
典范英语共分为1-6 级,涵盖我国中小学英语教学的各个阶段。
典范英语从牛津阅读树中精选了最适合我国中小学生阅读的309 个最有趣的故事和64 部最引人入胜的文学读本,在内容上完全相同。

牛津阅读树(Oxford Reading Tree,简称ORT)1阶阅读顺序如下:
1. 字母书(Alphabet Books)
2. 粉色故事书(Pink Books)
3. 蓝色故事书(Blue Books)
4. 绿色故事书(Green Books)
5. 黄色故事书(Yellow Books)
6. 橙色故事书(Orange Books)
7. 红色故事书(Red Books)
8. 紫色故事书(Purple Books)
9. 灰色故事书(Grey Books)
10. 黑色故事书(Black Books)
11. 白色故事书(White Books)
12. 黄色阶进书(Yellow Step Books)
13. 蓝色阶进书(Blue Step Books)
14. 绿色阶进书(Green Step Books)
15. 橙色阶进书(Orange Step Books)
16. 红色阶进书(Red Step Books)
17. 紫色阶进书(Purple Step Books)
18. 灰色阶进书(Grey Step Books)
19. 黑色阶进书(Black Step Books)
20. 白色阶进书(White Step Books)

牛津树1阶阅读顺序摘要:一、牛津树简介1.牛津树是什么2.牛津树1 阶阅读顺序的作用二、牛津树1 阶阅读顺序的内容1.阶段一阅读的主题2.阶段一阅读的故事情节3.阶段一阅读的角色介绍三、牛津树1 阶阅读顺序的学习方法1.适合的年龄段2.阅读技巧的培养3.阅读过程中的互动与思考四、牛津树1 阶阅读顺序的意义1.对孩子阅读能力的提升2.对孩子英语学习的帮助3.对孩子认知发展的促进正文:牛津树,全名《牛津阅读树》(Oxford Reading Tree),是一套享誉全球的英语分级阅读教材。
牛津树1 阶阅读顺序,作为这套教材的入门阶段,具有重要的引导作用。
牛津树1 阶阅读顺序主要围绕一些简单的日常生活主题展开,例如家庭、学校、公园等。
在牛津树1 阶阅读顺序中,有几个主要角色值得关注。
首先是Biff 和Chip 这对兄妹,他们是故事的主要人物,通过他们的日常生活经历,孩子们可以学到许多实用的英语表达。
学习牛津树1 阶阅读顺序,需要采用适当的方法。
这个阶段适合4-6 岁的孩子,他们已经具备了一定的认知能力和语言基础。
总的来说,牛津树1 阶阅读顺序对孩子具有重要的意义。

1. 分级阅读:牛津阅读树以分级阅读为特点,根据学生的英语水平划分为不同的阶段与难度。
2. 多样化的题材:牛津阅读树包含了丰富的题材和内容,涵盖了科学、历史、文学、艺术等方面。
3. 生动的插图与图表:牛津阅读树的插图和图表非常生动有趣,能够帮助我更好地理解词汇和故事情节。
4. 听说读写综合训练:牛津阅读树的活动包含了听说读写的综合训练,帮助我们全面提高英语的各个方面。
5. 增加自信心:通过阅读牛津阅读树的故事和文章,我逐渐提高了自己的阅读能力,并且对于英语的理解和应用也更加自信。

《牛津阅读树》的分级读物是根据研究者的英语水平进行分级的,总共分为7个级别,从低到高分别为:起点级(Starter)、1级(Level 1)、2级(Level 2)、3级(Level 3)、4级(Level 4)、5级(Level 5)和发展级(Development)。
1级(Level 1)是为基础水平的研究者设计的,书中的语言更加复杂,但更加实用,其内容主要是关于研究者日常生活中的一般话题,比如说天气、购物等,可以帮助研究者更好地理解日常生活中的英语表达。
2级(Level 2)是为中等水平的研究者设计的,它内容更加复杂,书中有一系列有趣的故事,有助于研究者提高英语阅读能力,同时也可以开发研究者的想象力和创造力。
3级(Level 3)是为高等水平的研究者设计的,它的内容更加复杂,书中的文章具有更深的思想性,可以帮助研究者更好地理解日常生活中的英语表达。
4级(Level 4)是为高级水平的研究者设计的,它的内容更加复杂,书中的文章具有更深的思想性,可以帮助研究者更好地理解日常生活中的英语表达,同时也可以提高研究者的英语水平。
5级(Level 5)是为高级水平的研究者设计的,它的内容更加复杂,书中的文章涉及更多的文化背景和历史事件,可以帮助研究者更好地理解日常生活中的英语表达,同时也可以提高研究者的英语水平。
牛津阅读树2 36本目录及内容

