



教师要 引导学生利用课后时间进通过教师传授得到 的 , 而是学 习者在一 定 的社会文化背景 ( 一定情境 ) , 下 利用他人 的帮助 ( 师和学 习伙伴 的 教 帮助 )利用必要的学 习资源 , , 通过意义建构的方式获得 的。 通过这种教 师和学生之 间, 学生和学生之间 的思想碰撞 , 一方 面学生 的语 言文化 知 识逐渐 内化成 自己独立发展的结果 , 另一方面 , 学生 的语 言实际运动能 力也得 到了有效的训练( 樊斌 ,0 5 。 20 ) 教师 如何调动专科学生的 自主积
i 自主性学习策略在《 仑 英语国家概况》 苣科课程巾硇应用
温 州大学城 市 学院 余瑞 雪
[ 摘 要] 本文探 讨 了目前《 英语 国家概况》 专科培 养中所存在 的教 学问题 , 在 论述 了如何 在教 学 中激发 学生的积极性和兴趣 . 使用 自主性 学习策略 引导学生在该课 程中进行 学习。 [ 关键词 ] 主性学 习 英语 国家概 况 专科 自
《 英语 国家概况》 课程简介 《 英语 国家概况》 高校英语专业 ( 专科 ) 是 本 的专业必修 课之一 , 该 课程 以英国和美 国为主 , 同时介绍 了澳大利亚 、 加拿 大 、 爱尔兰和新西 兰等 以英语为母语的国家概况。 该课程 内容广泛 , 除介绍相关国家的基 础地理 知识 、 政治经济 制度 、 历史进程 、 教育制度 、 育娱 乐 、 体 科学技术 外, 还介绍 了这些 国家的社会人 文, 民族特点和宗教信仰等知识。 此外 , 作为- I知识性课程 , ' 1 在当今 时代 日新月异的社会大背景下 , 该课程 除 了教授 国情基础知识外 , 还适 当地进行 了知识点的扩充和扩展。 该课程 的 目的一是使英语本专科 专业学生掌握 相关国家 的文化人 文知识 , 开 拓视野 , 提高 自身综合素质 。 二是激发学生学 习兴趣 , 提高英语水平 , 加强 对语言文化的理解 , 增加对语言的敏感性 , 培养学生的跨文化交 际能力。 由于学生基础水平的不同 ,导致本科和专科不 同培养层次 间的该 课程的教育方式也不同。专科学生和本科学生相 比,基础知识相对薄 弱, 学习主动性有所欠 缺 , 动吸收知识 , 被 缺乏积极探索能力。 师应 如 教 何根据专科学生的特点 , 内容性和趣味性相结合 , 把 把知识 的灌输和学 生的 自主学习相结合 , 开展有针 对性 的教学计划和方式 , 是一个需要探 讨的课题。 专科课 程的培养 目 标相对 明确 , 教学方向主要偏重应用 。《 英语 国 家概况 》 专科课程的教学 目的是让学生掌握 英语 国家 国情相关 基础知 识, 了解英语国家人民的生活 和社会 。教学内容应具有一定 的实用性 , 不仅要丰富学生的知识 面, 高其对课 文的理解和掌握 , 提 更要帮助其清 晰地 了解 、 掌握所学知识 , 提高语言 的实 际运 用能力 , 为专科 学生的毕 业后 , 经贸 、 如 旅游等 的l 作服务 , 而让 这门课程具有更 强的实用和 丁 从










七、课程设置与学分分布(一)通识教育平台课程(67.5学分)1、全校通识教育课程(42.5学分)●思想素质系列课程:必修6门,共11.5学分思想道德修养 1.5学分毛泽东思想概论2学分法律基础2学分马克思主义哲学原理 2.5学分马克思主义政治经济学 1.5学分邓小平理论与三个代表2学分●军事与身体素质系列课程:共6学分军事理论 2学分体育(1-4,按特长班限选) 4学分●文化素质教育系列课程:共25学分。




