linking英语口语中的连读 最全面总结






以下是一些常见的英语连读技巧:1. Consonant to Vowel Linking:- e.g., "I like it" →"I-like-it."2. Consonant to Consonant Linking:- e.g., "and dogs" →"an-dogs."3. Vowel to Vowel Linking:- e.g., "go out" →"go-out."4. Intrusive 'Y':- e.g., "law and order" →"lawran-order."5. Intrusive 'R':- e.g., "the idea is" →"the-idea-ris."6. Intrusive 'W':- e.g., "law and order" →"lawrand-order."7. Linking 'R':- e.g., "car is" →"car-ris."8. Linking 'Y':- e.g., "my opinion" →"my-yopinion."9. Linking 'W':- e.g., "flow away" →"flowaway."10. Elision (Dropping Sounds):- e.g., "I don't know" →"I-don-know."11. Flapping 'T':- e.g., "better than" →"bedder-than."12. Dropping 'H':- e.g., "I have" →"I 'ave."13. Dropping 'G':- e.g., "going on" →"goin' on."14. Intrusive 'J':- e.g., "law and order" →"lawajand-order."15. Intrusive 'L':- e.g., "real estate" →"realal estate."16. Intrusive 'F':- e.g., "roof and walls" →"roofofan walls."17. Assimilation:- e.g., "ten pounds" →"tem pounds."18. Vowel Reduction:- e.g., "banana" →"buh-nana."请注意,这些技巧在口语中较为常见,而在正式场合或书面语中,一些连读可能会被视为不够正式。

sound linking英语中连读的规律

sound linking英语中连读的规律

/ u: / too_early (/ U /) / @U / (/w/) + vowel
co_operate, go_in
Pauses and Word groups (停顿与词组)
• Reasons for pauses in speech: 1. To make the meaning clear 2. To emphasize 3. To catch breath • General principle for proper pause: Pauses are made between word groups instead of within word groups
Sound Linking (音的连读)
• Linking: the phenomenon of joining sounds/words together smoothly in fluent speech • Ways of linking sounds within a word group: • consonant _ • -r/re _ • / @/ _ vowel: look_out_of_it / sing_a song
• Practice: Read the following aloud, making a pause between word groups and paying special attention to sound linking where necessary. London / is much bigger than I thought. // I’m surprised / to see so many old buildings here. // This old city / is full of people from all over the world. // We sometimes stop people on the street to ask the way, / and find / that they are also from other countries. // When we want help, / we ask a policeman. // London policemen are tall / and always very kind. This morning / Mrs. Brown and I / were sitting on a bench in the park. // There was an old gentleman beside us. // He was fond of climbing mountains / and told us a lot of stories about mountains. // He said, / “Many English people like mountains, / as there are no high mountains / in England.





