



化学元素周期表中英文对照1. 氢(Hydrogen) H2. 氦(Helium) He3. 锂(Lithium) Li4. 铍(Beryllium) Be5. 硼(Boron) B6. 碳(Carbon) C7. 氮(Nitrogen) N8. 氧(Oxygen) O9. 氟(Fluorine) F10. 氖(Neon) Ne11. 钠(Sodium) Na12. 镁(Magnesium) Mg13. 铝(Aluminium) Al14. 硅(Silicon) Si15. 磷(Phosphorus) P16. 硫(Sulfur) S17. 氯(Chlorine) Cl18. 氩(Argon) Ar19. 钾(Potassium) K20. 钙(Calcium) Ca21. 钪(Scandium) Sc22. 钛(Titanium) Ti24. 铬(Chromium) Cr25. 锰(Manganese) Mn26. 铁(Iron) Fe27. 钴(Cobalt) Co28. 镍(Nickel) Ni29. 铜(Copper) Cu30. 锌(Zinc) Zn……(更多元素对照,请继续查阅)当然,让我们继续完善这份化学元素周期表中英文对照的文档。

31. 镓(Gallium) Ga32. 锗(Germanium) Ge33. 砷(Arsenic) As34. 硒(Selenium) Se35. 溴(Bromine) Br36. 氪(Krypton) Kr37. 铷(Rubidium) Rb38. 锶(Strontium) Sr39. 钇(Yttrium) Y40. 锆(Zirconium) Zr41. 铌(Niobium) Nb42. 钼(Molybdenum) Mo43. 锝(Technetium) Tc44. 钌(Ruthenium) Ru46. 钯(Palladium) Pd47. 银(Silver) Ag48. 镉(Cadmium) Cd49. 铟(Indium) In50. 锡(Tin) Sn当然,让我们继续探索化学元素周期表的奥秘。



化学元素周期表中英文对照表元素编号符号中文中文读音英文英文读音1 H 氢轻Hydrogen ['haidrəudʒən]2 He 氦亥Helium ['hi:ljəm,-liəm]3 Li 锂里Lithium ['liθiəm]4 Be 铍皮Beryllium [be'riljəm,bə'r-]5 B 硼朋Boron ['bɔ:rɔn]6 C 碳炭Carbon ['kɑ:bən]7 N 氮淡Nitrogen ['naitrədʒən]8 O 氧养Oxygen ['ɔksidʒən]9 F 氟弗Fluorine ['flu(:)əri:n]10 Ne 氖乃Neon ['ni:ən]11 Na 钠纳Sodium ['səudjəm,-diəm]12 Mg 镁美Magnesium [mæg'ni:zjəm]13 Al 铝吕Aluminum [ælju'miniəm]14 Si 硅归Silicon ['silikən]15 P 磷邻Phosphorus ['fɔsfərəs]16 S 硫流Sulfur ['sʌlfə]17 Cl 氯绿Chlorine ['klɔ:ri:n]18 Ar 氩亚Argon ['ɑ:gɔn]19 K 钾甲Potassium [pə'tæsjəm]20 Ca 钙丐Calcium ['kælsiəm]21 Sc 钪亢Scandium [s'kændiəm]22 Ti 钛太Titanium [tai'teinjəm,ti-]23 V 钒凡Vanadium [və'neidiəm,-djəm]24 Cr 铬各Chromium ['krəumjəm]25 Mn 锰猛Manganese [mæŋgə'ni:z]26 Fe 铁铁Iron ['aiən]27 Co 钴古Cobalt [kə'bɔ:lt,'kəubɔ:lt]28 Ni 镍臬Nickel ['nikl]29 Cu 铜同copper ['kɔpə]30 Zn 锌辛Zinc [ziŋk]31 Ga 镓家Gallium ['gæliəm]32 Ge 锗者Germanium [dʒə:'meiniəm]33 As 砷申Arsenic ['ɑ:sənik]34 Se 硒西Selenium [si'li:niəm,-njəm]35 Br 溴秀Bromine ['brəumi:n]36 Kr 氪克Krypton ['kriptɔn]37 Rb 铷如Rubidium [ru:'bidiəm]38 Sr 锶思Strontium ['strɔnʃiəm]39 Y 钇乙Yttrium [i'ridiəm]40 Zr 锆告Zirconium [zə:'kəuniəm]41 Nb 铌尼Niobium [nai'əubiəm]42 Mo 钼目Molybdenum [mə'libdinəm]43 Tc 碍得Technetium [tek'ni:ʃiəm]44 Ru 钌了Ruthenium [ru:'θi:niəm]45 Rh 铑老Rhodium ['rəudiəm,-djəm]46 Pd 钯巴Palladium [pə'leidiəm]47 Ag 银银Silver ['silvə]48 Cd 镉隔Cadmium ['kædmiəm]49 In 铟因Indium ['indiəm]50 Sn 锡西Tin [tin]51 Sb 锑梯Antimony ['stibjəm]52 Te 碲帝Tellurium [te'ljʊəriəm]53 I 碘典Iodine ['aiədi:n;(US)'aiədain]54 Xe 氙仙Xenon ['zenɔn]55 Cs 铯色Cesium ['si:ziəm]56 Ba 钡贝Barium ['bɛəriəm]57 La 镧蓝Lanthanum ['lænθənəm]58 Ce 铈市Cerium ['siəriəm]59 Pr 镨普Praseodymium [preiziəu'dimiəm]60 Nd 钕女Neodymium [ni(:)ə'dimiəm]61 Pm 钷颇Promethium [prə'mi:θiəm]62 Sm 钐衫Samarium [sə'mɛəriəm]63 Eu 铕有Europium [juə'rəupiəm]64 Gd 钆嘎(二声)Gadolinium [gædə'liniəm]65 Tb 铽特Terbium ['tə:biəm]66 Dy 镝滴Dysprosium [dis'prəusiəm]67 Ho 钬火Holmium ['hɔlmiəm]68 Er 铒耳Erbium ['ə:biəm]69 Tm 铥丢Thulium ['θju:liəm]70 Yb 镱意Ytterbium [i'tə:biəm]71 Lu 镥鲁Lutetium [lu:'ti:ʃiəm,-siəm]72 Hf 铪哈Hafnium ['hæfniəm]73 Ta 钽坦Tantalum ['tæntələm]74 W 钨乌Tungsten ['tʌŋstən]75 Re 铼来Rhenium ['ri:niəm]76 Os 锇鹅Osmium ['ɔzmiəm,-mjəm]77 Ir 铱衣Iridium [i'ridiəm]78 Pt 铂博Platinum ['plætinəm]79 Au 金今Gold [gəuld]80 Hg 汞拱Mercury ['mə:kjuri]81 Tl 铊他Thallium ['θæliəm]82 Pb 铅千Lead [li:d]83 Bi 铋必Bismuth ['bizməθ]84 Po 钋泼Polonium [pə'ləuniəm]85 At 砹艾Astatine ['æstəti:n]86 Rn 氡冬Radon ['reidɔn]87 Fr 钫方Francium ['frænsiəm]88 Ra 镭雷Radium ['reidjəm]89 Ac 锕阿Actinium [æk'tiniəm]90 Th 钍土Thorium ['θɔ:riəm]91 Pa 镤葡Protactinium [prəutəuæk'tiniəm]92 U 铀由Uranium [juə'reiniəm]93 Np 镎拿Neptunium [nep'tju:niəm]94 Pu 钚布Plutonium [plu:'təuniəm]95 Am 镅眉Americium [æmə'riʃiəm]96 Cm 锔局Curium ['kjuəriəm]97 Bk 锫陪Berkelium ['bə:kliəm]98 Cf 锎开Californium [kæli'fɔ:niəm]99 Es 锿哀Einsteinium [ain'stainiəm]100 Fm 镄费Fermium ['fə:miəm]101 Md 钔门Mendelevium [mendə'li:viəm]102 No 锘诺Nobelium [nəu'beliəm]103 Lw 铹劳Lawrencium [lɔ:'rensiəm,lɑ:-]104 Rf 钅卢卢Rutherfordium [,rʌðə'fɔ:diəm]105 Db 钅杜杜Dubnium106 Sg 钅喜喜Seaborgium107 Bh 钅波波Bohrium108 Hs 钅黑黑Hassium109 Mt 钅麦麦Meitnerium110 Ds 钅达达Darmstadtium111 Rg 钅仑伦Roentgenium112 Uub Ununbium113 Uut Ununtrium114 Uup Ununquadium116 Uuh Ununhexium117 Uus Ununseptium(Not synthesized to Jan.2009) 118 Uuo Ununoctium。



中文 氢 氦 锂 铍 硼 碳 氮 氧 氟 氖 钠 镁 铝 硅 磷 硫 氯 氩 钾 钙 钪 钛 钒 铬 锰 铁 钴 镍 铜 锌 镓 锗 砷 硒 溴 氪 铷 锶 钇 锆 铌 钼 锝 钌 铑 钯 银 镉 铟 锡 锑 碲 碘 氙 铯
缩写 H He Li Be B C N O F Ne Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar K Ca Sc Ti ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe Cs
Gold Mercury Thallium
Lead Bismuth Polonium Astatine Radon Francium Radium Actinium Thorium Proactinium Uranium Neptunium Plutonium Americium Curium Berkelium Californium Einsteinium Fremium Mendelevium Nobelium Lawrencium Unnilquadium Unnilpentium Unnilhexium Unnilseptium Hassium Mietnerium Unununium Ununbium
中文 钡 镧 铈 镨 钕 钷 钐 铕 钆 铽 镝 钬 铒 铥 镱 镥 铪 钽 钨 铼 锇 铱 铂 金 汞 铊 铅 铋 钋 砹 氡 钫 镭 锕 钍 镤 铀 镎 钚 镅 锔 锫 锎 锿 镄 钔 锘 铹



