Unit 9Task 1【原文】pere: And now for our first question. It es from Mrs. June Moore. Mrs. Moore? Mrs. Moore: Does the panel think that puters will change our lives?pere: Mrs. Moore wants to know if puters will change our lives. Philip Barnes? Philip Barnes: puters have already changed our lives. Business is more efficient. Planes and trains provide a better service...Miss Anderson: Just a moment, Mr. Barnes. You may be right about business, but how many people have lost their jobs because of puters? puters havechanged our lives, but I don't want my life changed.Arthur Haines: Excuse me, Miss Anderson. We're talking about our lives, not your life.The puter will affect everyone in the world. Records can be kept ofeverything we do. Records will be kept of all our private lives. In myopinion, the puter is the greatest disaster of the 20th century.Phyllis Archer: Could I interrupt? Arthur Haines says the puter is a disaster, but the puter is a machine. It was invented by people; it is used by people. Ifthe puter is a disaster, then people are a disaster.pere: Thank you, Phyllis Archer. Thank you, panel. And thank you, Mrs. Moore.Task 2【答案】A.1) It includes a 9-inch TV screen, a keyboard with 46 numbers and characters on it, a printer, and two disk drives.2) It's all contained right on the floppy disk.3) It’s much better than a typewriter in that one can move words or sentences from place to place or make corrections or changes right on the screen, and never have to erase on paper.4) It can help him make a monthly budget for his household with electronic spreadsheet software.B.1) loads your program into the machine2) typewriter, typewriter,3) turning the puter on and loading a program4) the different things the program can do【原文】Narrator: For Harvey Van Runkle, it was love at first sight, or should we say, love at first byte? Really, it is 64,000 bytes—that's the size of the memory on hisnew BANANA-3 personal puter. It all happened by accident. His wife,Charlotte, had sent him out to buy a new toaster, when he found himselfstanding in front of a puter display at the BANANA puter Store. Salesman: Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this little puter is going to change your lives. Just consider the hardware: You have a 9-inch TV screen. That’s your videodisplay terminal. You have a keyboard with 46 numbers and characters on it.You have a printer that will give you paper printouts of your work in threecolors. You have two disk drives—one inside the puter terminal and oneoutside. This puter can do anything! Now let’s have a little demonstration.Who would like to try the new BANANA-3 puter? You, sir. You lookinterested. Step right up and try the BANANA-3.Harvey: What's a d-disk drive?Salesman: That's the part of the puter that loads your program into the machine. Harvey: Oh. What's a program?Salesman: The program? That's your software. That's the instructions. It's all contained right on this floppy disk here. The instructions on this disk tell the puterwhat to do.Harvey: Oh, you mean like my wife. She always tells me what to do.Salesman: Exactly. Now what type of program would you like? I have word processing,I have electronic spreadsheet...Harvey: What's word processing?Salesman: Word processing is using the puter like a typewriter. But it's much betterthan a typewriter. You can move words or sentences from place to place ormake corrections or changes right on the screen. You never have to eraseon paper. It's a wonderful little program! Would you like to try it, Mr... Harvey: Van Runkle. Harvey Van Runkle. I've never used a puter before... Salesman: It's easy. First we start up the machine, and then boot up a program. Harvey: Boot up?Salesman: That's puter talk for turning the puter on and loading a program. There. Now we look at the menu.Harvey: Menu? But I just had lunch. I'm not hungry.Salesman: No, no. This is a program menu, not a restaurant menu. It shows the different things the program can do. For example, here we have "file". If youselect file, you can choose which of your documents you want to work on.And here’s “edit”. This gives you ways to correct your document. Harvey: Gee, this is great! There's only one problem.Salesman: What's that?Harvey: I don't have any documents. I'm a plumber.Salesman: But you have bills, don't you?Harvey: Yeah, but...Salesman: Well, with our electronic spreadsheet software, you can make a monthly budget for your household.Harvey: No. My wife, Charlotte, does that.Salesman: Well, now you can do it, Harvey.Harvey: I don't know...Salesman: And you have friends, don't you?Harvey: Yeah, well there's my brother-in-law Bob...Salesman: Great! You can write letters to Bob on your new BANANA-3 puter!Harvey: Okay. How much is it?Salesman: Never mind. Do you have a credit card?Harvey: Well, sure...Salesman: Great. Joe, get Harvey here signed up, will you? He wants a BANANA-3 witha printer and software. Okay, step right up, ladies and gentlemen. This putercan do anything!Task 3【答案】A.1) They are important because they are able to measure quantities such as electricity and temperature.2) Digital puters.3) Only one person at a time can use them.4) It is because their owners do not spend enough time learning how to operate them efficiently.5) Each person who uses a miniputer has a puter terminal that is connected to the miniputer by interface wires. With the help of the operating system, the CPU is able to divide its time and perform for all the users.B.There are two primary kinds of puters: analog puters and digital puters. Unless you are a scientist, you probably will not use analog puters. These puters are important because they are able to measure quantities such as electricity and temperature.In contrast, digital puters perform their tasks by counting. Some digital puters are built to help solve only a specific kind of problem. For example, digital puters that monitor airplanes flying in and out of airports are built only for that task. Most digital puters, though, can be used to help solve many kinds of problems. Among them, microputers and miniputers are two kinds of mon digital puters.Microputers, also called personal puters, are the newest puters. Many are about the size of a very small television set. Some, however, are so small and light that people can carry them easily on business trips. Because puter manufacturers produce an enormous amount of puter hardware, it is possible for anyone to own and use a microputer. Therefore, we now see these machines in many homes, schools, and businesses. There is one disadvantage to these puters, though. Only one person at a time can use them. Also, many people who buy microputers do not understand what these machines can and cannot do. Some experts say that almost half of all micro-puters are not used often because their owners do not spend enough time learning how to operate them efficiently.Like microputers, miniputers are used in small businesses. However, they are larger than microputers and are used more frequently in large offices and businesses than in small businesses. Another difference is that more than one person can use a miniputer at the same time. We call this time-sharing. Some miniputers can have more than a hundred people time-sharing them. Each person who uses a miniputer has aputer terminal that is connected to the miniputer by interface wires. But even though more than one person can use a miniputer, the puter has only one CPU. With the help of the operating system, the CPU is able to divide its time and perform for all the users.Task 4【答案】A.1) It wasn't the typical low mechanical voice that sounded like a record being played attoo slow a speed. It sounded natural. It had charm to it.2) Lupa had once heard that even a sophisticated analog puter couldn't pick up certain subtleties in the English language, no matter how good the programming is.3) When Lupa stood up and walked around the room, it was evident to her that somewhere in the building, listening through an inter was someone with a microphone.B.1) They're running a contest. The kids are supposed to name me. I'm dreading the whole thing, believe me.2) You know something; I thought you'd be different. Just once today I was hoping I'd get someone who wouldn't try to beat the program.3) You wouldn't happen to know what day of the week September the fourteenth, 1321, fell on, would you?It was a Sunday; but how do you know whether I'm right? Thank you for visiting the puter exhibit.【原文】Lupa laughed. She liked the voice that had been selected for the puter. It wasn't the typical low mechanical voice that sounded like a record being played at too slow a speed. It sounded natural. It had charm to it."Do you have a name?" Lupa asked."Not yet," the puter answered. "They're running a contest. The kids are supposed to name me. I'm dreading the whole thing, believe me."Now Lupa thought this was clever, the way they had programmed the puter. She wondered if there was some way to screw up the program. She had once heard that even a sophisticated analog puter couldn't pick up certain subtleties in the English language, no matter how good the programming is, so she decided to give it a try."My paws give me pause," she said.The puter was silent."My paws give me pause," Lupa repeated. "It's a clause without claws."Lupa waited in silence for a response."You know something," the puter said. "I thought you'd be different. Just oncetoday I was hoping I'd get someone who wouldn't try to beat the program."Lupa smiled. "This was marvelous," she thought to herself. "They'd thought of everything.""Sorry," she said. "Mi dispiace.""Ah, you speak Italian," the puter said with some sarcasm."Qui, d'accord," Lupa answered. "C'est vrai.""And French, too. Your French is better than your Italian. Though neither one is great. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to shut down. It's closing time."Lupa stood up and walked around the room. It was evident to her that somewhere in the building, listening through an inter was someone with a microphone. She thought about how to test for this."You wouldn't happen to know what day of the week September the fourteenth, 1321, fell on, would you?" Lupa asked."It was a Sunday," the puter answered, "but how do you know whether I'm right? Thank you for visiting the puter exhibit."Task 5【答案】A.1) b) 2) c)B.1) F 2) F 3) F 4) THello. I think we can begin now if you're ready. Um, today I want to talk to you about puters, about the impact of puters on how we talk, on the ways we talk. Now of course we all know that puters have changed our lives in many ways. Stop and think for a minute about how we use puters in our everyday life. It's hard to think of anything we do that hasn't been changed by puters. For example, puters allow us to get money directly from our bank accounts at cash machines. At hospitals, puters help doctors understand what is wrong with patients. We can use puters to help us decide which color to paint our houses, which hair styles to have, or which dresses or suits would look good on us--lots of professional and personal uses. puters are simply a part ofour lives, and, I think it is safe to say, they will continue to be. What I'd like to look at today is how the use of puters has had an impact on our language--how puters have changed the expressions we say, the words we use.First, let me give you some examples. These are examples from English that I'd like you to think about. The first example is this. Someone at an office says, "We'd like to have the project online by next Monday." In puter talk "online" means started or working. So this statement means that we'd like to have the project started and going by next Monday.The second example is from a discussion or seminar. Someone might say, "Let's take this discussion offline until tomorrow." To take a puter "offline" means to disconnect it or take it out of the system. What do you think it means to take a discussion offline? To take a discussion "offline" means to stop talking about it. This example means "let's stop discussing this now and talk about it tomorrow."The third example is: "I'll try to interface my plans with yours." To "interface", in puter talk, means to do something so that different puter parts or software can work together. So "I'll try to interface my plans with yours" means that "I'll try to change my plans to fit with yours." People still say, of course, "I'll try to change my plans to fit with yours." But now we might also start to hear people say, "I'll try to interface my plans with yours," or "Let's see if we can interface our schedules so that we can meet next week."Let’s try one more example. Our fourth example might take place at home. Someone says,” I just can’t access where I left my car keys.” In puter talk to “access”something means to make information available. If I can’t access where I left my keys, I don’t have this information available for me to use. What would be another way to say this? Of course, we could also say, “I can’t remember where I put my keys.”Task 6【答案】1) Cyber ethics.2) It will focus on teaching educators how to teach their students cyber ethics.3) Because it’s not done verbally so that people can overhear it; they think it’s anonymous on the Internet.4) She was a former principal and an adjunct professor at Marymount University,teaching curriculum development and technology in the classroom.5) Young puter users do not see hacking, threats, cyber talking, Intellectual Property Rights violations and virus distribution as crimes.6) She said that it is something that needs to be instructed as routine curriculum, and student should know that these behaviors are as unacceptable in cyberspace as in thephysical realm.【原文】Although schools are doing a better job at teaching children how to use the Internet, they are not addressing cyber ethics. "Cyber Ethics: Teaching Responsible Use of Technology" will focus on teaching educators how to teach their students cyber ethics. When typical crimes are mitted on the Internet, students do not see them as a crime, said Cherie Geide, the conference director."They don't see anything wrong with it because they see it as a prank. It's more unacceptable to do it verbally where people can overhear it. They think it's anonymous on the Internet," said Geide, a former principal and an adjunct professor at Marymount University, teaching curriculum development and technology in the classroom.Geide said young puter users do not see hacking, threats, cyber talking, Intellectual Property Rights violations, such as in software or music, and virus distribution as crimes."This is something that needs to be instructed as routine curriculum," she said, "that this behavior is as unacceptable in cyberspace as in the physical realm.Task 7【答案】A.1) It's Microsoft's SANTA that the kids can't resist; it's the ultimate software with atraditional twist—remended by no less than the jolly old elf, and on the package, a picture of Santa himself.2) Father did last-minute Internet shopping; Mum and I had just settled down for a long winter’s nap.B.1) not a creature was stirring, except father's mouse. The puter was humming; the icons were hopping2) were hung next to the modem with care in the hope that Santa would bring new software3) were nestled all snug in their beds, with visions of puter games filling their leads4) now had been re-routed to Washington State where Santa's workshop had been moved by Bill Gates5) now finds he's a new billionaire; with a shiny red Porsche in place of his sleigh, and a house on Lake Washington just down the way from where Bill has his mansion; preens in black Gucci boots and red Calvin Klein jeans6) no more dolls or tin soldiers or little toy drams, only pact disk ROMs with the Microsoft label7) a new Christmas star, owned by the Microsoft guy8) turned on with a Jingle-Bells sound, as I sprang from my bed and was turningaround9) a smiling Bill Gates next to jolly old Santa, two arm-in-arm matesexclaim in voices so bright, have a Microsoft Christmas, and to all a good night【原文】It was the night before Christmas, and all through the house not a creature was stirring, except father's mouse. The puter was humming; the icons were hopping, as father did last-minute Internet shopping.The stockings were hung next to the modem with care in the hope that Santa would bring new software. The children were nestled all snug in their beds, with visions of puter games filling their leads.The letters to Santa had been sent out by Mum, to santatoyshop.northpole., which now had been re-routed to Washington State where Santa's workshop had been moved by Bill Gates. All the elves and the reindeer had had to skedaddle to flashy new quarters in suburban Seattle.Alter living a life that was simple and spare, Santa now finds he's a new billionaire; with a shiny red Porsche in place of his sleigh, and a house on Lake Washington just down the way from where Bill has his mansion. The old fellow preens in black Gucci boots and red Calvin Klein jeans.No more dolls or tin soldiers or little toy drams will be under the tree, only pact disk ROMs with the Microsoft label. So spin up your drive from now on, Christmas runs only on Windows 95.It's Microsoft's SANTA that the kids can't resist; it's the ultimate software with a traditional twist—remended by no less than the jolly old elf, and on the package, a picture of Santa himself."Get 'em young, keep 'em long" is Microsoft's theme; and a merger with Santa is a marketer's dream. "To the top of the NASDAQ! To the top of the Dow! Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away—wow!"And Mum in her handkerchief and me in my cap, had just settled down for a long winter's nap. When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter, the whirr and the hum of our satellite platter. As it turned toward that new Christmas star in the sky, the SANTALITE owned by the Microsoft guy. As I sprang from my bed and was turning around, my puter turned on with a Jingle-Bells sound.And there on the screen was a smiling Bill Gates next to jolly old Santa, two arm-in-arm mates. And I heard them exclaim in voices so bright, have a Microsoft Christmas, and to all a good night!Task 8【答案】A.1) You would need a puter because of its "memory" and speed; a puter can consider more factors than a person can.2) The reservation clerk uses a machine to record information about where you want togo and the flight number of the plane that will take you to your destination.3) The puter not only determines what seats are available at what prices, but it also prints the tickets at the same time.B.1) there is a limit to the number of considerations the human mind can2) analyzing this factor in relation to information about the business that has already been programmed3) in which puters are being4) whether or not there is space for youC. See the last paragraph but one in the script.【原文】Suppose you are a manufacturer of bicycles. You are trying to decide whether or not to build a larger factory or to buy more machines. You could just say to yourself, "Business has been good. We've sold a lot of bicycles recently, so I think we ought to expand our plant."Or you could consider such questions as the following: How much would the changes cost? Can the bicycle-riding population be expected to increase or decrease? Many such questions would have to be answered, but there is a limit to the number of considerations the human mind can take into account.In a situation like this, you would need a puter. Because of its "memory" and speed, a puter can consider more factors than a person can. Does the bicycle manufacturer wonder how the weather will affect bicycle sales? The puter can tell him by analyzing this factor in relation to information about the business that has already been programmed into the puter.This is just one of many situations in which puters are being used today. This new servant of man is only about twenty-five years old, but it has already changed the lives of more than 200 million Americans. Wherever the citizen turns, he finds a puter working.puters are used when one reserves space on an airplane. Walk into any airline office. Before selling you a ticket, the reservation clerk uses a machine that looks like a typewriter to record information about where you want to go and the flight number of the plane that will take you to your destination. This information is sent instantly to a central puter that may be many kilometers away from the airline office. Within seconds, the puter informs the clerk whether or not there is space for you on that plane.Such reservation systems are now in increasing use. They are also employed by hotels, by -panics that rent cars, and by offices that sell tickets to theaters and sports events. The puter not only determines what seats are available at what prices, but it also prints thetickets at the same time.When puters are used in the way just described, some part of the system can actually be seen. Usually what one sees is a machine that looks like a typewriter; it is called a puter terminal. But puters are also used in unseen ways. For example, they determine how much time there should be between traffic signals to prevent traffic problems and to keep millions of cars moving in an orderly flow. When you buy an automobile, a factory process that is controlled by a puter enables you to obtain a car with your own choice of colours and special features in just a few weeks' time. In medical laboratories, puters have reduced the errors in testing, and they have saved doctors countless hours of work. Before long, medical histories of all Americans will be kept in puter "banks". If a person bees ill far from his home, local doctors will be able to get his medical record immediately. In science, the puter has performed in minutes experiments which would have required thousands of hours of work by human hands and minds.The United States is not the only country affected by the "puter revolution". All the major countries of the world have puters, and the developing countries are increasingly aware that puters play a big part in their economic advancement.Task 9【答案】A. 1) a) 2) b) 3) c)B. 1) T 2) F 3) FC.1) potential criminals: puter crime2) using less obvious and less easily remembered passwords that allow access to3) limit the user's access to information as well as the operations the userD.Courts are being tougher and puter security is improving. puter security is getting more sophisticated. For example, less obvious passwords are being used, and access-control software and "dial back" systems have been developed. Scrambling devices and audit trails are also available.【原文】Let's talk a little now about what is being done to stop puter crime. First, the courts are getting much tougher on hackers. They are punishing puter criminals more severely. They are trying to send a strong message to potential criminals: puter crime is serious. If you're caught doing it, you'll be punished. This is seen as a way of preventing hacking.puter security is getting more sophisticated. It's being improved by using less obvious and less easily remembered passwords that allow access to systems. These passwords should be given to the minimum number of people.Access-control software is being more mon. This software limits the user's access toinformation as well as the operations the user can perform. So, for example, access control software might only let users read certain files or programs, but not let them input data, and may keep them out of other files entirely.Then there are "dial back" systems that ask the user or caller for a password. The system then checks the password in a directory and calls the user back at his or her telephone number. This stops hackers who are calling from another number from gaining access to the system.Scrambling devices are also being developed by puter engineers. These devices scramble messages so that hackers can't understand them. Data can be unscrambled and used only if the scrambling key is known by the user. Scrambling is a very effective way of protecting information.Audit trail software is also now available. Audit trails monitor the use of a puter and alert owners to any attempt to enter their puter system. It is usually possible to identify any user who gained access to the system and when the access occurred, making it possible to trace the hacker.Well, those are some of the major things that are happening at the present time in order to decrease puter crime. None of them is pletely satisfactory, but together they are certainly helping. These changes, as well as the improvements that are certain to e, should influence people to stop hacking by making it less profitable and more risky.Task 10【原文】"The astronauts are returning to earth at exactly 5:24. Splashdown will be in the Pacific, 427ciles west of Hawaii."You have often heard announcements like this on television. Scientists can tell us exactly when pace-capsule will arrive on the moon, for instance, and exactly when it will return. They can calculate things like this to the nearest second. How do they do it? Well, of course, they use mathematics. We can all do simple sums on paper, but we must use puters for extremely difficult calculations. Perhaps you have seen mechanical calculating machines in banks and offices. puters aren't mechanical. They don't have wheels and gears in them. Instead, they work on electrical circuits and can do difficult calculations at tremendous speed. They can work 100 million times faster than the human mind!。
大学英语听说教程第三册Unit 5
• When I was young, there was an amazing 17)________called The Whole Earth Catalog, which was one of the bibles of my generation. It was created by a fellow named Stewart Brand not far from here in Menlo Park, and he brought it to life with his poetic touch. This was in the late 1960„s, before personal computers and desktop publishing, so it was all made with typewriters, scissors, and Polaroid cameras(一次成像相机). It was sort of like Google in paperback(平装书) form, 35 years before Google 18)_________: it was idealistic, and overflowing with neat tools and great 19)_______.
• Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big 2)______ in life. Because almost everything – all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure these things just 3)_______in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to 4)______ the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow yg
现代大学英语听力3原文及答案unit5Unit 5Task 1【答案】A.1) More than 38 million people2) Ms. Stanecki is an UN AIDS Senior Adviser. She says that some of the fastest growing epidemics can found in Asia.3) Intravenous drug use.4) Anti-AIDS drags are widely available there. This has made some people pay less attention to the danger of becoming infected with HIV.B. 1) F 2) F 3) F 4) TC. worsening, five million, Africa, 25 million, one million, increase, political andfinancial, have access, one in five, more than half【原文】A new report by the UN AIDS organizations finds the global AIDS epidemic is worsening. The agency says more people in all regions around the world are becoming infected with HIV, the virus which causes AIDS.UN AIDS reports that significant progress has been made in providing treatment for larger numbers of AIDS victims and in achieving greater political and financial commitments in the fight against the fatal disease. Despite this, the report says none of these efforts has been enough to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS.Last year, the report notes five million people became newly infected with HIV. That is more people than any previous year. Currently, it says, more than 38 million people are living with the disease.UN AIDS Senior Adviser Karen Stanecki says Asia, with 60 percent of the world's population, is home to some of the fastest growing epidemics in the world. In 2003 alone, she says, more than one million people became infected with HIV.“Equally alarming, we have only just b egun to witness the full impact of AIDS on African societies as infections continue to grow and people are dying in large numbers. The scale of the problem in Africa is well documented, with over 25 million infections. If we don’t act now, 60 percent of today’s 15-year-olds will not reach their 60th birthday.”The report says the Caribbean is the hardest hit region in the world after Africa. It also finds the HIV/AIDS epidemic is continuing to expand in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, mainly due to intravenous drug users.UN AIDS says infections also are on the rise in the United States and Western Europe. It blames this largely on the widespread availability of anti-AIDS drags, which it says has made some people in these wealthy countries complacent.UN AIDS Director of Monitoring and Evaluation, Paul De Lay, acknowledges that around the world prevention programs are reaching fewer than one in five people who need them. Nevertheless, he says there has been a dramatic increase in prevention activities for young people and several other successes as well."In Africa, for instance, 60 percent of children have access to AIDS education both in primary and secondary schools. That is a huge increase from the late 1990s. In highly vulnerable groups like sex workers, we are seeing a real success story in Africa. 32 percent of sex workers that are identified have accessto HIV prevention and there is a large increase in condom use in this population."The report says global spending on AIDS has increased greatly, but, more is needed. It estimates $12 billion will be needed by next year, and $20 billion by 2007, for prevention and care in developing countries. The United Nations says AIDS funding has increased sharply in recent years, in part due to the US government's global AIDS initiative. But it says still globally less than half the money needed is being provided.Task 2【答案】A.1) 40,000, addicted, nature, nurture2) won’t, addict, prone3) genetic, fixed, fated4) regulations, implicationsB. 1) a) 2) b) 3) a)C.1) Human genes are all under close study in laboratories.2) It implies that insurance companies or employers might take advantage and discriminate against those who have been identified as being at high risk.【原文】Mary Gearin: Welcome to the lab. Like it or not, we're all in the Petri dish now as more scientists than ever look for the cause of our habits lyinghidden in our genes.Dr. Whitfield: The advances in DNA technology mean that techniques can be applied to this type of research which weren't possible before andwhich give the prospect of what you might call an explosion inoutcomes in actual findings that we can use.Mary Gearin: It's a detective story with an unknown number of villains. We haven't established how many of our 40,000 genes may leave usmore likely to be addicted, but some scientists do believe they'veconfirmed a layperson's principle—that we're about half nature,half nurture.Dr. Whitfield: The conclusion at the moment is that genetics accounts for about half the variation in liability to a number of kinds of addiction andthat environmental influences, or just the random things thathappen to us as we go through life, account for the other half. Mary Gearin: Of course, genes won't determine who will or won't become an addict, only those who are more prone to becoming one. Listen to areformed smoker and a leading researcher in the field, WayneHall.Wayne Hall: I think we really do have a task in front of us to educate people that “genetic” doesn’t mean fixed, immutable, unchangeable, fated.It still leaves plenty of room for human decision, choice andcapacity to influence and change behaviour.Mary Gearin: Wayne Hall is pushing for regulations to deal with the ethical implications that have inevitably surfaced.Wayne Hall: If we were able to identify people in advance as being at high risk because they possessed a set of genes, then that might have adverseeffects on them in terms of the way others in their socialenvironment treat them. It might have effects if insurancecompanies take account of that information or employers and so on. Mary Gearin: But would addicts take any more responsibility for their own actions? Our distinctly unscientific sample of smokers told us: notreally. If a test came out, would you have yourself tested to see ifyou had that gene?Julie: Honestly, probably not.Mary Gearin: Would you want your kids to take that test to perhaps ware them off smoking if they had that gene as well?John Mackay: Only if they become problem smokers I'd probably suggest it, yeah. Otherwise I wouldn't worry about it.Task 3【答案】A. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)B.[√] 2.[√] 3.[√] 5.[√] 7.[√] 9.[√] 10.[√] 12.[√] 13.C.1) elementary school teacher, frustrations, peers, taught, learnt2) high EQ, adults, children【原文】Claire Nolan: Hi. This is Claire Nolan.Bill Rodney: Any I’m Bill Rodney. Today we’ll be discussing EQ—not IQ. EQ: emotional intelligence. We've been hearing a lot about EQ lately,and in fact you might have seen Daniel Goleman's best-selling bookabout it in the bookstore. Your emotional intelligence quotientseems to include both intra- and interpersonal relationships—inother words, how well you handle your own emotions, and how wellyou respond to others.Claire Nolan: Yes, but Bill, that's not exactly a new idea, is it? I mean—I know a lot of old proverbs about thinking before you act, and that kind ofthing.Bill Rodney: That's true, but the term itself is a new one, and it shows that people have realized, the way you control your feelings is just asimportant as your education—maybe even more important. Butwhat's really interesting and the focus of today's session is: Can youlearn EQ? We'll be talking to three people today—all educators, intheir own way—to get their perspective on it. Our first guest isBetty Cortina. Betty, you're an elementary school teacher. Do youreally think that some kids have higher EQ's than others?Betty Cortina: Oh sure! Even at five or six years old, some of the kids tend to be much more patient and easy-going than others. And then othersare prone to shout and make a big fuss. I mean, I don't want tomake it sound as if it's bad to be spirited, or anything, but if youcan't control your emotions, even at that age, you can have a lot ofproblems.Bill Rodney: Like what?Betty Cortina: Well, if you can't deal with setbacks, you don't make progress;and if you're always impatient, your peers don't like you.Bill Rodney: Can you give us an example?Betty Corrina: Sure. One example is how kids deal with frustration. Imagine a child who is having trouble doing a math problem. She getsfrustrated with the problem, throws her pencil down, yells angrily,"This is a stupid problem! I hate it!" Another child, with a higherEQ, might be able to handle the situation better. She might trydifferent ways to approach the problem, or ask for help, and so on.And she will be more successful because she won't let her negativefeelings get in the way of her task.Bill Rodney: I guess I can understand that, but my question is: Can you learn to have a higher EQ? Let’s see, our next guest is Jim McDonald.Do you want to respond to that question?Jim McDonald: Yes. Well, as you know, I run management training programs fora bank here in the city, and I agree this EQ idea is definitelyimportant. Let’s face it: When the going gets tough, it’s muchbetter for an employee to have a positive, enthusiastic attitude thanto dwell on failures. But what I find is that some people just takelife in stride and other people don't. I mean, of course you canpoint them in the right direction—that's what I try to do in myseminars—but some people never learn to improve their EQ. Betty Cortina: No, I disagree. Kids can be taught to have patience and not to give up when things go wrong. They learn to respond well to theiremotions. They learn how to sit still and listen, and how to respectothers. And I don't believe we are born with a high emotionalintelligence quotient. I think we have to learn those skills.Jim McDonald: Okay, so maybe you can teach children, but frankly, I don't see how adults can ever change. I mean, I work with a lot ofmanagers, and the good ones are sharp, perceptive people whorespond well to change. I don't think the others can learn that. Bill Rodney: Why not?Jim McDonald: Well, part of the problem is that people with a low EQ have a difficult time seeing how their behavior affects other people. Theysee no reason to change. Their behavior has negative effects—forthemselves and for others—but they don't see it that way. Theytend to blame other people for the problems they are having.People like this just don’t work well with other people. I’d saythey have a lower EQ and they’ll probably never adjust theirbehavior.Task 4【答案】A.1) Marriage counsel/Psychologist.2) Yes.3) With help, he learned to see that his wife’s success was also his success insteadof his failure.B.1) T 2) F 3) T【原文】Bill Rodney: Our third guest, Ian Davis, is a marriage counselor. Ian, from the perspective of a marriage counselor, can adults change their EQ's?Ian Davis: Yes. I am a psychologist and I work with couples, married couples, who are having problems. From what I can see, some people,adults, I mean, can change their EQ's.Bill Rodney: How so?Ian Davis: Well, I think that the key to keeping a relationship together is learning to empathize with your partner.Bill Rodney: Did you say "empathize"?lan Davis: Yes, it's crucial. Couples who have successful relationships try hard to understand each other's feelings. First, you have to putyourself in your partner's shoes. That makes it easier for you tomake allowances for your partner's weaknesses. You have to learnto control your reactions even when you feel angry or resentful.Bill Rodney: So you're saying people can learn those things? Don't you think that, as Jim said, some people have it and some don't?Ian Davis: No, I disagree strongly with what he said. I do see people change.If I didn't think people could change, I'd be in a different line ofwork!Bill Rodney: I'm not quite sure I understand what you're saying. Tell us about someone you've seen acquire a higher EQ.Ian Davis: Well, let me tell you about a case I saw recently. I had some clients,a husband and wife, a few months ago, and the wife had gotten apromotion at work. Now the husband was happy for her, of course,but he also felt a bit jealous. He felt like a failure because he hadn’tgotten a promotion at his job.Bill Rodney: So what happened to them?Ian Davis: Well, the husband had to learn to swallow his pride and put aside his negative feeling. I told him to concentrate on the good thingthat had happened to his wife instead of thinking about himself.With practice, he was able to see that her success was also hissuccess, not his failure. I really think he raised his own EQ bydoing that.Bill Rodney: Thank you, Ian. And I’ll remember to keep EQ in mind. Maybe I can get a little better it! And thank you, Betty and Jim, for joiningus today.Task 5【答案】1) He should have asked some questions, like what kind of work she did, or how long she spent at the computer every day.2) Acupuncture.3) They have to be more careful before they recommend operations.4) He tends to get better when it’s warmer.C.Column 1 Column 2Linda Jenkins Atlanda, GeorgiaShelley Travers Eugene, OregonRay Ishwood New York City【原文】Bill: Good morning, everyone. This is Bill and the show is Body Talk. Today's topic is problems with doctors. Now, who hasn't had a problem with a doctor? Call in and tell us yours. Our number is 1-800-555-BODY. That didn't take long…here's our first caller now. Hello, this is Bill and you're on Body Talk!Shelley Travers: Morning, Bill. This is Shelley Travers, calling from New York City. Thanks for taking my call. I just want to say howimportant I think it really is for a doctor to listen to a patient.Bill: Tell me about it! So, Shelley, what happened to you?Shelley Travers: Well, I was getting these really bad, shooting pains in my back. I couldn't sleep at night or anything. So I went to my doctor, andhe examined me and had me do all these tests and things. And Ieven had to go into the hospital for some X-rays. But after allthat—I mean, I took off a lot of time from work—they told methere was nothing wrong with me. I was thinking about tryingalternative medicine and going to a chiropractor when aco-worker... I'm a secretary...Bill: What was that, Shelley? I didn't catch all of what you said.You mean, you were in serious pain.., the doctor's testsdidn't show anything…you were going to go to achiropractor...Shelley Travers: Well, yes, that's right. Awful, right? But a co-worker said, "You know, your desk chair is too hard. If you sat on a soft cushionthat might make your back feel better." Anyway, she was totallyright. So then I felt really mad, because, I mean, I had taken allthat time from work to see the doctor, but all I really needed wasa cushion!Bill: So, your doctor hadn't really listened and asked the right questions, right, Shelley?Shelley Travers: Yeah, that's right. He never asked me what kind of work I did, or how long I spent at the computer every day. If he had askedsome questions, he probably wouldn't have sent me for all thosetests!Bill: Sure sounds like your doctor wasn't much help. But, I'm glad the cushion worked. Thanks, Shelley. Bye, now. Hi, Billhere. You're on Body Talk.Linda Jenkins: Hi there, Bill. My name is Linda Jenkins, and I’m calling from Atlanta, Georgia. I want to tell you what happened to me… It’skind of embarrassing though…Bill: Ah, go ahead. Linda, Don't be embarrassed. We're listening Linda Jenkins: Well... ah... Okay. I had this big wart on my foot. It got so bad that I could hardly...Bill: Sorry to interrupt you, Linda. What did you say?Linda Jenkins: A wart, you know, a hard lump. Kids get them on their hands all the time, but I got one on the bottom of my left foot. So, mydoctor said I'd probably need an operation to remove it. Burn itoff, or something. He really scared me!Bill: So, you were scared, but did you take his advice?Linda Jenkins: No, actually, I didn't. But I was just desperate, because, you know, I could hardly walk. So, I decided to try acupuncture.Bill: Wait a minute. I didn't catch that. What did you say?Linda Jenkins: I tried acupuncture—I went to an acupuncturist. And you know, she really listened to me and got me to change my diet and getmore rest. She said the wart was probably a reaction to stress. Ihad been working late a lot. Eventually, the wart cleared up. Ireally think that doctors have to be more careful before theyrecommend operations. Sometimes there's a much simplertreatment. I mean, if doctors put themselves in their patients'shoes, they might not be so quick to start cutting!Bill: You know, Linda, you're absolutely right! I couldn't agree with you more! Thanks for sharing your story with us.Good-bye, and good luck! Hello, you're on Body Talk.Ray Ishwood: Hello, Bill. Ray Ishwood, calling from Eugene, Oregon.Bill: How are you doing, Ray?Ray Ishwood: Fine, Bill. Ah, well.., here's my story. For several years, I've had arthritis in my hands and wrists. This winter—it was so cold andrainy—the pain got really bad. My doctor gave me a series ofinjections, really painful, to my hands. He said that in a fewweeks I would feel better.Bill: Well, did you? Did those painful shots help?Ray Ishwood: Well... I don't really know... I mean, I'm feeling a lot better now, but I think it's because of the warmer weather. I tend to getworse when it's cold and rainy outside. So, I don't think that theshots were that much help. And they were very painful. I justdon't want to continue with them if they don't really make muchof a difference.Bill: You're probably right, Ray. Well, I'm glad you're feeling better, and thanks for calling Body Talk.Task 6【答案】A. 1) c) 2) b)B. veracts, immune system, reaction, the sting, blood pressure, breathe, medicineC. A. immune system,B. red, itchy eyes, runny nose, difficult breathingC. 1. Normal2. Allergic【原文】Today I think we are ready to start talking about allergies, and about allergic reactions. In the first part of my lecture, I'm going to explain what an allergic reaction is. Then I will try to describe what an allergic reaction to a bee sting is like. In the second part of my lecture, I'm going to talk about allergy testing and allergy shots. I'll explain one way the testing is done. I'll also tell you how and why allergy shots are given. That's a lot to cover, so let's begin.What is an allergic reaction? Well, an allergic reaction is really an action of the immune system in the body—an action of the immune system in your body. The immune system's job is to protect you, to make antibodies to protect you from things that are dangerous to your health. In an allergic reaction, however, your body makes antibodies to something that isn't really a problem for the body—that is, it's not usually a problem for someone without an allergy. For example, milk and cats’ hair and dust are usually not dangerous to humans. But, for some reason, your body might produce antibodies to milk or to cats' hair or to dust. Your body is trying to protect you from these things.When the immune system does this, it is, in a sense, working too hard. The result is a fight. The fight is between your antibodies and the milk you drank or the cat hair or the dust you breathed in. You know your body is having a fight because you sneeze, or you have red, itchy eyes and a runny nose, or you feel tired, or you may have difficulty breathing. These are some of the common signs of an allergy.Now let's turn our attention to one specific allergic reaction. Let's look at what happens with a bee sting. Anyone who gets a bee sting will have some reaction. A normal reaction is pain and swelling and redness where the sting is. This type of reaction is also called a local reaction because the reaction is only in the location, the place, where the sting is.In contrast, an allergic reaction to a bee sting is a much stronger reaction. It is a general reaction that affects the whole body. This general reaction is called an anaphylactic reaction, a-n-a-p-h-y-l-a-c-t-i-c. This is shown in the figure on page 76, so take a look at the figure. In this kind of reaction, several things happen. There is pain and swelling, but it is all over the body, not just where the sting is. The person's legs, arms, feet, and face usually itch and turn red. It often becomes difficult for the person to breathe. The person can also become weak and confused. The blood pressure may drop. For some people, these reactions may continue for hours unless some medicine is given. In fact, the person can die if he or she isn't given medicine to stop the reaction.Task 7【答案】A. 1) T 2) F 3) F 4) FB. definition, prevention, an unusual, antibodies, symptoms, Untreated, death,the thing, an allergic reactionC. under the skin, red bump, less sensitive, several times【原文】Now, if you are allergic to something, it's important to know how to prevent these reactions. One question is: How do people know if they are allergic to something, say, if they are allergic to bee stings? One way to find out is to have an allergy test. One type of test is a skin test. To do the test, the doctor injects a small amount of the venom, the poison from the bee, under the skin. You can see this in the left hand figure on page 77. Then, the doctor watches closely to see what happens. The doctor pays attention to two things: the color of the skin and the size of the bump on the skin. This is shown in the right hand figure on the same page. If the skin reacts strongly—in other words, if the bump is big and very red—this means the person is very allergic. If the skin only changes a little, the person is only slightly allergic. If the skin doesn't change, this usually means the person isn't allergic.If the doctor finds out the person is allergic to bees, or bee stings, allergy shots are often recommended. In the allergy shots, the doctor uses a small amount of bee venom. The doctor does this to make the person less sensitive to the venom, in other words, to build up the person's immunity to the venom. This is similar to what doctors do when they give children shots against childhood diseases like measles.Each visit, the doctor increases the amount of venom in the shot. The doctor starts off with a very small amount of venom and uses slightly more each time. Increasing the amount builds up immunity to the venom. This immunity will not protect the person from a bee sting, of course. If the person gets stung, he or she will still get a local reaction, but will not have an allergic reaction. Okay, so that's basically how the allergy shots work.To sum up the main points of our talk today, let's recall what an allergic reaction is and how allergic reactions can be prevented. Remember that an allergic reaction is an unusual reaction to something that doesn't normally affect people. In an allergic reaction, for example, to a bee sting, the body keeps producing antibodies and the person can have an anaphylactic reaction. This can be very serious, and the person may even die if he or she isn't given medicine. Allergy shots help you to prevent an allergic reaction. They help make someone less sensitive to the thing that causes the allergy, such as the bee venom.Okay, well, if can remember these points, I think that's all for today.Task 8【原文】Want your kids to eat healthy? Check your own diet. The more fruit and vegetables Mom and Dad eat, the more Junior is likely to consume, according to a study of two-to-six-year-olds at London's University College. And youngsters who were introduced to these foods earlier tended to reach for them more often. Those who had been breast-fed ate fruit and vegetables more frequently than bottle-fed kids. The likely reason? Breast milk takes on the flavours of the food Mom eats.Speaking of milk, researchers found that girls who met calcium requirements had mothers who drank more milk. Moreover, those who got at least the minimum recommended amount of calcium at age five (800 mg daily) were nearly five times as likely to so at age nine (1,300 mg daily).11。
杨立民《现代大学英语精读(3)》(第2版)【词汇短语+课文精解+全文翻译+练习答案】(Unit 5)
] n. 扑动,闪烁,闪动
【例句】①The candle flickered in the wind.蜡烛在风中闪烁不定。
②A faint hope flickered in her breast.她心中仍闪现着一丝希望。
【词组】flickering eyelids 眨着的眼睛
1 / 54
prosperous [
] adj. 富裕的,繁荣的;成功的;顺利的
【例句】After the war, Germany became one of Europe’s most prosperous countries.
Unit 5
Text A
harmony [
] n. 协调,和谐;融洽,一致
【例句】My cat and dog live in perfect harmony. 我的猫和狗相处得十分和睦。
【词组】in (out of) harmony (with) (与…)(不)协调一致,(与…)(不)和睦融洽
【例句】He is known to have been involved in several shady business deals. 大家都
pool [
] n. 水池;合伙使用;库
v. 把…集中在一起,共用;合伙经营,联营
【例句】The receding tide pooled in hollows along the shore. 潮水退去后,岸边只留
现代大学英语3 Unit 5 夜莺与玫瑰(王尔德)
Page 16
Text Appreciation
I. Text Analysis 1. Theme 2. Plot 3. Structure II. Writing Style 1. Genre and Symbols 2. Figurative Speeches a. Personification b. Simile & Metaphor c. Climax & Anticlimax 3. Syntactic Devices III. Sentence Paraphrase
Page 17
I Text Analysis
Page 18
Theme of the Story
• The theme of this story is true love, death, and social criticism, represented by pure image, poetic words and dramatic plot.
Page 20
Page 21
Page 22
Page 23
Structure of the Text
Part Part I Paragraphs Main Ideas
The Nightingale was struck by the "true lover" Nightingale looked for a red rose for the student. Nightingale sacrificed her life to make a red rose for the student.
