
外贸英语函电实训二1. Warming up practice:1.Pair workTranslate the following sentences related to business letter writing into Chinese orally, and check with your desk mate.1)——我们想知道订货超过1,000打,能打多少折扣?——如您所知,我们的产品质量上乘,而报价与国际市场同类产品一致,因此我们对这种商品最多能打九折。
4)We have cut our price to the limit. We regret, therefore, being unable tocomply with your request for further reduction.5)We are not in a position to entertain business at your price, since it is farbelow the discount you ask for.6)Should you be prepared to reduce your limit by, say, 10%, we might cometo terms.2.Group discussion1.List some channels of appealing to orders. Elaborate their economical efficiencyand effectiveness respectively.2.How to make your letter of inquiry be attractive to suppliers?3.Read moreInternational TradeInternational trade leads to more efficient and increased world production, thus allowing countries (and individuals) to consume a larger and more diverse bundle of goods. A nation possessing limited natural resources is able to produce and consume more than it otherwise could. The establishment of international trade expands the number of potential markets in which a country can sell its goods. The increased international demand for goods translates into greater production and more extensiveuse of raw materials and labor, which in turn leads to growth in domestic employment. Competition from international trade can also force domestic firms to become more efficient through modernization and innovation.Within each economy, the importance of foreign trade varies. Some nations export only to expand their domestic market or to aid economically depressed sectors within the home economy. Other nations depend on trade for a large part of their national income and to supply goods for domestic consumption. In recent years foreign trade has also been viewed as a means to promote growth within a nation’s economy; developing countries and international organizations have increasingly emphasized such trade.How to achieve a promising future in foreign trade business?2. Systematic practice:1. Complete the following sentences by translating the part in Chinese into English: 1. We are one of the largest department stores here and believe_______(市场前景广阔)in our area for moderately priced goods of the kind mentioned.2. We are interested in the mechanical toys demonstrated at the recent Guangzhou Commodities Fair and should be glad to have_______(你方的详细出口条件).3. _________(本公司请贵方告知这项产品的价格)shipping date and other terms of business for this article.4. We would be pleased to receive__________ (一份贵公司产品的目录和价目表).5. We shall appreciate_______ (贵方报CIF伦敦价).2. Fill in each blank with the proper forms of the given expressions:Aquote, attract, quantity, oblige, confident, interest, appreciate, size, give, sourceWe are ____ in buying large quantities of Iron Nails of all _____ and should be _____ if you would give us a _____ per metric ton CIF Bangkok, Thailand. It would also be _____ if you could let us have your samples.We used to purchase this article from other_____, but we now prefer to buy from your company, because we are ______to understand you are able to supply large _____ at most ______ prices. Besides, we have _____ in the quality of Chinese products.Bafford, rock bottom price, in view of, prepare the sales contract, stick to,superior to, with a view to, in one’s opinion, bridge the gap, meet each other halfway1.________, we should focus our export to the European market.2.We have shown maximum flexibility(最大的灵活性)in order to ______ price difference between the two sides.3. I don not know how I can put this busines s through. Let’s _____________, I think mutual efforts would bring this transaction to a successful conclusion.4. Now that we have agreed on everything, can you _____________ for us to sign?5. Although this is a rather small order, we still _____ our principle of treating every customer with respect.6. Our microwave ovens are _________ any other similar products thanks to our advanced technology.7. This price is beyond what we can ________.8. Even if you have offered us a ____________, we still have to decline your offer, because the demand is too weak.9.____________ the heavy demand for sugar, we advise you to order at once.10.We would like to grant you a 3% discount _____ helping you in your sales promotion for table cutlery(餐具).3. Translation:A) Translate the following sentences into English:1. 目前我们对乔其纱感兴趣,请给我们最新的成本保险加运费含佣金百分之三的拉各斯报价,以及你方的支付条件。
外贸函电与单证实训教程Chapter 6 -practice 2-精品文档

Chapter Six: Chapter Six
Examination and Amendment to the Related Documents
Practice Two
Objective Requirements Steps Introduction Practice
Amendment : The payer is UNITED ARAB BANK, P. O. BOX 881, SHARJAH
Examine Commercial Invoice
Read L/C and Specification
1. To know well about the terms and conditions of export documents.
2. To know well about the terms and conditions of L/C from Middle East.
amendment respectively.
1. To sum up the key points of examining documents with the help of Mind Map 1.
2. To read the given L/C and Specification. 3. To examine the documents according to the given
L/C, Specification and UCP 600. 4. To write down the points of discrepancy and

