四、单项选择题1.C.2.D.3.C.4. A第二章所得税的税收管辖权二、填空题1.地域管辖权2.住所标准3.常设机构4.劳务所得支付地标准5.支付者6.实际所在地7.分配所得的企业所在地8.有限纳税义务三、判断题(若错,请予以更正)1.×税收管辖权属于国家主权。
一、单项选择题1.下列选项中,属于国际税收的研究对象的是( C )。
A.各国政府处理与其管辖范围内的纳税人之间征纳关系的准则和规范B.各国政府处理与其管辖范围内的外国纳税人之间征纳关系的准则和规范C.各国政府处理与其它国家之间的税收分配关系的准则和规范D.各国政府处理它同外国籍跨国纳税人之间的税收征纳关系和与其他国家之间的税收分配关系的准则和规范2. 约束对跨国纳税人来自非居住国的投资所得行使所得来源地管辖权的规范时,其标准是( C)A.实际支付地标准B.劳务提供地标准C.权利使用地标准D.比例分配标准3.跨国纳税人从事跨国经营和劳务,可能发生国际收入和费用分配的是( A )。
A.关联公司之间 B.跨国公司与无关联公司之间C.无关联公司之间 D.跨国自然人4. 国际双重征税的扩大化问题主要导源于( A )A.不同的税收管辖权体现出了不同的财权利益B.跨国纳税人的形成C.直接投资的增多D.国际法的复杂程度5.我国采用户籍标准确定跨国自然人居民身份时规定的居住期限是( C )。
A.90天B.183天C.365天D.5年6. 国际税收的本质是( A )A.国家之间的税收关系 B.对外国居民征税C.涉外税收 D.国际组织对各国居民征税7.多数国家为了维护本国的财权利益,在税收管辖权方面( C )A.只实行所得来源地管辖权 B.只实行居民(公民)管辖权C.同时实行所得来源地管辖权和居民(公民)管辖权 D.只实行地域管辖权8. 根据两大范本的精神,如果两国在判定法人居民身份时发生冲突,则认定其最终居民身份应根据( D )A.注册地标准 B.常设机构标准C.选举权控制标准 D.实际管理机构所在地标准9.免税方法的指导原则是( C )。
.A.放弃行使所得来源地管辖权B.承认所得来源地管辖权的独占地位C.避免双重征税D.对跨国所得的分享10.下列国家中同时行使所得来源地管辖权、居民管辖权和公民管辖权的是( C )。
《税法》(第四版)课后习题训练参考答案第一章总论一、判断题1.× 2.√ 3.× 4.× 5.√ 6.√ 7.× 8.√ 9.√ 10.√二、单项选择题1.B 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.C 9.A 10.A 三、多项选择题1.ABD 2.ABD 3.AC 4.ABD 5.ACD 6.ABD 7.CD 8.AC 9.AD 10.ABD第二章增值税法一、判断题1.× 2.√ 3.× 4.× 5.√ 6.× 7.× 8.× 9.× 10.×11.× 12.√ 13.√ 14.× 15.√二、单项选择题1.B 2.A 3.D 4.A 5.B 6.B 7.A 8.D 9.A 10.D 11.A 12.A 13.D 14.A 15.C三、多项选择题1.ACD 2.AC 3.ABC 4.AC 5.ABC 6.ABCD 7.BC 8.ABC 9.AB 10.BC 11.ABCD 12.BCD 13.ABD 14.ABD 15.ABC四、业务题1.甲企业此项业务的计税销售额=5000×80%×80=320000(元)2.赠送液晶电视的销售额=10×5000=50000(元)赠送新型空调的销售额=5×8000×(1+10%)=44000(元)合计销售额=50000+44000=94000(元)3.(1)当月销项税额=[50×8000+5×8000+20×6000×(1+10%)]×17%=97240(元)(2)当月可抵扣进项税额=70000-(50×1000+50×200+20×800)×17%=57080(元)(3)当月应纳增值税额=97240-57080=40160(元)4.(1)当期销项税额=42×17%=7.14(万元)(2)当期进项税额=3.91+0.33+42×13%-1.36=8.34(万元)(3)当期应纳增值税=7.14-8.34-0.5=-1.7(万元)期末留抵的进项税额是1.7万元。
A.涉外税收 B. 对外国居民征税C.国家之间的税收关系 D. 国际组织对各国居民征税2.20世纪80年代中期,发生在西方国家的大规模降税浪潮实质上是()。
A.税负过重的必然结果 B.美国减税政策的国际延伸C.促进国际贸易的客观需要 D.税收国际竞争的具体体现3.1991年,北欧的挪威,瑞典,芬兰,丹麦和冰岛5国就加强税收征管方面合作问题签订了:()。
A.《同期税务稽查协议范本》 B.《税收管理互助多边条约》C.《税务互助多边条约》 D. UN范本4.()是重商主义时代最著名的贸易协定,也是关税国际协调活动的开端。
A.《梅屈恩协定》 B.《科布登—谢瓦利埃条约》C.《税务互助多边条约》 D. 《关税及贸易总协定》第二章所得税的税收管辖权三、判断题(若错,请予以更正)1.税收管辖权不属于国家主权,只是一种行政权力。
②在所得课税领域,国与国之间的税收竞争将更为激烈,为了防止“财政降格” (fiscal degradation)和“一降到底” (race to bottom)的情况发生,国际社会有必要对各国资本所得的课税制度进行协调。
第1-10章 《税法》课后作业(调整后参考答案-2012-02-简化)
《税法》课后作业参考答案第1章税法总论一、单项选择题:1-5:BCBBC 6-10:DBC B D 11-15:BCAD A二、多项选择题:1-5:CD ABC BD AC BC 6-10:ABCD ABC ACD BCD ACD 11-15:BCD ABCD ABC AD ABC三、判断题: 1-5:×√××× 6-10:×√×√× 11-15:×√×××四、简答题1.以税法的性质和作用为分类标准简述我国现行的税收实体法体系【参考答案】我国现行的税法体系是在原有税制的基础上,经过1994年工商税制改革后逐步形成的,现有税种19个,按税法的性质和作为大致分为五类19个税种:具体内容五个方面(略)参见教材P182.简述税法的概念及其主要作用(功能)。
第2章增值税法一、单项选择题:1-5:ABCAB 6-10:AAADC 11-15:DACCD二、多项选择题:1-5:BC AD CD CD ACD 6-10:ABC AC AD AD AC三、判断题:1-5:√×× ×× 6-10:××√√× 11-15:√√××√四、简答题1.简述不同增值税抵扣凭证进项税额的抵扣时限【参考答案】按照现行增值税的相关规定,不同增值税抵扣凭证进项税额的抵扣时限是不同的,具体是:(1)增值税一般纳税人取得2010年1月1日以后开具的增值税专用发票、公路内河货物运输业统一发票和机动车销售统一发票,应在开具之日起180日内到税务机关办理认证,并在认证通过的次月申报期内,向主管税务机关申报抵扣进项税额。
A.各国政府处理与其管辖范围内的纳税人之间征纳关系的准则和规范B.各国政府处理与其管辖范围内的外国纳税人之间征纳关系的准则和规范C.各国政府处理与其它国家之间的税收分配关系的准则和规范D.各国政府处理它同外国籍跨国纳税人之间的税收征纳关系和与其他国家之间的税收分配关系的准则和规范4.下列选项中属于国际税收的研究范围的是( )。
第一章 国际税收导论三、判断题(若错,请予以更正)1.欧盟的“自有财源”从本质上看,是强加在成员国政府上的税收收入。
6.国际税收关系的发展趋势在商品课税领域的体现是:关税和增值税的协调是商品课税国 际协调的核心内容。
A.税负过重的必然结果B.美国减税政策的国际延伸C.促进国际贸易的客观需要D.税收国际竞争的具体体现3.1991年,北欧的挪威,瑞典,芬兰,丹麦和冰岛5国就加强税收征管方面合作问题签订 了:()。
A.《同期税务稽查协议范本》B.《税收管理互助多边条约》C.《税务互助多边条约》D. UN 范本4.()是重商主义时代最著名的贸易协定,也是关税国际协调活动的开端。
A.《梅屈恩协定》B.《科布登-谢瓦利埃条约》C.《税务互助多边条约》D.《关税及贸易总协定》第二章 所得税的税收管辖权三、判断题(若错,请予以更正)1.税收管辖权不属于国家主权,只是一种行政权力。
5.我国判定法人居民身份的标准实际为法律标准及实际管理机构标准,只要满足其一便可 确定为本国居民。
6.外国公司设在本国境内的分公司的生产、经营所得和其他所得,由总机构汇总缴纳所得 税。
2.按照课税对象的不同,税收可大致分为:商品课税、 -和财产课税三大类。
A.涉外税收 B. 对外国居民征税C.国家之间的税收关系 D. 国际组织对各国居民征税2.20世纪80年代中期,发生在西方国家的大规模降税浪潮实质上是()。
A.税负过重的必然结果 B.美国减税政策的国际延伸C.促进国际贸易的客观需要 D.税收国际竞争的具体体现3.1991年,北欧的挪威,瑞典,芬兰,丹麦和冰岛5国就加强税收征管方面合作问题签订了:()。
A.《同期税务稽查协议本》 B.《税收管理互助多边条约》C.《税务互助多边条约》 D. UN本4.()是重商主义时代最著名的贸易协定,也是关税国际协调活动的开端。
A.《梅屈恩协定》 B.《科布登—瓦利埃条约》C.《税务互助多边条约》 D. 《关税及贸易总协定》五、问答题1.所得课税对国际投资的影响怎样?2.如何理解所得税的国际竞争?3.为什么说涉外税收不等同于国际税收?4.从税制设计来看,增值税是否存在国际重复征税问题,如何解决?第二章所得税的税收管辖权一、术语解释1.税收管辖权2.属地原则3.属人原则4.常设机构5.实际所得原则6.引力原则7.无限纳税义务8.有限纳税义务9. 推迟课税二、填空题1.一国要对来源于本国境的所得行使征税权,这是所得税三种税收管辖权中的。