Page 9
Oscar and Douglas
Page 10
Unit 7Task 1【答案】A.1) In a mental asylum.2) He was a member of a committee which went there to show concern for the pertinents there.3) They were cants behaving like humans.4) He was injured in a bus accident and became mentally ill.5) He spent the rest of his life in comfort.B.painter, birds, animals, cats, wide, published, encouragement, A year or two, The Illustrated London News, cats' Christmas party, a hundred and fifty, world famous 【原文】Dan Rider, a bookseller who loved good causes, was a member of a committee that visited mental asylums. On one visit he noticed a patient, a quiet little man, drawing cats. Rider looked at the drawings and gasped."Good lord, man," he exclaimed. "You draw like Louis Wain!""I am Louis Wain," said the artist.Most people today have never heard of Louis Wain. But, when Rider found him in 1925, he was a household name."He made the cat his own. He invented a cat style, a cat society, a whole cat world," said H. G. Wells in a broadcast appeal a month or two later. "British cats that do not look and live like Louis Wain cats are ashamed of themselves."Before Louis Wain began drawing them, cats were kept strictly in the kitchen if they were kept at all. They were useful for catching mice and perhaps for keeping the maidservant company. Anyone else who felt affection for cats usually kept quiet about it. If a man admitted that he liked cats, he would be laughed at. The dog was the only domestic animal that could be called a friend.Louis Wain studied art as a youth and became quite a successful newspaper and magazine artist. He specialized in birds and animals, including dogs, but never drew a cat till his wife was dying. They had not been married long, and during her illness a black-and-white cat called Peter used to sit on her bed. To amuse his wife, Louis Wain used to sketch and caricature the cat while he sat by her bedside. She urged him to show these-drawings to editors, fie was unconvinced, but wanted to humour her.The first editor he approached shared his lack of enthusiasm. "Whoever would want to see a picture of a cat?" he asked, and Louis Wain put the drawings away. A year or two later he showed them to the editor ofThe Illustrated London News, who suggested a picture of a cats' Christmas party across two full pages. Using his old sketches of Peter, Louis Wain produced a picture containing about a hundred and fifty cats, each one different from the rest. It took him a few days to draw, and it made him world famous.For the next twenty-eight years he drew nothing but cats. He filled his house with them, and sketched them in all their moods. There was nothing subtle about his work. Its humour simply lay in showing cats performing human activities; they followed every new fashion from sea bathing to motoring. He was recognized, somewhat flatteringly, as the leading authority on the feline species. He became President of the National Cat Club and was eagerly sought after as a judge at cat shows.Louis Wain's career ended abruptly in 1914, when he was seriously injured in a bus accident and became mentally ill. Finally, he was certified insane and put in an asylum for paupers.After Dan Rider found him, appeals were launched and exhibitions of his work arranged, and he spent the rest of his life in comfort. He continued to draw cats, but they became increasingly strange as his mental illness progressed. Psychiatrists found them more fascinating than anything he had done when he was sane.Task 2【答案】A.1) Because he was always trying new things and new ways of doing things just like a young painter.2) It didn’t look like her.3) It was the only picture she knew that showed her as she really was.4) People from the poorer parts of Paris, who were thin, hungry, tired, and sick.B. 1) F 2) T 3) F 4) TC. 1881, 1973, Malaga, Spain, ninety-one yearsD. fifteen, nineteen, twenty-three, colors, darker, change, soft-colored, strange, shape,human face and figure, strange【原文】Pablo Picasso was born in 1881. So probably you are wondering why we call him "the youngest painter in the world". When he died in 1973, he was ninety-one years old. But even at that age, he was still painting like a young painter.For that reason, we have called him the "youngest" painter. Young people are always trying new things and new ways of doing things. They welcome new ideas. They are restless and are never satisfied. They seek perfection. Older people often fear change. They know what they can do best, riley prefer to repeat their successes, rather than risk failure. They have found their own place in life and don't like to leave it. We know what to expect from them.When he was over ninety, this great Spanish painter still lived his life like a young man. He was still looking for new ideas and for new ways to use his artistic materials.Picasso's figures sometimes face two ways at once, with the eyes and nose in strange places. Sometimes they are out of shape or broken. Even the colors are not natural. The title of the picture tells us it is a person, but it may look more like a machine.At such times Picasso was trying to paint what he saw with his mind as well as with his eyes. He put in the side of the face as well as the front. He painted the naked body and the clothes on it at the same time. He painted in his own way. He never thought about other people's opinions.Most painters discover a style of painting that suits them and keep to it, especially if people like their pictures. As the artist grows older his pictures may change, but not very much. But Picasso was like a man who had not yet found his own style. He was still looking for a way to express his own restless spirit.The first thing one noticed about him was the look in his large, wide-open eyes. Gertrude Stein, a famous American writer who knew him when he was young, mentioned this hungry look, and one can still see it in pictures of him today. Picasso painted a picture of her in 1906, and the story is an interesting one.According to Gertrude Stein, she visited the painter's studio eighty or ninety times while he painted her picture. While Picasso painted they talked about everything in the world that interested them. Then one day Picasso wiped out the painted head though he had worked on it for so long. "When I look at you I can't see you any more!" he remarked.Picasso went away for the summer. When he returned, he went at once to the picture left in the comer of his studio. Quickly he finished the face from memory. He could see the woman's face more clearly in his mind than he could see it when she sat in the studio in front of him.When people complained to him that the painting of Miss Stein didn't look like her, Picasso would reply, "Too bad. She'll have to look like the picture." But thirty years later, Gertrude Stein said that Picasso's painting of her was the only picture she knew that showed her as she really wasPicasso was born in Malaga, Spain, a pleasant, quiet town. His father was a painter and art teacher who gave his son his first lessons in drawing.Young Pablo did badly at school. He was lazy and didn't listen to what the teachers were saying. He had confidence in himself from the beginning. But it was soon clear that the boy was an artist and deserved the best training he could get. Not even his earliest drawings look like the work of a child.One can say that Picasso was born to be a painter. He won a prize for his painting when he was only fifteen. He studied art in several cities in Spain. But there was no one to teach him all he wanted to know. When he was nineteen he visited Paris.Paris was then the center of the world for artists. Most painters went there sooner or later to study, to see pictures, and to make friends with other painters. Everything that was new and exciting in the world of painting happened there. When he was twenty-three, Picasso returned there to live, and lived in France for the rest of his life.He was already a fine painter. He painted scenes of town life—people in the streets and in restaurants, at horse races and bull fights. They were painted in bright colors and were lovely to look at.But life was not easy for him. For several years he painted people from the poorer parts of the city. He painted men and women who were thin, hungry, tired, and sick. His colors got darker. Most of these pictures were painted in blue, and showed very clearly what the artist saw and felt. The paintings of this "blue period" are full of pity and despair.Picasso did not have to wait long for success. As he began to sell his pictures and become recognized as a painter, his pictures took on a warmer look. At the same time he began to paint with more and more freedom. He began to see people and places as simple forms or shapes. He no longer tried to make his pictures true to life.The results at first seemed strange and not real. The pictures were difficult to understand. His style of painting was known as Cubism, from the shape of the cube. Many people did not like this new and sometimes frightening style. But what great paintings give us is a view of life through one man's eyes, and every man's view is different.Some of Picasso's paintings are rich, soft-colored, and beautiful. Others are strange with sharp, black outlines. But such paintings allow us to imagine things for ourselves. They can make our own view of the world sharper. For they force us to say to ourselves, "What makes him paint like that? What does he see?"Birds, places, and familiar objects play a part in Picasso's painting. But, when one thinks of him, one usually thinks of the way he painted the human face and figure. It is both beautiful and strange. Gertrude Stein wrote, "The head, the face, the human body--these are all that exist for Picasso. The souls of people do not interest him. The reality of life is in the head, the face, and the body."Task 3【答案】American Decorative Arts and Sculpture:colonial period, furniture, ceramics, ship modelsAmerican Art:The Far East, Islam, scroll painting, Buddhist sculpture, prints, the third millennium European Decorative Arts and Sculpture:Western, the fifth century, Medieval art, decorative arts, English silver, porcelain, the musical instrumentsPaintings:11th century, 20th century, impressionists, Spanish, DutchTextiles and Costumes:high quality, a broad selection, weavings, laces, costumes, accessories【原文】Welcome to the Museum of Fine Arts. Boston has long been recognized as a leading center for the arts. One of the city's most important cultural resources is the Museum of Fine Arts, which houses collections of art from antiquity to the present day, many of them unsurpassed. Now let me introduce to you some of the collections here.The Museum's collections of American decorative arts and sculpture range from the colonial period to the present time, with major emphasis on pre-Civil War New England. Furniture, silver, glass, ceramics, and sculpture are on exhibition, as well as an important collection of ship models. Favorite among museum-goers are the collection of 18th-century American furniture, the period rooms, and the superb collection of silver.The Boston Museum's Asiatic collections are universally recognized as the most extensive assemblage to be found anywhere under one roof. Artistic traditions of the Far East, Islam, and India are represented by objects dating from the third millennium B.C. to the contemporary era. The collections of Japanese and Chinese art are especially noteworthy. The variety of strengths in the collection are reflected in such areas as Japanese prints, Chinese and Japanese scroll painting, Chinese ceramics, and a renowned collection of Buddhist sculpture.The Department of European Decorative Arts and Sculpture houses Western European works of art dating from the fifth century through 1900. Outstanding among these holdings are the collection of medieval art and the collection of French 18th-century decorative arts. Also of exceptional importance are the English silver collection, the 18th-century English and French porcelain, and the collection of musical instruments.The Museum has one of the world's foremost collections of paintings ranging from the 11th century to the early 20th century. This department is noted for French paintings from 1825 to 1900, especially works by the impressionists. The Museum's great collection of paintings by American artists includes more than 60 works by John Singleton Copley and 50 by Gilbert Stuart. There is also a strong representation of paintings from Spain, Italy, and the Netherlands.The collection of textiles and costumes is ranked among the greatest in the world because of the high quality and rarity of individual pieces and because it has a broad selection of representative examples of weavings, embroideries, laces, printed fabrics, costumes, and costume accessories. The textile arts of both eastern and western cultures are included, dating from pre-Christian times to the present.Apart from what I have mentioned, the Museum has got much more to offer, for example, the collections of classical art, Egyptian and ancient Near Eastern art, and 20th-century art. I'll leave you to explore by yourselves and enjoy your time here.Task 4【答案】A.1) specialists, specialized settings, money, sharp division2) conventions, some societies and periods3) commodityB.1) Because they lacked opportunity: The necessary social, educational, and economic conditions to create art rarely existed for women in the past.2) Because the art of indigenous peoples did not share the same expressive methods or aims as Western art.C. 1) F 2) T【原文】The functions of the artist and artwork have varied widely during the past five thousand years. It our time, the artist is seen as an independent worker, dedicated to the expression of a unique subjective experience. Often the artist's role is that of the outsider, a critical or rebellious figure. He or she is a specialist who has usually undergone advanced training in a university department of art or theater, or a school with a particular focus, such as a music conservatory. In our societies, works of art are presented in specialized settings: theaters, concert halls, performance spaces, galleries, and museum. There is usually a sharp division between the artist and her or his audience of non-artists. We also associate works of art with money: art auctions in which paintings sell for millions of dollars, ticket sales to the ballet, or fundraising for the local symphony.In other societies and parts of our own society, now and in the past, the arts are closer to the lives of ordinary people. For the majority of their history, artists have expressed the dominant beliefs of a culture, rather than rebelling against them. In place of our emphasis on the development of a personal or original style, artists were trained to conform to the conventions of their art form. Nor have artists always been specialists; in some societies and periods, all members of a society participated in art. The modern Western economic mode, which treats art as a commodity for sale, is not universal. In societies such as that of the Navaho, the concept of selling or creating a salable version of a sand painting would be completely incomprehensible. Selling Navaho sand paintings created as part of a ritual would profane a sacred experience.Artists' identities are rarely known before the Renaissance, with the exception of the period of Classical Greece, when artists were highly regarded for their individual talents and styles. Among artists who were known, there were fewer women than men. In the twentieth century, many female artists in all the disciplines have been recognized. Their absence in prior centuries does not indicate lack of talent, but reflects lack of opportunity. The necessary social, educational, and economic conditions to create art rarely existed for women in the past.Artists of color have also been recognized in the West only recently. The reasons for this absence range from the simple--there were few Asians in America and Europe prior to the middle of the nineteenth century--to the complexities surrounding African Americans. The art of indigenous peoples, while far older than that of the West, did not share the same expressive methods or aims as Western art. Until recently, such art was ignored or dismissed in Western society by the dominant cultural gatekeepers.Task 5【答案】A.1) a) 2) c) 3) b)B.Ⅰ. observant, a dog, Leather BarⅡ. Magnificent visual memory, essentialsⅢ. Rhythm, DustmenⅣ. everyday scenes, Her salty sense of humourC. 1) T 2) F 3) T 4) T【原文】Few artists can have made such an immediate impact on the public as Beryl Cook. At one moment she was completely unknown; at the next, so it seemed, almost everyone had heard of her. First, a few paintings appeared quietly in the window of a remote country antique shop. Then there were exhibitions in Plymouth, in Bristol, in London; an article in a colour supplement, a television programme, a series of greetings cards and a highly successful book. Her rise was all the more astonishing since she was completely untrained, and was already middle-aged by the time she began to paint.Faced with such a series of events, the temptation is to discuss Beryl's art in the context of naive art. This seems to me a mistake, for she is a highly sophisticated and original painter, whose work deserves to be taken on its own terms.What are those terms? If one actually meets Beryl, one comes to understand them a little better. The pictures may seem extrovert, but she is not. For example, she is too shy to turn up at her own private viewings. Her pleasure is to stay in the background, observing.And what an observer Beryl Cook is! It so happens that I was present when the ideas for two of the paintings in the present collection germinated. One is a portrait of my dog, a French bulldog called Bertie. When Beryl came to see me for the first time, he jumped up the stairs ahead of her, wearing his winter coat which is made from an old scarf. A few days later his picture arrived in the post. The picture called Leather Bar had its beginnings the same evening. I took Beryl and her husband John to a pub. There was a fight, and we saw someone being thrown out by the bouncers.The point about these two incidents is that they both happened in a flash. No one was carrying camera; there was no opportunity to make sketches. But somehow the essentials of the scene registered themselves on Beryl, and she was able to record them later in an absolutely convincing and authoritative way.The fact is she has two very rare gifts, not one. She has a magnificent visual memory, and at same time she is able to rearrange and simplify what she sees until it makes a completely convincing composition. Bertie's portrait, with its plump backside and bow legs, is more like Bertie than reflection in a mirror—it catches the absolute essentials of his physique and personality.But these gifts are just the foundation of what Beryl Cook does. She has a very keen feeling for pictorial rhythm. The picture of Dustmen, for instance, has a whirling rhythm which is emphasized by the movement of their large hands in red rubber gloves—these big hands are often a special feature of Beryl's pictures. The English artist she most closely resembles in this respect is Stanley Spencer.Details such as those I have described are, of course, just the kind of thing to appeal to a professional art critic. Important as they are, they would not in themselves account for the impact she has had on the public.Basically, I think this impact is due to two things. When Beryl paints an actual, everyday scene—and I confess these are the pictures I prefer—the smallest detail is immediately recognizable. Her people, for example, seem to fit into a kind of Beryl Cook stereotype, with their big heads and fat and round bodies. Yet they are in fact brilliantly accurate portraits. Walking round Plymouth with her, I am always recognizing people who have made an appearance in her work. Indeed, her vision is so powerful that one tends ever after to see the individual in the terms Beryl has chosen for him/her.The other reason for her success is almost too obvious to be worth mentioning—it is her marvelous sense of humour. My Fur Coat is a picture of a bowler-hatted gentleman who is being offered an unexpected treat. What makes the picture really memorable is the expression on the face of the man. The humour operates even in pictures which aren't obviously "funny". There is something very endearing, for instance, in the two road sweepers with Plymouth lighthouse looming behind them.A sense of humour may be a good reason for success with the public. It is also one which tends to devalue Beryl's work with professional art buffs. Her work contains too much life to be real art as they understand it.This seems to me nonsense, and dangerous nonsense at that. Beryl does what artists have traditionally done—she comments on the world as she perceives it. And the same time she rearranges what she sees to make a pattern of shapes and colours on a flat surface—a pattern which is more than the sum of its individual parts because it has the mysterious power to enhance and excite our own responses to the visible.I suspect Beryl's paintings will be remembered and cherished long after most late 20th-century art is forgotten. What they bring us is a real sense of how ordinary life is lived in our own time, a judgment which is the more authoritative for the humour and lightness of touch.Task 6【答案】A. objects, action or story, painted and composed, interestingB.Plate 1: symmetrical, more interesting designPlate 2: asymmetrical, shapes, colorsPlate 3: extends, the left side, pointC.Plate 4: c) d)Plate 5: a) b) d)Plate 6: a) b) d)【原文】The six pictures in your book are all what we call still life paintings—that is to say, they pictures of ordinary objects such as baskets of fruit, flowers, and old books. There is no “action”, there is no "story" being told in any of these paintings. Yet we find these paintings interesting because of the way they have been painted, and especially because of the way they have been composed.The picture in PLATE 1 was painted by the seventeenth-century Spanish master Zurbaran. How simply Zurbaran has arranged his objects, merely lining them up in a row across the table! By separating them into three groups, with the largest item in the center, he has made what we call a symmetrical arrangement. But it is a rather free kind of symmetry, for the objects on the left side are different in shape from those on the right. Furthermore, the pile of lemons looks heavier than the cup and saucer. Yet Zurbaran has balanced these two different groups in a very subtle way. For one thing, he has made one of the leaves point downward toward the rose on the saucer, and he has made, the oranges appear to tip slightly toward the right. But even by themselves, the cup and saucer, combined with the rose, are more varied in shape than the pile of lemons on the left. All in all, what Zurbarran has done is to balance the heavier mass of lemons with a more interesting design on the right.We find a completely different sort of balance in a still life by the seventeenth-century Dutch painter Pieter Claesz (see PLATE 2). Objects of several different sizes are apparently scattered at random on a table. Claesz has arranged them asymmetrically, that is, without attempting to make the two halves of the picture look alike. The tall glass tumbler, for instance, has been placed considerably off-center, weighing down the composition at the left. Yet Claesz has restored the balance of the picture by massing his most interesting shapes and liveliest colors well over to the right.PLATE 3, a still life by the American painter William M. Harnett, seems even more heavily weighted to one side, for here two thick books and an inkwell are counterbalanced merely by a few pieces of paper. But notice the angle at which Harnett has placed the yellow envelope: How it extends one side of the pyramid formed by the books and inkwell way over to the left edge of the picture, like a long cable tying down a ship to its pier. Both the newspaper and the quill pen also point to this side of the painting, away from the heavy mass at the right, thus helping to balance the whole composition.Now turn to a still life by one of Harnett's contemporaries, the great French painter Paul Cezanne (see PLATE 4). Here the composition is even more daringly asymmetrical, for the climax of the entire picture is the heavy gray jug in the upper fight comer. Notice that Cezanne has arranged most of the fruit on the table, as well as a fold in the background drapery, so that they appear to move upward toward this jug. Yet he has balanced the composition by placing a bright yellow lemon at the left and by tipping the table down toward the lower left corner.Our next still life (see PLATE 5), by the famous Dutch artist Vincent van Gogh, seems hardly "still" at all. As we view this scene from almost directly above, the composition seems to radiate in all directions, almost like an explosion. Notice that Van Gogh has painted the tablecloth with short, thick strokes which seem to shoot out from the very center of the picture.Finally, let us look at a painting by Henri Matisse (see PLATE 6). Here we see a number of still life objects, but no table to support them. Matisse presents each form by itself, in a world of its own, rather than as part of a group of objects in a realistic situation. But he makes us feel that all these forms belong together in his picture simply by the way he has related them to one another in their shapes and colors.Task 7【原文】Frank Lloyd Wright did not call himself an artist. He called himself an architect. But the buildings he designed were works of art. He looked at the ugly square buildings around him, and he did not like what he saw. He wondered why people built ugly homes, when they could have beautiful ones.Frank Lloyd Wright lived from 1869 to 1959. When he was young, there were no courses in architecture, so he went to work in an architect's office in order to learn how to design buildings. Soon he was designing buildings that were beautiful.He also wanted to make his buildings fit into the land around them. One of the houses he designed is on top of a high hill. Other people built tall, square houses on hills, but Wright did not want to lose the beauty of the hill. He built the house low and wide.Now other architects know how to design buildings to fit into the landscape. Frank Lloyd Wright showed them how to do it..。
