第六章总需求与总供给一、名词解释题1.扩张性财政政策 3.扩张性货币政策5.总供给 7.交易动机 8.投机动机 11.自生支出13.边际支出倾向 15.流动性偏好17.IS曲线19.工资粘性21.菲利普斯曲线23.成本推进的通货膨胀二、单项选择1.总需求曲线向下倾斜是由于()。
A、总支出增加B、总支出减少C、价格水平下降D、价格水平上升19.IS曲线为y=500-2000 r,下列哪一个利率和收入水平的组合不在IS 曲线上()。
第6章 总需求与总供给习题《宏观经济学》
![第6章 总需求与总供给习题《宏观经济学》](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/32f0d0104028915f814dc298.png)
1、设某一两部门的经济由下述关系式描述:消费函数c=100+0.8y,投资函数为i=150-6r ,货币需求函数为L=0.2y-4r,设P为价格水平,货币供给为M=150。
(1) 总需求函数。
(2) 若P=1,均衡的收入和利率各为多少?
(3) 若该经济的总供给函数为AS=800+150P,求均衡的收入和价格水平。
(4)如果在P=l的价格水平下,名义货币供给从150 下降到125和100,货币市场与产品市场的均衡有何变化?
《宏观经济学》——第六章 习题答案
![《宏观经济学》——第六章 习题答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/39f01082b9d528ea81c779c7.png)
二、单项选择题DCAAB DCCBD D1.D.总需求曲线向右下方倾斜的原因主要有:实际余额效应、利率效应、汇率效应以及税收效应。
第六章开放经济一、选择题1.当一国的净资本流入为正值时:A 该国的资本账户处于盈余状态。
B 该国存在贸易盈余和资本账户盈余。
C 该国的资本账户处于平衡状态。
D 该国存在贸易赤字和资本账户赤字。
E 该国资本账户处于赤字状态。
答案:A2.以下选项正确的是:A 进口+出口=净资本流入。
B 进口=出口-净资本流入。
C 进口=出口+净资本流入。
D 进口+净资本流入=出口。
E 进口=净资本流入。
答案:C3.对于一个大国开放经济来说,紧缩性的财政政策对该国的长期影响是( C )A.国民储蓄的减少 B.利率上升 C.净出口的上升 D.产出减少4.在开放经济中:A 私人储蓄+净资本流入=投资+政府储蓄B 私人储蓄=净资本流入+投资+政府储蓄C 私人储蓄+投资=净资本流入+政府储蓄D 私人储蓄+政府储蓄+净资本流入=投资E 私人储蓄+净资本流入+投资=政府储蓄答案:D5.在小型开放经济中,预算赤字的上升将:A 降低利率和投资。
B 不改变利率或投资。
D 提高利率但降低投资。
E 降低利率但提高投资。
答案:B6.汇率是指:A 两国之间的贸易赤字。
B 一国的净资本流入。
C 两种货币的相对价格。
D 一国货币的升值率。
E 一国货币的贬值率。
答案:C7.在开放经济中,投资—储蓄恒等式表明:A 私人储蓄必定等于私人投资。
B 私人储蓄加上从国外的资本流入必定等于投资C 私人储蓄加上从国外的资本流入必定等于投资加上政府赤字。
D 私人储蓄加上从国外的资本流入必定等于政府赤字加上经常账户赤字。
E 私人储蓄加上从国外的资本流入必定等于政府赤字加上经常账户赤字再加上投资。
答案:C8.对美国而言,提高私人储蓄可能会:A 提高预算赤字。
B 降低预算赤字。
C 增加投资。
D 对利率和投资没有影响。
E 引起美元升值答案:C二、名词解释1.贸易逆差 2.贸易顺差 3.名义汇率 4.实际汇率1.贸易逆差:一国在一定时期内进口贸易总值大于出口总值。
习题库第一章导论一、名词解释宏观经济学、总量分析、非均衡分析、凯恩斯革命二、简答题1、宏观经济学有什么特点?2、宏观经济学主要研究哪些问题?3、现代宏观经济学是如何产生与演变的?第二章国民收入核算一、名词解释GDP、GNP、NDP、NI、PI、PDI、名义GDP、实际GDP、GDP紧缩指数二、选择题1、下列那些项目应计入GDP?( )。
A. 政府转移支付B. 购买一辆用过的卡车C. 购买普通股票D. 购买一块地产2、已知某一经济中的消费额为6亿元,投资额为1亿元,间接税为1亿元,政府用于物品和劳务的支出额为1.5亿元,出口额为2亿元,进口额为1.8亿元,则()。
A. NDP=8.7亿元B. GDP=7.7亿元C. GDP=8.7亿元D. NDP=5亿元3、所谓净出口是指()。
A. 出口减进口B. 进口减出口C. 出口加进口D. GNP减出口4、在三部门经济中,如果用支出法来衡量,GDP等于()。
A. 消费+投资B. 消费+投资+政府支出C. 消费+投资+政府支出+净出口D. 消费+投资+进出口5、GDP与NDP之间的差别是()。
A. 直接税B. 折旧C. 间接税D. 净出口6、按最终使用者类型,将最终产品和劳务的市场价值加总起来核算GDP的方法是()。
A. 支出法B. 收入法C. 生产法D. 增加价值法7、在统计中,社会保险税增加对()有影响?A. GDPB. NDPC. NID. PI三、简答题1、指出下列各项中,哪些是中间产品,哪些是最终产品?①小王购买一本杂志②某电脑公司购买一批英特尔公司生产的芯片③某政府机构购买一批红旗轿车④旅游时付给入住酒店的房租⑤律师支付租用办公室的房租⑥家庭支付的水电费⑦美国公司向中国购买的农产品2、GDP的统计口径是否忽视了对中间产品生产的核算?3、在证券市场购买股票和债券属于经济学意义上的投资活动吗?4、为什么政府转移支付不能计入GDP?5、为什么间接税应该计入GDP?6、GDP指标有哪些缺陷或不足?7、为什么要区分名义国内生产总值和实际国内生产总值?8、国内生产总值与国民生产总值关系如何?四、计算题1、若某国GDP为8800单位,总投资为1150单位,净投资为292单位,消费为5800单位,政府购买的产品和劳务价值为1500单位,间接税为620单位,政府财政盈余为44单位,求该国NDP、净出口、个人可支配收入、个人储蓄各为多少。
6 IS-LM/AS-AD模型6.1 判断题6.11 充分就业曲线表示劳动市场均衡时实际利率与产出水平的关系。
()6.12 潜在总产出就是资本要素得到充分利用时的总产出。
()6.13 IS曲线表示的是在产品市场均衡时总产出与实际利率之间的对应关系。
()6.14 在IS曲线上,每一点都满足产品市场均衡的条件:合意的国民储蓄等于合意的投资。
()6.15 在IS曲线上,随着实际利率的降低,国民收入将会增加。
()6.16 给定总产出不变,当政府支出增加时,IS曲线将向左下方移动。
()6.17 给定总产出不变,当政府支出降低时,将会使合意储蓄增加,从而使实际利率降低,IS曲线向左下方移动。
()6.18 一项新技术的产生和应用(如计算机),使资本的边际产品增加,将会由于投资的增加而使实际利率上升,从而使总产出下降。
()6.19 一项新技术的产生和应用(如计算机),使资本的边际产品增加,将会由于投资的增加而使实际利率上升,从而使IS曲线向右移动。
()6.110 如果税率的变动增加了合意的国民储蓄,将会使市场的实际利率降低,从而使IS曲线向右移动。
(f )6.111 非货币资产的实际利率表示投资者持有该项资产在一定时期内获得的收益率。
()6.112 一般而言,非货币资产的利率越高,则价格也越高。
(T)6.113 资产市场均衡表示非货币资产的供给和需求相等,但是货币资产的供给与需求却不一定相等。
()6.114 资产市场均衡表示货币资产、非货币资产的供给和需求同时达到均衡。
()6.115 当货币供给的实际数量与货币需求的数量相等时,资产市场就达到了均衡。
()6.116 当国民收入发生变动时,对实际货币的需求不一定变动。
()6.117 LM曲线表示资产市场均衡时名义利率与国民收入的对应关系。
()6.118 在LM曲线上,实际利率是与国民收入同方向变动的。
()6.119 价格水平固定不变,当中央银行增加名义货币供应量时,资产市场出清的实际利率将会下降。
第六单元通货膨胀与失业理论本单元所涉及到的主要知识点:1.通货膨胀的含义、衡量与种类2.通货膨胀的原因3.通货膨胀对经济的影响及其对策4.失业的含义与衡量5.失业的种类6.失业的原因7.失业的影响及其治理8.失业与通货膨胀的关系:菲利普斯曲线一、单项选择1.一般用来衡量通货膨胀的物价指数是( D )。
a.消费者物价指数; b.生产物价指数;c.GDP缩减指数; d.以上均正确。
2.可以称为温和的通货膨胀的情况是指( D)。
a.通货膨胀率以每年5%的速度增长; b.通货膨胀率在10%以上;c.通货膨胀率一直保持在2%-3%水平;d.通货膨胀率处于3%—10%之间。
3.通货膨胀的主要类型有( D )。
a.需求拉上型; b.成本推进型;c.结构型; d.以上均正确。
4.通货膨胀会( C )。
5.在通货膨胀不能完全预期的情况下,通货膨胀将有利于( A )。
a.债务人; b;债权人;c.在职工人; d.离退休人员。
6.已知充分就业的国民收入是12000亿元,实际国民收入11800亿,边际消费倾向0.8,在增加3000亿的投资后,经济将发生( A )。
a.需求拉上通货膨胀;b.成本推进通货膨胀;c.结构性通货膨胀; d.需求不足的失业。
7.收入政策主要是用来治理( B )。
a.需求拉上的通货膨胀; b.成本推进的通货膨胀;c.结构性通货膨胀; d.供求混合通货膨胀。
8.抑制通货膨胀的收入政策是指( C )。
a.收入初次分配; b.收入再分配;c.收入—价格管制; d.以上均正确。
9.失业率是指( A )。
a.失业人口占劳动力的百分比; b.失业人数占人口总数的百分比; c.失业人数占就业人数的百分比; d.以上均正确。
10.充分就业的含义是(B )。
一、概念题1.自然失业率(natural rate of unemployment)答:自然失业率又称“有保证的失业率”、“正常失业率”、“充分就业失业率”等,它是经济围绕其波动的平均失业率,是经济在长期中趋近的失业率,是充分就业时仍然保持的失业水平。
2.摩擦性失业(frictional unemployment)答:摩擦性失业指劳动力市场运行机制不完善或者因为经济变动过程中的工作转换而产生的失业。
Chapter 6 Solutions to the Problems in the Textbook:Conceptual Problems:1. The aggregate supply curve and the Phillips curve describe very similar relationships and bothcurves can be used to analyze the same phenomena. The AS-curve shows a relationship between the price level and the level of output. The Phillips curve shows a relationship between the rate of inflation and the unemployment rate, given certain inflationary expectations. For example, a movement along the AS-curve depicts an increase in the price level that is associated with an increase in the level of output. As output increases, the rate of unemployment decreases (see Okun’s law).Therefore, with a larger increase in the price level (a higher level of inflation) there will be a decrease in unemployment, creating a downward-sloping Phillips curve.This downward sloping Phillips curve shifts whenever inflationary expectations change. If one assumes that workers will change their wage demands whenever their inflationary expectations change, one can conclude that a shift in the Phillips curve corresponds to a shift in the upward sloping AS-curve, since higher wages mean higher cost of production.2. In the short