1.what is International Tax?What does it mainly address(探讨)?International Tax is a science focusing on a serious tax issues resulting from different and conflicting tax rules made by particular countries ,jurisdictions and resolutions(决议).International tax in a board sence covers not only income but also turnover taxes,etc.2.Talk about differences between China and USA on taxation system1)The USA is a country with income taxes as a major tax while in China we have turn over taxes as our important taxes.2)The federal government,state government and local government of the USA have pretty rights to collect taxes,while the rights to collect taxes are mostly controlled in central government.3)The USA use comprehensive income tax system and deduct fees refers to different situation.China use itemized income tax system.4)In the respect of estate tax, real estate tax is the mainly object to be taxed .3.On differences among Macau,China Continent and HongKong for the purpose of tax features according to table 11)The corporate income tax rates in China Continent is the highest in these three ,to 25%.The tax base of China Continent Is worldwide while the others are territorial.2)In China Continent we have taxes for interest,royalties,technical fees,management fees (all of them are 10% for non-resident,20%for resident ),while the others don’t have them.3)China Continent have value-added tax ,while the others don’t have them.4.On differences among UK,China Continent and Spain for the purpose of Corporate income tax according to table 21)Spain has the highest corporate tax rate to 32.5%.2)UK doesn’t tax for many income which China Continent or Spain will tax such as Capital gains ,branch profits,dividends, technical fees and management fees.5.On differences among China Continent and foreign jurisdictions for the purpose of withholding taxes according to table 31)For branch profits, interest ,technical fees and management fees most jurisdictions don’t collect tax except Ireland(collect for interest) and China Continent.2)Except Switzerland federal tax rates of dividends and interest are 35% and higher than China Continent ,other jurisdictions’ withholding tax rates are mostly lower or equal to China Continent.International Income Taxation1.How does a country generally design its income taxation system?(book page50)1)territorial(领土模式):tax only income earned within their borders.eg.HongKong.2)Residency(属人模式):tax on the worldwide income of residents, and impose tax on the income of nonresidents from certain sources within the country. eg.the USA.3)Exclusion(例外):specific inclusion or exclusion of certain amounts,classes,or items of income in/from the base of taxation.4)Hybrid(混合模式):some governments have chosen for all or only certain classes of taxpayers, to adopt systems that are a combination of territorial, residency, or exclusionary.2.Why is it important to make clear source of income?To make clear source of income is important because it decidides that whether a individual or corporation should pay tax in a country and what credits can it enjoy.3.Term explanation:Thin Capitalization;Foreign tax Credit;Withholding tax; International tax treaty; Deferral system; International transfer pricingThin Capitalization:Thin capitalization is a method that taxpayers borrow too much money from oversea related party and pay much interest, so that they can enjoy much deduction before tax.By this way,they transfer profits from high tax burden countries to low tax burden countries or jurisdictions.Foreign tax Credit(外国税收抵免):If you paid or accrued foreign taxes to a foreign country on foreign source income and are subject to resident country tax on the same income, you may be able to take a credit for those taxes. Taken as a credit, foreign income taxes reduce your own country tax liability.Withholding tax:Withholding tax is tax withheld by the country when a corporation making a payment to its resident country , in which the full amount owed to that corporation is reduced by the tax withheld.International tax treaty:International tax treaty is a treaty a country (or jurisdiction) signed with other countries (or jurisdiction) for affairs about taxation.Deferral system:Deferral system is a tax incentive (激励措施)to encourage domestic tax residence to make investment broad.But it may cause international tax avoidance.