Unit 4Task 1[答案]A.1>They are farms that grow vegetables for city people to eat fresh.2> It’s a farm that grow plants and flowers to sell.3> They protect the plants from the cold in the winter but let them get plenty of light, so the plants can be grown all through the year.B.1> canned, frozen2> flowers, garden plants, home gardens, yards, window boxes3>buildings, furniture, firewood[原文]Grain, vegetables and fruits are found on most farms. All of them are food for animals and people.Grain can be fed to animals just as it is harvested. But before people use them grains are usually made into flour or breakfast cereal. Bread, macaroni〔通心粉〕, and cereals〔麦片〕all come from grain.Tomatoes, beans, potatoes, beets〔甜菜〕, lettuce〔生菜〕, carrots and onions are field and garden vegetables.Can you think of any others? Vegetables are good for people and for some animals such as pigs and rabbits.Farms that grow vegetables for city people to eat fresh are called truck farms. Truck farms areusually close to big cities. Each day hundreds of loads of fresh vegetables are brought to stores on thefarmers' trucks. Without the truck farmers people in cities would not eat well. And without city peoplewho eat fresh vegetables, the truck farmers would have no work.There are many kinds of fruit. Apples, pears, peaches, cherries, oranges, grapefruit, and berriesare a few kinds. You will be able to think of other kinds that you like. Most fruit is grown on specializedfarms. But many general farms have some fruit to use and sell also.Like vegetables, fruit is sold fresh in markets. But a large part of both fruit and vegetable cropsis sent to factories to be canned or frozen.In warm parts of our country farmers grow cotton, rice, tobacco, sugar cane〔甘蔗〕, and peanuts.Specialized farms raise flowers and garden plants. They are sold to florists〔花商〕and to families forhome gardens, or yards, or window boxes. Afarm that grow plants and flowers to sell is called anursery〔苗圃〕. Most nurseries have glass buildings, called hothouses or greenhouses. The hothouses areheated to protect the plants from cold in the winter but let them get plenty of light, so they can begrown all through the year.Some farms grow only trees. Some of these are Christmas tree farms. Others are large forestswhere trees are grown for their wood. The wood is used for buildings, furniture and firewood. Sometree farms grow only nuttrees.Task2[答案]1> The UN agencies report that the market value of pesticides in developing countries last year wasabout three thousand million dollars.2> The agencies called for worldwide acceptance of Food and Agriculture and World HealthOrganizationpesticide rules. They say this would help guarantee the safe production of and trade inpesticides.[原文]Two United Nations agencies are expressing concern about the safety of some pesticides used tokill insects. They report that about thirty percent of all pesticides sold in developing countries fail tomeet widely accepted rules for quality. They say these products are a serious threat to human healthand the environment.The UN Food and Agriculture Organization and the World Health Organization gave the warning.In developing countries, pesticides are used mainly for agriculture. Pesticides kill insects andother organisms that threaten crops. Pesticides also are used for public health. They control insectsthat spread disease, such as mosquitoes that spread malaria.The UN agencies report that the market value of pesticides in developing countries last year wasabout three thousand million dollars. They say the estimated market value of pesticides worldwidewas thirty-two thousand million dollars.Officials say poor quality pesticides often contain harmful chemicals. These chemicals often arebanned or restricted in some countries.Possible causes of low quality in pesticides include production problems and failure to use theright chemicals.Officials say the active chemicals in many pesticides are stronger than those permittedby many governments.They also say poor quality pesticides may contain poisonous substances orsubstances that are not pure.Officials say the quality of pesticide containers and product information on the containers areother concerns. They say information on the containers often fails to explain the active chemicals andhow to use the productsafely.The WHO says products listing false information have been sold for years in some areas. Theagencies say the problem of poor quality pesticides is widespread in parts of Africa south of theSahara Desert. They called for worldwide acceptance of Food and Agriculture and World HealthOrganization pesticide rules. They say this would help guarantee the safe production of and trade inpesticides.Officials say the agencies' rules are especially important for developing countries. They saydevelopingcountries often lack systems for testing pesticides.Task3[答案]A.1> c> 2> d> 3> b>That’s because they’re making an investment all the time, but are still not sure whether or not they can make profits.[原文]Interviewer: Cattle raising and beef in the US is big business, isn't it?Bob Beck: Yes, it's the largest business—cattle business.Interviewer: It must be a very profitable business then.Bob Beck: Uh, not necessarily.Interviewer: It's not necessarily a profitable business?Bob Beck: At times, it's not profitable. Your production costs get... it's a supply and demand market,and if your supply is larger than your demand... Interviewer: So the price is fluctuating all the time...Bob Beck: Right. It fluctuates, and it can get below production costs. Interviewer: But you never know. For instance, next year, you don't know what it'll bring on themarket.Bob Beck: No, technically it takes a year and a half from the time you breed the cow, until you getthe calf, until the calf's marketable.Interviewer: Uh-huh.Bob Beck: You've got a year, to a year and a half, tied up there.Interviewer: So, you're making an investment all the time.Bob Beck: Right. So you're not sure.Interviewer: It sounds like it might be a very insecure kind of existence. Wonder why it is that peoplewant to be farmers or ranchers〔大农场主〕then... Bob Beck: I think the majority of it is you like it. It's one thing. It's a breed <kind>of people. They like it. If you don't like what you're doing, why... Interviewer: What is there about it? You live essentially in a rural area. Doesn't that feeling of isolationever bother you?Bob Beck: No. It's getting too crowded.Interviewer: Too crowded!Bob Beck: Too many people!Interviewer: I can see that, for instance, in a city, you have restaurants to go to, movie theaters—allkinds of thingsavailable to people, a lot of convenienceswhich you don't have in themore rural areas. What dopeople who farmand ranch do for recreation and relaxation,for instance... erm...Bob Beck: Well, I think a lot of it is if you're a livestock raiser, you'll go check your cows in theevening instead of going to a movie.Interviewer: Uh-huh.Bob Beck: That's as much recreation as driving through a bunch or cows, and if you like them, youenjoy that.Interviewer: In terms of the way of life, to a lot of people, it would seem that it's a very hard life. Itmeans a lot of hard work. I mean, you have aschedule—whether you feel like it or not,you have to get out and feedanimals, and so forth. Would you regard that as one of thedifficult thingsabout it, or is that...Bob Beck: No.Interviewer:…just sort of... part of it?Bob Beck: For me, if I had to go to a desk every morning, that'd kill me.Task4[答案]A. paid off, fall back on, a security, operating expenses, complete disaster1> Some of them cook the meals, clean the house andtake care of the kids every day.2> Yes. That is especially so after they've had one or two bad years when they couldn’t make money.3> When their children are small, they were with their parents to go out to work; when they are very small, Sharon didn’t go out as much as she would later.4> She thinks that in this way the children are a lot more self-reliant. They learn to work and they learn responsibility. They learn a lot about life by being continually in life with animals.[原文]Bob Beck: I think, for a wife, the same as a husband, they like it or they wouldn't marry a farmer or a rancher.Interviewer: Uh-huh.Bob Beck: They'd get out. I think it's not at all wives. Some of them are just like suburban housewives.Interviewer: Uh-huh.Bob Beck: They cook the meals, and they clean the house and that's it... take care of the kids...Interviewer: Have you known some situations like that?Bob Beck: Oh, yeah, I know situations like that!Interviewer: Sharon, is there a problem of the feeling of security?Sharon Beck: What kind of security are you talking about—financial security? Interviewer: Uh, yeah, financial security. Uh, the thing is up and down. You don't know what the market's going to bring, er... for beef. You work all year,and so forth... Is there any problem of that sort?Sharon Beck: Sure, there's the problem of security. Especially, if you've had one or two bad years. You feelawfully insecure.Interviewer: Uh-huh.Sharon Beck: If you've borrowed money to buy a farm or to operate, and there's no money coming in, you feel awfully insecure.Interviewer: Uh-huh.Sharon Beck: But if you've got a fairly good amount of your ranch paid off, you've got that to fall back on. You can always think of that as a security. Ifeverything else fails, if you can’t pay for your operating expenses…Interviewer: Uh-huh.Sharon Beck:...you can always sell your equity in your ranch. So it isn't complete disaster.Interviewer: But it's not something that bothers you terribly. I mean, it's a fact of life. It's sort of...Sharon Beck: Something you live with, yeah...Interviewer:... part of the thing. The role of the wife in this situation is quite different than that of a suburban housewife. You don't have much free time, doyou?Sharon Beck: No.Interviewer: Because, essentially, you work in much the same way that your husband does.Sharon Beck: Yes, I'm usually with him.Interviewer: How do you handle the whole family-life situation—children? You're out almost as much as a working mother in the city, aren't you?Sharon Beck: Yes. The only difference is we're together.Interviewer: The children too...?Sharon Beck: The children too. When they're not in school, when they were small, they were with us. When they were very small, of course, I didn't goout as much.Interviewer: Do you feel that there are advantages in growing up in this way? Sharon Beck: Yeah, I definitely feel that there're advantages. There are disadvantages too, but I think the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages. Interviewer: What are some of those advantages you think the children have? Sharon Beck: The advantages?Interviewer: Uh-huh.Sharon Beck: Well, they're a lot more self-reliant. They learn to work. Erm, they learn responsibility.Interviewer: Uh-huh.Sharon Beck: They learn a lot about life by being continually in life, with animals, and... I think it makes them... erm... They grow up!。
Lesson Five Twelve Angry Men (Part One)AnswersⅠO ral WorkⅡ.Vocabulary Work.1.Translate the expressions1)into Chinese(1) 犯严重错误(2)办理案件(3)出庭作证(4)供给凭证(5)验明凶器(6)抹去指印(7)进行查问(8)付诸表决(9)要求表决2) into English(1)to quote the Bible(2) to list all the reasons(3)to dial the phone number (4)to definite a word (5) to serve a jail term(6) to apologies sb for sth (7)to refute argument(8)to test the sharpness of a knife (9)to clear one’sthroat2. Choose the right words in their proper forms.● (1) sensitive(2) sensitive(3)sensitive(4)sensible● (1) excited(2) excitable(3)exciting(4)excited● (1)charged accused(2)accused(3)charge(4)accusation ● (1)admitted(2)acknowledge(3)acknowledge (4)admit (5) admittedⅢ.Grammar Work1)Choose the right form of the verb in brackets—gerund or infinitive(1)watching(2) selling(3) to launch (4)secure (5) wondering(6)to save (7) feeling(8)being to be/being (9)to answer (10)having2)Choose the right answer.(1)D (2) A(3)C (4) A (5)BⅣ.Translation.(1)Our company was heavily in debt when he took over .We owed the bankabout 10 million.(2)Lao Song, I owe you an apology. I really behaved like a fool that day.(3)People know very well that they owe everything they have today to thereform and policy.(4)Why did their boat invade our territorial waters? They owe us anexplanation at least.优选(5)He claimed to have two Ph.D. degrees from two universities.(6)Both sides claimed to have won the competition .(7)The Taiping took the city finally. But the battle claimed one of their bestleaders.(8)These patients won the claim of 50 million dollars for their damaged health.(9)This otherwise wonderful manager is awomanizer.优选。
Unit 6Task 1【答案】A.In the five short advertisements, sofa beds, a women’s magazine, a car buyer’s magazine, a kind of soap and a radio programme on music are advertised.B. 1) a) 2) c) 3) b) 4) d) 5) c)C. 1) T 2) F 3) F【原文】1) At Simply Sofabeds at Notting Hill Gate we're lowering our prices—for Christmas. Masses of sofa beds for immediate delivery. We're open six days a week, with viewing on Sunday. So celebrate Christmas early this year with a Simply Sofabeds sofa bed at a price that's right. Simply Sofabeds!2) Could there really be a woman's magazine that's different? Yes. It's called Prima. It's packed with news, opinion, fashion and once again there's a free giant pull-out section with clothes to make, crafts to create, beautiful sweaters to knit. Get your second, value-packed issue of Prima!3) Car Buyer magazine. Every Thursday. It gives you a choice of more new and used cars than all of your local papers put together—and for less. Car Buyer for car buyers. At your newsagent's now.4) Girls! Sensitive skin really does need more sensitive care. And I take special care of my sensitive skin with Cuticura soap. Because Cuticura soap contains a medicated ingredient which cleans your skin without leaving it dry or tight. Cuticura medicated soap. From chemists everywhere.5) Hello. This is Bob Harris inviting you to join me this Friday and every Friday evening for the LBC "Pop Review". I play the best of the recent releases, review the British and the American charts, play classic music by the big stars and new tracks by the names of tomorrow. So it's a real mix of different styles and I'm sure you'll love the music. I'd certainly love to have your company. This Friday evening at half past nine. Right here on LBC.Task 2【答案】A.【原文】When you stretch out in the sun you can do one of these three things.You can use no suntan oil. You can use an ordinary suntan oil. Or you can use Bergasol.If you don't use any suntan oil at all when you're in the sun that is stronger than you're used to, you will bum surprisingly quickly.If you use an ordinary suntan oil you will protect your skin to a lesser or greater degree. How much depends on the "protection-factor number" on the bottle. Some of these oils block out so many of the sun's rays you can stay in the sun all day without burning—but you won't go very brown, either.Bergasol will protect your skin like an ordinary suntan oil. But Bergasol oil also has a tan accelerator which comes from the oil of the bergamot fruit.It speeds up the rate at which the sun activates the skin cells that produce melanin.And it is melanin which gives the skin its brown color.So when you use Bergasol suntan oil you go brown faster, and as the days pass the difference will become more and more obvious.Unfortunately this special formula isn't cheap. So Bergasol is rather more expensive than ordinary suntan oil.However the price looks more attractive as you do.Task 3【答案】A.1) b) 2) c) 3) a) 4) a) 5) d)B.1) F 2) T 3) F【原文】The insane laughter faded away behind me. To one side of the clearing sat a deserted house, as derelict and forgotten as the people who once lived there.The door opened, and I was in the front room, a room so dark I felt I could reach out and run my fingers through its inky stillness.From outside the window came the sounds of the night. Owls. Crickets. And from across the room.., drip, drip, drip.My eyes, adjusting to the light, made out what appeared to be a coat hanging from a hat rack, but as the haze dissolved I saw that from the neck of the coat stared the lifeless face of Kuperman, his eyes frozen in horror. A shrieking laugh, as inescapable as a nightmare, rang out around me.My heart, already shaking in the cage of my chest, exploded as a hand fell upon my shoulder."So how do you like the Mitsubishi Home Theater's surround sound?" asked the sales guy."Uhh, great." I said, as I stumbled to the door of the showroom for a breath of fresh air.Task 4【答案】A.TV Advertisements in BritainTV Programmes in Britain【原文】Bob: You are not still watching television, are you?Andre: Yes, I am. I enjoy it. The camera work was very good. It looked like the work of real experts. Er... do you know the history of television in Britain?Bob: Oh, television came to Britain in the year 1936.Andre: Ah!Bob: Only in the London area at that time, though. There wasn't any television during the Second World War. It was started up again afterwards. The BBC was the organization responsible for it.Andre: What do the initials BBC stand for?Bob: The British Broadcasting Corporation. It's a public corporation. It isn't controlled by the government, but it's not a private company either. That means that the government can't use the BBC for propaganda purposes, and nor can private individuals or firms.Andre: Is advertising allowed on the BBC?Bob: No, though some satellite channels get more autonomy. ITV gets its money from advertising, though.Andre: ITV?Bob: ITV stands for Independent Television. It was started in 1954—again in the London area. It covers the whole country now, though.Andre: Why does everything start in London?Bob: Well... it's the capital after all—and the largest centre of population. If you start up a public service—like TV—there, it gets to as many people as possible to start with.Andre: What do people think of the advertisements on television?Bob: It depends. A lot of people think it's a good idea because it means that television can pay its way—ITV gets all its money from advertisements.Andre: What about the BBC?Bob: You have to buy a TV license and that money goes to the BBC. A lot of people don't like having to pay and wish that there were advertisements on the BBC too.On the other hand, other people hate TV advertising because they think it's an insult to their intelligence.Andre: Mm. The advertisements are very subtle, then?Bob: Well... some aren't, anyway. Lots of people go to the kitchen to make a cup of tea when the adverts are on... or take their dog for a walk.Andre: I see. What do you think of your television programmes? Do you like watching them? The programme we've just seen was okay, but what about television in general?Bob: Well, you know how you foreigners say our policemen are wonderful? It's... Andre: Do they? I didn't know they did.Bob: American tourists are supposed to say that, anyway. Well, as I was going to say, people from overseas are supposed to say that sort of thing about our television as well. Personally, I think the BBC has invented that story. There are some pretty awful programmes on TV, but some are quite good.Andre: What sort of things do you watch yourself?Bob: I watch mainly news programmes. And I like old films, too.Andre: Old films? I don't see how you can criticize television if you just watch old films.You might just as well go to the cinema.Bob: Oh—not on your life, the cinema costs money. Besides, it's a lot more trouble going out than staying at home. And I like old films, not new ones. There are a lot of other people like me, too.Andre: Mm, reasonable enough, I suppose.Bob: And it's not just films that people would rather watch on TV. Fewer people go to football matches nowadays, for instance. They prefer to watch them on TV. Andre: Surely it's not as good on television as it is in real life?Bob: Oh, you lose a bit of the atmosphere, of course, and you don't feel part of the occasion in the same way as you do when you're actually there. But you get a much better view of the game on television, and you don't have to move from your armchair.Andre: Ah... well, thank you very much. What's on next?Bob: Oh, my goodness. Some people don't ever do anything but watch television and ask questions!Task 5【答案】A.1) b a d c2) c b d a3) a d b c4) b a c dB.certain changes were to be made in the office and some workers would probably be moved to other positions, see if there were any chance for her, she was moved to ahigher position, find a job fro herself, became the person advertising jobs for othersC.frowned, was amazed, was more alarmed and seriously worried【原文】Cecilia was reading the details of a job that was being advertised."Applications are invited for the post of Personal Assistant to the Manager of this large London export firm. Candidates should be experienced in all branches of office work and should be qualified in shorthand and typewriting. The successful candidate must be prepared to work alone and will be expected to travel."The person appointed will be asked to join the company's insurance scheme and will be permitted to use a company car. Three weeks' annual paid holiday will be allowed. Salary will be calculated according to experience."Application forms may be obtained from the address below and should be returned within three weeks. An interview will be held in London and candidates will be called for interview before the end of this month. Travel expenses for candidates coming from outside London can be claimed at the time of interview."Jason arrived home and looked over Cecilia's shoulder. "I heard today," she said, with a sigh, "that certain changes are going to be made in the office and that some of us are going to be moved. And since we might be put anywhere, I thought I'd find out what jobs were being publicized."The following evening when Jason came home he found Cecilia sitting at the table which was covered with papers advertising many different jobs. Over her shoulder he read:"An assistant editor will be required in September. Applicants should be experienced and prepared to work late hours. A good salary will be paid monthly into a bank for the right candidate. The successful applicant will be appointed for two years in the first case. Application forms, which should be sent in before July 31st, may be obtained from the address below."Jason frowned and turned to the next advertisement, which read:"Temporary typists will be needed during the next six months for several departments. Applicants should be trained and qualified. Inexperienced typists may be appointed but must be prepared to be trained. Application forms, obtainable from the address below, should be filled in by each applicant in her own handwriting and returned before July 31st. All applicants will be interviewed..."Amazed, Jason glanced from paper to paper, becoming more alarmed as he read:"Daily cleaners will be required…lunches may be provided…candidates will be expected to pass a medical examination…salary will be paid weekly…ladders and other equipment will be provided…applications should be received before J uly 31st..."Seriously worded now, Jason sat down. "You don't really need to think about somany jobs, do you?"Cecilia turned to him. "I told you some of us were going to be moved," she said. "I've been put in a new office at a higher salary and now I'm the one who writes out the details for all the jobs that are going to be advertised. It's fun."Task 6【答案】A. 1) d) 2) d) 3) b) 4) d)B. 1) F 2) T 3) TC. insulted, intimidated, victim, patient, please, this treatment, be attacked and robbed, using force, badly, hurt her deeply, a university degree, a well paid job, the best car in the street, money in my pocket, his children and their mother, abused his position, badly, smart, change his ways, lose his family's love【原文】About four years ago I was attacked on the street, knocked down and my bag stolen. All my friends and family were very sympathetic and helped me go to the police to report it. Now I am a victim again, but this time it is my husband who is assaulting me—hitting, insulting and intimidating me. Yet my family doesn't see me as a victim now. They say if I was more patient and tried harder to please my husband he wouldn't beat me. But I don't think I deserve this treatment—just like I didn't deserve to be attacked and robbed.Physical assault is a crime whether it happens in the home or on the street. Build family respect and harmony; speak out against domestic violence.I might have a university degree, a well paid job, the best car in the street and money in my pocket—but I don't have what I value most in life—my children and their mother. I was a fool to think that by using force I could control those I loved. I admit I treated her badly and hurt her deeply. I thought that the children didn't know what was happening, but of course they did. Children can sense unhappiness in their mother.Now when I look back on it, I realize that a home which has violence and disrespect scares away love and happiness. Domestic violence causes family destruction.It was so hard coming to a new country, with a new life, and everything so different.I felt like everything was out of my control. Except in my home and family—at least there I could be boss. But I abused my position as head of the household and treated my wife badly. My wife—she's pretty smart—she got some information about the Australian law which says what I am doing is illegal.Jeez, I don't want to end up in the court system with the police on my back! No way! I've got my kids to think about. I'm going to change my ways—before it's too late and I lose my family's love.Love builds harmony in the family. Domestic violence destroys everything.Task 7【答案】A. 1) d) 2) a) 3) d)B. 1) F 2) F 3) T 4) TC. self, yourself, consecutive, accomplishment, on, off, effective, patterns, marketable skills, accomplishmentsD.1) This is a statement about your personality rather than your skill areas.2) You should not apologize in your resume.3) This information about your educational background is better not mentioned, since it is not a strong point.4) The positive side of this experience is not adequately explored.5) This statement is not specific about your strong points.【原文】The main purpose of a resume is to convince an employer to grant you an interview. There are two kinds. One is the familiar “tombstone” that lists where you went to school and where you’ve worked in chronological order. The other is what I call the “functional” resume—descriptive, fun to read, unique to you and much more likely to land you an interview.It’s handy to have a “tombstone” for certain occasions. But prospective employers throw away most of those unrequested “tombstone” lists, preferring to interview the quick rather than the dead.What follows are tips on writing a functional resume that will get read—a resume that makes you come alive and look interesting to employers.Put yourself first. In order to write a resume others will read with enthusiasm, you have to feel important about yourself.Sell what you can do, not who you are. Practice translating your personality traits, character, accomplishments and achievements into skill areas. There are at least five thousand skill areas in the world of work.Toot your own horn! Many people clutch when asked to think about their abilities. Some think they have none at all! But everyone does. And one of yours may just be the ticket an employer would be glad to punch—if only you show it.Be specific, be concrete, and be brief!Turn bad news into good. Everybody has had disappointments in work. If you have to mention yours, look for the positive side.Never apologize. If you’ve returning to the work force after fifteen years as a parent, simply write a short paragraph (summary of background) in place of a chronology of experie nce. Don’t apologize for working at being a mother; it’s the hardest job of all. If you have no special training or higher education, just don’t mention education.How to psych yourself up? The secret is to think about the self before you start writing about yourself. Take four or five hours off, not necessarily consecutive, and simply write down every accomplishment in your life, on or off the job, that made you feel effective. Don’t worry at first about what it all means. Study the list and try to spot patterns. As you study your list, you will come closer to the meaning: identifying your marketable skills. Once you discover patterns, give names to your cluster of accomplishments (leadership skills, budget management skills, child development skills, etc.). Try to list at least three accomplishments under the same skills heading. Now start writing your resume as if you mattered. It may take four drafts or more, and several weeks, before you’ve ready to show it to a stranger (friends are usually too kind) for a reaction. When you’ve satisfied, send it to a printer; a printed resume is far superior to photocopies. It shows an employer that you regard job hunting as serious work, worth doing right.Isn’t that the kind of person you’d want working for you?Task 8【答案】Ⅰ. increase your sales, travel very fast, secure and safeⅡ.A.a web page, your past customers’ testimonies, link to their email address, a potentialcustomer can email them and verify the testimony, have the opportunity to speak with the past customers and find out all the great things about service or product, those who log onto your websites can in turn talk to their friends and this could tumble like a domino effect.B. your newsletter, visit your siteC. answer your potential customers' questions, This will answer their questions, This canshow them how good your service or product isD. give out their credit card details, they are afraid that someone will steal their creditcard number, feel more comfortable and secure about buying your service or product Ⅲ.A. deliver your product competently, this is merely what the customer expects, gobeyond what is expected and make the process memorableB.1. aluminum foil shaped like a swan, talk to people about this experience, not even a cent2. clean, marketing3. tours of the men's restroomⅣ. distinguish your business from your competitors, performance standards, creativity, enthusiasm【原文】Have you ever purchased something that your friend recommended? Didn't thismake you feel secure and safe since you knew that your friend was happy with the product or service?The best kind of advertisement is word of mouth. Even though it doesn't travel fast, it can do some magnificent results. When one of your past customers tells other people how great your service is, it makes people feel secure, and safe. It gives them a reason why to buy your service or product. Give your past customers a chance to brag about you, use their testimonies. You can use them as powerful tools to increase your sales dramatically.First, collect all the testimonies that you have received from your past customers. Then make a whole web page on your site and place the testimonies on that page. Don’t forget to link to their email address, so a potential client can email them and verify the testimony. This also gives them the opportunity to speak with your past customers and find out all the great things that they have experienced with your service or product. They could then turn around and tell their friends what they heard. This could tumble like a domino affect, causing you to have an explosion of sales.There are many other ways you can use the testimonies. If you have a newsletter that you publish, I would suggest putting an ad in the newsletter that contains “The Testimony” an d some information about your service or product. This will give the potential client a real good reason to visit your site. They already have proof about how good your service or product is. I would also suggest using them in any advertisement you have, and this will give you the same benefits. Try using your testimonies to answer your potential customers' questions. This will answer their questions, and show them how good your service or product is. This is like killing two birds with one stone.You can also try putting some testimonies in your follow-ups that will give them a reason to act now. There is still a big percentage of people on the Internet who are afraid to give out their credit card. They do not think the Internet is safe, and are worried that someone will steal their credit card number. By having “The Testimonies”, it will make them feel more comfortable and secure about buying your service or product.How can you build more word of mouth advertising? Rephrasing the question, why would your customers want to talk to their friends about their experience of doing business with you? What things can you do that will compel them to do so?When you perform your service or deliver your product competently, you are merely doing what the customer expects. (If you don't meet the customers' expectations, they may well tell their friends what you don't want them to hear!) In order to compel the customers to want to share their good experience with their friends, you must make the process memorable, going beyond what is expected.Recently I had lunch with my team members at the Campbell House. The food and service were truly excellent. My daughter and administrative assistant, Dawn, asked for her leftovers to be packed. They were returned to her in aluminum foil shaped like aswan. Guess what she talked about when she got home? How much more do you think it cost the Campbell House to produce that "Wow!" experience? The answer is, not a cent!Disneyland should be an inspiration to us all in providing a "Wow!" experience. What do people talk to their friends about when they come home? "You should have seen how clean that park was! With all of the people there, it's unbelievable! There's not an even a gum wrapper on the ground!" Walt Disney understood that cleanliness is marketing. The Madonna Inn in San Luis Obispo gives tours of the men's restroom. It's quite remarkable, with a rock fountain urinal. I took my daughters when they were very small, and they still remember that urinal! Here is an area that with some creativity, some procedures defined as performance standards, and some enthusiasm, you and your team can distinguish your business from your competitors. Why not schedule a team meeting tomorrow to generate ideas?Task 9【答案】A.