
电导率仪操作规程1. 引言电导率仪是一种用于测量溶液中电导率的仪器,广泛应用于化学、环境、食品等领域。
2. 仪器准备2.1 确保电导率仪处于稳定的工作状态,且仪器表面干净无污物。
2.2 检查电导率仪的电源是否正常,如有异常情况应及时修复或更换电源。
2.3 检查电导率仪的电极是否完好,如有损坏或污染应及时更换或清洁。
3. 样品准备3.1 根据需要测量的样品类型,选择合适的容器,并确保容器干净无污染。
3.2 将样品倒入容器中,注意不要溅到仪器表面或电极上。
3.3 如需测量多个样品,请为每个样品准备独立的容器,避免交叉污染。
4. 仪器操作4.1 打开电导率仪的电源开关,待仪器启动完成后,进入测量模式。
4.2 将电导率仪的电极插入样品中,确保电极完全浸入样品中且不触碰容器壁。
4.3 等待电导率仪显示稳定的测量结果,记录下测量数值。
4.4 如需测量多个样品,请在每次测量前将电极清洁干净,避免样品间的交叉污染。
4.5 测量完成后,关闭电导率仪的电源开关,将电极取出并清洁干净。
5. 数据记录与分析5.1 将测量结果记录在指定的数据表格中,包括样品编号、测量时间、测量数值等信息。
5.2 如需进行数据分析,可使用统计软件或Excel等工具进行处理。
5.3 分析数据时,应注意排除异常值和误差,并进行合理的数据解释。
6. 仪器维护6.1 每次使用后,应及时清洁电导率仪的表面和电极,避免污染和损坏。
6.2 定期检查电导率仪的电极是否损坏或老化,如有问题应及时更换。
6.3 定期校准电导率仪,确保测量结果的准确性和可靠性。
6.4 如发现仪器故障或异常情况,应及时联系维修人员进行修复。
7. 安全注意事项7.1 在使用电导率仪时,应注意避免触碰高压部分,以免发生电击事故。
7.2 使用过程中应注意防护措施,避免样品溅到皮肤或眼睛中。
7.3 在操作过程中,应遵循相关的安全操作规程,确保人身安全和仪器安全。

二、仪器准备1. 确保电导率仪处于稳定的工作状态,检查仪器外观是否完好无损。
2. 检查电导率仪是否已连接电源,确认电源电压符合要求。
3. 检查电导率仪是否已连接电极,确认电极与仪器连接良好。
4. 根据测量需要,选择适当的电导率仪测量范围。
三、操作步骤1. 打开电导率仪电源开关,待仪器启动完成后,进入测量模式。
2. 将电极插入待测溶液中,确保电极与溶液充分接触。
3. 等待电导率仪稳定显示电导率数值,记录测量结果。
4. 若需要连续测量多个样品,每次测量完毕后,将电极清洗干净,并用纯水冲洗干净,确保不同样品之间不会相互污染。
5. 当测量结束时,关闭电导率仪电源开关。
四、注意事项1. 在操作电导率仪之前,应先进行仪器的校准,以确保测量结果的准确性。
2. 在测量过程中,应避免将电极碰触到容器壁或其他物体,以免影响测量结果。
3. 使用电导率仪时,应避免将仪器暴露在高温、高湿度或强磁场等环境中,以免损坏仪器。
4. 操作过程中,应注意安全,避免触电或发生其他事故。
5. 定期对电导率仪进行维护和保养,保证仪器的长期稳定运行。
五、故障排除1. 若电导率仪显示不正常或无法启动,检查电源是否连接正常,并尝试重新启动仪器。
2. 若电导率仪测量结果异常,首先检查电极是否干净,若不干净则进行清洗,若已清洗仍异常,则可能需要进行校准或更换电极。

根据欧姆定律,温度一定时,这个电阻值与电极间距L(cm)正比,与电极的截面积A(cm2)反比,即八LR = : - XA其中「为电阻率,是长1cm,截面积为1cmf导体的电阻,其大小决定于物质的本性。
据上式,导体的电导(G)可表示成下式:1 G=R 1 A 1 :—X 一=KX —PL J其中,K=1/ 称为电导率,J=L/A称为电极常数电解质溶液电导率指相距1cm的两平行电极间充以1cm3溶液时所具有的电导。
由上式可见,当已知电极常数(J ),并测出溶液电阻(R)或电导(G)时,即可求出电导率。
仪器的特点如下:1. 仪器具有电极常数及温度补偿功能。
2. 仪器采用高性能集成电路组成的性能稳定的正弦波发生器,因此读数稳定,漂移小。
3. 仪器采用了相敏检波器,抑制了由电极引线分布电容对测量的影响,因而本仪器无需电容补偿,并且使低电导率测量精度大大提高。
三、仪器的结构1. 电极常数调节旋钮:对不同电极进行常数调节。
2. 温度旋钮:对被测溶液进行温度补偿。
3. 量程开关旋钮:校准/量程选择开关,分校准、 2 0卩s、200卩s、2000八和20ms四个档4. 校准调节旋钮:校准量程满度。
I 23图一前面板示意图5. 后面板结构图二后面板示意图①电极插座②接地端子③电源插座④电源开关四、技术性能5量程溶液电导率建议使用电极的电极常数被测溶液实际电导率10 〜20.00 s/cm0.01、0.1、1显示值X电极常数20 〜200.00 i s/cm1显示值X 130〜2000.00 i s/cm1显示值X 140 〜10 ms/cm1、10显示值X电极常数其中在测量电导率小于2卩s/cm的纯水时可采用常数0.01、0.1的电导电极;而在测量电导率大于20 ms/cm的溶液时,可采用常数为10的电导电极。

PROFIBUS PA 制造商 ID 号 识别码 设备版本号 Profile 版本号 GSD 文件 GSD 文件版本号 输出参数 输入参数 远程设置 主要测量值,温度值 显示 PLC 输出值 设备锁定:通过硬件或软件锁定 11h 1515h 11h 2.0 /profibus
Liquisys M CLM223/253
安装因子的自适应标定 ( 电感式电导率传感器 ) 通常,电感式传感器只允许安装在管道中,且应该与管壁保持最小安装间距。无法确保最小安装 间距时,测量值将会改变。内置安装因子的自适应标定功能用于补偿传感器安装位置对测量的影 响。 第二电流输出 电流输入 第二电流输出可以设置为温度、主要测量值 ( 电导率、电阻率、浓度 ) 或动作变量。 变送器的电流输入具有以下两种功能:低于流速下限或主流量故障时控制器自动切断功能和前馈 控制功能。两种功能可以同时起效。 完整的测量系统包括: • Liquisys M CLM223 或 CLM253 变送器 • 传感器,带或不带内置温度传感器 • 测量电缆:CYK71 ( 电导式传感器 )、CPK9 (Condumax H CLS16 传感器 ) 或 CLK5 ( 电感式传感器 ) 可选配件:延长电缆、 VBM 接线盒
输出信号 0/4 ... 20 mA 有源电流输出,电气隔离
HART 信号编码 数据传输速度 电气隔离 频移键控 (FSK) + 0.5 mA,通过电流输出信号 1200 Baud 是
PROFIBUS PA 信号编码 数据传输速度 电气隔离 曼切斯特总线电力传输 (MBP) 31.25 kBit/s,电压模式 是 (IO 模块 )
恩德斯豪斯Endress+Hauser 电导率测量变送器 CLM253-ID0505 操作简介

