美科MK-4100电子琴说明书 中文版
请使用指定的电源转换器(DC 12V 或者美得理建议的等效转换器),使用错误的转换器会导致琴的损坏或过热。
设置场所电 源操作说明维修·保养避免本琴遭受雨淋,不要在水边或潮湿环境下使用。
2.4 通讯接口
XK4100 使用说明书
♦ EIA-RS232/RS485 标准串行口可选择。 ♦ 波特率:2400、4800、9600、19200bps 可选择。
♦ 多种通讯协议可选择。 3操 作
3.1 一般说明
显示器不要安装在阳光直射处,避免突然的温度变化、振动、或被风吹。当 温度约为 20℃、相对空气湿度约为 50%时,可获得最佳性能。必须保证电源端接 地线接地良好。接地线要单独接地,远离其它设备的地线及接地点。
XK4100 使用说明书
3.8 设定配料份量
XK4100 使用说明书 ♦ “RB” :RS232 接收端(RXD)或 RS485 的 B(-)。 ♦ “CG” :RS232 信号地或 RS485 的屏蔽线接线端。 ♦ “SHD” :传感器屏蔽线接线端。 ♦ “E+” :传感器激励电源正接线端。 ♦ “E-” :传感器激励电源负接线端。 ♦ “R+” :传感器激励电源正反馈接线端。 ♦ “R-” :传感器激励电源负反馈接线端。 ♦ “S1+” :传感器 1 信号正接线端。 ♦ “S1-” :传感器 1 信号负接线端。 ♦ “L” :交流 220V 供电火线接线端。 ♦ “N” :交流 220V 供电零线接线端。 ♦ “EG” :显示器接地接线端。
显示器采用 NPN 三极管开集电极输出,应用必须外接驱动继电器,由驱动继 电器驱动配料控制元件。输出口可以连接 5V 至 24V 电压,最大驱动电流 0.3A。 为了抑制由于接触连接造成任何放电干扰噪声,应在驱动继电器线圈上并联二极 管。显示器控制输出电路如图所示:
一. 产品特性:工作电压: DC 12V开锁电流:≤1000mA静态电流:≤60mA储存容量: 1088标准用户最大读卡距离: 15-20厘米RF卡类型: H4100卡工作温度: -40℃~70℃(工业级)工作湿度: 10%~90%尺寸: 117×117×21mm二. 安装说明:卸下固定面板与底板的十字螺丝,取下底板,使用随机配备的胶塞和螺钉将底板安装在欲控制出入口的入口侧墙壁,注意上下方向。
提示:1. 确认电源电压为直流12V和电源正负极性2. 防撬报警开关在电路板右下角,后盖打开状态下或弹簧松动蜂鸣器将连续短鸣报警,关闭后盖报警停止,此功能出厂默认为关闭,,可根据功能设置开启。
三.编程设置方法:初始编程密码为1234561.进入编程状态:按* => 输入编程密码 =>按#2 功能设置(需在编程状态下)(A) 修改编程密码按0 => 按# => 输入新编程密码 => 按#注:密码为1-6 位任意数字(B) 设置开门时间按1 => 按 # => X X => 按#注:XX 为1-99 单位为秒出厂设置为3 秒(C) 设置开门模式按2 => 按# 进入设置方式一:模式一,输入正确密码开门。
按1 => 按#方式2:模式二,混合模式输入正确密码开门,读有效卡加正确密码开门或刷有效卡开门。
按2 => 按#注:出厂设置为模式二(D) 快速录入用户卡:按3 => 按# => 读有效卡可以在5分钟内,连续录入用户卡,按* 退出(E) 设置、修改用户开门密码按4 => 按# =>方式一:输入用户编码 => 按# => 输入用户开门密码 => 按#方式二:=> 读有效卡=> 输入用户开门密码 => 按#读有效卡后,绿灯黄灯闪烁,可连续刷卡设定注: 1.用户编号为1-1088不可重复,按*取消输入,返回到编程状态2.刷卡+密码开门的用户必须刷卡后输入密码3.读有效卡后绿、黄灯齐闪烁,表示可以连续读卡修改或设定密码,按* 退出。
Matriarch 电子琴合成器指南说明书
MatriarchPatching with Intention Vol. 1Get started with patching techniques and exploredeeper synthesis concepts with stereo filtermovement and 2-operator FM synthesis.Patching with IntentionThere are many ways to approach patching a synthesizer like Matriarch. There’s no “wrong” way to do it, and randomly patching inputs to outputs can lead to wonderful, unexpected results.Other times, however, you may want to patch with some intention. Perhaps you have an electric piano sound in mind that you would like Matriarch to approximate. Or an idea may strike you while falling asleep: I wonder what would happen if I patched the envelope generator to the delay time...This guide will help you better understand how to patch Matriarch and help you discover why you might want to patch it a certain way.Initialized PatchBefore getting started, match your Matriarch to the initialized patch settings above. Each section builds upon the last, so explore them in sequential order for the best results. You can find the full patch diagrams for all patches discussed in this guide in the accompanying PDF patchbook.First StepsMatriarch is an extremely powerful and flexible synthesizer composed of many different modules based on Bob Moog’s original designs. Its semi-modular nature means that, while it is full of patch points, there are many patch connections already made for you under the hood.Let’s begin by designing a sound that does not require patching. First, startby matching your Matriarch parameter settings to the initialized patch diagrammed on the previous page. Play some notes and some chords to get an idea for how this initialized patch sounds.This patch results in a nice, clear sound, but let’s get a bit of movement going. A common way of doing that is to generate some extra movement in the filter. When we press a key the FILTER ENVELOPEwill open the filter by an amount set by the ENVELOPE AMT knob in the FILTERS section.Layering a MODULATION OSCILLATOR will add a bit of vibrato-like texture toour sound. This is such a common sound design technique that we don’t have to physically patch anything to achieve it. Turn up the CUTOFF AMT knob in the MODULATION section and then raisethe MOD wheel to apply the modulation oscillator to the filter cutoff. You should