

















毕马威面试 案例分析case-2017

毕马威面试 案例分析case-2017

Case1:a. 我抽到的case是一个关于一家名为bifood的食品行业的龙头企业,主要是一个餐厅形式,旗下有三个比较知名的品牌,主要的case是讲了这个公司将会加强一个加盟店的形式,然后要拆分中国市场,把中国市场作为一个独立的市场进行战略规划,还有一些关于这个公司现有战略,和未来战略的一个介绍,case的最后有一个财务报告,然后我抽到的问题里面包含了四个主要问题:第一个是对这个公司进行一个swot分析,第二个是简述一下这个公司加强加盟许可与拆分中国市场的利弊,第三个是简要阐述一下这个公司的现有战略好不好,其实这个问题我觉得和第二个有点类似,因为整个case花了很大篇幅来讲加盟许可,和中国市场的一个分离,也可以结合他对未来的一个战略和财务数据做一下分析。





b. 我的案例是Bifoods Group,全球最长寿且最大的快餐连锁巨头,然后超级厉害,多少个国家,多少个店铺之类的,年收入15B,主要产品是Hot Chicken,pizza,印度风味食品。



Question1 - Please give a brief summary of your current recreational and leisure activities,including sports and hobbies.*Sports: I am kind of a sports enthusiast. I like playing basketball and I am quite good at it. In my free time, I always call on some friends and have a basketball match with them. Last semester, our team won the first place in the basketball competition organized by school of accounting. What's more, I am also fond of playing badminton. My parents and I usually play badminton together on sunny days, which has become a family routine.Hobbies: I prefer watching movies on weekends, especially American ones. Not only can I relax myself when watching movies, I can also polish up my English listening and speaking skills.Question2 - What clubs and societies are you a member of and in what capacity?Presently I am a member of the Young V olunteers Association of China, which is a national organization with millions of members across China.During my first two years of university, I was in the Youth Volunteer Association of the college of accounting, when I did a lot of voluntary work to the school and also to the society. At that time, I am a member of the propaganda department. We draw posters for the activities, raise money for the poor, look after the olds in homes for the elderly...Though my life in our department has ended, my strive for the society will never stop.Question3 - What factors have influenced your career choice?First, it's my interest. My grandpa was an excellent accountant. With so many years past, I can still remember the contentment on his face when he stroked his abacus. He's the person who initially led me to the world of accounting and who aroused my interest in accounting. I have been determined to be an extraordinary accountant since I was a child.Second, it's my love for math and English and my competence in them. The two are my favourite subjects, which, I think, combine perfectly in accounting. I have won many prizes in maths and English competitions, such as the third prize in the Math Contest of my university and the third prize in the 2010 National English Contest for College Students.Question4 - Outline your career ambitions and objectives?I want to join in the auditing department and learn the client business processes and accounting procedures.I will make every effort to fullfill my part and always be passionate in my work. I will learn and develop my core professional skills from every possible way and finally discover a wide skill set when I am an assistant. I hope to achieve business insights and outstanding planning skills if promoted to be a manager. In 10 or 12 years, I hope to be the partner of KPMG and will help to set the firm’s strategy and develop further relationships with the clients. I will live my promise and always thrive and serve for the firm.However, the great wings don't help you realize your great dream, only practice does. I'm getting down to earth and diligently working my way towards an excellent accountant.Question5 - At KPMG our global values guide the way that we interact with each other andhelp to create our open, friendly and supportive culture. Please tell us about a situationwhere you have used two of KPMG's values to achieve a positive outcome.*When I was in the Youth Volunteer Association of my college, there was once a campaign aimed at raising money for an old people's home. We decided to sell newspapers to collect money. I was a leader of a group of eight and was designated to the the distict of Huazhong Normal University. At first, it's really hard to open my mouth and to express myself. After several fails, I began to find the principle. First, you have to keep a smile on your face. Second, be brave enough to speak your mind out, and don't be afraid of failure. Third, pick the potential buyers and tell the purpose of your selling to the point. After knowing the gist, I quickly finished my sales target. However, a member of my group failed to sell even one piece of newspaper and came to me for help. Then, I shared my experience to her and all the group members helped her sell the newspaper together. This group work turned out a great success and our group was the first to complete the sales target and collected the most money.。



毕马威寒假实习 Early par 面面经这周二面试,应该是最后一波面试。







就开始面试了、、、by the way .par很帅,大帅哥。



后来par问我职业规划,我大概说了说,最后我总结了一下,刚开始就是做好自己的口碑,在客户那里的口碑和在同事之间的口碑,par又问如何做好?我没太想好这个问题,我就说了下自己在项目组接触客户也不是太多,只去要过几次资料,如果客户不给我就磨一下说说好话、、、par说这个问题你以后要好好想一下,我说好~再来par就说我没有问题了,你可以问我啦,我问:能从小朋友做到manager的人都有什么共同点?par说:每个人都不同,都有特色,但是毕马威会要求每个人都能成为superman ,需要有很快的成长速度,能做好本职工作之外还要学会观察别人,看到别人是怎么工作的,哪些地方他比你做的好,了解之后马上执行,你都从那几个方面改善自己的工作,也许一开始你给客户沟通时会心慌手心冒汗,但1个月之后我要看到你变得更加从容。