牛津阅读树2 36本目录及内容1、Monkey Tricks2、Hey Presto3、It's the Weather4、Naughty Children5、A Sinking Feeling6、Creepy-crawly7、What is It8、The Lost Puppy9、New Trees10、Up and Down11、The Little Dragon12、The Band13、The Big Egg14、Poor Floppy15、Put it Back16、In a Bit17、A Present for Mum18、The hole in the Sand19、The toy’s Party20、New Trainers21、A New Dog22、What a Bad Dog23、The Go-kart24、The Dream25、Floppy's Bath26、The Baby-sitter27、The Water Fight28、Kipper’s Balloon29、Spots!30、Kipper's Birthday31、Kipper's Laces32、The Wobbly Tooth33、The Foggy Day34、Biff's Aeroplane35、Floppy the Hero36、The Chase1、Monkey Tricks.The children went to the zoo.They looked at the giraffes. The giraffes were tall. They looked at the seals. The seals were hungry. They looked at the crocodiles. The crocodiles were asleep.They looked at the parrots. The parrots were noisy. They looked at the elephants. The elephants were big. They looked at the monkeys. The monkeys were funny. They looked for Kipper.Kipper looked like a monkey.2、Hey Presto!The children went to a show. Mum and Dad took them.A conjuror was in the show. She was called Sheena. She took Dad’s tie. She put it in a bag.She took Mum’s ear-ring. She put it in the bag. She took Dad’s watch. She put it in the bag.She took Dad on to the stage. She put the bag onDad’s head.Sheena took a big box. She put Wilma inside. Sheena took her wand. “Hey presto!” she said.“Hey presto!” said Wilma.3、It's the Weather.The children were noisy.The children were silly.The children were messy. The children were untidy.“Oh dear!” said Mrs May. “It’s the weather.”The children were cross. The children were grumpy. The children were unhappy.“Oh dear!” said Mrs May. “It’s the weather.”The sun was shining. The children were good.“What a day!” said Mrs May.4、Naughty ChildrenTwo children came.They climbed on the furniture.They jumped on the sofa. They climbed up the curtains.They jumped on the bed. They climbed up the tree.They jumped on the flowers.“Oh no”said Mum.Biff had an idea.They climbed up the ladder.They jumped off the log. They climbed on the net.They jumped off the wall. Everyone was happy.“What good children!”said Mum. The children went home.5、A Sinking FeelingThe children were in the pool.Wilma climbed on the duck.Wilf climbed on.“Get on,” said Wilf. Chip climbed on.“Get on,” said Chip. Biff climbed on.“Get on,” said Biff. Kipper climbed on.“Get on,” said everyone. Kipper couldn’t get on.“Get on,” said everyone. Kipper climbed on.Oh no!6、Creepy-crawly!Wilma had a creepy-crawly. She put it in the bath.Wilma called Dad. “Get it out,” said Wilf.“Ugh! I couldn’t,” said Dad. Wilf called Mum.“Get it out,” said wilf. “Ugh! I couldn’t,” said Mum. Wilma called Chip. “Get it out,” said Wilf.“Ugh! I couldn’t,” said Chip . Wilf called Biff.“Get it out,” said wilma. “Ugh! I couldn’t,” said Biff. Everyone called Kipper. “Get it out,” said Wilf.“Easy!” said Kipper.7、What is itFloppy barked.Floppy barked and barked."What is it?"said Biff. Biff looked."What is it?"she said.Wilf looked."What is it?"he said."What is it?"said Wilma."Is it a frog?""What is it?"said Chip."Is it a lizard?Mum looked at it."What is it?"said the children."It's a salamander,"said Mum."It's lost,"she said.The salamander was safe.8、The Lost Puppy.Mrs May had a puppy. It was called Sniff.Sniff ran off.Mrs May was upset. Sniff was lost.Biff and Chip looked. They couldn’t find Sniff. Wilf and Wilma looked. They couldn’t find Sniff. Mum and Dad looked. They couldn’t find Sniff. Everyone looked. Nobody could find Sniff.Floppy looked for his bone. Sniff was by the tree.“What a clever dog!” said everyone.9、New TreesThe children went to the park.It was “Give a tree” week. Everyone wanted to give trees. Dad gave a tree. He put it by the shed.Chip gave a tree. He put it by the stream.Biff gave a tree. She put it by the pond.Wilf gave a tree. He put it by the bridge.Wilma gave a tree. She put it by the swing.Floppy gave a bone. He put it in a hole.“A funny tree,” said Chip. “A funny bone,” said Dad.10、Up and DownMum and Dad went shopping.Dad wanted a book. He went up.Mum wanted a paintbrush. She went down.Mum went up. Dad went down.Mum couldn’t see Dad. She went up.Mum went down. Dad went up.Dad went down. Mum went up.Mum came down. “Stop!” she said.“Up and down!” said Dad.11、The Little DragonThe children put on a play.“I am the king,” said Chip. “Fight the dragon.”“I am the knight,” said Wilma. “I will fight the dragon.”“I am the dragon,” said Kipper. “But I am a little dragon.”“I am the princess,” said Biff. “I like dragons.”The princess played with dragon. They played under the tree.“I am the knight,” said Wilma. “I am frightened,” said the dragon.“I am cross,” said the princess. She pushed the knight in the pond.“What a good play,” said everyone.12、The BandDad played his trumpet.He played in the house. Floppy barked at Dad.Dad played in the garage. Floppy barked at Dad.Dad played in the shed. Floppy barked at Dad.Dad played in a band.The band played in the park. Floppy went to the park.The band played. Floppy barked.Floppy barked and barked. The band couldn’t play.“What a bad dog!” said Dad.13、The Big EggThe children fed the hens.They looked for eggs.They put the eggs in a box.Dad had an idea.Kipper went on looking."Look at this egg,"said Kipper."This is too big.Kipper looked at the hen."This is too big for you,"he said."Come and see this,"said Dad."This is too big for you,"said Mum."This is too big for me,"said Dad.14、Poor Floppy Floppy was not well.He lay on his bed."He looks bad,"said Kipper.Biff wanted Floppy to get well. Kipper was sad.Mum took Floppy to the vet.Chip went,too.Chip looked at the pets."I can see six cats,"he said.Floppy just looked at the cats.He was not well.The vet looked at Floppy."Give him some pills,"she said.Mum took Floppy home.Floppy had some pills.Floppy was soon better.15、Put it back“Look at this”said Biff.She had a crab in her hand.“Put it back”,said Chip. Biff put the crab back.Let’s look on the sand,said Dad. Come and see this,said chip.He had a net.Come and see this,said Mum.She had a bit of wood.Look at this shell,said Kipper.This is the best of all. The shell had legs.“Oh no!”said Kipper.“What is it?”“It’s a hermit crab”,said Dad.“It’s a crab that lives in a shell”.“Put it back”,said Kipper.16、In a Bit "Come and help,"said Mum.Biff was looking at the TV."In a bit,"she said.Dad had a job for Chip."Come and help,"he said.Chip was looking at the TV."In a bit."he said.Kipper's room was in a mess."Come and help,"said Mum.Kipper was looking at the TV."In a bit,"he said."What can we do?"said Dad.Mum had an idea.Biff,Chip and Kipper wanted dinner."In a bit,"said Mum and Dad.17、A Present for MumDad had a little box.It was a present for Mum.Dad had an idea.He wanted to make Mum laugh.Mum and Dad had a party.Mum gave Dad a present.Dad gave Mum a big box.Mum had a smaller box."What is it?"she asked.The present got smaller……and smaller.