
cma考试试题及答案CMA(Certified Management Accountant)是国际管理会计师资格认证,对于从事管理会计和财务管理领域的人士具有较高的认可和权威性。
一、单选题1. Which of the following is not a purpose of budgeting?A. Planning and goal-settingB. Evaluating performanceC. Providing feedbackD. Identifying riskAnswer: D2. Which of the following is not an example of a critical financial ratio?A. Current ratioB. Return on investment (ROI)C. Gross profit marginD. Customer satisfaction ratioAnswer: D3. Which of the following is an example of a fixed cost?A. Direct materials costB. Direct labor costC. Rent expenseD. Sales commissionAnswer: C二、多选题1. Which of the following are advantages of using activity-based costing (ABC) system? (Select all that apply.)A. More accurate product costingB. Better cost controlC. Improved decision-makingD. Lower implementation costsAnswer: A, B, C2. Which of the following are components of the income statement? (Select all that apply.)A. RevenueB. Cost of goods soldC. Operating expensesD. AssetsAnswer: A, B, C3. Which of the following are methods used to evaluate capital budgeting projects? (Select all that apply.)A. Net present value (NPV)B. Internal rate of return (IRR)C. Payback periodD. Return on investment (ROI)Answer: A, B, C三、问答题1. What is the purpose of variance analysis in management accounting?Variance analysis is used to compare the actual performance of a business with the planned or expected performance. It helps identify the reasons behind any differences between the two, allowing management to take corrective actions if necessary. By analyzing variances, management can assess the effectiveness of their planning and control systems and make informed decisions to improve future performance.2. How does cost-volume-profit analysis help in decision-making?Cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis is a tool used to examine the relationships between sales volume, costs, and profits. It helps in decision-making by providing insights into the impact of changes in sales volume, selling price, variable costs, and fixed costs on the profitability of a product or service. CVP analysis can aid in determining the breakeven point,assessing the impact of price changes, and evaluating the profitability of different product lines or business segments.四、案例分析XYZ Company is considering two investment projects: Project A and Project B. The following information is available:Project A:Initial investment: $100,000Estimated annual cash flows: $30,000 for the next 5 yearsDiscount rate: 10%Project B:Initial investment: $150,000Estimated annual cash flows: $40,000 for the next 5 yearsDiscount rate: 12%Using the net present value (NPV) method, calculate the net present value for each project and recommend which project should be chosen.Solution:To calculate the NPV, we need to discount the annual cash flows to their present value. The formula for calculating the present value of cash flows is:PV = CF / (1 + r)^nFor Project A:PV = $30,000 / (1 + 0.10)^1 + $30,000 / (1 + 0.10)^2 + $30,000 / (1 +0.10)^3 + $30,000 / (1 + 0.10)^4 + $30,000 / (1 + 0.10)^5PV = $27,272.73 + $24,794.43 + $22,540.39 + $20,491.26 + $18,628.42PV = $113,727.23For Project B:PV = $40,000 / (1 + 0.12)^1 + $40,000 / (1 + 0.12)^2 + $40,000 / (1 +0.12)^3 + $40,000 / (1 + 0.12)^4 + $40,000 / (1 + 0.12)^5PV = $35,714.29 + $31,878.42 + $28,449.06 + $25,393.12 + $22,682.43PV = $144,117.32Based on the NPV calculations, Project B has a higher net present value than Project A. Therefore, it is recommended to choose Project B as it is expected to generate higher returns.请注意,以上案例为示例,实际的CMA考试试题及答案会因时间而变化,考生需以最新的资料为准。

{财务管理财务会计}管理会计示范性双语讲义习题CHAPTER1MANAGEMENTACCOUNTING:INFORMATIONTHATCREATESVALUE TRUE/FALSE1.Managementaccountinggathersshort-term,long-term,financial,andnonfinancialinformation.a.Trueb.False2.Managementaccountinginformationgenerallyreportsontheorganizationas awhole.a.Trueb.Falsepanieshavetofollowstrictguidelineswhendesigningamanagementacco untingsystem.a.Trueb.False4.Agoodmanagementaccountingsystemisintendedtomeetspecificdecision-makingneedsatalllevelsintheorganization.a.Trueb.False5.Duringthehistoryofmanagementaccounting,innovationsweredevelopedto addressthedecision-makingneedsofmanagers.a.Trueb.False6.Akeyelementinanyorganization’sstrategyistoidentifyitstargetcustomersandtodeliverwhatthosetargetcustomerswant.a.Trueb.False7.Thevaluepropositionhasonlytwoelements:costandquality.a.Trueb.False8.Qualityisthedegreeofconformancebetweenwhatthecustomerispromisedan dwhatthecustomerreceives.a.Trueb.False9.Recently,thedemandforimprovedmanagementaccountingandcontrolinfor mationwithinmanufacturingfirmshasalsooccurredinserviceorganizations.a.Trueb.False10.Recently,thepetitiveenvironmentforbothmanufacturingandservicepanies hasbeefarmorechallenginganddemanding.a.Trueb.False11.Servicepaniesareverysimilartomanufacturingpaniesinmayways,includingt hefactthatmanyemployeeshavedirectcontactwithcustomers.a.Trueb.False12.Sensitivitytotimelinessandqualityofserviceisespeciallyimportanttoservice organizations.b.Falseernmentandnonprofitorganizations,aswellasprofit-seekingenterprises,arefeelingthepressuresforimprovedperformance.a.Trueb.False14.Managementaccountinginformationallowsmanagerstopareactualandpla nnedcostsandtoidentifyareasandopportunitiesforprocessimprovement.a.Trueb.False15.Managementaccountingcanprovideinformationoncustomersatisfaction.a.Trueb.False16.ROI(returnoninvestment)binestwoprofitabilitymeasurestoproduceasingle measureofdepartmentalordivisionalperformance.a.Trueb.False17.Around1920,centralizedcontrolofdecentralizedoperationswasacplishedb yhavingcorporatemanagersreceivefinancialreportsaboutdivisionaloperation sandprofitability.a.Trueb.False18.Inthelate1990s,littleinterestorattentionwaspaidtoevaluatingmanagement ’sappropriategovernanceandstrategychoices.b.False19.Financialinformationidentifiesandexplainstheunderlyingproblems.a.Trueb.False20.Managementaccountingmeasurescanprovideadvancewarningsofproble ms.a.Trueb.False21.Customersatisfactionisanexampleoffinancialinformation.a.Trueb.False22.Operatingprofitisanexampleofnonfinancialinformation.a.Trueb.Falseanizationalleadershipplaysacriticalroleinfosteringanorganization’s c ultureofhighethicalstandards.a.Trueb.Falsermationisneverneutral;justtheactofmeasuringandreportinginformatio naffectstheindividualsinvolved.a.Trueb.False25.Boundarysystemsarealwaysstatedinpositivetermsthatoutlinemaximumsta ndardsofbehavior.a.Trueb.FalseMULTIPLECHOICE26.Managementaccountinghelpsapanyachieve:a.itsstrategicobjectivesb.itsoperationalobjectivesc.controlandalsosupportsperformanceevaluationd.Alloftheabovearecorrect.27.Whichofthefollowingtypesofinformationareusedinmanagementaccounti ng?a.financialinformationb.nonfinancialinformationrmationfocusedonthelongtermd.Alloftheabovearecorrect.28.Managementaccounting:a.focusesonestimatingfuturerevenues,costs,andothermeasurestoforecastacti vitiesandtheirresultsb.providesinformationaboutthepanyasawholec.reportsinformationthathasoccurredinthepastthatisverifiableandreliabled.providesinformationthatisgenerallyavailableonlyonaquarterlyorannualbasi s29.Whichofthefollowingdescriptorsrefertomanagementaccountinginformati on?a.Itisverifiableandreliable.b.Itisdrivenbyrules.c.Itispreparedforshareholders.d.Itprovidesreasonableandtimelyestimates.30.Whichofthefollowingstatementsreferstomanagementaccountinginformat ion?a.Therearenoregulationsgoverningthereports.b.Thereportsaregenerallydelayedandhistorical.c.Theaudiencetendstobestockholders,creditors,andtaxauthorities.d.Thescopetendstobehighlyaggregate.31.Managementaccountinginformationincludes:a.tabulatedresultsofcustomersatisfactionsurveysb.thecostofproducingaproductc.thepercentageofunitsproducedthatisdefectived.Alloftheabovearecorrect.32.ManagementaccountingreportsMOSTlikelyincludeinformationabout:a.customerplaintsinefortheyearc.totalassetsd.Alloftheabovearecorrect.33.ThepersonMOSTlikelytousemanagementaccountinginformationisa(n):a.bankerevaluatingacreditapplicationb.shareholderevaluatingastockinvestmenternmentaltaxingauthorityd.assemblydepartmentsupervisor34.WhichofthefollowingisNOTafunctionofamanagementaccountingsystem?a.strategicplanningb.financialreportingc.operationalcontrold.productcosting35.FinancialaccountingprovidesthePRIMARYsourceofinformationfor:a.decisionmakinginthefinishingdepartmentb.improvingcustomerservicec.preparingtheinestatementforshareholdersd.planningnextyear’soperatingbudget36.Financialaccounting:a.focusesonthefutureandincludesactivitiessuchaspreparingnextyear'soperati ngbudgetb.mustplywithGAAP(generallyacceptedaccountingprinciples)c.reportsincludedetailedinformationonthevariousoperatingsegmentsoftheb usinesssuchasproductlinesordepartmentsd.ispreparedfortheuseofdepartmentheadsandotheremployees37.ThepersonMOSTlikelytouseONLYfinancialaccountinginformationisa:a.factoryshiftsupervisorb.vicepresidentofoperationsc.currentshareholderd.departmentmanager38.Theaccountingprocessisconstrainedbymandatedreportingrequirementsb yallofthefollowingorganizationsEXCEPTthe:a.InternalRevenueService(IRS)b.InstituteofManagementAccountants(IMA)c.FinancialAccountingStandardsBoard(FASB)d.SecuritiesandExchangeCommission(SEC)forpaniesthatarepubliclytraded39.Historically:a.inthebeginningofthe20th century,theGuildskeptdetailedrecordsofrawmateri alsandlaborcostsasevidenceofproductqualityb.inmedievalEngland,thebasicsofmodernmanagementaccountingemergedw ithstandardsformaterialuse,employeeproductivity,andbudgetsc.inthelate19th century,railroadmanagersimplementedlargeandplexcostingsy stemstoputethecostofdifferenttypesoffreightd.from1400-1600,largeandintegratedpaniessuchasDuPontandGeneralMotors,developed waystomeasurereturnoninvestment40.Ingeneral,itwasnotuntilthe1970sthatmanagementaccountingsystems:a.wereimprovedbecauseofdemandsbytheFASBandtheSECb.stagnatedandprovedinadequatec.startedtodevelopinnovationsincostingandperformance-measurementsystemsduetointensepressurefromoverseaspetitorsd.startedtoaddressthedecision-makingneedsofmanagers41.Allsuccessfulorganizationsmustidentifyandunderstandtheir:a.weaknessesb.petitionc.strategyd.definitionofquality42.Akeyelementofanyorganization’sstrategyisidentifying:a.itspotentialshareholdersb.itstargetcustomersc.petitor’sproductsd.employeeneeds43.Whatanorganizationtriestodelivertocustomersiscalleditsvalueproposition ,whichincludestheelementsof:a.costandqualityb.cost,quality,andfunctionalityandfeaturesc.cost,quality,functionalityandfeatures,andserviced.cost,quality,functionalityandfeatures,service,andindustrystandards44.Thepricepaidbythecustomer,giventheproductfeaturesandpetitor’sprices ,isreferredtoasthe__________elementofthevalueproposition.a.costb.industrystandardsc.qualityd.service45.Thedegreeofconformancebetweenwhatthecustomerispromisedandwhatt hecustomerreceivesisreferredtoasthe__________elementofthevaluepropositio n.a.costb.industrystandardsc.qualityd.service46.Theperformanceoftheproduct,forexample,amealinarestaurantprovidesth edinerwiththelevelofsatisfactionexpectedforthepricepaid,isreferredtoasthe__ ________elementofthevalueproposition.a.functionalityandfeaturesb.industrystandardsc.qualityd.service47.Howthecustomeristreatedatthetimeofthepurchaseisanexampleofthe_____ _____elementofthevalueproposition.a.functionalityandfeaturesb.industrystandardsc.qualityd.service48.Managementaccountingprovides:rmationontheefficiencyoffactorylaborrmationonthecostofservicingmercialcustomersrmationontheperformanceofanoperatingdivisiond.Alloftheabovearecorrect.49.WhichofthefollowinggroupswouldbeLEASTlikelytoreceivedetailedmanag ementaccountingreports?a.stockholdersb.customerservicerepresentativesc.productionsupervisord.vicepresidentofoperations50.Topexecutivesofamulti-plantfirmareLEASTlikelytousemanagementaccountinginformation:a.tosupportdecisionsthatresultinlong-termconsequencesb.toevaluatetheperformanceofindividualplantsc.forstrategicplanningd.foroperationalcontrol51.ManagersofservicedepartmentsneedallofthefollowinginformationEXCEPT:a.efficiencydataonworkperformanceb.qualitydataonworkperformancec.profitabilitydataofthewholepanyd.profitabilitydataoftheservicedepartmentrmationMOSTus efultothe employeewhoassembles thefurnitureincludes:a.adailyreportparingtheactualtimeittooktoassembleapieceoffurnituretothest andardtimeallowedb.amonthlyreportontheportionoffurniturepiecesassembledwithdefectsc.thenumberoffurniturepiecessoldthismonthd.revenueperemployeermationMOSTus efultothe topexecutive includes:a.individualjobsummariesofmaterialsusedb.monthlyfinancialreportsonthepany’sprofitabilitybyproductlinec.timereportssubmittedbyeachemployeed.scheduleddowntimeforroutinemaintenanceonmachines54.AquarterlyreportdisclosingdecliningmarketshareinformationisMOSTusef ulto:a.afront-lineemployeeb.themanagerofoperationsc.thechiefexecutiveofficerd.theaccountingdepartment55.Aweeklyreportparingmachinetimeusedtoavailablemachinetimeisinformat ionMOSTusefulto:a.afront-lineemployeeb.themanagerofoperationsc.thechiefexecutiveofficerd.theaccountingdepartment56.Adailyreportonthenumberofqualityunitsassembledbyeachemployeeisinf ormationMOSTusefulto:a.afront-lineassemblyworkerb.theaccountingdepartmentc.thechiefexecutiveofficerd.thepersonneldepartment57.WhichofthefollowingwouldbeLEASThelpfulforatopmanagerofapany?a.profitabilityreportofthepanyrmationtomonitorhourlyanddailyoperationsc.numberofcustomerplaintsd.operatingexpensesummaryreportedbydepartment58.Recently,increaseddemandformanagementaccountinginformationhasbeen:a.primarilyfrommanufacturingfirmsb.primarilyfromserviceorganizationsc.fromboththemanufacturingandtheserviceindustriesd.anillusion;infact,thedemandformanagementaccountinghaschangedverylitt le59.Managementaccountingcanplayacriticalroleintheserviceindustrybecause ofallthefollowingreasonsEXCEPT:a.firmsmustbeespeciallysensitivetothetimelinessandqualityofcustomerservic eb.manyemployeeshaveverylittlecontactwithcustomersc.customersimmediatelynoticedefectsandadelayinserviced.dissatisfiedcustomersmayneverreturn60.Historically,theNEGLECTofmanagementaccountingintheserviceindustryw asaresultof:a.nonpetitiveenvironmentsb.globalcustomerdemandsc.theswitchtofreemarketeconomiesd.aninfluxofhigher-qualityandlower-pricedproductsfromoverseas61.Currently,managementaccountinginformationwithingovernmentandnon profitorganizationsisingreaterdemandbecause:a.publicandprivatedonorsaredemandingaccountabilityb.citizensarerequestingresponsiveandefficientperformancefromtheirgoverni ngunitsc.morenonprofitorganizationsarepetingforlimitedfundsd.Alloftheabovearecorrect.62.Currently,pressuresforimprovedcostandperformancemeasurementsarebe ingfeltby:a.nonprofitorganizationsernmentalagenciesc.profit-seekingenterprisesd.Alloftheabovearecorrect.63.Financialaccountinginformation:a.providesasignalthatsomethingiswrongb.identifieswhatiswrongc.explainswhatiswrongd.simplysummarizesinformationbutgivesnoindicationthatanythingiswrong64.Decentralizedresponsibilityreferstoallowinglower-levelmanagerstodoallofthefollowingEXCEPT:a.makedecisionswithoutseekinghigherapprovalb.takeadvantageoflocalopportunitiesc.makeperiodicfinancialreportstoupper-managementd.pursueindividualobjectiveseventhoughtheymaynotcontributetotheentirepany65.Thereturnoninvestment(ROI)performancemeasureuses__________toevalua tetheperformanceofoperatingdivisions.a.asinglenumberb.fournumbersc.fivenumbersd.tennumbers66.Thereturnoninvestment(ROI)performancemeasurebines__________toprod uceameasureofdepartmentalperformance.a.twoprofitabilitymeasuresb.twocapitalutilizationmeasuresc.oneprofitabilitymeasureandonecapitalintensitymeasured.twoprofitabilitymeasuresandtwocapitalintensitymeasures67.Allofthefollowingaretrueregardingthereturnoninvestment(ROI)formulade velopedatDupontEXCEPTthat:a.itisthesolemeasuretop-managementutilizestoevaluatewhichdivisionshouldreceiveadditionalcapitalb.itallowspaniestohavecentralizedcontrolwithdecentralizedresponsibilityc.itproducesameasureofdivisionalperformanced.itequals(Operatingine/Sales)x(Sales/Investment) THEFOLLOWINGINFORMATIONAPPLIESTOQUESTIONS68AND69. Thefollowinginformationpertainstothreedivisions: FlowersShrubsTreesSales$15,000$28,000$120,000Operatingine$2,000$2,000$6,000Investment$22,000$40,000$100,00068.WhatisthereturnoninvestmentfortheShrubDivision?a.2.00%b.5.00%c.7.14%d.70.00%69.WhichdivisionismoreprofitablebasedonROI?a.Flowersb.Shrubsc.Treesd.BothFlowersandShrubsareequallymoreprofitablethanTrees.70.Tohelpevaluatemanagement’sappropriategovernanceandstrategicchoic es,organizationshavecalledonmanagementaccountantstodevelop:a.internalcontrolsystemstoprotectassetsfromtheftb.measurestomonitorpliancewithbehaviorthatisconsistentwiththeorganizati on’sbesti nterestsc.systemstoevaluateprofitabilityd.reportstohighlightvariancesfromamountsplanned71.ManagementaccountinginformationisBESTdescribedas:a.providingasignalthatsomethingiswrongb.identifyingandhelpingtoexplainwhatiswrongc.simplysummarizinginformation,butgivingnoindicationthatanythingiswron gd.measuringoverallorganizationalperformance72.Forimprovingoperationalefficienciesandcustomersatisfaction,nonfinancia linformationis:a.criticalb.helpfulc.infrequentlyusedd.unnecessary73.Nonfinancialinformationmightbeusedto:a.improvequalityb.reducecycletimesc.satisfycustomerneedsd.Alloftheabovearecorrect.74.Theactofsimplymeasuringandreportinginformation:a.focusestheattentionofemployeesonthoseprocessesb.divertstheemployee’sattentiontootheractivitiesc.disprovesthesaying“Whatgetsmeasuredgetsmanaged.”d.hasnoeffectonemployeebehavior75.WhichstatementbelowisFALSE?a.“Whatgetsmeasuredgetsmanaged.”b.Peoplereacttomeasurements.c.Employeesspendmoreattentiononthosevariablesthatarenotgettingmeasur ed.d.“IfIcan’tmeasureit,Ican’tmanageit.”76.Whenachangeisintroduced,employeestendto:a.embracethechangeb.beindifferenttothechangec.exhibitnochangeinbehaviord.resistthechange77.TheintroductionofanewmanagementsystemisMOSTlikelytomotivateUNW ANTEDemployeebehaviorwhenitisusedfor:a.evaluationb.planningc.decisionmakingd.coordinatingindividualefforts78.ManagementaccountantsareMOSTlikelytofeeloutsidepressuretofavorabl yinfluencethenumbersfavorablywhentheinformationisusedfor:a.budgetingb.pensationandpromotionsc.continuousimprovementd.productcosting79.FosteringacultureofhighethicalstandardsincludesallofthefollowingEXCEP T:a.followingthegoodexamplesetbyseniormanagementb.municatingtoemployeesabeliefsystemthatinspiresandpromotesmitmentto theorganization’scorevaluesc.followingthegeneralexamplessetbyfront-lineemployeesd.municatingtoallemployeesaboundarysystemthatstateswhatactionswillnot betolerated80.TheInstituteofManagementAccountants(IMA):a.isaprofessionalorganizationofmanagementaccountantsb.isaprofessionalorganizationoffinancialaccountantsc.issuesstandardsformanagementaccountingd.issuesstandardsforfinancialaccountingCRITICALTHINKING/ESSAY81.Describemanagementaccountingandfinancialaccounting.82.Whatisthepurposeofmanagementaccounting?83.Brieflydescribehowmanagersmakeuseofmanagementaccountinginformat ion.84.Describethevaluepropositionandtheelementsthatpriseit.85.Isfinancialaccountingormanagementaccountingmoreusefultoanoperatio nsmanager?Why?86.Whatrolehastheincreasinglypetitivebusinessenvironmentplayedinthedev elopmentofmanagementaccounting?87.Describereturnoninvestment(ROI).Whywasitdeveloped?Whenwasitdevel oped?88.Givetwoexamplesoffinancialinformationandnonfinancialinformation.89.Discussthepotentialbehaviorimplicationsofperformanceevaluation.CHAPTER1SOLUTIONSMANAGEMENTACCOUNTING:INFORMATIONTHATCREATESVALUETRUE/FALSE LO11.aLO12.bLO13.bLO14.aLO15.aLO26.aLO27.bLO28.aLO39.aLO310.aLO311.bLO312.aLO313.aLO314.aLO315.aLO416.bLO417.aLO518.aLO519.bLO520.aLO521.b LO522.bLO623.aLO624.aLO625.bMULTIPLECHOICELO126.dLO127.dLO128.aLO129.dLO130.aLO131.dLO132.aLO133.dLO134.bLO135.cLO136.bLO137.cLO138.bLO139.cLO140.cLO241.cLO242.bLO243.cLO244.aLO245.cLO246.aLO247.dLO348.d LO349.a LO350.d LO351.c LO352.a LO353.b LO354.c LO355.b LO356.aLO357.bLO358.cLO359.bLO360.aLO361.dLO362.dLO463.aLO464.dLO465.aLO466.cLO467.aLO468.bLO469.aLO570.bLO571.bLO572.aLO573.dLO674.aLO675.cLO676.dLO677.aLO678.bLO679.cLO680.aMULTIPLECHOICE68.$2,000/$40,000=5.00%69.$2,000/$22,000=9.09%;$2,000/$40,000=5.00%;$6,000/$100,000=6.00%CRITICALTHINKING/ESSAYLO181.Describemanagementaccountingandfinancialaccounting.Solution:Managementaccountingprovidesinformationtointernaldecisionma kersofthebusinesssuchastopexecutives.Itspurposeistohelpmanagerspredicta ndevaluatefutureresults.Reportsaregeneratedoftenandareusuallybrokendo wnintosmallerreportingdivisionssuchasdepartmentorproductline.Therearen orulestobepliedwithsincethesereportsareforinternaluseonly. Financialaccountingprovidesinformationtoexternaldecisionmakerssuchasinv estorsandcreditors.Itspurposeistopresentafairpictureofthefinancialcondition ofthepany.Reportsaregeneratedquarterlyorannuallyandreportonthepanyasa whole.ThefinancialstatementsmustplywithGAAP(generallyacceptedaccounti ngprinciples).ACPAaudits,orverifies,thattheGAAParebeingfollowed.LO182.Whatisthepurposeofmanagementaccounting?Solution:Managementaccountinggathersshort-termandlong-termfinancialandnonfinancialinformationtoplan,coordinate,motivate,improv e,control,andevaluatesuccessfactorsofanorganization.Managementaccounti ngconvertsdataintousableinformationthatsupportsstrategic,operational,and controldecisionmaking.LO183.Brieflydescribehowmanagersmakeuseofmanagementaccountinginformat ion.Solution:Managersuseaccountinginformationforthreebroadpurposes.ONE:Toplanbusinessoperationsthatincludespreparingstrategiesandbudgets anddeterminingthepricesandcostsofproductsandservices.Apanymustknowt hecostofeachproductandservicetodecidewhichproductstoofferandwhethert oexpandordiscontinueproductlines.TWO:Tocontrolbusinessoperationsthatincludesparingactualresultstothebud getedresultsandtakingcorrectiveactionwhenneeded.THREE:Toevaluateperformance.LO284.Describethevaluepropositionandtheelementsthatpriseit.Solution:Thevaluepropositioniswhatanorganizationtriestodelivertoitstargetc ustomers–itdefinestheorganizationalstrategy. Thefourelementsarecost,quality,functionalityandfeatures,andservice. •Cost isthepricepaidbythecustomer,giventheproductfeaturesandpetitor’s prices.•Quality isthedegreeofconformancebetweenwhatthecustomerispromiseda ndwhatthecustomerreceives.•Functionalityandfeatures referstotheperformanceoftheproduct.Forexamp le:Amealinarestaurantprovidesthedinerwiththelevelofsatisfactionexpectedfo rthepricepaid.•Service isalloftheotherelementsoftheproduct.Forexample:Howthecustom eristreatedatthetimeofthepurchase.LO385.Isfinancialaccountingormanagementaccountingmoreusefultoanoperatio nsmanager?Why?Solution:Managementaccountingismoreusefultoanoperationsmanagerbeca usemanagementaccountingreportsoperatingresultsbydepartmentorunitrath erthanforthepanyasawhole,itincludesfinancialaswellasnonfinancialdatasuch ason-timedeliveriesandcycletimes,anditincludesquantitativeaswellasqualitativedat asuchasthetypeofreworkthatwasneededondefectiveunits.LO386.Whatrolehastheincreasinglypetitivebusinessenvironmentplayedinthedev elopmentofmanagementaccounting?Solution:Thepetitiveenvironmenthaschangeddramatically.Therehasbeenade regulationmovementinNorthAmericaandEuropeduringthe1970sand1980sth atchangedthegroundrulesunderwhichservicepaniesoperated.Inaddition,org anizationsencounteredseverepetitionfromoverseaspaniesthatofferedhigh-qualityproductsatlowprices.Therehasbeenanimprovementofoperationalcont rolsystemssuchthatinformationismorecurrentandprovidedmorefrequently.T henatureofworkhaschangedfromcontrollingtoinforming.Firmsareconcerned aboutcontinuousimprovement,employeeempowerment,andtotalquality.No nfinancialinformationhasbeeacriticalfeedbackmeasure.Finally,thefocusofma nyfirmsisnowonmeasuringandmanagingactivities.LO487.Describereturnoninvestment(ROI).Whywasitdeveloped?Whenwasitdevel oped?Solution:ROI=(operatingine/sales)x(sales/investment) TheROImeasurebinesaprofitabilitymeasure(operatingine/sales)withacapitali ntensitymeasure(sales/investment)toprovideasinglemeasureofdepartmental anddivisionalperformance. ROIwasdevelopedintheearlydecadesofthe1900ssothatseniormanagersatmul ti-divisionaldiversifiedcorporations,suchasDuPontandGeneralMotors,couldeva luatetheoperatingperformanceoftheirdecentralizeddivisions.LO588.Givetwoexamplesoffinancialinformationandnonfinancialinformation. Solution:Financialinformationincludesamountsthatcanbeexpressedindollara mountssuchassales,netine,andtotalassets.Italsoincludesratiospreparedusing financialinformationsuchasincreaseinsales,return-on-sales,andreturn-on-investment. Nonfinancialinformationincludesmeasuresthatarenotexpressedindollaramo unts.Forexample,nonfinancialmeasuresofcustomersatisfactionincludethenu mberofrepeatcustomersorrankedestimatesofsatisfactionlevels.Nonfinancial measuresofproductionqualityincludepercentofon-timedeliveries,thenumberofdefects,productionyield,andcycletimes.LO689.Discussthepotentialbehaviorimplicationsofperformanceevaluation.Solution:Asmeasurementsaremadeonoperationsand,especially,onindividual sandgroups,thebehavioroftheindividualsandgroupsareaffected.Peoplereactt othemeasurementsbeingmade.Theywillfocusonthosevariablesorthebehavior beingmeasuredandspendlessattentiononvariablesandbehaviorthatarenotm easured.Inaddition,ifmanagersattempttointroduceorredesigncostandperfor mancemeasurementsystems,peoplefamiliarwiththeprevioussystemwillresist. Managementaccountantsmustunderstandandanticipatethereactionsofindivi dualstoinformationandmeasurements.Thedesignandintroductionofnewmea surementsandsystemsmustbeacpaniedwithananalysisofthelikelyreactionstot heinnovations.感谢阅读多年企业管理咨询经验,专注为企业和个人提供精品管理方案,企业诊断方案,制度参考模板等欢迎您下载,均可自由编辑。

