□, □, R1, X, X, L1, ○, ○ 司机暴怒状态△, △, R1, □, □, L1, X, X 所有大灯变绿△, R1, L1, ↓, ↓, R1, R1, △ 所有车辆都有表面反光○, ○, R1, △, △, L1, □, □ 所有车辆变成黑色↓, ↓, ↓, ○, ○, X, L1, R1 大头模式(就是所有人头变很大)○, X, ↓, ○, X, ↑, L1, L1 车子可以在水上开○, →, X, ↑, →, X, L1, △ 摩托车轮胎大小变化(共三种:大、中、小)↑, ↓, ○, ↑, ↓, □, L1, R1 晴朗的天气L1, ↓, ←, R1, X, ○, X, △ 自杀L1, L1, ←, L1, L1, →, X, □ 所有车子全部爆炸L1, R1, L1, R1, ↑, ↓, L1, R1 显示游戏积分L1, L1, ←, L1, L1, →, ○, X 更快的时钟R1, R1, L1, R1, R1, L1, ↓, X 更快的游戏速度↑, ↓, △, ↑, ↓, X, L1, R1 大雾天气L1, R1, ○, L1, R1, X, L1, R1 防弹衣值全满L1, R1, X, L1, R1, □, L1, R1 血量值全满↓, ↓, ↓, △, ○, ○, L1, R1 女人们会跟着你L1, R1, △, L1, R1, ○, L1, R1 得到一大笔钱(250,000)L1, L1, △, R1, R1, X, □, ○ 永远不会被捕↑, ↓, X, ↑, ↓, △, L1, R1 阴雨天气L1, L1, R1, L1, L1, R1, ↑, △ 大家都攻击你R1, R1, L1, R1, R1, L1, →, ○ 大街上每个人都持有武器L1, L1, R1, L1, L1, R1, ←, □ 街上的人互相打斗L1, ↑, ←, R1, △, ○, ↓, X 未知↑, ↓, □, ↑, ↓, ○, L1, R1 阴雨天气L1, ↑, →, R1, △, □, ↓, X 显示媒体关注器(犯罪越多,计数越高)L1, R1, □, L1, R1, △, L1, R1 提高通缉程度L1, L1, ←, L1, L1, →, □, △ 变成飞虎队R1, △, X, R1, □, ○, ←, → 更慢的游戏速度L1, L1, ←, L1, L1, →, △, ○ 得到一辆坦克△, ○, ↓, △, ○, ↑, L1, L1 得到一辆TrashmasterL1, L1, ○, R1, R1, □, △, X 晴朗的天气↓, ↓, ↓, X, X, □, R1, L1 头上脚下(就是屏幕颠倒)△, △, △, ↑, ↑, →, L, R 跳得很高↑, □, □, ↓, ←, □, □, → 初级武器↑, ○, ○, ↓, ←, ○, ○, → 中级武器↑, X, X, ↓, ←, X, X, → 高级武器X, X, R1, ○, ○, L1, △, △ 所有车辆变成白色武器组1↑, □, □,↓,←, □, □, →铜护指, 小刀, 燃烧瓶, 9mm, 散弹枪, TEC-9, AK, 火焰喷射器, 狙击步枪武器组2↑, ○, ○, ↓, ←, ○, ○, →日本刀, 遥控手雷, 左轮手枪, 锯短的散弹枪, UZI, M4, 火箭发射器, 狙击步枪激光瞄准镜武器组3↑, X, X, ↓, ←, X, X, →电锯, 手雷, 左轮手枪, 战斗散弹枪, SMG, M4, 转管机枪, 狙击步枪激光瞄准镜得到$250000元L1, R1, △, L1, R1, ○, L1, R1护甲L1, R1, ○, L1, R1, X, L1, R1生命值L1, R1, X, L1, R1, □, L1, R1提高通缉警星L1, R1, □, L1, R1, △, L1, R1没有通缉警星L1, L1, △, R1, R1, X, □, ○阳光明媚的天气L1, L1, □, R1, R1, □, △, X晴朗的天气↑, ↓, ○, ↑, ↓, □, L1, R1阴天↑, ↓, X, ↑, ↓, △, L1, R1大雨天气↑, ↓, □, ↑, ↓, ○, L1, R1雾天↑, ↓, △, ↑, ↓, X, L1, R1得到坦克RhionL1, L1, ←, L1, L1, →, △, ○更快的时钟L1, L1, ←, L1, L1, →, ○, X所有车子全炸L1, L1, ←, L1, L1, →, X, □随机行人外观(换皮肤)L1, L1, ←, L1, L1, →, □, △行人暴动L1, L1, R1, L1, L1, R1, ←, □行人攻击你L1, L1, R1, L1, L1, R1, ↑, △行人持有武器R1, R1, L1, R1, R1, L1, →, ○更快的游戏速度R1, R1, L1, R1, R1, L1, ↓, X更慢的游戏速度R1, △, X, R1, □, ○, ←, →完美的车子操控性L1, ↑, ←, R1, △, ○, ↓, X自杀L1, ↓, ←, R1, X, ○, ↑, △所有红绿灯变绿△, △, R1, □, □, L1, X, X司机都很有攻击性□, □, R1, X, X, L1, ○, ○所有车子变白色X, X, R1, ○, ○, L1, △, △所有车子变黑色○, ○, R1, △, △, L1, □, □得到垃圾车△, ○, ↓, △, ○, ↑, L1, L1车子可以在水上开○, X, ↓, ○, X, ↑, L1, L1男人们会跟着你↓, ↓, ↓, △, △, ○, L1, R1大头模式↓, ↓, ↓, ○, ○, X, L1, R1头上脚下(控制方式完全颠倒)↓, ↓, ↓, X, X, □, R1, L1X, X, X, ↓, ↓, →, L1, R1头上脚下恢复正常(由于要倒着拿PSP,键位映射也不同)↑, ↑, ↑, △, △, □, R1, L1△, △, △, ↑, ↑, → L1, R1显示游戏制作组名单L1, R1, L1, R1, ↑, ↓, L1, R1所有车子都有表面反光△, R1, L1, ↓, ↓, R1, R1, △改变摩托车轮胎大小(一共三种:小,正常,大)○, →, X, ↑, →, X, L1, □显示媒体关注度计数器(犯罪越多,计数越高)L1, ↑, → R1, △, □, ↓, X。
自由城 秘籍
245-555-0100 Innovation 机
245-555-0150 Hexer 机
245-555-0199 Hakuchou Custom 机
245-555-0125 Double T Custom 机
826-555-0150 Gang Burrito 车
938-555-0100 Jetmax 海
625-555-0100 NRG-900 机
625-555-0150 Sanchez 机
227-555-0100 FIB Buffalo 车 2Leabharlann 7-555-0175 Comet 车
227-555-0147 Turismo 车
227-555-0142 Cognoscenti 车
826-555-0100 Slamvan 车
359-555-7272 降落伞
276-555-2666 RPG拳法
486-555-2526 RPG狙击枪
938-555-0150 Floater 海
625-555-0200 Akuma 机
625-555-3273 Vader 机
362-555-0100 补满血量&防弹衣
486-555-0100 武器 Advanced 套装
486-555-0150 武器 Poor 套装
267-555-0100 消除警星
267-555-0150 提高警星
468-555-0100 改变天气
359-555-0100 Annihilator 空
PSP 侠盗飞车 3 自由之城 秘籍
