



目录第二十届全国中学生物理竞赛预赛试卷2003年9月 (1)第二十届全国中学生物理竞赛预赛题参考答案、评分标准 (6)第21届全国中学生物理竞赛复赛题试卷 (14)第22届全国中学生物理竞赛复赛题 (25)第24届全国中学生物理竞赛复赛试卷 (45)第24届全国中学生物理竞赛复赛试题参考解答 (70)第24届全国中学生物理竞赛预赛试卷2007.9.2 (90)第25届全国中学生物理竞赛预赛题试卷 (104)第26届全国中学生物理竞赛复赛试卷 (113)第27 届全国中学生物理竞赛复赛试卷 (123)第二十届全国中学生物理竞赛预赛试卷2003年9月一、(20分)两个薄透镜L1和L2共轴放置,如图所示.已知L1的焦距f1=f , L2的焦距f2=—f,两透镜间距离也是f.小物体位于物面P上,物距u1=3f.(1)小物体经这两个透镜所成的像在L2的__________边,到L2的距离为_________,是__________倍(虚或实)、____________像(正或倒),放大率为_________________。


二、(20分)一个氢放电管发光,在其光谱中测得一条谱线的波长为4.86×10-7m.试计算这是氢原子中电子从哪一个能级向哪一个能级(用量子数n表示)跃迁时发出的?已知氢原子基态(n=1)的能量为E l=一13.6eV=-2.18×10-18J,普朗克常量为h=6.63×10-34J·s。

三、(20分)在野外施工中,需要使质量m=4.20 kg的铝合金构件升温。

除了保温瓶中尚存有温度t =90.0℃的1.200 kg的热水外,无其他热源.试提出一个操作方案,能利用这些热水使构件从温度t0=10℃升温到66.0℃以上(含66.0℃),并通过计算验证你的方案.已知铝合金的比热容c=0.880×l03J·(Kg·℃)-1,水的比热容c0 =4.20×103J·(Kg·℃)-1,不计向周围环境散失的热量。



第十九届全国中学生物理竞赛预赛试卷全卷共七题,总分为140分.一、(15分)今年3月我国北方地区遭遇了近10年来最严重的沙尘暴天气.现把沙尘上扬后的情况简化为如下情景:v 为竖直向上的风速,沙尘颗粒被扬起后悬浮在空中(不动).这时风对沙尘的作用力相当于空气不动而沙尘以速度v 竖直向下运动时所受的阻力.此阻力可用下式表达2f Av αρ=其中α为一系数,A 为沙尘颗粒的截面积,ρ为空气密度.(1)若沙粒的密度 33S 2.810kg m ρ=⨯⋅-,沙尘颗粒为球形,半径42.510m r =⨯-,地球表面处空气密度30 1.25kg m ρ=⋅-,0.45α=,试估算在地面附近,上述v 的最小值1v .(2)假定空气密度ρ随高度h 的变化关系为0(1)Ch ρρ=-,其中0ρ为0h =处的空气密度,C 为一常量,411.1810m C -=⨯-,试估算当19.0m s v =⋅-时扬沙的最大高度.(不考虑重力加速度随高度的变化)二、(20分)图预19-2所示电路中,电池的电动势为E ,两个电容器的电容皆为C ,K 为一单刀双掷开关。

开始时两电容器均不带电(1)第一种情况,现将K 与a 接通,达到稳定,此过程中电池内阻消耗的电能等于__________;再将K 与a 断开而与b 接通,此过程中电池供给的电能等于___________。

(2)第二种情况,现将K 与b 接通,达到稳定,此过程中电池内阻消耗的电能等于__________;再将K 与b 断开而与a 接通,此过程中电池供给的电能等于___________。



(1)飞船的名称是什么?(2)飞船在运行期间,按照地面指挥控制中心的指令成功地实施了数百个动作,包括从椭圆轨道变换成圆轨道等.假如把飞船从发射到着陆的整个过程中的运动都当作圆周运动处理,试粗略估计飞船离地面的平均高度.已知地球半径66.3710m R =⨯,地球表面处的重力加速2002年9月度29.80m s g =⋅-四、(20分)如图预19-4所示,三个绝热的、容积相同的球状容器A 、B 、C ,用带有阀门K 1、K 2的绝热细管连通,相邻两球球心的高度差 1.00m h =.初始时,阀门是关闭的,A 中装有1mol的氦(He ),B 中装有1mol 的氪(Kr ),C 中装有lmol 的氙(Xe ),三者的温度和压强都相同.气体均可视为理想气体.现打开阀门K 1、K 2,三种气体相互混合,最终每一种气体在整个容器中均匀分布,三个容器中气体的温度相同.求气体温度的改变量.已知三种气体的摩尔质量分别为31He 4.00310kg mol μ--=⨯⋅31Kr 83.810kg mol μ--=⨯⋅31Xe 131.310kg mol μ--=⨯⋅在体积不变时,这三种气体任何一种每摩尔温度升高1K ,所吸收的热量均为 3/2R ,R 为普适气体常量.五、(20分)图预19-5中,三棱镜的顶角α为60︒,在三棱镜两侧对称位置上放置焦距均为 30.0cm f =的两个完全相同的凸透镜L 1和 L 2.若在L 1的前焦面上距主光轴下方14.3cmy =处放一单色点光源S ,已知其像S '与S 对该光学系统是左右对称的.试求该三棱镜的折射率.六、(20分)一个长为1L ,宽为2L ,质量为m 的矩形导电线框,由质量均匀分布的刚性杆构成,静止放置在不导电的水平桌面上,可绕与线框的一条边重合的光滑固定轴ab 转动,在此边中串接一能输出可变电流的电流源(图中未画出)。



