.roast turkey 烤火鸡肉76.Thanksgiving (Day) 感恩节77. Laba Festival (porrid腊ge八) 节(粥)78. turn off the heat 关火79. have great influence on 对…有很大影响80.in ancient times 在古代, 古时候Unit281.make a choice/choices82.face a moral dilemma 83.get in trouble84. take an entrance examination参fo加r做出选择面临道德困境陷入困境;惹上麻烦(for doing sth.)…入学考试85. be eager to do sth 渴望/急于做某事86. all the time 一直,始终,总是87. disagree with 不同意, 不一致88. be famous for 因…而著名89. be faced with 面临;面对90. in a situation 在某种情况下91. fall down 跌倒;失败;倒塌92.nothing is mo…rethan…没有什么比…更加…93.entrust sb. with sth. 委托某人某事94.carry sb. through sth. 帮助某人渡过难关95.be affected by 受…的影响96.follow the path of 走..的路97.tuition fees 学费98.would rather do sth. 宁愿做某事99.graduate from 毕业于100.be hired as 被聘为101.resident physician 住院医生102.in need of 需要103.at times 有时;偶尔104.faraway villages 遥远的村庄105. provide medical care 提供医疗服务106. the Peopl’es Republic of Chin中a 华人民共和国107. play a key role 发挥重要作用108. the first National P’eosplCeongress第一届全国人民代表大会109. over the next several decade在s 接下来的几十年里110. hold an important position 担任重要职务111.be responsible for 对…负责112.treat sb. as 把某人当作…对待113.be known as 被誉为, 以…著称114. in her lifetime 在她一生中115. lie dying 弥留之际116.draw a conclusion 得出结论, 下结论117.tend to do sth. 易于做某事,往往会发生某事118.show interest in 对…有/表现出兴趣;对…表示关心119.at midnight 在半夜,在午夜120.import and export costs 进出口费用121.the North Pole 北极122.the following year 第二年123.leave for 动身去124. give first aid 进行急救125. pass away 去世126. in memory of 作为对…的纪念127. once upon a time 从前128. first of all 首先129. be on on’es way to在去的路上130. step by step131.expect sb. to do sth.132.in the middle of133.crash into134.pick oneself up135.after a while136.trip over137.in tears逐步地期望某人做某事在…中间撞上,撞向爬起来过了一会儿被绊倒流着泪含着泪138. make an attempt to do st试h.图做某事139. in despair 处于绝望中140. keep sb from (doing) sth141.be a danger to阻止某人做某事(免于) 对…有危险142.a great deal of 大量143. with all’onsemight竭尽全力地,全力以赴地144. move…out of the way145.succeed in doing146.belong to147. impress sb. with sth.把…移开/不挡道成功做某事属于某事给某人留下..印. 象148. according to a recent su根rv据ey最近的一项调查149. be satisfied with150.in response to151.be thankful for152.end up doing sth.153.concentrate on 154.take as对…感到满意响应;回答感谢…;对…感激最后做某事全神贯注于当作认作Unit31.fortune cookie2.take notes3.and so on4.a potluck dinner5.It is likely that6.at least/most7. in prehistoric times幸运饼干记笔记;作笔记等等;诸如此类百乐餐, 自带饭菜的晚会很可能至少/最多在史前时代8. be forced into slavery被迫为奴9. in addition10.diverse culturesed to be12.be influenced by13.a mix of 14.head to另外,此外多元文化过去曾经是受…影响…的混合(朝…)前进/去15. seek on’es fortune寻找成功致富之路,闯世界16. earn a living 谋生17. open up 打开,开设18. put…in order整理,把某物摆放整齐19. series of 一系列;一连串20. apart from 除了…之外, 此外21.as soon as (it is) po越ss快ib越le好22.Journey to the West 西游记23.check sth out 对…进行检查24.has a history…o.fyears有…年的历史25.depend on 取决于;依赖26. No way 不可能,没门27. tourist sites(draw) 旅游景点28.bring about 导致引起29.to name but a few 仅举几例30.traditional Chinese herbal me传di统ci中ne草药31.at first hand 第一手,亲自32.be located in/on 位于;坐落于33.be divided up into 被分成34.be…in size在大小/规模35.has a population of 有…的人口36.be home to 为…的所在地37. live a meaningful lif过e 有意义的生活38. It was confirmed that经证实39.Welcome to a place 欢迎来到40. the American Civil Wa美r 国内战41. take a boat ride to 乘船去42.participate in 参与,参加,加入Unit 41. be curious about 对…感到好奇2. one da(y 将来)有一天;总有一天;(过去)某一天3. attend pilot train参in加g 飞行员训练4. at the age在o…f 岁时5. graduate from 毕业于6. less/more than少于;不到/ 多于超过7.in space 在太空8. in the fut在ur将e 来9. first of a首ll先,第一10.go wrong 出毛病;弄错11.succeed in doing sth.成功地做成某事12.escape Ear’ths gravity摆脱地球的引力13.carry/send people into s把pa人ce送入太空14.find out 查明,找出15.the secrets of univer宇se宙的奥秘16.focus on doing sth. 专注/着力于做某事17.achieve a goal 实现目标18.carry on 继续做,坚持干19.the International Space S国ta际ti空on间站20. on board 在宇宙飞船上;在飞机上21. in the hope of doing 抱st.h 的希望22. so as (not) to (do st为h)了:以便23.lead to 导致;通向24.make great progress 取得很大的进步25.dock with 与…对接26.enable sb. to do sth.使某人能够做某事27.as we all know 众所周知28. due to 由于,因为,归功于29. the lack of 缺乏;没有30.stay healthy 保持健康31.float off 浮起;漂浮32.keep…from doing sth. 阻止…做某事33.keep…under contro控l 制(监视等)34. be keen t渴o 望热衷于35. mind sb. doing st介h.意某人做某事36.spend…on sth. 在某事上花费…37.stop doing st停h.止做某事38.waste sth. doing sth.浪费…做某事39.fail to do st未h.能做、没做成某事40. in the fight agai在ns对t 抗…的斗争中41. make a difference有影响,有关系42.high-end products 高端产品43.advanced technolo先gy进技术44.meet the requirements for满足…要求45.be widely used in被广泛用于46.at present 目前,现在47.solar system 太阳系48. figure ou弄t 懂;弄清楚;弄明白49. result in导致;造成50.as a resu所lt以:结果(是)51. provide for s提b 供生活所需52. in closin最g 后53. run out 用完;耗尽54.NASA 国家航空航天局55.Jade Rabb“it玉兔"月球车56.be supposed to do sth 应.该做某事;被期望干某事57. be determined to do s决th心. 做某事;58. during the first moon lan在di第ng一次登月的时候59.at the same time 同时;然而Unit 51. lead a good life 过着美好的生活2. raise funds for 为…筹集资金3. on the basis of 在某事的基础上;根据某事4. take out a loan 取得贷款5. draw a conclusion 得出结论6. in return 作为回报;作为回应7. make a bet (on) (就…)打个赌8.as a matter of fact 事实上;其实;说真的9.by accident 偶然地;意外地10.find myself carried out 发to现s自ea己被卷到海上11.be spotted by 被…发现12. It is/wa被s+强调部分that… 强调结构13. to be honest 说实话;坦率地说14.some kind of 某种,很好的15.have a heated argument 激烈争论16. some sort of 某种;多少有些;仿佛17. be happy about 对…感到开心, 为….而. 高兴18. get upset with 对… 感到不安生气19. be stuck in 陷入困住20. first and most import首an先tl也y21.avoid getting into tr避ou免bl陷e是最重要的入困境22. ought to 应该;应当23. be about to do sth 即将或正要(做某事)24.in case 以防;以防万25.to ... extent 到…程度: 在程度上26.in need 在困难/境中,需要帮助27.on the weekend 在周末28.be surprised at 对…感到惊奇/意外29.play the role of 起着…作用,扮演…角色30.pursue the dream of 追求梦想31.out of joy 出于喜悦32.on duty 值班;值勤33. in the end 终于,最后34. to on’e s surprise让人惊讶的是35. in …a manner以一种……的方式;带着一副的样子36.look a…twith a frown皱着眉头看着…37. had rather not do sth. 宁愿不做某事;38. in that case 如果那样假如那样的话39.a wide range of 大范围的;许多各种不同的40.with a broad smile 带着灿烂的笑容41.make a list of 列一张…单子42.make an outline of 写出…的大纲43. Don’t judge a book by its co不ve要r 以貌取人44. be judged on the appearan以ce貌取人45. no matter how 46.be unfair to sb.47.remind sb. to do sth. 48.be worth doing sth.49.end up doing sth.50.make friends with 51.make a mistake52.mistake sb. for53.be willing to do sth54.the upper class不管怎样对某人不公平提醒某人做某事; 值得做某事;以做某事结束/告终与…交友犯错误把某人错当成…愿意或乐意做某事上流社会;上等阶层55. black sheep (of the famil有y)辱家族的人,害群之马56. black sheep (of the family) 害群之马败家子。