管理会计双语课程习题chapter2CH02COST MANAGEMENT CONCEPTS AND COST BEHAVIORTRUE/FALSE1. There is no single definition of cost.a. Trueb. False2. The role of the management accountant is to tailor the cost calculationto fit the current decision situation.a. Trueb. False3. A cost that is useful for one decision may not be useful information foranother decision.a. Trueb. False4. In most organizations, managing nonmanufacturing costs as well asmanufacturing costs is important for financial success.a. Trueb. False5. The cost of a customized machine only used in the production of a singleproduct would be classified as a direct cost.a. Trueb. False6. The wages of a plant supervisor would be classified as a period cost.a. Trueb. False7. The classification of product and period costs is particularly valuablein management accounting.a. Trueb. False8. For external reporting, generally accepted accounting principles requirethat costs be classified as either flexible or capacity-related costs.a. Trueb. False9. Knowing whether a cost is a period or a product cost helps to estimatetotal cost at a new level of activity.a. Trueb. False10. Flexible costs are always direct costs.a. Trueb. False11. Capacity-related costs vary with the level of production or sales volume.a. Trueb. False12. Currently, most personnel costs are classified as capacity-related costs.a. Trueb. False13. Some capacity-related costs might be classified as directmanufacturingcosts.a. Trueb. False14. Capacity-related costs depend on the resources used, not the resourcesacquired.a. Trueb. False15. Break-even point is NOT an important concept since the goal of businessis to make a profit.a. Trueb. False16. To perform cost-volume-profit analysis, a company must be able toseparate costs into capacity-related and flexible components.a. Trueb. False17. Cost-volume-profit analysis may be used for single-product andmultiproduct analysis.a. Trueb. False18. Selling price per unit is $30, flexible cost per unit is $15, andcapacity-related cost per unit is $10. When this company operates above the break-even point, the sale of one more unit will increase net income by $5.a. True19. A company with sales of $100,000, flexible costs of $70,000, andcapacity-related costs of $50,000 will reach its break-even point ifsales are increased by $20,000.a. Trueb. False20. In multiproduct situations when the sales mix shifts toward the productwith the lowest contribution margin, the break-even quantity willdecrease.a. Trueb. False21. The opportunity cost of a resource is zero if there is excess capacity ofthat resource.a. Trueb. False22. When a firm maximizes profits it will simultaneously minimize opportunitycosts.a. Trueb. False23. Even when the only constraint limiting production is machine time, acompany should be most concerned with maximizing contribution margin per unit.a. True24. The time over which a decision maker can adjust capacity is referred toas the short run.a. Trueb. False25. For general customers, the price charged for a product must cover itslong-run cost to the organization.a. Trueb. False26. In recent years, capacity-related costs have increased asa proportion oftotal manufacturing costs.a. Trueb. False27. Machine setup costs are usually classified as a business-sustainingactivity.a. Trueb. False28. The benefits of classifying activities using the broader framework ofunit-related, batch-related, product-sustaining, customer-sustaining, and business-sustaining activities are there are generally more costs thatare directly traceable to cost objects.a. Trueb. False29. Product life-cycle costing helps organizations decidewhether a newproduct should be launched.a. Trueb. FalseMULTIPLE CHOICE30. An example of a cost object is:a. a productb. a customerc. a departmentd. All of the above are correct.31. Manufacturing costs include:a. machinery used inside of the factoryb. research and development costsc. costs of dealing with customers after the saled. general and administrative costs32. Manufacturing costs include all of the following EXCEPT:a. costs incurred inside the factoryb. both direct and indirect costsc. both flexible and capacity-related costsd. both product and period costs33. Nonmanufacturing costs:a. include only capacity-related costsb. seldom influence financial success or failurec. include the cost of selling, distribution, and after-sales costs forcustomersd. are considered by GAAP to be an element of product costs34. Product costs:a. include administrative and marketing costsb. are particularly useful in financial accountingc. are expensed in the accounting period manufacturedd. are also referred to as nonmanufacturing costs35. For external reporting:a. costs are classified as either product or period costsb. costs reflect current valuesc. there are no prescribed rules since no one is exactly sure how theinvestors and creditors will use these numbersd. expenses include amounts that reflect current and future benefits36. Product costs are expensed on the income statement when:a. raw materials for the product are purchasedb. raw materials are requisitioned for the productc. the product completes the manufacturing processd. the product is sold37. Depreciation of plant facilities is classified as a(n):a. direct material costb. direct labor costc. indirect manufacturing costd. general and administrative cost38. The cost of inventory reported on the balance sheet may include the costof all the following EXCEPT:a. advertisingb. wages of the plant supervisorc. depreciation of the factory equipmentd. parts used in the manufacturing process39. A plant manufactures several different products. The wages of the plantsupervisor can be classified as a:a. direct costb. product costc. flexible costd. nonmanufacturing cost40. Period costs:a. are treated as expenses in the period they are incurredb. are directly traceable to productsc. include direct labord. are also referred to as indirect manufacturing costs41. Which of the following is NOT a period costa. marketing costsb. general and administrative costsc. research and development costsd. manufacturing costs42. Advertising is an example of a _________ cost expensed on the incomestatement in the accounting period incurred.a. directb. manufacturingc. periodd. product43. (CMA adapted, June 1992) The terms "direct cost" and "indirect cost" arecommonly used in cost accounting. Classifying a cost as either direct or indirect depends upon:a. the behavior of the cost in response to volume changesb. whether the cost is expended in the period in which it is incurredc. whether the cost can be related readily to resourcesconsumed for acost objectd. whether an expenditure is unavoidable because it cannot be changedregardless of any action taken44. Indirect manufacturing costs:a. can be traced to the product that created the costsb. may have a cause-and-effect relationship with capacity rather thanwith individual units of productionc. generally include the cost of material and the cost of labord. are included in period costs45. A manufacturing plant produces two product lines: football equipment andhockey equipment. An indirect cost for the hockey equipment line is the:a. material used to make the hockey sticksb. labor to bind the shaft to the blade of the hockey stickc. shift supervisor for the hockey lined. plant supervisor46. A manufacturing plant produces two product lines: football equipment andhockey equipment. Direct costs for the football equipment line are the:a. beverages provided daily in the plant break roomb. monthly lease payments for a specialized piece of equipment needed tomanufacture the football helmetc. salaries of the clerical staff that work in the companyadministrative officesd. utilities paid for the manufacturing plantTHE FOLLOWING INFORMATION APPLIES TO QUESTIONS 47 THROUGH 53.The Bowley Company manufactures several different products. Unit costs associated with product ICT101 are as follows:Direct materials $ 60Direct labor 10Flexible manufacturing support costs 18Capacity-related manufacturing support costs 32Sales commissions (2% of sales) 4Administrative salaries 16Total $14047. Total product costs associated with product ICT101 are:a. $ 50b. $ 88c. $120d. $14048. Total period costs associated with product ICT101 are:a. $ 4b. $16c. $20d. $5249. Total flexible costs associated with product ICT101 are:a. $18b. $22c. $88d. $9250. Total capacity-related costs associated with product ICT101 are:a. $16b. $32c. $48d. $5251. Total nonmanufacturing costs associated with product ICT101 are:a. $ 4b. $16c. $20d. $5252. Total manufacturing costs associated with product ICT101 are:a. $70b. $88c. $120d. $14053. Direct manufacturing costs associated with product ICT101 are:a. $70b. $88c. $92d. $10854. Cost behavior refers to:a. how costs react to a change in the level of activityb. whether a cost is incurred in a manufacturing, merchandising, orservice companyc. classifying costs as either product or period costsd. whether a particular expense has been ethically incurred55. Which statement is FALSEa. All flexible costs are direct costs.b. Because of a cost-benefit tradeoff, some direct costs may be treatedas indirect costs.c. All capacity-related costs are indirect costs.d. Direct costs may be flexible or capacity-related.56. An understanding of the underlying behavior of costs helps in all of thefollowing EXCEPT:a. sales volume can be better estimatedb. costs can be better estimated as volume expands and contractsc. true costs of processes can be better evaluatedd. process inefficiencies can be better identified and, as a result,improved57. Capacity-related costs:a. may be either direct or indirect costsb. vary with production or sales volumec. include parts and materials used to manufacture a productd. can be adjusted in the short run to meet actual demands58. Capacity-related costs depend on:a. the amount of resources usedb. the amount of resources acquiredc. the volume of productiond. the volume of sales59. Currently, most companies consider annual labor costs as:a. a capacity-related costb. a flexible costc. an opportunity costd. a period cost60. Which of the following does NOT describe a flexible costa. Flexible cost are always indirect costs.b. Flexible costs increase in total when the actual level of activityincreases.c. Flexible costs include most personnel costs and depreciation onmachinery.d. Flexible costs can always be traced directly to the cost object.61. Cost-volume-profit analysis is used PRIMARILY by management:a. as a planning toolb. for control purposesc. to establish a target net income for next yeard. to attain extremely accurate financial results62. Contribution margin equals revenues minus:a. product costsb. period costsc. flexible costsd. capacity-related costs63. The break-even point is the level at which revenues:a. equal capacity-related costsb. equal flexible costsc. equal capacity-related costs minus flexible costsd. equal flexible costs plus capacity-related costs64. The break-even point is:a. total costs divided by flexible costs per unitb. contribution margin per unit divided by revenue per unitc. capacity-related costs divided by contribution margin per unitd. (capacity-related costs plus flexible costs) divided by contributionmargin per unit65. Cost-volume-profit analysis assumes all of the following EXCEPT:a. all costs are purely flexible or capacity relatedb. units manufactured equal units soldc. total flexible costs remain the same over the relevant ranged. total capacity-related costs remain the same over the relevant range66. All of the following are assumed in a cost-volume-profit analysis EXCEPT:a. a constant product mixb. capacity-related costs increase when activity increasesc. revenue per unit does not change as volume changesd. all costs can be classified as either capacity-related or flexible67. In multiproduct situations, when sales mix shifts toward the product withthe highest contribution margin, then:a. total revenues will decreaseb. breakeven quantity will increasec. total contribution margin will decreased. operating income will increaseTHE FOLLOWING INFORMATION APPLIES TO QUESTIONS 68 THROUGH 71.Karen’s Kraft Korner, Inc., sells a single product. This year, 7,000 units were sold resulting in $70,000 of sales revenue,$28,000 of flexible costs, and $12,000 of capacity-related costs.68. Contribution margin per unit is:a. $b. $c. $d. None of the above is correct.69. Break-even point in units is:a. 2,000 unitsb. 3,000 unitsc. 5,000 unitsd. None of the above is correct.70. The number of units that must be sold to achieve $60,000 of profits is:a. 10,000 unitsb. 11,666 unitsc. 12,000 unitsd. None of the above is correct.71. If sales increase by $25,000, profits will increase by:a. $10,000b. $15,000c. $22,200d. an unknown amountTHE FOLLOWING INFORMATION APPLIES TO QUESTIONS 72 THROUGH 74.Mr. Paul’s Company sells several products for an average price of $20 per unit and the average flexible costs per unit are as follows:Direct material $Direct labor $Indirect manufacturing costs $Selling commissions $Mr. Paul’s annual capacity-related costs total $96,000.72. The contribution margin per unit is:a. $6b. $8c. $12d. $1473. The number of units that Mr. Paul’s must sell each year to break evenis:a. 8,000 unitsb. 12,000 unitsc. 16,000 unitsd. an unknown amount74. The number of units that Mr. Paul’s must sell annually to make a profitof $144,000 is:a. 12,000 units。