(缺点:可能造成国际避税)International transfer pricing:International transfer pricing is a very important way for multinational company to avoid international tax.Transfer pricing refers to a kind of non-market pricing action taken by related corporations to shift profits form high tax rate countries or jurisdictions to low tax rete regions.Tax Residence1.What is the main difference between a tax resident and a non-tax resident for tax liability purpose? In general, a tax resident bears infinite tax liability ,should pay tax for all of its income.A non-tax resident bears limited tax liability, should pay tax for income sourced from the country.2.Can you name some tests in determining whether a person is a resident?for corporation:place-of-incorporation test,place-of-management test,residence of the shareholders testfor individiual:a fact-and-circumstances test ;abode test; number of day test(in China:1~5year – temporary resident,>5year - long-term resident)3.Take an example to prove how different countries apply differing tests to judge a person's residence?For example ,China for individual:domicile test,number of days(a full year);for corporation:place-of-incorporation test or place-of-management testireland for individual:number of days test(183 days),domicile testfor corporation:place-of-incorporation test or place-of-management test4.Term explanation:Tax residence;dual resident;domicile test;Tax residence:If an individual or a corporation is a tax residence ,it bears infinite tax liabilitis to its own country.Domicile is, in common law jurisdictions.dual resident:dual resident means an individual or a corporation is resident taxpayer in two countries at the same time.It often occurs when two use different standard for tax residence.domicile test:If an individual or a corporation has its domicile in a country ,it is the country's tax residence.It is a common tax jurisdiciton.Income Source Jurisdiction and Rules1.What is source jurisdiction?Source jurisdiction is one important form of income tax jurisdiction.It is the most important tax jurisdiction.(收入来源地管辖权是一种重要的,并且是最重要的税收管辖权)All country and jurisdiction adopt source jurisdiction(所有的国家和地区都使用来源地管辖权) So called source jurisdiction refers to that as long as an tiem of income is sourced within the territory, the government of the territory has rights to lavy income tax on it .(一笔所得只要来源于本国,就可以对其征税)2.How to determine the source of employment and personal services income?If the income derived from personal services performed by an employee, it is source of employment.If the income is performed by an independent contractor or a professional ,it is source of personal service income.3.How to determine the source location of business Income?What is PE?If the income is attributable to a PE(permanent establishment) in the country(ues 1.attribution rule 归属原则2.attraction rule引力规则), it is the country’s source income.PE: permanent establishment,based on substance or people.(场所:辅助性、准备性不算;人:必须是非独立代理人,经常为公司签订合同的等)4.How to determine the source of investment income?Dividend and interest income.If the income is derived from ownership of equity ,it is the source of investment income.5.How about US source rules?6.What are China's source rules?An RE(resident enterprise)must pay enterprise income tax to the Chinese government on all its income,regardless of whether such income is generated within or outside of China.The defult tax rate for an RE ,prior to any special tax treatment, is 25 percent.An NRE(nonresident enterprise) that has any Operational Establishment in China is required to pay enterprise income tax only on its income sourced from China.The tax rate is 10 percent.International Double Taxation and Relief1.What is International double taxation?International double taxation is that the same item of asset is taxed twice or more than twice in a tax year.2.What is the main difference between legal International double taxation and economic International double taxation?Legal International double taxation is for the same taxpayers ,who are often branch companys, using direct credits.Economic International double taxation is for different taxpayers,who are often subside companys,using indirect credits.3.Take an example to prove International double taxation arising from the same tax jurisdiction and relief.4.What approaches are used to solve International double taxation resulting from residence-source conflicts?Unilateral,bilateral and multilateral approaches.Deduction method,exemption method,credit method and so on.5.What is the main difference between deduction method and credit method?Deduction:reduce all kinds of fees from taxable income.Credit:reduce credit from tax due.6.Which specific relief methods does international community agree to?The OECD and UN models only authorize the credit and exemption method,not the deduction