2015 贝恩杯案例分析大赛初赛题目






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1. 在微波炉行业,格兰仕占了一半以上的市场份额,财源滚滚而入。

根据波士顿咨询公司模型,微波炉是格兰仕的A)问题类战略业务单位B)明星类战略业务单位C)现金牛类战略业务单位D)狗类战略业务单位2. 在通用电气公司模型中,评价企业战略业务单位的标准是A)市场占有率和相对市场占有率B)行业吸引力和业务力量C)市场占有率和行业吸引力D)业务力量和相对市场占有率3. 对企业完成营销目标的能力有实际和潜在兴趣的群体是A)竞争者B)顾客C)公众D)供应商4. 当市场竞争环境中只有一家企业,它完全控制市场价格,这种市场竞争类型属于A)纯粹竞争B)寡头竞争C)垄断竞争D)完全垄断5. 关系营销实施的关键是A)领导能否发挥作用B)实施细则是否考虑全面C)顾客的利益是否能得到保证D)有关部门是否积极配合6. 消费者的购后行为是营销者关心的主要问题,这种分析包括A)信息评估的结果B)他人的意见分析C)满意程度与购后活动D)购买行为与购后活动7. 汽车生产商将顾客分为“追求节油、经济型”“追求贵族、富贵型”两种子市场,其细分市场的依据是A)地理细分B)人文细分C)利益细分D)心理细分8. 企业只推出单一产品,运用单一的市场营销组合,力求在一定程度上满足尽可能多的顾客的需求,这种战略是A)无差异市场营销战略B)密集市场营销战略C)差异市场营销战略D)集中市场营销策略9. 脑白金以“爸妈今年不收礼,收礼只收脑白金”进行宣传,是采用A)产品特色定位B)顾客利益定位C)使用者定位D)竞争定位10.在组织采购中,最常见的购买类型是A)新购型 B)更改重购型C)直接重购型 D)间接重购型11.在组织市场中,如果用户规模大,或者每个用户的规模小,但在地理区域上比较集中,则组织一般采用A)直销方式 B)间接分销方式C)直接和间接两种分销方式 D)代理商12.某公司对市场进行细分之后,决定占领其中几个细分市场,并希望在每个细分市场中获得较高销售额,该公司采用的目标市场营销策略为A)无差异营销 B)差异营销C)一对一营销 D)集中性营销13. 按照优先排序法,销售人员在完成了紧急而且重要的工作后,应当完成A)紧急但不重要的工作B)不紧急但很重要的工作C)不紧急也不重要的工作D)无所谓14. 企业对竞争者的产品或服务进行不切实际或欺骗性的比较或歪曲性的评论,属于商业诽谤中的A)产品贬损B)书面诽谤C)不公平竞争D)口头中伤15. 3个月内可能成交的顾客称之为A)潜在客户B)有望顾客C)渴望顾客D)观望顾客16.一般情况下,销售人员寻找潜在顾客,可以采用A)逐个排除B)随机查找C)由外而内D)由内而外17.在组织购买中,对组织特性有影响的外部影响力包括管理机制、采购环境和A)组织人数B)竞争对手C)组织文化D)组织销售风格18.赢得谈判的重要一环是善于控制谈判的A)对象B)进程C)时间D)议题19.销售人员进行销售演示三部曲的第一步是A)讨论销售计划B)阐明商务建议C)描述整体产品D)演示产品功能20.面对想购买住房又犹豫不决的潜在顾客,销售人员可以说:“既然你认为那种房型太大,而且总价又略高了一些,不如你看看这种房型吧!这种房型的特点是……….”这种销售方式属于A)实证借鉴策略B)循序渐进策略C)以退为进策略D)独一无二策略二、多项选择题(每小题2分,共计20分)在备选答案中至少有两个答案是正确的,请将正确选项填写到第11卷上方的选择题答题栏中,答在1卷中不得分,多选、错选、漏选均不得分。



1.从方法论的角度来说,营销是 BA)卖给顾客所需要的 B)使商品好买C)推销的一个功能 D)使商品卖好2.如果绝大多数人都对某个产品感到厌恶,甚至愿意出钱回避它,那么,这个产品便是处于一种 CA)不健康需求 B)下降需求C)负需求 D)潜在需求3.转换服务提供者所花费的时间精力以及对替换者信息的搜集和评估的转换成本是 CA)认知成本 B)沉没成本C)学习成本 D)策略成本4. 客所构成的是 CA.潜在顾客B.准顾客C.市场D.目标顾客4.下列做法能帮助企业开发难以模仿的营销战略,并在一段较长的时间里是有利可图的是AA.突破性机会B.市场定位C.目标市场D.市场细分5.利用现在的各种通信技术和信息工具,如因特网、电子信箱、微信等,公司能对外便于采用的是 CA.无差异营销B.差异营销C.一对一营销D.集中性营销6.从产品的整体概念来看,核心利益是指产品的A.质量B.售前和售后服务C.商标D.基本功能7.一个家电企业生产4种电冰箱产品、8种洗衣机产品、5种空调产品,那么这个企业的产品线有 BA.一条B.三条C.十七条D.八条7. 汽车生产商将顾客分为“追求节油、经济型”“追求贵族、富贵型”两种子市场,其细分市场的依据是 DA)地理细分B)人文细分C)利益细分D)心理细分8. 企业只推出单一产品,运用单一的市场营销组合,力求在一定程度上满足尽可能多的顾客的需求,这种战略是 DA)无差异市场营销战略B)密集市场营销战略C)差异市场营销战略D)集中市场营销策略9. 脑白金以“爸妈今年不收礼,收礼只收脑白金”进行宣传,是采用 CA)产品特色定位B)顾客利益定位C)使用者定位D)竞争定位10. 以冯小刚导演葛优主演的贺岁片,连续多年受到观众推崇,这是营销人员利用了 DA)产品价值B)服务价值C)形象价值D)人员价值11. 一台40英寸的彩电的价格定价为1998元以取得增加销量的效果,这种定价方法是CA)声望定价B)尾数定价C)促销定价D)人员定价12. 企业销售人员在工作中承受巨大压力时,通过多看现实中有利的因素,变压力为动力,增强抗压能力,这种减轻工作压力的方法是 CA)确定适当的目标B)宣泄C)培养抗压能力D)咨询13.为满足顾客某些需要以说服其购买产品、服务、理念或者其他物品,而在人与人之间进行信息沟通的过程是 AA.人员销售B.促销C.公共关系D.营业推广14.按销售对象可将顾客分为分销商和 CA.个人消费者B.组织消费者C.终端消费者D.代理商15.将辖区内的客户需求视为相同或相似,以单一的策略用于所有客户,这是 CA.差异策略B.集中策略C.无差异策略D.渗透策略16.如果公司销售人员销售出去的商品与顾客所订的商品不符、编造发货日期、或者无法在可接受合理期限内完成订单,都构成 AA.不公平竞争B.产品贬损C.欺骗顾客D.商业诈骗17.利用所购材料,或者是在工厂操作过程中使用,或者将其填加在成品上,其操作工和设备维护人员一般指的是 AA.倡导者B.影响者C.决策者D.使用者18.“汽车的气囊可以在发生碰撞事故时充气膨胀”,这句话指的是 BA.产品特性B.产品优势C.产品利益D.产品证明19.在销售谈判中,谈判双方对机会和威胁作出了全面的分析,得出了对谈判结局的看法。



