














狭义上的翻译就是将一种语言转化成另一种语言,即语际翻译(interlingual translation)。



例如,将“九牛二虎之力”译为“the strength of nine bulls and two tigers”。




归化(domestication)是指遵守目标语言文化当前的主流价值观,公然对原文采用保守的同化手段,使其迎合本土的典律,出版潮流和政治需求(Venuti,2001:240)〔1〕;或指在翻译中采用透明、流畅的风格(transparent, fluent style),最大限度地淡化原文的陌生感(strangeness)的翻译策略(Shuttleworth&Cowie,1997:43-44)〔2〕。



11. Constant dripping wears away a stone. 11.水滴石穿.
12. Creep before you walk.
12. 循序渐进。
13. Don't put the cart before the horse.
13. 不要本末倒置。
14. Don't trouble troubles until trouble troubles you.
11. Constant dripping wears away a stone. 12. Creep before you walk. 13. Don't put the cart before the horse. 14. Don't trouble trouble until trouble
境和风俗习惯的影响而具有不同的特点。 Drug : 药; 大麻(美俚)
1.2.5 社会政治
一些词语的意义,有时与社会政治密切相关。就 是说,社会制度相同,有关文化之间的差异就比 较少;社会制度不同, 差异就相对地多一些。如:
working class; peasant propaganda; Exploit (开发利用、获取利润) 汉语中是:“剥削”
1.2.6 文学艺术
文学艺术反映一个民族的感情色彩。 对待同一事物, 不同民族的文化感情色彩可能完全不同
Dragon, dog, ox
不同文化艺术中,人们还常常用不同的事物表达相 同的思想。
Work like a horse 像老黄牛一样干活。
As strong as a horse As stupid as a goose
Scope of translation



汉英翻译讲授人:高雷第一讲英语,你美在哪里?•1 音美•1.1 音韵《汉英双语现代汉语词典》对―音韵‖有如下解释:•(1)和谐的声音、诗文的节韵律(harmonious sound; syllabic rhyme and rhythm)•(2)汉字字音的声、韵、调(sound, rhyme and tone of a Chinese character)•1. His words are always more candied than candid.•2. Reckless drivers cannot be wreckless drivers.•1.他的甜言蜜语多于诚恳。

•2.司机粗心必出事故1.2 头韵•头韵是一种辅音相同现象,即两个以上的词的词首辅音相同。





•1. Let sleeping dogs lie.•2. Money makes the mare go.•3. Accident: car, caress, careless and carless.•1.让狗静卧。



•4. Penny wise and pound foolish.•5. S cientists S ee Planet outside S olar S ystem•6.三十岁之后,看见破旧肮脏的的士都心烦。



(太阳系以外的行星)•6. After thirty, even the sight of a shabby and sordid taxi may sicken me.1.3 腹韵•腹韵(assonance)(亦称―元韵‖或―准押韵‖)指谐音或发音相似,尤指词中元音的相似。

1-5:英汉互译实践与技巧 (课堂PPT)

1-5:英汉互译实践与技巧 (课堂PPT)
英国的J.Catford:“翻译是把一种语言的文字材 料替换为另一种语言的对等的文字材料。”
《现代汉语词典》:“翻译是把一种语言文字的 意义用另一种语言文字表达出来。”
Ⅱ. Nature and Scope of Translation
Translation is not a word for word activity
许建平 《英汉互译实践与技巧》清华大学出版社 2006年 郭著章、李庆生《英汉互译实用教程》武汉大学出版社
1996年 张培基 《英汉翻译教程》上海外语教育出版社 1980年 张光明 《英语实用文体翻译》中国科学技术大学出版社
2009年 连淑能 《英汉对比研究》高等教育出版社 1993年 李瑞华 《英汉语言文化对比研究》上海外语教育出版社
Ⅱ. Nature and Scope of Translation 翻译的性质和范围
英 国 翻 译 教 育 家 Peter Newmark : “ It is rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way that the author intended the text. 翻译是按作者的创造意图把一篇文章的意思 用另一种语言描述出来的过程。”
实用文体翻译1:简历 实用文体翻译2:求职信 实用文体翻译3:通知 实用文体翻译4:致辞 实用文体翻译5:企业或学校简介 实用文体翻译6:六级英语 实用文体翻译7:考研英语 实用文体翻译8:新闻英语 实用文体翻译9:论文题目、摘要 实用文体翻译10:科技英语
Suggested reading books and websites



