
2015年广东省高考英语听说考试真题G三问部分:Question 1:How are the university classes arranged?/ How are the university courses arranged?/ How are the college classes arranged?/ How are the college coursesarranged?/ How are the classes arranged in university?/ How are the coursesarranged in college?Answer 1:Class arrangement differs in every term. For one term, a student might have a whole day’s classes, but only one class the next day. For another term, he or shemay have a more balanced schedule with two or three classes on every weekday.Question 2:Does your university offer the students a chance to study abroad?/ Does your university give the students a chance to study abroad?/ Does your universityprovide the students with a chance to study abroad?/ Does your college offer achance to study abroad to the students?/ Does your college give a chance tostudy abroad to the students?/ Does your university provide the students with achance to study abroad?Answer 2:Yes, we have cooperation with top universities in the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Our students can apply forthese exchange programs when they are in the second year of study.Question 3:Which department is the best in your university?/ Which is the best department in your university?/ Which department is the best in your college?/ Which is thebest department in your college?Answer 3:I would say all the departments in our university are very strong. My department, the English language department, is one of the best in this country, and of course,the best in our university. It has a history of more than 80 years. The physicsdepartment also attracts many students for its excellent professors.五答部分:Question 1:What are Dr. Brown’s students complaining about?Answer 1:That they are much more stressed than in high school./ There are more stress in university.Question 2:How do university students get into social life?Answer 2:By joining different student activities./ By taking part in different student activities./ By participating in different student activities.Question 3:What is a more balanced schedule according to Dr. Brown?Answer 3:There are two or three classes on every weekday./ With two or three classes on every weekday.Question 4:When can the students apply for the exchange programs?Answer 4:When they are in the second year of study.Question 5:How long is the history of Dr. Brown’s department?Answer 5:More than 80 years./ Over 80 years./ Above 80 years.参考复述:Tom was a young boy who moved slowly, but even worse he couldn’t speak properly. He had to repeat his words three or four times to say what he wanted. Before he started primary school, his mother was worried that the other kids would bully him and that he wouldn’t have any friends. So she was surprised when Tom came home in a good mood, and had many things to share every day. She went to his school one day, and saw him playing basketball with some boys. The ball hit Tom several times, but instead of laughing at him, the others helped him. The boys told her that they loved having Tom around, since they could always remember what the teachers had said in class when he repeated it. When she heard that, Mary felt released. She knew she wouldn’t have to worry abo ut Tom any longer.。

2015年广东省高考英语听说考试真题AWelcome to Computer-based English Listening and Speaking Test. CELST is a moduleof National Matriculation English Test (Guangdong Version), consisting of three parts. PartA is Reading Aloud. In this part, you are required to watch a video clip and read after thespeaker in the video. Part B is Role Play. In this part, you are required to act as a role andcomplete three communicative tasks: listen to a speaker, ask the speaker three questions andthen answer five questions from the computer acting as another role. Part C is Retelling. Inthis part, you are required to listen to a monologue, and then retell what you have heard inyour own words.PART A Reading AloudIn this part, you are required to watch a video clip and read after the speaker in thevideo.(58″96 words)现在你有一分钟的准备时间。
Now you have ONE minute to practise reading.现在请对照原文,再听一遍录音。

下面是店铺分享的英语听说考试试题,希望能帮到大家!Part A Reading AloudThe desert leaves not a trace of what has been. Stories of people who passed through the Silk Road have become legendary. Two thousand years ago, how did people know that on the far side of an endless desert lay a world different from theirs? To travel the Silk Road containing two thousand years of history is a journey of many faces with hardships and danger around every corner. Endless desert spreads before us. After passing through this desert, what kind of land will we discover?A special record reports and eighth century Silk Road journey. The Silk Road is a path for those seeking Buddhism.Part B Role Play情景介绍角色:你是病人任务:(1) 向医生咨询健康问题。
(2) 根据谈话内容回答问题。
1. 那我该做什么呢?2. 我还需要注意什么吗?3. 你觉得我需要吃药吗? 视频文本内容W: I feel terrible. I feel tired all the time and I get headaches. I have felt this for few weeks. M: How old are you now? W: Sixteen. M: Do you do much exercise?W: No, not really.M: What about sleeping? Do you sleep well?W: No, not really. I wake up a lot in the night and I worry a lot mainly about school work. M: What time do you usually go to bed?W: Oh, about midnight on week days and later at the weekends.M: Do you drink anything before you go to bed.W: Yes, I have a cup of coffee and I usually eat something before I go to bed.M: Oh, people of your age ought to sleep at least seven hours a night.三问1. 学生问:电脑答:First, try to go to bed a little earlier. Second, you should start to take some exercise, like going for a short run every day or going swimming.2. 学生问:电脑答:Yes, eating I suppose. It is not a good idea to eat just before sleeping. And you certainly not drink coffee before going to bed. Coffee will keep you awake. But don’t worry so much. If you take my advice, you’ll sleep better. If you sleep better, you won’t be tired in the day and then your should work will improve.3. 学生问:电脑答:No, I will not give you anything at the moment. I want you go home and change a few things about your routine. Then I’ll see you again in two weeks and see how you are doing.五答1. 录音问:What is the woman mainly worried about?学生答:2. 录音问: What does the woman do before going to bed?学生答:She usually has a cup of coffee and eats somethingbefore going to bed.3. 录音问:What does the man suggest the woman doing first?学生答:The man suggested the woman going to bed a little earlier.4. 录音问:Why is the woman suggested not to drink coffee before going to bed?学生答:Because coffee will keep her awake.5. 录音问:When will the man see the woman again?学生答:In two weeks.Part C Retelling梗概:John 和Marry 的滑雪之旅出行不顺,滑雪时John又摔伤了,回家前获悉家里被洗劫一空。

广东省高考英语听说模拟考试试题15PART A. Reading AloudIn this part, you are required to watch a video clip and read after the speaker in the video.The bison will not stay long among the trees. They’re not safe here. The wolves are closing in, but their chance of ambushing the bison in the woods has passed. Their prey are now in the open and grouped together for safety. The wolves will need to work as a team if they are to make a kill. They circle the herd, trying to unsettle it and split it up. But the bison are armed and dangerous. They will be safe as long as they stick together.PART B. Role PlayIn this part, you are required to act as a role and complete three communicative tasks: listen to a speaker, ask the speaker three questions and then answer five questions.情景介绍:角色:你是一位学生Marry。
任务: (1)与同学Steve谈论有关微博的问题;(2)根据谈话内容回答问题。

2015年广东听说高考A卷Part AM: Today, Mars is a frozen world. The average temperature here is lower than at the Earth’s South Pole. But long ago, when water may have flowed here, it must have been warmer. We don’t know why Mars turned so cold, but perhaps it could be made to change once again. Could future generations somehow transform Mars, into an Earth-like world where people could live What would life be like on Mars Perhaps we could build farms and cities. Or perhaps we will leave Mars as we found it. Those decisions will be made by our descendants. 96话题类型:探索科技类——探索火星字数:96 words时长:58秒语速:99w/m语音:美音生词:1 descendants(后代)句子类型:中长句子较多,短句子少,生词多。
三问部分:1. 你做过这个话题的研究吗Question 1: Have you done the research about the topic/ Have you done the survey about the topic/ Have you researched the topic/ Have you studied the topicAnswer 1: Yes, I have been reading some books and articles, looking for the academic support for this topic. At the same time, I’ve also done some surveys, asking people for their ownways of dealing with stress. 362. 人们一般做些什么来减少压力呢Question 2: What do people usually do to reduce stress/ What do people often do to reduce stress/ What do people usually do to relax/ What do people often do to relax/ Whatdo people usually do to relieve pressure/ What do people often do to relieve stress Answer 2:According to my research, people prefer to relax on weekends, do something fun, forget about their problems and worries for a moment to refresh their minds. Actually,the simplest way is to think positively. What surprises me is that stress can give uspositive energy if we deal with it wisely. 513. 为什么压力可以是正能量呢Question 3: Why can stress be positive energy/ Why can stress be positive thing/ Why can pressure be positive energy/ Why can stress be positive thingAnswer 3:That’s because stress makes you take action. Take myself for example. I am now under great pressure because of the exams. So I need to work extremely hard to pass. If theexam week was not approaching, I would not make efforts to learn what needs to belearnt. 49五答部分:Question 1: Why does Tom look tired 5Answer 1: Because he has been staying up all night studying./ Because he stayed up studying.Question 2: How many pages should Tom write for the report 9Answer 2: Ten.Question 3:What are Tom’s surveys about 5Answer 3: Asking people for their own ways of dealing with stress./ Asking people their ways to deal with stress.Question 4: What is the simplest way to reduce stress 8Answer 4: To think positively.Question 5: How does Tom prove that stress can give positive energy 10Answer 5: Take himself for example./ By his experience.话题类型:学校生活类,讨论学习的压力字数:视频对话:93 words 三问机答字数:136 words 总字数为:229 words.时长:情景介绍时长为30秒,有3秒倒计时,对话时长为38秒,总时长为71秒。
2015年广东高考英语听说考试真题 Test A—Test G