往届KPMG实习面经时间:2013-6-29面试类型:中文面试,小组面试面试题目:1 . 内容是15分阅读一份英文材料,讲一个公司要组织一个活动,有4种方案,有四个地点的门票,餐饮,交通的花费,还有公司员工的信息,男女性别比,结婚的员工比例,个人爱好,还有就是日历面试类型:中英文面试,群面面试题目:1 . 一分钟自我介绍(英文)2 . 要求你介绍你做的项目,还有你在项目中的角色、责任和成绩,你碰到的难题和解决方法等等3 . 为什么会选择会计行业,你的专业优势是什么4 . why KP, why elite, difference between KP and other big four firms5 . 小组讨论:案例是为一个一天的graduate starter program设计方案,还有一个组是为年夜饭设计方案,综合下来貌似都有涉及简单的计算成本之类,所以大家可以带一个计算器经验:这里我个人的建议是,希望大家不要过多关注细节,拿到案例大概翻一遍了解方案需要确定的未知量以及他们的内在联系,再进行进一步的阅读,也方便规划时间。



比如ABCDE 都是外部讲师,而F是内部员工,不要花钱。




面试题目:1 . 一开始par用中文说我们先开始用英文聊,你用英文做一个自我介绍吧,时间就1分钟好了,聊的差不多就转中文,你看可以吗?2 . 英文自我介绍的时候par会比较积极的介入,我感觉只要是他比较感兴趣的点就会介入,以下几个地方都是他问到A . 在学生会的任职(这个问的比较久,有你对自己工作的评价,当时如何竞选,主要的工作)B . 发表的论文C . 学习成绩的排名3 . 然后他就说OK 那我们用中文聊好了,接下来主要都是问当时寒假实习的问题,有A . 寒假实习的收获B . 抽凭的感想C . 在工作中与对方人员的关系D . 你的in charge有没有对你提出一些建议和职业生涯规划建议面试类型:中英文面试,群面面试题目:1 . 一分钟自我介绍(英文)2 . 怎么看plastic levy 给HK带来的improvement或者是new problem面试类型:中英文面试,单面面试题目:1 . 面试的问题主要是实习项目相关的,然后会根据你的回答,再延伸出一些问题,包括实习都干了什么,有什么收获,项目组成员的印象,最大的困难之类2 . 为什么选择KP3 . 问了工作和生活的balance(英文)3 . 如何解决工作中的困难(英文)面试题目:1 . case study , 案例共8页,大意是为一个公司策划年会,根据各个信息点的分析做出预算,时间,地点,出行方式的计划书。



第1篇一、基本信息请您在开始答题前,先阅读以下说明:1. 本测试旨在了解您的性格特点,帮助您更好地认识自己,以便在职业生涯中发挥所长。

2. 请根据您的实际情况选择最符合您的选项,切勿犹豫或猜测。

3. 答题过程中,请保持诚实,这将有助于您获得更准确的测试结果。

二、选择题1. 当您遇到困难时,以下哪种方式让您更容易解决问题?A. 主动寻求他人帮助B. 独自思考,寻求解决方案C. 放弃,寻求其他途径D. 求助于上级领导2. 您在团队合作中通常扮演的角色是?A. 领导者,带领团队完成任务B. 执行者,按照计划完成任务C. 沟通者,协调团队成员关系D. 支持者,为团队提供资源支持3. 您在处理工作时,更倾向于?A. 规划好每一步,确保工作顺利进行B. 随时调整计划,以适应实际情况C. 严格按照计划执行,不轻易改变D. 依据直觉行事,不拘泥于计划4. 当您遇到冲突时,以下哪种方式让您更易化解?A. 坦诚沟通,寻求共识B. 暂时回避,寻找合适时机解决C. 强硬对抗,争取自己的利益D. 求助于上级或第三方调解5. 您在以下哪种情况下,更容易感到压力?A. 工作任务繁重,时间紧迫B. 需要处理复杂的人际关系C. 工作环境不稳定,难以预测D. 需要承担重要责任6. 您在以下哪种情况下,更容易感到快乐?A. 完成一项挑战性的任务B. 获得他人的认可和赞赏C. 享受自由自在的生活D. 与家人朋友共度美好时光7. 您在以下哪种情况下,更容易感到焦虑?A. 工作压力增大,担心无法完成任务B. 需要面对未知的风险和挑战C. 担心自己的表现不被他人认可D. 担心家庭和事业难以平衡8. 您在以下哪种情况下,更容易感到自信?A. 拥有丰富的知识和经验B. 获得他人的支持和鼓励C. 处理问题能力强,总能找到解决方案D. 自我要求严格,追求卓越9. 您在以下哪种情况下,更容易感到自卑?A. 比较自己与他人的成就B. 面对失败和挫折C. 自我要求过高,难以满足D. 担心自己的能力不足10. 您在以下哪种情况下,更容易感到孤独?A. 与他人沟通不畅,难以融入集体B. 担心自己的情感不被他人理解C. 工作压力大,难以抽出时间陪伴家人朋友D. 担心自己的兴趣爱好难以得到他人的认可三、判断题1. 我善于发现他人的优点,并给予肯定。