method.7.Termexplanation:fullexemption;partialexemption;limitation on credit;full exemption:only levy tax on income from resident company's own country.partial exemption:give resident company a part of tax exemption for overseas income.limitation on credit:the tax rate of resident company's own country multiply by the income in the country.If the taxpayer paied a amount of tax less than the limitation,it should pay tax in arrears.International Tax Avoidance and Tax Haven1.What is tax haven?Tax haven is a country or jurisdiction which has low tax rate or no tax so that people choose to live or register company there to avoid the high tax burden in their own country or jurisdiction.Another definition:A tax haven is a country or territory where taxes are lavied at a low rate or not at all.(in the book)2.How many types of tax havens are there in the world?There.1)Nil-Tax Havens(零税率):do not have any of the three main direct taxes:No income tax or corporation tax;No capital gains tax,and No inheritance tax.2)Foreign Source Exempt Havens(外国来源豁免):They only tax you on lacally derived income.3)Low-Tax Havens(低税率):Have special concessions or double tax treaties. some non-tax features of a tax haven?Generally,a tax haven have these features:1)Small territory2)Privacy3)Ease of residence4)Political stability5)Political stability6)Relaible communications7)Good life factors.4.How does an international taxpayer make use of a tax haven?(in book P104)methodology1)Change personal residency.(改变居民身份)Relocate themselves in low-tax jurisdiction.2)Asset holding.(资产持有)Utilize a trust or a company which will be formed in tax haven.3)Trading and other business activity.(生产经营)Set up many businesses which do not requirea specific geographical location or extensive labor in tax havens to minimimze tax exposure.4)Financial intermediaries.(通过财务金融中介公司)Use funds,banking,life insurance and pensions.Deposit with the intermediary in the low-tax jurisdiction.5.Does China have anti-tax-haven rules?Yes.In CFC rules.6.What are the advantages of being a tax haven?Being a tax haven ,a jurisdiction can1) have divisions of multinational locating there and employ some of the local population;2)transfer needed skills to the local population;3)go a long way to attracting foreign companies.7.What are the reasons for some jurisdictions desiring to be tax havens?The same as question6.Chapter 7International Transfer Pricing and Rules1.What is International transfer pricing?Transfer pricing refers to a kind of non-market pricing action taken by related corporations to shift profits form high tax rate countries or jurisdictions to low tax rete regions.The main purposes are reduce tax burden and a series of non-tax purposes like 1)occupy market 2)change the subsidiary’s image in order to gain other interest 3)avoid currency control 4)minimize the expose to import duty 5)earn excess profit …2.Take an example to prove that International transfer pricing can be used to avoid international tax ?For example,A has a product can be sold at 1000 dollars, but A sold it to B at 100 dollars.Then B will sell it at 1000, 900 profit was shift to B’s countries or jurisdictions,andB was setup in tax haven,the group don’t have to pay much tax.3.Whatare the main contents of International transfer pricing rules?International transfer pricing rules are a series of tax manage rules made by countries or governments in order to prevent corporations particularly multinational corporations utilize International transfer pricing to avoid tax ,which cause government’s tax run off.4.Termexplanation:comparable uncontrolled price;costplus;resaleprice;transactional net margin method;profit split method;comparabilityanalysisChapter8Controlled Foreign Corporation and Rules1.How does a multinational firm use a CFC to avoid tax?In most cases,Chinese firms tend to not distribute or just distribute a little profit from CFC to its parent firm.While, foreign firms usually let the profit stay in the CFC.2.What is CFC?CFC refers to firms controlled by resident firms and theyare often set in low tax rate or no tax reigions.3.What is the relationship between deferral system(延迟缴纳) and CFC rules?The law of many countries does not tax a shareholder of a corporation on the corporation’s income until the income is distributed as a dividend.This dividend could be avoided indefinitely by loaning the earnings to the shareholder without actually declaring a dividend.The CFC