Unit Four1.think about考虑think of 想起think over仔细考虑2.match…with把……与……配对3.interest sb使某人感兴趣be interested in对……感兴趣an interesting topic一个令人感兴趣的话题4.on earth世界上,人世间;到底,究竟(放who, what, when, where, how,why等后面)on the earth在地球上5.in time及时in time to do sth/for sth及时做某事6.a wide accepted theory一个广泛被接受的理论7.begin with始于8.in all direction四面八方directions for use 用法说明in the direction of 朝着……的方向under the direction of 在……指导下9.be to do sth(按计划,安排)将要做某事10.cool down冷却11.unlike sb/sth不像某人/物it’s unlike sb/sth to do sth做某事不像某人的做法be unlike(两个人/事)不同/不像12.It is harmful(for sb) to do sth对某人来说做某事是有害的be harmful to sb对某人有害=do sb harm=do harm to sb对某人有害There’s no harm in (sb’s ) doing sth某人做某事无害处=It does no harm (for sb) to do sth13.as well as 也,又,还,和……一样好as well也14.dissolve…with把……溶解……里15.a chain reaction一种连锁反应y eggs生蛋17.exist in 存在于……中exist on 靠……生存、生活be in existence存在bring into existence使发生/产生come into existence开始形成18.remain+n./a./prep.phr./to do/现在分词/过去分词19.be different from与……不同20.give birth to 生21.too much+[u]n.太多……much too+a.22.prevent sb (from) doing sth阻止某人做某事=stop sb (from) doing sth=keep sb from doing sthkeep sb doing sth让某人不停地做某事23.depend on 取决于,依赖于24.the earth ‘s gravity 地球的重力25.a satellite of the earth 地球的卫星26.a./adv/v.+enough(adv.)足够的……enough+n./n.+enough(a.027.have a chance to do sth 有做某事的机会28.explain to sb sth=explain sth to sb向某人解释……explain that29.be off休假30.get close to接近,靠近(动态变化)be close to 离……近(状态)31.cheer up欢呼32.原比名,倍总前,比较对象仍不变A+be+倍数+as+a.(原级)+as+BA+be+倍数+a.(比较级)+than+BA+be+倍数+the+n(size/length/amount)+of+B33.now that既然34.get the hang of掌握,熟悉35.break out突然爆发break down 打破,毁掉,坏除break in 破门而入,打断break away from 脱离,打破常规break through 突围,冲垮,克服break up 拆散,分裂break one’s word 食言find fault with sb专挑某人的毛病,找茬at fault 有错,有责任to a fault 过分地,过度地36.die out (传统风俗等)消失;(物种,家族)绝种,灭绝die of/from 因……而死be dying for sth./to do sth 渴望某物/极想做某事die a/the death彻底失败,完全消失,不复存在die away逐渐衰弱,逐渐消失die down逐渐变弱/j降低/平息/暗淡die off相继死去。

starve for=be starve of/for,表示“渴望获得,迫切得到”。
in plenty表示“大量的,丰富,充裕”可作表语,定语,状语。
satisfy…with以……满足be satisfied with对……满足satisfy…for向……偿还be satisfied to do sth满足于做某事4)harm作名词,意为“损害”,不与不定冠词连用,常与do,come,mean等动词搭配。
do more harm than good弊大于利There’s no harm in(sb’s)doing sth=It does no harm for sb to do sth 做某事无害处作及物动词,表示“损害,伤害”。
lead sb into使某人陷入某种不良的状态。
lead sb away使盲从,常用于被动语态。
lead nowhere毫无结果,,对……不起作用。
lead up to sth作为……准备,导致。
lead sb by the nose牵着某人的鼻子,完全操纵某人lead a dog’s life过困难的生活lead sb believe that使某人相信(假的事情或不确切的事情)lead the way带路,带头lead作为名词,give sb a lead给某人做出榜样,提示某人6)origin是名词,表示“起源,起因,出身”。

第一单元1. take place 发生take away 拿走、带走;使离开、使消失take back 送回,收回take down 拿下,记下,取下take off 脱下;起飞take up 开始花时间做 , ,开始对 , 感兴趣2.in memory of 纪念;追念3.dress up 盛装,打扮;装饰4.trick n 诡计;恶作剧Vt. 欺骗;诈骗play a trick on 搞恶作剧5.lead (, ) to 领往;通往;导致You see the path on your right ?It leads to the village. 看见右边的小路了吗?它通向村子。
6.in the shape of 呈现某种形状,以某种形式呈现出来7.look forward to 盼望,后面接名词、代词或动词-ing 形式I am looking forward to his being back. 我盼望他回来。
8.as though 好像;仿佛 , 似的与 as if 同义He acts as though he didn ’ t know anything about it. 他表现得好像对这件事一无所知.9.have fun with 玩得开心10.keep/lose one ’s word 守信 / 失信11.turn up 到场;出现;(声音等)调大turn on 开turn off 关turn down (声音等)调小turn over 移交turn to 开始对 , 感兴趣12.hold one ’ s breath 屏住呼吸13.set off 出发;点燃set about 开始着手set down 使坐下;放下;写下;抄下;制定(规划、原则等)set out 出发,启程,布置,安排,陈述,说明set up 竖立;建造,装配;提出(建议等)14.remind 提醒;使想起remind sb of sth 让某人想起某事第二单元1. Wang Peng sat in his empty restaurant feeling very frustrated.王鹏坐在他空空的餐馆里很沮丧feeling very frustrated . 现在分词在句中作伴随状语eg.She sat on the chair reading a newspaper.( 表伴随 )Walking in the street, she met her old friend.( 表时间 )Seeing no body at home , she decided to eat outside.( 表原因 )The child fell, striking his head against the ground.( 表结果 )2. By now his restaurant ought to be full of people. 到了这个时候他的餐馆本该宾客盈门的。

高一英语人教新课标必修3重点单词词组归纳总结必修3 Unit1重点单词1. starve v.使饿死2. plenty n.充足;富裕3. satisfy v.使满意4. feast n.节日5. origin n.起源6. trick n.诡计7. independence n.独立8. gather v.集合9. agricultural adj.农业的10. custom n. 习俗11.admire v.赞美12.energetic adj.精力充沛的13.religious adj.虔诚的14.social adj.社会的15. permission n. 许可16.possibility n.可能性17. apologize v. 道歉18. sadness n. 悲哀19.obvious adj.明显的20. forgive v. 原谅重点短语1. take place 发生2. in memory of 纪念3. play a trick 开玩笑4. look forward to 期望5. as though 好像6. have fun with sb. 玩的开心7. turn up 出现8. keep one’s word 守信用9. hold one’s breath 屏息选修3 Unit 2重点单词1. diet n. 日常饮食;食物vt. 给(病人)指定饮食vi. 节食2. energy n. 精力;活力;能量;活动力3. digestion n. 消化力;领悟4. balance n. 天平;平衡;结余;vt. 平衡;权衡;斟酌vi. 平衡;相抵;均等5. roast vt.&vi. 烤;炙;烘;(使)...变热 ;烤过的6. ought v.& aux. 应该;应当;宜于;理应;n. 应尽的义务;责任7. slim a. 苗条的;纤细的;微小的 vi. 变细;减肥8. curiosity n. 好奇心;求知欲;珍贵的物品9. raw a. 生的;处于自然状态的;生疏的;刺痛的;阴冷的n. 痛处10. lie n. 谎言;位置;状态;地势vi. 卧;躺;位于;说谎;欺骗11. research n. 调查;研究; vi. 调查;研究12. customer n. 顾客;消费者13. weakness n. 虚弱;缺点;弱点14. strength n. 力量;力气;体力;实力15. rid vt. 使摆脱;使去掉;除去;把...消灭掉16. amount n. 合计;总量;总额;数量; vt.相当于;等于17. debt n. 债;欠债;罚过;18. glare n. 眩光;闪光;显眼;瞪眼vi. 炫耀;闪耀vt. 瞪着眼;怒目而视19. gently adv. 轻轻地;轻柔地;逐渐地20. limit n. 界限;限度;极限;范围vt. 限定;限制21. limit adj. 有限的22. benefit n. 利益;好处;恩惠;受益vt. 有益于;有助于vi. 受益23. sigh n. 叹气;叹息;(风、树等)啸声vi. 叹气;叹息;(风等)呼啸vt. 叹息的说(out)24. bine vt. 使结合;使联合;兼备;vi. 结合;联合;化合25. item n. 条;条目;项目;条款;(一条)消息26. packet n. (一)束、盒;包裹重点短语27. balanced diet 平衡膳食28. throw away 扔掉29. amount to 合计;总共达30. in debt 欠债31. be amazed at 对...感到惊愕32. cut down 砍到;削减;压缩33. be tired of 对...厌倦34. be curious about 对...感到好奇35. get away with 被放过;(做坏事)不受惩罚36. tell lies 说谎37. get rid of 摆脱;除去38. research of 调查;研究...39. earn one's living 谋生40. glare at 怒目而视41. benefit from 得益/利于42. take exercise 运动43. take off 从...中去掉;脱落(衣服等);起飞;迅速流行;突然大受欢迎必修3 unit3重点单词1. bet n.赌;打赌2. scene n.(戏剧)一场;现场3. permit vt.&vi.许可;允许 n.通行证;执照4. stare vi.凝视;盯着看5. account n.说明;理由;计算,账目 vi.&vt.认为;说明6. appearance n.出现;外貌7. patience n.耐性;忍耐8. silly adj.愚蠢的;无聊的9. jealous adj.妒忌的;猜疑的10. unbelievable adj.难以置信的11. rude adj.粗鲁的;无力的12. manner n.礼貌;风格;方式;习惯13. scream vi.尖声叫14. indeed adv.真正地;确实;15. decade n.十年;十16. humor n.幽默;诙谐17. character n.人物;特征;性格;角色18. director n.主任;导演重点短语19. make a bet 打赌20. go ahead 前进;往下说21. by accident 偶然;不小心22. account for 说明;导致;做出解释23. to be honest 说实话24. shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩25. in rags 衣衫褴褛26. even if 即使;尽管27. permit/allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事28. care about 关心;在乎29. get into trouble 陷入困境30. as a matter of face 事实上31. as for…关于;就……而言32. give attention to 注意…33. honor sb. for sth. 因…而表彰某人必修3 Unit4重点单词1. astronomy n.天文学2. atmosphere n.大气层;气氛3. system n.系统;体系;制度4. violent adj.猛烈的;激烈的;强暴的5. solid n固体;立体 adj固体的;坚固的6. explode vt.&vi.(使)爆炸;爆发7. surface n 表面;外表;水面 adj 表面的;肤浅的8. harmful adj.有害的;伤害的9. development n.发展10. spread vt.&vi.伸展;展开;传播11. method n.方法12. depend vi.依靠;依赖13. exist vi.存在;生存14. presence n.出席;到场;存在15. disappoint vt.使失望16. disappointed adj.失望的17. publish vt.出版;发行;公开;发表18. publishing adj.出版的;出版业的19. gravity n.地心引力;重力20. force n.力量;暴力;(复)军队21. gradually vt.强制;逼迫22. cheer vt&vi(使)高兴;(对)欢呼; n愉快;欢呼23. float vt&vi(使)浮动;(使)漂浮 n漂浮物24. mass n.团;块;质量;大量;体积重点短语1. think of…as…把…看作2. in time 及时;总有一天;终于3. cool down 冷却4. go by (时间)前进;推移;走过5. put…into 把..变成;译成6. depend on 依靠;依赖;取决于7. now that 既然8. e into existence 开始存在;产生9. be different form 与….不同10. allow sb to do sth 允许….干…11. on one’s surface 在…表面12. as well as 也;还有….13. prevent.. from 阻止;制止14. escape from 从…逃跑15. get close to 靠近;接近16. cheer up 感到高兴;感到兴奋17. break out 突然发生18. to one’s disappointment 令某人失望的是19. be harmful to sb 对某人有害20. in one’s presence 当着某人的面;在某人面前必修3 Unit5重点单词1. minister n. 大臣2. continent n. 大陆3. eastward adv.向东4. surround v.包围5. harbor n.海港6. extremely adv.极端地,非常地7. settle vt.&vi.定居,解决,平静下来8. within prep.在…之内9. border n.边界, v.与…接壤,接近10. figure vt.&vi.估计11. terrify vt.恐吓12. official n.官员 adj.官方的,正式的13. wealthy adj.富有的 n.富人,有钱人14. journey vi.&n.旅行15. distance n.距离16. flow n.流程 vi.流动17. booth n.货摊18. downtown adv.在市区 adj.市区的19. dawn n.黎明20. broad adj.宽阔的重点短语1. be/go on a trip 去旅行2. rather than 而不是3. as well as 还有4. go through 经历5. as far as 远到6. be surrounded by 被…包围7. Settle down 定居8. have a gift for 对…有天赋9. be close to 靠近10. figure out 合计为11. in the distance 在远处12. at dawn 在黎明未完,请看下页。