run, when wages and prices are assumed to be fixed, there can be no inflation and thusthe Phillips curve makes no sense over this very brief time frame. But in the medium run (in this chapter also often referred to as the short run), the Phillips curve is downward sloping as inflationary expectations are assumed to be constant. In the long run, the Phillips curve is vertical at the natural rate of unemployment, which corresponds to the vertical long-run AS-curve at the full-employment level of output.3. A variety of explanations are given in this chapter for the stickiness of wages in the short orintermediate run. One is that workers have imperfect information and nobody knows the actual price level. People don’t know whether a change in their nominal wage is the result of an increase in prices or in the real wage they receive for the work they provide. Due to this uncertainty, labor markets will not clear immediately. Another argument relies on coordination problems, that is, different firms within an economy cannot coordinate price changes in response to monetary policy changes.Individual firms change their prices only reluctantly, since they are afraid of losing market share. The efficiency wage theory argues that employers pay above market-clearing wages to motivate their workers to work harder. Firms are also reluctant to change wages because of the perceived menu costs involved. There are long-term relations between firms and workers and wages are usually set in nominal terms by wage contracts, which are renegotiated only periodically. Thus real wages fluctuate over time as the price level changes. Finally, the insider-outsider model argues that firms negotiate only with their own employees but not with unemployed workers. Since a turnover in the labor force is costly to firms, they are willing to offer above market-clearing wages to the currently employed rather than hiring the unemployed who may be willing to work for lower wages.These different views are not necessarily mutually exclusive and it is up to students to decide which of the arguments presented here they find most plausible. The explanations differ mainly in their assumption of how fast markets clear and whether employment variations are voluntary.4.a. Stagflation is defined as a period of high unemployment accompanied by high inflation.4.b. Stagflation can occur in time periods when people have high inflationary expectations. If theeconomy goes into a recession, the actual rate of inflation will fall below the expected rate of inflation.However, the actual inflation rate may still be very high while the rate of unemployment is increasing.For example, the Fed may have let money supply grow much too fast in the past, so everyone expectsa high inflation rate. If a supply shock occurs, we will see an increase in the rate of unemploymentwhile inflationary expectations and actual inflation remain very high. This scenario occurred during the 1970s. Once we have reached such a situation, it becomes necessary to design policies that will reduce inflationary expectations to shift the Phillips curve back to the left.5. Assume a disturbance occurs and the AD-curve shifts to the right. Unemployment decreases andinflation increases, and we move along the downward sloping Phillips curve to the left. However, as soon as people realize that actual inflation is higher than their inflationary expectations, they adjust their inflationary expectations upward and the downward-sloping Phillips curve shifts to the right, eventually returning unemployment back to its natural rate. In other words, the economy adjusts back at the full-employment level of income.If an adverse supply shock occurs (the upward-sloping AS-curve shifts to the left), unemployment and inflation increase simultaneously. This will correspond to a shift of the downward-sloping Phillips curve to the right. However, when people realize that actual inflation is less than expected inflation, then the downward-sloping Phillips curve starts to shift back and the economy adjusts back to the natural rate of unemployment in the long run.6.The expectations-augmented Phillips curve predicts that inflation will rise above the expected levelwhen unemployment drops below its natural rate. However, if people know that this is going to happen, why don’t they immediately adjust to it? And if people immediately adjusted to it, wouldn’t this imply that anticipated monetary policy would be ineffective to cause any deviation from the full-employment level of output? In reality, however, even if people have rational expectations, they may not be able to adjust immediately. One reason is that wage contracts often set wages for an extended time period. Similarly, prices cannot always be changed right away and the costs of changing prices may outweigh the benefits. A further argument is that even rational people make forecasting mistakes and learn only slowly.In other words, the location of the expectations-augmented Phillips curve is determined by the level of expected inflation, which is set by recent historical experience. A shift in this curve caused by changing inflationary expectations occurs only gradually. The rational expectations model, on the other hand, assumes that the Phillips curve shifts almost instantaneously as new information about the near future becomes available.Technical Problems:1. A reduction in the supply of money leads to excess demand for money and increased interest rates,reducing the level of private spending (especially investment). Therefore the