《侠盗猎车手:自由之城》秘籍大全1.初級武器↑, □, □, ↓, ←, □, □, →(黃銅指關節, 刀子, molatov, 9mm, 獵槍, tec-9, AK47, 火焰噴射器, 狙擊步槍)2.中級武器↑, ○, ○, ↓, ←, ○, ○, → P_0`_J+QP_(武士刀, 遙控手榴彈, 左輪手槍, 矮小的獵槍, uzi, M4, 火箭發射器, 狙擊手步槍w/laser 範圍)3.高級武器↑, X, X, ↓, ←, X, X, → w_`YM*-! ,(Chainsaw, 手榴彈, revovler, 作戰獵槍, SMG, M4, minigun, 狙擊手步槍w/laser 範圍)4.獲得$250000L1, R1, △, L1, R1, ○, L1, R15.防彈衣全滿L1, R1, ○, L1, R1, X, L1, R16.生命值全滿L1, R1, X, L1, R1, □, L1, R17.增加通緝度L1, R1, □, L1, R1, △, L1, R18.永遠不會被通緝L1, L1, △, R1, R1, X, □, ○9.萬里無雲L1, L1, ○, R1, R1, □, △, X10.清除通緝程度↑, ↓, ○, ↑, ↓, □, L1, R111.陰雲密佈↑, ↓, X, ↑, ↓, △, L1, R112.陰雨綿綿↑, ↓, □, ↑, ↓, ○, L1, R113.大霧瀰漫↑, ↓, △, ↑, ↓, X, L1, R114.獲得一輛坦克L1, L1, ←, L1, L1, →, △, ○15.時間過得很快L1, L1, ←, L1, L1, →, ○, X16.所有車輛爆炸L1, L1, ←, L1, L1, →, X, □17.Random Ped Outfit ==(不明秘技,知道的請通知一下)L1, L1, ←, L1, L1, →, □, △18.暴動模式L1, L1, R1, L1, L1, R1, ←, □19.行人用武器攻擊你L1, L1, R1, L1, L1, R1, ↑, △20.行人持有武器R1, R1, L1, R1, R1, L1, →, ○21.操控加快R1, R1, L1, R1, R1, L1, ↓, X22.操控減慢R1, △, X, R1, □, ○, ←, →23.車輛躍可以跳L1, ↑, ←, R1, △, ○, ↓, X24.自殺L1, ↓, ←, R1, X, ○, ↑, △25.交通信號燈變綠△, △, R1, □, □, L1, X, X26.司機有攻擊性□, □, R1, X, X, L1, ○, ○27.所有車輛變白色X, X, R1, ○, ○, L1, △, △28.所有車輛變黑色○, ○, R1, △, △, L1, □, □29.獲得一輛垃圾車△, ○, ↓, △, ○, ↑, L1, L130.車輛可以在水上○, X, ↓, ○, X, ↑, L1, L131.可以招收任何人當小弟↓, ↓, ↓, △, △, ○, L1, R1。
PSP侠盗飞车自由之城秘籍游戏中直接按以下键位可得到对应效果:秘籍作用上, □, □, 下,左, □, □, 右武器组1上, ○, ○, 下,左, ○, ○, 右武器组2上, X, X,下,左, X, X,右武器组3L1, R1,△, L1, R1, ○, L1, R1$250,000L1, R1, ○, L1, R1, X, L1, R1护甲全满(蓝条)L1, R1, X, L1, R1, □, L1, R1生命全满(红条)L1, R1, □, L1, R1, △, L1, R1提高通缉警星L1, L1,△, R1, R1, X, □, ○不会被通缉○, X, 下, ○, X, 上, L1, L1车子下水X, X, R1, ○, ○, L1, △,△所有车子变白色○, ○, R1, △,△, L1, □, □所有车子变黑色显示媒体关注度计数器(犯罪越多,计数越高)△, ○, 下,△, ○, 上, L1, L1垃圾车L1,上,右, R1,△, □, 下, XL1, L1,左, L1, L1,右, □, △随机Ped装备L1, L1, ○, R1, R1, □, △, X晴气上,下, ○, 上,下, □, L1, R1晴天上,下, X,上,下,△, L1, R1阴天上,下, □, 上,下, ○, L1, R1雨天上,下,△,上,下, X, L1, R1雾天L1, L1,左, L1, L1,右,△, ○得到犀牛坦克L1, L1,左, L1, L1,右, ○, X加快时钟L1, L1,左, L1, L1,右, X, □摧毁所有的汽车L1, L1, R1, L1, L1, R1,左, □行人暴动L1, L1, R1, L1, L1, R1,上,△行人攻击你R1, R1, L1, R1, R1, L1,右, ○行人持有武器R1, R1, L1, R1, R1, L1,下, X提高游戏速度R1,△, X, R1, □, ○, 左,右降低游戏速度L1,上,左, R1,△, ○, 下, X完美的车子操控性L1,下,左, R1, X, ○, 上,△自杀△,△, R1, □, □, L1, X, X所有红绿灯变绿□, □, R1, X, X, L1, ○, ○司机都很有攻击性下,下,下,△,△, ○, L1, R1人们会跟着你下,下,下, ○, ○, X, L1, R1大头模式L1, R1, L1, R1,上,下, L1, R1显示游戏制作组名单下,下,下, X, X, □, R1, L1头上脚下(控制方式完全颠倒)改变摩托车轮胎大小○, 右, X,上,右, X, L1, □(一共三种:小,正常,大)△, R1, L1,下,下, R1, R1,△所有车子都有表面反光△,△,△,上,上,右, L, R头上脚下恢复正常上,上,上,△,△, ○, L1, R1更多皮肤上,上,上, ○, ○, X, L1, R14帮派+28角色(多人模式)上,上,上, X, X, □, R1, L17帮派+43角色(多人模式)上,上,上, □, □, △, R1, L12帮派+14角色(多人模式)X, X, X,下,下,右, L1, R1头上脚下2(控制方式完全颠倒)2X, □, 下, X, □, 上, R1, R1行人跑到你的车子里武器组1:(铜护指,小刀,燃烧瓶,9mm,散弹枪,TEC-9,AK,火焰喷射器,狙击步枪)武器组2:(日本刀,遥控手雷,左轮手枪,锯短的散弹枪,UZI,M4,火箭发射器,狙击步枪激光瞄准镜)武器组3:(电锯,手雷,左轮手枪,战斗散弹枪, SMG, M4,转管机枪,狙击步枪激光瞄准镜)。
屏幕翻转 □□□LLR←→
雨天 ←↓LR→↑←△
阴暗天气 ←↓△×→↑←L
时间快 RLL↓↑×↓L
所有车炸毁 LRR←→□↓R
行人攻击 ↓△↑×LRLR
行人有武器 ↑L↓R←○→△
时间快 ←←RR↑△↓×
时间慢 ←←○○↓↑△×
完美操控性 ↓←↑LR△○×
自杀 →→○○LR↓×
糟糕的交通 LRLR ←○↑×
垃圾车 ↓↑→△L△L△
psp上gta自由城故事秘籍 武器1←→×↑↓□←→ 武器 2←→□↑↓△←→ 武器 3←→△↑↓○←→ 获得 $250000↑↓←→××lr 防护甲↑↓←→□□lr 生命↑↓←→○○lr 提升通缉等级↑→□□↓←○○ 不被通缉↑→△△↓←×× 晴朗天气←↓rl→↑←○ 完美天气←↓rl→↑←× 夜间←↓lr→↑←□ 雨天←↓lr→↑←△ 阴暗天气←↓△×→↑←l 时间快 rll↓↑×↓l 所有车炸毁 lrr←→□↓r 行人攻击↓△↑×lrlr 行人有武器↑l↓r←○→△ 时间快←←rr↑△↓× 时间慢←←○○↓↑△× 完美操控性↓←↑lr△○× 自杀→→○○lr↓× 糟糕的交通 lrlr←○↑× 垃圾车↓↑→△l△l△ 行人跟着你→l↓l○↑l□ 屏幕翻转□□□llr←→ 屏幕翻转←←←rrl→← 垃圾车→↑←↓△△lr 汽车电镀↑l↓r←l→r
武器1 ←→×↑↓□←→
武器 2 ←→□↑↓△←→
武器 3 ←→△↑↓○←→