2015年广东高考英语听说考试真题Test A (1)Test B (4)Test C (7)Test D (11)Test E (15)Test F (18)Test G (23)Test APart A Reading aloud (模仿朗读)Today, Mars is a frozen world. The average temperature here is lower than at the Earth’s South Pole. But long ago, when water may have flowed here, it must have been warmer. We don’t know why Mars turned so cold, but perhaps it could be made to change once again. Could future generations somehow transform Mars, into an Earth-like world where people could live? What would life be like on Mars? Perhaps we could build farms and cities. Or perhaps we will leave Mars as we found it. Those decisions will be made by our descendants. 96Part B Role Play (角色扮演)三问部分:1. 你做过这个话题的研究吗?Question 1: Have you done the research about the topic?/ Have you done the survey about the topic?/ Have you researched the topic?/ Have you studied the topic?Answer 1: Yes, I have been reading some books and articles, looking for the academic support for this topic. At the same time, I’ve also done some surveys, asking people for their own ways of dealing with stress. 362. 人们一般做些什么来减少压力呢?Question 2: What do people usually do to reduce stress?/ What do people often do to reduce stress?/ What do people usually do to relax?/ What do people often do to relax?/ What do people usually do to relievepressure?/ What do people often do to relieve stress?Answer 2:According to my research, people prefer to relax on weekends, do something fun, forget about their problems and worries for a moment to refresh their minds. Actually, the simplest way is to think positively. What surprises me is that stress can give us positive energy if we deal with it wisely. 513. 为什么压力可以是正能量呢?Question 3: Why can stress be positive energy?/ Why can stress be positive thing?/ Why can pressure be positive energy?/ Why can stress be positive thing?Answer 3: That’s because stress makes you take action. Take myself for example. I am now under great pressurebecause of the exams. So I need to work extremely hard to pass. If the exam week was not approaching,I would not make efforts to learn what needs to be learnt. 49五答部分:Question 1: Why does Tom look tired? 5Answer 1: Because he has been staying up all night studying./ Because he stayed up studying.Question 2: How many pages should Tom write for the report? 9Answer 2: Ten.Question 3: What are Tom’s surveys about? 5Answer 3: Asking people for their own ways of dealing with stress./ Asking people their ways to deal with stress.Question 4: What is the simplest way to reduce stress? 8Answer 4: To think positively.Question 5: How does Tom prove that stress can give positive energy? 10Answer 5: Take himself for example./ By his experience.话题类型:学校生活类,讨论学习的压力字数:视频对话:93 words 三问机答字数:136 words 总字数为:229 words.时长:情景介绍时长为30秒,有3秒倒计时,对话时长为38秒,总时长为71秒。

2015年广东听说高考A卷PartAM:Today,Marsisafrozenworld.TheaveragetemperaturehereislowerthanattheEarthPole.Butlongago,whenwatermayhaveflowedhere,itmusthavebeenwarmer.Wedon’tkwhyMarsturnedsocold,butperha psitcouldbemadetochangeonceagain.CouldfuturegenerationssomehowtransformMars,intoanEarth-likeworldwherepeoplecouldlive?WhatwouldlifebelikeonMars?Perhapswecouldbuildfarmsandcities.OrperhapswewillleaveMarsaswefoundit.Thosedecisionswillbemadebyourdescendants.96话题类型:探索科技类——探索火星字数:96words时长:58秒语速:99w/m语音:美音生词:1descendants(后代)句子类型:中长句子较多,短句子少,生词多。
生词:survey调查Tapescript:W:Hi,Tom.Youlooktired.What ’sgoingon?M:It ’stheexamweek,andIhavebeenstayingupallnightstudying.I ’mwornout,andI worried.W:Takeiteasy.You ’lldefinitelypass.M:It ’shardtosay.Youknow,Ihaven ’tbeenkeepingstudyupwithforamywhile.Andthereis somuchmaterialtobereviewed.W:Lookslikeyouarehavingatoughweek.M:Youbet.IhaveonemorereportthatisduethisFriday.Isn ’-tpageitinteresting?paperIt’saonhowtodealwithstress. 93三问部分:1.你做过这个话题的研究吗?Question1:Haveyoudonetheresearchaboutthetopic?/Haveyoudonethesurveyaboutthetopic?/Haveyouresearchedthetopic?/Haveyoustudiedthetopic?Answer1:Yes,Ihavebeenreadingsomebooksandarticles,lookingfortheacademicsupportforthistopic.Atthesametime,I’vealsodonesomesurveys,askingpeoplefortheirownwaysofdeali ngwithstress.3612.人们一般做些什么来减少压力呢?Question2:Whatdopeopleusuallydotoreducestress?/Whatdopeopleoftendotoreducestress?/W hatdopeopleusuallydotorelax?/Whatdopeopleoftendotorelax?/Whatdopeopleusuallydotorelievepressure?/Whatdopeopleoftendotorelievestress?Answer2:Accordingtomyresearch,peopleprefertorelaxonweekends,dosomethingfun, forgetabouttheirproblemsandworriesforamomenttorefreshtheirminds.Actually,thesimplestwayistothinkpositively.Whatsurprisesmeisthatstresscangiveuspositiveenergyifwedealwithitwisely. 513.为什么压力可以是正能量呢?Question3:Whycanstressbepositiveenergy?/Whycanstressbepositivething?/Whycanpressure bepositiveenergy?/Whycanstressbepositivething?Answer3:That’sbecausestressmakesyoutakeaction.Takemyselfforexample.Iamnowundergrea tpressurebecauseoftheexams.SoIneedtoworkextremelyhardtopass.Iftheexamweekwasnotapproaching,Iwouldnotmakeeffortstolearnwhatneedstobelearnt.49五答部分:Question1:WhydoesTomlooktired? 5Answer1:Becausehehasbeenstayingupallnightstudying./Becausehestayedupstudying.Question2:HowmanypagesshouldTomwriteforthereport? 9Answer2:Ten.Question3:WhatareTom ’ssurveysabout?5Answer3:Askingpeoplefortheirownwaysofdealingwithstress./Askingpeopletheirwaysto dealwithstress.Question4:Whatisthesimplestwaytoreducestress? 8Answer4:Tothinkpositively.Question5:HowdoesTomprovethatstresscangivepositiveenergy? 10Answer5:Takehimselfforexample./Byhisexperience.话题类型:学校生活类,讨论学习的压力字数:视频对话: 93words 三问机答字数: 136words 总字数为:229words.时长:情景介绍时长为30秒,有3秒倒计时,对话时长为38秒,总时长为71秒。

生词:judge and weigh权衡
M:Hey, Jenny! Theschoolsports meeting is approaching. What’s your plan?
(Jake)|(He) will [probably] choose football[in the sports meeting].
第2答:How many reasons does Jake give Jenny on taking more exercise?
(Jake)|(He) gives (Jenny)|(her) two reasons on (taking)|(doing)|(getting) more exercise.
W:Oh, I’m not into sports. What about you?
M:I’m interested in football. But I’m not sure whether to participate in it or not.
W:Why not? It’s such a good opportunity.
W:I see your point, but I have somany thingsto do.
Why do you(suggest)|(think)[that] I [should] (take more exercise)|(do more exercise)|(get more exercise)|(exercise more)?

广东高考英语听说考试2024年模拟题2024 Guangdong College Entrance Examination English Listening and Speaking Mock TestPart 1: Listening ComprehensionSection 1: Questions 1-5Listen to the following conversation and answer the questions.You will hear the conversation twice.M: Hey Sarah, did you catch the new movie that just came out last weekend?W: No, I didn't have time. Was it any good?M: Yeah, it was really entertaining. I think you'll like it.W: Great, I'll have to check it out then. Thanks for the recommendation.1. What is the conversation mainly about?A. A new restaurant in town.B. A new movie that just came out.C. A book that the man read recently.2. Why didn't Sarah watch the new movie yet?A. She didn't want to.B. She didn't have time.C. She had already seen it.3. How did the man find the new movie?A. Entertaining.B. Boring.C. Confusing.4. What will Sarah do according to the conversation?A. Check out the new movie.B. Start reading a book.C. Go to a new restaurant.5. What is the man's attitude towards the new movie?A. Disappointed.B. Positive.C. Indifferent.Section 2: Questions 6-10Listen to the following dialogue and answer the questions.You will hear the dialogue twice.W: Hey Mark, have you finished your report for the history class yet?M: No, I haven't even started it. Do you know when it's due?W: Yeah, it's due next Tuesday, so you still have a few days left to work on it.M: That's good to know. I'll try to get it done over the weekend.6. What are the speakers talking about?A. A report for the history class.B. Their weekend plans.C. A project for the science class.7. When is the report due?A. Next Monday.B. Next Tuesday.C. Next Wednesday.8. Why hasn't Mark started the report yet?A. He forgot about it.B. He didn't have time.C. He thought it was due later.9. How much time does Mark have left to work on the report?A. A few hours.B. A few days.C. A few weeks.10. What will Mark do over the weekend?A. Work on his report.B. Go to a party.C. Watch a movie.Section 3: Questions 11-15Listen to the following monologue and answer the questions.You will hear the monologue twice.Hello everyone, today I want to talk about the benefits of reading. Reading is not only a great way to relax and unwind, butit also has many mental health benefits. It can improve your focus, memory, and critical thinking skills. Additionally, reading can increase your vocabulary and enhance your communication skills. So next time you're looking for something to do, consider picking up a book and getting lost in its pages.11. What is the speaker talking about?A. The benefits of reading.B. The importance of exercise.C. The advantages of watching TV.12. According to the speaker, what can reading improve?A. Focus and memory.B. Cooking skills.C. Dancing abilities.13. How can reading benefit communication skills?A. It can improve vocabulary.B. It can enhance physical fitness.C. It can decrease mental health.14. What does the speaker suggest you do next time you're looking for something to do?A. Watch TV.B. Go for a walk.C. Pick up a book.15. In the monologue, what can reading do for your mental health?A. Decrease focus and memory.B. Increase vocabulary.C. Improve critical thinking skills.Section 4: Questions 16-20Listen to the following passage and answer the questions.You will hear the passage twice.More and more people are choosing to travel solo these days. It can be a rewarding experience that allows you to discover new places and cultures at your own pace. However, it's important to take certain precautions when traveling alone. Make sure to research your destination thoroughly, stay in safe accommodations, and keep in touch with friends and family backhome. By following these tips, you can enjoy a memorable solo journey without worry.16. What is the passage mainly about?A. The benefits of traveling solo.B. The dangers of traveling alone.C. The importance of traveling in a group.17. Why are more people choosing to travel solo these days?A. To save money.B. To discover new places at their own pace.C. To make new friends.18. What precautions should you take when traveling alone?A. Research your destination, stay in safe accommodations, and keep in touch with friends and family.B. Ignore safety warnings.C. Travel without a plan.19. How can solo travelers enjoy a memorable journey?A. By staying in unsafe accommodations.B. By not researching the destination.C. By following safety tips.20. According to the passage, what should solo travelers do to prevent worry?A. Travel without a plan.B. Stay in touch with friends and family.C. Explore new destinations.Part 2: SpeakingSection 1: Questions 21-25In this section, you will have to answer questions about yourself and your experiences. Please provide detailed responses.21. Can you tell me about a memorable trip you have taken in the past?22. What are your favorite leisure activities?23. Describe a book or movie that has had a great impact on you.24. Can you talk about a challenging situation you have faced and how you overcame it?25. What are your future career goals and aspirations?Section 2: Questions 26-30In this section, you will listen to a passage and then answer questions about it. Please provide detailed responses.26. What was the passage about?27. Can you summarize the main points of the passage?28. What did you find most interesting or surprising about the passage?29. How do you think the information in the passage can be applied in real life?30. Do you agree or disagree with the opinions presented in the passage? Why or why not?That concludes the listening and speaking mock test for the 2024 Guangdong College Entrance Examination. Good luck!。