starve for=be starve of/for ,表示“渴望获得,迫切得到”。
做主语时,谓语动词随着plenty 所指的单复数形式作相应的变化。
plenty 也可作副词,表示“充分地,十足地,好多”。
in plenty 表示“大量的,丰富,充裕”可作表语,定语,状语。
satisfy, with 以 ,, 满足be satisfied with 对 ,, 满足satisfy, for 向 ,, 偿还be satisfied to do sth 满足于做某事,直接跟宾语,若接that从句时,意思是“使相信”,4)harm作名词,意为“损害” ,不与不定冠词连用,常与 do, come,meando more harm than good 弊大于利There’s no harm in (sb’ s)doing sth=It does no harm for sb to do sth 等动词搭配。
lead sb into 使某人陷入某种不良的状态。
lead sb away 使盲从,常用于被动语态。
lead nowhere 毫无结果,,对 ,, 不起作用。
lead up to sth 作为 ,, 准备,导致。
lead sb by the nose 牵着某人的鼻子,完全操纵某人lead a dog’ s life 过困难的生活lead sb believe that 使某人相信(假的事情或不确切的事情)lead the way 带路,带头lead 作为名词, give sb a lead 给某人做出榜样,提示某人6)origin是名词,表示“起源,起因,出身”。

人教版新课标高一英语必修3词组归纳总结Unit1.meandoingsth.意味着;meantodosth.打算或企图做某事;meansb.todosth.打算让某人做某事bemeantfor打算作……用;为…而有2.takeplace发生;举行3.ofallkinds各种各样的4.starvetodeath饿死bestarvedof缺乏,starveforsth,starvetodo,渴望5.plentyof大量;充足6.besatisfiedwith感到满意toone’ssatisfaction感到满意是7.doharmtosb.=dosb.harm伤害某人8.intheshapeof呈…的形状,以…的形式9.inmemoryof/tothememoryofsb.纪念某人0.dressup穿上最好的衣服;打扮,化装1.awardsth.和awardsb.sth.给予、颁奖rewardsb.forsth.因…奖赏某人;rewardsb.withsth.用某物酬劳某人2.admiresb.forsth在某方面钦佩某人3.lookforwardto期望,期待,盼望4,havefunwith玩得开心;过得快乐5.turnup.来;出现;把音量开大些turndown拒绝;turnoff关掉;turnon打开;turnout结果是......turntosb.forhelp向某人求助6.keepone’sword守信用;breakone’sword,失信7.Itbeobviousthat-clause显而易见;一目了然8.setoff动身,出发;使(地雷、炸弹)爆炸; setin开始;setup建立,创立;setouttodo=setaboutdoingsth.着手做setdown写下,记下9.remindsb.ofsth.提醒,使想起Unit2.ahealthydiet健康饮食;abalanceddiet平衡的饮食2.indifferentway用另外方式3.mostoften最经常4.feelfrustrated感到沮丧5.bylunchtime到午餐时间6.musthavehappened一定发生过7.attheendofthestreet在街道的尽头8.betiredof厌倦9.beamazedatsth.对...感到惊奇0.throwaway扔掉1.getawaywith逃脱2.telllies说谎3.energy-givingfood提供热量的食物body-buildingfoods提供营养的食物4feelfit保持精力旺盛5.theweaknessofthediet饮食的弱点thestrengthofthediet饮食的优点6.dosomeresearchinto做一些...方面的研究7.earnone’sliving谋生8.beindebt负债9.glareat怒视20.moveround绕过21.spyon在暗中侦察;打探22.upsetsb.使......不安23.lookill 感到不舒服feelsick感到恶心24.heavyfood不易消化的食物25.chatabout聊起关于......26.servewith用......配27.ratherthan而不是28.cutdown减少29.beforelong不久Unit3.knowabout了解关于…事2.makeabet打赌3.winorlosethebet在打赌中赢或输4.havebadluck运气不好5.stepinside走进里面6.leadtheway带路7.Iwonderif我想知道是否…8.gorightahead说下去9.asamatteroffact事实上0.byaccident偶然1.sailoutofthebay驶出海湾2.stareat盯着3.towardsnightfall到夜幕降临时4.carry…outtosea 把…带到了大海5.giveoneselfupforlost 因为迷路而绝望6.workasanunpaidhand 免费劳动7.accountfor导致8.tobehonest坦白地说9.yourideaofsomekindofjoke你认为的一种笑话20.beonmyway上路21.showsb.out把某人带出去22.beconfidentabout对…自信23.thecostofajourney旅行费用24.givesb.aride让某人搭车25.loseone’spatience失去耐心26.dofiftyjumpswithoutstopping 不间断地连续跳五十下27.fallover跌到28.accountforyourbehaviour对你的行为做出解释29.bejealousoftheothers’success 嫉妒别人的成功30.showawillingnesstodosth.表示乐意做谋事31.stayoutofjail免坐牢32.bereserved被预定了33.takethegentleman’sorder让那位绅士点菜34.thelookonthewaiter’sface服务员脸上的表情35.takeachance碰碰运气36.readthebill看帐单37.inarudemanner用粗鲁的方式38.forawhile一会儿Unit4.thinkof…as把……看作是2.acloudofenergeticdust具有能量的尘埃bineinto…合成……4.movearoundthesun环绕太阳运转5.becomeviolent变得激烈6.thesolidsurface固体表面7.explodeloudly猛烈爆炸8.intime及时,最终9.producethewatervapor产生水蒸汽0.maketheearth’satmosphere构成了地球的大气层1.cooldown冷却2.onthesurface在表面3.bedifferentfrom…与……不同4.goroundthesun环绕太阳运转5.disappearfrom…从……消失6.stayon…存留在……7.showone’squality显现某人的特性,8.dissolveharmfulgases分解,溶解有害气体,9.becomepartof…变成……的一部分,20.developlife发展生命,21.growinthewater在水里生长,22.encouragethedevelopmentof…鼓励……的发展, 23millionsofyearslater几万年以后,24.liveonland在陆地上生活,25.liveinthesea在海里生存,26.growintoforests长成森林,27.produceyoung生出幼仔,yeggs下蛋,29.animalswithhandsandfeet长着手脚的动物,30.spreadallovertheearth遍布全世界,31.developnewmethods发展了新的方法,32..movearound迁徙,33.goby过去,推移,34.prevent…from…防止……做……,35.escapefrom…into…从……逃离到……,36.dependon….依靠,依赖,取决与……,37.solveaproblem解决38beluckyenough足够幸运,39.makeatrip去旅行,40.visitthemoon参观月球,41.inthespaceship在太空飞船中,42.explainto…that…向……解释……,43.onthejourney在旅程中,44beoff启程,45riseintotheair升人太空,46.feelthepulloftheearth感觉到地球的拉力, 47call…gravity称……为地球引力,48.push…intotheseat把……推向座位,49.say…toeachother向彼此说……,50.fallbackto…朝……落下去,51.fallfromatree从树上掉下来,52.falltotheground朝地上落下去,53.getcloseto…接近……,54cheerup高兴起来,55floatweightlesslyaround失重飘来飘去,56inthespaceshipcabin太空船舱,57.watch…do看着……做,58.movefreely自由的活动,59.climbdownthesteps从梯级上爬下来,60.stepforward向前迈步,61.fallover摔倒,62.needpractice需要练习63..getthehangof…掌握了……的诀窍,64.enjoyoneself感到自如,65.leavethemoon’sgravity摆脱月球引力ebackto…回到……Unit5.frostontheground地上覆盖了一层薄霜2.aroundnoon中午时分,3.themostwealthyandbiggestcityincanada加拿大最大最富有的城市4.leavefor…离开去……5.goonatourofthecity继续在市内游览一番6.goupthetower登上塔顶7.lookacrossthelake俯瞰湖面8.flowinto…流人……9.flowover…流经……0.onone’swayto…在去……的路上1.acoveredstadium加顶的运动场2.walknorth向北走3.phone…fromatelephonebooth到电话亭给……打电话4.havedinnerindowntownchinatown在市内的中国城吃晚饭5.moveto…移居到……6.meet…at…在……迎接……7.getgoodcantonesefood吃到好吃的广东菜efromSouthchina来自中国南方9.goasfarasottawa去到远至渥太华20.aboutfourhundredkilometersnortheastofToronto 距多伦多东北大约有400公里21.taketoolong花费的时间长22.atdawn黎明23.atthetrainstation在火车站24.haveEnglishwordsinsmallletters有小字体的英文标注25.godowntown到市区去26.becloseto…,接近……27.spendtheafternooninthelovelyshops整个下午在可爱的商店28.visit…in…在……拜访……29.sitinacafé坐在咖啡馆30.lookover…眺望……31.sitdownwith…和……坐在一起32.onatraintripacross…坐着火车上横穿……33.haveaFrenchculture具有法国文化34.speedalongtherivertoward…沿着河流驶向……35.dreamof…梦想……36.onatrip在旅途中)37.ontheAtlanticcoast在大西洋海岸38.taketheaeroplane乘飞机39.flyfrom…to…从……飞行到……40.takethetrainfrom…to…乘火车从……到……41.fromwesttoeast从西到东42.acrosscanada横穿加拿大43.crossthewholecountry横贯整个国家44.attheairport在机场45.take…to…把……带到……46.catchthetrain乘坐火车47.onthewayto…在去……的路上48.seegreatscenery看美丽壮观的风景49.onthetrip在旅途中50.goeastward向东行驶51.passcities经过城市52.inlessthanfivedays在不五天的时间里53.fromcoasttocoast从一个海岸到另一个海岸54.inthewarmestpartof…在最热的地方55.besurroundedby…被……所包围56.onthenorth在北边57.skiinthemountains在山上滑雪58.sailintheharbour在港湾了扬帆行船59.northof………的北边60.settledownintheseat落座,61.lookoutofthewindowatthewildscenery从窗口看到了自然风光62.amountaingoat野山羊63.agrizzlybear大灰熊64.afamouswesternfestival有名的西方节日65.comefromallover…全来自……66.competein~ing比赛做……67.ridewildhorses驾驭野马68.haveagiftfor~ing有天资/天分做……69.workwith…与……共处,win…prizes赢得……奖金,70.livewithin320kilometresoftheUSAborder居住在靠近美国320公里以内的边境地带71.gothrough…穿过……72.awheat-growingprovince种植小麦的省份73.thousandsofsquarekilometersinsize面积有数千平方米74.atthetopendof…在……的最上首75.abusyport繁忙的港口76.rushthrough…穿行过…。