1. 连读(Linking)连读是指在连续的语音流中,相邻的词语之间发生音素的融合,以实现更加自然流畅的发音。


- 辅音加辅音连读:当一个词语以辅音结尾,而下一个词语以辅音开头时,通常会将两个辅音连接在一起,读作一个辅音。

例如,'I am'可以连读为 /am/。

- 元音加辅音连读:当一个词语以元音结尾,而下一个词语以辅音开头时,通常会将两个词语之间的辅音快速弱读。

例如,'go to'可以连读为 /ɡ t/。

- 元音加元音连读:当一个词语以元音结尾,而下一个词语以元音开头时,通常会将两个元音连在一起,读作一个元音。

例如,'see you'可以连读为 /si: ju:/。

2. 弱读(Schwa)弱读是英语中最常见的音变现象之一。

弱读发生在非重读音节的元音上,通常读作 //,被称为弱读元音。


弱读的规则如下:- 在双元音中,通常只有第一个元音是重读的,第二个元音是弱读的。


- 在非重读的闭音节中,通常只有辅音是重读的,元音是弱读的。


- 在单独出现的元音前面,通常会发生弱读。


3. 略读(Elision)略读是指在快速自然的语音流中省略或缩短某些音素或音节,以提高发音速度和流畅度。

略读通常发生在以下情况下:- 在两个连读词语之间的辅音群中,通常会省略其中一个辅音。






1. 辅音连读在连读中,辅音连读(Consonant Linking)是最基本的一种形式。


1.1 辅音+元音当辅音后是元音时,两个词之间会发生辅音连读。

例如:- Can I(go to school)?可以看到,辅音 "n" 在连读时发生了鼻音化。

1.2 辅音+半元音当辅音后是半元音("w" 或 "y")时,辅音连读同样会发生。

例如:- I SAW(your new house).- He NEEDS(his book).可以观察到连读发生在 "s" 和 "y" 之间,以及 "d" 和 "s" 之间。

1.3 辅音+辅音在一些特殊情况下,相邻的两个辅音会发生连读。


- What T(ime is it)?- He PLAYS(soccer).可以注意到,连读发生在 "t" 和 "i" 之间,以及 "s" 和 "s" 之间。

2. 元音连读元音连读(Vowel Linking)指的是两个元音之间的连读现象。


2.1 元音+元音当两个元音相遇时,会进行元音连读。

例如:- A BOOK(and) a pen.- We HAVE(been) there.可以观察到连读发生在 "a" 和 "a" 之间,以及 "e" 和 "e" 之间。


• nearer and nearer
12 失音
• Don’t get me wrong.
• Let me sit down.
13 失音
• I don’t want to see her again.
Hale Waihona Puke ××[si-ə]
• Take him to the hospital.
[kulʤu: ]
• What would you like?
[wulʤu: ]
Not at all !
19 变音
• Better shut up !
• I gotta go now.
have/has got to
Be gonna
• What are you doing, if I may ask? [mei-ja:sk]
• How are you? [hau-wa:]
10 加音
• Where there is a will, there is a way. • I’m never far away from home.
7 连音
词末辅音+词首元音/半元音 • I’d like another bowl of rice.
• My telephone is out of order. • Thank you.




1.辅音+元音如同拼单词一样把两个单词相邻的音拼起来(指单词之间)Stand up [stæn dʌp]Give up [gi vʌp]Get up [ge tʌp]X 元音+辅音2.元音+元音元音[iː]/[i]/[ei]/[ai]/[ɔi]+元音,两个元音间加[j],[j]与后面的原因拼起来。

Stay up [stei jʌp]Carry it ['kæri jit]元音[uː]/[u]/[əu]/ [aʊ]+元音,两个元音间加[w],[w]与后面的元音拼起来。

Go on [gəʊ wɒn] coincidental [kəʊɪnsɪ'dent(ə)l]How about [haʊ wə'baʊt]3.辅音+辅音1)单词间有两个相同的辅音时只读一个Bus sta on→[bʌˈs teiʃən]2)以辅音结尾的单词+h开头的单词H不发音,h前的辅音和h后的元音直接连读。

I love her→[lʌv]+ [həː]→[lʌvəː]Ask him→[ɑːsk] [æsk]+ [him]→[æs kim]3)辅音与辅音连续(失去爆破),不是不发,是停顿爆破音:[b]/[p]/[d]/[t]/[g]/[k],失去爆破时在爆破音处有所停顿,而并非完全省略不发。

(1)爆破音+爆破音Blackboard ['blækbɔːd]→[k]失去爆破(2)爆破音+鼻音[m]/[n]Good night [gʊd n aɪt]→[d]失去爆破Just moment [dʒʌs t 'məʊm(ə)nt]→[t]失去爆破(3)爆破音+ [l]Lately IPA:['lei tl i]→[t]失去爆破(4)爆破音+[f]/[v]Advance [əd'væns]→[d]失去爆破Good friend [gʊd f rend]→[d]失去爆破(5)爆破音+[tʃ]/[dʒ]Picture ['pi ktʃə]→[k]失去爆破Object ['ɒb dʒekt]→[b]失去爆破。



Language development
English Linking is important for language development because it encourages students to think about the structure and function of the language they are learning. This active processing of language leads to a deeper understanding and retention of new vocabulary, grammar, and language patterns.
The definition and importance of English linking
What is English Linking?
English Linking is a teaching method that emphasizes the connection between English language skills, especially reading and writing. It emphasizes the importance of understanding the relationships between words, phrases, and sentences in a text, and how these relationships contribute to meaning and coherence.
Why is connected reading important?



