

Unit 6 Is an Only-Child a Lonely Child?

1.Many couples, who already have one healthy, happy child, are facing a dilemma,

namely, the issue of whether or not to have a second child. They have demanding jobs and limited time and financial resources, but they are also very keen to ensure that their only child does not become a lonely child. So, what are the pros and cons of having a second child?

Is an only child a lonely child? That is what so many couples are very much concerned about and eager to understand.

2.The issue of whether to have a second child is one of the most difficult issues that

parents nowadays face. A concern that is often heard with regard to single child is whether one child necessarily means a lonely child. Many single-child parents feel a stigma associated with their decision to have only one child.There are no other children in the family for the child to associate with, and this may lead to the child feeling lonely at times,especially during vacations.

3.Another common argument against having just one child is that an only child may be more

spoiled than one with siblings.Many people believe that a single child will not have learned to negotiate with others, and respect the give-and-take involved in many relationships. Some think this may leave the child less capable of interacting well with people his or her own age than one who has been raised with siblings.

4.Despite these arguments, the number of parents choosing to have only one child is

increasing in many parts of the world. In the US, for example, 14 percent of women between

18 and 34 plan to have just one child, and this percentage is expected to rise. The same trend

can be seen in the UK. According to the Family Policy Studies Center, the overall number of British children being born each year has declined. In Japan, the average number of children born per family had declined to 1.42 by 1996, while latest statistics cite less than one child.

This has led to government concerns about supporting an increasing population of elderly people in the future; it is predicted that, by 2020, a third of the population in Japan will be aged 65 or over.

5.For some single-child parents, particularly those with busy careers, the pressures of

devoting time and energy to a second child can seem too overwhelming, resulting in them electing to have no more children. For other parents, the financial burden of having a second child may be the prime consideration. According to government surveys, many couples in Japan choose not to have large families as the cost of supporting a child up to the age of 18 is estimated to be around 20 million yen, equivalent to around US $160,000.

6.Advocates of single-child families argue that there are advantages for the child as well

as the parents. With just one child, they suggest, there is no potential for family arguments arising from favoritism or sibling jealousy. Moreover, with only one child, the parents can give, and the child can receive, more quality timeand attention. This often leads to increased self-esteem which, combined with increased independence, can lead to the child being more confident.

7.Unfortunately, there is no simple answer to the question of whether or not to have a

second child. The circumstances affecting each set of parents are unique,and what is appropriate for one family may not be for another. The important thing, in the end, is to make

a decision that both you and your spouse feel confident about.

Paragraph 1

Words and Expressions

1. dilemma n.

a situation in which it is difficult to decide what to do, because each choice has its advantages and disadvantages

e.g. The bad weather put us in a dilemma whether to leave or stay.


be in a dilemma

e.g. I’m in a dilemma about this job offer.


2. issue n.

a subject or problem that is often discussed or argued about

e.g. Unemployment is not the issue — the real problem is the decline in public morality.

I just got a raise, so money’s no longer an issue.


raise the issue: say that a problem should be discussed

e.g. We should raise the issue of discrimination with the council.


subject, problem

3. demanding a.

needing a lot of ability, effort, or skill

e.g. Climbing is physically demanding, while studying is mentally demanding.

Many people agree that teaching is a demanding profession.


demand n.& v.

4. keen adj. interested in sth. or eager to do it

e.g. John is a keen photographer.


be keen on sth.

e.g.Daniel’s very keen on tennis.

be keen to do sth.

e.g.She’s out of hospital and keen to get back to work.


interested, eager


keenness n.

5. concerned adj. worried about something

e.g. Concerned parents approached the school about the problem.


be concerned about

e.g. Ross has never been particularly concerned about what other people think of him.

be concerned for

e.g. Rescuers are concerned for the safety of two men trapped in the mine.

be concerned that

e.g.He’s concerned that he won’t get his money back.


concern n.& v.

concerning prep.


the pros and cons of having a second child (Paragraph 1)

Explanation: the pros and cons: the advantages and disadvantages

e.g. Before we make a decision, we must weigh up the pros and cons.

After hours’ discussion, everybody at the meeting could see clearly the pros and cons

of the proposal.

Paraphrase: the advantages and disadvantages of having one more child


Paragraphs 2-3

Words and Expressions

6. concern n. a feeling of worry about sth. important; sth. that worries you

e.g. His main concern is to be able to provide for his family.


concern about / over

e.g. There is growing concern about the effects of pollution on health.

concern for sb.

e.g. A government spokesman expressed concern for the lives of the hostages.

7. stigma n. a mark of shame or disgrace; a shameful feeling or reputation

e.g. There is a strong stigma attached to suicide.

In the past divorce and single parenthood carried a stigma.


8. at times

sometimes but not usually

e.g.At times I wonder if it’s worth all the effort.

Comparison: at no time, at all times

at no time: used to say strongly that something never happened or should never happen

at all times: used especially in official notices or announcements to say what always happens or should always happen


1) _________ did I tell you that you could use my car. (At no time)

2) Identification badges must be worn __________. (at all times)

3) _________________ even the most talented athletes lose their motivation. (At times)

9. sibling n.

(fml) a brother or sister

e.g. A child with siblings seldom gets lonely.

Most young smokers are influenced by their elder siblings’ smoking habits.

10. negotiate v. discuss sth. in order to reach an agreement, esp. in business or politics

e.g. Union leaders have negotiated an agreement for a shorter working week.


negotiate with

e.g. The government refuses to negotiate with terrorists.


negotiation n.

negotiable adj.

11. interact v.

1) (people) talk to each other and understand each other

e.g. He interacts well with other children in the class.

2) (things) have an effect on each other and work together

e.g. Social and economic factors are interacting to produce a recession.


interaction: n.

interactive: adj.


1. Many single-child parents feel a stigma associated with their decision to have only one child. (Paragraph 2)

Paraphrase: Many single-child families have a strong sense of shame in their decision to have only one child.

Translation: 许多只有一个小孩的父母都为自己只生一个小孩的决定感到羞愧。

2. … this may lead to the child feeling lonely at times, …? (Paragraph 2):

Explanation: lead to sb. doing sth.: cause sth. to happen to sb. or cause sb. to do sth.

e.g. His actions could lead to him losing his job.

Paraphrase: … such a situation will probably result in the child having a sense of loneliness from time to time, …?

Translation: 这样一种环境可能经常会让孩子感到孤独。

3. Another common argument against having just one child is that an only child may be more spoiled than one with siblings. (Paragraph 3):

Explanation: spoil: make sb., esp.a child, selfish from having too much attention or prais Paraphrase: Another reason some people usually hold against having only one-child is that an only child is more likely to be given too much love and care than one that has brothers and/or sisters.

Translation: 另外一个常用于反驳只养育一个孩子的理由是:一个孩子获得的溺爱要比那些有兄弟姐妹的孩子多得多。

4. respect the give-and-take involved in many relationships (Paragraph 3):

Paraphrase: realize the importance of cooperation and mutual understanding between themselves and other people in various situations

Translation: 认识到在各种关系中合作与相互了解的重要性

Paragraphs 4-5

Words and Expressions

12. decline: v.