管理会计英文试题及答案Management Accounting English Exam Questions and AnswersQuestion 1:The following information is available for XYZ Company:Sales Revenue: $500,000Variable Costs: $150,000Fixed Costs: $100,000Total Assets: $800,000Tax Rate: 30%Calculate the company's contribution margin ratio and net operating income.Answer 1:Contribution Margin Ratio = (Sales Revenue - Variable Costs) / Sales Revenue= ($500,000 - $150,000) / $500,000= 70%Net Operating Income = Contribution Margin - Fixed Costs= ($500,000 - $150,000) - $100,000= $250,000Question 2:ABC Company produces and sells a product with the following data:Selling Price per Unit: $20Variable Cost per Unit: $10Fixed Costs: $50,000Expected Sales Volume: 10,000 unitsCalculate the breakeven point in units and dollars.Answer 2:Breakeven Point in Units = Fixed Costs / Contribution Margin per Unit= $50,000 / ($20 - $10)= 5,000 unitsBreakeven Point in Dollars = Breakeven Point in Units * Selling Price per Unit= 5,000 units * $20= $100,000Question 3:Determine the total cost and average cost per unit for a company based on the following data:Fixed Costs: $30,000Variable Costs per Unit: $5Production Volume: 8,000 unitsAnswer 3:Total Costs = Fixed Costs + (Variable Costs per Unit * Production Volume)= $30,000 + ($5 * 8,000)= $70,000Average Cost per Unit = Total Costs / Production Volume= $70,000 / 8,000= $8.75Question 4:A company has the following cost information:Direct Materials: $20,000Direct Labor: $30,000Other Manufacturing Overhead: $5,000Selling and Administrative Expenses: $10,000Calculate the Cost of Goods Manufactured and Cost of Goods Sold.Answer 4:Cost of Goods Manufactured = Direct Materials + Direct Labor + Other Manufacturing Overhead= $20,000 + $30,000 + $5,000= $55,000Cost of Goods Sold = Cost of Goods Manufactured + Opening Finished Goods Inventory - Closing Finished Goods Inventory= $55,000 + (Opening Finished Goods Inventory - Closing Finished Goods Inventory)Question 5:The following information is available for a company:Gross Profit: $80,000Operating Expenses: $50,000Other Income: $10,000Other Expenses: $5,000Calculate the Net Operating Income.Answer 5:Net Operating Income = Gross Profit - Operating Expenses + Other Income - Other Expenses= $80,000 - $50,000 + $10,000 - $5,000= $35,000Conclusion:In this article, we have discussed various management accounting questions and provided their corresponding answers. These questions covertopics such as contribution margin ratio, breakeven analysis, cost calculation, and net operating income. By understanding and applying these concepts, managers can make informed decisions regarding the financial aspects of their businesses.。

⾼级管理会计模拟试题(双语)ⅠPlease choose the best answers to the following questions. (20 points)1 A high-cost activity might prompt efforts to redesign or eliminate that activity entirely, a process called ( ).A continuous improvementB reengineeringC functional analysisD value engineering2 The costs associated with the resources acquired or contracted for in advance of when the actual work is done are ( ).A fixed cotsB fixed resourcesC committed costsD committed resources3 Which is the cost driver of batch-level activities ( )?A labor hoursB product specificationC material quantity processedD number of items in a purchase order4 Which is the best activity cost driver if the activity is supporting existing products ( )?A number of productsB number of production runsC number of setupsD number of machine hours5For a sales activity, such as support existing customers, we could use ( ) as a transaction driver.A cost per customer hourB actual cost per customerC cost per customerD number of machine hours6 What are the characteristics of low cost-to-serve customers? ( )A order custom productsB unpredictable order arrivalsC pay slowlyD electronic processing7 What are the big factors limiting the applicability of economists’pricing model? ( )A difficulty in estimating the demand curveB difficulty to use in realityC difficulty in estimating the cost curveD difficulty in identifying the cost drivers8 A supplier of telephone services charges a fixed line rental per period. The first 10 hours of telephone calls by the customer are free, after that all calls are charged at a constant rate per minute up to a maximum, thereafter all calls in the period are again free. Which of the following graphs depicts the total cost to the customer of the telephone services in a period? ( )9The total cost of production for two levels of activity is as follows:Level 1 Level 2Production(units)3,000 5,000Total cost ($)6,750 9,250The variable production cost per unit and the total fixed production cost both remain constant in the range of activity shown. What is the variable production cost per unit? ( )A $ 0.80B $ 1.25C $ 1.85D $ 2.2510 Which measures take the cost of capital into account? ( )A ROEB RIC ROID EV A11 A high-cost activity might prompt efforts to make the activity more efficient and less costly, a process called ( ).A continuous improvementB reengineeringC functional analysisD value engineering12 Resources acquired or contracted for in advance of when the actual work is done are ( ).A committed costsB committed resourcesC fixed cotsD fixed resources13 Which is the cost driver of unit-level activities ( )?A customer market supportB product specificationC labor hoursD number of items in a purchase order14 Which is the best activity cost driver if the activity is scheduling production jobs ( )?A number of machine hoursB number of production runsC number of setupsD number of products15 For a sales activity, such as support existing customers, we could use ( ) as a duration driver.A number of labor hoursB actual cost per customerC cost per customerD cost per customer hour16 What are the characteristics of high cost-to-serve customers? ( )A order standard productsB predictable order arrivalsC manual processingD electronic processing17 When total purchases of raw material exceed 30,000 units in any one period then all units purchased, including the initial 30,000, are invoiced at a lower cost per unit. Which of the following graphs is consistent with the behavior of the total materials cost in a period? ( )18 What are not the big factors limiting the applicability of economists’ pricing model? ( )A difficulty in calculating the cost driver rateB difficulty in estimating the demand curveC difficulty in estimating the cost curveD difficulty in identifying the cost drivers19An organization has the following total costs at three activity levels: Activity level (units) 8,000 12,000 15,000Total cost ($) 204,000 250,000 274,000Variable cost per unit is constant within this activity range and there is a step up of 10% in the total fixed costs when the activity level exceeds 11,000 units. What is the total cost at an activity level of 10,000 units? ( )A $ 234,000B $ 227,000C $ 224,000D $ 220,00020 The dysfunctional behavior from concentration on ROI was perceived probably under the influence of ( ) activities in 1980s.A GAAPB LBOC MBOD MVAⅡ Please fill the following blanks. (15 points)1When designing the optimal ABC system, one should balance the made from inaccurate estimates with the .2 The describes that the most profitable 20% of products generate about 300% of profits.3 Customers in the quadrant generate high margins and have low cost toserve.4 Recent work on (FMS) articulates how advanced manufacturing technologies can break through tradeoffs between mass production efficiency and flexibility.5 There are three broad phases in a product’s life cycle: , , .6 , , are some techniques of target costing.7 The role of is to direct the continuous improvement of process cost performance.8 EV A makes many adjustments such as , , to eliminate the distortions introduced by GAAP.9 is another costing tool to manage the total cost of quality. And is the variation of it.10 helps to derive a cost of capital based on the industry and risk characteristics of individual divisions.11 Economists show mathematically that firms in s somewhat monopolistic situation can maximize their profits at the price-output combination where equals .12 The capabilities of FMS and other information-intensive production technologies such as , , can all be viewed as greatly reducing the cost of performing batch and product-sustaining activities.ⅢPlease answer the following questions in your own words. (15 points)1 How many types of activity cost drivers are there in an ABC system? What is the difference between them?2 Please illustrate the types of quality costs with proper examples.ⅣRead the material and answer the following questions.Stellar Systems Company manufactures guidance systems for rockets used to launch commercial satellites. The company’s Software Division reported the following results for 20x1. Income…………………………………………………..$ 300,000Sales revenue………………………………………… … 2,000,000Invested capital (total assets)…………………………... 3,000,000Average balance in current liabilities…………………. 20,000Stellar Systems’weighted-average cost of capital (WACC) is 9 percent, and the company’s tax rate is 40 percent. Moreover, the company’s required rate of return on invested capital is 9 percent.Required:(1) Compute the Software Division’s sales margin, capital turnover,return on investment (ROI), residual income, and economic value added (EV A) for 20x1.(2) If income and sales remain the same in 20x2, but the division’s capital turnover improves to 80 percent, compute the following for 20x2: (a) invested capital and (b) ROI.。

管理会计期末考试试题及答案双语一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 管理会计与财务会计的主要区别是什么?A. 管理会计只关注成本B. 财务会计关注外部报告,管理会计关注内部决策C. 管理会计不使用货币计量D. 管理会计只适用于制造业答案:B2. 以下哪项不是成本会计的基本功能?A. 成本预测B. 成本决策C. 成本计划D. 利润分配答案:D3. 标准成本与实际成本的差异被称为什么?A. 直接成本差异B. 间接成本差异C. 成本差异D. 标准成本差异答案:D4. 以下哪项是变动成本的特点?A. 与产量无关B. 随产量的增加而减少C. 随产量的增加而增加D. 固定不变答案:C5. 预算管理的首要步骤是什么?A. 预算审批B. 预算编制C. 预算执行D. 预算分析答案:B...二、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. 简述管理会计在企业决策中的作用。
2. 解释什么是直接成本和间接成本,并举例说明。
3. 描述预算编制的一般流程。

1. 考试内容的比例:本次双语课程试卷的考试内容分为三大部分,分别为成本管理会计的理论知识、实践操作和案例分析,比例分别为40%、40%和20%。
2. 考试题型的比例:本次双语课程试卷的考试题型分为单选题、多选题、判断题、填空题和问答题,比例分别为50%、20%、10%、15%和5%。
1. 单选题难度:本次双语课程试卷的单选题难度较低,其中有40%的题目属于简单类型,30%的题目属于中等类型,30%的
2. 多选题难度:本次双语课程试卷的多选题难度较低,其中有50%的题目属于简单类型,30%的题目属于中等类型,20%的
1. 整体考试时间:本次双语课程试卷的整体考试时间为90分钟。
2. 每道题的平均考试时间:本次双语课程试卷的每道题的平均考试时间为1.5分钟。
管理会计 考题 (management accounting)