pqt , y pqt ) (x
d qst
t 时刻第 q 类乘客类中心到第 s 类出租车类中心的距离
h qt ˆ h qst
[h L , hU ] t 时刻第 q 类乘客的人数, h qt qt qt
t 时刻离第 q 类乘客类中心最近的第 s 类出租车的数量
L U 乘客乘车从第 m 类出租车类到第 n 类出租车类的时间, tmn [tmn , tmn ]
) FQ (a
dQ( y ) p (a y (a P a L ))dy 0 dy
是一个闭区间且下界为正数, R + 是正实数区间, [a L , a P ] .
[a L , aU ] ,若 Q( y ) dy 为态度参数,则 定理 5.1.1 设 a
基于模糊多目标规划的出租车补贴模型 摘要
出租车“打车难”是当前社会的热点话题,乘客与出租车的供需不匹配也成 为实现他们信息互通的障碍,随着多家公司建立打车软件服务平台,推出多种出 租车补贴方案,出租车和乘客间的供需匹配问题逐渐成为“互联网+”时代的重 要课题之一。本文以上海市为例,通过出租车和乘客供求平衡指标,构建基于模 糊多目标规划和层次分析法的出租车资源供求匹配模型,并设计新的补贴方案, 从而有效缓解“打车难”问题。 针对问题一,首先从苍穹滴滴快的智能出行平台和数据堂网站搜集相关数 据, 分析反映出租车资源供需匹配程度的 5 个指标。 由于数据存在一定的模糊性, 本文利用连续区间有序加权平均(COWA)算子将相关指标转化为含参变量的实 指标,通过 K 均值聚类模型将上海的出租车分布和乘客需求量进行聚类,并构 建基于空车率、空车总代价、乘客总成本的模糊多目标规划模型,同时,利用基 于 COWA 算子的模糊层次分析法将模糊多目标规划模型转化为单目标规划模 型,结果表明,上海地区呈现供不应求的出租车资源分布状况,并且在上下班高 峰期时间段显得尤为突出。 针对问题二,通过在模糊多目标规划模型中增加补贴方案,重新求解模型, 并分析出租车等待时间、乘客等待时间、空车率的变动,结果表明,适当的补贴 能够在一定程度上提高供求匹配程度,缓解“打车难”的问题;然而一旦超过一 定补贴范围,出租车的供给与乘客的乘车需求匹配程度就会下降。 针对问题三,根据乘客与出租车的距离、单位出租车服务人数、乘车费用、 乘客人数等因素,构建新的补贴方案,并重新求解模糊多目标规划模型,结果表 明,新的补贴方案能有效地缓解“打车难”问题,模型结果也同时验证了补贴方 案的合理性。 最后,本文对所建模型进行了灵敏度分析,并对模型进行了优缺点分析。 关键词:多目标优化;层次分析法;供求匹配;补贴;COWA 算子.



2015 AMC 12B竞赛真题Problem 1What is the value of ?Problem 2Marie does three equally time-consuming tasks in a row without taking breaks. She begins the first task at 1:00 PM and finishes the second task at 2:40 PM. When does she finish the third task?Problem 3Isaac has written down one integer two times and another integer three times. The sum of the five numbers is 100, and one of the numbers is 28. What is the other number?Problem 4David, Hikmet, Jack, Marta, Rand, and Todd were in a 12-person race with 6 other people. Rand finished 6 places ahead of Hikmet. Marta finished 1 place behind Jack. David finished 2 places behind Hikmet. Jack finished 2 places behind Todd. Todd finished 1 place behind Rand. Marta finished in 6th place. Who finished in 8th place?Problem 5The Tigers beat the Sharks 2 out of the 3 times they played. They then played more times, and the Sharks ended up winning at least 95% of all the games played. What is the minimum possible value for ?Problem 6Back in 1930, Tillie had to memorize her multiplication facts from to . The multiplication table she was given had rows and columns labeled with the factors, and the products formed the body of the table. To the nearest hundredth, what fraction of the numbers in the body of the table are odd?Problem 7A regular 15-gon has lines of symmetry, and the smallest positive angle for which it has rotational symmetry is degrees. What is ?Problem 8What is the value of ?Problem 9Larry and Julius are playing a game, taking turns throwing a ball at a bottle sitting on a ledge. Larry throws first. The winner is the first person to knock the bottle off the ledge. At each turn the probability that a player knocks the bottle off the ledgeis , independently of what has happened before. What is the probability that Larry wins the game?Problem 10How many noncongruent integer-sided triangles with positive area and perimeter less than 15 are neither equilateral, isosceles, nor right triangles?Problem 11The line forms a triangle with the coordinate axes. What is the sum of the lengths of the altitudes of this triangle?Problem 12Let , , and be three distinct one-digit numbers. What is the maximum value of the sum of the roots of the equation ?Problem 13Quadrilateral is inscribed in a circle withand . What is ?Problem 14A circle of radius 2 is centered at . An equilateral triangle with side 4 has a vertex at . What is the difference between the area of the region that lies inside the circle but outside the triangle and the area of the region that lies inside the triangle but outside the circle?Problem 15At Rachelle's school an A counts 4 points, a B 3 points, a C 2 points, and a D 1 point. Her GPA on the four classes she is taking is computed as the total sum of points divided by 4. She is certain that she will get As in both Mathematics andScience, and at least a C in each of English and History. She thinks she has a chance of getting an A in English, and a chance of getting a B. In History, shehas a chance of getting an A, and a chance of getting a B, independently ofwhat she gets in English. What is the probability that Rachelle will get a GPA of at least 3.5?Problem 16A regular hexagon with sides of length 6 has an isosceles triangle attached to each side. Each of these triangles has two sides of length 8. The isosceles triangles are folded to make a pyramid with the hexagon as the base of the pyramid. What is the volume of the pyramid?Problem 17An unfair coin lands on heads with a probability of . When tossed times, theprobability of exactly two heads is the same as the probability of exactly three heads. What is the value of ?Problem 18For every composite positive integer , define to be the sum of the factors in the prime factorization of . For example, because the prime factorization of is , and . What is the range of the function , ?Problem 19In , and . Squares and are constructed outside of the triangle. The points , , , and lie on a circle. What is the perimeter of the triangle?Problem 20For every positive integer , let be the remainder obtained when is divided by 5. Define a functionrecursively as follows:What is ?Problem 21Cozy the Cat and Dash the Dog are going up a staircase with a certain number of steps. However, instead of walking up the steps one at a time, both Cozy and Dash jump. Cozy goes two steps up with each jump (though if necessary, he will just jump the last step). Dash goes five steps up with each jump (though if necessary, he will just jump the last steps if there are fewer than 5 steps left). Suppose that Dash takes 19 fewer jumps than Cozy to reach the top of the staircase. Let denote the sum of all possible numbers of steps this staircase can have. What is the sum of the digits of ?Problem 22Six chairs are evenly spaced around a circular table. One person is seated in each chair. Each person gets up and sits down in a chair that is not the same chair and is not adjacent to the chair he or she originally occupied, so that again one person is seated in each chair. In how many ways can this be done?Problem 23A rectangular box measures , where , , and are integers and. The volume and the surface area of the box are numerically equal. How many ordered triples are possible?Problem 24Four circles, no two of which are congruent, have centers at , , , and , and points and lie on all four circles. The radius of circle is times the radius of circle , and the radius of circle is times the radius of circle .Furthermore, and . Let be the midpoint of . What is ?Problem 25A bee starts flying from point . She flies inch due east to point . For, once the bee reaches point , she turns counterclockwise and then flies inches straight to point . When the bee reaches she isexactly inches away from , where , , and are positiveintegers and and are not divisible by the square of any prime. What is?2015 AMC 12B竞赛真题答案1.C2.b3.a4.b5.b6.a7.d8.d9.c 10.c 11.e 12.d 13.b 14.d 15.d 16.c 17.d 18.d 19.c 20.b 21.d 22.d 23.b 24.d 25.b。