2015年广东省高考英语听说考试真题APart A Reading AloudIn this part, you are required to watch a video clip and read after the speaker in the video.Today, Mars is a frozen world. The average temperature here is lower than at the Earth’s South Pole. But long ago, when water may have flowed here, it must have been warmer. We don’t know why Mars turned so cold, but perhaps it could be made to change once again. Could future generations somehow transform Mars, into an Earth-like world where people could live? What would life be like on Mars? Perhaps we could build farms and cities. Or perhaps we will leave Mars as we found it. Those decisions will be made by our descendants. (58”)Part B Role PlayIn this part, you are required to act as a role and complete three communicative tasks: listen to a speaker, ask the speaker three questions and then answer five questions.Now please ask the speaker three questions. You have twenty seconds to prepare the question. When you hear a beep, begin to ask the question.Q1: 你做过这个话题的研究吗?________________________________________________________________(10”)A1: Listen to answer 1.Q2: 人们一般做些什么来减少压力呢?________________________________________________________________(10”)A2: Listen to answer 2.Q3: 为什么压力可以是正能量呢?________________________________________________________________(10”) A3: Listen to answer 3.Now please get ready to answer five questions. You are allowed ten seconds to prepare the answer. When you hear a beep, begin to answer the question.Q1: Listen to question 1.A1: ________________________________________________________________(10”)Q2: Listen to question 2.A2: ________________________________________________________________(10”)Q3: Listen to question 3.A3: ________________________________________________________________(10”)Q4: Listen to question 4.A4: ________________________________________________________________(10”)Q5: Listen to question 5.A5: ________________________________________________________________(10”)Part C RetellingIn this part, you are required to listen to a monologue and then retell it based on what you have heard.Now please get ready. When you hear a beep, begin to retell it. (120”)2015年广东省高考英语听说考试真题BPart A Reading AloudIn this part, you are required to watch a video clip and read after the speaker in the video.In the 1960s, a group of researchers came here to study dolphins. Inspired by new discoveries about the animal mind, the researchers believed they could, for the first time, communicate with another species, by teaching dolphins to speak. And so, Margaret’s extraordinary experiment began. Over the coming months, she would live with Peter in the Dolphin House almost full-time. Margaret would immerse him completely in her world to try to teach him English, like a mother teaching a child to speak. After months of living with Peter, the experiment was over. It was time for Margaret to say goodbye. (57”)Part B Role PlayIn this part, you are required to act as a role and complete three communicative tasks: listen to a speaker, ask the speaker three questions and then answer five questions.Now please ask the speaker three questions. You have twenty seconds to prepare the question. When you hear a beep, begin to ask the question.Q1: 什么是改变坏情绪最有用的方法?________________________________________________________________(10”)A1: Listen to answer 1.Q2: 音乐有助于改变坏情绪吗?________________________________________________________________(10”) A2: Listen to answer 2.Q3: 颜色怎样影响我们的情绪?________________________________________________________________(10”) A3: Listen to answer 3.Now please get ready to answer five questions. You are allowed ten seconds to prepare the answer. When you hear a beep, begin to answer the question.Q1: Listen to question 1.A1: ________________________________________________________________(10”)Q2: Listen to question 2.A2: ________________________________________________________________(10”)Q3: Listen to question 3.A3: ________________________________________________________________(10”)Q4: Listen to question 4.A4: ________________________________________________________________(10”)Q5: Listen to question 5.A5: ________________________________________________________________(10”)Part C RetellingIn this part, you are required to listen to a monologue and then retell it based onNow please get ready. When you hear a beep, begin to retell it. (120”)2015年广东省高考英语听说考试真题CPart A Reading AloudIn this part, you are required to watch a video clip and read after the speaker in the video.60 years ago, India threw off the chains of the British Empire, and became a free nation. As the brief heyday of the West draws to a close, one of the greatest players in history is rising again. India has seen the ebb and flow of huge events since the beginning of history. In the tale of life on Earth, the human story is brief. A few hundred generations cover humanity's attempts to create order, beauty and happiness on the face of the earth. Only India has preserved the unbroken thread of the human story that binds us all. (61”)Part B Role PlayIn this part, you are required to act as a role and complete three communicative tasks: listen to a speaker, ask the speaker three questions and then answer five questions.Now please ask the speaker three questions. You have twenty seconds to prepare the question. When you hear a beep, begin to ask the question.Q1: 对你来说最大的挑战是什么?________________________________________________________________(10”) A1: Listen to answer 1.Q2: 你认为每个人都可以被培训成好老师吗?________________________________________________________________(10”)A2: Listen to answer 2.Q3: 好老师有什么特点?________________________________________________________________(10”) A3: Listen to answer 3.Now please get ready to answer five questions. You are allowed ten seconds to prepare the answer. When you hear a beep, begin to answer the question.Q1: Listen to question 1.A1: ________________________________________________________________(10”)Q2: Listen to question 2.A2: ________________________________________________________________(10”)Q3: Listen to question 3.A3: ________________________________________________________________(10”)Q4: Listen to question 4.A4: ________________________________________________________________(10”)Q5: Listen to question 5.A5: ________________________________________________________________(10”)Part C RetellingIn this part, you are required to listen to a monologue and then retell it based onNow please get ready. When you hear a beep, begin to retell it. (120”)2015年广东省高考英语听说考试真题DPart A Reading AloudIn this part, you are required to watch a video clip and read after the speaker in the video.Two out of three of us now feed wild birds in our gardens, spending over 150 million pounds a year in the process. Yet a century ago, most of us did not even have gardens. We took little interest in the welfare of our feathered neighbors, and were more likely to eat a blackbird than feed it. And the very concept of garden birds was meaningless. The term hadn’t even been invented. Garden birds are creatures of our making. And by watching and feeding them, we’ve come to know them intimately. And we’ve drawn them deeper into our lives than any other group of birds. (62”)Part B Role PlayIn this part, you are required to act as a role and complete three communicative tasks: listen to a speaker, ask the speaker three questions and then answer five questions.Now please ask the speaker three questions. You have twenty seconds to prepare the question. When you hear a beep, begin to ask the question.Q1: 两者之间的区别是什么?________________________________________________________________(10”)A1: Listen to answer 1.Q2: 我需要参加每一次的活动吗?________________________________________________________________(10”) A2: Listen to answer 2.Q3: 我怎样才能加入这个协会呢?________________________________________________________________(10”) A3: Listen to answer 3.Now please get ready to answer five questions. You are allowed ten seconds to prepare the answer. When you hear a beep, begin to answer the question.Q1: Listen to question 1.A1: ________________________________________________________________(10”)Q2: Listen to question 2.A2: ________________________________________________________________(10”)Q3: Listen to question 3.A3: ________________________________________________________________(10”)Q4: Listen to question 4.A4: ________________________________________________________________(10”)Q5: Listen to question 5.A5: ________________________________________________________________(10”)Part C RetellingIn this part, you are required to listen to a monologue and then retell it based onNow please get ready. When you hear a beep, begin to retell it. (120”)2015年广东省高考英语听说考试真题EPart A Reading AloudIn this part, you are required to watch a video clip and read after the speaker in the video.The winds that bring the rain move in a north-south cycle up and down the continent. The wet seasons bring downpours, but not to everywhere at once. These isolated rains mean that some animals have to run for thousands of miles in search of freshly grown grass. Grass, unlike other plants, grows from its roots instead of the tip. It means it can be almost constantly cropped — a never-ending supply of food. And as grass makes up over 50% of an elephant’s diet, it’s in their own interests to clear the trees and maintain space for grass to grow. (60”)Part B Role PlayIn this part, you are required to act as a role and complete three communicative tasks: listen to a speaker, ask the speaker three questions and then answer five questions.Now please ask the speaker three questions. You have twenty seconds to prepare the question. When you hear a beep, begin to ask the question.Q1: 你的家乡离这里远吗?________________________________________________________________(10”) A1: Listen to answer 1.Q2: 回家乡的路上给你印象最深刻的是什么?________________________________________________________________(10”) A2: Listen to answer 2.Q3: 你现在更喜欢在哪儿过春节呢?________________________________________________________________(10”) A3: Listen to answer 3.Now please get ready to answer five questions. You are allowed ten seconds to prepare the answer. When you hear a beep, begin to answer the question.Q1: Listen to question 1.A1: ________________________________________________________________(10”)Q2: Listen to question 2.A2: ________________________________________________________________(10”)Q3: Listen to question 3.A3: ________________________________________________________________(10”)Q4: Listen to question 4.A4: ________________________________________________________________(10”)Q5: Listen to question 5.A5: ________________________________________________________________(10”)Part C RetellingIn this part, you are required to listen to a monologue and then retell it based onNow please get ready. When you hear a beep, begin to retell it. (120”)2015年广东省高考英语听说考试真题FPart A Reading AloudIn this part, you are required to watch a video clip and read after the speaker in the video.Out of all of Britain’s cities, there’s one that stands alone, London.But how London came to look the way it does can also be seen from above. Because 60 years ago, the Royal Air Force photographed the whole of London from end to end, and left us a unique record of a city torn apart by war. Now exactly the same process is being repeated. And by directly comparing London then with London now, we can tell the story of the greatest transformation in the city’s history. It’s a transformation that continues faster now than at any timesince the war. (60”)Part B Role PlayIn this part, you are required to act as a role and complete three communicative tasks: listen to a speaker, ask the speaker three questions and then answer five questions.Now please ask the speaker three questions. You have twenty seconds to prepare the question. When you hear a beep, begin to ask the question.Q1: 你怎么看待穿校服?________________________________________________________________(10”) A1: Listen to answer 1.Q2: 穿同样的衣服不烦吗?________________________________________________________________(10”) A2: Listen to answer 2.Q3: 你小时候穿校服吗?________________________________________________________________(10”) A3: Listen to answer 3.Now please get ready to answer five questions. You are allowed ten seconds to prepare the answer. When you hear a beep, begin to answer the question.Q1: Listen to question 1.A1: ________________________________________________________________(10”)Q2: Listen to question 2.A2: ________________________________________________________________(10”)Q3: Listen to question 3.A3: ________________________________________________________________(10”)Q4: Listen to question 4.A4: ________________________________________________________________(10”)Q5: Listen to question 5.A5: ________________________________________________________________(10”)Part C RetellingIn this part, you are required to listen to a monologue and then retell it based onNow please get ready. When you hear a beep, begin to retell it. (120”)2015年广东省高考英语听说考试真题GPart A Reading AloudIn this part, you are required to watch a video clip and read after the speaker in the video.Do you ever get the feeling you look at the world differently from your friends? Am I the only person who prefers clouds to blue skies? When I was a kid and my family went on holiday, I’d sit by the window of the plane so I could l ook out at the clouds. I wanted to jump, see if I could land on one of them. All kids love clouds. So why is it when we’re older, we seem to spend all our holiday time and money trying to get away from them? And that’s why I started the Cloud Appreciation Society. (61”)Part B Role PlayIn this part, you are required to act as a role and complete three communicative tasks: listen to a speaker, ask the speaker three questions and then answer five questions.Now please ask the speaker three questions. You have twenty seconds to prepare the question. When you hear a beep, begin to ask the question.Q1: 大学课程是怎样安排的?