Ⅰ.A.1. Person-to-person contact to persuade consumers to buy a product2. indirectly, messages on radio, television, newspaper or handbillsB. Create a demand for the advertised commoditiesⅡ.A.1. more or less the same way2. are partly decided by their teenage childrenB. 1. love, fear, Dating, $1 billion2. the sex appeal, bad breath, perspiration stains, body odour3. health, prestige, pride, envy, jealousy4. brand names, during the years to comea. Repeat the commercials time and again on radio and televisionb. Associate the products with radio or TV stars in the advertisements.B.Advantages:1. Stimulates demand, mass production2. Gives information3. Leaving home4. Stimulates competition5. Lowers prices6. Provides entertainmentDisadvantages:1. May mislead the public, they are getting something that is not being offered2. Often misuse language.3. Encourages impulse buying4. Raises prices, The cost of advertising a product5. May influence the mass media【原文】Salesmen depend upon the person-to-person approach in trying to persuade consumers to buy. Advertising, however, has to depend upon reaching consumers indirectly—through messages on radio and television, in the newspapers, or even on handbills given to you in the street.Once again, the purpose of advertising is to sell goods. This means that the advertiser is going to try to make you think you want something—his something—whether you need it or not. In other words, the advertiser is creating a demand for his product. This is fine. Remember, all the goods being produced today have to be sold. And you cannot buy something if you do not know about it. Later, we shall discuss the pros and cons of advertising. First, let us see how advertisers try to reach the teenage consumers. Of course, many of the advertising gimmicks used to sell to teenagers are used to sell to adults as well.All consumers have certain basic needs or wants: food, clothing, and shelter. But the basic needs of most teenagers are provided for by their parents. Even here, though, advertisers appeal to teenagers because they know that the kind of food mom buys or the furnishings in a teenage girl's room will be partly determined by the teenagers.Teenagers are interested in how much an item will cost. They are interested in whether they are getting solid value for their dollars. They want to know what service they can expect after buying the product. Advertisers let you know this.Probably the most effective appeal to teenagers (and to adults too) is to their emotions. Some important emotions are love and fear. Sales of cosmetics to teenagers approach $1 billion each year. Dating is very important to teenagers, so you have to smell sweet. Hide any skin blemishes, and keep your hair looking just fight. The ads show how using a particular hair spray will make girls and boys more attractive to each other.Ads that promise to increase sex appeal if we use a product are very common. Almost any product can use this appeal. Ads tell you that you will be more attractive if you eat, chew, drink, wear, or use any one of hundreds of different products. Then, of course, there are those ads that ware of bad breath, perspiration stains, or body odour.Advertisers appeal to teenagers' desire to conform. Young people like to think of themselves as individuals who "do their own thing", but this is only partly true. Look around your classroom. Notice the hair styles and the clothing that your classmates are wearing. Chances are there are more things you have in common with each other than you would care to admit.In addition, advertisers appeal to the desire for health and prestige, to the desire to be in style, to pride, and to envy and jealousy.Teenagers, just like all other consumers, are influenced by brand names. Advertisers try to get teenagers used to a brand because they know that, in later years, the teenagerswill stick to this brand. Therefore, commercials are repeated over and over again on radio and television. We soon get to know them by heart. Slick advertising slogans will pop into our minds as we reach for a product. Some advertisers stay with particular radio or television stars, and consumers come to associate a product with a famous person. Since teenagers spend a lot of time listening to the radio and watching television, this form of advertising is very important.You are probably wondering, at this point, whether advertising is good or bad. Actually, it may be a little of both, but decide for yourself. To help you decide, some of the advantages and disadvantages of advertising are listed below.The advantages of advertising are as follows:1. Stimulates demand. Demand increases sales, makes possible the mass productionof goods, and keeps employment high.2. Gives information. Consumers learn about new produces and find out moreabout products already on the market.3. Saves time. Advertising tells what products are around and where they are sold.Consumers can shop and compare prices without leaving home.4. Stimulates competition. Manufacturers have to keep on their toes becauseconsumers know about the different brands and new products that are being offered, and their prices.5. Lowers prices. Because of mass production, goods can be produced in large quantities at low prices.6. Provides entertainment. In most cases, advertising pays the costs of presentingentertainment on radio and television. Some people even enjoy listening to and watching the commercials.Advertising also has disadvantages. Since the main purpose of advertising is to sell goods, the advertiser is not always looking out for the best interests of the consumer. Here are some of the drawbacks of advertising.1. May mislead the public. Ads sometimes mislead the public into thinking they are getting something that is not being offered. Some advertising is deliberately tricky, so that it really is cheating the public. It is relatively easy to make viewers think that they are seeing something on television that is not really happening at all, such as actors dressed as doctors promoting health products.2. Often misuses language. Some ads are silly or meaningless, and violate the rules of good English.3. Encourages impulse buying. Consumers often buy on impulse, without planning ahead. They often buy what they do not need, or they choose according to brand name and do not get the best buy for their money.4. Raises prices. It costs money to advertise. Consumers pay for television programmes every time they buy a product they see advertised. The cost of advertising a product is。
Unit 10Task 1【答案】A.1) washing machines, televisions, cars, 1946, unemployment, soldiers, politicians, on television, in films2) 10 percentB.1) The Market Research Society.2) More than 3,000 people were questioned.3) People dress far more casually than they used to.4) In the past an evening out for most people mean a visit to the cinema. Today they would be more likely to go to a restaurant or to a disco.5) The lack of ambition among the middle-aged.C. 1) F 2) T 3) F 4) T 5) F 6) F【原文】Ordinary people in Britain have more washing machines, televisions and cars than in 1946. They also have more fear of unemployment. Whereas once the nation's heroes used to be soldiers or politicians, today they are morelikely to be famous faces on television or in films, such as Sylvester Stallone.These are just some of the changes discovered in a series of surveys by the Market Research Society. More than 3,000 people were questioned and theresults were compared with a similar survey done in 1946. In many cases, thenew survey tells us what we already knew, such as the fact that many people are better off in a material sense and that women spend much less time atthe kitchen sink or in the home looking after their families. But we also learn a number of other things. Tastes in clothing and entertainment have changed considerably. People dress far more casually than they used to. Andwhereas an evening out for most people used to mean a visit to the cinema, today it is far more likely to involve going to a restaurant or to a disco. Some things have not changed. People still adore the films of Humphrey Bogartand Ingrid Bergman even though they are more likely to watch them on television or video. And despite the variety of foreign food now available,more than a quarter of the people in the survey said they preferred a mealof steak and chips. The only change is that a large number would also likewine with it instead of beer. In 1946 only a small proportion—less than10percent—ever drank wine with their meals.One of the most surprising things to come out of the new research is thelack of ambition among the middle-aged. Many executives feel that by thetimethey are in their mid-forties, they have achieved all their most importantgoals in life. Most of them said they would prefer to retire in theirfiftiesrather than go on working for a promotion.Task 2【答案】A.Column 1 Column 2 Column 3the Internet Ohio, USAshop on Dilip Sardesai aand his wife AndrijaNicole Pernot a small stationer's shop nearArras, FranceDave Stirling a Forum hypermarket Newcastle,EnglandB.1) d) 2) c) 3) a) 4) b) 5) c)【原文】For the past eighteen years, Dilip Sardesai and his wife Andrija haverun a small stationer's shop in the university city of Newcastle, in thenorth-east of England. As well as selling paper, pens, computer and office equipment, they also offer a photocopying and fax service. They work longhours to keep the shop going, and both of their children help them after school. Dilip sees the personal contact he has with his customers as themost important part of his job. “Many of our customers are from the university”, says Dilip. “We've seen generations of students come andgo. we like to offer them the kind of personal service they can't getin a larger shop. We're never too busy to stop and chat about exams, or whatever they want to talk about.”Nicole Pernot is the manageress of a Forum hypermarket, situated20 kilometers from Arras, a town in the north-east of France. Forum has600 stores in five different countries and plans to expand into Eastern Europe. The huge hypermarket employs over 300 people, and has parkingspaces for over cars. “People nowadays have busy lives”, says Nikole,“so we try to attract families by offering them a complete shopping experience, including a full restaurant service and free entertainmentfor the children. We try to make it possible for shoppers to do all theirweekly shopping in one place. People come here not only for food andhousehold goods, but also clothes, electrical goods, books, CDs…..In fact, we sell everything from peanuts to personal computers!”Five years ago, Dave Stirling had the idea of selling CDs over the Internet. The business he started from his home in Ohio, USA, now sells 500,000 CDs year and his made him into a millionaire at the age of twenty-four. “I could see right away that this was the future of shopping”, says Stirling. “Why should you pay $15 for a CD – and spend the time and money getting to the store and parking your car, when, by clicking on your computer, you can have the same CD brought to your door for half the cost? And of course, there's the choice – we promise to two hours.” According tofind any CD and deliver it within seventy-Stirling, this is only the beginning. “I believe that one day we will do all our shopping over the Net: It's easier, quicker and cheaper. Shops and supermarkets will soon be a thing of the past.”Task 3【答案】A.1)a) One in threeb) doubled, 25 yearsc) increased, 50 percentd) went up, 15 percent, 1980, 19952)a) around half, unmarried parents, a thirdb) births outside marriage3)a) seven, 1970, fiveb) the lowest, 19954)a) the United States, the United Kingdomb) Denmarkc) 10 percent, 1980, 1990B.1) This fall in the birthrate is due in part to the fact that, as more women have careers, they are waiting longer and longer to start a family. 2) It is still too early to tell. Because in some countries these patterns are actually reversing.【原文】As the divorce rate rises and fewer couples bother with marriage, we ask if the traditional nuclear family is becoming a thing of the past. While you are reading this article, somewhere in the United States two couples will get married and another will get divorced. One in threeAmericanchildren now live with only one parent, and the United States is not alone in this: In Canada and France the divorce rate has doubled in the last 25years, and in Hungary and Greece it has increased by 50 percent. Even in Japan,where the traditional family is still strong, divorce went up by 15 percent between 1980 and 1995.What is more, the nature of the family is changing. In Sweden and Denmark, around half of all babies are now born to unmarried parents, and in the UnitedKingdom and France more than a third. Even in Ireland, traditionally the mostCatholic country in Europe, the rate of births outside marriage is 20 percent.Families are also getting smaller. The average Turkish family had seven members in 1970; today it has only five. And in Spain and Italy, where familiesthein lowest the was birthrate the large, traditionally always were developed world in 1995. This fall in the birthrate is due in part to the fact that, as more women have careers, they are waiting longer and longer to start a family. The age at which the average woman has her first baby isnow 28 in Western Europe, and it is getting later.So the nuclear family is clearly changing, but is it in danger of disappearing completely?The truth is that it is still too early to tell. In some countries these patterns are actually reversing. In the United States, Scandinavia and theUnited Kingdom, the birthrate is rising once more; and in Denmark, for example,marriage is becoming more popular again. In the United States, the divorce rate in fact fell by 10 percent between 1980 and 1990, and it is continuing to fall.Perhaps a new revolution is beginning?Task 4【答案】A. b)B.1) Because younger workers are generally more productive, adaptable and flexible, while older workers tend to lose speed and flexibility. In the future, with constantly changing technology, it is countries withmuch younger populations that will succeed, rather than the major industrial nations like Japan, the USA and Germany.2) According to Angela Seligman, one of the problems is that a relatively small working population will have to supporta large number of unproductive retired people. And “younger” countries will be more competitive in the worldmarket than “elderly” countries. Another problem is that huge sums will have to be spent on health and welfarefacilities for these old people.【原文】Presenter: In the West old people are living longer and fewer babies are being born. According to Tracy Harris, this is having a drasticeffect on the profile of the population.Tracy Harris: If we look ahead to the year 2025, we can see that the profile of the population in many countries will be very different fromwhat it is today. In Germany, for example, 41 percent of the population will be over 50 compared with the current figuresof percent. And one in ten people will be over 75 years old,and that will be true in Japan as well. By the year 2025 inmost Western countries one in five people will be over 65. Sotoday's 25 to 40 year-olds are tomorrow's over- sixties.Presenter: Why should this be regarded as a problem?Germanyand USA the Japan, like nations industrial major The Harris: Tracy will be elderly, whereas countries like Brazil, Korea andEgypt will have much younger populations. Now, the point isthat younger workers are generally more productive, adaptableand flexible. While it is true that older workers haveacquired skill and judgment, they do tend to lose speed and flexibility. In the future, with constantly changingtechnology, it's the more adaptable workers who will succeed,and they're more likely to be the younger ones.Presenter: According to Angela Seligman, there are several problems facing Western countries in the future.Angela Seligman: One of the problems as I see it is that a relatively small working population will have to support a large number of unproductive retired people. And of course “younger”countries will be more competitive in the world market than “elderly” countries. Another thing is that huge sums willhave to be spent on health and welfare facilities for theseold people.Presenter: So, how can these problems be solved?...Task 5【答案】A.man is slowly changing all the time1) three inches, man will continue to grow taller2) forehead, grow larger, our brains, a physical change3) stronger4) grow weaker, more sensitive5) disappear from the body altogether, it won't be useful any longera human being, thoughts and emotionsB.1) F 2) T 3) T【原文】What will man be like in the future—in 5,000 or even 50,000 years from now? We can only make guesses, of course, but we can be sure that he will be different from what he is today. For man is slowly changing all the time.Let us take an obvious example. Man, even five hundred years ago, was shorter than he is today. Now, on average, men are about three inches taller. Five hundred years is relatively short period of time, so we may assume that man will continue to grow taller.Again, in the modern world we use our brains a great deal. Even so, we still make use of only about 20% of the brain's capacity. As time goes on, however, we shall have to use our brains more and more, and eventually changephysical a about bring to likely is This ones! larger need shall weto the head, in particular the forehead, will grow larger.Nowadays our eyes are in constant use. In fact, we use them so muchthat very often they become weaker and we have to wear glasses. But over grow stronger.that man's eyes will ry long period of time it is likely veThese, and legs. of our arms hand, other we tend to make less use On theas a result, are likely to grow weaker. At the same time, however, our fingers will grow more sensitive because they are used a great deal in modern life.But what about hair? This will probably disappear from the bodyaltogether in course of time because it does not serve a useful purpose any longer. In the future, then, both sexes are likely to be bald!Perhaps all this gives the impression that future man will not be asame, the be true. All well creature to look at! This may very attractive common in have a lot these changes, future man will still in spite of all with use. He will still be a human being, with thoughts and emotions similar to our own.Task 6【答案】A.1) d) 2) b) 3) b)B.1) F 2) T 3) T 4) T【原文】It is their ordinariness that makes them interesting. Lisa, Tina and Cheryl are 14-year-old schoolgirls who come from families which are neither rich nor poor. Newbury Park, the area they inhabit, is also quite typical.Still too young to go to the pubs and discos, the youthful trio spends much of its non-school time on this landscape's streets, or at its various fast-food outlets.Talking to these girls, as they giggle beneath a lamppost, is not difficult. Lisa, the tallest one, seems to be the leader. She has creamy skin and shoulder-length, dark ringlets. Cheryl and Tina are smaller and have medium-length, fair to brown hair. They join readily in chatting about pop music and fashion.What do they do when they are not at school or on the streets? “Watch television,” say Lisa and Tina, in tandem. What else? “The problem is we don't have much money,” Lisa adds. “Sometimes we go to the pictures. Or up West, Leicester Square for the amusement arcades.” What do they do in the amusement arcades? “Play video games. Space Invaders. Things like that,”says Tina. She turns to Cheryl. “Cheryl's the one for the video games.” Cheryl blushed deeply.What about boys? Do they have boyfriends? This causes giggles.“That's our business.” says Lisa. She is smiling, but there is a prohibitive look in her eyes. What about books, do they ever read books? Adrian Mole,” says Tina. “I'm reading it now. It's all right.”“Jude the Obscure,” volunteers No other books? “I've read Lisa. “It's by Thomas Hardy,” she adds. What did she think of it? She looks at her friend, and their eyes, in some private permission, meet. “I think,” she says, turning towards her friends, “that's a load of crap.” The other two break into laughter, as if she had said something clever.It is obviously time, before the conversation wanders toofar into the comic to get to the heart of things. What do they think life is all about? Is it about pleasure, or is it about finding something to believe in? Tina and Cheryl look shocked; Lisa looks offended. Perhaps such questioning is too reminiscent of what issues from the religious studies teacher.Tina and Cheryl gaze, in appeal, at Lisa. Her voice is now abrupt. “We don't bother with that stuff,” she declares. “We just get on with it. Like everybody else.”Then Cheryl, who has not yet spoken, suddenly contributes. “Your problem is that you're out of date,” she says, staring at me. “You miss the point by miles.” The other two are looking at her expectantly.“What it's all about is machines. Not books. Not bigquestions. Computers and videos are what really count. That's what the future is all about.”A little later the conversation is over and the trio heads off down the road, arm in arm. They are tomorrow's wives and mothers and they carry with them their flat, video-game consciousness.In a country which increasingly approximates to the dreariness of a giant Newbury Park, the thought is inescapable that such a consciousness may well be a commonplace part of “what the future is all about”.Task 7【答案】A.1) T 2) F 3) F 4) F 5) T 6) F 7) T 8) F 9) FB.1) The financial news reads that he Euro has risen sharply in Shanghai. Then Mary tells the computer to buy 5,000 Euros.2) He is a computer programmer, working for several companies on a contract basis. He used to be in marketing and then television.3) She is doing research into genetic engineering together with several other people. She works at home.4) Classrooms vanished in 2030 because there was no longer any need for them: Interactive communications systems have made it much easier to learn at home.5) Louise regards marriage as an old-fashioned concept, and doesn't want one herself. She likes the idea of a serious relationship, and thinks there will probably be several during her lifetime since she doesn't want to tie herself down to one person.【原文】It's March, 2050.Frank and Mary Smith wake up in their comfortable house overlooking the sea and switch on the bedroom computer to give them a news update. They usedThe Times, but changed to electronic newspapers many years ago.to take There is the usual stuff about space: Another mission has returned from Mars and scientists have discovered a new planet. No big deal. There was greatexcitement back in 2027, when signals were received from Titan which indicated that there might be life on a remote moon, but efforts to make contact came to nothing and no aliens have appeared on Earth to say hello. The Catholic Church has elected a black Pope. Interesting, but religion doesnot play a significant role in their lives. Financial news: The Euro has risensharply in Shanghai, one of the world's leading business centers. Mary tellsthe computer to buy 5,000 Euros, and there is instant confirmation that thetransaction has been done. Not for the first time she wonders why Europe everbothered to have so many different currencies.As they watch the screen, Frank and Mary take their usual weight control pills, and order one of the household robots to make coffee. Frank disappearsinto the study to join a live video conference with his colleagues around the world. He is a computer programmer, working for several companies on acontract basis. This is his third career: He used to be in marketing and thentelevision.Mary has a quick look at the shopping channels—the usual selection of electric cars, household robots and cheap travel offers—before picking upthe video phone to talk to a colleague. She also has a job, which she shares with several others. They are doing research into genetic engineering, whichhas become a major industry. Both she and Frank used to have an office deskin London, but in 2014 they decided to move to the seaside and work from home.Frank and Mary have one child, Louise, who also has her own workstation in the family home. She goes to school only one day a week, mainly to play with other children. Classrooms vanished in 2030 because there was no longerany need for them: Interactive communications systems have made it much easier to learn at home. Louise, now thirteen, is currently studying Chinese,which has become as important as English as a world language. Louise has manyChinese friends with whom she communicates by computer.According to medical experts, Louise will live to at least 130. She intends to work for a few decades and then devote her time to music and painting. Louise has given little thought to marriage, which she regards asan old-fashioned concept, and she is not sure whether she will ever want tohave a child. She likes the idea of a serious relationship, and thinks therewill probably be several during her lifetime, but why should she tie herselfdown to one person?Task 8【原文】In many countries the status of women has improved considerably over the last 50 years. Although there are still relatively few women in senior business positions, many women pursue their careers in much the same way that men do. In the UK, men's behavior towards women has had to change. For example, men must be careful when they talk about a woman's appearance; some women may find a complimentary remark sexist. Many women prefer not to be referred to as ladies; they prefer the more neutral women. Many women are naturally sensitive about typically male jokes. There are areas of social interaction where men now feel uncertain how to behave. Twenty years ago would always open doors for women; nowadays some women might find this action patronizing.。
Warming up
2. Language:
• Appreciate descriptive writing (use of sensory words to paint pictures). • Appreciate devices to make writing precise and powerful. • Learn how to use “so” and “such.”
4. What are the two examples given by the author as man’s tampering with nature? (paras. 11-13) 5. Why is man’s change of the world particularly devastating? (paras. 12-14)
Text Analysis
Logic & Technique
• What: from interest to concern • How: from general to specific from ature to man
• description • exposition
• Why: from effect to cause
Text Analysis
Detailed Analysis
Part II: Discussion
Why did the author paint such a beautiful picture of a nonexistent town?
What was she trying to appeal to?