AD-curve shifts to the left. This causes an excess supply of goods and services at the original price level so the price level starts to decrease. Since the AS-curve is upward sloping, a new short-run macro-equilibrium is reached at a lower level of output (and thus a higher level of unemployment) and a lower price level.PP1However, the higher level of unemployment eventually puts downward pressure on wages, reducing the cost of production and shifting the upward-sloping AS-curve to the right. Alternatively, since this equilibrium output level is below the full-employment level, prices will continue to fall, and the upward-sloping AS-curve will shift to the right. As long as output is below the full-employment level Y*, the upward-sloping AS-curve will continue to shift to the right, which means that the price level will continue to decline. Eventually a new long-run equilibrium will be reached at the full-employment level of output (Y*) and a lower price level.2. According to the rational expectations theory, an announced change in monetary policy wouldimmediately change people’s perception in regard to the expected inflation rate. If people could adjust immediately to this change in inflationary expectations, then the rate of unemployment or the output level would remain the same. In other words, we would immediately move from point 1 to point 3 in the diagram used to explain the previous question and the Fed would be unable to affect the unemployment rate. In reality, however, even if people have rational expectations and can anticipate the effects of a policy change correctly, they may not be able to immediately adjust due to wage contracts, etc. Thus, there will always be some deviation from the full-employment output level Y*.3.a. A favorable supply shock, such as a decline in material prices, shifts the upward-sloping AS-curve tothe right, leading to excess supply at the existing price level. A new short-run equilibrium is reached at a higher level of output and a lower price level. But since output is now above the full-employment level Y*, there is upward pressure on wages and prices and the upward-sloping AS-curve shifts back to the right. A new long-run equilibrium is reached back at the original position (Y*), and the original price level (assuming that the change in material prices did not affect the full-employment level of output). Since nominal wages (W) will have risen but the price level (P) will not have changed, real wages (W/P) will have increased.PP1P20 13.b. Lower material prices lower the cost of production, shifting the upward-sloping AS-curve shiftsto the right, and leading to an increase in output and a lower price level. Since unemployment is now below its natural rate, there is a shortage of labor, providing upward pressure on wages. This will increase the cost of production again, eventually shifting the upward-sloping AS-curve back to the original long-run equilibrium (assuming that potential GDP has not been affected).Additional Problems:1. Explain the long-run effect of an increase in nominal money supply on the amount of realmoney balances available in the economy.In the very short run, the price level is fixed, so if nominal money supply (M) increases, a higher level of real money balances is available, causing interest rates to fall and the level of investment spending to increase. This leads to an increase in aggregate demand. The shift to the right of the AD-curve causes the price level (P) to increase, leading to a reduction in real money balances (M/P). In the medium run (an upward-sloping AS-curve), we reach a new equilibrium at a higher output level and a higher price level. Since prices have gone up proportionally less than nominal money supply, real money balances have increased. However, to reach a new long-run equilibrium, prices have to increase further, and as a result, the level of real money balances will decrease further. When the new long-run equilibrium at Y* is finally reached, the price level will have risen proportionally to nominal money supply and the level of real money balances will be back at its original level.2. Assume the economy is in a recession. Describe an adjustment process that will ensure that theeconomy eventually will return to full employment. How can the government speed up this process?If the economy is in a recession, there will be downward pressure on wages and prices, which will bring the economy back to the full-employment output level. The upward-sloping AS-curve will shift to the right due to lower production costs. However, this process may take a fairly long time. The government can shorten this adjustment process with the help of expansionary fiscal or monetary policies to stimulate aggregate demand. The resulting shift to the right of the AD-curve implies that the final long-run equilibrium will be at a higher price level. In other words, the reduction in unemployment can only be achieved at the cost of higher inflation.3. "The stickiness of wages implies that policy makers can achieve low unemployment only if theyare willing to put up with high inflation." Comment on this statement.There are several explanations of why wages and prices adjust only slowly. One is that workers have imperfect information, so they do not realize that lower prices mean higher real wages. Another is that firms are reluctant to change prices and wages since they are unsure about the behavior of their competitors and want to avoid the perceived cost of making these changes. Finally, wage contracts tend to be long-term