外贸英语函电实训一(共5篇)第一篇:外贸英语函电实训一外贸英语函电实训一1.Warming up practice: 1.Pair work Translate the following sentences related to business letter writing into Chinese orally, and check with your desk mate.1)First impressions, in business letter as elsewhere, count heavily.第一印象,在商业书信和其他地方一样,计数严重。
2)A business letter generally consists of date, inside address, salutation, body, complimentary closing, and signature.It may include a subject or reference line.商业信件通常由日期,信内地址、称谓、身体、免费关闭,以及签名。
3)Clarity means making the contents of a letter clear to the reader from its appearance as well as its words.清晰意味着制作内容的信件清楚读者从它的外观,以及它的单词。
4)The date is normally typed in a month-day-year sequence.The month should be spelled out in full;a comma separates the day from the year.日期通常是输入一个月的序列。
5)The inside address usually consists of the name of the person to whom the letter is sent, often with a social title and his company title, the name of the company, and its postal address.The inside address appears exactly the same way as on the envelope.内地址通常是由人的名字的字母是谁发送,往往与一个社会的头衔和公司名称,该公司的名称和它的邮政地址。

2熟悉外贸英语函电的语言特点:7个C courtesy(礼貌) consideration(体贴) completeness(内容完整) clarity(表达清晰) conciseness(内容简洁) concreteness(具体) correctness(正确,准确)实训目的:通过大量的案例、实例,系统的了解外贸业务活动中各种商务英语的格式与结构、写作特点、专业术语、常用专业词汇、相关句型和常见表达方式等,通过实例,能举一反三,学以致用,从而提高外贸英语水平,熟练掌握外贸业务中常用的英语基本术语、表达技巧与技能。
外贸函电与单证实训教程Chapter 3-practice 2

Chapter Three Cases Under D/P and O/A Payment Terms
Practice Two: O/A+FOB Case
Objective Requirements Steps Introduction Practice
1. To know well about the procedures of OA and obligations of Seller and Buyer under FOB price terms.
2. To know well about the terms and conditions of Shipping Details List and Purchase Order.
本节实训是用FOB方式成交以及用OA方式付款的外贸出口案 例。信函内容涵盖了询盘、报盘、还盘、申请OA保险、交易 的达成、催促付款、要求索赔;涉及到的合约或单据有外单 货物出运清单、限额申请审批表、信用限额申请附表、买家 出运计划安排、买家历史交易记录、购买订单、中华人民共 和国出口许可证申请表、中华人民共和国出口货物许可证、 商业发票、装箱单、普惠制原产地证明书、装船通知、海运 提单等。要求学生首先根据外单货物出运清单归纳每个信息 点,然后根据进口商信函归纳出口商信函的要点,写出出口 商信函,并填写合约或单据。
The objective is to enable students to be familiar with the export procedures using trade term of FOB and payment term of OA, especially the procedures of application for insurance with China Export & Credit Insurance Corporation. And to master the skills to sum up the main points of the exporter’s letters and write them down according to the importer’s letters given, fill in the related export documents, especially Credit Application Form, Export License according to the given information, as well as handling the claims after accidents .