高中物理竞赛模拟试题(决赛)一、在一边长为a 的正n 边形的个顶点上,各有一个质点.从t=0时刻开始,各质点以相同的速率ν开始运动,运动过程中所有的质点都为逆时针方向,并且始终对准它的下一个质点运动,问经过多少时间后所有质点同时相遇?二、如图所示,物体A 质量为m,吊索拖着A 沿光滑竖直杆上升,吊索通过滑轮B 与卷扬机相连,收吊索的速度为ν0,滑轮B 到竖直杆的距离为0l ,B 滑轮在水平杆上向右以速度ν运动.求左边吊索恰好竖直,AB 绳与水平方向成θ角时,吊索中的张力是多少?三、一个空心半圆形圆管竖直在铅垂面内,管口连线在水平面内.管内装满重量为W 的一系列小球,左、右最高的一个小球恰好和管口平面相切,共有2n 个小球.求从左边起第k 个和第k+1个小球之间的相互压力(忽略所有摩擦)四、如图所示,O 、A 、B 三点在同一水平直线面上,O 点有一个固定的水平长钉,A 点为一固定点,OA 相距l .B 处有一小球,用一根长2l 的轻绳和A 点相连.现给B 球一个竖直向下的速度ν0,使它要能击中A 点.求ν0的最小值为多少?五、质量为M 的宇航站和和质量为m 的飞船对接在一起沿半径为nR 的圆形轨道绕地球运动,这里的n=1.25,R 为地球半径,然后飞传从宇航站沿运动方向发射出去,并沿某椭圆轨道飞行,其最远点到地心的距离为8nR,如果希望飞船绕地球运动一周后恰好与宇航站相遇,则质量比m/M 应该为多少?六、液体A 、B 互不相溶,它们的饱和气压p 与温度T 的关系是k0(i n ip a l i A B p T b ==+)(或) 式中p 0为标准大气压,a 、b 为液体本身性质所决定的常量.已测得两个温度点的p i/p 0值如下:(1)在外部压强为p 0时,确定A 、B 的沸点.(2)现将液体A 和B 各100g 注入容器中,并在A 表层覆盖有薄层无挥发性的液体C,C 与A 、B 互不相溶,C 的作用防止A 自由挥发,各液层不厚,液内因重力而形成的附加压均可忽略,A 、B 的摩尔质量比γ=M A /M B =8今对容器缓慢持续加热,液体温度t ℃随时间τ的变化如图所示.请确定图中温度t 1、t 2(精确到1℃)以及在1τ时刻液体A 和液体B 的质量(精确到0.1克)假设A 、B 蒸汽均能作理想气体处理,因此也也服从道尔顿分压定律.七、平行板电容器两极板都是正方形,其面积均为S=1.0×10-2m 2,相距为d=1.0×10-3m,将这个电容器与电源相连接,电源的电动势ε=100,再把厚度为d,长度等于电容器极板长度的电解质板(相对介电常数εr =2)以匀速ν=2.3×10m/S 引入两极板间,问:(1)电路中的电流强度为多少?(2)介质板插入过程中电源的输出能量为多少?(3)电容器中电解质板引入前后所储存的能量有何变化?比较电源输出的能量与电容器中能量的变化是否相同?说明原因.八、图是有24个等值电阻连接而成的网络,图中电源的电动势为ε=3.00V,内阻r 为2.00Ω的电阻与一阻值为28.0Ω的电阻R ′及二极管D 串联后引出两线;二极管的正向伏安曲线如图所示.P 0C BAt 2 t 1τ100400.284,0.0727890 1.476,0.6918A B A B p p C p pC ====0000:p p :p p(1)若将P、Q两端与图中电阻网络E、G两点相接,测得二极管两端的电压为0.86V,求电阻网络两点E与G的电压.(2)若将P、Q两端与图中电阻网络B、D两点相接,求同二极管D的电流I D和网格中E、G间的电压U EG.九、考虑不用发射到绕太阳运动的轨道上的方法,要在太阳系建立一个质量为m静止的太空站.这个太空站有一个面向太阳的大反射面(反射系数为1),来自太阳的辐射功率L产生的辐射压力使太空站受到一个背离太阳的力,此力与质量为M S的太阳对太空站的万有引力方向相反,大小相等,因而太空站处于平衡状态.忽略行星对太空站的作用,求:(1)此太空站的反射面面积A;(2)平衡条件和太阳与太空站之间的距离是否有关?(3)设反射面是边长为d的正方形,空间站的质量为106kg,确定d之值.已知太阳的辐射功率是3.77×1026W.太阳质量为1.99×1030kg.7142122 23 24参考答案一、□解Ⅰ 对一个正n 边形,内角的度数是(2)n nπ-,设每边的长度是a (以五边形为例)A 顶点对着B 质点运动到点F 处,B 质点对着C 顶点运动到了G 处(如图),在△BGF 中用余弦定理FG 2=(a-ν∆t )2+(ν∆t )2-2(ν∆t )(a-ν∆t )cos (2)n nπ- 舍去高阶小量12212222cos()2211cos()n FG a v ta v ta n vt n a a n ππ-⎡⎤=-∆-∆⎢⎥⎣⎦⎧-⎫⎡⎤=-+⎨⎬⎢⎥⎣⎦⎩⎭因为22[1cos()]1v t n a nπ-+<< 所以2{1[1cos()]}2[1cos()]v t n FG a a nn a FG v t n ππ-=-+--=+每边边长的减短率为2[1cos()]n v nπ-+ 相遇时间22[1cos()](1cos )a at n v v n nππ==-+- □解Ⅱ 在整个运动过程中所有质点总是在一个正n 形的顶点上(只是正n 形不断变小),因此α和θ不会变,即α=nπ,θ=2n ππ-.质点向着正n 边形中点O 运动的速度为cos sin /sin 2v v v na l nπθπ⊥===到达中点的时间222sin ()(1cos )l a at v v v n nππ⊥===- 二、□解Ⅰ 这是一个比较复杂的运动,将此运动看成两个运动的合成:一个是B 滑轮不动,卷扬机以速度ν0收吊索;另一个是AB 段吊索长度不变,B 滑块以ν向右运动.第一个运动使A 滑EG ADFCBν块得到了一个速度ν1=sin v θ第二个运动使A 滑块得到另一个速度 ν2=-cot θ·ν A 的真实速度 νA =ν1+ν2=0cos sin v v θθ-将A 的速度分解成沿吊索方向的分量νA Ⅱ和垂直吊索方向的分量A v ⊥'0cos cos sin A v v v θθθ⊥-'=B 速度的垂直于吊索的分量sin B v v θ⊥=所以A 相对于B 垂直于吊索方向的速度0cos sin A B A v v v v v θθ⊥⊥⊥-'=-=A 物体的向心加速度2200cos /cos A A v v a l l θθ⊥⊥==分析A 的受力情况可知sin cos cos T mg N maT Nθθθ--==联立,即可求得T□解Ⅱ 以滑轮B 为参照物,A 物体速度可看成水平方向的速度ν和竖直方向的速度ν′的合成,卷扬机虽然也有向左的速度ν,但不影响吊索的速度,所以物体A 沿吊索方向的速度亦为ν0.即0cos sin v v v θθ'=+得0cos sin v v v θθ-'=A 速度垂直吊索的分量0sin cos cos sin A v v v v v θθθθ⊥'=--=以下同解Ⅰ 三、如图,对第k(k ≥2)个滚珠进行受力分析,它受到左右两侧的压力分别记为N k-1和N K ,还受到管壁的经向弹力P 和重力W.建立如图直角坐标系,只讨论在x 方向上的合力为零的条件则有1cos cos cos 0K K N W N αβα-+-=有图中几何关系可知ν/2/2nαθθπ==所以有α=4nπ同时有(1)24(21)4k n nk nππβπ-=+-=将α,β值代入式可得1(21)cos4[]cos4k k k n N N W n ππ---=即有213213cos4[]cos45cos4[]cos4(21)cos4[]cos4k k n N N W n n N N W nk n N N W nππππππ--=-=--=两边相加后可得13521coscos cos 444{}cos4k k n nn N N W nππππ-+++-=()对第一个钢珠受力分析不难得到1cos 4[]cos4n N W nππ=因此xN k111121[cos ]4cos4[2cos sin ]2144cos 42sin41{[sinsin ]}22sin4sin 22sin4ki k kki i ki i n N Wni i n nn ni i n nk nnππππππππππππ====-=--=--==∑∑∑∑()()()2n ()2n所以sin2()sin2k k n N W nππ=四、如图,小球沿半圆轨道运动到B ′位置时,有机械能受恒定理可知,它应具有向上速度ν0.若ν0足够大,则小球可沿较小半圆轨道击中A 点.若ν0较小,则可能在较小半圆轨道的某C 点脱离半圆轨道改取斜抛轨道,也有可能击中A 点,这种方式对应的ν0即为所求的最小值.为C 点引入方位角.小球在C 点脱离圆轨道故此时绳中张力恰为零.小球速度ν应满足以下关系式2sin /mg F mv l θ==心式中m 为小球质量.l 为半圆轨道半径,又由机械能受恒可得22011sin 22mv mv mgl θ=+ 上述两式可解得20sin 2v glθ=建立如图坐标O-xy 系,小球在点C 时刻定为t=0,则C 点后斜抛运动的x 、y 分运动为2cos (sin )1sin (cos )2x l v t y l v t gt θθθθ=-+⎧⎪⎨=+-⎪⎩ 消去t,可得22222cos (cos )1(cos )sin []sin 2sin 1(cos )cos 2sin (cos )sin sin v x l x l y l g v v x gl x l l l l v θθθθθθθθθθθθ++=+-+=++- 由前面所述,可得2sin v gl θ=代入上式可得23(cos )cos (cos )sin sin 2sin x xyl ll θθθθθθ++=+- 要求小球与A 点相遇,即抛物线轨道需过x=l ,因此23(1cos )cos (1cos )0sin sin 2sin θθθθθθ++=+-可展开并逐渐化简为42222222222322322sin sin cos 2sin cos 12cos cos 02sin (sin cos )2cos (1sin )1cos 02sin 2cos 1cos 022cos 2cos 1cos 0θθθθθθθθθθθθθθθθθθθ++---=+----=---=----=最后得cos θ的三次方程式2313cos 2cos 0θθ--=其解为1cos 2θ=因此3sin θ=与前面的20sin /3v gl θ=联立,即算得最小ν0值为033/2v gl =.五、如图所示,斜线覆盖的内圆是地球,其外为飞船离开后的椭圆轨道,再外面是飞船与宇航站开始的圆轨道,最外面是飞船的新轨道.地球质量记为M e ,飞船被发射前,它与宇航站一起运动的速度为u,则有22()()()eG M m M M m u nR nR ++=得BB′A yCν0xθ O2llu =飞船发射后的瞬间,飞船的速度记为u,宇航站的速度记为V,根据动量受恒有:()M m u MV mv +=+即得所需要的比值为()()V u m M u v -=- 于是问题转化为求v 和V分离后飞船近地点与地心相距nR,速度大小为ν,远地点与地心相距8nR,飞船速度大小记为ν′,则由开普勒第二定律和动能受恒得22811228e e vnR v nR GM m GM m mv mv nR nR '=⎧⎪⎨'-=-⎪⎩ 由此解得43v u ==分离后宇航站远地点与地心间距离设为nR,速度大小记为V.近地点与地心间距r,速度大小为V ℃.同样可列方程组:221122e e V nR V rGMM MV GMM r MV nR ''=⎧⎪'=-⎨-⎪⎩ 可解得V =由可以看出,若求得r 便可算出m/M 值为求r,可利用开普勒第三定律,设飞船新轨道的周期为t,而它的半轴长则为(8)2nR nR +;宇航站新轨道周期设为T,而它的半长轴则为()2nR r +,有 3322(8)()nR nR nR r t T ++=即329()()nR t nR r T ⎡⎤=⎢⎥+⎣⎦飞船运行一周后恰好与宇航站相遇,因此t=Kt k=1、2、3、…… 代入上式后便可得2323(9)k nRr k-=宇航站不能与地球相碰,否则它不可能再与飞船相遇,故要求 r>R代入上式,并考虑到n=1.25,可得 k ≤11现由上式计算m/M 值()()33m V u M u v -==-=-=要求 m/M>0 因此 k 2/3>9/2 即 k ≥10可见k 取值只可为 k=10或k=11 因此0.048mM=或0.153 六、(1)沸点即01i p p =时的温度,由于0()0i n p l p =,可得沸点i i iaT b -=.对于A 0.284[](273.1540)1.476[](273.1590)An AAn Aa lb a l b =++=++解之得3748.49,10.711A A a K b =-=同理得5121.64,13.735B B a K b =-=据此可得液体A 、B 沸点00349.4577372.89100A B T K C T K C===≈(2)系统有两次沸腾现象,t 1、t 2是沸点.第一次应发生在A 、B 交界面处,界面上气泡内压强等于A 、B 的饱和气压之和,其值先达到p 0,此时沸腾温度t 1低于A 、B 各自的沸点.有110()()A B p t p t p +=由于(/)0i ai T b ip e p += 令11001,273.15,T t t t t =+=满足即代入0,,,,A A B B a b a b t 值,采用二分逼近方法取值,可得t 1=67℃ A 、B 交界面一消失,第一次沸腾结束.容器内仅剩一种液体,要加热到t 2该液体的沸点才出现第二次沸腾.T 2必为100℃或者77℃.在温度t 1的沸腾过程中,从交界面出升离的气泡中,A 、B 的饱和气质量比1122()()8()()A A A A AB B B B B m M p t p t m M p t p t ρρ=== 由(2)式可得t 1时,A 、B 的饱和气压:100()0.734,0.267A B p t p p p ==因此22.0ABm m = 这表明A 蒸发质量是B 的22倍,液体A 的100克全部蒸发掉,液体B 仅剩4.5克,可见在t 1时刻容器中,液体A 的质量为0,液体B 的质量为95.5克,因此t 2=100℃ 七、(1)在电介质匀速插入过程中,电容不断增加经过t 之后,电容为00(4r r SvC C Kd Kdt C Kdεεπ=+-=+电容增量之值0(4r tC C C Kdεπ-=-=因Q=C ε,故电容器上电量相应增加之值为(4r tQ C Kdεεεπ-==所以充电电流29(4(21)10210()r Q I t KdA εεπ---==-⨯==⨯(2)电源输出的电能972210100910()2.310W I t J ε---==⨯⨯⨯=⨯⨯ (3)介质未插入时,电容所贮电能为2210229371122411010024 3.14910104.4310()S W C Kd J εεπ---==⨯=⨯⨯⨯⨯⨯⨯=⨯ 插入介质后,电容所贮电能增加22700011() 4.4310()22r W C C C J εεε-=-==⨯所以电源输出能量W>∆W,由题设电源内阻,线路电阻均不计,那么电源多输出的电能W-∆W 到什么地方去了.把介质插入电容器之间时,在介质板上产生极化电荷,极板上自由电贺对极化电荷产生吸引力,在忽略介质板和电容器极板之间的摩擦力时,要使介质板匀速地插入电容器中去,必须在加一个外力与此吸引力相平衡.因此,在介质板匀速插入电容器时,外力做负功,使电源输出的一部分能量W-∆W 变成了其它形式的能量. 八、(1)当引线两端P 、Q 与电阻网格E 、G 两点连接时,二极管两端的电压U D1=0.86V,此时对应的电流从图中查得为25.0mA,则E 、G 两点间的电压为11130.025(28.02)0.861.39()EG D U I R U rI V ε'=---=-⨯+-=考虑到对称性,网格EG 两端的等效电阻R EG 可由图表示,其值 R EG =13R/3而1011118151201055.6()729.9()133()()()()(16/7)2722130.695()14EGEG EG EA U R I R R I II U R R R R I R V ==Ω==Ω=++=+==从图可看出EA EG U U =的一半,即0.695V(2)当引线两端P 、Q 与电阻网格B 、D 两点相接时,由图求得等效电阻R BD 与R 0关系,并代入R 0的阻值05529.97721.4()BD R R ==⨯=Ω 通过二极管D 的电流i D 与二极管两端的电压关系22()D D BD U I R R r ε'=-++代入数据得22351.4D D U I =-这是一条联系U D 与的I D 直线方程,而U D 、I D 同时又满足二极管伏安特性曲线中一直线22351.4D D U I =-与二极管伏安特性曲线的纵坐标即为二极管的电流,由图读出240.5D I mA =R 1 F根据对称性,图中,M 、P 两点等势, N 、Q 两点等势,流过R 18、R 22及R 3、R 7流过电阻的电流均为零,因此E 、G 间的电势差与M 、N 两点之间的电势差相等241112418120()2[]722352()72D EG MN D I R R U U R R R R R R I R V +==+++++==九、(1)设空间站与太阳距离为r,则太阳辐射在空间站反射面单位面积内的功率即为光强Ф=4L rπ,太阳对反射面产生的压强是光子的动量传递给反射面的结果,这一光压为于是反射面受到的辐射压力22LF PA A r cπ==辐射 太阳对太空站的万有引力为2S M mGF r =引力.式中G 为万有引力常数.在太空站处于平衡状态时,F F =辐射引力即222S M mG L A r c rπ= 这就得到,反射面面积2S GM mcA Lπ=(2)有上面的讨论可知,由于辐射压力和太阳引力都与r 2成反比,因而平衡条件与太阳和空间站的距离r 无关.(3)若A=d 2,并以题给数据代入前式得到HR 142.5810d m===⨯。