英语中的一些连读在英文中,最常见的七大连读规则是:辅音连读辅音(Linking Consont to Consonant):当一个词的末尾辅音与下一个词的开头辅音相同时,在发音时不会有停顿,而是将辅音音素保持稍微更长的时间。

例如,将 "what time" 连读为 "wha/t/ime",连读时将第一个词的最后一个 /t/ 音和第二个词的第一个 /t/ 音连读在一起,发音为"wha/t/ime"。

其他的例子包括 "bad dog" 连读为 "badog"、"went to" 连读为 "wento"、"gas station" 连读为"gastation" 等。

需要注意的是,如果第一个词以 /ʧ/ 和 /ʤ/ 音结尾,并且第二个词以相同的辅音音素开始,需要分别发出两个音素。

辅音连读元音(Linking Consonant to Vowel):当第一个词以辅音音素结尾,而下一个词以元音音素开始时,在发音时将辅音音素延续到下一个词中。

例如,将 "take it" 连读为 "teɪk ət",其中第二个词 "it" 中的 /ɪ/ 音被简化为弱元音音素。

其他的例子包括 "work at" 连读为 "wɝkət"、"leave it" 连读为"liːvət"、"come around" 连读为 "kəməˈraʊnd"、"some of" 连读为 "səməv"、"look alike" 连读为 "ləkəˈlaɪk" 等。





下面是史上最全的英语连读规则:1. 元音连读 (Vocalic Linking)在连续的语音中,当一个单词以元音结尾,下一个单词以元音开头时,两个元音合在一起发音。