2015年大学生英语竞赛(NECCS)C类初赛真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. Listening Comperhension 2. V ocabulary and Structure 3. Cloze 4. Reading Comperhension 5. Error Correction 6. Translation 7. IQ Test 8. WritingPart I Listening ComperhensionSection A听力原文:M: Have you ever heard the saying, “Clothes make the man”? It might be truer than we imagine. W: When a police officer or firefighter puts on their uniform it must affect their psychology. It probably gives them a sense of responsibility and authority. M: Absolutely. When a judge puts on that heavy black robe it transmits an image of power, but it also serves a reminder to the judge of the responsibility of their position.1.What does the conversation imply?A.Great minds think alike.B.You are what you wear.C.A contented mind is a perpetual feast.D.Actions speak louder than words.正确答案:B解析:对话开始时男士提到“Clothes make the man(人要衣装)”,接下来女士和男士列举了警察、消防员和法官的例子,说明了那些职业特有的衣服会影响穿衣者的心理,给他们一种责任感和权威性(a sense of responsibility and authority),因此该对话暗示了,穿什么样的衣服就决定了你是什么样的人,即You are what you wear.故本题选B项。


问题,在非交通高峰时期,空跑的出租车多,导致 经营成本的严重浪费,同时造成对道路拥挤和环境污染的无谓增加。而在上下班时期、 节假日和雨雪天气,乘客往往想打车却打不到,这种供给与需求在时空上的不一致, 导 致了大量的资源的浪费,是对经济效益和社会效益的一种损害。通过建立数学打车软件 的新补贴政策模型解决这些问题。
“互联网+”时代的出租车资源配置 摘要
利用互联网上软件打车方式越来越普遍,人们在享受互联网+时代带来的方便的同 时,也体会到了它带来的不便,现在出租车“打车难”已经成为当今时代人们关注的热 点问题,出租车资源的供应匹配不合理,相应的公司也推出各种补贴方案来缓解打车难 的问题。以下是针对三个问题求解分析。 针对问题一,通过 excel 软件对大量的数据进行分析与统计,筛选出本文用到的不 同城市的不同时间关于出租车的详细数据,建立了 4 个指标:通过城市道路中心线总长 度与城市用地面积之比求得道路网密度、通过出租车数量与人口规模比求得万人拥有 量、通过全市的客运量与每天客流量求得出租车公共交通分担率、通过空行驶里程与日 运营总里程的比求得里程空驾驶率。 利用主成份分析法把这四个指标转化为一个指标体 系,其中的参数——权重用灵敏度分析方法求出,利用 MATLAB 软件画出权重比例,权 重是在整体评价中相对重要的程度,这四个指标权重构成了一系列权重体系,方便后来 在进行定量分析过程的计算简化,简化后涉及的变量只有一个出租车保有量,可以直观 通过此指标体系分析出出租车资源的供求分配程度。 针对问题二,本文通过对各软件用户下载量的分析,选择快的打车和滴滴打车不同 打车软件的不同补贴政策进行类比,得出打车软件有无缓解打车难问题的大致趋势, 再 根据模型一的求解过程,建立一个同模型一的数学模型,求出打车软件实施补贴方案之 后的出租车保有量, 将模型一的无打车软件补贴方案出租车保有量与有打车软件补贴方 案出租车保有量进行比较,可得出有打车软件补贴方案对 “缓解打车难”没有帮助。 针对问题三, 首先分别分析等待时间、 出租车空载率和价格与出租车司机的满意度、 乘客的满意度、社会的满意度、政府的满意度的关系,从而建立多目标函数数学模型, 通过满意度反应了打车软件补贴方案的受欢迎度,最后根据所求数据建立最优规划模型 验证别方案的合理性。