Unit 5Task 1【答案】A.1) More than 38 million people2) Ms. Stanecki is an UN AIDS Senior Adviser. She says that some of the fastest growing epidemics can found in Asia.3) Intravenous drug use.4) Anti-AIDS drags are widely available there. This has made some people pay less attention to the danger of becoming infected with HIV.B. 1) F 2) F 3) F 4) TC. worsening, five million, Africa, 25 million, one million, increase, political andfinancial, have access, one in five, more than half【原文】A new report by the UN AIDS organizations finds the global AIDS epidemic is worsening. The agency says more people in all regions around the world are becoming infected with HIV, the virus which causes AIDS.UN AIDS reports that significant progress has been made in providing treatment for larger numbers of AIDS victims and in achieving greater political and financial commitments in the fight against the fatal disease. Despite this, the report says none of these efforts has been enough to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS.Last year, the report notes five million people became newly infected with HIV. That is more people than any previous year. Currently, it says, more than 38 million people are living with the disease.UN AIDS Senior Adviser Karen Stanecki says Asia, with 60 percent of the world's population, is home to some of the fastest growing epidemics in the world. In 2003 alone, she says, more than one million people became infected with HIV.“Equally alarming, we have only just begun to witness the full impact of AIDS on African societies as infections continue to grow and people are dying in large numbers. The scale of the problem in Africa is well documented, with over 25 million infections. If we don’t act now, 60 percent of today’s 15-year-olds will not reach their 60th birthday.”The report says the Caribbean is the hardest hit region in the world after Africa. It also finds the HIV/AIDS epidemic is continuing to expand in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, mainly due to intravenous drug users.UN AIDS says infections also are on the rise in the United States and Western Europe. It blames this largely on the widespread availability of anti-AIDS drags, which it says has made some people in these wealthy countries complacent.UN AIDS Director of Monitoring and Evaluation, Paul De Lay, acknowledges that around the world prevention programs are reaching fewer than one in five people who need them. Nevertheless, he says there has been a dramatic increase in prevention activities for young people and several other successes as well."In Africa, for instance, 60 percent of children have access to AIDS education both in primary and secondary schools. That is a huge increase from the late 1990s. In highly vulnerable groups like sex workers, we are seeing a real success story in Africa.32 percent of sex workers that are identified have access to HIV prevention and there is a large increase in condom use in this population."The report says global spending on AIDS has increased greatly, but, more is needed. It estimates $12 billion will be needed by next year, and $20 billion by 2007,for prevention and care in developing countries. The United Nations says AIDS funding has increased sharply in recent years, in part due to the US government's global AIDS initiative. But it says still globally less than half the money needed is being provided.Task 2【答案】A.1) 40,000, addicted, nature, nurture2) won’t, addict, prone3) genetic, fixed, fated4) regulations, implicationsB. 1) a) 2) b) 3) a)C.1) Human genes are all under close study in laboratories.2) It implies that insurance companies or employers might take advantage and discriminate against those who have been identified as being at high risk.【原文】Mary Gearin: Welcome to the lab. Like it or not, we're all in the Petri dish now as more scientists than ever look for the cause of our habits lying hiddenin our genes.Dr. Whitfield: The advances in DNA technology mean that techniques can be applied to this type of research which weren't possible before and which givethe prospect of what you might call an explosion in outcomes in actualfindings that we can use.Mary Gearin: It's a detective story with an unknown number of villains. We haven't established how many of our 40,000 genes may leave us more likely tobe addicted, but some scientists do believe they've confirmed alayperson's principle—that we're about half nature, half nurture.Dr. Whitfield: The conclusion at the moment is that genetics accounts for about half the variation in liability to a number of kinds of addiction and thatenvironmental influences, or just the random things that happen to usas we go through life, account for the other half.Mary Gearin: Of course, genes won't determine who will or won't become an addict, only those who are more prone to becoming one. Listen to a reformedsmoker and a leading researcher in the field, Wayne Hall.Wayne Hall: I think we really do have a task in front of us to educate people that “genetic” doesn’t mean fixed, immutable, unchangeable, fated. It stillleaves plenty of room for human decision, choice and capacity toinfluence and change behaviour.Mary Gearin: Wayne Hall is pushing for regulations to deal with the ethical implications that have inevitably surfaced.Wayne Hall: If we were able to identify people in advance as being at high risk because they possessed a set of genes, then that might have adverseeffects on them in terms of the way others in their social environmenttreat them. It might have effects if insurance companies take account ofthat information or employers and so on.Mary Gearin: But would addicts take any more responsibility for their own actions?Our distinctly unscientific sample of smokers told us: not really. If atest came out, would you have yourself tested to see if you had thatgene?Julie: Honestly, probably not.Mary Gearin: Would you want your kids to take that test to perhaps ware them off smoking if they had that gene as well?John Mackay: Only if they become problem smokers I'd probably suggest it, yeah.Otherwise I wouldn't worry about it.Task 3【答案】A. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)B.[√] 2.[√] 3.[√] 5.[√] 7.[√] 9.[√] 10.[√] 12.[√] 13.C.1) elementary school teacher, frustrations, peers, taught, learnt2) high EQ, adults, children【原文】Claire Nolan: Hi. This is Claire Nolan.Bill Rodney: Any I’m Bill Rodney. Today we’ll be discussing EQ—not IQ. EQ: emotional intelligence. We've been hearing a lot about EQ lately, and infact you might have seen Daniel Goleman's best-selling book about it inthe bookstore. Your emotional intelligence quotient seems to includeboth intra- and interpersonal relationships—in other words, how wellyou handle your own emotions, and how well you respond to others. Claire Nolan: Yes, but Bill, that's not exactly a new idea, is it? I mean—I know a lot of old proverbs about thinking before you act, and that kind of thing. Bill Rodney: That's true, but the term itself is a new one, and it shows that people have realized, the way you control your feelings is just as important asyour education—maybe even more important. But what's reallyinteresting and the focus of today's session is: Can you learn EQ? We'llbe talking to three people today—all educators, in their own way—toget their perspective on it. Our first guest is Betty Cortina. Betty, you'rean elementary school teacher. Do you really think that some kids havehigher EQ's than others?Betty Cortina: Oh sure! Even at five or six years old, some of the kids tend to be much more patient and easy-going than others. And then others areprone to shout and make a big fuss. I mean, I don't want to make itsound as if it's bad to be spirited, or anything, but if you can't controlyour emotions, even at that age, you can have a lot of problems.Bill Rodney: Like what?Betty Cortina: Well, if you can't deal with setbacks, you don't make progress; and if you're always impatient, your peers don't like you.Bill Rodney: Can you give us an example?Betty Corrina: Sure. One example is how kids deal with frustration. Imagine a child who is having trouble doing a math problem. She gets frustrated withthe problem, throws her pencil down, yells angrily, "This is a stupidproblem! I hate it!" Another child, with a higher EQ, might be able tohandle the situation better. She might try different ways to approachthe problem, or ask for help, and so on. And she will be moresuccessful because she won't let her negative feelings get in the way ofher task.Bill Rodney: I guess I can understand that, but my question is: Can you learn to have a higher EQ? Let’s see, our next guest is Jim McDonald. Do youwant to respond to that question?Jim McDonald: Yes. Well, as you know, I run management training programs for a bank here in the city, and I agree this EQ idea is definitely important.Let’s face it: When the going gets tough, it’s much better for anemployee to have a positive, enthusiastic attitude than to dwell onfailures. But what I find is that some people just take life in stride andother people don't. I mean, of course you can point them in the rightdirection—that's what I try to do in my seminars—but some peoplenever learn to improve their EQ.Betty Cortina: No, I disagree. Kids can be taught to have patience and not to give up when things go wrong. They learn to respond well to their emotions.They learn how to sit still and listen, and how to respect others. And Idon't believe we are born with a high emotional intelligence quotient. Ithink we have to learn those skills.Jim McDonald: Okay, so maybe you can teach children, but frankly, I don't see how adults can ever change. I mean, I work with a lot of managers, and thegood ones are sharp, perceptive people who respond well to change. Idon't think the others can learn that.Bill Rodney: Why not?Jim McDonald: Well, part of the problem is that people with a low EQ have a difficult time seeing how their behavior affects other people. They see noreason to change. Their behavior has negative effects—for themselvesand for others—but they don't see it that way. They tend to blameother people for the problems they are having. People like this justdon’t work well with other people. I’d say they have a lower EQ andthey’ll probably never adjust their behavior.Task 4【答案】A.1) Marriage counsel/Psychologist.2) Yes.3) With help, he learned to see that his wife’s success was also his success instead of his failure.B.1) T 2) F 3) T【原文】Bill Rodney: Our third guest, Ian Davis, is a marriage counselor. Ian, from the perspective of a marriage counselor, can adults change their EQ's?Ian Davis: Yes. I am a psychologist and I work with couples, married couples, who are having problems. From what I can see, some people, adults, I mean,can change their EQ's.Bill Rodney: How so?Ian Davis: Well, I think that the key to keeping a relationship together is learning to empathize with your partner.Bill Rodney: Did you say "empathize"?lan Davis: Yes, it's crucial. Couples who have successful relationships try hard to understand each other's feelings. First, you have to put yourself in yourpartner's shoes. That makes it easier for you to make allowances for yourpartner's weaknesses. You have to learn to control your reactions evenwhen you feel angry or resentful.Bill Rodney: So you're saying people can learn those things? Don't you think that, as Jim said, some people have it and some don't?Ian Davis: No, I disagree strongly with what he said. I do see people change. If I didn't think people could change, I'd be in a different line of work!Bill Rodney: I'm not quite sure I understand what you're saying. Tell us about someone you've seen acquire a higher EQ.Ian Davis: Well, let me tell you about a case I saw recently. I had some clients, a husband and wife, a few months ago, and the wife had gotten apromotion at work. Now the husband was happy for her, of course, buthe also felt a bit jealous. He felt like a failure because he hadn’t gotten apromotion at his job.Bill Rodney: So what happened to them?Ian Davis: Well, the husband had to learn to swallow his pride and put aside his negative feeling. I told him to concentrate on the good thing that hadhappened to his wife instead of thinking about himself. With practice, hewas able to see that her success was also his success, not his failure. Ireally think he raised his own EQ by doing that.Bill Rodney: Thank you, Ian. And I’ll remember to keep EQ in mind. Maybe I can geta little better it! And thank you, Betty and Jim, for joining us today.Task 5【答案】1) He should have asked some questions, like what kind of work she did, or how long she spent at the computer every day.2) Acupuncture.3) They have to be more careful before they recommend operations.4) He tends to get better when it’s warmer.C.Column 1 Column 2Linda Jenkins Atlanda, GeorgiaShelley Travers Eugene, OregonRay Ishwood New York City【原文】Bill: Good morning, everyone. This is Bill and the show is Body Talk. Today's topic is problems with doctors. Now, who hasn't had a problem with a doctor? Call in and tell us yours. Our number is 1-800-555-BODY. That didn't take long…here's our first caller now. Hello, this is Bill and you're on Body Talk! Shelley Travers: Morning, Bill. This is Shelley Travers, calling from New York City.Thanks for taking my call. I just want to say how important I think itreally is for a doctor to listen to a patient.Bill: Tell me about it! So, Shelley, what happened to you?Shelley Travers: Well, I was getting these really bad, shooting pains in my back. I couldn't sleep at night or anything. So I went to my doctor, and heexamined me and had me do all these tests and things. And I evenhad to go into the hospital for some X-rays. But after all that—Imean, I took off a lot of time from work—they told me there wasnothing wrong with me. I was thinking about trying alternativemedicine and going to a chiropractor when a co-worker... I'm asecretary...Bill: What was that, Shelley? I didn't catch all of what you said. You mean, you were in serious pain.., the doctor's tests didn't showanything…you were going to go to a chiropractor...Shelley Travers: Well, yes, that's right. Awful, right? But a co-worker said, "You know, your desk chair is too hard. If you sat on a soft cushion that mightmake your back feel better." Anyway, she was totally right. So then Ifelt really mad, because, I mean, I had taken all that time from workto see the doctor, but all I really needed was a cushion!Bill: So, your doctor hadn't really listened and asked the right questions, right, Shelley?Shelley Travers: Yeah, that's right. He never asked me what kind of work I did, or how long I spent at the computer every day. If he had asked somequestions, he probably wouldn't have sent me for all those tests!Bill: Sure sounds like your doctor wasn't much help. But, I'm glad the cushion worked. Thanks, Shelley. Bye, now. Hi, Bill here. You're onBody Talk.Linda Jenkins: Hi there, Bill. My name is Linda Jenkins, and I’m calling from Atlanta, Georgia. I want to tell you what happened to me… I t’s kindof embarrassing though…Bill: Ah, go ahead. Linda, Don't be embarrassed. We're listeningLinda Jenkins: Well... ah... Okay. I had this big wart on my foot. It got so bad that I could hardly...Bill: Sorry to interrupt you, Linda. What did you say?Linda Jenkins: A wart, you know, a hard lump. Kids get them on their hands all the time, but I got one on the bottom of my left foot. So, my doctor saidI'd probably need an operation to remove it. Burn it off, or something.He really scared me!Bill: So, you were scared, but did you take his advice?Linda Jenkins: No, actually, I didn't. But I was just desperate, because, you know, I could hardly walk. So, I decided to try acupuncture.Bill: Wait a minute. I didn't catch that. What did you say?Linda Jenkins: I tried acupuncture—I went to an acupuncturist. And you know, she really listened to me and got me to change my diet and get more rest.She said the wart was probably a reaction to stress. I had beenworking late a lot. Eventually, the wart cleared up. I really think thatdoctors have to be more careful before they recommend operations.Sometimes there's a much simpler treatment. I mean, if doctors putthemselves in their patients' shoes, they might not be so quick to startcutting!Bill: You know, Linda, you're absolutely right! I couldn't agree with you more!Thanks for sharing your story with us. Good-bye, and good luck! Hello,you're on Body Talk.Ray Ishwood: Hello, Bill. Ray Ishwood, calling from Eugene, Oregon.Bill: How are you doing, Ray?Ray Ishwood: Fine, Bill. Ah, well.., here's my story. For several years, I've had arthritis in my hands and wrists. This winter—it was so cold andrainy—the pain got really bad. My doctor gave me a series ofinjections, really painful, to my hands. He said that in a few weeks Iwould feel better.Bill: Well, did you? Did those painful shots help?Ray Ishwood: Well... I don't really know... I mean, I'm feeling a lot better now, but I think it's because of the warmer weather. I tend to get worse when it'scold and rainy outside. So, I don't think that the shots were that muchhelp. And they were very painful. I just don't want to continue withthem if they don't really make much of a difference.Bill: You're probably right, Ray. Well, I'm glad you're feeling better, and thanks for calling Body Talk.Task 6【答案】A. 1) c) 2) b)B. veracts, immune system, reaction, the sting, blood pressure, breathe, medicineC. A. immune system,B. red, itchy eyes, runny nose, difficult breathingC. 1. Normal2. Allergic【原文】Today I think we are ready to start talking about allergies, and about allergic reactions. In the first part of my lecture, I'm going to explain what an allergic reaction is. Then I will try to describe what an allergic reaction to a bee sting is like. In the second part of my lecture, I'm going to talk about allergy testing and allergy shots. I'll explain one way the testing is done. I'll also tell you how and why allergy shots are given. That's a lot to cover, so let's begin.What is an allergic reaction? Well, an allergic reaction is really an action of the immune system in the body—an action of the immune system in your body. The immune system's job is to protect you, to make antibodies to protect you from things that are dangerous to your health. In an allergic reaction, however, your body makes antibodies to something that isn't really a problem for the body—that is, it's notusually a problem for someone without an allergy. For example, milk and cats’ hair and dust are usually not dangerous to humans. But, for some reason, your body might produce antibodies to milk or to cats' hair or to dust. Your body is trying to protect you from these things.When the immune system does this, it is, in a sense, working too hard. The result is a fight. The fight is between your antibodies and the milk you drank or the cat hair or the dust you breathed in. You know your body is having a fight because you sneeze, or you have red, itchy eyes and a runny nose, or you feel tired, or you may have difficulty breathing. These are some of the common signs of an allergy.Now let's turn our attention to one specific allergic reaction. Let's look at what happens with a bee sting. Anyone who gets a bee sting will have some reaction. A normal reaction is pain and swelling and redness where the sting is. This type of reaction is also called a local reaction because the reaction is only in the location, the place, where the sting is.In contrast, an allergic reaction to a bee sting is a much stronger reaction. It is a general reaction that affects the whole body. This general reaction is called an anaphylactic reaction, a-n-a-p-h-y-l-a-c-t-i-c. This is shown in the figure on page 76, so take a look at the figure. In this kind of reaction, several things happen. There is pain and swelling, but it is all over the body, not just where the sting is. The person's legs, arms, feet, and face usually itch and turn red. It often becomes difficult for the person to breathe. The person can also become weak and confused. The blood pressure may drop. For some people, these reactions may continue for hours unless some medicine is given. In fact, the person can die if he or she isn't given medicine to stop the reaction.Task 7【答案】A. 1) T 2) F 3) F 4) FB. definition, prevention, an unusual, antibodies, symptoms, Untreated, death, the thing, an allergic reactionC. under the skin, red bump, less sensitive, several times【原文】Now, if you are allergic to something, it's important to know how to prevent these reactions. One question is: How do people know if they are allergic to something, say, if they are allergic to bee stings? One way to find out is to have an allergy test. One type of test is a skin test. To do the test, the doctor injects a small amount of the venom, the poison from the bee, under the skin. You can see this in the left hand figure on page 77. Then, the doctor watches closely to see what happens. The doctor pays attention to two things: the color of the skin and the size of the bump on the skin. This is shown in the right hand figure on the same page. If the skin reacts strongly—in other words, if the bump is big and very red—this means the person is very allergic. If the skin only changes a little, the person is only slightly allergic. If the skin doesn't change, this usually means the person isn't allergic.If the doctor finds out the person is allergic to bees, or bee stings, allergy shots are often recommended. In the allergy shots, the doctor uses a small amount of bee venom. The doctor does this to make the person less sensitive to the venom, in other words, to build up the person's immunity to the venom. This is similar to what doctors do when they give children shots against childhood diseases like measles.Each visit, the doctor increases the amount of venom in the shot. The doctor starts off with a very small amount of venom and uses slightly more each time.Increasing the amount builds up immunity to the venom. This immunity will not protect the person from a bee sting, of course. If the person gets stung, he or she will still get a local reaction, but will not have an allergic reaction. Okay, so that's basically how the allergy shots work.To sum up the main points of our talk today, let's recall what an allergic reaction is and how allergic reactions can be prevented. Remember that an allergic reaction is an unusual reaction to something that doesn't normally affect people. In an allergic reaction, for example, to a bee sting, the body keeps producing antibodies and the person can have an anaphylactic reaction. This can be very serious, and the person may even die if he or she isn't given medicine. Allergy shots help you to prevent an allergic reaction. They help make someone less sensitive to the thing that causes the allergy, such as the bee venom.Okay, well, if can remember these points, I think that's all for today.Task 8【原文】Want your kids to eat healthy? Check your own diet. The more fruit and vegetables Mom and Dad eat, the more Junior is likely to consume, according to a study of two-to-six-year-olds at London's University College. And youngsters who were introduced to these foods earlier tended to reach for them more often. Those who had been breast-fed ate fruit and vegetables more frequently than bottle-fed kids. The likely reason? Breast milk takes on the flavours of the food Mom eats.Speaking of milk, researchers found that girls who met calcium requirements had mothers who drank more milk. Moreover, those who got at least the minimum recommended amount of calcium at age five (800 mg daily) were nearly five times as likely to so at age nine (1,300 mg daily).。
Pre-class Work H1. Paraphrase.1) No. 8: The society has not treated the boy very well. Therefore we should at least talk a little bit before we send him to the chair. That's all I want to do. Nothing else.2) No. 9: I'm surprised to hear you say that as if dishonesty has ever been a characteristic peculiar to a specific group.3) No. 8: Nobody has to prove the kid is innocent. According to the principle of law, he is innocent untile proven guilty, and he can only be convicted if his guilt is beyond reasonable doubt.4) No. 4: These two slaps may have been beyond his limit of endurance. The boy has been kicked around so often that he may have been reaching the breaking point when the two slaps come.5) No. 8: If I were tried in court and the verdict would decide whether I would live or be executed, I would want my lawyer to try his best to refute the prosecutor's evidence completely. 6) No. 3: Brother, you're really annoying. You sat here and voted guilty like the rest of us. And then, some hypocritical person like a preacher said something with his affected language and voice, you just began to show your sympathy for the boy and then changed your vote. This is the most disgusting... I suggest you go to the church or some other charity institution to contribute some money, which will be more direct and virtuous.2. Learn to use reference books.l) Find the proper definition of the following in the text.(1) charge: to accuse sb. of sth. esp. formally in a court of law(2) term: a period of times(3) state: condition or circumstances(4) plain: simply(5) blade: knife (edge)(6) jam: to squeeze sth. into a space so that it cannot move out(7) bright: smart, clever(8) hang: to make (a jury) unable to reach a unanimous decision(9) given: fixed2) Find the synonyms and antonyms of the following in a thesaurus.(1) fantastic:synonyms: marvelous, extremely good, wonderful, sensational, terrific, fabulous, superb, greatantonyms: reasonable, sensible, credible, ordinary, common, moderate(2) peculiar:synonyms: odd, queer, strange, unusual, abnormal, unconventional, weird, eccentric, bizarreantonyms: common, general, universal, usual, ordinary, conventional, familiar3. Word-building.1) Give the corresponding nouns of the following.(1) handle/handling (2) charge (3) accusation(4) supposition (5) disagreement (6) mixture/mix(7) refutation (8) provocation (9) commitment(10) divergence2) Give the corresponding verbs of the following.(I) to try (2) to prosecute (3) to mug(4) to allege (5) to guard (6) to sicken(7) to preach (8) to elevate (9) to tear(10) to bear (11) to accomplish (12) to excite(13) to coincide (14) to forgeMore Work on the TextII. V ocabulary1. Translate.1) into Chinese.(1)犯严重错误(2)负责处理该案(3)出庭作证(4)提供证据(5)验明凶器(6)抹去指印(7)进行盘问(8)付诸表决(9)要求表决(10)以不记名投票方式表决(11)投票赞成或反对(12)投票认为有罪(13)作出判决(14)判决某人死刑(15)成功地耍一个花招(16)堵塞河流2) into English.(1) to quote the Bible (2) to list all the reasons(3) to dial the phone number (4) to define the word(5) to serve a jail term (6) to owe someone an apology(7) to refute an argument (8) to test the sharpness of a knife(9) to clear one's throat (10) to miss the point(11) to set a time limit . (12) to make a rule(13) to split the rent (14) to pass a given point(15) to tear something to shreds/pieces (16) to get back to the point(17) to stab (somebody) in the back2. Give synonyms and antonyms of the following.1) Give synonyms.(1) evident, clear, plain, distinct, conspicuous(2) feeble, weak, inadequate, poor(3) to cry out, to shout, to scream(4) normal, usual, common, routine(5) threat, danger(6) legal advisor, lawyer, attorney(7) proof, material proof, grounds, fact(8) disreputable people, scum, loafers(9) dirty, unclean, rotten(10) disagreement, quarrel, dispute(11) smart, wise, clever, intelligent(12) to thrust, to stick in, to stuff(13) unbelievable, remarkable, amazing(14) to differ, to disagree, to separate(15) to achieve, to carry out, to do, to perform, to realize, to attain, to fulfill(16) proposal, suggestion, recommendation, plan(17) disgusting(18) decision, judgment, opinion(19) intolerable, unacceptable, unthinkable(20) trait, quality, feature2) Give antonyms.(1) inaccurate (2) proud (3) calm, cool(4) innocent (5) to deny (6) defense(7) insensitive (8) strong, solid (9) to disprove, to refute(10) impersonal (11) dishonest (12) irregular(13) negative (14) abnormal3. Translate.1) Our company was heavily in debt when he took over. We owed the bank about 10 million.2) Lao Song, I owe you an apology. The other day I really behaved like a fool.3) People know very well that they owe everything they have today to the reform and open policy.4) Why did their boat invade our territorial waters? They owe us an explanation at least.5) He claimed to have two Ph.D degrees from two universities.6) Both sides claimed to have won the competition.7) The Taipings took the city finally. But the battle claimed one of their best leaders.8) These patients won the claim of 50 million dollars for their damaged health.9) This otherwise wonderful manager is a womanizer.10) Her otherwise perfect family only has one problem: Her little daughter is handicapped.11) The Congress will vote on this new tax law sometime next week. The exact time has not yet beenfixed.12) Big business will vote for that party. They won't vote otherwise.13) After a heated discussion, they finally put it to a vote. The vote was three to four in Bush's favor.14) John Kennedy was the first Catholic in US history to be voted into the White House.15) In the stock market, people often vote with their feet.16) The problems we now have remind us that social justice is just as important as economic prosperity.17) That day she forgot to remind her husband to get his car fixed.18) The story reminded me of many terrible things that happened in the so-called "cultural revolution."4. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word.1) down 2) in 3) on, off 4) out 5) out 6) out7) over 8) over 9) away with 10) with, without 11) into, in 12) with6. Choose the right words in their proper forms.I) (1) sensible (2) sensitive (3) sensitive (4) sensible2) (1) excited (2) excitable (3) exciting (4) excited3) (1) charged, charged (2) accused (3) charge (4) accusation4) (1) admitted/acknowledge (2) admit/acknowledge (3) acknowledge (4) acknowledge(5) admittedTranslate with special attention to the different meanings of the same word or wordswhich happen to have the same spelling.1)你能不能用简单的英语把它说明白一些?2)西班牙的雨量集中在平原地区。