化学元素英文名称及音标大全1.氢H H ydrogen['haidrəudʒən]2.氦He H elium['hi:ljəm,-liəm]3.锂Li L ithium['liθiəm]4.铍Be B eryllium[be'riljəm,bə'r-]5.硼B B oron['bɔ:rɔn]6.碳C C arbon['kɑ:bən]7.氮N Nitrogen['naitrədʒən]8.氧O Oxygen['ɔksidʒən]9.氟F Fluorine['flu(:)əri:n]10.氖Ne Reon['ni:ən]11.钠Na Sodium['səudjəm,-diəm]12.镁Mg Magnesium[mæg'ni:zjəm]13.铝Al Aluminum[ælju'miniəm]14.硅Si Silicon['silikən]15.磷P Phosphorus['fɔsfərəs]16.硫S Sulfur['sʌlfə]17.氯Cl Chlorine['klɔ:ri:n]18.氩Ar Argon['ɑ:gɔn]19.钾K Potassium[pə'tæsjəm]20.钙Ca C alcium['kælsiəm]21.钪Sc S candium[s'kændiəm]22.钛Ti T itanium[tai'teinjəm,ti-]23.钒V Vanadium[və'neidiəm,-djəm]24.铬Cr Chromium['krəumjəm]25.锰Mn M anganese[mæŋgə'ni:z]26.铁Fe I ron['aiən]27.钴Co Cobalt[kə'bɔ:lt,'kəubɔ:lt]28.镍N i Nickel['nikl]29.铜C u Copper['kɔpə]30.锌Zn Zinc[ziŋk]31.镓Ga Gallium['gæliəm]32.锗Ge Germanium[dʒə:'meiniəm]33.砷As Arsenic['ɑ:sənik]34.硒Se Selenium[si'li:niəm,-njəm]35.溴Br Bromine['brəumi:n]36.氪Kr Krypton['kriptɔn]37.铷Rb Rubidium[ru:'bidiəm]38.锶Sr Strontium['strɔnʃiəm]39.铱Y Iridium[i'ridiəm]40.锆Zr Zirconium[zə:'kəuniəm]41.铌Nb Niobium[nai'əubiəm]42.钼Mo Molybdenum[mə'libdinəm]43.锝Tc Technetium[tek'ni:ʃiəm]44.钌Ru Ruthenium[ru:'θi:niəm]45.铑Rh Rhodium['rəudiəm,-djəm]46.钯Pd Palladium[pə'leidiəm]47.银Ag Silver['silvə]48.镉Cd Cadmium['kædmiəm]49.铟In Indium['indiəm]50.锡Sn Tin[tin]读“亢”读“家”读“克”读“得”读“隔”读“各”51.锑Sb Stibium['stibjəm]52.碲Te Tellurium[te'ljʊəriəm]53.碘I Iodine['aiədi:n;(US)'aiədain]54.氙Xe Xenon['zenɔn]55.铯Cs Caesium['si:ziəm]56.钡Ba Barium['bɛəriəm]57.镧La Lanthanum['lænθənəm]58.铈Ce Cerium['siəriəm]59.镨Pr Praseodymium[preiziəu'dimiəm]60.钕Nd Neodymium[ni(:)ə'dimiəm]61.钷Pm Promethium[prə'mi:θiəm]62.钐Sm Samarium[sə'mɛəriəm]63.铕Eu Europium[juə'rəupiəm]64.钆Gd Gadolinium[gædə'liniəm]65.铽Tb Terbium['tə:biəm]66.镝Dy Dysprosium[dis'prəusiəm]67.钬Ho H olmium['hɔlmiəm]68.铒Er Erbium['ə:biəm]69.铥Tm Thulium['θju:liəm]70.镱Yb Ytterbium[i'tə:biəm]71.镥Lu Lutecium[lu:'ti:ʃiəm,-siəm]72.铪Hf Hafnium['hæfniəm]73.钽Ta Tantalum['tæntələm]74.钨W Tungsten['tʌŋstən]75.铼Re Rhenium['ri:niəm]76.锇Os Osmium['ɔzmiəm,-mjəm]77.铱Ir Iridium[i'ridiəm]78.铂Pt Platinum['plætinəm]79.金Au Gold[gəuld]80.汞Hg Mercury['mə:kjuri]81.铊Tl Thallium['θæliəm]82.铅Pb Lead(pb)[li:d]83.铋Bi Bismuth['bizməθ]84.钋Po Polonium[pə'ləuniəm]85.砹At Astatin e['æstəti:n]86.氡Rn Radon['reidɔn]87.钫Fr Francium['frænsiəm]88.镭Ra Radium['reidjəm]89.锕Ac Actinium[æk'tiniəm]90.钍Th Thorium['θɔ:riəm]91.镤Pa Protactinium[prəutəuæk'tiniəm]92.铀U Uranium[juə'reiniəm]93.镎Np Neptunium[nep'tju:niəm]94.钚Pu Plutonium[plu:'təuniəm]95.镅Am Americium[æmə'riʃiəm]96.锔Cm Curium['kjuəriəm]97.锫Bk Berkelium['bə:kliəm]98.锎Cf Californium[kæli'fɔ:niəm]99.锿Es Einsteinium[ain'stainiəm] 100.镄Fm Fermium['fə:miəm]101.钔Md Mendelevium[mendə'li:viəm] 102.锘No Nobelium[nəu'beliəm] 103.铹Lr Lawrencium[lɔ:'rensiəm,lɑ:-]读“梯”读“帝”读“仙”读“兰”读“市”读“颇”读“衫”读“轧”读“忒”读“滴”读“鹅”读“他”读“泼”读“艾”读“冬”读“土”读“仆”读“陪”读“开”读“诺”。



レ二ウム オスミウム イリジウム 白金 (はっきん) 金 (きん) 水银 (すいぎん) タリウム 鉛(なまり) ビスマス ポロニウム アスタチン ラドン フランシウム ラジウム アクチニウム トリウム プロトアクチニウム ウラン ネプツニウム プルトニウム アメリシウム キュリウム バークリウム カリホルニウム アインスタイニウム
Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In
锰(měng) 铁(tiě) 钴(gǔ) 镍(niè) 铜(tóng) 锌(xīn) 镓(jiā) 锗(zhě) 砷(shēn) 硒(xī) 溴(xiù) 氪(kè) 铷(rú) 锶(sī) 钇(yǐ) 锆(gào) 铌(ní) 钼(mù) 锝(dé) 钌(liǎo) 铑(láo) 钯(bā) 银(yín) 镉(gé) 铟(yīn)
stannum antimony tellurium iodium xenon cesium barium lanthanum cerium praseodymium neodymium promethium samerum europium gadolinium terbium dysprosium holmium erbium thulium ytterbium lutetium hafnium tantalum tungsten
manganese ferrum cobalt nkckel cuprum zincum gallium germanium arsenium selenium bromium krypton rubidium strontium yttrium zirconium niobium molybdenum technetium ruthenium rhodium palladium argentum cadmium indium



Ce 铈 shì
镨 Nd 钕 pǔ nǚ
钷 Sm 钐 shān pǒ
Eu 铕 Gd 钆 gá yǒu
europium gadolinium
Tb tè

Dy 镝 Ho 钬 dī huǒ
dysprosium holmium
铒 Tm 铥 ěr diū
51 Bi
铋 bì
52 Po
钋 pō
53 At
砹 ài
54 131.3 Rn 氡 dōng
55 132.9 Fr 钫 fāng
族 周期
ⅠA 1
H 氢
2 Be pī
ο 18 He 氦 hài ⅢA
13 B 硼 过度金属 péng boron 镧系 锕系 5 10.81 Al 铝
14 C 碳 tàn
15 N 氮 dàn
16 O 氧 yǎng






化学元素周期表Periodic Table of the Elements (化学元素周期表PET)第 01 号元素: 氢 [化学符号]H, 读“轻”, [英文名称]Hydrogen ['haidr?ud??n]第 02 号元素: 氦 [化学符号]He, 读“亥”, [英文名称]Helium ['hi:lj?m, -li?m] 第 03 号元素: 锂 [化学符号]Li, 读“里”, [英文名称]Lithium ['liθi?m]第 04 号元素: 铍 [化学符号]Be, 读“皮”, [英文名称]Beryllium [be'rilj?m,b?'r-] 第 05 号元素: 硼 [化学符号]B, 读“朋”, [英文名称]Boron ['b?:r?n]第 06 号元素: 碳 [化学符号]C, 读“炭”, [英文名称]Carbon ['kɑ:b?n]第 07 号元素: 氮 [化学符号]N, 读“淡”, [英文名称]Nitrogen ['naitr?d??n]第 08 号元素: 氧 [化学符号]O, 读“养”, [英文名称]Oxygen ['?ksid??n]第 09 号元素: 氟 [化学符号]F, 读“弗”, [英文名称]Fluorine ['flu(:)?ri:n]第 10 号元素: 氖 [化学符号]Ne, 读“乃”, [英文名称]Neon ['ni:?n]第 11 号元素: 钠 [化学符号]Na, 读“纳”, [英文名称]Sodium ['s?udj?m, -di?m] 第 12 号元素: 镁 [化学符号]Mg, 读“美”, [英文名称]Magnesium [m?g'ni:zj?m]第 13 号元素: 铝 [化学符号]Al, 读“吕”, [英文名称]Aluminum [?lju'mini?m]第 14 号元素: 硅 [化学符号]Si, 读“归”, [英文名称]Silicon ['silik?n]第 15 号元素: 磷 [化学符号]P, 读“邻”, [英文名称]Phosphorus ['f?sf(?)r?s]第 16 号元素: 硫 [化学符号]S, 读“流”, [英文名称]Sulfur ['s?lf?]第 17 号元素: 氯 [化学符号]Cl, 读“绿”, [英文名称]Chlorine ['kl?:ri:n]第 18 号元素: 氩 [化学符号]Ar,A, 读“亚”, [英文名称]Argon ['ɑ:g?n]第 19 号元素: 钾 [化学符号]K, 读“甲”, [英文名称]Potassium [p?'t?sj?m]第 20 号元素: 钙 [化学符号]Ca, 读“丐”, [英文名称]Calcium ['k?lsi?m]第 21 号元素: 钪 [化学符号]Sc, 读“亢”, [英文名称]Scandium [s'k?ndi?m]第 22 号元素: 钛 [化学符号]Ti, 读“太”, [英文名称]Titanium [tai'teinj?m, ti-]第 23 号元素: 钒 [化学符号]V, 读“凡”, [英文名称]Vanadium [v?'neidi?m, -dj?m] 第 24 号元素: 铬 [化学符号]Cr, 读“各”, [英文名称]Chromium ['kr?umj?m]第 25 号元素: 锰 [化学符号]Mn, 读“猛”, [英文名称]Manganese [m??g?'ni:z]第 26 号元素: 铁 [化学符号]Fe, 读“铁”, [英文名称]Iron ['ai?n]第 27 号元素: 钴 [化学符号]Co, 读“古”, [英文名称]Cobalt [k?'b?:lt, 'k?ub?:lt]第 28 号元素: 镍 [化学符号]Ni, 读“臬”, [英文名称]Nickel ['nikl]第 29 号元素: 铜 [化学符号]Cu, 读“同”, [英文名称] copper ['k?p?]第 30 号元素: 锌 [化学符号]Zn, 读“辛”, [英文名称]Zinc [zi?k]第 31 号元素: 镓 [化学符号]Ga, 读“家”, [英文名称]Gallium ['g?li?m]第 32 号元素: 锗 [化学符号]Ge, 读“者”, [英文名称]Germanium [d??:'meini?m]第 33 号元素: 砷 [化学符号]As, 读“申”, [英文名称]Arsenic ['ɑ:s?nik]第 34 号元素: 硒 [化学符号]Se, 读“西”, [英文名称]Selenium [si'li:ni?m, -nj?m] 第 35 号元素: 溴 [化学符号]Br, 读“秀”, [英文名称]Bromine ['br?umi:n]第 36 号元素: 氪 [化学符号]Kr, 读“克”, [英文名称]Krypton ['kript?n]第 37 号元素: 铷 [化学符号]Rb, 读“如”, [英文名称]Rubidium [ru:'bidi?m].第 40 号元素: 锆 [化学符号]Zr, 读“告”, [英文名称]Zirconium [z?:'k?uni?m]第 41 号元素: 铌 [化学符号]Nb, 读“尼”, [英文名称]Niobium [nai'?ubi?m]第 42 号元素: 钼 [化学符号]Mo, 读“目”, [英文名称]Molybdenum [m?'libdin?m]第 43 号元素: 碍 [化学符号]Tc, 读“得”, [英文名称]Technetium [tek'ni:?i?m]第 44 号元素: 钌 [化学符号]Ru, 读“了”, [英文名称]Ruthenium [ru:'θi:ni?m]第 45 号元素: 铑 [化学符号]Rh, 读“老”, [英文名称]Rhodium ['r?udi?m, -dj?m]第 46 号元素: 钯 [化学符号]Pd, 读“巴”, [英文名称]Palladium [p?'leidi?m]第 47 号元素: 银 [化学符号]Ag, 读“银”, [英文名称]Silver ['silv?]第 48 号元素: 镉 [化学符号]Cd, 读“隔”, [英文名称]Cadmium ['k?dmi?m]第 49 号元素: 铟 [化学符号]In, 读“因”, [英文名称]Indium ['indi?m]第 50 号元素: 锡 [化学符号]Sn, 读“西”, [英文名称]Tin [tin]第 51 号元素: 锑 [化学符号]Sb, 读“梯”, [英文名称]Antimony ['stibj?m]第 52 号元素: 碲 [化学符号]Te, 读“帝”, [英文名称]Tellurium [te'lj??ri?m]第 53 号元素: 碘 [化学符号]I, 读“典”, [英文名称]Iodine ['ai?di:n; (US) 'ai?dain] 第 54 号元素: 氙 [化学符号]Xe, 读“仙”, [英文名称]Xenon ['zen?n]第 55 号元素: 铯 [化学符号]Cs, 读“色”, [英文名称]Cesium ['si:zi?m]第 56 号元素: 钡 [化学符号]Ba, 读“贝”, [英文名称]Barium ['b??ri?m]第 57 号元素: 镧 [化学符号]La, 读“蓝”, [英文名称]Lanthanum ['l?nθ?n?m]第58 号元素: 铈 [化学符号]Ce, 读“市”, [英文名称]Cerium ['si?ri?m]第 59 号元素: 镨 [化学符号]Pr, 读“普”, [英文名称]Praseodymium [preizi?u'dimi?m] 第 60 号元素: 钕 [化学符号]Nd, 读“女”, [英文名称]Neodymium [ni(:)?'dimi?m]第 61 号元素: 钷 [化学符号]Pm, 读“颇”, [英文名称]Promethium [pr?'mi:θi?m]第 62 号元素: 钐 [化学符号]Sm, 读“衫”, [英文名称]Samarium [s?'m??ri?m]第 63 号元素: 铕 [化学符号]Eu, 读“有”, [英文名称]Europium [ju?'r?upi?m]第 64 号元素: 钆 [化学符号]Gd, 读“嘎(二声)”, [英文名称]Gadolinium [g?d?'lini?m] 第 65 号元素: 铽 [化学符号]Tb, 读“特”, [英文名称]Terbium ['t?:bi?m] 第 66 号元素: 镝 [化学符号]Dy, 读“滴”, [英文名称]Dysprosium [dis'pr?usi?m]第 67 号元素: 钬 [化学符号]Ho, 读“火”, [英文名称]Holmium ['h?lmi?m]第 68 号元素: 铒 [化学符号]Er, 读“耳”, [英文名称]Erbium ['?:bi?m]第 69 号元素: 铥 [化学符号]Tm, 读“丢”, [英文名称]Thulium ['θju:li?m]第 70 号元素: 镱 [化学符号]Yb, 读“意”, [英文名称]Ytterbium [i't?:bi?m]第 71 号元素: 镥 [化学符号]Lu, 读“鲁”, [英文名称]Lutetium [lu:'ti:?i?m, -si?m] 第 72 号元素: 铪 [化学符号]Hf, 读“哈”, [英文名称]Hafnium ['h?fni?m]第 73 号元素: 钽 [化学符号]Ta, 读“坦”, [英文名称]Tantalum ['t?nt?l?m]第 74 号元素: 钨 [化学符号]W, 读“乌”, [英文名称]Tungsten ['t??st?n]第 75 号元素: 铼 [化学符号]Re, 读“来”, [英文名称]Rhenium ['ri:ni?m]第 76 号元素: 锇 [化学符号]Os, 读“鹅”, [英文名称]Osmium ['?zmi?m, -mj?m]第 77 号元素: 铱 [化学符号]Ir, 读“衣”, [英文名称]Iridium [i'ridi?m].第 80 号元素: 汞 [化学符号]Hg, 读“拱”, [英文名称]Mercury ['m?:kjuri]第 81 号元素: 铊 [化学符号]Tl, 读“他”, [英文名称]Thallium ['θ?li?m]第 82 号元素: 铅 [化学符号]Pb, 读“千”, [英文名称]Lead [li:d]第 83 号元素: 铋 [化学符号]Bi, 读“必”, [英文名称]Bismuth ['bizm?θ]第 84 号元素: 钋 [化学符号]Po, 读“泼”, [英文名称]Polonium [p?'l?uni?m]第 85 号元素: 砹 [化学符号]At, 读“艾”, [英文名称]Astatine ['?st?ti:n]第 86 号元素: 氡Rn, 读“冬”, [英文名称]Radon ['reid?n]第 87 号元素: 钫 [化学符号]Fr, 读“方”, [英文名称]Francium ['fr?nsi?m]第 88 号元素: 镭 [化学符号]Ra, 读“雷”, [英文名称]Radium ['reidj?m]第 89 号元素: 锕 [化学符号]Ac, 读“阿”, [英文名称]Actinium [?k'tini?m]第 90 号元素: 钍 [化学符号]Th, 读“土”, [英文名称]Thorium ['θ?:ri?m]第 91 号元素: 镤 [化学符号]Pa, 读“葡”, [英文名称]Protactinium [pr?ut?u?k'tini?m] 第 92 号元素: 铀 [化学符号]U, 读“由”, [英文名称]Uranium [ju?'reini?m]第 93 号元素: 镎 [化学符号]Np, 读“拿”, [英文名称]Neptunium [nep'tju:ni?m]第 94 号元素: 钚 [化学符号]Pu, 读“布”, [英文名称]Plutonium [plu:'t?uni?m]第 95 号元素: 镅 [化学符号]Am, 读“眉”, [英文名称]Americium [?m?'ri?i?m]第 96 号元素: 锔 [化学符号]Cm, 读“局”, [英文名称]Curium ['kju?ri?m]第 97 号元素: 锫 [化学符号]Bk, 读“陪”, [英文名称]Berkelium ['b?:kli?m]第 98 号元素: 锎 [化学符号]Cf, 读“开”, [英文名称]Californium [k?li'f?:ni?m]第 99 号元素: 锿 [化学符号]Es, 读“哀”, [英文名称]Einsteinium [ain'staini?m]第 100 号元素: 镄 [化学符号]Fm, 读“费”, [英文名称]Fermium ['f?:mi?m]第 101 号元素: 钔 [化学符号]Md, 读“门”, [英文名称]Mendelevium [mend?'li:vi?m]第 102 号元素: 锘 [化学符号]No, 读“诺”, [英文名称]Nobelium [n?u'beli?m]第 103 号元素: 铹 [化学符号]Lw, 读“劳”, [英文名称]Lawrencium [l?:'rensi?m, lɑ:-]第 104 号元素: 钅卢 [化学符号]Rf, 读“卢”, [英文名称]Rutherfordium [,r?e?'f?:di?m] 第 105 号元素: 钅杜 [化学符号]Db, 读“杜”, [英文名称]Dubnium第 106 号元素: 钅喜 [化学符号]Sg , 读“喜”, [英文名称]Seaborgium第 107 号元素: 钅波 [化学符号]Bh, 读“波”, [英文名称]Bohrium第 108 号元素: 钅黑 [化学符号]Hs, 读“黑”, [英文名称]Hassium第 109 号元素: 钅麦 [化学符号]Mt, 读“麦”,[英文名称]Meitnerium第 110 号元素: 钅达 [化学符号]Ds, 读“达”, [英文名称]Darmstadtium第 111 号元素: 钅仑 [化学符号]Rg, , 读“伦”, [英文名称]Roentgenium第 112 号元素: Uub Ununbium第 113 号元素: Uut Ununtrium第 114 号元素: 第 115 号元素: Uup Ununquadium第 116 号元素: Uuh Ununhexium第 117 号元素: Uus Ununseptium (Not synthesized to Jan.2009).。