rules were intended to cause current taxation to the shareholder where income was of a sort that could be artificially shifted or was made available to the shareholder.At the same time, such rule were designed to interfere with normal commercial practices.4.What arethe main contents of a country’s CFC rules?The main contents of a country’s CFCrules are to prevent residents (including individuals and firms) using controlled foreign corporation to avoid tax burden.5.When were China’s CFC rules established?Year 2009.6.Can you name any differences between China and foreign jurisdictions for purposes of CFC rules?7.Must a foreign corporation which is established in a tax haven and controlled by our residents bea CFC for our tax purpose?Why?No.If the foreign corporation is1)a small corporation(the total profit a year is less than 5 millions);2)the main income was get from positive operating activities, it won’t be a CFC for our tax purpose.Thin Capitalization and Rules1.What is thin capitalization?Thin capitalization is a method that taxpayers borrow too much money from oversea related party and pay much interest, so that they can enjoy much deduction before tax.By this way,they transfer profits from high tax burden countries to low tax burden countries or jurisdictions.2.Give an example to prove that thin capitalization can be used to avoid tax.暂无3.What are the main contents of thin capitalization rules?1)The relationship between borrower and lender.2)Thedetermination of excessive interest.3)Treatment of excessive interest: deemed dividend and withholding tax is lavied.4)4.What are the main features of the USA thin capitalization rules?5.Talk about thin capitalization rules in ChinaChina use ALP(arm’s lenth principle)/fixed Debt-to-Equity Ratio /Earnings stripping(收益剥离法)。
再次,由于所得税首先在来源国 征收,来源国如何计算应税所得、怎 样设计所得税税率等,直接影响着征 税国和纳税人的经济利益。
我国外商投资企业中,凡具有中 国法人地位、总机构设在中国境内的 企业作为中国的居民企业,要求其境 内、境外所得要在中国汇总纳税;对 不具有中国法人地位、总机构不设在 中国境内的外国企业,对其实行收入 来源管辖权,仅要求其就来源于中国 境内的所得缴纳所得税。
例如甲国某居民来自国内所得80 万元,来自乙国所得20万元,甲国的 所得税税率为35%,但对本国居民来 源于国外的所得规定适用10%的低税 率征税,乙国的所得税税率为40%。
甲国实征税收: 80×35%+ 20×10% =30(万元) 此方法只能减轻跨国纳税人的负担, 不能从根本上消除国际重复征税。
二、消除国际重复征税(double taxation) 的措施 国际上由居住国政府采用的避免 重复征税的方法,主要有以下三种: 1.抵免法(Tax Credit)。税收抵 免法即对跨国纳税人的国内外全部所 得课征所得税时,准许以其在国外已 纳的所得税款,抵充应缴纳的税款, 只就抵充后的余额纳税。
(1)税收直接抵免(Direct Credit) 对同一纳税实体的本国纳税人在 国外缴纳的税款直接给予的抵免,一 般适用于统一核算经济实体的总分支 机构之间。
1.母公司来自子公司的所得: 100+300×1/7= 142.8571(万元) 2.母公司应承担的子公司所得税: 300×1/7 = 42.8571(万元) 3.间接抵免限额: 142.8571× 35% = 50(万元)
4.可抵免税额: 母公司已纳(承担)国外税额 42.8571万元,不足抵免限额,故可按 国外已纳税额全部抵免, 即可抵免税 额42.8571万元 5.母公司实缴甲国所得税: 50-42.8571 = 7.1429(万元)
Chapter11、what is International Tax?What does it mainly address(探讨)?International Tax is a science focusing on a serious tax issues resulting from different and conflicting tax rules made by particular countries ,jurisdictions and resolutions(决议)、International tax in a board sence covers not only income but also turnover taxes,etc、2、Talk about differences between China and USA on taxation system1)The USA is a country with income taxes as a major tax while in China we have turn over taxes as our important taxes、2)The federal government,state government and local government of the USA have pretty rights to collect taxes,while the rights to collect taxes are mostly controlled in central government、3)The USA use comprehensive income tax system and deduct fees refers to different situation、China use itemized income tax system、4)In the respect of estate tax, real estate tax is the mainly object to be taxed 、3、On differences among Macau,China Continent and HongKong for the purpose of tax features according to table 11)The corporate income tax rates in China Continent is the highest in these three ,to 25%、The tax base of China Continent Is worldwide while the others are territorial、2)In China Continent we have taxes for interest,royalties,technical fees,management fees (all of them are 10% for non-resident,20%for resident ),while the others don’t have them、3)China Continent have value-added tax ,while the others don’t have them、4、On differences among UK,China Continent and Spain for the purpose of Corporate income tax according to table 21)Spain has the highest corporate tax rate to 32、5%、2)UK doesn’t tax for many income which China Continent or Spain will tax such as Capital gains ,branch profits,dividends, technical fees and management fees、5、On differences among China Continent and foreign jurisdictions for the purpose of withholding taxes according to table 31)For branch profits, interest ,technical fees and management fees most jurisdictions don’t collect tax except Ireland(collect for interest) and China Continent、2)Except Switzerland federal tax rates of dividends and interest are 35% and higher than China Continent ,other jurisdictions’ withholding tax rates are mostly lower or equal to China Continent、Chapter2International Income Taxation1、How does a country generally design its income taxation system?