





























毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译系部:机械工程系专业:机械工程及自动化姓名:学号:外文出处:Design of machine elements(用外文写)附件:1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。




















毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译文献、资料中文题目:日本隧道维修文献、资料英文题目:文献、资料来源:文献、资料发表(出版)日期:院(部):专业:班级:姓名:学号:指导教师:翻译日期: 2017.02.14日本隧道维修Tunnel maintenance in Japan摘要本文论述了日本铁路隧道最近的维修技术和典型的变形情况。




关键词:隧道维修,隧道检查;隧道修复,加固,无损检测1 引言隧道不同于地上建筑物,设计条件(地形,地质,地下水等)依变化情况而定。







2 检查和诊断方法2.1 隧道的检查和诊断对隧道进行检查和诊断,能及时掌握变形是否影响结构的安全性和耐久性,然后采取适当的应对措施,以确保在评估结果的基础上保持隧道的良好状况。




毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译院系:土木工程与建筑系年级专业:土木工程姓名:学号:附件:盾构SHIELDS指导老师评语:指导教师签名:年月日S HIEL D S【Abstr act】A tunnel shield is a structural system, used during the face excavation process. The paper mainly discusses the form and the structure of the shield. Propulsion for the shield is provided by a series of hydraulic jacks installed in the tail of the shield and the shield is widespread used in the underground environment where can not be in long time stable. The main enemy of the shield is ground pressure. Non-uniform ground pressure caused by the steering may act on the skin tends to force the shield off line and grade. And working decks inside the shield enable the miners to excavate the face, drill and load holes.【Keywor ds】shield hydraulic jacks ground pressure steering working decksA tunnel shield is a structural system, normally constructed of steel, used during the face excavation process. The shield has an outside configuration which matches the tunnel. The shield provides protection for the men and equipment and also furnished initial ground support until structural supports can be installed within the tail section of the shield. The shield also provides a reaction base for the breast-board system used to control face movement. The shield may have either an open or closed bottom. In a closed-bottom shield, the shield structure and skin provide 360-degree ground contact and the weight of the shield rests upon the invert section of the shield skin. The open shield has no bottom section and requires some additional provision is a pair of side drifts driven in advance of shield excavation. Rails or skid tracks are installed within these side drifts to provide bearing support for the shield.Shield length generally varies from1/2 to 3/4 of the tunnel diameter. The front of the shield is generally hooded to so that the top of the shield protrudes forward further than the invert portion which provides additional protection for the men working at the face and also ease pressure on the breast-boards. The steel skin of the shield may varyfrom 1.3 to 10 cm in thickness, depending on the expected ground pressures. The type of steel used in the shield is the subject of many arguments within the tunneling fraternity. Some prefer mild steel in the A36 category because of its ductility and case of welding in the underground environment where precision work is difficult. Others prefer a high-strength steel such as T-1 because of its higher strength/w eight ratio. Shield weight may range from 5 to 500 tons. Most of the heaviest shields are found in the former Sovier Union because of their preference for cast-iron in both structural and skin elements.Propulsion for the shield is provided by a series of hydraulic jacks installed in the tail of the shield that thrust against the last steel set that has been installed. The total required thrust will vary with skin area and ground pressure. Several shields have been constructed with total thrust capabilities in excess of 10000 tons. Hydraulic systems are usually self-contained, air-motor powered, and mounted on the shield. Working pressures in the hydraulic system may range from 20-70 Mpa. To resist the thrust of the shield jacks, a horizontal structure member (collar brace) must be installed opposite each jack location and between the flanges of the steel set. In addition, some structural provision must be made for transferring this thrust load into the tunnel walls. Without this provision the thrust will extend through the collar braces to the tunnel portal.An Englishman, Marc Brunel, is credited with inventing the shield. Brunel supposedly got his idea by studying the action of the Teredo navalis, a highly destructive woodworm, when he was working at the Chatham dock yard. In 1818 Brunel obtained an English patent for his rectangular shield which was subsequently uses to construct the first tunnel under the River Thames in London. In 1869 the first circular shield was devised by Barlow and Great Head in London and is referred to as the Great Head-type shield. Later that same year, Beach in New York City produced similar shield. The first use of the circular shield came during 1869 when Barlow and Great Head employed their device in the construction of the 2.1 in diameter Tower Subway under the River Thames. Despite the name of the tunnel, it was used only for pedestrian traffic. Beach also put his circular shield to work in 1869 to construct a demonstration project for a proposed NewYork City subway system. The project consisted of a 2.4 m diameter tunnel, 90 m long, used to experiment with a subway car propelled by air pressure.Here are some tunnels which were built by shield principle.Soft-ground tunneling Some tunnels are driven wholly or mostly through soft material. In very soft ground, little or no blasting is necessary because the material is easily excavated.At first, forepoling was the only method for building tunnels through very soft ground. Forepoles are heavy planks about 1.5 m long and sharpened to a point. They were inserted over the top horizontal bar of the bracing at the face of the tunnel. The forepoles were driven into the ground of the face with an outward inclination. After all the roof poles were driven for about half of their length, a timber was laid across their exposed ends to counter any strain on the outer ends. The forepoles thus provided an extension of the tunnel support, and the face was extended under them. When the ends of the forepoles were reached, new timbering support was added, and the forepoles were driven into the ground for the next advance of the tunneling.The use of compressed air simplified working in soft ground. An airlock was built, though which men and equipment passed, and sufficient air pressure was maintained at the tunnel face to hold the ground firm during excavation until timbering or other support was erected.Another development was the use of hydraulically powered shields behind which cast-iron or steel plates were placed on the circumference of the tunnels. These plates provided sufficient support for the tunnel while the work proceeded, as well as full working space for men in the tunnel.Under water tunneling The most difficult tunneling is that undertaken at considerable depths below a river or other body of water. In such cases, water seeps through porous material or crevices, subjecting the work in progress to the pressure of the water above the tunneling path. When the tunnel is driven through stiff clay, the flow of water may be small enough to be removed by pumping. In more porous ground,compressed air must be used to exclude water. The amount of air pressure that is needed increases as the depth of the tunnel increases below the surface.A circular shield has proved to be most efficient in resisting the pressure of soft ground, so most shield-driven tunnels are circular. The shield once consisted of steel plates and angle supports, with a heavily braced diaphragm across its face. The diaphragm had a number of openings with doors so that workers could excavate material in front of the shield. In a further development, the shield was shoved forward into the silty material of a riverbed, thereby squeezing displaced material through the doors and into the tunnel, from which the muck was removed. The cylindrical shell of the shield may extend several feet in front of the diaphragm to provide a cutting edge. A rear section, called the tail, extends for several feet behind the body of the shield to protect workers. In large shields, an erector arm is used in the rear side of the shield to place the metal support segments along the circumference of the tunnel.The pressure against the forward motion of a shield may exceed 48.8 Mpa. Hydraulic jacks are used to overcome this pressure and advance the shield, producing a pressure of about 245 Mpa on the outside surface of the shield.Shields can be steered by varying the thrust of the jacks from left side to right side or from top to bottom, thus varying the tunnel direction left or right or up or down. The jacks shove against the tunnel lining for each forward shove. The cycle of operation is forward shove, line, muck, and then another forward shove. The shield used about 1955 on the third tube of the Lincoln Tunnel in New York City was 5.5 m long and 9.6 m in diameter. It was moved about 81.2 cm per shove, permitting the fabrication of a 81.2 cm support ring behind it.Cast-iron segments commonly are used in working behind such a shield. They are erected and bolted together in a short time to provide strength and water tightness. In the third tube of the Lincoln Tunnel each segment is 2 m long, 81.2 cm wide, and 35.5 cm thick, and weighs about 1.5 tons. These sections form a ring of 14 segments that are linked together by bolts. The bolts were tightened by hand and then by machine.Immediately after they were in place, the sections were sealed at the joints to ensure permanent water tightness.Shields are most commonly used in ground condition where adequate stand-up time does not exist. The advantage of the shield in this type of ground, in addition to the protection afforded men and equipment , is the time available to install steel ribs, liner plates, or precast concrete segments under the tail segment of the shield before ground pressure and movement become adverse factors.One of the principle problems associated with shield use is steering. Non-uniform ground pressure acting on the skin tends to force the shield off line and grade. This problem is particularly acute with closed bottom shield that do not ride on rails or skid tracks. Steering is accomplished by varying the hydraulic pressure in individual thrust jacks. If the shied is trying to dive, additional pressure on the invert jacks will resist this tendency. It is not unusual to find shield wandering several feet from the required. Although lasers are frequently used to provide continuous line and grade data to operator, once the shield wanders off its course, its sheer bulk resists efforts to bring it back. Heterogeneous ground conditions, such as clay with random boulders, also presents steering problems.One theoretical disadvantage of the shield is the annular space left between the support system and the ground surface. When the support system is installed within the tail section of the shield, the individual support members are separated from the ground surface by the thickness of the tail skin. When steel ribs are used, the annular space is filled with timber blocking as the forward motion of the shield exposes the individual ribs.A continuous support system presents a different problem. In this case, a filler material, such as pea gravel or grout, is pumped behind the support system to fill the void between it and the ground surface.The main enemy of the shield is ground pressure. As ground pressure begins to build, two things happen, more thrust is required for shield propulsion and stress increases in the structural members of the shield. Shields are designed and function undera preselected ground pressure. Designers will select this pressure as a percentage of the maximum ground pressure contemplated by the permanent tunnel design. In some cases, unfortunately, the shield just gets built without specific consideration of the ground pressures it might encounter. When ground pressure exceeds the design limit, the shield gets “stuck”.The friction component of the ground pressure on the skin becomes greater than the thrust capability of the jacks. Several methods, including pumping bentonite slurry into the skin, ground interface, pushing heavy equipment, and bumping with dynamite, have been applied to stuck shields with occasional success.Because ground pressure tends to increase with time, the cardinal rule of operation is “keeping moving”.This accounts for the fracture activity when a shield has suffered a temporary mechanical failure. As ground pressure continues to build on the nonmoving shield , the load finally exceeds its structural limit and bucking begins. An example of shield destruction occurred in California in 1968 when two shields being used to drive the Carly V.Porter Tunnel were caught by excessive ground pressure and deformed beyond repair. One of the Porter Tunnel shields was brought to a halt in reasonably good ground by water bearing ground fault that required full breast-boards. While the contractor was trying to bring the face under control, skin pressure began to increase. While the face condition finally stabilized, the contractor prepared to resume operations and discovered the shield was stuck. No combination of methods was able to move it, and the increasing ground pressure destroyed the shield.To offset the ground pressure effect, a standard provision in design is a cutting edge radius several inches greater than the main body radius. This allows a certain degree o f ground movement before pressure can come to bear on the shield skin. Another approach, considered in theory but not yet put into practice, is the “w atermelon seed”design. The theory calls for a continuous taper in the shield configuration; maximum radius at the cutting edge and the minimum radius at the trailing edge of the tail. With this configuration, any amount of forward movement would create a drop in skin pressure.Working decks, spaced 2.4 to 3.0 m vertically, are provided inside the shield. These working decks enable the miners to excavate the face, drill and load holes, if necessary, and adjust the breast-board system. The hydraulic jacks for the breast-board are mounted on the underside of the work decks. Blast doors are sometimes installed as an integral part of the work decks if a substantial amount of blasting is expected.Some form of mechanical equipment is provided on the rear end of the working decks to assist the miners in handing and placing the element of the support system. In large tunnels, these individual support elements can weigh several tons and mechanical assistance becomes essential. Sufficient vertical clearance must be provided between the invert and the first working deck to permit access to the face by the loading equipment.盾构【摘要】隧道盾构是一结构系统,通常用于洞室开挖。



毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译文献、资料中文题目:预应力混凝土文献、资料英文题目:Prestressed Concrete文献、资料来源:文献、资料发表(出版)日期:院(部):专业:班级:姓名:学号:指导教师:翻译日期: 2017.02.14毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译外文出处:The Concrete structure附件:1、外文原文;2、外文资料翻译译文。

1、外文资料原文Prestressed ConcreteConcrete is strong in compression, but weak in tension: Its tensile strength varies from 8 to 14 percent of its compressive strength. Due tosuch a Iow tensile capacity, fiexural cracks develop at early stages ofloading. In order to reduce or prevent such cracks from developing, aconcentric or eccentric force is imposed in the longitudinal direction of the structural element. This force prevents the cracks from developing by eliminating or considerably reducing the tensile stresses at thecritical midspan and support sections at service load, thereby raising the bending, shear, and torsional capacities of the sections. The sections are then able to behave elastically, and almost the full capacity of the concrete in compression can be efficiently utilized across the entire depth of the concrete sections when all loads act on the structure.Such an imposed longitudinal force is called a prestressing force,i.e., a compressive force that prestresses the sections along the span ofthe structural elementprior to the application of the transverse gravitydead and live loads or transient horizontal live loads. The type ofprestressing force involved, together with its magnitude, are determined mainly on the basis of the type of system to be constructed and the span length and slenderness desired.~ Since the prestressing force is applied longitudinally along or parallel to the axis of the member, the prestressing principle involved is commonly known as linear prestressing.Circular prestressing, used in liquid containment tanks, pipes,and pressure reactor vessels, essentially follows the same basic principles as does linear prestressing. The circumferential hoop, or "hugging" stress on the cylindrical or spherical structure, neutralizes the tensile stresses at the outer fibers of the curvilinear surface caused by the internal contained pressure.Figure 1.2.1 illustrates, in a basic fashion, the prestressing action in both types of structural systems and the resulting stress response. In(a), the individual concrete blocks act together as a beam due to the large compressive prestressing force P. Although it might appear that the blocks will slip and vertically simulate shear slip failure, in fact they will not because of the longitudinal force P. Similarly, the wooden staves in (c) might appear to be capable of separating as a result of the high internal radial pressure exerted on them. But again, because of the compressive prestress imposed by the metal bands as a form of circular prestressing, they will remain in place.From the preceding discussion, it is plain that permanent stresses in the prestressed structural member are created before the full dead and live loads are applied in order to eliminate or considerably reduce the net tensile stresses caused by these loads. With reinforced concrete,it is assumed that the tensile strength of the concrete is negligible and disregarded. This is because the tensile forces resulting from the bending moments are resisted bythe bond created in the reinforcement process. Cracking and deflection are therefore essentially irrecoverable in reinforced concrete once the member has reached its limit state at service load.The reinforcement in the reinforced concrete member does not exert any force of its own on the member, contrary to the action of prestressing steel. The steel required to produce the prestressing force in the prestressed member actively preloads the member, permitting a relatively high controlled recovery of cracking and deflection. Once the flexural tensile strength of the concrete is exceeded, the prestressed member starts to act like a reinforced concrete element.Prestressed members are shallower in depth than their reinforced concrete counterparts for the same span and loading conditions. In general, the depth of a prestressed concrete member is usually about 65 to 80 percent of the depth of the equivalent reinforced concrete member. Hence, the prestressed member requires less concrete, and,about 20 to 35 percent of the amount of reinforcement. Unfortunately, this saving in material weight is balanced by the higher cost of the higher quality materials needed in prestressing. Also, regardless of the system used, prestressing operations themselves result in an added cost: Formwork is more complex, since the geometry of prestressed sections is usually composed of. flanged sections with thin-webs.In spite of these additional costs, if a large enough number of precast units are manufactured, the difference between at least the initial costs of prestressed and reinforced concrete systems is usually not very large.~ And the indirect long-term savings are quite substantial, because less maintenance is needed; a longer working life is possible due to better quality control of the concrete, and lighter foundations are achieved due to the smaller cumulative weight of the superstructure.Once the beam span of reinforced concrete exceeds 70 to 90 feet (21.3 to 27.4m), the dead weight of the beam becomes excessive, resulting in heavier members and, consequently, greater long-term deflection and cracking. Thus, for larger spans, prestressed concrete becomes mandatory since arches are expensive to construct and do not perform as well due to the severe long-term shrinkage and creep they undergo.~ Very large spans such as segmental bridges or cable-stayed bridges can only be constructed through the use of prestressing.Prestressd concrete is not a new concept, dating back to 1872, when P. H. Jackson, an engineer from California, patented a prestressing system that used a tie rod to construct beams or arches from individual blocks [see Figure 1.2.1 (a)]. After a long lapse of time during which little progress was made because of the unavailability of high-strength steel to overcome prestress losses, R. E. Dill of Alexandria, Nebraska, recognized the effect of the shrinkage and creep (transverse material flow) of concrete on the loss of prestress. He subsequently developed the idea that successive post-tensioning of unbonded rods would compensate for the time-dependent loss of stress in the rods due to the decrease in the length of the member because of creep and shrinkage. In the early 1920s,W. H. Hewett of Minneapolis developed the principles of circular prestressing. He hoop-stressed horizontal reinforcement around walls of concrete tanks through the use of turnbuckles to prevent cracking due to internalliquid pressure, thereby achieving watertightness. Thereafter, prestressing of tanks and pipes developed at an accelerated pace in the United States, with thousands of tanks for water, liquid, and gas storage built and much mileage of prestressed pressure pipe laid in the two to three decades that followed.Linear prestressing continued to develop in Europe and in France, in particular through the ingenuity of Eugene Freyssinet, who proposed in 1926--1928 methods to overcome prestress losses through the use of high-strength and high-ductility steels. In 1940, he introduced thenow well-known and well-accepted Freyssinet system.P. W. Abeles of England introduced and developed the concept of partial prestressing between the 1930s and 1960s. F. Leonhardt of Germany, V. Mikhailov of Russia, and T. Y. Lin of the United States also contributed a great deal to the art and science of the design of prestressed concrete. Lin's load-balancing method deserves particular mention in this regard, as it considerably simplified the design process, particularly in continuous structures. These twentieth-century developments have led to the extensive use of prestressing throughoutthe world, and in the United States in particular.Today, prestressed concrete is used in buildings, underground structures, TV towers, floating storage and offshore structures, power stations, nuclear reactor vessels, and numerous types of bridge systems including segn~ental and cable-stayed bridges, they demonstrate the versatility of the prestressing concept and its all-encompassing application. The success in the development and construction of all these structures has been due in no small measures to the advances in the technology of materials, particularly prestressing steel, and the accumulated knowledge in estimating the short-and long-term losses in the prestressing forces.~2、外文资料翻译译文预应力混凝土混凝土的力学特性是抗压不抗拉:它的抗拉强度是抗压强度的8%一14%。



