
韩国驾照考试中文题(二)驾驶执照模拟考试21.下面是关于汽车在报废时的说明,其中正确的是?甲.把破旧车破碎后熔化叫做汽车的报废.乙.把汽车扔在公园或是山里面的叫做汽车的报废.丙.乱丢汽车是不会受到惩罚的.丁.回收破旧汽车的附件再使用是好的行动.2.汽车管理要领中正确的是?甲.鞋,等放在驾驶座位的下面.乙.为了让视野看的更远,不需要的东西不要乱贴.丙.因为室外后车镜不是很重要,所以不用调整.丁.根据个人的爱好可以把布娃娃随意的摆放.3.为什么要鼓励市民多使用大众交通?甲.交通部门的利益增大.乙.减少司机之间的危险感.丙.节省能量和保护环境.丁.为了发展大众交通.4.不可以超过乘车定员的是?甲.小轿车乙.市内公共汽车丙.乡村公共汽车丁.高速公共汽车5.关于服用药水的说明正确的是?甲.和服用医生开的药水中毒是没有关系的.乙.服用感冒药和驾驶能力是没有关系的.丙.服用麻药和麻药中毒是要受到刑事处罚的.丁.服用麻药和麻药中毒是不会受到刑事处罚的.6.关于信号器的红色信号正亮时的正确说明的是?甲.车马要停在人行横道之前的停车线上.乙.车马不可以右转弯.丙.车马快速进入交叉路口.丁.车马可以左转弯.7.货车载货量的标准正确的是?甲.从货车载货时开始算起高是3.5米以内.乙.从货车载货时开始算起高是3米以内.丙.从地上开始算起3.5米以内.丁.从声卡开始算起3米以内.8.在道路交通法上不属于车的是?甲.电动自行车乙.小轿车丙.建设用汽车丁.轮椅9.下列关于道路标志的说明中,不正确的是?甲.前方一直前进的话先到水源后到平台.乙.300米前方左转弯可以到银峰.丙.300米前方是十字交叉路口.丁.前方右转弯可以到达安城.10.在一般道路公共汽车专用路上,即使在不得已的情况下也不可以在专用公路上行驶的情况是?甲.出租车为了让乘客上下车而暂时通行的情况.乙.轿车(出毛病,被破坏)在不得已的情况下.丙.在堵车的情况下.丁.急救车在急救的情况下.11.下面答案中通行顺序最优先的是?甲.向上开的空车. 乙.向下开的空车. 丙.装满货向上开的车. 丁.装满货向下开的车12.轿车的速度在一般道路上的说明中不正确的是?甲.没有最低速度.乙.单向2车道比单向4车道的速度高.丙.任何车的最高速度都统一.丁.轿车的专用车道比一般道路的最高速度要高.13.在一般道路上和前面汽车最适当的安全距离是?甲.保持制动距离乙.保持空走距离丙.制动距离减去空走距离后停留1秒.丁.制动距离加上空走距离后停留1米.14.在高速公路单向1车道,面包车的最高速和最低速度是?甲.80公里/小时. 40公里/小时乙.90公里/小时. 30公里/小时丙.100公里/小时. 50公里/小时丁.110公里/小时. 60公里/小时15.下面是出发前安全驾驶的要领,不正确的是?甲.上车前先看车的前后乙.出发时用后车镜确认.丙.出发前要点出发灯.丁.停车空间小的话让同行人确认.16.正确的超车方法是?甲.开始超车-右方指示灯-确定安全-左方指示灯-超车结束乙.确定安全-右方指示灯-开始超车-左方指示灯-超车结束丙.确定安全-左方指示灯-开始超车-右方指示灯-超车结束丁.开始超车-左方指示灯-确定安全-右方指示灯-超车结束17.在交叉路口左转弯,危险性最低的是?甲.对面车道上正对面来的车.乙.在十字路口上行走的行人.丙.对面车道上正右转弯的车.丁.我车的右后面的车.18.在十字路口调头时,不需要注意的状况是?甲.对面车道上正对面来的车.乙.在十字路口上行走的行人.丙.我车的左,右,后面的死角部分.丁.路面窄的情况下,要以最短的回转半径调头.19.在单向1车道上,向小轿车后面的货车进路让步的义务说明正确的是?甲.任何情况下都没有让步的义务.乙.前车比后车的速度慢的情况下.丙.前车比后车快的话也要让步.丁.大车跟来的情况下,必须要让步.20.在信号灯和人行横道的信号灯是红灯时通过,请问违反了什么?甲.信号违反乙.违反停车线丙.保护步行者义务的违反丁.不履行安全驾驶的义务21.下列属于信号违法的是?甲.在妨害交通的情况下,非保护左转弯时左转弯乙.急救车在红灯时出现交通事故的情况下.丙.违反做奉事活动的海军战士的手信号丁.侵犯中央线的事故.22.在道路交通法上,关于步行者的说明正确的是?甲.骑着摩托车在车道行驶的.乙.在人行道上穿着旱冰鞋行走的人.丙.座轮椅的人不是步行者丁.推着婴儿乳母车的人不属于步行者.23.下面是踩刹车直到停车的制动距离的正确说明的是?甲.在油漆马路上同一速度行驶时的制动距离要比下坡时的制动距离长乙.在油漆马路上同一速度行驶时的制动距离要比下坡时的制动距离短丙.在油漆马路上同一速度行驶时的制动距离和下坡时的制动距离一样丁.在油漆马路上同一速度行驶时的制动距离要比干燥的路面下的制动距离要长24.如果对于违反停车的罚款有疑义时应向谁提出?甲.市长,郡守乙.警察厅长丙.地方警察厅长丁.管辖警察署长25.不属于随时适应性检查的对象是?甲.由于工伤所造成的后天性残疾人乙.休克患者丙.因肺结核长期住院接受治疗的患者丁.由于交通事故所造成的后天性残疾人26.小轿车不遵守车路变更的方法时,应扣多少罚分?甲.10分乙.15分丙.20分丁.30分27.高速公路的信号机和安全标志是由谁管理?甲.管辖地方警察厅长乙.管辖警察厅长丙.道路管理者丁.建设交通部长官28.被牵引的车被拍卖或是报废后所剩的钱在没有办法还给车主的情况下,应该怎样处理?甲.一直等到车主来取所剩的余款.乙.国库回收.丙.根据委托管理法的规定委托处理.丁.在公安局的公告板上14天公告后,不来去的情况下由国库回收29.如果在高速公路上的车的右轮胎被刺破的情况下该怎么办?甲.因为车会向右面倾斜,所以应把方向盘稍微向左倾斜后,慢行的同时轻轻的分几次踩刹车后停车.乙.因为车会向右面倾斜,所以应把方向盘稍微向右倾斜后,慢行的同时轻轻的分几次踩刹车后停车.丙.因为车会向右面倾斜,所以应把方向盘稍微向左倾斜后,加快速度的同时轻轻的分几次踩刹车后停车.丁.因为车会向右面倾斜,所以应把方向盘稍微向右倾斜后,加快速度的同时很用力一次性的踩刹车后停车.30.在道路交通法上"高速公路"的定义是?甲.为了让汽车高速行驶而设置的道路叫高速公路乙.为了只让汽车行驶而设置的道路叫高速公路丙.为了让大巴等大众交通通行而指定的道路叫高速公路丁.为了让保证其他高速行驶的安全在中央分离地带而设置的道路叫高速公路31.在高速公路上可以调头的地方是?甲.因为道路破损而修路的状况时,低速行驶的情况下乙.驾驶者在肃静的道路上,自我判断安全的情况下丙.我车行驶的道路由于塞车而停车,对面车道上肃静的情况下.丁.在高速公路上是不可以调头的,但是利用换车道是可以调头的32.高速公路通行方法中错误的是?甲.行驶时要在行驶车道上行驶.乙.超车时要在超车道上行驶.丙.低速行驶时要在靠右面的车道上行驶.丁.司机想慢慢的行驶时要靠路行驶.33.通过隧道时最正确的方法是?甲.前照灯的灯光要向上照.乙.在没有车行驶的车道上变更车道.丙.确定安全距离后慢慢的行驶.丁.在隧道里行驶时很危险,所以要反复的按嗽叭警告后车不要靠近.34.在运动时出现"暗顺应"的现象的原因是?甲.因为由亮的场所移动到暗的场所.乙.因为由暗的场所移动到亮的场所.丙.因为速度越快视野越窄.丁.在夜间行驶中受到对面车前照灯光的原因,所以看不到前面.35.防御驾驶的要领错误的是?甲.保持充分的安全距离.乙.驾驶时的注意力要扩放到4--5台车前面的动态.丙.刹车是要分几次踩,不可以一次到位.丁.正确的判断前车的动态.36.关于儿童通勤车的特别保护法的说明正确的是?甲.儿童通勤车在标出要上下车的标记时,这时在反方向单向1车道上行驶的车,要在儿童上下车之前,立即停车后慢行.乙.儿童通勤车在标出要上下车的标记时,在旁边车道的车要在儿童上下车之前慢慢通过.丙.如果不是学校,保育设施,学院等注册的儿童通勤车的话,也要申报后贴上教育凭证.丁.标有"幼儿.儿童"的儿童通勤车在行驶时,任何车都可以超过它37.急救车在执行任务时惹起交通事故,该如何处理?甲.执行完任务后再报警乙.必须由驾驶员自己报警丙.向乘务员采取事故措施并委托报警后,可继续执行任务.丁.只向保险公司申报就可以了.38.发生交通事故时,最正确的报警方法是?甲.用手机打114询问最近的警察署的电话号乙.向住址被管辖的警察署报警丙.如有负伤者应马上向消防所(119)等联系后,叫救护车.丁.发生交通事故的车,在警察未到之前是决不可以移动的.39.关于发生交通事故时的负伤者的紧急处理要领中不正确的是?甲.在负伤者没有意识的情况下,快速让其保持平躺的姿势乙.为了维持呼吸畅通,所以要确定气道没有异物后做人工呼吸丙.心脏不跳的情况下,做人工呼吸的同时要按摩心脏丁.出血的话要先止血40.不属于交通事故定义的是?甲.车在行驶时撞坏了物体的情况乙.车载着物体行驶的情况丙.车在行驶时撞死人的情况丁.车在行驶时撞伤人的情况41.撞伤人后没有采取急救措施并逃走的话,处罚是?甲.吊销驾照110天乙.吊销驾照40天丙.1年以下有期徒刑丁.刑事处罚和取消驾照42.罚分是由违规日或事故惹起日算起()年累积管理?甲. 1 乙. 2 丙. 3 丁.443.在道路交通法上可以考摩托车驾照的年龄是?甲.15岁乙.16岁丙.17岁丁.18岁44.轿车在交叉路口红灯时超过停车线停车,该罚多少?甲.2万元乙.3万元丙.5万元丁.6万元45.司机因违规被罚款,可是司机觉得很冤枉,所以不想交罚款,如果不交的话会受到怎样的处罚?甲.吊销司机A的驾驶执照. 乙.吊扣司机A的驾驶执照110天. 丙.司机A会被立即审判交罚款. 丁.扣押司机A的汽车46.要在前方有非保护左转弯标志的十字路口上左转弯,不正确的说明方法是? 道路状况前方已进入十字路口的直进车前方设有非保护左转弯的信号灯前方是绿色信号灯甲.无视前方的信号直接左转弯乙.对面车道的车已经进入交叉路口,此时不可以左转弯.丙.如果左转弯时妨害了交通的流畅,会按违反信号处理丁.左转弯的话一定要在不妨害交通秩序的情况下进行47.单向1车道上以60公里/小时的速度行驶中,发现前方正要左转弯的大巴车,这时应该怎么办?道路状况地方道路的单向1车路直进车路向左弯曲,视野的范围小甲.减速后慢行等大巴左转弯后马上前进.乙.直进车比左转弯车有优先权,所以减速的同时直接通过.丙.因为不知道大巴的后面是否还有车辆,所以将车停在停车线上,等大巴完全左转弯后再进行.丁.减速的同时按喇叭警告后面的汽车也许有停车的可能性.48.在市内的道路上行驶中突然发现手持白色盲杖的盲人正在横过马路,这时正确的驾驶方法是?道路状况前方正在横过马路的盲人后车镜内的车甲.盲人的行动比较慢,所以稍微减速的同时要靠左侧通过乙.先暂时停车后再点非常灯警告后面的车辆不要通过,一直等到盲人完全通过丙.因为对面车辆的车会有危险,所以要按喇叭的同时慢行通过丁.可以不用顾及后面的车辆,只要注意着前方车的同时,从盲人的后面绕行49.前方交叉路口正亮着直进和左转弯的绿色信号灯,想要跟着前车左转弯的话,应该怎么办?道路状况要左转弯的卡车和轿车后车镜里的车辆甲.因为前面的卡车挡住了视线,所以从卡车的左里面转弯乙.因为前面的卡车挡住了视线,所以从卡车的右外面转弯丙.因为前面的卡车挡住了视线,所以和前车的距离要远一些,让被挡住的视野的范围扩大一些后再慢慢的转弯丁.紧跟着前车,快速的转弯50.正在下雨的地方道路上行驶中,发现前方是有信号灯的交叉路口,此时正确的驾驶方法是?道路状况单向2车道(地方直路) 有信号灯的交叉路口雨天甲.维持现有的速度进入交叉路口乙.2车道的车驶进1车道后,在信号还没有变之前通过丙.在2车道上的车加速通过交叉路口丁.因为前方的视线有点模糊,所以减速之后再通过答案:1.甲 2.乙 3.丙 4.丁 5.丙 6.甲 7.乙 8.丁 9.甲 10.丙 11.丁 12.乙13.丁 14.甲 15.乙 16.丙 17.丁 18.丁 19.乙 20.甲 21.甲22.乙 23.乙 24.甲 25.丙 26.甲 27.丙 28.丙 29.甲 30.甲 31.丁 32.丁 33.丙 34.甲 35.丁 36.甲 37.丙 38.丙 39.甲 40.乙 41.丁 42.丙43.乙 44.丁 45.丙 46.甲 47.丙 48.乙 49.丙 50.驾驶执照模拟考试31.检查窗上电池的正常颜色是?甲.绿色乙.红色丙.黑色丁.白色2.自动变速器的杠杆,后退时应放在什么位置上?甲.P 乙.R 丙.S丁.N3.关于安全距离的说法中不正确的是?甲.在冰路上要比在干燥的路面上保持的安全距离要长乙.车速越低保持的安全距离就要越长丙.轿车专用道比一般道路要保持的安全距离要长丁.装载着货物的货车由于重量的原因,保持的安全距离要长4.不可以设置运行记录器的车辆是?甲.3吨以上的铲车乙.营业用出租车丙.市内大巴丁.35人乘的高速大巴5.红灯是可以的行为是?甲.直进乙.右转弯丙.直进和右转弯丁.左转弯6.不属于疲劳驾驶的原因是?甲.休息不足乙.长时间劳动丙.长时间驾驶丁.充分的休息7.不正确系安全带的方法是?甲.系腰部安全带的时候应把安全带缠在肚子上面松快的系好乙.一般是从左肩到下面的腰部横穿系紧丙.搭勾要结实的系牢丁.确定是否拧劲或是不牢固8.系安全带的好处中不正确的是?甲.有助于司机的宽视野乙.可以减少在发生交通事故时所受到的伤害丙.可以保持安全驾驶的姿势丁.会加重司机的疲劳驾驶9.绿色箭头信号正亮时的通行方法是?甲.只能右转弯乙.可以直进和左转弯丙.可以直进和右转弯丁.可以左,右转弯10.下面关于道路标志的说明正确的是?甲.450米前方是10号日竹出口乙.450米前方先到大田后到日竹丙.450米前方靠右侧前进的话可以到达日竹丁.450前方右转弯的话就可以到达日竹11.下面的标志代表什么?甲.10号高速公路 43号国道乙.10号地方公路 43号一般国道丙.10号高速公路 43号地方道路丁.10号地方公路 43号高速公路12.在多拐路或是歪曲路上不属于安全行驶的是?甲.在低速行驶的情况下要靠右边上路乙.不需要注意对面来的车辆丙.事前要充分的掌握道路的状况丁.不要使用急方向盘和急刹车13.儿童通勤车的后面标有"内有儿童"的字样,如果超车的话,应该受到怎样的罚分?甲.10分乙.15分丙.20分丁.30分14.使空走距离变长的重要原因是?甲.断路器的机油乙.路面的潮气丙.酒后驾车丁.轮胎的气压15.使制动距离变长的重要原因是?甲.驾驶时使用移动电话乙.疲劳驾驶丙.过劳驾驶丁.路面结冰16.在高速公路的大巴专用道路上行驶的标准是?甲.定员7人的面包车5人乘座的情况下乙.定员9人的面包车6人乘座的情况下丙.定员10人的面包车6人乘座的情况下丁.定员12人的面包车5人乘座的情况下17.通过铁路道口时,车出故障了采取的措施中错误的是?甲.用手机报警乙.马上告诉铁道公务员丙.把车放在原地人马上离开丁.让乘客先疏散18.过歪斜路的正确方法是?甲.一时停车乙.迅速通过丙.按喇叭的同时通过丁.注意的同时慢行通过19.在交叉路口右转弯的时候最不具有危险性的是?甲.对面车道上左转弯的车乙.对面车道上右转弯的车丙.我车后面的车丁.正在进入的车20.在交叉路口想非保护左转弯的话,正确的方法是?甲.绿色信号时可以通过乙.直进车比非保护右转弯车有优先权丙.非保护左转弯时出事故的话,对于信号违反可以不用负责任丁.红灯时可以通过21.儿童通勤车的申报标准是?甲.定员在9人以上的面包车乙.定员在11人以上的面包车丙.定员在15人以上的面包车丁.定员在17人以上的面包车22.想要驾驶儿童通勤车的话应该向谁申报?甲.警察厅长乙.管辖警察署长丙.管辖警察厅长丁.管辖地方警察厅长23.下列关于无照驾驶的说明正确的是?甲.即使是无照驾驶的话也不会受到刑事处罚的乙.只要考驾照时合格的话就不属于无照驾驶丙.不随身携带驾驶执照的话就按无照驾驶处理丁.吊扣驾照期间开车的行为属于无照驾驶24.可以在道路的中央通过的是?甲.军队的团体行列乙.在道路上清扫,维修,作业的人丙.属于社会性的重要活动,可以在市内的街道上进行游行活动丁.继嗣,闭幕式或是葬礼仪式的游行活动25.如果在夜间驾车时被前照灯的灯光闪的不舒服的时候,应该怎样正确的驾驶? 甲.前照灯的灯光向下打之后视线要稍微放在右侧的道边乙.前照灯的灯光向下打之后视线要放在车前方的近距离丙.眯着眼睛把视线放在车前面的部分丁.眯着眼睛把视线放在道边26.关于节省燃料的说明中不正确的是?甲.经常检修车的话可以节省燃料乙.经常检修车和节省燃料没有任何关系丙.定时换消耗品的话可以节省燃料丁.如果可以的话尽量不要载不必要的东西27.在哪种情况下可以不用夜间点灯?甲.雨天乙.下雪时丙.可视距离在100米以内丁.在高架道路上28.不属于不法粘贴物的是?甲.绿色方向指示灯乙.车牌照的荧光灯丙.牵引车的警灯和警鸣丁.车顶上设置的行李架29.关于夜间驾车的危险性的说明不正确的是?甲.视野范围缩小了乙.速度感增加丙.会发生酒醉后在车道上行走的状况丁.容易产生蒸发现象30.行人或汽车以外的车马横穿高速公路时的处罚是?甲.如果接受特别安全教育的话就没有处罚乙.30万元的渎职罚款丙.10万元的违章罚款丁.30万元以下的罚款或是拘留31.在什么情况下不可以使用手机?甲.在停车的情况下乙.驾驶员正在驾驶用于急救的救护车的情况下丙.在报警的情况下丁.有要紧的事,向恋人打电话的情况下32.在高速公路上行驶的观光大巴上的乘客没有系安全带,如果被警察发现的话,会受到怎样的处罚?甲.司机和乘客各付3万元的违章罚款乙.司机和乘客各付3万元的渎职罚款丙.司机付3万元的渎职罚款丁.乘客付3万元的违章罚款33.为了不让在雨天驾车时挂潮气,正确的方法是?甲.在出发前用油抹布多擦几遍乙.稍稍打开后座位的窗户换气丙.开暖风直到潮气都蒸发掉的时候丁.开空调直到潮气都蒸发掉的时候34.货车如果给正在人行横道上行走的行人危险的话,应该得到怎样的处罚? 甲.罚款6万元,罚10分乙.罚款7万元,罚10分丙.罚款7万元,罚15分丁.罚款6万元,罚15分35.夜里从亮处移动到黑暗的隧道时,会产后突然看不清楚的现象,产生这种现象最重要的原因是?甲.由于夜间的视力不如白天的视力乙.因为突然移动到黑暗的地方,所以瞳孔需要一点适应的时间丙.在暗顺应现象中视力不好的人会经常出现这种状况丁.被对面方向车的前照灯恍的看不见36.下面是关于酒后驾车的说明,不正确的是?甲.酒精浓度0.1%以上时,吊扣驾照乙.酒精浓度在0.05%以上时的驾驶叫酒后驾车丙.2年以下的有期徒刑或是500万以下的罚款丁.3次以上酒后驾车并惹起交通事故的话,应该受到的处分是吊销驾照并从取消驾照的那天算起3年内不可以应试37.取得练习驾照的人应该遵守的事项中不正确的是?甲.在练习驾驶的车的后面应贴上所规定的标记乙.禁止单独驾驶丙.禁止一天一小时以上驾驶丁.禁止驾驶营业用汽车38.车在高速公路上出故障时最开始采取的措施是?甲.按非常灯后把车停在道路的最右边乙.按非常灯后把再将车绕行丙.按非常灯后停车再修车丁.在车后方100米的地方架起故障车的标记后再修车39.下列说法中正确的是?甲.负伤者在意识微弱的时候应马上喂饮料乙.心脏如果不跳的话应该按摩心脏丙.胸口受伤的时候应该转身趴下丁.出血的情况下比止血更重要的是先看看呼吸道中是否有异物40.属于人工呼吸的是?甲.有脉搏没呼吸的情况乙.脉搏和呼吸都没有的情况丙.有呼吸没脉搏的情况丁.心脏完全停止跳动的情况41.发生了撞伤人的交通事故后不但没有采取救护措施并且逃走的话,几年不可以应试?甲.1年乙.2年丙.4年丁.5年42.如果偷盗汽车的话驾照该受到怎样的处罚?甲.吊扣驾照110天. 乙.吊扣驾照40天丙.渎职罚款丁.吊销驾照43.利用汽车犯罪的话属于违反了什么?甲.违反国家保安法乙.违反交通事故特例法丙.违反关税法丁.违反废弃物处理法44.司机B在前司机A在后,由于B的突然停车来不及刹车把B车的后面给撞了,您认为是谁的过失?甲.A 不对乙.B 不对丙.A B 都不对丁.A B 都对45.在交通特例法上的超速是?甲.超过最高速度10公理/小时乙.超过最高速度15公里/小时丙.超过最高速度20公里/小时丁.超过最高速度一点点46.正要进入高速公路的收费处,此时最应该小心的是?道路状况前方的收费处车道上不拥挤甲.靠左侧的前车乙.左侧正在通过的货车丙.正在交费的前车丁.后面的车47.以40公里/小时的速度从地道桥通过后在往上坡直行中,只能看到前方的绿色信号灯,这时应该怎样驾驶?道路状况地道桥出口处的上坡前方的绿色信号灯人行横道的预告标志甲.因为前方没有车,所以维持原来的速度进行乙.因为不知道前方是否有行人,所以要紧贴着中央线小心通过丙.在绿灯还没有变之前迅速通过丁.道路是上坡时的视野范围很有限.应该注意的同时慢行通过48.在一般道路进入高速公路的时候不需要注意的是?道路状况车的前面和后面的直行车后车镜内的左侧车路的车甲.要小心靠最右面的车道行驶的车乙.在加速车路上充分的加速后.确保安全距离后再进入主行道路丙.左侧方向指示灯一直要闪到完全进入主行道之后丁.先闪左侧方向指示灯,确定安全距离后再进入主行车道49.单向4车道的京北高速公路上,在2车道上主行的车后面的汽车要超车,这时正确的驾驶方法是?道路状况后车镜里的车同一车路前面的货车甲.以让步的精神进入右面的车路乙.向前面的货车发出信号,让货车加快速度丙.保持现在的状态行驶丁.要先超过前方的货车50.在住宅区的2面道路上行驶中,和下图的状况是一样的,正确的行驶方法是? 道路状况没有车线的2向道路上左前面正在玩耍的儿童甲.在注意儿童的同时要靠道路的右侧通过乙.先暂时停车后确定儿童的安全再慢行通过丙.保持原速通过丁.注意后面的胡同和玩耍的儿童,保持原速通过答案:1.甲 2.乙 3.乙 4.甲 5.乙 6.丁 7.甲 8.丁 9.丁 10.丙 11.甲 12.乙13.甲 14.丙 15.丁 16.乙 17.丙 18.丁 19.乙 20.甲 21.乙 22.乙 23.丁 24.。