(1)设大气压为0p ,水的密度为ρ。

拧开K 前的情况如图复解19-l 的(a )图所示。

由流体静力学可知,B 、C 中气体的压强为012()B C p p p g h h ρ==++ (1)D 中气体的压强为1D B p p gh ρ=- (2)由(1)、(2)两式可得20D p p gh ρ=+即0D p p >,当拧开K 后,D 中气体压强降至0p ,此时10B p p gh ρ-> (3)即D 管中容器B 水面以上的那一段水柱所受合力向上,所以D 管中水柱上升。

(2)拧开K 后,水柱上升,因D 管上端已足够长,故水不会从管口喷出.设到D 中的水面静止时D 中增加水量的体积为V ∆,则B 中减少水量的体积亦为V ∆,其水面将略有降低,因而B 及C 中气体压强路有下降,A 中的水将通过E 管流入C 中,当从A 流入水量的体积等于V ∆时,B 、C 中气体压强恢复原值。

因为A 、B 、C 的半径为D 管半径的60倍,截面积比为3600倍,故A 、B 、C 中少量水的增减(V ±∆)引起的A 、KKDH A A B BFCCEh 1h 2 (a)(b)图复解 19-1B 、C 中水面高度的变化可忽略不计,即1h 和2h 的数值保持不变。

设D 中水面静止时与A 中水面的高度差为H ,(见图复解19-1(b )),则有01201()()p g h h p g H h ρρ++=++ (4)由此可得 2H h = (5)(3)将图复解 19-l (a )和(b)两图相比较可知,其差别在于体积为V ∆的水从A 移至C 中,另V ∆的水又由B 移入D 中,前者重力势能减少,而后者重力势能增大,前者的重力势能减少量为112()E g V h h ρ∆=∆+ (6)D 中增加的水柱的重心离A 中水面的高度为2/2h ,故后者的重力势能增量为2121()2E g V h h ρ∆=∆+ (7)即12E E ∆>∆。



高中物理竞赛题(含答案)一、单项选择题1. 在自由落体过程中,物体的势能增加,动能减小。

A. 正确B. 错误2. 一列火车以$v$速度行驶,它的长度为$L$,宁静的人听到车头发出声音后$T$秒后听到车尾发出的声音。

则$v$为:A. $\frac{L}{2T}$B. $\frac{2L}{T}$C. $\frac{L}{T}$D. $\frac{T}{L}$3. 两个均质、半径相等、长度不同的均匀圆筒A、B,均可在竖直平面内以固定点O为转轴转动,轴线分别与定点OA、OB平行。

当它们同时从静止转动起来时,轮毂周向速度$V_1$比$V_2$:A. $V_1=V_2$B. $V_1>V_2$C. $V_1<V_2$D. 不确定4. 一个长为$L$的导线,施加电流$I$,沿任意方向在匀强磁场中运动,做完一周回路时,会发生电流改变的原因是:A. 因为改变导线的长度B. 因为导线被磁场力拉直了C. 因为导线切割磁力线D. 不确定5. 一根长度为$l$,截面积为$S$,长度均匀分布电荷$q$的细长直线,经过小球$O$($O$到直线距离为$r$)的电场强度$E$是:A. $\frac{1}{4\pi\epsilon_0}\frac{q}{r^2}$B. $\frac{1}{4\pi\epsilon_0}\frac{q}{\sqrt{l^2+r^2}}$C. $\frac{1}{4\pi\epsilon_0}\frac{ql}{\sqrt{l^2+r^2}}$D. $\frac{1}{4\pi\epsilon_0}\frac{q}{l^2+r^2}$答案:1.A 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.A二、填空题1. 一个直导线,垂直于均匀磁场B,长度为$l$,电流为$I$,受到的磁感应强度$B_1$是$______$2. 单色光的波长为500nm,折射率为1.5,其在空气和该介质交界面的发射角是$______°$3. 质量为$m$,长度为$l$,弹性系数为$k$的弹簧在自由状态下的振动周期是$______$4. 质量为$m$的物体在竖直向下的重力作用下自由下落的过程中,重力势能不断$______$,动能不断$______$5. 一列火车以$v$速度行驶,铁轨相对静止。



2002年第33届国际奥林匹克物理竞赛试题题1、穿地雷达 穿地雷达(GPR )通过向地下发射电磁波并接受地下物体反射回来的电磁波来检测和定位近地表面处的物体。


角频率为ω,沿Z 方向传播的线偏振平面电磁波的电场由下式表示:)cos(0z t e E E az βω-=- ①其中0E 为常数,α为衰减常数,β为波数,分别由下式表示2121222112⎪⎭⎪⎬⎫⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡-⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+=ωεσμεωα ② 2121222112⎪⎭⎪⎬⎫⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡+⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+=ωεσμεωβ 其中μ、ε和σ分别为磁导率、介电常数和电导率。


常用频率在(10MHz~1000MHz )之间的电磁波进行探测,以便调节探测范围和分辨率。

GPR 的性能取决于它的分辨率。


问题:(已知:m F m h /1085.8,/10412070--⨯=⨯=επμ)1.假定大地为非磁性物质)(0μμ=,并满足条件12≤⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛ωεσ,利用方程①和②导出传播速度v 的表达式(用μ和ε表示)。

(1.0分)2.确定地下被探测物体的最大深度,设大地的电导率为 1.0mSm ,介电常数为90ε,并满足条件12≤⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛ωεσ。

(1s=1,1-Ω0μμ=)(2.0分)3.考虑两根水平方向平行埋在地下的导电杆,两杆深4m ,已知大地的电导率为1.0mSm ,介电常数为90ε,假设GPR 近似就在其中一根导电杆的所在位置上方进行测量,并假设探测 器为点状,试确定使横向分辨率达50㎝所需的最低频率。

(3.5分)4.为确定埋在与上问2中同样条件的地层中的导体杆的深度d ,考虑沿垂直于导体杆方向进行的测量。






以下是店铺帮大家整理的高中物理竞赛练习题与答案,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助!1.天然放射现象的发现揭示了A.原子还可再分B.原子的核式结构C.原子核还可再分D.原子核由质子和中子组成2.下列说法中正确的是A.质子与中子的质量不等,但质量数相等B.两个质子间,不管距离如何,核力总是大于库仑力C.同一种元素的两个原子核可能有相同的质量数和不同的中子数D.除万有引力外,两个中子之间不存在其它相互作用力3.在氢原子中,电子绕核在各个可能轨道上运动的能量,包括电势能和动能两部分,当电子从离核较近的轨道向离核较远的轨道跃迁过程中A.电势能增大,动能减小,原子能量不变B.电势能增大,动能减小,原子能量减小C.电势能增大,动能减小,原子能量增大D.电势能增大,动能增大,原子能量增大n E/eV-0.28 4.氢原子能级图如右,用光子能量E=12.3eV的一束光照射一群处于基-0.38 态的氢原子,受光照后的氢原子可能发生跃迁的情况应是 -0.54-0.85 A.电子轨道量子数由n=1跃迁到n=3-1.51 B.电子轨道量子数由n=1跃迁到n=4-3.40 C.电子轨道量子数由n=1跃迁到n=2D.电子不可能发生轨道跃迁,氢原子仍处于基态2075.从23592U 衰变为82Pb,共经历的α衰变和β衰变的次数依次是 1 -13.60A.14次和10次B.7次和4次C.7次和5次D.7次和10次6.下面关于原子核衰变的说法中正确的是:①发生α衰变时,原子核在周期表中的位置向前移两位;②发生β衰变时,原子核在周期表中的位置向后移一位;③一个原子核不可能同时发生α、β衰变,④发生β衰变时原子核的质量数不变A.只有①② B.只有①②③ C.只有②④ D.①②③④7.以下几个原子核反应中,X代表α粒子的反应式是A.2He+4Be→126C+XC.1H+1H→10n+X 2349 234234B.90Th→91Pa+X 30D.15P→14Si+X 308.重核裂变和轻核聚变是人们利用原子能的两种主要途径,关于它们的说法中正确的是A.裂变过程质量增大,聚变过程质量亏损B.聚变过程质量增大,裂变过程质量亏损C.聚变和裂变过程都有质量亏损D.聚变和裂变过程都有质量增加9.下列说法正确的是A. α射线与γ射线都是电磁波B. β射线为原子的核外电子电离后形成的电子流C.用加温、加压或改变其化学状态的'方法都不能改变原子核衰变的半衰期D.原子核经过衰变生成新核,反应前后总质量不变10.若元素A的半衰期为4天,元素B的半衰期为5天,相同质量的A和B,经过20天后剩下的质量之比mA∶mB。



