



关于财富Wealth的英语演讲稿带翻译(精选多篇)演讲稿一:Wealth Is More Than Just MoneyGood afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.What is wealth? For many people, wealth means having a lot of money in the bank, owning expensive cars and houses, and being able to afford luxurious vacations. However, wealth is more than just money.Wealth can also be measured in experiences, relationships, knowledge, and personal growth. Think about the happiest moments in your life. Were they tied to material possessions, or were they tied to experiences or relationships with loved ones?The obsession with accumulating wealth often leads people to neglect their health, relationships, and personal growth. It’s important to remember that money can’t buy happiness, and that true wealth is measured by the value and richness of our lives.In conclusion, we should strive for a balance between financial stability and personal enrichment. Let’s focus on building our wealth by investing in experiences, relationships, knowledge, and personal growth.Thank you for listening.大家下午好。



Wealth(财富)的词根是Weal/Welth,来源于古英语weal或welth,意思是“福利” 或“繁荣”。







财富是如何创造并积累的?财富:1、释义词目:财富拼音:caífù英文:wealth基本解释[wealth;riches] 对人有价值的东西金钱、财富、财产,特别是它们的积累、保留和使用,是中产阶级的显著标志国民财富详细解释具有价值的东西。



” 丁玲《过年》:“妈只希望她书读得好,有学问,是比有一切财富都值得骄傲的。

” 毛泽东《论联合政府》四:“一切知识分子,只要是在为人民服务的工作中著有成绩的,应受到尊重,把他们看作国家和社会的宝贵的财富。










高考英语同义词转换一、名词-同义词转换wealth=asset/property 财富;财产top =peak/summit顶点offspring =next generation 下一代talent =gift天赋co-operation =teamwork 合作approach= means/method/technique 方法fraud =cheating 欺骗mistake= error/fault 错误stress =pressure 压力barrier =obstacle阻碍disadvantage= shortcoming/ weakness 缺点:劣势advantage =benefit/merit/virtue 优势device =instrument 装置article= composition 文章solidarity =unity 团结aspect= respect 方面farmer =peasant 农民adolescent= teenager 青少年opinion =view 观点opportunity= chance 机会space =room 空间division =separation 分离information =message 信息district =area/region 地区design =invention 发明profession =occupation 职业二、动词-同义词转换argue =debate 争辩solve= resolve 解决relax =ease 放松handle =tackle/deal with 处理escape= flee/get away from 逃走:逃离educate= instruct 教授;指导rescue =save 获救ignore =neglect 忽略help =assist 帮助achieve= accomplish 完成attract =appeal to 吸引attempt =try 尝试leave =pass on 遗留reduce= decrease/shrink 减少survive= exist 生存remove =get rid of 移除transport= deliver 传送:运输tend to= incline to 倾向于notice= realize 注意到change =modify/alter 改变establish= found/ set up/ build up 建立acquire =attain/acquire/ obtain/gain 获得possess =own 拥有stop= cease/quit 停止admit= recognize 承认happen= occur/take place 发生determine= decide 决定ruin= destroy/damage 摧毁affect= influence 影响agree =approve 同意1attend =take part in/participate in 参加indicate= show/suggest/signify/identify 表明prohibit= prevent 阻止congratulate =celebrate 庆祝create =produce 制造replace =take the place of 取代think= believe 认为require =need 要求encourage =inspire 鼓励emphasize= stress 强调cause = lead to/contribute to /result in 导致:造成abandon= desert 进弃,抛弃三、形容词同义转换unsafe =insecure 不安全的excellent =intelligent 优秀的primary= main/prime 主要的pleased =happy/joyful/ delighted 高兴的abundant= numerous/plentiful 丰富的swift= quick/fast 快速的suitable =proper 合适的obvious =apparent/clear 明显的cheap= inexpensive 便宜的complicated =complex 复杂的rich =wealthy 富有的risky =dangerous 危险的important= crucial/ significant 重要的remarkable =extraordinary 卓越的:不凡的common =universal 普遍的precious =valuable 珍贵的accurate= precise/exact 精确的anxious =worried 焦虑的popular= prevalent 流行的casual =informal 不正式的massive= vast/large/huge 大量的astonished= surprised 惊奇的many= numerous/ a number of 许多forever= eternal/timeless/endless 永远的fundamental= basic 基础的hopeless =desperate 无望的四、副词、介词、连词同义词转换Mainly (adv.)= chiefly/ largely/mostly 主要地Only (adv.)= just/merely 仅仅Actually (adv,)= indeed/in fact 事实上Because (conj.) =due to/for/since 因为meanwhile =at the same time 同时So (adv.) =therefore/thus 因此Particularly(adv.) =specially/ especially 特别地fairly(adv.)= pretty/quite/rather 相当地However (adv.) =nevertheless/but 然面finally(adv.) =eventually 最后Recently (adv.)= lately 最近so that =in order that 以便Besides (adv.)= furthermore/ moreover 此外Although (adv.) =despite/though/in spite of 虽然;尽管2。



财富篇WEALTHA penny saved is a penny gained.Richard Brckminster Fuller.American srchitect省下一分钱等于得到一分钱。

美国建筑师富勒.R.B.All good things are cheap, all bad things are very dear.Henry David Thoreau, Ameican writer一切好的东西都是便宜的,所有坏的东西都是非常贵的。


H.D.All the splendor in the world is not worth a good friend.Voltaire, French thinker人世间所有的荣华富贵不如一个好朋友。