毕马威(kpmg)笔试题考试的题型分:1.阅读(英文) 2.数学(中文)1.阅读阅读共12篇英文短文,32题选择(true, false, not given),18分钟。





当然,可能会有很多都觉得不确定的,尤其是false和not given!我也凭直觉做了很多题,呵呵先讲一下其中的疑难词汇congruent全等的coronal heart disease冠心病unequivocal清楚的,明白的fructose 果糖equilibrium均衡emergence出现radium镭undetermination决心、果断其中8篇阅读的大致内容叙述如下,不过原文是英文的哦:1、关于工作环境能否为员工提供好的安全用品以及工作环境对人们是否认为它是一个好雇主是很有影响的。












B A4 paper
C 卫生间里的洗手液 (经常没有)
D Divider
E 雀巢矿泉水
F Boxfile
Chosen B or F, whether you are grown up from A1 in KPMG, you should be demoted as A1.
B Today is my last day in ……
C I will come back soonD 世道不好我还….呢!!!
E Tomorrow will be a new beginning of my life ……
F 其实不想走……
11 B Easy points to gain here!
A 努力工作
B 努力பைடு நூலகம்作不报OT
C 巨努力的工作坚决不报OT
D 放飞机报OTE 和senoir搞好关系
19 DE Chose A, B or C, you are a so kind person that you are not suitable for audit profession.
4 典型大项目(mega-job)包括
D Siemens
E SinopecF An Gang
4 AE
Chosen B, are you the spy from E&Y?Chosen C,D,F, do you know the meaning of mega-job?
22 哪些是KPMG staff出大项目必须带的东西
A 旅游鞋
B 兴奋剂 / 安眠药





















1.Please give a brief summary of your current recreational and leisure activities, including sports and hobbies.I am an extroverted, active and energetic boy. I love both indoor sport games and outdoor activities. For indoor sport games, I am found of badminton and snooker. Usually I play them on weekends with my friends or classmates. Though currently I am busy preparing for CICPA exams and my supervisor’s academic work, I just running around the campus for half an hour every night. For outdoor adventures, usually I go out for cycling and climbing mountains on weekends together with the members of Chinese Traditional Instruments Club of my university. And I also have strong enthusiasm for some exciting activities that encourage team participation, problem solving and revitalise morale, such as rafting, sailing and rock climbing. Besides these, playing Chinese bamboo flute and singing songs are also my choices to relax myself.2.What clubs and societies are you a member of and in what capacity?While I like playing Chinese bamboo flute and communicate with people who love Chinese traditional instruments, so I joined to the Chinese Traditional Instruments Club of my university. From Sep.2007 to July.2008 I was the vice-chairman of the club. My respsonsibility and job was recruiting well-qualified new members, arranging all kinds of training courses and planning development projects for the new members as to improve their professional standards, organizing resources effevtively and making preparations for the yearly concert, like raising money from the supporting agency and coordinating most of the members to practice programms for the performance. Under all members’ great efforts, we successfully held an excellent concert in November of 2007, which was highly recognized by the university.3.what factors have influenced your career choice?There are many factors have influenced my career choice, but most essential ones are my educational background and character. As my bachelor degree is international business administration, most of my academic courses are composed of management, marketing and accounting. While I am also a candidate for master in economics. I have learned a combination of courses in economics and finance. Being affected in such circumstances for 6 years, I have developed a strong business sense and a burning desire to get engaged in accounting firm that related to finance and accounting.Another significant factor is my personality trait. I am an outgoing and energetic person. I like working in a team and communicating with all sorts of people. while in a team, I get a chance to listen to different points of view andto learn to see things in different perspectives. It’s also more challenging as I need to coordinate with people from various backgrounds. As a young man, I also enjoy business trips. Working under pressure is my strongpoint, so auditor become the job I am interested in. I decide to take audit assistant as the start of my career.4.Outline your career ambitions and objectives.I decide to take investment bank manager as my ultimate aim. While I am not qualified to enter such professional position now, so I will join an enterprise that related to finance and accounting. I believe after 3 or 4 years of working in some famous accounting firms like KPMG which is the top one in audit, I would accumulate enough experience and money for further study. I probably would apply for a MBA degree . After that, with enough knowledge and experience, I will return to investment bank field. At the end of 10 years I wish to become a manager in investment bank. Besides, I have to attain professional qualifications such as CIA, CPV, CICPA and ACCA during the pursuit of my career ambitions in the near future. And as the short term objective, I would study hardly to learn some CICPA courses such as accounting and auditing. I would take part in the CICPA exam held in Sep.2011.5.At KPMG our global values guide the way that we interact with each other and help to create our open,friendly and supportive culture, please tell us about a situation where you have used two of KPMG's values to achieve a positive outcome.In 2007, cooperating with several schoolmates, I had volunteered to go to Ezhou city to help local middle school students study for about one month. During that time, I mainly worked both as an Chinese and Mathmatics teacher of one class. Every day, I devoted myself to preparing varied materials for lessons. I also communicated with students frequently as to receive mutual trust and full co-operation from them. Inspired by my commitment and dedication, my students become study harder and harder. At the end of that month, most students had made great progress. This experience cultivates my strong team spirits and the ability to work well under pressure.。