一、道路交通规则1. 在道路上行驶时,您应该保持的最低车距是多少?答案:保持至少两秒的车距。
2. 当您看到交通灯由绿色转为黄色时,您应该怎么做?答案:减速停车,除非您无法安全地停下来。
3. 您正在高速公路上行驶,看到前方有人将会有动作。
4. 在新西兰,哪一辆车在交叉路口有先行权?答案:来自右方的车辆有先行权。
5. 在您行驶过程中,哪些情况不可以使用手机?答案:在驾驶中不可以使用手持电话或其他手持电子装置。
二、驾驶技巧和安全1. 在您要停车的时候,您应该将车轮面向哪个方向?答案:将车轮面向离开道路的方向。
2. 下雨天行驶时,为了增加能见度,您应该做什么?答案:开启车灯,调低车速。
3. 您在无人岛上待了几年,那么您准备出行时,应该如何适应交通?答案:您需要重新评估自己的驾驶技能,并可能需要经过额外的训练和测试。
4. 在高速公路上,您看到有紧急停车带是为了什么用途?答案:紧急停车带是为了紧急情况下停放或修理车辆使用。
5. 如果您的车在行驶过程中发生故障,您应该怎么做?答案:将车辆移到路肩上,打开警示灯,并尽快联系紧急救援。
三、交通标志和标线1. 蓝色背景多边形标志表示什么?答案:蓝色背景多边形标志表示服务设施。
2. 实线和虚线的区别是什么?答案:实线表示禁止变道或越线行驶,虚线表示允许变道。
3. 黄色菱形标志上有哪种图案?答案:黄色菱形标志上通常有基本交通规则或警示信息。
4. 绿色方形标志上有什么?答案:绿色方形标志上通常表示指示性信息。
5. 红色背景圆形标志上有什么?答案:红色背景圆形标志上通常表示禁止交通的指示。

[转载]美国驾照笔试题(NewJerseyDMV)[转载]美国驾照笔试题(NewJerseyDMV)原文地址:(NewJerseyDMV)">美国驾照笔试题(NewJerseyDMV)作者:GV格诺博原文地址: (NewJerseyDMV)"> 美国驾照笔试题 (NewJerseyDMV) 作者:GV格诺博Sample Questions of Written Test for Driver License (NJ)美國駕駛執照书面测试样題(新泽西州)1. An Agricultural license allows the operation of:1.农业的执照(许可证)允许的操作︰A: Farm registered vehicles for agricultural purposes only.答︰农场登记的车辆仅用于农业。
2. The shape of a Yield sign is:2.让步标志的形状是︰A: Triangle.答︰三角形。
3. A green light means:3.绿灯意味着︰A: Go when safe.答︰开过去当安全时。
4. At the time of your road test you must present:4.在你的道路考试时,必须出示︰A: A valid vehicle registration permit, insuranceID, Examination permit. (the answer is “above all is right”)答︰有效的车辆登记证许可证,保险ID,考试许可证。
(答案是"以上一切的就是正确的")5. 1 & ½ ounces of 86 pr oof of liquor contains the same amount of alcohol as: 5.1 & ½ 盎司的86 proof(43度)的酒包含相同数量的酒精是︰A: 12 ounces of beer.答︰ 12 盎司的啤酒。

Subject 1 Test Question Bank for Motorized Vehicle Drivers (Motor Vehicles) Traffic Control Bureau Ministry of Public Security科目一考试题库编制说明Compiler’s Notes to Subject 1 Test Question Bank本套科目一考试题库是按照修订后的《机动车驾驶证申领和使用规定》(公安部令第91号)要求编写的,用于各地公安机关交通管理部门组织机动车驾驶许可考试。
The subject 1 test question bank, compiled in accordance with the requirements specified in the revised Regulations on the Application for and Use of the Motorized Vehicle Driving Licenses (No. 91 Decree of the Ministry of Public Security), is designed for the use by the traffic control departments of the public security organs in various places in organizing the tests for motorized vehicle driving licenses.一、题库结构1.Structure of Question Bank题库分为汽车类和摩托车类两大部分。
The question bank comprises two parts: motor vehicles and motorcycles.汽车类题库共1500题,其中通用试题1315题、客车专用试题59题、货车专用试题70题、轮式自行机械专用试题51题。

驾校考试题及答案中文一、单选题1. 驾驶机动车在高速公路上行驶,车速超过每小时100公里时,应当与同车道前车保持多少米以上的距离?A. 50米B. 100米C. 150米D. 200米答案:D2. 机动车驾驶证被暂扣期间驾驶机动车的,处以多少元以上2000元以下罚款?A. 100元B. 200元C. 500元答案:D3. 驾驶机动车在没有中心线的狭窄山路上会车时,应当如何行驶?A. 靠左侧行驶B. 靠右侧行驶C. 停车让行D. 减速慢行答案:B4. 驾驶机动车在高速公路上行驶,遇有雾、雨、雪、沙尘、冰雹等低能见度气象条件时,能见度在50米以内时,最高行驶速度不得超过每小时多少公里?A. 20公里B. 30公里D. 50公里答案:B5. 驾驶机动车在高速公路上行驶,遇有雾、雨、雪、沙尘、冰雹等低能见度气象条件时,能见度在100米以内时,最高行驶速度不得超过每小时多少公里?A. 40公里B. 50公里C. 60公里D. 70公里答案:C二、多选题6. 以下哪些行为属于违反道路交通安全法律、法规的行为?A. 超速行驶B. 酒后驾车C. 无证驾驶D. 疲劳驾驶答案:ABCD7. 驾驶机动车在高速公路上行驶,以下哪些行为是禁止的?A. 倒车B. 逆行C. 穿越中央分隔带D. 在行车道内停车答案:ABCD8. 驾驶机动车在高速公路上行驶,以下哪些情况下需要开启危险报警闪光灯?A. 车辆发生故障B. 车辆发生交通事故C. 车辆需要临时停车D. 车辆需要超车答案:ABC9. 驾驶机动车在高速公路上行驶,以下哪些情况下需要降低车速?A. 遇到行人B. 遇到动物C. 遇到雨雪天气D. 遇到雾天答案:ABCD10. 驾驶机动车在高速公路上行驶,以下哪些情况下需要增加与前车的距离?A. 遇到雨雪天气B. 遇到雾天C. 遇到沙尘天气D. 遇到冰雹天气答案:ABCD三、判断题11. 驾驶机动车在高速公路上行驶,车速超过每小时100公里时,可以与同车道前车保持100米以上的距离。