Part one,listening(30 marks)Part II Vocabulary, Grammar & Culture (15 marks)Section A Vocabulary and Grammar (10 marks)31. Animals are one of the most important resources for human beings, however , by 2030 ,many species will have ______according to recent research . A. used up B. died out C. gone up D. got rid of32. If the government refused to appropriate funds, the slum-clearance programme might be ______. A. rejected B. contended C. abused D. terminated33. We are in the full ______ that the current situation will improve sooner or later.A. understandingB. appreciationC. consciousnessD. conviction34. The reporters exposed the corruption of several high officials in the government; ______, they were asked to resign from office .A. constantlyB. consistentlyC. consequentlyD. consecutively35. Helping his little daughter with her physics homework reminded him of things he had long ______.A. cared aboutB. forgotten aboutC. dreamed aboutD. complained about36. You should never provide your personal information ______ a request you did not ask for over the Internet .A. in response toB. according toC. prior toD. thanks to37. The new chairman urged the members of the committee to ______ their differences and settle down to work .A. wear outB. break upC. calm downD. set aside38. Why so many students graduate from high school with inadequate skills in reading and mathematics is a question that continues to ______American educators.A. harassB. intimidateC. troubleD. oppress39.— I need some help with my homework!—______ I‟ve got lots of work to do myself, and besides, it‟s your problem, not mine!A. No problems, just a moment!B. Sorry, I can‟t help you right now.C. Yes, I need your help as well.D. Wait, it‟s a piece of cake for me.40.—I spilled some coffee on my jacket! ______.—You‟ll see a place on Madison Avenue between the First Street and the Second Street. It‟s Beside the bank.A. How can you get it ironed?B. Do you know the way to the factory?C. Who is to blame for the accident?D. Where can I get it cleaned?Section B Culture (5 marks)41. ______ felt that society forced too many rules on people and kept them from living a full, natural life. His forceful writing on daring themes shocked many. Sons and Lovers, based partly on his own life, is one of his finest novels.A. James Joyce.B. D. H. Lawrence.C. George Bernard ShawD. Thomas Hardy.42. Which of the following is the national flag of the United States of America?43. Which of the following is the famous theory developed by Albert Einstein?A. The Theory of Mechanics.B. The Natural Selection.C. The Theory of Relativity.D. Quantum Gravity.44. Which country is famous for the statue of the Little Mermaid?A. Finland.B. Sweden.C. Denmark.D. Norway.45. ______ was an English comic actor and filmmaker who rose to fame in the silent film era.A. Marlon Brando.B. Charlie Chaplin.C. Steven Allan SpielbergD.Dustin Hoffman.Part ⅢCloze(10 marks)Fill in each blank with one word. Choose the correct word in one of the following three ways: according to the context, by using the correct form of the given word, or by using the given letter(s) of the word.Is paragliding more dangerous than parachuting?There are three elements that support the argument that through46.________ of them is safe, one is far less dangerous than the other. Those three elements are training, preparation, and skill level.Training for the first parachute jump is a 47.rel ________ simple process. Commonly a morning of instruction and practice can result 48.________ a person‟s first jump the same afternoon. In contrast, paragliding training is much more involved, taking anywhere from one to three months before the first flight occurs. It is 49.________ (legal) to fly without a license, and various competence levels must be passed to be able to move from soaring to something more involved such as cross-country flying.Preparation for a parachute jump is minimal 50.________ best. Most jumpers have their chutes packed for them, so all they have to do is climb into the plane. Some pack their own chutes, but still, this is minor. In paragliding the pilot lays out their canopy on the ground, checks it and the lines, and then must wait for the right wind conditions before launching. The fact that the chute and lines can be seen makes a 51.tre________ difference as any problems can be seen before launch, something that is impossible with parachuting. This is a very important difference because almost all parachuting 52. acc________ are the result of equipment failure. Jumpers rely almost totally on their equipment and not their skill, the reverse of the paragliding pilot.It is this difference in skill levels that makes paragliding the safer option. The 53. ________ (great) the skill the pilotdevelops, the less chance they might get into a dangerous situation when flying. Also, if they do get into a dangerous situation, it is far more likely that they will be able to escape. With parachuting it is the 54. opp ________. Ultimately skill does not matter. Even the most experienced jumper will be 55. ________ (able) to do anything in the event of major equipment failure. Like Russian roulette, the question is how many times a person jumps before statistics catch up with them.Part IV Reading Comprehension (35 marks)Section A (5 marks) Questions 56-60 are based on the following passage.Hallward Library supports the learning, teaching and research needs of the Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Social Sciences. This includes the subject areas of arts, humanities, law and social sciences, and a European Documentation Centre.You may be able to use our libraries for reference or borrowing through membership of the SCONUL Access scheme. Please apply to join the scheme online. You may also wish to complete our University of Nottingham registration from before you come. On arrival at one of our libraries, please go to the reception or lending desk with your SCONUL introductory email and library card from your home institution, where we will issue you a University of Nottingham library card with immediate borrowing rights (a photograph is not required). Please check our lending desk opening times.If your SCONUL Access membership entitles you to borrow, you may take up to six ordinary loan books for up to four weeks. Items from our Short Loan collection are not available to borrow under this scheme and there will be lead time in accessing items stored off site or at a different University of Nottingham library. Study rooms are left open for general use, but room keys cannot be borrowed by SCONUL Access users and room bookings cannot be made.Please also consult our information