清洗段电导率测量变送器设定方法简介在开始界面,首先按E键进入CODE界面,按+键修改数值到22,按E键进入SETUP1 A界面,如图所示:SETUP1 A里有6个选项,继续按“E”键,进入A1选项(operation mode)时,可以按“+”或“—”进行调节,这里设置为“cond”,具体显示如下:继续按“E”键,进入A4 selection of unit(单位选择)选项时,可以按“+”或“—”进行调节,这里设置为“ms/cm”,具体如下:继续按“E”键,进入A5选项(cell constant)“电池常数”时,可以按“+”或“—”进行调节,这里设置为“1000/cm”,具体如下:注释:其中A2, A3, A6三个选项在此处没有用处。
此时按“E”键会返回到SETUP1 A界面,按“—”键,进入SETUP2 B界面,共有7个选项,继续按“E”键,进入B1 Temperat. Measurement(温度测量)选项,可以按“+”或“—”进行调节,这里设置为“Pt 100”,具体如下:继续按“E”键,进入B2 Temperature Compensation(温度补偿)选项,可以按“+”或“—”进行调节,这里设置为“lin = linear”线性的,具体如下:继续按“E”键,进入B3 αvalue(α值)选项,可以按“+”或“—”进行调节,这里设置为“2.1 %/ K”,具体如下:继续按“E”键,进入B7 Reference Temperat.(基准温度),可以按“+”或“—”进行调节,这里设置为“25℃”,具体如下:注释:其中B4,B5, B6在此处没有用到。
按“E”键返回到SETUP2 B界面,按“—”键,进入到OUTPUT O界面,继续按“E”键,此时进入到O 3 selection of type (选择类型)选项,这里我们设置为“lin = linear”,具体如下:继续按“E”键,进入到O 311 selection of range(选择范围),可以按“+”或“—”进行调节,这里我们设置为“4-20 mA”,如图所示:继续按“E”键,进入到O 312 0/4 mA- value(0/4对应数值)选项,可以按“+”或“—”进行调节,这里设置为“0 μS/cm”,如图所示:继续按“E”键,进入到O 313 20 mA- value(20mA对应数值)选项,可以按“+”或“—”进行调节,这里设置为“200μS/cm”,如图所示:注释:其中O2 在此处没有用到。