________________________________________________________________(10”)A1: Listen to answer 1.Q2: 你们大学会给学生提供出国学习的机会吗?________________________________________________________________(10”) A2: Listen to answer 2.Q3: 你们大学哪个系最好?________________________________________________________________(10”) A3: Listen to answer 3.Now please get ready to answer five questions. You are allowed ten seconds to prepare the answer. When you hear a beep, begin to answer the question.Q1: Listen to question 1.A1: ________________________________________________________________(10”)Q2: Listen to question 2.A2: ________________________________________________________________(10”)Q3: Listen to question 3.A3: ________________________________________________________________(10”)Q4: Listen to question 4.A4: ________________________________________________________________(10”)Q5: Listen to question 5.A5: ________________________________________________________________(10”)Part C RetellingIn this part, you are required to listen to a monologue and then retell it based onNow please get ready. When you hear a beep, begin to retell it. (120”)2015年广东省高考英语听说考试真题答案APart B三问部分:Question 1: Have you done the research about the topic?/ Have you done the survey aboutthe topic?/ Have you researched the topic?/ Have you studied the topic? Answer 1:Yes, I have been reading some books and articles, looking for the academic support for this topic. At the same time, I’ve also done some surveys, asking peoplefor their own ways of dealing with stress.Question 2: What do people usually do to reduce stress?/ What do people often do to reduce stress?/ What do people usually do to relax?/ What do people often do to relax?/What do people usually do to relieve pressure?/ What do people often do to relievestress?Answer 2: According to my research, people prefer to relax on weekends, do something fun, forget about their problems and worries for a moment to refresh their minds.Actually, the simplest way is to think positively. What surprises me is that stresscan give us positive energy if we deal with it wisely.Question 3: Why can stress be positive energy?/ Why can stress be positive thing?/ Why can pressure be positive energy?/ Why can stress be positive thing?Answer 3:That’s because stress makes you take action. Take myself for example. I am now under great pressure because of the exams. So I need to work extremely hard topass. If the exam week was not approaching, I would not make efforts to learnwhat needs to be learnt.五答部分:Question 1: Why does Tom look tired?Answer 1:Because he has been staying up all night studying./ Because he stayed up studying.Question 2: How many pages should Tom write for the report?Answer 2: Ten.Question 3:What are Tom’s surveys about?Answer 3: Asking people for their own ways of dealing with stress./ Asking people their ways to deal with stress.Question 4: What is the simplest way to reduce stress?Answer 4: To think positively.Question 5: How does Tom prove that stress can give positive energy?Answer 5: Take himself for example./ By his experience.Part C2015年广东省高考英语听说考试真题答案BPart BQuestion 1:What is themost useful wayto change a badmood?/ What isthe most usefulway to change abad feeling?/What is themost usefulthing to changea bad mood?/What is themost useful thing to change a bad feeling?/ What is the most useful method to change a badmood?/ What is the most useful method to change a bad feeling?/ What is the mosteffective way to change a bad mood?/ What is the most effective method to changea bad feeling?Answer 1: The first and most useful thing is doing physical exercises. Running, cyclingand swimming are all good for you. You will take in more oxygen by doing theseexercises. It helps to refresh you. Basically, you need to do these things forabout twenty minutes, three to five times a week.Question 2:Is music helpful to change a bad mood?/ Is music helpful to change a bad feeling?/ Does music contribute to changing a bad mood?/ Does music contribute to changinga bad feeling?/ Is listening to music helpful to change a bad mood?/ Is listeningto music helpful to change a bad feeling?Answer 2: Sure, if you want to use music to change your bad mood, start with music which is similar to your mood, and then change it gradually until you finish with happiermusic. You know what, colors can also have an influence.Question 3: How do colors affect our moods?/ How do colors influence our moods?/ How do colors affect our feelings?/ How do colors influence our feelings?/ How do colorshave an influence on our moods?/ How do colors have an influence on our feelings? Answer 3: Well, dark colors sometimes will make people sad. Soft and light colors calm you down. Red will make you excited. So if you are sad, go for bright colors.And if you are angry, you may try blue.五答部分:Question 1: What problem does Jenny suffer from?Answer 1:She can’t have a good sleep./ She can’t sleep well.Question 2: How many ways are there to change a bad mood?Answer 2: More than ten./ Over ten./ Above ten.Question 3: How often should we do exercise to change a bad mood?Answer 3: Three to five times a week.Question 4: What kind of music should we start with when we are in a bad mood? Answer 4: Music which is similar to our mood./ Music that is similar to our mood.Question 5: What color may you try if you are angry?Answer 5: Blue.Part C2015年广东省高考英语听说考试真题答案CPart B三问部分:Question 1:What is the biggest challenge to you?/ What is the greatest challenge to you?/ What is the biggest challenge for you?/ What is the greatest challenge for you? Answer 1:Oh, there are too many students and sometimes I don’t have enough time and energy to take care of every student. Usually I pay most of my attention to the studentswho make trouble. And I give much less attention to the silent and bright ones.That’s discouraging and it makes me feel that I’m not a good teacher.Question 2: Do you think that everyone can be trained to be a good teacher?/ Do you think that everyone can be trained to become a good teacher?/ Do you think everyonecan be trained as a good teacher?/ Can everyone be trained to be a good teacher?/Can everyone be trained to become a good teacher?Answer 2: Well, I think people can learn teaching skills and technics in some teacher training courses. But you need some gifts to be a really good teacher. Some peopleare just born with those characteristics for an excellent teacher.Question 3: What characteristics do good teachers have?/ What features do good teachers have?Answer 3:Usually they are outgoing, full of passion and sensitive to others’ needs. They need to be patient since the students might bother them frequently. It demandsmuch tolerance. Well, I’m afraid I don’t have much patienc e sometimes.五答部分:Question 1: What class did Mr. Brown finish when you saw him?Answer 1: Science class.Question 2: How does Mr. Brown often feel at the end of a teaching day?Answer 2: Burn out and pretty tired./ Very tired./ Worn out and very tired./ Exhausted.Question 3:What kind of students get most of Mr. Brown’s attention?Answer 3: The students who make trouble.Question 4: What can people learn in teacher training courses?Answer 4: Teaching skills and technics.Question 5: Why do teachers need to be patient?Answer 5:Since the students might bother them frequently./ Since the students might disturb them often.Part C2015年广东省高考英语听说考试真题答案D Part B:三问部分:Question 1:What’s the difference between them?/ What’s the difference between the two?/ What are the differences between them?/ What are the differences between thetwo?Answer 1: Our club only has activities on weekends. We usually do something for the local community. Isn’t that great? You will enjoy it. You can also learn a lot inthis club, such as organizing activities, and cooperating with your groupmembers.Question 2:Do I need to attend every activity?/ Do I need to take part in every activity?/ Do I need to participate in every activity?/ Do I need to attend each activity?/Do I need to take part in each activity?/ Do I need to participate in eachactivity?/ Is it necessary for me to attend every activity?/ Is it necessaryfor me to take part in each activity?Answer 2:No, you don’t have to. We’ve got a variety of activities, and you can choose those that suit you. For example, you major in medical care, so you can go andhelp the people in need of your professional knowledge. This can also providesome work experience for your future career.Question 3: How can I join this club?Answer 3:Oh, it’s simple. You just need to fill out an application form with all the basic information, such as age, hobbies, what you major in, and what you aregood at. Remember to take a photo with you, because the club will make a membercard for you.五答部分:Question 1: What is Tom going to do this weekend?Answer 1:To an elder’s home with members of the volunteer club./ To an elder’s home.Question 2: Why did you quit the job in the Student Union?Answer 2:Because I don’t want to be so busy./ Because it’s too busy.Question 3: What will people learn from the volunteer activities?Answer 3: Organizing activities, and cooperating with your group members.Question 4: How can volunteer activities be helpful to your future career?Answer 4: They can provide some work experience./ We can get some work experience from them./ We can add some work experience.Question 5: What is the photo for?Answer 5: Making a member card.Part C:2015年广东省高考英语听说考试真题答案E Part B:三问部分:Question 1: Is your hometown far from here?Answer 1: Yes, we spent twelve hours on the train to get to the capital city of our home province. Then we took the bus to our home village. It was a four-hour ride. Wewere very tired when we finally arrived there.Question 2: What impressed you most on the way to your hometown?/ What impressed you best on the way to your hometown?/ What gave you the deepest impression on the wayto your hometown?/ What was the most impressive thing on your way to yourhometown?Answer 2: I was amazed at the scene of millions of families traveling thousands of miles for a family reunion. Most of the people were very happy, no matter how tiredthey were. That was so touching. This trip changed my ideas on family andtradition.Question 3: Where do you prefer to spend the Spring Festival?/ Where do you like more to spend the Spring Festival?Answer 3:I didn’t feel much about the Spring Festival before. There was nothing unusu al.But now I love the Spring Festival. Anywhere can be good to me as long as thefamily get together. That is the meaning of the Spring Festival to me.五答部分:Question 1: When did Tom go back to his hometown last time?Answer 1: 13 years ago.Question 2: Why are fireworks not allowed in the city?Answer 2: For safety reasons./ Because of safety reasons.Question 3: How did Tom go back to his hometown?Answer 3: By train and by bus.Question 4: What change did the trip bring to Tom?Answer 4: Family and tradition.Question 5: What does the Spring Festival mean to Tom?Answer 5: Anywhere can be good as long as the family get together.Part C2015年广东省高考英语听说考试真题答案F Part B:三问部分:Question 1: How do you think about wearing school uniforms?/ What do you think of wearing school un iforms?/ What’s your opinion about wearing school uniforms? Answer 1: Well, basically I think it is a good idea. Wearing the same clothes, students feel equal. It also saves time. Because when students wake up in the morning,they don’t have to think about what to wear for that day. They can have moretime in bed maybe. And for their parents, it saves them a lot of money.Question 2: Isn’t it boring to wear the same clothes?/ Isn’t wearing the same clothes boring?/ Don’t you feel bored to wear the same cl othes?Answer 2:To some degree, it is boring, and makes children dull. Some people even say that children can learn to make choices and decisions if they have the freedom todecide what to wear.Question 3: Did you wear school uniforms when you were young?/ Did you wear school uniforms when you were a kid?/ Did you wear school uniforms when you were a child?/ Answer 3:Yes, I was born in Germany, but I went to school in England, and almost all schoolshad uniforms. So for me, it was very normal. When I was in primary school, wehad a uniform, and in secondary school, a different uniform. And my brother schoolalso had a uniform. Sometimes, we did get bored. But I think overall, it savedus time in the morning.五答部分:Question 1: What class did Dr. Brown just have?Answer 1: History class.Question 2: What is your report about?Answer 2: Wearing school uniforms.Question 3: What is the advantage of wearing school uniforms for parents?Answer 3: It saves them a lot of money.Question 4: What can children learn by choosing what to wear every day?Answer 4: To make choices and decisions.Question 5: Where did Dr. Brown go to school?Answer 5: In England.Part C。