on how to access electronic resources and the Internet via the eduroam wireless service. If your institution is not a member of SCONUL Access you may use our libraries for reference during our libraries for referenceoverthrown by the republican revolutionaries. During nearly six hundred years, twenty-four emperors lived in and ruled from this palace.The Forbidden City is surrounded by 10-metre-high walls and a 52-meter-wide moat. Measuring 961 meters from north to south and 753 meters from east to west, it covers an area of 1110000 square meters. Each of the four sides is pierced by a gate: the Meridian Gate (Wu men) on the south, the Gate of Divine Prowess(Shenwu men) on the north, the Eastern and Western Prosperity Gates (Donghua men and Xihua men).Once inside, visitors will see a succession of halls and palaces spreading out on either side of an invisible central axis. The buildings‟ glowing yellow roofs levitating above vermilion walls is a magnificent sight. The painted ridges and carved beams all contribute to the sumptuous effect.Known as the Outer Court, the southern portion of the Forbidden City centers on three main halls -- Hall of Supreme Harmony (Taihedian),Hall of Central Harmony (Zhonghedian),and Hall of Preserving Harmony (Baohedian). It was here in the Outer Court that the emperor held court and conducted grand audiences. Mirroring this arrangement is the Inner Court comprising the northern portion of the Forbidden City. The Inner Court is comprised of not only the residences of the emperor and his consorts but also venues for religious rituals and administrative activities.In total, the buildings of the two courts account for an area of some 163000 square meters. These were precisely designed in accordance with a code of architectural hierarchy, which designated specific features to reflect the paramount authority and status of the emperor. No ordinary mortal would have been allowed or would even have dared to come within close proximity to these buildings.The Forbidden City, the culmination of the two-thousand-year development of classical Chinese and East Asianarchitecture, has been influential in the subsequent development of Chinese architecture, as well as providing inspiration for many artistic works. Questions66. Why was the Palace given the name as “The Forbidden City”?67. Who was the first emperor that lived in the Palace?68. How long is the Forbidden City?69. What is the total area of the Forbidden City?70. What is the main function of the Inner Court of the Forbidden City?Section D (10 marks) Questions 71-75 are based on the following passage.A ncient Greeks thought the brain wasn‟t the basis for intellect. It was the home for the soul. They believed that the process of thinking happened somewhere near lungs. The brain wasn‟t seen as an organ of intellect and thought until the 17th and 18th centuries. In order to measure intelligence, the IQ test, or the intelligence quotient test, was invented. The Standford-Binet Intelligence Scale was created in Paris in the early 1900s. The scale was used in Alfred Binet‟s efforts to educate children with learning difficulties. Those with scores less than their respective ages were considered mentally challenged. The MENSA IQ test has also become popular. A person who scores 150 or higher on this test is considered to have exceptional intelligence. More than 10,000 people take the test every year.Some see IQ tests as an assessment of an individual‟s problem-solving skills, rather than general intelligence. For example, an individual may have high analytical intelligence that is genetic. This widely held view promoted many prejudiced ideas. Since the IQ test was created from the point of view of Europeans, people of other races scored comparatively lower.Research suggests that intelligence depends on culture and class. Tests given by the U.S. military showed that blacks scored lower than whites. The difference in scores was attributed to class and education levels, not genetic factors. Black childrenadopted into wealthier families scored significantly higher than low-income blacks. Studies have shown that children who grow in a positive learning environment score higher on the IQ tests. Having good nutrition can also affect the scores.A new type of IQ test has surfaced later on. It's called the EI test, or the emotional intelligence test. The test gauges the individual‟s ability to manage his or her emotions. Developed by Daniel Goleman, the test also measures how much self-awareness an individual has. Knowledge and emotional intelligence are different, experts say. A person with high emotional intelligence is able to better understand the feelings of others. Thus, they are better maintaining various relationships. Lowemotional intelligence can affect intelligence. Studies have shown that emotional intelligence is connected with memory and concentration. Individuals with low emotional intelligence have more aggressiveness and less self-control. These factors can dramatically reduce IQ scores by as much as 25 percent.Questions 71-75 Complete the summary with only one word for each blank from the passage, changing the form where necessary.Since the early 1900s, scientists have attempted to gauge the intelligence of people. Alfred Binet‟s intelligence scale and the MENS IQ test have been used frequently over the past centuries in 71.________ intelligence. Some studies suggest that the tests aren‟t necessarily a flawless benchmark, arguing that it72._______ only a person‟s problem-solving skills. Others think that intelligence is73._______ and it varies among races. New findings point to culture, class, education levels and environment as more important intelligence predictors 74._______ genetics. A new test that measures the emotionalintelligence, the ability to monitor one‟s emotions, has emerged. Recent findings reveal that one‟s emotional intelligence can affect one‟s IQ test 75._______.Part V Translation (15 marks)Section A (5 marks) Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.76. Opera is an art that brings music, singing, and drama together on stage. The first operas were performed in Italy in the early 1600s. These operas were based on ancient Greek myths and accompanied by sim ple melodies. The early composers of opera called their work “drama through music” because they felt the music was the key to expressing an idea or emotion. Although the first operas were performed for the aristocracy, by the 1700s many operas were being performed for the public.Section B (10 marks) Translate the following sentences into English by using the hints given in brackets.77. 他在学校的表现还没有达到他父母的期望。