Endress Hauser 恩德斯豪斯电导率测量变送器技术规格说明

Products Solutions Services TI00193C/07/EN/14.1371236586Technical InformationLiquisys M CLM223/253Conductivity/Resistivity MeasurementTransmitter for conductive and inductive sensorsApplication•Ultrapure water•Water treatment•Ion exchanger, reverse osmosis•Cooling water desalinization•SewageYour benefits•Field or panel-mounted housing•Universal application•Simple handling–Logically arranged menu structure–Ultrasimple two-point calibration•Safe operation–Overvoltage (lightning) protection–Manual contact control and user-defined alarm configurationThe basic unit can be extended with:•2 or 4 additional contacts for use as:–Limit contacts (also for temperature)–P(ID) controller–Timer for simple rinse processes–Complete cleaning with Chemoclean•Plus package:–User defined current output characteristics–Ultrapure water monitoring acc. to USP (United States Pharmacopeia) and EP(European Pharmacopoeia) (conductive)–Polarization detection (conductive)–Concentration measurement–Process Check System (PCS): live check of the sensor•HART or PROFIBUS-PA/-DP•2nd current output for temperature, main measured value or actuating variable•Current input for flow rate monitoring with controller shut off or for feedforwardcontrolLiquisys M CLM223/2532Endress+HauserFunction and system designFeatures of the basic versionConductive or inductiveTwo instrument versions for measurement with conductive (two electrode) sensors or inductive sensors are available. The use of inductive sensors that are less sensitive to soiling than conductive sensors is recommended for high conductivity measurement, concentration measurement or adhering media.Measuring of conductivity and resistivity (conductive)This is selected via the menu. During measurement, the value measured can be displayed in the other measuring mode. The temperature is displayed at the same time or, if desired, not shown at all.Temperature compensationThe following temperature compensation selections are available: •Linear•NaCl curve according to IEC 746•Ultrapure water NaCl (neutral compensation)•Ultrapure water HCl (acid compensation, also ammonia)The reference temperature is user defined, the standard value is 25 °C (77 °F).ConfigurationDifferent alarms are required depending on application and operator. Therefore the transmitterpermits independent configuration of the alarm contact and error current for each individual error. Unnecessary or undesirable alarms can be suppressed in this manner. Up to four contacts Up to two contacts can be used as limit contacts (also for temperature), to implement a P(ID) controller or for cleaning functions.Direct manual operation of the contacts (bypassing the menu) provides quick access to limit, control or cleaning contacts, permitting speedy correction of deviations.The serial numbers of the instrument and modules and the order code can be called up on the display.The cell constant can be edited and even calibrated for demanding special applications.Additional functions of the plus packageCurrent output configurationIn order to output wide measuring ranges while still achieving a high resolution in specific ranges, the current output can be configured as required via a table. This permits bilinear or quasi-logarithmic curves, etc.Polarization detectionPolarization effects in the boundary layer between the sensor and the medium to be measured limit the measuring range of conductive conductivity sensors.The transmitter can detect polarization effects using an innovative, intelligent signal evaluation process.Live checkThe live check issues an alarm when the sensor signal does not change over a defined period of time. This may be caused by blocking, passivation, separation from the process, etc.Ultrapure water monitoring acc. to USP (United States Pharmacopeia) and EP (European Pharmacopoeia)Ultrapure water monitoring according to USP <645> and EP means that the uncompensated conductivity and the temperature are measured and compared to a table.The transmitter (conductive with additional contacts) comes with the following functions:•Monitoring of "Water for Injection" (WFI) according to USP and EP •Monitoring of "Highly Purified Water" (HPW) according to EP •Monitoring of "Purified Water" (PW) according to EPThe user-adjustable pre-alarm indicates undesirable operating values in due time. Full compliance with USP or EP requires the use of a precisely calibrated sensor, for example, the CLS16.Liquisys M CLM223/253Endress+Hauser 3Concentration measurementThe conversion from conductivity to concentration is effected using four user-definable concentration curves . This permits concentrations to be displayed in %, ppm, mg/l or TDS (total dissolved solids).Adaptive calibration for determination of the installation factor (inductive)Inductive measuring sensors must normally be installed in pipes at a required minimum distance from the pipe wall. If this minimum distance is not observed, the measured value changes. The built-in adaptive calibration using the installation factor allows you to compensate for this once the sensor is installed.Second current outputThe second current output can be configured for temperature, main measured value (conductivity, resistivity, concentration) or actuating variable.Current inputThe current input of the transmitter allows two different applications: controller shut-down in case of lower flow rate violation or total failure in the main flow as well as feedforward control. Both functions are also combinable.Measuring systemA complete measuring systems comprises:•The transmitter Liquisys M CLM223 or CLM253•A sensor with or without an integrated temperature sensor•A measuring cable CYK71 (conductive), CPK9 for Condumax H CLS16 or CLK5 (inductive)Options: extension cable, junction box VBMComplete measuring system Liquisys M CLM223/2531234Conductive sensor CLS15Liquisys M CLM253Liquisys M CLM223Inductive sensor CLS54567Inductive sensor CLS50Conductive sensor CLS21Immersion assembly CLA111Liquisys M CLM223/2534Endress+HauserInputMeasured variables Conductivity, resistivity, temperature Measuring rangeCable specificationCell constantTemperature sensors Pt 100, Pt 1000, NTC 30KMeasuring frequencyBinary inputsCurrent input4to 20mA, galvanically separated Load: 260Ω at 20mA (voltage drop 5.2V)Conductivity (conductive):0 to 600 mS/cm (uncompensated)Conductivity (inductive):0 to 2000 mS/cm (uncompensated)Resistivity:0 to 200 M Ω⋅cmConcentration:0 to 9999 (%, ppm, mg/l, TDS)Temperature:-35 to +250 °C (-31 to +482 °F)Cable length (conductive):conductivity: max. 100 m (328 ft) (CYK71)resistivity: max 15 m (49 ft) (CYK71)Cable length (inductive):max 55 m (180 ft) (CLK5)Cable resistance CYK71:165 Ω/km (conductivity measurement)Adjustable cell constant:k = 0.0025 to 99.99 cm -1Conductivity, resistivity (conductive):170 Hz to 2 kHz Conductivity (inductive): 2 kHz Voltage:10to 50V Power consumption:max. 10mALiquisys M CLM223/253Endress+Hauser 5OutputOutput signal0/4 to 20 mA, galvanically separated, activeSignal on alarm 2.4 or 22 mA in case of an error Loadmaximum 500 Ω Linearization transmission behaviourResolutionmax. 700 digits/mAMin. distance for 0/4to 20mA signalIsolation voltage max. 350 V RMS /500 V DC Overvoltage protectionaccording to EN 61000-4-5HART Signal coding Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) + 0.5 mA via current output signal Data transfer rate 1200 Baud Galvanic isolationyesPROFIBUS PA Signal coding Manchester Bus Powered (MBP)Data transfer rate 31.25 kBit/s, voltage mode Galvanic isolationyes (IO-Module)PROFIBUS DP Signal coding RS485Data transfer rate 9.6 kBd, 19.2 kBd, 93.75 kBd, 187.5 kBd, 500 kBd, 1.5 MBd Galvanic isolationyes (IO-Module)Conductivity:Resistivity:Concentration:Actuating variable:Temperature:adjustable adjustable adjustable adjustable adjustableConductivity:Measured value 0 to 1.999 μS/cm 0.2 μS/cm Measured value 0 to 19.99 μS/cm 2 μS/cm Measured value 20 to 199.9 μS/cm 20 μS/cm Measured value 200 to 1999 μS/cm 200 μS/cm Measured value 2 to 19.99 mS/cm 2 mS/cm Measured value 20 to 2000 mS/cm 20 mS/cmResistivityMeasured value 0 to 199.9 k Ωcm 20 k Ωcm Measured value 200 to 1999 k Ωcm 200 k Ωcm Measured value 2 to 19.99 M Ωcm 2.0 M Ωcm Measured value 20 to 200 M Ωcm 20 M ΩcmConcentration no minimum distance Temperature15 °CLiquisys M CLM223/2536Endress+HauserAuxiliary voltage outputContact outputsLimit contactorControllerAlarmOutput voltage:15V ± 0.6Output current:max. 10mASwitching current with ohmic load (cos ϕ= 1):max. 2A Switching current with inductive load (cos ϕ = 0.4):max. 2A Switching voltage:max. 250V AC, 30V DC Switching power with ohmic load (cos ϕ = 1):max. 500 VA AC, 60W DC Switching power with inductive load (cos ϕ = 0.4):max. 500VA AC, 60W DC Pickup/dropout delay:0to 2000sFunction (adjustable):pulse length/pulse frequency controller Controller response:PIDControl gain K p :0.01to 20.00Integral action time T n :0.0to 999.9min Derivative action time T v :0.0to 999.9min Period for pulse length controller:0.5to 999.9 s Frequency for pulse frequency controller:60to 180 min -1Basic load:0to 40% of max. set valueFunction (selectable):Latching/momentary contactAlarm threshold adjustment range:Conductivity, resistivity, concentration,temperature, USP, EP: complete measuring range Alarm delay:0to 2000s (min)Liquisys M CLM223/253Protocol specific data HARTManufacturer ID11hDevice type code0092h (ind. measured), 0093h (cond. measured)Transmitter specific revision0001hHART specification 5.0DD files /hartLoad HART250Device variables None (dynamic variables PV, SV, only)Features supported-PROFIBUS PAManufacturer ID11hIdent number1515hDevice revision11hProfile version 2.0GSD files /profibusGSD file versionOutput values Main value, temperature valueInput values Display value of PLCFeatures supported Device locking: The device can be locked by hardware orsoftware.PROFIBUS DPManufacturer ID11hIdent number1521hProfile version 2.0GSD files /profibusGSD file versionOutput values Main value, temperature valueInput values Display value of PLCFeatures supported Device locking: The device can be locked by hardware orsoftware.Endress+Hauser7Liquisys M CLM223/2538Endress+HauserPower supplyElectrical connectionThe instrument has protection class II and is generally operated without protective earth connection. To ensure the measuring stability and the function for conductive sensors you have to connect the outer screen of the sensor cable to the PE terminal.Electrical connection of the transmitterA B C D E F G H Sensor (conductive)Sensor (inductive)Temperature sensorSignal output 1 conductivity Signal output 2 variable Binary input 1 (Hold)Binary input 2 (Chemoclean)Aux. voltage outputI J K L M N O Alarm (current-free contact position)Relay 1 (current-free contact position)Relay 2 (current-free contact position)Relay 3 (current-free contact position)Relay 4 (current-free contact position)Current input 4...20mA Power supplyLiquisys M CLM223/253Endress+Hauser 9Connection of sensorYou require screened special measuring cables to connect conductivity sensors to the transmitter. To extend the measuring cable, use junction box and extension cable (see accessories).Supply voltageDepending on ordered version:100/115/230 V AC +10/-15 %, 48 to 62 Hz 24 V AC/DC +20/-15 %Fieldbus connectionPower consumption max. 7.5 VAMains protection Fine-wire fuse, medium-slow blow 250 V/3.15 ACircuit breakerNOTICEThe device does not have a power switch‣You must provide a protected circuit breaker in the vicinity of the device.