Managerial Accounting Acct 2301 –Exam 3 – Version INOTE: Rounding error within $5 is acceptable on all time-value-of-money problems. Name: …1.The Home Run batting cages chain has invested in ice cream stands for its variouslocations. The investment cost the company $100,000. The company expects tosell 10,000 ice cream servings per year. Variable materials, preparation andmarketing costs are expected to be $0.50 per serving. Fixed costs are expected to be $3,000 per year. If the company wants an ROI of 12%, how much should they charge for each serving of ice cream?a.$2.00b.$4.00c.$1.25d.$0.50e.There is not enough information available.2.Hoover Football Corporation desires a 10% ROI on all investment projects. Thefollowing information was available for the company in 2005:Sales $28,000Operating Income $ 5,600Turnover 1.0What is the corporation‟s ROI?a.40%b.30%c.24%d.20%e.None of the above3.Peek Company started the accounting period with the following beginningbalances in 2005:Raw material inventory $10,000Work in process inventory $30,000Finished goods inventory $20,000During the year, the company purchased $50,000 of raw materials and ended theyear with $20,000 in raw material inventory. Direct labor costs for the periodwere $80,000 and $10,000 of manufacturing overhead was applied to work inprocess. (There was no over or under applied overhead.) Ending work in process was $40,000 and ending finished goods sold $40,000. What was the amount ofcost of goods manufactured for the year? (i.e. How much was transferred tofinished goods?)a.$100,000b.$ 40,000c.$120,000d.$ 90,000e.None of the above4.An investment that costs $25,000 will produce annual cash flows of $5,000 for aperiod of 6 years. Further, the investment has an expected salvage value of$3,000. What is the net present value of the investment if the desired rate ofreturn is 12%?a.($25,000)b.$ 1,520c.$ 20,557d.($ 2,923)e.None of the above5.The management of Tarallo Industries obtained the following information aboutthe performance of a major investment project.Revenues $200,000Cost of Investment 300,000Margin 24%Assuming Tarallo has a desired rate of return of 14%, the project‟s residual income wasa.$42,000b.$28,000c.$ 6,000d.$72,000e.None of the above6.First Quay Company earns annual cash revenues of $25,000 for 8 years on aninvestment in a new machine that cost $120,000 cash. The machine isdepreciated $8,750 each year and the business pays an income tax rate of 30%.Annual cash operating expenses other than depreciation on the machine are$1,000. What is the annual cash inflow from the investment?a.$15,250b.$10,675c.$19,425d.$24,000e.$25,0007.Mark Johnson turned 18 years old today. His grandfather established a trust fundthat will pay Mark $50,000 on his 21st birthday. Unfortunately, Mark needsmoney today to start his college education and his father is willing to help. Hehas agreed to give Mark the present value of the future cash inflow, assuming a10% rate of return. How much cash should Mark‟s father give him today?a.$ 45,455b.$ 37,566c.$ 35,589d.$124,343e.None of the above8.At the beginning of the year, Riley Company estimated that its productionworkers would work 100,000 direct labor hours during the upcoming year and that overhead costs would amount to $500,000. The company‟s productionworkers actually worked 101,000 direct labor hours during the year. Theoverhead actually amounted to $495,000 for the year. What is the amount of over or underapplied overhead for the year?a.Overapplied by $5,000b.Underapplied by $5,000c.Overapplied by $10,000d.Underapplied by $10,000e.None of the above9.Tharpe Painting Company is considering a capital project that costs $30,000. Theproject will deliver the following cash inflows:Year 1 - $10,500Year 2 - $ 9,000Year 3 - $ 8,500Year 4 - $ 5,000Year 5 - $ 4,500Using the incremental approach, what is the payback period for the investment?a. 3.4 yearsb. 4.0 yearsc. 4.2 yearsd. 5.0 yearse.None of the above10.The accounting records for Lillehammer Manufacturing Company disclosed thefollowing cost information for 2005:Direct Materials $30,000Direct Labor $40,000Fixed manufacturing overhead $50,000Variable manufacturing overhead $10,000The company produced 10,000 units of inventory and sold 6,000 units during 2005 for $98,000. There was no beginning inventory. What amount of ending inventory will be reported on the balance sheet under absorption costing?a.$32,000b.$130,000c.$48,000d.$52,000e.None of the above11.Plummer Industries estimated overhead for 2005 to be $500,000 for 100,000direct labor hours. If 9,000 hours were actually worked in August, how much overhead would be allocated to work in process during the month?a.$45,000b.$41,667c.$40,000d.$38,000e.None of the above12.An investment project has a net present value of $2,500. The company‟s desiredrate of return is 16%. This impliesa.the company follows universal best practices.b.the investment project has an internal rate of return less than 16%.c.the investment project has an internal rate of return greater than 16%.d.the company follows cost-based pricinge.None of the above13.Havenbrook Inc. is considering purchasing a new machine for $125,000. Themachine is expected to yield a return of 15%. The company expects expenses to increase $8,000 from the new machine. Based on this information, how much does the company anticipate sales increasing from the new machine?a.$18,750b.$26,750c.$10,750d.$ 0e.None of the above14.Which of the following would increase residual income?a.Decrease in revenuesb.Increase in expensesc.Increase in the required ROId.Increase in investmente.None of the above15.Eastern Company can purchase an asset that costs $2,700,000. The asset isexpected to produce net cash inflows of $300,000 per year for 19 years. Based on this information, the investment is expected to yield an internal rate of returnclosest toa.5%b.7%c.9%d.11%e.13%16.The Londinium Company began business on January 1, 2005. The companyincurred the following transactions during the year. (All transactions are cash.)1.)Acquired $5,000 of capital from the owners.2.)Purchased $1,000 of raw materials.3.)Used $800 of these raw materials in the production process.4.)Paid production worker $600.5.)Applied manufacturing overhead of $200.6.)Started and completed 800 units of inventory.7.)Sold 650 units at a price of $5 each.8.)Paid $150 for selling and administrative expensesWhat is the amount of cost of goods sold for 2005?a. $1,600b.$1,300c.$1,463d.$1,138e.$3,25017.Konstanz Company uses a job order cost system. During the month of October,the company worked on three jobs. The job order cost sheets for the three jobsThe company‟s manufacturing overhead rate is $0.50 per labor dollar. During October, Job #102 was completed and sold. At the end of October, what was the total cost in Work in Process?a.$16,250b.$18,250c.$25,500d.$28,250e.None of the above18.The entry to dispose of underapplied manufacturing overhead will include aa.Credit to manufacturing overhead and a debit to cost of goods soldb.Credit to manufacturing overhead and a credit to cost of goods soldc.Debit to manufacturing overhead and a debit to cost of goods soldd.Debit to manufacturing overhead and a credit to cost of goods solde.No entry is needed19.Annie Boutiques has an average rate of return of 12%. Details of a proposedinvestment include the following:Sales Revenue $20,000Expenses 14,000Cost of Asset 30,000Which of the following statements is(are) correct?a.The investment should be accepted because it will yield an ROI that ishigher that the average ROI.b.Acceptance of the investment opportunity will decrease the company wideROI.c.The investment should be rejected because the investment opportunity willnot yield any additional residual income.d.Acceptance of the investment opportunity will yield residual income of$2,400.e.More than one answer is correct.pany A and Company B have the same amount of actual overhead. Neithercompany began the period with inventory, but both produced 100 items, using the same amount of material and labor. Both used direct labor hours as a cost driver.Both sold 75 items at identical prices. Company A over applied overhead, but Company B did not. Both companies adjust for the over or under appliedoverhead if there is any.Based on this information, after adjustments have been madepany A will have a higher profit than Company B.pany B will have a higher profit than Company A.pany A and Company B will have the same profit.d.There is only one true profit.e.None of the above.21.Vernon Company began business on January 1st, so it had no beginning inventory.Its total manufacturing costs for the year were $500,000. Cost of goodsmanufactured was $450,000 and cost of goods sold was $350,000 for the year.What is the balance in finished goods at the end of the year?a.$150,000b.$ 50,000c.$200,000d.$100,000e.None of the abovewless Company reported the following information for 2005:Sales $1,574,000Operating Assets $ 750,000Desired ROI 9%Residual Income $ 22,500The company‟s net income for 2005 wasa.$74,160b.$67,500c.$95,000d.$363,750e.None of the above23.Ventaren Company worked on two housing projects during 2005. Overhead wasapplied on the basis of direct labor hours. At the beginning of the year, thecompany estimated that overhead would be $50,000 and 10,000 direct labor hours would be worked. Both projects were started and completed in the currentaccounting period. The following transactions were completed during the period: ∙Project #1 – Used $8,000 of direct material; Incurred $10,000 of labor cost for 2,000 hours∙Project #2 – Used $12,000 of direct material; Incurred $9,000 of labor cost for 1,800 hoursProject #1 was sold for $35,000 in November 2005. What was the balance of Finished Goods on December 31, 2005 for the company?a.$58,000b.$40,000c.$28,000d.$ 0e.None of the above24.Fischer Price manufactures the “Little People Playhouse” in an assembly lineenvironment and uses the FIFO equivalent units method for accounting purposes.On March 1st, there were 5,000 physical units that were, on average, ½ finished.On March 31st, there were 10,000 physical units that were, on average, 60%finished. During March, 25,000 units were completed.If total production costs during March were $513,000, what is the cost per unit (specifically, wha t is the cost per …equivalent unit‟)?a.$20.52b.$17.10c.$25.65d.$18.00e.None of the above.25.An investment that costs $30,000 will produce annual cash flows of $10,000 for aperiod of 4 years. Given a desired rate of return of 8%, the investment willgenerate aa.Positive net present value of $33,121b.Positive net present value of $3,121c.Negative net present value of $33,121d.Negative net present value of $3,121e.None of the above。

cma英文试题及答案CMA英文试题及答案1. What does CMA stand for?A. Certified Management AccountantB. Certified Marketing AnalystC. Certified Medical AssistantD. Certified Management AnalystAnswer: A2. Which of the following is a primary responsibility of a CMA?A. Managing hospital operationsB. Analyzing financial dataC. Conducting market researchD. Developing marketing strategiesAnswer: B3. What is the minimum educational requirement to sit for the CMA exam?A. High school diplomaB. Associate degreeC. Bachelor's degreeD. Master's degreeAnswer: C4. The CMA exam consists of how many parts?A. OneB. TwoC. ThreeD. FourAnswer: B5. Which of the following is not a part of the CMA exam?A. Financial Planning, Performance, and AnalyticsB. Strategic Financial ManagementC. Auditing and AssuranceD. Financial Decision MakingAnswer: C6. How many multiple-choice questions are there in each part of the CMA exam?A. 100B. 150C. 200D. 300Answer: B7. What is the passing score for the CMA exam?A. 360B. 400C. 500D. 600Answer: C8. How many years of professional experience are required to obtain the CMA certification?A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 5Answer: B9. Which organization is responsible for administering the CMA exam?A. American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)B. Institute of Management Accountants (IMA)C. Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE)D. Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)Answer: B10. What is the CMA's professional code of conduct called?A. The CMA CodeB. The IMA Statement of Ethical Professional PracticeC. The AICPA Code of Professional ConductD. The CMA Professional StandardsAnswer: B。


Final Exam for Managerial Accounting-------------------------------------------------------------------Capital Budgeting DecisionsThere are 2 major questions on this topic. Please answer all related questions.1. Oxford Company has limited funds available for investment and must ration the fundsThe net present values above have been computed using a 10% discount rate.The company wants your assistance in determining which project to accept first, second, and so forth.Required:pute the project profitability index for each project.2.In order of preference, rank the four projects in terms of: present value.b.Project profitability index.c.Internal rate of return.3.Which ranking do you prefer? Why?2.Casey Nelson is a divisional manager for Pigeon Company. His annual pay raises arelargely determined by his division’s return on investment (ROI), which has beenabove 20% each of the last three years. Casey is considering a capital budgetingproject that would require a $3,500,000 investment in equipment with a useful life of five years and no salvage value. Pigeon Company’s discount rate is 16%. The project would provide net operating income each year for five years as follows:Sales $3,400,000 Variable expenses 1,600,000 Contribution margin 1,800,000 Fixed expenses:Advertising, salaries, and other fixed out–of–pocket costs $700,000Depreciation $700,000Total fixed expenses 1,400,000Net operating income $400,000Required:1.What is the project’s net present value?2.What is the project’s internal rate of return to the nearest whole percent?3.Would the company want Casey to pursue this investment opportunity? WouldCasey be inclined to pursue this investment opportunity? Explain.Profit PlanningThere is one major questions on this topic. Please answer all related questions.(Using the percent-of-sales method of forecasting) Tully Appliances, Inc., projects next year’s sales to be $20 million. Current sales are at $15 million, based on current assets of $7 million and fixed assets of $8 million. The firm’s net profit margin is 5 percent afte r taxes. Tulley forecasts that current assets will rise in direct proportion to the increase in sales but that fixed assets will increase by only $150,000. Currently, Tulley has $1.5 million in accounts payable (which vary directly with sales), $7 million in long-term debt (due in 10 years), and common equity (including $4 million in retained earnings) totalling $6.5 million. Tulley plans to pay $500,000 in common stock dividends next year.Required:1.What are Tully’s total financing needs (that is, total assets) for the coming year?2.Given the firm’s projections and dividend payment plans, what are its discretionaryfinancing needs?3.Based on your projections and the assumption that the $150,000 expansion in fixedassets will occur, what is the largest increase in sales the firm can support without having to resort to the use of discretionary sources of financing?Differential Analysis: The Key to Decision MakingThere is one major questions on this topic. Please answer all related questions.Charter Sports Equipment manufactures round, rectangular, and octagonal trampolines. Sales and expense data for the past month follow:Management is concerned about the continued losses shown by the round trampolines and wants a recommendation as to whether or not the line should be discontinued. The special equipment used to produce the trampolines has no resales value. If the round trampoline model is dropped, the two line supervisors assigned to the model would be discharged.Statement of Cash FlowsThere is one major questions on this topic. Please answer all related questions.The cash flow statements for retailing giant BigBox, Inc., spanning the period 2013 – 2016 are as follows:Required: answer the following questions using the information found in these statements:1.Does BigBox generate positive cash flow from its operations?2.How much did BigBox invest in new capital expenditures over these four years?3.Describe BigBox’s sources of financing in the financial markets over these four years?4.Based solely on the cash flow statements for 2013 through 2016, write a brief narrativethat describes the major activities of BigBox’s management team over these four years.Flexible Budgets and Performance AnalysisThere is one major questions on this topic. Please answer all related questions.Harrald’s Fish House is a family-owned restaurant that specializes in Scandinavian-style seafood. Data concerning the restaurant’s monthly revenues and costs appear below (q refers to the number of meals served):Required:1.Prepare the restaurant’s planning budget for April assuming that 1,800 meals areserved.2.Assume that 1,700 meals were actually served in April. Prepare a flexible budget forthis level of activity.3.The actual results for April appear below. Prepare a flexible budget performancereport for the restaurant for April.。