英国与爱尔兰Part One Multiple Choice1.Which of the following is not a name people use to refer to the UK? BA. Great BritainB. The British IslandC. The United KingdomD. Britain2.is the capital city of Wales. DA. BelfastB. EdinburghC. AberdeenD. Cardiff3.According to a 2005 estimate, Britain now has a population of over ________ millions. CA. 160B. 600C. 60D. 164.The two landmarks of London are _________. AA. Guildhall and St. Paul’s CathedralB. Guildhall and Covent GardenC. City Hall and St. Paul’s CathedralD. City Hall and Covent Garden5.Among the four parts of the United Kingdom, is the smallest. DA. EnglandB. ScotlandC. WalesD. Northern Ireland6.The largest lake in the UK is located in ________. DA. EnglandB. WalesC. ScotlandD. Northern Ireland7.English belongs to the group of Indo-European family of languages. CA. CelticB. Indo-IranianC. GermanicD. Roman8.In the early part of 11th century, ________ replaced English as the official language in England. BA. GermanB. FrenchC. CelticD. Indo-European9.English was standardized because of the ________. AA. introduction of printing pressB. first industrial revolutionC. reins of William the ConquerorD. French retreat from England10.The introduction of Christianity to Britain added the first element of ________ words to English DA. Danish and FinnishB. Dutch and GermanC. French and ItalianD. Latin and Greek11.Standard English is based on the speech of the upper class of ________. BA. southeastern EnglandB. southwestern EnglandC. southern ScotlandD. northern Wales12.At present, nearly of the world's population communicate in English. BA. halfB. a quarterC. one thirdD. one fifth13.Julius Caesar and his ________ troops invaded the British islands in year 55 BC. AA. RomanB. ItalianC. GreekD. Germanic14.The attack on Rome ended the Roman occupation in Britain in 410. DA. NormanB. DanishC. CelticD. Germanic15.By the late 7th century, became the dominant religion in England. DA. Celtic ChristianityB. Anglo-Saxon ChristianityC. Germanic ChristianityD. Roman Christianity16.All the coronations of the British nation have been held in ________ since the 11th century. BA. the City HallB. Westminster AbbeyC. the King’s CouncilD. Buckingham Place17.Westminster Abbey was built at the time of ________. BA. St. AugustineB. Edward the ConfessorC. William the ConquerorD. Alfred the Great18.________ improved the courts of justice, introduced the jury system and institutionalized common law in Britain. CA. Edward the ConfessorB. St. AugustineC. Henry IID. Duke William19.The marked the establishment of feudalism in England. DA. Viking invasionB. signing of the Magna CartaC. Norman ConquestD. Adoption of common law20.The Magna Carta protected the basic principles for the protection of ________ in Britain. AA. individual rightsB. feudal systemC. traditional rightsD. class system21.The two houses of parliament, instituted by the mid-14th century, was an effort to gain the support of ________. AA. middle classB. noblesC. clergymenD. lords22.The Hundred Year’s War was a series of wars fought between ________. CA. England and ScotlandB. England and WelsC. England and FranceD. England and Ireland23.During the Wars of the Roses, the White Rose was the badge of the ________. BA. House of LancasterB. House of YorkC. House of ValoisD. House of Tudor24.The end of the Wars of the Roses led to the role of . DA. the House of ValoisB. the House of YorkC. the House of TudorD. the House of Lancaster25.The direct cause for the Religious Reformation was King Henry VIII's effort to ________. AA. divorce his wifeB. break with RomeC. support the ProtestantsD. declare his supreme power over the church26.The English Civil War broke out in 1642 between . BA. Protestants and PuritansB. Royalists and ParliamentariansC. nobles and peasantsD. aristocrats and Christians27.The monarchy was abolished and England was declared a commonwealth after the execution of ________. BA. Oliver CromwellB. Charles IC. Henry VIIID. Queen Elizabeth I28.The Bills of Rights was passed by the Parliament directly after ________. BA. the Civil WarB. Glorious RevolutionC. Religious ReformationD. the Hundred Years War29.That ________ is not one of the Reasons for the industrial Revolution breaking out in Britain. CA. Britain had a huge marketB. England acquired wealth from India and AmericaC. England won more religious freedom from RomeD. enclosure movement deprived small landowners of property.30.Britain faced strong challenges in its global imperial dominance by the beginning of the ________ century. DA. 17thB. 18thC. 19thD. 20th31.The King or Queen is the head of state in Britain. Their powers are ________. AA. symbolicB. enormousC. moderateD. supreme32.The British government is characterized by a division of powers between three of the following branches with the exception of the ________ CA. judiciaryB. legislatureC. monarchyD. executive33.The British Constitution is made up of three main part with the exception of ________. DA. Statutory LawB. Common LawC. ConventionsD. the Unwritten34.The importance of the British monarchy can be seen in its effect on ________. DA. passing the billsB. advising the governmentC. political partiesD. public attitude35.British Cabinet works on the principle of ________ AA. collective responsibilityB. individual responsibilityC. defending the collectivismD. defending the individuals36.The house of Commons performs three functions except ________. DA. drafting new lawsB. scrutinizing government actionsC. supervising financeD. forming new cabinet37.________ can force a government to resign by passing a Motion of No Confidence. DA. The Cabinet C. the MonarchC. House of LordsD. House of Commons38.The main duty of the British Privy Council is to ________. BA. make decisionsB. give adviceC. pass billsD. supervise the Cabinet39.In Britain, the parliamentary general election is held every ________ years. CA. threeB. fourC. fiveD. six40.The two parties in the British political system are ________. AA. the Conservative and the LaborB. the Conservative and the UnionC. the Labor and the DemocratD. the Union and the Democrat41.The policies of the Conservative Party are characterized by pragmatism and ________. DA. government interventionB. nationalization of enterprisesC. social reformD. a belief in individualism42.The Labor Party affected the British society greatly in that it ________. AA. set up the National Health ServiceB. improved public transportationC. abolished the old tax systemD. enhanced the economic43.The national election in Britain usually lasts for _______ and then the counting begins. AA. one dayB. one weekC. two weeksD. one month44.In 2005, the Commonwealth became an organization composed of ________ countries. DA. 23B. 33C. 43D. 5345.The British economy achieved global dominance by the ________. CA. 1860sB. 1870sC. 1880sD. 1890s46.The ________ in the early 1970s worsened an already stagnant economy in Britain. AA. oil crisisB. high inflation ratesC. large importsD. unemployment problem47.Of the following practices, ________ does not belong to Thatcher's social welfare reform. CA. reducing child benefitsB. shortening the unemployment benefits periodC. reducing the unemploymentD. lowering old age pensions48.The Blair government has been successful in all the following aspects except ________. DA. limiting government spendingB. keeping inflation under controlC. reducing unemploymentD. reducing inequality49.Britain’s agriculture is not characterized by________. DA. small farming populationB. high degree of mechanizationC. advanced machineryD. high dependence on import50.The traditional energy industry in Britain is ________. AA. coal miningB. oil industryC. nuclear powerD. wind energy51.________ is not one of the top ten British companies in oil industry. DA. ShellB. BPC. BGD. GM52.The three major trends in the British economy since the war have been the following except ________. DA. the decline in the agricultural sectorB. the reduction in the industrial sectorC. the expansion of the service sectorD. the growing in the secondary industry53.The three principle financial centers of the world are ________. AA. London, New York and Tokyo.B. London, New York and Hong KongC. London, New York and ParisD. London, New York and Berlin54.The car industry in Britain is mostly ________. AA. foreign-ownedB. state-ownedC. joint-ventureD. privately-owned55.Of the following sectors in Britain, _______ has experienced spectacular growth since the end of World War II. CA. agricultureB. energy industryC. service industryD. manufacturing industrycation in Britain is compulsory for all children between ________. AA. 5 to 16B. 6 to 18C. 7 to 16D. 7 to 1857.Partially funded by central government grants, the British universities receive their remaining funds from all the following sources except________. BA. tuition feesB. loansC. donationsD. corporate contributions58.In Britain, the equivalent of the A-levels is the ________. AA. GNVQsB. GCSEC. GCSSD. GNSS59.Of the following, ________ is NOT a basis of admission to Britain's universities. AA. result in national entrance testB. A-level resultC. an interviewD. school references60.The only privately-financed university in Britain is ________. CA. OxfordB. CambridgeC. BuckinghamD. University of London61.In Britain, it is no exaggeration to say that the media can ________. BA. shape the public opinionsB. promote people’s moral standardsC. influence the rule of a governmentD. determine people’s political orientation62.The oldest national newspaper in Britain is ________. CA. The TimesB. The GuardianC. The ObserverD. The Daily Telegraph63.Among Britain's quality press, the following newspapers are regarded as the "Big Three" with the exception of ________. CA. The TimesB. The GuardianC. The ObserverD. The Daily Telegraph64.The top pay television provider in Britain is ________. DA. ITVB. BSBC. SkyTVD. BSkyB65.Of the following, ________ is NOT a common feature of all the British holidays. DA. families getting togetherB. friends exchanging good wishesC. friends enjoying each other's companyD. families traveling overseas66.The following Christmas traditions are particularly British except ________. AA. Trooping the ColorB. Queen's Christmas messageC. Boxing DayD. Christmas pantomime67.In Britain, for churchgoers, the most important Christian festival is _______. AA. EasterB. ChristmasC. Boxing DayD. Remembrance Sunday68.The most important work by authors in the Middle English period is _______. BA. BeowulfB. The Canterbury TalesC. The Tragic History of Dr. FaustusD. Areopagitica69.Shakespeare’s 37 plays fall into three categories except _______. CA. comedyB. tragedyC. fantasyD. historic play70.The most significant achievement of the English Renaissance is ________. BA. poetryB. dramaC. novelD. pamphlet71.Gulliver’s Travel was written by ________. AA. Jonathan SwiftB. John MiltonC. Alexander PopeD. Daniel Defoe72.The major “second generation” of Romantic poets included the following except ________. DA. Lord ByronB. Percy ShelleyC. John KeatsD. William Wordsworth73.________ is viewed as Romantic poetry's "Declaration of Independence". CA. "I Wondered Lonely as a Cloud"B. Don JuanC. "Preface to Lyrical Ballads"D. Prometheus Unbound74.In the Victorian era, the leading form of literature was ________. CA. poetryB. dramaC. novelD. pamphlet75.The distinguished English women novelists of the 19th century are the following except ________. DA. Jane AustenB. the Bronte sistersC. George EliotD. Virginia Woolf76.Of the following statements, ________ is NOT correct in terms of Neo- Romanticism. CA. It prevailed at the end of the 19th century.B. The writers were dissatisfied with the social reality.C. The writers believed in "Art for Art's Sake".D. Treasure Island was a representative work.77.Of the following statements, ________ is NOT correct about Virginia Woolf. DA. She was a central figure of the "Bloomsbury Group".B. She experimented with stream of consciousness.C. She was an influential feminist.D. Her masterpiece was The Rainbow.78.Of the following writers, ________ is NOT a Nobel Prize winner. BA. Samuel BeckettB. James JoyceC. William GoldingD.V.S. Naipaul79.The island of Ireland is separated from mainland Europe by ________. AA. the Celtic SeaB. the Irish SeaC. the North SeaD. the English Channel80.The largest city in Ireland is ________. AA. DublinB. CorkC. WaterfordD. Galway81.________ established a unified Irish culture and language in the 6th century BC. BA. Hunter-gatherers from BritainB. Celtic tribesC. British invadersD. Viking Danes82.The ________ resulted in the Irish Civil War. CA. Act of UnionB. Unilateral Declaration of IndependenceC. Anglo-Irish TreatyD. Anglo-Irish Agreement83.Under the leadership of Prime Minister John A. Costello, a series of legislation was passed in Ireland in order to ________. AA. reduce inflation and living costB. reduce secondary industry and productionC. establish better social welfare systemD. build closer political relation with the UK84.By 1980, the following except ________ were all serious problems in the Irish society. BA. inflationB. budget deficitC. unemploymentD. foreign debt85.Ireland declared itself a republic in ________, completely independent of Britain. CA. 1900B. 1939C. 1949D. 195986.In 1985, after successful negotiation with the British Prime Minister ________, Ireland signed the Anglo-Irish Agreement with the UK. AA. Margaret ThatcherB. Tony BlairC. Mary RobinsonD. Albert Reynolds87.Ireland is called "the Celtic Tiger" because of its ________. BA. aggressive foreign policiesB. rapid economic growthC. growing emigrationD. vigorous economic reform88.Ireland has four main political parties including ________. BA. Fianna FailB. the Democratic PartyC. the Labor PartyD. Fine Gael89.In Ireland, most people are ________. AA. Roman CatholicB. ProtestantC. MuslimD. Orthodox Christian90.In Ireland, the head of state is the ________. BA. Prime MinisterB. PresidentC. British monarchD. General GovernorPart Two True or False1.The island of Great Britain is geographically divided into three parts: England, Scotland and Wales. T2.People in different parts of Britain like to use the name England to refer to their country. F3.The name of Britain came from a Celtic tribe----the Britons. T4.The Anglo-Saxons came to Britain in the mid-5th century. T5.Lords Spiritual and Lords Temporal are all members in the British Upper House. T6.The members in the House of Commons are appointed rather than elected. F7.Britain is the world's leading exporter of poultry and dairy products. F8.The fishing industry provides more than 50% of Britain's demand for fish. T9.The BBC World Service broadcasts only in English throughout the world. F10.Some British holidays are celebrated to mark the important events of the Christian calendar, and others are related to local customs and traditions. T11.Hamlet depicts the hero's struggle with two opposing forces: moral integrity and the need to avenge his father's murder. T12.Alexander Pope was a great English poet who also translated Homer's Iliad. T13.In Ireland, both the House of Representatives and the Senate have the power of making laws. F14.English is the only official language in Ireland, because the majority of people speak it as their mother tongue. F15.London is the capital of both England and the United Kingdom. T16.The King James Bible is considered to be in Modern English. T17.Magna Carta was made in the interest of the lower class. F18.The British Civil War broke out in 1642 between the Royalists known as the Cavaliers and Parliamentarians known as the Roundheads. T19.Britain is both a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy. T20.The Parliament is supreme decision-making body in the British government. F21.Before World War II, the leadership of Britain was almost continually in the hands of the Conservative Party. T22.The British Empire is the successor of the Commonwealth of Nations. F23.During Thatcher’s leadership, the power of the trade unions was curbed. T24.In Britain, there are two parallel school systems for primary and secondary school. One is the state system. The other is the occupational system. F25.The Boxing Day falls on the day after Easter. F26.Thomas Hardy is one of the representatives of English Critical Realism at the turn of the 19th century. T27.T. S. Eliot was the leading figure of the modernist movement in English poetry. T28.After WWII, Ireland had slightly a better economy when Britain and mainland Europe experienced economic devastation. F29.Fianna Fail, originally part of Sinn Fein, is the largest party in Ireland. T30.Ireland is the second country with the lowest population density. FPart Three Blank Filling1.The Great Britain is geographically and historically divided into three parts: England, Scotland, and_Wales_.2.During the period of William the Conqueror, _French_, spoken by the Normans, replaced English as the official language in England, while English was only used by thelower class.3._The Hundred Years' War_ (1337-1453) was a series of wars fought between England and France over trade, territory, security and the throne.4.the _enclosure movement_ (圈地运动) deprived many small landowners of their property. This new class of "landless laborer" now had to seek paid employment from thelarge landowner or to find work in the rapidly growing industrial areas.5.The _Industrial Revolution_ began in the textile industry and was marked by a series of important inventions, such as the Spinning Jenny.6.Britain refused to join the European _Economic_ Community (EEC) when it was founded in the 1950s.7.As a parliamentary democracy, the British government is characterized by a division of powers among the legislature, _the executive_ and the judiciary.8.The _House of Commons_, though often referred to as the Lower House, is the center of parliamentary power.9.The government is made up of the _Prime Minister_, the Cabinet ministers, and assistants to the ministers.10.The headquarters and the standing bodies of the Commonwealth of Nations are all located in _London_.11.Now, education in Britain is divided into four stages: primary, secondary, further education and _higher education_.12.The _British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) (英国广播公司)_, affectionately referred to as the "Beeb" or "Auntie Beeb", is Britain's main public service broadcaster.13.One of Britain's most impressive and colorful festivals takes place on the second Saturday in June, when the Queen's official birthday is officially celebrated with_"Trooping the Color''_ around Buckingham Palace in London, which is also known as the Queen's Birthday Parade.14.The capital city of Ireland is _Dublin_, which straddles the mouth of the River Liffey, which flows through the city center.15.There are two dominant official languages in Ireland, _Gaelic(or Irish)_ and English.16.Edinburgh, the capital of _Scotland_, is famous for the University of Edinburgh, one of the largest universities in Britain.17.At present, nearly _a quarter_ of the world's population use English. It has become a universal lingua franca.18.After Richard I, son of Henry II, was killed in France, his brother John ascended the throne in 1199. Dissatisfied with John's leadership, the lords forced him to sign the_Magna Carla(大宪章)_, or the Great Charter, as it is more commonly referred to, on June 15, 1215.19.The _Wars of the Roses_ (1455-1485) was a series of civil wars between two great noble families: the House of York (约克王室), whose badge was a white rose, and theHouse of Lancaster.20.The process of decolonization transformed the British Empire into _the Commonwealth of Nations_.21.Besides Oxford, _Cambridge_ is one of the oldest universities in the world and one of the largest in Britain.22.At the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries, _Romanticism_ appeared in England as a new trend in literature. It is a revolt against the prescribed rules of Classicism.23.The 20th-century English literature can be roughly divided into two periods: Modernism and _Postmodernism_.24._James Joyce (1882-1941)_, an Irish novelist, is another of the novel Ulysses.25.The island of Ireland is the _second_ largest island in Europe.26._Sinn Fein (新芬党)_ was founded at the beginning of the 20th century by Arthur Griffith, leader supporting Irish home rule. By 1910, it had become the country'sdominant political party.27._Standard English_ is based on the speech of the upper class of southeastern England, adopted as a broadcasting standard in the British media. It is also called Queen'sEnglish or BBC English.28.The full name of Britain is the _United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland_.29._England_ is the most populous and wealthiest part of Britain.30.In Britain, the majority of the population is descendants of _the Anglo-Saxons_, a Germanic people from Europe who went to England between the 5th and 7th centuries. Part Four Short-Answer Questions1.How many periods can the development of the English language be divided into and what are they?The development of the English language can be divided into three periods: Old English, Middle English and Modem English.2.Why did Britain cooperate closely with the United States after WWII?Because they were allied during the war and shared the same worries about the former Soviet Union.3.What are the three functions of the House of Commons?The three functions are: to draft laws, to scrutinize, criticize and restrain the activities of the government, and to influence future government policy。