法国思想家伏尔泰Apply yourself to true riches; it is shameful to depend upon silver and gold for a happy life. Lrcius Annaeus Seneca, Ancient Roman Philosopher要争取真正的财富,靠金银谋取幸福是不光彩的。

古罗马哲学家西尼加.L.A.An ounce of prudence is worth a pound of gold.Tobias Smollett, British writer一盎司谨慎抵得上一磅黄金。

英国作家 .斯摩莱特 .T.Beggars cannot be choosers.Du Bose Heywood, American writer乞丐不能挑肥拣瘦。

美国作家海伍德.D.B.Beggars do not envy millionaires, though of course they will envy other beggars who are more successful.Betrand Russell, British philosopher乞丐并不羡慕百万富翁,尽管他们一定会羡慕比他们乞讨得多的乞丐。






1. BloomBloom是一个常用的单词,意为花朵开放、舒展,是花开富贵的象征。

在英语中,bloom还可以用来形容一切美好、向上的事物,例如“bloom of youth”(青春的花朵)、“bloom of health”(健康的花朵)等。

2. ProsperityProsperity是富贵的意思,与花开富贵的寓意相符。

在英语中,prosperity通常用来形容一个人或一个国家繁荣富裕的状态,例如“economic prosperity”(经济繁荣)、“enjoy prosperity”(享受富裕)等。

3. FlourishFlourish是一个动词,表示舒展、繁荣、兴旺。

在英语中,flourish常用来形容植物茁壮成长、兴盛发展的状态,比如“flowers flourish in the spring”(春天花朵盛开)。

4. WealthWealth是财富的意思,也是花开富贵的象征。

在英语中,wealth 通常用来表示一个人的财富或国家的财富,比如“accumulated wealth”(积累的财富)、“national wealth”(国家财富)等。

6. AbundanceAbundance是丰富、充裕的意思,也是富贵的象征。

在英语中,abundance常用来表示资源、机会、财富等方面的充裕,比如“abundance of food”(食物充足)、“abundance of opportunities”(机会丰富)等。

7. ThriveThrive是一个动词,表示繁荣、兴盛、茁壮成长。

在英语中,thrive通常用来形容一个人、一个组织或一个国家蓬勃发展、繁荣昌盛,比如“thrive in business”(事业繁荣)、“thrive in a new environment”(在新环境中茁壮成长)等。





以下是一些关于wealth的用法和中英文对照例句:1. Personal Wealth (个人财富)- His personal wealth allows him to live a luxurious lifestyle. (他个人的财富使他过上奢华的生活。

)- She inherited a great deal of wealth from her parents. (她从父母那里继承了大量财富。

)2. Wealth Creation (财富创造)- Entrepreneurship is often seen as a means of wealth creation. (创业常被视为财富创造的手段。

)- The government should create policies that encourage wealth creation. (政府应该制定鼓励财富创造的政策。

)3. Wealth Gap (贫富差距)- The widening wealth gap is a major concern in many countries. (贫富差距的扩大是许多国家的主要关注点。

)- Efforts should be made to bridge the wealth gap and reduce inequality. (应该努力弥合贫富差距,减少不平等。

)4. Wealth Management (财富管理)- Wealth management involves strategic financial planning and investment. (财富管理涉及战略性的财务规划和投资。

)- He hired a wealth management firm to handle his assets. (他雇了一家财富管理公司来处理他的资产。



财富,幸福(Wealth,happiness)wealth has always been what some people long for. it is true that most of them try to acquire(取得) wealth(财宝) by means of honest labor. their efforts contribute to the welfare(幸福,福利) of society and at the same time to the accumulation(累积) of their wealth. this brings them happiness.there is no doubt that wealth brings happiness especially in modern society, where various kinds of modern conversation, new fashions and entertainments make their appearance with each passing day. these can improve a persons life he or she has money to buy them.but wealth does always not go hand in hand with happiness. wealth may encourage those weak-willed person to be addicted(沉溺于某种) to some harmful habits such as drug taking or gambling(赌掉),and bring about their own ruin(毁灭). also a person may lose his reason and go astray(迷路) if he is passionately(热忱地) devote to seeking wealth. therefore, one can never count on wealth to achieve happiness.。