英汉翻译教程张培基第一讲翻译原则简介一、教学目的:了解基本的翻译原则和翻译研究的问题二、教学过程:1.翻译的定义和内涵:(Definition and Connotation)Translation is an art/ science/craf2.中国几位翻译家的理论(influential translation principles)严复:信达雅-—- faithfulness/expressiveness/elegance。

The “three character guide" is regarded as a plumb—line of long standing to measure the professional level of translating.傅雷:神似--—spiritual conformity。

Emphasizing the reproduction of the spirit of the flavor of the original。


钱钟书:化境--—sublimed adaptation. Focus on the translator’s smooth and idiomatic Chinese version for the sake of the Chinese reader.刘重德:信、达、切-——faithfulness/expressiveness/closeness.3.中国翻译史上的论争:鲁迅:宁信而不顺-—-rather to be faithful than smooth。

目的:引入英文句式的表达法梁实秋、赵景深:宁顺而不信--—rather to be smooth than faithful 目的:可读性强,便于交流.4.直译与意译:直译—--literal translation意译:free translation直译的例子:crocodile tears鳄鱼的眼泪; armed to the teeth武装到牙齿; chain reaction连锁反应;gentlemen's agreement君子协定; one country, two systems 一国两制;The three religions and the nine schools of thought 三教九流;paper tiger 纸老虎; Breath one’s last——-断气; go to one’s external rest——-安息; the long sleep——-长眠;see Marx 见马克思; Go west 上西天; go to heaven 上天堂; blow out the candles 吹灯拔蜡kick the bucket 蹬腿:直译不等于死译(dead translation):街道妇女应动员起来打扫卫生:Women in the street should be called on to do some cleaning.“In the street" should be replaced by “in the community”.她一大早起床,进城,见到了她的公爹:She got up early, went to the town and saw her public father。



汉英翻译实践第一讲PART I:I. 原文(Source Text)水桥在巴拿马,有一座世界闻名的“水桥”,那就是巴拿马运河。




巴拿马运河就是通过水闸的关与开,让船舰跨越陆地的一座“水桥” 2。























II. 理解难点提示(Suggestions for Comprehension)1. 这里的“水闸”指什么?参考下文的“进闸池”、“出闸”。



旅游文本翻译要求准确传达原文信息,包括景点名称、 历史背景、文化特色等,同时要符合目标语言的表达习 惯,使游客能够轻松理解。
旅游文本翻译要注重语言的流畅性和自然度,避免生硬 直译,使游客能够感受到原文的美感和意境。
日常用语翻译要求准确传达原文意思,注意语言习惯和文化差异,避免出现歧 义或误解。
翻译时需注意原文的语气和情感,尽可能在 目标语言中传达出相同的语气和情感。
英汉两种语言背后蕴含着丰富的文化背景和传统习俗。在进行英汉互译时,译者需要充 分考虑到文化差异,对一些具有特定文化内涵的词汇和表达方式进行适当的处理。这包 括对文化概念的直译、意译、解释性翻译等策略的使用,以保留原文的文化内涵,同时
翻译时需考虑文化差异,避免因文化背景不同而产生 的误解,确保信息的有效传递。
商务英语翻译需遵循行业惯例和规范,译文要符合特定 行业的表达方式和习惯。
科技英语翻译要求术语准确统一,确 保专业性和准确性,避免出现错译或 误译。