and staggered, so it takes time to adjust wages to price changes. Some firms may pay their workers above market-clearing wages to keep them happy and productive. For these reasons, wages and prices tend to be rigid in the short run. Thus it takes time for the economy to adjust back to full-employment.If there were a stable Phillips-curve relationship, a low rate of unemployment could only be achieved by allowing inflation to increase. However, such a stable relationship does not exist. Wages tend to be rigid in the short run, so expansionary policies lower unemployment and increase inflation in the short run. In the long run, however, the economy will adjust back to the natural rate of unemployment, so expansionary policies simply lead to a higher price level.4. "If we assume that people have rational expectations, then fiscal policy is always irrelevant.But monetary policy can still be used to affect the rate of inflation and unemployment."Comment on this statement.Individuals and firms with rational expectations consistently make optimal decisions based on all information available. As long as a policy change is anticipated, people are able to assess its long-run outcome and will try to immediately adjust. Since fiscal policy doesn't affect inflation or unemployment in the long run, it is also ineffective in the short run if wages and prices are assumed to be flexible. An anticipated change in monetary growth, on the other hand, will be reflected in a change in the inflation rate. If wages are flexible, workers will adjust their wage demands immediately and no significant change in the unemployment rate will occur. However, even if people have rational expectations, wages tend to be fairly rigid in the short run due to wage contracts. Therefore, it will take time for the economy to adjust back to a long-run equilibrium. This implies that both fiscal and monetary policy can affect the rate of inflation and unemployment to some degree in the short run.5. "Inflation cannot accelerate in a recession, when the rate of unemployment is above its naturalrate." Comment on this statement.Inflation can accelerate even in a recession, that is, when the unemployment is high, if a supply shock occurs. An oil price increase will increase the cost of production, so the upward-sloping AS-curve will shift to the left. This will increase the inflation rate and the rate of unemployment simultaneously, as firms increase their product prices and cut their production. If the Fed tries to accommodate the supply shock with expansionary monetary policy in an effort to stimulate the economy, then inflation will accelerate even more, as the AD-curve shifts to the right.6. Comment on the following statement:"The coordination approach to the Phillips curve focuses on the problems that the administration has in coordinating its fiscal policies with the monetary policies of the Fed." The coordination approach has nothing to do with fiscal or monetary policy but is simply one explanation of why wages adjust slowly. This view asserts that firms generally are unable to coordinate wage and price changes in response to a monetary policy change. For example, any firm that cuts workers' wages in response to monetary contraction while other firms don't, will anger its employees who may then choose to leave. Firms are also reluctant to change their prices since they are unsure about their competitors' behavior. Thus wages and prices change only slowly in response to a change in aggregate demand. This implies an upward-sloping (short-run) AS-curve.7. Comment on the following statement:"The unemployment rate is zero at the full-employment level of output."With a higher price level real wages decline, increasing the quantity of labor demanded. Therefore the nominal wage rate is bid up until the real wage rate is restored to its unique equilibrium level. Similarly, if prices fall, real wages increase, leading to unemployment. The nominal wage rate falls to bring the real wage rate back to its equilibrium level. So the nominal wage rate changes in proportion to the price level to maintain a real wage rate that clears the labor market. At this wage rate, the full-employment level of output is produced. However, at the full-employment output level the unemployment rate is not zero. Due to frictions in the labor market, there is always a positive unemployment rate, as workers switch between jobs. This is called the natural rate of unemployment.8. Briefly state the reason for the slow adjustment of wages to changes in aggregate demand. The reasons for the slow adjustment of nominal wages can be explained in several ways. One explanation is that workers have imperfect information, that is, they do not immediately realize whether a change in their nominal wage is the result of an increase in prices or in the real wage they receive for the work they provide. Another explanation is that coordination problems exist, that is, different firms within an economy are unsure about the behavior of their competitors and thus they only reluctantly change wages or prices. The efficiency wage theory, on the other hand, argues that firms pay above market-clearing wages to motivate their workers to work harder. Firms are also reluctant to change wages due to the perceived cost of doing so. Another argument is that wage contracts tend to be long-term, so real wages tend to fluctuate over the length of the contract and output adjusts only slowly to price changes. Finally, the insider-outsider model argues that firms negotiate only with their