2013贝恩杯咨询案例大赛 初赛试题

2013贝恩杯咨询案例大赛 初赛试题

The World of Opportunities for Yonghui: A Rising Star in China’s Grocery Retail MarketApril 26, 2013This information is confidential and was prepared by Bain & Company solely for the use of our client; it is not to be relied on by any 3rd party without Bain's prior written consentThe Assignment• Your team has been invited by the management of Yonghui to participate in a preliminary discussion on the company’s strategy in the next 5 years. The quality of your proposal and presentation will largely determine whether you can get into real discussions on a potential 3-month consulting project • To propose Yonghui’s strategy in the next 5 years, your team will need to tell a story, supported by data and analyses, that addresses the following questions:-How will the China grocery retail market evolve in the next 5 years? -Given this market, how should Yonghui think about growth and expansion? -What will be the biggest opportunities and challenges for Yonghui?• This proposal will be due by the end of May 5th, and you may be asked to present these materials to a small group of senior management in the following week • To ensure that your presentation hits the most important points, you have agreed with your team to produce a maximum of 15 slides (not including agenda pages or additional data analyses in backup materials) • To help you quickly get up-to-speed, Yonghui management has kindly shared some reference materials. Though these materials seem to be outdated, the management trusts your team will be able to gather updated and additional data from publicly available sources, such as annual reports, analysis reports, etc. • Good luck!This information is confidential and was prepared by Bain & Company solely for the use of our client; it is not to be relied on by any 3rd party without Bain's prior written consentHKG2013 Bain Cup Case Competition (Round 1)2Reference Materials• China grocery retail market trends identified by Bain & Company • Yonghui story and CEO interview reported by China Business NewsThis information is confidential and was prepared by Bain & Company solely for the use of our client; it is not to be relied on by any 3rd party without Bain's prior written consentHKG2013 Bain Cup Case Competition (Round 1)3China grocery retail market has witnessed six major trends in the past decade1 2 3Rapid market growth• Market growing fast with modern trade outgrow traditional • Main drivers are urbanization and income increase4Varied consumer behavior• Consumers generally concerned about freshness, price, safety and health • But specific preferences/ behavior differed by regions and city tiers5Major regional differences• Different regions have significant socio-economic distinctions • City tiers also contribute varied market realities6Fierce competition• All world leading MNC retailers are in China • Chinese retailers are all aggressively expanding beyond home baseHypermarkets taking share• New store openings concentrate on hypermarkets • But some cities also reach saturation of hypermarkets, e.g. SH & BJMulti-format store coverage• MNC hyper players entering community store/ CVS, e.g. Tesco Express • Local players entering hyper/ general merchandising storeHKG 2013 Bain Cup Case Competition (Round 1)This information is confidential and was prepared by Bain & Company solely for the use of our client; it is not to be relied on by any 3rd party without Bain's prior written consent41Strong grocery retail market growth, modern grocery retail outgrowing traditionalNote: Modern grocery retail includes Hypermarket, Supermarket and CVS (Convenience Stores) Source: Planet Retail; Bain analysis; Lit-research; Annual reports; Access Asia; Euromonitor; Statistical Yearbook of China Chain StoresThis information is confidential and was prepared by Bain & Company solely for the use of our client; it is not to be relied on by any 3rd party without Bain's prior written consent HKG 2013 Bain Cup Case Competition (Round 1)52Chinese consumers have specific concerns towards grocery consumptionPURSUIT OF FRESHNESS • Chinese consumers seek fresh foods to use in their cooking • Largely shop for fresh foods at wet markets on a daily basis • Mixed attitudes towards packaged fresh food as they like to pick up the products themselves PRICE SENSITIVITY • Price more important than brands or services“Brand loyalty is much lower than in the West. A price cut or good instore promotion can often sway shoppers.” Financial TimesFOOD SAFETY AND HEALTH PRODUCTS • Food safety is a major concern, especially after2008 melamine scandal• Thorough price comparison before purchase, no matter how small • Promotion seekers (e.g. coupons)• Increasing awareness on food processes (e.g. cold chain) and provenance- Largest modern retailers trusted for meat and deli products traceability• In health categories, Chinese consumers believe the higher the price the better qualitySource: Planet Retail; Lit searchThis information is confidential and was prepared by Bain & Company solely for the use of our client; it is not to be relied on by any 3rd party without Bain's prior written consent HKG 2013 Bain Cup Case Competition (Round 1)63China is not one market: significant socio-economic differences across regionsNorthwest # of provinces 5 246 19% 97 2,539 North/ Northeast # of provinces GDP (US$ B) GDP growth (04-09) Population (M) GDP/capita (US$) 10 1,907 18% Heilongjiang 454 4,199 JilinLiaoning Gansu Inner Mongolia Beijing Tianjin HebeiChina Overall • # of provinces: 31 • 2009 GDP: US$5.0T • 04-09 GDP growth: 17% • Population:1.31B • GDP/capita: $3,783 • Regions could differ widely onClimate Cultural tradition Dialect Consumer behavior Minority nation mix Logistics infrastructure - Etc.GDP (US$ B) GDP growth (04-09) Population (M) GDP/capita (US$)XinjiangEast 6 1,392 16% 288 4,834 (US$ B) growth (04-09) (US$)QinghaiNingxia# of provincesShanxiShaanxi HenanGDP Shandong GDP JiangsuTibetPopulation (M)Anhui GDP/capita Shanghai Zhejiang Jiangxi Fujian TaiwanSichuan ChongqingHubei HunanSouthwest # of provinces GDP (US$ B) GDP growth (04-09) Population (M) GDP/capita (US$) 5 409 17% 196 2,087YunnanGuizhou Guangxi GuangdongSoutheast 5 994 18% 273 3,6217# of provinces GDP (US$ B) GDP growth (04-09) Population (M) GDP/capita (US$)HKGHainanNote: All data is for 2009, GDP is measured at current price level. China region allocation is based on empirical evidence. Different sources may have different allocation; exchange rate is 6.83 Source: CEIC, National Bureau of StatisticsThis information is confidential and was prepared by Bain & Company solely for the use of our client; it is not to be relied on by any 3rd party without Bain's prior written consent2013 Bain Cup Case Competition (Round 1)3Different market realities across city tiersTier 1 cities (4) • Highest average household income and large urban population • Economy and political centers • • • • Beijing Shanghai Guangzhou Shenzhen Selecting criteria Tier 2 cities (33) • 2 Municipality cities • 26 Provincial capitals • Other 5 wealthiest cities • • • • • • • Tianjin Chongqing Foshan, Guangdong Qingdao, Shandong Ningbo, Zhejiang Wuxi, Jiangsu Shantou, Guangdong Tier 3 cities (~310) • All other prefecturelevel cities Tier 4/5 cities (~2K) • County cities • CountiesShare of retail sales (est.)Example cities• • • • • •Baoding, Hebei Anshan, Liaoning Nantong, Jiangsu Siping, Jilin Yantai, Shandong Mianyang, Sichuan• Jiaozhou, Shandong • Jimo, Shandong • Changhai Xian, Liaoning • Benxi, Liaoning • Longjiang, Heilongjiang • Raohe, Heilongjiang • Tonghua, Liaoning • Zunhua, Hebei36%64%HKG 2013 Bain Cup Case Competition (Round 1)Source: Lit search; NielsenThis information is confidential and was prepared by Bain & Company solely for the use of our client; it is not to be relied on by any 3rd party without Bain's prior written consent84Foreign and local players have different strengths/ strategy focusesFOREIGN PLAYERS • National footprint • Largely focused on hypermarket format • Attractive commercial model leveraging operating know-how • Formerly benefitted from privileged treatment by local authorities-Low rent -Forbearance vs. regulation infringementLOCAL PLAYERS • Regional footprint • Largely focused on supermarket format • Knowledge of local market • Strong relationship with local authoritiesSource: Lit searchThis information is confidential and was prepared by Bain & Company solely for the use of our client; it is not to be relied on by any 3rd party without Bain's prior written consent HKG 2013 Bain Cup Case Competition (Round 1)95In China, hypermarket is taking share from supermarketSource: Lit-research; Annual reports; Access Asia; Euromonitor; Statistical Yearbook of China Chain Stores; Bain analysisThis information is confidential and was prepared by Bain & Company solely for the use of our client; it is not to be relied on by any 3rd party without Bain's prior written consent HKG 2013 Bain Cup Case Competition (Round 1)10Domestic players are moving towards HM format, while MNCs began to try formats beyond HMWHILE DOMESTIC PLAYERS ARE MOVING TOWARDS HM FORMAT…… MNCS BEGAN TO TRY FORMATSBEYOND HM6Reference Materials•China grocery retail market trends identified byBain & Company•Yonghui story and CEO interview reported byChina Business News永辉超市:生不要碰,熟不要放•下午3点钟,还是上班族的办公时间。