人教版新课标高一英语必修三词组归纳总结Unit 11.mean doing sth. 意味着;mean to do sth. 打算或企图做某事;mean sb. to do sth. 打算让某人做某事be meant for 打算作……用; 为…而有2.take place 发生;举行3.of all kinds 各种各样的4.starve to death饿死be starved of 缺乏,starve for sth, starve to do,渴望5.plenty of 大量; 充足6.be satisfied with感到满意to one’s satisfaction感到满意是7.do harm to sb.=do sb. harm 伤害某人8.in the shape of呈…的形状,以…的形式9.in memory of/ to the memory of sb.纪念某人10.dress up 穿上最好的衣服;打扮,化装11.award sth.(to sb.)和award sb.sth.(for sth.) 给予、颁奖reward sb. for sth. 因…奖赏某人;reward sb. with sth. 用某物酬劳某人12. admire sb. for sth在某方面钦佩某人13.look forward to期望,期待,盼望14,have fun with(与某人)玩得开心;过得快乐( have a good time, enjoy oneself.)15. turn up.来;出现;把(收音机等)音量开大些turn down 拒绝; turn off 关掉;turn on 打开; turn out 结果是......turn to sb. for help 向某人求助16.keep one’s word 守信用;break one’s word, 失信17.It be obvious that +句子显而易见;一目了然18.set off动身, 出发; 使(地雷、炸弹)爆炸;set in开始; set up建立,创立;set out to do = set about doing sth.着手做set down 写下,记下19.remind sb. of sth. 提醒,使想起Unit 21.a healthy diet健康饮食;a balanced diet平衡的饮食2.in different way用另外方式3.most often最经常4.feel frustrated感到沮丧5.by lunchtime到午餐时间6.must have happened一定发生过7.at the end of the street在街道的尽头8.be tired of 厌倦9.be amazed at sth. 对...感到惊奇10.throw away扔掉11.get away with 逃脱12.tell lies说谎13.energy-giving food提供热量的食物body-building foods提供营养的食物14feel fit保持精力旺盛15.the weakness of the diet饮食的弱点the strength of the diet饮食的优点16.do some research into做一些...方面的研究17.earn one’s living谋生18.be in debt负债19.glare at怒视20.move round绕过21.spy on在暗中侦察;打探22.upset sb.使......不安23.look ill感到不舒服feel sick感到恶心24.heavy food不易消化的食物25.chat(ting) about聊起关于......26.serve with用......配27.rather than而不是28.cut down减少29.before long不久Unit 31. know about 了解关于…事2. make a bet 打赌3. win or lose the bet 在打赌中赢或输4. have bad luck 运气不好5. step inside 走进里面6. lead the way 带路7. I wonder if 我想知道是否…8. go right ahead 说下去9. as a matter of fact 事实上10. by accident 偶然11. sail out of the bay 驶出海湾12. stare at 盯着13. towards nightfall 到夜幕降临时14. carry … out to sea把…带到了大海15. give oneself up for lost 因为迷路而绝望16. work as an unpaid hand 免费劳动17. account for 导致18. to be honest 坦白地说19. your idea of some kind of joke 你认为的一种笑话20. be on my way 上路21. show sb. out 把某人带出去22. be confident about 对… 自信23. the cost of a journey 旅行费用24. give sb. a ride 让某人搭车25. lose one’s patience失去耐心26. do fifty jumps without stopping 不间断地连续跳五十下27. fall over 跌到28. account for your behaviour 对你的行为做出解释29. be jealous of the others’ success嫉妒别人的成功30. show a willingness to do sth. 表示乐意做谋事31. stay out of jail 免坐牢32. be reserved 被预定了33. take the gentleman’s order让那位绅士点菜34. the look on the waiter’s face服务员脸上的表情35. take a chance 碰碰运气36. read the bill 看帐单37. in a rude manner 用粗鲁的方式38. for a while 一会儿Unit 41. think of…as 把……看作是2.a cloud of energetic dust具有能量的尘埃3. combine into…合成……4. move around the sun环绕太阳运转5. become violent变得激烈6. the solid surface固体表面7. explode loudly猛烈爆炸8. in time及时,最终9. produce the water vapor产生水蒸汽10. make the earth’s atmosphere构成了地球的大气层11.cool down冷却12. on the surface在表面13. be different from…与……不同14.go round the sun环绕太阳运转15. disappear from…从……消失16. stay on…存留在……17. show one’s quality显现某人的特性,18.dissolve harmful gases分解,溶解有害气体,19. become part of…变成……的一部分,20. develop life发展生命,21.grow in the water在水里生长,22. encourage the development of…鼓励……的发展,23 millions of years later几万年以后,24.live on land在陆地上生活,25. live in the sea在海里生存,26. grow into forests长成森林,27. produce young生出幼仔,28. lay eggs下蛋,29.animals with hands and feet长着手脚的动物,30.spread all over the earth遍布全世界,31.develop new methods发展了新的方法,32.. move around迁徙,33. go by过去,推移,34.prevent…from…防止……做……,35.escape from… into…从……逃离到……,36.depend on….依靠,依赖,取决与……,37. solve a problem解决38 be lucky enough足够幸运,39. make a trip去旅行,40. visit the moon参观月球,41. in the spaceship在太空飞船中,42. explain to… that…向……解释……,43. on the journey在旅程中,44 be off启程,45 rise into the air升人太空,46. feel the pull of the earth感觉到地球的拉力,47call…gravity称……为地球引力,48. push…into the seat把……推向座位,49. say…to each other向彼此说……,50.fall back to…朝……落下去,51.fall from a tree从树上掉下来,52. fall to the ground朝地上落下去,53. get close to…接近……,54 cheer up高兴起来,55 float weightlessly around失重飘来飘去,56 in the spaceship cabin太空船舱,57. watch…do看着……做,58. move freely自由的活动,59. climb down the steps从梯级上爬下来,60. step forward向前迈步,61.fall over摔倒,62. need practice需要练习63..get the hang of…掌握了……的诀窍,64. enjoy oneself感到自如,65. leave the moon’ s gravity摆脱月球引力66. come back to…回到……Unit 51. frost on the ground地上覆盖了一层薄霜2. around noon中午时分,3. the most wealthy and biggest city in Canada加拿大最大最富有的城市4. leave for…离开去……5. go on a tour of the city继续在市内游览一番6. go up the tower登上塔顶7. look across the lake俯瞰湖面8. flow into…流人……9. flow over…流经……10. on one’s way to…在去……的路上11. a covered stadium加顶的运动场12. walk north向北走13. phone… from a telephone booth到电话亭给……打电话14. have dinner in downtown Chinatown在市内的中国城吃晚饭15. move to…移居到……16. meet… at…在……迎接……17. get good Cantonese food吃到好吃的广东菜18. come from South China来自中国南方19. go as far as Ottawa去到远至渥太华20. about four hundred kilometers northeast of Toronto距多伦多东北大约有400公里21. take too long花费的时间长22. at dawn黎明23. at the train station在火车站24. have English words in small letters有小字体的英文标注25. go downtown到市区去26. be close to…,接近……27. spend the afternoon in the lovely shops整个下午在可爱的商店28. visit… in…在……拜访……29. sit in a café坐在咖啡馆30. look over…眺望……31. sit down with…和……坐在一起32. on a train trip across…坐着火车上横穿……33. have a French culture具有法国文化34. speed along the river toward…沿着河流驶向……35. dr eam of…梦想……36. on a trip在旅途中)37. on the Atlantic coast在大西洋海岸38. take the aeroplane乘飞机39. fly from… to…从……飞行到……40. take the train from… to…乘火车从……到……41. from west to east从西到东42. across Canada横穿加拿大43. cross the whole country横贯整个国家44. at the airport在机场45. take…to…把……带到……46. catch the train乘坐火车47. on the way to…在去……的路上48. see great scenery看美丽壮观的风景49. on the trip在旅途中50. go eastward向东行驶51. pass cities经过城市52. in less than five days在不五天的时间里53. from coast to coast从一个海岸到另一个海岸54. in th e warmest part of…在最热的地方55. be surrounded by…被……所包围56. on the north在北边57. ski in the mountains在山上滑雪58. sail in the harbour在港湾了扬帆行船59. north of………的北边60. settle down in the seat落座,61. look out of the window at the wild scenery从窗口看到了自然风光62. a mountain goat野山羊63. a grizzly bear大灰熊64. a famous Western festival有名的西方节日65. come from all over…全来自……66. compete in ~ing比赛做……67. ride wild horses驾驭野马68. have a gift for ~ing有天资/天分做……69. work with…与……共处, win…prizes赢得……奖金,70. live within 320 kilometres of the USA border居住在靠近美国320公里以内的边境地带71. go through…穿过……72. a wheat-growing province种植小麦的省份73. thousands of square kilometers in size面积有数千平方米74. at the top end of…在……的最上首75. a busy port繁忙的港口76. rush through…穿行过…人教版新课标高一英语必修四词组归纳总结Unit 11. in pairs 成对2. give reasons for 给…理由3. improve prison conditions改善监狱的条件4. the Nobel Peace Prize诺贝尔和平奖5. one of the top leaders高级领导人之一6. concern oneself with 让自己关注(be concerned about对…担心)7. welfare projects福利项目8. China Welfare Institute中国福利协会9. show the conncetion between …and…显示出…和…之间的联系10. fight for为…而战11. put…to death将…处死12. a specialist in women’s illnesses妇科疾病的专家13. devote all her life to将自己的一生献给… 致力于…14. rather than而不是15. behave like humans像人类的举止16. the night before前一天晚上17. wonder off离开18. make it all worthwhile使…值得19. come into one’s arms回到…的怀抱20. fully understand完全理解21. observe and record their daily activities观察记录他们的日常活动22. be determined to下定决心…23. communicate…with与…交流24. work out their social system勾勒出他们的社会体系25. the rest of the world世界上的其他人26. argue for…为…辩护argue against…反对…argue with sb. 