employees but not the unemployed. Since a turnover of the labor force is costly to firms, they are willing to offer above market-clearing wages to the currently employed rather than hiring the unemployed who may be willing to work for less. These various explanations are not mutually exclusive, and they all imply that the AS-curve is positively sloped, that is, that a change in aggregate demand will affect both output and prices in the short run.9. True or false? Why?"There is no frictional unemployment at the natural rate of unemployment."False. The natural rate of unemployment is the rate at which the labor market is in equilibrium. But there is always some unemployment due to new entrants into the labor force, people between jobs, and the like.This rate of unemployment is considered normal, due to frictions in the labor market, and is often called frictional unemployment.10. "If everyone in this economy had rational expectations, then wages would be flexible andunemployment could not occur." Comment on this statement.The new Keynesian models argue that even if people have rational expectations, socially undesirable outcomes may still occur due to imperfect competition and the existence of wage contracts. Prices may not change freely, since firms in imperfectly competitive markets are reluctant to change them, due to the menu costs involved. Nominal wages are set by contracts over a period of time, so the economy may adjust only slowly to a decrease in aggregate demand. Thus a rate of unemployment higher than the natural rate can exist over an extended period of time.11. True or false? Why?"If nominal wages were more flexible, expansionary policies would be more effective in reducing the rate of unemployment."False. In Chapter 5 we learned that in the classical case (where nominal wages are completely flexible) the AS-curve is vertical, whereas in the Keynesian case (where wages do not change, even if unemployment persists) the AS-curve is horizontal. From this we can conclude that more flexible nominal wages imply a steeper upward-sloping AS-curve. Any type of expansionary demand-side policy will shift the AD-curve to the right and this will cause the level of output and prices to increase (at least in the short-run). A steeper upward-sloping AS-curve results in a larger price increase and a smaller increase in output. But a smaller increase in the level of output results in a smaller reduction in unemployment. In either case, the economy will settle back at the full-employment level of output in the long run. In the long run, the rate of unemployment always goes back to its natural level.12. Explain the short-run and long-run effects of an increase in the level of government spendingon output, unemployment, interest rates, prices, and real money balances.An increase in government spending increases aggregate demand, shifting the AD-curve to the right. Because there is excess demand, the price level increases, which reduces the level of real money balances. Therefore interest rates increase, leading to some crowding out of investment. Due to this real balance effect, the increase in output is less than the shift in the AD-curve. Assuming an upward-sloping AS-curve, a new equilibrium is reached at a higher price level, a higher level of output, a lower unemployment rate and a higher interest rate. Since output is now above the full-employment level, wages and prices will continue to rise and the upward-sloping AS-curve will start shifting to the left. This process will continue until a new long-run equilibrium is reached at the full-employment level of income Y*, that is, until unemployment is back at its natural rate. At this point the price level, nominal wages, and interest rates will be higher than previously and real money balances will be lower.13. Briefly explain why there seems to be so much interest in finding ways to shift theupward-sloping aggregate supply curve to the right.Shifting the upward-sloping AS-curve to the right seems to be the only way to offset the effects of an adverse supply shock without any negative side effects. An adverse supply shock, such as an increase in oil prices, causes a simultaneous increase in unemployment and inflation, and policy makers have only two options for demand-management policies. Expansionary fiscal or monetary policy will help to achieve full employment faster but will raise the price level, while restrictive fiscal or monetary policy will reduce inflationary pressure but increase unemployment. Therefore, any policy that would shift the upward sloping AS-curve back to the right seems preferable, since it might bring the economy back to the original equilibrium by simultaneously lowering inflation and unemployment.14. Use an AD-AS framework to show the effect of monetary restriction on the level of output,prices and the interest rate in the medium and the long run.A decrease in nominal money supply will increase interest rates, leading to a decrease in investment spending. This will shift the AD-curve to the left, creating an excess supply of goods and services. Therefore price level will decrease and real money balances will increase. A new equilibrium will be achieved at the intersection of the new AD-curve and the upward-sloping AS-curve at an output level that is below the full-employment level.In the long run, higher unemployment will cause downward pressure on wages. As the cost of production decreases, the upward-sloping AS-curve will keep shifting to the right until a new long-run equilibrium is established at