获得 $250000 ↑↓←→××LR
防护甲 ↑↓←→□□LR
生命 ↑↓←→○○LR
提升通缉等级 ↑→□□↓←○○
不被通缉 ↑→△△↓←××
PSP侠盗猎车自由城秘籍介绍《侠盗猎车自由城》(Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories)是由Rockstar Games开发并于2005年推出的一款动作冒险游戏,最初是为PlayStation Portable(PSP)游戏机而开发。
秘籍列表增加生命和弹药•代码:L1, R1, 三角形, R1, 左, 下, 右, 上, 左, 下, 右, 上•效果:增加角色的生命和弹药无警备级积累•代码:L1, R1, 方块, R1, 左, R2, R1, 左, 方块, 下, L1, L1•效果:停用警备级积累无警备级•代码:上, 四方形, L2, R1, 三角形, 圆, 左, 右•效果:停用警备级超级跳高•代码:方块, 方块, L1, 方块, 方块, 方块, L1, R1, 圆, 三角形•效果:角色可以跳得更高超级反弹•代码:上, 上, 方块, L2, 方块, L1, 方块•效果:角色可以更好地反弹招募乘车乘员•代码:圆, 骷髅, R1, L2, 左, R1, L1, X, 方块, 圆•效果:招募乘车乘员使用方法在游戏过程中,玩家可以按下PSP控制器的特定按钮组合来输入秘籍代码。
举例说明:GTA4 秘籍 GUN-555-0150 怎么输入?使用秘籍只需要按方向键上打开电话,再按上进入手动输入号码状态,拨号后发送即可。
英文的部份不需要真的输入英文只需按下手机上英文字的按键即可,比如: GUN, 你只需要直接输入486和后面的数字即可。
GTA4自由城秘籍如下:补充健康值用手机拨打“ 00 ”。
注:此代码影响“Cleaned The Mean Streets”,“Finish Him”,“One Man Army”,“Walk Free”的成就获得。
补充健康值和弹药用手机拨打“ 00 ”。
注:此代码影响“Cleaned The Mean Streets”的成就获得。
武器第1级用手机拨打“ 00 ”。
这将解锁棒球球棒,手枪,散弹枪, mp5 , M4,狙击步枪, RPG 和手榴弹。
注:此代码影响“Cleaned The Mean Streets”的成就获得。
武器第2级用手机拨打“ 50 ”。
这将解锁刀,自制燃烧弹,手枪,散弹枪,乌兹冲锋枪, ak47 ,狙击步枪,和RPG。
注:此代码影响“Cleaned The Mean Streets”的成就获得。
移除通缉水平用手机拨打“ 00 ”。
注:此代码影响“One Man Army”和“Walk Free”的成就获得。
增加一个通缉水平用手机拨打“ 50 ”。
获得一辆Annihilator用手机拨打“ 00 ”。
注:此代码影响“One Man Army”和“Walk Free”的成就获得。
获得一辆Cognoscenti用手机拨打“ 42 ”。
获得一辆Comet用手机拨打“ 75 ”。
获得一辆FBI Buffalo用手机拨打“ 00 ”。
获得一辆Jetmax用手机拨打“ 00 ”。
获得一辆NRG-900用手机拨打“ 00 ”。
获得一辆Sanchez用手机拨打“ 50 ”。
获得一辆SuperGT用手机拨打“ 68 ”。
psp侠盗猎车自由城秘籍方法/步骤1.HOME SWEET HOME到黄色标记处,进房换好衣服,然后送Vincenzo到黄色标记地点SLACKERAtlanticQuays到地图右上方的标记找人,再带他到指定地点DEALING REVENGEAtlanticQuays前往指定地点杀人,杀完所标记的红点SNUFF AtlanticQuays到武器店(地图上标有手枪标志-_-b)买支手枪。
SMASH AND GRABAtlanticQuays找一辆能乘坐四个人的车,冲进蓝色标记地点不用管警察,开车靠近那三个头上标有蓝色箭头的人让他们上车。
BONE VOYEUR!接这个任务要回去换那件咖啡色的衣服。
JD O’Toole这个任务有时间限制。
DON IN 60 SECONDSJD O’Toole开走标有箭头的黑色轿车,2星,到喷漆店消星,最后回到黄色标记地点A VOLATILE SITUATION这个任务要杀好几个人,装备要齐全。
JD O’Toole到蓝色标记,不要乱跑,守住,会有人送上门来,杀死有红色箭头的人(杀快点,不要让他们靠近那两个蓝色箭头首住的那幢黄色大厦即赌场)。
侠盗猎车⼿4:⾃由城之章——秘籍 使⽤秘籍只需要按⽅向键上打开电话,再按上进⼊⼿动输⼊号码状态,拨号后发送即可。
英⽂的部份不需要真的输⼊英⽂只需按下⼿机上英⽂字的按键即可,⽐如:G U N,你只需要直接输⼊486和后⾯的数字即可。
测试有效1,H e a l t h A n d We a p o n s-G TA-555-0100影响成就:C l e a n e d t h e M e a n S t r e e t s 测试有效2,We a p o n s-G U N-555-0150武器影响成就:C l e a n e d t h e M e a n S t r e e t s 测试有效3, A d v a n c e d We a p o n s-G U N-555-0100⾼级武器影响成就:C l e a n e d t h e M e a n S t r e e t s 测试有效4,H e a l t h-D O C-555-0100治疗影响成就:C l e a n e d t h eM e a n S t r e e t s 测试有效5,Wa n t e d L e v e l D o w n-C O P-555-0100通缉级数下降影响成就:O N E M A N A R M Y 测试有效6,Wa n t e d L e v e l U p-C O P-555-0150通缉级数上升 测试有效7,C l i m a t e C h a n g e-H O T-555-0100⽓候变化 调出车辆: 测试有效8,S p a w n C o g n o s c e n t i(M afia C a r)-C A R-555-0142⿊⼿车 测试有效9,S p a w n S a n c h e z(D i r t B i k e)-M B K-555-0150⼭地摩托 测试有效10,S p a w n F B I B u f f a l o-C A R-555-0100F B I车(有点像新S K Y L I N E) 测试有效11,S p a w n Tu r i s m o-C A R-555-0147法拉利F430 测试有效12,S p a w n N R G900-M B K-555-0100N R G900(摩托车) 测试有效13,S p a w n C o m e t-C A R-555-0175保时捷911T U R B O 测试有效14,S p a w n S u p e r G T-C A R-555-0168阿斯顿马丁D B9 测试有效15,S p a w n P o l i c e C h o p p e r-F LY-555-0100武装⿊鹰直升机 测试有效16,S p a w n J e t m a x(B o a t)-W E T-555-0100快艇 全号码版——由811221会员提供 1,满武器+满⽣命-482-555-0100 2,武器全得-486-555-0150 3,武器获得弹药-486-555-0100 4,⽣命-362-555-0100 5,通缉变低-267-555-0100 6,通缉变⾼-267-555-0150 7,改变天⽓-468-555-0100 8,出现⼀辆⿊⼿专⽤汽车-227-555-0142 9,出现⼀辆摩托车-625-555-0150 10,出现⼀辆F B I车辆-227-555-0100 11,出现⼀辆Tu r i s m o-227-555-0147 12,出现⼀辆N R G900-625-555-0100 13,出现⼀辆C o m e t-227-555-0175 14,出现⼀辆S u p e r G T-227-555-0168 15,出现⼀辆警⽤直升机(可开枪)-359-555-0100 16,出现⼀辆J e t m a x(船只)-938-555-0100 逗游⽹——中国2亿游戏⽤户⼀致选择的”⼀站式“游戏服务平台。