管理会计双语测试题Managerial Accounting Review Question⼀、True/False QuestionsFor each of the following, circle the T or the F to indicate whether the statement is true or false.1Managerial accounting refers to the preparation and use of accounting information designed to meet the needs of decision makers inside the business organization.2Product costs are selling expenses that appear on the income statement.3Management accounting reports provide a means of monitoring , evaluating and rewarding performance.4Product costs are offset against revenue in the period in which the related products are sold, rather than the period in which the costs are incurred.5Manufacturing overhead is considered an indirect cost, since overhead costs generally cannot be traced conveniently and directly to specific units of product.6Overhead application rates allow overhead to be assigned at the beginning of a period to help set prices.7Pepsi Cola would most likely use a job order costing system.8Activity-based costing tracks cost to the activities that consume resources.9Activity based costing uses multiple activity bases to assign overhead costs to units of production.10The two steps required in Activity Based Costing are 1) Identify separate activity cost pools and 2) allocate each cost pool to the product using an appropriate cost driver11The new manufacturing environment is characterized by its shift toward labor intensive production and declining manufacturing overhead costs.12A cost driver is an activity base that is highly correlated with manufacturing overhead costs.13In ABC, only one cost driver should be used in applying overhead.14As companies become more automated overhead costs decrease and direct labor costs increase.15An equivalent unit measures the percentage of a completed units cost that is present in a partially finished unit.16Costs do not flow through a process cost system in the same sequence as actual products move through the assembly process.17Non-value added activities are those that do not add to a product's desirability.18Target costing centers on new product and service development as opposed to managing the value chain for existing products.19In the target costing process, target price is computed by adding the desired profit margin to the target product cost.20Target cost equals target price plus profit margin.21Variable costs which increase in total amount in direct proportion to an increase in output represent a constant amount per unit of output.22Any business which operates at less than capacity will have larger fixed costs than variable costs.23With variable costs, the cost per unit varies with changes in volume.24The contribution margin is the difference between total revenue and fixed costs.25The volume of output which causes fixed costs to be equal in amount to variable costs is called the break-even point.26Any business which operates at less than capacity will have larger fixed costs than variable costs.27Margin of safety is the dollar amount by which actual sales volume exceeds the break-even sales volume.28Life cycle costing considers all potential resources used by the product over its entire life.29Economies of scale can be achieved by using facilities more intensively.30The break-even point is the level of activity at which operating income is equal to cost of goods sold.31Contribution margin ratio is equal to contribution margin per unit divided by unit sales price.32Opportunity cost is the benefit that could have been obtained by pursuing an alternate course of action.33All incremental revenue or incremental costs are relevant.34Sunk costs are relevant to decisions about replacing plant assets.35In determining whether to scrap or to rebuild defective units of product, the cost already incurred in producing the defective units is not relevant.36In making a decision, management will look thoroughly at both relevant and irrelevant data.373.Responsibility margin is useful in evaluating the consequences of short-run marketing strategies, while contribution margin is more useful in evaluating long-term profitability.38The transfer price is the dollar amount used in recording sales to primary customers.39Under variable costing, fixed manufacturing costs are treated as period costs, rather than product costs.40The transfer price is the dollar amount used in recording sales to primary customers.41Variable costing treats all fixed manufacturing costs as expenses of the current period.42In full costing when production rises above the amount of sales, some of the fixed costs will remain in inventory.43Return on Investment (ROI) tells us how much earnings can be expected for the average invested dollar.44Capital turnover can be improved by reducing invested capital while keeping sales constant.45The value chain consists of only those activities that increase the selling price of a product as it is distributed to a customer.46Residual income is calculated by subtracting the minimum acceptable return on the average invested capital from the operating income.⼆、Multiple Choice QuestionsChoose the best answer for each of the following questions and insert the identifying letter in the space provided.1.Costs that are traceable to a particular unit and are inventoriable are calledA) Period costs B) Product costs C) Overhead costs D) Job costs2. .Determine the amount of manufacturing overhead given the following information:a. Depreciation on a factory building $2,400b. Telephone expense in factory office750c. Telephone expense in sales showroom850d. Factory foreman’s salary5000e. Maintenance for factory` 800f. Maintenance for sales showroom 680A) $4,010 B) $9,800 C) $8,950 D) $10,54024.Goods that are still in the production process would be in which account?A) Materials inventory B) Work-in-process inventory C)Finished goods inventory D)Cost of goods sold29.The principal difference between managerial accounting and financial accounting is that managerial accounting information is:A) Prepared by managers.B) Intended primarily for use by decision makers inside the business organization.C) Prepared in accordance with a set of accounting principles developed by the Institute of CertifiedManagerial Accountants.D) Oriented toward measuring solvency rather than profitability.30.Management accounting systems are designed to assist organizations in the performance of all of the following functions except:A) The assignment of decision-making authority over company assets.B) Planning and decision-making.C) Monitoring, evaluating and rewarding performance.D) The preparation of income tax returns.35.In comparison with a financial statement prepared in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles, a managerial accounting report is less likely to:A) Focus upon the entire organization as the accounting entity. B) Focus upon future accounting periods.C) Make use of estimated amounts. D) Be tailored to the specific needs of an individual decision maker.4.If the salaries of the sales staff of a manufacturing company are improperly recorded as a product cost, what will be the likely effect on net income of the period in which the error occurs?A) Net income will be overstated. B) Net income will be understated.C) Net income will be unaffected. D) Net income will be understated only if inventory levels rise.5.Manufacturing overhead is best described as:A) All manufacturing costs other than direct materials and direct labor.B) All period costs associated with manufacturing operations.C) Indirect materials and indirect labor.D) All operating expenses other than selling expenses and general and administrative expenses.43.Underapplied overhead at the end of a month:A) Results when actual overhead costs are less than amounts applied to work in process.B) Indicates a poorly designed cost accounting system.C) Is represented by a debit balance remaining in the Manufacturing Overhead account.D) Is represented by a credit balance remaining in the Manufacturing Overhead account.58.The account Work-in-Process InventoryA) Consists of completed goods that have not yet been soldB) Consists of goods being manufactured that are incompleteC) Consists of materials to be used in the production processD) Consists of the cost of new materials used, labor but not overhead.66.Red Star Company uses a job order cost system. Overhead is applied to jobs on the basis of direct labor hours.During the current period, Job No. 288 was charged $400 in direct materials, $450 in direct labor, and $180 in manufacturing overhead. If direct labor costs an average of $15 per hour, the company's overhead application rate is:A) $9 per direct labor hour. B) $6 per direct labor hour.C) $17 per direct labor hour. D) $20 per direct labor hour.24.The best cost system to use for a company producing a continuous stream of similar items would be aA) Job order system B) Process costing system C) Production costing systemD) No cost system is required when jobs are similar64.Ken Gorman’s Company uses a job order cost system and has established a predetermined overhead application rate for the current year of 150% of direct labor cost, based on budgeted overhead of $900,000 and budgeted direct labor cost of $600,000. Job no. 1 was charged with direct materials of $30,000 and with overhead of $24,000.The total cost of job no. 1:A) Is $54,000. B) I s $70,000. C)Is $90,000. D) Cannot be determined without additional information.27.Equivalent units of production areA) A measure representing the percentage of a unit's cost that has been completed.B) May be computed separately for each input added during productionC) May be assigned to beginning work-in-process or ending work-in-processD) All of the above27.Equivalent units of production areA) A measure representing the percentage of a unit's cost that has been completed.B) May be computed separately for each input added during productionC) May be assigned to beginning work-in-process or ending work-in-processD) All of the above21.Process costing would be suitable forA) Automobile repair B) Production of television sets C) Boat building D) K itchen remodeling Use the following to answer questions 75-76:Riverview Company's budget for the coming year includes $6,000,000 for manufacturing overhead, 100,000 hours of direct labor, and 500,000 hours of machine time.75. Refer to the above data. If Riverview applies overhead using a predetermined rate based on machine-hours,what amount of overhead will be assigned to a unit of output which requires 0.5 machine hours and 0.25 labor hours to complete?A) $6.00. B) $15.00. C) $21.00. D) S ome other amount.76. Refer to the above data. If Riverview applies overhead using a predetermined rate based on labor-hours, whatamount of overhead will be assigned to a unit of output which requires 0.5 machine hours and 0.25 labor hours to complete?A) $6.00. B) $15.00. C) $21.00. D) S ome other amount.21.Process costing would be suitable forA) Automobile repair B) Production of television sets C)Boat building D)Kitchen remodeling21.Which one of the following is not one of the basic procedures related to ABC?A) Identify the activity. B) Create an associated activity cost pool.C) Transact identified cost centers. D) Calculate the cost per unit of activity.23.Examples of value-adding activities include all of the following except:A) Product design. B) Assembly activities.C) Machinery set-up activities. D) Establishing efficient distribution channels.26.Just-in-time manufacturing systems are also known as:A) Supply push systems. B)Supply pull systems. C)Demand push systems. D) Demand pull systems.28.Target costing is directed toward:A) Reducing the activity costs associated with existing products.B) Identifying the amount by which the costs of existing products must be reduce to achieve a target profitmargin.C) The creation and design of products that will provide adequate profits.D) The improvement of existing production processes by eliminating non-value adding activities.30.During which element of manufacturing cycle time is value added to products?A) Storage and waiting time. B) Processing time.C) Movement time. D) Inspection time.33.Four categories of costs associated with product quality are:A) External failure, internal failure, prevention, and carrying.B) External failure, internal failure, prevention, and appraisal.C) External failure, internal failure, training, and appraisal.D) Warranty, product liability, prevention, and training.41.During cycle time, value is added only duringA) Processing time. B) Storage and waiting time. C) Movement time. D) Inspection time.26.A semivariable cost:A) Increases and decreases directly and proportionately with changes in volume.B) Changes in response to a change in volume, but not proportionately.C) Increases if volume increases, but remains constant if volume decreases.D) Changes inversely in response to a change in volume.27.Which of the following is an example of a fixed cost for an airline?A) Depreciation on the corporate headquarters. B) Fuel costs.C) Income taxes expense. D) Passengers' meals.28.In order to calculate break-even sales units, fixed costs are divided by:A) Contribution margin per unit. B) Contribution margin percentage.C) Target operating income. D) Sales volume.29.A company's relevant range of production is:A) The production range from zero to 100% of plant capacity.B) The production range over which CVP assumptions are valid.C) The production range beyond the break-even point.D) The production range that covers fixed but not variable costs.30.The break-even point in a cost-volume-profit graph is always found:A) At 50% of full capacity.B) At the sales volume resulting in the lowest average unit cost.C) At the volume at which total revenue equals total variable costs.D) At the volume at which total revenue equals total fixed costs plus total variable costs.32.The contribution ratio is computed as:A) Sales minus variable costs, divided by sales. B) F ixed costs plus variable costs, divided by sales.C) Sales minus fixed costs, divided by sales. D) S ales divided by variable costs.33.In comparison to selling a product with a low contribution margin ratio, selling a product with a high contribution margin ratio always:A) Requires less dollar sales volume to cover a given level of fixed costs.B) Results in a greater margin of safety.C) Results in higher operating income. D) Results in a higher contribution margin per unit sold.36.How will a company's contribution margin be affected by an investment in equipment that increases fixed costs in order to achieve a reduction in direct labor cost?A) Contribution margin will increase. B) Contribution margin will fall.C) Contribution margin will either increase or decrease depending on the relative magnitudes of the changesin fixed and variable costs. D) Contribution margin will remain the same.43.If a product sells for $10, variable costs are $6 and fixed costs are $400,000 what would total sales have to be in order to break-even?A) $160,000 B) $166,667 C) $1,000,000 D) $266,66746.If unit sales prices are $10 and variable costs are $6 per unit how many units would have to be sold to break even if fixed costs equal $12,000?A) $1,200 B) $2,000 C) $3,000 D) $2,80062.A company with an operating income of $65,000 and a contribution margin ratio of 55% has a margin of safety of:A) $35,750. B) $118,182.C) $153,932. D) It is not possible to determine the margin of safety from the information provided.63.The following information is available:Sales ............................................................................................. $100,000Break-even sales ........................................................................ $40,000Contribution margin ratio ............................................................ 25%What is the operating income?A) $0. B) $75,000. C) $87,500. D) $12,500.65. A company with monthly fixed costs of $140,000 expects to earn monthly operating income of $10,000 byselling 5,000 units per month. What is the company's expected unit contribution margin?A) $30. B) $28.C) $2. D) The information given is insufficient to determine unit contribution margin.Use the following to answer questions 82-86:Empire Company produces a single product. The selling price is $50 per unit, and variable costs amount to $20 per unit. Empire's fixed costs per month total $80,000.82. Refer to the above information. What is the contribution margin ratio of Empire's product?A) 25%. B) 75%. C) 60%. D) 40%.83. Refer to the above information. What is the monthly sales volume in dollars necessary to break even? (Rounded)A) $320,000. B) $106,667. C) $200,000. D) $133,333.84. Refer to the above information. How many units must be sold each month to earn a monthly operatingincome of $25,000?A) 833. B) 2,300. C) 3,500. D) S ome other amount.85.Refer to the above information. What will be the monthly margin of safety (in dollars) if 3,000 units are sold each month?A) $16,667. B) $100,000. C) $12,000. D) $150,000.86. Refer to the above information. What will be Empire's monthly operating income if 3,500 units are sold eachmonth?A) $15,000. B) $25,000. C) $75,000. D) $105,000.24.A cost that has already been incurred and cannot be changed is called aA) Opportunity cost B) Out of Pocket cost C) Joint cost D) Sunk CostUse the following to answer questions 46-48:Tech Products, Inc. is interested in producing and selling an improved widget. Market research indicates that customers would be willing to pay $95 for such a widget and that 50,000 units could be sold each year at this price. The current cost to produce the widget is estimated to be $60.46. Refer to the information above. If Tech Products requires a 25% return on sales to undertake production, whatis the target cost for the new widget?A) $60. B) $71.25. C) $75. D) Some other amount.47. Refer to the information above. Tech has learned that a competitor plans to introduce a similar widget at a priceof $85. If Tech requires a 25% return on sales, what is the target cost for the new widget?A) $75. B) $63.75. C) $21.75. D) $25.48.Refer to the information above. At a price of $85, Tech's market research indicates that it can sell 40,000 units per year. Assuming Tech can reach its new target cost, how will Tech's profit at the $85 price compare to what it would have earned in the absence of the competitor's product?A) Profit will be $12,500 greater. B) P rofit will be $12,500 smaller.C) Profit will be unaffected if Tech can reach the revised target cost. D) None of the above.33.In comparison to selling a product with a low contribution margin ratio, selling a product with a high contribution margin ratio always:A) Requires less dollar sales volume to cover a given level of fixed costs.B) Results in a greater margin of safety.C) Results in higher operating income.D) Results in a higher contribution margin per unit sold.26.Incremental revenuesA) Always increase revenue when one course of action is selected over anotherB) Always decrease revenue when one course of action is selected over anotherC) May increase or decrease when one course of action is selected over anotherD) Cause revenues to remain steady27.By choosing to go into business for himself, Joe Green foregoes the possibility of getting a highly paid job with alarge company. This is called a (n)A) Sunk cost B) Out-of-pocket cost C) Opportunity cost D) Joint Cost29.Which of the following types of cost are always relevant to a decision?A) Sunk costs. B) Average costs. C) Incremental costs. D) Fixed costs.40.Which cost is not relevant in making financial decisions?A) Sunk costs. B) Opportunity costs. C) Incremental costs. D) All three are relevant.Use the following to answer questions 50-52:John Stag Corporation manufactures and sells 1,000 tractors each month. The primary component in each tractor is the motor. John Stag has the monthly capacity to produce 1,300 motors. The variable costs associated with manufacturing each motor are shown below:Direct materials ............................................................................ $22Direct labor (14)Variable manufacturing overhead (27)Fixed manufacturing overhead per month (for up to 1,300 units of production) averages $26,000. Mary Doe, Inc., has offered to purchase 200 motors from John Stag per month to be used in its own outboard motors.50. Refer to the information above. If Mary Doe's order is rejected, what will be John Stag's average unit cost of manufacturing each motor?A) $83. B) $63. C) $89. D) Some other amount.51. Refer to the information above. What is the incremental cost of producing each additional motor?A) $26. B) $63. C) $89. D) Some other amount.52.Refer to the information above. Assuming John Stag wants to earn a pretax profit of $10,000 on this special order, what price must it charge Mary Doe?A) $62. B) $75 C) $94. D) Some other amount.55.Korler Company currently produces all of the components for its one product an electric eraser. The unit cost of manufacturing the motor for this eraser is:Direct materials ............................................................................ $3.40Direct labor .................................................................................. 3.20Variable overhead ........................................................................ 1.40Fixed overhead ............................................................................ 1.10The company is considering the possibility of buying this motor from a subcontractor and has been quoted a price of $7.60 per unit. The relevant cost of manufacturing the motor to be considered in reaching the decision is:A) $9.10. B) $8.00. C) $6.60. D) $4.80.63.Tony Co. manufactures four products. Direct materials and direct labor are available in sufficient quantities, but machine capacity is limited to 3,000 hours. Cost and revenue data for the four products are given below:Of the four products which is the most profitable for Tony Co.?A) Product A. B) Product B. C) Product C. D) Product D.29.A responsibility accounting system measures the performance of each of the following centers except:A) Profit center B) Investment center C) Control center D) Cost center29.A responsibility accounting system measures the performance of each of the following centers except:A) Profit center B) Investment center C) Control center D) Cost center38.The primary difference between profit centers and cost centers is that:A) Profit centers generate revenue. B) Cost centers incur costs.C) Profit centers are evaluated using return on investment criteria.D) Profit centers provide services to other centers in the organization.46.Cost centers are evaluated primarily on the basis of their ability to control costs and:A) Their return on assets. B) Residual income.C) The quantity and quality of the services they provide. D) Their contribution margin ratio.50.Under a variable costing system:A) All fixed manufacturing costs are treated as period costs.B) All fixed manufacturing costs are not treated as period costs.C) All variable manufacturing costs are treated as period costs.D) All variable costs, manufacturing and selling, are treated as product costs.50.Under a variable costing system:A) All fixed manufacturing costs are treated as period costs.B) All fixed manufacturing costs are not treated as period costs.C) All variable manufacturing costs are treated as period costs.D) All variable costs, manufacturing and selling, are treated as product costs.57.Responsibility margin is equal to:A) Revenue, less contribution margin and traceable fixed costs.B) Revenue, less variable costs.C) Revenue, less variable costs and traceable fixed costs.D) Revenue, less variable fixed costs, traceable fixed costs, and common costs.73.The human resources department of a large company would beconsidered:A) A cost center. B) A profit center. C) An investment center. D) A revenue center.17. Accounting systems can generate motivation byA) Creating and setting goals B) Measuring progress towards those goalsC) Allocating rewards towards goal achievement D) All of the above17.Accounting systems can generate motivation byA) Creating and setting goals B) Measuring progress towards those goalsC) Allocating rewards towards goal achievement D) All of the above25.The value chain usually starts with the _________ and ends with the ____________.A) Supplier, customer. B)Retailer, wholesaler.C) Customer, retailer. D) Retailer, customer./doc/dc5bca4fc850ad02df804105.html cy Stores has sales of $3,280,000, cost of sales of $1,360,000, and operating expenses of $608,000. What is Lacy's return on sales?A) 58.5%. B) 41.5%. C) 60%. D) 40%.41.Calculate the residual income assuming the following information:Operating earnings. $300,000Minimum acceptable return. 15%Invested capital. 1,500,000A) $225,000. B) $100,000. C) $75,000. D) $45,000.。

• Fixed overheads variances= Fixed production overheads variances • For absorption costing, fixed overheads will be absorbed into cost units. The absorption basis is labor hours, the same as variable costs, which is very common in the exam questions.
Actual output(units)
Should cost
Did cost
Favorable(F) Increase profit Adverse(A) Decrease profit
Direct materials cost variances
Total cost variance(直接材料总差异)
1. Nature of standard costing
• A few definitions • Types of standard
A few definitions
• Standard costing • Standard cost • Variance analysis
Types of standard
Direct labor cost variances
Total cost variance(直接人工总差异)
rate variance
efficiency variance + (人工效率差异)
actual units*standard hours/unit* standard rate/hour -actual units *actual hours/unit* actual rate/hour