the full-employment level of output, that is, where the new AD-curve intersects the long-run vertical AS-curve at Y*. At this point, real output, the real interest rate, real money balances, and the real wage rate will be back at their original level. Nominal money supply, the price level and the nominal wage rate will all have decreased proportionally.A simplified adjustment can be shown as follows:1-->2: Ms down ==> i up ==> I down ==> Y down ==> the AD-curve shifts left ==>excess supply ==> P down ==> real ms up ==> i down ==> I up ==> Y up(The first line describes a policy change, that is, a shift in the AD-curve; the second line describes the price adjustment, that is, a movement along the AD-curve.)Short-run effect:Y down, i up, P down2-->3: Since Y < Y* ==> downwards pressure on nominal wages ==> cost of production down ==> the short run AS-curve shifts right ==> excess supply of goods ==> P down ==> real ms up==> i down ==> I up ==> Y up (This process continues until Y = Y*)Long-run effect:Y stays at Y*, i remains the same, P down.Note: Even though only one shift of the short-run AS-curve to the new long-run equilibrium is shown here, this shift is actually a combination of many shifts.P2P1P2P30 215. Briefly discuss the importance of Okun’s law in evaluating the cost of unemployment.Okun’s law states that a reduction in the unemployment rate of 1 percent will increase the level of output by about 2 percent. This relationship allows us to measure the cost to society (in terms of lost production) of a given rate of unemployment.16. True or false? Why?"If monetary policy accommodates an adverse supply shock, it will worsen any inflationary effects."True. An adverse supply shock shifts the upward-sloping AS-curve to the left. There is excess demand for goods and services at the original price level and prices start to rise, leading to lower real money balances, higher interest rates, and lower output. If no policy is implemented, then unemployment will force the nominal wage down to restore equilibrium at the original position. If the government views this adjustment process as too slow, it can respond by implementing expansionary policies. Accommodating the supply shock in this way shifts the AD-curve to the right and a new equilibrium can be reached at full-employment but at a higher price level. It is unlikely, though, that the economy will remain there for long since workers will realize that their purchasing power has been diminished by higher prices and will demand a wage increase. If they are successful, the cost of production will increase and the upward-sloping AS-curve will shift to the left again. In other words, we will enter a wage-price spiral.PP3P2P1217. Assume oil prices decline. What kind of monetary policy should the Fed undertake if its goal isto stabilize the level of output while keeping inflation low? Show with the help of an AD-AS diagram and briefly explain the adjustment process.1-->2: As oil prices decline, the cost of production decreases and the upward-sloping AS-curve shifts to the right, causing excess supply of goods. Thus the price level decreases, real money balances increase, and the interest rate declines.2-->3: A decrease in money supply will increase the interest rate, decrease private spending, and shift the AD-curve to the left. This means that prices will decrease even further and the level of output will decline. (We assume, for simplicity, that it goes back to the full-employment level Y*, so no long-run adjustment is needed.) Overall, the level of output has remained at its full-employment level but the level of prices and the interest rate have decreased.PP1P2218. Comment on the following statement:"A favorable oil shock causes lower inflation and lower unemployment."A decrease in material prices (or any other favorable supply shock) shifts theupward-sloping AS-curve to the right, and prices begin to decrease. The new equilibrium is at a lower price level and a higher level of output (a lower level of unemployment).Since output is now above the full-employment level, there will be upward pressure on nominal wages and prices, and the upward-sloping AS-curve will start shifting back to its original position (assuming that potential output was not affected). In the long run, unemployment will be back at its natural rate but the price level will have decreased (and thus real wages increased).19. “Falling oil prices will lead to increased employment, higher wage rates an dincreased real money balances.” Comment on this statement with the help of an AD-AS diagram and explain the short-run and long-run adjustment processes.A decline in material prices shifts the upward-sloping AS-curve to the right, leading to excess supply at the existing price level. A new equilibrium is reached at a higher level of output and a lower price level. But since output is now above the full-employment level Y*, there is upward pressure on wages and prices and the upward-sloping AS-curve starts shifting back to the right. A new long-run equilibrium is reached back at the original position (Y*), and the original price level (assuming that the change in material prices did not affect the full-employment level of output). Since nominal wages (W) will have risen but the price level (P) will not have changed, real wages (W/P) will have increased.PP1P2Y*Y2Y。
宏观经济学 第六章 市场结构
![宏观经济学 第六章 市场结构](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/7f0894a00066f5335b81215a.png)
棉花属于完全竞争市场,假如由于棉纺织业的 技术有了新的突破,市场对棉花的需求增加了,又 假定棉花属于成本不变行业,问:
(1)从短期看,技术的突破对棉花的价格和产量 有什么影响?