美国驾照笔试题(New Jersey DMV)(附个别名词解释)来源:CSSA会报的日志美國駕駛執照考題Sample Questions of Written Test for Driver License (NJ)1. 1. An Agricultural license allows the operation of:A: Farm registered vehicles for agricultural purposes only.1. 2. The shape of a Yield sign is:A: Triangle.1. 3. A green light means:A: Go when safe.1. 4. At the time of your road test you must present:A: A valid vehicle registration permit, insurance, ID, Examination permit. (the answ er is “above all is right”)1. 5. 1 & ½ounces of 86 proof of liquor contains the same amount of alcoholas:A: 12 ounces of beer.1. 6. If a person get drunk in your home and has a motor vehicle accident, after leaving your home you could:A. Become involved in a Lawsuit.1.7. Studies show that the greatest number of people arrested for drunk driving have been drinking:A: Beer.1.8. If a person has been drinking, which of the following can sober them up: A: Time.1.9. Implied Consent Law means:A: On request of a police officer you agree to take a breath test to determine Bloo d Alcohol Content.1.10. The best way to reduce your chances of having an alcohol related accident is to:A: Not drive at all after drinking.1.11. When parking downhill on a street with a curb on your right, your carwheels should be:A: turned towards the curb.1.12. When driving at night be sure that you can stop:A: Within the distance you can see ahead.1.13. To maintain a proper following distance when driving, you should stay at least:A: 2 seconds behind the vehicle in front of you.1.14. The best way to make a curve is:A: Slow down before entering the curve.1.15. If not contracted by a “No turn on Red” sign, New Jersey law permits you to turn right on red after:A: Coming to a full stop and checking traffic.1.16. The New Jersey speed limit in a business or residential area unless otherwise posted is:A: 25 mph1.17. High beam lights are used for:A: Open country driving.1.18. After driving through a deep puddle you should immediately:A: Test your brake.1.19. If your brakes suddenly give out, the first thing you should try to do is: A: Shift to lower gear and pump the brakes.1.20. If you are arrested for drunk driving in N.J., your chances of beingconvicted are:A: 76%.1.21. On a 2 lane road not near a school, when a school bus has stopped and its lights are flashing:A: You must stop.1.22. You must pass on the right when:A: The driver ahead is turning left and there is a proper lane on the right.1.23. The 2-second rule can be used at any speed to help you:A: Keep a safe following distance.1.24. If you are involved in a motor accident resulting in injuries while your driving privileges are suspended, you are subject to:A: A fine, suspension of your driving privileges, and mandatory 45 days jail sentence.1.25. When nearing a steady yellow or amber traffic signal, you should:A: Stop before entering the intersection if possible.1.26. A person who holds a probationary driver’s license is subject to:A: An advisory notice upon being convicted of their first moving violation, mandator y attendance at a driver education program in place of suspension for second violati on-resulting in 4 or more points, also any violation after attending school will result in suspension.1.27. If you refuse to take a breath test and it is your first offense, the penalty is:A: Not less than $250 or more than $500 fine, 6 months license suspension and co mplete an Alcohol Screening and Evaluation Program at a country Intoxicated Resou rce center.??????????????????1.28. You are considered by Law to the under the influence when the amountof alcohol in your blood or BAC has reached:A: 0.08%1.29. Which of the following drinks contains about the highest alcohol content:A: 5 ounces of table wine, 1 & ½ounces of whiskey, 12 ounces of beer (The ans wer is “all of the above”)1.30. If you drink and have reached a BAC of 0.05% the risk if you causinga motor vehicle accident is:A: Double1.31. In the event of a crash of shoulder step the use of seat belts may:A: Keep you from being thrown from the car, keep you from hitting the windshield of dashboard, keep you from sliding off the seat and losing control of the car. (The answer is “above all is right”)1.32. The meaning of a h and signal when a driver’s hand and arm are straight out isA: Left turn.1.33. Hydroplaning is a driving condition where the tires lose tract on a wet road and floats on a layer of water or slush. When this happens you should: A: slow down.1.34. If a student driver commits a traffic offense, responsibility will be with: A: Both the student and the instructor.1.35. A person may operate a moped with:A: A valid basic license, motorcycle license or a moped license.1.36. If you have a tire blowout, you should:A: Slow down gradually.1.37. When the pavement is marked with two centerlines, one solid and onebroken:A: Passing is permitted only on the side with the broken line.1.38. When making a left turn from a two way street, you should get into the:A: Lane nearest to the center of the road.1.39. If you miss your exit on an expressway, you should:A: Go on the next exit.1.40. You should expect to see double solid center lines on:A: A winding two lane road.1.41. If you are going 50 mph, your total stopping distances on any road should be aboutA: 243 feet.1.42. When approaching a Railroad Crossing with flashing lights:A: Stop at the crossing.1.43. Signals should be used when:A: Changing lanes, when turning and or when slowing down.1.44. An articulated license allows the operation of:A: A commercially registered vehicle of 18.999 lbs or more joined by a coupling de vice.1.45. A signal, solid white line across a road at an intersection means:A: Stop behind the line for a traffic sign or light.1.46. The order of colors on a traffic light, hung top to bottom:A: Red, Yellow and green.1.47. Under the N.J. Point System a person having a license over 2 years after how many points will get a notice of license suspension:A: 12 points.1.48. After 2 to 4 drinks, alcohol begins to impair your:A: reaction time, coordination and balance and also your judgment.1.49. Drugs that may affect basic driving skill are:A: Cold pills, tranquilizers and some prescription drugs.1.50. Whether your Blood Alcohol Contest raises above legal limits, it dependson:A: Amount you drink, your weight and the time you take to drink.1.51. You could be either sober or under the influence when the amount of alcohol in your blood or ABC has reached:A: 0.05%1.52. The meaning of a hand signal when a driver’s hand and arm is downward is:A: Slow down or stop.1.53. To avoid highway hypnosis when driving on an expressway, it is a goodpractice to:A: Avoid looking at anything for more than a few seconds.1.54. Road surfaces are slippiest:A: During the first few minutes of rainfall.1.55. If you come to a 4-way stop at the same time as another driver you must:A: Yield to the driver in the right.1.56. To regain control when in a skid you should:A: Turn in the same direction the back of the car is skidding.1.57. If you go into a skid you should:A: Take your foot off the gas pedal.1.58. When a school bus has stopped directly in front of a school to pick upor let off children you must pass from either direction at a speed of no more than:A: 10 mph1.59. If 2 cars begin to enter an uncontrolled intersection at the same time, A: The driver on the left must yield to the driver on the right.1.60. To make a right turn you should:A: Get in the right lane.1.61. A flashing red light means:A: stop, proceed with caution.1.62. Driving while under the influence of alcohol beverages or drugs refers to:A: When your senses and judgment are impaired by alcohol or drugs of any kind.1.63. In city driving, a good habit is to:A: Look 12 second ahead.1.64. The speed limit in a school zone, unless otherwise posted is:A: 25 mph.1.65. When appearing or nearing an uncontrolled intersection, you should: A: Reduce speed and be ready to stop.1.66. Special permit may be issued at age 16 when:A: The application is enrolled in a behind the wheel driver’s education course of the Dept. of Education and or the applicant is enrolled in a commercial driving educati on course purchased by an approved driving instructor.1.67. New Jersey law allows up to 3 points to be subtracted from your drivingrecord if you have no moving traffic violation:2.、3.: For 1 year from the date of the last violation.1.68. A 12-ounce can of beer has as much alcohol in it as:A: 1 & ½ounces of 86 proof of whiskey.1.69. Driving while under the influence of intoxicating beverages means:A: Driving even if the driver has had 1 drink.1.70. The meaning of a hand signal when a driver’s hand and arm is upwardis:A: Right turn.1.71. It is a good practice to keep a space cushion to:A: Give you time to react.1.72. When driving around a curve your vehicle will tend to:A: Keep going straight.1.73. You should only use parking lights:A: When parking.1.74. You should always yield to:A: Emergency vehicle, pedestrians and other vehicles already in the intersection.1.75. Laws of NJ requires you to keep to the right except:A: When impractical to on that side of the roadway of passing and when on a one way street.1.76. When making a left turn from a two way road into a four lane highwaythe proper way to turn is:A: Approach turn from center lane of road and turn into a left lane.1.77. When must you signal before making a turn:A: At least 100 feet.1.78. How close may you park to a stop sign:A: 50 feet1.79. How close may you park to a corner:A: 25 feet.1.80. How close may you park to a fire hydrant:A: 10 feet.1.81. What is the proper distance you may park from a curb?A: 6 inches.1.82. What are the penalties for driving without insurance?A: 1 year of suspension of driver’s license and registration and $300 fine.1.83. Serious accidents causing death, injury or $200 damage must be reported in 5 days to:A: Division of Motor Vehicles.1.84. Points are only issued for:A: Moving violations.1.85. When will you be given a proposed License Suspension Notice?A: When you have received 12 points.1.86. What is the penalty for driving with a suspended license?A: $500 fine and up to 6 months additional license suspension.1.87. What is the penalty for not telling the truth when applying for a license? A: Not less than $500 fine and/or up to 6 months in jail and lost 6 months to 2 y ears privilege of driving.1.88. What is a good practice while driving?A: Avoid looking at anything for more than a few seconds.1.89. What is the proper lane to turn into when making a left turn?A: The lane nearest the center in the direction you are heading.1.90. When driving at night you should be able to stop now:A: Within the distance you can see ahead.1.91. What is the purpose of traffic laws?A: To protect you and other drivers.1.92. If you feel or hear an unusual thumping noise while driving it may be: A: The tires.1.93. What is the best advice if your car is stranded in a heavy snow?A: Stay with your car.1.94. What must you do if you want to turn left at a traffic light?A: Check intersection ahead for signals and yield to the oncoming traffic.1.95. If the front of your car vibrates the problem may be with your:A: Steering.1.96. What do two parallel white lines across the road mean?A: Pedestrian Crosswalk.1.97. Which lights should you use when driving in fog?A: low beams.1.98. What papers must you have when operating a motor vehicleA: License, registration and insurance card.1.99. When should you use your horn?A: If you are driving out of alley or you want to get the attention of the other driv ers.1.100. What should be done if two cars entering an uncontrolled intersectionsimultaneously?A: The driver on the left must yield to the driver on the right.1.101. Why should you use seat and shoulder belts?A: The increase your chances of surviving an accident.1.102. When may you pass on the right?A: If the car in front is turning left and there is a lane for driving on the right.1.103. What does a single solid white line across an intersection mean?A: You should stop behind the line for a traffic sign or signal.1.104. What does a yellow diamond shape sign mean?A: warning or caution.1.105. What way do you turn if you go into a skid?A: In the direction the back of the car is skidding.1.106. What direction should you check first when approaching an intersection? A: To the left.1.107. What is the most common mistake a new driver makes with the brake? A: Pushing the brake too hard.1.108. What is the best way to talk to the other driver?A: Through the use of your horn or lights.1.109. What does 2 red and white triangular sign mean?A: Yield.1.110. If the lights of oncoming cars are in your eyes, what should you do? A: Look to the lower right side of your traffic lane.1.111. The safest way to exit an expressway is to:A: Slow your car to the posted exit speed.1.112. What should you do if your electric signals fail to operate?A: Use hand signals.1.113. What should you do if you are angry or upset?A: Cool off before attempting to drive.1.114. What is a good practice at intersections that have no sign or signals? A: Be ready to stop if necessary.1.115. One of the best defenses against drunk drivers is:A: Proper wearing of a safety belt.1.116. How should you turn your wheels when parking downhill with a curb? A: To the right forward the curb.1.117. When approaching a railroad crossing with flashing light:A: Stop within 50 feet but not less than 15 feet of the nearest rail.1.118. You should always yield to:A: Other vehicles already in the intersection, pedestrians and emergency vehicles.1.119. If you want to return to the road from a dirt shoulder:A: Slow down, then turn, your wheels to climb the pavement.1.120. Driving while under the influence of intoxicating beverages means:A: The driver shows obvious signs of being drunk.1.121. When blood/alcohol content reaches 0.05%, o.10 % or 0.15 % your chances of getting into a serious or fatal accident will increases:A: 2 times, 6 times, or 25 times.1.122. What is an “abitual offender”?A: Any person whose license has been suspended 3 times within 3 years.1.123. The first conviction penalty for driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs is:A: $250-$400 fine and possible imprisonment for 30 days and loss of license for 6 months to 1 year and 12 to 48 hours in an Intoxicated Driver Resource center.1.124. With a blood alcohol concentration of 0.01% to 0.05%,A: You are presumed NOT to be under the influence.1.125. With a blood alcohol concentration of 0.05% to 0.10%,A: You may or may not be under the influence.1.126. With a blood alcohol concentration of 0.10% or more,A: You are under the influence.1.127. NJ licensed drivers must take an eyesight recheck:A: Every ten years.1.128. What is a good “rule of thumb” in adjusting your speed to traffic? A: One car length back for each 10 miles per hour speed or 2-3 second space bet ween cars.1.129. What is the “rule of thumb” for following distances on dry rods?A: Try to adjust your speed to the flow of traffic.1.130. What does the word “tailgating” mean?A: Driving too close to the vehicle in front, it does not allow you enough time to r eact if the vehicle ahead suddenly slows or stops.1.131. What does hydroplaning mean?A: losing the tire grip on wet roads and riding on a film of water.1.132. What is an uncontrolled intersection?A: One where there are no traffic signs or signals.1.133. When should you dim your headlights?A: In city driving and when following or meeting another vehicle within 500 feet.1.134. What is an acceleration lane?A: An extra lane provided at the entrance to an expressway.1.135. How far should you always keep feet behind signaling emergency vehicle?A: At least 300.1.136. How far can you park to a fire department?A: 20 feet.1.137. When should headlights be used?A: Between one-half hour before sunset and one-half hour after sunrise or the visibility is less than 500 feet or in the bad weather.1.138. If you lost your driver license you should report to?A: The nearest police station.1.139. If a person who is older than 18 sitting in the front seat without seatbelt, who is responsible for?A: The person him/herself.以上資料由Phoebe Chuang 提供UR Edu and Info Co. Ltd.詠瑞留學資訊公司台北市復興南路一段137號4F-1 (忠孝東路復興南路口/華南銀行樓上)TEL:(02)2731 6060 FAX:(02)2731 4412PS:名词解释The Hand SingalsYou must know these for the written testandYou will have occasion to use them in the Road Test.For turning leftFor slowing and stoppingThe right turn signal4-way stop:How to Handle a 4-Way StopBy an eHow ContributorDriving through most towns and cities brings you to a 4-way stop at some point. Wheth er it is at a stop sign or a red light, 4-way stops can confuse some of the most experi enced drivers. There is only one set of rules that applies to 4-way stops, although man y people don't follow them. Learn how to handle a 4-way stop by following these steps.Difficulty: Moderately EasyInstructions1.1Slow your vehicle when approaching a 4-way stop. As you stop at the stop sign or red light, notice if there are any cars at any of the other stops, or if there a re any approaching at the same time.2.2Stop your vehicle completely. This means that your tires are completely stopped and not rolling at all. If there are cross walk lines or painted indicators on the r oad, stop at the appropriate lines. If it is a stop sign and there are no lines onthe road, stop when the front of your car is even with the stop sign. If there i s something blocking your view of the other stops signs, you may move forwardonly after stopping completely at your own stop sign.3.3Look at the other stops to see if there are any other vehicles stopped or moving. The vehicles leave the stop signs in the same order in which they arrived. The first vehicle to arrive at a complete stop is the first vehicle allowed to leave the stop sign.4.4Know that if there is more than one vehicle arriving at the same time at the 4-way stop, the vehicle furthest to the right is allowed to leave first. Always allow at least a few seconds to make sure no one else takes off even if it your turnto leave first. Many people do not follow this rule, even though it is the legal way to leave a 4-way stop.源地址:来源:CSSA会报的日志|分享41|浏览165评论|分享|赞|举报。

NJ MVC - LogoNJ MVC-徽标New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission新泽西州机动车委员会Sample knowledge test样本知识测试The following test is an example of the questions on the written driver test. Answers to sample test下面的测试是对考驾照笔试测试问题的一个例子。
Example:示例︰A driver approaching a flashing red traffic signal must:接近一个闪烁的红色交通信号驾驶员必须︰a. Slow down at the lighta.慢下来b. Drive carefully without stoppingb.不停,小心驾驶c. Merge to the rightc.合并向右d. Stop before entering the intersectiond.在进入交叉路口前停下,(这个示例,网上没有答案。
)1. In New Jersey, persons under 21 years of age are considered under the influence (DUI) when their BAC is:1.在新泽西,人年龄在 21 岁以下被视为有影响(DUI),当他们 BAC 时︰a. .01a..01b. .05b..05c. .10c..10d. all of the aboved.以上所有的2. You can practice drive with a valid special learner's permit:2.你可以开车练习,具有一个有效的学习者特别许可证的驾驶者︰a. Between 12:01 a.m. and 5 a.m.a.在凌晨 12:01 至上午5点b. Between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m.b. 在上午9点至下午9点之间。
新泽西NJ驾照模拟试题 fine and limts test

01.In New Jersey, it is illegal for an individual who is 21 years of age or older to drive with a BAC of _____ or higher.0.02%0.08% ok0.04%0.01%The standard legal limit for NJ drivers who are over the age of twenty-one is 0.07%. In New Jersey, it is illegal for an individual who is 21 years of age or older to drive with a BAC of .08 percent or higher (N.J.S.A. 39:4-50). For individuals younger than 21, it is illegal to drive with a BAC of .01 percent or higher. Violators face severe penalties in addition to other penalties assessed for DUI/DWI (N.J.S.A.39:4-50.14). [How Much is Too Much?, Chapter 6- Drinking, Drugs and Health, The New Jersey Driver Manual]02.If a NJ driver is convicted of driving while in possession of drugs, his or her license will be lost for:90 days5 years2 years ok6 monthsIf a NJ driver is convicted of driving while in possession of drugs, his or her license will be lost for two years. The minimum fine for this conviction is $50.00. [Mandatory Penalties, Chapter 7- Driver Privileges and Penalties, The New Jersey Driver Manual]ADVERTISEMENT 03.Other than alcohol, which of the following is the most common controlled substance that contributes to auto accidents in the state of New Jersey, according to the Driver Manual:pain pillsmarijuana okallergy medicationsheroinMarijuana follows alcohol as one of the most common contributors to auto accidents in the state of New Jersey. [Drugs and Driving, Chapter 6- Drinking, Drugs and Health, The New Jersey Driver Manual]04.a driver has a BAC of 0.15%, he or she is ____ times more likely to cause a crash.2025 ok50According to the New Jersey Driver Manual, operating a vehicle with a BAC of 0.15% or higher puts a driver at a twenty-five times higher risk of causing an accident. [How Much is Too Much?, Chapter 6- Drinking, Drugs and Health, The New Jersey Driver Manual]05.The penalty for a first refusal charge may include loss of driving privileges for up to:six monthsninety daysthirty daysone year okUpon a NJ driver's first refusal conviction, his or her driving privileges may be lost for up to one year. [How Much is Too Much?, Chapter 6- Drinking, Drugs and Health, The New Jersey Driver Manual]06.A second DUI conviction will result in up to a ____ year loss of license. 4132 okUpon a NJ driver's second DUI conviction, his or her driving privileges may be lost for up to two years. [Mandatory Penalties, Chapter 7- Driver Privileges and Penalties, The New Jersey Driver Manual]07.If a New Jersey driver is convicted of driving at a slow speed that impedes traffic, ____ points will be added to his or her driving record.2 ok453Two points will be added to a NJ driving record upon conviction of driving too slowly and impeding traffic. [Moving Violation Point Chart, Chapter 7- Driver Privileges and Penalties, The New Jersey Driver Manual]08.A conviction of driving without insurance will result in up to a__________ loss of driving privileges.90 day1 year ok6 monthUpon a NJ driver's first conviction of failing to maintain auto insurance, his or her driving privileges could be lost for one year. [Mandatory Penalties, Chapter 7- Driver Privileges and Penalties, The New Jersey Driver Manual]09.Driving twenty-seven miles per hour over the posted speed limit will result in the addition of ___ points.5324 okDriving fifteen to twenty-nine miles per hour over the posted speed limit will result in the addition of four points. [Moving Violation Point Chart, Chapter 7- Driver Privileges and Penalties, The New Jersey Driver Manual]10.Driving thirty or more miles per hour over the posted speed limit will result in the addition of ___ points.435 ok211.A reckless driving conviction could result in up to ___ days in jail for New Jersey drivers.60 ok90303A reckless driving conviction could be accompanied by a jail sentence of up to sixty days. [Reckless Driving, Motor Vehicle Violations, Chapter 7- Driver Privileges and Penalties, The New Jersey Driver Manual]12.If a NJ driver is convicted of DUI, s/he will lose his/her license for a maximum of _____ for his/her first offense.6 months2 years1 year ok30 daysThe penalty is from 3 months to 1 year loss of license for the first offense. [Mandatory Penalties, Chapter 7- Driver Privileges and13.If a New Jersey driver is convicted of consuming an alcoholic beverage while operating a vehicle, he or she will receive an additional fine of _____ for the first offense.$150$50$100$200 okIf a driver is convicted of consuming alcohol while operating a vehicle, he or she will be fined $200.00 on the first offense and $250.00 on the second offense. [Mandatory Penalties, Chapter 7- Driver Privileges and Penalties, The New Jersey Driver Manual]14.A conviction of racing on a highway in the state of New Jersey will result in the addition of ___ points.5 ok34215.If a New Jersey driver is convicted of a third DUI charge within a ten year period, his or her driving privileges may be lost for up to ____ years.1510 ok52If a NJ driver is convicted of three DUI charges within a ten year period, his or her driving privileges will be lost for ten years. [Mandatory Penalties, Chapter 7- Driver Privileges and Penalties, The New Jersey Driver Manual]16.A second conviction of failing to maintain auto insurance will result in imprisonment for ___ days.714 ok103A second conviction of failing to maintain auto insurance may result in a jail sentence of fourteen days. The driver may also have to complete thirty days of community service. [Mandatory Penalties, Chapter 7- Driver Privileges and Penalties, The New Jersey Driver Manual]17.Driving eleven miles per hour over the posted speed limit will result in the addition of ___ points.5342 okDriving ten to fourteen miles per hour over the posted speed limit will result in the addition of two points. [Moving Violation Point Chart, Chapter 7- Driver Privileges and Penalties, The New Jersey Driver Manual]18.If ice falls from a NJ driver's vehicle and results in property damage, he or she could be fined up to:$750$100$50$1,500 okThe maximum fine a NJ driver may be required to pay for a conviction of ice falling from his or her vehicle and causing property damage is $1,500.00. [Ice and Snow, Motor Vehicle Violations, Chapter 7- Driver Privileges and Penalties, The New Jersey Driver Manual]19.NJ drivers who accumulate between twelve and fourteen points within a ____ period will receive a Notice of Scheduled Suspension by mail.5 year1 year6 month2 year okNJ drivers who accumulate between twelve and fourteen points within a two year period will receive a Notice of Scheduled Suspension by mail. [Driver Improvement Program, Driver Programs, Chapter 7- Driver Privileges and Penalties, The New Jersey Driver Manual]20.Upon a NJ driver's conviction of refusing to submit to chemical testing, he or she will be ordered to pay a insurance surcharge of _____ for three consecutive years.$100$500$1,000 ok21.Operating a vehicle on New Jersey's roadways demonstrates drivers' implied consent to:the search of their homestheir submission to chemical testing okthe release of their medical recordsnone of these answers are correctOperating a vehicle on a NJ roadway signifies a driver's implied consent to be chemically tested for drugs and/or alcohol. [Breath Test, Chapter 7- Driver Privileges and Penalties, The New Jersey Driver Manual]22.Failing to stop at a crosswalk will result in the addition of ____ points to a New Jersey driving record.452 ok3Failing to stop at a crosswalk will result in the addition of two points to a NJ driving record upon conviction. [Moving Violation Point Chart, Chapter 7- Driver Privileges and Penalties, The New Jersey Driver Manual]23.The maximum imprisonment for a first DUI offense in the state of New Jersey is _____ days.601030 ok90A first DUI offense could result in up to thirty days imprisonment. [Mandatory Penalties, Chapter 7- Driver Privileges and Penalties, The New Jersey Driver Manual]Which of the following does not generally lead to loss of driving privileges in the state of New Jersey:failure to appear in courtfailure to provide proof of insurancea single speeding conviction okFailing to appear in court, failing to provide proof of auto insurance, and driving with a suspended license, among other situations and convictions, may result in the loss of driving privileges in the state of New Jersey. [The Driving Privilege, Chapter 7- Driver Privileges and Penalties, The New Jersey Driver Manual]Which of the following fees must be paid upon a NJ driver's first DUI offense:$100 to drunk driving fund$75 Safe Neighborhood Fund$100 AERFall of these answers are correct okUpon a New Jersey driver's first DUI offense, he or she will be required to pay the following fees: $230.00 per day IDRC fee, $100.00 to the drunk driving fund, $75 to the Safe Neighborhood Fund, and $100.00 AERF fee. [Mandatory Penalties, Chapter 7- Driver Privileges and Penalties, The New Jersey Driver Manual]The fine for a first offense of failing to maintain auto insurance is up to: $100$250$500$1,000 okIn the state of New Jersey, a habitual offender is a driver whose license has been suspended ______ or more times in three years.4523 okA NJ driver will reach habitual offender status when his or her driver's license has been suspended three times within a three year period. [The Driving Privilege, Chapter 7- Driver Privileges and Penalties, The New Jersey Driver Manual]If a New Jersey driver is convicted of driving with a license suspended for a DUI conviction, his or her license will be suspended for at least an additional:1 year ok5 years6 monthsIf a New Jersey driver is convicted of driving with a license suspended for a DUI conviction, his or her license will be suspended for at least an additional year. [Mandatory Penalties, Chapter 7- Driver Privileges and Penalties, The New Jersey Driver Manual]Which of the following could result in a traffic conviction for driving under the influence in the state of New Jersey?illegal drugsalcoholprescription medicationsall of these answers are correct okSome prescription and over-the-counter medications, illegal drugs, and alcohol may contribute to DUI convictions in the state of New Jersey. [Drugs and Driving, Chapter 6- Drinking, Drugs and Health, The New Jersey Driver Manual]The maximum fine for a second DUI in the state of NJ is:$1,500$500$2,000$1,000 okThe maximum fine for a second DUI conviction is $1000.00. [Mandatory Penalties, Chapter 7- Driver Privileges and Penalties, The New Jersey Driver Manual]The insurance surcharge for a NJ driver who has been convicted of three DUI charges within a ten year period will be increased to ______.$2,000$5,000$10,000$1,500 okUpon a NJ driver's third DUI conviction, he or she will be required to pay a $1,500.00 insurance surcharge for three consecutive years. [Mandatory Penalties, Chapter 7- Driver Privileges and Penalties, The New Jersey Driver Manual]Upon a NJ driver's third DUI conviction, he or she could spend up to______ days in jail.9060180 ok120Upon a NJ driver's third DUI conviction, he or she could spend up to one hundred and eighty days in jail. [Mandatory Penalties, Chapter 7- Driver Privileges and Penalties, The New Jersey Driver Manual]What is the legal BAC limit for New Jersey drivers who are under the age of twenty-one?0.00% ok0.02%0.01%0.08%For individuals younger than 21, it is illegal to drive with a BAC of .01 percent or higher. Violators face severe penalties in addition to other penalties assessed for DUI/DWI (N.J.S.A. 39:4-50.14). [How Much is Too Much?, Chapter 6- Drinking, Drugs and Health, The New Jersey Driver Manual]Tailgating is a dangerous practice that will result in a ___ point addition upon conviction.45 ok32A conviction of tailgating will result in the addition of five points to a New Jersey driving record. [Moving Violation Point Chart, Chapter 7- Driver Privileges and Penalties, The New Jersey Driver Manual]Upon successful completion of an approved Driver Improvement Program, a New Jersey driver may have ___ points removed from his or her driving record.3 ok425Upon successful completion of a Driver Improvement Course, three points will be deducted from a New Jersey driving record. [Driver Improvement Program, Driver Programs, Chapter 7- Driver Privileges and Penalties, The New Jersey Driver Manual]If a driver is convicted of consuming alcohol while operating a vehicle a second time, he or she will be required to complete ___ days of community service.2030510 okA second conviction of consuming alcohol while operating a vehicle will result in the driver being required to complete 10 days of community service. [Mandatory Penalties, Chapter 7- Driver Privileges and Penalties, The New Jersey Driver Manual]New Jersey residents who are over the age of thirteen but under the age of eighteen may have their licenses suspended or postponed because of: suspension from schoolgraffiti okpoor gradesnone of these answers are correctNew Jersey residents who are over the age of thirteen but under the age of eighteen may have their licenses suspended or postponed because of graffiti charges. [Other Violations, Motor Vehicle Violations, Chapter 7- Driver Privileges and Penalties, The New Jersey Driver Manual]The minimum ignition interlock device (IID) installation period for a first DUI conviction is:six months1 year from the restoration of driving privileges1 yearsix months from the restoration of driving privileges okThe minimum ignition interlock device (IID) installation period for a first DUI conviction is six months. This period will begin after the driver's license is restored. [Ignition Interlock Device, Chapter 7- Driver Privileges and Penalties, The New Jersey Driver Manual]An improper passing conviction will result in the addition of ____ points to a NJ driving record.4 ok53Improper passing convictions will result in the addition of four points. [Moving Violation Point Chart, Chapter 7- Driver Privileges and Penalties, The New Jersey Driver Manual]A second conviction of failing to maintain auto insurance may result in a fine of up to _______ for New Jersey drivers.$1,500$500$50$5,000 okA second conviction of failing to maintain auto insurance may result in a fine of up to $5000.00 for New Jersey drivers. Additionally, he or she will be required to pay a $250.00 surcharge for three years. [Mandatory Penalties, Chapter 7- Driver Privileges and Penalties, The New Jersey Driver Manual]If a New Jersey driver fails to comply with a police officer's request to illuminate the inside of his or her vehicle during a traffic stop, he or she will be fined ______.$250$500$50 ok$1,000Which of the following are alternatives to drinking and driving?using public transportationcalling a taxiriding with a designated driverall of these answers are correct okCalling a taxi, using public transportation, and riding with a designated driver are some alternatives to drinking and driving. There is no excuse for operating a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol. [How Much is Too Much?, Chapter 6- Drinking, Drugs and Health, The New Jersey Driver Manual]Upon his or her second DUI conviction, a driver could spend up to _____ days in jail.6030120The maximum jail sentence for a second DUI conviction in the state of New Jersey is ninety days. [Mandatory Penalties, Chapter 7- Driver Privileges and Penalties, The New Jersey Driver Manual]A conviction of driving the wrong way on a one way street will result in the addition of ___ points on a NJ driving record.42 ok53A conviction of driving the wrong way on a one way street will result in the addition of two points on a NJ driving record. [Moving Violation Point Chart, Chapter 7- Driver Privileges and Penalties, The New Jersey Driver Manual]To cause the loss of license, multiple DUI offenses must occur within ____ years.5310 ok15If a NJ driver who is under the age of twenty-one is convicted of purchasing or consuming alcohol in a business, he or she could be fined up to _____ and lose his or her license for up to ______ months.$1000; 12$100; 12$500; 12$500; 6 okIf a NJ driver who is under the age of twenty-one is convicted of purchasing or consuming alcohol in a business, he or she could be fined up to $500.00 and lose his or her license for up to six months. [Driving Under The Influence (DUI), Chapter 7- Driver Privileges and Penalties, The New Jersey Driver Manual]The penalties for a first offense of refusing to submit to chemical testing in the state of New Jersey are equivalent to those for driving with a BAC of________.0.15%0.10% ok0.05%The penalties for a first offense of refusing to submit to chemical testing in the state of New Jersey are equivalent to those for driving with a BAC of 0.10%. Refusing to submit to chemical testing will not protect you from serious penalties. [How Much is Too Much?, Chapter 6- Drinking, Drugs and Health, The New Jersey Driver Manual]A hit and run conviction may result in which of the following penalties:loss of license for one year180 days in jaila fine of $5000all of these answers are correct okIf a New Jersey driver is convicted of a hit and run charge, he or she may be fined up to $5000.00, spend up to one hundred and eighty days in jail, and lose his or her license for up to one year. A second offense will result in the permanent loss of the driver's driving privileges. [Hit-and-Run, Motor Vehicle Violations, Chapter 7- Driver Privileges and Penalties, The New Jersey Driver Manual]According to the New Jersey Driver Manual, if a driver has a BAC of 0.05% or higher, his or her chance of causing an accident ________.doublestriplesis reduced by halfquadruplesAccording to the New Jersey Driver Manual, if a driver has a BAC of 0.05% or higher, his or her chance of causing an accident doubles. [How Much is Too Much?, Chapter 6- Drinking, Drugs and Health, The New Jersey Driver Manual]NJ drivers who abandon their vehicles along the roadside of limited access highways for more than _____ hours may be penalized.4 ok22412If a driver abandons his or her vehicle on a NJ limited access highway for more than four hours, he or she could be fined up to $500.00 and lose his or her driving privileges for up to two years. [Abandoning a Vehicle, Motor Vehicle Violations, Chapter 7- Driver Privileges and Penalties, The New Jersey Driver Manual]。