管理会计英文考试题及答案Management Accounting Exam Questions and AnswersQuestion 1: Define Management Accounting and explain its role in an organization.Answer 1: Management Accounting is the process of identifying, measuring, analyzing, and communicating financial information that helps managers in making informed decisions about a company's operations. It plays a crucial role in planning, directing, and controlling an organization's activities by providing relevant financial data for decision-making purposes.Question 2: What are the main differences between financial accounting and management accounting?Answer 2: Financial Accounting focuses on providing financial information to external users such as investors andregulatory bodies, while Management Accounting is primarilyfor internal use to assist managers in decision-making. Financial Accounting follows generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and is more standardized, whereas Management Accounting is more flexible and can be tailored to meet the specific needs of the organization.Question 3: Explain the concept of Cost-Volume-Profit (CVP) analysis and its importance in decision-making.Answer 3: Cost-Volume-Profit (CVP) analysis is a tool used to understand the relationship between cost, volume (number of units produced or sold), and profit. It helps in determining the break-even point, which is the point at which total revenue equals total costs, and profit is zero. This analysis is important for decision-making as it aids in forecasting, budgeting, and understanding the impact of changes in sales volume or costs on profitability.Question 4: Describe the different types of costs in the context of management accounting.Answer 4: In management accounting, costs can be categorized into various types:- Fixed Costs: Costs that remain constant regardless of the level of production or sales, such as rent and salaries.- Variable Costs: Costs that change in proportion to thelevel of production or sales, such as raw materials anddirect labor.- Mixed Costs: Costs that have both fixed and variable components, such as utilities.- Direct Costs: Costs that can be directly traced to a specific product or service, such as the cost of materials used in production.- Indirect Costs: Costs that cannot be directly traced to a specific product or service and are allocated using various methods, such as factory overhead.Question 5: What is the purpose of budgeting in management accounting, and how does it benefit an organization?Answer 5: Budgeting in management accounting is the process of setting financial goals and allocating resources to achieve those goals. It benefits an organization by providing a roadmap for financial planning, helping to coordinate activities across different departments, facilitating control through comparison of actual results with budgeted figures, and aiding in performance evaluation.Question 6: Explain the concept of Activity-Based Costing (ABC) and how it differs from traditional costing methods.Answer 6: Activity-Based Costing (ABC) is a costing method that assigns costs to products based on the activities required to produce them, rather than just the direct labor or materials used. It recognizes that costs are driven by activities, and these activities consume resources. ABC differs from traditional costing methods, which often use a single plantwide overhead rate applied to direct labor or machine hours, by providing a more accurate allocation of overhead costs to products, leading to better decision-making and pricing strategies.Question 7: What is the relevance of variance analysis in management accounting?Answer 7: Variance analysis in management accounting is the process of comparing actual results to budgeted or standard costs to identify differences, or variances. It is relevant because it helps managers understand the reasons for deviations from expected performance, which can be due toprice variances, quantity variances, or efficiency variances. This analysis aids in controlling costs, improvingoperational efficiency, and making informed decisions.Question 8: Describe the role of performance measurement in management accounting.Answer 8: Performance measurement in management accounting involves evaluating the effectiveness and efficiency of an organization's operations. It uses various metrics and ratios, such as return on investment (ROI), economic value added (EVA), and balanced scorecard, to assess performance against set targets. This role is crucial as it helps in identifying areas of strength and weakness, setting performance goals,and driving continuous improvement.Question 9: Explain the concept of transfer pricing and its implications for a company with multiple divisions.Answer 9: Transfer pricing refers to the pricing of goods or services transferred between divisions or subsidiaries within the same company. It is important because it affects the profitability and tax liabilities of each division. Transfer pricing should be set at a level that reflects market conditions to avoid distortions in performance measurementand to comply with tax regulations.Question 10: What are the key considerations in implementing an effective management accounting system?Answer 10: Implementing an effective management accountingsystem requires considering several factors:- Alignment with organizational goals and strategies. - Accurate and timely data collection and processing. - Flexibility to adapt to changing business。
(完整word版)管理会计 考题 (management accounting)

Managerial Accounting Acct 2301 –Exam 3 – Version INOTE: Rounding error within $5 is acceptable on all time-value-of-money problems. Name: ‘1.The Home Run batting cages chain has invested in ice cream stands for its variouslocations. The investment cost the company $100,000. The company expects tosell 10,000 ice cream servings per year. Variable materials, preparation andmarketing costs are expected to be $0.50 per serving. Fixed costs are expected to be $3,000 per year. If the company wants an ROI of 12%, how much should they charge for each serving of ice cream?a.$2.00b.$4.00c.$1.25d.$0.50e.There is not enough information available.2.Hoover Football Corporation desires a 10% ROI on all investment projects. Thefollowing information was available for the company in 2005:Sales $28,000Operating Income $ 5,600Turnover 1.0What is the corporation’s ROI?a.40%b.30%c.24%d.20%e.None of the above3.Peek Company started the accounting period with the following beginningbalances in 2005:Raw material inventory $10,000Work in process inventory $30,000Finished goods inventory $20,000During the year, the company purchased $50,000 of raw materials and ended theyear with $20,000 in raw material inventory. Direct labor costs for the periodwere $80,000 and $10,000 of manufacturing overhead was applied to work inprocess. (There was no over or under applied overhead.) Ending work in process was $40,000 and ending finished goods sold $40,000. What was the amount ofcost of goods manufactured for the year? (i.e. How much was transferred tofinished goods?)a.$100,000b.$ 40,000c.$120,000d.$ 90,000e.None of the above4.An investment that costs $25,000 will produce annual cash flows of $5,000 for aperiod of 6 years. Further, the investment has an expected salvage value of$3,000. What is the net present value of the investment if the desired rate ofreturn is 12%?a.($25,000)b.$ 1,520c.$ 20,557d.($ 2,923)e.None of the above5.The management of Tarallo Industries obtained the following information aboutthe performance of a major investment project.Revenues $200,000Cost of Investment 300,000Margin 24%Assuming Tarallo has a desired rate of return of 14%, the project’s residual income wasa.$42,000b.$28,000c.$ 6,000d.$72,000e.None of the above6.First Quay Company earns annual cash revenues of $25,000 for 8 years on aninvestment in a new machine that cost $120,000 cash. The machine isdepreciated $8,750 each year and the business pays an income tax rate of 30%.Annual cash operating expenses other than depreciation on the machine are$1,000. What is the annual cash inflow from the investment?a.$15,250b.$10,675c.$19,425d.$24,000e.$25,0007.Mark Johnson turned 18 years old today. His grandfather established a trust fundthat will pay Mark $50,000 on his 21st birthday. Unfortunately, Mark needsmoney today to start his college education and his father is willing to help. Hehas agreed to give Mark the present value of the future cash inflow, assuming a10% rate of return. How much cash should Mark’s father give him today?a.$ 45,455b.$ 37,566c.$ 35,589d.$124,343e.None of the above8.At the beginning of the year, Riley Company estimated that its productionworkers would work 100,000 direct labor hours during the upcoming year and that overhead costs would amount to $500,000. The company’s productionworkers actually worked 101,000 direct labor hours during the year. Theoverhead actually amounted to $495,000 for the year. What is the amount of over or underapplied overhead for the year?a.Overapplied by $5,000b.Underapplied by $5,000c.Overapplied by $10,000d.Underapplied by $10,000e.None of the above9.Tharpe Painting Company is considering a capital project that costs $30,000. Theproject will deliver the following cash inflows:Year 1 - $10,500Year 2 - $ 9,000Year 3 - $ 8,500Year 4 - $ 5,000Year 5 - $ 4,500Using the incremental approach, what is the payback period for the investment?a. 3.4 yearsb. 4.0 yearsc. 4.2 yearsd. 5.0 yearse.None of the above10.The accounting records for Lillehammer Manufacturing Company disclosed thefollowing cost information for 2005:Direct Materials $30,000Direct Labor $40,000Fixed manufacturing overhead $50,000Variable manufacturing overhead $10,000The company produced 10,000 units of inventory and sold 6,000 units during 2005 for $98,000. There was no beginning inventory. What amount of ending inventory will be reported on the balance sheet under absorption costing?a.$32,000b.$130,000c.$48,000d.$52,000e.None of the above11.Plummer Industries estimated overhead for 2005 to be $500,000 for 100,000direct labor hours. If 9,000 hours were actually worked in August, how much overhead would be allocated to work in process during the month?a.$45,000b.$41,667c.$40,000d.$38,000e.None of the above12.An investment project has a net present value of $2,500. The company’s desiredrate of return is 16%. This impliesa.the company follows universal best practices.b.the investment project has an internal rate of return less than 16%.c.the investment project has an internal rate of return greater than 16%.d.the company follows cost-based pricinge.None of the above13.Havenbrook Inc. is considering purchasing a new machine for $125,000. Themachine is expected to yield a return of 15%. The company expects expenses to increase $8,000 from the new machine. Based on this information, how much does the company anticipate sales increasing from the new machine?a.$18,750b.$26,750c.$10,750d.$ 0e.None of the above14.Which of the following would increase residual income?a.Decrease in revenuesb.Increase in expensesc.Increase in the required ROId.Increase in investmente.None of the above15.Eastern Company can purchase an asset that costs $2,700,000. The asset isexpected to produce net cash inflows of $300,000 per year for 19 years. Based on this information, the investment is expected to yield an internal rate of returnclosest toa.5%b.7%c.9%d.11%e.13%16.The Londinium Company began business on January 1, 2005. The companyincurred the following transactions during the year. (All transactions are cash.)1.)Acquired $5,000 of capital from the owners.2.)Purchased $1,000 of raw materials.3.)Used $800 of these raw materials in the production process.4.)Paid production worker $600.5.)Applied manufacturing overhead of $200.6.)Started and completed 800 units of inventory.7.)Sold 650 units at a price of $5 each.8.)Paid $150 for selling and administrative expensesWhat is the amount of cost of goods sold for 2005?a. $1,600b.$1,300c.$1,463d.$1,138e.$3,25017.Konstanz Company uses a job order cost system. During the month of October,the company worked on three jobs. The job order cost sheets for the three jobsThe company’s manufacturing overhead rate is $0.50 per labor dollar. During October, Job #102 was completed and sold. At the end of October, what was the total cost in Work in Process?a.$16,250b.$18,250c.$25,500d.$28,250e.None of the above18.The entry to dispose of underapplied manufacturing overhead will include aa.Credit to manufacturing overhead and a debit to cost of goods soldb.Credit to manufacturing overhead and a credit to cost of goods soldc.Debit to manufacturing overhead and a debit to cost of goods soldd.Debit to manufacturing overhead and a credit to cost of goods solde.No entry is needed19.Annie Boutiques has an average rate of return of 12%. Details of a proposedinvestment include the following:Sales Revenue $20,000Expenses 14,000Cost of Asset 30,000Which of the following statements is(are) correct?a.The investment should be accepted because it will yield an ROI that ishigher that the average ROI.b.Acceptance of the investment opportunity will decrease the company wideROI.c.The investment should be rejected because the investment opportunity willnot yield any additional residual income.d.Acceptance of the investment opportunity will yield residual income of$2,400.e.More than one answer is correct.pany A and Company B have the same amount of actual overhead. Neithercompany began the period with inventory, but both produced 100 items, using the same amount of material and labor. Both used direct labor hours as a cost driver.Both sold 75 items at identical prices. Company A over applied overhead, but Company B did not. Both companies adjust for the over or under appliedoverhead if there is any.Based on this information, after adjustments have been madepany A will have a higher profit than Company B.pany B will have a higher profit than Company A.pany A and Company B will have the same profit.d.There is only one true profit.e.None of the above.21.Vernon Company began business on January 1st, so it had no beginning inventory.Its total manufacturing costs for the year were $500,000. Cost of goodsmanufactured was $450,000 and cost of goods sold was $350,000 for the year.What is the balance in finished goods at the end of the year?a.$150,000b.$ 50,000c.$200,000d.$100,000e.None of the abovewless Company reported the following information for 2005:Sales $1,574,000Operating Assets $ 750,000Desired ROI 9%Residual Income $ 22,500The company’s net income for 2005 wasa.$74,160b.$67,500c.$95,000d.$363,750e.None of the above23.Ventaren Company worked on two housing projects during 2005. Overhead wasapplied on the basis of direct labor hours. At the beginning of the year, thecompany estimated that overhead would be $50,000 and 10,000 direct labor hours would be worked. Both projects were started and completed in the currentaccounting period. The following transactions were completed during the period: ∙Project #1 – Used $8,000 of direct material; Incurred $10,000 of labor cost for 2,000 hours∙Project #2 – Used $12,000 of direct material; Incurred $9,000 of labor cost for 1,800 hoursProject #1 was sold for $35,000 in November 2005. What was the balance of Finished Goods on December 31, 2005 for the company?a.$58,000b.$40,000c.$28,000d.$ 0e.None of the above24.Fischer Price manufactures the “Little People Playhouse” in an assembly lineenvironment and uses the FIFO equivalent units method for accounting purposes.On March 1st, there were 5,000 physical units that were, on average, ½ finished.On March 31st, there were 10,000 physical units that were, on average, 60%finished. During March, 25,000 units were completed.If total production costs during March were $513,000, what is the cost per unit (specifically, wha t is the cost per ‘equivalent unit’)?a.$20.52b.$17.10c.$25.65d.$18.00e.None of the above.25.An investment that costs $30,000 will produce annual cash flows of $10,000 for aperiod of 4 years. Given a desired rate of return of 8%, the investment willgenerate aa.Positive net present value of $33,121b.Positive net present value of $3,121c.Negative net present value of $33,121d.Negative net present value of $3,121e.None of the above。

1. Which of the following costs would be considered a period rather than a productcost in a manufacturing companyA. Manufacturing equipment depreciation.B. Property taxes on corporate headquarters.C. Direct materials costs.D. Electrical costs to light the production facility.E. Sales commissions.2. If your inventory balance at the beginning of the month was $1,000, you bought$100 during the month, and sold $300 during the month, what would be the balanceat the end of the monthA. $1,000.B. $ 800.C. $1,200.D. $ 200.3. Beginning raw materials inventory was $32,000. During the month, $276,000 ofraw material was purchased. A count at the end of the month revealed that $28,000 of raw material was still present. What is the cost of direct material usedA. $276,000B. $272,000C. $280,000D. $ 2,0004.Direct materials used in production totaled $280,000. Direct labor was $375,000 and factory overhead was $180,000. What were total manufacturing costs incurredfor the monthA. $555,000B. $835,000C. $655,000D. Cannot be determined.5. Beginning work in process was $125,000. Manufacturing costs incurred for themonth were $835,000. There were $200,000 of partially finished goods remaining in work in process inventory at the end of the month. What was the cost of goodsmanufactured during the monthA. $1,160,000B. $ 910,000C. $ 760,000D. Cannot be determined.6.Beginning finished goods inventory was $130,000. The cost of goods manufactured for the month was $760,000. And the ending finished goods inventory was $150,000.What was the cost of goods sold for the monthA. $ 20,000.B. $740,000.C. $780,000.D. $760,000.7. Which of the following costs would be variable with respect to the number of cones sold at a Baskins & Robbins shop (There may be more than one correct answer.)A. The cost of lighting the store.B. The wages of the store manager.C. The cost of ice cream.D. The cost of napkins for customers8. Suppose you are trying to decide whether to drive or take the train to Portlandto attend a concert. You have ample cash to do either, but you don’t want to waste money needlessly. Is the cost of the train ticket relevant in this decision In other words, should the cost of the train ticket affect the decision of whether you drive or take the train to PortlandA. Yes, the cost of the train ticket is relevant.B. No, the cost of the train ticket is not relevant.9. Suppose you are trying to decide whether to drive or take the train to Portlandto attend a concert. You have ample cash to do either, but you don’t want to waste money needlessly. Is the annual cost of licensing your car relevant in this decisionA. Yes, the licensing cost is relevant.B. No, the licensing cost is not relevant.10. Suppose that your car could be sold now for $5,000. Is this a sunk costA. Yes, it is a sunk cost.B. No, it is not a sunk cost.of the following companies would be likely to use job-order costing rather thanprocess costinga. Scott Paper Company for Kleenex.b. Architects.c. Heinz for ketchup.d. Caterer for a wedding reception.e. Builder of commercial fishing vessels.12. Job WR53 at NW Fab, Inc. required $200 of direct materials and 10 direct laborhours at $15 per hour. Estimated total overhead for the year was $760,000 andestimated direct labor hours were 20,000. What would be recorded as the cost of job WR53a. $200.b. $350.c. $380.d. $730.13.Tiger, Inc. had actual manufacturing overhead costs of $1,210,000 and a predetermined overhead rate of $ per machine hour. Tiger, Inc. worked 290,000machine hours during the period. Tiger’s manufacturing overhead isa. $50,000 overapplied.b. $50,000 underapplied.c. $60,000 overapplied.d. $60,000 underapplied.14.What effect will the overapplied overhead have on PearCo’s net operating incomea. Net operating income will increase.b. Net operating income will be unaffected.c. Net operating income will decrease15. C rest Winery in Woodinville leases an automatic corking machine for $100,000per year. At full capacity, it can cork 50,000 cases of wine per year. The companyestimates 40,000 cases of wine will be produced and sold next year. What is thepredetermined overhead rate based on the estimated number of cases of winea. $ per case.b. $ per case.c. $ per case.16. Crest Winery in Woodinville leases an automatic corking machine for $100,000per year. At full capacity, it can cork 50,000 cases of wine per year. The companyestimates 40,000 cases of wine will be produced and sold next year. What is thepredetermined overhead rate based on the number of cases of wine at capacitya. $ per case.b. $ per case.c. $ per case.17. When c apacity is used in the denominator of the predetermined rate, what happens to the predetermined overhead rate as estimated activity decreasesa. The predetermined overhead rate goes up when activity goes down.b. The predetermined overhead rate stays the same because it is not affected bychanges in activity.c. The predetermined overhead rate goes down when activity goes down.18. When estimated activity is used in the denominator of the predetermined rate,what happens to the predetermined overhead rate as estimated activity decreasesa. The predetermined overhead rate goes up when activity goes down.b. The predetermined overhead rate stays the same because it is not affected bychanges in activity.c. The predetermined overhead rate goes down when activity goes down.19. Process costing is used for products that are:a. Different and produced continuously.b. Similar and produced continuously.c. Individual units produced to customer specifications.d. Purchased from vendors20. For the current period, Jones started 15,000 units and completed 10,000 units, leaving 5,000 units in process 30 percent complete. How many equivalent units ofproduction did Jones have for the perioda. 10,000b. 11,500c. 13,500d. 15,00021. How much cost will be allocated from Administration to Accountinga. $ 36,000b. $144,000c. $180,000d. $ 27,00022. How much total cost will be allocated from ADMIN and BACS combined to theAccounting Departmenta. $ 52,500b. $135,000c. $270,000d. $ 49,50023. How much total cost will be allocated from ADMIN and BACS combined to theAccounting Departmenta. $35,250b. $49,072c. $18,000d. $26,33324. Which of the following statements about cost behavior are trueWhich of the following statements about cost behavior are trueb.Fixed costs per unit vary with the level of activity.c.Variable costs per unit are constant within the relevant range.d.Total fixed costs are constant within the relevant range.e.Total variable costs are constant within the relevant range.25. Sales salaries and commissions are $10,000 when 80,000 units are sold, and$14,000 when 120,000 units are sold. Using the high-low method, what is the variable portion of sales salaries and commissiona. $ per unitb. $ per unitc. $ per unitd. $ per unit26. Sales salaries and commissions are $10,000 when 80,000 units are sold, and$14,000 when 120,000 units are sold. Using the high-low method, what is the fixed portion of sales salaries and commissionsa. $ 2,000b. $ 4,000c. $10,000d. $12,00027. Coffee Klatch is an espresso stand in a downtown office building. The averageselling price of a cup of coffee is $ and the average variable expense per cup is$. The average fixed expense per month is $1,300. 2,100 cups are sold each monthon average. What is the CM Ratio for Coffee Klatcha.b.c.d.28. Coffee Klatch is an espresso stand in a downtown office building. The averageselling price of a cup of coffee is $ and the average variable expense per cup is$. The average fixed expense per month is $1,300. Use the formula method to determine how many cups of coffee would have to be sold to attain target profitsof $2,500 per month.a. 3,363 cupsb. 2,212 cupsc. 1,150 cupsd. 4,200 cups29. Coffee Klatch is an espresso stand in a downtown office building. The averageselling price of a cup of coffee is $ and the average variable expense per cup is$. The average fixed expense per month is $1,300. Use the formula method to determine the sales dollars that must be generated to attain target profits of $2,500 per month.a. $2,550b. $5,011c. $8,458d. $10,55530. Coffee Klatch is an espresso stand in a downtown office building. The average selling price of a cup of coffee is $ and the average variable expense per cup is $. The average fixed expense per month is $1,300. 2,100 cups are sold each month on average. What is the break-even sales dollarsa. $1,300b. $1,715c. $1,788d. $3,12931. Coffee Klatch is an espresso stand in a downtown office building. The average selling price of a cup of coffee is $ and the average variable expense per cup is $. The average fixed expense per month is $1,300. 2,100 cups are sold each month on average. What is the break-even sales in unitsa. 872 cupsb. 3,611 cupsc. 1,200 cupsd. 1,150 cups32. Coffee Klatch is an espresso stand in a downtown office building. The average selling price of a cup of coffee is $ and the average variable expense per cup is $. The average fixed expense per month is $1,300. 2,100 cups are sold each month on average. What is the margin of safety expressed in cupsa. 3,250 cupsb. 950 cupsc. 1,150 cupsd. 2,100 cups33. Coffee Klatch is an espresso stand in a downtown office building. The averageselling price of a cup of coffee is $ and the average variable expense per cup is$. The average fixed expense per month is $1,300. 2,100 cups are sold each monthon average. What is the operating leveragea. 2.21b.c.d.34. At Coffee Klatch the average selling price of a cup of coffee is $, the average variable expense per cup is $, the average fixed expense per month is $1,300 andan average of 2,100 cups are sold each month.If sales increase by 20%, by how much should net operating income increasea. %b. %c. %d. %35. Which method will produce the highest values for work in process and finishedgoods inventoriesa. Absorption costing.b. Variable costing.c. They produce the same values for theseinventories.d. It depends. . .Process CostingA company produces many units of a single product.One unit of product is indistinguishable from other units of product.The identical nature of each unit of product enables assigningthe same average cost per unit.Job-order CostingMany different products are produced each period. P roducts are manufactured to order.T he unique nature of each order requires tracing or allocatingcosts to each job, and maintaining cost records for each job.Comparing Process and Job-Order CostingJob-OrderProcess Number of jobs worked Many Single Product Cost accumulated by IndividualJobDepartment Average cost computed byJobDepartment。