英语(师范类)专业本科教学计划专业代号 050201(国家)0301(学校)一、培养目标与规格1. 培养目标本专业培养德、智、体、美、劳全面发展,基础扎实,知识面宽,技能娴熟,素质良好,富有创新精神和具有教育教学改革意识,能适应基础教育教学的合格师资与适应社会发展和经济建设的专业人才。

2. 培养规格热爱中国共产党,热爱社会主义祖国;掌握马克思主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和三个代表的重要思想;坚持党的基本路线,坚持四项基本原则,坚持建设有中国特色的社会主义;树立科学的世界观、正确的人生观和价值观;具有良好的思想品德、社会公德和教师职业道德。

























七、课程设置与学分分布(一)通识教育平台课程(67.5学分)1、全校通识教育课程(42.5学分)●思想素质系列课程:必修6门,共11.5学分思想道德修养 1.5学分毛泽东思想概论 2学分法律基础 2学分马克思主义哲学原理 2.5学分马克思主义政治经济学 1.5学分邓小平理论与三个代表 2学分●军事与身体素质系列课程:共6学分军事理论 2学分体育(1-4,按特长班限选) 4学分●文化素质教育系列课程:共25学分。




主要英语国家国情-名词解释名词解释1. LondonLondon is the largest city located in the south of the country. Itis dominant in Britain in all sorts of ways. It is the cultural and business center and the headquarters of the vast majority of Britain’s big companies. It is not only the financial centers of the nation, but also one of the three major international financial centers in the world.2. The Good Friday AgreementAs a result of multi-party negotiations, the Good Friday Agreementwas approved on 10 April 1998. This agreement assures the loyalist community that Northern Ireland remains part of the United Kingdom andit won’t change its political status unless the majority of the peopleof Northern Ireland agree. Under the terms of the agreement, Northern Ireland should be governed by three separate jurisdictions: that of the Republic of Ireland, that of Great Britain and that of its own elected executive government of ten ministers.3. The functions of ParliamentThe functions of Parliament are: to pass laws, to vote for taxation,to scrutinize government policy, administration and expenditure and to debate the major issues of the day.4. The formation of the government651 members of parliament are elected in the general election representing 651 constituencies in the UK. The party which holds a majority of those “seats” in theparliament forms the government, with its party leader as the Primes Minister.5. Main sectors of the UK economyThe UK national economy can be divided into three main areas:primary industries, such as agriculture, fishing and mining; secondary industries which manufacture complex goods from those primary products; and tertiary ( or service) industries such as banking, insurance, tourism and the retailing.6. RomanticismthRoughly the first third of the 19 century makes up Englishliterature’s romantic period. Writers of romantic literature are more concerned with imagination and feeling than with the power of reason. A volume of poems called Lyrical Ballads written by William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge is regarded as the romantic poetry’s “Declaration of Independence.” Keats, Byron and Shelley, the three great poets, brought the Romantic Movement to its height. Thespirit of Romanticism also occurred in the novel.7. Comprehensive schoolsComprehensive schools are the most secondary schools in Britain today. Such schools admit children without reference to their academicabilities and provide a general education. Pupils can study everything from academicsubjects like literature to more practical subjects like cooking.8. Quality papersThey belong to one of the categories of the national dailies. The quality papers carry more serious and in-depth articles of particular political and social importance. They also carry reviews, such as book reviews, and feature articles about high culture. These papers are also referred to as “the broadsheets” because they are printed on large-size paper.The readers of such newspaper are generally awell-educated middle class audience.9. TabloidsA tabloid is a small format newspaper with color photos and catchy headlines. Tabloids are interested in scandals and gossip usually about famous people. They also carry lots of crime, sports and sensational human interest stories so as to attract readers. Stories are short, easy to read and often rely more on opinions than face. They belong to a category of national papers different from quality papers.10. The three traditions of Christmas in BritainThere are three Christmas traditions which are particularly British: one is the Christmas Pantomime, a comical musical play. Another British Christmas tradition is to hear the Queen give her Christmas message toher realm over the television and radio. A third British tradition is Boxing Day, which falls on the day after Christmas.11. The Bill of RightsThe Bill of Rights consists of the first 10 amendments which were added to the Constitution in 1791. The Bill of Rights was passed to guarantee freedom and individual rights such as freedom of speech, the right to assemble in public places, the right to own weapons and so on.11. Industrial Revolution in AmericaAfter independence, America was principally an agricultural country. The Industrial Revolution in England brought many changes to American industry between 1776 and 1860. One key development was the introduction of the factory system. A second development was the “America system” of mass production. A third development was the application of new technologies to industrial task. A fourth development was the emergence of new forms of business organization—the bank and the corporation.12. Three Faiths in the USBy the 1950s, the three faiths model of American religion had developed. Americans were considered to come tin three basic varieties: Protestant, Catholic and Jewish. In terms of numbers, the Protestants are the strongest, the Catholics are next to the Protestants and Jewish are the smallest among the three groups.13. The “Lost Generation”In the aftermath of World War I, many novelists produced aliterature of disillusionment. Some lived in Europe. Theywere known as the “Lost Generation”. Two of the mostrepresentative writer of the “Lost Generation” were Hemingway and Fitzgerald.14. The Servicemen’s Readjustment ActThe Servicemen’s Readjustment Act was passed in 1944. It was soon popularly called the “GI Bill of Rights”. GI was anickname for the American soldier. The nickname came from the abbreviation for “Government Issue”—theuniforms and other articles “issued” t o a soldier. The Act promised financial aid, including aid for higher education to members of the armed forces.15. Greensboro sit-inOn February 1, 1960, 4 freshmen from a black college in Greensboro, North Carolina, sat down at a department store lunch counter and ordered coffee. When refused, they continued to sit at the counter, openly defying the segregation law prevailing in the state. The next day, more students joined them. Thus began the civil rights movement, which spread from the south to the n orth. Later, this quiet “sit-in” became the major non-violent directaction tactics to be used by black civil rights activists. 16. Ragtime musicRagtime music refers to a type of piano music of black US origin, popular in the 1920s. Originally based on tunes for marching bands ragtime music is marked by a syncopated melodic line with a regularaccented bass. Ragtime music has been popularized by such composers as Scott Joplin whose “Maple Leaf Rag” published in 1896 was hailed as the first popular ragtime tune, still listened to with pleasure by all jazz fans.。