…and smaller."This is for you,"said Dad."And this is for you,"said Mum."Oh Dad!"said Mum."Oh Mum!"said Dad.18、The hole in the Sand Biff's spade was no good.Dad got a big spade."Let me dig a hole,"he said.Dad dug a hole.The children helped.The hole got bigger……and bigger.…and deeper.…and deeper.All the children came.They played in the hole.The water came in."I can't stop it,"said Dad.The tide came in.Dad's spade was in the hole.Next day,the hole had gone.Dad's spade was under the sand.“Let's dig,"said Dad.19、The Toy's Party Kipper wanted a party.Nobody wanted to come.He got his toys.He wanted a cake.He put in cornflakes. He put in tomato sauce. He put in milk. He put in jam.He put in sugar. He put in baked beans. Mum was cross.Kipper was sorry.20、New Trainers Chip wanted new trainers.He liked this pair.Chip wore the new trainers.Chip went to play.The trainer got muddy.The trainers got wet. Dad was cross. Chip washed the trainers. Oh no!21、 A New Dog Kipper wanted a dog.Everyone wanted a dog.They went to the dogs’ home.They looked at the dogs.Kipper wanted this dog. It was too big. Biff wanted this dog. It was too little. Mum wanted this dog. It was too strong. Everyone liked this dog.They took the dog home.22、What a bad dogFloppy went on the concrete.Floppy went in the mud.Floppy pulled the washing down.Floppy pushed the Lego over.What a bad dog!said Mum.Floppy barked and barked.Dad couldn’t sleep. Dad was cross.What a bad dog!Said Dad.They tray was on fire.What a good dog!23、The Go-kartDad made a go-kart.Biff wanted the go-kart.Chip wanted the go-kart.Biff wanted a go.Chip wanted a go.Biff pushed.Chip pulled.They had a fight.Stop it,said Dad.Stop it,said Mum.Dad put the go-kart away.They made a swing.Oh no!24、The DreamBiff couldn’t sleep.Dad told her story. They story was about a dragon. Biff dreamed about the dragon.It was a nasty dragon.It was a very nasty dragon.Biff had to fight it.Biff went downstairs.Mum told her a story. The story was about a dolphin.Biff dreamed about a dolphin.25、Floppy's Bath.Floppy saw a rabbit.Floppy chased it. It went under a fence.Floppy got wet.Floppy got muddy.They took Floppy home. “What a soggy doggy!” said Kipper. They put Floppy in the bath. Mum and Dad washed him.Biff and Chip dried Floppy.Floppy looked clean. “What a good dog!” said Kipper. Oh no!26、The baby-sitterThe baby-sitter came.“Go back to bed,” said Dad.The children came downstairs. “We couldn’t sleep,” they said. Kipper got his book. He wanted a story.Biff was hungry. They made a sandwich.Chip wanted a pillow fight. Everyone joined in.The children went back to bed. “What a mess!”said the baby-sitter.Mum and Dad came back. “Was everyone good?” said Mum. “Yes and no,” said the baby-sitter.27、The Water FightEveryone was hot.The children wanted to go swimming. Dad said “No!”Biff got the paddling pool. Kipper filled it with water. Chip pushed Biff in the water. He grabbed the hose.They had a water fight.Mum got wet. “Stop it!” said Dad.Dad got a bucket of water. He chased Chip.Dad threw the water at Chip. Oh no!“Sorry!” said Dad.28、Kipper's BalloonMum and Dad went shopping.Kipper bought a balloon.They went to the supermarket. The balloon went bang. Kipper bought a new balloon. Dad went to the toilet. Dad saw a balloon. “Kipper’s balloon!” he said. Dad ran after it.The balloon flew away. Dad chased it.The balloon was on a statue. Dad got it down.“Oh no!” said Dad.29、Spots!Kipper had spots.Biff and Chip had spots too.The doctor came. “Stay in bed,” she said.Mum had spots. “Stay in bed, too ” said the doctor. Dad looked after everyone.He put the washing out.He went shopping. “What a job!” said Dad.Everyone got better. “Oh, no!” said Mum.Dad had spots.30、Kipper's BirthdayIt was Kipper’s birthday.Kipper wanted a party. Everyone wanted to come.Biff put up balloons. Mum made a cake.Dad took a sandwich. “Stop it,” said Mum.Everyone came to the party.Dad wanted to play a game. But Kipper put the television on .“Oh no!” said Mum, “What a mess!”The children played with the bubbles.“What a good party!” everyone said.31、Kipper's LacesKipper wanted new shoes.He couldn’t tie his laces. Dad helped him.Kipper was at school. The class had P.E.Kipper couldn’t tie his laces. Miss Green helped him. Kipper was upset. He told Dad. Dad made a block.Kipper tried… and tried and tried and tried…“Hooray!” said Kipper.Kipper was at school. He did up his laces. “Oh no!” saidKipper.32、The Wobbly ToothKipper had a wobbly tooth.Mum wanted to pull it out. “No!” said Kipper.Dad wanted to pull it out. “No, no, no!” said Kipper.Biff went on the swing. Kipper pushed her.Oh no! The swing hit Kipper.The tooth was gone. Kipper had swallowed it.Kipper was upset.“Sorry,” said Biff and Chip. “Never mind,” said Mum.“Never mind,” said Dad. “I’m not sad,” said Kipper. “I’m glad.”33、The Foggy DayIt was foggy.Dad wanted to go shopping. “Oh no,” said the children. They got into the car. They were fed up.The fog got worse. Dad couldn’t see.Dad stopped the car. They had to walk home.The fog got worse. They were lost.“This way,” said Biff. “No, this way,” said Chip. They saw a light. “A monster!” said Dad.“It’s Mum!” said the children.34、Biff's AeroplaneBiff made an aeroplane.Mum helped her. The aeroplane looked good.Biff wanted to fly it. She went to the park.The aeroplane flew up. It went over the trees.It went over the houses.Biff looked for the aeroplane. Everyone helpedBiff looked and looked. She couldn’t find it.She wanted to cry. She went upstairs.The aeroplane was on the bed.35、Floppy the HeroA fire engine went by.There was a fire. Everyone ran to see.“Get back,” said a fireman. A barn was on fire.A little dog ran to the barn. She barked and barked.Floppy ran to the barn. He jumped in the window.“Get Floppy,” said Chip. The firemen pushed the door down. Floppy ran out. He had some puppies.Everyone looked at floppy. “What a good dog!” everyone said. What a hero!36、The ChaseFloppy wanted a new basket.Mum and Biff went to the market. They got a new basket. Mum and Biff went to the toilet. “Stay Floppy,” said Biff. Floppy saw a cat. He chased it.The cat jumped over the oranges. Crash went the oranges. The cat jumped over some plates. Crash went the plates. The cat jumped over some clothes. “Got you!” said a man. Everyone was cross. “What a bad dog!” everyone said.“What a good dog!” said Mum。
牛津阅读树 指导手册