毕业设计(论文)外文翻译题目:Comparative Analysis of Excavation Schemes for a TunnelConstructed through Loose Deposits院(系)建筑工程学院专业土木工程班级130702姓名xxxxx学号xxxxx导师xxxxx2017x年5月1日通过松散堆积物构建了隧道开挖方案的对比分析摘要:由于周围岩石较弱,构造松散沉积物的隧道易于坍塌,二次内衬通常遭受过度变形。








关键词:松散堆积物;力学参数; 隧道;开挖方案;比较分析。










Shahrour 等(2010)分析了用软土构建的隧道的地震响应。



外文文献翻译一铁路隧道的安全1 外文文献原文 (1)2外文文献翻译 (2)1外文文献原文Safety of long railway tunnelsD. Diamantidis"摆,E Zuccarelli b, A. VVestha user *^University of Applied Sciences, Regensburg^ Prufen in ger str. 58y D・93049, Regensburg^GermanybD^Appolonia S.p.A.y Genova^ ItalycBrenner Eisenbahn GmbH, Innsbruck^ AustriaReceived 10 March 1999; accepted 6 September 1999AbstractPlanning and designing railway tunnels with an explicit reference to safety issues is becoming of utmost importance since the combination of high speed, mixed goods-passenger traffic and extreme length of the new tunnels under design or concept evaluation, have sensitively modifled the inherent safety of the railway tunnel. Although the probability of occurrence of accidental events may still be considered rather low, the possible consequences of such events in long tunnels can be catastrophic, therefore raising the overall risk to levels that may be no more acceptable. The scope of this paper is to illustrate the state-of-practice related to risk analysis of long railway tunnels. First, ambitious tunnel projects are briefly reviewed. The applicable risk-analysis procedures are then described and discussed. The problem of risk appraisal is addressed and quantitative target safety levels are proposed. Safety systems for risk reduction are outlined. q2000 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.Keywords: Railway tunnels; Risk acceptability; Safety systems; Passenger traffic1.IntroductionThe railway is now moving rapidly toward a modern service transportation industry. High Speed Rail (HSR) systems are already operating in many countries such as Japan, England, France, Italy and Germany. A further development of the whole European HSR network is planned. In order to achieve the design velocity up to 300 km/h, a considerable part of the routes is in tunnels with lengths greater than 10 km and in some cases of the order of 50 km. Table 1 illustrates a list of existing long tunnels worldwide. In this European context, the Commission of the European Communities (CEC) aimed at homogenizing the HSR projects also with respect to the safety issues. However, neither theCEC guidelines nor the existing railway regulations and codes directly address to the problem of quantitatively assessing the safety level for railway systems. This is mostly due to the fact that railway transport is considered by railway operators and perceived by the public as a safe mean of transportation. This approach to safety might be applicable to traditional railway systems, which have proven throughout the years their performance; it is, however, not enough to guarantee the safety of railway systems where innovative and particular conditions are present, or of the existing lines that have to be upgraded to new exercise standards. For example, the combination of high-speed transit, high traffic intensity, combined transport of passengers and dangerous goods and extremely long tunnels, might lead to unacceptable safety levels. Therefore, the designer has to choose a railway system configuration together with the preventive and mitigative measures of accidents that minimize the risk and ultimately should verify bv means of a risk analysis that the obtained safety level is below a predefined target level. The scope of this paper is to illustrate the state-of-practice related to safe tunnel design and associated risk-analysis aspects of long railway tunnels. First, ambitious tunnel projects are briefly reviewed from the safety point of view. The risk-analysis procedures are then described and discussed. The problem of risk appraisal is addressed and quantitative target safety levels are proposed. Finally, safety systems for risk reduction are illustrated.2.Major tunnel projects and the associated riskBasic design aspects in existing or under design and construction tunnels are briefly summarized in this section.Table 1List of existing long tunnels worldwideName Country Length (km) Underground Daischimisu Japan 22.2Simplon II Italv/Switzerland 19.8Appennino Italy 18.6Rokko Japan 16.2Haruna Japan 15.4Gotthard Switzerland 15.0Nakayama Japan 14.8Lolschberg Switzerland 14.5Hokuriku Japan 13.9Prato Tires Italy 13.5Landrucken Germany 10.8 Underwater Seikan Japan 53.9Eurotunnel UK/France 50.0Shin Kanmon Japan 18.7Great Belt Denmark 8.0Severn UK 7.0Mersev UK 4.9Kanmon Japan 3.6 The following tunnels are included:(a)the Channel tunnel between England and France;(b)the Seikan tunnel in Japan;(c)the Gotthard tunnel planned in Switzerland;(d)the Brenner tunnel planned between Italy and Austria;(e)the new Mont Cenis-tunnel planned between Franceand Italy;(f)the tunnel under the Great Belt in Denmark.2.1.The Channel tunnelThe tunnel serves rail traffic and links up the terminals near Folkestone in the south of England and Calais in northern France. The tunnel is some 50 km long and comprises of three parallel tubes, which are located some 25-45 m beneath the sea bed. The trains travel through the twosingle-track running tunnels, each of which has an internal diameter of 7.30 m. Both running tunnels have a continuous escape way in order to enable passengers and train staff to get out of the tunnel quickly in the event of an emergency (see Fig. 1). Two main cross-links connect the two running tunnels so that trains can switch from one tube to the other during maintenance work; these two main cross-links are located in the 37 km long section under the sea bed. Two smaller cross-links are to be found in the vicinity of the tunnel portals. The running tunnels are connected at 250 m intervals by means of 2-00 m diameter pressure-relief tunnels. Through these cross-cuts the pressure that builds up in front of a speeding train can be reduced by diverting the air from one running tunnel into the other. A service tunnel with an internal diameter of 4.50 m is located between the two running tunnels. It is, first and foremost, intended as an escape and access facility in the event of an accident in one of the running tunnels. In addition, this service tunnel provides access to the technical centers, which are distributed along it. The service tunnel and the two running tunnels are connected to each other via a 3.30 in diameter cross-cuts set up at 375 in gaps as escape ways [1].The tunnel is used for the following train services:•the passenger shuttles for cars and buses;•the freight shuttles for lorries as well as;•express and goods trains belonging to the national railway companies.The signaling system incorporating automatic train protection is designed to minimize the risk of any type of collision even during single-line operation when maintenance is being carried out. One of the main criteria for the design of the rolling stock was the requirement that, as far as practicable, in the event of fire, a shuttle is able to continue on its journey out of the tunnel so that fire could be tackled in the open. To achieve this a 30 min fire resistance has been specified for the wagons including the fire doors and shutters in the passenger shuttles. The fire accident that occurred in November 1996 showed that the emergency response procedures required further improvement.c (a)(D(S)° (£) (£)Fig. 2. Investigated tunnel systems: A and B with service tunnel; D without service tunnel.2.2.The Seikan tunnelThe Seikan tunnel was completed in 1988 and constitutesthe longest tunnel worldwide with a total length of 53.9 km.lt is a double-track tunnel with a cross-sectional area of 64 m2. The average traffic is 50 trains per day. The tunnelhas two emergency stations and is thus divided into three sections The middle section is under water with a length of 23 km and has a service tunneL By providing the emergency stations with fire fighting systems, fire can be copedwithin the same manner as conventional tunnel fires. In case of fire, the train must be brought to a stop at the nearest emergency station or must be driven out of the tunneL2.3.The Gotthard Base tunnelThe 57 km long Gotthard Base tunnel is one of the main links for Bahn 2000, the Swiss passenger traffic for the next century, and for the rail corridor of European freight traffic through the Alps [3]. The tunnel route is a part of the Zurich-Lugano line and is intended to carry 150 intercity, passenger and freight trains per day in each direction. Two tracks are needed for these traffic levels and there is a multitude of different tunnel layouts, which can be considered.Possible normal tunnel profiles could consist of:(a)a double-track tunnel with a parallel service tunnel;(b)a pair of single-track tunnel with a service tunnel;(c)three single-track tunnels;(d)a pair of single-track tunnels without a service tunnel^but with frequent interconnections (see Fig. 2).In addition to the traffic tunnels, there is a need for possibly two overtaking stations to allow passenger trains to pass slower freight ones. Natural longitudinal flow in the two tubes will be the basis for the ventilation of the tunnel, which has an overburden of 2000 m or greater, over more than 20 km of itslength.Recently wide-ranging studies have been carried out on the different designs of the Gotthard tunnel. The main parameters that have been thereby investigated are:(a)costs of construction;(b)construction time and method;(c)operational capacity and operability;(d)maintenance;(e)safety for the passengers and the personnel.The performed safety study has shown that the three single-track tunnels and the pair of single-track tunnel with a service