自由城故事是发行在PS2和PSP平台上的游戏,PC上没有的网上所流传的自由城故事其实是自由城之章,也就是EFLC,包含了《The Lost and Damned》和《The Ballad of Gay Tony》网上可下载的自由城之章只能玩两个资料片,不能运行在进入自由城之章的界面选择是否运行原版不过您可以同时在您的计算机安装自由城之章和GTA4原版,很多朋友想要了解侠盗猎车手4自由城之章秘籍,下面给大家分享。
侠盗猎车4:⾃由城故事——秘籍及打电话号码密码 侠盗猎车4:⾃由城之章秘籍及打电话号码密码 体⼒&防弹----362-555-0100 强⼒格⽃-----276-555-2666 炸裂狙击枪---486-555-2526 降落伞-------359-555-7272 LV.1武器-----486-555-0150 LV.2武器-----486-555-0100 消除通缉-----267-555-0100 提⾼通缉-----267-555-0150 变更天⽓-----468-555-0100 军警设备A P C--272-555-8265 B u z z a r d------359-555-2899 A n n i h i l a t o r--359-555-0100 快艇J e t m a x---938-555-0100 F l o a t e r------938-555-0150 摩托A K U M A----625-555-0200 Va d e r--------625-555-3273 N R G900------625-555-0100 S a n c h e z------625-555-0150 车辆C o m e t----227-555-0175 B u l l e t G T----227-555-9666 Tu r i s m o------227-555-0147 S u p e r G T-----227-555-0168 C o g n o s c e n t i--227-555-0142 F B I B u f f a l o--227-555-0100 给H e n r i q u e B a r d a s打电话可以得到交通⼯具,给A r m a n d o To r r e s打电话可以购买武器。
失落与诅咒秘籍 体⼒&防弹----362-555-0100 LV.1武器-----486-555-0150 LV.2武器-----486-555-0100 消除通缉-----267-555-0100 提⾼通缉-----267-555-0150 变更天⽓-----468-555-0100 A n n i h i l a t o r--359-555-0100 快艇J e t m a x---938-555-0100 摩托H e x e r----245-555-0150 I n n o v a t i o n---245-555-0100 H a k u c h o u C u s t o m---245-555-0199 D o u b l e T C u s t o m---245-555-0125 N R G900------625-555-0100 S a n c h e z------625-555-0150 车辆C o m e t----227-555-0175 Tu r i s m o------227-555-0147 S u p e r G T------227-555-0168 C o g n o s c e n t i--227-555-0142 F B I B u f f a l o--227-555-0100 G a n g B u r r i t o-826-555-0150 S l a m v a n------826-555-0100 给Te r r y T h o r p e打电话可以得到交通⼯具,给C l a y S i m o n s打电话可以购买武器。
侠盗飞车4 自由城故事秘籍(Grand Theft Auto 4 free city story)Just play it while you're playingThe following is for everyone to bring the game is the Grand Theft Auto 4 Cheats, the cheats in GTA4&TLAD&TBoGT generalUsing the method of press [up] button 2 times to enter the number keys [Enter] allocated (affect achievement)948-555-0100 ZiT! (not cheating, the function is to drive, listen to the favorite music, check the singer & song name)482-555-0100 filled volume and ammunition362-555-0100 filled with blood and bullet proof vest486-555-0100 weapons Advanced Suite486-555-0150 weapons Poor Suite267-555-0100 eliminate the police267-555-0150 improve the police468-555-0100 changes weatherCarrying out359-555-0100 Annihilator empty938-555-0100 Jetmax sea625-555-0100 NRG-900 machine625-555-0150 Sanchez machine227-555-0100 FIB Buffalo car227-555-0175 Comet car227-555-0147 Turismo car227-555-0142 Cognoscenti car227-555-0168 Super GT car--------TLAD special245-555-0100 Innovation machine245-555-0150 Hexer machine245-555-0199 Hakuchou Custom machine 245-555-0125 Double T Custom machine 826-555-0150 Gang Burrito car826-555-0100 Slamvan car--------TBoGT special359-555-7272 parachute276-555-2666 RPG boxing486-555-2526 RPG sniper gun938-555-0150 Floater sea625-555-0200 Akuma machine625-555-3273 Vader machine272-555-8265 APC car359-555-2899 Buzzard empty227-555-9666 Bullet GT carGalaxy on Fire 2 (the Milky Way Fire 2 Tips)This post is edited by