与…争论27. come crowding in纷塌而至28. achieve everything做成了所有的事29. gain a doctor’s degree获得了博士学位30. cheer the achievements of women为妇女的成就喝彩31. support a family支撑一个家庭32. get upset感到不安33. be of great importance很重要34. look down upon 看不起35. do some research 做研究36. catch one’s eye吸引…37. cut the death rate降低死亡率38. care for照顾、喜欢39. follow some simple rules遵循一些简单的规则40. be intended for为…准备41. get a medical training获得医学培训42. be placed second to放在…之后43. further reading进一步的阅读44. as well as和,还有/ 和…一样45. story after story 一个故事接着一个故事46. deliver a baby接生47. make sure确保,确信48. carry on继续49. fill in the forms填表50. the university entrance exam大学入学考试Unit 21. grow plants种植作物2. know about farming了解农业耕种3. a mian food主要食物4. Asian countries亚洲国家5. have the chance to do sth有机会做…6. end hunger结束饥饿7. for that’s how he regards himself因为那就是他如何看待自己的8. work the land耕种土地9. a sunburnt face晒黑的脸10. in many ways从许多方面来说11. struggle for为…而战/挣扎12. the past five decades在过去的五十年13. a high output高产量14. make it possible to…使…成为可能15. graduate from…从…毕业16. see the great need for看到了对…的需求17. a serious problem一个严重的问题18. search for寻找19. withour expanding the area of fields不扩大农田面积20. circulate his knowledge 传播知识21. less developed countries欠发达国家22. thanks to幸亏,由于23. rid …of…使…摆脱…24. twice as large as before是以前的两倍大25. be satisfied with对…满意26. care little about对…很少关心27. lead a comfortable life过着舒适的生活28. equip…with…用…装备…29. give him less freedom to do sth给他更少的自由…30. would rather宁愿31. no longer不再32. play the violin拉小提琴33. prefer to更喜欢…34. ride his motorcycle骑摩托35. awake from从…中醒来36. with the hope of带着…的希望37. export rice出口大米38. as Dr Yuan proves正如Dr Yuan 所证明的那样39. be suitable for 对…合适40. for sale 卖…41. chemical fertilizers化肥42. get confused感到困惑43. take turns轮流44. be prepared to准备…45. no matter how无论怎样46. refer to 指的是…参考…查阅…47. be rich in富含…48. be good for对…有好处49. reduce diseases减少疾病50. the water supply水的供应51. year after year一年又一年52. as a result结果53. get exhuasted感到筋疲力尽54. insist on坚持55. every two or three years每两三年56. write a summary of…写…的总结57. exchange…with…与…交换…58. give each other comments互相评论59. be free of远离…60. that is to say那就是说Unit 31. silde on a banana skin在香蕉皮上滑倒2. bump into someone else撞到别人3. round a corner在拐角处4. fall down掉下5. be cruel to …对…残忍6. at times有时,常常7. be content with对…满意8. badly off(worse off) 贫困9. astonish us with the deep feelings用深厚的感情打动…10. be born in poverty出生贫寒11. become famous for变的有名12. a particular from of acting一种特殊的表演方式13. his entertaining silent movies他那滑稽的无声电影14. be well-known throughout the world举世闻名15. wear worn-out shoes穿着破鞋子16. carry a walking stick拿着手杖17. a social failure一个社会生活中的失败分子18. overcome difficulties克服困难19. be unkind to sb对…不好20. a boiled shoe煮熟的鞋子21. the problem facing sb面对某人的问题22. thousands of成千上万23. rush there in search of冲向…寻找…24. fortunate enough足够幸运25. pick up拾起…/接某人26. be caught in a snowstorm遭遇到暴风雪be caught on被…钩住27. on the edge of a mountain在大山边缘28. pick out挑出29. cut off切断,隔绝…30. as if似乎,好象31. eat every mouthful with great enjoyment每口都吃得津津有味32. star in主演…33. his lifetime outstanding work他终生杰出的工作34. be buried in被埋葬在…35. knock into撞到…36. think it funny to…觉得滑稽…37. play on words说俏皮话38. treat it as a question把…当作一个问题39. an answer to the question问题的答案40. go camping去露营41. in a mountainous area在山区42. in the open air在户外43. look up at the stars抬头看着星星44. how vast the sky is 天空多么广阔45. try a third time又试了一次46. pay special attention to特别注意…47. bring out the humorous meaning指出/阐明幽默的意思48. turn into变成…49. improve your English vocabulary扩大英语词汇量50. a sense of success成功感,成就感Unit 41. on the left side of the chart在图表的左边2. make notes作笔记3. act out表演出来4. the purpose of languange语言的目的5. give an example举例6. be interested in the development of 对…的发展感兴趣7. at a major hotel在大酒店8. local business people当地商人9. represent the Chinese government代表中国政府10. look around in a curious way好奇地四处张望11. disappoint your boss使老板失望12. an exciting experience一次另人兴奋的经历13. closely followed by…后面跟着…14. introduce…to…介绍…15. approach sb靠近…the approach of spring春天的到来the approaching examinations即将到来的考试16. touch her and kiss her on the cheek吻她的脸颊17. step back后退18. take a few steps away from离开…退开几步19. at the time as同时…20. reach his hand out to伸出手去…21. a learned man 有知识的人,有学问的人22. in the same way同样…23. spoken language口语24. express their feelings表达感情25. keep physical distance,保持身体距离26. be more likely to很有可能27. shake hands with sb与…握手28. nod at 对…点头29. avoid difficulty in communication避免交流中的困难30. with the help of在…的帮助下31. in general 一般而言32. actions speak loudr than words行动胜过言语33. take action采取行动34. be nervous about对…紧张35. the comedy show喜剧表演36. all kinds of各种各样37. even if即使38. speak to对…说话39. misunderstand each other互相误解40. be similar to与…相似41. turn your back to背对…42. show anger显示愤怒43. the universal facial expression通用的脸部表情44. be intended to打算…45. put …at ease使…放心46. lose face丢面子47. nod the head up and down点头48. refuse to do something拒绝做…49. look away from从…转过眼神(不看)50. hold your arms across your chest双臂抱胸51. turn forward to向前倾…52. roll your eyes转动眼珠53. show respect for对…表示尊重54. give a hug to拥抱…55. be willing to愿意…56. look direclty at an adult直视一个成人look sb in the eye直视…57. tell the truth说实话58. be wrong about误解…59. be angry at sb生…气60. be pleased with对…高兴/满意Unit 51. a theme park主题公园amusement park游乐园2. provide sb with sth提供provide sth for sb3. amuse oneself自娱自乐,消遣4. escape their busy life for a while暂时逃避他们繁忙的生活5. share this basic purpose有着共同的基本目的6. various ways各种方式a variety of各种各样,种类繁多7. meet this need满足这种需要8. relax a bit稍微放松一下9. have fun together一起玩得高兴10. in other ways用别的方式11. in recent decades在最近几十年里12. more than不仅仅13. get around四处走动,四处传开14. charge money for adimission收取门票费15. make a profit挣钱16. not just…but also不仅…而且…17. sell souvenirs卖纪念品18. advertiste them on television在电视上做广告19.have a certain idea某种特定的思想20. be based on以…为基础21. involve… in…使…参与…(介入)22. athletic competition运动竞赛23. t he challenge for…..的挑战24. a brand of sports equipment某种品牌的运动装备25. along with sneakers随同运动鞋一起26. come to life活跃起来27. go for rides去玩…28. have our pictures taken让人替我们拍照(have sth done)29. in the clothing of minority people 穿着少数民族人的服装30. name …after…以…命名31. a place of fantasy梦幻之地32. get close to靠近…be close to33. the early settlers in America早期美洲移民34. marine or ocean parks还有公园35.learn about了解…36. take an active part in experiments积极参加实验37. go on imaginary trips进行虚拟的太空旅行38. advanced computer techniques 先进的电脑技术39. expeirence life感受生活40.a careful test仔细的测试41. large amounts of money大量的钱42. remind him of the holiday使他想起假日43.take a journey deep into space作一次太空旅行44. be pulled into a Black Hole被拖进黑洞45. survive an airplane crash在坠机事件中幸存46. in the jungle在丛林中47. mysterious creatures神秘的生物48. for a break作为间歇49. take part in参加50. face to face面对面51.the present time当前时间52.science and technology-based theme parks 以科技为基础的主题公园53.up-to-date information最新的信息54.hands-on learning实践性学习55.prepare for为…准备56.a good combination of fun and learning 娱乐和学习的良好结合57.a volunteer guide志愿导游58.a theme park of your own choice 你自己选择的主题公园59.point out指出60. change … into…把…变成…(把…翻译成…)。