hear the filter opening and closing based on the settings in the MODULATION section.Now, let’s try and achieve this same result through patching. Through this exercise we’ll learn how to use the all-important utilities section of Matriarch and get a better handle on how to use modulation and patching to greatly expand Matriarch’s sound palette.Before we begin, turn the CUTOFF AMT knob back down and return the MOD wheel to zero.MAKE THIS CONNECTIONWe want to take the MODULATION oscillator and have it move the FILTER up and down. Our first impulse might be to simply take the WAVE OUT of the MODULATION section and patch it directly to the filter’s CUTOFF 1 IN.While that certainly gets the filter moving, it doesn’t allow us to control the amount of modulation applied. With this direct patching, the modulation oscillator swings the filter all the way open and all the way closed.MAKE THIS CONNECTIONLet’s explore a way to apply more subtle modulation. In order to have control over the depth of modulation, we can use an attenuator.Note: Any of the attenuators on Matriarch can be used for this.The ATTENUATOR takes the signal applied to its input—in this case a sine wave oscillating between -5 volts and +5 volts—and decreases it. With the attenuator knobat noon, the signal is decreased to zero, effectively silencing it. Moving the attenuator knob clockwise a little bit will raise the signal to oscillate between –1 volt and +1 volt (for example). Moving it fully clockwise will pass the original signal through with no attenuation: -5 volts to +5 volts.Now we can use the ATTENUATOR knob to control the depth of modulation. Movingthe knob clockwise will increase the modulation depth, and moving it counter-clockwise towards noon will decrease the modulation depth. Moving it further counter-clockwise will invert the modulation, but more on that in a second.At this point, we’ve successfully replicated the cutoff modulation that is hardwired via the CUTTOFF AMT knob and MOD WHEEL through patching! Let’s use this as a starting point for further patch exploration..Inverting Attenuators and Stereo MovementMatriarch features a stereo filter, which is really two filters layered on top of each other and routed separately to the left and right channels.Patching the modulation oscillator to the CUTOFF 1 IN (like we did in the previous section) moves both filters up and down, since the CUTOFF 1 IN is normalled tothe CUTOFF 2 IN. This means that a voltage patched to CUTOFF 1 IN will also be patched to CUTOFF 2 IN unless there is something else patched to CUTOFF2 IN, so we have the same signal fromthe MODULATION section moving both FILTER 1 and FILTER 2 simultaneously.As it stands right now, we don’t really have a stereo signal: both FILTER 1 and FILTER 2 move up when the modulation oscillator goes up and they move down when it goes down. Let’s now explore how to add stereo-depth and movement through patching.MAKE THIS CONNECTIONBy using more utilities, we can easily patch this stereo movement. Patchthe modulation WAVE OUT to an ATTENUATOR input as before. This attenuator will be the knob that controls the modulation depth. Next, let’s take the ATTENUATOR output and route it just above to a MULT input. It doesn’t matter which of the four jacks in the MULT we use, but let’s use the top left jack.The MULT takes a signal and allows usto send it to multiple destinations. Since we have a signal patched into one ofthe jacks, all of the remaining jacks now contain copies of that signal.Next, patch one of the MULT outputs to CUTOFF 1 IN as before. This just replicates the patch as we had it before.The fun begins when we take another MULT output and route it to a different attenuator. By turning this second attenuator completely counter-clockwise we invert whatever signal is patched into it. This means that when the modulation oscillator goes up, the signal out of this inverted attenuator