新西兰学习驾照考题与参考答案新西兰交规考试全部试题中文参考资料(仅供参考,请以Road Code为准。
Road Code可以在公共图书馆借到,或者在书店有售)1.以下人员要对你做酒精含量呼吸测试的时候,你必须同意: A救护车人员。
D警察(D)2.若车祸中有人受伤,驾驶人必须尽快通知警察,至少不超过: A 24小时B 36小时C 48小时D 60小时(A)你行驶在时速限制为100公里的区段,你看到一个"事故(ACCIDENT)"标志,你必须将时速降到:A 50公里 B 40 公里 C 30 公里 D 20公里 (D)3.谁有合法的权力要求你提供血液样本?A 警察,救护车人员,事故对方。
B 医生,事故对方,警察。
C 警察,医生,或被认可的人。
D 救护车驾驶员,被认可的人,或医生 (C)4.当你在环岛右转弯的时候,你必须:A 在过环岛的任何时候都不打转向灯。
B 进入环岛之前打左转向灯。
D 离开环岛的时候打右转向灯(C)5.当你向左转弯驶入车道的时候,要减速,并且:A 查看车道上无障碍物,然后驶入。
B 只有在你身后有车辆的时候才打转向灯,然后驶入。
C 打转向灯三秒钟以上,如果车道上畅通无阻,就驶入。
D 只有当有另一辆车向你驶来的时候才打转向灯,然后驶入(C)6.只有在以下情况下才可以在高速公路上停车:A 上下乘客。
B 遇到紧急情况。
C 车调头。
D 停车照相(B)7.如果在高速公路上错过了出口,你应当:A 倒车退回到出口 B 调转车头回到出口 C 继续开到下一出口(C)8.在铁道平行交叉路口红灯正在闪烁,你必须:A 火车开过去之后你马上驶过铁道。
B 减速,然后驶过铁道。
C 停车等待红灯停止闪烁。
D 停车,如果没有火车驶来,你可以驶过铁道(C)9.在未划车道线的路上行驶,你的车应当在哪一个位置上行驶:A 任何地方,只要是能使你看到对面驶来的车辆就可以。

汽车类题库(1500题)通用试题(1315道题)1.道路交通安全法律、法规和规章(441题)1.1道路交通安全法(131道题)1.1.1选择题:(86题) 《中华人民共和国道路交通安全法》是为了维护道路交通秩序,,提高通行效率。
A.保证车辆高速行驶B.圆满完成运输任务C.保护公民合法权益D.减少交通事故答案: C1.1.1.2 机动车经登记后,方可上道路行驶。
A.道路运输管理机构B.公安机关交通管理部门C.工商部门D.税务部门答案:B1.1.1.3 尚未登记的机动车,需要临时上道路行驶,应当。
A.取得临时通行牌证B.到公安机关备案C.直接上路行驶D.在车窗上张贴合格证答案:A1.1.1.4 申请机动车登记,机动车所有人不需要提交的证明或凭证是。
A.驾驶证B.身份证明和机动车来历证明C.整车出厂合格证明或者机动车进口凭证D.车辆购置税的完税证明或者免税凭证答案:A1.1.1.5 机动车在以下哪种情形不需要办理相应的登记。
A.所有权发生转移的B.用作抵押的C.进行大修的D.报废的答案:C1.1.1.6 已达到报废标准的机动车上道路行驶。
A.允许临时B.不得C.经维修后可以D.缴管理费后可以答案:B1.1.1.7 允许收缴、扣留机动车驾驶证的机构是。
A.道路运输管理部门B.公安机关交通管理部门C.工商部门D.税务部门答案:B1.1.1.8 驾驶人在道路上驾驶机动车时,。
A.可以不携带驾驶证B.可以不携带行驶证C.必须携带驾驶证、行驶证和强制保险标志D.应携带出厂合格证明或进口凭证答案:C1.1.1.9 驾驶人驾驶机动车上道路行驶前,应当对机动车的进行认真检查。
A.安全技术状况B.整体结构C.所有部件D.齿轮油答案:A1.1.1.10 机动车驾驶人车辆。
A.在没有交通信号时可以任意驾驶B.应当依法、安全和文明驾驶C.在没有交通警察时可随意驾驶D.可按照自己的习惯驾驶答案:B1.1.1.11 驾驶人在可以驾驶机动车。

一、交通标志1. 请问在日本,红色圆形交通标志代表的是什么?答:红色圆形交通标志代表禁止标志。
2. 蓝色交通标志在日本代表什么含义?答:蓝色交通标志代表指示标志。
3. 以下哪个交通标志是告诉您道路正前方有急转弯?a)b)c)答:c)二、交通规则1. 在日本,驾驶者应该使用哪边车道?答:在日本,驾驶者应该使用左侧车道。
2. 日本驾驶者的最高速度限制是多少?答:日本驾驶者的最高速度限制是时速60公里。
3. 在下列哪种情况下,您应该打开车头灯?a) 晴天b) 雨天c) 夜间答:c) 夜间三、交通事故处理1. 如果您在驾驶中不小心发生了轻微事故,您应该立即做什么?答:如果发生了轻微事故,您应该立即停车,并确保自己和他人的安全。
2. 当您发生交通事故时,您应该立即报警吗?答:是的,当您发生交通事故时,您应该立即报警。
3. 如果您的车辆被其他车辆刮擦,造成轻微损坏,您是否应该与车主协商解决?答:是的,如果造成的损坏很轻微,您可以与对方车主协商解决。
四、酒后驾驶1. 在日本,对酒后驾驶的零容忍政策是什么?答:在日本,酒后驾驶是绝对禁止的。
2. 如果您的血液中酒精含量超过法定限制,您将面临哪些处罚?答:如果血液中酒精含量超过法定限制,您将面临吊销驾照、罚款甚至刑事处罚。
3. 如果您正常饮酒,应该将饮酒量控制在什么范围内?答:根据日本法律规定,驾驶者的血液中酒精含量应该控制在每100毫升血液中0.03毫克以下。

日本驾校测试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共10题)1. 在日本,驾驶者在遇到行人过马路时应该:A. 减速并停车让行B. 按喇叭提醒行人C. 继续行驶D. 快速通过答案:A2. 日本的交通信号灯中,红灯表示:A. 停车B. 准备行驶C. 可以右转D. 可以左转答案:A3. 在日本,酒后驾车的处罚是:A. 警告B. 罚款C. 吊销驾照D. 以上都是答案:D4. 日本的高速公路上,最低速度限制通常是:A. 60公里/小时B. 80公里/小时C. 100公里/小时D. 120公里/小时答案:B5. 在日本,驾驶时使用手机是:A. 允许的B. 有条件允许C. 严格禁止D. 仅在紧急情况下允许答案:C6. 日本的交通规则中,关于安全带的规定是:A. 驾驶员必须系安全带B. 前排乘客必须系安全带C. 所有乘客都必须系安全带D. 仅在高速公路上需要系安全带答案:C7. 在日本,遇到救护车、消防车或警车时,应该:A. 保持原速行驶B. 靠右停车让行C. 加速超过D. 按喇叭提醒答案:B8. 日本的交通规则中,关于儿童乘车的规定是:A. 儿童可以坐在副驾驶座B. 儿童必须使用儿童安全座椅C. 儿童可以自由选择座位D. 儿童不需要系安全带答案:B9. 在日本,夜间行驶时,应该:A. 使用远光灯B. 使用近光灯C. 不需要使用车灯D. 根据天气情况决定答案:B10. 日本的交通规则中,关于超车的规定是:A. 任何时候都可以超车B. 只有在左侧超车C. 只有在右侧超车D. 根据道路标志决定答案:B结束语:以上是日本驾校测试题及答案,希望能够帮助您更好地了解和掌握日本的交通规则,确保安全驾驶。
新泽西NJ驾照模拟试题road signs practice test