2015年广东省高考英语听说考试真题APART A Reading AloudIn this part, you are required to watch a video clip and read after the speaker in the video.Today, Mars is a frozen world. The average temperature here is lower than at the Earth’s South Pole. But long ago, when water may have flowed here, it must have been warmer. We don’t know why Mars turned so cold, but perhaps it could be made to change once again. Could future generations somehow transform Mars, into an Earth-like world where people could live? What would life be like on Mars? Perhaps we could build farms and cities. Or perhaps we will leave Mars as we found it. Those decisions will be made by our descendants.现在你有一分钟的准备时间。
Now you have ONE minute to practise reading.现在请对照原文,再听一遍录音。
Now listen to the speaker once again. And try to read after the speaker.现在开始录音。

PART AWe’ve seen stars born and we’ve seen stars die. / And we know that tomorrow won’t be the same as today / because the arrow of time says / the future will always be different from the past. / But what drives this evolution? / Why is there a difference between the past and the future? / Why is there an arrow of time at all? / It seems obvious to us that things change/ and the future will be different to the past. / We know that because we see the effects of the passing years all around us.PART B情景介绍:角色:你是Zoe任务:(1)与同学Bob在讨论兼职的事情(2)根据谈话内容回答相关问题生词:sharp 尖酸的,苛刻的detail 细节passion 激情W: What is your part-time job, Bob? Is it easy for you?M: Oh, I have to work for very long hours, about 8 hours a day at the weekends.W: What time do you start working?M: I begin at 8 o’clock in the morning. Then at 12 o’clock, it is lunch time. I start again at 1:00 and work until 5 o’clock in the afternoon. Two days a week. So I have to get used to the busy weekends.W: And do you have to work in the evenings of weekdays?M: Oh, yes, in the weekdays, we’ve been told to choose one evening to go there to help the assistants because it is always busy in our restaurant.3 Questions to ask:1. 你的工作职责是什么?(计算机回答: My main duty is to keep everything in the kitchen totally clean. I have to wear white and blue uniforms. Sometimes, I also have to help the assistants serve customers when it is very busy.)2. 工作过程中有什么难处吗?(计算机回答:We’re standing up all t he time. What’s more, people would get angry and sharp, wh en we’re busy and not noticing their requests. But that’s normal.)3. 你怎么权衡学习和兼职这二者的?(计算机回答:Well, I study hard in the school. In the evening, I go to bed early for relaxing. I must make sure that I am full of energy for my job at the weekends.)KEYS:1. What are your job duties?2. What are the difficulties in your job?3. How do you balance your study and part-time job?5 Questions to answer:1. How many working hours does the man spend at the weekends?2. When does the man start working?3. Why does the man come to work in one evening of the weekdays?4. What are the colors of the man’s uniforms?5. What’s man’s attitude towards his study?Keys:1. He spends about 8 hours a day.2. He begins his work at 8 o’clock in the morning.3. Because it is always busy in the restaurant and he has been told to choose one evening to help.4. They are white and blue.5. He studies very hard in the school.PART C故事梗概:父亲去电影院看电影。

2015年广东听说高考A卷Part AM: Today, Mars is a frozen world. The average temperature here is lower than at the Earth’s South Pole. But long ago, when water may have flowed here, it must have been warmer. We don’t know why Mars turned so cold, but perhaps it could be made to change once again. Could future generations somehow transform Mars, into an Earth-like world where people could live? What would life be like on Mars? Perhaps we could build farms and cities. Or perhaps we will leave Mars as we found it. Those decisions will be made by our descendants. 96话题类型:探索科技类——探索火星字数:96 words时长:58秒语速:99w/m语音:美音生词:1 descendants(后代)句子类型:中长句子较多,短句子少,生词多。
三问部分:1. 你做过这个话题的研究吗?Question 1: Have you done the research about the topic?/ Have you done the survey about the topic?/ Have you researched the topic?/ Have you studied thetopic?Answer 1:Yes, I have been reading some books and articles, looking for the academic support for this topic. At the same time, I’ve also done some surveys,asking people for their own ways of dealing with stress. 362. 人们一般做些什么来减少压力呢?Question 2: What do people usually do to reduce stress?/ What do people often do to reduce stress?/ What do people usually do to relax?/ What do peopleoften do to relax?/ What do people usually do to relieve pressure?/ Whatdo people often do to relieve stress?Answer 2:According to my research, people prefer to relax on weekends, do something fun, forget about their problems and worries for a moment to refresh theirminds. Actually, the simplest way is to think positively. What surprisesme is that stress can give us positive energy if we deal with it wisely.513. 为什么压力可以是正能量呢?Question 3: Why can stress be positive energy?/ Why can stress be positive thing?/ Why can pressure be positive energy?/ Why can stress be positive thing? Answer 3: That’s because stress makes you take action. Take myself for example.I am now under great pressure because of the exams. So I need to workextremely hard to pass. If the exam week was not approaching, I would notmake efforts to learn what needs to be learnt. 49五答部分:Question 1: Why does Tom look tired? 5Answer 1: Because he has been staying up all night studying./ Because he stayed up studying.Question 2: How many pages should Tom write for the report? 9Answer 2: Ten.Question 3: What are Tom’s surveys about? 5Answer 3: Asking people for their own ways of dealing with stress./ Asking people their ways to deal with stress.Question 4: What is the simplest way to reduce stress? 8Answer 4: To think positively.Question 5: How does Tom prove that stress can give positive energy? 10Answer 5: Take himself for example./ By his experience.话题类型:学校生活类,讨论学习的压力字数:视频对话:93 words 三问机答字数:136 words 总字数为:229 words.时长:情景介绍时长为30秒,有3秒倒计时,对话时长为38秒,总时长为71秒。