b2189114821 at 23:58 2010-7-22This game I broke three times,The following is my finishing tips:(if incorrect, please correct)Hidden Galaxy coordinates: (prices are all 10000, except for Wolf-Reiser galaxies)Wolf-Reiser galaxy:The game will be available in the early stages of the mission Suteo GalaxyPlace of sale: P'errka of the V'ikka GalaxySeller: Ylook PykkuPan GalaxyF'err of the S'kloptorr galaxy at the site of trafficking Seller: Dyloon JakoonY'mirr galaxies (requiring multiple shuttles to arrive) Place of sale: Lopat of the Vulpes GalaxySeller: CyphronNi'mrrod GalaxyPlace of sale: Aoeh of the Nesla GalaxySeller: In'shkkt TypptDesign drawing:If you want to make an item, try to prepare the material beforeyou buy the design, because when the product is made, the computer will make it difficult to find the material you needM6 A3 "grizzly bear" (main weapon, laser gun, the most powerful laser gun)Price: 5200Place of sale: Gehlon of the Suteo GalaxySeller: Geryan ZhamoumMaterial Science:M6 A1 "jackal" (main weapon) 1xTitanium 10xPlastic products 14xEnergy gas 10xEnergy battery 5xOptical products 5xH'nookk (the main weapon, the bomb, the good bomb)Price: 3400Place of sale: Taygete of the Pan GalaxySeller: Tulant KheontMaterial Science:N'saan (main weapon) 1xHydraulics 14xOptical products 9xEnergy battery 8xNuclear titanium 1xSupply machinery supplies 9x128MJ trajectory gun (main weapon, cannon, I didn't use it) Price: 1800Place of sale: Kallsta Omba of the Eanya GalaxySeller: LeskarMaterial Science:Supply machinery supplies 5xNano science and technology products 8xEnergy battery 11xPlastic products 8xMicrochip 15xMass heavy machine gun MD10 (main weapon, cannon, I haven't used it)Price: 4500Place of sale: Thynome of the Wolf-Reiser GalaxySeller: Per MagnussonMaterial Science:Gold mine 35xEnergy battery 21xSupply machinery supplies 16xMicrochip 20xHydraulics 27xAmour rockets (side weapons, rocket launchers, the most powerful rocket launchers)Price: 800Place of sale: Arpalys of the Buntta GalaxySeller: Pete "Big P" BizonMaterial Science:Electronic device 3xEnergy battery 1xPlastic products 2xIntelli ejector (sub weapon, torpedo, the most powerful mine bomb)Price: 2000Place of sale: K'mirkk of Y'mirr Galaxy (requiring multiple shuttles to arrive)Seller: Obb PorffMaterial Science:Design drawings 2xOptical products 2xMicrochip 2xSupply machinery supplies 1xAMR Extinctor (vice weapons, nuclear weapons, the most powerful nuclear weapons)Price: 4000Place of sale: L'ikirr of the Oom'bak GalaxySeller: Mykkba NumkkMaterial Science:Radioactive substance 40xExplosive 20xDesign drawings 7xMicrochip 5xSupply machinery supplies 5xElectronic device 10xFluxed Matter shield (equipment, shield, the best shield)Price: 13000Place of sale: Zepar of the Magnetar GalaxySeller: Febio NeroniMaterial Science:Wueterion 80xElectronic device 75XSupply machinery supplies 20xNano science and technology products 65xMicrochip 80xT'yol (equipment, protective layer, the best protective layer) Price: 16000Place of sale: Urda Arcturius of the Prospero Galaxy Seller: Tennox YkktMaterial Science:Uranium 40xUranium core 15xIron ore 35xSupply machinery supplies 40xPlastic products 30xRhoda black hole (equipment, compression, the best compression device, cargo hold capacity +100%)Price: 8300Place of sale: Festus of Pescal Inartu GalaxySeller: Alan P. TahoeMaterial