This is a 'U-Turn Only' road sign.TrueFalse okThis sign means that u-turns are permitted from this lane. However, it doesn't have 'u-turns only' restriction and the driver can proceed straight ahead or make a u-turn.01.This sign indicates:trucks entering a highway okhigh occupancy vehicles entering a highwaydangerous goods vehicles crossing a highwayno entry for trucksThis sign indicates trucks entering or crossing the highway ahead. Drivers must slow down and watch for trucks.02.What does this sign indicate?Vehicles may cross the broken yellow line to pass or turn, if it is safe to do so okVehicles are not allowed to cross the broken yellow line to pass or turnVehicles are allowed to cross the broken yellow line only to turn, if it is safe to do soVehicles are not allowed to cross the broken yellow line under any circumstancesDrivers must drive to the right of the broken yellow centerline. When it is safe, they may cross this line to turn or pass another vehicle.03.What does this sign mean?Traffic must merge rightTraffic must merge leftTraffic must make a right turn onlyTraffic must make a left turn only okThis is a traffic regulatory sign. This sign indicates that the traffic must make a left turn only.04.What does this flashing yellow light indicate?Drivers must increase their speed and clear the intersectionDrivers must stop at the signDrivers must slow down and proceed with caution okDrivers must make a turn at the signA flashing yellow traffic light means that drivers must slow down, check for cross-traffic, and proceed with caution.05.This sign with the number '95' represents:the number of miles to the next exitthe exit numberthe maximum speed allowed on a highwaythe interstate highway number okThis sign represents the interstate highway route number 95.06.What does this figure indicate?A broken white line that allows passing okA car making a 'U' turnAn accident situation due to a less following distanceA broken white line that prohibits passingThis sign means that a broken or dashed white line allows the passing of a vehicle on the left.07.What does this sign mean?Do not take a left turnThis side of the road is temporarily closedDo not take a right turn okDo not mergeThis sign prohibits drivers from making a right turn. These signs tell you where you can go and where you can turn, often using an arrow symbol. These signs can be located on the side of the road or hanging over the lane of travel. Sometimes arrows are painted on the road as a supplement to the sign.08.This sign may be used to:inform drivers to make a U-turnwarn drivers of a one-way aheadinform drivers of a school zoneguide drivers into certain traffic lanes okFlashing arrow panels may be used in work zones to guide drivers into certain traffic lanes and to inform them that part of the road ahead is closed.09.What does this red octagonal sign indicate?A one-way signA no-entry signA stop sign okA yield signThis is a regulatory sign. You must stop near the sign and yield the right-of-way to other vehicles.10.What does this sign mean?A fuel filling station is aheadA hospital service is aheadA rest area is aheadA phone service is available ahead okThis sign is a service sign. It indicates that a phone service is available ahead.11.These signs located on freeways are called:work zone markersdynamic message signs okcrossroads indicatorsroute marker signsDynamic message signs provide important information to travelers. Messages can be changed to reflect the current conditions, route traffic, construction schedules, incidents, etc.12.What does this traffic sign mean?You may go straight ahead okOnly passenger vehicles are allowed to go straightYou are not allowed to go straightYou must stop before going straightA green arrow pointed upward means you may go straight ahead.13.What does this signal mean?Traffic island aheadTraffic must proceed with caution okTraffic must go without stoppingTraffic must come to a complete stopThis is a flashing yellow signal. Traffic must proceed with caution. Yield to vehicles and pedestrians, and proceed when it is safe.14.This diamond-shaped sign means that:a median is aheadthe road ahead has a dipthe road ahead has a bump oka hill grade is aheadThis sign indicates a bump in the road ahead. Slow down to avoid loss of control.15.What does this circular arrow sign mean?There is a roundabout ahead; prepare to yield to traffic okThere is a one-way road ahead; proceed with cautionA U-turn is permitted; go slowThere is a traffic merging area ahead; stop before mergingThis sign means that there is a roundabout (circular intersection) ahead. Drivers must slow down and prepare to yield to traffic in the roundabout.16.What does this road sign represent?Divided highway ends okMerge rightOne-way aheadKeep to the right of divided highwayThis sign indicates that the divided highway ends; traffic travels in both directions on the same road ahead. Keep to the right.17.What does this sign indicate?Vehicles merging ahead; do not increase the speed to 45 mphDrive with a speed of 45 mphA speed zone ahead; be prepared to reduce the speed to 45 mph okConstruction ahead; reduce your speed to 45 mphThe larger sign tells you that a speed zone is ahead. The smaller sign indicates what the speed limit will be.18.This sign indicates:a winding roada right curvea sharp right turn oka one-wayThis sign indicates that a sharp right turn is ahead. Drivers must slow down and be alert.19.What is the meaning of this sign?Gravel on the roadRoad is slippery and wetConcealed roadRoad shoulder is much lower than the road surface okThe sign shown here indicates to the driver that the road shoulder is much lower than the road surface.20.You can drive in a lane marked with this sign if:you are riding a bicycle only. okare riding a motorcycle.you are passing the vehicle in front of you.you are carrying two or more people.You can drive in a lane marked with this sign if you are riding a bicycle. This sign marks bicycle lanes.21.This arrow-marked sign warns of:a narrow road aheada sharp curve aheada winding road ahead oka median aheadThis sign warns of a winding road ahead. The road at the sign has more curves; drivers must go slow.22.This posted sign is a/an:speed indicator on highways okinterstate route markerspeed indicator at rotarieshill area speed limit signThis sign indicates the maximum safe speed allowed in ideal driving conditions on highways. 23.What does this traffic sign mean?Construction ahead after 1000 ftBeginning of an alternate road okParking zone aheadRight turn is prohibited after 1000 ftThis sign indicates that there is a road closure ahead, but there is an alternate route in 1000 feet.24.At 9:30am, beside this sign you are :not permitted to park. okallowed to park with a special permit only.allowed to park for less than 5 minutes.allowed to park.At 9:30am, beside this sign you are not permitted to park. You cannot park between the hours that are posted on the sign.25.When can you drive in a lane marked with this sign?If you are driving a vanIf you are riding a motorcycleIf there are two or more people in your vehicle okIf your vehicle is full of people26.If you'd like to turn right at an intersection with this sign:you are not permitted to turn right at this intersection.you must stop and then proceed with caution.you must wait for a green light. okyou can turn as long as no one is coming.If you'd like to turn right at an intersection with this sign you must wait for a green light to turn.27.This special traffic signal directs the driver to:make a left turnstopmake a right turn okgo straightThis five-section head signal is used to regulate right turns at intersections. The turning traffic has a protected right turn, meaning all oncoming or conflicting traffic is stopped.28.This sign indicates:the interstate highway number okthe distance to the nearest exitthe exit numberthe interstate highway speed limitTraffic guidance signs provide drivers with information about the type of road they are traveling, upcoming highway entrances and exits, and distances to various destinations. This sign indicates the interstate highway 70.29.This sign on a highway shows:a railroad crossing aheadan upcoming side road okan upcoming three-way stopa limited-access side roadThis sign shows an upcoming side road. You must look for other vehicles entering from that direction.This sign means:you must stop at rail tracks.you are permitted to drive on the rail tracks.railroad crossing up ahead.do not drive on railroad tracks. okThis sign means that you are not permitted to drive on the railroad tracks.What does this arrow-marked sign mean?You are approaching a left turnA sharp U-turn aheadYou are approaching a right turn okA sharp left turn aheadThis supplemental arrow on the route marker assembly means you are approaching a right turn to continue on that certain route.This image indicates:vehicles must not cross the solid yellow line, except to passvehicles must not cross the dashed white line under any circumstancesvehicles must not cross the solid yellow line oknone of the aboveYellow line markings separate multiple lanes of traffic going in opposite directions. Drivers should not cross solid yellow line.The broken yellow lines on the pavement mean:Traffic moves only in one directionPassing is allowed if done safely okThe left lane is used for bicycles and motorcyclistsNo passing allowedBroken yellow lines indicate that passing is allowed only when it can be done safely.You can drive in a lane marked with this sign if:you are passing the vehicle in front of you.you are carrying two or more people.are riding a motorcycle.you are riding a bicycle only. okYou can drive in a lane marked with this sign if you are riding a bicycle. This sign marks bicycle lanes.ADVERTISEMENT This arrow sign means:merge leftgo straightturn left or go straight okdo not turn left or go straightThis sign regulates traffic and directs the driver to turn left or go straight.This reflective orange triangle sign represents:A heavy truckA sign for fast-moving vehiclesA dangerous goods-carrying vehicleA sign for slow-moving vehicle okA reflective orange triangle sign is placed on the rear of a vehicle that travels at speeds less than 25 mph.The driver's arm position in the image indicates that:The car is in trouble and needs helpThe car is making a U-turnThe car is slowing or stopping okThe car is making a right turnThe driver's arm position indicates that the car is about to slow or stop.ADVERTISEMENT What does this sign mean?A hospital aheadA handicapped crossing ahead okPedestrians crossing aheadHandicapped parking aheadThe sign indicates a handicapped crossing ahead. Drivers must reduce their speed and proceed with caution. What does this figure indicate?A broken white line that prohibits passingAn accident situation due to a less following distanceA broken white line that allows passing okA car making a 'U' turnThis sign means that a broken or dashed white line allows the passing of a vehicle on the left. What does this regulatory sign mean?No U-turns allowedMust make a right turnDo not merge leftNo left turns allowed okThis traffic regulatory sign indicates that no left turn is allowed on the way.This service sign indicates:parking service is availableaccommodation is available okhospital service is availableamenities are availableThis is a service sign. Drivers are advised to use accommodation facilities, if needed. What does this sign mean?An acceleration ramp near a freeway; drivers must merge with freeway trafficA bump ahead; drivers must maintain a uniform speedA steep hill ahead; drivers must shift to a lower gear okA narrow passage near a hill; drivers must go slowlyThis sign warns drivers of a steep hill ahead. Drivers may need to slow down at the top or change to a lower gear.If you see this sign, you:can only stop to take a break.must park on the left of the sign.should not park on the left of the sign. okcannot park in the area.If you see this sign, you should not park on the left of the sign. You are permitted to park on the right.What does this sign indicate?Detour aheadKeep to the right of the traffic island okDivided highway endsTurn right for low-clearance underpassThis sign indicates that the street or a highway is divided by an island and approaching vehicles must keep to the right.This sign with the number '95' represents:the maximum speed allowed on a highwaythe exit numberthe number of miles to the next exitthe interstate highway number okThis sign represents the interstate highway route number 95.What does this sign mean?Road turns ahead; slow to a safe speed okNarrow bridge ahead; go slowRight lane exits buses exceptedMerging traffic ahead; stop and proceedThe road ahead sharply changes direction. Drivers must slow down to a safe speed.What does the arrow mark sign mean?Directional arrow okRest area open to the rightGo straightPrepare to stopThis is a directional arrow sign.These pavement markings mean:vehicles traveling in both directions can take left turns okA three-way roadvehicles traveling in both directions can take right turnsA one-way roadThese center lanes are reserved for making left turns (or U-turns, when they are permitted), but can be used by vehicles traveling in both directions. On the pavement, left-turn arrows for traffic in one direction alternate with left-turn arrows for traffic coming from the other direction. These lanes are marked on each side by solid and dashed yellow lines.What does this figure mean?Crew at work; vehicles must slow downA flag person ahead; go slowA school crossing ahead; vehicles must stopA pedestrian crossing ahead; vehicles must yield okThis figure means that a pedestrian crosswalk is ahead. Drivers must yield to pedestrians.What does the following sign from the driver indicate?The driver wants to make a U-turn.The driver is signalling to take a left turnThe driver signalling to take a right turn ok The driver wants to pass your vehicleThe driver is signalling to make a right turn.。

驾照考试题及答案英文1. What is the minimum passing score for a written driving test in most states?A) 70%B) 80%C) 90%D) 95%Answer: B) 80%2. Which of the following is a common requirement for obtaining a driver's license?A) Passing a written testB) Passing a vision testC) Passing a road testD) All of the aboveAnswer: D) All of the above3. What does the acronym "DWI" stand for?A) Driving While IntoxicatedB) Driving With IntentC) Driving Without InsuranceD) Driving While InjuredAnswer: A) Driving While Intoxicated4. When should you use your hazard lights?A) When your vehicle is broken down on the side of the roadB) When you are driving in heavy fogC) When you are parked in a parking lotD) A and B onlyAnswer: D) A and B only5. What is the primary purpose of a driver's license?A) To prove you can driveB) To identify you as a legal driverC) To show your ageD) To track your driving historyAnswer: B) To identify you as a legal driver6. What is the maximum blood alcohol concentration (BAC) allowed for drivers in most states?A) 0.05%B) 0.08%C) 0.15%D) 0.02%Answer: B) 0.08%7. What is the first thing you should do if you are involved in a car accident?A) Call the policeB) Exchange insurance information with the other driverC) Take photos of the damageD) A and B onlyAnswer: D) A and B only8. What does the "right of way" mean?A) The right to pass another vehicleB) The right to proceed through an intersection firstC) The right to drive on the right side of the roadD) The right to make a U-turn at any timeAnswer: B) The right to proceed through an intersection first9. What is the speed limit in residential areas?A) 15 mphB) 25 mphC) 35 mphD) 55 mphAnswer: B) 25 mph (Note: This is a general answer; actual speed limits may vary by location.)10. What is the legal requirement for wearing a seat belt?A) All passengers must wear seat beltsB) Only drivers must wear seat beltsC) Only children must wear seat beltsD) No one is required to wear seat beltsAnswer: A) All passengers must wear seat belts。