‣This must be a switch or a power-circuit breaker and you must label it as the circuit breaker for thedevice.‣At the supply point, the power supply for the 24 V versions must be isolated from dangerous livecables by double or reinforced insulation.Connection of conductive sensorsConnection of inductive sensorsHART Supply voltagen/a, active current outputs Integrated reverse voltage protectionn/a, active current outputsPROFIBUS PA Supply voltage 9 V to 32 V, max. 35 V Polarity sensitiveno FISCO/FNICO compliant acc. to IEC 60079-27noPROFIBUS DP Supply voltage 9 V to 32 V, max. 35 V Polarity sensitiven/a FISCO/FNICO compliant acc. to IEC 60079-27noLiquisys M CLM223/25310Endress+HauserPerformance characteristicsReference temperature 25 °C (77 °F); adjustable for the compensation of the medium temperature ResolutionMaximum measured error 1)Repeatability 1Temperature compensationTemperature offset ±5 °C; for the adjustment of the temperature displayConductivity:Temperature:depending on the measuring range: 0.001 μS/cm to 1.999μS/cm and k 0.5 cm -10.1 °C1) acc. to IEC 746-1, for nominal operating conditionsConductivity:Display:max. 0.5 % of measured value ± 4 digits Conductivity signal output:max. 0.75 % of current output range Resistivity:Display:max. 0.5 % of measured value ± 4 digits Resistivity signal output:max. 0.75 % of current output range Temperature:Display:max. 1.0 % of measuring range Temperature signal output:max. 1.25 % of current output range Conductivity:max. 0.2 % of measured value ± 2 digits Resistivity:max. 0.2 % of measured value ± 2 digitsRange:-35 to +250 °C (-31 to +482 °F)Types of compensation:uncompensated, linear, NaCl, table;conductive only: ultrapure water NaCl, ultrapure water HClInstallation Installation instructionsField instrumentMounting on pipes1 - 3Mounting screws and mounting plateView into the field instrument1234Removable electronics box Partition plate Terminal blocks FuseWall mounting of the field instrument 1Mounting holes 2 Protecting capMounting of the field instrument with mounting post and weather protection cover 1 - 3Mounting holesØ6/Ø0.24Dimensions panel-mounted instrumentInstallation of the panel-mounted instrument 1Wall of control cabinet 2Gasket 3Tensioning screws*Required installation depth92/ 3.62+0.5+0.0292/ 3.62+0.5+0.02EnvironmentAmbient temperature -10 to +55 °C (+14 to +131 °F)Storage temperature –25 to +65 °C (-13 to +149 °F)Electromagnetic compatibility Interference emission and interference immunity as per EN 61326-1:2006, EN 61326-2-3:2006Ingress protectionElectrical safety according EN/IEC 61010-1:2001, Installation Category II, for use up to 2000 m above sea level CSAApparatus with CSA General Purpose Approval are certified for indoor use.Relative humidity 10 to 95%, non-condensingPollution degreeThe product is suitable for pollution degree 2.Mechanical constructionDimensionsWeightMaterialTerminalsPanel mounted instrument:IP 54 (front), IP 30 (housing)Field instrument:IP 65 / tightness acc. to NEMA 4XPanel mounted instrument:96x 96x 145mm (3.78 x 3.78 x 5.71 inches)Installation depth: approx. 165mm (6.50")Field instrument:247x 170x 115mm (9.72 x 6.69 x 4.53 inches)Panel mounted instrument:max. 0.7kg (1.5 lb)Field instrument:max.2.3kg (5.1 lb)Housing of panel mounted instrument:Polycarbonate Field housing:ABS PC FrFront membrane:Polyester, UV-resistant Cross sectionmax. 2.5 mm 2OperabilityOperating concept All instrument control functions are arranged in a logical menu structure. Following access code entry,the individual parameters can be easily selected and modified as needed.Display elementsOperating elements1LC display for display of measured values, configuration data and current menu field2Field for user labelling3 4 main control keys for calibration and instrument configuration4Key for switching between automatic/manual operation of the relays5LED indicators for limit contactor relay (switch status)6LED indicator for alarm function7Display of active contact and key for relay switching in manual modeThe display simultaneously shows the current measured value and the temperature - the essentialprocess data. Brief information texts in the configuration menu provide assistance with parameterconfiguration.Certificates and approvals4 symbol Declaration of conformityThe product meets the requirements of the harmonized European standards. It thus complies with thelegal requirements of the EC directives.The manufacturer confirms successful testing of the product by affixing the 4 symbol.CSA General Purpose CSA General PurposeThe products listed below are eligible to bear the CSA Mark shown with adjacent indicators "C" and "US":Version ApprovalCSA Mark for Canada and USACLM253-..2...CLM253-..3...CLM253-..7...CSA Mark for Canada and USACLM223-..2...CLM223-..3...CLM223-..7...Ordering informationOrder code Enter the following address into your browser to access the relevant product page:/clm223 or/clm2531.2.Click "Configure this product".3.The configurator opens in a separate window. You can now configure your device and receive thecomplete order code that applies for the device.4.Afterwards, export the order code as a PDF or Excel file. To do so, click the appropriate button atthe top of the page.Product structure Input, softwareCD Conductivity/resistivity measurement (conductive two-electrode sensor)CS Conductivity/resistivity measurement (conductive two-electrode sensor) with additional functions (Pluspackage)ID Conductivity measurement (inductive sensor)IS Conductivity measurement (inductive sensor) with additional functions (Plus package)Power supply, approval0230V AC1115V AC2230V AC; CSA Gen. Purp.3115V AC; CSA Gen. Purp.5100V AC724V AC/DC; CSA Gen. Purp.824V AC/DCOutput0 1 x 20 mA, primary value1 2 x 20 mA, primary value + secondary value3PROFIBUS PA4PROFIBUS DP5 1 x 20 mA, primary value, HART6 2 x 20 mA, primary value, HART + secondary valueAdditional contacts05not selected10 2 relays (limit/P(ID)/timer)15 4 relays (limit/P(ID)/Chemoclean) (not with PROFIBUS DP)16 4 relays (limit/P(ID)/timer) (not with PROFIBUS DP)20 1 x 4 ... 20 mA input + 2 relays (limit/P(ID)/timer)25 1 x 4 ... 20 mA input + 4 relays (limit/P(ID)/Chemoclean) (not with PROFIBUS DP)26 1 x 4 ... 20 mA input + 4 relays (limit/P(ID)/timer) (not with PROFIBUS DP)Additional features (CLM223 only)PRL Protective layerMarking1Tagging (Tag), see additional spec.CLM253-complete order codeCLM223-Additional functions of the Plus package •Current output table to cover large ranges with varying resolution, fields O33x•Process Check System (PCS): live check of the sensor, function group P•Ultrapure water monitoring for "Water for injection" (WFI) and "Purified water" (PW) acc. to United States Pharmacopeia (USP) and European Pharmacopoeia (EP) with pre-alarm (conductive, additional contacts necessary), fields R26x and R27x•Polarization detection (conductive), function group P•Concentration measurement, function group K•Temperature compensation via coefficient table, function group T•Adaptive calibration with installation factor (inductive), fields C13x•Automatic cleaning function start, field F8Scope of delivery The delivery of the field instrument includes:•1 transmitter CLM253•1 plug-in screw terminal•1 cable gland Pg 7•1 cable gland Pg 16 reduced•2 cable glands Pg 13.5•1 Operating Instructions BA00193C/07/EN•1 Operating Instructions•versions with HART communication:1 Operating Instructions Field Communication with HART, BA00208C/07/EN•versions with PROFIBUS communication:1 Operating Instructions Field Communication with PROFIBUS PA/DP, BA00209C/07/ENThe delivery of the panel mounted instrument includes:•1 transmitter CLM223•1 set of plug-in screw terminals•2 tensioning screws•1 Operating Instructions BA00193C/07/EN•1 Operating Instructions•versions with HART communication:1 Operating Instructions Field Communication with HART, BA00208C/07/EN•versions with PROFIBUS communication:1 Operating Instructions Field Communication with PROFIBUS PA/DP, BA00209C/07/ENAccessoriesSensors Condumax W CLS12•Conductive conductivity sensor for standard, Ex and high-temperature applications;•Ordering acc. to product structure, /cls12•Technical Information TI00082C/07/ENCondumax W CLS13•Conductive conductivity sensor for standard, Ex and high-temperature applications;•Ordering acc. to product structure, /cls13•Technical Information TI00083C/07/ENCondumax W CLS15•Conductive conductivity sensor for pure and ultra-pure water applications (incl. Ex);•Ordering acc. to product structure, /cls15•Technical Information TI00109C/07/ENCondumax H CLS16•Hygienic conductive conductivity sensor for pure and ultra-pure water applications (incl. Ex);•Ordering acc. to product structure, /cls16•Technical Information TI00227C/07/ENCondumax W CLS19•Conductive conductivity sensor for pure and ultra-pure water applications;•Ordering acc. to product structure, /cls19•Technical Information TI00110C/07/ENCondumax W CLS21•Conductive conductivity sensor for applications with middle to high conductivity (incl. Ex);•Ordering acc. to product structure, /cls21•Technical Information TI00085C/07/ENIndumax P CLS50•Inductive conductivity sensor for standard, Ex and high-temperature applications•Ordering acc. to product structure, /cls50•Technical Information TI00118C/07/ENIndumax H CLS52•Inductive conductivity sensor with short response time for food applications•Ordering acc. to product structure, /cls52•Technical Information TI00167C/07/ENIndumax H CLS54•Inductive conductivity sensor for standard, Ex and in hygienic design for applications in food,beverages, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology•Ordering acc. to product structure, /cls54•Technical Information TI00400C/07/ENConnection accessories CYK71 measuring cable•Non-terminated cable for the connection of sensors (e.g. conductivity sensors) or the extension ofsensor cables•Sold by the meter, order numbers:–non-Ex version, black: 50085333–Ex version, blue: 50085673Extension cable CLK6•For inductive conductivity sensors, for extension via the VBM junction box, sold by the meter•Order no.: 71183688Junction box VBM•For cable extension•10 terminals•Cable entries: 2 x Pg 13.5 or 2 x NPT ½"•Material: aluminum•Ingress protection: IP 65 (i NEMA 4X)•Order numbers:–cable entries Pg 13.5: 50003987–cable entries NPT ½": 51500177•Four-pole metal plug M12 for fieldbus connectionorder no. 51502184M12 plug with socketMounting accessories CYY101 weather protection cover for field devices, absolutely essential if operating the unit outdoors•Material: stainless steel 1.4031 (AISI 304)•Order No. CYY101-AWeather protection cover for field devicesLiquisys M CLM223/253Endress+Hauser 21Post mounting kit•For mounting of field housing on horizontal or vertical pipes (Ø max. 60 mm (2.36"))•Material: stainless steel 1.4301•order no. 50086842Post mounting kitCYY102 universal post•Square pipe for mounting transmitters •Material: stainless steel 1.4301 (AISI 304)•Order No. CYY102-AUniversal postLiquisys M CLM223/25322Endress+HauserBuffer solutionsPrecision calibration solutions, acc. to SRM (Standard reference material) of NIST, reference temperature 25°C (77 °F), with temperature table•CLY11-A, 74.0 μS/cm, 500 ml (16.9 fl.oz); order no. 50081902•CLY11-B, 149.6 μS/cm, 500 ml (16.9 fl.oz); order no. 50081903•CLY11-C, 1.406 mS/cm, 500 ml (16.9 fl.oz); order no. 50081904•CLY11-D, 12.64 mS/cm, 500 ml (16.9 fl.oz); order no. 50081905•CLY11-E, 107.0 mS/cm, 500 ml (16.9 fl.oz); order no. 50081906Liquisys M CLM223/253Endress+Hauser23。