tunnel are associated to lower risk and higher operability compared to the double-track tunnel with service tunneL However the associated costs are higher. Based on the evaluation of comprehensive studies the configuration D has been selected, i.e. a pair of single-track tunnels without service tunnel but with interconnections approximatelyevery 325 m. Such interconnections can be used for maintenance purposes and evacuation purposes in case of accidents.2.4.The Brenner tunnelOne of the most striking bottlenecks in passenger and goods transit between Northern Europe andItaly is the north-south connection from Munich via the Brenner Pass to Verona. At present, only one-third of the freight volume can be carried by rail, whilst two-third has to be carried by road over the Brenner Pass. Thus, it is of great importance that the modern railway networks, which either exist or are in the process of being created in the countries of the EuropeanCommunity with their high-speed sections, are welded together via long railway tunnels, which can overcome the Alps as a barrier. If one considers that each year until the turn-of-thecentury, an anticipated trans-goods volume of 150 million tonnes has to be carried over the Brenner Pass 800 m above sea-level, it is thus not surprising that the citizens of the surrounding states have called for the removal of this traffic bottleneck against the background of environmental considerations. The Brenner Base tunnel is urgently required. According to the feasibility study, it consists of a railway tunnel of approximately 55 km length, connecting Innsbruck, Austria and Fortezza, Italy. The rail traffic in the tunnel is similar to that in the Gotthard tunnel and will include approximately 340 trains per day, with 80% of goods trains, of which 10-15% contain dangerous substances. A flnal decision regarding the tunnel configuration has not been taken since the project Is in the feasibility study phase; however, it appears very likely that two single-track tunnels with frequent interconnections as proposed for the Gotthard tunnel would be selected. A safety study has shown that the risk of the tunnel during operation is acceptable if appropriate safety measures are applied [4].Mont Ce'nis tunnel.2.5.The Mont Ce'nis tunnelImproved transport links through the Alps are needed not only because of threatened capacity bottlenecks but also because of the insufficient quality of the existing railway lines through the mountains. The latter, regarded as a technical marvel in the last century, are circuitous with many curves and thus have little chance of competing with the fast Alpine motorways of the present day. In addition to the planned north-south main railway lines through the Alps, the delegates to the World congress for Railway Research in Florence discussed the project for a high-speed east-west rail link taking in Venice, Milan, Turin, Mont Ce'nis, Lyon and Paris. One section of this project is the line between Montme z lian and Turin, catering for mixed passenger and goods traffic, with a base tunnel of 54 km in length beneath Mont d9Ambin.The possible traffic capacities are:•30-40 high-speed trains with a velocity of 220 km/h,•80 goods trains of classical design and combined with a velocity of 100-120 km/h,•50-60 car trains with a velocity of 120-140 km/h.Thus, two single-lane tunnels have been selected as the system configuration (see Fig. 3) with a clearance profile of 43 in2 each [5]. As a result of the topographical conditions and without exceeding a 1.2% gradient for the line, an intermediate point of attack and evacuation point is possible to the north of Modane. Consequently, the project could be executed in the form of two tunnels, each less than 30 km long.2.6.Tunnel under the Great BeltThe tunnel under the Great Belt has a length of ca. 8 km and consists of two single-track tunnels (center distance 25 m) with 30 interconnections every 250 m which serve for evacuation and escape of people in case of an accident [6].2.7.Concluding remarksBased on the aforementioned brief review of existing or planned tunnels, the following conclusions with respect to their design and safety philosophy can be drawn:(a)the design philosophy is somehow different in each of the aforementioned tunnel projects and depends on the national requirements, the tunnel configuration and geometry and the tunnel characteristics (see Table 2);(b)in each case a package of special safety measures is recommended to reduce risk; cost-benefit considerations are usually Implemented to define the optimum package of safety systems;(c)geometries affecting the escape and rescue capabilities vary significantly from case to case (seeTable 2).The basic aspect affecting the tunnel safety is the tunnel configuration. The following tunnel systems are generally considered:(a)one double-track tunnel;(b)one double-track tunnel with service tunnel;(c)two single-track tunnels;(d)two single-track tunnels with service tunnel;(e)three single-track tunnels.Table 2 Comparison of relevant design parameters related to safety in tunnels (TSTT: two single track tunnels; ODTT: one double track tunnel)System Length (km) Distance interconnect, (m) Width of escape-way (m) Traffic itrain/day) Freight trains (%) Velocity Tunnel(km/h)Mont Ce nis TSTT 54 250 > 1.20 160-180 44-50 220Great Belt TSTT 8.0 250 1.20 240 40 10()Eurotunnel TSTT 50 375 1.10 110 45 160Seikan ODTT 53.9 600-1000 0-0.6 40 50 240Gotthard TSTT 57 325 0.75 300 80 200Brenner TSTT 55 250 1.60 340 80 250Fig. 4. Relative risk value for tunnel systems compared to the risk of the double track tunnel.Fig. 4 illustrates the relative risk picture for the aforementioned tunnel systems. The values are based on results from several tunnel risk studies. The final choice of the tunnel system depends not only on safety aspects, but also on other criteria such as costs (construction and maintenance costs), geology and local topography conditions, and operability requirements, etc. In general for tunnels with a length greater than 5 km the configuration of two single-track tunnels is recommended because of the better safety and operability conditions.3.Risk analysis basis3.1.Evaluation of accident statisticsAccident statistics and safety In railway transportation have been discussed in the past and special problems such as the transportation of dangerous materials or fire propagation in tunnels have been analyzed [4,6,7]. The primary causes of accidents can be classified into:•internal causes一mechanical or electrical failures concerning the control guide system as well as the logistic and in service systems;•external causes—arthquakes, floods, avalanches^ etc.;•causes associated to human action― perating faults, errors during maintenance, sabotages,terroristic attacks.Table 3 illustrates the major accidents in railway tunnels during the period 1970-1993. •Based on a critical review of accidental statistics in railway operation, the dominating initiating events and the associated probabilities of occurrence as derived for the Brenner tunnel study are shown in Table 4 for the two basic tunnel configurations, ie one double-track tunnel and two single-track tunnels. The values are based on accident statistics of the Austrian, German and Italian Railways. No relevant accidents have been thereby excluded and approximate correction factors have been considered to account for the safety systems related to the new technology.Table 3 Tunnel accidents in Western Europe with fatalitiesduring the period 1970-1993Date Location Fatalities Initiating event22-7-1971 Simplon (CH)5Derailment16-6-1972 Soissons (F) 108 Hit against an obstacle22-8-1973 S. Sasso (I) 4 Collision23-7-1976 Simplon (CH) 6 Derailment....-4-1980 Sebadell (E) 5 tier21-1-1981 Calabria (I) 5 Hit against an obstacle9-1-1984 El Pais (E) 2 Collision18-4-1984 Spiez (CH) 1 Collision23-12-1984 Bologna (I) 15 Sabotage26-7-1988 Castiglione (I) 1 Fire14-9-1990 Gurtnellen (CH) 1 Derailment31-7-1993 Doniodossola (I) 1 Collision32 Analysis procedureThe analysis of accidents in hazardous scenarios is performed by using event trees. The event tree approach represents a straightforward procedure for describing accidental scenarios and it can include different variables and the notation of time. The probabilities of events in the paths of the event trees are estimated based on the available data, on expert opinion and onengineering Judgement. The complete risk-analysis procedure is shown in Fig. 5. On the basis of the tunnel design and with reference to historical railway accidents, the most important hazardous scenarios are identified. For each selected scenario a probabilisti event tree analysis is performed and the accidental scenario consequences in terms of damages to passengers, Le. facilities are evaluated. The consequence analyses can be based on sophisticated tools that allow to model relevant accidental scenarios in a confined environment. The analysis of the safety measures consists of an evaluation of the actual safety performance of each one of them. Such an evaluation is based, in many cases, on sound engineering Judgement due to the lack of experience with the new safety systems.33. Case studyThe aforementioned procedure has been applied to compute the societal risk in terms of expected fatalities based on the accidental probabilities given in Table 4. The obtained results are illustrated in terms of expected fatalities in Table 5・ A typical application of the results is provided for a 10 km long tunnel in Table 6 for two tunnel systems, i.e. two single-track tunnels and one double-track tunnel. The first system is, as expected, much safer; however, in both cases the obtained societal risk is small. It is noted that the most significant contributor to risk is collision. The