Science:Electronic device 45xEnergy battery 17xSupply machinery supplies 50xHydraulics 60xMultiple shuttle machines (equipment, jumping devices, jumping to any place)You can get it in the middle and late stages of the gameMaterial Science:Vader crystal 50xHacekaite 10xWoelperit 10xWueterion 10xElectronic device 40xSupply machinery supplies 70XMicrochip 75XOptical products 40xIron head Giant (laser equipment, mining, the best mining laser)Price: 25000Place of sale: Var Hastra of Mido Galaxy (requiring multiple shuttles to arrive)Seller: Gunant BrehMaterial Science:Nano science and technology products 90xSupply machinery supplies 80xHydraulics 90xNuclear titanium 10xTitanium 40xYin's Ninja (equipment, invisibility, the best cloaking device, the longest stealth time)Price: 9000Place of sale: E'kkide of the K'ontrr GalaxySeller: Dr. Muktin KobusMaterial Science:Energy gas 40xChemicals 15xHydraulics 20xOptical products 40xMicrochip 10xRadioactive substance 40xWine (22 species):(don't doubt, that common and cheap "drink" isn't counted)(although the liquor is named to galaxies in the galaxy, but not necessarily get good wine collection method is to attack pirate, garrison or aircraft, salvage their cargo, they often carry liquor)Suteo liqueurPan whiskeyBehen wineV'ikka alcohol oilEanya tonicS'kloptorr rumWolf-Reiser brandyAquila CocktailBuntta AperitifWeymire punch wineY'mirr ginUnion beerOom'bak ginVulpes Thorpe wineMagnetar inferior whiskeyMido distilled waterProspero FlipNesla brandyPescal Inartu wineAugmenta FizzK'ontrr DishwaterNi'mrrod MuckOre:(titanium and iron are all in white asteroids. I can't tell the difference, I have to scan them)(P'arrenkk in the Y'mirr Galaxy sells all the ore cores except the Invid element, and the Rr'ostam of the Y'mirr Galaxy sells all the minerals except the Invid crystal. Yes, but don't make sure you have the quantity you wantOre names / ore names / asteroids containing such mineralsGold / gold ore core / golden yellow asteroidTitanium / titanium core / white asteroidsIron ore / iron ore core / white asteroidUranium / uranium core / Green asteroidHacekaite/Hacekaite ore core / bright yellow asteroid Brunitium/Brunitium ore core / Pink asteroidWoelperit/Woelperit ore core / light blue asteroidUeberit/Ueberit ore core / orange asteroidNagelat/Nagelat ore core / red asteroidWueterion/Wueterion ore core / deep blue asteroidThe asteroid of the Invid crystal / Invid element / Invid Galaxy Medal (I'm talking about the conditions of the gold medal): veteranFrom the beginningSurvivorWhen the hull energy is less than or equal to 5%, the shiparrives at the stationGeologistCollection of 11 (all) species of ore, purchase or salvage is not calculatedSenior geologistCollection of 11 (all) different ore cores, purchase or salvage is not calculatedKillerDestroy 250 enemiesTransportersTransport of goods over 200t in a transport missionMinersCollect more than 1000t of ore, buy or salvage is not calculatedSenior minerMore than 25t of ore cores are purchased or salvagedPrivate mercenaryI haven't got it yet. I don't know whyBartenderCollect 22 (all) kinds of winesGarbage collectorDestruction of more than 150t of cosmic waste in the task of recycling cosmic wasteSpace touristsI've been to 100 (all) stationsExplorerGo to 22 (all) galaxiesJourneyworkHave 13 (all) Zhang designsEngineerFinish the 