will go down and vice versa.Patch another one of the MULT outputs to a new ATTENUATOR input. Now, patchthe output of this new ATTENUATOR to the CUTOFF 2 IN. Make sure that this second attenuator’s knob is turned fully counter-clockwise.The first attenuator acts as an attenuator for both left and right motion, since the attenuated version then goes down to the second attenuator which completely inverts whatever signal is coming in. If you move the second attenuator knob completely clockwise, we return to mono with both filters moving in sync. Moving the second attenuator knob back to fully counter-clockwise returns us to stereo space with the filters moving in opposition directions.With this patch, we’ve taken a pretty typical subtractive synth effect—an LFO moving the filter up and down—and created a much deeper stereo version using just a handful of patch cables and a few utility modules. While utilities like mults and attenuators don’t exactly stand out as being the most exciting parts of a modular synthesizer, this exercise shows just how important they can be in creating more interesting and exciting patches.Extended Keyboard Techniques: VelocityOn Matriarch’s back panel are CV outputs for keyboard velocity and aftertouch: how hard the keys are pressed and the amount of pressure applied to a key after it’s held down, respectively. These two aspects of Matriarch’s keyboard are not routed to anything by default and require patching to use.Let’s expand the patch we’ve been working with and layer on some performance controls. First, we’ll use the keyboard velocity to control the depth of stereo filter modulation. The harder we press a key, the wider the filter movement will be.MAKE THIS CONNECTIONWe can achieve this by simply patching the KB VEL OUT (on the rear panel) to the CV IN of the first attenuator which controls our modulation depth.PATCH TO REAR PANELKB VEL OUTMatriarch is a hands-on performance instrument that combines the power and flexibility of a modular synthesizer like Moog’s vintage modular systems with the playable functionality of a Minimoog.Let’s now explore how patching can be used to enhance creative playability.Turn the first (upper) attenuator knob to noon. The KB VEL OUT sends a voltage from0 to 5 volts depending on how hard the keyboard keys are pressed. With the attenuator knob at noon, a low voltage from KB VEL OUT caused by pressing the keys very softly will raise the attenuator knob slightly – resulting in very subtle filter movement. Pressing the keys harder will send a higher voltage out of KB VEL OUT, subsequently opening the attenuator more and generating wider filter movement.Take a moment to pause here and just play the keyboard – listening to how your keyboard playing opens and closes the modulation. With some thoughtful patching we’ve taken our initialized patch—a nice, but rather standard synthesizer sound—and created a synthesizer that responds to our touch to generate some interesting stereo movement.Let’s take it a step further with aftertouch. While the keyboard velocity controls the depth of modulation, we can patch aftertouch to control the rate of modulation.MAKE THIS CONNECTIONPatch the KB AT OUT (on the rear panel) to the MODULATION section’s RATE IN .Move the RATE knob down to around 9 o’clock to set a slow modulation rate for this patch. The KB AT OUT will send a higher voltage as you apply aftertouch (pressure to the keys once they’re held down), and will speed up the modulation rate the more aftertouch you apply. With the keyboard velocity still adjusting the depth of modulation, play around with this patch and explore all of the interesting ways you can control stereo movement.Up to this point we’ve had a single goal in mind: stereo filter motion.. Currently, all of our patching is related to how those filters move, and how we can control that movement. But remember, Matriarch is an open-ended synthesizer