Chapter 5Order and AcknowledgementOBJECTIVES•Getting familiar with the new words and expressions;•Understanding the guidelines to and main contents of writing letters of making orders and acknowledgements•Reading example letters for this purpose;•Practising.Main Contents•5.1 General introduction•5.2 Guidelines for writing orders and acknowledgements•5.3 Example letters•5.4 Practice guideNew words and expressions of Chapter 5•to forward the goods •forwarding instructions •to be given prompt attention •requisition forms•to state acknowledgment •the port of destination •to turn down an order •to generalize the terms •寄送商品•运送指令•迅速给予注意•申请表•声明收到信函•目的地港•拒绝一份订单•表明条款是对所有客户的•cargo express•to pay the freight•to remit the money to sb•to fulfill the outstanding contracts •consignment trade•to deliver consignments •货物快运•付运费•汇款给某人•履行大额合同•寄售贸易•运送托付物品5.1 General introduction5.1.1 What is “order” ?•An order in foreign trade is defined as “a request by a customer for a company to supply goods or service”.•When a customer has decided to purchase a product, he will place an order. It is the result of an offer or a counter-offer with a positive acceptance.5.1.2 What is “acknowledgement”?•When a company receives an order letter or order form, it often responds with a confirmation letter (acknowledgement).•An acknowledgement agrees to a previous letter or phone conversation, or expresses a need to change information.•Sometimes it just restates the order.5.2 Writing skills5.2.1. Writing skills for order letters• 1.The opening usually refers to some previous contact such as a catalog, an offer, amendments on the basis of the counter-offer, or a sales visit, etc. This gives the reader a reference so that he can easily find out the intention of the letter. And then show your intention to place or order.e.g.•Thank you for your yesterday’s offer and the fine price you made us for 686 systems. We are glad to place an order with your for the following items.e.g.•Thank you for sending the catalog and we now wish to order the following items.• 2. The second part usually provides the following information:•item names;•item models;•quantity of each item;•quality information such as color, size, weight, material or other special features;•price for each item• e.g. Item name, quantity and priceArticle No. Quantity CIF New York, in US $BG2046 1,000 20.00 /pcBG2053 2,500 9.00/pcBG2054 1,800 15.00ItemItem No. Price ($) Quantity SubtotalBlouse 325 10.00 500 5,000.00Dress 456 15.00 100 1,500.00Jacket 543 20.00 200 4,000.00Total800 10,500.00•Usually an order letter may enclose an order form with most of the information is included which does not need to be repeated in the letter.e.g. Thank you for your catalog and price list you sent us recently. We enclose our Order No. 937 for four of the items.•However, some companies still choose to compose their own order letters, esp. when the prepared order forms are not appropriate.An Order Form• 3.The third part is usually about payment and delivery. In this part, you should set the delivery and payment terms. State clearly the expected delivery date, and means of transport such as plane, ship or train, etc. As for the payment terms, you need to mention how you will pay, i.e. by check, by letter of credit, etc.• e.g.•As we are in urgent need of the goods, we find it necessary to stress the importance of making punctual (严守时刻的, 准时的)shipment within the validity(有效性, 合法性, 正确性) period of the L/C.•We expect delivery by July 29 and will effect payment by[ demand draft(即期汇票) ]immediately upon receipt.•Our usual terms of payment are [cash against documents(凭票据付款)] and we hope they will be acceptable to you.•If the customer has placed many orders with the company before, the third paragraph may be quite brief by simply saying:• e.g.•Delivery and payment terms are as usual.•All other conditions are as previously agreed.• 4. The fourth part is optional. Make sure that you also provide your delivery address and sometimes a billing address(账户地址), along with your telephone number or other ways to contact you in case of questions or problems.5.2.2. Writing skills for acknowledgement• 1. Acknowledge the order with expression of thanks and restate the reference number and the contents of order.• e.g.•We acknowledge with thanks your order No. 123 of 5 August for sixty tons of steels.•We have pleasure of acknowledging your letter concerning Tiantan Brand Men’s Shirts in which you inform us that you wish to make a repeat order.• 2. Restate the shipping instructions, such as the date of shipment and the port of destination.• e.g.•All items are available from stock and we will be able to ship them by the end of next week. We will deliver them to the usual address with standard conditions.•All items you ordered are in stock and will be shipped so as to be received by November 1, 2010 at the port of Liverpool.• 3. Show your wish for reader’s successful sale and encourage further order• e.g.•We hope that your sale is successful and that you will be interested in reordering out bedding sets.• 4. A sales contract or sales confirmation in duplicate is enclosed for the buyer to sign according to usual practice, one copy of which is to be returned for the seller to keep on file.• e.g.•Enclosed please find a sales contract in duplicate for you to sign and send one copy of it back to us.