37. In this problem as shown on the right, each square represents a digit from 0 to 9. What is the final product? Answer: ___________. 38. For some integer n, the sum of all of the digits of n is a multiple of 8 and the sum of all of the digits of n + 1 is also a multiple of 8. If n <= 2015, what is the greatest possible value of n? Answer: ___________. 39. In triangle ABC on the right, BD:DC = 1:2. If the area of triangle ABP is 7 and the area of triangle ACP is 5, what is the area of triangle ADP? 2 0 1 5 A P
1. 2 × 0 + 1 × 4 – 2 × 0 + 1 × 5 = ( ) A) 0 B) 5 C) 9 D) 15 2. There are 84 beavers in a colony. Yesterday they all went out in teams of 6 to collect logs. Today they are all going out in teams of 4. There will be ? more teams today than there were yesterday. ( ) A) 2 B) 7 C) 14 D) 21 3. 12 345 + 54 321 = 11 111 × ? A) 66 666 B) 666 ( ) C) 66 D) 6 ? years mmon multiple of 22, 42, 62, 82, and 102 is ( ) A) 3840 B) 14 400 C) 57 600 D) 230 400 28. A snail crawls 2400 mm per hour. It takes ? seconds to crawl 1 mm. ( ) 1 2 A) B) C) 1.5 D) 3 3 3 29. A circle can intersect a quadrilateral at ? points. ( ) A) 0, 2 or 8 only B) 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8 only C) 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, or 8 only D) 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8 30. Carla loves shells! She collects them, labelling each with a 1-, 2-, or 3-letter code. If the same letters are used in a different order, it is a different code. She has used every such code, so she has ? shells. ( ) A) 156 B) 17 576 C) 18 278 D) 20 888 31. If the sum of 50 consecutive integers is 1525, what is the sum of the next 50 consecutive integers? ( ) A) 1575 B) 2775 C) 4025 D) 76 250 32. Of 4 pairs of twins, 3 students are chosen to do a report together. There are ? possible groups of 3 that don’t include both twins from a pair. ( ) A) 16 B) 24 C) 28 D) 32 33. 八年后我的年龄是两年前我的年龄的两倍。请问两年后我是几岁? ( ) A) 14 B) 16 C) 18 D) 20 34. 将 0.75 转换为分数,这些分数的分子和分母都是小于 100 的正整数。这样的分数共有 多少个? ( ) A) 3 B) 24 C) 25 D) 33 35. 船长们划船 5 个小时。从第二个小时开始,每个小时行驶的距离比 前一个小时少了 2 千米。如果 5 个小时的平均行驶速度是 6 千米/小时,那么前 2 个小时行驶了多少千米? ( ) A) 6 B) 12 C) 16 D) 18 二、填空题(每小题 5 分,答对加 5 分,答错不扣分,共 25 分) 36. Calculate the number of digits which are equal to 0 in the product of 826446281, 11 and 11. Answer: ___________.



2015年大学生英语竞赛(NECCS)B类决赛真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. Listening Comperhension 2. Multiple Choice 3. Cloze 4. Reading Comperhension 5. Translation 6. IQ Test 7. Writing 8. Error CorrectionPart I Listening ComperhensionSection A听力原文:W: When are you going to get your hair cut? It’s not long till school starts again. I thought you were going to do it yesterday.M: Well, I’ll have to go tomorrow or the next day. I couldn’t go yesterday. It was closed. W: I thought it was always shut on Wednesday afternoons. M: No, it’s shut all day Tuesday.1.On which day of the week are they having the conversation?A.Monday.B.Tuesday.C.Wednesday.D.Thursday.正确答案:C解析:对话中男士说到“it’s shut all day Tuesday.”理发店周二一整天都关着,因此昨天没有去剪头发,会在明后天去。



听力原文:W: I’m sorry but we need some identification if you’d like to pay by credit card.M: Oh, I don’t think I have any identification with me and I don’t have enough cash. I’m sure I paid by credit card last time I was here.W: Yes, we do accept credit cards but only if the bill is under 100 euros. I’m afraid it’s a security rule.2.Why does the man insist on paying by credit card?A.He knows no identification is needed.B.He doesn’t carry enough cash with him.C.He only has bills of 100 euros.D.He uses credit card only.正确答案:B解析:对话中男士没有任何身份证明但是坚持用信用卡支付,他说到“I don’t have enoughcash.”,可以知道男士没有带足够的现金。







第二步,根据Hopfield 网络的有关方法,以景点间的消耗时间为参考量,建立了适用于问题一的Hopfield网络的计算模型。































2015 贝恩杯案例分析大赛初赛题目ppt课件

2015 贝恩杯案例分析大赛初赛题目ppt课件
• This proposal is due by end of day May 4th, and you may be asked to present these materials to Strategy Director in the following week
• To ensure that your presentation hits the most important points and is “communicating-for-results”, you have agreed with the Strategy Director that
• ApparelCo. is a leading Chinese apparel company engaging in the whole value chain: design, manufacture and sales. It has multiple garment brands with different brand positioning (see below).
- Which brand(s) should go online? - Along the customer journey, what kind of initiative(s) should be done online to fulfil
customer needs?
• You team need to tell a compelling story supported by robust data and analyses
Brand 1
High-end business formal
Brand 2
Young and trendy casual



2015National English Competition forCollege Students(Level B-Preliminary)参考答案及评分标准Part I.Listening Comprehension(30marks)Section A(5marks)1—5CBCADSection B(10marks)6—10BDADB11—15DACABSection C(5marks)16—20DCBBDSection D(10marks)21.desire22.restlessness or irritability23.escape problems24.three or more25.accessibility26.indulge27.immediate gratification28.obsession with29.powerful hook30.virtual realityPart II.Vocabulary,Grammar&Culture(15marks)Section A(10marks)31—35BCDAC36—40ACDBCSection B(5marks)41—45ADCBBPart III.Cloze(10marks)46.among47.equipment48.What49.other50.less51.Having compared52.intellectually53.indicators54.development55.whoPart IV.Reading Comprehension(35marks)Section A(5marks)56—60TFFTFSection B(10marks)61—65CAFGESection C(10marks)66.Climate and geography.67.In Europe,robes were associated with femininity and trousers with masculinity,while in China,they indicated different social status.68.It means upper class.1--2--69.They wore shorter skirts.70.Because they vehemently rejected clothing with mixed gender and class messages.Section D (10marks)71.incentive and action 72.detrimental to 73.Perfectionists 74.perverse satisfaction 75.clear expectationsPart V.Translation (10marks)Section A (5marks)76.母语以及语言多样性与个人的身份认同息息相关。























2015年中国化学奥林匹克竞赛浙江省预赛试题 可编辑版

2015年中国化学奥林匹克竞赛浙江省预赛试题 可编辑版







)1.2014年艾力克·贝齐格(Eric Betzig)、斯特凡·W·赫尔(Stefan W.Hell)和W·E·莫尔纳尔(W.E.Moerner)三位德美科学家因发明了超高分辨荧光显微技术而获得诺贝尔化学奖。



下列对新材料的有关说法中正确的是(D)A.碳纳米管是由碳原子组成的管状长链,管上的碳原子采用sp3杂化(sp3杂化是指一个原子同一电子层内由一个n s轨道和三个n p轨道发生杂化的过程。