正文内容:1. 教学目标与方法1.1 设定明确的目标:牛津阅读树指导手册明确规定了每个阶段学生应具备的阅读能力和语言技能目标,帮助学生了解自己的学习目标并努力实现。
1.2 多元化的教学方法:手册提供了多种教学方法,如听读、角色扮演、小组讨论等,以满足不同学生的学习需求和兴趣。
2. 阅读教材的选择和分级2.1 丰富的阅读材料:牛津阅读树指导手册提供了丰富多样的阅读材料,包括故事、诗歌、科普读物等,以满足学生的不同阅读需求和兴趣。
2.2 逐步分级:手册将阅读材料分为不同难度级别,从简单的单词和句子开始,逐步提高难度,帮助学生逐步掌握更高级别的阅读能力。
3. 词汇和语法教学3.1 重视词汇学习:手册注重词汇教学,通过词汇表和词汇练习,帮助学生扩大词汇量,提高词汇运用能力。
3.2 强调语法知识:手册通过语法练习和语法指导,帮助学生掌握基本的语法知识,并能正确运用于阅读和写作中。
4. 阅读技巧与策略4.1 阅读技巧指导:手册提供了各种阅读技巧的指导,如预测、推测、推理等,帮助学生培养阅读理解和分析能力。
4.2 阅读策略训练:手册通过各种阅读活动和练习,帮助学生掌握阅读策略,如寻读、略读、细读等,提高阅读效率和准确性。
5. 阅读理解和思维能力培养5.1 提问和回答:手册通过提问和回答的方式,培养学生的阅读理解能力和思维能力,帮助他们深入理解阅读材料。
5.2 推理和推断:手册通过推理和推断的训练,培养学生的逻辑思维和批判性思维能力,提高他们的阅读水平。
6. 学生评估与反馈6.1 学生评估:手册提供了学生评估的标准和方法,帮助学生了解自己的学习进度和能力水平,从而有针对性地进行学习调整和提高。