化学元素周期表英文第 01 号元素: 氢 [化学符号]H, 读“轻”, [英文名称]Hydrogen第 02 号元素: 氦 [化学符号]He, 读“亥”, [英文名称]Helium第 03 号元素: 锂 [化学符号]Li, 读“里”, [英文名称]Lithium第 04 号元素: 铍 [化学符号]Be, 读“皮”, [英文名称]Beryllium 第 05 号元素: 硼 [化学符号]B, 读“朋”, [英文名称]Boron第 06 号元素: 碳 [化学符号]C, 读“炭”, [英文名称]Carbon第 07 号元素: 氮 [化学符号]N, 读“淡”, [英文名称]Nitrogen第 08 号元素: 氧 [化学符号]O, 读“养”, [英文名称]Oxygen第 09 号元素: 氟 [化学符号]F, 读“弗”, [英文名称]Fluorine第 10 号元素: 氖 [化学符号]Ne, 读“乃”, [英文名称]Neon第 11 号元素: 钠 [化学符号]Na, 读“纳”, [英文名称]Sodium第 12 号元素: 镁 [化学符号]Mg, 读“美”, [英文名称]Magnesium 第 13 号元素: 铝 [化学符号]Al, 读“吕”, [英文名称]Aluminum 第 14 号元素: 硅 [化学符号]Si, 读“归”, [英文名称]Silicon第 15 号元素: 磷 [化学符号]P, 读“邻”, [英文名称]Phosphorus 第 16 号元素: 硫 [化学符号]S, 读“流”, [英文名称]Sulfur第 17 号元素: 氯 [化学符号]Cl, 读“绿”, [英文名称]Chlorine 第 18 号元素: 氩 [化学符号]Ar,A, 读“亚”, [英文名称]Argon第 19 号元素: 钾 [化学符号]K, 读“甲”, [英文名称]Potassium 第 20 号元素: 钙 [化学符号]Ca, 读“丐”, [英文名称]Calcium第 21 号元素: 钪 [化学符号]Sc, 读“亢”, [英文名称]Scandium 第 22 号元素: 钛 [化学符号]Ti, 读“太”, [英文名称]Titanium 第 23 号元素: 钒 [化学符号]V, 读“凡”, [英文名称]Vanadium第 24 号元素: 铬 [化学符号]Cr, 读“各”, [英文名称]Chromium 第 25 号元素: 锰 [化学符号]Mn, 读“猛”, [英文名称]Manganese 第 26 号元素: 铁 [化学符号]Fe, 读“铁”, [英文名称]Iron第 27 号元素: 钴 [化学符号]Co, 读“古”, [英文名称]Cobalt第 28 号元素: 镍 [化学符号]Ni, 读“臬”, [英文名称]Nickel第 29 号元素: 铜 [化学符号]Cu, 读“同”, [英文名称]Copper第 30 号元素: 锌 [化学符号]Zn, 读“辛”, [英文名称]Zinc第 31 号元素: 镓 [化学符号]Ga, 读“家”, [英文名称]Gallium第 32 号元素: 锗 [化学符号]Ge, 读“者”, [英文名称]Germanium 第 33 号元素: 砷 [化学符号]As, 读“申”, [英文名称]Arsenic第 34 号元素: 硒 [化学符号]Se, 读“西”, [英文名称]Selenium 第 35 号元素: 溴 [化学符号]Br, 读“秀”, [英文名称]Bromine第 36 号元素: 氪 [化学符号]Kr, 读“克”, [英文名称]Krypton第 37 号元素: 铷 [化学符号]Rb, 读“如”, [英文名称]Rubidium 第 38 号元素: 锶 [化学符号]Sr, 读“思”, [英文名称]Strontium 第 39 号元素: 钇 [化学符号]Y, 读“乙”, [英文名称]Yttrium第 40 号元素: 锆 [化学符号]Zr, 读“告”, [英文名称]Zirconium 第 41 号元素: 铌 [化学符号]Nb, 读“尼”, [英文名称]Niobium第 42 号元素: 钼 [化学符号]Mo, 读“目”, [英文名称]Molybdenum第 44 号元素: 钌 [化学符号]Ru, 读“了”, [英文名称]Ruthenium第 45 号元素: 铑 [化学符号]Rh, 读“老”, [英文名称]Rhodium第 46 号元素: 钯 [化学符号]Pd, 读“巴”, [英文名称]Palladium第 47 号元素: 银 [化学符号]Ag, 读“银”, [英文名称]Silver第 48 号元素: 镉 [化学符号]Cd, 读“隔”, [英文名称]Cadmium第 49 号元素: 铟 [化学符号]In, 读“因”, [英文名称]Indium第 50 号元素: 锡 [化学符号]Sn, 读“西”, [英文名称]Tin第 51 号元素: 锑 [化学符号]Sb, 读“梯”, [英文名称]Antimony第 52 号元素: 碲 [化学符号]Te, 读“帝”, [英文名称]Tellurium第 53 号元素: 碘 [化学符号]I, 读“典”, [英文名称]Iodine第 54 号元素: 氙 [化学符号]Xe, 读“仙”, [英文名称]Xenon第 55 号元素: 铯 [化学符号]Cs, 读“色”, [英文名称]Cesium第 56 号元素: 钡 [化学符号]Ba, 读“贝”, [英文名称]Barium第 58 号元素: 铈 [化学符号]Ce, 读“市”, [英文名称]Cerium第 59 号元素: 镨 [化学符号]Pr, 读“普”, [英文名称]Praseodymium 第 60 号元素: 钕 [化学符号]Nd, 读“女”, [英文名称]Neodymium第 61 号元素: 钷 [化学符号]Pm, 读“颇”, [英文名称]Promethium 第 62 号元素: 钐 [化学符号]Sm, 读“衫”, [英文名称]Samarium第 63 号元素: 铕 [化学符号]Eu, 读“有”, [英文名称]Europium第 64 号元素: 钆 [化学符号]Gd, 读“轧”, [英文名称]Gadolinium 第 65 号元素: 铽 [化学符号]Tb, 读“忒”, [英文名称]Terbium第 66 号元素: 镝 [化学符号]Dy, 读“滴”, [英文名称]Dysprosium 第 67 号元素: 钬 [化学符号]Ho, 读“火”, [英文名称]Holmium第 68 号元素: 铒 [化学符号]Er, 读“耳”, [英文名称]Erbium第 69 号元素: 铥 [化学符号]Tm, 读“丢”, [英文名称]Thulium第 70 号元素: 镱 [化学符号]Yb, 读“意”, [英文名称]Ytterbium第 71 号元素: 镥 [化学符号]Lu, 读“鲁”, [英文名称]Lutetium第 72 号元素: 铪 [化学符号]Hf, 读“哈”, [英文名称]Hafnium第 73 号元素: 钽 [化学符号]Ta, 读“坦”, [英文名称]Tantalum第 74 号元素: 钨 [化学符号]W, 读“乌”, [英文名称]Tungsten第 75 号元素: 镧 [化学符号]La, 读“兰”, [英文名称]Lanthanum第 75 号元素: 铼 [化学符号]Re, 读“来”, [英文名称]Rhenium第 76 号元素: 锇 [化学符号]Os, 读“鹅”, [英文名称]Osmium第 77 号元素: 铱 [化学符号]Ir, 读“衣”, [英文名称]Iridium第 78 号元素: 铂 [化学符号]Pt, 读““, [英文名称]Platinum第 79 号元素: 金 [化学符号]Au, 读“今”, [英文名称]Gold第 80 号元素: 汞 [化学符号]Hg, 读“拱”, [英文名称]Mercury第 81 号元素: 铊 [化学符号]Tl, 读“他”, [英文名称]Thallium第 82 号元素: 铅 [化学符号]Pb, 读“千”, [英文名称]Lead第 83 号元素: 铋 [化学符号]Bi, 读“必”, [英文名称]Bismuth第 84 号元素: 钋 [化学符号]Po, 读“泼”, [英文名称]Polonium第 85 号元素: 砹 [化学符号]At, 读“艾”, [英文名称]Astatine第 86 号元素: 氡 [化学符号]Rn, 读“冬”, [英文名称]Radon第 88 号元素: 镭 [化学符号]Ra, 读“雷”, [英文名称]Radium第 89 号元素: 锕 [化学符号]Ac, 读“阿”, [英文名称]Actinium第 90 号元素: 钍 [化学符号]Th, 读“土”, [英文名称]Thorium第 91 号元素: 镤 [化学符号]Pa, 读“仆”, [英文名称]Protactinium第 92 号元素: 铀 [化学符号]U, 读“由”, [英文名称]Uranium第 93 号元素: 镎 [化学符号]Np, 读“拿”, [英文名称]Neptunium第 94 号元素: 钚 [化学符号]Pu, 读“不”, [英文名称]Plutonium第 95 号元素: 镅 [化学符号]Am, 读“眉”, [英文名称]Americium第 96 号元素: 锔 [化学符号]Cm, 读“局”, [英文名称]Curium第 97 号元素: 锫 [化学符号]Bk, 读“陪”, [英文名称]Berkelium第 98 号元素: 锎 [化学符号]Cf, 读“开”, [英文名称]Californium第 99 号元素: 锿 [化学符号]Es, 读“哀”, [英文名称]Einsteinium第 100 号元素: 镄 [化学符号]Fm, 读“费”, [英文名称]Fermium第 101 号元素: 钔 [化学符号]Md, 读“门”, [英文名称]Mendelevium第 102 号元素: 锘 [化学符号]No, 读“诺”, [英文名称]Nobelium第 103 号元素: 铹 [化学符号]Lw, 读“劳”, [英文名称]Lawrencium第 104 号元素: 鐪 [化学符号]Rf, 读“卢”, [英文名称]unnilquadium第 105 号元素: [化学符号]Db, 读“杜”, [英文名称]dubnium第 106 号元素: 钅喜 [化学符号]Sg , 读”喜“, [英文名称]第 107 号元素: 钅波 [化学符号]Bh, 读"波“, [英文名称]Bohrium第 108 号元素: 钅黑 [化学符号]Hs, 读”黑“, [英文名称]第 109 号元素: 钅麦 [化学符号]Mt, 读"麦",[英文名称]第 110 号元素: 鐽 [化学符号]Ds, 读”达“, [英文名称]Darmstadtium第 111 号元素: 钅仑 [化学符号]Rg, , 读”伦“, [英文名称]Roentgenium 第 112 号元素: uub(112)第 113 号元素: uut(113)第 114 号元素: uuq(114)第 115 号元素: uup(115)第 116 号元素: uuh(116)第 117 号元素: uus尚未发现第 118 号元素: uuo。



