
• 三、自信
• 追随者信赖领导者来解除疑虑,因此领导 者必须表现出自信,使得追随者相信目标 和方向的正确性
• 在罗斯福首次履任总统的1933年初,正值经济大萧条的风 暴席卷美国的时候,到处是失业、破产、倒闭、暴跌,到 处可见美国的痛苦、恐惧和绝望。罗斯福却表现出一种压 倒一切的自信,他在宣誓就职时发表了一篇富有激情的演 说,告诉人们:我们惟一害怕的就是害怕本身。在1933年 3月4日那个阴冷的下午,新总统的决心和轻松愉快的乐观 态度,“点燃了举国同心同德的新精神之火”。提出了旨 在实现国家复兴和对外睦邻友好的施政方针。为了推行新 政,罗斯福将一批具有自由主义色彩的律师、专家与学者 组成智囊团,征询方针政策问题;通过"炉边谈话"方式, 密切与人民群众的联系,与反对新政的最高法院进行坚决 的斗争并成功地改组最高法院。
二战期间与丘吉尔(左)、斯大林(右) 在雅尔塔会议上。
罗斯福很少坐在轮椅上让人拍 照,这是现存的一幅。
美国最佳总统评选罗斯福居首 奥巴马输给克林顿
• 据“中央社”报道,近日,美国前总统富兰克林•罗斯福再度于纽约西也纳学 院的最佳总统调查中排名第一,而目前就职未满18个月的奥巴马则排在第15 名。 据报道,西也纳学院2日表示,该校5度针对美国总统进行调查,富兰克林•罗 斯福均荣登最佳总统榜首。 此项评选调查了238名历史学家、总统学者与政治学家。结果显示,西奥多• 罗斯福、林肯、华盛顿与杰斐逊这4张刻在总统山上的脸孔,都不敌带领美国 经历两次世界大战和经济大萧条的富兰克林•罗斯福。 西也纳学院统计学教授与该研究发起人之一隆斯楚姆说:“近30年来,前5名 都被相同的5位总统占据,只有些许变动。” 奥巴马今年首次被纳入评选,他的支持率令人意外,跻身前1/3,超越排名第 18的里根。 不过,就仍在世的民主党籍总统而言,排名最高的是排在第13的克林顿,他 是美国史上2名任内被弹劾的总统之一。 另外,第17届总统约翰逊排名最末。