在正式开始前,需要说明两点:其一,我所叙述的经历只限于自己亲身体会到的,之后的年份如果有变化,恕我无法跟进(2014-2015)我和KPMG接触的平台是它的Elite Programme,一般我们又会称它“精英计划”。









而网申的5个Open Question也是让我绞尽脑汁,所以一直拖拖沓沓,直到Deadline的前一天才勉强填完提交。






往届KPMG实习面经时间:2013-6-29面试类型:中文面试,小组面试面试题目:1 . 内容是15分阅读一份英文材料,讲一个公司要组织一个活动,有4种方案,有四个地点的门票,餐饮,交通的花费,还有公司员工的信息,男女性别比,结婚的员工比例,个人爱好,还有就是日历面试类型:中英文面试,群面面试题目:1 . 一分钟自我介绍(英文)2 . 要求你介绍你做的项目,还有你在项目中的角色、责任和成绩,你碰到的难题和解决方法等等3 . 为什么会选择会计行业,你的专业优势是什么4 . why KP, why elite, difference between KP and other big four firms5 . 小组讨论:案例是为一个一天的graduate starter program设计方案,还有一个组是为年夜饭设计方案,综合下来貌似都有涉及简单的计算成本之类,所以大家可以带一个计算器经验:这里我个人的建议是,希望大家不要过多关注细节,拿到案例大概翻一遍了解方案需要确定的未知量以及他们的内在联系,再进行进一步的阅读,也方便规划时间。



比如ABCDE 都是外部讲师,而F是内部员工,不要花钱。




面试题目:1 . 一开始par用中文说我们先开始用英文聊,你用英文做一个自我介绍吧,时间就1分钟好了,聊的差不多就转中文,你看可以吗?2 . 英文自我介绍的时候par会比较积极的介入,我感觉只要是他比较感兴趣的点就会介入,以下几个地方都是他问到A . 在学生会的任职(这个问的比较久,有你对自己工作的评价,当时如何竞选,主要的工作)B . 发表的论文C . 学习成绩的排名3 . 然后他就说OK 那我们用中文聊好了,接下来主要都是问当时寒假实习的问题,有A . 寒假实习的收获B . 抽凭的感想C . 在工作中与对方人员的关系D . 你的in charge有没有对你提出一些建议和职业生涯规划建议面试类型:中英文面试,群面面试题目:1 . 一分钟自我介绍(英文)2 . 怎么看plastic levy 给HK带来的improvement或者是new problem面试类型:中英文面试,单面面试题目:1 . 面试的问题主要是实习项目相关的,然后会根据你的回答,再延伸出一些问题,包括实习都干了什么,有什么收获,项目组成员的印象,最大的困难之类2 . 为什么选择KP3 . 问了工作和生活的balance(英文)3 . 如何解决工作中的困难(英文)面试题目:1 . case study , 案例共8页,大意是为一个公司策划年会,根据各个信息点的分析做出预算,时间,地点,出行方式的计划书。





填入画横线部分最恰当的一项是O OA.蹑手蹑脚B.步履轻盈C.健步如飞D.寸步难行【解析】正确答案:答案“蹑手蹑脚"形容放轻脚步走的样子,也形容偷偷換換、鬼鬼祟祟的样子;“步履轻盈”形容走路轻快:“健步如飞”指步伐矫健,跑得飞快;“寸步难行”指连一步都难以行进,形容走路困难,也比喻姓境艰难。


很显然这句话是在描述一个老人的形象,A项形容的场合不合适, 排除;老人既然拿着拐杖,就不可能“健步如飞”,排除C项;拐杖只在某些场合使用,不诃能是“寸步难行”,D项排除。



③回忆体传记: 这类传记的作者往往是被立传者的亲属、朋友、同事或部属,他们主要是通过自己的回忆记载被立传者的生平与事迹。

典型例证:(1)末代皇帝爱新觉罗•溥仪:《我的前半生》 (2)法国大作家罗曼•罗兰:《贝多芬传》(3)玄奘的弟子慧立、彦琮:《大慈恩寺三藏法师传》上述典型例证与定义存在对应关系的数目有()0A.。