华师《英语国家国情与文化—英国》在线作业一、单选题(共 30 道试题,共 60 分。

)1. Unr_ ,th ful systm in ngln ws ompltly stlish.. King lfr. Hnry II. wr I. Willim th onquror正确答案:2. In ritin, usully th sm shool, infnt shool strts t ______. 3. 5. 7. 9正确答案:3. Whih of th following is NOT tru out th nglo-Sxons?. Thy wr rgr s froious(凶残的) popl.. Thy stlish th mnoril systm.. Thy ivi th ountry into iffrnt shirs.. Thir tris wr slom t wr with on nothr.正确答案:4. Whih of th following is tru out th ritish ommonwlth?. Mmrs of ntions r join togthr politilly.. Th ommonwlth hs spil powrs.. Th ision to om mmr of th ommonwlth is m y ritin.. It is fr ssoition of inpnnt ountris tht wr on olonis of ritin. 正确答案:5. In ritin, usully th sm shool, primry shool strts t _______. 3. 5. 7. 9正确答案:6. Th "Houss of Prlimnt" - how mny houss in ft?. On.. Two.. Thr.. Four正确答案:7. Who ws th ritish Prim Ministr whos montrist poliis hng th f of ritish inustry in th 80s?. wr Hth.. Tony lir.. Mrgrt Ththr.. John Mjor.正确答案:8. How muh ln r is vot to griultur in ritin?. 95%.. 85%.. 75%.. 65%.正确答案:9. Footll is n nint gm, with origins lim in mny ountris, ut it ws Vitorin ritin tht first oifi th morn gm n st up th Footll ssoition in ______.. 1863. 1400. 1356. 1980正确答案:10. Th two prtis tht hv hl powr in ritin sin 1945 r ___________ .. th morti Prty n th Rpulin Prty. th onsrvtiv Prty n th Lor Prty. th Lor Prty n th Soil morti Prty. th Lor Prty n th morti Prty正确答案:11. Wht is th proportion of griultur to Inustry to Srvis in th ritish onomy?. 1.7% : 24.9% : 73.4%.. 5.5% : 33.3% : 51.2%.. 15.8% : 40.2% : 44%.. 25.3% : 60.6% : 14.1%正确答案:12. Th us of th Hunr Yrs' Wr ws______.. trritoril. onomi. prtly trritoril n prtly onomi. prtly trritoril n prtly rligious正确答案:13. Wht prntg of ritish popl tk prt in som kin of orgnis sport. out two-thirs.. out qurtr.. out hlf. out thr-qurtrs.正确答案:14. Th nglish ivil Wr is lso ll ___.. th Puritn Rvolution. th hrtist Movmnt. th Wrs of th Ross. th Hunr Yrs' Wr正确答案:15. Whih sport ws t first ll 'Spiristik' y its invntor. footll. golf. tnnis. minton正确答案:16. ___________of 1066 is prhps th st-known vnt in nglish history, in whih Willim,th onquror onfist lmost ll th ln n gv it to his followrs.. Th Romn onqust. Th nglo-Sxon onqust. Th Normn onqust. Th lt onqust正确答案:17. Northrn Irln is smll, ut it is signifint us of th__. th onomi prolms. th politil trouls. th immigrtion issus. th ntionl intity正确答案:18. str is tritionlly ssoit with th following xpt ____.. th rsurrtion of hrist. th ting of str ggs. th ustom of giving prsnts. th oming of spring正确答案:19. Toy, th ity of Lonon is th usinss ntr of Lonon whr _____ r lot.. ig suprmrkts. thtrs n inms. lrg finnil orgniztions. rsturnts n fs正确答案:20. Th two lrg islns tht mk up th ritish Isls r ____.. Sotln n Irln. ritin n Sotln. Grt ritin n Northrn Irln. Grt ritin n Irln正确答案:21. How mny stunts r thr t univrsity in ritin. 2 million.. 3 million.. 4 million.. 5 million正确答案:22. Th smllr of th two sizs of nwsppr is ll. tlt.. tl.. tulr.. tloi.正确答案:23. How mny mn r thr in rugy lgu tm. tn. lvn. twlv. thirtn正确答案:24. Th finst xponnts of lizthn rm in th nglish Rnissn wr ___________ . . n Johnson,hristophr Mrlow n hrls ikns. mun Spnsr, hrls ikns n Willim Shkspr. Willim Shkspr, n Johnson n hrls ikns. Willim Shkspr, hristophr Mrlow n n Johnson正确答案:25. Mny of ritin's puli shools hv gin rputtion for________.. low mi stnrs n snory. xlusivnss n short history. vrg mi stnrs, xlusivnss, n short history. high mi stnrs, xlusivnss, n snory正确答案:26. Of tht figur, th numr of ovrss stunts in ritin is. out 425 thousn.. out 342 thousn.. out 208 thousn.. out 74 thousn正确答案:27. In ritin, usully th sm shool, pr-shool strts t _______. 3. 5. 7. 9正确答案:28. Whih wor nnot us to sri ritin's puli shools.. high mi stnrs. xlusivnss. snory. short history正确答案:29. Willim, uk of Normny, is now known s____.. Willim th onfssor. Willim Lion-Hrt. th fthr of th ritish nvy. Willim th onquror正确答案:30. Th singulr of 'mi' is. min.. mium.. mil.. mit.正确答案:华师《英语国家国情与文化—英国》在线作业二、判断题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。



介绍一个你了解的国家英语作文English:Japan is a fascinating country known for its unique blend of traditional culture and cutting-edge technology. With a rich history dating back thousands of years, Japan has managed to preserve its cultural heritage while also embracing modernity. From the ancient temples and shrines in Kyoto to the bustling streets of Tokyo, Japan offers a juxtaposition of the old and the new that is truly captivating. The country is also renowned for its delicious cuisine, including sushi, ramen, and tempura. Furthermore, Japan is famous for its cherry blossoms, which attract millions of visitors each year during the hanami season. Overall, Japan is a country that seamlessly blends tradition and innovation, making it a must-visit destination for travelers around the world.中文翻译:日本是一个令人着迷的国家,以其独特的传统文化和尖端技术而闻名。










七、课程设置与学分分布(一)通识教育平台课程(67.5学分)1、全校通识教育课程(42.5学分)●思想素质系列课程:必修6门,共11.5学分思想道德修养 1.5学分毛泽东思想概论 2学分法律基础 2学分马克思主义哲学原理 2.5学分马克思主义政治经济学 1.5学分邓小平理论与三个代表 2学分●军事与身体素质系列课程:共6学分军事理论 2学分体育(1-4,按特长班限选) 4学分●文化素质教育系列课程:共25学分。