英语演讲稿《财富Wealth》????????Thewordwealthalwaysremindspeopleofmoneyandthesayingso rconceptsrelatedtomoney.Forexample,“moneytalks”;“moneymakestheghoststurnthemill”;“asbirdsdieforfood,somendieforwealth”;“thepoorhavenofriendseventhoughtheyliveinthenoisydow ntown,whiletherichhaveremotekinsfolkeveniftheyliveint hedeepmountains”;“povertychillsambition”“onecentshortmayputaheroinanawkwardsituation”etc,etc..Inthe1980’s,allshopswerestate-ownedwithmarkedprices.Youcouldn’tbuywhatyouwantedwit hevenonecentshort,soonecentcouldindeedembarrassahero. Apopularsongatthattimestarted “Ipickeduponecentattheroadside,andIhandeditovertothe policeman…”Butnownoonecarestopickitupevenifitweretencents.People’sreverenceformoneyisexpressedinvariedways.The namesofcompaniesorstoresareoften “BeerofWealthandHonor”,“RestaurantofWealthandRank”“StoreoftheAristocrats”“HotelofFameandPrestige”etc.(evensomepeople’snameshavethemeaningsof “fullofgold”or“greatfortune”).AtNewYear’stime,thegodofwealthiswo rshipedandthepictureofthegodiscoveredwithsignsofmoney.Whenamillionaireiswalkinginthestreet,peoplewillshowt heirprofoundrespecteventhoughtheyknowverywellthatthey cannotgetacentfromhim.TheEnglishfilm“theMillion-PoundNote”makesamostvividrevelationofthissituation.Withthemilli onpoundnoteinhand,theherohastheprivilegetobuyoncredit ,oronloanandisevenpresentedmoneyfromothers.It’sanide alizedendofthestorythattheheroisstilllovedbyhisgirlfr iendev[]enafterhelosthismillion -poundnote.However,withoutthemillion-poundnote,theycouldn’thaveknowneachother.It’sverydi fficultforpeopletomakefriendsdirectlywithbeggars.Thesongof“AllGoodThingsMustEnd”inADreamoftheRedMansionsattacksthemoneyworshipersbysa ying:“AllmenlongtobeimmortalsyetsilverandgoldtheyprizeAndgrubformoneyalltheirlivesTilldeathsealsuptheireyes”ButwhenChenShih-yintriestoexpoundthissongbyanalyzingtheinconstancyofh umanrelationshipsandtheincomprehensiblehumanheart,heh astosay:“WhilemenwithgoldandsilverbythechestTurnbeggars,scornedbyallanddispossessed”Theconclusionisthatitdoesn’tworkwithoutmoney.Inspiteofthehumancivilizationsoverthousandsofyears,pe oplecannotdenythefunctionofmoney.Thisshowshowimportan tmoneyis.Moneyplaysadecisiveroletoindividuals,tofamil iesandeventocountriesornationalities.Otherwise,whyiseveryone,fromdoorkeeperstopresidents,tryingtoearnasmuc haspossible?WhydoeseverycountryneedChancellorsoftheEx chequer,whokeepformulatingandrevisingfinanciallawsand regulations?Howdifferentitistobeacreditornationandade btornation!TheUnitedStatesisplayingthetyrantjustbecau seitiswealthyenough.Apoormanmaycherishloftyaspiration s,butwillprobablybebeatenbecauseofhispoverty.TheAfgha nistanmayhavewonalotofsympathy,buthowdifficultitwould betolivesolelyoncharity.Ofallagesandineverycountry,allkindsofcorruptionstemfr ommoney.Nomatterhowroughthemanis,andinwhatdespicablew ayheearnedthemoney,hecangreasethepalmsoforbuyoversome verydecentofficialsorevenintellectuals.Canyouseehowcr ucialarolemoneyisplaying?(Acaseinpointisthebankruptof thecompany)Somepeopleororganizationslikesomereligiousgroupsclaim thattheyhaveseenthroughthehumanvanityandcantakemoneyl ightly,buttopeople’spuzzlement,theyarealsoaccumulati ngmoney,eithertorenovatethetemples,ortoregildBuddha’sstatues,inwhateverpretexts.Theyarenotengagedinproduc tion,sotheycanonlydependonthedonationsfromthedevoutbe lievers.Sometimesyoursincerityreliesonwhetheryoudonat eandhowmuchyoudonate.Dothemonkscareaboutmoney?Theansw erisaffirmative.What’smore,manymonksarealreadyprovid edwithasalary.Wearelivinginamaterialworld,andit’sreallydifficultto denythefunctionofmoneyorwealth.Weneedmoneyforfood,clo thes,education,hospital,housingandtransportation,etc.There’srarelyanythingthatdoesn’tneedmoney.Whatwecan discussnowisnottheimportanceofmoney,butwhethermoneyis almightyandwhethermorewealthcanbringusmorehappiness.Wemustsaythatmoneyisnotalmighty,andtherearemanythings whichmoneycan’tdo.Forexample,manyemperorslikeQinShih uanglongedforelixirs.Aswealthyastheywere,andasmightya stheyweretotakeeverymeasuretosearchforlonglifemedicin e,theystillcouldnotavoidthesaddenouementthat “theirgravesareacoveredwithweeds”.Manygreatmensufferedfromfatalillness.Eventhoughtheywe retreatedwiththebestmedicalmeans,theyhadtosufferasmuc hastheordinarypeople,andmetwiththesameinescapablefate .Richorpoor,greatorordinary,wecomeandgowithnothingbel ongingtous.HuangShiren,thecruelheartedlandlord,wasrichbutXi’erw ouldratherhidinthedeepmountainsandturnintoawhite-hiredgirlthanmarryinghim;WangBaochuanwouldn’tgiveuphermarriagewithXuePingguie venthoughshehadtoliveinthecoldcaveforovertenyears;EmperorShunzhioftheQingDynastyownedthewholecountry,bu tjustbecauseofthedeathhisbelovedconcubine,heeventuall ybecamedisillusionedwiththisworldandspenttherestoflif einthetempleasamonk(it’sallrightevenifitisalegend). Manylovestoriescanneverbeboughtwithmoney.Theever-lastingfolktaleofLiangShanboandZhuYingtaishowspeople ’sidentificationwiththispointofview.Wealthymenalsohavealotofworries:afraidofbeingstolenor kidnapped,theymayhavetohireabodyguard;they’reconcern edabouttheirspoilingthechildren,orworryaboutthefamily discordbecauseofthelegacydisputesaftertheirdeath;Fear