9A Unit6基础训练

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Unit 6 Reading 练习


1. 侦探故事

2. 穿得像那样

3. 严重得多

4. 不见,丢失

5. 做关于.......的记录

6. 中等身材

7. 最有可能是凶手的人8. 因谋杀案被通缉

9. 在服装店门口10在案发现场












( )1. I d on’t know _______ he’s going to the church or not.

A. if

B. whether

C. weather

D. that

( )2. Ted is ______ boy. He can swim and surf.

A. a 11-year-old

B. an 11-year-old

C. a 11-years-old

D. an 11-years-old ( )3.Do you know ______ I could pass the exam?

A. that

B. whether

C. what

D. which

( )4. Could you tell me ______ the bike without any help this morning?

A. how does he mend

B. how he mends

C. how he mended

D. how did he mend

( )5. I don't understand ______ believe him.

A. why don't you

B. why you not

C. why you don't

D. why no ( )6. I met your father _______ last week.

A. sometimes

B. some times

C. sometime

D. some time

( )7. He said that he was attacked with a knife and bled to _________.

A. die

B. death

C. dead

D. dying

( )8. The victim obviously put _______ a good fight.

A. on

B. up

C. off

D. down

( )9. The robber was guilty ________ computer crimes in the past.

A. of

B. from

C. off

D. on

( )10. He was ________ with breaking _______ several computer systems.

A. charging; on

B. to charge; in

C. charged; into

D. charges; to ( )11. He ________ heavily after running a moment ago.

A. breath

B. breathe

C. breathing

D. breathed

( )12. What can help the police solve a case or find who is the real criminal?

A. Fingerprints

B. Footprints

C. Blood

D. All the above

( )13. He told us that the earth ________ round.

A. was

B. is

C. to be

D. being

( )14. If somebody is wanted by the police, it means he _______.

A. did something wrong

B. helped other people

C. earned lots of money

D. would be a policeman

( )15 Usually carelessness _______ to failure.

A leads

B happens

C gets

D agrees

( )16 The police offered a _______ of $5000 for any information about the robbery.

A prize

B award

C reward

D pay

( )17. People didn’t know _________ during the night.

A. what was happened

B. what the murder happened

C. what happened

D. how the murder has happened

( )18. The kidnapping ________ between 9 p.m and 1 a.m.

A. took place

B. took the place

C. took place of

D. was taken place ( )19. If something is confirmed, it is _____.

A. not sure

B. not true

C. proved to be true

D. very hard to solve ( )20. The detective found him guilty _______ stealing the old woman’s diamonds .

A. in

B. of

C. with

D. on

( )21. He was attacked with a knife and he ________ a lot .

A. bleed

B. blood

C. bled

D. bleeded


1. The (死)of the scientist made everyone feel sad。

2. 5. How can you ________(证明) that you have finished it?

3. Who do you think is the real ________ (凶手) of the murder?

4. My uncle is able and hard working, so he is ________(待遇丰厚).

5. His _______(失踪) made his parents sad for a long time.

6. I _______ (查看) my e-mails just now。

7. What was your ________ (身高) when you were born?

8. The news was later _______ (证实)by the government.

9. If you find anything _______(异常), please tell the police at once.

10. Wherever you are, you can _______ (联系)me on this number.

11. It is well-known that no ______(指纹) are the same in the world.

12. Everyone was attracted by her ___________(相貌).

13.The __________(谋杀案) happened last Sunday.

14.He was ____________(控告) with robbery.

15.The _____________(敌人) were afraid of us.

16.He hurt his finger and it was _________ (流血) badly .

17.The ________ (凶手) was caught by the police at last .

18.There is something wrong with the central ________ (系统).

19.Any person who does something (违反) the law will be put into prison.

20.To be an (工程师) is his dream.

21.There was also evidence of (搏斗).

22.I like to read (侦探) stories since they make me excited.

23. (显而易见地), he is nervious and suspicious.

24.Y ou (呼吸) more slowly when you are asleep than you are awake.

25.He had lost his (呼吸) when I got to his home.

26.There were three (攻击者) at least.

27.What is the suspect’s (职业)?

28.The (证人) said that he was scared.

29.Do you have any (线索) to help him to solve the case?

30.The police offered a (奖金) for information.