化学元素周期表英文01 : 氢 H, 读“轻”, Hydrogen02 : 氦 He, 读“亥”,Helium03 : 锂 Li, 读“里”, Lithium04 : 铍 Be, 读“皮”, Beryllium05 : 硼 B, 读“朋”, Boron06 : 碳 C, 读“炭”, Carbon07 : 氮 N, 读“淡”, Nitrogen08 : 氧 O, 读“养”, Oxygen09 : 氟 F, 读“弗”, Fluorine10 : 氖 Ne, 读“乃”,Neon11 : 钠 Na, 读“纳”, Sodium12 : 镁 Mg, 读“美”,Magnesium13 : 铝 Al, 读“吕”, Aluminum14 : 硅 Si, 读“归”, Silicon15 : 磷 P, 读“邻”, Phosphorus16 : 硫 S, 读“流”, Sulfur17 : 氯 Cl, 读“绿”, Chlorine18 : 氩 Ar,A, 读“亚”, Argon19 : 钾 K, 读“甲”, Potassium20 : 钙 Ca, 读“丐”, Calcium21 : 钪 Sc, 读“亢”, Scandium22 : 钛 Ti, 读“太”, Titanium23 : 钒 V, 读“凡”, Vanadium24 : 铬 Cr, 读“各”, Chromium25 : 锰 Mn, 读“猛”, Manganese26 : 铁 Fe, 读“铁”, Iron27 : 钴 Co, 读“古”,Cobalt28 : 镍 Ni, 读“臬”, Nickel29 : 铜 Cu, 读“同”, Copper30 : 锌 Zn, 读“辛”,Zinc31 : 镓 Ga, 读“家”,Gallium32 : 锗 Ge, 读“者”, Germanium33 : 砷 As, 读“申”, Arsenic34 : 硒 Se, 读“西”, Selenium35 : 溴 Br, 读“秀”, Bromine36 : 氪 Kr, 读“克”, Krypton37 : 铷 Rb, 读“如”, Rubidium38 : 锶 Sr, 读“思”,Strontium39 : 钇 Y, 读“乙”, Yttrium40 : 锆 Zr, 读“告”,Zirconium41 : 铌 Nb, 读“尼”, Niobium42 : 钼 Mo, 读“目”,Molybdenum 43 : 碍 Tc, 读“得”, Technetium44 : 钌 Ru, 读“了”, Ruthenium45 : 铑 Rh, 读“老”, Rhodium46 : 钯 Pd, 读“巴”, [Palladium47 : 银 Ag, 读“银”, Silver48 : 镉 Cd, 读“隔”, Cadmium49 : 铟 In, 读“因”, Indium50 : 锡 [Sn, 读“西”,Tin51 : 锑 Sb, 读“梯”, Antimony52 : 碲 Te, 读“帝”, Tellurium53 : 碘 ]I, 读“典”, Iodine54 : 氙 Xe, 读“仙”, Xenon55 : 铯 Cs, 读“色”, Cesium56 : 钡 Ba, 读“贝”, Barium58 : 铈 Ce, 读“市”, Cerium59 : 镨 Pr, 读“普” Praseodymium60 : 钕 Nd, 读“女”, Neodymium61 : 钷 Pm, 读“颇”, Promethium62 : 钐 Sm, 读“衫”, Samarium63 : 铕 Eu, 读“有”, Europium64 : 钆 Gd, 读“轧”, Gadolinium65 : 铽 Tb, 读“忒”, Terbium66 : 镝 Dy, 读“滴”, Dysprosium67 : 钬 Ho, 读“火”, Holmium68 : 铒 Er, 读“耳”, ]Erbium69 : 铥 Tm, 读“丢”, Thulium70 : 镱 Yb, 读“意”, Ytterbium71 : 镥 Lu, 读“鲁”, Lutetium72 : 铪 Hf, 读“哈”, Hafnium73 : 钽 Ta, 读“坦”, Tantalum74 : 钨 W, 读“乌”, Tungsten75 : 镧 La, 读“兰”, Lanthanum75 : 铼 Re, 读“来”, Rhenium76 : 锇 Os, 读“鹅”, Osmium77 :铱 Ir, 读“衣”, Iridium78 : 铂 Pt, 读““,Platinum79 : 金 Au, 读“今”, Gold80 : 汞 Hg, 读“拱”, Mercury81 : 铊 Tl, 读“他”, Thallium82 : 铅 Pb, 读“千”, Lead83 : 铋 Bi, 读“必”, Bismuth84 : 钋 Po, 读“泼”, Polonium85 : 砹 At, 读“艾”, Astatine86 : 氡 Rn, 读“冬”, Radon87 : 钫 Fr, 读“方”, Francium88 : 镭 Ra, 读“雷”, Radium89 : 锕 Ac, 读“阿”, Actinium90 : 钍 Th, 读“土”, Thorium91 : 镤 Pa, 读“仆”,Protactinium92 : 铀 U, 读“由”, Uranium93 : 镎 Np, 读“拿”, Neptunium94 : 钚 ]Pu, 读“不”, Plutonium95 : 镅 Am, 读“眉”, Americium96 : 锔 Cm, 读“局”, Curium97 : 锫 Bk, 读“陪”, Berkelium98 : 锎 Cf, 读“开”, Californium99 : 锿 Es, 读“哀”, Einsteinium 100 : 镄 Fm, 读“费”, Fermium 101 : 钔 Md, 读“门”, Mendeleviu m102 : 锘 No, 读“诺”, Nobelium 103 : 铹 Lw, 读“劳”,Lawrencium 104 : 鐪 Rf, 读“卢”, unnilquadi um105 : Db, 读“杜”, dubnium 106 : 钅喜 Sg , 读”喜“,107 : 钅波 Bh, 读"波“, Bohrium 108 : 钅黑 Hs, 读”黑“,109 : 钅麦 Mt, 读"麦",110 : 鐽 Ds, 读”达“, Darmstadti um111 : 钅仑 Rg,读”伦“, Roentgeni umQīng hài lǐ pí péng tàn dàn yǎng fú nǎi Nà měi lǚ guī lín liú lǜ y à jiǎ gài kàng tài fán gè měng tiě gǔ niè tóng Xīn jiā zhě shēn xī xi ù kè rú sī yǐ gào ní mù dé liǎo lǎo bǎ yín gé yīn xī tī dì xiān sè b èi lán shì pǔ nǚ pǒ shān yǒu gá tè dī huǒěr diū Yì lǔ hā tǎn wū l ái é yī bó jīn gǒng tā qiān bì pōài dōng fāng léi ā tǔ pú yóu ná b ù méi jú péi kāi āi fèi mén nuò láo lú dù) xǐ) bō)hēi) mài)dá) l ún)。