《英语听力教程3》第二版 Unit_5_答案
《英语听力教程3》第二版Unit_5_答案张明伦主编《英语听力教程3》第二版Unit_5_答案Listen this way 3 Unit 5 People & Places (I)For the tape script, you can download the file beside.Click here to download the file with tape script.(Or right click & “save target as”)Part I Getting readyA.B. Keys:Area:1: 3 000 000 2: 54 000 3: 15 944 4: 32 3765: 439 828 6: 830 000 7: 16 575Population:1: +20 000 000 2: 7 150 000 3: 16 300 000 4: 7 000 000Part II CanadaA.B. Keys:I. 1: second only 2: 26 million people 3: the Great Lakes 4: the Rocky Mountains5: the Arctic islandsII. 1: climate 2: extremely cold 3: overcoat 4: fur hat 5: warm 6: lightweightIII. 1: American Indians 2: Germans 3: Italians 4: Inuit 5: English and FrenchIV. 1: seafood 2: meat dishes 3: the sweet course 4: good beer but not good local winesV. 1: most modern shopping centers 2: woolen 3: wood 4: leather 5: mapleVI. 1: the Canadian dollar 2: 10 am to 3 pm 3: Thursday 4: FridaysPart III Traveling around AustraliaA. Keys:Interesting places to visit:1: harbor 2: Opera House 3: Ayers Rock 4: KakaduThings to do in each place:1: boat trip 2: sailing ship 3: concerts 4: tropical fish 5:glass-bottom6: hiking 7: cave 8: colors 9: sunrise 10: sunset 11: hiking 12: wildlife 13: waterfallsWhere to stay in each place:1: backpacker’s 2: resort 3: guesthouse 4: campsitesB. Keys:1: T 2: F 3: F 4: T 5: F 6: T 7: FPart IV More about the topic: The Story of DenverKeys:I. 1: 1.6 2: one 3: Population 4: 470 000 5: 26 6: 1 600 000 7: 300 8: sumshine 9: 35II. 1: marketing 2: 1 500 3: food processing 4: defense 5: transportation6: gold 7: communications 8: the third 9: do businessIII. 1: History 2: Natural History 3: North America 4: 90 000 5: the State Capitol Building6: 500 7: city park system 8: businees 9: gas lights 10: horsesPart V Do you kno w…? Keys:1: 2 2: 3 3: 1 4: 1、3 5: 2 6: 3 7: 2 8: 1 9: 3 10: 2 11: 3。
Unit 6Task 1【答案】A.In the five short advertisements, sofa beds, a women’s magazine, a car buyer’s magazine, a kind of soap and a radio programme on music are advertised.B. 1) a) 2) c) 3) b) 4) d) 5) c)C. 1) T 2) F 3) F【原文】1) At Simply Sofabeds at Notting Hill Gate we're lowering our prices—for Christmas. Masses of sofa beds for immediate delivery. We're open six days a week, with viewing on Sunday. So celebrate Christmas early this year witha Simply Sofabeds sofa bed at a price that's right. Simply Sofabeds!2) Could there really be a woman's magazine that's different? Yes. It's called Prima. It's packed with news, opinion, fashion and once again there's a free giant pull-out section with clothes to make, crafts to create, beautiful sweaters to knit. Get your second, value-packed issue of Prima!3) Car Buyer magazine. Every Thursday. It gives you a choice of more new and used cars than all of your local papers put together—and for less. Car Buyer for car buyers. At your newsagent's now.4) Girls! Sensitive skin really does need more sensitive care. And I take special care of my sensitive skin with Cuticura soap. Because Cuticura soap contains a medicated ingredient which cleans your skin without leaving it dry or tight. Cuticura medicated soap. From chemists everywhere.5) Hello. This is Bob Harris inviting you to join me this Friday and every Friday evening for the LBC "Pop Review". I play the best of the recent releases, review the British and the American charts, play classic music by the big stars and new tracks by the names of tomorrow. So it's a real mix of different styles and I'm sure you'll love the music. I'd certainly love to have your company. This Friday evening at half past nine. Right here on LBC.Task 2【答案】A.Effects of Bergas ol You may do one of these things when sunbathing:1. You don’t use any suntan oil.2. You use an ordinary suntan oil.3. You use Bergasol.Different results of different acts:1. You skin may burn terribly if the sunshine is stronger than you’re used to.2. Your skin may not get burned, but you won’t get a good tan, either.3. Your skin is protected while it gets a tan quickly.How does Bergasol work?The oil in Bergasol fruit activities cells in the skin that produce melanin, the element that gives the skin the natural dark color.Price of Bergas ol More expensive than ordinary suntan oilReason: The special formulations in Bergasol isn’t cheap to prepare.B. 1) b) 2) b)【原文】When you stretch out in the sun you can do one of these three things.You can use no suntan oil. You can use an ordinary suntan oil. Or you can use Bergasol.If you don't use any suntan oil at all when you're in the sun that is stronger than you're used to, you will bum surprisingly quickly.If you use an ordinary suntan oil you will protect your skin to a lesser or greater degree. How much depends on the "protection-factor number" on the bottle. Some of these oils block out so many of the sun's rays you can stay in the sun all day without burning—but you won't go very brown, either.Bergasol will protect your skin like an ordinary suntan oil. But Bergasol oil also has a tan accelerator which comes from the oil of the bergamot fruit.It speeds up the rate at which the sun activates the skin cells that produce melanin.And it is melanin which gives the skin its brown color.So when you use Bergasol suntan oil you go brown faster, and as the days pass the difference will become more and more obvious.Unfortunately this special formula isn't cheap. So Bergasol is rather more expensive than ordinary suntan oil.However the price looks more attractive as you do.Task 3【答案】A.1) b) 2) c) 3) a) 4) a) 5) d)B.1) F 2) T 3) F【原文】The insane laughter faded away behind me. To one side of the clearing sat a deserted house, as derelict and forgotten as the people who once lived there.The door opened, and I was in the front room, a room so dark I felt I could reach out and run my fingers through its inky stillness.From outside the window came the sounds of the night. Owls. Crickets. And from across the room.., drip, drip, drip.My eyes, adjusting to the light, made out what appeared to be a coat hanging from a hat rack, but as the haze dissolved I saw that from the neck of the coat stared the lifeless face of Kuperman, his eyes frozen in horror. A shrieking laugh, as inescapable as a nightmare, rang out around me.My heart, already shaking in the cage of my chest, exploded as a hand fell upon my shoulder."So how do you like the Mitsubishi Home Theater's surround sound?" asked the sales guy."Uhh, great." I said, as I stumbled to the door of the showroom for a breath of fresh air.Task 4【答案】A.TV Advertisements in BritainWhere do we see TV advertisements in Britain? You don ’t see TVadvertisements on theBBC, which stands for theBritain BroadcastingCorporation, because it isa public corporation andrelies on the license feesfor its income.You see TV advertisementson ITV, which stands forIndependent Television,because it is private andrelies on theadvertisements for itsincome.What do people think of the TV advertisements in Britain? Not very subtle. Some people go and make a cup of tea or walk their dog when advertisements come on TV.TV Programmes in BritainWhat are people’s opinions of the TV programmes in Britain? Foreigners aresupposed to say thatthey are wonderful, butthis is only the storyinvented by the BBC.There are some awfulTV programmes, butsome are quite good.Why do people prefer to see films on TV? 1.It costs nothing to watch TV while it costs a lotif you go to a cinema.2.It saves you the trouble of going to the cinema.3.The films you see on TV are old ones, whilethose shown in cinemas tend to be new ones.What are the pros and cons of watching football matches on TV? Pros1. A better view of thegame2.The comfort ofstaying at homeCons:1.You can’t fully enjoythe real atmosphere.2.You don’t feel like apart of the realevent.B. 1) T 2) T【原文】Bob: You are not still watching television, are you?Andre: Yes, I am. I enjoy it. The camera work was very good. It looked like the work of real experts. Er... do you know the history of television in Britain?Bob: Oh, television came to Britain in the year 1936.Andre: Ah!Bob: Only in the London area at that time, though. There wasn't any television during the Second World War. It was started up again afterwards. The BBC was the organization responsible for it. Andre: What do the initials BBC stand for?Bob: The British Broadcasting Corporation. It's a public corporation. It isn't controlled by the government, but it's not a private company either.That means that the government can't use the BBC for propaganda purposes, and nor can private individuals or firms.Andre: Is advertising allowed on the BBC?Bob: No, though some satellite channels get more autonomy. ITV gets its money from advertising, though.Andre: ITV?Bob: ITV stands for Independent Television. It was started in 1954—again in the London area. It covers the whole country now, though. Andre: Why does everything start in London?Bob: Well... it's the capital after all—and the largest centre of population. If you start up a public service—like TV—there, it gets to as many people as possible to start with.Andre: What do people think of the advertisements on television?Bob: It depends. A lot of people think it's a good idea because it means that television can pay its way—ITV gets all its money from advertisements. Andre: What about the BBC?Bob: You have to buy a TV license and that money goes to the BBC. A lot of people don't like having to pay and wish that there were advertisements on the BBC too. On the other hand, other people hateTV advertising because they think it's an insult to their intelligence. Andre: Mm. The advertisements are very subtle, then?Bob: Well... some aren't, anyway. Lots of people go to the kitchen to makea cup of tea when the adverts are on... or take their dog for a walk. Andre: I see. What do you think of your television programmes? Do you like watching them? The programme we've just seen was okay, but what about television in general?Bob: Well, you know how you foreigners say our policemen are wonderful? It's...Andre: Do they? I didn't know they did.Bob: American tourists are supposed to say that, anyway. Well, as I was going to say, people from overseas are supposed to say that sort of thing about our television as well. Personally, I think the BBC has invented that story. There are some pretty awful programmes on TV, but some are quite good.Andre: What sort of things do you watch yourself?Bob: I watch mainly news programmes. And I like old films, too. Andre: Old films? I don't see how you can criticize television if you just watch old films. You might just as well go to the cinema.Bob: Oh—not on your life, the cinema costs money. Besides, it's a lot more trouble going out than staying at home. And I like old films, not new ones. There are a lot of other people like me, too.Andre: Mm, reasonable enough, I suppose.Bob: And it's not just films that people would rather watch on TV. Fewer people go to football matches nowadays, for instance. They prefer to watch them on TV.Andre: Surely it's not as good on television as it is in real life?Bob: Oh, you lose a bit of the atmosphere, of course, and you don't feel part of the occasion in the same way as you do when you're actually there.But you get a much better view of the game on television, and you don't have to move from your armchair.Andre: Ah... well, thank you very much. What's on next?Bob: Oh, my goodness. Some people don't ever do anything but watchtelevision and ask questions!Task 5【答案】A.1) b a d c2) c b d a3) a d b c4) b a c dB.certain changes were to be made in the office and some workers would probably be moved to other positions, see if there were any chance for her, she was moved to a higher position, find a job fro herself, became the person advertising jobs for othersC.frowned, was amazed, was more alarmed and seriously worried【原文】Cecilia was reading the details of a job that was being advertised."Applications are invited for the post of Personal Assistant to the Manager of this large London export firm. Candidates should be experienced in all branches of office work and should be qualified in shorthand and typewriting. The successful candidate must be prepared to work alone and will be expected to travel."The person appointed will be asked to join the company's insurance scheme and will be permitted to use a company car. Three weeks' annual paid holiday will be allowed. Salary will be calculated according to experience."Application forms may be obtained from the address below and should be returned within three weeks. An interview will be held in London and candidates will be called for interview before the end of this month. Travel expenses for candidates coming from outside London can be claimed at the time of interview."Jason arrived home and looked over Cecilia's shoulder. "I heard today," she said, with a sigh, "that certain changes are going to be made in the officeand that some of us are going to be moved. And since we might be put anywhere, I thought I'd find out what jobs were being publicized."The following evening when Jason came home he found Cecilia sitting at the table which was covered with papers advertising many different jobs. Over her shoulder he read:"An assistant editor will be required in September. Applicants should be experienced and prepared to work late hours. A good salary will be paid monthly into a bank for the right candidate. The successful applicant will be appointed for two years in the first case. Application forms, which should be sent in before July 31st, may be obtained from the address below."Jason frowned and turned to the next advertisement, which read:"Temporary typists will be needed during the next six months for several departments. Applicants should be trained and qualified. Inexperienced typists may be appointed but must be prepared to be trained. Application forms, obtainable from the address below, should be filled in by each applicant in her own handwriting and returned before July 31st. All applicants will be interviewed..."Amazed, Jason glanced from paper to paper, becoming more alarmed as he read:"Daily cleaners will be required…lunches may be provided…candidates will be expected to pass a m edical examination…salary will be paid weekly…ladders and other equipment will be provided…applications should be received before July 31st..."Seriously worded now, Jason sat down. "You don't really need to think about so many jobs, do you?"Cecilia turned to him. "I told you some of us were going to be moved," she said. "I've been put in a new office at a higher salary and now I'm the one who writes out the details for all the jobs that are going to be advertised. It's fun."Task 6【答案】A. 1) d) 2) d) 3) b) 4) d)B. 1) F 2) T 3) TC. insulted, intimidated, victim, patient, please, this treatment, be attacked and robbed, using force, badly, hurt her deeply, a university degree, a well paid job, the best car in the street, money in my pocket, his children and their mother, abused his position, badly, smart, change his ways, lose his family's love【原文】About four years ago I was attacked on the street, knocked down and my bag stolen. All my friends and family were very sympathetic and helped me go to the police to report it. Now I am a victim again, but this time it is my husband who is assaulting me—hitting, insulting and intimidating me. Yet my family doesn't see me as a victim now. They say if I was more patient and tried harder to please my husband he wouldn't beat me. But I don't think I deserve this treatment—just like I didn't deserve to be attacked and robbed.Physical assault is a crime whether it happens in the home or on the street. Build family respect and harmony; speak out against domestic violence.I might have a university degree, a well paid job, the best car in the street and money in my pocket—but I don't have what I value most in life—my children and their mother. I was a fool to think that by using force I could control those I loved. I admit I treated her badly and hurt her deeply. I thought that the children didn't know what was happening, but of course they did. Children can sense unhappiness in their mother.Now when I look back on it, I realize that a home which has violence and disrespect scares away love and happiness. Domestic violence causes family destruction.It was so hard coming to a new country, with a new life, and everything so different. I felt like everything was out of my control. Except in my home and family—at least there I could be boss. But I abused my position as head of the household and treated my wife badly. My wife—she's pretty smart—she got some information about the Australian law which says what I am doing is illegal.Jeez, I don't want to end up in the court system with the police on myback! No way! I've got my kids to think about. I'm going to change my ways—before it's too late and I lose my family's love.Love builds harmony in the family. Domestic violence destroys everything.Task 7【答案】A. 1) d) 2) a) 3) d)B. 1) F 2) F 3) T 4) TC. self, yourself, consecutive, accomplishment, on, off, effective, patterns, marketable skills, accomplishmentsD.1) This is a statement about your personality rather than your skill areas.2) You should not apologize in your resume.3) This information about your educational background is better not mentioned, since it is not a strong point.4) The positive side of this experience is not adequately explored.5) This statement is not specific about your strong points.【原文】The main purpose of a resume is to convince an employer to grant you an interview. There are two kinds. One is the familiar “tombstone” that lists where you went to school and where you’ve worked in chronological order. The other is what I call the “functional” resume—descriptive, fun to read, unique to you and much more likely to land you an interview.It’s handy to have a “tombstone” for certain occasions. But prospective employers throw away most of those unrequested “tombstone” lists, preferring to interview the quick rather than the dead.What follows are tips on writing a functional resume that will get read—a resume that makes you come alive and look interesting to employers.Put yourself first. In order to write a resume others will read with enthusiasm, you have to feel important about yourself.Sell what you can do, not who you are. Practice translating your personality traits, character, accomplishments and achievements into skillareas. There are at least five thousand skill areas in the world of work.Toot your own horn! Many people clutch when asked to think about their abilities. Some think they have none at all! But everyone does. And one of yours may just be the ticket an employer would be glad to punch—if only you show it.Be specific, be concrete, and be brief!Turn bad news into good. Everybody has had disappointments in work. If you have to mention yours, look for the positive side.Never apologize. If you’ve returning to the work force after fifteen years as a parent, simply write a short paragraph (summary of background) in place of a chronology of experie nce. Don’t apologize for working at being a mother; it’s the hardest job of all. If you have no special training or higher education, just don’t mention education.How to psych yourself up? The secret is to think about the self before you start writing about yourself. Take four or five hours off, not necessarily consecutive, and simply write down every accomplishment in your life, on or off the job, that made you feel effective. Don’t worry at first about what it all means. Study the list and try to spot patterns. As you study your list, you will come closer to the meaning: identifying your marketable skills. Once you discover patterns, give names to your cluster of accomplishments (leadership skills, budget management skills, child development skills, etc.). Try to list at least three accomplishments under the same skills heading. Now start writing your resume as if you mattered. It may take four drafts or more, and several weeks, before you’ve ready to show it to a stranger (friends are usually too kind) for a reaction. When you’ve satisfied, send it to a printer; a printed resume is far superior to photocopies. It shows an employer that you regard job hunting as serious work, worth doing right.Isn’t that the kind of person you’d want working for you?Task 8【答案】Ⅰ. increase your sales, travel very fast, secure and safeⅡ.A. a web page, your past customers’ testimonies, link to their email address,a potential customer can email them and verify the testimony, have theopportunity to speak with the past customers and find out all the great things about service or product, those who log onto your websites can in turn talk to their friends and this could tumble like a domino effect.B. your newsletter, visit your siteC.answer your potential customers' questions, This will answer theirquestions, This can show them how good your service or product is D. give out their credit card details, they are afraid that someone will stealtheir credit card number, feel more comfortable and secure about buying your service or productⅢ.A. deliver your product competently, this is merely what the customerexpects, go beyond what is expected and make the process memorableB.1. aluminum foil shaped like a swan, talk to people about this experience, not even a cent2. clean, marketing3. tours of the men's restroomⅣ. distinguish your business from your competitors, performance standards, creativity, enthusiasm【原文】Have you ever purchased something that your friend recommended? Didn't this make you feel secure and safe since you knew that your friend was happy with the product or service?The best kind of advertisement is word of mouth. Even though it doesn't travel fast, it can do some magnificent results. When one of your past customers tells other people how great your service is, it makes people feel secure, and safe. It gives them a reason why to buy your service or product. Give your past customers a chance to brag about you, use their testimonies. You can use them as powerful tools to increase your sales dramatically.First, collect all the testimonies that you have received from your past customers. Then make a whole web page on your site and place the testimonies on that page. Don’t forget to link to their email address, so apotential client can email them and verify the testimony. This also gives them the opportunity to speak with your past customers and find out all the great things that they have experienced with your service or product. They could then turn around and tell their friends what they heard. This could tumble like a domino affect, causing you to have an explosion of sales.There are many other ways you can use the testimonies. If you have a newsletter that you publish, I would suggest putting an ad in the newsletter that contains “The Testimony” an d some information about your service or product. This will give the potential client a real good reason to visit your site. They already have proof about how good your service or product is. I would also suggest using them in any advertisement you have, and this will give you the same benefits. Try using your testimonies to answer your potential customers' questions. This will answer their questions, and show them how good your service or product is. This is like killing two birds with one stone.You can also try putting some testimonies in your follow-ups that will give them a reason to act now. There is still a big percentage of people on the Internet who are afraid to give out their credit card. They do not think the Internet is safe, and are worried that someone will steal their credit card number. By having “The Testimonies”, it will make them feel more comfortable and secure about buying your service or product.How can you build more word of mouth advertising? Rephrasing the question, why would your customers want to talk to their friends about their experience of doing business with you? What things can you do that will compel them to do so?When you perform your service or deliver your product competently, you are merely doing what the customer expects. (If you don't meet the customers' expectations, they may well tell their friends what you don't want them to hear!) In order to compel the customers to want to share their good experience with their friends, you must make the process memorable, going beyond what is expected.Recently I had lunch with my team members at the Campbell House. The food and service were truly excellent. My daughter and administrative assistant, Dawn, asked for her leftovers to be packed. They were returned toher in aluminum foil shaped like a swan. Guess what she talked about when she got home? How much more do you think it cost the Campbell House to produce that "Wow!" experience? The answer is, not a cent!Disneyland should be an inspiration to us all in providing a "Wow!" experience. What do people talk to their friends about when they come home? "You should have seen how clean that park was! With all of the people there, it's unbelievable! There's not an even a gum wrapper on the ground!" Walt Disney understood that cleanliness is marketing. The Madonna Inn in San Luis Obispo gives tours of the men's restroom. It's quite remarkable, with a rock fountain urinal. I took my daughters when they were very small, and they still remember that urinal! Here is an area that with some creativity, some procedures defined as performance standards, and some enthusiasm, you and your team can distinguish your business from your competitors. Why not schedule a team meeting tomorrow to generate ideas?Task 9【答案】A.Ⅰ.A.1. Person-to-person contact to persuade consumers to buy a product2. indirectly, messages on radio, television, newspaper or handbillsB. Create a demand for the advertised commoditiesⅡ.A.1. more or less the same way2. are partly decided by their teenage childrenB. 