: (1)属丁-自传体传记;(2)属丁-釆访体传记:(3)属丁回忆体传记。




WHY AUDIT?你对KPMG的了解,还有关于网申内容的问题,毕马威的价值观,实习的具体内容,社团活动的具体内容。

一个球队获胜的最重要的原因是什么,一个新组建的球队要怎么才能获得比赛胜利,假如你是球队队长,队员有不同意见你会怎么处理1. 为什么一开始选择深圳office?2. 改成北京office中间的转变过程是什么样子的?3. 作为ME背景为何选择审计行业?6. 为什么大学要选择me专业?7. 你了解的审计是做什么的8. 你觉得自己有哪些性格特点适合做审计?9. 你为进入审计行业做了什么样的准备?(回答这个问题的时候理解错意思了)10. 为什么选择进入kpmg?11. KP是很辛苦的,经常要加班,你怎么看?12. 其他四大有没有投?13. 为何投DTT不投pwc和ey?14. 你是中国最好大学thu的学生,以后工作中遇到上司毕业于不知名学校,甚至没有本科学历,比如我,不断指挥你做事,你怎么想?15. 如果team中有同事对工作有不同意见,你怎么解决?16. KP每年对员工都会有考核,如果连续的考核都说明你工作做得不好,你怎么办?17. 现在还有找其他工作吗?我说有拿到offer,比亚迪,康佳18. 为什么不选择byd,前景很好,巴菲特也买了他的股票,你应该相信巴菲特啊~19. 若进入kpmg,你会有什么准备?20. 你对自己的职业生涯有什么规划?21. 对审计行业的前景有什么看法?1.5 毕马威公司企业文化/价值观‘Our people are as important as our clients’The culture of KPMG revolves around people. The people who work at KPMG, and the people that we work with – our clients. We believe that our people make the difference and so we nurture, train, support and develop each and every one of our employees so that all of us can make our distinct contribution.价值观“毕马威之道”是我们对我们的身份﹑我们所做的和应怎样去做的认定,它的基石正是我们的价值观,而我们的价值观,就是我们追求最高个人和职业操守水平的文化和承诺。






二、毕马威性格测试题答案解析1. 问题一:以下哪种描述更符合你的性格?A. 我通常很冷静,即使面对压力也能保持冷静。

B. 我很容易激动,情绪波动较大。



2. 问题二:以下哪种情境让你感到最舒适?A. 与陌生人交谈,分享自己的想法。

B. 与朋友聚会,享受轻松愉快的时光。



3. 问题三:以下哪种情况让你感到最有成就感?A. 完成一项困难的工作任务。

B. 获得他人的认可和赞扬。



4. 问题四:以下哪种描述更符合你的工作态度?A. 我喜欢独立工作,不喜欢依赖他人。

B. 我喜欢与他人合作,共同完成工作。



5. 问题五:以下哪种情况让你感到最有动力?A. 实现个人目标。

B. 为他人提供帮助。



三、自我评估1. 根据以上答案解析,对自己的性格特点进行总结,了解自己的优势和劣势。

毕马威KPMG笔试经典24、36题 最新总结

毕马威KPMG笔试经典24、36题 最新总结

KPMGNumerical 241. 顾客题:难餐馆名字每星期的熟客光顾四次或平均每位顾客顾客总人数所占比例以上的熟客数的消费金额3.学校的考试成绩问题,有问单科通过率、两门课对比4.传说中的税率题,条形图。









9. 国家的农场数量,农户数目,表格,超多数字,后面有个总计。


KPMG经典24题The classical 24 numerical reasoning 经典的24数值推理一.bar chart below shows the number of temporary and permanent staff working in five regional call centres:这个柱状图下面显示的数量和永久性的工作人员临时在5个地区的呼叫中心:1. the actual number of calls taken per hour in region sw fell 10% short of the target set – what was the target number of calls per hour?采取实际的通话次数每小时在地区下降了10%的sw -短设定的目标是什么电话数量每小时的目标吗?E(28x200+25x100)/(100%-10%)=90002. an increase of 6% in both the number of temporary and permanent staff in region NW is planned. If the average number of calls taken per hour stayed the same for all staff, what would be the increase in the total number of calls taken per hour?每年增加6%的数量在两个临时及永久性员工在滇西北地区是必要的。



毕马威case我把之前有人分享过的内容和我自己面试的问题整合了一下,供大家参考,祝大家面试顺利通过~我抽到的case是Bifoods,背景差不多就是下面的总结一下,该公司有三个战略:特许经营权战略、Future战略(高科技)、spilt China market战略,我抽到的问题是Marketing/Health eating,问题有五个:如何增加三个品牌的相似度?如何提高三个品牌的竞争力?健康饮食是否要运用在future策略中?为中国市场开发新品牌(记不太清了)?该企业的优势?,然后主要想提醒大家一定要熟悉自己网申的OP,manager会据此提问。

1.Bifoods案例是Bifoods,抽到的两个问题一个是split business strategy方面的,还有一个media andmarketing方面。





Bifood快餐店的案例,近年来竞争大,利润下降,想办法降低operating cost,于是公司想了两个strategy,一个是fanchising(大概是吧,原谅我只能意会不能言传),还有一个和我抽到的题无关就没仔细看,大概是产品创新之类的。