例句:I am (aiæm), go on (gəʊɒn)。

2. 辅音连读 (Consonantal Linking)在连续的语音中,两个辅音之间发生融合,通常是通过将第一个辅音的失去弱化或省略。

3. 浊化连读 (Sonorant Linking)在连续的语音中,辅音后面的元音发音呈现出浊音的特点。

例句:big old (bɪgəʊld), good apple (gʊdæpl)。

4. 辅音音变 (Consonant Mutation)在连续的语音中,辅音的发音会因其后面的辅音或元音的不同而发生变化。

例句:ten boys (tembɔɪz), red hat (ret hæt)。

5. 前元音连读 (Front Vowel Linking)在连续的语音中,两个前元音之间的辅音发生变化,通常是从舌前的发音变为不带前元音的发音。

例句:my aunt (maɪənt), new apple (nuːæpl)。

6. 同化连读 (Assimilatory Linking)在连续的语音中,两个相邻的辅音的发音会相互影响,使得其中一个辅音的发音与另一个更相似。

例句:that car (ðæt kɑː), some people (səmprɪpl)。

7. 倍数词连读 (Multiplier Linking)在连续的语音中,当一个倍数词后面跟着一个名词时,倍数词的结尾辅音会与名词的开头辅音发生融合。

例句:six books (sɪkbʊks), nine apples (naɪnæplz)。






首先是辅音加辅音连读(Consonant plus Consonant Linking)。


例如,"good day"连读后会成为 /gʊddeɪ/。

其次是辅音加元音连读(Consonant plus Vowel Linking)。


例如,"read aloud"连读后会成为/riːdaʊd/。

另外是元音加元音连读(Vowel plus Vowel Linking)。


例如,"see it"连读后会成为/siːɪt/。

最后是连续相同辅音的连读(Continuous Identical Consonant Linking)。


例如,"big game"连读后会成为 /bɪggeɪm/。







英语中的连读规则Linking Rules in English PronunciationEnglish pronunciation is full of linking rules that connect words together in natural speech. These rules help speakers to sound more fluent and natural when speaking English. In this article, we will explore some of the most common linking rules in English pronunciation.1. Consonant to Vowel LinkingOne of the most common linking rules in English pronunciation is the linking of a consonant sound to a vowel sound. When a word ends in a consonant sound and the next word begins with a vowel sound, the two sounds are linked together. For example, in the phrase "good morning," the final "d" sound in "good" links to the "m" sound in "morning," creating a smooth transition between the two words.2. Consonant to Consonant LinkingIn addition to linking consonant sounds to vowel sounds, English pronunciation also involves linking consonant sounds to other consonant sounds. When a word ends in a consonant sound and the next word begins with a consonant sound, the two sounds are linked together. For example, in the phrase "next time," the final "t" sound in "next" links to the initial "t" sound in "time," creating a seamless connection between the two words.3. Vowel to Vowel LinkingAnother important linking rule in English pronunciation is the linking of vowel sounds to other vowel sounds. Whena word ends in a vowel sound and the next word begins witha vowel sound, the two sounds are linked together. For example, in the phrase "see it," the final "ee" sound in "see" links to the initial "i" sound in "it," creating a smooth transition between the two words.4. Linking Consonant ClustersEnglish pronunciation also involves linking consonant clusters, which are groups of two or more consonant sounds that appear together in a word. When a word ends in a consonant cluster and the next word begins with a vowel sound, the two sounds are linked together. For example, in the phrase "first apple," the final "st" sound in "first" links to the initial "a" sound in "apple," creating a seamless connection between the two words.5. Linking with Intrusive SoundsIn English pronunciation, there are also instances where intrusive sounds are added to link words together. For example, in the phrase "law and order," an intrusive "r" sound is added between "and" and "order" to create a smoother transition between the two words.6. Linking with Reduced SoundsFinally, English pronunciation often involves the reduction of certain sounds to link words together moresmoothly. For example, in the phrase "gonna go," the "t" sound in "gonna" is often reduced to a flap "d" sound, creating a more natural and connected pronunciation.In conclusion, English pronunciation is full of linking rules that help to connect words together in natural speech. These rules involve linking consonant sounds to vowel sounds, consonant sounds to other consonant sounds, vowel sounds to other vowel sounds, consonant clusters, intrusive sounds, and reduced sounds. By understanding and practicing these linking rules, English learners can improve their pronunciation and sound more fluent and natural when speaking English.。





下面是一些常见的连音及其使用示例:1. 连读(Linking)连读是指当一个单词以元音结尾,后面的单词以辅音开始时,通常把这两个单词的辅音连在一起,形成一个连读音。

例如:- I saw it. (我看见了它。

)- He is English. (他是英国人。

)2. 省略(Elision)省略是指在连读时省略部分音节或辅音的现象。

例如:- Gonna (going to的缩写,表示将要做某事。

)- Wanna (want to的缩写,表示想要做某事。

)- Lemme (let me的缩写,表示让我做某事。

)3. 连读辅音(Consonant Clusters)连读辅音是指在连读中,两个音节之间发音连贯,辅音同时出现。

例如:- Next class (下一节课)- Best friend (最好的朋友)4. 连读元音(Vowel Glides)连读元音是指在连接两个元音时,使用一个辅音使它们之间的转折更加平滑。

例如:- Go out (外出)- Dry ice (干冰)5. 弱读音(Schwa)弱读音是指在非重读音节中,元音的发音变为中央元音/ə/。

例如:- 'Friend (朋友)- 'Computer (计算机)6. 连读数量词(Linking with Numbers)在英语中,数字和名词之间通常连读,例如:- Five apples (五个苹果)- Nine people (九个人)7. 统一连读(Homogenization)在句子中相邻的单词,如果它们都以辅音或元音结束或开始,为了发音方便,辅音或元音的发音可能会更趋相似,从而形成统一连读。

例如:- That dog (那只狗)- Her umbrella (她的雨伞)8. 连读双元音(Diphthong Linking)当一个单词以一个双元音结尾时,后面的单词以元音开始,双元音可以作为一个整体连读。