克林顿提名奥巴马演讲全文We're here to nominate a President, and I've got one in mind.I want to nominate a man whose own life has known its fair share of adversity and uncertainty. A man who ran for President to change the course of an already weak economy and then just six weeks before the election, saw it suffer the biggest collapse since the Great Depression. A man who stopped the slide into depression and put us on the long road to recovery, knowing all the while that no matter how many jobs were created and saved, there were still millions more waiting, trying to feed their children and keep their hopes alive.I want to nominate a man cool on the outside but burning for America on the inside. A man who believes we can build a new American Dream economy driven by innovation and creativity, education and cooperation. A man who had the good sense to marry Michelle Obama.I want Barack Obama to be the next President of the United States and I proudly nominate him as the standard bearer of the Democratic Party.In Tampa, we heard a lot of talk about how the President and the Democrats don't believe in free enterprise and individual initiative, how we want everyone to be dependent on the government, how bad we are for the economy.The Republican narrative is that all of us who amount to anything are completely self-made. One of our greatest Democratic Chairmen, Bob Strauss, used to say that every politician wants you to believe he was born in a log cabin he built himself, but it ain't so.We Democrats think the country works better with a strong middle class, real opportunities for poor people to work their way into it and a relentless focus on the future, with business and government working together to promote growth and broadly shared prosperity. We think "we're all in this together" is a better philosophy than "you're on your own."Who's right? Well since 1961, the Republicans have held the White House 28 years, the Democrats 24. In those 52 years, our economy produced 66 million private sector jobs. What's the jobs score? Republicans 24 million, Democrats 42 million!It turns out that advancing equal opportunity and economic empowerment is both morally right and good economics,because discrimination, poverty and ignorance restrict growth, while investments in education, infrastructure and scientific and technological research increase it, creating more good jobs and new wealth for all of us.Though I often disagree with Republicans, I never learned to hate them the way the far right that now controls their party seems to hate President Obama and the Democrats. After all, President Eisenhower sent federal troops to my home state to integrate Little Rock Central High and built the interstate highway system. And as governor, I worked with President Reagan on welfare reform and with President George H.W. Bush on national education goals.I am grateful to President George W. Bush for PEPFAR, which is saving the lives of millions of people in poor countries and to both Presidents Bush for the work we've done together after the South Asia tsunami, Hurricane Katrina and the Haitian earthquake.Through my foundation, in America and around the world, I work with Democrats, Republicans and Independents who are focused on solving problems and seizing opportunities, not fighting each other.When times are tough, constant conflict may be good politics but in the real world, cooperation works better. After all, nobody's right all the time, and a broken clock is right twice a day. All of us are destined to live our lives between those two extremes. Unfortunately, the faction that now dominates the Republican Party doesn't see it that way. They think government is the enemy, and compromise is weakness.One of the main reasons America should re-elect President Obama is that he is still committed to cooperation. He appointed Republican Secretaries of Defense, the Army and Transportation. He appointed a Vice President who ran against him in 2008, and trusted him to oversee the successful end of the war in Iraq and the implementation of the recovery act. And Joe Biden did a great job with both. He appointed Cabinet members who supported Hillary in the primaries. Heck, he even appointed Hillary! I'm so proud of her and grateful to our entire national security team for all they've done to make us safer and stronger and to build a world with more partners and fewer enemies. I'm also grateful to the young men and women who serve our country in the military and to Michelle Obama and Jill Biden for supporting military families when their loved ones are overseas and for helping our veterans, when they come home bearing thewounds of war, or needing help with education, housing, and jobs.President Obama's record on national security is a tribute to his strength, and judgment, and to his preference for inclusion and partnership over partisanship.He also tried to work with Congressional Republicans on Health Care, debt reduction, and jobs, but that didn't work out so well. Probably because, as the Senate Republican leader, in a remarkable moment of candor, said two years before the election, their number one priority was not to put America back to work, but to put President Obama out of work. Senator, I hate to break it to you, but we're going to keep President Obama on the job!In Tampa, the Republican argument against the President's re-election was pretty simple: we left him a total mess, he hasn't cleaned it up fast enough, so fire him and put us back in.In order to look like an acceptable alternative to President Obama, they couldn't say much about the ideas they have offered over the last two years. You see they want to go back to the same old policies that got us into trouble in the first place: to cut taxes for high income Americans even more than PresidentBush did; to get rid of those pesky financial regulations designed to prevent another crash and prohibit future bailouts; to increase defense spending two trillion dollars more than the Pentagon has requested without saying what they'll spend the money on; to make enormous cuts in the rest of the budget, especially programs that help the middle class and poor kids. As another President once said – there they go again.I like the argument for President Obama's re-election a lot better. He inherited a deeply damaged economy, put a floor under the crash, began the long hard road to recovery, and laid the foundation for a modern, more well-balanced economy that will produce millions of good new jobs, vibrant new businesses, and lots of new wealth for the innovators. Are we where we want to be? No. Is the President satisfied? No. Are we better off than we were when he took office, with an economy in free fall, losing 750,000 jobs a month. The answer is YES.I understand the challenge we face. I know many Americans are still angry and frustrated with the economy. Though employment is growing, banks are beginning to lend and even housing prices are picking up a bit, too many people don't feel it.I experienced the same thing in 1994 and early 1995. Our policies were working and the economy was growing but most people didn't feel it yet. By 1996, the economy was roaring, halfway through the longest peacetime expansion in American history.President Obama started with a much weaker economy than I did. No President – not me or any of my predecessors could have repaired all the damage in just four years. But conditions are improving and if you'll renew the President's contract you will feel it.I believe that with all my heart.President Obama's approach embodies the values, the ideas, and the direction America must take to build a 21st century version of the American Dream in a nation of shared opportunities, shared prosperity and shared responsibilities.So back to the story. In 2010, as the President's recovery program kicked in, the job losses stopped and things began to turn around.The Recovery Act saved and created millions of jobs and cut taxes for 95% of the American people. In the last 29 months the economy has produced about 4.5 million private sector jobs. Butlast year, the Republicans blocked the President's jobs plan costing the economy more than a million new jobs. So here's another jobs score: President Obama plus 4.5 million, Congressional Republicans zero.Over that same period, more than more than 500,000 manufacturing jobs have been created under President Obama –the first time manufacturing jobs have increased since the 1990s.The auto industry restructuring worked. It saved more than a million jobs, not just at GM, Chrysler and their dealerships, but in auto parts manufacturing all over the country. That's why even auto-makers that weren't part of the deal supported it. They needed to save the suppliers too. Like I said, we're all in this together.Now there are 250,000 more people working in the auto industry than the day the companies were restructured. Governor Romney opposed the plan to save GM and Chrysler. So here's another jobs score: Obama two hundred and fifty thousand, Romney, zero.The agreement the administration made with management, labor and environmental groups to double car mileage over thenext few years is another good deal: it will cut your gas bill in half, make us more energy independent, cut greenhouse gas emissions, and add another 500,000 good jobs.President Obama's "all of the above" energy plan is helping too – the boom in oil and gas production combined with greater energy efficiency has driven oil imports to a near 20 year low and natural gas production to an all time high. Renewable energy production has also doubled.We do need more new jobs, lots of them, but there are already more than three million jobs open and unfilled in America today, mostly because the applicants don't have the required skills. We have to prepare more Americans for the new jobs that are being created in a world fueled by new technology. That's why investments in our people are more important than ever. The President has supported community colleges and employers in working together to train people for open jobs in their communities. And, after a decade in which exploding college costs have increased the drop-out rate so much that we've fallen to 16th in the world in the percentage of our young adults with college degrees, his student loan reform lowers the cost of federal student loans and even more important, gives students the right to repay the loans as a fixed percentage oftheir incomes for up to 20 years. That means no one will have to drop-out of college for fear they can't repay their debt, and no one will have to turn down a job, as a teacher, a police officer or a small town doctor because it doesn't pay enough to make the debt payments. This will change the future for young Americans.I know we're better off because President Obama made these decisions.That brings me to health care.The Republicans call it Obamacare and say it's a government takeover of health care that they'll repeal. Are they right? Let's look at what's happened so far. Individuals and businesses have secured more than a billion dollars in refunds from their insurance premiums because the new law requires 80% to 85% of your premiums to be spent on health care, not profits or promotion. Other insurance companies have lowered their rates to meet the requirement. More than 3 million young people between 19 and 25 are insured for the first time because their parents can now carry them on family policies. Millions of seniors are receiving preventive care including breast cancer screenings and tests for heart problems. Soon the insurance companies, not the government, will have millions of new customers many ofthem middle class people with pre-existing conditions. And for the last two years, health care spending has grown under 4%, for the first time in 50 years.So are we all better off because President Obama fought for it and passed it? You bet we are.There were two other attacks on the President in Tampa that deserve an answer. Both Governor Romney and Congressman Ryan attacked the President for allege dly robbing Medicare of 716 billion dollars. Here's what really happened. There were no cuts to benefits. None. What the President did was save money by cutting unwarranted subsidies to providers and insurance companies that weren't making people any healthier. He used the saving to close the donut hole in the Medicare drug program, and to add eight years to the life of the Medicare Trust Fund. It's now solvent until 2024. So President Obama and the Democrats didn't weaken Medicare, they strengthened it.When Congressman Ryan looked into the TV camera and attacked President Obama's "biggest coldest power play" in raiding Medicare, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. You see, that 716 billion dollars is exactly the same amount of Medicare savings Congressman Ryan had in his own budget.At least on this one, Governor Romney's been consistent. He wants to repeal the savings and give the money back to the insurance companies, re-open the donut hole and force seniors to pay more for drugs, and reduce the life of the Medicare Trust Fund by eight years. So now if he's elected and does what he promised Medicare will go broke by 2016. If that happens, you won't have to wait until their voucher program to begins in 2023 to see the end Medicare as we know it.But it gets worse. They also want to block grant Medicaid and cut it by a third over the coming decade. Of course, that will hurt poor kids, but that's not all. Almost two-thirds of Medicaid is spent on nursing home care for seniors and on people with disabilities, including kids from middle class families, with special needs like, Downs syndrome or Autism. I don't know how those families are going to deal with it. We can't let it happen.Now let's look at the Republican charge that President Obama wants to weaken the work requirements in the welfare reform bill I signed that moved millions of people from welfare to work.Here's what happened. When some Republican governors asked to try new ways to put people on welfare back to work, theObama Administration said they would only do it if they had a credible plan to increase employment by 20%. You hear that? More work. So the claim that President Obama weakened welfare reform's work requirement is just not true. But they keep running ads on it. As their campaign pollster said "we're not going to let our campaign be dictated by fact checkers." Now that is true. I couldn't have said it better myself – I just hope you remember that every time you see the ad.Let's talk about the debt. We have to deal with it or it will deal with us. President Obama has offered a plan with 4 trillion dollars in debt reduction over a decade, with two and a half dollars of spending reductions for every one dollar of revenue increases, and tight controls on future spending. It's the kind of balanced approach proposed by the bipartisan Simpson-Bowles commission.I think the President's plan is better than the Romney plan, because the Romney plan fails the first test of fiscal responsibility: The numbers don't add up.It's supposed to be a debt reduction plan but it begins with five trillion dollars in tax cuts over a ten-year period. That makes the debt hole bigger before they even start to dig out. They saythey'll make it up by eliminating loopholes in the tax code. When you ask "which loopholes and how much?," they say "See me after the election on that." People ask me all the time how we delivered four surplus budgets. What new ideas did we bring? I always give a one-word answer: arithmetic. If they stay with a 5 trillion dollar tax cut in a debt reduction plan – the – arithmetic tells us that one of three things will happen: 1) they'll have to eliminate so many deductions like the ones for home mortgages and charitable giving that middle class families will see their tax bill go up two thousand dollars year while people making over 3 million dollars a year get will still get a 250,000 dollar tax cut; or 2) they'll have to cut so much spending that they'll obliterate the budget for our national parks, for ensuring clean air, clean water, safe food, safe air travel; or they'll cut way back on Pell Grants, college loans, early childhood education and other programs that help middle class families and poor children, not to mention cutting investments in roads, bridges, science, technology and medical research; or 3) they'll do what they've been doing for thirty plus years now – cut taxes more than they cut spending, explode the debt, and weaken the economy. Remember, Republican economic policies quadrupled the debt before I tookoffice and doubled it after I left. We simply can't afford to double-down on trickle-down.President Obama's plan cuts the debt, honors our values, and brightens the future for our children, our families and our nation.My fellow Americans, you have to decide what kind of country you want to live in. If you want a you're on your own, winner take all society you should support the Republican ticket. If you want a country of shared opportunities and shared responsibilities – a "we're all in it together" society, you should vote for Barack Obama and Joe Biden. If you want every American to vote and you think its wrong to change voting procedures just to reduce the turnout of younger, poorer, minority and disabled voters, you should support Barack Obama. If you think the President was right to open the doors of American opportunity to young immigrants brought here as children who want to go to college or serve in the military, you should vote for Barack Obama. If you want a future of shared prosperity, where the middle class is growing and poverty is declining, where the American Dream is alive and well, and where the United States remains the leading force for peace and prosperity in a highly competitive world, you should vote forBarack Obama. I love our country – and I know we're coming back. For more than 200 years, through every crisis, we've always come out stronger than we went in. And we will again as long as we do it together. We champion the cause for which our founders pledged their lives, their fortunes, their sacred honor –to form a more perfect union.If that's what you believe, if that's what you want, we have to re-elect President Barack Obama.God Bless You – God Bless America.。