capable of an astoundingly wide array of sounds. All of these techniques can apply to modulating delay times, oscillator pitches, or sequencer movement just like we’ve used them to modulate the filter.Extended Keyboard Techniques: AftertouchPATCH TO REAR PANELKB VEL OUTPATCH TO REAR PANELATMAKE THIS CONNECTIONKeeping the patch as we have it, let’s now use aftertouch to modulate the delay. Take the KB AT OUT and patch it to the TIME 1 IN of the STEREO DELAY.Increase the MIX knob in the STEREO DELAY section to noon and add a bit of feedback with the FEEDBACK knob. Play around, and you’ll notice that now as you apply aftertouch you lengthen the delay time—resulting in some wonderfully wobbly sounds.MAKE THIS CONNECTIONWe still have an attenuator handy, which we can use to invert the aftertouch voltage if we like. Patch KB AT OUT to the remaining ATTENUATOR input, set the ATTENUATOR knob counter-clockwise to invert the incoming voltage, and patch the output to TIME1 IN in the STEREO DELAY. This will make it so that applying aftertouch shortens the delay time rather than lengthens it.In fact, with this attenuator we have control of both the range of modulation for aftertouch and its direction—such is the power of the inverting attenuators of Matriarch!Switch PARAPHONY to 1 for now whilewe build our first 2-operator FM voice.Given how harmonically rich FMsynthesis is, sine waves are often used. We potentially have three sine waveoscillators at our disposal: the modulation oscillator and both filters self-resonating. Triangle waves work well, and using the oscillator bank makes things cleaner and more flexible. So, let’s now switch all four OSCILLATORS to triangle waves.2-Operator Analog FM SynthesisFM synthesis sits next to subtractive analog synthesis as one of the majorsynthesis methods available today. While FM exploded in the 1980s by harnessing the power of digital technology available at the time, the core concept of FM synthesis—frequency modulation—has been possible all the way back to thevintage Moog systems of the 1960s. With Matriarch we can create deep and flexible FM patches for a world of sounds not typically available on analog subtractive synthesizers.Let’s return to the initialized patch from the beginning of this guide as a starting point. We’re going to use the oscillator bank as our source of carrier and modulation oscillators, allowing us to turn Matriarch into a 2-operator FM synth with two voices.Now that we have a handle on how to use attenuators and mults to deepen our patches, let’s realize a different goal: FM synthesis.MAKE THIS CONNECTIONFor one FM voice our goal is to use Oscillator 2 to Frequency Modulate (or FM) Oscillator 1. A crude way of doing this would be to patch Oscillator 2’s WAVE OUT output to Oscillator 1’s PITCH IN input.Turn down all channels in the mixer except for OSCILLATOR 1 and press a note. Compare how the sound changesas you press the key, removing the patch connection and then repatching. You’ll notice that with Oscillator 2 patched to the PITCH IN the tone is way too lowand pretty flabby. This has to do with the PITCH IN input having an exponential response, which works well for pitch and keyboard information, but not as wellwhen doing FM synthesis.MAKE THIS CONNECTIONInstead try patching Oscillator 2 WAVE OUT output to Oscillator 1’s LIN FM IN input.You’ll notice now a very bright tone–one full of overtones. By changing the value of the OCTAVE switch of Oscillator 2you change the relationship between the carrier (Oscillator 1) and the modulator (Oscillator 2) and thus change the color of the sound. This might be too bright of a tone, however, and you’ll want to adjust the FM depth. Just as before, it is time to use an attenuator.Patch Oscillator 2’s WAVE OUT output to an ATTENUATOR input and the ATTENUATOR output to Oscillator 1’s LIN FM IN input.Now you can use the attenuator to dial in the depth of