1. 链式连读(Linking):当一个以辅音字母结尾的词紧跟着一个以元音字母开头的词时,将辅音字母的音加在元音字母的前面,如"go over"连读为"go-veral"2. 消失连读(Elision):当一个词以辅音音素结尾且紧跟着一个以元音音素开头的词时,辅音音素会消失,如"I am"连读为"I'm"3. 复合连读(Compound):在某些习惯用语和固定短语中,将相邻的两个词连读在一起,如"kind of"连读为"kinda"4. 省略连读(Omission):在某些特殊情况下,可以省略某些字母或音节,以使发音更加流畅,如"going to"连读为"gonna"5. 弱化连读(Weak Form):在某些语法辅助词和冠词中,原本重读的音节会变得弱化,如"to the"连读为"tuh"6. 浊化连读(Assimilation):当一个词以清辅音开始,下一个以浊辅音开始时,清辅音会变为浊辅音,如"good boy"连读为"goo-boy"7. 浊辅音消化连读(Flapping):当一个以清辅音结尾的发音跟着一个重读的音节,清辅音/t/会变为音节/tʰ/,如"better idea"连读为"be(tʰ)er idea"8. 连续浊音连读(Flap T):当词中的/t/和/d/音跟着一个/i/时,/t/和/d/会连读为/flæp t/音,如"city hall"连读为"ci(flæp t)i hall"9. 唇齿音连读(Lips):当一个以闭音节结束的发音跟着一个以直接连音结束的发音时,闭音节会变为唇齿音,如"big apple"连读为"bi(gə)pple"10. 喇叭音连读(Flare):当两个相同的元音音素紧跟着一个辅音音素时,第一个元音会变为喇叭音,如"green apple"连读为"gree(næ)pple"11. 回声连读(Echo):在某些情况下,重复发音一个音节,以使发音更加流畅,如"cup of coffee"连读为"cu(pə)p of coffee"12. 对位连读(Corresponding):在复合词中,辅音音素相似的部分会彼此影响和融合,如"handbag"连读为"ham(bæ)g"13. 双元音连读(Double Vowels):连续的两个元音音素会合并成一个音节,如"coin"连读为"coi(nə)"14. 不规则省略连读(Irregular Omission):在某些词和短语中,会发生不规则的省略连读现象,如"library"连读为"libry"15. 大小写连读(Capitalization):在某些情况下,首字母大小写的差异会影响连读现象,如"new York"连读为"ne w York"16. 同音异形连读(Homograph):在某些同音异形词汇中,会发生不同的连读现象,如"used car"连读为"yoo-car"17. 母音音位连读(Vowel Phoneme):在某些情况下,母音音素的差异会影响连读现象,如"I like"连读为"I-lik"18. 方言连读(Dialectal):不同地区的英语方言会有不同的连读现象,如美国英语和英式英语之间的连读差异19. 速度连读(Speed):当说话速度很快时,连读现象会更加明显,如快速说出"it is"连读为"i(h)t-z"20. 习惯连读(Habitual):在习惯用语和固定表达中,连读现象会更加普遍和自然,如"should have"连读为"should-'ve"21. 类似音连读(Similar Sounds):相邻的两个音素音是否相似也会影响连读现象的发生,如"thin knife"连读为"thi(næ)if"22. 薄弱连读(Weak Linking):在连读中,某些辅音音素会变得很弱并且几乎听不见,如"at times"连读为"a-(t)times"23. 介音连读(Intervocalic):当两个元音音素之间跟着一个辅音音素时,两个元音会连读在一起,如"coastline"连读为"coas(t)line"24. 辅音音位连读(Consonant Phoneme):在某些情况下,辅音音素的差异会影响连读现象,如"best friend"连读为"be(z)d friend"25. 近似连读(Approximate):在连读中,某些音素会以近似的音进行连读,如"that apple"连读为"tha(t)apple"这些连读方法在英语口语中被广泛应用,而且非常常见。