ingdevaluationiftheydon’tinvest,whilefearingofbankru ptiftheyinvest;Whereistheirhappiness?Howmuchisenough?Nolimitation.Aspoorasbeggarswithoutap enny,theycanmakealivingbybegging.It’ssaidthatsomehav ebecomemillionairesthroughbegging.Aswealthyasabillion aire,theycanonlyenjoyacoupleofdisheseachmeal.Ifsomeon eisallergictoseafood,ortiredofrichdishes,hemayenjoyth epickledvegetablesjustasmuch.Asformoney,peoplecantakeiteasysometimes,butmostofthet ime,theycan’t.Intheory,theymaytakeiteasywhileinpract ice,theyusuallytakeitveryseriously;Talkingaboutothers ,theycantakeiteasy,buttothemselves,theytakeitseriousl yagain.Somepeopletakeitseriouslyforonemoment,butmayta keiteasyafterwards,justaswesaidwhatishiddenfromthecon cernedisplaintothebystanders.Mostpeopletakemoneytoose riouslywhenbeinginvolved.Infact,aslongasyouhaveenough toeat,whatisthedifferencebetweenalittleandalot?Everythinghasalimit,sodoesmoney.Weshouldconformtothec ourseofthenatureinsteadofgoingoutofourwaytograspit.We shouldspendaccordingtoourincome.Therichmayenjoymuchmo reluxuriesbutnolessworriesthanthepoor.Theonlydifferen ceisthecontentandformofworries.Thehighertheincomeis,t hebiggertheexpenditureis.Theworldfamousboxersmayearnmillionsofdollarsforonegame,butoftenfindthemselvesdeep indebt.Withanannualsalaryashighastensofthousandsofdol lars,theformerPresidentoftheUnitedStatesBillClintonra nintodebtsbecauseoflawsuit,andhadtothrowoffhisairstoe arnmoneyineverymean.However,themonthlyincomeofsomeoft heChinesefamiliesisnomorethanafewhundredYuanwhilelead ingalifewithenjoyment.Happinessdoesn’tnecessarilyrel yonmoney.AccordingtothewesternfabletheGoldTouch,akingwasveryfo ndofgoldandprayedtoGodformoregoldeveryday.Toteachhima lesson,GodimpartedtheGoldTouchtohim.Fromthenon,whatev erhetouchedturnedintogold,includingbread,milk,flowers ,andevenhisbeloveddaughter.Hecouldn’teatgold,ofcours e,norcouldhelosehisdaughter.Intheend,herepentedhissin ,pleadedGodtotaketheGoldTouchbackandwentbacktohisform erhappylifeagain.Thisstoryisalittleexaggerated,butatt hesametimeittoldusvividlythatwealthandhappinessarenot synonym.What’smore,nomatterhowmuchmoneyyouhave,youca n’tspenditall.Wealthitselfisneutral,butitacquiresadouble-attributebecauseofthedifferenceofitsowner.Kindpeopleu seitforcharities,whilewickedpeoplemayuseittomakegunsa ndcannonsforkilling.Thereforewealthcanbetheoriginofbo thgoodandevil.God(ifhereallyexists),canyoumakethekindricherandtheev illiveinpoverty?Wealthalwaysremindspeopleofmoney,land,houses,andcars, etc.whichareallmaterial.Infact,wealthhastwoaspects:materialandspiritual.Peoplepaymoreattentiontomaterialwe alth,whichistangibleandalsolimited.Forexample,acakeca nbequicklyeatenup,andabigsumofmoneycanbespent.However ,spiritualwealthisdifferent,sinceitisintangibleandunl imited.Forexample,akindofphilosophy,concept,spirit,ap lan,astrategy,orainnovationishardtoestimateitsvalue.C hairman’sMao’sthoughthadarousedmillionsofpeople,and withanoverwhelmingandirresistiblemomentum,hisstrategy of“encirclethecityfromthecountry”defeatedfirsttheJapaneseinvadersandthenJiangKai-shek’sarmyofeightmillion.DengXiaoping’sprincipleof “reformandopeningup”ledChinaoutofthetrapofpoverty.Thecurrentfinancialpoli cyandthegeneralplanof“”havekepttheChinesecurrencyRMBfromdevaluatingduringthe Asianeconomiccrisisandkeptournationaleconomyata7%grow thrateintheunstablemacroenvironmentofworld-wideeconomiccrisis.Anenterprisecangrowbiggerandbiggerlikeasnowball,butin themeantime,itcangobankruptinstantlylikeadeflatedball oon,alldependingonwhethertheoperatingstrategyandspeci ficmeasuresareappropriate.Justastheoldsayinggoes:Aslo ngasthelineisright,thefutureisbright.Long-termdevelopmentdoesn’tdependongoodluck.Thereforewebe lievethatspirituallyrichisreallyrich,andspiritualweal thisthebiggestwealth.Judgingaman,weshouldseewhetherhe hasthewisdomwhilejudginganenterprise,weshouldseewheth eritsstrategiesandmeasuresareinaccordancewiththehisto ricaltrends.Nevertrustbeautifulillusionslikethemoonin thewaterandflowersreflectedinamirrorthatwillnotlastlong.Wedon’tadvocatebeggarism,sowearenotafraidofwealth ,butupholdwealth.However,weshouldacquirewealthinaprop erway,andthinkmoreaboutthefuture.Weshouldnotforsakego odforthesakeofgold,norshouldwebenefitourselvesattheex pensesofothers.Whatweshoulddoistoenjoyourownshareatth ecommonwealthofthehumanbeings.Wealthisnotabsolute.Agr eatmanmayasrichasowningthewholeworld,atthesametime,he mayalsoaspooraspenniless.Therefore,aslongaswearenotsp irituallypoor,itisallrightevenifwearenotrichmanforthe wholelife.Beingpoorisnotbecausesomeoneispenniless,butmainlybeca useofthelonelymiseryinhisinnerworld.Theyaregreen-eyed,becausetheyareneversatisfiedwithwhattheyhave,but arealwaysjealousofpeoplewhoaresuccessfulorwhoearnhigh ersalaries.Theyneverlookatotherpeople’sdevotionsandc ontributions,butwiththeirhabitofjealousytheyalwaysfee lpooranduncomfortable.Itismoredifficulttosolveinterna lpoverty.Supposewecanlookbackatthepastwiththeconcepto fwealth,howcanwestaypoor?Wemaywellsaythatwealthliesin yourheartandweshouldknowhowtotreasureit.TranslatedbyZhangBaodanJune20,2004中文一说到财富,人们就会想到金钱,又会想到与钱有关的许多说法和观念。