(book page50)1)territorial(领土模式):tax only income earned within their borders、eg、HongKong、2)Residency(属人模式):tax on the worldwide income of residents, and impose tax on the income of nonresidents from certain sources within the country、eg、the USA、3)Exclusion(例外):specific inclusion or exclusion of certain amounts,classes,or items of income in/from the base of taxation、4)Hybrid(混合模式):some governments have chosen for all or only certain classes of taxpayers, to adopt systems that are a combination of territorial, residency, or exclusionary、2、Why is it important to make clear source of income?To make clear source of income is important because it decidides that whether a individual or corporation should pay tax in a country and what credits can it enjoy、3、Term explanation:Thin Capitalization;Foreign tax Credit;Withholding tax; International tax treaty; Deferral system; International transfer pricingThin Capitalization:Thin capitalization is a method that taxpayers borrow too much money from oversea related party and pay much interest, so that they can enjoy much deduction before tax、By this way,they transfer profits from high tax burden countries to low tax burden countries or jurisdictions、Foreign tax Credit(外国税收抵免):If you paid or accrued foreign taxes to a foreign country on foreign source income and are subject to resident country tax on the same income, you may be able to take a credit for those taxes、Taken as a credit, foreign income taxes reduce your own country tax liability、Withholding tax:Withholding tax is tax withheld by the country when a corporation making a payment to its resident country , in which the full amount owed to that corporation is reduced by the tax withheld、International tax treaty:International tax treaty is a treaty a country (or jurisdiction) signed with other countries (or jurisdiction) for affairs about taxation、Deferral system:Deferral system is a tax incentive (激励措施)to encourage domestic tax residence to make investment broad、But it may cause international tax avoidance、(缺点:可能造成国际避税)International transfer pricing:International transfer pricing is a very important way for multinational company to avoid international tax、Transfer pricing refers to a kind of non-market pricing action taken by related corporations to shift profits form high tax rate countries or jurisdictions to low tax rete regions、Chapter3Tax Residence1、What is the main difference between a tax resident and a non-tax resident for tax liability purpose?In general, a tax resident bears infinite tax liability ,should pay tax for all of its income、A non-tax resident bears limited tax liability, should pay tax for income sourced from the country、2、Can you name some tests in determining whether a person is a resident?for corporation:place-of-incorporation test,place-of-management test,residence of the shareholders testfor individiual:a fact-and-circumstances test ;abode test; number of day test(in China:1~5year –temporary resident,>5year - long-term resident)3、Take an example to prove how different countries apply differing tests to judge a person's residence?For example ,China for individual:domicile test,number of days(a full year);for corporation:place-of-incorporation test or place-of-management testireland for individual:number of days test(183 days),domicile testfor corporation:place-of-incorporation test or place-of-management test4、Term explanation:Tax residence;dual resident;domicile test;Tax residence:If an individual or a corporation is a tax residence ,it bears infinite tax liabilitis to its own country、Domicile is, in common law jurisdictions、dual resident:dual resident means an individual or a corporation is resident taxpayer in two countries at the same time、It often occurs when two use different standard for tax residence、domicile test:If an individual or a corporation has its domicile in a country ,it is the country's tax residence、It is a common tax jurisdiciton、Chapter4Income Source Jurisdiction