英语连读发音技巧讲解1. 连接音(Linking)连接音是英语中最基本、最常见的连读现象。


比如,“she is”在连读时会变为“shez”,“I am”会变为“I'm”。

2. 弱化(Schwa)弱化是指将辅音发成最小的音。


比如,在“I am going to the park”中,“to”和“the”在快速发音时就会弱化,读成/tə/和/ðə/。


3. 单词重音(Word Stress)单词重音在英语中起着非常重要的作用。



比如,在“do it”中,“do”是重读音节,而“it”是非重读音节,在连读时应注意保持重音所在音节的清晰发音。

4. 弱变音(Flapping)弱变音是美式英语中的一种连读现象,它出现在/t/和/d/的发音上。



比如,在“I can’t believe it”中,连读后的发音为“aɪkæn ɾbɪˈliv ɪt”。

5. 吞音(Intrusion)吞音是英语中的一种连读现象,它出现在两个元音之间的/p/、/t/、/k/音和/v/、/ð/、/z/音之前。


比如,在“I saw a movie”中,连读后的发音为“aɪsɔːrəmuːvi”。




linkingunvoiced consonantsends in t,s,and f the vowel is not /ə/TT becomes DD the vowel is /ə/TT is still TT perceded by a voiced syllable the word is made plural using es words ending with the tsS is still S in the middle of a wordT becomes a tap of is prounced ov or oh consonant + vowelblending Can I have this?And I think you're right.How is it going?Can a cat climb trees?consonant + consonanthold the sound slightly longer break vert briefly between the two sounds linking "the"the consonantðəthe vowelexcept long e: ðə or ðee long e: ðee vowel + vowelee, ih, ay, aye, oi + vowelA y sound is inserted ooh, ow,oh +vowelA w sound is inserted h-deletionDid he get it?he-->iy, him-->im, her-->er,his-->iz t or d-deletionold man-->ol man, gold ring-->gol ring most famous-->mos' famoustransformation/assimilation when t is followed by j, it becomes zha when d is followed by j, it becomes zhaS becomes Z when the consonants are the samebe converted into voiced counterparts d,z,and v better, butter, shattermattel, attest, attackrides, bugs, angelsladies, bridges, misseshats, hatesgated, lateral, notable, watergame of thrones, cup of teaCa ni have this?An di think you (r—)right.How z it going?Ca na cat climb treez?S,L,F,M,N,D,J,W,H,V,Z this Saturday, until later, half finishedT,P,K,B,G,C wet towel, big game, black catthe otter, the interesting thing, the apple the election, the evil spirit, the eagleHe is happy-->He(y)iz happyShe ate a burger-->She(y)ate a burger Go in-->Go(w)inDo it-->Do(w)itYou are-->You(w)areDI-diy GE-dit?has-->æz, have-->æv,hand bag-->han' bag, world religion-->worl'religionnext day-->nex' dayWhat do you want-->wachu want would you-->wouldju。

Linking 英语单词连读技巧

Linking 英语单词连读技巧

Linking1. Consonant + Vowele.g. I’m an English boy.It is an old book.Let me have a look at it.Put it on, please.Not at all.Please pick it up.My name is Frank.Hold on for a second.LA2. Linking Consonantse.g. He is a big guy.There is a red door in the big garden.Last time I met him was a year ago.You look cool today.She likes to wear pink clothes.What time does he get up every morning? Calvin is the best teacher.e.g. The girl in the red coat was on a black bike. The big bus is full of people.This is an old picture.The old doctor has a cat, too.I bought a cheap book, but it’s a good book.3. Vowel + Vowele.g. Go away.He asked me a question.I can go anywhere.I ask him to open the door.He drinks too often.It’ll take you three hours to walk there.The question is too easy for him to answer.4. Other tips(1). T+Y=CHWhat’s your name?Wouldn’t you?I’ll let you know.(2). D+Y=JDid you see that coming?Could you tell me your name?Would you mind me sitting here?(3). S+Y=SHYes, you are.You will pass your exams this year.God bless you.。



A Good Time Today is Sunday. It is a fine day. The sky is blue. Mr White is with his family. There are four people in his family. They are Mr White, Mrs White, May and Jim. They are walking on the bridge. There are some boats on the river. Mr and Mrs White are looking at them. May is not looking at the boats. She is looking at a big ship. Jim is looking at the birds in the sky. They have a good time.