严 复 钱锺书 朱生豪 许渊冲 傅 雷 王佐良
(1854-1921) 字几道,晚号愈野老人,别 号尊疑,又署天演哲学家。中国近代资产阶级 启蒙思想家、翻译家、教育家。1877年作为首 批海军留学生入英国皇家海军学院学习,在英 国期间除学习海军专业外,还精心研读西方哲 学、社会政治学著作,并到英国法庭考察审判 过程,作中西异同比较。
than she:
Be not her maid, since she is envious; 它是只配给愚人穿的。那是我
Her vestal livery is but sick and green 的意中人;啊!那是我的爱;
And none but foo》英文编译委员会委员,中共中央对外联络部
(1908-1966),一代翻译巨匠。早年留学法国, 学习艺术理论,得以观摩世界级艺术大师的作 品,大大地提高了艺术修养。回国后曾任教于 上海美专,因不愿从流俗而闭门译书,几乎译 遍法国重要作家如伏尔泰、巴尔扎克、罗曼•罗 兰的重要作品。数百万言的译作成了中国译界 备受推崇的范文,形成了“傅雷体华文语言”。 60年代以后,傅雷以其研究与翻译巴尔扎克著 作的卓越成就,被吸引为法国巴尔扎克研究协 会会员。他多艺兼通,在绘画、音乐、文学等 方面,均显示出独特的高超的艺术鉴赏力。 1957年被打成“右派”,但仍坚持自己的立场。 “文革”中因不堪忍受污辱,与夫人朱梅馥双 双含冤自尽,实现了文格与人格的统一。

英汉互译课件 第一讲:翻译标准

英汉互译课件 第一讲:翻译标准

【例11】We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills… 【译文】我们将坚持到最后,我们将在法国国土上作战,将在各 处海洋上作战,我们的空中力量将越战越有信心,越战越 强;我们将在滩头作战,在敌人登陆地作战,在乡村田 野、城市街头作战,我们将在群山中作战……
【例 3】 He Who keeps company with the wolf will learn to howl. 【译文1】 近朱者赤,近墨者黑。 【译文2】 与狼做伴,就要学会狼嚎。
【例 4】The time will come when the diesel engine will go out of use and the nuclear engine will be substituted for it. 【译文1】 柴油引擎被淘汰,使用核引擎的时候即将来临。 【译文2】 总有一天,柴油机会受到淘汰,而代之以核发动机。 【例 5】The Agreement is executed in Chinese. If necessary, it may be translated into English. 【译文1】 本协议以中文签署。需要时,可译成英文。 【译文2】 本协议签署的文本是中文文本。需要时,可译成英 文。



Chapter 1 Introduction of TranslationTeaching Objects:Ss will be able to grasp:1. History of translation in China;2. The definition of translation;3. Types of translation;4. The requirements for translators.Emphasizes:1. The definition of translation;2. Types of translation;3. The requirements for translators.Difficulties:1. The definition of translation;2. Types of translation;Teaching StepsBefore we formally begin to learn how to translate, there is some basic knowledge we must know. So in the first class, we are going to learn something necessary for translation. And they will be undoubtedly helpful for your translation.T asks Ss about what is translation in their opinion.(10 minutes)T encourages Ss if they are right and corrects their ideas if they are wrong.Part I. Introduction of the course. (20 minutes)1. Basic contents of the course.2. Requirements for students.3. Scoring of the course.4. After-class practice.Part II. The History of Translation in China. (35 minutes)In the history of China, there have been a lot of people who have made contribution for translation, such as 鲁迅,林语堂. And as you know, the famous criteria for translation is “信达雅”(here T can ask Ss if they know the criteria). So we are going to learn some important theory by famous translators, maybe litterateur. And of course, all their ideas are surrounded with the criteria of translation.1、三国时期,支谦著《法华经序》,“直译求信”。