牛津阅读树(Oxford Reading Tree),是英国牛津大学出版社组织多位儿童阅读教育专家,经过二十多年不断研究及发展而出版的阅读教材。
1. 分级体系:牛津阅读树的分级体系非常明确,从Level 1到Level 16+,每个级别都有对应的读物,适合不同年龄段和阅读水平的孩子。
2. 题材丰富:牛津阅读树的读物涵盖了故事、纪实、诗歌等多种题材,有助于激发孩子们的阅读兴趣,培养他们的阅读素养。
3. 图文结合:牛津阅读树的读物以图文结合的方式呈现,精美的插图和生动的文字相结合,有助于孩子们更好地理解文本内容。
4. 系统性:牛津阅读树不仅仅是一套阅读材料,它还提供了一系列的教学资源,如教师指导手册、学生练习册等,形成了一个完整的阅读教学体系。
5. 国际化:牛津阅读树不仅在英国广泛使用,还被翻译成多种语言,在全球范围内推广,帮助更多的孩子提高阅读能力。

1. BiffBiff是牛津阅读树中的一个主要角色,她是一个活泼好动的女孩。
2. ChipChip是Biff的好朋友,他是一个机灵聪明的男孩。
3. KipperKipper是牛津阅读树中的另一个重要角色,他是一只可爱的小狗。
Kipper 的故事通常充满了温暖和亲情,他的善良和乐观常常给人带来温暖和快乐。
4. FloppyFloppy是牛津阅读树中的一个特殊角色,他是一只聪明的小狗。
5. Mum and Dad在牛津阅读树的故事中,还有孩子们的父母,他们是孩子们的引导者和支持者。
Oxford reading tree简介

《牛津阅读树》(Oxford Reading Tree)是英国牛津大学出版社组织多位儿童阅读教育专家,经过二十多年不断研究及发展而出版的阅读教材。

牛津树分级阅读版本大解读《牛津阅读树》(Oxford Reading Tree),是英国牛津大学出版社组织多位儿童阅读教育专家,经过二十多年不断研究及发展而出版的阅读教材。
全系列都是围绕Chip、Biff& Kipper一家展开,就像连续剧一样。
1、家庭版家庭版就是指的原版,意思是在国外售卖的原版书,最早在中国售卖的原版叫Read with Biff, Chip&Kipper是为Home Learing设计的,因此称为家庭版。