高中物理竞赛复赛经典练习题1. (本题6分)一长度为l 的轻质细杆,两端各固结一个小球A 、B (见图),它们平放在光滑水平面上。

另有一小球D ,以垂直于杆身的初速度v 0与杆端的Α球作弹性碰撞.设三球质量同为m ,求:碰后(球Α和Β)以及D 球的运动情况.2. (本题6分)质量m =10 kg 、长l =40 cm 的链条,放在光滑的水平桌面上,其一端系一细绳,通过滑轮悬挂着质量为m 1 =10 kg 的物体,如图所示.t = 0时,系统从静止开始运动, 这时l 1 = l 2 =20 cm< l 3.设绳不伸长,轮、绳的质量和轮轴及桌沿的摩擦不计,求当链条刚刚全部滑到桌面上时,物体m 1速度和加速度的大小.3. (本题6分) 长为l 的匀质细杆,可绕过杆的一端O 点的水平光滑固定轴转动,开始时静止于竖直位置.紧挨O 点悬一单摆,轻质摆线的长度也是l ,摆球质量为m .若单摆从水平位置由静止开始自由摆下,且摆球与细杆作完全弹性碰撞,碰撞后摆球正好静止.求: (1) 细杆的质量.(2) 细杆摆起的最大角度θ.4. (本题6分)质量和材料都相同的两个固态物体,其热容量为C .开始时两物体的温度分别为T 1和T 2(T 1 > T 2).今有一热机以这两个物体为高温和低温热源,经若干次循环后,两个物体达到相同的温度,求热机能输出的最大功A max .5. (本题6分)如图所示,123415641 为某种一定量的理想气体进行的一个循环过程,它是由一个卡诺正循环12341 和一个卡诺逆循环15641 组成.已知等温线温度比T 1 / T 2 = 4,卡诺正逆循环曲线所包围面积大小之比为S 1 / S 2 = 2.求循环123415641的效率η.6. (本题6分)将热机与热泵组合在一起的暖气设备称为动力暖气设备,其中带动热泵的动力由热机燃烧燃料对外界做功来提供.热泵从天然蓄水池或从地下水取出热量,向温度较高的暖气系统的水供热.同时,暖气系统的水又作为热机的冷却水.若燃烧1kg 燃料,锅炉能获得的热量为H ,锅炉、地下水、暖气系统的水的温度分别为210℃,15℃,60℃.设热机及热泵均是可逆卡诺机.试问每燃烧1kg 燃料,暖气系统所获得热量的理想数值(不考虑各种实际损失)是多少?7. (本题5分) 如图所示,原点O 是波源,振动方向垂直于纸面,波长是λ .AB 为波的反射平面,反射时无相位突变π.O 点位于A 点的正上方,h AO =.Ox 轴平行于AB .求Ox 轴上干涉加强点的坐标(限于x ≥ 0).8. (本题6分)一弦线的左端系于音叉的一臂的A 点上,右端固定在B 点,并用T = 7.20 N 的水平拉力将弦线拉直,音叉在垂直于弦线长度的方向上作每秒50次的简谐振动(如图).这样,在弦线上产生了入射波和反射波,并形成了驻波.弦的线密度η = 2.0 g/m , 弦线上的质点离开其平衡位置的最大位移为4 cm .在t = 0时,O 点处的质点经过其平衡位置向下运动,O 、B 之间的距离为L = 2.1 m .试求:12T 1 6543 VpOT 2A(1) 入射波和反射波的表达式; (2) 驻波的表达式.9. (本题6分)用每毫米300条刻痕的衍射光栅来检验仅含有属于红和蓝的两种单色成分的光谱.已知红谱线波长λR 在 0.63─0.76μm 范围内,蓝谱线波长λB 在0.43─0.49 μm 范围内.当光垂直入射到光栅时,发现在衍射角为24.46°处,红蓝两谱线同时出现. (1) 在什么角度下红蓝两谱线还会同时出现?(2) 在什么角度下只有红谱线出现?10. (本题6分)如图所示,用波长为λ= 632.8 nm (1 nm = 10-9 m)的单色点光源S 照射厚度为e = 1.00×10-5 m 、折射率为n 2 = 1.50、半径为R = 10.0 cm 的圆形薄膜F ,点光源S 与薄膜F 的垂直距离为d = 10.0 cm ,薄膜放在空气(折射率n 1 = 1.00)中,观察透射光的等倾干涉条纹.问最多能看到几个亮纹?(注:亮斑和亮环都是亮纹).11. (本题6分)507⨯双筒望远镜的放大倍数为7,物镜直径为50mm .据瑞利判据,这种望远镜的角分辨率多大?设入射光波长为nm 550.已知眼睛瞳孔的最大直径为7.0mm .求出眼睛对上述入射光的分辨率.用得数除以7,和望远镜的角分辨率对比,然后判断用这种望远镜观察时实际起分辨作用的是眼睛还是望远镜.12. (本题6分)一种利用电容器控制绝缘油液面的装置示意如图. 平行板电容器的极板插入油中,极板与电源以及测量用电子仪器相连,当液面高度变化时,电容器的电容值发生改变,使电容器产生充放电,从而控制电路工作. 已知极板的高度为a ,油的相对电容率为εr ,试求此电容器等效相对电容率与液面高度h 的关系.13. (本题6分)在平面螺旋线中,流过一强度为I 的电流,求在螺旋线中点的磁感强度的大小.螺旋线被限制在半径为R 1和R 2的两圆之间,共n 圈.[提示:螺旋线的极坐标方程为b a r +=θ,其中a ,b 为待定系数]14. (本题6分)一边长为a 的正方形线圈,在t = 0 时正好从如图所示的均匀磁场的区域上方由静止开始下落,设磁场的磁感强度为B ϖ(如图),线圈的自感为L ,质量为m ,电阻可忽略.求线圈的上边进入磁场前,线圈的速度与时间的关系.15. (本题6分)如图所示,有一圆形平行板空气电容器,板间距为b ,极板间放一与板绝缘的矩形线圈.线圈高为h ,长为l ,线圈平面与极板垂直,一边与极板中心轴重合,另一边沿极板半径放置.若电容器极板电压为U 12 = U m cos ω t ,求线圈电压U 的大小.Bϖ16. (本题6分)在实验室中测得电子的速度是0.8c ,c 为真空中的光速.假设一观察者相对实验室以0.6c 的速率运动,其方向与电子运动方向相同,试求该观察者测出的电子的动能和动量是多少?(电子的静止质量m e =9.11×10-31kg )17. (本题6分)已知垂直射到地球表面每单位面积的日光功率(称太阳常数)等于1.37×103 W/m 2.(1) 求太阳辐射的总功率. (2) 把太阳看作黑体,试计算太阳表面的温度.(地球与太阳的平均距离为1.5×108 km ,太阳的半径为6.76×105 km ,σ = 5.67×10-8 W/(m 2·K 4))18. (本题6分))已知氢原子的核外电子在1s 态时其定态波函数为 a r a /3100e π1-=ψ,式中 220em h a e π=ε .试求沿径向找到电子的概率为最大时的位置坐标值.( ε0 = 8.85×10-12 C 2·N -1·m -2 ,h = 6.626×10-34 J ·s , m e = 9.11×10-31 kg , e = 1.6 ×10-19 C )参考答案1. (本题6分)解:设碰后刚体质心的速度为v C ,刚体绕通过质心的轴的转动的角速度为ω,球D 碰后的速度为v ',设它们的方向如图所示.因水平无外力,系统动量守恒:C m m m v v v )2(0+'= 得:(1)20C v v v ='- 1分 弹性碰撞,没有能量损耗,系统动能不变;222220])2(2[21)2(212121ωl m m m m C ++'=v v v ,得 (2)22222220l C ω+='-v v v 2分 系统对任一定点的角动量守恒,选择与A 球位置重合的定点计算.A 和D 碰撞前后角动量均为零,B 球只有碰后有角动量,有])2([0C B l ml ml v v -==ω,得(3)2lC ω=v 2分(1)、(2)、(3)各式联立解出 lC 00;2;0vv v v ==='ω。



高中物理力学部分竞赛题(本试卷满分150 分,,三个大题,共 21 小题。

请考生务必请将所有题目的答案答在答题卡上相应的位置,答在试卷上的不给分,只交答题卡)一、选择题(共70 分;在每小题给出的四个选项中,有的小题只有一个选项正确,有的小题有多个选项正确.全部选对的得 5 分,选对但不全的得 2.5 分,有错选的得零分。

)1、如图所示,在一条直线上两个振源A、B 相距 6m,振动频率相等,从 t0时刻只振动一个周期,振幅相等,振动图像 A 为甲, B 为乙。

若 A 向右传播的波与时相遇,则()A.两列波在A、B 间的传播速度均为 10m/sB.两列波的波长都是4mC.在两列波相遇过程中,中点C为振动加强点A、B 开始振动,且都B 向左传播在 t1 = 0.3sD.t2 = 0.7s 时刻 B 点经过平衡位置且振动方向向下2、1930 年美国天文学家汤博发现冥王星,当时错估了冥王星的质量,以为冥王星比地球还大,所以命名为大行星.然而,经过近 30 年的进一步观测,发现它的直径只有 2300 公里,比月球还要小. 2006年 8 月 24 日晚在布拉格召开的国际天文学联合会(IAU) 第 26届大会上,来自各国天文界权威代表投票通过联合会决议,今后原来九大行星中的冥王星将不再位于“行星”之列,而属于矮行星,并提出了行星的新定义.行星新定义的两个关键:一是行星必须是围绕恒星运转的天体;二是行星的质量必须足够大,它自身的重力必须和表面力平衡使其形状呈圆球.一般来说,行星直径必须在800公里以上,质量必须在50 亿亿吨以上.假如冥王星的轨道是一个圆形,则由以下几个条件能估测出其质量的是(其中万有引力常量为G)()A.冥王星围绕太阳运转的周期和轨道半径B.冥王星围绕太阳运转的线速度和轨道半径C.冥王星一个的卫星查龙(charon) 围绕冥王星在圆形轨道上转动的线速度和轨道半径D.冥王星一个的卫星查龙(charon) 围绕冥王星在圆形轨道上转动的周期和轨道半径3、如图所示,两个轮子的半径R=0.20 m,由电动机驱动以角速度=8.0 rad/s 匀速同向转动,两轮的转动轴在同一水平面上,相互平行,距离 d =1.6 m . 一块均匀木板条轻轻平放在两轮上,开始时木板条的重心恰好在右轮的正上方. 已知木板条的长度L> 2d,木板条与轮子间的动摩擦因数μ=0.16木板条运动到重心恰好到达左轮正上方所需的时间是( ..)A. 1 s B . 0.785 sC. 1.5 s D .条件不足,无法判断4、如图所示,长为L 的长木板水平放置,在木板的 A 端放置一个质量为 m 的小物块,现缓慢地抬高 A端,使木板以左端为轴转动,当木板转到与水平面的夹角为时小物块开始滑动,此时停止转动木板,小物块滑到底端的速度为v,则在整个过程中()A.木板对物块做功为 1 mv22B.擦力对小物块做功为mgLsinC.支持力对小物块做功为mgLsin1mv2mgL sinD.滑动摩擦力对小物块做功为25、利用速度传感器与计算机结合,可以自动作出物体运动的图像车的速度—时间图像如图所示,出此可以知道().某同学在一次实验中得到的运动小A.小车先做加速运动,后做减速运动B.小车运动的最大速度约为0.8m/sC.小车的最大位移是D.小车做曲线运动0.8m6、如图所示,光滑的半圆柱体的半径为R,其上方有一个曲线轨道AB ,轨道底端水平并与半圆柱体顶端相切。