Bill Clinton's Democratic Convention Speech: The Power of a Hug 克林顿的演说:一个拥抱的力量文章出自:纽约客Clinton started with a favorite subject of his: the coöperation that he sees among parties trying to solve problems around the world through his work at the Clinton Global Initiative. However, here in the U.S., despite President Obama’s best effo rts, an unreasonable and ideological political faction has made coöperation impossible. From there he pivoted to recent history, making a seemingly dispassionate case for why no President, even Clinton himself, could ever have repaired in four years all the damage Obama found when he arrived in the White House in 2009. But despite that, Obama’s record, told with excruciating but powerfully persuasiv e detail, has been far better than is popularly understood. Now he just needs his contract renewed to finish the job. Clinton made it all sound so simple.This was the anti-Michelle speech. While she naturally gave personal testimony about Barack Obama’s character and urged voters to support him on that basis, in the story Clinton told Obama was an ephemeral figure. There were few personal details or anecdotes about the President because Clinton isn’t particularly close to Obama. It was a speech about facts and three and a half years of decisions made and outcomes achieved. By the end of it, the only logical conclusion, Clinton argued, is that Obama would do a better job than the alternative.In a sense, Clinton’s reluctance to embrace Obama personally, and his own fraught history with the President, which I explore d in a piece for The New Yorker this week, makes him the ideal spokesman to appeal to those skeptical former Obama voters that his campaign is trying to win back. In an interview with Brian Williams earlier in the day, Clinton said of Obama, “We haven’t be en closefriends a long time or anything like tha t, but he knows that I support him.” I found it an amazingly honest statement considering that politicians often go out of their way to exaggerate their fondness for one another.And it was exactly their lack of personal chemistry and failure to become “close friends” that gave Clinton’s speech its lift. A subtext of the address was that, just like Bill Clinton, wavering voters need not love Obama to understand that he’s a better choice tha n Romney. When the two Presidents came together and hugged after the speech was (finally) over, the distance between them made their embrace all the more powerful.For more of The New Yorker’s convention coverage, visit The Political Scene. You can also read Ryan Lizza on Julián Castro’s keynote address and the relations hip between President Obama and Bill Clinton; John Cassidy on Michelle Obama’s convention speech and Obama’s and Paul Ryan’s false statements about the economy; Amy Davidson on what Bill Clinton didn’t say; the First Lady’s sp eech, the gay-rights platform, and whether Democrats are better off than they were four years ago; Hendrik Hertzberg on renewed Democratic enthusiasm; and Alex Koppelman on Obama and the American Dream.Photograph by Alex Wong/Getty Images.克林顿的演说:一个拥抱的力量克林顿的口才无语伦比,其演说才能也极具天赋,看看在前几天的民主党全国大会的演讲上,他会带给我们什么呢?克林顿的演说:一个拥抱的力量作者:Ryan Lizza我认为,无论从哪方面来讲,在几天前晚上的民主党全国大会上,相比朱利安•卡斯特罗可谓弱暴了的表现,克林顿的演说堪称完美。