1) decrease in quantity or importance

e.g. Spending on information technology has declined.

2) become gradually worse in quality

e.g. Do you think standards of education have declined in recent years?




decline: n.

13. cite:v.

1) mention something as an example, esp. one that supports or explains an idea or a situation

e.g. Several factors have been cited as the cause of the student unrest.

2) give the exact words of something that has been written, esp. in order to support an opinion or prove an idea

e.g. The writer cited many quotations from different scholars.




citation: n.

14. overwhelming: adj.

1) having such a great effect on you that you feel confused and at a loss what to do

e.g. She felt an overwhelming desire to hug her child.

The sheer size of the place seems overwhelming and confusing at first.

2) (numbers, odds, etc.) very large

e.g. An overwhelming majority of the members were against the idea.


overwhelm: v.

15. elect to do sth. : (fml) choose to do something

e.g. You can elect to delete the message or save it.


Purchasers can elect to pay in monthly installments.


16. prime: adj. main; most important

e.g. Smoking is the prime cause of lung disease.

Our prime concern is providing jobs for all young school leavers.




prime: n.

prime: v.

17. equivalent:adj. having the same value, purpose, etc. as a person or thing of a different kind

e.g. We could give you an equivalent amount in company shares.


be equivalent to

e.g. This is a qualification which is equivalent to degree.

Comparison: equivalent, equal

equal: being the same in size, value, amount, number, etc. as something else

e.g. Jennifer cut the cake in to six equal pieces.


equivalence: n.


1. …, 14 percent of women between 18 and 34 plan to have just one child, and this percentage is expected to rise. (Paragraph 4)

Explanation: Use percent only with a number, e.g. 30 percent, 9 percent, etc. If you mean “an amount expressed as part of a total,” use percentage.

e.g. A high percentage of the population was illiterate.


2. while latest statistics cite less than one child (Paragraph 4)

Paraphrase: while latest statistics show that the average number of children born per family has declined to less than one child


Paragraph 6

Words and Expressions

18. advocate:n. someone who publicly support someone else or something

e.g.He is a strong advocate of “English only” in class.


support: [U] the people who support something

supporter: [C] someone who supports something


advocate: v.

19. potential: n. the possibility that something will develop in a certain way, or have a particular effect

e.g. The potential for abuse in such a system is enormous.


potentiality: (fml) possibility


potential: adj.

potentiality: n.

20. arise:v. begin to happen

e.g. A crisis has arisen between the two countries.


arise from: be caused or started by a situation, event, etc.

e.g. Can we begin by discussing matters arising from the last meeting?

Comparison: arise, rise

rise: increase in number, amount or value


1) House prices are likely to _________ towards the end of this year. (rise)

2) During the night a great storm _________. (has arisen)

21. jealousy: n. anger and unhappiness because someone has something you wish you had

e.g. Polly felt a sharp pang of jealousy when she saw Paul with Suzanne.


jealous: adj.

22. self-esteem:n. the feeling of being satisfied with your own abilities, and that you deserve to be liked or respected

e.g. You ought to raise your self-esteem.

Playing a sport can boot a girl’s self-esteem.




self-doubt: the feeling that you and your abilities are not good enough

Paragraph 7

Words and Expressions

23. unique:adj. the single one of its kind

e.g.Each person’s fingerprints are unique.

Comparison: unique, only

unique: having features or qualities that make it different from anything else

only: being the only one of something available in a particular place at a particular time Practice:

1) She was the _________ woman doctor in the district. (only)

2) I am in a rather _________ position, as my job is different from anyone else's. (unique) Derivation:

uniqueness: n.

24. spouse:n. (fml) a husband or wife

e.g. The writer’s opinion is that you make a decision that both you and your spouse feel confident


e.g. He never mentioned his spouse.


The circumstances affecting each set of parents are unique, … (Paragraph 7)

Paraphrase: The conditions that affect parents’ decisions concerning child-birth vary from family to family, …

Translation: 那些影响父母做出决定的因素各不相同。

Consolidation Activities

I. Vocabulary

1 Phrase practice

1. demanding jobs= jobs needing a lot of attention or effort 费力的工作

e.g. Being babysitter is really a demanding job, which requires love, patience and the skills.


2. with regard to = in connection with; on the subject of 关于,至于

e.g. With regard to your health, you must quit smoking right now. 考虑到你的健康,你必须马上


With regard to the financial difficulties, the company decided to cut its expense. 考虑到财政困难,公司决定压缩支出。

3. stigma =sign of shame; feeling of being ashamed 耻辱,受到侮辱

e.g. The stigma has deprived him of all joy and fun in those days. 那些日子里,他心中的耻辱使


4. g ive-and-take=willingness of each person to satisfy others’ wishes 妥协,互让

e.g. Give-and-take is the secret of successful friendship. 付出和给予是成功的友谊的秘密。

2. Word / Phrase comparison


with regard to: in connection with

e.g.I am writing to you with regard to your letter of 15 March.

for the purpose of:why you do sth. or why sth. exists

e.g. I came to Brighton for the express purpose of seeing you.

in view of:used to introduce the reason for a decision, action or situation

e.g. In view of his conduct, the club has decided to suspend him.

in accordance with: according to a rule, system, etc.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/3e2176304.html,e this product only in accordance with the manufacture’s instructions.


ensure: to make certain that sth. happens

e.g.We must ensure the purity of drinking water.

entertain:to keep a group of people interested or enjoying themselves

e.g. We hired a magician to entertain the children.

enable:to make it possible for someone to do something, or for something to happen

e.g. Our main goal is to enable healthy change and growth.

enquire: if you enquire about something, you ask for information about it

e.g.He was so impressed that he enquired the young shepherd’s name.


associate with (sb.): to spend time with someone, esp. someone that other people disapprove of e.g.He may have been associating with the criminals.

care about:if you care about something, you feel that it is important and are concerned about it e.g.Does anybody know we’re here, does anybody care about it?

be concerned with:to be about a particular thing or person

e.g.Today’s lesson is concerned with punctuation.

touch: to have an effect on someone or something, especially by changing or influencing them e.g. He has touched the lives of many people.


at times: sometimes

e.g.Life is hard at times.

in time:before the time by which it is necessary for something to be done

e.g. Will you be able to finish it in time?

on time:at the correct time or the time that was arranged

e.g.Jack was worried about whether he’d be able to get there on time.

sometime: at a time in the future or the past which is not known or not stated

e.g. We really should meet sometime soon to discuss the details.


resultin: to cause a particular situation to happen

e.g.The fire resulted in damage to their property.

result from:if a situation or problem results from a particular event or activity, it is caused by it e.g. His difficulty in walking results from a childhood illness.


cite: if you cite something, you quote it or mention it, especially as an example or proof of what

you are saying

e.g.She cites a favorite poem by George Herbert .

site:a place where something is, was, or where something happened, is happening, or will happen e.g.The council hasn’t yet chosen the site for the new hospital.

sight:the physical ability to see

e.g.Anne’s sight is very good for someone of her age.

borrow: if you borrow something that belongs to someone else, you take it or use it for a period of time, usually with their permission

e.g.He wouldn’t let me borrow his clothes.


despite: without taking any notice of or being influenced by; not prevented by

e.g.I still enjoyed the week despite the weather.

in spite of:despite,regardless of; not being prevented by (sb./sth.)

e.g.In spite of his injury, Ricardo will play in Saturday’s match.


equivalent: if one amount or value is the equivalent of another, they are the same

e.g.The equivalent of two tablespoon of polyunsaturated oils is ample each day.

same:exactly like another or each other

e.g. She was wearing exactly the same dress as I was.

related to:things that are related are connected in some way

e.g. Police now believe that the three crimes could be related to each other.

different to: Things are unlike in nature or quality or form or degree.

e.g. My approach is totally different to his.