驾驶执照模拟考试题11.下面答中关于如何正确管理汽车牌照的方法是?甲.破损的汽车牌照没有市.道知事(地方政府)的许可,可以摘下来.乙.如果汽车牌照破损的情况下可以重新申请,取新牌照.丙.本人如果破损或是丢失车牌照的情况下,不可以重新申请,取新牌照. 丁.汽车牌照在视觉上辨认困难的情况下,不会受到处分.2.下面答中关于汽车轮胎说明的正确的管理方法是?甲.轮胎可以使用到表面磨损时.乙.轮胎的空气压越多越好.丙.轮胎的位置,周期性的交换,可以起到保护轮胎的效果.丁.轮胎和燃费是没有关系的.3.选择汽车时不需要考虑的是?甲.驾驶者的身份.乙.安全性和性能.丙.节省型汽车.丁.需要的用途.4.驾驶执照所持者可以不用遵守的义务是?甲.随身携带驾驶执照的义务.乙.出示驾驶执照的义务.丙.驾驶执照再发给的义务.丁.驾驶执照反还的义务.5.缺乏耐心的驾驶员的行动是?甲.遵守速度乙.夹空.丙.遵守信号.丁.遵守法规.6.通过上坡时最正确的驾驶方法是?甲.因为看不清楚对面方向的情况,所以注意的同时缓行通过.乙.紧跟着前面的车,快速通过.丙.先停车确定安全后,再慢行通过.丁.向对面的车按喇叭,让其注意后慢行通过.7.下列选项中可以不用系安全带的是?甲.在高速公路上行驶的观光公共汽车的驾驶员.乙.在高速公路上行驶的观光公共汽车的乘客.丙.一般道路上行驶的出租车司机.丁.一般道路上行驶的出租车后座位的乘客.8.前方黄色渐灭灯正闪烁,这时最正确的通行方法是?甲.必需先停车后,再注意周围的交通情况进行.乙.注意周围交通情况的同时进行.丙.迅速的通过交叉路口.丁.慢行通过交叉路口.9.下面的安全标记的意思是?甲.两侧通行.乙.上坡下坡.丙.左右合入道路.丁.中心分离地带结束.10.关于交通信号和安全标记的说明中,错误的是?甲.在交警的手信号和信号灯的指示不一样的时候,要服从交警的手信号. 乙.黄色信号时加速通过停止线.丙.交通安全中有注意标记.规定标记.指示标记,路面标记.丁.安全标记的管理可以由地方警察厅长或警察厅长委任(委托).11.关于黄色信号灯正确的是?甲.可以右转弯.乙.非保护左转弯时可以左转弯.丙.黄色信号时已经进入交叉路口,这时候应该慢慢的通过.丁.快变成黄色信号灯之前先停车后再通过.12.下面关于通行量的不同,行驶的方向可以转换的是?甲.变换车路.乙.多人乘车路.丙.可变车路.丁.变速车路.13.下列答案中通行顺序排在最前面的是?甲.小型乘用汽车.乙.紧急用汽车.丙.大型乘用汽车.丁.原动力装置的自行车.14.下面是关于速度的说明.其中错误的是?甲.冲击力速度提供的比例大乙.速度越快视野的范围越大.丙.灭完火的消防车在返回时的速度是受到限制的.丁.速度快的话视力会下降很危险.15.在单向2车路的高速公路上超过1.5吨货车的最高速度是多少? 甲.60公里以下.乙.80公里以下.丙.90公里以下.丁.100公里以下.16.在雪覆盖未满20mm的京北高速公路上行驶的轿车的最高速度是? 甲.60公里以下.乙.80公里以下.丙.90公里以下.丁.100公里以下.17.步行灯上的绿色灯渐灭时,最正确的通行方法是?甲.还没有进入人行横道的人等下一次绿灯时通过.乙.已经进入人行横道的车辆可以慢慢的出发.丙.在人行横道的人必需跑着通过.丁.变成红灯之前.不管在任何情况下都不可以通过人行横道.18.可以夹空的情况是?甲.遵守警察指示的车前面.乙.装有货物的大型货车的前面.丙.防止危险状况的停止的车的前面.丁.在执行任务中的紧急车的前面.19.不可以超车的情况是?甲.为了让乘客下车而停车的出租车前面.乙.乘有小朋友的幼儿园通勤车的前面.丙.乘有旅客的观光公共汽车的前面.丁.乘有军人的军用车的前面.20.下列安全通过交叉路口的方法中错误的是?甲.确定要到达目的地的方向的行驶路线后再慢行通过.乙.交警的手信号和信号灯的指示不一样的话,要服从信号灯的信号.丙.黄色信号已经进入交叉路口时,要快速通过.丁.黄色灯时应在停止线的前面停车.21.在交叉路口非保护左转弯是违反了什么?甲.信号违反.乙.保护步行者的义务违反.丙.左转弯违反.丁.交叉路口通行方法违反.22.紧急车不可以使用的特例是?甲.禁止夹心.乙.禁止超车的时间.丙.禁止超车的场所.丁.超车的方法违反.23.下列是关于整备不良车辆的措施,其中正确的是?甲.在车主的同意之下可以驾驶.乙.整备不良的车辆是绝对不可以驾驶的.丙.在减速和平坦道路的情况下是可以驾驶的.丁.如果有"故障车"标记的情况下是可以驾驶的.24.通行方法中错误的是?甲.所有的车原则上是在指定的车道上行驶.乙.在指定的左侧车道上是可以超车的.丙.比指定车道上行驶的速度很慢的情况下要用右面的车道.丁.在没有指定车马的道路上可以使用任何车道.25.市内道路上右转弯时应在几米前发出信号?甲.10米. 乙.20米丙.30米丁.50米26.不属于不法粘贴物的是?甲.妨害速度检测的仪器和交通检测的装置.乙.和警察使用的无线电频率一样的无线电.丙.不是紧急车的,车内的警灯.警报器,异常灯.丁.轿车内,后座位的幼儿用补助座椅装置.27.晚上行驶时应开什么灯?甲.轿车是前照灯,车幅灯,尾灯,车牌照灯.乙.被拖的车是前照灯,车幅灯.尾灯.丙.原动力自行车是前照灯,车牌照灯.丁.货车是前照灯,车幅灯,尾灯,室内照明灯.28.不是禁止驻停车的地方?甲.隧道内乙.交叉路口内丙.铁道边丁.人行横道.29.在高速公路上出故障的车后面,要在几米以上设置标记?甲.50米乙.100米丙.200米丁.500米30.单向2车路的高速公路上,在1车路上正确的行驶方法?甲.只有高速巴士可以主驶.乙.只有轿车可以主驶.丙.1车路是超车道只有在超车时可以行驶.丁.只有紧急车可以主驶.31.高速公路上可以不用在最右侧行驶的车是?甲.搅拌车乙.翻斗车丙.1吨以下货车丁.特殊车32.正在高速公路上行驶中的观光大巴,警察发现车内乘客没有系安全带,这是该由谁付罚款? 甲.司机和乘客各付渎职金3万元.乙.司机和乘客各付罚款3万元.丙.司机付罚款3万元.丁.乘客付罚款3万元.33.利用自动变速器下坡时调整速度的正确方法?甲.把变速器调整到2档(2)或是1档(L)来调整速度.乙.把变速器调整到中立(N)后用脚刹车调整速度.丙.把变速器调整到行驶(D)后用脚刹车调整速度.丁.把变速器调整到行驶(D)后不踩油门来调整速度.34.不是减少吊扣驾照的天数和累计扣分的原因是?甲.接受特别的安全交通教育.乙.模范驾驶员的爱心交通活动.丙.绿色妈妈协会会员的爱心活动.丁.揭发肇事逃走司机.35.利用手动变速装置下坡时正确的方法是?甲.用比上坡时低一档次.乙.用和上坡时同一个档次.丙.用比上坡时高一档次.丁.和变速器没有关系.用刹车器.36.什么时候打开前照灯?甲.黄昏前后. 乙.日落后1小时. 丙.前面1.2公里看不到时. 丁.任何时间看不到别的车的时候.37.在最高速80公里的高速公路上.因下雨路面潮湿,这时的最高速度是?甲.80公里/小时以下. 乙.72公里/小时以下. 丙.64公里/小时以下. 丁.40公里/小时以下.38.车的右轮胎在车道的外边,这时的车在晃动,此时应如何驾驶?甲.加速并将方向盘4-5度转右后回到车道上.乙.方向盘转的同时按车喇叭后回到车道上.丙.停车后重新出发.丁.减速并将方向盘4-5度转后回到车道上.39.在扣分未满40分时,请问几年后取消扣分重新累计?甲.1年. 乙.2年丙.3年. 丁.4年.40.下列答案中属于"间接压迫止血法"的是?甲.出血的地方用手绢或是纱布压迫止血乙.用止血带止血丙.用嘴吸出血的地方止血.丁.压迫离心脏最近的动脉止血.41.道路交通法上的最高违章罚款是?甲.5万元乙.10万元丙.没有界限丁.20万元42.如果在车和人都有责任的情况下,扣分应该怎样减少?甲.1/2 乙.1/3 丙.1/4 丁.1/543.被查到3次以上酒后驾驶时,应该受到怎样的处罚?甲.吊销驾照110天,1年内不可以重考驾照.乙.停止驾照90天,随时可以重考驾照.丙.当时吊扣驾照,3年内不可以重考驾照.丁.当时吊扣驾照,2年内不可以重考驾照.44.酒后驾车应受到怎样的处罚?甲.2年以下的徒刑和500万元以下罚款.乙.5年以下的监禁和2000万元以下的罚款.丙.无期徒刑和300万元以下罚款.丁.1年以下的徒刑和300万元以下的罚款.45.车辆A在非保护左转弯指示的交叉路口上,确认没有别的车辆后,左转弯这时正好和超速而来的B车辆相撞请问是谁的过失?甲.违反信号A的过失. 乙.超速B的过失. 丙.违反交叉路口通行方法A的过失. 丁.A和B都有过失.46.在市内单向3车路上,以时速50公里/小时的速度行驶中,发现前方右面的出租车正闪着左侧方向指示灯要进入2车道,这时最正确的驾驶方法是?道路状况:闪着左侧方向指示灯的出租车由3车路进入2车路.甲.改变车路进入1车路后行驶.乙.因为不知道出租车是要进入1车路还是2车路,所以先减速后再跟在后面.丙.因为确定现在1车路上没有车,所以改变车路进入1车路行驶.丁.因为不知道出租车是否要进入1车路,所以先改变车路进入3车路后再超过它.47.因为要右转弯,所以以30公里/小时的速度要进入公共汽车专用车道,这时最应该小心的是?道路状况:闪着刹车灯的前方出租车.正在截出租车的人.前方停止的公共汽车后车镜里照着的摩托车.甲.停车的公共汽车.乙.右面道路上的人.丙.左侧的出租车.丁.后面跟来的摩托车.48.在闪着绿色的非保护左转弯的交叉路口上,左转弯时最正确的驾驶方法是?道路状况:前方是绿色信号灯. 左面和右面人行横道是绿色信号灯. 左侧骑着自行车过人行横道的人.甲.紧贴着正在左转弯的车的后面,左转弯.乙.因为看不到对面车的情况,所以紧贴着出租车的右面左转弯.丙.因为不知道人行横道上是否有人,所以紧跟着自行车后面左转弯.丁.因为不知道前方的出租车是否会停车,所以和出租车保持一定的距离后再左转弯.49.在没有交通秩序的交叉路口上,发生了和下图一样的情况,这时最正确的判断是?道路状况:右侧道路上已经进入交叉路口的货车. 没有信号灯的交叉路口. 后车镜里的紧急车.甲.不管前方的货车,加速通过交叉路口.乙.反复的按喇叭让前方的出租车快速行驶.丙.下车后给后方的紧急车发手信号.丁.注意周边的交通,稍微向右面贴一贴,给后面的紧急车让路.50.进入商厦后想要停车,应该停在哪里?道路状况:楼群的入口. 道路右面的消火栓.甲.在<1>临时停车.乙.在不会妨碍到其他人的<2>停车.丙.消火栓<3>的边上.丁.虽然有一点麻烦还是停在比较安全的<4>上.1.下面是关于汽车在报废时的说明,其中正确的是?甲.把破旧车破碎后熔化叫做汽车的报废.乙.把汽车扔在公园或是山里面的叫做汽车的报废.丙.乱丢汽车是不会受到惩罚的.丁.回收破旧汽车的附件再使用是好的行动.2.汽车管理要领中正确的是?甲.鞋,等放在驾驶座位的下面.乙.为了让视野看的更远,不需要的东西不要乱贴.丙.因为室外后车镜不是很重要,所以不用调整.丁.根据个人的爱好可以把布娃娃随意的摆放.3.为什么要鼓励市民多使用大众交通?甲.交通部门的利益增大.乙.减少司机之间的危险感.丙.节省能量和保护环境.丁.为了发展大众交通.4.不可以超过乘车定员的是?甲.小轿车乙.市内公共汽车丙.乡村公共汽车丁.高速公共汽车5.关于服用药水的说明正确的是?甲.和服用医生开的药水中毒是没有关系的.乙.服用感冒药和驾驶能力是没有关系的.丙.服用麻药和麻药中毒是要受到刑事处罚的.丁.服用麻药和麻药中毒是不会受到刑事处罚的.6.关于信号器的红色信号正亮时的正确说明的是?甲.车马要停在人行横道之前的停车线上.乙.车马不可以右转弯.丙.车马快速进入交叉路口.丁.车马可以左转弯.7.货车载货量的标准正确的是?甲.从货车载货时开始算起高是3.5米以内.乙.从货车载货时开始算起高是3米以内.丙.从地上开始算起3.5米以内.丁.从声卡开始算起3米以内.8.在道路交通法上不属于车的是?甲.电动自行车乙.小轿车丙.建设用汽车丁.轮椅9.下列关于道路标志的说明中,不正确的是?甲.前方一直前进的话先到水源后到平台.乙.300米前方左转弯可以到银峰.丙.300米前方是十字交叉路口.丁.前方右转弯可以到达安城.10.在一般道路公共汽车专用路上,即使在不得已的情况下也不可以在专用公路上行驶的情况是? 甲.出租车为了让乘客上下车而暂时通行的情况.乙.轿车(出毛病,被破坏)在不得已的情况下.丙.在堵车的情况下.丁.急救车在急救的情况下.11.下面答案中通行顺序最优先的是?甲.向上开的空车. 乙.向下开的空车. 丙.装满货向上开的车. 丁.装满货向下开的车12.轿车的速度在一般道路上的说明中不正确的是?甲.没有最低速度.乙.单向2车道比单向4车道的速度高.丙.任何车的最高速度都统一.丁.轿车的专用车道比一般道路的最高速度要高.13.在一般道路上和前面汽车最适当的安全距离是?甲.保持制动距离乙.保持空走距离丙.制动距离减去空走距离后停留1秒.丁.制动距离加上空走距离后停留1米.14.在高速公路单向1车道,面包车的最高速和最低速度是?甲.80公里/小时. 40公里/小时乙.90公里/小时. 30公里/小时丙.100公里/小时. 50公里/小时丁.110公里/小时. 60公里/小时15.下面是出发前安全驾驶的要领,不正确的是?甲.上车前先看车的前后乙.出发时用后车镜确认.丙.出发前要点出发灯.丁.停车空间小的话让同行人确认.16.正确的超车方法是?甲.开始超车-右方指示灯-确定安全-左方指示灯-超车结束乙.确定安全-右方指示灯-开始超车-左方指示灯-超车结束丙.确定安全-左方指示灯-开始超车-右方指示灯-超车结束丁.开始超车-左方指示灯-确定安全-右方指示灯-超车结束17.在交叉路口左转弯,危险性最低的是?甲.对面车道上正对面来的车.乙.在十字路口上行走的行人.丙.对面车道上正右转弯的车.丁.我车的右后面的车.18.在十字路口调头时,不需要注意的状况是?甲.对面车道上正对面来的车.乙.在十字路口上行走的行人.丙.我车的左,右,后面的死角部分.丁.路面窄的情况下,要以最短的回转半径调头.19.在单向1车道上,向小轿车后面的货车进路让步的义务说明正确的是?甲.任何情况下都没有让步的义务.乙.前车比后车的速度慢的情况下.丙.前车比后车快的话也要让步.丁.大车跟来的情况下,必须要让步.20.在信号灯和人行横道的信号灯是红灯时通过,请问违反了什么?甲.信号违反乙.违反停车线丙.保护步行者义务的违反丁.不履行安全驾驶的义务21.下列属于信号违法的是?甲.在妨害交通的情况下,非保护左转弯时左转弯乙.急救车在红灯时出现交通事故的情况下.丙.违反做奉事活动的海军战士的手信号丁.侵犯中央线的事故.22.在道路交通法上,关于步行者的说明正确的是?甲.骑着摩托车在车道行驶的.乙.在人行道上穿着旱冰鞋行走的人.丙.座轮椅的人不是步行者丁.推着婴儿乳母车的人不属于步行者.23.下面是踩刹车直到停车的制动距离的正确说明的是?甲.在油漆马路上同一速度行驶时的制动距离要比下坡时的制动距离长乙.在油漆马路上同一速度行驶时的制动距离要比下坡时的制动距离短丙.在油漆马路上同一速度行驶时的制动距离和下坡时的制动距离一样丁.在油漆马路上同一速度行驶时的制动距离要比干燥的路面下的制动距离要长24.如果对于违反停车的罚款有疑义时应向谁提出?甲.市长,郡守乙.警察厅长丙.地方警察厅长丁.管辖警察署长25.不属于随时适应性检查的对象是?甲.由于工伤所造成的后天性残疾人乙.休克患者丙.因肺结核长期住院接受治疗的患者丁.由于交通事故所造成的后天性残疾人26.小轿车不遵守车路变更的方法时,应扣多少罚分?甲.10分乙.15分丙.20分丁.30分27.高速公路的信号机和安全标志是由谁管理?甲.管辖地方警察厅长乙.管辖警察厅长丙.道路管理者丁.建设交通部长官28.被牵引的车被拍卖或是报废后所剩的钱在没有办法还给车主的情况下,应该怎样处理?甲.一直等到车主来取所剩的余款.乙.国库回收.丙.根据委托管理法的规定委托处理.丁.在公安局的公告板上14天公告后,不来去的情况下由国库回收29.如果在高速公路上的车的右轮胎被刺破的情况下该怎么办?甲.因为车会向右面倾斜,所以应把方向盘稍微向左倾斜后,慢行的同时轻轻的分几次踩刹车后停车.乙.因为车会向右面倾斜,所以应把方向盘稍微向右倾斜后,慢行的同时轻轻的分几次踩刹车后停车.丙.因为车会向右面倾斜,所以应把方向盘稍微向左倾斜后,加快速度的同时轻轻的分几次踩刹车后停车.丁.因为车会向右面倾斜,所以应把方向盘稍微向右倾斜后,加快速度的同时很用力一次性的踩刹车后停车.30.在道路交通法上"高速公路"的定义是?甲.为了让汽车高速行驶而设置的道路叫高速公路乙.为了只让汽车行驶而设置的道路叫高速公路丙.为了让大巴等大众交通通行而指定的道路叫高速公路丁.为了让保证其他高速行驶的安全在中央分离地带而设置的道路叫高速公路31.在高速公路上可以调头的地方是?甲.因为道路破损而修路的状况时,低速行驶的情况下乙.驾驶者在肃静的道路上,自我判断安全的情况下丙.我车行驶的道路由于塞车而停车,对面车道上肃静的情况下.丁.在高速公路上是不可以调头的,但是利用换车道是可以调头的32.高速公路通行方法中错误的是?甲.行驶时要在行驶车道上行驶.乙.超车时要在超车道上行驶.丙.低速行驶时要在靠右面的车道上行驶.丁.司机想慢慢的行驶时要靠路行驶.33.通过隧道时最正确的方法是?甲.前照灯的灯光要向上照.乙.在没有车行驶的车道上变更车道.丙.确定安全距离后慢慢的行驶.丁.在隧道里行驶时很危险,所以要反复的按嗽叭警告后车不要靠近.34.在运动时出现"暗顺应"的现象的原因是?甲.因为由亮的场所移动到暗的场所.乙.因为由暗的场所移动到亮的场所.丙.因为速度越快视野越窄.丁.在夜间行驶中受到对面车前照灯光的原因,所以看不到前面.35.防御驾驶的要领错误的是?甲.保持充分的安全距离.乙.驾驶时的注意力要扩放到4--5台车前面的动态.丙.刹车是要分几次踩,不可以一次到位.丁.正确的判断前车的动态.36.关于儿童通勤车的特别保护法的说明正确的是?甲.儿童通勤车在标出要上下车的标记时,这时在反方向单向1车道上行驶的车,要在儿童上下车之前,立即停车后慢行. 乙.儿童通勤车在标出要上下车的标记时,在旁边车道的车要在儿童上下车之前慢慢通过.丙.如果不是学校,保育设施,学院等注册的儿童通勤车的话,也要申报后贴上教育凭证.丁.标有"幼儿.儿童"的儿童通勤车在行驶时,任何车都可以超过它37.急救车在执行任务时惹起交通事故,该如何处理?甲.执行完任务后再报警乙.必须由驾驶员自己报警丙.向乘务员采取事故措施并委托报警后,可继续执行任务.丁.只向保险公司申报就可以了.38.发生交通事故时,最正确的报警方法是?甲.用手机打114询问最近的警察署的电话号乙.向住址被管辖的警察署报警丙.如有负伤者应马上向消防所(119)等联系后,叫救护车.丁.发生交通事故的车,在警察未到之前是决不可以移动的.39.关于发生交通事故时的负伤者的紧急处理要领中不正确的是?甲.在负伤者没有意识的情况下,快速让其保持平躺的姿势乙.为了维持呼吸畅通,所以要确定气道没有异物后做人工呼吸丙.心脏不跳的情况下,做人工呼吸的同时要按摩心脏丁.出血的话要先止血40.不属于交通事故定义的是?甲.车在行驶时撞坏了物体的情况乙.车载着物体行驶的情况丙.车在行驶时撞死人的情况丁.车在行驶时撞伤人的情况41.撞伤人后没有采取急救措施并逃走的话,处罚是?甲.吊销驾照110天乙.吊销驾照40天丙.1年以下有期徒刑丁.刑事处罚和取消驾照42.罚分是由违规日或事故惹起日算起()年累积管理?甲. 1 乙. 2 丙. 3 丁. 443.在道路交通法上可以考摩托车驾照的年龄是?甲.15岁乙.16岁丙.17岁丁.18岁44.轿车在交叉路口红灯时超过停车线停车,该罚多少?甲.2万元乙.3万元丙.5万元丁.6万元45.司机因违规被罚款,可是司机觉得很冤枉,所以不想交罚款,如果不交的话会受到怎样的处罚?甲.吊销司机A的驾驶执照. 乙.吊扣司机A的驾驶执照110天. 丙.司机A会被立即审判交罚款. 丁.扣押司机A的汽车46.要在前方有非保护左转弯标志的十字路口上左转弯,不正确的说明方法是?道路状况前方已进入十字路口的直进车前方设有非保护左转弯的信号灯前方是绿色信号灯甲.无视前方的信号直接左转弯乙.对面车道的车已经进入交叉路口,此时不可以左转弯.丙.如果左转弯时妨害了交通的流畅,会按违反信号处理丁.左转弯的话一定要在不妨害交通秩序的情况下进行47.单向1车道上以60公里/小时的速度行驶中,发现前方正要左转弯的大巴车,这时应该怎么办?道路状况地方道路的单向1车路直进车路向左弯曲,视野的范围小甲.减速后慢行等大巴左转弯后马上前进.乙.直进车比左转弯车有优先权,所以减速的同时直接通过.丙.因为不知道大巴的后面是否还有车辆,所以将车停在停车线上,等大巴完全左转弯后再进行.丁.减速的同时按喇叭警告后面的汽车也许有停车的可能性.48.在市内的道路上行驶中突然发现手持白色盲杖的盲人正在横过马路,这时正确的驾驶方法是?道路状况前方正在横过马路的盲人后车镜内的车甲.盲人的行动比较慢,所以稍微减速的同时要靠左侧通过乙.先暂时停车后再点非常灯警告后面的车辆不要通过,一直等到盲人完全通过丙.因为对面车辆的车会有危险,所以要按喇叭的同时慢行通过丁.可以不用顾及后面的车辆,只要注意着前方车的同时,从盲人的后面绕行49.前方交叉路口正亮着直进和左转弯的绿色信号灯,想要跟着前车左转弯的话,应该怎么办?道路状况要左转弯的卡车和轿车后车镜里的车辆甲.因为前面的卡车挡住了视线,所以从卡车的左里面转弯乙.因为前面的卡车挡住了视线,所以从卡车的右外面转弯。

驾照考试口译题目和答案一、驾照考试口译题目1. 请将以下中文句子翻译成英文:- “请出示您的驾照和身份证。
”- “您需要通过笔试和路考才能获得驾照。
”- “在驾驶过程中,安全总是第一位的。
”2. 请将以下英文句子翻译成中文:- "Please present your driver's license and ID card."- "You need to pass both the written test and the road test to obtain a driver's license."- "Safety should always come first while driving."3. 请口译以下对话:- 考官:“您在驾驶时遇到紧急情况会怎么做?”- 考生:“我会立即踩刹车,并打开双闪警示灯。
”4. 请口译以下对话:- 考官:“请解释一下什么是交通信号灯。
”- 考生:“交通信号灯是用来控制交通流和指示驾驶员何时停车、何时行驶的信号系统。
”二、驾照考试口译答案1. 中文翻译成英文:- "Please show me your driver's license and ID card."- "You need to pass both the written and road tests to get a driver's license."- "Safety is always the top priority during driving."2. 英文翻译成中文:- “请出示您的驾照和身份证。
”- “您需要通过笔试和路考才能获得驾照。
”- “在驾驶过程中,安全总是第一位的。
”3. 对话口译:- 考官:“您在驾驶时遇到紧急情况会怎么做?”- 考生:"I would immediately apply the brakes and turn on the hazard lights."4. 对话口译:- 考官:“What is a traffic signal light?”- 考生:"A traffic signal light is a signaling system used to control the flow of traffic and indicate when drivers should stop and when they should proceed."请注意,口译时需要保持语言的流畅性和准确性,同时注意语速和清晰度,确保信息传达无误。
【最新】韩国驾照中文试题-精选word文档 (25页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==韩国驾照中文试题篇一:201X年韩国汽车驾照笔试题库试题(视频截图)篇二:韩国驾照考试内容中文版???? ??? ???????.(考试现在开始!)10??? ????? ???.(请在10秒内,发动引擎!)????? ???? ????? ??????? ??? ? ???? 4? ????????.(在车静止状态下,驾驶装置的操作能力指的是将手刹放下的情况下,对以下4个项目的检测。
) 1?, ???? ??? ?????.(第一,考察齿轮变速能力!)10??? ??? ??? 2?? ???? ?? ????? ?????.(在10秒内,将变速杆推到2档,然后转换到中间位置)2?. ??? ????? ?????.(第二,考察前灯的调节能力)??? ??? ?? ???? ?? ???? ??? ??? ?? 1?? ?????. (根据提示,在打开前大灯后,调节大灯向上照或向下照,每步操作进行一次)??~ 首先5??? ???? ???.(5秒内,打开前大灯)5??? ????? ?????.(5秒内,调节大灯向上照射)5??? ????? ???? ???? ???.(5秒内,调节大灯向下照射后,关闭前大灯)3?, ????? ???????.(第三,考察方向灯调节能力)5??? ?? ?????? ???.(5秒内,打开右转方向指示灯)5??? ?????? ???.(5秒内,将方向指示灯关闭)4?, ??? ????? ?????.(第四,考察雨刷调节能力)5??? ???? ?????.(5秒内,开启雨刷)5??? ???? ???.(5秒内,关闭雨刷)???? ????? ???? ????? ?????.(从现在开始,在汽车运转状态下,考察驾驶操作能力)??? ?? ????? 20km/h??? ?? ????.(为了保障安全,将行车速度保持在每小时20公里以内)????? ????? ????? ???????, ????? 5??? 50M ??? ?? ? ???.(本考察项目目的在于,司机对行进路线的遵守以及在突发情况下的急停能力。