2002年第33届国际奥林匹克物理竞赛试题题1、穿地雷达 穿地雷达(GPR )通过向地下发射电磁波并接受地下物体反射回来的电磁波来检测和定位近地表面处的物体。


角频率为ω,沿Z 方向传播的线偏振平面电磁波的电场由下式表示:)cos(0z t e E E az βω-=- ①其中0E 为常数,α为衰减常数,β为波数,分别由下式表示 2121222112⎪⎭⎪⎬⎫⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡-⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+=ωεσμεωα ② 2121222112⎪⎭⎪⎬⎫⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡+⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+=ωεσμεωβ 其中μ、ε和σ分别为磁导率、介电常数和电导率。


常用频率在(10MHz~1000MHz )之间的电磁波进行探测,以便调节探测范围和分辨率。

GPR 的性能取决于它的分辨率。


问题:(已知:m F m h /1085.8,/10412070--⨯=⨯=επμ)1.假定大地为非磁性物质)(0μμ=,并满足条件12≤⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛ωεσ,利用方程①和②导出传播速度v 的表达式(用μ和ε表示)。

(1.0分)2.确定地下被探测物体的最大深度,设大地的电导率为 1.0mSm ,介电常数为90ε,并满足条件12≤⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛ωεσ。

(1s=1,1-Ω0μμ=)(2.0分)3.考虑两根水平方向平行埋在地下的导电杆,两杆深4m ,已知大地的电导率为1.0mSm ,介电常数为90ε,假设GPR 近似就在其中一根导电杆的所在位置上方进行测量,并假设探测 器为点状,试确定使横向分辨率达50㎝所需的最低频率。

(3.5分)4.为确定埋在与上问2中同样条件的地层中的导体杆的深度d ,考虑沿垂直于导体杆方向进行的测量。



高中物理竞赛题含答案一、选择题1. 以下哪个物理量是标量?(A)A. 功B. 力C. 速度D. 位移答案:A2. 下列哪个图示了一个物体的加速度随时间的变化呈现为匀加速的情况?(D)A.B.C.D.答案:D3. 光速在真空和介质中的大小关系为:(B)A. 光速在真空与介质中大小相等B. 光速在真空中大于介质中C. 光速在介质中大于真空中D. 光速在介质中与真空中无关答案:B4. 两个球分别从10米和20米的高度落下,它们同时落地。

它们落地时哪个球的速度更大?(A)A. 速度相同B. 10米高度的球速度更大C. 20米高度的球速度更大D. 无法确定答案:A5. 如下图,取自然长度为l、未受拉伸前横截面面积为S的弹性绳,悬挂一质量为m的物体,当物体静止时,绳的长度为l0。



当振动到达最大时,弹性绳的长度变为l',则l'与l的变化关系正确的是:(D)A. l' = l(1+x)B. l' = l(1-x)C. l' = l(1+x^2)D. l' = l(1+x)^2答案:D6. 有一小车运动,其初始速度为12米/秒,加速度为8米/秒²,运动的时间为5秒,则小车所运动的距离是(B)A. 180米B. 1800米C. 2800米D. 3520米答案:B二、填空题1. 一个在半径为R的圆形轨道上做匀速圆周运动的质点,速率为v,则此质点的向心加速度为______,受到的向心力为______。

答案:v²/R,mv²/R2. 一个在平面直角坐标系中做匀加速直线运动的物体,其速度可以表示为v=at,物体在t=1时的位移为2米,则它在t=2时的位移为______米。



高中物理竞赛试 题 卷考生须知:● 本卷分卷Ⅰ和卷Ⅱ,卷Ⅰ卷Ⅱ均做在答题卷上,满分140分,竞赛时间2小时。

● 姓名、报名号和所属学校必须写在首页左侧指定位置,写在其他地方者按废卷论。

●本卷g=10m/s 2卷Ⅰ一、单项选择题(每题8分,共48分)1、如图,O 是一固定的点电荷,另一点电荷P 从很远处以初速度0v 射入点电荷O 的电场,在电场力作用下的运动轨迹是曲线MN 。

a 、b 、c 是以O 为中心,c b a R R R 、、为半径画出的三个圆,a b b c R R R R -=-。

1、2、3、4为轨迹MN 与三个圆的一些交点。

以12W 表示点电荷P 由1到2的过程中电场力做的功的大小,34W 表示由3到4的过程中电场力做的功的大小,则1、2、 3A .34122W W =B .34122W W >C .P 、Q 两电荷可能同号,也可能异号D .P 的初速度方向的延长线与O 之间的距离可能为零2.如图,在00>>y x 、的空间中有恒定的匀强磁场,磁感强度的方向垂直于oxy 平面向里,大小为B 。

现有一质量为m 电量为q 的带电粒子,在x 轴上到原点的距离为0x 的P 点,以平行于y 轴的初速度射入此磁场,在磁场作用下沿垂直于y 轴的方向射出此磁场。


由这些条件可知,A .不能确定粒子通过y 轴时的位置B .不能确定粒子速度的大小C .不能确定粒子在磁场中运动所经历的时间D .以上三个判断都不对3、如图,在正六边形的a 、c 两个顶点上各放一带正电的点电荷,电量的大小都是1q ,在b 、d 两个顶点上,各放一带负电的点电荷,电量的大小都是2q ,21q q >。

已知六边形中心O点处的场强可用图中的四条有向线段中的一条来表示,它是哪一条?A .1EB .2EC .3ED .4E4、如图所示,竖直放置在匀强磁场中的固定光滑长直导轨,自身的电阻不计。

磁场方向垂直于纸面向里,磁感应强度B =0.5T 。




1.如图所示,两光滑斜面的倾角分别为30°和45°,质量分别为2m 和m 的两个滑块用不可伸长的轻绳通过滑轮连接(不计滑轮的质量和摩擦),分别置于两个斜面上并由静止释放;若交换两滑块位置,再由静止释放.则在上述两种情形中正确的有A.质量为2m 的滑块受到重力、绳的张力、沿斜面的下滑力和斜面的支持力的作用B .质量为m 的滑块均沿斜面向上运动C .绳对质量为m 滑块的拉力均大于该滑块对绳的拉力D .系统在运动中机械能均守恒2.在粗糙水平地面上与墙平行放着一个截面为半圆的柱状物体A , A 与竖直墙之间放一光滑圆球B ,整个装置处于静止状态。

现对B 加一竖直向下的力F ,F 的作用线通过球心,设墙对B 的作用力为F 1,B 对A 的作用力为F 2,地面对A 的作用力为F 3。

若F 缓慢增大而整个装置仍保持静止,截面如图所示,在此过程中A . F 1保持不变,F 3缓慢增大B . F 1缓慢增大,F 3保持不变C . F 2缓慢增大,F 3缓慢增大D . F 2缓慢增大,F 3保持不变 3.一有固定斜面的小车在水平面上做直线运动,小球通过细绳与车顶相连。


设斜面对小球的支持力为N ,细绳对小球的拉力为T ,关于此时刻小球的受力情况,下列说法正确的是 A .若小车向左运动,N 可能为零 B .若小车向左运动,T 可能为零C .若小车向右运动,N 不可能为零D .若小车向右运动,T 不可能为零4.某人骑自行车在平直道路上行进,图中的实线记录了自行车开始一段时间内的v -t 图象,某同学为了简化计算,用虚线作近似处理,下列说法正确的是A .在t 1时刻,虚线反映的加速度比实际的小B .在0-t 1时间内,由虚线计算出的平均速度比实际的小C .在t 1-t 2时间内,由虚线计算出的位移比实际的大D .在t 3-t 4时间内,虚线反映的是匀速运动5.一质量为M 的探空气球在匀速下降,若气球所受浮力F 始终保持不变,气球在运动过程中所受阻力仅与速率有关,重力加速度为g ,现欲使该气球以同样速率匀速上升,则需从气球篮中减少的质量为 A .)(2gFM -B .g F M 2-C .gFM -2 D .0 第1题图第5题图第2题图 第4题图1t 2t t 3t 4t o v第3题图7.如图,一固定斜面上两个质量相同的小物块A 和B 紧挨着匀速下滑,A与B 的接触面光滑。



高中奥林匹克物理竞赛题解赛题精讲例1:如图1—1所示,人和车的质量分别为m 和M ,人用水平力F 拉绳子,图中两端绳子均处于水平方向,不计滑轮质量及摩擦,若人和车保持相对静止,且水平地面是光滑的,则车的加速度为 .解析:要求车的加速度,似乎需将车隔离出来才能求解,事实上,人和车保持相对静止,即人和车有相同的加速度,所以可将人和车看做一个整体,对整体用牛顿第二定律求解即可.将人和车整体作为研究对象,整体受到重力、水平面的支持力和两条绳的拉力.在竖直方向重力与支持力平衡,水平方向绳的拉力为2F ,所以有:2F=(M+m)a ,解得:mM F a +=2 例2 用轻质细线把两个质量未知的小球悬挂起来,如图1—2所示,今对小球a 持续施加一个向左偏下30°的恒力,并 对小球b 持续施加一个向右偏上30°的同样大小的恒力,最后达到平衡,表示平衡状态的图可能是 ( )解析 表示平衡状态的图是哪一个,关键是要求出两条轻质细绳对小球a 和小球b 的拉力的方向,只要拉力方向求出后,。