frequency modulation. You can even invert Oscillator 2 by moving the ATTENUATOR knob counterclockwise past noon, but in the case of this patch it doesn’t make much of a difference.A major feature of FM synths is dynamic depth FM synthesis—where the depthof modulation will vary over time—usually controlled by an envelope. Matriarch’s attenuators easily let us achieve this since their CV inputs make them voltage controlled amplifiers! We will take the amplitude envelope and use that to control the depth of FM.We could patch the ENV OUT directly to the CV IN of our attenuator, but by runningthe envelope itself through its own attenuator we can have even more control over the depth of FM.The first attenuator sets the starting FM depth and the second sets the max FM depth. With the first attenuator at zero (noon) and the second all the way up we get tonesthat start with no FM, grow to full FM over the course of the envelope, and return back to no FM. With the first attenuator at maximum and the second all the way counter-clockwise (inverting the envelope) we get the opposite: tones that start with full FM, reduce to no FM at the height of the envelope, and grow back to full FM as the envelope decays. By playing with these two attenuators, the amplitude envelope parameters, and Oscillator 2’s octave and detuning, we have an incredibly wide range of metallic, bright, clangorous, and buzzy sounds that change over time—perfect for feeding Matriarch’s stereo filter and delay.Even better, we can make this a two-voice FM synth by setting up a similar patch with Oscillators 3+4. Turn up OSCILLATOR 3 in the mixer, patch Oscillator 4 to Oscillator 3’s LIN FM IN via our remaining attenuator, and mult the attenuated amplitude envelopeto both FM depth attenuators. Switch PARAPHONY to 2 now—this will enable us to use Oscillators 1+2 for our first FM voice and Oscillators 3+4 for our second. Below is a full patch diagram for our two-voice 2-operator FM synthesizer:Further ExplorationNow that you have built some intuition for how Matriarch’s patch points can be used to expand your tonal palette, feel free to start exploringand experimenting on your own. We’ve only just scratched the surface, and with some patch cables and your imagination Matriarch truly comes alive. We’ve included a supplementary patch book, outlining some of the patches in this guide and some alternate versions of them to play around with. Remember, though: there is no wrong way to patch Matriarch. Let your ears be your guide.Register your Matriarch at to receive additional Matriarch updates and assets straight to your inbox.。
mA :
5.03 mA
1.502 m
操作手册 | 超声波物位计 5
卡西欧 CASIO CTK900 电子琴 中文说明书
J 包括众多高级音色在内的550 种音色共332 种高级音色经DSP 处理,更加华美、有力。
J 50 种混合音电风琴音色除550 种标准音色之外,本电子琴还装备有50 种真实的混合音电风琴音色。
您还可以选择打击乐器音或键控响声,甚至编辑预设音色的参数并在用户自创音色储存器中保存最多100 种原创音色。
J 闪光储存器内藏闪光储存器可用于保存从卡西欧音乐网站下载的,或从电子琴附带CD-ROM 光盘得到的数据,使您对音色及节奏有更多的选择。
闪光储存器还能保存最多200 个SMF 格式音乐文件以便随时播放。
J PIANO SETTING (钢琴设定)钮只要按此按钮便可为钢琴演奏配置最佳电子琴设置。
J 160 种预置节奏+16 种用户节奏包括伴奏在内的160 种节奏,从摇滚到流行和爵士,应有尽有。
您还可以从个人电脑将伴奏数据传送到电子琴,电子琴储存器中最多能保存16 段用户节奏。
J 自动伴奏只需弹奏一个和弦,电子琴即会自动播放相匹配的节奏、贝司以及和弦部分。
J 信息丰富的大型显示屏内藏的大型液晶显示屏能显示和弦名、速度设定、键盘信息、演奏音符的五线谱及其他支持您电子琴演奏的全部信息。
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ขႚכਖྈቂॖၭဢນ֦࣏ᇵॄ๊צᅍᇋيኡȃ ภᅐፃ ቂׁፇˈכᅐ༈ኡޚௐᇜقȐภᅐፃȑȃ
第一部分系统综述介绍S imlex 4100/4120是单个微机为基础,运用最新的安全技术的防火报警控制设备,该系统设备已通过美国U.L.认证,具有省电和自动巡监功能,并且可防止交流电源停电,并自动记录且显示该状态。
组态数据存在于可电擦除的FLACK EPROM中,使用现场修改组态数据更加简单。
主机板上更有备有电池的RAM 以保存重要的历史数据,哪怕完全将主机关闭。
4100/4120系统中采用的是开关电源,此电源提供24VDC 8安培的容量给负载设备和系统运行,提供4安培电流给蓄电池充电。
如果面板上的报警发光二极管二类报警发光二极管,监视发光二极管或故障发光二极管闪光,并且有声音报警就说明有不正常的情况出现,LCD显示可提供有关探测点的状况(报警, 二类报警监视和故障)。