3. Synonym / Antonym

Give synonyms or antonym s of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used.

1. A concern that is often heard with regard to single children is whether one child necessarily means a lonely child.

Synonyms: only, sole

2. Another common argument against having just one child is that an only child may be more spoiled than one with siblings.

Antonyms: uncommon, unusual, extraordinary, exceptional

3. Many people believe that a single child will not have learned to negotiate with others, and respect the give-and-take involved in many relationships.

Synonyms: honor, admire, esteem

4. Despite these arguments, the number of parents choosing to have only one child is increasing in many parts of the world.

Antonyms: decrease, diminish, lessen

5. This has led to government concerns about supporting an increasing population of elderly people in the future.

Synonyms: worries, anxiety

6. For some single-child parents, the pressures of devoting time and energy to a second child can seem too overwhelming.

Antonyms: insignificant, weak, feeble, powerless

7. For other parents, the financial burden of having a second child may be the prime


Synonyms: first, chief, main, primary, principal, foremost, leading

8. Unfortunately, there is no simple answer to the question of whether or not to have a second child.

Antonyms:fortunately, luckily

4. Word derivation

Fill in the blank in each sentence with an appropriate form of the given word in brackets.

1.She is famous for her advocacy of human rights. (advocate)

2.When the time for parting came, he shook hands with everyone respectfully. (respect)

3.It is estimated that China has enormous potential for economic development in the coming

year. (potentially)

4.The job of a surveyor is to examine the condition of a building, or to measure and record the

details of an area of land. (survey)

5.The British Air Force succeeded despite overwhelming odds against them. (overwhelm)

6.The association between the two companies dates back to the last century. (associate)

7.There is no English equivalent for “bon appetite,” so we have adopted the French expression.


8.I thought his remark was highly inappropriate, given the circumstances. (appropriate)

1.advocate (v.) 提倡,主张,拥护

advocation (n.) 拥护,支持,辩护

advocator (n.) 提倡者,拥护者

advocatory (a.) 拥护者的,有关拥护者的

advocacy (n.) 拥护,主张,辩护

Chinese-English translation


Do you advocate banning cars in the city center?

2) 小说的历史价值在于对人文精神的关怀上。

The historical value of the novel lies in its advocation of humanism.

3) 作为全球化的积极推动者,这个国家得到了巨大的回报。

As the active advocator of globalization, the country has been greatly rewarded.

2.respect (v.) 尊敬,尊重;遵守

respectable (a.) 人格高尚的,值得尊敬的

respectful (a.) 恭敬的,礼貌的

respective (a.)分别的,各自的

Chinese-English translation


You need to respect your teachers.


He is respectable and reliable.

3) 他们和经理站开了一些距离,以示尊敬。

They stood at a respectful distance from the manager.

4) 下课后,学生们各自回家。

The students returned to their respective homes after class.

3. potential (n.) 可能性,潜能

potent (adj.) 有效的,强有力的,有权势的

e.g. It is the most potent poison. 这是最厉害的毒药。

One has unlimited potential waiting to be explored. 人们有着无尽的潜能等待发掘。


surveillance (n.) 监督,监视

surveyor (n.) 测量员,检验员

e.g. It is impossible to survey the will of the people in such short time 想要在这么短时间内完成


The surveyor announced that all the walls were completely sound. 检查员宣布所有墙壁均完好无损。

Surveillance video captures a woman with the kidnapped boy. 监视器拍摄到了一名妇女带着这名被绑架的男孩。

5.overwhelm (v.) 压倒,淹没,受打击

overwhelming (adj.) 压倒性的,势不可挡的

overwhelmingly (adv.) 压倒性地,不可抵抗地

e.g. No difficulty can overwhelm the brave. 勇敢的人是不会被困难打倒的。

She felt an overwhelming desire to see her boy. 她无比渴望见到自己的儿子。

Chinese youth overwhelmingly want personal computer. 中国的年轻人非常渴望拥有个人电脑。


association (n.) 协会,联盟,社团

associative (adj.) 联合的,联想的,组合的

associator (n.) 社员,伙伴,会员

e.g. Many people associate dark clouds with depression and bad luck. 许多人把乌云与沮丧和厄


The anti-smoking association launches a new campaign in the campus. 禁烟协会在校园里发动了一场新的运动。

His associative ability impressed me a lot. 他的联想能力使我印象深刻。

The associators are working hard together for their common goal. 会员们为了他们共同的目标团结奋斗。

7.equal (adj.) 相等的,胜任的,平等的

equality (n.) 平等,相等

equation (n.) 等式,方程式

equivalent (adj.) 相等的,等价的,同意义的

equivalence (n.) 等值,相等

e.g. Woman and man should enjoy equal pay for the same job. 男性女性应当同工同酬。

I would sacrifice my life for equality and freedom. 为了平等和自由我宁愿牺牲生命。

The equation of happiness and wealth is dangerous. 将幸福与财富等同是很危险的。

He changed his pounds for the equivalence amount in dollars. 他把英镑兑换成等值的美元。

There is no equivalence of parental love for kids. 对孩子而言,父母之爱是无可替代的。

8.appropriate ( adj.) 适当的

appropriately (adv.) 适当地

inappropriate (adj.) 不适当的,不相称的

e.g. Appropriate table manner is required in a formal banquet. 正式聚会要求得体的餐桌礼仪。

Parents need to handle their emotion appropriately. 父母应当妥当处理自己的情绪。

It is inappropriate to put the knife into the mouth at the table. 就餐时不应当将叉子放入口中。


【九年级】unit6知识点总结 unit 6 When was it invented? change the style of the shoes 改变鞋子的风格 in style时尚的,时髦的 out of style过时的 an invention 一项发明 an inventor一个发明家 with pleasure 我很乐意,相当于all right ,用于答应别人的请求,在帮助别人之前使用 It’s a pleasure. = It’s my pleasure. = My pleasure. 我的荣幸,不客气,用于帮助别人之后回答 别人的感谢。 such a great invention如此伟大的发明 in our daily lives在我们的日常生活中 seem to do sth似乎要做某事 have a point有道理 do ,does , did在动词原形前,起强调作用 the pioneers of different inventions 不同发明的先驱 wasn’t used widely没有被广泛使用 mention 动词,提到,说到,后面可以接名词、代词、doing、从句 Why did you mention it? / He didn’t mention his brother to me. I mentioned playing basketball just now and he agreed. list 动词,列举 List ten of your favorite songs.列出你最喜欢的十首歌曲。

be listed被列举 名词,清单,列表 shopping list购物清单 make a list制作清单 pleasant 形容词,令人愉快的,常作定语,修饰物 pleased形容词,使人感到高兴,满意,主语为人 be pleased to do sth很高兴做某事 be pleased with对…满意 pleasing形容词,常作表语 The trip is pleasing. by accident 意外地 I hurt my leg by accident. 偶然地 = by chance I found my purse by accident/ by chance in the library. it is said that + 句子据说 It is said that he is the best student in our school. it is reported that+句子据报道 It is reported that it will rain tomorrow. It is believed that 据认为,人们认为 It is known that 众所周知 a Chinese ruler called Shen Nong 一个叫做神农的中国统治者drinking water 饮用水 over an open fire 在室外的火上 fall into 落入 fall down 倒塌,摔倒 fall off从…摔倒 fall down from = fall off 从…摔倒 fall behind落后