13 (all) design drawingsDrug addictPlaytime is over 20 hoursWorkaholicCompleted more than 50 tasksTravellerMore than 100 times using star jumping gatesBusinessmanTransporting more than 50 passengers in the transport of passengersNinjaInvisible for more than 5 minutesNuclear weapon traderUse more than 50 bombsAlien HunterMore than 25t of alien remains salvagedDaredevilNot equipped with weapons and equipment on the cargo tanks may have somethingWeapon collectorInstall 4 main weaponsRobberSalvage more than 500t of goodsMillionaireHave more than 1000000 yuanCommanderHire more than 20 aircraftTraitorIt's good to be hostile to anyoneMasonDestroy more than 500 asteroidsThe escaped outlaw of the InvidComplete the plot taskCosmic philanthropistThere are more than 500t vacancies in the cargo compartment doubting thomasNo more than 50 pointsDeafThe employer repeats the task more than 5 timesadventurerComplete 10 tasks, but do not care about the difficulty of the taskKnow this placeComplete 12 tasks, but don't ask where the task will be doneBookwormI haven't got it yet. I don't know whyAnd teach a quick way to make money:People in the lounge often have things to buy from you, and they say, "don't you really?"... "Meet this kind of task, often you will see items and the amount he want, if you don't have that thing or not according to the number of right softkey exit, then point in time, you will find he want different things! This has been to, according to the thing you want to sell again forever, it may take a long time, but it is easy to make him out of the price is several times the price of the goods you buy, or even a hundred times, but don't you sell and the station is not nogoods, it will be hard to find the number they want, will be 5 to 19 dollars, if enough money, the best selling thousands of yuan of goods (such as rare, rare plants, animal organs, graft...) The bid will be six digits to sell human organs if Wasik is more than 10, will let you get rich gold medal, three or four times can buy the best fighters!This method is applicable to the Chinese version, but the foreign language version (such as English) has a long word, so it should not directly display the object, so I don't know whether it is suitableThe above is my flower two day finishing tips, if useful, please return this, thank you!Additional content: (thanks to the Big Dipper enthusiastic guidance)Private mercenaryBuy more than 1000t of alcoholYou can buy and sell the same goods all the time, such as buying a batch of goods at this station, selling at the next stop, coming back to this station and buying the next station, and so onBookwormWith all the medals (not necessarily gold medals)When to get the bookworm, hire the task in the lounge meet aircraft into giving you money for peer (this feeling full of cool)After all the gold medals, there's a Void X Thynome Wolf-Reiser in the galaxyVoid X dataArmor 450Hold 30 (very poor, so I install 5 Rhoda black holes, anyway, there's plenty of space and nothing to install)Main weapon 4Vice Weapon 4Turret 0Equipment 15Maneuverability 155The price is about seven million。
GTA4自由城秘籍如下:补充健康值用手机拨打“3625550100 ”。
注:此代码影响“Cleaned The Mean Streets”,“Finish Him”,“One Man Army”,“Walk Free”的成就获得。
补充健康值和弹药用手机拨打“4825550100 ”。
注:此代码影响“Cleaned The Mean Streets”的成就获得。
武器第1级用手机拨打“4865550100 ”。
这将解锁棒球球棒,手枪,散弹枪,mp5 ,M4,狙击步枪,RPG和手榴弹。