人教版新课标高一英语必修3词组归纳总结人教版新标高一英语必修3词组归纳总结Unit 11ean ding sth 意味着;ean t d sth 打算或企图做某事;ean sb t d sth 打算让某人做某事be eant fr 打算作……用; 为…而有2tae plae 发生;举行3f all inds 各种各样的4starve t death饿死be starved f 缺乏,starve fr sth, starve t d,渴望plent f 大量; 充足6be satisfied ith感到满意t ne’s satisfatin感到满意是7d har t sb=d sb har 伤害某人8in the shape f呈…的形状,以…的形式9in er f/ t the er f sb纪念某人10dress up 穿上最好的衣服;打扮,化装11aard sth(t sb)和aard sbsth(fr sth) 给予、颁奖reard sb fr sth 因…奖赏某人;reard sb ith sth 用某物酬劳某人12 adire sb fr sth在某方面钦佩某人13l frard t期望,期待,盼望14,have fun ith(与某人)玩得开心;过得快乐( have a gd tie, en neself) 1 turn up;出现;把(收音机等)音量开大些turn dn 拒绝; turn ff 关掉;turn n 打开; turn ut 结果是turn t sb fr help 向某人求助16.eep ne’s rd 守信用;brea ne’s rd, 失信17.It be bvius that-lause显而易见;一目了然18.set ff动身, 出发; 使(地雷、炸弹)爆炸;set in开始; set up建立,创立;set ut t d = set abut ding sth着手做set dn 写下,记下19.reind sb f sth 提醒,使想起Unit 21a health diet健康饮食;a balaned diet平衡的饮食2in different a用另外方式3st ften最经常4feel frustrated感到沮丧b lunhtie到午餐时间6ust have happened一定发生过7at the end f the street在街道的尽头8be tired f 厌倦9be aazed at sth 对感到惊奇10thr aa扔掉11get aa ith 逃脱12tell lies说谎13energ-giving fd提供热量的食物bd-building fds提供营养的食物14feel fit保持精力旺盛1the eaness f the diet饮食的弱点the strength f the diet饮食的优点16d se researh int做一些方面的研究17earn ne’s living谋生18be in debt负债19glare at怒视20ve rund绕过21sp n在暗中侦察;打探22upset sb使不安23l ill感到不舒服feel si感到恶心24heav fd不易消化的食物2hat(ting) abut聊起关于26serve ith用配27rather than而不是28ut dn减少29befre lng不久Unit 31 n abut 了解关于…事2 ae a bet 打赌3 in r lse the bet 在打赌中赢或输4 have bad lu 运气不好step inside 走进里面6 lead the a 带路7 I nder if 我想知道是否…8 g right ahead 说下去9 as a atter f fat 事实上10 b aident 偶然11 sail ut f the ba 驶出海湾12 stare at 盯着13 tards nightfall 到夜幕降临时14 arr … ut t sea 把…带到了大海1 give neself up fr lst 因为迷路而绝望16 r as an unpaid hand 免费劳动17 aunt fr 导致18 t be hnest 坦白地说19 ur idea f se ind f e 你认为的一种笑话20 be n a 上路21 sh sb ut 把某人带出去22 be nfident abut 对… 自信23 the st f a urne 旅行费用24 give sb a ride 让某人搭车2 lse ne’s patiene 失去耐心26 d fift ups ithut stpping 不间断地连续跳五十下27 fall ver 跌到28 aunt fr ur behaviur 对你的行为做出解释29 be ealus f the thers’suess 嫉妒别人的成功30 sh a illingness t d sth 表示乐意做谋事31 sta ut f ail 免坐牢32 be reserved 被预定了33 tae the gentlean’s rder 让那位绅士点菜34 the l n the aiter’s fae 服务员脸上的表情3 tae a hane 碰碰运气36 read the bill 看帐单37 in a rude anner 用粗鲁的方式38 fr a hile 一会儿Unit 41 thin f…as 把……看作是2.a lud f energeti dust具有能量的尘埃3 bine int…合成……4 ve arund the sun环绕太阳运转bee vilent变得激烈6 the slid surfae固体表面7 explde ludl猛烈爆炸8 in tie及时,最终9 prdue the ater vapr产生水蒸汽10 ae the earth’s atsphere构成了地球的大气层11l dn冷却12 n the surfae在表面13 be different fr…与……不同14g rund the sun环绕太阳运转1 disappear fr…从……消失16 sta n…存留在……17 sh ne’s qualit显现某人的特性,18disslve harful gases分解,溶解有害气体,19 bee part f…变成……的一部分,20 develp life发展生命,21gr in the ater在水里生长,22 enurage the develpent f…鼓励……的发展,23 illins f ears later几万年以后,24live n land在陆地上生活,2 live in the sea在海里生存,26 gr int frests长成森林,27 prdue ung生出幼仔,28 la eggs下蛋,29anials ith hands and feet长着手脚的动物, 30spread all ver the earth遍布全世界,31develp ne ethds发展了新的方法,32 ve arund迁徙,33 g b过去,推移,34prevent…fr…防止……做……,3esape fr… int…从……逃离到……,36depend n…依靠,依赖,取决与……,37 slve a prble解决38 be lu enugh足够幸运,39 ae a trip去旅行,40 visit the n参观月球,41 in the spaeship在太空飞船中,42 expl ain t… that…向……解释……,43 n the urne在旅程中,44 be ff启程,4 rise int the air升人太空,46 feel the pull f the earth感觉到地球的拉力, 47all…gravit称……为地球引力,48 push…int the seat把……推向座位,49 sa…t eah ther向彼此说……,0fall ba t…朝……落下去,1fall fr a tree从树上掉下,2 fall t the grund朝地上落下去,3 get lse t…接近……,4 heer up高兴起,flat eightlessl arund失重飘飘去,6 in the spaeship abin太空船舱,7 ath…d看着……做,8 ve freel自由的活动,9 lib dn the steps从梯级上爬下,60 step frard向前迈步,61fall ver摔倒,62 need pratie需要练习63get the hang f…掌握了……的诀窍,64 en neself感到自如,6 leave the n’s gravit摆脱月球引力66 e ba t…回到……Unit1 frst n the grund地上覆盖了一层薄霜2 arund nn中午时分,3 the st ealth and biggest it in anada加拿大最大最富有的城市4 leave fr…离开去……g n a tur f the it继续在市内游览一番6 g up the ter登上塔顶7 l arss the lae俯瞰湖面8 fl int…流人……9 fl ver…流经……10 n ne’s a t…在去……的路上11 a vered stadiu加顶的运动场12 al nrth向北走13 phne… fr a telephne bth到电话亭给……打电话14 have dinner in dntn hinatn在市内的中国城吃晚饭1 ve t…移居到……16 eet… at…在……迎接……17 get gd antnese fd吃到好吃的广东菜18 e fr Suth hina自中国南方19 g as far as ttaa去到远至渥太华20 abut fur hundred ileters nrtheast f Trnt距多伦多东北大约有400公里21 tae t lng花费的时间长22 at dan黎明23 at the train statin在火车站24 have English rds in sall letters有小字体的英标注2 g dntn到市区去26 be lse t…,接近……27 spend the afternn in the lvel shps整个下午在可爱的商店28 visit… in…在……拜访……29 sit in a afé坐在咖啡馆30 l ver…眺望……31 sit dn ith…和……坐在一起32 n a train trip arss…坐着火车上横穿……33 have a Frenh ulture具有法国化34 speed alng the river tard…沿着河流驶向……3 drea f…梦想……36 n a trip在旅途中)37 n the Atlanti ast在大西洋海岸38 tae the aerplane乘飞机39 fl fr… t…从……飞行到……40 tae the train fr… t…乘火车从……到……41 fr est t east从西到东42 arss anada横穿加拿大43 rss the hle untr横贯整个国家44 at the airprt在机场4 tae…t…把……带到……46 ath the train乘坐火车47 n the a t…在去……的路上48 see great sener看美丽壮观的风景49 n the trip在旅途中0 g eastard向东行驶1 pass ities经过城市2 in less than five das在不五天的时间里3 fr ast t ast从一个海岸到另一个海岸4 in the arest part f…在最热的地方be surrunded b…被……所包围6 n the nrth在北边7 si in the untains在上滑雪8 sail in the harbur在港湾了扬帆行船9 nrth f………的北边60 settle dn in the seat落座,61 l ut f the ind at the ild sener从窗口看到了自然风光62 a untain gat野羊63 a grizzl bear大灰熊64 a faus estern festival有名的西方节日6 e fr all ver…全自……66 pete in ~ing比赛做……67 ride ild hrses驾驭野马68 have a gift fr ~ing有天资/天分做……69 r ith…与……共处, in…prizes赢得……奖金,70 live ithin 320 iletres f the USA brder居住在靠近美国320公里以内的边境地带71 g thrugh…穿过……72 a heat-gring prvine种植小麦的省份73 thusands f square ileters in size面积有数千平方米74 at the tp end f…在……的最上首7 a bus prt繁忙的港口76 rush thrugh…穿行过…。

人教版新课标高一英语必修3词组归纳总结1. 形容词词组•be fond of•be satisfied with•be familiar with•be responsible for•be capable of•be concerned about•be anxious about•be accustomed to这些形容词词组在句子中用来修饰名词,表达对某个情感、状态或行为的形容。
例如:•I am fond of playing the piano.•She is satisfied with the result of the exam.•He is familiar with the city.•The manager is responsible for organizing the event.•I am capable of solving complex math problems.•They are concerned about the environment.•She is anxious about her upcoming presentation.•I am accustomed to getting up early.2. 动词短语•catch up with•look forward to•give up•put off•take care of•set off•carry out•break down这些动词短语通常由一个动词和一个副词或介词构成,具有特定的意义。
例如: •I need to catch up with the latest news.•We are looking forward to the weekend.•Don’t give up on your dreams.•Let’s put off the meeting until next week.•She takes care of her younger siblings.•We set off on our trip early in the morning.•They carried out the experiment successfully.•My car broke down on the way to work.3. 副词短语•by accident•in general•on purpose•at least•in addition•as a result•for example•in the meantime这些副词短语用来修饰动词,形容一种状态或表达一种关系。