在使用前请仔细阅读此注意事项目 录一、面板控制和外接端孔 1.面板控制 2.外接端口二、演奏前的准备1.使用交直流电源适配器2.使用电池3.耳机的使用4.连接放大器或音响三、基本操作方法1122222 2.主音量调节 3.音色选择 4.双音色二自动节奏() 1.节奏的选择 2.插入 3.同步 4.速度5.伴奏音量6.节拍器三自动低音和弦() 1.单指和弦 2.多指和弦 3.和弦关闭 4.延音功能 5.颤音功能 6.双键盘 7.移调功能四、录音功能五、编程功能六、智能教学功能 1.示范曲 2.教学功能附录一、音色表附录二、节奏表附录三、示范曲附录四、面板打击乐表附录五、故障与排除 1.开启电源3 (一)基本演奏方法333333344444445555556666678991011 5.演奏打击乐器3附录六、技术规格附录七、电路原理图12一、面板控制和外接端孔1.面板控制:1.电源开关2.教学1键 3.教学2键4.节拍器键5.启动/停止键/插入/同步键6.示范曲/节奏/音色键7.数码显示窗口8.数字区选择/+、-选择键9.单指和弦/多指和弦/和弦关闭10.延音/颤音/双键盘11.主音量+/-键/伴奏音量+/-键12.四种面板打击乐13.录音键14.播放键15.编程键16.四种面板打击乐17.速度+/-键18.移调+/-键19.双音色20.自动和弦键盘21.喇叭22.歌谱架插入口2.外接端口:23.左右声道音频24.耳机输出25.DC12V1二、演奏前的准备1.使用交直流电源适配器:请使用本电子琴配套的专用交直流电源适配器,或输出电压为12V ,输出电流大于1A ,插头中心为正极的电源适配器。
美得理 Medeli A1000电子琴 官方中文说明书
ELECTRONIC KEYBOARDOwner’s Manual用户说明书电子琴注意事项请在操作使用前,首先仔细阅读以下内容 。
装箱单尊敬的用户,当您选购本乐器后,请检查以下物品是否齐全: 琴体外接电源 琴谱架 说明书美得理售后保修证书DC 12V介绍面板控制以及显示说明前面板..........................................................6后面板.........................................................................7主界面显示 (8)设置电源.............................................................................9安装琴谱架..................................................................9连接延音踏板...............................................................9连接音量踏板 (9)外部连接连接耳机....................................................................10连接到音频设备.........................................................10连接MP3/CD播放器...................................................10连接到计算机. (11)连接到其他设备 (11)快速入门基本操作选择文件....................................................................12软键盘操作................................................................12设置参数....................................................................13播放演示曲................................................................14演奏音色....................................................................15播放节奏....................................................................16播放歌曲....................................................................17快速录音(MIDI格式).............................................18音频录音(WAV格式).............................................19U盘使用 (20)...............音色演奏各种音色......................................21 音色层选择和划分................................................21 演奏一层音色 (右手1)................................................21 同时演奏两到三种音色(右手1, 2, 3).............................21 用左右手演奏不同的音色...........................................22选择键盘力度曲线.....................................................22改变音高....................................................................23 乐器调音 (23)移调........................................................................23 八度........................................................................24 音阶调律..................................................................24调节各层音色音量.....................................................26音效...........................................................................26 琶音器.....................................................................27 和声........................................................................30 切片........................................................................30整体音效....................................................................31 混响和合唱..............................................................31 全局均衡..................................................................32音色编辑....................................................................32 可编辑的参数...........................................................33 保存编辑后的音色.....................................................34 保存,删除,重命名用户音色...................................34节奏选择不同的节奏.........................................................35播放自动伴奏(打击乐轨).......................................35播放自动伴奏(所有轨道).......................................35调节音量均衡.............................................................36关闭特定音轨音量输出..............................................37分离点设置................................................................37选择和弦演奏模式.....................................................38 和弦基础..................................................................38 单指和弦模式...........................................................39 