管理会计双语课程习题c h a p t e r2(总32页)CH02COST MANAGEMENT CONCEPTS AND COST BEHAVIORTRUE/FALSE1. There is no single definition of cost.a. Trueb. False2. The role of the management accountant is to tailor the cost calculation to fit the current decision situation.a. Trueb. False3. A cost that is useful for one decision may not be useful information for another decision.a. Trueb. False4. In most organizations, managing nonmanufacturing costs as well as manufacturing costs is important for financial success. a. Trueb. False--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可-- --内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--5. The cost of a customized machine only used in the production of a singleproduct would be classified as a direct cost.a. Trueb. False6. The wages of a plant supervisor would be classified as a period cost.a. Trueb. False7. The classification of product and period costs is particularly valuablein management accounting.a. Trueb. False8. For external reporting, generally accepted accounting principles requirethat costs be classified as either flexible or capacity-related costs.a. Trueb. False9. Knowing whether a cost is a period or a product cost helps to estimatetotal cost at a new level of activity.a. Trueb. False10. Flexible costs are always direct costs.a. Trueb. False11. Capacity-related costs vary with the level of production or sales volume.a. Trueb. False12. Currently, most personnel costs are classified as capacity-related costs.a. Trueb. False13. Some capacity-related costs might be classified as direct manufacturingcosts.a. Trueb. False14. Capacity-related costs depend on the resources used, not the resourcesacquired.a. Trueb. False15. Break-even point is NOT an important concept since the goal of businessis to make a profit.a. Trueb. False16. To perform cost-volume-profit analysis, a company must be able toseparate costs into capacity-related and flexible components.a. Trueb. False17. Cost-volume-profit analysis may be used for single-product andmultiproduct analysis.a. Trueb. False18. Selling price per unit is $30, flexible cost per unit is $15, andcapacity-related cost per unit is $10. When this company operates above the break-even point, the sale of one more unit will increase net income by $5.a. Trueb. False19. A company with sales of $100,000, flexible costs of $70,000, andcapacity-related costs of $50,000 will reach its break-even point if sales are increased by $20,000.a. Trueb. False20. In multiproduct situations when the sales mix shifts toward the productwith the lowest contribution margin, the break-even quantity willdecrease.a. Trueb. False21. The opportunity cost of a resource is zero if there is excess capacity ofthat resource.a. Trueb. False22. When a firm maximizes profits it will simultaneously minimize opportunitycosts.a. Trueb. False23. Even when the only constraint limiting production is machine time, acompany should be most concerned with maximizing contribution margin per unit.a. Trueb. False24. The time over which a decision maker can adjust capacity is referred toas the short run.a. Trueb. False25. For general customers, the price charged for a product must cover itslong-run cost to the organization.a. Trueb. False26. In recent years, capacity-related costs have increased as a proportion oftotal manufacturing costs.a. Trueb. False27. Machine setup costs are usually classified as a business-sustainingactivity.a. Trueb. False28. The benefits of classifying activities using the broader framework ofunit-related, batch-related, product-sustaining, customer-sustaining, andbusiness-sustaining activities are there are generally more costs that are directly traceable to cost objects.a. Trueb. False29. Product life-cycle costing helps organizations decide whether a newproduct should be launched.a. Trueb. FalseMULTIPLE CHOICE30. An example of a cost object is:a. a productb. a customerc. a departmentd. All of the above are correct.31. Manufacturing costs include:a. machinery used inside of the factoryb. research and development costsc. costs of dealing with customers after the saled. general and administrative costs32. Manufacturing costs include all of the following EXCEPT:a. costs incurred inside the factoryb. both direct and indirect costsc. both flexible and capacity-related costsd. both product and period costs33. Nonmanufacturing costs:a. include only capacity-related costsb. seldom influence financial success or failurec. include the cost of selling, distribution, and after-sales costs forcustomersd. are considered by GAAP to be an element of product costs34. Product costs:a. include administrative and marketing costsb. are particularly useful in financial accountingc. are expensed in the accounting period manufacturedd. are also referred to as nonmanufacturing costs35. For external reporting:a. costs are classified as either product or period costsb. costs reflect current valuesc. there are no prescribed rules since no one is exactly sure how theinvestors and creditors will use these numbersd. expenses include amounts that reflect current and future benefits36. Product costs are expensed on the income statement when:a. raw materials for the product are purchasedb. raw materials are requisitioned for the productc. the product completes the manufacturing processd. the product is sold37. Depreciation of plant facilities is classified as a(n):a. direct material costb. direct labor costc. indirect manufacturing costd. general and administrative cost38. The cost of inventory reported on the balance sheet may include the costof all the following EXCEPT:a. advertisingb. wages of the plant supervisorc. depreciation of the factory equipmentd. parts used in the manufacturing process39. A plant manufactures several different products. The wages of the plantsupervisor can be classified as a:a. direct costb. product costc. flexible costd. nonmanufacturing cost40. Period costs:a. are treated as expenses in the period they are incurredb. are directly traceable to productsc. include direct labord. are also referred to as indirect manufacturing costs41. Which of the following is NOT a period cost?a. marketing costsb. general and administrative costsc. research and development costsd. manufacturing costs42. Advertising is an example of a _________ cost expensed on the incomestatement in the accounting period incurred.a. directb. manufacturingc. periodd. product43. (CMA adapted, June 1992) The terms "direct cost" and "indirect cost" arecommonly used in cost accounting. Classifying a cost as either direct or indirect depends upon:a. the behavior of the cost in response to volume changesb. whether the cost is expended in the period in which it is incurredc. whether the cost can be related readily to resources consumed for acost objectd. whether an expenditure is unavoidable because it cannot be changedregardless of any action taken44. Indirect manufacturing costs:a. can be traced to the product that created the costsb. may have a cause-and-effect relationship with capacity rather thanwith individual units of productionc. generally include the cost of material and the cost of labord. are included in period costs45. A manufacturing plant produces two product lines: football equipment andhockey equipment. An indirect cost for the hockey equipment line is the:a. material used to make the hockey sticksb. labor to bind the shaft to the blade of the hockey stickc. shift supervisor for the hockey lined. plant supervisor46. A manufacturing plant produces two product lines: football equipment andhockey equipment. Direct costs for the football equipment line are the:a. beverages provided daily in the plant break roomb. monthly lease payments for a specialized piece of equipment needed tomanufacture the football helmetc. salaries of the clerical staff that work in the companyadministrative officesd. utilities paid for the manufacturing plantTHE FOLLOWING INFORMATION APPLIES TO QUESTIONS 47 THROUGH 53.The Bowley Company manufactures several different products. Unit costs associated with product ICT101 are as follows:Direct materials $ 60Direct labor 10Flexible manufacturing support costs 18Capacity-related manufacturing support costs 32Sales commissions (2% of sales) 4Administrative salaries 16Total $14047. Total product costs associated with product ICT101 are:a. $ 50b. $ 88c. $120d. $14048. Total period costs associated with product ICT101 are:a. $ 4b. $16c. $20d. $5249. Total flexible costs associated with product ICT101 are:a. $18b. $22c. $88d. $9250. Total capacity-related costs associated with product ICT101 are:a. $16b. $32c. $48d. $5251. Total nonmanufacturing costs associated with product ICT101 are:a. $ 4b. $16c. $20d. $5252. Total manufacturing costs associated with product ICT101 are:a. $70b. $88c. $120d. $14053. Direct manufacturing costs associated with product ICT101 are:a. $70b. $88c. $92d. $10854. Cost behavior refers to:a. how costs react to a change in the level of activityb. whether a cost is incurred in a manufacturing, merchandising, orservice companyc. classifying costs as either product or period costsd. whether a particular expense has been ethically incurred55. Which statement is FALSE?a. All flexible costs are direct costs.b. Because of a cost-benefit tradeoff, some direct costs may be treatedas indirect costs.c. All capacity-related costs are indirect costs.d. Direct costs may be flexible or capacity-related.56. An understanding of the underlying behavior of costs helps in all of thefollowing EXCEPT:a. sales volume can be better estimatedb. costs can be better estimated as volume expands and contractsc. true costs of processes can be better evaluatedd. process inefficiencies can be better identified and, as a result,improved57. Capacity-related costs:a. may be either direct or indirect costsb. vary with production or sales volumec. include parts and materials used to manufacture a productd. can be adjusted in the short run to meet actual demands58. Capacity-related costs depend on:a. the amount of resources usedb. the amount of resources acquiredc. the volume of productiond. the volume of sales59. Currently, most companies consider annual labor costs as:a. a capacity-related costb. a flexible costc. an opportunity costd. a period cost60. Which of the following does NOT describe a flexible cost?a. Flexible cost are always indirect costs.b. Flexible costs increase in total when the actual level of activityincreases.c. Flexible costs include most personnel costs and depreciation onmachinery.d. Flexible costs can always be traced directly to the cost object.61. Cost-volume-profit analysis is used PRIMARILY by management:a. as a planning toolb. for control purposesc. to establish a target net income for next yeard. to attain extremely accurate financial results62. Contribution margin equals revenues minus:a. product costsb. period costsc. flexible costsd. capacity-related costs63. The break-even point is the level at which revenues:a. equal capacity-related costsb. equal flexible costsc. equal capacity-related costs minus flexible costsd. equal flexible costs plus capacity-related costs64. The break-even point is:a. total costs divided by flexible costs per unitb. contribution margin per unit divided by revenue per unitc. capacity-related costs divided by contribution margin per unitd. (capacity-related costs plus flexible costs) divided by contributionmargin per unit65. Cost-volume-profit analysis assumes all of the following EXCEPT:a. all costs are purely flexible or capacity relatedb. units manufactured equal units soldc. total flexible costs remain the same over the relevant ranged. total capacity-related costs remain the same over the relevant range66. All of the following are assumed in a cost-volume-profit analysis EXCEPT:a. a constant product mixb. capacity-related costs increase when activity increasesc. revenue per unit does not change as volume changesd. all costs can be classified as either capacity-related or flexible67. In multiproduct situations, when sales mix shifts toward the product withthe highest contribution margin, then:a. total revenues will decreaseb. breakeven quantity will increasec. total contribution margin will decreased. operating income will increaseTHE FOLLOWING INFORMATION APPLIES TO QUESTIONS 68 THROUGH 71.Karen’s Kraft Korner, Inc., sells a single product. This year, 7,000 units were sold resulting in $70,000 of sales revenue, $28,000 of flexible costs, and $12,000 of capacity-related costs.68. Contribution margin per unit is:a. $b. $c. $d. None of the above is correct.69. Break-even point in units is:a. 2,000 unitsb. 3,000 unitsc. 5,000 unitsd. None of the above is correct.70. The number of units that must be sold to achieve $60,000 of profits is:a. 10,000 unitsb. 11,666 unitsc. 12,000 unitsd. None of the above is correct.71. If sales increase by $25,000, profits will increase by:a. $10,000b. $15,000c. $22,200d. an unknown amountTHE FOLLOWING INFORMATION APPLIES TO QUESTIONS 72 THROUGH 74.Mr. Paul’s Company sells several products for an average price of $20 per unit and the average flexible costs per unit are as follows:Direct material $Direct labor $Indirect manufacturing costs $Selling commissions $Mr. Paul’s annual capacity-related costs total $96,000.72. The contribution margin per unit is:a. $6b. $8c. $12d. $1473. The number of units that Mr. Paul’s must sell each year to break even is:a. 8,000 unitsb. 12,000 unitsc. 16,000 unitsd. an unknown amount74. The number of units that Mr. Paul’s must sell annually to make a profitof $144,000 is:a. 12,000 unitsb. 18,000 unitsc. 20,000 unitsd. 30,000 unitsTHE FOLLOWING INFORMATION APPLIES TO QUESTIONS 75 THROUGH 79.The following information is for Barnett Corporation:Product X Product YRevenue per unit: $ $Flexible cost per unit: $ $Total capacity-related costs: $50,00075. If the sales mix consists of two units of Product X and one unit ofProduct Y, what is the revenue per unit of average product?a. $b. $c. $d. $76. If the sales mix consists of two units of Product X and one unit ofProduct Y, what is the break-even point?a. 1,000 units of Y and 2,000 units of Xb. units of Y and 2,025 units of Xc. units of Y and 4,025 units of Xd. 2,000 units of Y and 4,000 units of X77. What is the operating income, assuming actual sales total 150,000 units,and the sales mix is two units of Product X and one unit of Product Ya. $1,200,000b. $1,250,000c. $1,750,000d. None of the above is correct.78. If the sales mix shifts to one unit of Product X and two units of ProductY, then the weighted-average contribution margin will:a. increase per unitb. stay the samec. decrease per unitd. be undeterminable79. If the sales mix shifts to one unit of Product X and two units of ProductY, then the break-even point will:a. increaseb. stay the samec. decreased. be undeterminable80. Opportunity cost(s):a. of a resource with excess capacity is zerob. should be maximized by organizationsc. are recorded as an expense in the accounting recordsd. are most important to financial accountants81. A recent college graduate has the choice of buying a new auto for $20,000or to invest the money for four years with a 12% expected rate of return.If the graduate decides to purchase the auto, the BEST estimate of theopportunity cost of that decision is:a. $2,400b. $11,740c. $20,000d. There is no opportunity cost for this decision.THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION APPLIES TO QUESTIONS 82 THROUGH 86.Brenda’s Brakes manufactures three different product lines, Model X, Model Y, and Model Z. Considerable market demand exists for all models. The following per unit data apply:Model X Model Y Model Z Selling price $50 $60 $70Direct materials 6 6 6Direct labor ($12 per hour) 12 12 24Flexible support costs ($4 per machine hour) 4 8 8Capacity-related costs 10 10 1082. Which model has the greatest contribution per unit?a. Model Xb. Model Yc. Model Zd. both Models X and Y83. Which model has the greatest contribution per machine hour?a. Model Xb. Model Yc. Model Zd. both Models Y and Z84. If there is excess capacity, which model is the most profitable toproduce?a. Model Xb. Model Yc. Model Zd. both Models X and Y85. If there is a machine breakdown, which model is the most profitable toproduce?a. Model Xb. Model Yc. Model Zd. both Models Y and Z86. How can Brenda encourage her salespeople to promote the more profitablemodel?a. Put all sales persons on salary.b. Provide higher sales commissions for higher priced items.c. Provide higher sales commissions for items with the greatestcontribution margin per constrained resource.d. Both (b) and (c) are correct.87. Which statement is FALSE Short run costs:a. are actually flexible costsb. affect long-run capacityc. are included in the calculation of long-run costsd. increase when one more unit is produced or served88. To sustain the profitability of a product, the list price of a productmust cover its:a. flexible costsb. capacity-related costsc. indirect costsd. long-run costs89. Compared to the early 1900s, __________ costs now comprise a much highershare of total product costs.a. direct laborb. direct materialsc. flexibled. capacity-related90. In recent years, the manufacturing cost structure has changed as a resultof:a. greater automationb. better customer servicec. the proliferation of multiple productsd. All of the above are correct.91. Cost distortion is common in conventional costing systems because:a. of the recent change in cost structureb. the number of products being manufactured is increasingc. capacity-related costs are allocated using a volume measured. capacity-related costs create higher risks for a company92. Costs that must be allocated to products for external reporting purposesinclude:a. selling and marketing costsb. direct material and direct labor costsc. the cost of equipment used to manufacture several different productsd. All of the above are correct.93. The benefits of classifying activities using the broader framework ofunit, batch, product, customer, and business-sustaining activities are that there are generally more costs:a. directly traceable to cost objectsb. treated as indirect costsc. arbitrarily allocated to cost objectsd. There is no major difference regarding costs.94. For budgeting purposes, product-sustaining