acceptability of the risk values is discussedin Section 4.Table 4Input accidental frequencies per one million train kilometers (ODTT: one double track tunnel; TSTT: two single track tunnels)Initiating event TSTT ODTTDerailment0.001Collision0.0002Hit against an obstacle 0.006Fire0.0009 0.001 0.0003 0.006 0.0009Table 5Societal risk, i.e. expected fatalities per 1 million train kilometers (ODTT:one double track tunnel; TSTT: two single track tunnels)Initiating event TSTT ODTT DerailmentCollision 0.025 (46%)0.017 (55%)0.012Hit against an obstacle 0.011 (20%)0.003 (10%)Fire 0.006 (11%)0.006(19%)Total 0.054 (100%)0.031 (100%)4.Risk perception considerations4.1.BackgroundBoth individual risk and societal risk are considered. The acceptable individual risk is a function of the indhdduaPs involvement; different acceptable levels should be defined for activities where the individual voluntarily exposes himself to the hazard with respect to an involuntary participation[8]«For voluntary risk, an upper limit of probability of death per year equal to 1022 has been defined; whereas for the involuntary risk, the following values have been suggested:•P> 10^ 一not acceptable;•10'6< p< ICT1一tolerable;•p < IO"6一acceptable.Table 6Societal risk for the example tunnel (100 trains per day; 10 km long) expressed in expected fatalities per year (ODTT: one double track tunnel; TSTT: two single track tunnels) Initiating event TSTTFor societal risk, the acceptability criteria are based on the definition of an acceptable probabilityrange for events of given consequences. Of course, the severest consequences are associated with the lowest values of the acceptable probability.4.2. Safety standards for other industrial activitiesA brief review of the acceptability risk criteria proposed or adopted by different industrial sectors is provided [9]. Table 7 summarizes the type of approach followed by these industries to define safety targets.42L Road transportRoad accidents have been extensively analyzed and several statistical syntheses have beenpresented. Nevertheless, roadway regulations do no present any quantitative evaluation of the present risk level for the roadway system and do not propose acceptable limits on the occurrence of accidental events.4.2.2. Air transportRisk acceptability criteria have been defined for air transport by some rules and regulations,however, no unique criterion exists yet. At present, one can consider that the acceptable risk level is 1027 accidents with fatalities per hour of flight, corresponding to approximately 2 £ 10210 accidents per kilometer of flight.Table 7 'Risk acceptability criteria for various industrial activitiesQuantitativeRoad transport X XAir transport XChemical XNuclear XOffshore X4.2.3. Chemical industryChemical industries are exposed to hazards that include fires, explosions, toxic releases; riskODTT 0.0039 0.0017 Collision 0.0056Hit agaist an obstacle0.0010 Fire Total0.0103 0.00830.0036 0.0020 0.0020 0.0178analyses in the chemical industry is therefore a strong tradition. Quantitative criteria for the definition of societal acceptable risk levels have been presented [10].4.2.4.Nuclear power plantsSafety is obviously a major concern for nuclear power plants. During design, accidental events with an insignificant probability of occurrence are usually not taken into account. Several studies performed for some plants concluded that the probability of core melt is of the order of 1024-1025 occurrences per year [11].4.2.5.Offshore production platformsSeveral studies have addressed the definition of target safety levels for societal risk for the offshore Industry. In Canada, for example, safety criteria have been defined, based on cost-benefit considerations and comparison to other industrial risks [12], that indicate an annual probability of 1025 for catastrophic consequences, 1023 for severe consequences and 1021 for minor consequences.4.3.Methodological approachThe basic criterion for the definition of a target safet level for a railway system is to assume that the safety inherent in the traditional railways in the past two or three decades is acceptable. The safety target is, therefore derived by analyzing the recent risk history of the railways in terms of the frequency of occurrence of accidents and the extent of their consequences. The procedure generally used to estimate the risk associatedto railway transport is based on the analyses of the frequency of occurrence of given consequences for a given accident; the risk Ri for the ith type of accident is therefore given by:& - RG(1) where pi is the probability of occurrence of the ith type of accident and Ci is the expected consequence of the ith type of accident.Globally, the generic risk Rt is defined as:%=£pg ⑵IThe consequences Ci are generally classified according to three levels of gravity: “medium”, “severe” and “catastrophic”. To each of these classes it has been associated a mean number of victims:•medium consequences: 3 victims;•severe consequences: 30 victims; and•catastrophic consequences: 300 victims.The evaluation of the probability pi can be performed assuming that accidental events occuraccording to a Poisson process; this means thataccidental events are independent [13]. Theprobability of having n accidental events of type/during the time T is given by:P i (n/T} = e-uT (uTy t ln\ (3)where in is the frequency of occurrence of the accidentalevents; whereas the probability of having at least one accidentalevent no in the same time is given by:R (〃O /T )= I -戒 (4)For accidents associated to catastrophic consequencesonly, a few events occurred and therefore statistical data are notsufficient to provide reliable estimates. For these events it istherefore recomniended to use a Bayesian approach.The probability of having at least one accident during the timeTo, having observed n events in a time interval 7\ is given by:p (m ,〃,r )=i-i/[i+7;/Tr +, (5)The aforementioned methodology has been applied ondata of recorded accidents of the Italian, Austrianand German railways. The results are presented in Fig. 6 in a diagram where the consequences, in terms ofexpected victims, are plotted against the annualprobability of having at least one accident that leads to these consequences. Results are considered valid for a first deflnition of an acceptable safety level for Western Europe railway systems and are comparable to the computed values for various tunnel projects.The following can be observed in Fig. 6:10 tolerable and negligibleof riskmatrix:of Fig. 7. Principle classification classification intolerable, undesirable, x.104•events of medium consequences are associated with an annual probability of 10 M (per train-kilometer); •events of severe consequences areassociated with an annual probability of10'10 (per train-kilometer); and•events of catastrophic consequencesRISK CLASSIFICATOI CCR HazardProbeWlVare associated with a probability of 10'11 (per train-kilometer). The curve of Fig. 6, therefore, defines the acceptability conditions for the studiedSuppose, for example, that to a tunnel of approximately 50 km length is associated a daily trafficof 200 trains in both directions, the return periods associated with the accidental events are:■ medium consequences: 100 years;• severe consequences: 1000 years; and• catastrophic consequences: 10 000 years.The return period for “medium consequences” would then result in the same order of magnitudeof the mean life of important infrastructures, such as, for example, a HSR line or a long alpine tunnel.For catastrophic consequences, the return period results are of the same order of magnitude of thataccepted, for example, for offshore production platforms and chemical plants (of the order of 10 000 years) while it results lower than the limit imposed for nuclear plants, which are, however, associated with consequences of significantly higher gravity. As a final remark, it should be noted that the p-C curve proposed in Fig. 6 represents the mean outcome of a probabilistic analysis where several random variables, associated to various uncertainties, have been considered. The acceptability of points falling close to the curve should therefore be critically evaluated also on the basis of cost considerations. Thus, further studies should be aimed at deflning not Just an acceptability curve, but a “desired” region in the p-C diagram which also takes into account cost-benefit considerations.44 Compatibility with rulesNational guidelines regarding the safety of railway tunnels recommend the implementation ofsafety measuresln order to reduce risk. Quantitative risk acceptability criteria are not provided. However, the new EN standards [14] are based on the definition of an acceptable probability range for events of given consequences; to the severest consequences are associated the lowest values of the acceptable probability. For that purpose, the qualitative hazard probability levels suitable for use within railway applications have been defined as:Incredible —xtremely unlikely to occur. It can be assumed that the hazard may not occur;Improbable 一unlikely to occur but possible. It can be assumed the hazard may exceptionally occur; Remote 一likely to occur at sometime in system lifetime. It can be reasonably expectedfor the hazard to occur;Occasional 一likely to occur several times;Probable 一will occur several times. The hazard can be expected to occur often; andFrequent 一likely to occur frequently. The hazard will be continually experienced. Qualitativehazard severity levels have been also defined as follows:Catastrophic 一Fatalities and/or multiple severe injuries;Critical 一Single fatality or severe injury and loss of major system;railway systems, in particular, p-C conditions that fall below the curve are associated to acceptable safety levels.。