抽到的题目是有关corporate social responsibilty2. 绿色能源企业superfine & Bitemecase一共有五六页,是有介绍superfine的一些背景资料有简单的sales,cost,profit的chart,提到有一个大客户Biteme(给了一些salesportion什么的);renewable energy 的一些资料;还有一个竞争对手new brand的资料;最后一面是关于Biteme在杂志上的报道。



Case 4: NSM-North Sports MotorCase 内容:版本1:中国最大汽车制造商进入印度,进入高端汽车市场,可是遇到了质量和安全的问题。

版本2:我的case是个叫North Sports Motor的中国公司,在中国发展的不错,主打价格低廉的SUV,市场份额很高,公司在进军国际市场的初期还顺利,但品牌口碑并不好,产品安全问题,设计抄袭问题层出不穷。



现在公司要进行品牌的转型,给大家一个安全可信赖的品牌感觉版本4:NMS是个中国的汽车生产商,,主打产品是SUV和light vans 啥的,它的SUV 在中国市场排名第一。

但是这个公司最近遇到了很多负面问题,后面第三页有写具体是那些负面问题,一个是被意大利的一个企业告他侵权,另一个是澳大利亚发现他的toxic chemical不合格,然后发现他的safety and health standard 低于澳大利亚的市场标准,被召回啥的。

还有就是它的发动机太小,然后性能也不太好,售后做的也不太好,消费者有很多complaint 。

它的reputation是:sellable but unsafety , 为了扭转现状,公司制定了新战略,即“quality,safety and reliability”版本5:以前这个car manufacturer发展很好,SUV销售量一直不错,后来出现质量上的问题。

分了三个region说问题,一个是poor quality,一个是copyright的问题,还有一个是没有达到health and safety的standard,之后说这个公司打算转型进入luxury market神马神马的。

版本6:第一面是简介NSM公司:NSM公司是中国领先的汽车制造商,SUV产品在中国占据很大的市场份额,同时还生产Sports Truck(个人感觉是皮卡,就是学车的时候学的那种车型)和Light Van(个人感觉是一种小货车?)。

毕马威 2022 审计面试题(应聘 求职 面试准备资料)

毕马威 2022 审计面试题(应聘 求职 面试准备资料)

毕马威2022 审计面试题第1题:?The big economic difference between nuclear and fossil‐fuelled power stations is that nuclearreactors are more expensive to build and decommission, but cheaper to sun. So disputes overthe relative efficiency of the two systems revolve not just around prices of coal and uraniumtoday and tomorrow, but also around the way in which future income should be comparedwith current income.?1. The main difference between nuclear and fossil‐fuelled power stations is an economic one.TRUEUNTRUECANNOT SAY2. The price of coal is not relevant to discussions about the relative efficiency of nuclearreactors.TRUEUNTRUECANNOT SAY3. If nuclear reactors were cheaper to build and decommission than fossil‐fuelled powerstations, they would definitely have the economic advantage.TRUEUNTRUECANNOT SAY第2题:?At any given moment we are being bombarded by physical and psychological stimulicompeting for our attention. Although our eyes are capable of handling more than 5 millionbits of data per second, our brain are capable of interpreting only about 500 bits per second.With similar disparities between each of the other senses and the brain, it is easy to see thatwe must select the visual, auditory, or tactile stimuli that we wish to compute at any specifictime.?4. Physical stimuli usually win in the competition for our attention. TRUEUNTRUECANNOT SAY5. The capacity of the human brain is sufficient to interpret nearly all the stimuli the sensescan register under optimum conditions.TRUEUNTRUECANNOT SAY6. Eyes are able to cope with a greater input of information than ears. TRUEUNTRUECANNOT SAYVERBAL ANSWER:1. C CANNOT SAY2. B UNTRUE3. A TRUE4. C CANNOT SAY5. B UNTRUE6. C CANNOT SAY第3题:PartII NUMERCAL TEST1. Which country had the highest number of people aged 60 or over at the start of 1985?A. UKB. FranceC. ItalyD. W.GermanyE. Spain2. What percentage of the total 15mm button production was classed as sub‐standard inSeptember?AA 10.5% BB 13% CC 15% DD 17.5% EE 20% AB 23.5% AC 25%AD 27.5% AE 28% BC 30.5%3. How many live births occurred in 1985 in Spain and Italy together (to the nearest 1000)?A. 104,000B. 840,000C. 1,044,000D. 8,400,000E. 10,440,0004. What was the net effect on the UK population of the live birth anddeath rates in 1985?A. Decrease of 66,700B. Increase of 752,780C. Increase of 84,900D. Cannot SayE. Increase of 85,2705. By how much did the total sales value of November?s button production vary fromOctober‘s?A. 8.50(Decrease)B. 42.50(Decrease)C. 85.00(Increase)D. 27.50(Decrease)E. No change6. What was the loss in potential sales revenue attributable to the production of sub‐standard(as opposed to standard) buttons over the 6 month period?A.13.75B.27.50C.137.50D.280.00E.275.001:Population Structure 1985countrypopulation at start of years(millions)live bitrhs per 1000 population(jan‐dec)deaths per 1000 population(jan‐dec)%of population at start of year aged: under15%of population at start of year aged: 60 or overUK 56.6 13.3 11.8 19 21France 55.2 13.9 10.0 21 19Italy 57.1 1.1 9.5 19 19W.Germany 61.0 9.6 11.5 15 20Spain 38.6 12.1 7.7 23 172:production of 15mm buttons,july‐dectotal(standard and sub‐standard) production(in thousands) standard production(in thousands)july 70 60aug 60 55sept 85 65oct 100 80nov 95 85dec 100 90sale price: standard: $5.7 per 100sub‐stand:$2.85 per 1001. D W. Germany2. AB 23.5%3. C 1,044,0004. B Increase of 84,9005. E No change6. C 137.50。