奥巴马如何改变美国2009-01-13 17:04分类:默认分类字号:大中小我们如何从演讲中去认识奥巴马?他的上台是否能够挽救美国经济?他的经济政策对中国有着什么样的影响? 在奥巴马的执政纲要中他强调的是改变,而他发表的《更完美的联邦》演讲和林肯的就职宣言是一样的伟大!奥巴马是一个什么样的人?奥巴马是一个非常深奥的一个人,我们把他看的太简单了,我举个例子, 他从竟选的第一天到他当选总统值得欢呼的那一天,我没有看他笑过,我也没有看他哭过,也就是他的喜怒不形于色,随时随地都是非常稳定的个性,当他受到别人攻击的时候,包括别人攻击他的牧师,他的反映简直让我感到震惊,像他这种冷酷的性格,如果他选不上总统话,他做基金经理最适合.尤其在中国做基金经理最适合.而且这个人很幽默,上次他去美国南达科他州,有四个总统雕像在那里,记者问他:你想不想当第五个雕像呀?他想了半天说:不行,我的耳朵太大,可能挂不住.另外他曾经遭到一个最大的挫败.那就是他的一个黑人牧师,像疯子一样的说“911事件是上帝对于美国的诅咒!”这个牧师与奥巴马的关系非常好,他的两个女儿信基督教的时候也是这个牧师替他洗礼的.但是这个牧师非常痛恨美国白人的牧师,天天在骂,说非洲的爱滋病是美国人带进去的. 911事件是上帝对于美国的诅咒!等等之类的话, 等到奥巴马出来竞选总统的时候,就被对方给突然宣布出来,奥巴马是如何来处理这个问题的?按照我们一般人的做法,就会说“我错了, 对不起.....!我本来就讨厌那个牧师…..!切断关系,划清界线!”。