1.英国(United Kingdom):英国是英语的发源地,也是世界上第一个大规模使用英语的国家。


2.美国(United States):美国是世界上最大的英语国家,也是全球最强大的经济实体之一。






5.新西兰(New Zealand):新西兰是一个位于南太平洋的国家,也




7.南非(South Africa):南非是非洲最发达的国家之一,也是一





•features and as well as the tactics of the social movements in 1960s.••the Women’s Liberation Movement.10/24/2011•Background of Social Movement •The Civil Rights Movement •The Anti-War Movement •Women’s Liberation Movement •The Counter Culture•Martin Luther King. Jr.10/24/20111. background •Three groups were dissatisfied with their lives Group 1: Afro-Americananother storyKuKluxKlan(3K党).10/24/20111. background•Three groups were dissatisfied with their livesGroup 2: Womenchildren.---Mothers did not want their sons drafted into the army.10/24/20111. background •Three groups were dissatisfied with their lives Group 3 : Young peoplearmy and fight in Vietnam.people in the society.10/24/20112. participant•Details to check the forms of social movements10/24/2011• 1.a type of behavior in which a large number of participants consciously attempt to change existing institutions and establish a new order of life.• 2.structure and spontaneity (10/24/2011Other necessary parts of a social movement are:•the same problem• 2. a “message”shows how to solve it.• 3.the ability to spread the message and get moresupporters10/24/20114. forms• 1. civil rights movement• 2. the youth movement/ anti-war movement• 3. the women’s movement10/24/2011• 5.1.1 Greensboro sit-incontinued to sit at the counter, openly defying thesegregation law prevailing in the state.10/24/2011north. Later, this quiet “sit-in”10/24/2011city’s bus system refusing to ride on public buses.10/24/2011Inand old, walked to work. With the bus company bearthe 1960s.10/24/20111) older usually male,2) Negroes leaders,3) black and white young people,4) some white professional men and women5) some white housewives10/24/20111) SNCC: the student Nonviolent Coordinating committee, the 3rd2) CORE: the Congress of racial equality10/24/2011leaders of Negro communities.10/24/2011“We shall overcome”10/24/20111)“sit-in”and “freedom rides”2)direct action: voter registration 3)a dream”have changed.10/24/20111)illegal in all interstate bus stations;2)The assassination of President Kennedy in Taxas 3)was murdered in front to TV cameras.law by President Johnson in the summer of 1964.10/24/2011tactics, emphasized on more racial means to end discrimination and raised the self-image of the blacks.black and white to fight for racial equality.10/24/20111) Use the law to test the law.Southern Afro-American can vote3) Improve the image of the African American.4) Go to college to study.5) Conflicts still exist10/24/2011movement• 6.1 stimulus•1) “Freedom Summer”“Freedom Summer”attitude and belief.10/24/201114th Amendments.The young people’s “free speechmovement”began with success.10/24/2011•formed under a series of “the War in Vietnam10/24/2011•1) young people who were against tradition•not be trusted)•3) many middle class white people, esp. women•4) lower and middle class black Americans10/24/20111) church groups2) SNCC3) SDS10/24/2011•“Let it all hang out”•“Hell, no, we won’t go”10/24/20111) teach–in on campus2) protest marches and ralliesradical10/24/2011••2) In 1973 the US singed a peace treaty•3) counterculture10/24/2011“counter culture”.their parents. Some groups of youth tried to constructdifferent ways of life. among the most famous were “10/24/2011American society .attitudes towards social morals, marriage, career, andsuccess.10/24/20111) counterculture2) drug abuse and homosexual3) contribution to music10/24/20117. The women’s movement•7.1 the First Wave of the American Woman’s Movement7.1.1 The Seneca Falls gatheringA meeting was held at the Wesleyan Chapel in Seneca Falls in upstate New York in 1848 to call for considering the social, civil, and religious condition and rights of the women. They only advertised speaker at the meeting was Lucretia Mott, who was an experienced anti-slavery campaigner. The impelling force behind the conference was Elizabeth Cady Stanton. This meeting was regarded ad the beginning of the first wave of the Women’s Liberation Movement in US10/24/2011367. The women’s movement•7.2 An Overall Improvement in the Condition of the Woman’s Lives•1) the founding of an independent women’s suffrage organization---In the late 1860’s the refusal of Republican Party leaders to include provisions explicitly protecting omen in the Reconstruction amendments to the Constitution led to the founding of an independent women’s suffrage organization.10/24/2011377. The women’s movement•7.2 An Overall Improvement in the Condition of the Woman’s Lives•2) In 1920, finally granted women the right to vote•3)In 1960s,overall improvement in the condition of the woman’s lives10/24/2011387. The women’s movement 1. How does the condition of the woman’s lives improve?10/24/2011397. The women’s movement1.Technology had taken over many of traditional tasks of women.2.Women are more educated.3.By the late 1950’s married women had on average3.58 children4.White middle-class women were living longer and having fewer children 1.No longer the traditional housewife.2.No equal opportunity to get the profession.3. “bay boom”but the women’s maintaining a large families had not been counted.4.Betty Friedent set the fuse alight---“no right to be unhappy”10/24/201140•7.3 stimulus ___ the Second Wave•without a Name”••in the laws governing the land.10/24/2011in 1961.the Feminine Mystique, published in1963.10/24/2011Now: The Afro-American people set up the National Association for the Advancement of Colored Peopletheir own organization: The National Organization formostly white, married, and middle class.raising”groups in every community.10/24/2011Now:their differences, these different branches of women’s movement helped to bring about massive change inattitudes toward the role of women in American.10/24/2011•“speak out your heart without interruption”10/24/20111) large rallies and marches2) same as the others’3) add their own10/24/20111) women worked hard to change their imageand politics10/24/20117.10 impact upon American culture1) Professional women2) Fight against family violence3) Change the attitude to the marriage.4) Drug abuse10/24/20117. The women’s movement•7.11 the backlash against Feminism•1) Those who doubts about the value of feminist activity took this correlation between jobs for women, feminist activism, and martial instability as being causal.•2) By the 1980s’Ronald Reagan, in his campaigns for a return to “family values”, the backlash against feminism was in full swing.10/24/2011497. The women’s movement 1. How could the backlash against the feminism be in full swing?10/24/201150。



英语专业教材列表06013001基础英语Elementary and Intermediate English 【408—6—1、2、3、4】内容提要:消化并提升中学所学的语法知识,并使之成为语言交际的实际技能。





修读对象:英语专业本科生教材:《现代大学英语》外语教学与研究出版社杨立民主编06013002 高级英语Advanced English 【144—4—5、6】先修课程:基础英语内容提要:本课程是一门综合技能训练课程。



修读对象:英语专业本科生教材:《现代大学英语》外语教学与研究出版社杨立民主编06013003 英语听力Listening 【136—2—1、2、3、4】内容提要:通过本门课的教学,系统地训练和培养学生听英语的能力。


修读对象:英语专业本科生教材:《英语听力教程》高等教育出版社张民伦主编《英语听力梯级训练2000》(上、下)上海外语教育出版社何莲珍主编06013004 英语口语Oral English 【72—2—2、3】内容提要:通过本门课的教学,培养学生口头表达能力和交际能力,使学生能就日常生活中的一般情景进行恰当的交谈,能对听懂的材料和熟悉的题材进行会话和连贯发言。


金融学专业 (26)





硕士英语综合教程1 (课后答案)目录Unit 1 Low Carbon Economy2. V ocabularya. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words or phrases you have learned in the text.(1) adverse(2) stark(3) inflict(4) systematically(5) triggered(6) improvident(7) incurred(8) alternative(9) lost out on(10) settled onb. Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the underlined one.(1) B(2) C(3) A(4) D(5) B(6) C(7) A(8) D(9) C(10) D4. Translationa. Chinese to English1) Translate the following sentences into English.(1) Bending under the weight of the packs, sweating, they climbed steadily in the pine forest that covered the mountainside.(2) Concentrating on time passing, as we do when bored, will trigger brain activity which will make it seem as though the clock is ticking more slowly.(3) Unemployment shot up in France during the second quarter, and the country’s top finance official said the situation will continue to aggravate even if a global economic recovery gathers pace. It was the worst quarterly unemployment in France since early 2006.(4) As social practice continues to develop, we should keep renewing our ideas and make innovations courageously in light of practical needs.(5) Bicycles are regarded as an economical alternative to buses whose fares have increased 3 times in the past few years.(6) The U.S. government has called on people to save water because the scarcity of water has become a source of global tension ecologically, economically and politically.(7) In order to be a recognized leader in the industry, it’s essential for a company to improve production quality and tap the overseas market through the help of state of the art technologies and equipment.(8) If you are thinking about coming to Britain for Christmas, it might be a good idea to think again. That’s because thousands of Christmas travelers have been stranded in the UK as adverse weather conditions caused massive disruption to the transport infrastructure.2) Translate the following paragraphs into English.Scientists say the warming of the planet will be gradual, but that extreme weather events will increase in frequency and intensity. They say the effects of more storms, floods, droughts and heat waves will be abrupt and profound. The World Health Organization says the effects of so called climate sensitive diseases already are killing millions of people.Climate change is a global phenomenon. While no country will be exempt, she says its consequences will not be evenly distributed. The WHO chief says poor countries that already are struggling with huge problems will be most affected. Fragile health systems in the developing world will come under increased stress. They will have great difficulty coping with the increased burden of disease and other health problems.b. English to Chinese1) Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.很多权威的气候学家们都曾发出过这样的警告: 如果我们现在的温度超过工业化前2摄氏度( 3.6华氏度)的话,我们将会迈进一个危险的未知国度。