电导率仪操作作业指导书文件页码第1页,共5页生效日期1.0 目的为确保操作者安全、正确操作电导率仪,特制定此规程。
2.0 适用范围用于产品水质电导率的检测。
3.0 仪器的安装条件3.1 请将仪器安装在室内通风良好的工作区域,不能在易燃易爆的环境中使用。
3.2 避免阳光直射以及有腐蚀性气体的环境,仪器应该避免剧烈震动、极具的温度变化、以及处于低于0℃或高于40℃的温度环境。
3.3 确保工作场所没有火源。
3.4 本仪器配有一个通用的交流适配器。
)在操作之前,请首先检查线缆有无损坏!确保交流适配器永远不会与液体接触!开/关/退出存储/回显短按时开始/终止测量长按时自动终点打开/关短按时更改测量模式长按时输入设置模式短按时启动校准长按时调用校准数据此图为开机显示图电导率仪操作作业指导书文件页码第2页,共5页生效日期4.0 综合设置: 4.1 终点方式FiveEasytm 提供两种不同的终点方式,自动和手动。
长按“Read (读数)”键可在自动和手动终点模式之间切换。
4.1.1 自动终点使用自动终点方式时,输入信号稳定时,测量自动停止。
4.1.2 手动终点与自动终点方式不同,在手动模式中,需要用户手动停止测量读取操作。
要手动结束测量,请按“Read (读数)”键。
4.2 温度测量4.2.1 ATC (自动温度补偿)为获得更高准确性,建议使用内置温度探头的电极,或搭配使用单独的温度探头。
如仪表识别出温度点极,则将显示出ATC 和样品温度。
(注意:仪表可接受NTC30K Ω温度探头) 4.2.2 MTC (手动温度补偿)如果仪表未检测到温度电极,则将自动切换到手动温度模式,并显示出MTC 。
输入的MTC 温度用于温度补偿。要设置MTC 温度,请长按“Setup ”键。