化学元素周期表Periodic Table of the Elements (化学元素周期表PET)第 01 号元素: 氢 [化学符号]H, 读“轻”, [英文名称]Hydrogen ['haidrəudʒən]第 02 号元素: 氦 [化学符号]He, 读“亥”, [英文名称]Helium ['hi:ljəm, -liəm] 第 03 号元素: 锂 [化学符号]Li, 读“里”, [英文名称]Lithium ['liθiəm]第 04 号元素: 铍 [化学符号]Be, 读“皮”, [英文名称]Beryllium [be'riljəm,bə'r-] 第 05 号元素: 硼 [化学符号]B, 读“朋”, [英文名称]Boron ['bɔ:rɔn]第 06 号元素: 碳 [化学符号]C, 读“炭”, [英文名称]Carbon ['kɑ:bən]第 07 号元素: 氮 [化学符号]N, 读“淡”, [英文名称]Nitrogen ['naitrədʒən]第 08 号元素: 氧 [化学符号]O, 读“养”, [英文名称]Oxygen ['ɔksidʒən]第 09 号元素: 氟 [化学符号]F, 读“弗”, [英文名称]Fluorine ['flu(:)əri:n] 第 10 号元素: 氖 [化学符号]Ne, 读“乃”, [英文名称]Neon ['ni:ən]第 11 号元素: 钠 [化学符号]Na, 读“纳”, [英文名称]Sodium ['səudjəm, -diəm] 第 12 号元素: 镁 [化学符号]Mg, 读“美”, [英文名称]Magnesium [mæg'ni:zjəm]第 13 号元素: 铝 [化学符号]Al, 读“吕”, [英文名称]Aluminum [ælju'miniəm]第 14 号元素: 硅 [化学符号]Si, 读“归”, [英文名称]Silicon ['silikən]第 15 号元素: 磷 [化学符号]P, 读“邻”, [英文名称]Phosphorus ['fɔsf(ə)rəs]第 16 号元素: 硫 [化学符号]S, 读“流”, [英文名称]Sulfur ['sʌlfə]第 17 号元素: 氯 [化学符号]Cl, 读“绿”, [英文名称]Chlorine ['klɔ:ri:n]第 18 号元素: 氩 [化学符号]Ar,A, 读“亚”, [英文名称]Argon ['ɑ:gɔn]第 19 号元素: 钾 [化学符号]K, 读“甲”, [英文名称]Potassium [pə'tæsjəm]第 20 号元素: 钙 [化学符号]Ca, 读“丐”, [英文名称]Calcium ['kælsiəm]第 21 号元素: 钪 [化学符号]Sc, 读“亢”, [英文名称]Scandium [s'kændiəm]第 22 号元素: 钛 [化学符号]Ti, 读“太”, [英文名称]Titanium [tai'teinjəm, ti-] 第 23 号元素: 钒 [化学符号]V, 读“凡”, [英文名称]Vanadium [və'neidiəm, -djəm] 第 24 号元素: 铬 [化学符号]Cr, 读“各”, [英文名称]Chromium ['krəumjəm]第 25 号元素: 锰 [化学符号]Mn, 读“猛”, [英文名称]Manganese [mæŋgə'ni:z]第 26 号元素: 铁 [化学符号]Fe, 读“铁”, [英文名称]Iron ['aiən]第 27 号元素: 钴 [化学符号]Co, 读“古”, [英文名称]Cobalt [kə'bɔ:lt, 'kəubɔ:lt]第 28 号元素: 镍 [化学符号]Ni, 读“臬”, [英文名称]Nickel ['nikl]第 29 号元素: 铜 [化学符号]Cu, 读“同”, [英文名称] copper ['kɔpə]第 30 号元素: 锌 [化学符号]Zn, 读“辛”, [英文名称]Zinc [ziŋk]第 31 号元素: 镓 [化学符号]Ga, 读“家”, [英文名称]Gallium ['gæliəm]第 32 号元素: 锗 [化学符号]Ge, 读“者”, [英文名称]Germanium [dʒə:'meiniəm]第 33 号元素: 砷 [化学符号]As, 读“申”, [英文名称]Arsenic ['ɑ:sənik]第 34 号元素: 硒 [化学符号]Se, 读“西”, [英文名称]Selenium [si'li:niəm, -njəm] 第 35 号元素: 溴 [化学符号]Br, 读“秀”, [英文名称]Bromine ['brəumi:n]第 36 号元素: 氪 [化学符号]Kr, 读“克”, [英文名称]Krypton ['kriptɔn]第 37 号元素: 铷 [化学符号]Rb, 读“如”, [英文名称]Rubidium [ru:'bidiəm]第 38 号元素: 锶 [化学符号]Sr, 读“思”, [英文名称]Strontium ['strɔntiəm]第 39 号元素: 钇 [化学符号]Y, 读“乙”, [英文名称]Yttrium ['ɪtrɪəm]第 40 号元素: 锆 [化学符号]Zr, 读“告”, [英文名称]Zirconium [zə:'kəuniəm]第 42 号元素: 钼 [化学符号]Mo, 读“目”, [英文名称]Molybdenum [mə'libdinəm]第 43 号元素: 碍 [化学符号]Tc, 读“得”, [英文名称]Technetium [tek'ni:ʃiəm]第 44 号元素: 钌 [化学符号]Ru, 读“了”, [英文名称]Ruthenium [ru:'θi:niəm]第 45 号元素: 铑 [化学符号]Rh, 读“老”, [英文名称]Rhodium ['rəudiəm, -djəm]第 46 号元素: 钯 [化学符号]Pd, 读“巴”, [英文名称]Palladium [pə'leidiəm]第 47 号元素: 银 [化学符号]Ag, 读“银”, [英文名称]Silver ['silvə]第 48 号元素: 镉 [化学符号]Cd, 读“隔”, [英文名称]Cadmium ['kædmiəm]第 49 号元素: 铟 [化学符号]In, 读“因”, [英文名称]Indium ['indiəm]第 50 号元素: 锡 [化学符号]Sn, 读“西”, [英文名称]Tin [tin]第 51 号元素: 锑 [化学符号]Sb, 读“梯”, [英文名称]Antimony ['stibjəm]第 52 号元素: 碲 [化学符号]Te, 读“帝”, [英文名称]Tellurium [te'ljʊəriəm]第 53 号元素: 碘 [化学符号]I, 读“典”, [英文名称]Iodine ['aiədi:n; (US) 'aiədain] 第 54 号元素: 氙 [化学符号]Xe, 读“仙”, [英文名称]Xenon ['zenɔn]第 55 号元素: 铯 [化学符号]Cs, 读“色”, [英文名称]Cesium ['si:ziəm]第 56 号元素: 钡 [化学符号]Ba, 读“贝”, [英文名称]Barium ['bɛəriəm]第 57 号元素: 镧 [化学符号]La, 读“蓝”, [英文名称]Lanthanum ['lænθənəm]第58 号元素: 铈 [化学符号]Ce, 读“市”, [英文名称]Cerium ['siəriəm]第 59 号元素: 镨 [化学符号]Pr, 读“普”, [英文名称]Praseodymium [preiziəu'dimiəm] 第 60 号元素: 钕 [化学符号]Nd, 读“女”, [英文名称]Neodymium [ni(:)ə'dimiəm]第 61 号元素: 钷 [化学符号]Pm, 读“颇”, [英文名称]Promethium [prə'mi:θiəm]第 62 号元素: 钐 [化学符号]Sm, 读“衫”, [英文名称]Samarium [sə'mɛəriəm]第 63 号元素: 铕 [化学符号]Eu, 读“有”, [英文名称]Europium [juə'rəupiəm]第 64 号元素: 钆 [化学符号]Gd, 读“嘎(二声)”, [英文名称]Gadolinium [gædə'liniəm] 第 65 号元素: 铽 [化学符号]Tb, 读“特”, [英文名称]Terbium ['tə:biəm]第 66 号元素: 镝 [化学符号]Dy, 读“滴”, [英文名称]Dysprosium [dis'prəusiəm]第 67 号元素: 钬 [化学符号]Ho, 读“火”, [英文名称]Holmium ['hɔlmiəm]第 68 号元素: 铒 [化学符号]Er, 读“耳”, [英文名称]Erbium ['ə:biəm]第 69 号元素: 铥 [化学符号]Tm, 读“丢”, [英文名称]Thulium ['θju:liəm]第 70 号元素: 镱 [化学符号]Yb, 读“意”, [英文名称]Ytterbium [i'tə:biəm]第 71 号元素: 镥 [化学符号]Lu, 读“鲁”, [英文名称]Lutetium [lu:'ti:ʃiəm, -siəm] 第 72 号元素: 铪 [化学符号]Hf, 读“哈”, [英文名称]Hafnium ['hæfniəm]第 73 号元素: 钽 [化学符号]Ta, 读“坦”, [英文名称]Tantalum ['tæntələm]第 74 号元素: 钨 [化学符号]W, 读“乌”, [英文名称]Tungsten ['tʌŋstən]第 75 号元素: 铼 [化学符号]Re, 读“来”, [英文名称]Rhenium ['ri:niəm]第 76 号元素: 锇 [化学符号]Os, 读“鹅”, [英文名称]Osmium ['ɔzmiəm, -mjəm]第 77 号元素: 铱 [化学符号]Ir, 读“衣”, [英文名称]Iridium [i'ridiəm]第 78 号元素: 铂 [化学符号]Pt, 读“博”, [英文名称]Platinum ['plætinəm]第 79 号元素: 金 [化学符号]Au, 读“今”, [英文名称]Gold [gəuld]第 80 号元素: 汞 [化学符号]Hg, 读“拱”, [英文名称]Mercury ['mə:kjuri]第 81 号元素: 铊 [化学符号]Tl, 读“他”, [英文名称]Thallium ['θæliəm]第 82 号元素: 铅 [化学符号]Pb, 读“千”, [英文名称]Lead [li:d]第 84 号元素: 钋 [化学符号]Po, 读“泼”, [英文名称]Polonium [pə'ləuniəm]第 85 号元素: 砹 [化学符号]At, 读“艾”, [英文名称]Astatine ['æstəti:n]第 86 号元素: 氡Rn, 读“冬”, [英文名称]Radon ['reidɔn]第 87 号元素: 钫 [化学符号]Fr, 读“方”, [英文名称]Francium ['frænsiəm]第 88 号元素: 镭 [化学符号]Ra, 读“雷”, [英文名称]Radium ['reidjəm]第 89 号元素: 锕 [化学符号]Ac, 读“阿”, [英文名称]Actinium [æk'tiniəm]第 90 号元素: 钍 [化学符号]Th, 读“土”, [英文名称]Thorium ['θɔ:riəm]第 91 号元素: 镤 [化学符号]Pa, 读“葡”, [英文名称]Protactinium [prəutəuæk'tiniəm] 第 92 号元素: 铀 [化学符号]U, 读“由”, [英文名称]Uranium [juə'reiniəm]第 93 号元素: 镎 [化学符号]Np, 读“拿”, [英文名称]Neptunium [nep'tju:niəm]第 94 号元素: 钚 [化学符号]Pu, 读“布”, [英文名称]Plutonium [plu:'təuniəm]第 95 号元素: 镅 [化学符号]Am, 读“眉”, [英文名称]Americium [æmə'riʃiəm]第 96 号元素: 锔 [化学符号]Cm, 读“局”, [英文名称]Curium ['kjuəriəm]第 97 号元素: 锫 [化学符号]Bk, 读“陪”, [英文名称]Berkelium ['bə:kliəm]第 98 号元素: 锎 [化学符号]Cf, 读“开”, [英文名称]Californium [kæli'fɔ:niəm]第 99 号元素: 锿 [化学符号]Es, 读“哀”, [英文名称]Einsteinium [ain'stainiəm]第 100 号元素: 镄 [化学符号]Fm, 读“费”, [英文名称]Fermium ['fə:miəm]第 101 号元素: 钔 [化学符号]Md, 读“门”, [英文名称]Mendelevium [mendə'li:viəm]第 102 号元素: 锘 [化学符号]No, 读“诺”, [英文名称]Nobelium [nəu'beliəm]第 103 号元素: 铹 [化学符号]Lw, 读“劳”, [英文名称]Lawrencium [lɔ:'rensiəm, lɑ:-]第 104 号元素: 钅卢 [化学符号]Rf, 读“卢”, [英文名称]Rutherfordium [,rʌðə'fɔ:diəm] 第 105 号元素: 钅杜 [化学符号]Db, 读“杜”, [英文名称]Dubnium第 106 号元素: 钅喜 [化学符号]Sg , 读“喜”, [英文名称]Seaborgium第 107 号元素: 钅波 [化学符号]Bh, 读“波”, [英文名称]Bohrium第 108 号元素: 钅黑 [化学符号]Hs, 读“黑”, [英文名称]Hassium第 109 号元素: 钅麦 [化学符号]Mt, 读“麦”,[英文名称]Meitnerium第 110 号元素: 钅达 [化学符号]Ds, 读“达”, [英文名称]Darmstadtium第 111 号元素: 钅仑 [化学符号]Rg, , 读“伦”, [英文名称]Roentgenium第 112 号元素: Uub Ununbium第 113 号元素: Uut Ununtrium第 114 号元素: 第 115 号元素: Uup Ununquadium第 116 号元素: Uuh Ununhexium第 117 号元素: Uus Ununseptium (Not synthesized to Jan.2009)第 118 号元素: Uuo Ununoctium。