• 5. If you are unable to accept the order, you should reply in time either to decline the order or to make a Counter-offer. The letters of this kind usually cover these contents: •thanks for the order;•proper reasons to decline the order with regret;•recommendation of other items as a replacement or presentation of a counter-offer;•hope to serve the buyer in future.• e.g.•Referring to your order No. 234 for 50 tons of Tin Foil Sheets, we regret to have to disappoint you, owing to heavy commitments.•Thank you for your order of July 10, 2010 for 10,000 tons of sugar, but we regret that we are unable to execute the order from our stocks, owing to the heavy demand recently for these goods.5.3S ample letters5.3.1. Ordering women’s blouses and sweaters•Re: Order No. 52765•Dear Chen Bin,•Thank you so much for your letter of May 10 and the catalogs. Pursuant(追踪的,依照的) to our e-mail since that date, we have decided to place an initial order(起始指令)as follows:Item Item No. Color Price ($) Quantity SubtotalBlouse 325 Red 10.00 100 1,000.00Blue 10.00 100 1,000.00Yellow 10.00 100 1,000.00White 10.00 200 2,000.00Sweater 456 Blue print 15.00 100 1,500.00Sweater 43 Green print 20.00 200 4,000.00Total 800 10,500.00•If this order is executed successfully, we will be placing larger orders in the future. •Please deliver the goods to our warehouse at 643 Front Drive, Newtown, CA 99989. We understand you will be shipping from stock and should expect delivery within one month after you receive our letter of credit. The letter of credit will be prepared as soon as we get your confirmation.•We look forward to a long and successful cooperation.•…5.3.2. Confirming an order for women’s blouses and sweaters•Re: Order No. 52765•Dear Mr. Brown,•This letter serves' to confirm your Order No. 52765 dated May 14,2006 as follows:Item Item No. Color Price ($) Quantity SubtotalBlouse 325 Red 10.00 100 1,000.00Blue 10.00 100 1,000.00Yellow 10.00 100 1,000.00White 10.00 200 2,000.00Sweater 456 Blue print 15.00 100 1,500.00Sweater 43 Green print 20.00 200 4,000.00Total 800 10,500.00•All items are available from stock and will be shipped as soon as we receive your letter of credit. We will deliver them to 643 Front Drive, Newtown, CA 99989 and will send you our shipping notice the day after shipment so that you can prepare for import.•We hope that you will be satisfied with the quality of our products and our service and are looking forward to a long and fruitful cooperation between us. Please feel free to call with any questions.•Prices are on FOB San Francisco basis. Terms of payment are by irrevocable documentary letter of credit to be received one month prior to the date of delivery. Discounts are 0.5% for orders of 100-200, l% for 200-500, and 1.5% for 500-1,000.•Each item is individually boxed with our company logo. All cartons are waterproof and standard for overseas shipment. Delivery is guaranteed to be within four weeks after receipt of L/C.•…5.3.3. Ordering toys•Re: Order for Toys•Dear Tang Meng,•Thank you for your letter of October 10 and the catalogs. We have decided to place a large order on the understanding that (以……为条件) the order will be received by November 1,2010.•We are enclosing the order form that was sent with the catalogs. Please note that we are taking advantage of the quantity discount on 4 of the 12 items.•We are also enclosing a copy of our letter of credit and all documents needed when contacting our agent in San Francisco. Thank you for your assistance in delivering this order to us at an early date. •…5.3.5. Confirming an order for toys•Re: Order No. BTS-001•Dear Ms. Mays,•Thank you for your order of toys dated October 14, 2009 which we just received.•All items you ordered except No. 8 are in stock and will be shipped so as to be received by November 1, 2009.•We are sorry that Item No. 8 is currently out of stock. However, our product No. 8372 is very similar, of the same price, with the only difference being the turn played by the mobile (玩具车的转向由无线控制). If that is satisfactory, I will replace No. 8 with No. 8372 and all can be shipped on time. If youwant to stick to the original order, it cannot be shipped until November 10. Please notify me which course of action (方案) you prefer as soon as possible.•Your quantity discounts are acceptable as are your letter of credit and other documents.•I look forward to your quick answer regarding Item No. 8.•Sincerely,•…•5.3.6. Ordering keys•Re: order No. 6639 of 20th October 2009•Dear Mr. Chen,•Herewith we are pleased to order from you:•30,000 set Keytops QW-102, At US $ 0.18/set CIF Capetown.•30,000 pcs Rubber Pad KS-401, at US $ 0.16/pc•Delivery time: before end of November, 2009•Shipment: by sea•Please send us your P/I and inform us about your best delivery time.•…5.4P ractice guide5.4.1 Discussion•1. What should be included in an order letter?•2. Does an order have any restriction before the seller accepts it? If so, what are they?•3. What duties should the buyer take on after the signature of the contract by both parties?•5.4.2 Do it yourself•Work in groups. Think and list various situations in which an order may be declined and the possible suggestions the supplier can give to the buyer.5.4.3 Situational writing•Write a letter from ABC Clothing corporation, 1234 Royal Road, Hong Kong to China Textile Company, 45 Beijing Road, Shanghai, to place an order for:•5,000 yards of 82 cotton cloth at $11.00 per yard;•1,000 yards of 75 cotton cloth at $12.00 per yard;•1,000 yards of 50 cotton cloth at $15.00 per yard.•Include in the letter terms of payment and agree to all other conditions as per the quotation. Inquirewhen the order will be shipped.。