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人教版新课标高一英语必修三词组归纳总结Unit 11.mean doing sth. 意味着;mean to do sth. 打算或企图做某事;mean sb. to do sth. 打算让某人做某事be meant for 打算作……用; 为…而有2.take place 发生;举行3.of all kinds 各种各样的4.starve to death饿死be starved of 缺乏,starve for sth, starve to do,渴望5.plenty of 大量; 充足6.be satisfied with感到满意to one’s satisfaction感到满意是7.do harm to sb.=do sb. harm 伤害某人8.in the shape of呈…的形状,以…的形式9.in memory of/ to the memory of sb.纪念某人10.dress up 穿上最好的衣服;打扮,化装11.award sth.(to sb.)和award sb.sth.(for sth.) 给予、颁奖reward sb. for sth. 因…奖赏某人;reward sb. with sth. 用某物酬劳某人12. admire sb. for sth在某方面钦佩某人13.look forward to期望,期待,盼望14,have fun with(与某人)玩得开心;过得快乐( have a good time, enjoy oneself.)15. turn up.来;出现;把(收音机等)音量开大些turn down 拒绝; turn off 关掉;turn on 打开; turn out 结果是......turn to sb. for help 向某人求助16.keep one’s word 守信用;break one’s word, 失信17.It be obvious that +句子显而易见;一目了然18.set off动身, 出发; 使(地雷、炸弹)爆炸;set in开始; set up建立,创立;set out to do = set about doing sth.着手做set down 写下,记下19.remind sb. of sth. 提醒,使想起Unit 21.a healthy diet健康饮食;a balanced diet平衡的饮食2.in different way用另外方式3.most often最经常4.feel frustrated感到沮丧5.by lunchtime到午餐时间6.must have happened一定发生过7.at the end of the street在街道的尽头8.be tired of 厌倦9.be amazed at sth. 对...感到惊奇10.throw away扔掉11.get away with 逃脱12.tell lies说谎13.energy-giving food提供热量的食物body-building foods提供营养的食物14feel fit保持精力旺盛15.the weakness of the diet饮食的弱点the strength of the diet饮食的优点16.do some research into做一些...方面的研究17.earn one’s living谋生18.be in debt负债19.glare at怒视20.move round绕过21.spy on在暗中侦察;打探22.upset sb.使......不安23.look ill感到不舒服feel sick感到恶心24.heavy food不易消化的食物25.chat(ting) about聊起关于......26.serve with用......配27.rather than而不是28.cut down减少29.before long不久Unit 31. know about 了解关于…事2. make a bet 打赌3. win or lose the bet 在打赌中赢或输4. have bad luck 运气不好5. step inside 走进里面6. lead the way 带路7. I wonder if 我想知道是否…8. go right ahead 说下去9. as a matter of fact 事实上10. by accident 偶然11. sail out of the bay 驶出海湾12. stare at 盯着13. towards nightfall 到夜幕降临时14. carry … out to sea把…带到了大海15. give oneself up for lost 因为迷路而绝望16. work as an unpaid hand 免费劳动17. account for 导致18. to be honest 坦白地说19. your idea of some kind of joke 你认为的一种笑话20. be on my way 上路21. show sb. out 把某人带出去22. be confident about 对… 自信23. the cost of a journey 旅行费用24. give sb. a ride 让某人搭车25. lose one’s patience失去耐心26. do fifty jumps without stopping 不间断地连续跳五十下27. fall over 跌到28. account for your behaviour 对你的行为做出解释29. be jealous of the others’ success嫉妒别人的成功30. show a willingness to do sth. 表示乐意做谋事31. stay out of jail 免坐牢32. be reserved 被预定了33. take the gentleman’s order让那位绅士点菜34. the look on the waiter’s face服务员脸上的表情35. take a chance 碰碰运气36. read the bill 看帐单37. in a rude manner 用粗鲁的方式38. for a while 一会儿Unit 41. think of…as 把……看作是2.a cloud of energetic dust具有能量的尘埃3. combine into…合成……4. move around the sun环绕太阳运转5. become violent变得激烈6. the solid surface固体表面7. explode loudly猛烈爆炸8. in time及时,最终9. produce the water vapor产生水蒸汽10. make the earth’s atmosphere构成了地球的大气层11.cool down冷却12. on the surface在表面13. be different from…与……不同14.go round the sun环绕太阳运转15. disappear from…从……消失16. stay on…存留在……17. show one’s quality显现某人的特性,18.dissolve harmful gases分解,溶解有害气体,19. become part of…变成……的一部分,20. develop life发展生命,21.grow in the water在水里生长,22. encourage the development of…鼓励……的发展,23 millions of years later几万年以后,24.live on land在陆地上生活,25. live in the sea在海里生存,26. grow into forests长成森林,27. produce young生出幼仔,28. lay eggs下蛋,29.animals with hands and feet长着手脚的动物,30.spread all over the earth遍布全世界,31.develop new methods发展了新的方法,32.. move around迁徙,33. go by过去,推移,34.prevent…from…防止……做……,35.escape from… into…从……逃离到……,36.depend on….依靠,依赖,取决与……,37. solve a problem解决38 be lucky enough足够幸运,39. make a trip去旅行,40. visit the moon参观月球,41. in the spaceship在太空飞船中,42. explain to… that…向……解释……,43. on the journey在旅程中,44 be off启程,45 rise into the air升人太空,46. feel the pull of the earth感觉到地球的拉力,47call…gravity称……为地球引力,48. push…into the seat把……推向座位,49. say…to each other向彼此说……,50.fall back to…朝……落下去,51.fall from a tree从树上掉下来,52. fall to the ground朝地上落下去,53. get close to…接近……,54 cheer up高兴起来,55 float weightlessly around失重飘来飘去,56 in the spaceship cabin太空船舱,57. watch…do看着……做,58. move freely自由的活动,59. climb down the steps从梯级上爬下来,60. step forward向前迈步,61.fall over摔倒,62. need practice需要练习63..get the hang of…掌握了……的诀窍,64. enjoy oneself感到自如,65. leave the moon’ s gravity摆脱月球引力66. come back to…回到……Unit 51. frost on the ground地上覆盖了一层薄霜2. around noon中午时分,3. the most wealthy and biggest city in Canada加拿大最大最富有的城市4. leave for…离开去……5. go on a tour of the city继续在市内游览一番6. go up the tower登上塔顶7. look across the lake俯瞰湖面8. flow into…流人……9. flow over…流经……10. on one’s way to…在去……的路上11. a covered stadium加顶的运动场12. walk north向北走13. phone… from a telephone booth到电话亭给……打电话14. have dinner in downtown Chinatown在市内的中国城吃晚饭15. move to…移居到……16. meet… at…在……迎接……17. get good Cantonese food吃到好吃的广东菜18. come from South China来自中国南方19. go as far as Ottawa去到远至渥太华20. about four hundred kilometers northeast of Toronto距多伦多东北大约有400公里21. take too long花费的时间长22. at dawn黎明23. at the train station在火车站24. have English words in small letters有小字体的英文标注25. go downtown到市区去26. be close to…,接近……27. spend the afternoon in the lovely shops整个下午在可爱的商店28. visit… in…在……拜访……29. sit in a café坐在咖啡馆30. look over…眺望……31. sit down with…和……坐在一起32. on a train trip across…坐着火车上横穿……33. have a French culture具有法国文化34. speed along the river toward…沿着河流驶向……35. dr eam of…梦想……36. on a trip在旅途中)37. on the Atlantic coast在大西洋海岸38. take the aeroplane乘飞机39. fly from… to…从……飞行到……40. take the train from… to…乘火车从……到……41. from west to east从西到东42. across Canada横穿加拿大43. cross the whole country横贯整个国家44. at the airport在机场45. take…to…把……带到……46. catch the train乘坐火车47. on the way to…在去……的路上48. see great scenery看美丽壮观的风景49. on the trip在旅途中50. go eastward向东行驶51. pass cities经过城市52. in less than five days在不五天的时间里53. from coast to coast从一个海岸到另一个海岸54. in th e warmest part of…在最热的地方55. be surrounded by…被……所包围56. on the north在北边57. ski in the mountains在山上滑雪58. sail in the harbour在港湾了扬帆行船59. north of………的北边60. settle down in the seat落座,61. look out of the window at the wild scenery从窗口看到了自然风光62. a mountain goat野山羊63. a grizzly bear大灰熊64. a famous Western festival有名的西方节日65. come from all over…全来自……66. compete in ~ing比赛做……67. ride wild horses驾驭野马68. have a gift for ~ing有天资/天分做……69. work with…与……共处, win…prizes赢得……奖金,70. live within 320 kilometres of the USA border居住在靠近美国320公里以内的边境地带71. go through…穿过……72. a wheat-growing province种植小麦的省份73. thousands of square kilometers in size面积有数千平方米74. at the top end of…在……的最上首75. a busy port繁忙的港口76. rush through…穿行过…人教版新课标高一英语必修四词组归纳总结Unit 11. in pairs 成对2. give reasons for 给…理由3. improve prison conditions改善监狱的条件4. the Nobel Peace Prize诺贝尔和平奖5. one of the top leaders高级领导人之一6. concern oneself with 让自己关注(be concerned about对…担心)7. welfare projects福利项目8. China Welfare Institute中国福利协会9. show the conncetion between …and…显示出…和…之间的联系10. fight for为…而战11. put…to death将…处死12. a specialist in women’s illnesses妇科疾病的专家13. devote all her life to将自己的一生献给… 致力于…14. rather than而不是15. behave like humans像人类的举止16. the night before前一天晚上17. wonder off离开18. make it all worthwhile使…值得19. come into one’s arms回到…的怀抱20. fully understand完全理解21. observe and record their daily activities观察记录他们的日常活动22. be determined to下定决心…23. communicate…with与…交流24. work out their social system勾勒出他们的社会体系25. the rest of the world世界上的其他人26. argue for…为…辩护argue against…反对…argue with sb. 