(2)从长期看,技术的突破对棉花的价格和产量 有什么影响?
解: 作图6—11。
从短期看,棉花的价格将从P0 提高到P1,产量从 Q0 增加到Q1。但从长期看(即考虑随着棉花需求
• AVC曲线以上的 MC曲线部分即企 业的短期供给曲线。
• 行业的供给曲线等于行业内各企业供给曲线横向 相加。 图6—7
• 企业通过改变所有投入要素,调整生产规模和产 量或退出或进入生产,使边际成本等于价格,实 现利润最大化。
• 企业长期均衡时: P=MC(长期和短期)总利润最优 P=AC(长期和短期)经济利润为零
课后习题2 P229.2
• 大明公司是生产胡桃的一家小公司(完全竞争市场 ),胡桃的市场价格是每单位640元。公司的长期 总成本函数为:LTC=240Q-20Q方+Q立方。正常利 润已经包括在成本函数中。问:
• 利润最大时的产量?此时的平均单位成本、总利润 各为多少?
• 假定该企业在行业中具有代表性,这一行业是否处 于长期均衡状态?为什么?
第2节 完全竞争条件下的企业行为模式
在完全竞争市场里,价格完全由市场供求关系决 定,企业是价格的接受者,不是决定者。
具备四个特征: 1. 买者和卖者很多:市场上有无数多的买者和卖者,
索洛增长模型以经济学家罗伯特·索洛(Robert Solow)的名字命名,是在20世纪50—60年代提出来的。
在稳定状态下,不论经济初始位于哪一点,随着时间的推移,经济总是会收敛于该资本水平k* 。
宏观经济学 布兰查德第六版 第6-7章课后作业参考答案
![宏观经济学 布兰查德第六版 第6-7章课后作业参考答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/eb13d2c228ea81c758f578ab.png)
f.产出和价格随时间推移会发生什么变化?用文字解释。 由于AD曲线垂直,AS曲线的调整不会使产出达到新的自 然产出水平。随着时间的推移,AS曲线会一直向上移动, 价格会不停地上涨,但产出不发生变化,始终保持在原自 然产出水平。
• 失业救济金增加会使工人提出更高的工资要求,在任意失 业率水平上的工资都更高,因此工资制定关系WS上移, 而由于价格制定关系PS仅取决于厂商的价格加成比例μ, 所以PS不变,此时自然失业率上升。 • 工资制定: W • 价格制定: F (u , z )
P W 1 P 1 m
实 际 工 资
A B A' A''
新的产出水平小于原来的 自然产出水平,为了恢复 到原来的产出水平,在中 期内,A'会移动到A'',LM 曲线左移到LM'',此时产 出恢复到自然产出水平。
Y' Yn
• b.在短期,产出、利率和价格水平将如何变动?在短期, 消费、投资和私人储蓄将如何变动?在短期,消费者信心 下降会最终导致私人储蓄下降吗? 短期,产出下降,利率下降,价格水平下降。消费下降, 投资不确定,因为低产出减少投资,而低利率增加投资。 私人储蓄S=Y-T-C,Y和C都下降,没办法确定S的变化情况。 • c.在中期,重复b的问题。中期存在储蓄悖论吗? • 在中期,产出不变,利率下降,价格水平下降。消费下降, 投资增加,私人储蓄增加,不存在储蓄悖论。
b.这对IS曲线意味着什么? 投资对利率不作出反应意味着IS曲线是垂直的,即无论 利率如何变化都不影响物品市场的均衡产出。如图:
6 IS-LM/AS-AD模型6.1 判断题6.11 充分就业曲线表示劳动市场均衡时实际利率与产出水平的关系。
()6.12 潜在总产出就是资本要素得到充分利用时的总产出。
()6.13 IS曲线表示的是在产品市场均衡时总产出与实际利率之间的对应关系。
()6.14 在IS曲线上,每一点都满足产品市场均衡的条件:合意的国民储蓄等于合意的投资。
()6.15 在IS曲线上,随着实际利率的降低,国民收入将会增加。
()6.16 给定总产出不变,当政府支出增加时,IS曲线将向左下方移动。
()6.17 给定总产出不变,当政府支出降低时,将会使合意储蓄增加,从而使实际利率降低,IS曲线向左下方移动。
()6.18 一项新技术的产生和应用(如计算机),使资本的边际产品增加,将会由于投资的增加而使实际利率上升,从而使总产出下降。
()6.19 一项新技术的产生和应用(如计算机),使资本的边际产品增加,将会由于投资的增加而使实际利率上升,从而使IS曲线向右移动。
()6.110 如果税率的变动增加了合意的国民储蓄,将会使市场的实际利率降低,从而使IS曲线向右移动。