本次实训的主要目的是: 通过实训,使学生系统掌握《外贸英语函电》的知识体系,学习商务函电写作的基本技巧和方法,能够灵活运用商务函电的专业术语、常用词汇、相关句型和习惯表达方式进行外贸交易洽谈中主要环节信息的撰写和交流,从而培养学生的阅读、翻译和写作能力,使学生能用英语处理进出口业务往来函电,为其今后参与毕业实习、顺利求职就业,并熟练掌握本专业岗位工作奠定基础。

徐美荣外贸英语函电Chapter2 所有知识点及课后答案

Notes1. owe…to… 将…归功于承蒙…告知你方名称和地址We owe your name and address to the Chamber of Commerce in your city.to be indebted to … for your name and addressto come to know the name and address of your firm throughthrough the courtesy of … we come to know your name and addressto have obtained your name and address from…to have noted your name and addressto be recommended to sb. by …on the recommendation of …2. inform sb. that 通知某人某事inform sb of sth. 通知某人某事be informed that 兹通知你方You are informed that …3. be in the market for 欲购;想买4. in the hope of doing 希望(后接动名词)5. ①a government-owned corporation(enterprise)国有公司/企业= a state-operated corporation / a public-owned corporation②a private corporation 私有公司/ 企业6. handle v. 经营(某种或某类商品)=to trade in / be dealing in /be in the (chemical )line(n. 行业)7. acquaint v. 熟悉了解to acquaint sb. with sth. 使某人了解某事be/get well acquainted with sth. 熟悉(了如指掌)8.on the basis of equality, mutual benefit and exchange of needed goods在平等互利,互通有无的基础上9.avail oneself to =make use of 利用10.enclose v. 随函附上11.through mutual efforts 通过共同努力= by joint efforts12.Export List 出口清单13.trade v.to trade in sth . 买卖Eg : trade in goods 货物交易to trade with sb. 与……交易;做生意trade policy 贸易政策foreign trade policy 外贸政策14.sole agent 独家代理敬启者:得知贵公司行名和地址我们要感激英国驻北京大使馆商务参赞处,他们告知我们你公司拟购买丝绸女衫。
外贸函电与单证实训教程Chapter 3-practice 2

损失赔偿比例 ---政治风险所造成损失的最高赔偿比例为90%。 ---破产、无力偿付债务、拖欠等其他商业风险所造成损失的最高赔偿 比例为90%。 ---买方拒收货物所造成损失的最高赔偿比例为80%。 ---出口信用保险(福费廷)保险单下的最高参与比例可以达到100%。 产品功能 把握贸易机会,扩大业务规模。 提升信用等级,增加融资渠道。 强化信用管理,减少呆坏账款。
Importer’s fax 1
Main points
4.1.1 Read Importer’s Fax 1
2.2 Importer’s name and address
BIG GRAPHER GREECE ,POL.IND 43026 TRAAGONA GREECE Tel: (0821)36478567 FAX: (821) 36474567 Sales Representative: Mr. Teddy Don
2. Preparation for business
2.1 Exporter’s name and address
Huafeng Handbag Company, founded in 2000, Registered NO. 22001010 32/ F Ocean Building ,No. 11 Huacheng Road, Zhujiang New City, Guangzhou, China TEL: +86-20-2403 8753 FAX: +86-20-2401 8643 Sales Representative: Ms. Fung Lu