1. 准备工作:将电导率仪按照说明书的要求连接好电源和电极,并让其稳定运行一段时间,以使其能够准确测量电导率。
2. 校准电导率仪:将电导率仪放入纯水中并按照说明书的要求校准电导率仪,以确保其准确测量电导率。
3. 测量样品电导率:将电导率仪放入待测样品中,并按照说明书的要求测量其电导率值。
4. 记录和处理数据:将测得的电导率值记录下来,并按照需要进行处理和分析。
5. 维护和保养:电导率仪需要定期进行清洗和维护,以确保其正常运行并准确测量电导率。

TI193C/07/en/09.0551500279Technical InformationLiquisys M CLM223/253Conductivity/Resistivity MeasurementTransmitter for conductive and inductive sensorsApplicationThe modular design of the Liquisys M CLM223/253 allows easy adaption of the transmitter to a variety of customerrequirements. Starting with the basic version for "measurement and alarm generation", the transmitter can be equipped with additional software and hardware modules for specialapplications. These modules can also be retrofitted as required.Application•Ultrapure water •Water treatment•Ion exchanger, reverse osmosis •Cooling water desalinisationYour benefits•Field or panel-mounted housing •Universal application •Simple handling–Logically arranged menu structure –Ultrasimple two-point calibration •Safe operation–Overvoltage (lightning) protection–Direct access for manual contact control –User-defined alarm configurationThe basic unit can be extended with:•2 or 4 additional contacts for use as:–Limit contacts (also for temperature)–P(ID) controller–Timer for simple rinse processes–Complete cleaning with Chemoclean •Plus package:–User defined current output characteristics–Automatic cleaning trigger on alarm or limit violation –Ultrapure water monitoring acc. to USP (United States Pharmacopeia) and EP (European Pharmacopoeia) (conductive)–Polarisation detection (conductive)–Concentration measurement–Temperature compensation via table–Process Check System (PCS): live check of the sensor –Adaptive calibration with installation factor (inductive)•HART ® or PROFIBUS-PA/-DP•2nd current output for temperature, main measured value or actuating variable•Current input for flow rate monitoring with controller shut offor for feedforward controlLiquisys M CLM223/253Function and system designFeatures of the basic version Conductive or inductiveTwo instrument versions for measurement with conductive (two electrode) sensors or inductive sensors areavailable. The use of inductive sensors that are less sensitive to soiling than conductive sensors is recommendedfor high conductivity measurement, concentration measurement or adhering media.Measuring of conductivity and resistivity (conductive)This is selected via the menu. During measurement, the value measured can be displayed in the othermeasuring mode. The temperature is displayed at the same time or, if desired, not shown at all.Temperature compensationThe following temperature compensation selections are available:•Linear•NaCl curve according to IEC 746•Ultrapure water NaCl (neutral compensation)•Ultrapure water HCl (acid compensation, also ammonia)The reference temperature is user defined, the standard value is 25 °C (77 °F).ConfigurationDifferent alarms are required depending on application and operator. Therefore the transmitter permitsindependent configuration of the alarm contact and error current for each individual error. Unnecessaryor undesirable alarms can be suppressed in this manner. Up to four contacts can be used as limit contacts(also for temperature), to implement a P(ID) controller or for cleaning functions.Direct manual operation of the contacts (bypassing the menu) provides quick access to limit, control orcleaning contacts, permitting speedy correction of deviations.The serial numbers of the instrument and modules and the order code can be called up on the display.The cell constant can be edited and even calibrated for demanding special applications.Additional functions of the plus package Current output configurationIn order to output wide measuring ranges while still achieving a high resolution in specific ranges, the current output can be configured as required via a table. This permits bilinear or quasi-logarithmic curves, etc. Polarisation detectionPolarisation effects in the boundary layer between the sensor and the medium to be measured limit the measuring range of conductive conductivity sensors.The transmitter can detect polarisation effects using an innovative, intelligent signal evaluation process. Process Check System (PCS)This function checks the measuring signal for stagnation. If the measuring signal does not change for some time (several measured values), an alarm is triggered. Soiling, blockage or similar could be the cause of such behaviour.Ultrapure water monitoring acc. to USP (United States Pharmacopeia) and EP (European Pharmacopoeia)Ultrapure water monitoring according to USP <645> and EP means that the uncompensated conductivity and the temperature are measured and compared to a table.The transmitter (conductive with additional contacts) comes with the following functions:•Monitoring of "Water for Injection" (WFI) according to USP and EP•Monitoring of "Highliy Purified Water" (HPW) according to EP•Monitoring of "Purified Water" (PW) according to EPThe user-adjustable pre-alarm indicates undesirable operating values in due time. Full compliance with USP or EP requires the use of a precisely calibrated sensor, for example, the CLS16.Liquisys M CLM223/253Concentration measuringThe conversion from conductivity to concentration is effected using four user-definable concentration curves . This permits concentrations to be displayed in %, ppm, mg/l or TDS (total dissolved solids).Adaptive calibration for determination of the installation factor (inductive)Inductive measuring sensors must normally be installed in pipes at a required minimum distance from the pipe wall. If this minimum distance is not observed, the measured value changes. The built-in adaptive calibration using the installation factor allows you to compensate for this once the sensor is installed.Second current outputThe second current output can be configured for temperature, main measured value (conductivity, resistivity, concentration) or actuating variable.Current inputThe current input of the transmitter allows two different applications: controller shut-down in case of lower flow rate violation or total failure in the main flow as well as feedforward control. Both functions are also combinable.Explosion proof versions for zone 2Remarks:•Permissible sensors: all conductive conductivity sensors, inductive sensors CLS50 (Non-Ex version) and CLS52.•Do not use blue sensor cables. Electric circuits are not intrinsically safe according to EN 50039.Application of transmitter and sensor in hazardous area zone 2Field housing CLM253 with power supply 24 VApplication of transmitter as relatedelectrical equipment in non-hazardous area or in simple pressurised apparatus; application of sensor in hazardous area zone 2Field housing CLM253 with power supply 230 V orPanel mounted housing CLM223 with power supply 230V or 24 VLiquisys M CLM223/253Measuring systemA complete measuring systems comprises:•The transmitter Liquisys M CLM223 or CLM253•A sensor with or without an integrated temperature sensor•A measuring cable CYK71 (conductive), CPK9 for Condumax H CLS16 or CLK5 (inductive)Options: extension cable, junction box VBMComplete measuring system Liquisys M CLM223/2531234Conductive sensor CLS15Liquisys M CLM253Liquisys M CLM223Inductive sensor CLS52567Inductive sensor CLS50Conductive sensor CLS21Immersion assembly CLA111Liquisys M CLM223/253InputMeasured variables Conductivity, resistivity, temperature Measuring rangeCable specificationCell constantTemperature sensors Pt 100, Pt 1000, NTC 30KMeasuring frequencyBinary inputsCurrent input4...20mA, galvanically separated Load: 260Ω at 20mA (voltage drop5.2V)OutputCurrent range 0/4 ... 20 mA, galvanically separated, active Error current 2.4 or 22 mA in case of an error Loadmaximum 500 Ω Linearisation transmission behaviourResolutionmax. 700 digits/mAConductivity (conductive):0 ... 60 mS/cm (uncompensated)Conductivity (inductive):0 ... 2000 mS/cm (uncompensated)Resistivity:0 ... 200 M Ω⋅cmConcentration:0 ... 9999 (%, ppm, mg/l, TDS)Temperature:-35 ... +250 °C (-31 ... +482 °F)Cable length (conductive):conductivity: max. 100 m (328.1 ft) (CYK71)resistivity: max 15 m (49.22 ft) (CYK71)Cable length (inductive):max 55 m (180.46 ft) (CLK5)Cable resistance CYK71:165 Ω/km (conductivity measurement)Adjustable cell constant:k = 0.0025 ... 99.99 cm -1Conductivity, resistivity (conductive):170 Hz ... 2 kHz Conductivity (inductive): 2 kHz Voltage:10...50V Power consumption:max. 10mAConductivity:Resistivity:Concentration:Actuating variable:Temperature:adjustable adjustable adjustable adjustableadjustableLiquisys M CLM223/253Min. distance for 0/4...20mA signalIsolation voltage max. 350 V RMS /500 V DC Overvoltage protection according to EN 61000-4-5Auxiliary voltage outputContact outputsLimit contactorControllerAlarmConductivity:Measured value 0 ... 1.999 µS/cm 0.2 µS/cm Measured value 0 ... 19.99 µS/cm 2 µS/cm Measured value 20 ... 199.9 µS/cm 20 µS/cm Measured value 200 ... 1999 µS/cm 200 µS/cm Measured value 2 ... 19.99 mS/cm 2 mS/cm Measured value 20 ... 2000 mS/cm 20 mS/cmResistivityMeasured value 0 ... 199.9 k Ω⋅cm 20 k Ω⋅cm Measured value 200 ... 1999 k Ω⋅cm 200 k Ω⋅cm Measured value 2 ... 19.99 M Ω⋅cm 2.0 M Ω⋅cm Measured value 20 ... 200 M Ω⋅cm 20 M Ω⋅cmConcentration no minimum distance Temperature15 °COutput voltage:15V ± 0.6Output current:max. 10mASwitching current with ohmic load (cos ϕ= 1):max. 2A Switching current with inductive load (cos ϕ = 0.4):max. 2ASwitching voltage:max. 250V AC, 30V DC Switching power with ohmic load (cos ϕ = 1):max. 500 VA AC, 60W DC Switching power with inductive load (cos ϕ = 0.4):max. 500VA AC, 60W DC Pickup/dropout delay:0...2000sFunction (adjustable):pulse length/pulse frequency controller Controller response:PIDControl gain K p :0.01...20.00Integral action time T n :0.0...999.9min Derivative action time T v :0.0...999.9min Period for pulse length controller:0.5...999.9 s Frequency for pulse frequency controller:60...180 min -1Basic load:0...40% of max. set valueFunction (selectable):Latching/momentary contactAlarm threshold adjustment range:Conductivity, resistivity, concentration,temperature, USP, EP: complete measuring range Alarm delay:0 (2000)s (min)Liquisys M CLM223/253Power supplyElectrical connectionThe instrument has protection class II and is generally operated without protective earth connection. To ensure the measuring stability and the function for conductive sensors you have to connect the outer screen of the sensor cable to the PE terminal.Electrical connetion of the transmitterA B C D E F G H Sensor (conductive)Sensor (inductive)Temperature sensor Signal output 1 conductivity Signal output 2 variable Binary input 1 (Hold)Binary input 2 (Chemoclean)Aux. voltage outputIJ K L M N O Alarm (current-free contact position)Relay 1 (current-free contact position)Relay 2 (current-free contact position)Relay 3 (current-free contact position)Relay 4 (current-free contact position)Current input 4...20mA Power supplyConnection of sensorYou require screened special measuring cables to connect conductivity sensors to the transmitter. To extend the measuring cable, use junction box and extension cable (see accessories).Power supplyDepending on ordered version:100/115/230 V AC +10/-15 %, 48 ... 62 Hz 24 V AC/DC +20/-15 %Power consumption max. 7.5 VAMains protectionFine-wire fuse, medium-slow blow 250 V/3.15 APerformance characteristicResolutionDeviation of indication aRepeatability aTemperature compensationReference temperature 25 °C (77 °F); adjustable for the compensation of the medium temperature Temperature offset±5 °C; for the adjustment of the temperature displayConnection of conductive sensorsConnection of inductive sensorsConductivity:Temperature:depending on the measuring range: 0.001 µS/cm to 1.999µS/cm and k ≤ 0.5 cm -10.1 °Ca) acc. to IEC 746-1, for nominal operating conditionsConductivity:Display:max. 0.5 % of measured value ± 4 digits Conductivity signal output:max. 0.75 % of current output range Resistivity:Display:max. 0.5 % of measured value ± 4 digits Resistivity signal output:max. 0.75 % of current output range Temperature:Display:max. 1.0 % of measuring range Temperature signal output:max. 1.25 % of current output range Conductivity:max. 0.2 % of measured value ± 2 digits Resistivity:max. 0.2 % of measured value ± 2 digitsRange:-35 ... +250 °C (-31 ... +482 °F)Types of compensation:uncompensated, linear, NaCl, table;conductive only: ultrapure water NaCl, ultrapure water HClEnvironmentAmbient temperature -10 ... +55 °C (+14 ... +131 °F)Ambient temperature limit –20 ... +60 °C (-4 ... +140 °F)Storage and transport temperature–25 ... +65 °C (-13 ... +149 °F)Electromagnetic compatibility Interference emission and interference immunity acc. to EN 61326: 1997 / A1: 1998Ingress protectionRelative humidity10 ... 95%, non-condensingMechanical constructionDimensionsWeightMaterialsTerminalsPanel mounted instrument:IP 54 (front), IP 30 (housing)Field instrument:IP 65Panel mounted instrument:96x 96x 145mm (3.78 x 3.78 x 5.71 inches)Installation depth: approx. 165mm (6.50")Field instrument:247x 170x 115mm (9.72 x 6.69 x 4.53 inches)Panel mounted instrument:max. 0.7kg (1.5 lb)Field instrument:max.2.3kg (5.1 lb)Housing of panel mounted instrument:Polycarbonate Field housing:ABS PC FrFront membrane:Polyester, UV-resistant Cross sectionmax. 2.5 mm2Liquisys M CLM223/253Human interfaceDisplay elementsOperating elements 1LC display for display of measured values, configuration data and current menu field 2Field for user labeling34 main control keys for calibration and instrument configuration 4Key for switching between automatic/manual operation of the relays 5LED indicators for limit contactor relay (switch status)6LED indicator for alarm function7Display of active contact and key for relay switching in manual modeThe display simultaneously shows the current measured value and the temperature - the essential process data. Brief information texts in the configuration menu provide assistance with parameter configuration.Instrument control functionsAll instrument control functions are arranged in a logical menu structure. Following access code entry, the individual parameters can be easily selected and modified as needed.Certificates and approvals4 symbolDeclaration of conformityThe product meets the legal requirements of the harmonized European standards. The manufacturer confirms compliance with the standards by affixing the 4 symbol.Ex approval for zone 2Explosion protection for Zone 2CLM253-..6...ATEX II 3G EEx nA[L] IIC T4CLM253-..4...CLM223-..4...CLM223-..6...ATEX II 3G [EEx nAL] IICLiquisys M CLM223/25314Endress+HauserOrdering informationProduct structure Additional functions of thePlus package •Current output table to cover large areas with varying resolution, fields O33x •Process Check System (PCS): live check of the sensor, function group P•Ultrapure water monitoring for "Water for injection" (WFI) and "Purified water" (PW) acc. to United States Pharmacopeia (USP) and European Pharmacopoeia (EP) with pre-alarm (conductive, additional contacts necessary), fields R26x and R27x•Polarisation detection (conductive), function group P•Concentration measurement, function group K•Temperature compensation via coefficient table, function group T•Adaptive calibration with installation factor (inductive), fields C13x•Automatic cleaning function start, field F8Scope of deliveryThe delivery of the field instrument includes:•1 transmitter CLM253•1 plug-in screw terminal•1 cable gland Pg 7•1 cable gland Pg 16 reduced•2 cable glands Pg 13.5•1 operating instructions BA 193C/07/en•versions with HART communication:1 operating instructions Field Communication with HART, BA 208C/07/en•versions with PROFIBUS communication:1 operating instructions Field Communication with PROFIBUS PA/DP, BA 209C/07/en•versions with explosion protection for hazardous area zone II (ATEX II 3G):Safety instructions for use in explosion-hazardous areas, XA 194C/07/a3The delivery of the panel mounted instrument includes:•1 transmitter CLM223•1 set of plug-in screw terminals VersionCDConductivity/resistivity measurement (conductive two-electrode sensor)CSConductivity/resistivity measurement (conductive two-electrode sensor) with additional functions (Plus package)IDConductivity measurement (inductive sensor)IS Conductivity measurement (inductive sensor) with additional functions (Plus package)Power supply; approval 0230V AC 1115V AC 2230V AC; CSA Gen. Purp.3115V AC; CSA Gen. Purp.4230V AC; ATEX II 3G [EEx nAL] IIC 5100VAC 624V AC/DC; ATEX II 3G [EEx nAL] IIC for CPM223, EEx nA[L] IIC T4 for CPM253724V AC/DC; CSA Gen. Purp.824V AC/DCOutput1 x 20 mA, conductivity/resistivity 12 x 20 mA, conductivity/resistivity and temperature/main measured value/actuating variable 3PROFIBUS PA 4PROFIBUS DP 51 x 20 mA, conductivity/resistivity HART ®62 x 20 mA, conductivity/resistivity HART ® and temp./main measured value/actuating variableAdditional contacts; analogue input05Not selected 102 x relay (limit/controller/timer)154 x relay (limit/controller/Chemoclean)164 x relay (limit/controller/timer)202 x relay (limit/controller/timer); current input 254 x relay with cleaning (limit/controller/timer/Chemoclean); current input 264 x relay with timer (limit/controller/timer); current inputCLM253-complete order codeCLM223-Liquisys M CLM223/253Endress+Hauser 15•2 tensioning screws•1 operating instructions BA 193C/07/en•versions with HART communication:1 operating instructions Field Communication with HART, BA 208C/07/en•versions with PROFIBUS communication:1 operating instructions Field Communication with PROFIBUS PA/DP, BA 209C/07/en •versions with explosion protection for hazardous area zone II (ATEX II 3G):Safety instructions for use in explosion-hazardous areas, XA 194C/07/a3AccessoriesSensors •Condumax W CLS12Conductive conductivity sensor for standard, Ex and high temperature applications;Ordering acc. to version, see Technical Information TI 082/C07/en•Condumax W CLS13Conductive conductivity sensor for standard, Ex and high temperature applications;Ordering acc. to version, see Technical Information TI 083/C07/en•Condumax W CLS15Conductive conductivity sensor for pure and ultra-pure water applications (incl. Ex);Ordering acc. to version, see Technical Information TI 109/C07/en•Condumax H CLS16Hygienic conductive conductivity sensor for pure and ultra-pure water applications (incl. Ex);Ordering acc. to version, see Technical Information TI 227/C07/en•Condumax W CLS19Conductive conductivity sensor for pure and ultra-pure water applications;Ordering acc. to version, see Technical Information TI 110/C07/en•Condumax W CLS21Conductive conductivity sensor for applications with middle to high conductivity (incl. Ex); Ordering acc. to version, see Technical Information TI 085/C07/en•Indumax P CLS50Inductive conductivity sensor for standard, Ex and high temperature applications;Ordering acc. to the sensor version, see Technical Information (TI118C/07/en)•Indumax H CLS52Inductive conductivity sensor with short response time in hygienic design;Ordering acc. to the sensor version, see Technical Information (TI167C/07/en)。
Condumax W CLS19 电导率传感器说明书