图 10 货币供给变动的影响
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Copyright © 2010 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved.
图 2债券需求曲线的位移
Copyright © 2010 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved.
• 三个因素:
• 各种投资机会的预期盈利性 :在经济周期的扩张阶 段,债券供给就会增加,供给曲线向右位移
• 预期通货膨胀率:预期通货膨胀率上升会增加债券供 给,推动债券供给曲线向右位移
• 政府预算:政府赤字越大,债券的供给量就越大,推 动供给曲线向右位移
Copyright © 2010 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved.
表3 使债券供给曲线发生位移的因素
Copyright © 2010 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights reserved.
第 5章 利率行为
Copyright © 2010 Pearson Addison-Wesley. All rights rFra bibliotekserved.
• 财富(wealth): 指个人拥有的全部资源,包括所有资产。 • 盈利性,安全性,流动性,三性结合 • 预期回报率:一种资产相对于其他替代性资产的预期回报率 (即预期下个阶段的回报率)。越高越好 • 风险:一种资产相对于其他替代性资产的风险(回报的不确定 性程度)。 越低越好 • 流动性:一种资产相对于其他替代性资产的流动性(资产转化 为现金的容易程度和速度)。越高越好



高中英语谚语练习题50题(带答案)1. The proverb “_____ is the mother of invention.” emphasizes that when people face difficulties, they are likely to come up with new ideas.A. NecessityB. LazinessC. WealthD. Happiness答案解析:A。

“Necessity is the mother of invention.”的意思是“需要是发明之母”,强调人们在面临困难( 有需求)的时候,就可能产生新的想法。

选项B“Laziness( 懒惰)”与发明没有这种因果关系;选项C“ Wealth 财富)”也不是发明的直接促成因素;选项D“ Happiness 幸福)”同样和这个谚语表达的含义无关。

2. “Where there is a _____, there is a way.” This proverb encourages people not to give up easily when facing challenges.A. willB. wallC. windD. waste答案解析:A。

“Where there is a will, there is a way.”意思是“有志者,事竟成”,这里的“will”表示意志、决心,表达一种积极向上鼓励人们面对挑战不要轻易放弃的态度。

选项B“wall( 墙)”、选项C“wind 风)”和选项D“waste 浪费、废物)”都不符合这个谚语的含义。

3. Which of the following completes the proverb “A friend in need isa _____ indeed.”?A. friendB. helperC. strangerD. enemy答案解析:A。