但如果结晶不出现,原子便会随机排列(random arrangement),成为金属玻璃(metallic glass)。














来自 </ISADC/competitionRequirements.html>2013竞赛主题竞赛宗旨建筑必须消失。










该零售企业成立于上世纪XX年代,经过多年的发展,已成为国内知名的零售企业之一。目前,公司拥有多个品牌和 门店,业务覆盖全国多个城市。
运用数据分析工具对方案实施过程中 收集的数据进行分析,深入了解方案 的执行情况和市场反应。
在本次案例分析中,我们学到了如何运用市场分析和商业策略来解决实际问题。通过深入研究客户需求、竞争对 手和市场趋势,我们学会了制定有效的商业计划和战略。
在案例解决过程中,我们发现关键成功因素包括团队协作、数据分析和创新思维。通过团队协作,我们能够充分 发挥各自的优势,实现资源共享;通过数据分析,我们能够深入了解市场和客户需求,为决策提供有力支持;通 过创新思维,我们能够打破传统思维模式,提出独特的解决方案。
在实施过程中不断优化和完善 方案,根据实际情况调整策略
建立有效的反馈渠道,收集客户、团 队成员和其他利益相关者的意见和建 议。
根据评估结果和反馈意见,对方案进 行持续优化和改进,提高方案的竞争 力和实施效果。
建立科学的评估体系,对方案实施效 果进行全面评估,了解方案的优点和 不足。
全面评估团队及外部资源,合理分配 和利用,确保方案实施的高效性和可 行性。


nd next steps (1/3)
Welcome to the 2015 Bain case competition! Your team has been invited by the Strategy Director of ApparelCo. to participate in a pre-discussion on ApparelCo.’s ecommerce strategy in China for the next
Source: iResearch; Analysys International; Bain analysis
For apparel, women clothes and low-medium priced apparel items are most popular online categories
Possible customer journey
Integrated online and offline platform has made new customer journey possible for shopping
Source: Bain Experience
Apparel ecommerce channel has experienced different development stages; 4 major models exist in current stage
China has become the No. 2 in global digital retail market …
China is expected to overtake U.S. to be no. 1 in 2013
Lower price is stated as the single most important reason that drives consumers to shop online…


最能够预测总统的支持度?请给两个理由来说明你 的答案。
大家都知道,在冬天,流感可能在人群中迅 速地大规模传播,并有可能一连持续几个星期。
抵抗流感病毒的最好办法就是保持身体健康强壮。 为了增强免疫系统抵抗病毒的能力,应该坚持每天锻 炼身体,并且多吃水果和蔬菜。
块,她要用最少数目的小正方体,而方块里要保留最 大的空心。那么,她最少要用多少块小正方体来砌成 这个方块?
人支持度,而举办民意调查。四家报社各自进行全 国性的民调。这四家报社的民调结果如下:
阅读素养、数学素养、科学素养, 从2012年开始新增加财经素养。
每3年全世界范围举行一次; 2009年中国上海首次参加,取得全球第一;
回到家,他将强力胶涂在捕鼠器的底部,并将 捕鼠器黏在天花板上。然后再小心翼翼地将乳酪放 在上头作饵,希望能够赶走它们
当天晚上,老鼠们从它们的巢穴出来,看到了 天花板上的捕鼠器,它们认为这真是天大的笑话。 它们在地上走着,用手肘轻碰彼此,并且用前爪指 着天花板笑得东倒西歪。毕竟,将捕鼠器放在天花 板上,真是太愚蠢了。
圆柱形杯口的面积和锥形杯口的面积相等, 将圆柱形杯中的液体倒入锥形杯中,能倒满 ( )杯。
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

Lower price is stated as the single most important reason that drives consumers to shop online…
• This proposal is due by end of day May 4th, and you may be asked to present these materials to Strategy Director in the following week
• To ensure that your presentation hits the most important points and is “communicating-for-results”, you have agreed with the Strategy Director that
Case background and next steps (3/3)
• To set a “Point of Departure”, your team can either choose an existing apparel player with brand portfolio and sales channel similar to the one described before (for example, Youngor, Baoxiniao, Lancy, Anzheng, etc.) as the hypothetical client, or assume a nonexistent player with similar characteristics • To help you quickly get up-to-speed, the Strategy Director has kindly shared some reference materials. Although some of these materials may be outdated, he/she believes that your team will be able to gather other interesting and powerful information from publicly available sources (e.g. company annual reports, analyst reports, business news) or primary research to support your analysis and recommendation
Good luck!
This information is confidential and was prepared by Bain & Company solely for the use of our client; it is not to be relied on by any 3rd party without Bain's prior written consent HKG 2015 Bain Case Competition-Fir ...
- Maximum 15 slides for the presentation (not including agenda pages or additional data analyses in backup materials) - Minimum 26 font size for slide taglines; minimum 14 font size for main body text; minimum 3 charts/graphs on a slide - All pages should be easy to read and understand for audience with a general background
• ApparelCo. is a leading Chinese apparel company engaging in the whole value chain: design, manufacture and sales. It has multiple garment brands with different brand positioning (see below). Brand 1 High-end business formal Brand 2 Young and trendy casual Brand 3 Business casual Brand …
- What are the demographics profile of the target consumers and value propositions for ApparelCo.’s brands respectively? - What is the status quo of offline business and how will online business affect offline business?
This information is confidential and was prepared by Bain & Company solely for the use of our client; it is not to be relied on by any 3rd party without Bain's prior written consent HKG 2015 Bain Case Competition-Fir ...
This information is confidential and was prepared by Bain & Company solely for the use of our client; it is not to be relied on by any 3rd party without Bain's prior written consent
2015 Bain Case Competition-Fir ...
China digital retail market has become #2 in the world in 2012, and expected to exceed US in 2013
• Based on your understanding of the two questions above, the Strategy Director expects you to make recommendation on the breadth and depth of oe background and next steps (1/3)
• Welcome to the 2015 Bain case competition!
• Your team has been invited by the Strategy Director of ApparelCo. to participate in a prediscussion on ApparelCo.’s ecommerce strategy in China for the next 5 years. The quality of your proposal and presentation will determine whether you can get to the discussion with CEO on a potential 3-month consulting project
• All are mainly sold through physical channels - both company owned and franchise stores, although they have also started using the online platform to a limited degree. • In the past 2 years, top line growth has slowed down. As the current management have little online expertise or interest, the CEO and Strategy Director are looking for some help to assess online platform as a potential lever to drive future growth.
2015 Bain Case Competition-Fir ...
Case background and next steps (2/3)
• To prepare for the discussion, your team need to think through these questions:
Fueling Future Growth for ApparelCo.
Ecommerce Strategy
April, 2015
This information is confidential and was prepared by Bain & Company solely for the use of our client; it is not to be relied on by any 3rd party without Bain's prior written consent