• 泰国大部分地区属于热带季风气候,有三个明显的季节、一年分三季: • 2月—4月为热季; • 5月—10月是雨季; • 11月—次年1月为凉季。 • 全年的平均气温为28℃。 • 由于地形和气候的原因,泰国有很多热带的经济作物与动物。盛产珍贵的柚木和稣
The Thai baht [ba:t] is Thailand's currency.
Each cast city of positive are cast a Thai king “pumipeng ·freddy adu DE” (“普密蓬·阿杜德”) head portrait(头 像). The latest rate (最新汇率)(2012年6月28)
National emblem (国徽)
Thailand national emblem is a highly religious mystery totem (图腾) pattern. Design is a big bird, and the bird back squats the lai king.
• 泰国人睡觉时,忌讳头朝西,泰国人忌讳用红颜色写名字。 • 与泰国人交谈绝对不能讲对佛祖和国王不敬的话。 • 在泰国人家做客,万不可踏对方门槛,客人不得坐到男主人固定的座位上,不能穿
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英语国家国情The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Chapter 1Full name of Britain: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland British Isles(大不列颠群岛)is divided into 2 parts that is Great Britain and Ireland. The island of Great Britain divided into 3 parts: England, Scotland and Wales.The island of Ireland is divided into 2 parts: Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.In 1949, the Republic of Ireland is an independent country.Compare:England-largest part of Great Britain (130,281 square kilometers)-the capital of England and the United Kingdom-located in the south of the island, with Wales to the west and Scotland to the north-The River Thames (the second longest river and most important river in Britain)-highly urbanizedScotland-occupy the northern part of Britain (78,772 square kilometers)-the second largest of the four constituent parts of the United Kingdom-The Clyde River (克赖德河)is the most important river in the Scotland-capital of Scotland: Edinburgh(爱丁堡)-Tourism is one of Scotland’s most important industries.Wales-most densely populated parts of central England-20,780 squarekilometers-capital: Cardiff(加的夫)-The Severn River(塞文河):The longest river of Britain (originates in mid-Wales and flows through western England)-language: WelshNorthern Ireland-smallest-14,135 square kilometers-capital: Belfast (贝尔法斯特)。