英语演讲稿《财富Wealth》 The word wealth always reminds people of money and the sayings or concepts related to money. For example, “money talks”; “money makes the ghosts turn the mill”; “as birds die for food, so men die for wealth”; “the poor have no friends even though they live in the noisy downtown, while the rich have remote kinsfolk even if they live in the deep mountains”; “poverty chills ambition” “one cent short may put a hero in an awkward situation” etc, etc.. In the 1980' s, all shops were state-owned with marked prices. You couldn't buy what you wanted with even one cent short, so one cent could indeed embarrass a hero. A popular song at that time started “I picked up one cent at the roadside, and I handed it over to the policeman…” But now no one cares to pick it up even if it were ten cents. People's reverence for money is expressed in varied ways. The names of companies or stores are often “Beer of Wealth and Honor”, “Restaurant of Wealth and Rank”“Store of the Aristocrats”“Hotel of Fame and Prestige” etc. (even some people's names have the meanings of “full of gold” or “great fortune”). At New Year's time, the god of wealth is worshiped and the picture of the god is covered with signs of money. When a millionaire is walking in the street, people will show their profound respect even though they know very well that they can not get a cent from him. The English film “the Million-Pound Note” makes a most vivid revelation of this situation. With the million pound note in hand, the hero has the privilege to buy on credit, or on loan and is even presented money from others. It's an idealized end of the story that the hero is still loved by his girl friend ev[]en after he lost his million-pound note. However, without the million-pound note, they couldn't have known each other. It's very difficult for people to make friends directly with beggars. The song of “All Good Things Must End” in A Dream of the Red Mansions attacks the money worshipers by saying: “All men long to be immortals yet silver and gold they prize And grub for money all their lives Till death seals up their eyes” But when Chen Shih-yin tries to expound this song by analyzing the inconstancy of human relationships and the incomprehensible human heart, he has to say: “While men with gold and silver by the chest Turn beggars, scorned by all and dispossessed” The conclusion is that it doesn't work without money. In spite of the human civilizations over thousands of years, people can not deny the function of money. This shows how important money is. Money plays a decisive role to individuals, to familiesand even to countries or nationalities. Otherwise, why is everyone, from doorkeepers to presidents, trying to earn as much as possible? Why does every country need Chancellors of the Exchequer, who keep formulating and revising financial laws and regulations? How different it is to be a creditor nation and a debtor nation! The United States is playing the tyrant just because it is wealthy enough.A poor man may cherish lofty aspirations, but will probably be beaten because of his poverty. The Afghanistan may have won a lot of sympathy, but how difficult it would be to live solely on charity. Of all ages and in every country, all kinds of corruption stem from money. No matter how rough the man is, and in what despicable way he earned the money, he can grease the palms of or buy over some very decent officials or even intellectuals. Can you see how crucial a role money is playing? (A case in point is the bankrupt of the company) Some people or organizations like some religious groups claim that they have seen through the human vanity and can take money lightly, but to people's puzzlement, they are also accumulating money, either to renovate the temples, or to regild Buddha's statues, in whatever pretexts. They are not engaged in production, so they can only depend on the donations from the devout believers. Sometimes your sincerity relies on whether you donate and how much you donate. Do the monks care about money? The answer is affirmative. What's more, many monks are already provided with a salary. We are living in a material world, and it's really difficult to deny the function of money or wealth. We need money for food, clothes, education, hospital, housing and transportation, etc. There's rarely anything that doesn't need money. What we can discuss now is not the importance of money, but whether money is almighty and whether more wealth can bring us more happiness. We must say that money is not almighty, and there are many things which money can't do. For example, many emperors like Qin Shihuang longed for elixirs. As wealthy as they were, and as mighty as they were to take every measure to search for long life medicine, they still could not avoid the sad denouement that “their graves are a covered with weeds”. Many great men suffered from fatal illness. Even though they were treated with the best medical means, they had to suffer as much as the ordinary people, and met with the same inescapable fate. Rich or poor, great or ordinary, we come and go with nothing belonging to us. Huang Shiren, the cruel hearted landlord, was rich but Xi'er would rather hid in the deep mountains and turn into a white-hired girl than marrying him; Wang Baochuan wouldn't give up her marriage with Xue Pinggui even though she had to live in the cold cave for over ten years; Emperor Shunzhi of the Qing Dynasty owned the whole country, but just because of the death his beloved concubine, he eventually became disillusioned with this world and spent the rest of life in the temple as a monk (it's all right even if it is a legend). Many love stories can never be bought with money. The ever-lasting folktale of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai shows people's identification with this point of view. Wealthy men also have a lot of worries: afraid of being stolen or kidnapped, they may have to hire a bodyguard; they're concerned about their spoiling the children, or worry about the family discord because of the legacy disputes after their death; Fearing devaluation if they don't invest,while fearing of bankrupt if they invest; Where is their happiness? How much is enough? No limitation. As poor as beggars without a penny, they can make a living by begging. It's said that some have become millionaires through begging. As wealthy as a billionaire, they can only enjoy a couple of dishes each meal. If someone is allergic to seafood, or tired of rich dishes, he may enjoy the pickled vegetables just as much. As for money, people can take it easy sometimes, but most of the time, they can't. In theory, they may take it easy while in practice, they usually take it very seriously; Talking about others, they can take it easy, but to themselves, they take it seriously again. Some people take it seriously for one moment, but may take it easy afterwards, just as we said what is hidden from the concerned is plain to the bystanders. Most people take money too seriously when being involved. In fact, as long as you have enough to eat, what is the difference between a little and a lot? Everything has a limit, so does money. We should conform to the course of the nature in stead of going out of our way to grasp it. We should spend according to our income. The rich may enjoy much more luxuries but no less worries than the poor. The only difference is the content and form of worries. The higher the income is, the bigger the expenditure is. The world famous boxers may earn millions of dollars for one game, but often find themselves deep in debt. With an annual salary as high as tens of thousands of dollars, the former President of the United States Bill Clinton ran into debts because of lawsuit, and had to throw off his airs to earn money in every mean. However, the monthly income of some of the Chinese families is no more than a few hundred Yuan while leading a life with enjoyment. Happiness doesn't necessarily rely on money. According to the western fable the Gold Touch, a king was very fond of gold and prayed to God for more gold everyday. To teach him a lesson, God imparted the Gold Touch to him. From then on, whatever he touched turned into gold, including bread, milk, flowers, and even his beloved daughter. He couldn't eat gold, of course, nor could he lose his daughter. In the end, he repented his sin, pleaded God to take the Gold Touch back and went back to his former happy life again. This story is a little exaggerated, but at the same time it told us vividly that wealth and happiness are not synonym. What's more, no matter how much money you have, you can't spend it all. Wealth itself is neutral, but it acquires a double-attribute because of the difference of its owner. Kind people use it for charities, while wicked people may use it to make guns and cannons for killing. Therefore wealth can be the origin of both good and evil. God(if he really exists), can you make the kind richer and the evil live in poverty? Wealth always reminds people of money, land, houses, and cars, etc. which are all material. In fact, wealth has two aspects: material and spiritual. People pay more attention to material wealth, which is tangible and also limited. For example, a cake can be quickly eaten up, and a big sum of money can be spent. However, spiritual wealth is different, since it is intangible and unlimited. For example, a kind of philosophy, concept, spirit, a plan, a strategy, or a innovation is hard to estimate its value. Chairman's Mao's thought had aroused millions of people, and with an overwhelming and irresistible momentum, his strategy of “encircle the city from the country” defeated first the Japanese invaders and then Jiang Kai-shek's army of eight million. Deng Xiaoping's principle of “reform and opening up” led China out of the trap of poverty. The current financial policy and the general plan of “” have kept the Chinese currency RMB from devaluating during the Asian economic crisis and kept our national economy at a 7% growth rate in the unstable macro environment of world-wide economic crisis. An enterprise can grow bigger and bigger like a snowball, but in the meantime, it can go bankrupt instantly like a deflated balloon, all depending on whether the operating strategy and specific measures are appropriate. Just as the old saying goes: As long as the line is right, the future is bright. Long-term development doesn't depend on good luck. Therefore we believe that spiritually rich is really rich, and spiritual wealth is the biggest wealth. Judging a man, we should see whether he has the wisdom while judging an enterprise, we should see whether its strategies and measures are in accordance with the historical(Motivational model ) trends. Never trust beautiful illusions like the moon in the water and flowers reflected in a mirror that will not last long. We don't advocate beggarism, so we are not afraid of wealth, but uphold wealth. However, we should acquire wealth in a proper way, and think more about the future. We should not forsake good for the sake of gold, nor should we benefit ourselves at the expenses of others. What we should do is to enjoy our own share at the common wealth of the human beings. Wealth is not absolute. A great man may as rich as owning the whole world, at the same time, he may also as poor as penniless. Therefore, as long as we are not spiritually poor, it is all right even if we are not rich man for the whole life. Being poor is not because someone is penniless, but mainly because of the lonely misery in his inner world. They are green-eyed, because they are never satisfied with what they have, but are always jealous of people who are successful or who earn higher salaries. They never look at other people's devotions and contributions, but with their habit of jealousy they always feel poor and uncomfortable. It is more difficult to solve internal poverty. Suppose we can look back at the past with the concept of wealth, how can we stay poor? We may well say that wealth lies in your heart and we should know how to treasure it. 中文 一说到财富,人们就会想到金钱,又会想到与钱有关的许多说法和观念。