序号 中文 缩写
26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 铁 钴 镍 铜 锌 镓 锗 砷 硒 溴 氪 铷 锶 钇 锆 铌 钼 锝 钌 铑 钯 银 镉 铟 锡 Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn
序号 中文 缩写
51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 锑 碲 碘 氙 铯 钡 镧 铈 镨 钕 钷 钐 铕 钆 铽 镝 钬 铒 铥 镱 镥 铪 钽 钨 铼 Sb Te I Xe Cs Ba La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Td Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu Hf Ta W Re
Osmium Iridium Platinum Gold Mercury Thallium Lead Bismuth Polonium Astatine Radon Francium Radium Actinium Thorium Proactinium Uranium Neptunium Plutonium Americium Curium Berkelium Californium Einsteinium Fremium
Iron Cobalt Nickel Copper Zinc Gallium Germanium Arsenic Selenium Bromine Krypton Rubidium Strontium Yttrium Zirconium Niobium Molybdenum Technetium Ruthenium Rhodium Palladium Silver Cadmiun Indium Tin



118种元素中英文对照1, hydrogen [ˈhaɪdrədʒən]n. [化学] 氢(符号为H)Hydrogen is a colourless gas that is the lightest and commonest element in the universe.2, helium [ˈhiːliəm]n. [化学] 氦(符号为He)Helium is a very light gas that is colourless and has no smell.3, lithium [ˈlɪθiəm]n. 锂(符号Li)a soft silvery element of the alkali metal series: the lightest known metal, used as an alloy hardener, as a reducing agent, and in batteries. Symbol: Li; atomic no: 3; atomic wt: 6.941; valency: 1; relative density: 0.534; melting pt: 180.6°C; boiling pt: 1342°C4, beryllium [bəˈrɪliəm]n. [化学] 铍(符号Be)a corrosion-resistant toxic silvery-white metallic element that occurs chiefly in beryl and is used mainly in X-ray windows and in the manufacture of alloys. Symbol: Be; atomic no: 4; atomic wt: 9.012; valency: 2; relative density: 1.848; melting pt: 1289°C; boiling pt: 2472°C5, boron [ˈbɔːrɒn]n. [化学] 硼(符号B)a very hard almost colourless crystalline metalloid element that in impure form exists as a brown amorphous powder. It occurs principally in borax and is used in hardening steel. The naturally occurring isotope boron-10 is used in nuclear control rods and neutron detection instruments. Symbol: B; atomic no: 5; atomic wt: 10.81; valency: 3; relative density: 2.34 (crystalline), 2.37 (amorphous); melting pt: 2092°C; boiling pt: 4002°C6, carbon [ˈkɑːbən]n. [化学] 碳(符号C)Carbon is a chemical element that diamonds and coal are made up of.7, nitrogen [ˈnaɪtrədʒən]n. [化学] 氮(符号N)Nitrogen is a colourless element that has no smell and is usually found as a gas. It forms about 78 percent of the Earth's atmosphere, and is found in all living things.8, oxygen [ˈɒksɪdʒən]n. [化学] 氧(符号O)Oxygen is a colourless gas that exists in large quantities in the air. All plants and animals need oxygen in order to live.9, fluorine [ˈflɔːriːn; ˈflʊəriːn]n. [化学] 氟(符号F)Fluorine is a pale yellow, poisonous gas. It is used in the production of uranium and other chemicals.10, neon [ˈniːɒn]n.氖(符号Ne)Neon is a gas which occurs in very small amounts in the atmosphere.11, sodium [ˈsəʊdiəm]n. [化学] 钠(符号Na)Sodium is a silvery white chemical element which combines with other chemicals. Salt is a sodium compound.12, magnesium [mæɡˈniːziəm]n. [化学] 镁(符号Mg)Magnesium is a light, silvery white metal which burns with a bright white flame.13, aluminium [ˌæljəˈmɪniəm; ˌæləˈmɪniəm]n. 铝(符号Al)Aluminium is a lightweight metal used, for example, for making cooking equipment and aircraft parts.14, silicon [ˈsɪlɪkən]n. [化学] 硅(符号Si)Silicon is an element that is found in sand and in minerals such as quartz and granite. Silicon is used to make parts of computers and other electronic equipment.15, phosphorus [ˈfɒsfərəs]n. 磷(符号P)Phosphorus is a poisonous yellowish-white chemical element. It glows slightly, and burns when air touches it.16, sulfur ['sʌlfə]n. 硫(符号S)Sulphur is a pale yellow substance that produces a strong unpleasant smell when it burns and is used in medicine and industry17, chlorine [ˈklɔːriːn]n. [化学] 氯(符号Cl)Chlorine is a strong-smelling gas that is used to clean water and to make cleaning products.18, argon [ˈɑːɡɒn]n. [化学] 氩(符号Ar)Argon is an inert gas which exists in very small amounts in the atmosphere. It is used in electric lights.19, potassium [pəˈtæsiəm]n. [化学] 钾(符号K)Potassium is a soft silvery-white chemical element that occurs mainly in compounds. These compounds are used in making such things as glass, soap, and fertilizers.20, calcium [ˈkælsiəm]n. [化学] 钙(符号Ca)Calcium is a soft white chemical element which is found in bones and teeth, and also in limestone, chalk, and marble.21, scandium [ˈskændiəm]n. [化学] 钪(符号Sc)a rare light silvery-white metallic element occurring in minute quantities in numerous minerals. Symbol: Sc; atomic no: 21; atomic wt: 44.955910; valency: 3; relative density: 2.989; melting pt: 1541°C; boiling pt: 2836°C22, titanium [tɪˈteɪniəm; taɪˈteɪniəm]n. [化学] 钛(金属元素)(符号Ti)Titanium is a light strong white metal.23, vanadium [vəˈneɪdiəm]n. [化学] 钒(符号V)a toxic silvery-white metallic element occurring chiefly in carnotite and vanadinite and used in steel alloys, high-speed tools, and as a catalyst. Symbol: V; atomic no: 23; atomic wt: 50.9415; valency: 2–5; relative density: 6.11; melting pt: 1910±10°C; boiling pt: 3409°C24, chromium [ˈkrəʊmiəm]n. [化学] 铬(符号Cr)Chromium is a hard, shiny, metallic element, used to make steel alloys and to coat other metals.25, manganese [ˈmæŋɡəniːz]n. [化学] 锰(符号Mn)Manganese is a greyish white metal that is used in making steel.26, iron [ˈaɪən]n. 铁(符号Fe)Iron is an element that usually takes the form of a hard, dark grey metal. It is used to make steel, and also forms part of many tools, buildings, and vehicles. Very small amounts of iron occur in your blood and in food.27, cobalt [ˈkəʊbɔːlt]n. [化学] 钴(符号Co)Cobalt is a hard, silvery-white metal which is used to harden steel and for producing a blue dye.28, nickel [ˈnɪkl]n. 镍(符号Ni)Nickel is a silver-coloured metal that is used in making steel.29, Copper [ˈkɒpə(r)]n. 铜(符号Cu)Copper is reddish brown metal that is used to make things such as coins and electrical wires.30, zinc [zɪŋk]n. 锌(符号Zn)Zinc is a bluish-white metal which is used to make other metals such as brass, or to cover other metals such as iron to stop rust from forming.31, gallium [ˈɡæliəm]n. [化学] 镓(符号Ga)a silvery metallic element that is liquid for a wide temperature range. It occurs in trace amounts in some ores and is used in high-temperature thermometers and low-melting alloys. Gallium arsenide is a semiconductor. Symbol: Ga; atomic no: 31; atomic wt: 69.723; valency: 2 or 3; relative density: 5.904; melting pt: 29.77°C; boiling pt: 2205°C32, germanium [dʒɜːˈmeɪniəm]n. [化学] 锗(符号Ge)a brittle crystalline grey element that is a semiconducting metalloid, occurring principally in zinc ores and argyrodite: used in transistors, as a catalyst, and to strengthen and harden alloys. Symbol: Ge; atomic no: 32; atomic wt: 72.61; valency: 2 or 4; relative density: 5.323; melting pt: 938.35°C; boiling pt: 2834°C33, arsenic [ˈɑːsnɪk]n. 砷(符号As)Arsenic is a very strong poison that can kill people.34, selenium [səˈliːniəm]n. [化学] 硒(符号Se)a nonmetallic element that exists in several allotropic forms. It occurs free in volcanic areas and in sulphide ores, esp pyrite. The common form is a grey crystalline solid that is photoconductive, photovoltaic, and semiconducting: used in photocells, solar cells, and in xerography. Symbol: Se; atomic no: 34; atomic wt: 78.96; valency: –2, 4, or 6; relative density: 4.79 (grey); melting pt: 221°C (grey); boiling pt: 685°C (grey)35, bromine [ˈbrəʊmiːn]n. [化学] 溴(符号Br)a pungent dark red volatile liquid element of the halogen series that occurs in natural brine and is used in the production of chemicals, esp ethylene dibromide. Symbol: Br; atomic no: 35; atomic wt: 79.904; valency: 1, 3, 5, or 7; relative density 3.12; density (gas): 7.59 kg/m³; melting pt: –7.2°C; boiling pt: 58.78°C36, krypton [ˈkrɪptɒn]n. [化学] 氪(符号为Kr)Krypton is an element that is found in the air in the form of a gas. It is used in fluorescent lights and lasers.37, rubidium [ruːˈbɪdiəm]n. [化学] 铷(符号Rb)a soft highly reactive radioactive element of the alkali metal group; the 16th most abundant element in the earth's crust (310 parts per million), occurring principally in pollucite, carnallite, and lepidolite. It is used in electronic valves, photocells, and special glass. Symbol: Rb; atomic no: 37; atomic wt: 85.4678; half-life of 87Rb: 5 × 1011 years; valency: 1, 2, 3, or 4; relative density: 1.532 (solid), 1.475 (liquid); melting pt: 39.48°C; boiling pt: 688°C38, strontium [ˈstrɒntiəm; ˈstrɒnʃiəm]n. [化学] 锶(符号Sr)a soft silvery-white element of the alkaline earth group of metals, occurring chiefly in celestite and strontianite. Its compounds burn with a crimson flame and are used in fireworks. The radioisotope strontium-90, with a half-life of 28.1 years, is used in nuclear power sources and is a hazardous nuclear fall-out product. Symbol: Sr; atomic no: 38; atomic wt: 87.62; valency: 2; relative density: 2.54; melting pt: 769°C; boiling pt: 1384°C39, yttrium [ˈɪtriəm]n. [化学] 钇(符号Y)a silvery metallic element occurring in monazite and gadolinite and used in various alloys, in lasers, and as a catalyst. Symbol: Y; atomic no: 39; atomic wt: 88.90585; valency: 3; relative density: 4.469; melting pt: 1522°C; boiling pt: 3338°C40, zirconium [zɜːˈkəʊniəm]n. [化学] 锆(符号Zr)a greyish-white metallic element, occurring chiefly in zircon, that is exceptionally corrosion-resistant and has low neutron absorption. It is used as a coating in nuclear and chemical plants, as a deoxidizer in steel, and alloyed with niobium in superconductive magnets. Symbol: Zr; atomic no: 40; atomic wt: 91.224; valency: 2, 3, or 4; relative density: 6.506; melting pt: 1855±2°C; boiling pt: 4409°C41, niobium [naɪˈəʊbiəm]n. [化学] 铌(符号Nb)a ductile white superconductive metallic element that occurs principally in columbite andtantalite: used in steel alloys. Symbol: Nb; atomic no: 41; atomic wt: 92.90638; valency: 2, 3, or 5; relative density: 8.57; melting pt: 2469±10°C; boiling pt: 4744°C42, molybdenum [məˈlɪbdənəm]n. [化学] 钼(符号Mo)a very hard ductile silvery-white metallic element occurring principally in molybdenite: used mainly in alloys, esp to harden and strengthen steels. Symbol: Mo; atomic no: 42; atomic wt: 95.94; valency: 2–6; relative density: 10.22; melting pt: 2623°C; boiling pt: 4639°C43, technetium [tekˈniːʃiəm]n. [化学] 锝(符号Tc)a silvery-grey metallic element, artificially produced by bombardment of molybdenum by deuterons: used to inhibit corrosion in steel. The radioisotope technetium-99m, with a half-life of six hours, is used in radiotherapy. Symbol: Tc; atomic no: 43; half-life of most stable isotope, 97Tc: 2.6 × 106 years; valency: 0, 2, 4, 5, 6, or 7; relative density: 11.50 (calculated); melting pt: 2204°C; boiling pt: 4265°C44, ruthenium [ruːˈθiːniəm]n. [化学] 钌(符号为Ru)a hard brittle white element of the platinum metal group. It occurs free with other platinum metals in pentlandite and other ores and is used to harden platinum and palladium. Symbol: Ru; atomic no: 44; atomic wt: 101.07; valency: 0–8; relative density: 12.41; melting pt: 2334°C; boiling pt: 4150°C45, rhodium [ˈrəʊdiəm]n. [化学] 铑(符号Rh)a hard corrosion-resistant silvery-white element of the platinum metal group, occurring free with other platinum metals in alluvial deposits and in nickel ores. It is used as an alloying agent to harden platinum and palladium. Symbol: Rh; atomic no: 45; atomic wt: 102.90550; valency: 2–6; relative density: 12.41; melting pt: 1963±3°C; boiling pt: 3697±100°C46, palladium [pəˈleɪdiəm]n. [化学] 钯(符号Pd)a ductile malleable silvery-white element of the platinum metal group occurring principally in nickel-bearing ores: used as a hydrogenation catalyst and, alloyed with gold, in jewellery. Symbol: Pd; atomic no: 46; atomic wt: 106.42; valency: 2, 3, or 4; relative density: 1202; melting pt: 1555°C; boiling pt: 2964°C47, silver [ˈsɪlvə(r)]n. 银(符号Ag)Silver is a valuable pale grey metal that is used for making jewellery and ornaments.48, cadmium [ˈkædmiəm]n. [化学] 镉(符号Cd)Cadmium is a soft bluish-white metal that is used in the production of nuclear energy.49, indium [ˈɪndiəm]n. [化学] 铟(符号In)a rare soft silvery metallic element associated with zinc ores: used in alloys, electronics, and electroplating. Symbol: In; atomic no: 49; atomic wt: 114.82; valency: 1, 2, or 3; relative density: 7.31; melting pt: 156.63°C; boiling pt: 2073°C50, tin [tɪn]n. 锡(符号Sn)Tin is a soft silvery-white metal.51, antimony [ˈæntɪməni]n. (化学元素)锑元素(符号Sb)a toxic metallic element that exists in two allotropic forms and occurs principally in stibnite. The stable form is a brittle silvery-white crystalline metal that is added to alloys to increase their strength and hardness and is used in semiconductors. Symbol: Sb; atomic no: 51; atomic wt: 121.757; valency: 0, –3, +3, or +5; relative density: 6.691; melting pt: 630.76°C; boiling pt: 1587°C52, tellurium [teˈljʊəriəm]n. [化学] 碲(符号Te)a brittle silvery-white nonmetallic element occurring both uncombined and in combination with metals: used in alloys of lead and copper and as a semiconductor. Symbol: Te; atomic no: 52; atomic wt: 127.60; valency: 2, 4, or 6; relative density: 6.24; melting pt: 449.57±0.3°C; boiling pt: 988°C53, iodine [ˈaɪədiːn]n. 碘(符号I)Iodine is a dark-coloured substance used in medicine and photography.54, xenon [ˈzenɒn; ˈziːnɒn]n. [化学] 氙(符号Xe)a colourless odourless gaseous element occurring in trace amounts in air; formerly considered inert it is now known to form compounds and is used in radio valves, stroboscopic and bactericidal lamps, and bubble chambers. Symbol: Xe; atomic no: 54; atomic wt: 131.29; valency: 0; density: 5.887 kg/m³; melting pt: –111.76°C; boiling pt: –108.0°C55, caesium [ˈsiːziəm]n. 