多指和弦模式...........................................................39 和弦字典..................................................................39节奏播放操作.............................................................40 段落切换..................................................................40 按键控制..................................................................40速度调节....................................................................41节拍器使用 ...............................................................41单触设置....................................................................42保存,删除,重命名用户节奏...................................42节奏录音编辑节奏的基本参数..................................................43............................实用指南编辑节奏中的每一个音符...........................................48设置音符响应和弦变化的规律...................................50编辑节奏附带的O.T.S.(单触设置)..............................52歌曲播放各类歌曲.............................................................53歌曲播放操作.............................................................53调节音量均衡.............................................................54乐谱显示.. (55)歌曲录制MIDI录音...................................................................57 ..................................................................57 多轨录音..................................................................58 编辑已经录制的歌曲(MIDI格式)............................59音频录音....................................................................60保存,删除,重命名用户歌曲...................................60全局设置键盘...........................................................................61节奏以及歌曲.............................................................61控制器.......................................................................62 旋钮........................................................................62 多功能垫..................................................................63 踏板........................................................................64效果...........................................................................65MIDI 输入/输出..........................................................65其他设置.. (65)演奏记忆选择演奏记忆库.........................................................67调用特定演奏记忆设置..............................................67锁定特殊项设置.........................................................68将设置保存到演奏记忆..............................................68保存,删除,重命名演奏记忆库.. (69)U盘文件操作....................................................................70新建文件夹................................................................71格式化.. (71)MIDI功能什么是MIDI?............................................................72快速录音介绍快速入门实用指南故障排除 (73)规格 (73)附录音色表 (74)节奏表 (81)歌曲表 (83)演示曲表 (83)和弦类型表 (84)MIDI 应用表 (85)........................前面板组4: 各旋钮功能可设置,详见“控制 器”。
美科MK-935电子琴说明书 中文版
● 双音色本琴具有双音色功能,您可以通过此功能将本琴任意两种音色叠加起来同时发声产生新的音色效果,以丰富音色的层次感,仿佛两种乐器在同时演奏。
启动双音色功能前的音色为第一音色“VOICE 1”,启动双音色功能后进入第二音色“VOICE 2”选择状态。
(1)按下【双音色】键,进入双音色状态,LCD液晶显示屏上“VOICE 2”标志点亮,同时右侧状态光标指向“DUAL”,LCD液晶显示屏显示当前第二音色序号,本琴预设第二音色为48号音色。
(3)如需改变第一音色,按动【音色】键切换至“VOICE 1”状态,此时可根据需要选择相应的第一音色,再次按动【音色】键返回第二音色选择状态。
(4)在双音色状态下,按下【双音色】键,可关闭双音色效果,LCD液晶显示屏的“VOICE 2”标志与对应双音色“DUAL”状态光标熄灭,返回至“VOICE 1”状态。
● 延音效果(1)按动【延音】键,打开延音功能,LCD液晶显示屏“SUSTAIN”标志点亮。
● 力度按动【力度】键可开启或关闭力度触感功能,开机默认为开启,屏幕上对应力度功能“TOUCH”的光标亮起。
单片机课程设计设计题目:数字电子琴姓名:王明海徐向前初晓峰学号:201156501317班级:机111-3班指导老师:陈素目录课设题目 (3)【摘要】 (3)一、引言 (4)1.1电子琴的设计背景 (4)1.2电子琴的设计意义 (4)1.3电子琴的设计目标 (4)二、方案的选择 (5)2.1控制模块选择方案 (5)2.2按键选择方案 (5)三、硬件设计及说明 (6)3.1系统组成及总体框图 (6)3.2元件简介 (7)3.2.1MCS-51 80C51 (7)3.2.2LED数码管 (9)3.3显示电路 (10)3.4各功能模块原理图 (10)3.4.1MCS80C51模块电路原理图 (10)3.4.2键盘扫描模块电路原理图 (11)3.4.3数码管显示模块电路原理图 (12)3.4.4音频处理模块电路原理图 (12)四、软件设计 (13)4.1音乐相关知识 (13)4.2如何用单片机实现音频脉冲 (14)4.3系统总体流程图 (16)五、系统调试 (19)5.1硬件调试 (19)5.2软件调试 (19)六、课程设计总结及心得体会 (20)七、参考文献 (21)附录1:元器件清单 (22)附录2:主要电路原理图 (24)附录3:程序清单 (24)汇编程序 (24)C语言程序 (35)课设题目:数字电子琴的设计【摘要】随着电子技术的发展,电子技术正在逐渐改善着人们的学习、生活、工作,因此开发本系统希望能够给人们多带来一点生活上的乐趣,电子技术与音乐的结合不断加深。
聲寶數位錄音筆 MK-W1401PL 使用手冊说明书