奥巴马能当上总统的原因一来他较年轻而且他的参政计划很多年轻人支持二者他是非洲裔的美国人三来一般总统是两大政党轮流来而且人们认为布什做的不好然而麦凯恩的政策基本上与布什一样并且经济危机的问题所以美国人希望有一个改变奥巴马的个人介绍贝拉克·侯赛因·奥巴马(Barack Hussein Obama)[1],1961年8月4日出生于美国夏威夷州檀香山,美国民主党籍政治家,第44任美国总统,为美国历史上第一位非洲裔总统。
成功当选美国第44任总统后的奥巴马在芝加哥发表讲话,表示“这是属于大家的胜利(this is your victory),美国开始改变(change has come to America)”。

2011美国国务卿克林顿与总统奥巴马向海外美国人发表的2011年国庆节致辞Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton:美国国务卿希拉里·罗德海姆·克林顿:Hello, everyone, and happy Independence Day.诸位好,祝各位独立纪念日快乐。
At home, the Fourth of July means fireworks, barbeques, family and friends. But for all of you Americans living and working overseas, this day takes on a whole new meaning. It’s an opportunity to share our culture and our spirit, to open our doors and welcome new friends and partners. I want to thank you for representing the American people so well on this and every other day.在国内,7月4日意味着燃放烟火、烧烤野餐、家人和朋友。
Today is a time to celebrate the birth of our nation and the values that have sustained us for 235 years — equality, opportunity, the rights enshrined in our founding documents. This year, we have been reminded again that these are not just American values; they are truly universal values. And as people across North Africa, the Middle East and around the world risk their lives to claim these universal human rights and freedoms, Americans are proud to stand with them. We are united by our common hopes and aspirations for a better world.今天是值得纪念的日子,庆祝我国诞生和维系我们235年之久的价值观——建国文献阐明的平等、机会和权利。