and Rules1、What is source jurisdiction?Source jurisdiction is one important form of income tax jurisdiction、It is the most important tax jurisdiction、(收入来源地管辖权就是一种重要得,并且就是最重要得税收管辖权)All country and jurisdiction adopt source jurisdiction(所有得国家与地区都使用来源地管辖权)So called source jurisdiction refers to that as long as an tiem of income is sourced within the territory, the government of the territory has rights to lavy income tax on it 、(一笔所得只要来源于本国,就可以对其征税)2、How to determine the source of employment and personal services income?If the income derived from personal services performed by an employee, it is source of employment、If the income is performed by an independent contractor or a professional ,it is source of personal service income、3、How to determine the source location of business Income?What is PE?If the income is attributable to a PE(permanent establishment) in the country(ues 1、attribution rule 归属原则2、attraction rule引力规则), it is the country’s source income、PE: permanent establishment,based on substance or people、(场所:辅助性、准备性不算;人:必须就是非独立代理人,经常为公司签订合同得等) 4、How to determine the source of investment income?Dividend and interest income、If the income is derived from ownership of equity ,it is the source of investment income、5、How about US source rules?6、What are China's source rules?An RE(resident enterprise)must pay enterprise income tax to the Chinese government on all its income,regardless of whether such income is generated within or outside of China、The defult tax rate for an RE ,prior to any special tax treatment, is 25 percent、An NRE(nonresident enterprise) that has any Operational Establishment in China is required to pay enterprise income tax only on its income sourced from China、The tax rate is 10 percent、Chapter 5International Double Taxation and Relief1、What is International double taxation?International double taxation is that the same item of asset is taxed twice or more than twice in a tax year、2、What is the main difference between legal International double taxation and economic International double taxation?Legal International double taxation is for the same taxpayers ,who are often branch companys, using direct credits、Economic International double taxation is for different taxpayers,who are often subside companys,using indirect credits、3、Take an example to prove International double taxation arising from the same tax jurisdiction and relief、4、What approaches are used to solve International double taxation resulting from residence-source conflicts?Unilateral,bilateral and multilateral approaches、Deduction method,exemption method,credit method and so on、5、What is the main difference between deduction method and credit method?Deduction:reduce all kinds of fees from taxable income、Credit:reduce credit from tax due、6、Which specific relief methods does international community agree to?The OECD and UN models only authorize the credit and exemption method,not the deduction method、7、Termexplanation:fullexemption;partialexemption;limitation on credit;full exemption:only levy tax on income from resident company's own country、partial exemption:give resident company a part of tax exemption for overseas income、limitation on credit:the tax rate of resident company's own country multiply by the income in the country、If the taxpayer paied a amount of tax less than the limitation,it should pay tax in arrears、Chapter 6International Tax Avoidance and Tax Haven1、What is tax haven?Tax haven is a country or jurisdiction which has low tax rate or no tax so that people choose to live or register company there to avoid the high tax burden in their own country or jurisdiction、Another definition:A tax haven is a country or territory where taxes are lavied at a low rate or not at all、(in the book)2、How many types of tax havens are there in the world?There、1)Nil-Tax Havens(零税率):do not have any of the three main direct taxes:No income tax or corporation tax;No capital gains tax,and No inheritance tax、2)Foreign Source Exempt Havens(外国来源豁免):They only tax you on lacally derived income、3)Low-Tax Havens(低税率):Have special concessions or double tax treaties、3、Name some non-tax features of a tax haven?Generally,a tax haven have these features:1)Small territory2)Privacy3)Ease of residence4)Political stability5)Political stability6)Relaible communications7)Good life factors、4、How does an international taxpayer make use of a tax haven?