与…争论27. come crowding in纷塌而至28. achieve everything做成了所有的事29. gain a doctor’s degree获得了博士学位30. cheer the achievements of women为妇女的成就喝彩31. support a family支撑一个家庭32. get upset感到不安33. be of great importance很重要34. look down upon 看不起35. do some research 做研究36. catch one’s eye吸引…37. cut the death rate降低死亡率38. care for照顾、喜欢39. follow some simple rules遵循一些简单的规则40. be intended for为…准备41. get a medical training获得医学培训42. be placed second to放在…之后43. further reading进一步的阅读44. as well as和,还有/ 和…一样45. story after story 一个故事接着一个故事46. deliver a baby接生47. make sure确保,确信48. carry on继续49. fill in the forms填表50. the university entrance exam大学入学考试Unit 21. grow plants种植作物2. know about farming了解农业耕种3. a mian food主要食物4. Asian countries亚洲国家5. have the chance to do sth有机会做…6. end hunger结束饥饿7. for that’s how he regards himself因为那就是他如何看待自己的8. work the land耕种土地9. a sunburnt face晒黑的脸10. in many ways从许多方面来说11. struggle for为…而战/挣扎12. the past five decades在过去的五十年13. a high output高产量14. make it possible to…使…成为可能15. graduate from…从…毕业16. see the great need for看到了对…的需求17. a serious problem一个严重的问题18. search for寻找19. withour expanding the area of fields不扩大农田面积20. circulate his knowledge 传播知识21. less developed countries欠发达国家22. thanks to幸亏,由于23. rid …of…使…摆脱…24. twice as large as before是以前的两倍大25. be satisfied with对…满意26. care little about对…很少关心27. lead a comfortable life过着舒适的生活28. equip…with…用…装备…29. give him less freedom to do sth给他更少的自由…30. would rather宁愿31. no longer不再32. play the violin拉小提琴33. prefer to更喜欢…34. ride his motorcycle骑摩托35. awake from从…中醒来36. with the hope of带着…的希望37. export rice出口大米38. as Dr Yuan proves正如Dr Yuan 所证明的那样39. be suitable for 对…合适40. for sale 卖…41. chemical fertilizers化肥42. get confused感到困惑43. take turns轮流44. be prepared to准备…45. no matter how无论怎样46. refer to 指的是…参考…查阅…47. be rich in富含…48. be good for对…有好处49. reduce diseases减少疾病50. the water supply水的供应51. year after year一年又一年52. as a result结果53. get exhuasted感到筋疲力尽54. insist on坚持55. every two or three years每两三年56. write a summary of…写…的总结57. exchange…with…与…交换…58. give each other comments互相评论59. be free of远离…60. that is to say那就是说Unit 31. silde on a banana skin在香蕉皮上滑倒2. bump into someone else撞到别人3. round a corner在拐角处4. fall down掉下5. be cruel to …对…残忍6. at times有时,常常7. be content with对…满意8. badly off(worse off) 贫困9. astonish us with the deep feelings用深厚的感情打动…10. be born in poverty出生贫寒11. become famous for变的有名12. a particular from of acting一种特殊的表演方式13. his entertaining silent movies他那滑稽的无声电影14. be well-known throughout the world举世闻名15. wear worn-out shoes穿着破鞋子16. carry a walking stick拿着手杖17. a social failure一个社会生活中的失败分子18. overcome difficulties克服困难19. be unkind to sb对…不好20. a boiled shoe煮熟的鞋子21. the problem facing sb面对某人的问题22. thousands of成千上万23. rush there in search of冲向…寻找…24. fortunate enough足够幸运25. pick up拾起…/接某人26. be caught in a snowstorm遭遇到暴风雪be caught on被…钩住27. on the edge of a mountain在大山边缘28. pick out挑出29. cut off切断,隔绝…30. as if似乎,好象31. eat every mouthful with great enjoyment每口都吃得津津有味32. star in主演…33. his lifetime outstanding work他终生杰出的工作34. be buried in被埋葬在…35. knock into撞到…36. think it funny to…觉得滑稽…37. play on words说俏皮话38. treat it as a question把…当作一个问题39. an answer to the question问题的答案40. go camping去露营41. in a mountainous area在山区42. in the open air在户外43. look up at the stars抬头看着星星44. how vast the sky is 天空多么广阔45. try a third time又试了一次46. pay special attention to特别注意…47. bring out the humorous meaning指出/阐明幽默的意思48. turn into变成…49. improve your English vocabulary扩大英语词汇量50. a sense of success成功感,成就感Unit 41. on the left side of the chart在图表的左边2. make notes作笔记3. act out表演出来4. the purpose of languange语言的目的5. give an example举例6. be interested in the development of 对…的发展感兴趣7. at a major hotel在大酒店8. local business people当地商人9. represent the Chinese government代表中国政府10. look around in a curious way好奇地四处张望11. disappoint your boss使老板失望12. an exciting experience一次另人兴奋的经历13. closely followed by…后面跟着…14. introduce…to…介绍…15. approach sb靠近…the approach of spring春天的到来the approaching examinations即将到来的考试16. touch her and kiss her on the cheek吻她的脸颊17. step back后退18. take a few steps away from离开…退开几步19. at the time as同时…20. reach his hand out to伸出手去…21. a learned man 有知识的人,有学问的人22. in the same way同样…23. spoken language口语24. express their feelings表达感情25. keep physical distance,保持身体距离26. be more likely to很有可能27. shake hands with sb与…握手28. nod at 对…点头29. avoid difficulty in communication避免交流中的困难30. with the help of在…的帮助下31. in general 一般而言32. actions speak loudr than words行动胜过言语33. take action采取行动34. be nervous about对…紧张35. the comedy show喜剧表演36. all kinds of各种各样37. even if即使38. speak to对…说话39. misunderstand each other互相误解40. be similar to与…相似41. turn your back to背对…42. show anger显示愤怒43. the universal facial expression通用的脸部表情44. be intended to打算…45. put …at ease使…放心46. lose face丢面子47. nod the head up and down点头48. refuse to do something拒绝做…49. look away from从…转过眼神(不看)50. hold your arms across your chest双臂抱胸51. turn forward to向前倾…52. roll your eyes转动眼珠53. show respect for对…表示尊重54. give a hug to拥抱…55. be willing to愿意…56. look direclty at an adult直视一个成人look sb in the eye直视…57. tell the truth说实话58. be wrong about误解…59. be angry at sb生…气60. be pleased with对…高兴/满意Unit 51. a theme park主题公园amusement park游乐园2. provide sb with sth提供provide sth for sb3. amuse oneself自娱自乐,消遣4. escape their busy life for a while暂时逃避他们繁忙的生活5. share this basic purpose有着共同的基本目的6. various ways各种方式a variety of各种各样,种类繁多7. meet this need满足这种需要8. relax a bit稍微放松一下9. have fun together一起玩得高兴10. in other ways用别的方式11. in recent decades在最近几十年里12. more than不仅仅13. get around四处走动,四处传开14. charge money for adimission收取门票费15. make a profit挣钱16. not just…but also不仅…而且…17. sell souvenirs卖纪念品18. advertiste them on television在电视上做广告19.have a certain idea某种特定的思想20. be based on以…为基础21. involve… in…使…参与…(介入)22. athletic competition运动竞赛23. t he challenge for…..的挑战24. a brand of sports equipment某种品牌的运动装备25. along with sneakers随同运动鞋一起26. come to life活跃起来27. go for rides去玩…28. have our pictures taken让人替我们拍照(have sth done)29. in the clothing of minority people 穿着少数民族人的服装30. name …after…以…命名31. a place of fantasy梦幻之地32. get close to靠近…be close to33. the early settlers in America早期美洲移民34. marine or ocean parks还有公园35.learn about了解…36. take an active part in experiments积极参加实验37. go on imaginary trips进行虚拟的太空旅行38. advanced computer techniques 先进的电脑技术39. expeirence life感受生活40.a careful test仔细的测试41. large amounts of money大量的钱42. remind him of the holiday使他想起假日43.take a journey deep into space作一次太空旅行44. be pulled into a Black Hole被拖进黑洞45. survive an airplane crash在坠机事件中幸存46. in the jungle在丛林中47. mysterious creatures神秘的生物48. for a break作为间歇49. take part in参加50. face to face面对面51.the present time当前时间52.science and technology-based theme parks 以科技为基础的主题公园53.up-to-date information最新的信息54.hands-on learning实践性学习55.prepare for为…准备56.a good combination of fun and learning 娱乐和学习的良好结合57.a volunteer guide志愿导游58.a theme park of your own choice 你自己选择的主题公园59.point out指出60. change … into…把…变成…(把…翻译成…)。