二、相关说明:假设你是加拿大NEO公司(NEO GENERAL TRADING CO.)的业务员ANDY BURNS,你公司正在大量求购瓷器(Chinaware)。
请根据该邮件给你的客户回信,就客户信中提到的DR系列中的DR2010, DR2202, DR2211, DR2300 and DR2401等型号商品进行询盘并索要样品以供检验评判,写信时间为2009年10月14日。
NEO GENERAL TRADING CO., LTD#362 JALAN STREET, TORONTO, CANADATEL: (+01)7708808 FAX: (+01)7701111E-MAIL: ************Oct.14, 2009DESUN TRADING CO., LTD.29TH FLOOR KINGSTAR MANSION, 623JINLIN RD., SHANGHAI, CHINATEL NO.: (021)82588666FAX NO.: (021)82588999E-MAIL:*************Dear Mr. Zhao,Thank you for your letter of Oct 12, 2009 and your latest catalogue.We are much impressed by your DR series, especially DR2010, DR2202, DR2211, DR2300 and DR2401. It would be appreciated if you could quote us your best price on FOBShanghai, CFR Toronto & CIF Toronto all including 5% commission.Meanwhile we would like to have some samples of the above items for our customers to test before we could place a firm order.If the lab tests go well, and your prices are competitive, we’d certainly be able to place a substantial order.We are looking forward to your early reply.Yours faithfully,NEO GENERAL TRADING CO. , LTD.Andy Burns译文感谢您2009年10月12日的来信和最新的目录。
外贸函电与单证实训教程Chapter 5 -practice 2

Amendment: It should be drawn on “issuing bank”.
Discrepancy: The sentence “all invoices
must … separately” is unnecessary.
ART NO. P97811 KF-23GW
Amendment: It should be “KF-23GW”.
Discrepancy: “S/C No. is wrong.
S/C: NO. AB440001
Amendment: It should be “A.B.C./HONGKONG/NOS1-1000/MADE IN CHINA”.
❖ 4. To write a letter asking for amending the L/C. ❖ 5. To answer the questions. ❖ 6. To evaluate yourself.
❖ 实训是综合审核一般格式的信用证,注意它与SWIFT格式 下的信用证的区别。阅读时,要特别细心,找出每个条款。 通过改证实训,从而复习和巩固一般格式的信用证的每个 要点。
Amendment: It should be “Dongguan, China”.

especially “Diamond” brand Electric Cooker .
with years’ experience in
We are a major company
多年经验的) household electric appliance in Canada,
enjoy a good reputation globally
• 3.To know well about the terms and conditions of L/C. • 4.To master useful expressions and sentence models
frequently used in business letters ,especially the writing
– TR-EC 110V 2.5L RMB 45.00/PC 28cm×28cm×28cm – TR- EC 110V 3.0L RMB 50.00/PC 28cm×28cm×28cm – TR- EC 110V 3.5L RMB 55.00/PC 28cm×28cm×28cm – TR- EC 110V 4.0L RMB 60.00/PC 28cm×28cm×28cm
– 2.1.2 Importer’s name and address
• S-26 COMPANY, CANADA • ABC ROAD , VANCOUVER , P. O. BOX 10, CANADA • Fax: 333-675 • Sales Representative : Belly Smith
5. Counteroffer
3. Enquiry

外贸函电与单证实训教程Chapter 2-practice 1-confirmed

Preparation for business
Information about the exporter
and importer
Background information for
Basic information about the product
1. Preparation for business
❖ 1. To know well about the procedures of L/C and obligations of the Seller and Buyer under FOB price terms.
❖ 2. To know well about the business letter writing in e-mail and full block formats.
❖ 1.1 Information about the exporter and importer ▪ 1.1.1 Exporter’s name and address • Guangzhou Nuolu Trading Co., Ltd. • 576 Huangpu Avenue, Tianhe, Guangzhou, China • Fax: (020) 63457812 • Tel: (020) 63457811 • Sales Representative: Tina Li
Chapter Two-Practice One: Import Case of L/C +FOB
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Practice One: L/C +FOB Case
外贸函电与单证实训教程Chapter 2-practice 1-confirmed

4. Importer’s counteroffer for the price
2. Business Negotiation
• 1) Establishment of business relationships
Main points
1)Establishment of business relations
❖ 本节实训是用FOB方式成交以及用L/C付款方 式的外贸进口案例, 信函内容填空,并根据信函 信息填写信用证开证申请书,根据装船通知书填写 货物运输投保单以及海洋货物运输保险单。信函 内容涵盖了建立贸易关系、报盘、多次还盘、交 易的达成;涉及到的合约或单据有形式发票、装 船通知、货物运输投保单、海洋货物运输保险单 以及中华人民共和国海关报关单等。由于本实训 是L/C的进口案例,所以还出现了不可撤销信用证 申请书。
❖ 1. To review the procedures of L/C and obligations of the Seller and Buyer under FOB price terms.
❖ 2. To read and understand the given business transaction background.
Chapter Two-Practice One: Import Case of L/C +FOB
Practice One: L/C +FOB Case
Objective Requirements Steps Introduction Practice
外贸函电与单证实训教程Chapter 1- practice 2

frequently used in business letters, especially the writing skills of communicating in details. ❖ 4. To know well about the flow chart of Paypal. ❖ 5. To know well about the letters about Letter of Guarantee because of color aberration and the form of Letter of Guarantee . ❖ 6. To master the drawing of Proforma Invoice and illustrated order. ❖ 7. To master the export documentation according to the given information.
3. Business Negotiation
Sum up the main points of business letters
Fill out the letters
3. Business Negotiation
❖ 3.1 Sum up the main points of business letters Mind Map 1.