2015年广东省高考英语听说考试真题APart A Readi ng AloudIn this part, you are required to watch a video clip and read after the speaker in the video.Today, Mars is a frozen world. The average temperature here is lower than at the 'aSthuth Pole. But long ago, whe n water may have flowed here, it must have bee n warmer. W'daniow why Mars tur ned so cold, but perhaps it could be made to change once again. Could future generations somehow transform Mars, into an Earth-like worl where people could live? What would life be like on Mars? Perhaps we could build farms and cities. Or perhaps we will leave Mars as we found it. Those decisi ons will be made by our desce ndant”.(58Part B Role PlayIn this part, you are required to act as a role and complete three com muni cative tasks: liste n to a speaker, ask the speaker three questi ons and the n an swer five questi ons.情景介绍(30”)Now please ask the speaker three questi ons. You have twenty sec onds to prepare the questi on. Whe n you h a beep, begi n to ask the questi on.Q1:你做过这个话题的研究吗?”0页脚内容1”0A1: Liste n to an swer 1.Q2:人们一般做些什么来减少压力呢?____________________________________________________________ ”0A2: Liste n to an swer 2.Q3:为什么压力可以是正能量呢?____________________________________________________________ ”0A3: Liste n to an swer 3.Now please get ready to an swer five questi ons. You are allowed ten sec onds to prepare the an swer. Whe n y hear a beep, begi n to an swer the questi on.Q1: Liste n to questi on 1.A1: _______________________________________________________________ ()10Q2: Liste n to questi on 2.A2: _______________________________________________________________ (”0Q3: Liste n to questi on 3.A3: _______________________________________________________________ (”0Q4: Liste n to questi on 4.A4: _______________________________________________________________ (”0Q5: Liste n to questi on 5.A5: _______________________________________________________________ (”0Part C Retelli ngIn this part, you are required to listen to a monologue and then retell it based on what you have heard.Now please get ready. Whe n you hear a beep, begi n to retell it. ”1202015年广东省高考英语听说考试真题BPart A Readi ng AloudIn this part, you are required to watch a video clip and read after the speaker in the video.In the 1960s, a group of researchers came here to study dolph ins. In spired by new discoveries about the ani mal m the researchers believed they could, for the first time, com muni cate with ano ther species, by teach ing dolphi ns to speak. And so, Margaret ' s extraordinary experiment began.cOhiegtheDDths, she would live with Peter in the Dolph in House almost full-time. Margaret would immerse him completely in her world to try to teach him En glis like a mother teach ing a child to speak. After mon ths of livi ng with Peter, the experime nt was over. It was time for Margaret to say goodby^57 ”)Part B Role PlayIn this part, you are required to act as a role and complete three com muni cative tasks: liste n to a speaker, ask the speaker three questi ons and the n an swer five questio ns.Now please ask the speaker three questi ons. You have twenty sec onds to prepare the questi on. Whe n you hear a begi n to ask the questi on.Q1:什么是改变坏情绪最有用的方法?________________________________________________________________ (10 ”)A1: Liste n to an swer 1.Q2:音乐有助于改变坏情绪吗?________________________________________________________________ (10 ”)A2: Liste n to an swer 2.Q3:颜色怎样影响我们的情绪?______________________________________________________________ (10 ”)A3: Liste n to an swer 3.Now please get ready to an swer five questi ons. You are allowed ten sec onds to prepare the an swer. Whe n you he beep, beg in to an swer the questi on.Q1: Liste n to questio n 1.A1: _______________________________________________________________ (10 ”)Q2: Liste n to questio n 2.A2: _______________________________________________________________ (10 ”)Q3: Liste n to questio n 3.A3: _______________________________________________________________ (10 ”)Q4: Liste n to questio n 4.A4: _______________________________________________________________ (10 ”)Q5: Liste n to questio n 5.A5: _______________________________________________________________ (10 ”)Part C Retelli ngIn this part, you are required to listen to a monologue and then retell it based on what you have heard.Now please get ready. When you hear a beep, begin to retell it. (120 ” )2015年广东省高考英语听说考试真题CPart A Readi ng AloudIn this part, you are required to watch a video clip and read after the speaker in the video.60 years ago, India threw off the chains of the British Empire, and became a free nation. As the brief heyday of the West draws to a close, one of the greatest players in history is rising aga in. In dia has see n the ebb and flow of hug eve nts since the beg inning of history. In the tale of life on Earth, the huma n story is brief. A few hun dred gen eratio cover huma ni ty's attempts to create order, beauty and happ in ess on the face of the earth. Only In dia has preserve the un broke n thread of the huma n story that binds us ^6.1 ”)Part B Role PlayIn this part, you are required to act as a role and complete three com muni cative tasks: liste n to a speaker, ask the speaker three questi ons and the n an swer five questi ons.Now please ask the speaker three questi ons. You have twenty sec onds to prepare the questi on. Whe n you hear a begi n to ask the questi on.Q1:对你来说最大的挑战是什么?________________________________________________________________ (10 ”)A1: Liste n to an swer 1.Q2:你认为每个人都可以被培训成好老师吗?______________________________________________________________ (10 ”)A2: Liste n to an swer 2.Q3:好老师有什么特点?________________________________________________________________ (10 ”)A3: Liste n to an swer 3.Now please get ready to an swer five questi ons. You are allowed ten sec onds to prepare the an swer. Whe n you he beep, beg in to an swer the questi on.Q1: Liste n to questio n 1.A1: _______________________________________________________________ (10 ”)Q2: Liste n to questio n 2.A2: _______________________________________________________________ (10 ”)Q3: Liste n to questio n 3.A3: _______________________________________________________________ (10 ”)Q4: Liste n to questio n 4.A4: _______________________________________________________________ (10 ”)Q5: Liste n to questio n 5.A5: ______________________________________________________________ (10 ”)Part C Retelli ngIn this part, you are required to listen to a monologue and then retell it based on what you have heard.Now please get ready. Whe n you hear a beep, beg in to retell it. (1202015年广东省高考英语听说考试真题DPart A Readi ng AloudIn this part, you are required to watch a video clip and read after the speaker in the video.Two out of three of us now feed wild birds in our garde ns, spe nding over 150 milli on pounds a year in the process. Yet a cen tury ago, most of us did not eve n have garde ns. We took little in terest in the welfare of our feathered neighbors, and were more likely to eat a blackbird than feed it. And the very concept of garden birds was meanin gless. The term had n ' t eve n bee n inven ted. Garde n birds are creatures of our making. And by watch feeding them, we ' ve come to know them intimately. And we ' ve drawn them deeper into our lives th group of birds.(62 ”)Part B Role PlayIn this part, you are required to act as a role and complete three com muni cative tasks: liste n to a speaker, ask the speaker three questi ons and the n an swer five questi ons.Now please ask the speaker three questi ons. You have twenty sec onds to prepare the questi on. Whe n you hear a begi n to ask the questi on.Q1:两者之间的区别是什么?______________________________________________________________ (10 ”)A1: Liste n to an swer 1.Q2:我需要参加每一次的活动吗?________________________________________________________________ (10 ”)A2: Liste n to an swer 2.Q3:我怎样才能加入这个协会呢?________________________________________________________________ (10 ”)A3: Liste n to an swer 3.Now please get ready to an swer five questi ons. You are allowed ten sec onds to prepare the an swer. Whe n you he beep, beg in to an swer the questi on.历史Q1: Liste n to questio n 1.A1: _____________________________________________________________ (10 ”)Q2: Liste n to questio n 2.A2: _______________________________________________________________ (10 ”)Q3: Liste n to questio n 3.A3: _______________________________________________________________ (10 ”)Q4: Liste n to questio n 4.A4: _______________________________________________________________ (10 ”)Q5: Liste n to questio n 5.A5: _______________________________________________________________ (10 ”)Part C Retelli ngIn this part, you are required to listen to a monologue and then retell it based on what you have heard.Now please get ready. When you hear a beep, beg in to retell it. (120 ” )2015年广东省高考英语听说考试真题EPart A Readi ng Aloud历史(10 ”)In this part, you are required to watch a video clip and read after the speaker in the video.The winds that bring the rain move in a n orth-south cycle up and dow n the con ti nent. The wet seas onSDring dow npours, but not to everywhere at on ce. These isolated rains mea n that some an imals have to run for thousa nd miles in search of freshly grow n grass. Grass, uni ike other pla nts, grows from its roots in stead of the tip. It means i can be almost con sta ntly cropped — a n ever-e ndin gsupply of food. And as grass makes up over 50% of an elephant ' s diet, it ' s in their own interests to clear the trees and maintain space for60'ass to grow. Part B Role PlayIn this part, you are required to act as a role and complete three com muni cative tasks: liste n to a speaker, ask the speaker three questi ons and the n an swer five questi ons.Now please ask the speaker three questi ons. You have twenty sec onds to prepare the questi on. Whe n you hear a begi n to ask the questi on.Q1:你的家乡离这里远吗?________________________________________________________________ (10 ”)A1: Liste n to an swer 1.Q2:回家乡的路上给你印象最深刻的是什么?A2: Liste n to an swer 2.Q3:你现在更喜欢在哪儿过春节呢?________________________________________________________________ (10 ”)A3: Liste n to an swer 3.Now please get ready to an swer five questi ons. You are allowed ten sec onds to prepare the an swer. Whe n you he beep, beg in to an swer the questi on.Q1: Liste n to questio n 1.A1: _______________________________________________________________ (10 ”)Q2: Liste n to questio n 2.A2: _______________________________________________________________ (10 ”)Q3: Liste n to questio n 3.A3: _______________________________________________________________ (10 ”)Q4: Liste n to questio n 4.A4: _______________________________________________________________ (10 ”)Q5: Liste n to questio n 5.A5: _____________________________________________________________ (10 ”)Part C Retelli ngIn this part, you are required to listen to a monologue and then retell it based on what you have heard.Now please get readyVhen you hear a beep, begin to retell it. (120 ” )2015年广东省高考英语听说考试真题 FPart A Readi ng AloudIn this part, you are required to watch a video clip and read after the speaker in the video.end end, and left us a unique record of a city torn apart by war. Now exactly the same process is being repeated. And directly comparing London then with London now, we can tell the story of the greatest transformation in the city history. It ' s a transformation that continues faster now than at any time sin(6©t ”e )war. Part B Role PlayIn this part, you are required to act as a role and complete three com muni cative tasks: liste n to a speaker, ask the speaker three questi ons and the n an swer five questi ons.Now please ask the speaker three questi ons. You have twenty sec onds to prepare the questi on. Whe n you hear a begi n to ask the questi on.Q1:你怎么看待穿校服?________________________________________________________________ (10 ”)A1: Liste n to an swer 1.Out of all of Britain s cities, thereQ2:穿同样的衣服不烦吗?________________________________________________________________ (10 ”) A2: Liste n to an swer 2.Q3:你小时候穿校服吗?________________________________________________________________ (10 ”)A3: Liste n to an swer 3.Now please get ready to an swer five questi ons. You are allowed ten sec onds to prepare the an swer. Whe n you he beep, beg in to an swer the questi on.Q1: Liste n to questio n 1.A1: ________________________________________________________________ (10 ”)Q2: Liste n to questio n 2.A2: ______________________________________________________________ (10 ”)Q3: Liste n to questio n 3.A3: ________________________________________________________________ (10 ”)Q4: Liste n to questio n 4.A4: ________________________________________________________________ (10 ”)Q5: Liste n to questio n 5.A5: ________________________________________________________________ (10 ”)Part C Retelli ngIn this part, you are required to listen to a monologue and then retell it based on what you have heard.Now please get ready. Whe n you hear a beep, beg in to retell it. (1202015年广东省高考英语听说考试真题GPart A Readi ng AloudIn this part, you are required to watch a video clip and read after the speaker in the video.Do you ever get the feeling you look at the world differently from your friends? Am I the only person who prefers clouds to blue skies? When I was a kid and my family went on holiday, I ' d sit by the window olook out at the clouds. I wan ted to jump, see if I could land on one of them. All kids love clouds. So why is it whe n we' re older, we seem to spend all our holiday time and money trying to get away from them? And that the Cloud Appreciation Socie(0.1 ”)Part B Role PlayIn this part, you are required to act as a role and complete three com muni cative tasks: liste n to a speaker, ask the speaker three questi ons and the n an swer five questi ons.Now please ask the speaker three questi ons. You have twenty sec onds to prepare the questi on. Whe n youhear a begi n to ask the questi on.Q1:大学课程是怎样安排的?