牛津阅读树1(31本)目录1-1 Big Feet. 1-17 Go On ,Mum! 1-2 Go Away, Floppy. 1-18 Look After Me. 1-3 Hide and Seek. 1-19 Presents for Dad. 1-4 Kipper's Diary. 1-20 Top Dog.1-5 Look at Me. 1-21 What Dogs Like 1-6 Reds and Blues. 1-22 Goal!1-7 Good Gog. 1-23 Making Faces. 1-8 See Me Skip. 1-24 What a mess!1-9 The Ice Cream. 1-25 Shopping.1-10 The Mud Pie. 1-26 The Journey.1-11 What a DIN! 1-27 Fancy Dress.1-12 Floppy's Bone. 1-28 Push!1-13 One Wheel. 1-29 The headache.1-14 The Box of Treasure 1-30 The pet shop1-15 The Sandcastle 1-31 At the Park.1-16 Go Away, Cat.1-1 BIG Feet.Come and look at this.Come and look at this. Is it a big monster? Come and look at this. Is it a big dinosaur? Come and look at this. Is it a big giant? No. It is Dad.1-2 Go Away, Floppy.Go away, Floppy.Go away, Floppy. We are skipping. Go away, Floppy. We are painting. Come back, Floppy. Floppy, come back. We are sorry.1. floppy[英] [ˈflɔpi:] adj.松软的;懒散的1-3 Hide and Seek.Can you see us?Can you see me? Yes, I can see you. Can you see me? Yes, we can see you. Can you see me? Yes, we can see you. We can all see Dad.1-4 Kipper's Diary.Monday: It was a wet day.Tuesday: It was a windy day. I went to the shops. Wednesday: It was a sunny day. I went to the pool. Thursday: It was a hot day. I went to the park. Friday: It was a fun day.2. Kipper [人名] 基珀1-5 Look at Me.Look at me, Mum.Look at me, Mum. Look at me on my bike. Look at me, Mum. Look at me on my bike. Look at me, Mum. Oh, no! Look at me!1-6 Reds and Blues.We are all in red. We are all in blue.Come on the reds! Come on the blues! Who is in red? Who is in blue? We are all muddy.3.muddy[英] [ˈmʌdi] adj.泥泞的;暗的;模糊的;糊涂的1-7 Good Gog.I’m a good dog. Look at me.I’m very good, as you can see.You say, “Sit,” I sit. That’s it. If you call, I get the ball.You say, “Stay,” I stay. That’s that. But not if I can see a cat.1-8 See Me Skip.See me skip.This is the way. I like to do this every day.“Come on, Dad. Can you skip too?” “Yes, I can. I skip like you.”“Look at me. Look at me go!” “Look out, Dad!” Oh no! Oh no!4. skip [英] [skip] vi.跳;跳绳;悄悄溜走;快速转移1-9 The Ice Cream.Can I get an ice cream? Yes, I can. Come on, run to the ice cream van. I want the big one. Look at that! Look out, Kipper! Oh no!Splat!5.splat[英] [splæt] n.啪哒声31-10 The Mud Pie.This is mud in my hand. Put in water. Mix in sand. Tip it out. Pat it flat.This is a mud pie … not a hat.6.tip[英] [tip] vt.倾斜,翻倒;装顶端1-11 What a DIN!Biff has a pan and a big, red pot. Chip has a tin. What has Kipper got? Kipper has a can. Dad has a bin. Bang, crash, hang! What a din! What a din!7.Biff[英] [bif] 比夫8.Chip[人名] 奇普9.tin[英] [tin] n.罐头盒;10.can[英] [kæn, kən] n.罐头;(用金属或塑料制作的)容器;(马口铁或其他金属制作的)食品罐头11.bin[英] [bin] n.箱子,容器;二进制;垃圾箱;12.bang[英] [bæŋ] vi.发出砰的一声,砰砰作响,砰地敲[推,扔];13.crash[英] [kræʃ]vt.& vi.(使)猛撞,(使)撞毁14.hang[英] [hæŋ] vi.悬垂;被吊死;附属,依靠;悬而未决15.din[英] [dɪn] n.喧闹声1-12 Floppy's Bone.Floppy had a bone.A dog took the bone. Floppy ran after the dog. “Come back!” said Mom. She ran after Floppy. “Come back!” said Dad. He ran after Mum.“Come back!” said Biff and Chip. They ran after Dad.The dog stopped. A big dog took the bone. The big dog ate the bone. Oh no!1-13 One Wheel.“One wheel,” said Chip.“Look,” said Chip. “One wheel”“Look,” said Mum. “I am on two wheels.”“Look at me,” said Kipper. “I am on three wheels.”“Look at me,” said Biff. “I am on four wheels.”4“Look at Dad,” said Mum. “He is on one wheel.”“Oh no,” said Dad. “No wheels.”1-14 The Box of TreasureDad had a map.He hid the map in the sand.Biff found the map. “It is a treasure map,” she said.The map said, “Dig here.”“Dig here.” said Biff. Chip dug in the sand.Chip found a box. “Is it a box of treasure?” he said. No. It was a box of sweets!16.hid[英] [hid] hide的过去式和过去分词1-15 The SandcastleChip had a box.He put sand in it. “Pat it flat,” he said.Kipper had a box. He put sand in it. Biff had a bucket. She put sand in it.Biff put the bucket on top. “Good,” she said.It was a sandcastle. It was a good sandcastle. It was the best sandcastle.17.sandcastle[英] [ˈsændkɑ:s(ə)l] n.沙塔18.bucket[英] [ˈbʌkit] n.水桶;51-16 Go Away, Cat.Go away, little cat.Go away, little cat. A dog is coming. Go away, little cat. A big dog is coming. Go away, little cat. Floppy is coming. Oh, no!1-17 Go On, Mum!“Go on, Mum,” said Chip.“Go on, Mum,” said Biff. “I am going,” said Mum.“Go on, Mum,” said Kipper. “I am going,” she said.“Go on, go on,” said Dad. “I am going,” said Mum.“I am not going again.”1-18 Look After Me.This is Kate.She went up the net. “I like this,” she said.She went on the slide. “I like this,” she said.She went up the ladder. “I like this,” she said.“We like this,” said Biff.1-19 Presents for Dad.This is for Dad.This is for you, Dad. It is a bunch of flowers. This is for you, Dad. It is a box of chocolates. This is for you, Dad. It is a bunch of grapes. This is for the best Dad of all.1-20 Top Dog.Look at all the dogs.We like this dog. This is a little dog. We like this dog. This is a big dog. We all like this dog. This is a top dog. We like Floppy best of all.61-21 Wha t Dogs LikeDogs like to play.They like to walk. Floppy likes to walk. They like to sleep. Floppy likes to sleep. They like to run. Floppy likes to run. Floppy hates this1-22 Go al!It was a cold day.Everyone got wet. Everyone got cold. Floppy got tired. Kipper got miserable. Mum got cross. Dad got a goal.19.miserable[英] [ˈmizərəbl] adj.悲惨的;令人痛苦的;20.cross[英] [krɔs] adj.坏脾气的,易怒的;相反的,反向的1-23 Making Faces.Dad was fierce. Chip was sad. Biff was good.Mum was frightened. Kipper was hungry.21.fierce[英] [fiəs] adj.凶猛的,残忍的;猛烈的;狂热的1-24 W hat a mess!Mum made a dress. Dad made some jam.Chip made a scarf. Biff made a lorry. Kipper made a birthday card. Everyone made a mess.22.lorry[英] [ˈlɔri] n.运货汽车,机动卡车1-25 S hopping.7Chip wanted some sugar.He went to the supermarket. He got some crisps. He went to the shop. He got a comic. He went to the market. He got a ball. He forgot the sugar.23.crisp[英] [krisp] n.<英>炸马铃薯片;松脆物1-26 The Journey.“I’m bored,” said Kipper.“I’m hungry,” said Biff.“I’m thirsty,” said Chip.“I’m cross,” said Dad.“I’m lost,” said Mum.“Hooray!” said everyone.1-27 Fancy Dress.Mum was a scarecrow.Biff was a pirate. Chip was a pirate. Kipper was an angel. Dad was a chicken. Everyone was happy. 1-28 Push!The car was stuck. Mum pushed it.Biff and Chip pushed it. Mum pulled it. The tractor pulled it. Oh no!24.tractor[英] [ˈtræktə] n.拖拉机;牵引器81-29 The headache.Dad had a trumpet.Chip had a drum.Biff had a recorder. Kipper had a guitar. Mum had a headache.25.trumpet[英] [ˈtrʌmpit] n.喇叭;小号;26.recorder[英] [riˈkɔ:də] n.录音机;记录员,记录者;记录器;八孔直笛1-30 The pet shopEveryone wanted a pet.Chip wanted a rat. “Oh no!” said everyone.Biff wanted a spider. “Oh no!” said everyone.Biff wanted a snake. “Oh no!” said everyone. Everyone wanted a goldfish.1-31 At the Park.Everyone went to the park. Chip went on the slide. Biff went on the horse.Kipper went on the swing. Mum went on the see-saw. Floppy went to sleep.9。