原译:从那里,我可以看见下面的整个山谷,那田野、河 流和村庄。这一切非常美丽,见到后使我心Fra bibliotek充满了渴望 。
改译:从这里望下去,整个山谷一览无遗,只见那田野、 河流和村庄,全都美不胜收,真叫我心驰神往。
不能逐字死译 All that glitters is not gold. 原译:所有光辉灿烂的都不是金子。 改译:所有光辉灿烂的并非都是金子。 He sleeps late. 原译:他睡得晚。 改译:他起得晚。 I shall not expect you until I see you. 原译:我不期待你直到我见到你。 改译:你随便什么时候来吧。
Translation consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.
faithfulness, expressiveness and closeness
Transference of soul or spirit
“以效果而论,翻译应当像临画一样,所求的 不在形似而在神似。”
译文同原文在内容上一致,这叫“意似”,是 翻译的最低标准。译文同原文如果能在形式 上和精神上同时一致起来,或称“形似”和 “神似”,这是翻译的高标准。
贸易、文化、和平、人道等都离不开翻译,翻译在 历史上从未如此不可或缺……请大家试想一下,世 上一日无翻译会怎样……都将鸦雀无声。翻译工作 者就象电线中的电流,水管中的水流。

《 英汉互译(一)》第1课教案

《 英汉互译(一)》第1课教案

广西师范学院《英汉互译(一)》课程教案编号: 15-1 开课单位:外语系授课教研室:翻译写作课程名称:《英汉互译(一)》授课教师:唐旭光教材:《新编英汉互译教程》,授课对象:06级英语专业2、3、5班《英汉互译(一)》第一讲翻译简论与主要翻译方法(A Brief Discussion of Translation and Major Translation Approaches)1. IntroductionTranslation studies started along with translation practice. Translation theories developed flourishingly in the 20th century, especially in the second half of the last century.In fact, translation, which is a very complex phenomenon, is related to different disciplines, such as linguistics, psychology, sociology, cultural anthropology, communication theory, literary criticism, aesthetics, and semiotics. As translation study is a cross-discipline and cross-culture subject involving many aspects of human knowledge, the lack of a fully acceptable theory of translation should not come as a surprise. Meanwhile, quite a number of translation approaches and strategies have become universally acceptable and widely applicable. They are, of course, the fruits of many translation theorists and translation practitioners at home and abroad.2.The Origin of TranslationLanguage makes it possible for people to communicate with one another freely so as to complete important tasks in human life. Translation makes it possible for people from different languages to communicate with one another so as to complete important tasks in their life.Theodore Savory points out, “Translation is almost as old as original authorship and has a history as honorable and as complex as that of any other branch of literature”(申雨平, 2002:4).In Zhou Dynasty there were different forms of address for translators in different places. “Translators are called Ji in the east, Xiang in the south, Didi in the west, andYi in the north(东方曰寄,南方曰象,西方曰狄鞮,北方曰译)”(陈福康, 2000:3).3. Function of TranslationIt has helped people to better communicate with one another, and in the mean time it has facilitated the development of culture and civilization of all nations, such as the Sutra translation (佛经翻译)in China and the Bible translation in Western countries.Actually, translation, as a means to bridge different cultures, has been playing a very important role in promoting global economic and cultural development, and China in particular benefits a great deal from translation, which is obvious to all.4. Nature of translationOne school of theorists maintain that any interpretation is translation. Translation thus defined includes intra-lingual rewording(语言内的重新措辞), inter-lingual (语言之间的翻译或语际翻译)translation and inter-semiotic transmutation(符号转换).But most scholars who are interested in translation maintain that translation is a communicative activity which entails a most adequate or identical reproduction in a target language of a written message or text in a source language.5. Definition of translation in our textbook as follows: Translation or translating is a communicative activity or dynamic process in which the translator makes great effort to thoroughly comprehend a written message or text in the source language and works very hard to achieve an adequate or an almost identical reproduction in the target language version of the written source language message or text. In terms of its nature or character, translation is both an art and a science as well, since it calls for a good command of at least two languages, a flexible application of their rules, and some knowledge of at least two cultures, as well as a good grasp of the necessary translation theories.6. Other scholars’ viewpoints about the translation1). The traditional viewpoint about the nature of translation is that translation is an art only. This viewpoint is still maintained by Xu Yuanchong(许渊冲), a well-known professor at Beijing University, and a few other scholars.2). Professor Liu Zhongde vigorously advocates that translation is a science as well as an art mainly because of the following reasons:Firstly, like any other art and science, translation requires a good grasp and a flexible use of the necessary specialized knowledge and skills.Secondly, like any other art and science, translation calls for independent, honest and creative effort.Thirdly, just like any other art and science, translation demands that the translator be very careful about and highly responsible for his or her work.7. Principle for translationThe 13 statements on page 81). A translation must reproduce the words of the SLT(Source Language Text).2). A translation must reproduce the ideas (meaning) of the SLT.3). A translation should read like an original work.4). A translation should read like a translation.5). A translation should reflect the style of the original.6). A translation should possess the style of the translator.7). A translation should retain the historical stylistic dimension of the SLT.8). A translation should read as a contemporary piece of literature.9). A translation may add to or omit from the original.10). A translation may never add to or omit from the original.11). A translation should let the readers of the SLT and the target language