wen1)Please give a brief summary of your current recreational and leisure activities, including sports and hobbies.My current recreational and leisure activities are as follows:Reading: I am fond of reading detective novels, thrillers (e.g. Alfred Hitchcock’s);Movies and TV play series: I am a moviegoer and recently I saw Schindler’s List, which is directed by Steven Spielberg. My favorite TV play series are American sitcoms (e.g. Friends);Dancing: I am learning ballroom dance as an elective course;Sports: I always go jogging and rope skipping to keep fit;Drawing: I enjoy doodling and I’m very good at facsimile. You can find my graffito on my sketch paper or the blank places of my textbooks.2)What clubs and societies are you a member of and in what capacity?I worked as a team player on the student team belonging to Market Research Section in Beijing New Oriental School last year (Jan. 2008-Sep. 2008). New Oriental Education & Technology Group focuses on foreign language education and training. The group was listed on the New York Stock Exchange on September 7, 2006, the first private education company to achieve this feat in China.Main goal of our team: Collect and analyze useful data from activities of other education and training companies and then transfer the data into information, which will make considerable contribution to managers’ decisions.My duties and responsibilities: Collect data from activities of our competitors (e.g. New Channel International Education Group Ltd.), including the number of students, the location of teaching building, the date of courses, new training projects, etc. Obtain the data and information by visiting their official website or consulting directly through phone call. Input and save the data in Excel in an organized way. Participate in lectures and campaigns held by our competitors and record information such as date, place, lecturer and content in Word. Analyze merits and defects of these activities. Take part in meetings every other week to discuss difficulties we met and bring up constructive measures to solve these problems.Results and learning: Last summer holiday I received an individual prize for excellent performance of the last half year’s hard work. This experience cultivates my strong team spirits and the ability to work well under pressure.3)What factors have influenced your career choice?Subjective factors:1) Personality: Cautious, patient, responsible; sensitive and accurate with numbers; look at challenges as opportunities; a quick learner;2) Ability: Good interpersonal skills, leadership potentials, strong team spirits, ability to work well under pressure, ability to work efficiently and pay attention to detail;3) Skills: Language Skill: Understand most articles in English, engage in an extended conversation with English-speaking foreigners, write a report or essay that communicates the desired messages;Computer Skill: Collect and analyze data with Excel, confident with other Microsoft Office applications, email and the web;Professional Skill: Attain the knowledge of accounting and financial management; analyzethe financial reports basically;Objective factors:1) Family: My father is a computer teacher and my mother is an engineer. They are both intelligent. I am the only child so that I have to take the financial burden and take care of them when they are old;2) Educational background: My major is financial management and I have learnt a combination of courses in financial accounting, management accounting, Financial Management and Financial Statement Analysis. Other relevant courses include Accounting Computerization, Assets Appraisal and Internal Control.3) Social background and economic trends: In the recent twelve years, China actively participates in globalization, especially the economic globalization, which has obviously affected the career choices of Chinese young people.4)Outline your career ambitions and objectives.Short-term objective: Be involved in a dynamic and fast growing company, which provides me with great opportunities to improve my skills and accumulate experiences;Mid-term objective: After the efforts and study for a couple of years, I could be a qualified professional such as an excellent accountant or auditor, who can be a considerable leader striving for the prosperity of the company;Long-term objective: Set up a company of my own. To be the chairman as well as CFO;Besides, I have to attain professional qualifications such as CPA, ACCA during the pursuit of my career ambitions.My current recreational and leisure activities are as follows:Guzheng, I have been learning the guzheng for some time, the music always cultivates the mind, and make people quiet down.Drawing:I am deeply loved with Chinese painting,You can find my paintings hanging on every blank corner in my house , after every completion of a painting, I have a sense of accomplishment.Reading: I am fond of reading Poetry appreciation, Detective novels (e.g. The Da Vinci Code);Swimming:Swimming is one of my favorite sports, it makes my body get fully exercised, and what's more important,it's a pretty good way to lose weight;Movies and TV play series: I am a moviegoer and recently I saw Sherlock Holmes ;My favorite movies is The Lord Of The Rings, I can even tell every scener after years of time;1)I was one of the school securities investment community, we organized a simulated stock investment ,and that was my first contact with the securities and financial markets, some students won a lot of money while others lose.Experienced by this community, I learned how to collect the relevant data, and the importance of sharing with teammates, and I also gain the happiness of the actual operation.2)I was a member of the Student Union art departmentin my freshman year.1) Personality: Cautious, patient, responsible; sensitive and accurate with numbers; look at challenges as opportunities;2) Ability: I am willing to work well under pressure, and I have the ability to work efficiently and pay attention to detail;3) Language Skill: I can understand most of the English articles, and write a report or essay that communicates the desired messages;Computer Skill: Collect and analyze data with Excel, confident with other Microsoft Office applications, email and the web;Professional Skill: I have mastered the basic knowledge of accounting bookkeeping, able to make basic financial statements analysis;1) Family:My parents are both state-owned enterprises of the general staff. I am the only child so that I have to take the financial burden and take care of them when they are old;2) Educational background: I have a finance-related professional skills and knowledge, my academic background and professional qualifications are a good fit for this position. and I hope to put them into practice, such an interns' experience will allow me to be a better application of book knowledge, such as computerized system, financial management, audit and tax administration;After graduation I want to enter the accounting firm, I like the fast-paced life and the intense and methodical work, from where I can quickly learn a lot of professional skills and knowledge, and have access to know all walks of life, is a good opportunity to improve the quality of self;In the long term, my biggest dream is to work at the same time to obtain a master's degree ,afte accumulated enough experience and capital,I am willing to set up an accounting firm named by myself, Thus my passion for accounting, auditing will finally spread to attract more and more people to join this sacred work.Besides, I have to attain professional qualifications such as CPA, ACCA during the pursuit of my career ambitionsSubjects Institution Course datesThe car driving Driving school 2010Guzheng Music Academy 2012Prizes Datescholarship 2011The national computer level 2 2010Jiangsu computer level 2 2010Intermediate English interpretation 2010Accounting qualification certificate 2010Responsible for the collation of the original documents and books of archiving, fill the accounting entries; Familiar with the corporate finance process, read the original certificate ; Responsible for collating the summary of the various departments of the company management fees in the first half of; Finance AssistantA situation where you have used two of KMPG’s values to achieve a positive outcomeKPMG’s Core ValuesThe KPMG Way is our definition of who we are, what we do, and how we do it. Our core values lie at the heart of The KPMG Way. They define our culture and our commitment to the highest principles of personal and professional conduct.We lead by example—at all levels acting in a way that exemplifies what we expect of each other and our member firms’ clients.We work together—bringing out the best in each other and creating strong and successful working relationships.We respect the individual—respecting people for who they are and for their knowledge, skills, and experience as individuals and team members.We seek the facts and provide insight—challenging assumptions, pursuing facts, and strengthening our reputation as trusted and objective business advisers.We are open and honest in our communication—sharing information, insight, and advice frequently and constructively and managing tough situations with courage and candor.We are committed to our communities—acting as responsible corporate citizens and broadening our skills, experience, and perspectives through work in our communities.Above all, we act with integrity—constantly striving to uphold the highest professional standards, provide sound advice, and rigorously maintain our independence.价值观“毕马威之道”是我们对我们的身份﹑我们所做的和应怎样去做的认定,它的基石正是我们的价值观,而我们的价值观,就是我们追求最高个人和职业操守水平的文化和承诺。