先以小球a 、b 及连线组成的系统为研究对象,系统共受五个力的作用,即两个重力(m a +m b )g ,作用在两个小球上的恒力F a 、F b 和上端细线对系统的拉力T 1.因为系统处于平衡状态,所受合力必为零,由于F a 、F b 大小相等,方向相反,可以抵消,而(m a +m b )g 的方向竖直向下,所以悬线对系统的拉力T 1的方向必然竖直向上.再以b 球为研究对象,b 球在重力m b g 、恒力F b 和连线拉力T 2三个力的作用下处于平衡状态,已知恒力向右偏上30°,重力竖直向下,所以平衡时连线拉力T 2的方向必与恒力F b 和重力m b g 的合力方向相反,如图所示,故应选A.例3 有一个直角架AOB ,OA 水平放置,表面粗糙,OB 竖直向下,表面光滑,OA 上套有小环P ,OB 上套有小环Q ,两个环的质量均为m ,两环间由一根质量可忽略、不何伸长的细绳相连,并在某一位置平衡,如图1—4所示.现将P 环向左移动一段距离,两环再次达到平衡,那么将移动后的平衡状态和原来的平衡状态相比,OA 杆对P 环的支持力N 和细绳上的拉力T 的变化情况是 ( )A .N 不变,T 变大B .N 不变,T 变小C .N 变大,T 变小D .N 变大,T 变大解析 先把P 、Q 看成一个整体,受力如图1—4—甲所示,则绳对两环的拉力为内力,不必考虑,又因OB 杆光滑,则杆在竖直方向上对Q 无力的作用,所以整体在竖直方向上只受重力和OA 杆对它的支持力,所以N 不变,始终等于P 、Q 的重力之和。



Questions 1 through 4 refer to the following scenario:At t0, two cars moving along a highway are side-by-side as they pass a third car stopped on the side of the road. At this moment the driver of the first car steps on the brakes while the driver of the stopped car begins to accelerate. The diagram below show the positions of each car for the next 5 seconds.1. During which time interval would cars #2 and #3 be moving at the same average speed?A)t0 to t1B) t1 to t2C)t2 to t3D)t3 to t4E)t4 to t52. About what position after t o would car #1 and car #2 have been side by side?A) 0 m B) 15 m C) 26 m D) 37 m E) 39 m3. Which of the three cars had the greatest average speed during these 5 seconds?A) car #1 D) car #2 and car #3 had the same average speedB) car #2 E) all three cars had the same average speedC) car #34. If car #3 continues to constantly accelerate at the same rate what will be its position at the end of 6 seconds?A) 22 m B) 68 m C) 72 m D) 78 m E) 94 m5. Which of the following resistances could NOT be produced by a circuit containing only three identical 6 ohm resistors?A) 18 Ù B) 14 Ù C) 9 Ù D) 4 Ù E) 20 Ù6. After striking the lens shown in the diagram at right,the light ray will most likely follow which path?A) path AB) path BC) path CD) path DE) path E7. A force of 6 newtons and a force of 10 newtons can be combine to form a resultant with a magnitude of which of the followingA) 0 newtons B) 2 newtons C) 8 newtons D) 20 newtons E) 60 newtons8. A 50 kilogram gymnast falls freely from a height of 4 meters on to a trampoline. The trampoline then bounces her back upward with a speed equal to the speed at which she first struck the trampoline. What is the average force the trampoline applies on the gymnast?A) 50 newtons D) 2000 newtonsB) 200 newtons E) More information is requiredC) 500 newtons9. The 1st Law of Thermodynamics is a simple statement of the Law of the Conservation of Energy. It was first announced about the time ofA) the First World WarB) the U.S. Civil WarC) the French RevolutionD) Christopher Columbus' discovery of the New WorldE) the fall of the Roman Empire10. Each member of a family of six owns a computer rated at 500 watts in a 120 V circuit. If all computers are plugged into a single circuit protected by a 20 ampere fuse, what is the maximum number of the computers can be operating at the same time?A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4 E) 5 or more Questions 11 and 12 refer to the following scenario:A 5 kg block rests on a flat plane inclined at an angle of 30o to the horizon as shown in the diagram below.13. According to the Bohr theory of the hydrogen atom, electrons starting in the 4th energy level and eventually ending in the ground state could produce a total of how many lines in the hydrogen spectra?A) 7 B) 6 C) 5 D) 4 E) 314. A football is kicked a distance of 50 yards down field. Neglecting air resistance, which of the following statements would be INCORRECT when the football reaches its highest point.A) all of the ball's original kinetic energy has been changed into potential energyB) the ball's horizontal velocity is the same as when it left the kicker's footC) the ball will have been in the air one-half its total flight timeD) the ball has an acceleration of gE) the vertical component of the velocity is equal to 015. A rectangular piece of metal 3 cm high by 6 cm wide hasa hole cut in its center 1cm high by 4 cm wide as shown inthe diagram at right. As the metal is warmed from 0o C to1000C, what will happen to the dimensions of the hole?A) both height and width will increaseB) both height and width will decreaseC) both height and width will remain unchangedD) height will decrease while width will increaseE) height will increase while width will decrease16. The mass of a planet can be calculated if it is orbited by a small satellite by setting the gravitational force on the satellite equal to the centripetal force on the satellite. Which of the following would NOT be required in this calculation?A) the mass of the satelliteB) the radius of the satellite's orbitC) the period of the satellite's orbitD) Newton's universal gravitational constantE) all of the above are required for this calculation17. If 25% of a sample of a radioactive isotope decays in 4 hours, we would estimate the sample's half life to be aboutA) 1.9 hours B) 4.0 hours C) 8.0 hours D) 9.6 hours E) 13.8 hours18. Which of the following is the best statement of Pascal's Law?A) pressure on a confined fluid is transmitted equally in all directionsB) a numerical arrangement where each number is the sum of the two numbers aboveC) two electrons cannot occupy the same quantum state at the same timeD) the volume of a gas is directly related to its temperatureE) the farther away a galaxy the faster it is receding19. Three identical capacitors each with acapacitance of C are connected as shown inthe following diagram. What would be thetotal equivalent capacitance of the circuit?A) 0.33 CB) 0.67 CC) 1.0 CD) 1.5 CE) 3.0 C20. When submerged under water, the apparent mass of one cubic centimeter of pure gold is18.3 grams. What would be its mass in air?A) 16.3 grams B) 17.3 grams C) 18.3 grams D) 19.3 grams E) 20.3 grams Questions 21 and 22 refer to the following scenario:Five identical light bulbs each, with a resistance of 10 ohms, are connected in a simple electrical circuit with a switch and a 10 volt battery as shown in the diagram below.21. The steady current in the above circuit would be closest to which of the following values?A) 0.2 amp B) 0.37 amp C) 0.5 amp D) 2.0 amp E) 5.0 amp22. Which bulb (or bulbs) could burn out without causing other bulbs in the circuit to also go out?A) only bulb D D) only bulbs C or DB) only bulb E E) bulbs B, C, or DC) only bulbs A or E23. A object is placed 10 cm in front of the center of a concave curved mirror with a radius of curvature of 10 cm. About how far from the mirror will the real image of the object be formed?A) 0 cm D) 20 cmB) 5 cm E) No image is formedC) 10 cm24. An electric heater draws 13 amperes of current when connected to 120 volts. If the price of electricity is $0.10/kWh, what would be the approximate cost of running the heater for 8 hours?A) $0.19 B) $0.29 C) $0.75 D) $1.25 E) $1.55 Questions 25 and 26 refer to the following scenario:The diagram below represents 5 different standing sound waves set up inside of a set of organ pipes 1 meter long.25. What is the length of the longest wavelength shown?A) .5 m B) .75 m C) 1 m D) 2 m E) 4 m26. Which organ pipe shows a standing wave which has twice the frequency of one of the other waves shown?A) C y D) O yB) C z E) C y,C z,O x & O yC) O x27. A spinning ice skater can increase his rate of rotation by bringing his arms and free leg closer to his body. How does this procedure affect the skater's rotational momentum and kinetic energy?A) rotational momentum remains the same while kinetic energy increasesB) rotational momentum remains the same while kinetic energy decreasesC) both rotational momentum and kinetic energy remain the sameD) rotational momentum increases while kinetic energy remains the sameE) both rotational momentum and kinetic energy increase28. Light travels from material X with an index of refraction of n = 1.5 to material Y with an index of refraction of n = 2.0. If the speed of light in material Y is v, what is the speed of light in material X?A) 0.56 v B) 0.75 v C) 1.33 v D) 1.78 v E) 3.0 v29. A 200 gram sample of copper is submerged in 100 grams of water until both the copper and water are at the same temperature. Which of the following statements would be true. A) the molecules of the water and copper would have equal average speeds B) the molecules of the water and copper would have equal average momentaC) the molecules of the water and copper would have equal average kinetic energiesD) the water molecules would have twice the average momentum of the copper molecules E) the copper molecules would have twice the average speed of the water molecules30. Lenz's law concerning the direction of an induced current in a conductor by a magnetic field could be a restatement ofA) Ampere's law D) the Law of Conservation of Energy B) Ohm's law E) none of these C) Maxwell's Law31. A positive point charge of +q and a negative point charge of -q are separated by a distance d . What would be the magnitude of the electric field midway between the two charges?A) E = 0 B) E 2d kq = C) E 22d kq = D) E d kq 4= E) E 28dkq=32. One stereo loudspeaker produces sound with a wavelength of 0.68 meters while the other speaker produces sound with a wavelength of 0.65 meters. What would be the resulting beat frequency?A) 3 Hz B) 23 Hz C) 66.5 Hz D) 500 Hz E) 11,333 Hz33. A small ball rolls down a ramp, across a horizontal table top and off the table edge. Which of the following would best represent a graph of the magnitude of the ball's acceleration vs time?A) B) C) D) E)34. Two toy cars with different masses originally at rest are pushed apart by a spring. Which of the following statements would NOT be true?A) both toy cars will acquire equal but opposite momenta B) both toy cars will acquire equal kinetic energies C) the more massive toy car will acquire the least speedD) the smaller toy car will experience an acceleration of greatest magnitude E) All of the above statements are true35. The intensity of sound 10 meters from a tornado siren is a very loud 130 decibels. At what distance would you need to be for the intensity to drop to 90 decibels?A) 14.3 m B) 31.8 m C) 210 m D) 400 m E) 1000 m36. A mass m is attached to a spring with a spring constant k. If the mass is set into simpleharmonic motion by a displacement d from its equilibrium position, what would be the speed, v , of the mass when it returns to equilibrium position?A) m kd v = B) m kd v =2 C) mg kd v = D) k mgdv =2 E) mk d v =37. A long straight wire viewed end on carries aconventional electric current out of the paper as shown in the diagram. What is the direction of the associated electric field at point P?There would be no electric field produced by the current at pt. P A) B) C) D) E)38. The S-waves (transverse ) and P-waves (longitudinal) produced by earthquakes travel at different speeds through the earth. If the S-waves travel about 4000 m/s while the P-waves travel at nearly 7000 m/s, how far away must an earthquake be for the P-waves to arrive 2 minutes before the S-waves?A) 360 km B) 480 km C) 840 km D) 1120 km E) 1320 km39. Suppose the engine and propeller of a single engine plane are turning in a clock wise direction with respect to the pilot. The gyroscopic action of the moving parts will cause the plane to move in which direction as the pilot tries to make a sharp left hand turn. A) spin clockwise around the long axis of the planeB) spin counter-clockwise around the long axis of the plane C) nose up D) nose down E) none of the above40. A student tunes a crystal radio set by means of a simple RLC circuit to receive a radio station broadcasting at 660 kHz. To receive a station broadcasting at 1320 kHz the capacitor in the RLC circuit could be changed. By what factor must the original capacitance be multiplied to tune in the RLC circuit to the new frequency?A) 0.25 B) 0.50 C) 2 D) 4 E) 16PHYSICSBOWL 2001ANSWERSQuestion Answer Question Answer1 C 21 B2 D 22 A3 D 23 C4 C 24 D5 B 25 E6 C 26 D7 C 27 A8 E 28 C9 B 29 C10 D 30 D11 C 31 E12 B 32 B13 B 33 A14 A 34 B15 A 35 E16 A 36 E17 D 37 E18 A 38 D19 B 39 C20 D 40 A。