第六单元知识小结 一、易读错的字 慈.(cí)爱毕竟.(jìng)一行.(háng) 停泊.(bó)鸣蝉.(chán)指南针.(zhēn) 垂.(chuí)下忠.(zhōng)实帮.助(bāng) 稠.(chóu)密一盏.(zhǎn)宇宙.(zhòu) 稍.(shāo)微浴.(yù)室倒.(dào)退 二、易写错的字 岭:右边是“令”,不是“今”。 荷:注意是上下结构,不要写成左右结构。 垂:一共有四个横,不要漏掉一横。 导:注意上面是“巳”,不要写成“已”。 三、会写词语 湖水莲花荷叶绝对山岭雷雨乌云乌黑压下雷声垂下闪电窗户房子迎接扑上去天然帮助指点北极星 杯子特别积雪生活宇宙失去 地板容易浴室 四、多音字 xíng(步行)bó(漂泊) 行泊 háng(银行)pō(湖泊)

dōu(都是)yāo(要求) 都要 dū(首都)yào(需要) dǎo(跌倒)jiào(睡觉) 倒觉 dào(倒水)jué(觉得) 五、形近字 乌(乌黑)户(户外)压(压力) 鸟(小鸟)尸(尸体)庄(村庄) 导(引导)永(永远)乱(打乱) 异(异同)水(浇水)刮(刮风)六、近义词 望—看鸣—叫渐渐—慢慢清新—清爽忽然—突然慌张—惊慌天然—自然 分辨—辨别舒服—舒适必须—务必 一动不动—纹丝不动 七、反义词 前—后遥—近渐渐—飞快打开—关上 清新—污浊慌张—镇定解冻—冰封 稠—稀有趣—乏味特别—普通 八、词语搭配 1. 量词搭配:

一(阵)大风一(只)蜘蛛 一(条)彩虹一(盏)指路灯 一(个)安稳觉一(件)事 2. 形容词搭配: (满天)的乌云(清新)的空气 (天然)的指南针(忠实)的向导 九、词语归类 描写太空的词语: 浩瀚无际群星闪烁神秘莫测 广袤无垠苍穹无边 十、句子积累 1. 古诗名句:接天荷叶无穷碧,映日荷花别样红。 两个黄鹂鸣翠柳,一行白鹭上青天。 2. 拟人句:蜘蛛又坐在网上。 3. 比喻句、拟人句:太阳是个忠实的向导,它在天空给你指点 方向。 4.“把”字句:宇航员必须把自己绑在睡袋里。 十一、考点提示 1. 背诵:《悯农(其一)》《古诗二首》。 2.《雷雨》中第2-5 自然段常以填空题或课内阅读的形式进行考 查。 3.《要是你在野外迷了路》中介绍的四种“天然的指南针”常以


初三化学第六单元知识点总结: 1、请根据所学知识写出金属活动性顺序表: 氢 H 2、请写出四大反应类型,并写出其反应通式: 反应类型反应通式反应方程式举例 化合反应A+B=AB 3、同素异形体的定义为:,请举两例有关同素异形体的例子:①② 4、请根据所学的知识,填写下表: 物质性质作用 金刚石 石墨 焦炭 炭黑 活性炭(或木炭) 5、为什么活性炭、金刚石、石墨、焦炭、炭黑它们都是碳的单质但是性质差异却如此的明显 6、请根据了解的碳单质的化学性质填写下表:

化学性质作用 稳定性 下面有关内容书写化学方程式 可燃性 氧气充足时 氧气不足时 还原性 碳和四氧化三铁 碳和三氧化二铁 碳和二氧化碳 碳和氧化铜 7、什么是氧化反应;什么是还原反应 。具有还原性的物质有哪些①②③ 8、请根据所学知识,填写如下表格: 该反应的化学方程式为: 该反应的实验现象为: 该反应中酒精灯上加网 罩的作用为: 9、根据碳在空气和在氧气中燃烧的现象,填写下表: 在空气中燃烧的实验现象在氧气中燃烧的实验现象

10、我们已知,木炭或者活性炭有一定的(性质)作用,可以去除异味和部分杂质,我们如果将性质归为两大类,化学性质或物理性质的话,那么,这属于(物理性质、化学性质)。 11、根据实验室制取二氧化碳的原理,填写下表: 实验室制取二氧化碳所需的药品有: 实验室制取二氧化碳的反应原理方程式为: 在选取药品制取二氧化碳时,为什么不选用稀硫酸、浓盐酸或碳酸钠 12、请根据所学知识回答下列问题: (1)该装置我们可以适用于排空气法来收集气体,若我们收集的气体是密度远小于空气密度的,则 进口、出口分别是(“a进b出”或“b进a出”),若我们收集的气体密度远大于空 气密度,则进口出口分别是(“a进b出”或“b进a出”)。 (2)若我使用该装置收集氢气,那么进口、出口分别是(“a进b出”或“b进a出”), 当我需要检验集气瓶中氢气是否已经收集满时,我们可以怎么做发生的现象什么 若使用该装置收集的是CO,则需要在(a、b)口增加(实验仪器)来进行尾气处理,原因是CO (化学性质)。尾气处理的化学方程式: 。 14、下图是初中化学中常见的发生装置和收集装置,请根据所学知识,填写下表: (1)上图中,哪些是发生装置哪些是收集装置(填写序号) (2)根据所学气体收集装置填写下表:


人教版九年级英语 Unit6《When was it invented ?》知识点 1.invent v. 发明inventor n. 发明家 invention n. 发明,可数名词 The inventor has invented many inventions in the past few years. 2. be used for doing=be used to do ,用来做…(是被动语态)(这个短语的考点有两点,一是used for的意思,二是for后面用动名词)Pens are used for writing. 笔是用来写的。 used to do 过去常常做某事 be/get used to doing 习惯于做某事 put into good use 好好利用 use sth. to do 用某物做某事 给某人某样东西give sth. to sb. I gave a pen to him. 我给他一支笔。 give sb. sth. I gave him a pen. 我给他一支笔。 第 1 页共14 页

pass/offer /send/show/write/bring/sell/lend/serve/ to buy/cook/make/get/sing/prepare for 4. all day 整天all evening/night the whole day 5. salty adj. 咸的salt n. 盐 sour/sweet/bitter/hot/salty 酸甜苦辣咸 6. by mistake 错误地(犯错是:make mistakes=make a mistake,这些常见的短语大家务必要掌握) I took the umbrella by mistake. 我不小心拿错了雨伞。 7. by accident/chance 意外,偶然(常见短语,考的最多的是它的意思) I met her by accident at bus stop. 我在公共汽车站意外地见到了她。 have a chance to do sth=have a chance of doing sth. have an opportunity to do sth.= have an opportunity of doing sth. 有机会做某事 make sb./sth+形容词:使…怎么样 第 2 页共14 页