activity costs should be:a. allocated to individual unitsb. allocated to individual customersc. assigned directly to individual product linesd. assigned directly to individual batches95. Which of the following activities is a unit-related activity?a. preparing and filing the annual tax return for the organizationb. machine setups for each production runc. quality inspections of 2% of the items producedd. obtaining patents and regulatory approval for each product produced96. Which of the following activities is a batch-related activity?a. preparing and filing the annual tax return for the organizationb. machine setups for each production runc. quality inspections of 2% of the items producedd. obtaining patents and regulatory approval for each product produced97. Which of the following activities is a product-sustaining activity?a. preparing and filing the annual tax return for the organizationb. machine setups for each production runc. quality inspections of 2% of the items producedd. obtaining patents and regulatory approval for each product produced98. Which of the following activities is a business-sustaining activity?a. preparing and filing the annual tax return for the organizationb. machine setups for each production runc. making sales callsd. obtaining patents and regulatory approval for each product produced99. Which of the following activities is a customer-sustaining activity?a. preparing and filing the annual tax return for the organizationb. machine setups for each production runc. making sales callsd. obtaining patents and regulatory approval for each product produced100. Product life-cycle costing:a. is useful for external reportingb. is primarily a planning toolc. includes manufacturing costs but not the cost of research anddevelopmentd. assumes product related costs are incurred evenly over the product’slifetime101. Companies want to ensure that product revenues cover the product’s:a. manufacturing costsb. manufacturing and distribution costsc. developing, supporting, and abandoning costsd. manufacturing, distribution, developing, supporting, and abandoningcosts102. More attention is being devoted to the product development and planning phase because:a. abandonment includes significant costsb. of the need to better understand the relevant costsc. during this phase of the product-life cycle, revenues finally beginto cover long-run costsd. during this phase of the product-life cycle, price competitionbecomes intense103. One of the primary motivations for considering costs other than manufacturing and distribution costs is so that:a. these costs can be amortized over the life of the productb. costs can be more evenly distributed over the product’s life cyclec. planners can develop reasonable estimates of the costs associatedwith new productsd. if price competition becomes intense the selling price can berationalizedEXERCISE/PROBLEM104. Winfield Manufacturing Company produces several different products.Classify each of their following costs as direct materials, direct labor, indirect manufacturing costs, or nonmanufacturing costs.a. Production supervisory salaries.b. Controller's office supplies.c. Executive office heat and air conditioning.d. Executive office security personnel.e. Factory heat and air conditioning.f. Supplies used in small quantities, such as glue, to complete assemblywork.g. Power to operate factory equipment.h. Parts used in assembly.i. Wages of the assembly-line workers.j. Property taxes on office buildings for sales staff.k. Depreciation on furniture for sales staff.l. Salaries of top executives in the company.m. Wages of the finishing department workers.n. Sales commissions.o. Sales personnel office rental.105. S tephanie’s Stuffed Animals reported the following:Revenues $1,000Flexible manufacturing costs $ 200Flexible nonmanufacturing costs $ 230Capacity-related manufacturing costs $ 150Capacity-related nonmanufacturing costs $ 140Required:a. Compute contribution margin.b. Compute gross margin.c. Compute operating income.106. In 2005, Grant Company has sales of $800,000, flexible costs of $200,000, and capacity-related costs of $300,000. In 2006, Grant Company expectsannual property taxes to decrease by $15,000.Required:a. Calculate operating income and the break even point for 2005.b. Calculate the break even point for 2006.107. Sunshine, Inc., sells a single product. The company's most recent income statement is given below.Sales (4,000 units) $120,000Less flexible expenses (68,000)Contribution margin 52,000Less capacity-related expenses (40,000)Net income $ 12,000Required:a. Contribution margin per unit is $ _______________ per unitb. If sales are doubled to $240,000,total flexible costs will equal $ _______________c. If sales are doubled to $240,000,total capacity-related costs will equal $ _______________d. If 10 more units are sold, profits will increase by$ _______________e. Compute how many units must be sold to break even. # _______________f. Compute how many units must be soldto achieve a profit of $20,000. # _______________108. Jeffrey’s, Inc., sells a single product. The company's most recent income statement is given below.Sales $200,000Less flexible expenses (120,000)Contribution margin 80,000Less capacity-related expenses (50,000)Net income $ 30,000Required:a. Contribution margin ratio is __________ %b. Break-even point in total sales dollars is $ _______________c. To achieve $40,000 in net income, sales must total $ _______________d. If sales increase by $50,000, net income will increase by$ _______________109. Yurus Manufacturing Company produces two products, X and Y. The following information is presented for both products:X YSelling price per unit $36 $24Flexible cost per unit 28 12Total capacity-related costs $234,000Required:Assume the sales mix is 3 units of X for every unit of Y:a. What is the revenue per unit of average product, the weightedaverage flexible cost, and the contribution margin per unit ofaverage product?b. What is the break-even point in units of both X and Y?110. Bob’s Textile Company sells shirts for men and boys. The av erage selling price and flexible cost for each product are as follows:Men’s BoysSelling price $ $Flexible cost $ $Total capacity-related costs $38,400Required:Assume the sales mix is 2 men’s shirts for each boy’s shirt:a. What is the revenue per unit of average product, the weightedaverage flexible cost, and the contribution margin per unit ofaverage product?b. What is the break-even point in units for each type of shirt?c. What is the operating income, assuming sales total 9,000 shirts?111. Charlie’s Chairs manufactures two models, Standard and Premium. Weekly demand is estimated to be 120 units of the Standard Model and 70 units of the Premium Model. Only 420 machine hours are available per week. Thefollowing per unit data apply:Standard PremiumContribution margin per unit $12 $15Number of machine hours required 2 3Required:a. For each model, compute the contribution per machine hour.b. To maximize weekly production profits, how many machine hours wouldyou recommend of each model How many units of each modelc. If there are 500 machine hours available per week (instead of only420 machine hours per week), how many chairs of each model should Charlie’s produce to maximize profits?。
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长江大学国际学院2011-2012学年度第1学期《管理会计学》试卷考试方式:闭卷满分:100分时间:2小时姓名: 学号: 班级: 专业:考生注意:1、所有考题请回答在考卷指定位置上;2、请考生务必把专业、班级、学号及姓名填写在试卷上。
I Single Choice (1'× 15 = 15')1.Several factors affect the classification of a cost as direct or indirect. ( ) A. The materiality of the cost in question B. Cost allocation C. Cost assignment D. Cost object2.A ( ) remains unchanged in total for a given time period, despite wide changes in the related level of total activity or volume.A. Variable costB. Fixed costC. Direct costD. Indirect cost3.If your inventory balance at the beginning of the month was $1,000,you bought $300 during the month ,and sold $300 during the month, what would be the balance at the end of the month. ( )A. $1000B. $800C. $1200D. $2004.The total costs is the sum of fixed costs and variable costs. Fixed costs is $2,000 at all quantities of units sold within the relevant range, variable cost per unit is $150, so total costs at 40 units sold equal ( )A. $7,800B. $8,000C. $6,800D. $5,0005. At the breakeven point, operating income is by definition ( )Single choiceMultiple-choiceJudgmentCalculationObtained marksA. $1B. $0C. Not sureD. - $16.Operating leverage describes the effects that fixed costs have on changes in operating income as changes occur in units sold and contribution margin. Contribution margin is $3,600.Operating income is $1,600,the degree of operating leverage is ( )A. 2.25B. 1.67C. 0.67D. 17.The simplest form of quantitative analysis to “fit”a line to data points is the high-low method.CostDriver:Machine-Hours(X) Indirect Manufacturing labor costsHighest observation of costdriver80 $2,000Lowest observation of costdriver20 800Difference 60 $1200The high-low estimate of the cost function is ( )A. $230+$14XB.$400+$20XC. $230+$14.98XD.$200+420X8.ABC company production candy, the unit cost data such as table.items sumDirect Materials $55.00Direct Labor $15.00Variable Manufacturing Overhead $10.00Contribution margin ration is 20%, please use the Variable Costs Addition Method,the sale price of candy is ( )A.$50.00 B$100.00 C.$45.00 D.$56.009.( ) is any cost that is primarily subject to the influence of a given responsibility center manager for a given period.A. The opportunity costB. The sunk costC. The controllable costD. The quality cost10. The starting point for the operating budget is generally ( )A. The product budgetB. The profit budgetC. The costs budgetD. The revenues budget11.V arious cost-behavior patterns. Select the graph that matches the numbered manufacturing cost data. Indicate by letter which graph best fits the situation or item described.Electricity bill---a flat fixed charge, plus a variable cost after a certain number of kilowatt-hours are used, in which the quantity of kilowatt-hours used varies proportionately with quantity of units produced. ( )A BC D12. which aren’t the categories of costs associated with goods for sale.( )A. Purchasing costsB. Ordering costsC. Postsales-service costsD. Carrying costs13. In the Top-spin, he carbon-fiber machine costs $200,000,has a five-year expected useful lift and generates $100,000 uniform cash flow each year. he payback period is ( )A.2 yearsB.1 yearsC. 3.8 yearsD.4 years14. Various cost-behavior patterns. Select the graph that matches the numbered manufacturing cost data. Indicate by letter which graph best fits the situation or item described.City water bill, which is computed as follows:First 1,000,000 gallons $1,000 flat feeNext 10,000 gallons $0.003 per gallon usedNext 10,000gallons $0.006 per gallon usedNext 10,000gallons $0.009 per gallon usedAnd so on and so onThe gallons of water used vary proportionately with the quantity of production.( )A BC D15. The selling prices computed under cost-plus pricing are prospective prices. Suppose Aste’s initial product design results in a $750 full cost for ProvalueⅡ.Assuming a 12% marup, Astel sets a prospective price of ( )A. $780B. $660C. $825D.$840ⅡMultiple-choice (4'× 9= 36')1. Recording the costs of resources acquired and used allows managers to see how behave. Consider two basic types of cost-behavior patterns found in many accounting systems. There are ( )A. Variable costsB. Direct costsC. Fixed costsD. Indirect costs2. Most professional accounting organizations around the globe issue statements about professional ethics. There are ( )A. CompetencyB. ConfidentialityC. IntegrityD. Credibility3. What guidelines do management accountants use? ( )A. Employ a cost-benefit approachB. Recognize behavioral as well as technical considerationC. Identify different costs for different purposesD. The key management accounting guidelines4. We define three sectors of the economy and provide examples of companies in each sector. There are ( )A. Manufacturing-sector companiesB. Merchandising-sector companiesC. Service-sector companiesD. Direct material costs5.You have seen how CVP analysis works, please think about the following assumptions(假设) we made during the analysis. There are ( )A. Changes in the levels of revenues and costs arise only because of changes in the number ofproduct (or service) units sold.B. Total costs can be separated into two components: fixed costs and variable costs.C. Selling price, variable cost per unit, and total fixed costs are known and constant.D. When represented graphically, the behaviors of total revenues and total costs are linear inrelation to units sold within a relevant range.6. Be sure you understand that to be relevant costs and relevant revenues they must ( )A. Occur in the futureB. Occur in the pastC. differ among the alternative courses of actionD. Revenues and costs are relevant.7. Major influences on pricing decisions is ( )A. customersB. CompetitorsC. CostsD. Suppliers8. The light and dark blue boxes in the exhibit are the financial budget, which is that part of ( )A. The capital expenditures budgetB. The operating budgetC. The budgeted balance sheetD. The cash budget9. Describe the perspectives of the balance scorecard .That are ( )A. Financial perspectiveB. Customer perspectiveC. Postsales-service ProcessD. Learning-and-growth perspectiveIII Judgment (1'×10= 10')1. Management accounting information and reports do not have to follow set principles or rules. ( )2. Cost object is the collection of cost data in some organized way by means of an accounting system. ( )3. Relevant range is the band of normal activity level or volume in which there is a specific relationship between the level of activity or volume and the cost in question.( ) 4. The breakeven point (BEP) is that quantity of output sold at which total revenues equal total costs. ( )5. High-low Method estimates cost functions by classifying various cost account as variable, fixed, or mixed with respect to the identified level of activity. ( )6. Book value of existing equipment is a past (historical or sunk) cost and therefore, is irrelevant in equipment-replacement decisions. ( )7. Opportunity cost is the contribution to operating income that is forgone by not using a limited resource in its next-best alternative use . ( )8. A responsibility accounting system could either exclude all uncontrollable costs from a manager’s performance report or segregare such costs from the controllable costs. ( )9. Variable costing and absorption costing differ in only one respect: how to account for fixed manufacturing costs. Under variable costing, fixed manufacturing costs are excluded from inventoriable costs and are a cost of the period in which they are incurred. ( ) 10. Under Variable costing, fixed manufacturing cost are inventoriable and become a part of goods sold in the period when sales occur. ( )IV Calculation(39')1. (7') CD word is an independent electronics store that sells blank compact disks. CD Word purchases the CDs from Sontek at $14 a package (each package contains 10 disks).Sontek pays for all incoming freight. No inspection is necessary at CD world because Sontek supplies quality merchandise. CD word′s annual demand is 2,000 packages,at a rate of 250 packages per week. The purchase-Order lead time is two weeks. Relevant ordering cost per purchase order is $100.Relevant carrying cost per package per year is $10.Required:(1) calculate the EOQ from CD(2) calculate the number of orders that will be placed each year(3) calculate the reorder point for CD2.(7')CVP computations. Fill in the blanks for each of the following independent cases.case Revenues VariableCosts FixedCostsTotal Costs OperatingIncomeContributionMarginpercentagea $500 $800 $1,200b $2,000 $300 $200c $1,000 $700 $1,0003.(10')Returning to the Top-Spin carbon-fiber machine project, assume that Top-Spin is a nonprofit organization and that the expected additional operating cash inflows are $100,000 in years 1 through 5 and $90,000 in year 5.The net initial investment is $371,000(new machine,$300,000 plus additional working capital,$60,000 minus terminal disposal value of old machine,$11,000).All other facts are unchanged a five-year useful life, no terminal disposal value, and an 8% RRR. Year 5 cash inflows are $100,000, which includes a $10,000 recovery of working capital. (P∕A,8%,5)=3.993 (P∕A,10%,5)=3.791 (P∕A,12%,5)=3.605 Calculate the following:(1) Net present value(2) Payback(3) Internal rate of return4. Mary Frost is considering selling DO-All software, a home-office software package, at a computer convention in Chicago. The selling price is $200,the variable cost a is $120.She must pay to computer conventions, Inc. offers Mary three rental alternatives:Option 1: $2000 fixed feeOption 2: $800 fixed fee plus 15%of convention revenues.A. (1) calculate the breakeven point in units for option 1 and option 2(2) calculate the degree of operating leverage at sales of 40 units for the teorental options.(At this quantity, Mary’s operating income is $1200 )B. Suppose Mary choose option 2 ,she would pay $800 fixed fee and 15% of conventionrevenues. The selling price is $200 ,the variable costs is $120.Mary anticipates selling 40 units at the convention. Mary’s operating income will be $1200,Mary is considering placing an advertisement describing the product and its features in the convention brochure. The advertisement will cost $500.This cost is a fixed cost because it will not change regardless of the number of units Mary sells. She thinks that advertising will increase sales by 10% to44 packages.(1) The following table presents the CVP analysis, please fill in the blanks.40 Packages Sold with No Advertising 44 Packages Soldwith AdvertisingDifferenceRevenuesVariable costsContributionMarginFixed costsOperating incomeShould Mary advertise?(2) Suppose Mary decides not to advertise. Mary is contemplating whether to reduce the selling price to $175. At this price, she thinks she will sell 50 units. At this quantity, the software wholesaler who supplies DO-All software will sell the packages to Mary for $115 per unit instead of 120.Shold Mary reduce the selling price? Please give a CVP shows.。