历届国际物理奥林匹克竞赛试题与解答第1届(1967年于波兰的华沙)【题1】质量M=0.2kg 的小球静置于垂直柱上,柱高h=5m 。

一粒质量m=0.01kg 、以速度0=500m/s 飞行的子弹水平地穿过球心。

球落在距离柱s =20m 的地面上。

问子弹落在地面何处?子弹动能中有多少转换为热能?解:在所有碰撞情况下,系统的总动量均保持不变:其中v 和V 分别是碰撞后子弹的速度和小球的速度.两者的飞行时间都是01.12==g h t s 球在这段时间沿水平方向走过20m 的距离,故它在水105m子弹将留在球内。

【题2络,其中每个电阻均为r A、两点间的总电阻与电图(甲)如果网络是无限的,则A、B两点间的总电阻应等于C、D 两点间的总电阻,设为Rx 。

根据它们的串并联关系有:rR rR r R x x x ++= 图(乙) 解上式可得:r R x 251+=A B r rr r r r r r CD【题3】给定两个同样的球,其一放在水平面上,另一个以细线悬挂。





(这一差别是很小的,对于半径为10cm 的铜球来说,相对差值约为10-7K )【实验题】测定石油的比热。


解答:把已知温度t 1和质量m 1的水,与已知温度t 2和质量m 2的石油在量热器里混合,测出混合物的温度t 3。








)1、如图所示,把一个架在绝缘支架上不带电的枕形导体放在带负电的导体C附近,达到静电平衡后,下列对导体A端和B端电势判断正确的是( )(取大地为零电势点)>U B>OA.UB.U A<U B<OC.U A=U B<OD.U A=U B>O2、一定质量的理想气体处于某一平衡状态,此时其压强为P0,有人设计了四种途径,使气体经过每种途经后压强仍为P0,这四种途径是①先保持体积不变,降低压强,再保持温度不变,压缩体积②先保持体积不变,使气体升温,再保持温度不变,让体积膨胀③先保持温度不变,使体积膨胀,再保持体积不变,使气体升温④先保持温度不变,压缩气体,再保持体积不变,使气体降温可以断定( )A.①、②不可能B.③、④不可能C.①、③不可能D.①、②、③、④都可能二、填空题:(请将答案填在题中的横线上,每小题5分,共10分。


若哥伦比亚号航天飞机是在轨道半径为r的赤道上空飞行,且飞行方向与地球自转方向相同,已知地球自转角速度为ω0,地球半径为R,地球表面重力加速度为g, 在某时刻航天飞机通过赤道上某建筑物的上方,则到它下次通过该建筑物上方所需时间为___________________。



三、(14分)如图所示,斜面重合的两契块ABC 和ADC ,质量均为M ,DA 、BC 两面成水平,E 是质量为m 的小滑块,契块倾角为θ,各面均为光滑,系统放置在光滑的水平平台上自静止开始释放,问斜面未分离前小滑块的加速度为多少?四、(15分)某颗地球同步卫星正下方的地球表面上有一观察者,他用天文望远镜观察被太阳光照射的此卫星,试问,春分那天(太阳光直射赤道)在日落12小时内有多长时间该观察者看不见此卫星?已知地球半径为R ,地球表面处的重力加速度为g , 地球自转周期为T ,不考虑大气对光的折射。