人教版八年级英语下册各知识点归纳总结 Unti1 what’s the matter? 短语归纳 1.too much 太多 2.lie down 躺下 3.get an X-ray 做个X光检查 4.take one ’s temperature 量体温 5.put some medicine on ......在....上敷药 6.have a fever 发烧 7.take breaks /take a break 休息 8.without thinking twice 没多想 9.get off 下车 10.take sb to the hospital 送某人去医院11.wait for等待12.to one’s surprise 使.......惊讶的13.thanks to多亏于;由于 14.in time及时 15.think about 考虑 16.have a heart problem患有心脏病 17.get into the trouble 遇到麻烦 18.do the right thing做正确的事情事情19.fall down 摔倒 20.put ...... on sth把...放在某物上 21.get hit/sunburned 摔伤/烧伤 22.be interested in 对.....感兴趣 23.be used to 习惯于.... 24.take risks/take a risk 挑战 25.lose one’s life 失去生命 26.because of 因为 27.run out of 用完 28.cut off 切除 29.get out of 从...出来 30.make a decision/decisions 做决定31.be in control of 掌管;管理 32.give up 放弃 用法归纳 1.need to do sth .需要去做某事 2.see sb doing sth 看见某人正在做某事 3.ask sb sth 询问某人某事 4.expect sb to do sth 期望某人做某事 5.agree to do sth 同意做某事 6.help sb (to) do sth 帮助某人做某事 7.want to do sth 想要做某事 8.tell sb to do sth 告诉某人做某事 9.have problems(in) doing sth 做某事有困难 https://www.360docs.net/doc/3e2176304.html,e sth to do sth用某物去做某事11.be/get used to doing sth 习惯于做某事 12.seem to do sth 好像做某事 13.keep on doing sth 继续做某事 14.mind doing sth 介意做某事 语法点


第六单元碳和碳的氧化物 一、碳的几种单质 1、金刚石(C)是自然界中最硬的物质,可用于制钻石、刻划玻璃、钻探机的钻头等。 2、石墨(C)是最软的矿物之一(质软),有优良的导电性,润滑性。可用于制 铅笔芯、干电池的电极、润滑剂等 金刚石和石墨的物理性质有很大差异的原因是:碳原子的排列不同。 CO和CO 2 的化学性质有很大差异的原因是:分子的构成不同。 3、无定形碳:由石墨的微小晶体和少量杂质构成.主要有:焦炭,木炭,活性炭,炭黑等. 活性炭、木炭具有强烈的吸附性,焦炭用于冶铁金属。 二、单质碳的化学性质: 单质碳的物理性质各异,而各种单质碳的化学性质却相同 1、常温下的稳定性强 2、可燃性: 完全燃烧(氧气充足),生成CO 2: C+O 2 点燃CO 2 不完全燃烧(氧气不充足),生成CO:2C+O 2 点燃2CO 3、还原性:C+2CuO 高温 2Cu+CO 2 ↑ 现象:黑色粉末逐渐变成红色,澄清石灰水变浑浊。应用:冶金工业 2Fe 2O 3 +3C 高温 4Fe+3CO 2 ↑ ↑ + + 2 4 3 2 3 2CO Fe C O Fe高温 三、二氧化碳的制法 1、实验室制取气体的思路:(原理、装置、检验) (1)发生装置:由反应物状态及反应条件决定: (A) (B) (C) (D) 反应物是固体,需加热,制气体时则用(A)装置。 反应物是固体与液体,不需要加热,制气体时则用(B)(C)(D)装置。(2)收集方法:气体的密度及溶解性决定: (A) (B) (C)

排水法:气体难溶于水 (A ) 向上排空气法:气体密度比空气大 (B) 向下排空气法:气体密度比空气小 (C) CO 只能用排水法(有毒,密度与空气相近,不能用排空气法) CO 2只能用向上排空气法(要溶于水、跟水反应,不能用排水法) 2、二氧化碳的实验室制法 1)原理:用石灰石和稀盐酸反应: CaCO 3+2HCl==CaCl 2+H 2O+CO 2↑ 2) 发生装置:左图 3)气体收集方法:向上排空气法 4)验证方法:将制得的气体通入澄清的石灰水,如澄清石灰水变浑浊,则是二氧化碳。 验满方法:用点燃的木条,放在集气瓶口,木条熄灭。证明二氧化碳气体已集满。 3、二氧化碳的工业制法: 煅烧石灰石: CaCO 3高温CaO+CO 2↑ 生石灰和水反应可得熟石灰:CaO+H 2O=Ca(OH)2 四、二氧化碳的性质 1、物理性质:无色,无味的气体,密度比空气大,能溶于水,高压低温下可得固体----干冰 2、化学性质: 1)一般情况下不能燃烧,也不支持燃烧,不能供给呼吸 2)与水反应生成碳酸: CO 2+H 2O==H 2CO 3 生成的碳酸能使紫色的石蕊试液变红, H 2CO 3 == H 2O+ CO 2↑ 碳酸不稳定,易分解 3)能使澄清的石灰水变浑浊:CO 2+Ca(OH)2==CaCO 3↓+H 2O 用于检验二氧化碳 4)与灼热的碳反应: C+CO 2高温2CO 5)参与光合作用 3、用途: 灭火,既利用其物理性质,又利用其化学性质 干冰用于人工降雨、制冷剂(升华吸热,物理性质) 温室肥料(光合作用,化学性质) 4、二氧化碳对环境的影响:过多排放引起温室效应。 五、一氧化碳 1、物理性质:无色,无味的气体,密度比空气略小,难溶于水(排水法收集) 2、化学性质: (H 2、CO 、C 具有相似的化学性质:①可燃性 ②还原性) 1)有毒:吸进肺里与血液中的血红蛋白结合,使生物体缺氧而中毒。 2)可燃性:2CO+O 2点燃2CO 2 (可燃性气体点燃前一定要检验纯度) CO 燃烧火焰是:发出蓝色的火焰。