铯(等于cesium)(符号Cs)a ductile silvery-white element of the alkali metal group that is the most electropositive metal. It occurs in pollucite and lepidolite and is used in photocells. The radioisotope caesium-137, with a half-life of 30.2 years, is used in radiotherapy. Symbol: Cs; atomic no: 55; atomic wt: 132.90543; valency: 1; relative density: 1.873; melting pt: 28.39±0.01°C; boiling pt: 671°C56, barium [ˈbeəriəm]n. [化学] 钡(一种化学元素)(符号Ba)Barium is a soft, silvery-white metal.57, lanthanum [ˈlænθənəm]n. [化学] 镧(符号La)a silvery-white ductile metallic element of the lanthanide series, occurring principally in bastnaesite and monazite: used in pyrophoric alloys, electronic devices, and in glass manufacture. Symbol: La; atomic no: 57; atomic wt: 138.9055; valency: 3; relative density: 6.145; melting pt: 918°C; boiling pt: 3464°C58, cerium [ˈsɪəriəm]n. [化学] 铈(符号Ce)a malleable ductile steel-grey element of the lanthanide series of metals, used in lighter flints and as a reducing agent in metallurgy. Symbol: Ce; atomic no: 58; atomic wt: 140.115; valency: 3 or 4; relative density: 6.770; melting pt: 798°C; boiling pt: 3443°C59, praseodymium [ˌpreɪziəʊˈdɪmiəm]n. [化学] 镨(稀土金属元素)(符号Pr)a malleable ductile silvery-white element of the lanthanide series of metals. It occurs principally in monazite and bastnaesite and is used with other rare earths in carbon-arc lights and as a pigment in glass. Symbol: Pr; atomic no: 59; atomic wt: 140.90765; valency: 3; relative density: 6.773; melting pt: 931°C; boiling pt: 3520°C60, neodymium [ˌniːəʊˈdɪmiəm]n. [化学] 钕(符号Nd)a toxic silvery-white metallic element of the lanthanide series, occurring principally in monazite: used in colouring glass. Symbol: Nd; atomic no: 60; atomic wt: 144.24; valency: 3; relative density: 6.80 and 7.00 (depending on allotrope); melting pt: 1024°C; boiling pt: 3127°C61, promethium [prəˈmiːθiəm]n. [化学] 钷(稀土金属元素)(符号Pm)a radioactive element of the lanthanide series artificially produced by the fission of uranium. Symbol: Pm; atomic no: 61; half-life of most stable isotope, 145Pm: 17.7 years; valency: 3; melting pt: 1042°C; boiling pt: 2460°C (approx.)62, samarium [səˈmeəriəm]n. [化学] 钐(一种稀有金属元素)(符号Sm)a silvery metallic element of the lanthanide series occurring chiefly in monazite and bastnaesite and used in carbon-arc lighting, as a doping agent in laser crystals, and as a neutron-absorber. Symbol: Sm; atomic no: 62; atomic wt: 150.36; valency: 2 or 3; relative density: 7.520; melting pt: 1074°C; boiling pt: 1794°C63, europium [jʊəˈrəʊpiəm]n. [化学] 铕(63号化学元素)(符号Eu)a soft ductile reactive silvery-white element of the lanthanide series of metals: used as the red phosphor in colour television and in lasers. Symbol: Eu; atomic no: 63; atomic wt: 151.965; valency: 2 or 3; relative density: 5.244; melting pt: 822°C; boiling pt: 1527°C64, gadolinium [ˌɡædəˈlɪniəm]n. 钆(符号Gd)a ductile malleable silvery-white ferromagnetic element of the lanthanide series of metals: occurs principally in monazite and bastnaesite. Symbol: Gd; atomic no: 64; atomic wt: 157.25; valency: 3; relative density: 7.901; melting pt: 1313±°C; boiling pt: 3273°C (approx.)65, terbium [ˈtɜːbiəm]n. [化学] 铽(一种化学元素)(符号Tb)a soft malleable silvery-grey element of the lanthanide series of metals, occurring in gadolinite and monazite and used in lasers and for doping solid-state devices. Symbol: Tb; atomic no: 65; atomic wt: 158.92534; valency: 3 or 4; relative density: 8.230; melting pt: 1356°C; boiling pt: 3230°C66, dysprosium [dɪsˈprəʊziəm]n. [化学] 镝(符号Dy)a soft silvery-white metallic element of the lanthanide series: used in laser materials and as a neutron absorber in nuclear control rods. Symbol: Dy; atomic no: 66; atomic wt: 162.50; valency: 3; relative density: 8.551; melting pt: 1412°C; boiling pt: 2567°C67, holmium [ˈhəʊlmiəm]n. [化学] 钬(符号Ho)a malleable silver-white metallic element of the lanthanide series. Symbol: Ho; atomic no: 67; atomic wt: 164.93032; valency: 3; relative density: 8.795; melting pt: 1474°C; boiling pt: 2700°C68, erbium [ˈɜːbiəm]n. [化学] 铒(符号Er)a soft malleable silvery-white element of the lanthanide series of metals: used in special alloys, room-temperature lasers, and as a pigment. Symbol: Er; atomic no: 68; atomic wt: 167.26; valency: 3; relative density: 9.006; melting pt: 1529°C; boiling pt: 2868°C69, thulium [ˈθuːliəm; ˈθjuːliəm]n. [化学] 铥,稀土金属元素;铥原子序69;(符号Tm)a malleable ductile silvery-grey element occurring principally in monazite. The radioisotope thulium-170 is used as an electron source in portable X-ray units. Symbol: Tm; atomic no: 69; atomic wt: 168.93421; valency: 3; relative density: 9.321; melting pt: 1545°C; boiling pt: 1950°C70, ytterbium [ɪˈtɜːbiəm]n. [化学] 镱(符号Yb)a soft malleable silvery element of the lanthanide series of metals that occurs in monazite and is used to improve the mechanical properties of steel. Symbol: Yb; atomic no: 70; atomic wt: 173.04; valency: 2 or 3; relative density: 6.903 (alpha), 6.966 (beta); melting pt: 819°C; boiling pt: 1196°C71, lutetium [luːˈtiːʃiəm; luːˈtiːsiəm]n. 镏;[化学] 镥(符号Lu)a silvery-white metallic element of the lanthanide series, occurring in monazite and used as a catalyst in cracking, alkylation, and polymerization. Symbol: Lu; atomic no: 71; atomic wt: 174.967; valency: 3; relative density: 9.841; melting pt: 1663°C; boiling pt: 3402°C72, hafnium [ˈhæfniəm]n. [化学] 铪(金属元素)(符号Hf)a bright metallic element found in zirconium ores: used in tungsten filaments and as a neutronabsorber in nuclear reactors. Symbol: Hf; atomic no: 72; atomic wt: 178.49; valency: 4; relative density: 13.31; melting pt: 2231±20°C; boiling pt: 4603°C73, tantalum [ˈtæntələm]n. [化学] 钽(符号Ta)a hard greyish-white metallic element that occurs with niobium in tantalite and columbite: used in electrical capacitors in most circuit boards and in alloys to increase hardness and chemical resistance, esp in surgical instruments. Symbol: Ta; atomic no: 73; atomic wt: 180.9479; valency: 2, 3, 4, or 5; relative density: 16.654; melting pt: 3020°C; boiling pt: 5458±100°C74, tungsten [ˈtʌŋstən]n. [化学] 钨(一种金属元素)(符号W)Tungsten is a grayish-white metal.75, rhenium [ˈriːniəm]n. [化学] 铼(符号为Re)a dense silvery-white metallic element that has a high melting point. It occurs principally in gadolinite and molybdenite and is used, alloyed with tungsten or molybdenum, in high-temperature thermocouples. Symbol: Re; atomic no: 75; atomic wt: 186.207; valency: –1 or 1–7; relative density: 21.02; melting pt: 3186°C; boiling pt: 5596°C (est)76, osmium [ˈɒzmiəm]n. [化学] 锇(符号Os)a very hard brittle bluish-white metal occurring with platinum and alloyed with iridium in osmiridium: used to produce platinum alloys, mainly for pen tips and instrument pivots, as a catalyst, and in electric-light filaments. Symbol: Os; atomic no: 76; atomic wt: 190.2; valency: 0 to 8; relative density: 22.57; melting pt: 3033±30°C; boiling pt: 5012±100°C77, iridium [ɪˈrɪdiəm]n. [化学] 铱(Ir)a very hard inert yellowish-white transition element that is the most corrosion-resistant metal known. It occurs in platinum ores and is used as an alloy with platinum. Symbol: Ir; atomic no: 77; atomic wt: 192.22; valency: 3 or 4; relative density: 22.42; melting pt: 2447°C; boiling pt: 4428°C78, platinum [ˈplætɪnəm]n. [化学] 铂(符号Pt)Platinum is a very valuable, silvery-grey metal. It is often used for making jewellery.79, gold [ɡəʊld]n. 金(符号Au)Gold is a valuable, yellow-coloured metal that is used for making jewellery and ornaments, and as an international currency.80, mercury [ˈmɜːkjəri]n. [化]汞,水银(符号Hg)Mercury is a silver-coloured liquid metal that is used especially in thermometers and barometers.81, thallium [ˈθæliəm]n. [化学] 铊(符号Tl)a soft malleable highly toxic white metallic element used as a rodent and insect poison and in low-melting glass. Its compounds are used as infrared detectors and in photoelectric cells. Symbol: Tl; atomic no: 81; atomic wt: 204.3833; valency: 1 or 3; relative density: 11.85; melting pt: 304°C; boiling pt: 1473±10°C82, lead [li:d; led]n.铅(符号Pb)Lead is a soft, grey, heavy metal.83, bismuth [ˈbɪzməθ]n. [化学] 铋(符号Bi)a brittle pinkish-white crystalline metallic element having low thermal and electrical conductivity, which expands on cooling. It is widely used in alloys, esp low-melting alloys in fire safety devices; its compounds are used in medicines. Symbol: Bi; atomic no: 83; atomic wt: 208.98037; valency: 3 or 5; relative density: 9.747; melting pt: 271.4°C; boiling pt: 1564±5°C84, polonium [pəˈləʊniəm]n. [化学] 钋(一种放射性元素)(符号Po)a very rare radioactive element that occurs in trace amounts in uranium ores. The isotope polonium-210 is produced artificially and is used as a lightweight power source in satellites and to eliminate static electricity in certain industries. Symbol: Po; atomic no: 84; half-life of most stable isotope, 209Po: 103 years; valency: –2, 0, 2, 4, or 6; relative density (alpha modification): 9.32; melting pt: 254°C; boiling pt: 962°C85, astatine [ˈæstətiːn]n. [化学] 砹(化学元素At)a radioactive element of the halogen series: a decay product of uranium and thorium that occurs naturally in minute amounts and is artificially produced by bombarding bismuth with alpha particles. Symbol: At; atomic no: 85; half-life of most stable isotope, 210At: 8.1 hours; probable valency: 1,3,5, or 7; melting pt: 302°C; boiling pt: 337°C (est)86, radon [ˈreɪdɒn]n. [化学] 氡(元素符号Rn)Radon is a radioactive element in the form of a gas.87, francium [ˈfrænsiəm]n. 元素钫(符号Fr)an unstable radioactive element of the alkali-metal group, occurring in minute amounts in uranium ores. Symbol: Fr; atomic no: 87; half-life of most stable isotope, 223Fr: 22 minutes; valency: 1; melting pt: 27°C; boiling pt: 677°C88, radium [ˈreɪdiəm]n. [化学] 镭(元素符号Ra)Radium is a radioactive element which is used in the treatment of cancer.89, actinium [ækˈtɪniəm]n. [化学] 锕(元素符号Ac)a radioactive element of the actinide series, occurring as a decay product of uranium. It is used as an alpha-particle source and in neutron production. Symbol: Ac; atomic no: 89; half-life of most stable isotope,227Ac: 21.6 years; relative density: 10.07; melting pt: 1051°C; boiling pt: 3200 ± 300°C90, thorium [ˈθɔːriəm]n. [化学] 钍(放射性金属元素,元素符号Th,原子序数为90)a soft ductile silvery-white metallic element. It is radioactive and occurs in thorite and monazite: used in gas mantles, magnesium alloys, electronic equipment, and as a nuclear power source. Symbol: Th; atomic no: 90; atomic wt: 232.0381; half-life of most stable isotope, 232Th: 1.41 × 1010 years; valency: 4; relative density: 11.72; melting pt: 1755°C; boiling pt: 4788°C91, protactinium [ˌprəʊtækˈtɪniəm]n. [化学] 镤(元素符号Pa,等于protoactinium)a toxic radioactive metallic element that occurs in uranium ores and is produced by neutron irradiation of thorium. Symbol: Pa; atomic no: 91; half-life of the most stable isotope, 231Pa:32 500 years; valency: 4 or 5; relative density: 15.37 (calc.); melting pt: 1572°C92, uranium [juˈreɪniəm]n. [化学] 铀(元素符号U)Uranium is a naturally occurring radioactive metal that is used to produce nuclear energy and weapons.93, neptunium [nepˈtjuːniəm]n. [化学] 镎元素符号Np)a silvery metallic transuranic element synthesized in the production of plutonium and occurring in trace amounts in uranium ores. Symbol: Np; atomic no: 93; half-life of most stable isotope, 237Np: 2.14 × 106 years; valency: 3, 4, 5, or 6; relative density: 20.25; melting pt: 639±1°C; boiling pt: 3902°C (est)94, plutonium [pluːˈtəʊniəm]n. [化学] 钚(94号元素)(元素符号Pu)Plutonium is a radioactive element used especially in nuclear weapons and as a fuel in nuclear power stations.95, americium [ˌæməˈrɪsiəm; ˌæməˈrɪʃiəm]n. [化学] 镅(95号元素,符号Am)a white metallic transuranic element artificially produced from plutonium. It is used as an alpha-particle source. Symbol: Am; atomic no: 95; half-life of most stable isotope,243Am: 7.4 × 10³years; valency: 2,3,4,5, or 6; relative density: 13.67; melting pt: 1176°C; boiling pt: 2607°C (est)96, curium [ˈkjʊəriəm]n. [化学][核] 锔(元素符号Cm)a silvery-white metallic transuranic element artificially produced from plutonium. Symbol: Cm; atomic no: 96; half-life of most stable isotope, 247Cm: 1.6 x 107 years; valency: 3 and 4; relative density: 13.51 (calculated); melting pt: 1345±400°C97, berkelium [bɜːˈkiːliəm; ˈbɜːkliəm]n. [化学] 锫(放射性元素,符号Bk,原子序为97)a metallic transuranic element produced by bombardment of americium. Symbol: Bk; atomic no: 97; half-life of most stable isotope, 247Bk: 1400 years; valency: 3 or 4; relative density: 14 (est)98, californium [ˌkælɪˈfɔːniəm]n. [化学] 锎(元素符号Cf)a metallic transuranic element artificially produced from curium. Symbol: Cf; atomic no: 98; half-life of most stable isotope, 251Cf: 800 years (approx.)99, einsteinium [aɪnˈstaɪniəm]n. [化学] 锿(元素符号Es)a metallic transuranic element artificially produced from plutonium. Symbol: Es; atomic no: 99; half-life of most stable isotope, 252Es: 276 days100, fermium [ˈfɜːmiəm]n. [化学] 镄(元素符号Fm)a transuranic element artificially produced by neutron bombardment of plutonium. Symbol: Fm; atomic no: 100; half-life of most stable isotope, 257Fm: 80 days (approx.)101, mendelevium [ˌmendəˈliːviəm; ˌmendəˈleɪviəm]n. [化学] 钔(符号Md)a transuranic element artificially produced by bombardment of einsteinium. Symbol: Md; atomic no: 101; half-life of most stable isotope, 258Md: 60 days (approx.); valency: 2 or 3102, nobelium [nəʊˈbiːliəm; nəʊˈbeliəm]n. [化学] 锘(一种放射性元素,化学符号为No,原子序102)a transuranic element produced artificially from curium. Symbol: No; atomic no: 102; half-life of most stable isotope, 255No: 180 seconds (approx.); valency: 2 or 3103, lawrencium [lɒˈrensiəm]n. [化学] 铹(人工获得的放射性元素,超铀元素之一)(元素符号Lr)a transuranic element artificially produced from californium. Symbol: Lr; atomic no: 103; half-life of most stable isotope, 256Lr: 35 seconds; valency: 3104, rutherfordium [ˌrʌðəˈfɔːdiəm]n. 第104号元素(人造放射性化学元素)(元素符号Rf)Rutherfordium: 钅卢a transactinide element produced by bombarding californium-249 nuclei with carbon-12 nuclei. Symbol: Rf; atomic number.: 104; atomic wt: 261 104号元素(Name in the former Soviet Union kurchatovium)105, dubnium。