新泽西州驾照笔试试题及答案必须检查车每两年非法获取许可证可能会导致驱动程序罚款200$ 500 及/或30-90 天的刑期改变或涂改执照可能会导致好的监禁,暂停。
你小家鼠有什么样的保险责任必须使用头灯1/2 小时在日出和日落之前和限制的条件查看超过500 英尺。
如果你是用的BAC 下21。
01%驾驶,你是服从30-90 天悬挂、15-30 天社区服务、酒精教育和安全公路程序你不能停内一个消防栓_____ 10 金融时报》可以从一个许可证减去3 点,如果你有没有移动的侵犯... 一年若要备份你的汽车在一条直线,您应该向右远转,如有必要看背面并慢慢地备份使你应该往右拐获取在正确的车道当在夜间开车请确保您可以停止... 在距离你可以看到你之前如果你走进你应该橇从油门踏板卸下的脚。
如果一个轮胎吹出逐渐慢下来如果乘客超过18 发现没有安全带,负责?乘客如果车辆传递您,您应该慢下来,让他们通过。
一个人可能驱动器私人或公共财产,以避免交通标志或信号,如果……指示这样做的缔约方会议你应该在市内开车驱动器速度较慢,手表的行人,坚持12 第二条规则。
当驾驶着一条曲线,车辆往往到……直走当你开始飞艇停你应该慢下来(hydroplaning 是失去在湿滑的路面上的轮胎抓地力和骑着水的电影)若要保留您与在您的驱动程序之间的适当距离,至少留 2 秒钟那么远后驱车穿越深水坑,您应立即检查您……刹车一颗钻石形标志是警告或警诫的标志三角形的标志就是产量标志。
如果您将移动到你的汽车必须检查范围内的NJ 注册后14 天你不能在此停车标志的距离内停50 英尺当你知道紧急车辆你应该的做法如最右边,你可以直到它将传递靠边在一所学校的速度区除非以其它方式发布是25 英里/小时当一辆校车已停泊在一所学校时您可能传递或下什么速度10 英里/小时当这条路标有一个打破了一个实线你可能……通过与断线的一面从两个途径路变成四车道的公路的程序... 尽可能地接近中心巷尽可能打开之前的交集,中心变成左线去你的方向。

一、交通信号与标志1. 交通信号灯中红灯表示什么?A. 停车等待B. 准备启动C. 可以通行D. 转弯2. 当遇到黄色交通信号灯时,你应该:A. 立即停车B. 减速并准备停车C. 如果安全,继续行驶D. 快速通过3. 以下哪个是停车标志?A. 圆形,红色边框,白色背景B. 八边形,红色边框,白色背景C. 三角形,黄色背景,黑色图案D. 圆形,蓝色背景,白色图案二、道路规则4. 在大多数国家,哪一侧是行车方向?A. 左侧B. 右侧C. 根据地区而定D. 没有规定5. 当你超车时,应该使用哪一侧?A. 左侧B. 右侧C. 中间D. 任何一侧6. 如果你看到前方有一辆紧急车辆(如救护车、消防车)正在执行任务,你应该:A. 继续行驶B. 停车等待C. 尽量靠近紧急车辆D. 从左侧超车三、安全驾驶7. 酒后驾车是:A. 允许的,只要感觉清醒B. 被严格禁止的C. 只有在特定情况下允许D. 没有法律规定8. 驾驶时使用手机是:A. 完全安全的B. 只有在紧急情况下允许C. 被严格禁止的D. 只允许使用免提设备9. 当你驾驶时感觉疲劳,你应该:A. 继续驾驶,直到到达目的地B. 停车休息C. 加速驾驶以保持清醒D. 打开窗户以保持空气流通四、车辆操作10. 如何正确使用车辆的转向灯?A. 在转弯前打开相应的转向灯B. 在转弯后关闭转向灯C. 只在需要时使用D. 所有选项都是正确的11. 在湿滑路面上驾驶时,你应该:A. 加速以避免打滑B. 减速并保持更大的安全距离C. 使用手刹来增加稳定性D. 忽略路面状况,正常驾驶12. 如果你的车辆发生故障并需要停车,你应该:A. 立即停车在路中央B. 尽可能将车辆移至路边C. 继续驾驶直到找到修理厂D. 打开危险报警闪光灯并寻求帮助五、交通法规13. 驾驶时必须携带的文件有哪些?A. 驾驶证B. 行驶证C. 车辆保险证明D. 所有选项都是正确的14. 在大多数国家,最高允许的血液酒精浓度是多少?A. 0.02%B. 0.05%C. 0.08%D. 0.15%15. 驾驶时未系安全带的处罚是什么?A. 警告B. 罚款C. 扣分D. 吊销驾照六、紧急情况处理16. 如果你遇到交通事故,你应该:A. 立即离开现场B. 检查是否有人受伤并提供帮助C. 与对方司机交换保险信息D. 所有选项都是正确的17. 当你看到其他车辆的轮胎明显漏气时,你应该:A. 忽略它B. 鸣笛提醒对方C. 超车并告诉对方D. 停车并告诉对方18. 如果你遇到洪水或积水路段,你应该:A. 尝试穿越B. 寻找替代路线C. 停车并等待积水消退D. 减速并小心通过这份题库只是一个基础示例,考生应该根据自己所在国家的具体交通法规和驾驶习惯进行学习和准备。