化学复习:知识要点(第六章) 溶解现象 1.溶液的特征:均一、稳定的混合物。悬浊液、乳浊液不均一、不稳定,但都属于混合物。 溶液大多数为无色,但如:含Cu2+,蓝色、含Fe3+,黄色、含Fe2+,浅绿色。 常见溶液:食盐水、石灰水、稀盐酸等。悬浊液:石灰浆、钡餐、面粉或粉笔灰放入水中、泥浆水等。 乳浊液:牛奶、油水混合物等。 2、乳化现象及其在生活中的应用:工业上污水的处理,农业上配制农药,生活 中洗洁精能去油污。 注意:汽油洗去油污属于溶解现象;NaOH、纯碱等洗去油污属于化学反应。 3、物质溶于水形成溶液时,通常伴随热量变化。 溶于水吸热的物质有:硝酸铵 溶于水放热的物质有:生石灰(与水反应放热)、浓硫酸、氢氧化钠 水溶液的性质:具有导电性。常见酸碱盐溶液会导电,酒精溶液、蔗糖水不导电。应用:电解水 一般可用搅拌、振荡、研碎、加热等方法加快固体物质在水中的溶解。 5、配制一定浓度的食盐水,步骤:计算、称量、溶解。 所用仪器:托盘天平(含砝码)、量筒、玻璃棒、烧杯、胶头滴管、药匙。 用浓硫酸配制一定浓度的稀硫酸,步骤:计算、量取、溶解。 所用仪器:量筒、玻璃棒、烧杯、胶头滴管。 浓溶液稀释问题:m浓×w浓= m稀×w稀m水= m稀- 浓 6、影响物质溶解性的因素: (1)溶质性质(如:油和食盐在水中溶解性不同)(内因) (2)溶剂性质(如:食盐在水中和在油中溶解性不同)(内因) (3)温度(如:KNO3在0℃和100℃时溶解性不同)(外因) 7、饱和溶液:一定温度下,一定量的溶剂中,不能再溶解某种溶质的溶液。 不饱和溶液:一定温度下,一定量的溶剂中,还能再溶解某种溶质的溶液。 注:一定温度下,饱和食盐水不能再溶解NaCl,但还能溶解少量其他溶质如KNO3。


知识点Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains. Section A部分知识点 1.Journey to the West《西游记》;Yu Gong Moves a Mountain《愚公移山》Nu Wa Repairs the Sky《女娲补天》;Hou Yi shoots the Suns《后羿射日》 1) the journey to sp. ......之旅 2) He shot at a bird, but didn’t shoot it.他朝一只鸟射击,但没打中。 2.all the earth and stone所有的土和石头; earth不可数;stone可数/不可数 3.day after day一天又一天;year after year一年又一年 4.work on (doing) sth. 致力于做某事,从事 5.Finally, a god was so moved by Yu Gong.(moved形容词:被…感动) 6.send sb. to do sth.派遣某人做某事;send sb. to sp.送/派某人去某地方 send sb. sth.=send sth. to sb.送给某人某东西;take it away把它拿走/移走7.This story reminds us that you can never know what’s possible unless you make it happen. 这个故事提醒我们,你永远不知道什么是可能的,除非你努力让它发生。 1)remind sb. of / about sth. 提醒某人想起某事 The picture reminds him of?his beautiful hometown. 这幅画让他想起了美丽的故乡。 2)remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人去做某事 Please remind me to come back early. 请提醒我早点回来。 3)remind sb. +that从句“提醒某人….” 8.What do you think of/about Yu Gong?你认为愚公怎么样? =How do you like Yu Gong? 9.a good way to solve the problem一个解决问题的好办法(不定式作定语) 10. a little bit (= a little=a bit) + 形容词、副词或比较级时,表示“有点儿”。 a bit of + 不可数名词“一点” 11.It doesn’ t seem very possible to move a mountain. 把一座山给移掉好像不太可能。 1)It seems+ adj .+ to do sth ...(类似:It is +adj.+to do sth.) 2)He seems happy=He seems to be happy.(seem连系动词) 12. The story is trying to show us that anything is possible if you work hard. 这个故事试图告诉我们,只要你努力了,一切皆有可能。 13.Yu Gong kept trying and didn’t give up.愚公坚持不懈,没有放弃。 keep (on) doing sth.坚持做某事;give up doing sth.放弃做某事;give it up 14. If you can’t go, he’ll go instead of you. 如果你不能去,我代替你去。(instead of+sth./ doing sth.代替;反而;而不是) Jack went swimming yesterday instead of playing basketball. We have no coffee. Would you like some water instead?(instead句末) Ann never studies. Instead, she plays table tennis all day.(instead句首,逗号) 15. Building a road is faster than moving a mountain.修建一条路比移山更快。 1)build a road修建一条路 2)同类才能对比:动名词做主语 16.Neither of you are wrong.你们两个都没错。Neither做主语,动词用单数或复数。 17.There are two sides to everything.事情都有两面。


六年级上册语文第六单元知识点整理(人教版) 综合性学习:轻叩诗歌的大门 一、整体梳理: 1、诗歌总集:《诗经﹒采薇》 唐诗:《春夜喜雨》 宋词:《西江月﹒夜行黄沙道中》 元曲:《天净沙﹒秋》 现代诗:《太阳的话》、《白桦》 2、本组诗歌是按内容分类的。 3、不同角度搜集: (1)按题材分:山水诗、边塞诗、思乡诗、咏物诗…… (2)按形式分:格律诗(律诗、词、曲等)、自由诗。 (3)按体裁分:童话诗、寓言诗、散文诗……(4)按国家和作者分:中国的屈原、李白、杜甫……外国的雪莱、海涅、普希金……(5)民歌 (6)童谣 4、诗歌的起源:古代人们的劳动号子和民歌,原是诗与歌的总称。开始诗和歌不分,诗和音乐、舞蹈结合在一起,统称为诗歌。

5、诗歌的特点:高度集中地概括反映社会生活的一种文学体裁,饱含着作者的思想感情与丰富的想象,语言凝练而形象性强,具有鲜明的节奏,和谐的音韵,富于音乐美,语句一般分行排列,注重结构形式的美。 6、诗歌的表现手法: (1)赋——直接陈述事物;比——用比喻的方法描绘事物,表达思想感情;兴——托物起兴,即借某一事物开头来引起正题要描述的事物和表现思想感情的写法。(传统)(2)夸张、复沓、重迭、跳跃……(发展)(3)想象:既是诗歌的一大特点,也是最重要的一种表现手法。 (4)象征:以象征义,现代诗歌中,表现为心灵的直接意象。 7、现代诗歌塑造形象的手法: (1)比拟——以物拟人或以人拟物。 (2)夸张——把所要描绘的事物放大或缩小,以引起读者的重视和联想。 (3)借代——借此事物代替彼事物,与比拟有相似之处。 8、中国古代诗歌的分类:

1)、按音律分: (1)古体诗:包括古诗(唐以前的诗歌)、楚辞、乐府诗,不讲对仗,押韵较自由。(涵盖;发展轨迹) (2)近体诗:也称今体诗,是唐代形成的一种格律体诗,分为两种,其字数、句数、平仄、用韵等都有严格规定。 ◎绝句:每首四句,五言的简称五绝,七言的简称七绝。 ◎律诗:每首八句,五言的简称五律,七言的简称七律,超过八句的称为排律(或长律)。 (3)词:又称为诗余、长短句、曲子、曲子词、乐府等,其特点是调有定格,句有定数,字有定声。词的一段叫一阕或一片,第一段叫前阙、上阕、上片,第二段叫后阙、下阙、下片。 ◎长调:91字以上。◎中调:59—90字。 ◎小令:58字以内。◎ 双调:分两大段,两段的平仄、字数是相等或大致相等的。◎ 单调:只有一段。