注:此代码影响“Cleaned The Mean Streets”的成就获得。
武器第2级用手机拨打“4865550150 ”。
这将解锁刀,自制燃烧弹,手枪,散弹枪,乌兹冲锋枪,ak47 ,狙击步枪,和RPG。
注:此代码影响“Cleaned The Mean Streets”的成就获得。
移除通缉水平用手机拨打“2675550100 ”。
注:此代码影响“One Man Army”和“Walk Free”的成就获得。
增加一个通缉水平用手机拨打“2675550150 ”。
获得一辆Annihilator用手机拨打“3595550100 ”。
注:此代码影响“One Man Army”和“Walk Free”的成就获得。
获得一辆Cognoscenti用手机拨打“2275550142 ”。
获得一辆Comet用手机拨打“2275550175 ”。
获得一辆FBI Buffalo用手机拨打“2275550100 ”。
获得一辆Jetmax用手机拨打“9385550100 ”。
自由城故事 秘籍
2009-5-10 08:50 回复此发言
8 回复:自由城故事图文攻略
任务 7 Bone Voyeur! 委托人:JD。需要在一定时间内在红灯区内收取小姐身上的保护费。 奖励:
2009-5-10 08:50 回复此发言
9 回复:自由城故事图文攻略
2009-5-10 08:53 回复此发言
17 回复:自由城故事图文攻略
任务 17 Ho Selecta! 委托人:S 叔。内容很简单,将 6 位小姐在指定时间内送到港口。 奖励:
2009-5-10 08:53 回复此发言
18 回复:自由城故事图文攻略
2009-5-10 16:45 回复此发言
28 回复:自由城故事图文攻略
任务 27 The Gun's of Leone 委托人:JD。掩护任务,在 S 叔前往 JD 的办公室的路段中须用狙击枪 掩护 S 叔安全到达。最佳狙击位置是 JD 办公室对面楼的楼顶。实际不 是一定要用狙击枪,直接下楼火拼也可以。 奖励:
2009-5-10 08:51 回复此发言
12 回复:自由城故事图文攻略
任务 11 Snappy Dresser 老妈的第一项任务。这次主角需要扮演侦探的角色,跟踪并拍摄 CASA 是如何花天酒地的。PS:别忘了回家拿相机。 奖励:
2009-5-10 16:45 回复此发言
侠盗猎车自由城秘籍体力&防弹----362-555-0100强力格斗-----276-555-2666炸裂狙击枪---486-555-2526降落伞-------359-555-7272LV.1武器-----486-555-0150 LV.2武器-----486-555-0100消除通缉-----267-555-0100 提高通缉-----267-555-0150变更天气-----468-555-0100军警设备APC--272-555-8265Buzzard------359-555-2899 Annihilator--359-555-0100快艇Jetmax---938-555-0100 Floater------938-555-0150摩托AKUMA----625-555-0200 Vader--------625-555-3273 NRG 900------625-555-0100 Sanchez------625-555-0150车辆Comet----227-555-0175 Bullet GT----227-555-9666 Turismo------227-555-0147 Super GT-----227-555-0168 Cognoscenti--227-555-0142 FBI Buffalo--227-555-0100给Henrique Bardas打电话可以得到交通工具,给Armando Torres打电话可以购买武器。
失落与诅咒秘籍体力&防弹----362-555-0100LV.1武器-----486-555-0150 LV.2武器-----486-555-0100消除通缉-----267-555-0100 提高通缉-----267-555-0150变更天气-----468-555-0100Annihilator--359-555-0100快艇Jetmax---938-555-0100摩托Hexer----245-555-0150 Innovation---245-555-0100 Hakuchou Custom---245-555-0199 Double T Custom---245-555-0125 NRG 900------625-555-0100 Sanchez------625-555-0150车辆Comet----227-555-0175 Turismo------227-555-0147 SuperGT------227-555-0168 Cognoscenti--227-555-0142FBI Buffalo--227-555-0100 Gang Burrito-826-555-01500100 Slamvan------826-555-给Terry Thorpe打电话可以得到交通工具,给Clay Simons打电话可以购买武器。
↑, □, □,↓,←, □, □,→
手指虎,小刀,燃烧瓶, 9mm手枪,散弹枪, TEC-9, AK47,火焰喷射器,狙击步枪
↑, ○, ○, ↓, ←, ○, ○, →
曰本刀,遥控手雷,左轮手枪,短筒散弹枪, UZI, M4,火箭筒,狙击步枪激光瞄准镜
↑, 轮手枪,散弹枪, SMG, M4,转轮机枪,狙击步枪激光瞄准镜
L1, L1, ←, L1, L1, →, X
△, ○, ↓,△, ○, ↑, L1, L1
L1, L1, ←, L1, L1, →,△, ○
○, X, ↓, ○, X, ↑, L1, L1
L1, ↑, ←, R1,△, ○, ↓, X
L1, R1,△, L1, R1, ○, L1, R1
L1, R1, ○, L1, R1, X, L1, R1
L1, R1, X, L1, R1, □, L1, R1
L1, R1, □, L1, R1,△, L1, R1
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NRG 900------625-555-0100
Bullet GT----227-555-9666
Super GT-----227-555-0168
FBI Buffalo--227-555-0100
给Henrique Bardas打电话可以得到交通工具,给Armando Torres打电话可以购买武器。
Hakuchou Custom---245-555-0199
Double T Custom---245-555-0125
NRG 900------625-555-0100
FBI Buffalo--227-555-0100
Gang Burrito-826-555-0150
给Terry Thorpe打电话可以得到交通工具,给Clay Simons打电话可以购买武器。
NRG 900------625-555-0100
FBI Buffalo--227-555-0100
体力代码影响“Cleaned The Mean Streets”“Finish Him”“One Man Army”“Walk Free”的成就获得。
弹药&体力代码影响“Cleaned The Mean Streets”的成就获得。
LV.1武器代码影响“Cleaned The Mean Streets”的成就获得。
LV.2武器代码影响“Cleaned The Mean Streets”的成就获得。
消除通缉代码影响“One Man Army”“Walk Free”的成就获得。
Annihilator代码影响“One Man Army”“Walk Free”的成就获得。