text (TLT) have essentially the same response.12). A translation should convey what the SLT author intends to convey.13). A translation should satisfy the need of the client.Evidently, though each of the above statements is right in a certain sense, yet it is not adequate or comprehensive enough to serve as a translation principle. Some of the principles proposed by various translation theorists can find their expression in the statements given above. Interlinear translation is an illustration of the first statement. Yan Fu’s three-character principle can be a combination of statements 2, 3 and 6. Nida’s functional equivalence is best express ed in statement 11.8. Yan Fu’s Considerations for translation?Strictly speaking, a translation theory in its true sense in China originated from Yan Fu(严复). He proposed the famous triple principle for translation, namely, faithfulness(信), expressiveness(达) and elegance(雅).1). His faithfulness means that the translated text should be faithful to the original text, ie, the version should keep the content or ideas of the original.2). His expressiveness means that the translated text should be expressive and coherent without anything awkward. In other words, his expressiveness requires that the version should be fluid, smooth, and easy to read and understand.3). His elegance demands that the translated text should be exquisite and that its style ought to be very graceful.9. Professor Liu Zhongde argues against “elegance” as a principle for translation of the original styleHe argued eloquently against “elegance” as a principle for translation of the original style. We all know that not all works are characterized by the elegant style. Different writers display different styles. For instance, Lenin wrote in a bold style, and Hemingway wrote in a simple, symbolic style. Even the same writer shows different styles on different occasions for different purposes. Naturally, different works demonstrate different styles. Thus, it is impossible & absolutely wrong to achieve the effect of elegance in the translated text if the style of the original is not elegant.10. The compiler of the textbook in favor of “closeness”1). We are in favor of Professor Liu’s triple translation principle. He changed Yan Fu’s “elegance” into “closeness”, which represents his contribution to the translation theory. His “closeness” is central in meaning. It is suitable for translation of all types of texts with different styles.2). If the original text is characterized by the elegant style, the translator should do his utmost to render it into a graceful text in the target language whose style is close to the original elegant style.If the original style is highly technical with a wealth of technical terms, thetranslator ought to employ plenty of corresponding technical terms in the target language and make the translated style as close to the original technical style as possible.3). If the original style is colloquial with a lot of informal words and colloquial sentences, the translator should translate it into a text with an informal style as close as possible to the original one by using many colloquial words and informal sentences.If the original style is ornate, the translator should follow suit and make effort to render the translated style as close to the original as possible.If the original text contains some vulgar words and sentences, the translator is not entitled to replace them with elegant words or sentences, and he should reproduce the original by using some corresponding vulgar words and sentences in the receptor language. Translators are duty-bound to do so, for the simple reason that they are translators.4). As we know, Yan Fu’s triple translation principle is highly concise and well rhymed and quite easy to learn by heart, which is one of the reasons why it is still very popular in China today.Professor Liu’s triple principle is similar to Yan Fu’s in that it is equally concise and easy to remember.Though Professor Liu’s triple principle is n ot rhymed, yet it is very forceful and impressive, for the Chinese character “切” is uttered in the falling tone, carrying the implication that faithfully conveying the original style or rendering the translated style as close to the original as possible is absolutely necessary and worth the translator’s great effort.11. Nida’s principle for translationEugene A. Nida and Taber stated emphatically (1969:12): “Translation consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalence of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style”.His dynamic equivalence is defined as a translation principle, according to which the translator seeks to translate the meaning of the original in such a way that the target language text wording will produce the same impact on the target text audience as the original wording does upon the source text audience. Later on, Nida changed “dynamic equivalence” into “functional equivalence”, because it seemed much more satisfactory to use the expression “functional equivalence” in describing the degree of adequacy of a translation.12. The literal translation approachProfessor Liu Zhongde (1994: 172) defines literal translation as follows: “In the process of translation, literal translation treats sentences as basic units and at the same time takes the whole passage into consideration; a translator who attaches great importance to literal translation does his or her best to reproduce the ideas and writing style of the original work, retaining in the version as many rhetorical devices and sentence structures of the original as possible.”ExamplesHe is said to be a rough diamond.人们说他是一块浑金璞玉。