______________________________________________________________ (10 ”)A1: Liste n to an swer 1.Q2:你们大学会给学生提供出国学习的机会吗?________________________________________________________________ (10 ”)A2: Liste n to an swer 2.Q3 :你们大学哪个系最好?________________________________________________________________ (10 ”)A3: Liste n to an swer 3.Now please get ready to an swer five questi ons. You are allowed ten sec onds to prepare the an swer. Whe n you he beep, beg in to an swer the questi on.Q1: Liste n to questio n 1.A1: _____________________________________________________________ 10 ”)Q2: Liste n to questio n 2.A2: _______________________________________________________________ (10 ”)Q3: Liste n to questio n 3.A3: _______________________________________________________________ (10 ”)Q4: Liste n to questio n 4.A4: _______________________________________________________________ (10 ”)Q5: Liste n to questio n 5.A5: ________________________________________________________________ (10 ”)Part C Retelli ngIn this part, you are required to listen to a monologue and then retell it based on what you have heard.Now please get ready. Whe n you hear a beep, beg in to retell it. (1202015年广东省高考英语听说考试真题答案APart BTapescript:三问部分:Questi on 1 Have you done the research about the topic?/ Have you done the survey about the topic?/ Have you researched the topic?/ Have you studied the topic?An swer 1 Yes, I have bee n readi ng some books and articles, look ing for the academic support for this topic. At the same time, I ' ve also done some surveys, asking people for their own ways of dealing stress.Questi on 2:What do people usually do to reduce stress?/ What do people ofte n do to reduce stress?/What do people usually do to relax?/ What do people ofte n do to relax?/ What do people usually do torelieve pressure?/ What do people ofte n do to relieve stress?An swer 2Accordi ng to my research, people prefer to relax on weeke nds, do someth ing fun, forgetabout their problems and worries for a mome nt to refresh their mi nds. Actually, the simplest way is tothi nk positively. What surprises me is that stress can give us positive energy if we deal with it wisely.Questi on 3 Why can stress be positive en ergy?/ Why can stress be positive thin g?/ Why canpressure I positive en ergy?/ Why can stress be positive thi ng?Answer 3:That' s because stress makes you take action. Take myself for example. I am now under gre pressure because of the exams. So I n eed to work extremely hard to pass. If the exam week was notapproachi ng, I would not make efforts to lear n what n eeds to be lear nt.五答部分:Question 1Why does Tom look tired?An swer 1 Because he has bee n stay ing up all ni ght study in g./ Because he stayed up study ing.Questi on 2How many pages should Tom write for the report?An swer 2:Te n.Question 3What are Tom ' s surveys about?An swer 3Ask ing people for their own ways of deali ng with stress./ Ask ing people their ways to deal with stress.Questi on 4 What is the simplest way to reduce stress?An swer 4:To think positively.Questi on 5How does Tom prove that stress can give positive en ergy?An swer 5:Take himself for example./ By his experie nee.Part CTapescript:A Night that Cha nge the LifeTom and his band made their living by playing music on the street, travelling fromtow n to tow n. The band was n ot able to make much mon ey, so some wan ted to give up.However, Tom in sisted that they should continue their performa nee for those people who enjoyed their music. The whole band was persuaded, and they decided to performat their best. But the win ter came with strong wind and heavy snow. People on the street seemed to be in a rush and few stayed for their show.One cold ni ght, very few people came as they expected, but they were happy that somepeople did enjoy the show. When everybody left, a boy came and gave them a note witha bus in ess card, say ing “A man left this for you.The band was surprised to see thenote, because nobody had ever left any note for their performanee before. Theyimmediately read it. “ You have performed beautifully toni ght. Thanks a lot. Wouldyouplease come tomy office tomorrow morning? ” The note was fromnaanager of a famousmusic company. Their life was changed from that night on.2015年广东省高考英语听说考试真题答案BPart B三问部分:Question 1: What isthe most useful wayto change a badmood?/ What is themost useful way tocha nge a badfeeli ng?/ What ismost useful thing tocha nge a badmood?/ What is thetocha nge a bad feeling?/ What is the most useful method to cha nge a bad mood?/ What is the most useful method to cha nge a bad feeling?/What is the most effective way to cha nge a bad mood?/ What is the most effective method to cha nge afeeli ng?Answer 1The first and most useful thing is doing physical exercises. Running, cycling and swimmingare all good for you. You will take in more oxygen by doing these exercises. It helps to refresh you.Basicall you n eed to do these thi ngs for about twenty minu tes, three to five times a week.Questi on 2:1s music helpful to cha nge a bad mood?/ Is music helpful to cha nge a bad feeli ng?/Does music con tribute to cha nging a bad mood?/ Doesmusic con tribute to cha nging a bad feeling?/ Is listening to music helpful to change a bad mood?/ Is listening to music helpful to change a badfeeling?Answer 2:Sure, if you want to use music to change your bad mood, start with music which is similar toyour mood, and then change it gradually until you finish with happier music. You know what, colors can also have an in flue nee.Questi on 3:How do colors affect our moods?/ How do colors in flue nee our moods?/ How do colorsaffect our feeli ngs?/ How do colors in flue nee our feeli ngs?/ How do colors have an in flue nee onour moods?/ How do colors have an in flue nee on our feeli ngs?Answer 3Well, dark colors sometimes will make people sad. Soft and light colors calm you down. Red w make you excited. So if you are sad, go for bright colors. And if you are angry, you may try blue.五答部分:Questi on IWhat problem does Jenny suffer from?Answer 1She can ' t have a good sleep./ She can t sleep well.Questi on 2How many ways are there to cha nge a bad mood?An swer 2:More tha n ten./ Over ten./ Above ten.Questi on 3How ofte n should we do exercise to cha nge a bad mood?An swer 3:Three to five times a week.Question 4What kind of music should we start with when we are in a bad mood? An swer 4:Music which is similar to our mood./ Music that is similar to our mood.Questi on 5 What color may you try if you are an gry?An swer 5:Blue.Part Cmother rushed into his room, holdi ng the report card in hand.ed, hisWell done, son. You are the nu mber one in the class. You are our pride.She gave Tom a big kiss. Tom could notbelieve it, so he looked at the report card carefully. Very soon, Tom found out it w a s Tommy s report card, not his. The teacher had made a mistake. His mother had busy calli ng all the family about the good n ews. Tom won dered what the right thir do was. He thought for a while, whether to please his pare nts or to be an honest Finally, he decided to tell his parents the truth.2015年广东省高考英语听说考试真题答案 Ceft g to boy. Part BTapescript:W: Good after noon, Mr. Brow n. Welcome to our program.M: It ' s my pleasures h ed my scienee class just a few minutes ago.W: How do you feel like at the end of a teach ing day? M: Well, usually, I ' m very burn out, pretty tired.W: But at the same time excited and satisfied?M: I think it depe nds. You have good days and bad days. There are some days whe n you feel things have gone particularly well. And you are just flying high. But sometimes,are just frustrated and not achiev ing anything.三问部分:Questi on IWhat is the biggest challe nge to you?/ What is the greatest challe nge to you?/ What is thebiggest challe nge for you?/ What is the greatest challe nge for you?An swer 10h, there are too many stude nts and sometimes I don ' t have eno ugh time and en care of every student. Usually I pay most of my attention to the students who make trouble. And I givemuch less attention to the silent and bright ones. That ' s discouraging and it makes me good teacher.Questi on 2Do you think that every one can be trained to be a good teacher?/ Do you thi nk that everyone can be trained to become a good teacher?/ Do you thi nk every one can be trained as a goodteacher?/ Can every one be trained to be a good teacher?/ Can every one be trained to become a good teacher?An swer 2Well, I thi nk people can lear n teach ing skills and tech nics in some teacher trai ning courses.Bi you need some gifts to be a really good teacher. Some people are just born with those characteristics fc an excelle nt teacher.Questi on 3 What characteristics do good teachers have?/ What features do good teachers have?An swer 3Usually they are outgo ing, full of passi on and sen sitive to others ' n eeds.since the stude nts might bother them freque ntly. It dema nds much tolera nee. Well, I much patie neesometimes.五答部分:Questi on IWhat class did Mr. Brow n finish whe n you saw him?An swer 1 Scie nee class.Questi on 2How does Mr. Brow n ofte n feel at the end of a teach ing day?An swer 2:Bur n out and pretty tired./ Very tired./ Worn out and very tired./ Exhausted.Question 3What kind of students get most of Mr. Brown ' s attention?An swer 3:The stude nts who make trouble.Questi on 4What can people lear n in teacher trai ning courses?An swer 4:Teach ing skills and tech ni cs.Questi on 5 Why do teachers n eed to be patie nt?An swer 5:Since the stude nts might bother them freque ntly./ Since the stude nts might disturb them ofte n.Part CTapescript:Mary' s SecretMary was a high school stude nt and she had bee n arriv ing home very late thesemon ths. Her pare nts were very worried. But every time they asked her about that ew Maryalways had differe nt excuses. Her father wan ted to find out what happe ned to her.Oneday after class, Mary 's father secretly followed her to a park. Mary sagdown and be to paint a picture alone. Her father stood in a dista nee and watched her pain ti ngforhours. “ This little girl comes here to paint every day. I think she loves paintingclea ner there told him. Her father felt sorry, because he had n ever tried to understand what his daughter really liked. He and his wife considered painting a waste of time and never supported Mary ' s idea of going to art school. They thought Mary shou ld focusmore on her studies, especially scie nee. Because they only wan ted to make her a doctoror an engineer. Nowhe realized what Mary really liked. The father was moved byMary' s determ in atio n and cha nged his mind. He left the park alone anddecidechave a good talk with his wife that night.2015年广东省高考英语听说考试真题答案DtoPart B:Tapescript:W: Hi, Tom, do you have any pla ns for the coming weekend? ” theM: Why do you ask?W: There is a book fair in the school this weekend. Do you wanna go there wit M: I ' m afraid I can ' t.W: Are you busy prepari ng for the final exams?M: No. I ' m going ebder ' s home with members of the volunteer club. like to join us?W: I ' m afraid I don ' t have the time. I just quit the job in the Student U want to be so busy.M: Our volunteer work won ' t take you much time. Come on! You wondiffere nt from the Stude nt Union.三问部分: h me? uld you.I don t regret it. It Question 1What ' s the differenee between them?/ What ' s the differenee between the two?/Wdiffere nces betwee n them?/ What are the differe nces betwee n the two?Answer 10ur club only has activities on weekends. We usually do something for the local community. Isn ' t that great? You will enjoy it. You can also learn a lot in this club, such as organizing activities, ai cooperat ing with your group members.Question 2:Do I need to attend every activity?/ Do I need to take part in every activity?/ Do I need to participate in every activity?/ Do I need to attend each activity?/ Do I need to take part in eachactivity?/ Do I need to participate in each activity?/ Is it necessary for me to attend every activity?/ Is itn ecessary for me to take part in each activity?Answer 2:No, you don ' t have to. We ' ve got a variety of activities, and you can choose those tha' For example, you major in medical care, so you can go and help the people in n eed of your professi onalkno wledge. This can also provide some work experie nee for your future career.Questi on 3How can I joi n this club?Answer 3Oh, it ' s simple. You just need to fill out an application form with all the basic infsrmation, as age, hobbies, what you major in, and what you are good at. Remember to take a photo with you,because the club will make a member card for you.五答部分:Questi on IWhat is Tom going to do this weeke nd?Answer 1To an elder ' s home with memthurs/o fjnteer club./ To an elder ' s home.Question 2 Why did you quit the job in the Stude nt Union?Answer 2:Because I don ' t want to be so busy./ Because it ' s too busy.Questi on 3 What will people lear n from the volun teer activities?。