技术资料Condumax W CLS19电导率传感器双电极传感器,电极常数k = 0.01 cm-1或k = 0.1 cm-1应用进行纯水和超纯水测量:•离子交换器监测•反渗透过程传感器的测量范围取决于电极常数k。
•k = 0.01 cm–1:0.04 ... 20 μS/cm•k = 0.1 cm–1:0.1 ... 200 μS/cm传感器内置Pt 100温度传感器,可以与带自动温度补偿的电导率变送器配套使用:•Mycom M CM42•Liquisys M CLM223/253可以进行电阻率测量,通过上述变送器菜单设置测量范围(M ·cm)。
优势•安装在管道中或流通腔室中•Pt 100温度传感器进行温度补偿•一体式结构设计•经济实惠TI110C/28/zh/03.08Condumax W CLS192Endress+Hauser功能与系统设计测量原理电导式电导率测量重要特征•电极ConduMax W CLS19带抛光不锈钢1.4571 (AISI 316Ti)材质的同轴测量电极。
•温度传感器此外,Pt 100温度传感器安装在电极内,用于测量介质温度。
•连接简便传感器通过4孔DIN 插头连接,并安全固定。
推荐测量电缆的Pg 9缆塞配备插头。
•安装传感器可以通过NPT ½"过程连接直接安装。
需要将传感器安装在DN 20的十字管道或三通上时,需要PVC 螺纹接头(作为“附件”订购)。
为了便捷地将传感器安装在DN32、DN40或50的十字管道或三通上,可以选用耦合接头(PVC 材质,固定用)和1 ½"夹头(PVDF 材质) (作为“附件”订购)。
•耐久性传感器可以通过NPT ½"过程连接直接安装。
电导式电导率测量原理示意图AC 电源I 电流表U电压表液体电导率的测量步骤如下:将两个电极浸入在介质中。