(1,000 kg )(12
1 point
3 points For any indication that the velocity u is the time derivative of position x dx 8 = dt 1 + 5t For correctly expressing the above equation as an integral, with or without using limits 8 x=ò dt 1 + 5t Substituting u = 1 + 5t and du = 5dt 8 du 8 8 x= ò = ln u + C = ln (1 + 5t ) + C (or equivalent using limits) 5 u 5 5 The condition x = 0 at t = 0 gives C = 0 For the correct answer 8 x = ln (1 + 5t ) 5 1 point
g = 10 m s 2 for ease of calculation, but use of 9.8 m s 2 is of course also acceptable.
Numerical answers that differ from the published answer due to differences in rounding throughout the question typically receive full credit. The exception is usually when rounding makes a difference in obtaining a reasonable answer. For example, in calculations of mass differences in a nuclear reaction, rounding to too few digits can lose the accuracy required to determine a mass difference.
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ATTENTION: All Division I students, START HERE.All Division II students, skip the first ten questions, begin on question 11.THE NEXT TWO QUESTIONS REFER TO THE FOLLOWING GRAPH1. The graph represents the relationshipbetween distance and time for an object that ismoving along a straight line. What is theinstantaneous speed of the object at t = 5.0seconds?A) 0.0 m/sB) 0.8 m/sC) 2.5 m/sD) 4.0 m/sE) 6.8 m/s2. Between what times did the object have a non-zero acceleration?A) 0 s only D) 0 s to 8 sB) 0 s to 5 s E) the object was not accelerating at any timeC) 5 s to 8 s3. An airplane takes off and flies 300 miles at an angle of 30o north of east. It then changes direction and flies 600 miles due west before landing. In what direction is the plane’s landing point from its starting point?A) 14.2o north of west D) 66.2o north of westB) 23.8o north of west E) 75.9o north of westC) 37.4o north of west4. If a ball is thrown directly upwards with twice the initial speed of another, how much higher will it be at its apex?A) 8 times D) 2 timesB) 4 times E)2timesC)22 times5. The diagram shows two transverse pulses moving along a string. One pulse is moving to the right and the second is moving tothe left. Both pulses reach point x atthe same instant. What would be theresulting motion of point x as the twopulses pass each other?A) up then downB) down then upC) up, down, upD) down, up, downE) there would be no motion, the pulses cancel one another6. Three resistors of different values can be connected together in different configurations. If all three resistors are used in a circuit, how many different values of total resistance can be produced?A) 2 B) 3 C) 5 D) 6 E) 87. The diagram shows two water pulseswhich were originally produced at point A andare beginning to be reflected from a wide barrieras shown. Which of the points in the diagramwould represent a virtual source for thereflected waves?A) Point AB) Point BC) Point CD) Point DE) There would be no virtual source forthe reflected pulses.8. A gas is enclosed in a cylindrical piston. When the gas is heated from 0o C to 100o C, the piston is allowed to move to maintain a constant pressure. According to the Kinetic-Molecular Theory of MatterA) the mass of the gas will increaseB) the number of molecules of gas must increaseC) the size of the individual molecules has increasedD) the average speed of the molecules has increasedE) the molecules continue to strike the sides of the container with the same energy9. When a positive electrically charged glass rod is brought near a neutral hollow metal sphere suspended by an insulating string, the sphere will be attracted to the rod because:A) the rod is much larger than the sphereB) the rod removes electron from the sphereC) the electric charge produces a magnetic field to attract the sphereD) the charge on the rod causes a separation of charge in the sphereE) some of the protons from the rod have been given to the sphere10. In Rutherford's famous gold foil scattering experiment, he found that most alpha particles would pass through the foil undeflected. Which of the following nuclear properties can be inferred from this observation?A) The nucleus must have a positive chargeB) Most of the mass of an atom is in the nucleusC) The nucleus contains both protons and neutronsD) The diameter of the nucleus is small compared to the diameter of the atomE) None of the aboveATTENTION: All Division I students, continue to question 40.All Division II students, START HERE. Numbers 1-10 on you answer sheet should remain blank. Your first answer should be number 11.THE NEXT THREE QUESTIONS REFER TO THE FOLLOWING SCENARIO The diagram below represents a toy car starting from rest and uniformly accelerating across the floor. The time and distance traveled from the start are shown in the diagram.11. What was the average speed of the cart between 0.1 seconds and 0.3 seconds?A) 0.6 m/s D) 4.8 m/sB) 1.9 m/s E) 60 m/sC) 2.4 m/s12. What was the acceleration of the cart during the first 0.4 seconds?A) 6.0 m/s/s D) 25 m/s/sB) 9.8 m/s/s E) 50 m/s/sC) 12 m/s/s13. What was the instantaneous velocity of the cart at 96 centimeters from the start?A) 0.6 m/s D) 4.8 m/sB) 1.9 m/s E) 60 m/sC) 2.4 m/s14. An intrinsic property of matter is one that does not depend on the quantity of matter present. Which of the following properties is NOT an intrinsic property?A) Density B) Temperature C) Specific Heat D) Half-life E) Inertia15. A positively charged particle moves to the right. Itenters a region of space in which there is an electric fielddirected up the plane of the paper (see figure). In whichdirection does a magnetic field have to point in this region sothat the particle maintains a constant velocity?A) Into the plane of the pageB) Out of the plane of the pageC) To the rightD) To the leftE) Up the plane of the page16. During a particular kind of radioactive decay, a particle is emitted from the nucleus of an atom and the atom's atomic number increases by one. This decay necessarily involves the emission of ______________ from the nucleus?A) an alpha particle D) a protonB) a beta particle E) a neutronC) a gamma rayTHE NEXT TWO QUESTIONS REFER TO THE FOLLOWING SCENARIO The motion of a circus clown on a unicycle moving in a straight lineis shown in the graph at the right.17. What would be the acceleration of the clown at 5 s?A) 1.6 m/s2D) 8.0 m/s2B) 2.0 m/s2E) none of the aboveC) 3.4 m/s218. After 12 seconds, how far is the clown from her originalstarting point?A) 0 m B) 10 m C) 34 m D) 47 m E) 74 m19. As a rocket blasts away from the earth with a cargo for the international space station, which of the following graphs would best represent the gravitational force on the cargo versus distance from the surface of the Earth?20. The graph shows the relationship between themass of a number of rubber stoppers and their resultingweight on some far-off planet. The slope of the graph is arepresentation of the:A) mass of a stopperB) density of a stopperC) volume of a stopperD) acceleration due to gravityE) number of stoppers for each unit of weightAn ideal battery, an ideal ammeter,a switch and three resistors are connectedas shown. With the switch open as shownin the diagram the ammeter reads 2.0amperes.21. With the switch open, what would be the potential difference across the 15 ohm resistor?A) 30 V B) 40 V C) 60 V D) 70 V E) 110V22. With the switch open, what must be the voltage supplied by the battery?A) 30 V B) 40 V C) 60 V D) 70 V E) 110 V23. When the switch is closed, what would be the current in the circuit?A) 1.1 A B) 1.7 A C) 2.0 A D) 2.3 A E) 3.0 A24. Two small hollow metal spheres hung on insulating threads attract oneanother as shown. It is known that a positively charged rod will attract ball A.I. Ball A has a positive chargeII. Ball B has a negative chargeIII. Ball A and Ball B have opposite chargesWhich of the above can be correctly concluded about the charge on the balls?A) I only B) II only C) III only D) all of these E) none of these25. If M represents units of mass, L represents units of length, and T represents units of time, the dimensions of power would be:A)MLT2B)MLT22C)MLT23D)MLTE)MLT226. Consider two laboratory carts of different masses but identical kinetic energies and the three following statements.I. The one with the greatest mass has the greatest momentumII. The same impulse was required to accelerate each cart from restIII. Both can do the same amount of work as they come to a stopWhich of the above statements would be correct?A) I only D) I and II onlyB) II only E) I and III onlyC) III onlyThe diagram below shows three roller coaster tracks of equal length. Assume that on all tracks the roller coaster carts start from rest at the same elevation and moves frictionlessly over the tracks to the finish.27. If all roller coaster carts start at the positions shown, on which track would the roller coaster cart be traveling the fastest at the finish?A) Cart A D) All would reach the finish with the same speedB) Cart B E) More information would be requiredC) Cart C28. If all roller coaster carts start at the positions shown, on which track would the roller coaster cart reach the finish first?A) Cart A D) All would reach the finish at the same timeB) Cart B E) More information would be requiredC) Cart C29. Assume the roller coaster cart rollsfrictionlessly along the curved track from point A topoint C under the influence of gravity. What would bethe direction of the cart's acceleration at point B?A) upwardB) downwardC) forwardD) backwardE) no acceleration30. A box falls to the ground from a delivery truck traveling at 30 m/s. After hitting the road, it slides 45 meters to rest. How long does it take the box to come to rest?A) 0.67 s B) 1.5 s C) 2.0 s D) 3.0 s E) 6.0 s31. A compass is placed near a coil of wire. A conventionalelectrical current is then run through the coil from left to right asshown. This will cause the North pole of the compass to:A) point toward the leftB) point toward the rightC) point toward the bottom of the paperD) not move since the magnetic field of the coil is into thepaperE) not move since the magnetic field of the coil is out of the paper32. An automobile engine delivers 24,000 watts (about 32 hp) of power to a car's driving wheels. If the car maintains a constant speed of 30 m/s (about 65 mph), what is the magnitude of the retarding force acting on the car?A) 800 N D) 720,000 NB) 960 N E) 1,560,000 NC) 1950 N33. A short burst of white light strikes a rectangular glass block with an angle of incidence of 0o. Which color of transmitted light would be the first to emerge from the opposite side?A) red D) violetB) yellow E) all colors would emerge at the same instantC) green34. Two containers are filled with gases at the sametemperature. In the container on the left is a gas of molar mass2M, volume 2V, and number of moles 2n. In the container onthe right is a gas of molar mass M, volume V, and moles n.Which is most nearly the ratio of the pressure of the gas on theleft to the pressure of the gas on the right?A) 1:1 D) 8:1B) 2:1 E) 16:1C) 4:135. A 300 eV electron is aimed midway between twoparallel metal plates with a potential difference of 400 V. Theelectron is deflected upwards and strikes the upper plate asshown. What would be the kinetic energy of the electron justbefore striking the metal plate?A) 360 eV B) 400 eV C) 500 eV D) 700 eV E) 740 eV36. Two masses, m 1 and m 2, are connected by a cord and arrangedas shown in the diagram with m 1 sliding along on a frictionless surfaceand m 2 hanging from a light frictionless pulley. What would be themass of the falling mass, m 2, if both the sliding mass, m 1, and thetension, T , in the cord were known?A) 11()g − D) m g T g1− B) 12Tg E) ()()T gm g T m −−11) C) Tm gm T 11()−37. A diffraction grating of 1000 lines/cm has red light of wavelength 700nm pass through it. The distance between the first and third principal bright spots on a screen 2.0m away isA) 14 cm B) 28 cm C) 42 cm D) 140 cm E) 280 cm38. A 5 x 10-6 coulomb electric charge is placed midway between two parallel metal plates connected to a 9-volt battery. If the electric charge experiences a force of 1.5 x 10-4 newtons, what is the separation of the metal plates?A) 6.75 x 10-9m B) 2.7 x 10-4m C) 3.7 x 10-3m D) 0.30 m E) 3.3 m39. A parallel-plate capacitor is connected to a resistanceless circuit with a battery having emf î until the capacitor is fully charged. The battery is then disconnected from the circuit and the plates of the capacitor are moved to half of their original separation using insulated gloves. Let V new be the potential difference across the capacitor plates when the plates are moved together. Let V old be the potential difference across the capacitor plates when connected to the battery. V V new old= A) 41 B) 21 C) 1 D) 2 E) 440. A box with a mass of 50 kg is dragged across thefloor by a rope which makes an angle of 30o with thehorizontal. Which of the following would be closest to thecoefficient of kinetic friction between the box and the floor ifa 250 newton force on the rope is required to move the crateat a constant speed of 20 m/s as shown in the diagram?A) 0.26 B) 0.33 C) 0.44 D) 0.59 E) 0.77ATTENTION: All Division I students, STOP. All Division II students, turn page and continue to question 50.41. A person throws a small object from the top of a building at an angle of 300 above the horizontal. At the instant that the object returns to the same height from which it was thrown, at what rate is the speed of the object changing? Ignore air resistance and let g be the acceleration due to gravity.A) 0 B) g tan 30o C) g sin 30o D) g cos 30o E) g42. A small box of mass m is placed on top of a larger box of mass2m as shown in the diagram at right. When a force F is applied to thelarge box, both boxes accelerate to the right with the same acceleration.If the coefficient of friction between all surfaces is ì, what would be theforce accelerating the smaller mass?A) µmg F −3 B) µmg F 3− C) µmg F − D) 3µmg F − E) 3F43. A light ray is incident normal to a thin layer ofglass. Given the figure, what is the minimum thicknessof the glass that gives the reflected light an orangish color( ëair = 600 nm) ?A) 50 nm D) 200 nmB) 100 nm E) 500 nmC) 150 nm44. A thermally insulating container has a membrane separating the container into two equal parts. In one part is a vacuum. In the other part is an ideal gas of temperature T and internal energy U. The membrane is punctured and the gas rushes into the region which was vacuum. After the system has returned to equilibrium, which of the following is NOT true for the gas?A) The temperature of the gas is unchanged.B) No work is done by the gas on the surroundings.C) There is no heat exchanged by the gas with the surroundings.D) There is no entropy change of the system.E) The internal energy of the gas is unchanged.45. A light inextensible string is connected to a mass, M , that provides the tension in the string. A length L of the string has a fundamental frequency of vibration of f M . If a second identical mass is now connected to the original mass, the newfundamental frequency of the string (f 2M ) of string length L incomparison to the fundamental frequency with only one massconnected f M isA) f f M M 22= D) f f M M 212= B) f f M M 22= E) f f M M 212= C) f f M M 2=46. A hotplate is designed such that it has a resistance of 12 Ù when operating at 120 volts. What is the minimum amount of time that it would take to warm 0.45 kg of water from 15o C to 85o C?A) 20 s B) 26 s C) 110 s D) 180 s E) 220 s47. A car heads toward a brick wall in a crash test at 30 m/s. The horn is emitting a sound with frequency 250 Hz as it approaches the wall. If the air is still and the speed of sound in air is 340 m/s, what beat frequency from the horn would the driver of the car detect?A) 0 Hz B) 22 Hz C) 24 Hz D) 41 Hz E) 48 Hz48. An object of mass M is dropped from a height H above the ground. The object crashes into some soft earth and comes to rest by compressing the earth a distance of H /2. Assuming that air resistance is negligible, what is the magnitude of the average constant force exerted by the ground on the object while coming to rest?A) 0 B) 32 Mg C) Mg D) 2Mg E) 3Mg49. A solid, uncharged conducting sphere of radius 3a contains a hollowed spherical region of radius a . A point charge +Q is placed at the common center of the spheres. Taking V = 0 as r →∞, the potential at position r =2a from the center of the spheres is:A) 0 D) 23kQ aB) kQ a 3 E) kQ aC) kQ a24050. Two thin lenses each with afocal length of +10 cm are located30 cm apart with their optical axesaligned as shown. An object isplaced 35 cm from the first lens.After the light has passed throughboth lenses, at what distance fromthe second lens will the final image be formed?A) 65 cm B) 35 cm C) 27 cm D) 17 cm E) -14 cmATTENTION: All Division II students STOP. All Division II answers should appear inNumbers 11-50 on your answer sheet. Numbers 1-10 on you answer sheet should remain blank.2002 PhysicsBowl Answer SheetQuestion Answer Question Answer1 B 26 E2 C 27 B3 B 28 A4 B 29 A5 C 30 D6 E 31 A7 C 32 A8 D 33 A9 D 34 A10 D 35 C11 C 36 C12 C 37 B13 D 38 D14 E 39 B15 B 40 D16 B 41 C17 B 42 A18 E 43 B19 E 44 D20 D 45 B21 A 46 C22 D 47 E23 D 48 E24 E 49 B25 C 50 Cpage 12。