Unit6 I’m watching TV Section A 1.clean v 大扫除,打扫卫生;清扫 (1)do some/the cleaning 打扫卫生打扫房间clean the room (2)adj 干净的 (3)cleaner清洁工 2.newspaper 可数名词报纸 (1) news不可数名词新闻,消息 a piece of news (2)paper 不可数名词纸,纸张 a piece of paper 可数名词卷子hand in the papers 上交试卷 3.talk on the phone = make a telephone call 打电话 on the phone 通过电话 make a phone 打电话answer the phone接电话phone sb 给某人打电话 https://www.360docs.net/doc/3e2176304.html,e sth to do sth 用某物做某事useful use v 谓语,表示用途I use the pen to write. with prep 状语,表示方式I write with a pen. 5.wash the dished=do the dishes 洗餐具 wash sb sth=wash sth for sb 给某人洗某物 6. exercise 过去式exercised 过去分词exercised 现在分词exercising (1)n.运动,锻炼不可数take exercise (2)n.练习,习题;体操;功课;操练可数 do exercises 做练习do morning exercise 做早操 (3)v训练,锻炼;练习to exercise the body 锻炼身体to exercise one's strength 锻炼体力 7. watch look see read watch 观看,看watch TV 看电视watch a football game 看一场足球比赛 see 看见(看的结果)I can see the bird in the tree. look 看(看的动作)Please look at the blackboard. read 阅读,读书,读报She is reading a story. 8.go to the movies(美国英语) =go to the cinema (英国英语) 去看电影 the movie theatre=cinema film (英国英语) Section B 1.go shopping 去购物do the/some shopping 购物shopping center 购物中心shopping list 购物单 2.learn study learn 指通过学习、练习或别人的教授以获得某种知识和技能,侧重学习的成果,学会,学到study 指比较深入地学习,含有努力去学的意味,侧重学习的过程,研究,钻研 learn 是刚开始学的时候study 是学到一定程度的时候, 有研究的意思. study + 学科表学习什么study English 学习英语 study for sth. 表为了什么而学习 study for the English test 为了英语考试而学习 learn to do sth. 学习做某事learn to speak English.

第六单元知识点总结 1

第六单元知识点总结 课题1 金刚石、石墨和C60 一、碳的几种单质 1、金刚石和石墨的物理性质有很大差异的原因是:; 2、水和过氧化氢的化学性质有很大差异的原因是:; 3、钠原子和钠离子的化学性质有很大差异的原因是:; 4.C60是由组成的(“单质”或“化合物”),是由构成的,每个C60分子由构成。 5.在一定条件下,将石墨转化为金刚石的变化属于变化。 二、碳的化学性质 1、为什么古代字画经历几千年而不变色、档案资料要求用碳素墨水书写,说明: 。2、碳的可燃性————用途是: 写出化学方程式①氧气充足时 ②氧气不足时: 注:碳在氧气中燃烧的现象:。 3、碳具有还原性————用途是: 木炭还原氧化铜的实验(见右图) 【实验现象】 【化学方程式】 【注意】 1.试管口略向下倾斜的原因:; 2.在酒精灯上加网罩的目的:; 3.配制混合物时木炭粉应稍过量的目的:; 4.实验完毕后,先撤导管的原因:; 5.冷却后再取出生成物的原因:; 三、还原反应 1.定义:,叫做还原反应。

2. C在反应中得到氧元素,发生反应,是剂,具有性。CuO 在反应中失去氧元素,发生反应,是剂,具有性。 课题2 二氧化碳制取的研究 一、实验室制取气体的思路:(原理、装置、检验) (1)发生装置:由及决定 (2)收集方法:气体的密度及溶解性决定 1.①难溶于水用法收集(优缺点:收集到的气体较纯,但含水蒸气,可将气体通过来进行干燥)。 ②密度比空气大(或相对分子质量>29)用法收集, ③密度比空气小(或相对分子质量<29)用法收集。 二、实验室制取二氧化碳的方法 1、药品:; 2、反应原理(化学方程式):; 注意:⑴不能用浓盐酸代替稀盐酸,因为: ; ⑵不能用稀硫酸代替稀盐酸,因为; ⑶不能用Na2CO3代替大理石(或石灰石),因为:; 3.装置的注意事项: (1)如何检查装置气密性: ;(2)长颈漏斗下端必须伸入液面以下,防止;(3)收集装置:法 CO2的检验:。(4)CO2的验满:。 5.二氧化碳的工业制法化学方程式:。 课题3 一氧化碳和二氧化碳 一、二氧化碳的性质


第六章实数章节复习知识点 归纳,总结 -标准化文件发布号:(9556-EUATWK-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DDQTY-KII

第六章 实 数 一.知识结构图: 二.知识定义 算术平方根 正数a 的算术平方根记作: . 正数和零的算术平方根都只有 个,零的算术平方根是 ,负数 算术平方根。 ???==||2a a ()=2a 例:1. 25的算术平方根是 ;16的算术平方根是 。 2.已知一个自然数的算术平方根是a ,则该自然数的下一个自然数的算术平方根是( ) A .1+a B. 1+a C. 12+a D. 12+a 3.面积为11的正方形边长为x ,则x 的范围是( ) A .31<

立方根 a 的立方根记作: . 一个 数有一个 的立方根;一个 数有一个 的立方根;零的立方根是 。33a a -=- =33a ()=3 3a 例:1. 4 12=_____, 169±=_____,3278-_____. 2.下列说法中正确的是( ) A 、81的平方根是±3 B 、1的立方根是±1 C 、1=±1 D 、5-是5的平方根的相反数 3.判断下列说法是否正确 (1)的算术平方根是-3; (2)225的平方根是±15. (3)当x=0或2时,02=-x x (4) 2 3是分数 4.已知∣x ∣的算术平方根是8,那么x 的立方根是_____。 5.如图,以数轴的单位长线段为边做一个正方形,以数轴的原点为圆心,正方形对角线长为半径画弧,交数轴正半轴于点A ,则点A 表示的数是( ) A 、2 11 B 、1.4 C 、2 D 、3 5.求下列各式中的 (1)252=x (2) 912=-)(x (3)643-=x 实数


牛津初中英语9A Unit6短语归纳 1.(1)be/get dressed in+ 颜色/衣服=wear = be in穿着……衣服(强调状态) (2)dress up盛装, 打扮, 装饰, 伪装 / 多么重要的工作! 因谋杀被通缉某人的电话(找某人接电话) 看见某人正在做 (2)at the time of the crime在犯罪时间 一条证据 扑灭(3) put off 延期(4) put down 放下 (5) put away把…收起来,整理(6) put on 穿上、上演 (8)put one’s effort into把精力投入到 检查现场指纹 …..犯有……罪 与某人交朋友 (通常用现在完成时) …(2)prove (sb) to be…证明是 ……提拱…(钱)的奖赏 导致凶手的被捕 看到任何不寻常的事

做些违反法律的事言行反对某人 发生,举行第二天 呼出,发送出 (情态动词) 42.(1) dare to go out alone at night 敢独自一个人夜里出去 时间快用完了 (2)take/have a shower/bath 洗澡 notice sb do /doing sth(经常/正在) 排队等候 35岁时 30几岁时(复数) 熟悉 有/没有犯罪记录 因盗窃入狱六个月 还(包含) (2)make a living 谋生 65.(1)…而震惊(2)live next door住在隔壁 因某事而逮捕某人(主动因为某事而被逮捕(被动) 举行写作竞赛 (外貌或性格) 回答: ? 她喜欢什么?She likes apples/cartoons. 替某人致谢