英汉翻译讲座(复旦大学讲义)unit1-5英汉翻译讲座(复旦大学讲义)Unit 1I. 英汉翻译原理第一讲:什么是翻译?【例1】 The history of a tree from the time it starts in the forest until the boards which it yields are used, would form an interesting and, in many instances, an exciting story.(“×”号表示译文有问题,下同)×树的历史开始于森林中,直到生产为木板后被使用为止,成为一个有趣且有许多事例的激动人心的故事。


【例2】There are two regulatory systems which interact. One timing system comes from the evidence of our senses and stomachs, and the periodicity we experience when living in a particular time zone.×有两个调节系统相互作用。





如:【例3】I can see three different types of composers in musical history, each of whom creates music in a somewhat different fashion.×我能看到音乐史上有三种不同的作曲家,他们中每一个人以某种不同的方式创作音乐。



• [4] 传说、说法等 • He’ll be very happy if that story holds up.
• [5] 热门、有意的渲染、谎言等 • The story about him became smaller and
by and by faded out from the American television.






I. 常用翻译技巧与方法(约40分钟) II. 基本理论(约30分钟) III.III.实践讨论 (20分钟)
• 第十五周:状语从句的译法 • 第十六周:词序调整法 • 第十七周:语态变换译法 • 第十八周:长句译法 • 第十九周:释义(意)法
• 定义9:“翻译是一种需要艺术创造性形象思维的 语际转换操作活动” ,“翻译是一种需要运用相 应科学(即有关学科理论)知识的语际转换操作 活动”。(曾利沙)
• 语言、文化、思维差异往往造成不同民族 语言使用者所用的语言具有不可对应的表o be no more to lay down one’s life to die martyr to expire to pass away to end one’s day to breath one’s last to go west to come to a violent death to give up to the ghost
• 定义3:“翻译就是用接受语复制出原语信 息最接近的自然本质体——首先就意义而言, 其次就其风格而言。”(Nida)

汉英翻译讲义第1部分 汉英翻译的过程

汉英翻译讲义第1部分  汉英翻译的过程

汉英翻译讲义第一章汉英翻译的过程:正确理解——充分表达——校核翻译时译者要牢记:1. The meaning of a sign is determined by the meanings of other signs.2. Each word when used in a new context is a new word.3. Words have no meanings, and people have meanings for them.1.1正确理解(Correct Comprehension) 理解原文要对原文进行语言分析、语境分析和逻辑分析等1.扑克牌打烂了。

2. 他的衣服穿烂了。

3. 走一步看一步。

4. 我银行里为你挂个名,你白天去走走,晚上教教我儿子,一面找机会,好不好?《围城》5. 海上花园海上仙山6. 国际旅游年7. 汉语茶话会8. 世界风云9. 半边天10. 中国留学服务中心11. 经济半小时12. 此复印件与原件相符。

1.2 充分表达(Adequate Representation)13. 虽败犹荣14. 特快专递15. 真好玩儿!16. 招贴即撕17. 减肥法18.中央电视台对外广播节目19. 他的节目不理想。

译文1:Her performance is not ideal.译文2:Her performance is ____________________________________.译文3:Her performance is ____________________.20. 他的英文水平比我高。

译文1:His English level is higher than mine.译文2:He ____________________________ than I (do).译文3:He ____________________________in English than I (am).21. 这山望见那山高。



长期以来,大家知 道心脏和肝脏的关 系是最主要的。

6、English favorห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ long compound sentences;Chinese short sentences. E.g.