今天我们要介绍的是牛津阅读树(Oxford Reading Tree,简称ORT)中的一套识字卡,包含466个英文单词,分为故事(Story)和phonics两部分。

牛津阅读树解读牛津阅读树(Oxford Reading Tree)是一套广泛应用于英语教学的阅读系列,旨在培养孩子的阅读兴趣和提高他们的阅读能力。

牛津阅读树 指导手册

它的特点主要有以下几个方面:1. 渐进式阅读难度:牛津阅读树按照孩子的年龄和语言水平分为不同的阶段,每个阶段的阅读难度都适中且递进式增加。
2. 主题多样化:牛津阅读树的内容丰富多样,涵盖了动物、科学、自然、历史等各个领域,满足了孩子的兴趣。
3. 图文并茂:每本阅读树的书籍都配有大量插图,这不仅能够帮助孩子理解文章内容,还能提高他们的阅读兴趣。
三、使用方法1. 学生使用学生可以根据自己的年龄和阅读能力选择相应阶段的牛津阅读树进行阅读。
2. 教师指导教师可以通过牛津阅读树的教学指导手册来帮助学生更好地使用。
四、教学指导1. 阅读前在开始阅读之前,教师可以通过提问、讲解关键词等方式激发学生的阅读兴趣,帮助他们更好地理解文章内容。
2. 阅读时在学生阅读过程中,教师可以引导学生注意文章的结构、句子的使用以及词汇的理解。
3. 阅读后在学生阅读完成后,教师可以组织小组讨论或开展小型活动,帮助学生巩固对文章的理解,并培养学生的思考能力和表达能力。
五、注意事项1. 学生阅读时应注意发音准确、声音自然流畅,以提高阅读的效果。
2. 学生可以在阅读中遇到不认识的单词时,可以通过上下文来猜测单词的意思,或者请教老师、家长等进行解释。
3. 学生应根据自己的阅读水平进行选择,不要盲目攀升阅读难度,以免造成阅读压力。

牛津阅读树Oxford Reading Tree牛津阅读树系列最大的特点就是它的连贯性。
这一家人就是贯穿整个系列书的主人公 Biff, Chip, Kipper, Mum, 和 Dad,同时也不能忘记他们的那条可爱的小狗Floppy。
牛津阅读树Oxford Reading Tree这棵树的全貌。
1.牛津阅读树Oxford Reading Tree的整体结构:1)树干被纵向一分为二,一半是Non-Fiction(非小说类,也就是社科类、自然科学类),一半是Fiction(小说类)。
2)树干被横向一分为二,下一半是正常的Oxford Reading Tree(stage1-stage 9),上一半是Oxford Treetops(stage 10-stage 16)。
总结:牛津阅读树Oxford Reading Tree被这两刀一劈,就被分成了四项:A. Oxford Reading Tree的Nonfiction(主要是fireflies系列)。
B. Oxford Reading Tree的Fiction(主要是Biff这一家的各个系列)。
C. Oxford Treetops的Nonfiction(主要是Treetops Nonfiction和TimeChronicles系列)。
D. Oxford Treetops的Fiction(主要是Treetops各个其他系列)。