Bad desk good day tame monkey Sad dog like candy deep pond Grab Bob take care black coffee Book case more rain Part time job at two o’clock
连读时的音节一般不重读,只需顺其自然地一 带而过,不可以加音,也不可以读得太重。如: not at all这个短语。连读时听起来就像是一个单 词。注意:连读只发生在句子中的同一个意群中。
一.连读的条件: 1.相邻的两词在意义上必须密切相关,同属一个 意群。连读所构成的音节一般都不重读,只需 顺其自然地一带而过,不可读得太重。 (1)“辅音+元音”型:连读在同一个意群里,如 果相邻两词中的前一个词是以辅音结尾,后一 个词是以元音开头,这就要将辅音与元音拼起 来连读。 eg. I’m~an~English boy. It~is~an~old book. Let me have~a look~at~it. . Put~it~on,please. Not~at~all. Please pick~it~up.



介词连读总结归纳介词连读(Preposition Linking)指的是当介词后面的单词以元音开头时,为了方便发音,将介词与下一个单词连读在一起的语音现象。



一、介词连读的基本规则1. 辅音前介词(preposition before a consonant):- 单词之间读完整,不进行连读。

- 示例:in the room, at school2. 元音前介词(preposition before a vowel):- 单词之间进行连读,元音发音连续。

- 示例:in an hour, at a restaurant3. 元音前“to”:- 当“to”后接动词时,发音为/tə/或/tʊ/,与接下来的动词连读。

- 示例:to eat, to ask- 当“to”后接名词时,发音为/tə/,与名词连读。

- 示例:to an event, to an actor二、介词连读的具体情况1. 在口语中较为常见的介词连读情况有:- 与“a/an”连读:in an hour, on an island- 与“of”连读:out of order, kind of funny- 与“and”连读:bread and butter, rock and roll- 与“for”连读:wait for it, look for Anna- 与“with”连读:deal with it, go with him2. 在特定语境下,随着语速变化,有些连读情况可有所变化:- 与“to”连读变化:going to the beach [gəʊɪŋtəðəbi:tʃ](去沙滩)- 与“from”连读变化:come from Italy [kʌmfrɔmɪtəli](来自意大利)三、介词连读的实际应用1. 听力理解:- 在进行听力训练时,要注意辨认和理解介词连读现象,以便更好地理解他人的表达。

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Pattern 2 Consonant + consonant
Rule 1
• S, L, F, M, N, D, J, W, H, V, Z • This Sunday • Until later
Rule 3 • /d/ +/j/ /dʒ/ • Did you • Could you
Rule 2
Why should we learn linking?
• 1. It will dramatically improve your listening. • 2. It will improve your pronunciation • 3. It will improve your nativeness.
• Rule 1 The +consonant /ə/
the dog
the bag
the book
• Rule 2 The +vowel(except long e) /ə/
the interesting thing
the apple
the earth
• Rule 3 The + vowel (long e)
the evil spirit
the election
the eagle
Pattern 5 deletion
• Did he get it? • Him • His • Have • Has • her
Consonant +/d/ or /t/ +consonant Old man Gold ring Most famous Hand bag Next day World religion
Pattern 1 Consonant + vowel
Can I help you? Ca ni help you?
And I think you’re right? An di think you’ rright.
How’s it going? How zit going?
Can a cat climb trees? Ca na cat climb treez?
• Say it.
• I can
• I can see it.
• She ate a burger.
Rule 2 /ʊ/ /u:/ +vowel
/w/• ຫໍສະໝຸດ o it.• Grow up.
• Go in.
• You are
• Go out.
• How are you?
Pattern 4 Linking The
How to speak faster
What is linking?
• Native English speakers talks significantly faster than Mandarin Chinese speakers.
• They don’t accentuate every vowel and consonant. Instead, they blur the lines between words, slurring them all together into one constant flow of sound.
• T, P, K, B, G, C • Big game • Black cat • Wet towel
Rule 4 • /s/+ /j/ /ʃ/ • Miss you
Pattern 3 vowel +vowel
Rule 1 /i:/ or /ɪ/ + vowel
• I am
• The boy is hungry.