第六单元知识点总结 班级姓名学号 一、问答句 1.Happy birthday ! 生日快乐!Thank you .谢谢。 2.Happy birthday to you ! 祝你生日快乐!Thank you .谢谢。 3.How old are you? 你几岁了?I’m five years old .我五岁了。 4.How old are you? 你几岁了?I’m five . 我五岁了。 5.How many plates?多少只盘子?Five .五只。 6.How many candles ?多少只蜡烛?Five .五支。 7.How many books do you have ? 你有多少本书?I have six .我有六本。8.How many books can you see?你看见几本书?I can see six.我看见六本。 9.This one ,please . 请给我这个。Sure .好的。 二.我会读,也会做 1.Show me five . 给我看看五。 2.Show me six. 给我看看六。 3.Show me seven . 给我看看七。 4.Show me eight .给我看看八。 5.Show me nine . 给我看看九。 6.Show me ten . 给我看看十。 三、单词总结 one 一two 二three 三four 四five 五six 六seven 七eight八nine 九ten 十brother 兄;弟plate 盘子 on 在……上面orange橙子;橘子;橙色的pig 猪pen 钢笔 queen女皇;皇后quiet安静的;文静的rice米饭red红色;红色的 six 六Sarah 萨拉tiger老虎ten 十umbrella 伞under 在……下面vet 兽医vest 背心wet 湿的water水fox狐狸 box 盒子yellow 黄色;黄色的yo-yo 溜溜球zoo 动物园Zip 吉姆


八年级物理下册第六章知识点归纳 一、电压 电压的作用 .电压是形成电流的原因:电压使电路中的自由电荷定向移动形成了电流。电源是提供电压的装置。 .电路中获得持续电流的条件:①电路中有电源;②电路是连通的。 .在理解电流、电压的概念时,通过观察水流、水压的模拟实验帮助我们认识问题,这里使用了科学研究方法“类比法” 电压的单位 .国际单位:V常用单位:V、V、μV 换算关系:1v=1000V 1V=1000V1V=1000μV .记住一些电压值:一节干电池1.5V一节蓄电池2V 家庭电压220V安全电压不高于36V 电压测量: .仪器:电压表,符号: .读数时,看清接线柱上标的量程,每大格、每小格电压值 .使用规则:两要、一不 ①电压表要并联在电路中。

②电流从电压表的“正接线柱”流入,“负接线柱”流出。否则指针会反偏。 ③被测电压不要超过电压表的最大量程。 Ⅰ危害:被测电压超过电压表的最大量程时,不仅测不出电压值,电压表的指针还会被打弯甚至烧坏电压表。 Ⅱ选择量程:实验室用电压表有两个量程,0~3V和0~15V。测量时,先选大量程,用开关试触,若被测电压在3V`15V可测量,若被测电压小于3V则换用小的量程,若被测电压大于15V则换用更大量程的电压表。 电流表、电压表的比较电流表 电压表 异 符号 连接 串联 并联 直接连接电 不能 能 量程 0.6A3A V15V

每大格 0.2A1A V5V 每小格 0.02A0.1A 0.1V0.5V 内阻 很小,几乎为零 相当于短路 很大 相当于开路 同 调零;读数时看清量程和每大格;正接线柱流入,负接线柱流出;不能超过最大测量值。 利用电流表、电压表判断电路故障 .电流表示数正常而电压表无示数: “电流表示数正常”表明主电路为通路,“电压表无示数”表明无电流通过电压表,则故障原因可能是:①电压表损坏;②电压表接触不良;③与电压表并联的用电器短路。 .电压表有示数而电流表无示数 “电压表有示数”表明电路中有电流通过,“电流表无示数”说明没有或几乎没有电流流过电流表,则故障原因可


九年级英语Unit 知识点总结 定语从句参看课本P143 1. prefer动词更喜欢宁愿 prefer sth.更喜欢某事I prefer English. 我更喜欢英语。 prefer doing/ to do宁愿做某事I prefer sitting/ to sit.我宁愿坐着。prefer sth to sth. 同…相比更喜欢…I prefer dogs to cats. 与猫相比我更喜欢狗。 prefer doing to doing宁愿做某事而不愿做某事 I prefer walking to sitting. 我宁愿走路也不愿坐着。 2. along with 伴随…同…一道 I will go along with you. 我同你一道去。 I sing along with music. 我伴随着音乐唱歌。 3. dance to sth. 随着…跳舞 She likes dancing to the music. 她喜欢随着音乐而跳舞。 4. different kinds of 各种各样different kinds of clothes 各种各样的衣服 5. music n. 音乐musician n. 音乐家musical 6. take …to …带…去…. 如: My father often takes me to the park. 我的爸爸经常带我去公园。Please take this box to my office. 请拿这个盒子到我的办公室。 7. remind sb. of sb./sth. 提醒使…记起…. This song reminds him of his mother. 这首歌使他记起了他的妈妈。


人教版六年级数学上册第六单元知识点归 纳 人教版六年级数学上册第六单元知识点归纳 第六单元百分数 一、百分数的意义和写法 (一)、百分数的意义:表示一个数是另一个数的百分之几。百分数是指的两个数的比,因此也叫百分率或百分比。 (二)、百分数和分数的主要联系与区别: 联系:都可以表示两个量的倍比关系。 区别:、意义不同:百分数只表示两个数的倍比关系,不能表示具体的数量,所以不能带单位; 分数既可以表示具体的数,又可以表示两个数的关系,表示具体数时可以带单位。 、百分数的分子可以是整数,也可以是小数; 分数的分子不能是小数,只能是除0以外的自然数。 3、百分数的写法:通常不写成分数形式,而在原来分子后面加上“%”来表示,读作百分之。 二、百分数和分数、小数的互化 (一)百分数与小数的互化: 1、小数化成百分数:把小数点向右移动两位(数位不够用0补足),同时在后面添上百分号。 2.百分数化成小数:把小数点向左移动两位(数位不够

用0补足),同时去掉百分号。 (二)百分数的和分数的互化 1、百分数化成分数:先把百分数改写成分母是100的分数,能约分要约成最简分数。 2、分数化成百分数: 用分数的基本性质,把分数分母扩大或缩小成分母是100的分数,再写成百分数形式。 先把分数化成小数(除不尽时,通常保留三位小数),再把小数化成百分数。(建议用这种方法) (三)常见分数小数百分数之间的互化; 三、用百分数解决问题 (一)一般应用题 1、常见的百分率的计算方法: 一般来讲,出勤率、成活率、合格率、正确率能达到100%,出米率、出油率达不到100%,完成率、增长了百分之几等可以超过100%。 2、求一个数是另一个数的百分之几用一个数除以另一个数,结果写为百分数形式。 例如:例如:男生有20人,女生有15人,女生人数占男生人数的百分之几。 列式是:15÷20=15/20=75﹪