Climate:Three characteristics: 1.foggy 2.rainy days 3.changeabilityWhy its climate is mild and temperate?1.proximity to the Atlantic Ocean2.the warming of the waters around the British Isles by the Gulf StreamMajor cities:London1.the capital of England and the United Kingdom2.the industrial, cultural and financial center of the country3.one of the world’s leading banking and financial centers4.city landmarks: Buckingham Palace, Guildhall, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Big Ben, Thetower Bridge of London (open in 1894)5.cultural institution: the University of LondonEdinburgh1.the capital of Scotland2.Scotland’s administrative, financial, legal, medical and insurance centerCardiff1.Europe’s youngest capital city and the capital of WalesBelfast1.the largest city and the capital city of northern IrelandPeopleBritain has a population of about 63 million (2012) and its overall population density is among the highest in the world. 53 million-in LondonThe majority of the population is descendants of the Anglo-Saxons.(English) Scotland and Welsh origin: Celtic people-Celtic language becomes the official language of the country.The English LanguageEnglish is a member of the Indo-European family of language.English is in the Germanic group of this family.Germanic group-three distinct subgroups: East Germanic, North Germanic and West Germanic.The English can be divided into three periods: Old English, Middle English and Modern English.The introduction of Christianity to Britain added the first element of Latin and Greek words to English.Old EnglishAncestor: The Angles, the Saxons and the Jutes.Begin: 5th and 6th centuriesEnd: the Norman Conquest in 1066Middle English (1066-1500?)The characteristic of Middle English is the French influence on English.Black Death(黑死病)-Why did English become more important after Black Death? Modern EnglishWilliam Caxton brought standardization to English because the spelling and grammar are fixed.The first dictionary published in 1604.Samuel Johnson’s dictionary—A Dictionary of the English Language, published in 1755.Standard English1.Standard English is based on the speech of the upper class of southeasternEngland, adopted as a broadcasting standard in the British media.2.It is also called “the Queen’s English” or “BBC English”, and has become thelanguage preferred by the educated.3.Today, Standard English is codified to the extent that the grammar and vocabularyof English are much the same everywhere in the world where English is used.Chapter 2 HistoryThe Founding of the NationRecorded history in Britain begins in the year 55 BC.In 55 BC and 54 BC, Britain was twice invaded by Roman troops led by Julius Caesar and invaded again under Claudius I in 43 BC.In the 5th century, many of the natives Celts were driven to the mountainous regionsof Scotland and Wales.In 410, Germanic barbarians attacked Rome, forcing all Roman troops to leave Britain in order to defend their own nation.The roman left, the Angles (settled in East Anglia, the Midlands and the North), the Saxons (in South and the Midlands) and the Jutes (the south and the southeastern) landed in Britain.By the late 7th century, Roman Christianity became the dominant religion in Britain.In the 8th century, the Vikings begin to attack the English coast.It is believed that the Norman Conquest of England marked the establishment of feudalism in England.By 1154, Henry II, William’s great grandson, ascended the throne and thus begin the rule of the House of Anjou (安茹王朝,1154-1485)in England, is also named as the House of Plantagenet.(金雀花王朝)Henry II built up a large empire which included England and more than half of France. ----Best remembered for the reform of the courts and laws.Richard I (son of Henry II) was killed in France, his brother John ascended the throne in 1199. ---- Richard I demands more feudal taxes and army service in order to avenge himself on France.The Magna Carta(《大宪章》), or the Great Charter is forced by the lords signed by John as it is more commonly referred to, on June 15, 1215.The Magna Carta(《大宪章》)contains 63 clauses. P16Although the Magna Carta was made in the interest of the privileged class, it was of progressive significance in that it granted the townspeople freedom of trade andself-government.The Magna Carta is regarded as the foundation of the British constitutionalism. Henry III, the son of King John, was crowed in 1216-1234.---wage a series of war on France to regain NormandyPrivy Council(枢密院)Common People(代议制)In the 14th and 15th century, several important historical events took place. Among them were the Hundred Year’s War and the Wars of the Roses.The Hundred Year’s War (1337--1453)Competitor: British and FranceReason: over the trade, territory, security, and the throne.Meaning:1.have a significant impact on English society.2.promote the concept of English nationalism and the development of the textileindustry.3.raise the social position of the bourgeois class(资产阶级)4.All these factors contribute to the decline of feudalism in England.The Wars of the Roses (1455-1485)Competitor: two great noble families---the House of York(约克王朝)and the House of Lancaster.(兰开斯特王朝)Reason: battle for power, wealth and the throneResults: the House of Lancaster win and the leader Henry Tudor becomes King Henry VII and start the House of Tudor.(都铎王朝)The Tudor family ranged England from 1485 to 1603. ---- a national state with an efficient centralized government and started changing from the Medieval to a modern country.Transition to the Modern AgeThe ReformationHenry VIII started the Reformation by declaring a break with Rome.1. A wholesale suppression of the monasteries and confiscated the property of thechurch.2.Issued the Act of Supremacy(《至尊法典》)and declared himself to be theSupreme Head of the Church of England.Queen Elizabeth I1.support the protestants2.tried her best to make peace by appeasing the Catholics3.Although working for the compromise between different religious factions, shedefended the fruit of the Reformation in essence.The Civil War P18—P19Reason: the monopolyKing Charles I was dissatisfied with the Parliament that declared the monopoly without its consent is illegal, so he dissolved the Parliament and ruled the country for 11 years.The first Civil War begins at 1642 and ends in 1646.Competitor: the Cavalier (the royalists) and the Roundheads (the Parliamentarian)In 1651, Cromwell destroys the army of Charles II and ends the Civil war. Meaning: P19Restoration and the Glorious Revolution (王位复辟及光荣革命)James II, brother of the Charles II, succeeded the throne and showed his readiness to reestablish Catholicism in England.In 1689, Parliament passed the Bills of Rights.(《人权宣言》)----limit the power of the monarch and guaranteed the authority of Parliament.Constitutional monarchy 君主立宪制The Industrial Revolution 工业革命Time: take root in Britain in the 18th century to the middle of the 19th century Reasons:1. A huge market----single domestic market and seize the most of France colonialterritory in Northern America, India----trading colonies2.England acquired from its colonies enormous wealth with which to develop itsindustry and accumulate a lot of capital through slave trade.3.The enclosure movement (圈地运动)4.The market demands for manufactured goods exceed the supply.5.Transportation↓↓Changes in Britain1.The most advanced industrial country2.Undergoing a process of mass urbanization3.New cities spring up4.Creating changes in the social class structure----the Capitalist class become themost important force, meanwhile, Proletariat come into beingNew inventions1.Spinning Jenny2.The water frame3.The spinning mule4.The power loom5.The steam engineThe Rise and Fall of the British Empire↓↓Formation of the EmpireThe Queen Victoria ascended the throne in 1837. (1837-1901)Achievements of Queen Victoria1.Encouraging further industrialization, the building of trade and the growth of tradeand commerce2.Adopting new policy—New Imperialism3.Developing a quarter of the global population and a quarter of the world’slandmassWorld War ITwo camps----the Central Powers 同盟国Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey ----the Allies 协约国France, Great Britain, Russia, Italy…The immediate cause of WWI lay in the conflict on the Balkan Peninsula.Direct cause: the Sarajevo eventWorld War IIReasons:1.the treaty of Versailles (sign in the end of WWI in 1919)2.relinquish all its colonies and to permanently disarm3.reparationsa policy of appeasement 绥靖政策↓↓ the rise and fall of British EmpireBritain Since World War II↓↓Why did Britain cooperate closely with American after WWII?? P260 III.3 Chapter 3 Government and the CommonwealthConstitutionBritish is a parliamentary democracy with a constitutional monarchy.The King and Queen is the head of state, their power in largely symbolic.↓The British Constitution is made up of 3 main parts: statutory law, common law, and conventions.↓The British government is characterized by a division of powers among the legislative, the executive and the judiciary.The Prime Minister, the head of the government, is also the leader of the majority party in Parliament.GovernmentThe Legislature↓Parliament is the law-making body of Britain.↓Parliament consists of the Crown, the House of Lords and the House of Commons.The importance of the monarchy is found in its effect on public attitude. It representsthe continuity and adaptability of the whole political system and is a symbol of British Unity, an indissoluble bond among people who retain many regional and cultural differences.↓↓The House of Lords, sometimes referred to as the Upper House, consists of life peers who are granted noble titles by the King and Queen on the advice of the Prime minister, a limited number of 26 Church of the England archbishops and bishops, and elected hereditary peers.↓↓The House of the Commons, though often referred to as the Lower House, is the center of the parliamentary power.↓↓The House of the Commons performs 3 major functions: P33最后一段重点关注1.drafting new laws—the most important2.scrutinizing the actions of the government3.influencing future government policyThe Executive↓The government is made up of the Prime Minister, the Cabinet minister and assistants to the ministers.Civil Servant 公务员The Prime Minister is the leader of the majority party in Parliament.The Cabinet is at the center of the British Political system.The Cabinet works on the principle of the collective responsibility and individual ministerial responsibility.Political PartiesThe British Parliament operates on a two-party system, which means that two political parties play the roles of the Government and the Opposition.↓The U.K. has many political parties, the three main being the Conservation Party, the Labor Party and the Liberal Democrats.↓The Conservation Party 保守党Class: Middle and upper-middle classBefore the World War II, the leadership of the Britain was almost continually in the hands of the Conservation Party.Functions:1.It supports free enterprise and privatization of state-owned enterprises.2.It is against too much government intervention, especially nationalization.3.It favors reducing the influence of trade unions and minimizing expenditure onsocial welfare.Conclusion: pragmatism and a belief in individualism↓The Labor Party 工党Created in: 1900Functions:1.Egalitarian economy2.Taxing the most affluent members of society and providing support for the poor3.Responsible for the provision of a range of public services4.Set up the National Health Service to provide high-quality, free health care for all ↓The Liberal Democrats 自由民主党Created in: 1988 by a merger of the Liberal Party and the Social Democratic Party↓↓What kind of public image does the Liberal Democrats have in Britain?Many people see it as comparatively flexible and pragmatic in its balance of the individual and the social.Election↓A general election is held every 5 years.The Commonwealth↓↓The Commonwealth of Nations is a voluntary association of independent sovereign states, all of which acknowledge the British monarch as the symbolic head of the association. The Commonwealth is not a political union of any sort, and its member states have full autonomy to manage their own internal and external affairs.↓The purpose of the Commonwealth is to advocate democracy, human rights and to promote economic cooperation and growth within its member.Chapter 4 EconomyRecent History of British EconomyAlthough Britain remained a member of the Great of Seven after WWII, its economy experienced a period of great difficulty and relative economic decline for the following reasons.1.Britain suffered great losses in the two World Wars.2.The era of British Empire was over3.Britain was forced to maintain an expensive military presence in many overseaslocations4.Britain failed to invest in industry after WWII.Thatcher’s economic policies in the 1980s1.Privatized state-owned industries and promoted a more competitive spirit in theBritish economyernment reduced old age pensions, shortened the period of unemploymentbenefits and cut child benefits3.Curbed the power of the trade unionsThe valuation of Thatcher:1.Remain, highly controversial2.Responsible for revivng the British economy3.Responsible for mass unemployment and a vast increase in inequality between therich and the poor4.Mrs. Thatcher’s economic record from 1983 onward was impressive. Achievement of Blair:1.Made the Bank of England independent2.In social policy, the Blair government changed the old Labor Party’s practice ofusing tax system, public expenditure and control to reduce inequality and put anemphasis on the minimum wage and supplementing low incomes.3.It emphasizes individual responsibility.Current British EconomyAgricultureEnergy ProductionManufacturing IndustryService IndustryForeign TradeChapter 5 Education, Media and HolidaysEducationEducational PolicyEducation in Britain is compulsory for all the children at the age of 5 and 16. Comprehensive school 综合学校Grammar school 文法学校Function: train the most academically capable students and prepare them for university.V ocational school 职业学校Function: help the less successful students to learn a trade↓Education in Britain is divided into 4 stages: Primary school, secondary school, further education and higher education.Children start primary school at the age of 5 and go on to secondary school at the age of 11 until 16.Two years more is prepared for higher education.University starts about 18.