1 问:Geo FEM,Plaxis,Z-Soil软件比较?2008/6/5 9:34:48答:三者针对某个算例计算结果相差不大,误差在可接受范围之内。




总的来说,Plaxis和Z-Soil是专业的岩土工程有限元程序;GEO FEM是GEO4里面的一个工具包,而GEO4类似于国内的理正一样,是遵循Eurocode的设计软件。

2问:在plaxis中,用折减系数作出它的几个滑裂面,如何查看滑裂面的角度、圆心、半径等这些滑裂面的相关参数呢?2008/6/59:36:26 答:使用强度折减法,不用假定slip surface,故不会有这些数据。

3问:Plaxis怎么模拟路堤分步填筑?在实际施工中,填筑不是一次加载的,可能先填一半,过个月再填一半,而且这一半也不是一次填完,要在几天内完成,请问怎么在Plaxis中模拟,怎么设置可以反应填筑速率,请高手指教?2008/6/59:47:25 答:手册里有相关例子,你可以参考一下lesson 5。




由于Plaxis不能设置load function,比较麻烦。


4问:Plaxis 3D 用这个软件分析基坑时,基坑是钢格栅喷混凝土支护,支护用板来模拟,EI和EA中的I和A分别指哪个面的惯性矩和面积,以及单位后面的/m应该是哪个长度?2008/6/59:49:13 答:应该是:A=沿着洞轴方向L×厚度d E是弹性模量I是惯性矩5问:在网上看到有人怀疑Plaxis 3D Foundation和3D Tunnel的真三维性,有人说它们不是真正的三维计算,有谁知道是怎么回事吗?2008/6/59:59:42 答:Plaxis 3D Tunnel计算内核是三维的。

土木 建筑 地下工程 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 考虑应力释放的影响

土木 建筑 地下工程 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 考虑应力释放的影响


这种方法曾适用于in the Ban Ve Hydroelectric Power Plant.in Nghe An Province.Vietnam 引水隧道。