2015年广东省高考英语听说考试真题APart A Reading AloudIn this part,you are required to watch a video clip and read after the speaker in the video。
Today,Mars is a frozen world. The average temperature here is lower than at the Earth's South Pole. But long ago,when water may have flowed here, it must have been warmer。
WeQ3:为什么压力可以是正能量呢?________________________________________________________________(10”)A3:Listen to answer 3.Now please get ready to answer five questions. You are allowed ten seconds to prepare the answer。
When you hear a beep,begin to answer the question。
Q1: Listen to question 1。
A1: ________________________________________________________________(10")Q2: Listen to question 2。
A2:________________________________________________________________(10”)In this part, you are required to watch a video clip and read after the speaker in the video.In the 1960s, a group of researchers came here to study dolphins。
广东高考英语听说考试模拟题 15

PART A:Reading Aloud
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The road to the Queen’s own coronation began on February the 6th, 1952. The 25-year-old Princess Elizabeth was on royal duties in Kenya, standing in for her father, George VI. The King, suffering from lung cancer, was too ill to travel. Hours later, on the morning of the 6th of February, the King died at Sandringham in his sleep. At that moment, in Africa, the Princess became Queen. The Queen flew home for the lying in state of her beloved father. After a period of mourning, the date for the coronation was set for Tuesday thr 2nd of June, 1953. (63’’)
(2) Please get ready to answer the second question. 提问:(电脑提问,请记录关键词)(准备时间10'') _W__h_a_t_t_im__e_d_o_e_s_T_o_m__u_s_u_a_l_ly__g_o_t_o_s_l_ee_p_?_____________ 回答:_A_f_te_r_m__id_n_i_g_h_t_..__(录音时间10'')
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广东省高考英语听说模拟考试试题15PART A. Reading Aloud答案列举The first balloon, made entirely out of paper, soared a mile into the heavens. The race was now on to carry a man into the skies. And in November 1783, two brave volunteers took to the air. The first humans to look down at the surface of their own planet. But very soon, the hot air balloon had a rival, backed by the scientific establishment of France. This was science as public event. Half the city of Paris turned out to watch. 400,000 people, all staring upwards in amazement. But its success laid down a challenge to the chemist.PART B. Role Play角色:你是Jenny。
生词:judge and weigh 权衡cooperate 合作M: Hey, Jenny! The school sports meeting is approaching. What’s your plan?W: Oh, I’m not into sports. What about you?M: I’m interested in football. But I’m not sure whether to participate in it or not.W: Why not? It’s such a good opportunity.M: Oh, I see. But if I have the football match, I’ll not take part in other events like the 100-meter race. I’m a bit sorry for that.W: I think you should really judge and weigh. But if I were you, I would choose what I’m interested in most.M: Exactly! So I will probably attend the football match. By the way, I think you should really take more exercise. They’re great fun and above all, can build ourselves up.W: I see your point, but I have so many things to do.第1问:你为什么觉得我要多做运动?序号答案列举1 Why do you (suggest)|(think) [that] I [should] (take more exercise)|(do more exercise)|(getmore exercise)|(exercise more)?第2问:你建议我做什么运动?序号答案列举1 Which kind of sports do you (suggest)|(advise) me to take?2 What [kind of] sports do you (suggest)|(advise) me to (do)|(take)?3 Which kind of sports do you advise me to do?4 Do you have any suggestions about which kind of sports I should take?第3问:你为什么喜欢足球?序号答案列举1 Why do you (like)|(love) [playing] football?2 Why are you fond of [playing] football?3 Why are you interested in [playing] football?第1答:What sport will Jake probably choose in the sports meeting?序号答案列举1 Football.2 Football match.3 Jake will probably attend the football match.4 (Jake)|(He) will [probably] choose football [in the sports meeting].第2答:How many reasons does Jake give Jenny on taking more exercise?序号答案列举1 (Jake)|(He) gives (Jenny)|(her) two reasons on (taking)|(doing)|(getting) more exercise.2 There are two [reasons].3 Two [reasons].第3答:What kind of sports does Jake advise Jenny to do?序号答案列举1 Running and playing table tennis.2 (Jake)|(He) (advises)|(suggests) (Jenny)|(her) to (go running)|(run) and play (tabletennis)|(ping-pong).第4答:Why doesn't Jenny do exercise?序号答案列举1 (She)|(Jenny) has (so many)|(a lot of)|(many) things to do.2 Because (she)|(Jenny) has (so many)|(many)things to do.3 Because Jenny has a lot of things to do.4 (Jenny)|(She) doesn’t (take)|(do) exercise because she has (so many)|(a lot of)|(many)things to do.第5答:What's Jake's opinion about football?序号答案列举1 He (thinks)|( believes) that he can learn how to cooperate with his teammates and competewith others.2 Jake (believes)|(thinks) that he can learn how to cooperate with his teammates andcompete with others.3 He believes that he can learn how to cooperate with his teammates and compete withothers (from)|(through) playing football.4 Jake (believes)|(thinks) that he can learn how to cooperate with his teammates andcompete with others (from)|(through) playing football.5 He thinks that he can learn how to cooperate with my teammates and compete with others(from)|(through) playing football.PART C. Retelling故事梗概:有一个国王,他有三个儿子,他对他们每一个都同样喜爱。
关键词:king 国王laziest 最懒的fall asleep 睡着burn up 烧掉hang 被绞死;施以绞刑A king had three sons who he loved equally well, and he did not know which of them to appoint as king following his own death.When the time came for him to die, he called them to his bed and said, “Dear children, I have made up my mind that the one of you who is the laziest shall become the king after me.”The oldest one said that he was so lazy that whenever he lied down to sleep and a drop fell into his eyes, he would not even close them so that he could fall asleep.The second one said the kingdom belonged to him. He told the king that when he was sitting by the fire warming himself, he would rather let his heels burn up than pull them back.The third one said that the kingdom was his. As for him, if he was going to be hanged and others already had the rope around his neck, he would not be willing to do anything about it. Even when someone put a sharp knife into his hand for him to cut the rope, he would let himself be hanged rather than lift his hand up to cut the rope.回答要点(1) A King had three sons.(2) He love them equally well(3) He was going to die.(4) He didn’t know who should be the king after him.(5) He told them the laziest one would be king after him.(6) The oldest son said whenever he lied down to sleep and a drop fell into his eyes, he would not even close them.(7) The second son said when he was sitting by the fire, he would rather have his heels burn up than pull them back.(8) The third son said the kingdom was his.(9) If he was going to be hanged, he would let himself be hanged than save himself by lifting his hand up to cut the rope.(10) The third son was the laziest.。