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1. 为什么一开始选择深圳office?
2. 改成北京office中间的转变过程是什么样子的?
3. 作为ME背景为何选择审计行业?
6. 为什么大学要选择me专业?
7. 你了解的审计是做什么的
8. 你觉得自己有哪些性格特点适合做审计?
9. 你为进入审计行业做了什么样的准备?
10. 为什么选择进入kpmg?
11. KP是很辛苦的,经常要加班,你怎么看?
12. 其他四大有没有投?
13. 为何投DTT不投pwc和ey?
14. 你是中国最好大学thu的学生,以后工作中遇到上司毕业于不知名学校,甚至没有本科学历,比如我,不断指挥你做事,你怎么想?
15. 如果team中有同事对工作有不同意见,你怎么解决?
16. KP每年对员工都会有考核,如果连续的考核都说明你工作做得不好,你怎么办?
17. 现在还有找其他工作吗?我说有拿到offer,比亚迪,康佳
18. 为什么不选择byd,前景很好,巴菲特也买了他的股票,你应该相信巴菲特啊~
19. 若进入kpmg,你会有什么准备?
20. 你对自己的职业生涯有什么规划?

21. 对审计行业的前景有什么看法?
1.5 毕马威公司企业文化/价值观
‘Our people are as important as our clients’
The culture of KPMG revolves around people. The people who work at KPMG, and the people that we work with – our clients. We believe that our people make the difference and so we nurture, train, support and develop each and every one of our employees so that all of us can make our distinct contribution.