1. love, fear, Dating, $1 billion2. the sex appeal, bad breath, perspiration stains, body odour3. health, prestige, pride, envy, jealousy4. brand names, during the years to comea. Repeat the commercials time and again on radio and televisionb. Associate the products with radio or TV stars in the advertisements.B.Advantages:1. Stimulates demand, mass production2. Gives information3. Leaving home4. Stimulates competition5. Lowers prices6. Provides entertainmentDisadvantages:1. May mislead the public, they are getting something that is not being offered2. Often misuse language.3. Encourages impulse buying4. Raises prices, The cost of advertising a product5. May influence the mass media【原文】Salesmen depend upon the person-to-person approach in trying to persuade consumers to buy. Advertising, however, has to depend upon reaching consumers indirectly—through messages on radio and television, in the newspapers, or even on handbills given to you in the street.Once again, the purpose of advertising is to sell goods. This means that the advertiser is going to try to make you think you want something—his something—whether you need it or not. In other words, the advertiser is creating a demand for his product. This is fine. Remember, all the goods being produced today have to be sold. And you cannot buy something if you do not know about it. Later, we shall discuss the pros and cons of advertising. First, let us see how advertisers try to reach the teenage consumers. Of course, many of the advertising gimmicks used to sell to teenagers are used to sell to adults as well.All consumers have certain basic needs or wants: food, clothing, and shelter. But the basic needs of most teenagers are provided for by their parents. Even here, though, advertisers appeal to teenagers because they know that the kind of food mom buys or the furnishings in a teenage girl's room will be partly determined by the teenagers.Teenagers are interested in how much an item will cost. They are interested in whether they are getting solid value for their dollars. They want to know what service they can expect after buying the product. Advertisers let you know this.Probably the most effective appeal to teenagers (and to adults too) is to their emotions. Some important emotions are love and fear. Sales of cosmetics to teenagers approach $1 billion each year. Dating is very important to teenagers, so you have to smell sweet. Hide any skin blemishes, and keep your hair looking just fight. The ads show how using a particular hair spray will make girls and boys more attractive to each other.Ads that promise to increase sex appeal if we use a product are very common. Almost any product can use this appeal. Ads tell you that you will be more attractive if you eat, chew, drink, wear, or use any one of hundreds of different products. Then, of course, there are those ads that ware of bad breath, perspiration stains, or body odour.Advertisers appeal to teenagers' desire to conform. Young people like to think of themselves as individuals who "do their own thing", but this is only partly true. Look around your classroom. Notice the hair styles and the clothing that your classmates are wearing. Chances are there are more things you have in common with each other than you would care to admit.In addition, advertisers appeal to the desire for health and prestige, to the desire to be in style, to pride, and to envy and jealousy.Teenagers, just like all other consumers, are influenced by brand names. Advertisers try to get teenagers used to a brand because they know that, in later years, the teenagers will stick to this brand. Therefore, commercials are repeated over and over again on radio and television. We soon get to know them by heart. Slick advertising slogans will pop into our minds as we reach for a product. Some advertisers stay with particular radio or television stars, and consumers come to associate a product with a famous person. Since teenagers spend a lot of time listening to the radio and watching television, this form of advertising is very important.You are probably wondering, at this point, whether advertising is good or bad. Actually, it may be a little of both, but decide for yourself. To help you decide, some of the advantages and disadvantages of advertising are listed below.The advantages of advertising are as follows:1. Stimulates demand. Demand increases sales, makes possible the mass。
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Unit 5Task 1【答案】A.1) More than 38 million people2) Ms. Stanecki is an UN AIDS Senior Adviser. She says that some of the fastest growing epidemics can found in Asia.3) Intravenous drug use.4) Anti-AIDS drags are widely available there. This has made some people pay less attention to the danger of becoming infected with HIV.B. 1) F 2) F 3) F 4) TC. worsening, five million, Africa, 25 million, one million, increase, political and financial,have access, one in five, more than half【原文】A new report by the UN AIDS organizations finds the global AIDS epidemic is worsening. The agency says more people in all regions around the world are becoming infected with HIV, the virus which causes AIDS.UN AIDS reports that significant progress has been made in providing treatment for larger numbers of AIDS victims and in achieving greater political and financial commitments in the fight against the fatal disease. Despite this, the report says none of these efforts has been enough to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS.Last year, the report notes five million people became newly infected with HIV. That is more people than any previous year. Currently, it says, more than 38 million people are living with the disease.UN AIDS Senior Adviser Karen Stanecki says Asia, with 60 percent of the world's population, is home to some of the fastest growing epidemics in the world. In 2003 alone, she says, more than one million people became infected with HIV.“Equally alarming, we have only just begun to witness the f ull impact of AIDS on African societies as infections continue to grow and people are dying in large numbers. The scale of the problem in Africa is well documented, with over 25 million infections. If we don’t act now, 60 percent of today’s 15-year-olds will not reach their 60th birthday.”The report says the Caribbean is the hardest hit region in the world after Africa. It also finds the HIV/AIDS epidemic is continuing to expand in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, mainly due to intravenous drug users.UN AIDS says infections also are on the rise in the United States and Western Europe. It blames this largely on the widespread availability of anti-AIDS drags, which it says has made some people in these wealthy countries complacent.UN AIDS Director of Monitoring and Evaluation, Paul De Lay, acknowledges thataround the world prevention programs are reaching fewer than one in five people who need them. Nevertheless, he says there has been a dramatic increase in prevention activities for young people and several other successes as well."In Africa, for instance, 60 percent of children have access to AIDS education both in primary and secondary schools. That is a huge increase from the late 1990s. In highly vulnerable groups like sex workers, we are seeing a real success story in Africa. 32 percent of sex workers that are identified have access to HIV prevention and there is a large increase in condom use in this population."The report says global spending on AIDS has increased greatly, but, more is needed. It estimates $12 billion will be needed by next year, and $20 billion by 2007, for prevention and care in developing countries. The United Nations says AIDS funding has increased sharply in recent years, in part due to the US government's global AIDS initiative. But it says still globally less than half the money needed is being provided.Task 2【答案】A.1) 40,000, addicted, nature, nurture2) won’t, addict, prone3) genetic, fixed, fated4) regulations, implicationsB. 1) a) 2) b) 3) a)C.1) Human genes are all under close study in laboratories.2) It implies that insurance companies or employers might take advantage and discriminate against those who have been identified as being at high risk.【原文】Mary Gearin: Welcome to the lab. Like it or not, we're all in the Petri dish now as more scientists than ever look for the cause of our habits lying hidden in ourgenes.Dr. Whitfield: The advances in DNA technology mean that techniques can be applied to this type of research which weren't possible before and which give theprospect of what you might call an explosion in outcomes in actualfindings that we can use.Mary Gearin: It's a detective story with an unknown number of villains. We haven't established how many of our 40,000 genes may leave us more likely to beaddicted, but some scientists do believe they've confirmed a layperson'sprinciple—that we're about half nature, half nurture.Dr. Whitfield: The conclusion at the moment is that genetics accounts for about half the variation in liability to a number of kinds of addiction and thatenvironmental influences, or just the random things that happen to us aswe go through life, account for the other half.Mary Gearin: Of course, genes won't determine who will or won't become an addict, only those who are more prone to becoming one. Listen to a reformedsmoker and a leading researcher in the field, Wayne Hall.Wayne Hall: I think we really do have a task in front of us to educate people that “genetic” doesn’t mean fixed, immutable, unchangea ble, fated. It stillleaves plenty of room for human decision, choice and capacity toinfluence and change behaviour.Mary Gearin: Wayne Hall is pushing for regulations to deal with the ethical implications that have inevitably surfaced.Wayne Hall: If we were able to identify people in advance as being at high risk because they possessed a set of genes, then that might have adverse effects onthem in terms of the way others in their social environment treat them. Itmight have effects if insurance companies take account of that informationor employers and so on.Mary Gearin: But would addicts take any more responsibility for their own actions? Our distinctly unscientific sample of smokers told us: not really. If a test cameout, would you have yourself tested to see if you had that gene?Julie: Honestly, probably not.Mary Gearin: Would you want your kids to take that test to perhaps ware them off smoking if they had that gene as well?John Mackay: Only if they become problem smokers I'd probably suggest it, yeah.Otherwise I wouldn't worry about it.Task 3【答案】A. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)B.[√] 2.[√] 3.[√] 5.[√] 7.[√] 9.[√] 10.[√] 12.[√] 13.C.1) elementary school teacher, frustrations, peers, taught, learnt2) high EQ, adults, children【原文】Claire Nolan: Hi. This is Claire Nolan.Bill Rodney: Any I’m Bill Rodney. Today we’ll be discussing EQ—not IQ. EQ: emotional intelligence. We've been hearing a lot about EQ lately, and infact you might have seen Daniel Goleman's best-selling book about it inthe bookstore. Your emotional intelligence quotient seems to include bothintra- and interpersonal relationships—in other words, how well youhandle your own emotions, and how well you respond to others.Claire Nolan: Yes, but Bill, that's not exactly a new idea, is it? I mean—I know a lot of old proverbs about thinking before you act, and that kind of thing.Bill Rodney: That's true, but the term itself is a new one, and it shows that people have realized, the way you control your feelings is just as important as youreducation—maybe even more important. But what's really interesting andthe focus of today's session is: Can you learn EQ? We'll be talking to threepeople today—all educators, in their own way—to get their perspective onit. Our first guest is Betty Cortina. Betty, you're an elementary schoolteacher. Do you really think that some kids have higher EQ's than others? Betty Cortina: Oh sure! Even at five or six years old, some of the kids tend to be much more patient and easy-going than others. And then others are prone toshout and make a big fuss. I mean, I don't want to make it sound as if it'sbad to be spirited, or anything, but if you can't control your emotions,even at that age, you can have a lot of problems.Bill Rodney: Like what?Betty Cortina: Well, if you can't deal with setbacks, you don't make progress; and if you're always impatient, your peers don't like you.Bill Rodney: Can you give us an example?Betty Corrina: Sure. One example is how kids deal with frustration. Imagine a child who is having trouble doing a math problem. She gets frustrated with theproblem, throws her pencil down, yells angrily, "This is a stupid problem!I hate it!" Another child, with a higher EQ, might be able to handle thesituation better. She might try different ways to approach the problem, orask for help, and so on. And she will be more successful because shewon't let her negative feelings get in the way of her task.Bill Rodney: I guess I can understand that, but my question is: Can you learn to have a higher EQ? Let’s see, our next guest is Jim McDonald. Do you want torespond to that question?Jim McDonald: Yes. Well, as you know, I run management training programs for a bank here in the city, and I agree this EQ idea is defin itely important. Let’sface it: When the going gets tough, it’s much better for an employee tohave a positive, enthusiastic attitude than to dwell on failures. But what Ifind is that some people just take life in stride and other people don't. Imean, of course you can point them in the right direction—that's what Itry to do in my seminars—but some people never learn to improve theirEQ.Betty Cortina: No, I disagree. Kids can be taught to have patience and not to give up when things go wrong. They learn to respond well to their emotions.They learn how to sit still and listen, and how to respect others. And Idon't believe we are born with a high emotional intelligence quotient. Ithink we have to learn those skills.Jim McDonald: Okay, so maybe you can teach children, but frankly, I don't see how adults can ever change. I mean, I work with a lot of managers, and thegood ones are sharp, perceptive people who respond well to change. Idon't think the others can learn that.Bill Rodney: Why not?Jim McDonald: Well, part of the problem is that people with a low EQ have a difficult time seeing how their behavior affects other people. They see no reasonto change. Their behavior has negative effects—for themselves and forothers—but they don't see it that way. They tend to blame other peoplefor the problems they are having. People like this just don’t work wellwith other people. I’d say they have a lower EQ and they’ll probablynever adjust their behavior.Task 4【答案】A.1) Marriage counsel/Psychologist.2) Yes.3) With help, he learned to see that his wife’s success was also his success instead of his failure.B.1) T 2) F 3) T【原文】Bill Rodney: Our third guest, Ian Davis, is a marriage counselor. Ian, from the perspective of a marriage counselor, can adults change their EQ's?Ian Davis: Yes. I am a psychologist and I work with couples, married couples, who are having problems. From what I can see, some people, adults, I mean, canchange their EQ's.Bill Rodney: How so?Ian Davis: Well, I think that the key to keeping a relationship together is learning toempathize with your partner.Bill Rodney: Did you say "empathize"?lan Davis: Yes, it's crucial. Couples who have successful relationships try hard to understand each other's feelings. First, you have to put yourself in yourpartner's shoes. That makes it easier for you to make allowances for yourpartner's weaknesses. You have to learn to control your reactions evenwhen you feel angry or resentful.Bill Rodney: So you're saying people can learn those things? Don't you think that, as Jim said, some people have it and some don't?Ian Davis: No, I disagree strongly with what he said. I do see people change. If I didn't think people could change, I'd be in a different line of work!Bill Rodney: I'm not quite sure I understand what you're saying. Tell us about someone you've seen acquire a higher EQ.Ian Davis: Well, let me tell you about a case I saw recently. I had some clients, a husband and wife, a few months ago, and the wife had gotten a promotionat work. Now the husband was happy for her, of course, but he also felt abit jealous. He felt like a failure because he hadn’t gotten a promotion athis job.Bill Rodney: So what happened to them?Ian Davis: Well, the husband had to learn to swallow his pride and put aside his negative feeling. I told him to concentrate on the good thing that hadhappened to his wife instead of thinking about himself. With practice, hewas able to see that her success was also his success, not his failure. I reallythink he raised his own EQ by doing that.Bill Rodney: Thank you, Ian. And I’ll remember to keep EQ in mind. Maybe I can geta little better it! And thank you, Betty and Jim, for joining us today.Task 5【答案】A.1) He should have asked some questions, like what kind of work she did, or how long she spent at the computer every day.2) Acupuncture.3) They have to be more careful before they recommend operations.4) He tends to get better when it’s warmer.C.Column 1 Column 2Linda Jenkins Atlanda, GeorgiaShelley Travers Eugene, OregonRay Ishwood New York City【原文】Bill: Good morning, everyone. This is Bill and the show is Body Talk. Today's topic is problems with doctors. Now, who hasn't had a problem with a doctor? Call in and tell us yours. Our number is 1-800-555-BODY. That didn't take long…here's our first caller now. Hello, this is Bill and you're on Body Talk!Shelley Travers: Morning, Bill. This is Shelley Travers, calling from New York City.Thanks for taking my call. I just want to say how important I think itreally is for a doctor to listen to a patient.Bill: Tell me about it! So, Shelley, what happened to you?Shelley Travers: Well, I was getting these really bad, shooting pains in my back. I couldn't sleep at night or anything. So I went to my doctor, and he examinedme and had me do all these tests and things. And I even had to go intothe hospital for some X-rays. But after all that—I mean, I took off alot of time from work—they told me there was nothing wrong withme. I was thinking about trying alternative medicine and going to achiropractor when a co-worker... I'm a secretary...Bill: What was that, Shelley? I didn't catch all of what you said. You mean, you were in serious pain.., the doctor's tests didn't show anything…you weregoing to go to a chiropractor...Shelley Travers: Well, yes, that's right. Awful, right? But a co-worker said, "You know, your desk chair is too hard. If you sat on a soft cushion that mightmake your back feel better." Anyway, she was totally right. So then Ifelt really mad, because, I mean, I had taken all that time from work tosee the doctor, but all I really needed was a cushion!Bill: So, your doctor hadn't really listened and asked the right questions, right, Shelley?Shelley Travers: Yeah, that's right. He never asked me what kind of work I did, or how long I spent at the computer every day. If he had asked some questions,he probably wouldn't have sent me for all those tests!Bill: Sure sounds like your doctor wasn't much help. But, I'm glad the cushion worked. Thanks, Shelley. Bye, now. Hi, Bill here. You're on Body Talk. Linda Jenkins: Hi there, Bill. My name is Linda Jenkins, and I’m calling from Atlanta, Georgia. I want to tell you what happened to me… It’s kind ofembarrassing though…Bill: Ah, go ahead. Linda, Don't be embarrassed. We're listeningLinda Jenkins: Well... ah... Okay. I had this big wart on my foot. It got so bad that I could hardly...Bill: Sorry to interrupt you, Linda. What did you say?Linda Jenkins: A wart, you know, a hard lump. Kids get them on their hands all the time, but I got one on the bottom of my left foot. So, my doctor said I'dprobably need an operation to remove it. Burn it off, or something. Hereally scared me!Bill: So, you were scared, but did you take his advice?Linda Jenkins: No, actually, I didn't. But I was just desperate, because, you know, I could hardly walk. So, I decided to try acupuncture.Bill: Wait a minute. I didn't catch that. What did you say?Linda Jenkins: I tried acupuncture—I went to an acupuncturist. And you know, she really listened to me and got me to change my diet and get more rest.She said the wart was probably a reaction to stress. I had been workinglate a lot. Eventually, the wart cleared up. I really think that doctors haveto be more careful before they recommend operations. Sometimesthere's a much simpler treatment. I mean, if doctors put themselves intheir patients' shoes, they might not be so quick to start cutting!Bill: You know, Linda, you're absolutely right! I couldn't agree with you more!Thanks for sharing your story with us. Good-bye, and good luck! Hello,you're on Body Talk.Ray Ishwood: Hello, Bill. Ray Ishwood, calling from Eugene, Oregon.Bill: How are you doing, Ray?Ray Ishwood: Fine, Bill. Ah, well.., here's my story. For several years, I've had arthritis in my hands and wrists. This winter—it was so cold and rainy—the paingot really bad. My doctor gave me a series of injections, really painful, tomy hands. He said that in a few weeks I would feel better.Bill: Well, did you? Did those painful shots help?Ray Ishwood: Well... I don't really know... I mean, I'm feeling a lot better now, but I think it's because of the warmer weather. I tend to get worse when it'scold and rainy outside. So, I don't think that the shots were that muchhelp. And they were very painful. I just don't want to continue withthem if they don't really make much of a difference.Bill: You're probably right, Ray. Well, I'm glad you're feeling better, and thanks for calling Body Talk.Task 6【答案】A. 1) c) 2) b)B. veracts, immune system, reaction, the sting, blood pressure, breathe, medicineC. A. immune system,B. red, itchy eyes, runny nose, difficult breathingC. 1. Normal2. Allergic【原文】Today I think we are ready to start talking about allergies, and about allergic reactions. In the first part of my lecture, I'm going to explain what an allergic reaction is. Then I will try to describe what an allergic reaction to a bee sting is like. In the second part of my lecture, I'm going to talk about allergy testing and allergy shots. I'll explain one way the testing is done. I'll also tell you how and why allergy shots are given. That's a lot to cover, so let's begin.What is an allergic reaction? Well, an allergic reaction is really an action of the immune system in the body—an action of the immune system in your body. The immune system's job is to protect you, to make antibodies to protect you from things that are dangerous to your health. In an allergic reaction, however, your body makes antibodies to something that isn't really a problem for the body— that is, it's not usually a problem for someone without an allergy. For example, milk and cats’ hair and dust are usually not dangerous to humans. But, for some reason, your body might produce antibodies to milk or to cats' hair or to dust. Your body is trying to protect you from these things.When the immune system does this, it is, in a sense, working too hard. The result is a fight. The fight is between your antibodies and the milk you drank or the cat hair or the dust you breathed in. You know your body is having a fight because you sneeze, or you have red, itchy eyes and a runny nose, or you feel tired, or you may have difficulty breathing. These are some of the common signs of an allergy.Now let's turn our attention to one specific allergic reaction. Let's look at what happens with a bee sting. Anyone who gets a bee sting will have some reaction. A normal reaction is pain and swelling and redness where the sting is. This type of reaction is also called a local reaction because the reaction is only in the location, the place, where the sting is.In contrast, an allergic reaction to a bee sting is a much stronger reaction. It is a general reaction that affects the whole body. This general reaction is called an anaphylactic reaction, a-n-a-p-h-y-l-a-c-t-i-c. This is shown in the figure on page 76, so take a look at the figure. In this kind of reaction, several things happen. There is pain and swelling, but it is all over the body, not just where the sting is. The person's legs, arms, feet, and face usually itch and turn red. It often becomes difficult for the person to breathe. The person can also become weak and confused. The blood pressure may drop. For some people, these reactions may continue for hours unless some medicine is given. In fact, the person can die if he or she isn't given medicine to stop the reaction.Task 7【答案】A. 1) T 2) F 3) F 4) FB. definition, prevention, an unusual, antibodies, symptoms, Untreated, death, the thing, an allergic reactionC. under the skin, red bump, less sensitive, several times【原文】Now, if you are allergic to something, it's important to know how to prevent these reactions. One question is: How do people know if they are allergic to something, say, if they are allergic to bee stings? One way to find out is to have an allergy test. One type of test is a skin test. To do the test, the doctor injects a small amount of the venom, the poison from the bee, under the skin. You can see this in the left hand figure on page 77. Then, the doctor watches closely to see what happens. The doctor pays attention to two things: the color of the skin and the size of the bump on the skin. This is shown in the right hand figure on the same page. If the skin reacts strongly—in other words, if the bump is big and very red—this means the person is very allergic. If the skin only changes a little, the person is only slightly allergic. If the skin doesn't change, this usually means the person isn't allergic.If the doctor finds out the person is allergic to bees, or bee stings, allergy shots are often recommended. In the allergy shots, the doctor uses a small amount of bee venom. The doctor does this to make the person less sensitive to the venom, in other words, to build up the person's immunity to the venom. This is similar to what doctors do when they give children shots against childhood diseases like measles.Each visit, the doctor increases the amount of venom in the shot. The doctor starts off with a very small amount of venom and uses slightly more each time. Increasing the amount builds up immunity to the venom. This immunity will not protect the person from a bee sting, of course. If the person gets stung, he or she will still get a local reaction, but will not have an allergic reaction. Okay, so that's basically how the allergy shots work.To sum up the main points of our talk today, let's recall what an allergic reaction is.and how allergic reactions can be prevented. Remember that an allergic reaction is an unusual reaction to something that doesn't normally affect people. In an allergic reaction, for example, to a bee sting, the body keeps producing antibodies and the person can have an anaphylactic reaction. This can be very serious, and the person may even die if he or she isn't given medicine. Allergy shots help you to prevent an allergic reaction. They help make someone less sensitive to the thing that causes the allergy, such as the bee venom.Okay, well, if can remember these points, I think that's all for today.Task 8【原文】Want your kids to eat healthy? Check your own diet. The more fruit and vegetables Mom and Dad eat, the more Junior is likely to consume, according to a study of two-to-six-year-olds at London's University College. And youngsters who were introduced to these foods earlier tended to reach for them more often. Those who had been breast-fed ate fruit and vegetables more frequently than bottle-fed kids. The likely reason? Breast milk takes on the flavours of the food Mom eats.Speaking of milk, researchers found that girls who met calcium requirements had mothers who drank more milk. Moreover, those who got at least the minimum recommended amount of calcium at age five (800 mg daily) were nearly five times as likely to so at age nine (1,300 mg daily).整理范本。