Illness brought her a strange restlessness and made her all the more eager to cling to life and squeeze from it the last drop of happiness. It made her envy health, but it also made her sentimental over a leaf that the wind had blown into her room.


3、The translations of the western human sciences during the May 4th Movement. Hu Shi(胡适)、 Qu Qiubai(瞿秋白) Lu Xun and his brother (鲁迅兄弟); Zhao Jingshen (赵景深) 4、The all-round translations of the western culture after liberation, especially since the adoption of the reform-and-open policy. Fu Lei(傅雷); Qian Zhongshu(钱锺书); Jiang Feng(江枫); Xu YuanChong(许渊冲)
英汉翻译 E-C translation



Multi-point Perspective

汉英思维方式与语言差异(thinking patterns and language differences)

1.整体与个体(macrocosm vs. individuality) 2.悟性与理性(comprehension vs. rationality :汉语的模糊性(词性模糊、 语义模糊、语言单位模糊) 3.具象与抽象(concreteness vs. abstractness) 4.直觉与逻辑(intuition vs. logic)

(1)忠实:“忠实”指译文要忠实原文,准确表达其 思想,意义和文体风格。 例1:我的成功一半要归功于他。 译文1:Half of my success belonged to him. 译文2:I owed half of my success to him. 例2: 这台发动机出了毛病。 译文1:The generator has got some problems. 译文2:There is something wrong with the generator. 例3:啊!我不是诗人,我永远道不出我的爱,一种像 由音乐与图画所引起的爱。 译文1: Alas, I am not a poet! I shall never express my love, a love which is caused by music and painting. 译文2:Alas, I am not a poet! I shall never be able to express my love--- the kind of love as inspired by music and painting.

第1讲 汉译英概论 汉英翻译 教学课件

第1讲 汉译英概论 汉英翻译 教学课件

离开前请关紧窗户 Please close the windows tightly before your leave. Please close the windows securely before your leave.
大农业 Large agriculture Agriculture in a broad sense 法治 The rule by law The rule of law 依法治国 Rule the country Govern the country
素质教育、资源节约型社会和环境友好型社会 素质教育:quality-oriented education/competence-oriented education /character education We should be against the education controlled and dominated by various tests. A resource-saving and environmental-friendly society Promote resource conservation and environmental protection.
课程名称:汉英翻译 单元主题:汉译英概论 任课教师:赵挺 授课班级:英语071/072
课程名称:汉英翻译 课程目标:1)熟悉汉译英的基本概念、本质 和标准; 2)掌握常见的汉译英技巧; 3)驾驭各种不同文体的翻译(通 过不同文体翻译素材的训练)
“远来的和尚会念经” Far fowls have fair feathers(远处的鸟羽 毛更美丽) “面善心恶” A fair face hides a foul heart; “酒后说胡话” When wine sinks, words swim
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汉英翻译实践第一讲PART I:I. 原文(Source Text)水桥在巴拿马,有一座世界闻名的“水桥”,那就是巴拿马运河。