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1H 氢Hydrogen 51 Sb 锑Antimony
2He 氦Helium 52 Te 碲Tellurium 3Li 锂Lithium 53 I 碘Iodine
4Be 铍Beryllium 54 Xe 氙Xenon
5 B 硼Boron 55 Cs 铯Cesium
6 C 碳Carbon 56 Ba 钡Barium
7N 氮Nitrogen 57 La 镧Lanthanum 8O 氧Oxygen 58 Ce 铈Cerium
9 F 氟Fluorine 59 Pr 镨Praseodymium 10Ne 氖Neon 60 Nd 钕Neodymium 11Na 钠Sodium 61 Pm 钷Promethium 12Mg 镁Magnesium 62 Sm 钐Samarium 13Al 铝Aluminum 63 Eu 铕Europium 14Si 硅Silicon 64 Gd 钆Gadolinium 15P 磷Phosphorus 65 Tb 鋱Terbium 16S 硫Sulfur/Sulphur 66 Dy 镝Dysprosium 17Cl 氯Chlorine 67 Ho 钬Holmium 18Ar 氩Argon 68 Er 铒Erbium
19K 钾Potassium 69 Tm 铥Thulium 20Ca 钙Calcium 70 Yb 镱Ytterbium 21Sc 钪Scandium 71 Lu 镥Lutetium 22Ti 钛Titanium 72 Hf 铪Hafnium 23V 钒Vanadium 73 Ta 钽Tantalum 24Cr 铬Chromium 74 W 钨Tungsten 25Mn 锰Manganese 75 Re 铼Rhenium 26Fe 铁Iron 76 Os 锇Osmium 27Co 钴Cobalt 77 Ir 铱Iridium
28Ni 镍Nickel 78 Pt 铂Platinum 29Cu 铜Copper 79 Au 金Gold
30Zn 锌Zinc 80 Hg 汞Mercury 31Ga 镓Gallium 81 Tl 铊Thallium 32Ge 锗Germanium 82 Pb 铅Lead
33As 砷Arsenic 83 Bi 铋Bismuth
34Se 硒Selenium 84 Po 钋Polonium 35Br 溴Bromine 85 At 砹Astatine 36Kr 氪Krypton 86 Rn 氡Radon
37Rb 铷Rubidium 87 Fr 钫Francium 38Sr 锶Strontium 88 Ra 镭Radium 39Y 钇Yttrium 89 Ac 锕Actinium 40Zr 锆Zirconium 90 Th 钍Thorium 41Nb 铌Niobium 91 Pa 镤Protactinium 42Mo 钼Molybdenum 92 U 铀Uranium 43Te 碍Technetium 93 Np 镎Neptunium 44Ru 钌Ruthenium 94 Pu 钚Plutonium 45Rh 铑Rhodium 95 Am 镅Americium 46Pd 钯Palladium 96 Cm 锔Curium
47Ag 银Silver 97 Bk 锫Berkelium 48Cd 镉Cadmium 98 Cf 锎Californium
101Md 钔Mendelevium 111 Rg 錀/钅仑Roentgenium 102No 锘Nobelium 112 Cn 鎶/钅哥Copernicium 103Lr 铹Lawrencium 113 Nh Nihonium 104Rf 鑪/钅卢Rutherfordium 114 Fl 鈇/钅夫Flerovium 105Db 钅杜Dubnium 115 Mc Moscovium 106Sg 钅喜Seaborgium 116 Lv Livermorium 107Bh 钅波Bohrium 117 Ts Tennessine 108Hs 钅黑Hassium 118 Og Oganesson 109Mt 钅麦Meitnerium 119 Uue Ununennium 110Ds 鐽/钅达Darmstadtium。