此外,在隧道设计中,隧道衬砌和洞室周围地层之间的相互作用,以及相应的地基反压力曲线,通常被考虑在内(Panet和Guenot1982; Panet1995年)。




附录中英文翻译1 介绍国家经济发展最重要的基础设施建设之一就是交通运输,但是中国修建铁路、公路多为多山的地形,为克服各种自然或人工障碍必须要修建隧道。









为做出正确预报有三个主要的阶段: 第一,挖掘前的地质调查;第二,挖掘期间的地质调查;第三,分析有关数据来预知前面的地质情况。

2 地质的调查方法2.1 隧道建筑前的地质调查挖掘前地质调查的目的要从工程地质学的角度检验挑选的隧道方案,和为选择方案提供工程地质的材料。



2.2 隧道建筑期间的地质调查它的目的要探究在隧道施工期间隧道内外的地质情况。


2.2.1 在隧道内的地质调查1) 地质情况的草图在工作面位置上的地质草图会很快作完。





2) 结构的数值统计岩石结构的数值统计是在发现周围的岩石结构的特性的基础上分析稳定性和预知向前的地质情况。



土木工程专业毕业设计外文文献翻译2篇XXXXXXXXX学院学士学位毕业设计(论文)英语翻译课题名称英语翻译学号学生专业、年级所在院系指导教师选题时间Fundamental Assumptions for Reinforced ConcreteBehaviorThe chief task of the structural engineer is the design of structures. Design is the determination of the general shape and all specific dimensions of a particular structure so that it will perform the function for which it is created and will safely withstand the influences that will act on it throughout useful life. These influences are primarily the loads and other forces to which it will be subjected, as well as other detrimental agents, such as temperature fluctuations, foundation settlements, and corrosive influences, Structural mechanics is one of the main tools in this process of design. As here understood, it is the body of scientific knowledge that permits one to predict with a good degree of certainly how a structure of give shape and dimensions will behave when acted upon by known forces or other mechanical influences. The chief items of behavior that are of practical interest are (1) the strength of the structure, i. e. , that magnitude of loads of a give distribution which will cause the structure to fail, and (2) the deformations, such as deflections and extent of cracking, that the structure will undergo when loaded underservice condition.The fundamental propositions on which the mechanics of reinforced concrete is based are as follows:1.The internal forces, such as bending moments, shear forces, and normal andshear stresses, at any section of a member are in equilibrium with the effect of the external loads at that section. This proposition is not an assumption but a fact, because any body or any portion thereof can be at rest only if all forces acting on it are in equilibrium.2.The strain in an embedded reinforcing bar is the same as that of thesurrounding concrete. Expressed differently, it is assumed that perfect bonding exists between concrete and steel at the interface, so that no slip can occur between the two materials. Hence, as the one deforms, so must the other. With modern deformed bars, a high degree of mechanical interlocking is provided in addition to the natural surface adhesion, so this assumption is very close to correct.3.Cross sections that were plane prior to loading continue to be plan in themember under load. Accurate measurements have shown that when a reinforced concrete member is loaded close to failure, this assumption is not absolutely accurate. However, the deviations are usually minor.4.In view of the fact the tensile strength of concrete is only a small fraction ofits compressive strength; the concrete in that part of a member which is in tension is usually cracked. While these cracks, in well-designed members, are generally so sorrow as to behardly visible, they evidently render the cracked concrete incapable of resisting tension stress whatever. This assumption is evidently a simplification of the actual situation because, in fact, concrete prior to cracking, as well as the concrete located between cracks, does resist tension stresses of small magnitude. Later in discussions of the resistance of reinforced concrete beams to shear, it will become apparent that under certain conditions this particular assumption is dispensed with and advantage is taken of the modest tensile strength that concrete can develop.5.The theory is based on the actual stress-strain relation ships and strengthproperties of the two constituent materials or some reasonable equivalent simplifications thereof. The fact that novelistic behavior is reflected in modern theory, that concrete is assumed to be ineffective in tension, and that the joint action of the two materials is taken into consideration results in analytical methods which are considerably more complex and also more challenging, than those that are adequate for members made of a single, substantially elastic material.These five assumptions permit one to predict by calculation the performance of reinforced concrete members only for some simple situations. Actually, the joint action of two materials as dissimilar and complicated as concrete and steel is so complex that it has not yet lent itself to purely analytical treatment. For this reason, methods of design and analysis, while using these assumptions, are very largely based on the results of extensive and continuing experimental research. They are modified and improved as additional test evidence becomes available.钢筋混凝土的基本假设作为结构工程师的主要任务是结构设计。
























Guideline for Design of_Tunnel-翻译版

Guideline for Design of_Tunnel-翻译版

隧道设计准则Guidelines for the Design of TunnelsThis report is edited by Heinz Duddeck,Animateur o[the ITA Working Group on General Approaches in the Design of Tunnels.Present address:Pro[.Heinz Duddeck,Technical University of Braunschweig,Beethovenstrasse 51,3300Braunschweig,Federal Republic of Germany.翻译翻译日期:日期:2011–03–01隧道设计准则国际隧道协会一般设计方法工作组摘要:这份国际隧道协会工作组的第二份报告是关于隧道一般设计方法,其概括了国际上隧道设计一般程序。






Guidelines for the Design of TunnelsITA Working Group on General Approaches to the Design of TunnelsAbstract :This second report by the ITA Working Group on General Approaches to the Design of Tunnels presents international design procedures for tunnels.In most tunnelling projects,the ground actively participates in providing stability to the opening.Therefore,the general approach to the design of tunnels includes site investigations,ground probings and in-situ monitoring,as well as the analysis of stresses and deformations.For the latter,the different structural design models applied at present--including the observational method--are presented.Guidelines for the structural detailing of the tunnel lining and national recommendations on tunnel design are also given.It is hoped that the information herein,based on experiences from a wide range of tunnelling projects,will be disseminated to tunnel designers throughout the world.1准则的范围国际隧道协会(ITA )隧道一般设计方法研究组成立于1978年。

华南理工大学 毕业设计 外文翻译

华南理工大学  毕业设计 外文翻译

华南理工大学本科毕业设计(论文)翻译班级土木工程三班姓名王剑锋学号 200930132042指导教师骆冠勇填表日期 2013年4月21日中文译名一种用于预测拉森钢板桩弯曲强度的数值模型外文原文名 A numerical model for predicting the bending strength of Larssen steel sheetpiles外文原文版出处Journal of Constructional Steel Research 58 (2002) 1361–1374译文:一种用于预测拉森钢板桩弯曲强度的数值模型R.J. Crawford, M.P. Byfield摘要拉森桩为U形横截面并通过可滑动的接头连接在一起组成码头岸壁,围堰,和其他类型的挡土墙。







C 2002爱思唯尔股份有限公司保留解释权利关键词:行业规范;组合结构;拉森桩;桩结构;挡土墙;钢结构1.介绍钢板桩被广泛运用于全世界。



根据欧洲标准化委员会引入的欧3标准第五部分,U型钢板桩锁头连接部分的下滑位移的影响不能忽视(见图1 步骤1)。




毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译学院:建筑工程学院专业:土木工程姓名:学号: 081401235外文出处: (用外文写)附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。

分析预应力混凝土连续梁梁克里斯burgoyne 2005年3月2 6日1 绪论这次会议是专门讨论结构分析的发展,而不是讨论材料强度,但对材料的认识并用适当的技术分析结构的组成,有助于有效地利用预应力混凝土。








用的是预应力混凝土( Freyssinet 1956年)。



Freyssinet 因为高强度钢筋已予使用,所以发生徐变后仍然残留有一些预应力,而且同时使用了高质量的混凝土,因此这可减少总体的徐变。


大约在同一时间,这个工作也在英格兰的BRE实验室进行着((格兰维尔1930年)和( 1933 ))。


































尺寸效应是通过使用Ba z ant的规模效应法和多重标法则来监测的,而且缩放模式能够捕捉尺寸效应的强度。





DOI(数字对象唯一标识): 10.1061/_ASCE_0899-1561_2006_18:4_485_数据库主题词土木工程数据库主题词:断裂;混凝土;尺寸效应;动态响应。
















中文2915字毕业设计外文资料翻译(一)外文出处:Jules Houde 《Sustainable development slowed downby bad construction practices and natural and technological disasters》1、外文原文(复印件)毕业设计外文资料翻译(二)外文出处:Jules Houde 《Sustainable development slowed down by bad construction practices and natural and technological disasters》2、外文资料翻译译文混凝土结构的耐久性即使是工程师认为的最耐久和最合理的混凝土材料,在一定的条件下,混凝土也会由于开裂、钢筋锈蚀、化学侵蚀等一系列不利因素的影响而易受伤害。











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隧道设计应该考虑应力释放的影响Van-hung DAO1.水利水电工程学院、河海大学、南京210098,中国2.教师的液压结构,水的资源,越南河内大学摘要:在隧道设计中,支护时间的确定和刚性的支护体系对于维持隧道稳定是非常重要的,该研究所采用的收敛-约束法来确定的隧道的应力和位移,同时考虑到了地基承载力反压力曲线的位移、应力释放的影响以及隧道衬砌和岩石隧道周边洞室的相互作用,这个结论可以确定支护的时间和支护结构的强度和刚度。