经通胀调整后,估计其家财净值高达 5.25亿美元。

1800年大选杰斐逊终结了联邦党自1789年立国起的12年执政,开启了“弗吉尼亚王朝”的稳定统治(2 8年);1828年民主共和党分裂,继承杰斐逊衣钵的安德鲁·杰克逊缔造的新民主党时代却最终导致南北兵戎相见(32年);但1860年突然崛起的共和党在林肯的带领下不仅在大选中击败民主党,在战场上终结了奴隶制,还在接下来30年时间内助美国完成工业化(36年);可工业化却制造了一系列新的问题:政治腐败低效,贫富差距加大,城市化导致的卫生治安等。
美国全民医疗改革 从克林顿到奥巴马

由于各种原因,医疗保障制度是城乡分离的。在城镇,先后经历了公费、劳 保医疗制度,城镇医疗保险改革和试点阶段,全国范围内城镇职工基本医疗保险 制度的确立,以及多层次医疗保障体系的探索等阶段。在农村,伴随着合作医疗 制度的兴衰,努力开展新型农村合作医疗制度的建设工作,进而对农村医疗保障 制度多样化进行探索与完善。
克林顿政府在1993年提出了医疗改革法案,旨在提高医疗保险覆盖率,控制 医疗费用上涨,并提高医疗保障水平。该法案主要包括以下内容:
1、扩大医疗保险覆盖面:克林顿政府提议建立全民医疗保险制度,为没有 医疗保险的美国人提供保险。此外,政府还提出对医疗保险公司进行监管,确保 它们提供合理的保险范围和保险费。
2、医疗费用控制:克林顿政府提出了一系列措施来控制医疗费用上涨,包 括建立医疗费用评审机构、实行统一的医疗费用报销标准、鼓励采用医疗保健储 蓄计划等。
3、提高医疗保障水平:克林顿政府提出加强社区卫生服务中心建设,提高 基层医疗服务质量,同时推广电子医疗,提高医疗服务效率。
3、提高医疗保障水平:克林顿 政府提出加强社区卫生服务中心 建设
中国政府正在采取一系列措施加强医疗卫生体系建设,以实现全民健康的目 标。这些措施包括推进医疗卫生体制改革、加强基层医疗服务能力建设、提高医 疗服务的覆盖率和可及性等。同时,中国政府还积极推动中医药的发展和应用, 以提高传统医学的治疗效果和安全性。
总之,中国的医疗改革是一项长期而艰巨的任务。中国政府已经采取了一系 列措施来改善医疗卫生体系,并逐步实现了全民健康的战略目标。但是,还需要 继续努力,不断完善政策措施和服务质量,以满足人民群众的需求和提高人民的 生活水平。
随着美国为维护全球霸主地位、在国际事务中大力推行先发制人和单边主义 政策,俄与美国在伊拉克战争、伊朗核问题等国际事务中的分歧和矛盾日益突出。 2008年夏,格鲁吉亚战争爆发,美俄关系再度恶化。

在墨西哥湾石油泄漏事件中,我们可以进一步看到克林顿和奥巴马的性格细微差异,而这种差异却带来了领导力的很大差异。按传统的观点来看,漏油事件发生之后,奥巴马的早期反应显得不够“投入”。无数人的生计毁于一旦,大片清澈水域被污染,大量野生动物被海洋上的黑色胶状物夺去生命,但-全球品牌网-奥巴马却没有表现出“克林顿式”的切肤之痛。在由《财富》杂志(Fortune)、《时代周刊》(TIME)和美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)联合举办的全球论坛(Global Forum)上,克林顿对CNN的主持人沃尔夫•布利泽(Wolf Blitzer)表示:“我们应该同舟共济……首先把问题解决好,然后再追究各方责任,再流露个人感情。” 由于奥巴马在事故后的第一反应是“追究责任”,而不是“感受痛苦”,克林顿的这番话实在尖锐。当然,没人想让罪魁祸首英国石油公司(BP)逍遥法外――安全纪录劣迹斑斑的英国石油走了一条危险的“捷径”,而且是颇不情愿地被迫承担经济责任。但灾难发生后,石油还在喷涌之际,奥巴马总统却首先将重点放在了斥责英国石油上,从而使得白宫宝贵的精力消耗了不少。这表明克林顿具有老虎特质,而奥巴马具有猫头鹰特质。这是他们两者的异,他们两者的同是善于演讲,演讲具有生动性和精彩性。

乔治•H•W•布什(George H.W. Bush)巧妙地应对了苏联解体一事。
比尔•克林顿(Bill Clinton)是第一位下令发射巡航导弹攻击个人——在阿富汗的奥萨马•本•拉登(Osama bin Laden)——的总统,那是一个超级大国首次和实力极强的暴怒者展开战斗。