新西兰交通考试笔试综合题库1.如下人员要对你做酒精含量呼吸测试旳时候,你必须批准: A 救护车人员;B 医生;C 一般公众;D 警察2.若车祸中有人受伤,驾驶人必须尽快告知警察,至少不超过: A 24小时;B 36小时;C 48小时;D 60小时3.你行驶在时速限制为100公里旳区段,你看到一种"事故(ACCIDENT)" 标志。
你必须将时速降到:A 50公里;B 40 公里;C30 公里;D 20公里4.谁有合法旳权力规定你提供血液样本?A 警察,救护车人员,事故对方;B 医生,事故对方,警察;C 警察,医生,或被承认旳人;D 救护车驾驶员,被承认旳人,或医生5.当你在环岛右转弯旳时候,你必须:A 在过环岛旳任何时候都不打转向灯;B 进入环岛之前打左转向灯;C进入环岛之前打右转向灯;D 离开环岛旳时候打右转向灯6.当你向左转弯驶入车道旳时候,要减速,并且:A 查看车道上无障碍物,然后驶入;B 只有在你身后有车辆旳时候才打转向灯,然后驶入;C 打转向灯三秒钟以上,如果车道上畅通无阻,就驶入;D 只有当有另一辆车向你驶来旳时候才打转向灯,然后驶入7.只有在如下状况下才可以在高速公路上停车:A 上下乘客;B 遇到紧急状况;C 车调头;D 停车照相8.如果在高速公路上错过了出口,你应当:A 倒车退回到出口;B 调转车继续开到下一出口9.在铁道平行交叉路口红灯正在闪烁,你必须:A 火车开过去之后你立即驶过铁道;B 减速,然后停车等待红灯停止闪烁;D 停车,如果没有火车驶来,你可以驶过铁道10.在未划车道线旳路上行驶,你旳车应当在哪一种位置上行驶:A 任何地方,只要是能使你看到对面驶来旳车辆就可以;B 距离左边旳人行道边石一米旳位置上;C 接近路旳尽量接近路旳左侧11.你必须将你车头旳大灯打开,米;B 120米;C 140米;D160米12.当你从一种划有两条车道线旳路右转弯拐进一条划有两条车道线旳单行右侧车道;B 左侧车道;C 车辆至少旳车道;D 正对着你旳车道13.如果你旳车出了车祸,你是驾车人,你旳第一种行动应当是:A 停车,在路边放置一种三角警告标志;B 以20公里时速驶过去,直到驶离撞车停车,查看一下与否有人受伤;D 尽快告知警察14.如果你想将你旳车从右侧车道并入左侧车道,你必须:A 尽快地向左移动;B 向左移动旳时候加速并打批示灯;在向左移动之前至少闪批示灯三秒钟;D 向左移动旳时候减速并打批示灯;15.如果你在雾中行驶,你旳车应当:A 打开边灯;打开近光灯;C 打开远光灯;D 打开应急灯16.在倒车之前,查看危险旳最佳措施是:A 只依托车外旳后视镜;B 转过头向肩膀背面看;C 只依托车内旳后视镜;D 倒车之前绕车走一圈;17.如果你开着远光灯在夜间行车,你必须将远光灯改成近光灯,如果你驶近::A 交岔路口;B 单行街; C 警察在指挥交通;D 小镇或都市18.如果超车,你必须保证在完毕超车之后,你旳前方至少尚有多长距离旳视线良好旳道路?A 40米;B 60米;C 80米;D 100米;19.路面上放置旳白色反射体(猫眼)是表达什么意思?A路旳左边;B 路旳中央;C 严禁超车;D 路旳最右边;20.路面上放置旳黄色反射体(猫眼)是表达什么意思?A 路旳左边;B 路旳中央;C 严禁超车;D 路旳右边线;21.为避开对面来车旳耀眼旳车灯,你应当:A 向路旳左侧看;B 向路旳右侧看;C 看路旳中央;D 打开你旳车旳远光灯;22.当你驶过一匹马和骑手旳时候,你应当:A 按喇叭警告骑手;B 减速并尽量给她们留出空间;C 加速;D 把前车灯打开警告骑手;23.当双方车辆都受"让行"(GIVE WAY)标志控制旳时候,应当采用什么规则? A 让行规则;B 车道规则;C 超车规则;D 两秒钟规则;24.当你在未划线旳路上行驶时,你必须把车行驶在:A 路旳左侧;B 路旳右侧;C 路旳中央;D 路肩上25.夜晚,在如下时候,你必须永远将汽车旳前灯开在近光灯旳位置上:A 在城内行驶;B 在高速公路上行驶;C 尾随其她车辆;D 在乡间行驶;26.如果你不得不慢速行车,因而挡住其她车辆,你应当如何做?A 尽量沿着路旳中央走;B 尽量沿着路旳左侧走;C 使背面旳车辆减速适应你旳车速;D 开到路中央,使背面旳任何车辆都可以从你旳左侧超过去27.当你看到身后有一辆带有兰色红色闪光灯旳车时,你应当如何做?A 加速,以便让路;B 减速,小心地行驶;C 减速,停车;D 和平时同样继续开车;28.在接近交叉路口、路边没有划黄色虚线旳地方,你可以将车停泊在距离路口多近旳地方?A 3米;B 4米;C 5米;D 6米;29.在穿过火车道平面交叉道口之前,你必须:A 在所有状况下都停车;B 只有当铁道对面有空间旳时候才干开过去;C 加速以便尽快驶过道口;D 按汽车喇叭警告其她旳道路使用者你在这里;30.这个限速标志是表达:A 高速公路上容许你行驶旳最低车速;B 在路况良好旳状况下容许你行驶旳平均速度;C 路况良好旳状况下容许你行驶旳最高速度;D 在非超车旳状况下容许你行驶旳最高车速;31.当你在高速公路上行驶旳时候,你绝对不可以:A 换车道之前打方向灯;B 用左车道超车;C 超其她车辆;D 停车搭载顺风客32.你绝对不可以在路旳右边停泊汽车,除非:A 在乡间;B 停车载客;C 送货;D 在单行路上;33.如果你在拖着一辆车或拖车,你旳车与被托车之间旳距离不得超过:A 2米;B 4米;C 你驾驶旳汽车旳车身长度;D 你所拖旳车旳车身长度;34.在乡间路上,一群羊向你走来,你应当:A 鸣喇叭驱赶它们;B 减速或靠路边停车;C 打开汽车旳应急灯继续行驶;D 打开汽车旳前车大灯继续行驶;35.你在铁路平面交叉道口等待着,火车已经驶过了,但红灯仍然继续闪烁,你应当:A 在红灯还在闪烁旳状况下谨慎开车;B 继续停车等待直到红灯停止闪烁;C 查看路两边旳状况,然后向前行驶;D 等待15秒钟,然后向前行驶;36.你驾驶私人机动车能否停在公共汽车站?A 只有在半夜至早6点才可以;B 在所有状况下都不可以;C 让乘客下车旳时候可以;D 不超过5分钟可以;37.公共停车场旳入口处应当被视为:A 转弯车等待区B 人行横道C 交叉路口D 合并车道38.这个标志是什么意思?A 载重卡车和大型客车应当以65公里旳时速驶过转弯处;B 所有车辆都应当以65公里以上旳时速驶过转弯处;C 驶过转弯处旳最安全和最舒服旳行车速度是65公里;39.在限速50公里旳区域行驶,你旳汽车喇叭在如下状况下不可使用:A 晚11时至早7时之间,除非有紧急状况;B在日落到日出之间,除非遇有紧急状况;C 在学校或公园旳附近;D 在运动场或教堂附近;40.如果你旳车在高速公路上抛锚,你应当:A 走路去求助;B 挥手拦一辆过路车;C 掀起你旳汽车旳发动机罩和后部行李箱旳盖子;D 把你旳车推到近来旳驶出坡道上;41.在雨天或结霜旳时候,你应当采用什么原则来拟定安全旳跟车距离?A一秒钟原则;B 两秒钟原则;C 三秒钟原则;D 四秒钟原则;42.在交通信号灯前,你在左侧车道上等待向左转弯;如下哪一种信号灯浮现时你可以走?A B C D43.如果黄色交通信号灯在不断闪烁,意思是:A 刚发生过撞车事故;B 交通信号灯不工作,按让行规则解决;C 车辆只可以向前走,不可以转弯;D 应急机车即将通过;44.持有小轿车(Car)旳驾驶证,你可以驾驶下面旳哪些车?A 机动脚踏两用车(Moped);B 4500公斤以上旳车辆;C 拖车D 摩托车;45.当你在一条满是尘土、碎石砾旳路上跟车旳时候,你应当:A 紧紧跟在其她车辆旳背面;B 驶离路中央;C 根据路况调节你旳车速;D 超过前车;46.你驾车通过一辆挂有"学校(SCHOOL)"标志旳大客车,该客车已经停下来让孩子上下车,此时你旳车速不得超过:A 时速20公里;B 时速25公里;C 时速30公里;D 时速35公里;47.在有雾旳天气行驶,你应当:A 紧跟你前方旳车辆;B 打开你旳车旳近光灯;C 以道路中心线作为指引;D 打开汽车旳边灯48.你驶近一条单行道旳桥,看见这个标志;你必须如何做?A 给所有对面来车让行;B 只给对面来旳大车让行;C 不断车,直接向前开;D向前开,但是要沿最左侧走;49.在什么状况下你应当遵循2秒钟准则?A 从私人车道往外倒车旳时候;B 以相似车速跟车旳时候;C 在人行过街横道处让行旳时候;D 使用你旳汽车上旳批示灯旳时候;50.当你驶近人行过街横道(斑马线)旳时候,你必须如何做?A 减速,做好为行人让路旳准备;B 在行人通过之前加速C 按车上旳喇叭警告行人;D 减速至30公里;51.当你在斜坡路上朝下坡方向泊车旳时候,"交规(Road Code)"建议你应当:A 把车钥匙留在车上,以防刹车失灵;B 将汽车前轮旳朝向离开路边旳边石,将汽车挂一挡;C 将汽车前轮旳朝向面向路边旳边石,将汽车排挡挂在倒车挡上;D 让汽车车轮面向正前方,确认汽车旳手制动器已经被拉上;52.你在一条陡峭狭窄旳路上向下坡行驶,遇到一辆向上坡行驶旳车;你应当:A 靠左停车为往上坡行驶旳车让行;B 对着往上坡行驶旳车闪汽车前大灯;C 鸣喇叭让往上坡行驶旳车让路;D 什么也不做,往上坡行驶旳车应当为你让路;53.只有在如下状况下,你才可以将车停或泊在消防栓上:A车前窗上显示有残疾人卡;B 汽车无人照看旳时间不少于10分钟;C 有一种可以移动汽车旳人守候着汽车;D 你旳车抛锚了;54.这个标志是什么意思?A 5小时;B 消防栓;C 消防软管;D 火险;55.这个标志是告诉你你正在驶近火车平面交叉道口;你应当如何做?A 减速,以便你可以向两边查看叉道口与否可以安全通过;B 提高速度尽快通过叉道口;C 停车查看叉道口与否无障碍物;D 过道口之前将你旳汽车旳批示灯打开;56.如果你旳医生给你药,你应当:A 服药期间停止驾车;B 向医生询问该药对于你开车与否有影响;C 和往常同样开车;D 在服药期间要比平时开车更慢;57.接近路边划旳黄色虚线是告诉你:A 如果有一种可以移动汽车旳人留在车内,你可以在此泊车;B 可以短暂停车上下乘客或卸货;C 沿此路行驶旳时候必须减速;D 在任何时候都不可以在此停车或泊车;58.当浮现如下状况时,可以在路边放置一种反光三角标志:A 路上有一种坑;B 前方有车抛锚;C 路面积水泛滥;D 有警察在指挥交通;59.在如下状况下,你必须将前车大灯放在近光灯旳位置:A 驶近交叉路口;B 在市内商业区行使;C 在弯路上行驶;D 在你跟在其她车旳背面旳时候;60.驶过积水路面后来,你应当:A 谨慎地泵点(反复轻踩)刹车;B 不使用你车上旳刹车;C 用力踩刹车;D 检查确认你车上旳前车灯工作正常;61.在如下状况下你必须打开前车大灯:A 日落后15分钟到日出前15分钟;B 日落后30分钟到日出前30分钟;C 日落后45分钟到日出前45分钟;D 日落后1小时到日出前1小时;62.这个标志上旳数字是表达:A 开车转弯旳最高时速;B右侧车道旳时速;C 开车转弯旳最安全旳速度;D 距离下一种交叉路口旳距离;63.当驶近一种只有一条车行道旳桥时,这个标志是表达什么意思?A 你必须让行;B 你有优先行车旳权力;C 你必须停车;D 你必须减速;64.有险况旳时候,在限制速度区域旳时速限制是多少?A 80公里;B 70公里;C 60公里;D 50公里;65.你驶近学校旳过街横道执勤岗(School Patrol Crossing),两个信号牌都伸出在外面;你什么时候可以继续前行?A 当两个信号牌都收回去旳时候;B 当人行横道上没有行人旳时候;C 当位于你这一侧旳人行横道上旳信号牌被收回去旳时候;D 当位于你这一侧旳人行横道上没有行人旳时候;66.在如下状况下,你可以使用路中心旳白色斜形斑马线(Flushmedians 安全岛):A 超车时;B 在交通灯前停车旳时候;C 等待右转弯;D 只停5分钟;67.汽车可以使用路中心旳白色斜形斑马线(Flush medians安全岛)来:A 并入车流;B 仅停留5分钟;C 作为行车道;D 卸货或让乘客下车;68.如果你看见黄色交通灯不断闪烁,你应当遵守什么规则?A 三秒钟规则;B 四秒钟规则;C 让行规则;D 左行规则;69.在什么状况下你必须靠边停车,让救护车或消防车开过去:A 所有时候;B 在没有交通灯控制旳交叉路口;C 当它鸣警报器或闪灯旳时候;D 当它向右转弯,你有优先行车权旳时候;70.在什么时候应当遵循4秒钟原则?A 从不;你应当只遵守2秒钟原则;B 当路面湿、有霜或有冰旳时候;C 当超车旳时候;D当在等待其她车辆通过单行桥旳时候;71.这个标志是什么意思?A 贴有残疾人证旳车辆可以在此泊车;B 任何车辆都可以在此泊车;C 你可以在此停泊轮椅;D 从此处往后30米内皆为轮椅停泊位)72.路上旳这些标志是什么意思?A 转弯车辆应当在箭头处进入转弯车道,避开划有斑马线旳地区;B 转弯车辆应当避开所有路上标志,使用左侧车道;C 所有车辆都可以在路上划线处调转车头;D 转弯车辆直接从路上划线部分开过去,等待向右转弯;73.在硬路面上划旳两条"让行"标志线是什么颜色旳?A 黄色;B 白色;C灰色;D 红色;74.当你驶近一种"STOP(停车)"标志旳时候,你应当在什么地方停车?A 停在汽车前轮压在黄线上旳位置;B停在汽车后轮压在黄线上旳位置;C 停在你可以看到各个方向驶来旳所有车辆旳位置上;D 停在你只能看到从你右手来车旳位置上;75.当车辆合流旳时候,应当遵守什么规则?A 时速减低至40公里;B 加速,给背面留出空间;C 让一辆车走,然后跟上;D 让两辆车进来,然后跟上;76.在车内最安全旳载货措施是什么?A 在司机旳膝盖上;B 在司机脚边旳地上;C在后车窗窗边旳平台处;D 在一种安全旳地方;77.你应当在什么状况下使用车上旳应急灯?A 当你在路边更换轮胎旳时候;B 当你驶近机场旳时候;C 当你双列泊车旳时候;D 当你有急事旳时候;78.在如下状况下,你不可以打开车门:A 你停留在公共汽车站10米以内旳地方;B 你有也许划坏车上旳漆;C 你车上旳收音机正在大声播放音乐;D 你有也许伤到别人;79.这个标志是什么意思?A 发生了车祸-通过这个标志旳时候将车速减低到20公里,直到驶过车祸地点;B 过去这里曾经发生过车祸-减速行驶;C 发生过车祸,但是目前路上已经清理安全了;80.路上划着一种白色菱形标志,这表达你正在驶近:A 行人过街斑马线;B 交通信号灯;C 环岛;D 交叉路口;81.驶过路表积水之后,你应当:A 停车,等待车辆风干;B 在500米内不要使用刹车;C 用力踩2次到3次刹车;D 轻轻泵踩几次刹车;82.如果你在驾车时想要使用手机,你应当:A 在保证安全旳状况下,在路中央旳白色斜型斑马线安全岛(flush median)上停车接电话;B 在下一轮交通信号灯旳时候接电话;C 在保证安全旳状况下,减速接电话;D 在保证安全旳状况下靠路边停车接电话;83.当有农场旳牲口从路上向你走来旳时候,你应当:A 大声鸣喇叭,直到牲口们走开;B 减速,靠路边停车;C 让一种乘客从牲口群中开一条路出来;D 让农夫把牲口快赶走;84.如果你背面旳车辆想超车,你应当怎么做?A 移到中央,驶她们无法超车;B 加速,使她们没有必要超车;C 在安全旳前提下尽量地移到路旳左侧;85.在尘土碎石多旳路上跟随另一辆汽车旳时候,你应当:A 加速超车;B 打开挡风玻璃旳雨刷器;C 与扬起来旳尘土保持距离;D 打开车旳前大灯;86.当你驶近单行道桥旳时候,你应当如何做?A 鸣喇叭,慢速驶过桥;B 打开车旳前大灯,迅速驶过桥;C 减速,在向前开之前查看一下与否有对面来车;D 继续开,保证让任何对面来车从桥上倒退回去;87.如果货品系得不牢固,你与否可以开车上路?A 是旳,如果你旳时速在20公里如下;B 是旳,如果你车右手旳角上放一面白旗;C 是旳,如果你觉得货品不会从背面旳拖车上掉下来;D 不可以;88.这个交通标志是什么意思?A 在信号灯转红之前继续开;B继续开,由于信号灯要变绿;C 如果你可以安全地停下来,就停下来;D 只有在有车辆行人挡路旳时候才停下来;89.路面上划旳这个标志是什么意思?A 出租车停放点;B 消防栓;C 前方有铁路平行交叉道口;D 前方有行人过街横道;90.这个标志是什么意思?A 前方有小朋友游乐场;B 前方有火车站;C 前方有铁路平行交叉道口;D前方前方有铁路博物馆;91.行驶在限速50公里旳地区时,在什么时间对于鸣喇叭有限制?A 在上午10点至晚上6点之间,除非遇有紧急状况;B 在晚10点至晚6点之间,除非遇有紧急状况;C 在晚11点至早6点之间,除非遇有紧急状况;D 在晚11点至早7点之间,除非遇有紧急状况;92.什么时候你可以超车?A 当你驶近一种盲角或弯路旳时候;B 当有一辆车停在行人过街横道处旳时候;C 当你在完毕超车后来,你旳前方至少尚有100米可视路面旳时候;D 当你距离铁道平行交叉道口不到10米远旳时候;93.当你从一匹马和骑手身边驶过旳时候,你应当如何做?A 闪前车灯警告骑手;B 减速小心驶过;C 鸣车喇叭警告骑手;D 加速迅速通过;94.你旳车旳发动机罩在行驶中掀了起来,你无法往前看;你应当如何做?A打开汽车旳前车灯,从侧面窗口往外看;B 平稳刹车,将车移到路左边;C 将方向盘笔直向前,尽快停车;D 加速,将车移到路左;95.此标志是什么意思?A 前方有小朋友游乐场;B 前方有火车站;C 前方有铁道平行交叉道口;D 前方有铁道博物馆;96.当学校交通岗旳信号牌伸展出来旳时候,作为驾车人,你必须:A 等到学校交通岗旳执勤员让你走时再走;B 停车,直到位于你这一侧旳人行过街横道上没有行人为止;C 停车,直到两个信号牌都被收回去为止;D 等到人行过街横道旳两侧都没有孩子了旳时候再走;97.当救护车或消防车旳警报器在响,或者车上旳红灯在闪烁旳时候,你必须如何做?A 加速驶开给其让路;B 开到步行道上去;C 开到路边,让其通过;D 和此前同样开车;98.路面上划旳白色菱形标志是表达:A 前方有学校;B 前方有人行过街横道;C 前方有消防站;D 前方有危险旳交叉道口;99.你在交通灯前准备向右转弯,交通灯上显示一种指向右边旳红色箭头;你应当:A 继续开,但是要给所有对面来车让行;B 停车等待绿色箭头;C 只有在安全旳状况下才往前开;D 往前开,由于所有对面来车都被停住了;100.你车内旳乘客都是15岁或15岁以上;由谁负责来保证她们系好安全带?A 乘客本人;B 乘客旳父母;C 做为驾车人旳你;D 车内旳其她乘客;101.路上放置旳蓝色反光体(猫眼)是表达什么意思?A 路旳左边;B 路旳中央;C 严禁超车;D 消防栓;102.你旳车可以停泊在距车辆入口处近来距离是多少?A 0.5米;B 0.75米;C 1.00米;D 1.25米;103.临时性警告标志是什么颜色旳?A 蓝色;B 绿色;C 橙色;D 红色;104.在一条狭窄旳乡间路上你但愿向右拐弯;有一辆车向你驶来,你背面也有车辆;最安全旳措施是:A 等待在路旳中央,待路上空下来之后,再转弯;B 向前行,等路上空下来之后,做调转车头;C 决定不转弯了,向前行驶;D 移到路旳左边,等路上空下来之后再转弯;105.交通信号灯中有一种或数个黄灯都在闪烁,意思是:A 小心,遵守让行规则;B 继续开,但是要加迅速度;C 停车直到信号灯停止闪烁;D 移到路旳左侧;106.只有在如下状况下你才可以将车停放在货品装卸区内:A 你在装卸货品或让乘客上下车;B 区内没有其她车辆;C 正午12点至早6点之间;D 晚6点至早6点之间;107.夜间拖车时,被拖旳车背面必须放置:A 一盏兰灯;B 一盏红灯;C 一面白旗;D 一盏白灯;108.驶过路面旳积水之后,你应当如何做?A 小心地左右来回摆动车头,使车上旳制动器变干;B 移到路旳左侧,使车轮变干;C 拉起手刹驾驶至少5分钟;D 轻轻泵踩刹车,使之变干;109.下列旳哪句话是对旳旳?A 酒精使你成为更好旳司机;B 酒精对于你驾车没有影响;C 酒精使你驾车时反映更快;D 酒精使你在驾车时旳反映速度变慢;110.在变换车道之前,你需要:A 不给信号;B 打批示灯1秒钟;C 打批示灯2秒钟;D 打批示灯3秒钟;111.当一辆闪着红灯或鸣着警笛旳救护车跟在你身后,你应当如何做?A 加迅速度以防延误;B 打开你旳汽车旳应急灯,继续按同样速度行驶;C 减速,靠边,让救护车驶过去;D 闪前车灯警告对面来车;112.从路边起步进入车流旳时候,除了先查看一下这样做与否安全以外,你还必须做什么?A 加迅速度汇入车流;B 缓慢移动进入车流中旳一种空打批示灯至少3秒钟;D 倒车驶离路边石涯处;113.在向左并线插入左侧车道之前,你必须打转向批示灯3秒钟以上,并且:A 用刹车灯警告其她旳道路使用者;B 用应急灯警告其她旳道路使用在向左并线之前检查你旳盲点;D 拟定前方没有来车;114.当此外一辆车在你背面跟旳太近,你应当如何做?A 加速向前;B 忽然刹车来警告她们;C 减速,靠左,让背面旳车超过去;115.在接近路边基石旳路上划旳黄色虚线是什么意思?A 你不能超车;B只有卡车才可以在那里泊车;C 你只可以停车不超过5分任何车辆都不可以停在这里;116.你但愿从泊车位起步驾车融入车流;在移动之前你必须做什么?A 闪1秒打汽车旳转向批示灯至少3秒钟以上;C 打开汽车旳边灯;D 使用汽车旳停车灯;117.当迎着耀眼旳阳光开车旳时候,为了安全,你应当使用太阳镜以及车内旳遮阳板;此外还建议你:A 打开汽车前大灯;B 在路旳最左侧安全驾车;C 看路旳中央,并接近路中央行靠边停车等待几分钟;118.夜晚你正在乡间路上驾车,忽然你旳汽车前大灯灭了;最安全旳做法是什么?A 打开应急灯,继续驾车开到近来旳修车店;B 减速,在路旳最左侧行驶;C 打减速,慢慢开到路边,停车,打开应急灯;119.当一辆小轿车在公路上拖着一辆拖车旳时候,法律容许旳最高车速是多少?A 每小时70公里;B 每小时80公里;C 每小时90公里;D 每小时100公里;120.当你驶近交通信号灯旳时候,交通信号灯由绿转黄,这时你应当:A 如果你可以安全地停下来就停下来;B 在信号灯变红之前加速快行;C 停车,虽然你不得不断在交叉路口旳中央;D 猛转弯停到拐角处;121.车上轮胎花纹旳深度至少不能少于:A 2.0毫米;B 1.5毫米;C 1.0毫米;D 0.5毫米;122.在什么时候你必须永远将汽车前大灯开到近光灯旳位置上?A 在隧道中;B 在高速公路上;C 当尾随其她车辆旳时候;D 当驶近铁道平行交叉道口旳时候;123.你不可以驶入铁道平行交叉道口,除非:A 你旳车速不久,不会在岔道口上停下来;B 你看到铁道线两头都没有火车,也没有车停在你旳前面;C 你将汽车旳前大灯打开到远光灯旳位置上;D 你鸣了喇叭;124.这个标志是什么意思?A 驾车旳时速不要低于50公里;B 驾车旳时速不要超过50公里,除非路上没有行人车辆;C 驾车旳时速不要超过50公里;D 前方50米处有休息区;125.为避免对面来车旳大灯灯光闪盲你旳眼睛,你应当:A 短时间关闭前车灯;B 打开远光灯;C 减速,如果你看不清前面,就停车;D 看对面来车旳前大灯,以协助你看清自己在路上旳位置;。
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新泽西驾照笔试题中英对照139题我中文02[转载]美国驾照笔试题(NewJerseyDMV)[转载]美国驾照笔试题(NewJerseyDMV)原文地址:(NewJerseyDMV)">美国驾照笔试题(NewJerseyDMV)作者:GV格诺博原文地址: (NewJerseyDMV)"> 美国驾照笔试题 (NewJerseyDMV) 作者:GV格诺博Sample Questions of Written Test for Driver License (NJ)美國駕駛執照书面测试样題(新泽西州)1. An Agricultural license allows the operation of:1.农业的执照(许可证)允许的操作︰A: Farm registered vehicles for agricultural purposes only.答︰农场登记的车辆仅用于农业。
2. The shape of a Yield sign is:2.让步标志的形状是︰A: Triangle.答︰三角形。
3. A green light means:3.绿灯意味着︰A: Go when safe.答︰开过去当安全时。
4. At the time of your road test you must present:4.在你的道路考试时,必须出示︰A: A valid vehicle registration permit, insuranceID, Examination permit. (the answer is “above all is right”)答︰有效的车辆登记证许可证,保险ID,考试许可证。
(答案是"以上一切的就是正确的")5. 1 & ½ ounces of 86 proof of liquor contains the same amount of alcohol as:5.1 & ½ 盎司的86 proof(43度)的酒包含相同数量的酒精是︰A: 12 ounces of beer.答︰ 12 盎司的啤酒。
6. If a person get drunk in your home and has a motor vehicle accident, after leaving your home you could:6.如果一个人在你的家里喝醉了,离开你的家后,还有机动车事故,你就能够︰A. Become involved in a Lawsuit.A.卷入一场官司。
7. Studies show that the greatest number of people arrested for drunk driving have been drinking:7.研究表明,最多的人因醉酒驾驶被捕时喝的酒是︰A: Beer.答︰啤酒。
8. If a person has been drinking, which of the following can sober them up:8.如果一个人一直在喝酒,下列哪一项能够给她们清醒:A: Time.答︰时间。
9. Implied Consent Law means:9.默示同意法律手段意味是︰A: On request of a police officer you agree to take a breath test to determine Blood Alcohol Content.答︰当警务人员请求采取呼气试验,以确定血液酒精含量。
10. The best way to reduce your chances of having an alcohol related accident is to:10.最好的方法,以减少您的机会与酒精相关的事故的是︰A: Not drive at all after drinking.答︰喝酒后不开车。
11. When parking downhill on a street with a curb on your right, your car wheels should be:11.当停车下坡路边上,(有路边石的)在你的右边,你的车轮应该是︰A: turned towards the curb.答︰转向路边。
12. When driving at night be sure that you can stop:12.在晚上开车的时候,你确信能够停下来︰A: Within the distance you can see ahead.答︰在你能够看到未来距离之内。
13. To maintain a proper following distance when driving, you should stay at least: 13. 开车的时候,为了保持适当的跟随距离,你应该至少保持︰A: 2 seconds behind the vehicle in front of you.答︰在你前面的车后面的 2 秒路程。
14. The best way to make a curve is:14.最佳的方法,进入弯道是︰A: Slow down before entering the curve.答︰在进入弯道前慢下来。
15. If not contracted by a “No turn on Red” sign, New Jersey law permits you to turn right on red after:15.如果不是有"红灯时不能转弯"标志,新泽西州法律允许您在红灯时右转,在什么之后︰A: Coming to a full stop and checking traffic.答︰完全停下来和检查交通情况后。
16. The New Jersey speed limit in a business or residential area unless otherwise posted is:16. 除非其它的告示,新泽西速度限制在商业或住宅小区中,是︰A: 25 mph答︰ 25 英里/小时17. High beam lights are used for:17.远光灯用来︰A: Open country driving.答︰在空旷的乡村驾驶。
18. After driving through a deep puddle you should immediately:18.在开车穿过一个深的水坑后,你应立即︰A: Test your brake.答︰测试你的刹车(制动)。
19. If your brakes suddenly give out, the first thing you should try to do is: 19.如果你的刹车突然失灵,你应该做的第一件事是︰A: Shift to lower gear and pump the brakes.答︰将档位换到低档和泵刹车(频繁快速的拉手刹)。
20. If you are arrested for drunk driving in N.J., your chances of being convicted are:20.如果你在新泽西州因酒后驾车被逮捕,被判罪名成立的几率是︰A: 76%.答︰ 76%。
21. On a 2 lane road not near a school, when a school bus has stopped and its lights are flashing:21.在2股车道的道路上,不是靠近一所学校,当一辆校车已经停止,而且其灯闪烁︰A: You must stop.答︰你必须停止。
22. You must pass on the right when:22.当什么时候你必须从右边经过︰A: The driver ahead is turning left and there is a proper lane on the right.答︰前方司机正在左转弯,右边还有适当的行车道。
23. The 2-second rule can be used at any speed to help you:23. 2秒规则能够在任何速度用于帮助您︰A: Keep a safe following distance.答︰保持安全的跟随车的距离。
24. If you are involved in a motor accident resulting in injuries while your driving privileges are suspended, you are subject to:24.如果你被卷入一宗车祸造成的伤害,而你的驾驶特权暂停,你须服从︰A: A fine, suspension of your driving privileges, and mandatory 45 days jail sentence. 答︰罚款、吊销你的驾驶特权和强制性的 45 天监禁。
25. When nearing a steady yellow or amber traffic signal, you should:25.当接近稳定的黄色或琥珀色交通信号,你应该︰A: Stop before entering the intersection if possible.答︰如果有可能进入路口前停止。
26. A person who holds a probationary driver’s license is subject to:26.持有暂准(试用的,见习的)驾驶执照的人必须遵守︰A: An advisory notice upon being convicted of their first moving violation, mandatory attendance at a driver education program in place of suspension for second violation-resulting in 4 or more points, also any violation after attending school will result in suspension.答︰当她们第一次开车违规,书面警告。