结果表明,当位移在0.0865 米到0.0919 米之间时取一个合适的位移值,我们就可以通过架设支护结构来满足隧道的稳定性和经济的要求。






当隧道设计考虑上部地层和水工结构之间的相互作用时,其结果采用新奥法(NATM) 施工和实际结构是比较适合的。

此外,在隧道设计中,隧道衬砌和洞室周围地层之间的相互作用,以及相应的地基反压力曲线,通常被考虑在内(Panet和Guenot1982; Panet1995年)。



根据Fenne(1938年)和Pacher(1963年)的研究,如果一个刚性支撑结构②(如图1) 架设的比较及时,会因为开挖洞室周围变形不够大而先达到平衡,之后它将会有更大的承载能力。




图1所示:图1:根据Fenner(1938)and Pacher(1963)得出围岩和支护特征曲线式中:P-支护压力;i-径向应力;Δ r -径向位移;-隧道半径;-为外衬砌的支护抗力;-为外衬砌的支护抗力。


2地层结构模式2.1地基反作用力曲线下的应力计算事实上,静水压力也就是初始应力(侧压力系数为1),洞周开挖的支护半径用表示,如图1所示(Hoek and Brown 1980),塑性区半径的假设条件是依据初始应力场的大小o p、支护压力i p和岩石材料的特性而定。

图2隧道洞周弹塑性应力分布图塑性区内的应力计算公式:2sin 1sin (cot )cot (1)c re i r gH C C r ϕϕσρϕϕ-⎛⎫=+- ⎪⎝⎭其中:-岩石密度g -重力加速度H -洞室埋深C -岩石的内聚力-岩石内摩擦角弹性区内的应力计算公式 (r≥r e ):(2)其中: -径向应力;-切向应力;r -洞周地层任意点离洞室中心的距离;塑性区内的应力计算公式 (r i ≤ r≤r e ):(3)(摩尔应力圆) (塑性区) (弹性区) (1) (2)其中: 隧道的径向变形:(4)其中:G-岩体的剪切模量以及(5)其中:γ -岩石的泊松比;-岩石剪切滑移面的倾角;2.2隧道洞周沿轴线方向上的径向位移和应力释放系数在掌子面和未开挖岩石的影响下,未加固围岩的最大径向位移max u 在距离掌子面只有仅仅的一段距离(通常实验测量结果是1.532i r )。

在现场实测数据的基础上,两位研究人员通过量测半径为的隧道,建立了U r /U rmax 和距离隧道掌子面距离x 之间的关系,如图3中 所示的弹性模型。

1995年Panet 建议采用如下的系数公式,来表示U r /Urmax 和X 之间的关系:(6)其中: -应力释放系数; 公式(6)适用于x 为正值(即前方的掌子面),如图4所绘。

1998年,Chern 在Mingtam 电力隧道工程中,做出了在隧道洞穴附近收敛量测值一览表,根据这些测量的数据绘制在图4所对应的点上,1999年Hock 建议采用如下的经验公式,来最恰当的表示U r /Urmax 和X 之间的关系:(7)图3 表示未支护隧道 的径向位移图4从弹性模型派生的最适合隧道测量的数据曲线2.3支护结构特征曲线特性曲线显示了支护结构的支撑性能(如混凝土、喷射水泥砂浆、岩石锚杆和型钢),它是根据支护压力和径向位移之间的线性关系,并应用到了沿隧道单位长度轴线方向上的支护区域。

假设支护结构的刚度为K ,则支护特性曲线的弹性区域,可以用下列公式计算:(8)混凝土及喷射水泥浆结构的刚度系数为:(9)其中: c E -喷射混凝土的弹性模量;-喷射混凝土的泊松比系数;-衬砌厚度;钢拱支撑的刚度系数表达式:(10)式中: S -钢拱支撑沿洞周轴向的间距(m);-振动棒之间夹角的一半(°);W -夯实块的宽度(m);s A -钢拱支撑横截面的面积(m 2 );s I -钢拱支撑的惯性矩(m 4 );s E -钢拱支撑的弹性模量(Mpa);B t -垫块的厚度(m);B E -垫块的弹性模量(Mpa);一段长为b I 和直径为b d 的机械式锚杆以及黏结式锚杆的支护刚度用如下表达式计算:(11)式中: S c -锚杆的环向间距;S l -锚杆的轴向间距;Q -拉力锚;E b -锚杆的弹性模量;l-螺栓的净长度;当采用组合式支护结构时,组合式支护结构的组件都假设在同一时间被架设,则组合式支护结构刚度可假定为各部件支护刚度的总和:(12)式中: K s1 -第一个支护结构的刚度; (10) (11) (12)K s2-第二个支护结构的刚度;因此,支护结构特征曲线公式如下:(13)式中: u p -塑形区边缘的径向位移量;u0-开挖引起的隧道初始径向位移量(由应力释放效应而定);3案例分析3.1、与设计参数相关的例子对the Ban Ve Hydroelectric 水电厂引水隧洞进行了一次调查,得该隧道的材料参数见表1。

表1 隧道物理力学参数M300喷浆机喷射厚度为10厘米的水泥浆液和直径为20毫米、长度为2米的钢锚杆组合在一起被应用到支护结构上,沿隧道洞周的锚杆轴向间距为 1.5米,Matlab编程语言被用于计算当中。

3.2、计算结果与分析地层压力值=7.3008 MPa.图.5和6分别表示的塑形内和弹性区的应力,从图5可以看出,最大塑性区半径为r emax =1.1451 m,因此在弹塑性边界处压力值为re =4.0195 MPa的压力,这个最大压力值是支撑结构所能够承受的,最大位移u rmax=0.1118米相当于=0(无支护时)的大小,图7表示了在没有支护的情况下,沿隧道轴线方向上的应力释放系数,围岩与支护结构的的初始位移特征曲线如图8所示。

图5塑性区范围内围岩应力图6弹性区范围内围岩应力图7无支护时沿隧道轴线方向上图8围岩和支护结构不同初始洞周的应力释放系数位移特征曲线基于fenner- Pacher理论和Vietnames地下工程设计施工标准(建设部2003),我们通过比较可以得出支护结构的最大压力值(相当于弹塑性边界处的re应力),能承受上述分析结果的压力值。

可以得出如下结论:当支护结构的初始位移u0=0.083米以下时可以得出:隧道开挖后应立即进行加固,支护结构的压力值=6.902MPa>re =4.0195MPa,由于支护结构架设的不及时,则施加支护后围岩将继续发生变形,这将导致围岩的局部失稳。

当支护结构的初始位移u0=0.087米时,将得到以下结论:围岩加固的范围x 为1.7085米,应力释放系数为0.4817。

支护结构的压力值=3.7818MPa<re =4.0195MPa,若围岩发生适度变形,则隧道可保持稳定。

当支护结构的初始位移u0在0.093米时,将得到以下结论:围岩加固的范围x 为 3.74米,应力释放系数为0.7327。

支护结构的压力值=1.9511MPa≤re =4.0195MPa,若围岩发生很大变形,表明隧道将可能失稳。

当支护结构的初始位移u0在0.097米时,将得到以下结论:围岩加固的范围x为 6.8米,应力释放系数=0.868。

支护结构的压力值=0.9632MPa≤re =4.0195MPa,若围岩发生变形过大,将导致隧道洞顶岩石的松动从而增加围岩的压力,则隧道失稳。


4、结论总的来说,在这项研究中所描述的初始位移值u0比2007年Vu and Do假设的初始位移值u0更准确、更详细,通过对比,我们可以得到用应力释放效应来确定u0值的大小,比排除应力释放效应提供的曲线方案(Hoek and Brown 1980;Wiliams 1997)更加完整。





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