小升初11-plus学业水平考试GCSE高考A-Levels (General Certificate of Education-Advanced Level)Educational SystemThere are two parallel school system in Britain that is the state system (free of charge) and independent system (prestigious and time honored)—↓occupy the population of 7%.The National Curriculum is compulsory for state system, optional for independent system.↓↓Graduates from state school in Britain have a less favorable chance to enter famous university than those from independent schools.↓In Britain, the division between grammar school and vocational school was ended by the introduction of comprehensive schools in 1960s.MediaNewspapersBritain has one of the world’s oldest established newspaper industries.The Times first published in 1785.The Observer first appealed in 1791.The Times, The Guardian, and The Daily Telegraph are referred to as Britain’s “Big Three”.BBC (The British Broadcast Corporation)—“Beeb”—Britain’s main public service broadcasterThe BBC starts daily radio broadcast in 1922 and made its first TV broadcast in 1936. The BBC—certain thing—News, Documentaries [wildlife programs—(Life on the Earth)], costume drama, classic—BBC “Shakespeare” series, BBC World Service. British Sky Broadcast Group PLC (BskyB) 英国天空广播公司Holidays and FestivalsThroughout the year the British celebrate many holiday which reflect the religious, historical, social and cultural diversity of their country.1.The nation and mark important events in the Christian calendar2.Local customs and traditionsFestivalsChristmasPurpose: commemorates the birth of Jesus ChristTime: Dec. 25thCustom: exchanging gifts, Christmas cards, preparing holiday foods and decorating homes…Christmas Traditions:1.Christmas pantomime 童话剧2.Queen’s Christmas message3.Boxing Day 节礼日—people gives Christmas gifts and money to their staff andservant.EasterThe most important Christian festivalPurpose: commemorate the resurrection of Jesus ChristTime: a Sunday between Mar. 22nd and Apr. 25th on the first full moon after the spring equinoxBonfire Night—Guy Fawkes NightTime: Nov. 5th national festivalChapter 6 British LiteratureThe Old English Period and Middle English Period↓The most famous work in the old English period is the historical epic Beowulf. Norman Conquest in 1066—Britain enters Middle Age.↓The most significant Middle English author is the poet Geoffrey Chaucer.The Canterbury tales is his masterpiece.The RenaissanceIt was characterized by the admiration of the Greek and Latin classic works.The highest glory of the English Renaissance in unquestionably is drama.The first professional theater opened in London in 1576.Famous playwrights: Christopher Morlowe, William ShakespeareChristopher Morlowe: greatest pioneer of English drama-paves the way for the ShakespeareImportant play: The Tragical History of Dr.Faustus.his short life is ended in a deliberately planned political murder.William Shakespeare: is recognized in much of the world as the greatest of all dramatistsShakespeare's play fall into three categories: comedy, tragedy and historical play comedies: A Midsummer Night's Dream仲夏夜之梦The Merchant of V enice 威尼斯商人As You Like It皆大欢喜Twelfth NightTragedies: Hamlet 哈姆雷特Othello奥赛罗King Lear 李尔王Macbeth 麦克白Romeo and JulietHistorical play: Richard III Henry V Antony and CleopatraWhy Shakespeare is famous? P67最后一段The neoclassical periodJohn Milton-English poet, pamphleteer, historianTwin poem-L'Allegro Il PenserosoAfter he release, he retired into obscurity and produced his masterpiece, the epic Paradise Lost and Paradise RegainedAlexander Pope the greatest English poet of the classical school in the first half of the 18th century.His work: An Essay on Criticism The Rape of the LockJonathan Swift the foresome prose satiristHis work: Gulliver's TravelDianel Defoe --famous English pamphleteer, journalist and novelistHis work: Robinson CrusoeThe romantic period↓↓What is romanticism?At the turn of the 19th century, Romanticism appeared as a new trend in English Literature. It is a revolt against the prescribed rules of Classicism. Writers of Romantic literature are mire concerned with imagination and feeling than with reasonand intellect. William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge began the trend! bringing emotionalism and introspection to English literature with a new concentration on the individual and the common man. They are also representatives of the Lake Poets who lived in the lake district to expolre nature. Discontent with the development of capitalism, they sought literary refuge.Lyrical Ballads 抒情歌谣--a volume of poems—written by Wordsworth and ColeridgeThe major second generation of Romantic poets includes Lord Byron, Percy Bysshe Shelley and John Keats.↓George Gordon Byron—Lord ByronAutobiographical: Child Harold’s PilgrimageHis masterpiece: Don Juan↓Percy Bysshe Shelley—a great poet of revolutionary Romanticism in England Long poem: “The Revolt of Islam” “The Masque of Anarchy”Short poem: “Ode to the West Wind” “To a Skylark”Masterpiece: Prometheus UnboundThe Victorian Period↓↓What is Critical Realism??Critical Realism of the 19th century flourished I the 1840s and the early 1850s. The critical realists described the chief traits of society and criticized the capitalist system from a democratic viewpoint. The greatest English realist is Charles Dickens.↓Charles Dickens (1812-1870)Fierce critic of the poverty and social stratification of Victorian EnglandFirst novel: The Pickwick PapersBest-known novel: Great Expectation, Oliver Twist, A Tale of Two Cities, David Copperfield—his best and most autobiographical novel↓Jane Austen (1775-1817)—comic irony and moral firmnessNotable Works: Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park, Emma↓ Bronte sisters—Charlotte (1816-1855), Emily (1818-1848), and Anne (1820-1849) Charlotte famous work: Jane EyreEmily famous work: Wuthering Heights↓George Eliot (1819-1880)--“philosophical writer”Works: Adam Bede, The Mill on the Floss, Silas Marner, Middlemarch↓Thomas Hardy—English novelist and poet, one of the representative of the Critical Realism at the turn of 19th century↓Major works: The Return of the Native, The Major of Casterbridge, Tess of the d’Urbervilles, Jude the Obscure↓New literary trends prevailed at the end of the 19th century, such as Neo-Romanticism and Aestheticism.Representative of Neo-Romanticism—Robert LouisWork: Treasure Island, KIdnappedRepresentative of Aestheticism—Oscar WildeWorks: The Picture of Dorian GreyThe Modern Period↓↓The 20th century English literature can be roughly divided into two period—Modernism and Postmodernism.Modernism prevailed before WWII—a deliberate departure from tradition and is characterized by the use of innovative forms of expressions.FictionJoseph Conrad (1857-1924)—Polish-born British novelistFunction: His literary works bridge the gap between classical literary tradition and the emerging Modernist Schools of Writing.Virginia Woolf (1882-1941)—one of the leader writer of ModernismNovels: Mrs. Dalloway, To the Lighthouse, Orlando↓↓What’s the stream of consciousness?In her work she experiments with the stream of consciousness: the apparently unorganized flow of thought onto page. Writers who adopt this technique give precedence to the depiction of the characters’ mental and emotional reactions to external events, rather than the events themselves.↓James Joyce—Irish novelist—use of interior monolog↓D. H. LawrenceBest-known Book: Son and Lovers, The Rainbow, Lady Chatterley’s LoverPoetryWilliam Butlar Yeats (1865-1939)—Irish poet, dramatist, prose writerT. S. Eliot (1888-1965)—American-English poet, dramatist, literary criticSong Poem: The Waste LandDramaGeorge Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)—the winner of Noble Prize for Literature in 1925—An Irish dramatist, literary critic, socialist spokesmanDrama: Plays Pleasant and Unpleasant↓The most famous is Widowers’ Houses.The Postmodern PeriodFictionOne of the famous novels in the post-war period is George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four.↓William Golding—↓the winner of the Noble Prize for Literature in 1983—Works: Lord of the Files↓V. S. Naipaul—a Trinidadian-British writer—his pessimistic work is famous--↓the winner of the Noble Prize for Literature in 2001—Works: An Area of Darkness, India: A Wounded Civilization…Drama↓Samuel Beckett—an Irish novelist and playwright—↓the winner of the Noble Prize for Literature in 1969—↓famous work: Waiting for Godot↓Harold Pinter—English playwright— the winner of the Noble Prize for Literature in 2005The United States of AmericaChapter 8 Geography and PeopleGeographyGeographical FeaturesThe United States is located in the central part of North America.面积:9.6 million square kilometers 50 states(America is the fourth largest country in the world after Russia, Canada and China.)↓The United States can be divided into 3 distinct areas: the eastern part, the western part, and the Great Plains.The United States can be typically divided into 6 regions: New England, theMid-Atlantic States, the South, the Midwest, the Southwest and the West.↓↓ New England consists 6 states—Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont↓The South is composed of 16 states and the District of Columbia—grown frost-free ↓The West includes 13 states, including Washington, Oregon, California, Alaska, Hawaii…ClimateTaking the country as a whole, the climate of the United States can be classified as temperate, with some mild subtropical zones. The southern Florida and Hawaii are t ropical.Almost through the middle of the country, north to south, runs a well-known50-centimeter rainfall line, to the east of which there is comparatively more rain. To the west there is much less rain.Major citiesNew York—commercial and financial center of the United StatesNew York is composed of five boroughs.—Manhattan, Brooklyn, the Bronx, Staten Island, QueensEntertainment center: Broadway, Times Square, Wall Street, Fifth Avenue and Central Park.The Statue of Liberty standing at the gate of New York Harbor is the symbol of America.Washington—governed by the federal governmentHistorical places: Washington Monument, the Library of Congress…San Francisco—a center of oil-refining, chemicals, commerce, finance and the shipping center.Historical places: the transcontinental railroad, the Golden Gate BridgeLos Angeles—the second largest city in America—electronic centerChicago—the nation’s third largest city—founded in the early 1800s↓PeoplePopulationThe United States is the third most populous in the world.The most densely populated region is the northeastern part.Nation of ImmigrantThe westward movement 西进运动1. The majority of American people are descendants of the European immigrants.2. After the early periods of settlement, the first sharp increase in immigration took place in the 1830s and the 1840s.3. In the 1890s, another tremendous tide of immigration appeared, this time largely from Southern and Eastern Europe.↓Why was the Immigration of Act instituted? P107 第二段↓ How is the American population distributed? P106第二段↓↓Why is the United States regarded as a “melting pot” and a “salad bowl”? P107 Chapter 9--12 自己阅读!!!Chapter 13 LiteratureThough the nation won its War of Independence in 1783, its cultural independence did not arrive until the mid-19th century. Therefore, the history of American literature is also the history of the slow emergence of native elements and national characteristics. The Colonial and Revolutionary PeriodThe time of Colonial period: first settlement at Jamestown (1607) to the outbreak of the American Revolution (1775)The major topic deals with American Puritanism, which stresses predestination, original sin, total depravity, and limited atonement or the salvation of a selected few who would receive God’s grace.Jonathan EdwardsBest-known book is an intimidating sermon, “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”.↓The Enlightenment 启蒙运动↓The Great Awaking Movement 大觉醒运动Benjamin Franklin—political leader, diplomat, scientist and inventorHis famous work: AutobiographyContents: It recorded his rise from poverty and obscurity to wealth and fame. It is a record of spiritual growth in addition to self-examination and self-improvement. P164 The time of Revolutionary Period: refers to the period between 1765 and 1790.↓The Stamp Act 《印花税法》The more representative work of this period is Thomas Jefferson’s world famous Declaration of Independence.They respectively represent the dual nature of American Puritanism and American character: religious idealism and level-headed common sense.The Romantic Period。