5. 伍德罗·威尔逊伍德罗·威尔逊的最大贡献就是让美国在国际地位上得到最多的重视。
6. 哈里·杜鲁门哈里·杜鲁门担任美国副总统仅3个月,就因富兰克林·罗斯福突发脑溢血而宣布就职总统。

历届美国总统名单第一任美国的国父:乔治·华盛顿(George Washington) 任期:1789年-1797年开国总统所属政党:联邦主义者第二任白宫的第一个主人:约翰·亚当斯 (John Adams) 任期:1797年-1801年人称“老亚当斯”,儿子是第6任美国总统,和儿子共同成为美国历史上第一对父子档总统。
所属政党:美国联邦党第三任《独立宣言》的起草者:托玛斯·杰弗逊 (Thomas Jefferson) 任期:1801年-1809年民主共和党第四任美国宪法的奠基人:詹姆斯·麦迪逊 (James Madison) 任期:1809年-1817年民主共和党第五任“门罗主义”的创始人:詹姆斯·门罗 (James Monroe) 任期:1817年-1825年民主共和党第六任能干的外交官:约翰·昆西·亚当斯 (John Quincy Adams)任期:1825年-1829年人称“小亚当斯”,父亲是第二任美国总统,和父亲是为美国历史上第一对父子档总统。
民主共和党第七任第一位平民出身的总统:安德鲁·杰克逊 (Andrew Jackson) 任期:1829年-1837年民主党第八任第一个立国后出生的总统:马丁·范布伦 (Martin Van Buren) 任期:1837年-1841年民主党第九任任职期最短的总统:威廉·亨利·哈里森 (William Henry Harrison) 任期:1841年上任一个月后便死在任期内,其孙为第23任美国总统。

因为自身条件,奥巴马在 黑人群众中有着至高无上 的地位
在上届2008年的大选中, 超过六成18至29岁年轻人都 支持奥巴马,助其入主白宫。 虽然奥巴马执政4年来经 济搞得不好,民调显示年轻 选民投票率和对奥巴马的支 持都有一定程度的下跌,但 据位于首都华盛顿有美利坚 大学公布的一项针对美国学 生所做的最新民调显示,支 持奥巴马的年轻人仍然比罗 姆尼多。
2.打击国际犯罪 软弱
转 登年 富是 的 民 指 国同 界 手 奥 这 带通 可拜 不 中 控 内时 上 段 巴 一 头过 谓登 足 的 可 犯共 唯 上 马 印 起的 外的 , 印 能 罪和 一 过 从 象 草打 交原 这 象 影 问党 超 于 政 劣 他击 老因 也 。 响 题曾 级 稚 时 势 的犯 手, 是 这 到 上指 大 嫩 间 。 加罪 ,拜 他 都 奥 立责 国 , 短 盟法 同登 最 凸 巴 场奥 领 不 , 无案 时外 后 显 马 软巴 导 符 在 疑也 拜交 选 出 在 弱马 人 合 外 将是 登经 择 奥 白 这在 的 一 交 扭由 验 副 巴 人 一打 风 个 手 拜 丰手马选 击范世法 , , ,
• 此次奥巴马充分利用网络的便利,向 美国一些大型网站传送他的视频讲话 借以提升他的形象,这使得现在选民 对他的期望值很高。此外,网络为奥 巴马大选筹款提供了一个良好的平台, 为他取得成功做出了卓越的贡献。2 月份,他得到的捐款达到5500万美元, 打破了美国大选史上参选人或候选人 的单月筹款纪录;而且很多人是青年 学生与底层选民,每次刷卡只有二三 十美元,但可以刷了再刷。如果100 万人平均每人捐献50美元,总数就达 5000万元。简而言之,网络这种方式 使奥巴马代表了一种想改变美国政坛 的新鲜形象,为奥巴马的成功做出了 巨大的贡献。

克林顿国务卿为奥巴马中东和北非讲话所做的引言SECRETARY CLINTON: Thank you all, and welcome to the State Department. I am delighted to be here to welcome the President as well as our colleagues from the Diplomatic Corps, Senator Kerry, and senior officials from across our government, and especially the many young Foreign Service and Civil Servants who are here today.克林顿国务卿:谢谢大家,欢迎光临国务院。
Mr. President, from your first days in office you have charged us with implementing a bold new approach for America’s foreign policy – a new blueprint for how we advance our values, project our leadership, and strengthen our partnerships. We have seen that in a changing world, America’s leadership is more essential than ever, but t hat we often must lead in new and innovative ways.总统先生,从您就职初始,您就赋予我们重任,在美国外交政策上实施一个大胆而全新的方针——这是指导我们推广我们的价值观、发挥我们的领导作用、加强我们的伙伴关系的一幅新蓝图。