巴拿马运河就是通过水闸的关与开,让船舰跨越陆地的一座“水桥” 2。








这样,船已高出海平面26米,进入“桥顶” 4。















II. 理解难点提示(Suggestions for Comprehension)1. 这里的“水闸”指什么?参考下文的“进闸池”、“出闸”。

2. 为什么称巴拿马运河为“水桥”?3.“涨、高”指“开始涨、高”,还是“涨、高”到了足够的高度?考虑上文的“几分钟后”。

4. 这里两个分句是否平起平坐?考虑上文已经说过船“升高了16米,又升高了9.5米”。

5. “只见”是不是真的在描写“我们”在干什么?考虑上文的主语是“我们的游船”,不是“我们”;上文的宾语是“主航道”,下文接着是“两岸”。

6. “山”指hills还是指mountains?考虑1)上文说“桥顶”只高出海平面26米; 2)地理知识:巴拿马地峡很窄。

7. (我们的游船驶进了)“长达13公里的主航道,只见两岸山如刀削,绿树红花,景色十分秀丽”中各部分的层次关系如何?考虑“主航道”与“山”的空间关系,“山”与“绿树红花”的空间关系,“山”与“景色十分秀丽”的物与属性的关系。

8. 这里的“时隐时现”什么意思?参考1)上文的“驶入”,下文的“悠悠航行”;2)常识:“隐、现”可由光线明暗造成,遮拦物的有无造成,也可由观察者移动造成。

9. “驶入”与“出现”同时,还是先后?利用常识“运动是相对的”。


11. 这些话是不是作者的话?1)上文说“导游告诉我们”; 2)作文知识:“巴拿马人民是有志气的”是论点,而论点需要论据。

III. 译文(Target Text)A Water BridgeAcross1 Panama runs2 a world-famous “water bridge”, and3 that is the Panama Canal. Last summer vacation I went with my parents on a sightseeing tour along it, which4 is still fresh in my memory.Having got5 to Panama City by air, we boarded a pleasure boat in the port of Balboa and sailed into the canal. The boat traveled 13 km and reached the first group of water locks. The Panama Canal is thus a “water bridge” that allows ships to cross land by the opening and closing of water locks.We began “getting onto the bridge”. When the boat had sailed into the lock chamber, the steel gate, 2 meters thick, 20 meters high and wide and hundreds of tons in weight, slowly closed, and water began running into the chamber, which continued for a few minutes6. The boat rose with the water and advanced slowly, pulled along by power cars along both banks. Two lifts like that raised the boat 16 meters7. It sailed out of the lock across a small lake and came to the second group of locks, which raised the boat another8 9.5 meters. In this way, the boat, now 26 meters above sea level, had g ot onto the “top of the bridge”. It sailed along the main channel, which stretched 13 km between beautiful hills as steep as if cut apart with a sword and covered with green trees and colorful flowers9.The boat sailed out of the gorge and into the wide Gatún Lake, with10 white clouds and distant hills reflected in it and pretty isles passing into and out of sight11. After a leisurely journey of 38 km on the lake12, the boat came to the Gatún Locks, and there began its “descent down the bridge”. The Gatún Locks, three in number, looked like so many13 gigantic steps. After getting14 through the locks, the boat had descended to the same level as the surface of the Atlantic Ocean. The beautiful Caribbean Sea came into view as it15 sailed into the Limón Bay.We had come16 from the Pacific to the Atlantic, two great oceans separated by land but linked by the Panama Canal. The canal is 81.8 km in length and 150 to 304 m in width. Ships of 50,000 tons can pass it unimpeded all around the clock17. It is truly worth y of the name of “the Bridge of the World”. Full of hearty praises18 am I for man’s wisdom and courage in transforming nature! I admire you, the people of Panama!The guide told us that the Panamanian people had high aspirations. On the one hand, they were19 working to improve the existent canal, and on the other hand, they were planning for an even longer one, which20, it was estimated, would take 10 years to complete, and which21 would be the greatest project in man’s history. We look forward to its early completion22.IV. 表达讲解(Explanation of Expression)1. “在”译为across是由canal的形状与其同Panama的位置关系决定的。


2. “有”译为runs,是由canal的形状决定的。


3. 原文中没有“和”(意合),译文里用and(形合)。


4. 原文没有主语,是承前省,译文用了which,既提供了主语,又与前面的分句连接起来了。


5. 原文的“我们”在全句之首,译文中句首没有we,条件是原文句首用非限定分句或无动词分句。

6. 原文“几分钟后”属下句,译文which continued for a few minutes属上句,但描写的是同一事实,只是观察角度不同(视点转换)。