Wealth 财富

Wealth 财富

What Is WealthWhen it comes to wealth, when people talks, they always think about money, jewelry, fancy cars or some other kind of luxurious things. Wealth do have a big relationship with those things, but it is far more than that. According to the Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary, wealth also means “a large amount of something”, used like “a wealth of information”. Besides, wealth can also refer to something that is abstract and spiritual. For example, the deep love of a mother can be described as wealth to the child, the victory of a game can be regarded as some unique wealth by an athlete, and the wonderful experience of a journey can be the lifelong wealth of those travelers. Substantial wealth is loved by almost all the people, because it can bring them an easy and pleasant life, and a sense of being superior in many occasions. But sometimes, wealth may also trap you into some unexpected trouble such as robbery and kidnap, or the endless quarrels about the division of legacy. Differently, spiritual wealth seems to have no side effects, your memories, your love and joy…as Dickens puts it: “these things shall never die.。



财富运气的英语以下是关于“财富运气”的英语表达:一、单词1. Fortune:- 释义:[n.] 财富;运气;命运。

- 用法:常与动词“make”搭配,如“make a fortune”(发财);也可用于描述某人的财富状况或运气走向,如“He has a great fortune.”(他有巨额财富),“Fortune smiled on him.”(他运气好)。

- 双语例句:She inherited a large fortune from her grandfather.(她从祖父那里继承了一大笔财富。

)/ His fortune changed overnight.(他的运气一夜之间改变了。

)2. Wealth:- 释义:[n.] 财富;财产;大量。

- 用法:可用于表示个人、家庭或国家的财富总量,如“accumulate wealth”(积累财富),“a man of great wealth”(富有的人)。

- 双语例句:The discovery of oil brought great wealth to the region.(石油的发现给该地区带来了巨大财富。

)/ Wealth doesn't always bring happiness.(财富并不总是带来幸福。

)3. Luck:- 释义:[n.] 运气;好运;机遇。

- 用法:常见搭配有“good luck”(好运),“bad luck”(厄运),“have luck”(有运气)等,如“Wish you good luck!”(祝你好运!),“He had no luck in finding a job.”(他找工作运气不佳。

)- 双语例句:Some people seem to have all the luck.(有些人似乎总是运气好。

)/ It was just my luck to miss the bus.(我就是这么倒霉,错过了公交车。




















说穿了,财富是衡量一个人能生存多久时间的经济能力"二财富概念新解2008-6-2 4:22:00上海证券报财富,人类几千来追逐的梦想。










” 这被认为是西方经济学对财富的典型而通用的定义,或者说是经济学意义上的财富的定义。

著有《第三次浪潮》一书的美国未来学巨擘阿尔文.托夫勒(Alvin Toffler)在其著作《新财富革命》中探讨了人类从工业社会到知识社会转变过程中财富在形式、创造、分配、流通、消耗与投资等过程的变化,他提出了社会中每一个人作为“产消合一者”(prosumer)的概念,他认为,现代财富体系的主体是以金钱经济与非金钱经济结合构成的。



wealth的同义词wealth表财产,财富的意思,那么你知道wealth的同义词有哪些吗?接下来小编为大家整理了wealth的同义词,希望对你有帮助哦!wealth的同义词辨析:wealth, assets, estate, goods, property, resources这些名词均有"财产,财富"之意。

wealth :普通用词,含义广。


assets :法律和商业用词,指包括全部动产和不动产的资产。

estate :多指地产或建在地面上的房产。

goods :含义较窄,主要指个人动产。


resources :指在需要时可以动用的财产,包括国家土地、矿藏、水力等自然资源或个人的存款及其他财产。

wealth的例句:1. Economic reform has brought relative wealth to peasant farmers.经济改革给农民带来了相对的财富。