【牛津阅读树的级别和系列】牛津阅读树分为多个级别,从最初的阶段 1(Word Level)到最高的阶段 9(Gold Level)。
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牛津阅读树p h o n i c s 2 2-1 A Present For Mum present[英][?preznt]n礼物
Dad had a little box. box[英][b?ks] n.盒
It was a present for Mum.
Dad had an idea. idea[英][a??d??]主意,想法
He wanted to make Mum laugh. laugh[英][lɑ:f]vi.笑;发笑
Mum and Dad had a party. party[英][?pɑ:ti]n.社交聚会
Mum gave Dad a present.
Dad gave Mum a big box.
Mum had a smaller box. small[英][sm?:l]dj.小的;难为情
“What is it?” she asked. ask[英][ɑ:sk]vi.问,询问
The present got smaller……and smaller……and smaller.
“This is for you,” said Dad.
“And this is for you,” said Mum.
“Oh, Dad!” said Mum.
“Oh, Mum!” said Dad.
2-2 In a Bit bit[英][b?t].一点,一块;少量,少许“Come and help,” said Mum. help[英][help]vt.& vi.帮助;有助于
Biff was looking at the TV.
“In a bit,” she said.
Dad had a job for Chip. job[英][d??b](一件)工作;职责;职业
“Come and help,” he said.
Chip was looking at the TV.
“In a bit,” he said. room[英][ru:m] n.房间;空间;余地Kipper’s room was in a mess. mess[英][mes]n.混乱;食堂;肮脏;困境“Come and help,” said Mum.
Kipper was looking at the TV.
“In a bit,” he said.
“What can we do?” said Dad.
Mum had an idea. idea[英][a??d??][美].主意,想法Biff, Chip and Kipper wanted dinner. dinner[英][?d?n?(r)]n.正餐,主餐“In a bit,” said Mum and Dad.
2-3 Poor Floppy
Floppy was not well. well[英][wel] adv.好;adj.健康的He lay on his bed. lay[英][le?] vt.放置,躺
“He looks bad,” said Kipper. bad[英][b?d] adj.坏的,不好的Biff wanted Floppy to get well. want[英][w?nt] v.想要;希望;打算Kipper was sad. sad[英][s?d]adj.悲哀的;糟糕的Mum took Floppy to the vet. vet[英][vet] vt.审查;诊疗;检查Chip went, too.
Chip looked at the pets. pet[英][pet] n.宠物;宠儿
“I can see six cats,” he said. cat[英][k?t]n.猫Floppy just looked at the cats.
He was not well.
The vet looked at Floppy.
“Give him some pills,” she said. pill[英][p?l] n.药丸Mum took Floppy home. take[英][te?k]vt.拿,取Floppy had some pills.
Floppy was soon better.
2-4 Put It Back
“Look at this,” said Biff.
She had a crab in her hand.crab[英][kr?b] n.蟹,蟹肉“Put it back,” said Chip.
Biff put the crab back.
“Let’s look on the sand,” said Dad. sand[英][s?nd] n.沙;沙滩“Come and see this,” said Chip.
He had a net. net[英][net]n.网;网状织物“Come and see this,” said Mum.
She had a bit of wood. wood[英][w?d]n.木材;树林“Look at this shell,” said Kipper. shell[英][?el]n.贝壳;外壳“This is the best of all.”best[英][best]adj.最好的The shell had legs.
“Oh no!” said Kipper.
“What is it?”
“It’s a hermit crab,” said Dad.hermit[英][?h?:m?t]n.隐士“It’s a crab that lives in a shell.”
“Put it back,” said Kipper.
2-5 The Big Egg
The children fed the hens. feed[英][fi:d]vt.喂养They looked for eggs. look for[英][luk f?:]寻找They put the eggs in a box. box[英][b?ks]n.盒Dad had an idea.
Kipper went on looking.
“Look at this egg,” said Kipper.
“This is too big.”
Kipper looked at the hen.
“This is too big for you,” he said.
“Come and see this,” said Dad.
“This is too big for you,” said Mum.
“This is too big for me,” said Dad.
2-6 The Hole in the Sand
Biff’s spade was no good. spade[英][spe?d]n.铁锹,铲子Dad got a big spade.
“Let me dig a hole,” he said.Hole [英][h??l][n.洞,孔;洞穴
Dad dug a hole.
The children helped. help[英][help]vt.帮助The hole got bigger……and bigger.
……and deeper……and deeper. deep[英][di:p]adj.深的All the children came.
They played in the hole.
The water came in.
“I can’t stop it,” said Dad.
The tide came in. tide[英][ta?d] n.潮汐;潮流Dad’s spade was in the hole.
Next day, the hole had gone. Dad’s spade was under the sand. “Let’s dig,” said Dad.。