(f )6.111 非货币资产的实际利率表示投资者持有该项资产在一定时期内获得的收益率。
()6.112 一般而言,非货币资产的利率越高,则价格也越高。
(T)6.113 资产市场均衡表示非货币资产的供给和需求相等,但是货币资产的供给与需求却不一定相等。
()6.114 资产市场均衡表示货币资产、非货币资产的供给和需求同时达到均衡。
()6.115 当货币供给的实际数量与货币需求的数量相等时,资产市场就达到了均衡。
()6.116 当国民收入发生变动时,对实际货币的需求不一定变动。
()6.117 LM曲线表示资产市场均衡时名义利率与国民收入的对应关系。
()6.118 在LM曲线上,实际利率是与国民收入同方向变动的。
()6.119 价格水平固定不变,当中央银行增加名义货币供应量时,资产市场出清的实际利率将会下降。
第6章 总需求-总供给模型6.1考点难点归纳1.总需求函数总需求函数表示产品市场和货币市场同时达到均衡时的价格水平与国民收入间的依存关系,描述这一函数的曲线称为总需求曲线。
在货币市场上,价格水平上升导致实际货币供给下降,从而使LM 曲线向左移动,均衡利率水平上升,国民收入水平下降。
从IS -LM 模型分析中可知,价格水平变动引起实际货币余额变动会使LM 移动,进而影响收入水平,而LM 移动究竟会使均衡收入变动多少,取决于IS 曲线和LM 曲线的斜率。
IS 曲线斜率不变时,LM 曲线越陡,则LM 移动时收入变动就越大,从而AD 曲线越平缓;相反,LM 曲线斜率不变时,IS 曲线越平缓(即投资需求对利率变动越敏感或边际消费倾向越大),则LM 曲线移动时收入变动越大,从而AD 曲线也越平缓。
政府采取扩张性财政政策,如政府支出扩大(A 增加),或扩张性货币政策(M 增加),都会使总需求曲线向右上方移动;反之,则向左下方移动。
正确二.计算题:1.假设某人一生分为四个阶段,在其前三个阶段收入分别为 20 万元、80 万元和 60 万元,退休后没有任何收入,假设利率为零,试问:根据生命周期理论,此人一生的消费水平将是多少?哪个时期为储蓄,哪个时期为负储蓄?答:平均消费水平为(20+80+60)/4=40第二阶段和第三阶段为储蓄,第一阶段和第四阶段为负储蓄。
2 .假设某人的消费函数为 C=0.045WR+0.72Y p,WR为实际财富,持久收入Y p=0.6Y d+0.4Y d-1,是当年和以前两年收入的加权平均,他拥有的实际财富为 30 万元,每年的可支配收入为 8000 元,求其消费水平。
.4.根据生命周期理论,当一个社会建立起健全的社会保障体系,人们的平均消费倾向是大了还是小了?5.什么是相对收入假说中的\棘轮效应\?第7章投资理论一、.问答题1.在厂商的投资决策中,影响意愿资本数量的因素有哪些?实际利率的变化是通过什么样的传导机制影响意愿资本数量的?2.存货投资有哪些类型?3.用 Q 理论说明企业的投资行为。
第 8 章失业与通货膨胀一.判断题(判断正误,并说明理由):1.如果你的房东说:\工资、公用事业及别的费用都涨了,我也只能提高你的房租。
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1.D 2.D 3.D 4.B 5.B 6.A 7.B 8.D 9.B 10.B 11.B 12.A 13.B
1.× 2.√ 3.× 4.× 5.× 6.×7.×
如图6—1所示,由完全竞争市场的需求曲线z和供给曲线S相交的均衡点y所决定的市场的均衡价格为P y,由给定的价格水平P y出发的水平线d就是厂商的需求曲线,此需求曲线亦可表示:在每一个销售量上,厂商的销售价格不变。
1.解:(1)已知STC=0.1Q3 ‑ 2Q2+15Q+10,P=55
SMC=dSTC/dQ=0.3Q2 ‑ 4Q+15
当P=55,即55=0.3Q2 ‑ 4Q+15
即л=TR-TC=P×Q – (0.1Q3 – 2Q2+15Q+10)
所以VC=0.1Q3 ‑2Q2+15Q
AVC=VC/Q=0.1Q2 ‑2Q+15;对Q求导,令d AVC/d Q=0,可得:dAVC/dQ=0.2Q-2=0,求得Q=10, 即当Q=10,AVC取最小值;此时,AVC=10-20+15=5
SMC=dSTC/dQ=0.3Q2 ‑4Q+15,但要满足Q≥10即大于停止营止点的产量。
∵TC= Q3-6Q2+30Q+40,VC= Q3-6Q2+30Q