(in book P104)methodology1)Change personal residency、(改变居民身份)Relocate themselves in low-tax jurisdiction、2)Asset holding、(资产持有)Utilize a trust or a company which will be formed in tax haven、3)Trading and other business activity、(生产经营)Set up many businesses which do not requirea specific geographical location or extensive labor in tax havens to minimimze tax exposure、4)Financial intermediaries、(通过财务金融中介公司)Use funds,banking,life insurance and pensions、Deposit with the intermediary in the low-tax jurisdiction、5、Does China have anti-tax-haven rules?Yes、In CFC rules、6、What are the advantages of being a tax haven?Being a tax haven ,a jurisdiction can1) have divisions of multinational locating there and employ some of the local population;2)transfer needed skills to the local population;3)go a long way to attracting foreign companies、7、What are the reasons for some jurisdictions desiring to be tax havens?The same as question6、Chapter 7International Transfer Pricing and Rules1、What is International transfer pricing?Transfer pricing refers to a kind of non-market pricing action taken by related corporations to shift profits form high tax rate countries or jurisdictions to low tax rete regions、The main purposes are reduce tax burden and a series of non-tax purposes like 1)occupy market2)change the subsidiary’s image in order to gain other interest 3)avoid currency control 4)minimize the expose to import duty 5)earn excess profit …2、Take an example to prove that International transfer pricing can be used to avoid international tax ?For example,A has a product can be sold at 1000 dollars, but A sold it to B at 100 dollars、Then B will sell it at 1000, 900 profit was shift t o B’s countries or jurisdictions,and B was setup in tax haven,the group don’t have to pay much tax、3、Whatare the main contents of International transfer pricing rules?International transfer pricing rules are a series of tax manage rules made by countries or governments in order to prevent corporations particularly multinational corporations utilize International transfer pricing to avoid tax ,which cause government’s tax run off、4、Termexplanation:comparable uncontrolled price;costplus;resaleprice;transactional net margin method;profit split method;comparabilityanalysisChapter8Controlled Foreign Corporation and Rules1、How does a multinational firm use a CFC to avoid tax?In most cases,Chinese firms tend to not distribute or just distribute a little profit from CFC to its parent firm、While, foreign firms usually let the profit stay in the CFC、2、What is CFC?CFC refers to firms controlled by resident firms and theyare often set in low tax rate or no tax reigions、3、What is the relationship between deferral system(延迟缴纳) and CFC rules?The law of many countries does not tax a shareholder of a corporation on the corporation’s income until the income is distributed as a dividend、This dividend could be avoided indefinitely by loaning the earnings to the shareholder without actually declaring a dividend、The CFC rules were intended to cause current taxation to the shareholder where income was of a sort that could be artificially shifted or was made available to the shareholder、At the same time, such rule were designed to interfere with normal commercial practices、4、What arethe main contents of a country’s CFC rules?The main contents of a country’s CFCrules are to prevent residents (including individuals and firms) using controlled foreign corporation to avoid tax burden、5、When were China’s CFC rules established?Year 2009、6、Can you name any differences between China and foreign jurisdictions for purposes of CFC rules?俪詆繽惻佇嬙伫。
一、单项选择题1.下列选项中,属于国际税收的研究对象的是( C )。
A.各国政府处理与其管辖范围内的纳税人之间征纳关系的准则和规范B.各国政府处理与其管辖范围内的外国纳税人之间征纳关系的准则和规范C.各国政府处理与其它国家之间的税收分配关系的准则和规范D.各国政府处理它同外国籍跨国纳税人之间的税收征纳关系和与其他国家之间的税收分配关系的准则和规范2. 约束对跨国纳税人来自非居住国的投资所得行使所得来源地管辖权的规范时,其标准是( C)A.实际支付地标准B.劳务提供地标准C.权利使用地标准D.比例分配标准3.跨国纳税人从事跨国经营和劳务,可能发生国际收入和费用分配的是( A )。
A.关联公司之间 B.跨国公司与无关联公司之间C.无关联公司之间 D.跨国自然人4. 国际双重征税的扩大化问题主要导源于( A )A.不同的税收管辖权体现出了不同的财权利益B.跨国纳税人的形成C.直接投资的增多D.国际法的复杂程度5.我国采用户籍标准确定跨国自然人居民身份时规定的居住期限是( C )。
A.90天B.183天C.365天D.5年6. 国际税收的本质是( A )A.国家之间的税收关系 B.对外国居民征税C.涉外税收 D.国际组织对各国居民征税7.多数国家为了维护本国的财权利益,在税收管辖权方面( C )A.只实行所得来源地管辖权 B.只实行居民(公民)管辖权C.同时实行所得来源地管辖权和居民(公民)管辖权 D.只实行地域管辖权8. 根据两大范本的精神,如果两国在判定法人居民身份时发生冲突,则认定其最终居民身份应根据( D )A.注册地标准 B.常设机构标准C.选举权控制标准 D.实际管理机构所在地标准9.免税方法的指导原则是( C )。
.A.放弃行使所得来源地管辖权B.承认所得来源地管辖权的独占地位C.避免双重征税D.对跨国所得的分享10.下列国家中同时行使所得来源地管辖权、居民管辖权和公民管辖权的是( C )。
税一(2016) 第8章 国际税法 课后作业
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