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外贸英语函电实训二1. Warming up practice:1.Pair workTranslate the following sentences related to business letter writing into Chinese orally, and check with your desk mate.1)——我们想知道订货超过1,000打,能打多少折扣?——如您所知,我们的产品质量上乘,而报价与国际市场同类产品一致,因此我们对这种商品最多能打九折。
4)We have cut our price to the limit. We regret, therefore, being unable tocomply with your request for further reduction.5)We are not in a position to entertain business at your price, since it is farbelow the discount you ask for.6)Should you be prepared to reduce your limit by, say, 10%, we might cometo terms.2.Group discussion1.List some channels of appealing to orders. Elaborate their economical efficiencyand effectiveness respectively.2.How to make your letter of inquiry be attractive to suppliers?3.Read moreInternational TradeInternational trade leads to more efficient and increased world production, thus allowing countries (and individuals) to consume a larger and more diverse bundle of goods. A nation possessing limited natural resources is able to produce and consume more than it otherwise could. The establishment of international trade expands the number of potential markets in which a country can sell its goods. The increased international demand for goods translates into greater production and more extensiveuse of raw materials and labor, which in turn leads to growth in domestic employment. Competition from international trade can also force domestic firms to become more efficient through modernization and innovation.Within each economy, the importance of foreign trade varies. Some nations export only to expand their domestic market or to aid economically depressed sectors within the home economy. Other nations depend on trade for a large part of their national income and to supply goods for domestic consumption. In recent years foreign trade has also been viewed as a means to promote growth within a nation’s economy; developing countries and international organizations have increasingly emphasized such trade.How to achieve a promising future in foreign trade business?2. Systematic practice:1. Complete the following sentences by translating the part in Chinese into English: 1. We are one of the largest department stores here and believe_______(市场前景广阔)in our area for moderately priced goods of the kind mentioned.2. We are interested in the mechanical toys demonstrated at the recent Guangzhou Commodities Fair and should be glad to have_______(你方的详细出口条件).3. _________(本公司请贵方告知这项产品的价格)shipping date and other terms of business for this article.4. We would be pleased to receive__________ (一份贵公司产品的目录和价目表).5. We shall appreciate_______ (贵方报CIF伦敦价).2. Fill in each blank with the proper forms of the given expressions:Aquote, attract, quantity, oblige, confident, interest, appreciate, size, give, sourceWe are ____ in buying large quantities of Iron Nails of all _____ and should be _____ if you would give us a _____ per metric ton CIF Bangkok, Thailand. It would also be _____ if you could let us have your samples.We used to purchase this article from other_____, but we now prefer to buy from your company, because we are ______to understand you are able to supply large _____ at most ______ prices. Besides, we have _____ in the quality of Chinese products.Bafford, rock bottom price, in view of, prepare the sales contract, stick to,superior to, with a view to, in one’s opinion, bridge the gap, meet each other halfway1.________, we should focus our export to the European market.2.We have shown maximum flexibility(最大的灵活性)in order to ______ price difference between the two sides.3. I don not know how I can put this busines s through. Let’s _____________, I think mutual efforts would bring this transaction to a successful conclusion.4. Now that we have agreed on everything, can you _____________ for us to sign?5. Although this is a rather small order, we still _____ our principle of treating every customer with respect.6. Our microwave ovens are _________ any other similar products thanks to our advanced technology.7. This price is beyond what we can ________.8. Even if you have offered us a ____________, we still have to decline your offer, because the demand is too weak.9.____________ the heavy demand for sugar, we advise you to order at once.10.We would like to grant you a 3% discount _____ helping you in your sales promotion for table cutlery(餐具).3. Translation:A) Translate the following sentences into English:1. 目前我们对乔其纱感兴趣,请给我们最新的成本保险加运费含佣金百分之三的拉各斯报价,以及你方的支付条件。