2. There are easier ways to encourage the even spread of wealth.有一些更简单的方法可以促进财富的平均分配。

3. Sid'samazing wealth comes from holdings in oil, gas, land and property.锡德惊人的财富来自他在石油、天然气和房地产领域持有的股份。

4. They drove around in Rolls-Royces, openly flaunting their wealth.他们开着劳斯莱斯到处转悠,公开炫耀他们的财富。

5. There really is a wealth of unrecognised talent out there.那里确实有很多怀才不遇的人。



wealth的短语有哪些wealth表示财产,财富的意思,那么你知道wealth的短语有哪些吗?接下来为大家整理了wealth的短语搭配,希望对你有帮助哦!wealth的短语:形容词+~colossal wealth 巨大的财富enormous wealth 巨大的财富fabulous wealth 巨额财富介词+~live in great wealth 过非常富裕的生活roll in wealth 异常富有a period of wealth 繁荣时期~+介词a wealth of 大量的,丰富的a wealth of experience 丰富的经验a wealth of information 大量的信息a wealth of learning 丰富的学识the wealth of society 社会财富同义词辨析:wealth, assets, estate, goods, property, resources这些名词均有"财产,财富"之意。

wealth :普通用词,含义广。


assets :法律和商业用词,指包括全部动产和不动产的资产。

estate :多指地产或建在地面上的房产。

goods :含义较窄,主要指个人动产。


resources :指在需要时可以动用的财产,包括国家土地、矿藏、水力等自然资源或个人的存款及其他财产。

wealth的短语例句:1. Economic reform has brought relative wealth to peasant farmers.经济改革给农民带来了相对的财富。

2. There are easier ways to encourage the even spread of wealth.有一些更简单的方法可以促进财富的平均分配。



What is wealth? Wealth means different things to different people. But there are common agreements that wealth must include these important factors such as being happy, healthy,and living in harmony with family and others.财富是什么?不同的人对财富的定义不同,但每个人都会同意,财富包含着这么一些重要的基本要素:快乐、健康、与他人和谐的相处等等。

You may have all the riches in the world but if you are not true to yourself and others, you are not considered wealthy because you will not have true friendship and your wealth will not last because integrity is the foundation of everything. A world famous scientist, Buckminster Fuller, said it so well: “Integrity is the ssence of everything.”但如果你没有以诚心来对待自己和他人,纵使拥有了全世界的财宝,也不能算真正富有,因为完整性是所有事物的基础。


”Wealth should cover these five important areas:Mental,Physical, Social,Financial,and working with Universal Laws taking into consideration the well being of people in the world.财富应该囊括以下五大方面:精神、身体、社会、财政和遵循法律规范。

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• As for money ,we really need it, we can't lose some other important things because of money.For example,our faith,our dignity,our dream,our youth and so on. • Wealth is not only refers to the money,but also what our inner insist on.We should not be bound by money,we have more important things to do,we have to insist on our dream to make it come true. This is more important wealth.
• But more and more people have a misunderstanding to wealth. In their eyes,money is the wealth.So money makes the mare to go,money is everything. • Maybe money is important,but there is always more important things than money in the world.As a contemporary college students,we must have a good understanding of the money.
• As far as I can see health is the most important thing. Chairman MAO said the body is the capital of revolution. • If you don't have a heathy body, everything is a challenge to you. For the college students in the school, exercise is a must. • To a certain degree, health Is visible wealth. As for the Olympic champion, their success can't leave their efforts, and their health also help them a lot.
• In order to creaet wealth, we must have a correct understanding of the wealth,we must have our own unique understanding of the wealth. • In a world,wealth is important ,money is important,but wealth is not equal to money.There are more important things than money,there are more important things worth us to do.
• In my opinion,wealth is not only physical, but also the spirit. • If we want to creaet wealth, we must pay more efforts. But in other way,you can creaet wealth in anywhere if you are a useful person. If you can make a contribution to society,then you are a useful person. • Everybody has a dream,we must insist on our dream to make it come true.It can inspire us to struggle,to creaet the wealth.
• Every successful person has a secret that they have a good credit. • The Confucius said words will do and action.
• Goodness is the nature of people. But few people have been keeping the goodness. • Goodness can creait wealth. For yourself, making your conscience get stability. For others, helping the poor who are in trouble.
• First,let's enjoy some pictures.
• As for Olympic champion. Their success is not an accident, they pay more efforts than ordinary people. Their training ten years like one day. There is a difficult past behind the wealth, behind the success. • As for NBA Champions Miami Heat, their pay is obvious to all. Especially some key players, thier performance are perfect. So what can we learn from these successful people to creaet our own wealth?
• Of course, we can't give wealth a precise definition. For different people , for different thing, the wealth is different. But the importance of wealth is beyond doubt. • So there is another question
11/2/King's famous speech 《I have a dream》 Inspired generation after generation. Everyone has a dream that Is the driving force of our struggle. Dream is the intangible wealth. • It will always with you as you grow up and become more and more powerful.
• We have been reading for more than ten years. Our knowledge will help us a lot in the future. • Knowledge change destiny. This is our spirit wealth.
Maybe differdnt people have different answers. Now let's have a discussion!
You can say wealth is the money. Because money can buy what you want to buy, can make you live a luxurious life.