溫度傳感器 測量範圍
Pt 100 -35...+250 ℃
補償方式 補償範圍 基準溫度
綫性化、NaCl、圖表(只對導電式)、純水 -35...+250 ℃ 25 ℃
數字輸入 1 和 2
電壓 電流消耗
10...50 V max. 10 mA
電導率 / 電阻信號輸出
負載 輸出範圍 絕緣電壓 過壓(防雷)保護
Liquisys S CLM 223 / 253 的 電氣連接
E+H项目合作商 5
尺寸 E+H仪表备件、检测、维修
Liquisys S CLM 223 的尺寸
Liquisys S CLM 253 的尺寸
E+H项目合作商 6
一個完整的測量系統包括: z 電導率變送器 Liquisys S CLM 223
或 CLM253 z 電導率測量電池,有或沒有集成溫
度傳感器 z 傳感器連接電纜 CYK 71 或 CLK 5
任選件: z 延長電纜,電導式用 CYK 71,感
應式用 CYK 5 z 電纜接綫盒 VBM
盤裝儀錶的外殼 前面板 現場儀錶外殼
功率消耗 電源保險
測量範圍 可用的傳感器常數 測量傳感器電纜的最大長度 測量頻率 0 / 4….20 mA 信號的最小距離
0...2000 ms/cm(無補償) K = 0.0025...99.99 1/cm 60 m(CLK5) 2 kHz 測量值在 0 至 199.9μS/cm 之間 : 20μS/cm 測量值在 200 至 1999μS/cm 之間: 200μS/cm 測量值在 2 至 19.99 mS/cm 之間 : 2 mS/cm
分析电导率仪的按键说明和使用方法 电导率仪如何做好保养

4、当使用(1)~(8)量程来测量电导率低于300 的液体时,选用“低周“,这时将板向“低周“即可。
当使用(9)~(12)量程来测量电导率在300 至范围里的液体时,则将扳向”高周“。
E+H 电导率 电阻率变送器 (Endress+Hauser) 技术资料 Liquisys M CLM223_253

TI193C/28/zh/13.11技术资料Liquisys M CLM223/253电导率/电阻率变送器与电导式和电感式电导率传感器配套使用应用Liquisys M CLM223/253变送器采用模块化结构设计,应用广泛,可以满足用户的各种不同要求。
•超纯水•水处理•离子交换器,反渗透处理•冷却水脱盐处理•污水优势•现场型外壳或盘装型外壳•应用范围广泛•操作简便- 简单的菜单结构- 便捷的两点标定•测量安全- 过电压(防雷击)保护- 直接进行手动触点输出控制- 用户自定义报警设置基本型变送器可以进行下列功能扩展:•两个或四个附加触点,可用于:- 限位触点(也可用于温度测量)- P(ID)控制器- 简单清洗过程的定时器- 使用Chemoclean 清洗单元进行完全清洗•扩展软件包:- 用户自定义电流输出特征参数- 故障报警或超极限值时自动启动清洗功能- 超纯水监控,符合USP (美国药典)和EP (欧洲药典)标准(电导式传感器)- 极化检测(电导式传感器)- 浓度测量- 基于温度系数表进行温度补偿- 过程检测系统(PCS):传感器在线检测- 安装因子的自适应标定(电感式传感器)•HART 或PROFIBUS-PA/-DP 通信•第二电流输出适用于温度、主要测量值或动作变量•电流输入用于带控制器关闭的流速监控或前馈控制Liquisys M CLM223/253功能与系统设计基本型变送器的特点电导式或电感式测量两种类型的变送器都可连接电导式(双电极)或电感式传感器进行测量。

1. 准备工作:首先,确保电导率仪的电源已连接并开启。
2. 校准:在开始测量之前,应对电导率仪进行校准。
3. 测量:选择需要测量的样品,将电导率传感器浸入样品中。
4. 记录数据:根据具体的要求,选择合适的测量模式和单位。
5. 清洁保养:使用完毕后,应及时清洗电导率传感器,避免残留物影响下一次测量的准确性。
6. 注意事项:在使用电导率仪时,需要注意以下几点:
- 避免将电导率仪浸泡在不兼容的溶液中,以免损坏设备。
- 需要根据样品的性质选择合适的测量模式和单位。
- 在进行测量时,应保持传感器的清洁和无损伤,以免影响
- 遵循设备说明书中的操作步骤和安全注意事项,确保安全使用电导率仪。
电导率仪使用方法 电导率仪如何操作


二、仪器准备1. 确保电导率仪处于稳定的环境温度下,并且没有明显的振动干扰。
2. 检查电导率仪的电源是否正常工作,是否连接到稳定的电源插座。
3. 检查电导率仪的电极是否清洁,如有污垢应及时清洗。
4. 准备标准电导率溶液,用于校准电导率仪。
三、校准电导率仪1. 将电导率仪放置在水平台面上,确保仪器稳定。
2. 打开电导率仪电源,待仪器启动完成后,进入校准模式。
3. 将电极浸入标准电导率溶液中,等待一段时间,直到读数稳定。
4. 根据标准电导率溶液的浓度,调节电导率仪的校准参数,使读数与标准值一致。
5. 重复以上步骤,校准多个不同浓度的标准电导率溶液。
四、样品测试1. 将待测样品装入电导率仪的测量池中,确保电极彻底浸入样品中。
2. 等待一段时间,直到读数稳定,记录下测量值。
3. 如需连续测量多个样品,应在每次测量前将电极彻底清洗,并确保电导率仪的读数归零。
4. 如样品浓度较高,应适当稀释后再进行测量,以避免电极受损。
五、仪器维护1. 每次使用完毕后,应将电导率仪的电极彻底清洗,并用纯水冲洗干净。
2. 定期检查电导率仪的电极是否损坏或者老化,如有问题应及时更换。
3. 保持电导率仪的外壳清洁,避免灰尘和污垢进入仪器内部。
4. 如长期不使用电导率仪,应将其存放在干燥、通风的环境中,避免受潮或者受热。
六、安全注意事项1. 在操作电导率仪时,应穿戴适当的防护设备,如实验手套和护目镜,以防溶液溅入眼睛或者皮肤。
2. 注意避免电导率仪与水或者其他液体直接接触,以防止电击或者仪器损坏。
3. 在校准和测试过程中,应避免将电导率仪暴露在强磁场或者强电场的环境中,以免干扰仪器正常工作。
4. 如发现电导率仪存在异常情况或者故障,应即将住手使用,并联系维修人员进行检修。

二、仪器准备1. 确保电导率仪处于稳定的工作环境中,避免受到外部干扰。
2. 检查电导率仪的电源线是否连接稳固,电源是否正常。
3. 检查电导率仪的电极是否完好无损,如有损坏应及时更换。
4. 根据需要,选择合适的电导率仪电极,确保其适合于待测液体的特性。
三、操作步骤1. 打开电导率仪的电源开关,待仪器启动完成后,进入待机状态。
2. 将待测液体倒入一个干净的容器中,确保容器内无杂质温和泡。
3. 将电导率仪的电极插入液体中,确保电极与液体充分接触,并避免电极碰触容器壁或者底部。
4. 等待一段时间,直到电导率仪稳定显示液体的电导率数值。
5. 记录电导率数值,并根据需要进行单位换算。
6. 将电导率仪的电极从液体中取出,用纯水冲洗干净,并用纸巾轻轻擦干。
7. 关闭电导率仪的电源开关,将仪器归位并进行必要的维护保养。
四、注意事项1. 在操作电导率仪前,应先阅读并理解仪器的使用说明书,熟悉仪器的各个部件和功能。
2. 操作人员应穿戴合适的防护用具,避免因液体溅洒造成伤害。
3. 操作人员应保持仪器和液体的清洁,避免杂质和污染对测试结果的影响。
4. 若电导率仪的电极浮现损坏或者异常,应即将住手使用,并联系维修人员进行检修或者更换。
5. 电导率仪的电极应定期进行校准,以确保测试结果的准确性。
6. 使用电导率仪时应遵循相关的安全操作规程,确保操作人员和设备的安全。
五、数据记录与分析1. 将每次测试的电导率数值记录在指定的记录表格中,包括测试时间、液体名称、温度等相关信息。
2. 根据测试结果进行数据分析,比较不同液体或者不同条件下的电导率差异,得出结论。
3. 如有需要,可将测试结果制作成图表或者报告,以便更直观地展示和分析数据。
六、维护保养1. 定期清洁电导率仪的外部表面,使用干净的软布擦拭,避免使用化学溶剂。