怪 乎保守 派们 欢 呼胜 利 。 纽 约 时 而《
报》 等 自由派 标杆 性报 刊则 将这 场
妥 协斥 之 为 “ 巴马 的 投 降 ” 民众 奥 : 对 奥 巴 马 的 支 持 率 也 降 到 了 4 % 2
的最低 点 . 同时 认 为 奥 巴 马 是 “ 败 失
总统 ”的 民众 则达 4 % .创历 史新 1
高 。何 以至此 ?
毫无 疑 问 .奥 巴 马有 着 出众 的 领 袖才华 。 局势 的准确 判 断 . 民 对 对
众 心态 的精 准把 握 .出类 拔萃 的演
说 能力 .以及 与时俱 进 的沟 通技巧 ,
使 奥 巴马在 网络 年代 脱颖 而 出 在
20— 20 0 7 o 8大 选 期 间 . 句 “ 的 , 一 是 我 们 能 (e . e cn ” 口号 . 为 ysw a ) 的 成 千 百万 人各 类梦 想 的载体 .使 奥 巴 马的人 气迅 速飙 升 以 网络为 主要 美 国的债 务危 机 .随着 奥 巴马
包 括伊 朗 在 内的伊斯 兰世 界 “ 求 寻 握 手 (xe d m a d ” etn y hn ) 。然 而结 果 却 令人 失 望 医改几 乎耗 尽 民主 党 所 有政 治 资本 , 但许 诺 的是 “ 肉” 牛 , 端 出 的却 是 “ 鸡肋 ” 成 为 民主 党 在 . 21 0 0年 国会 大 选 中 溃 败 的 主 要 原 因 两 轮 “ 量化 宽 松 ” 并没 有 改变 经
富人 和 ( 国) 公司 征税 的提案 被 跨 大 否 决 . 和党 削减开 支 ( 中于社 会 共 集
福利 、 教育 以至于军 费 等方 面 ) 的提 案 被接 受 。 其结 果是 , 支持 共和党 的

看过电影《社交网络》(The Social Network)的人应该还记得这样一个场景:温克吾斯兄弟的网站创意被马克?扎克伯格偷走了,因此兄弟二人跑到时任哈佛校长的拉里?萨默斯那里告状。
上周萨默斯本人出席了《财富》科技头脑风暴大会(Fortune's Brainstorm Tech conference)。
在本次峰会上采访萨默斯的,是阿斯彭研究会(Aspen Institute)的沃特?艾萨克森。
萨默斯上个月刚刚加盟了风投机构安德里森霍洛维茨基金(Andreessen Horowitz),受聘为该公司的特别顾问。

“驴象本一家” 驴象本一家” 驴象本一家
美国的“驴象之争” 美国的“驴象之争” 实际上只是民主党和 共和党在内外政策和 治国方略上之争罢了, 治国方略上之争罢了, 由于其都代表资产阶 级利益,因此两党都 级利益,因此两党都 是为了维护资产阶级 根本利益的政党, 根本利益的政党,但 却是资本主义民主政 治的发展与体现。 治的发展与体现。 “驴象本一家”。 驴象本一家”
内阁的产生 总统任命 方式
美国总统不对 英国的首相和内阁对 国会负责 议会负责 内阁的特点 美国总统受到 英国由内阁协调首相 和议会的关系 国会的制约
联邦” 三.从”邦联”到”联邦” 从 邦联”
联邦既象一个小国那样自由和幸福,又象一个大国 联邦既象一个小国那样自由和幸福 又象一个大国 美国各州 那样光荣和强大” 联邦实现了自由与力量的统一 联邦实现了自由与力量的统一。 那样光荣和强大”,联邦实现了自由与力量的统一。
巴拉克·奥巴马: 年总统大选热门候选人 巴拉克 奥巴马:08年总统大选热门候选人 奥巴马
希拉里·克林顿:为民主党 年大选候选人 希拉里 克林顿:为民主党08年大选候选人 克林顿
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克林顿和奥巴马领导力比较上周,哈佛大学教授拉里·萨默斯(Larry Summers)接受了阿斯本研究所(Aspen Institute)所长兼CEO沃尔特•艾萨克森(Walter Isaacson)的采访。
萨默斯从四个层面将这两位总统进行了对比:• 遵守日程安排——奥巴马。
• 会议前阅读内阁成员备忘录——奥巴马。
• 委托手下——奥巴马。
• 带入新的思路——克林顿。
著名领导力专家谭小芳老师以为,伟大CEO 必须具备以下9点能力,简称CEO领导力的九力模型:1、影响力。