





智能家居控制系统软件(SCS2)使用说明书一, 产品概述1, 功能及特点智能家居控制系统软件(SCS2), 以下简称SCS2, SCS2软件客户端是一个集多种家电遥控功能于一身, 配合索科特相关产品, 将智能手机或PAD打导致超级万能家电遥控器, 并可以根据用户的实际需求, 通过软件实现个性设立的遥控器。

本控制器具有以下功能和特点:1.1, SCS2客户端配合相关产品, 可以隔墙体遥控红外家用电器。

1.2, SCS2客户端可以分别控制电视、DVD.音响、照明灯、窗帘、空调、机顶盒、风扇、功放、背景音乐等常用家电, 也可以进行一键场景控制。

1.3, SC2S客户端可以通过软件设立, 更改各设备名称, 打造只属于你家遥控器。

1.4, SCS2客户端可以1.4, 安装方便, Android, pad, Iphone等智能手机皆可安装2, 基本界面介绍主界面控制界面(电视类)设立键主功能分类区电视机数量/型主功能分类功能操作区房间分类区楼层分类区功能操作区主功能分类控制界面(灯光类)区域分类区背景功能操作区主功能分类控制界面(灯光类)注: 1, 本软件合用手机分辨率1280*720、800*480、854*480、480*320、960*540。

2, 点击主界面下方<LOGO区域>会弹出设立按钮二, 产品各部件配置说明智能开关使用说明合用范围: 索科特智能开关产品优势:1, 外观精美, 工艺细致, 颜色和图案可根据用户喜好而定制。

2, 背光效果为你在黑夜中指明前进的方向, 实用贴心。

3, 开关上的每个开关按键完全满足5-500瓦相应光源。

4, 控制方式多样化, 可以实现触摸控制、现场遥控。

安全警告:1, 安装和拆卸前请务必切断电源。

2, 安装前保证线路没有短路, 接错。

3, 安装和使用本产品时须注意防水、防蒸汽、防敲击。

4, 勿用锋利的物体刮擦触摸面板。

5, 开关在开灯或关灯时请勿用力过猛, 以免按碎触摸面板。





二、技术参数1. 控制方式:智能控制算法2. 输入电压:220V 50Hz3. 输出电流:最大输出电流为10A4. 通讯接口:支持RS485、Ethernet等多种通讯方式5. 控制精度:角度误差小于0.1°6. 控制范围:适用于各类机器人的姿态调整和动作控制三、功能介绍1. 姿态控制:机器人智能控制器可以通过对机械臂和关节的控制,实现机器人的各种姿态调整。


2. 动作控制:机器人智能控制器支持多种动作模式,用户可以通过编程或者手动控制实现机器人的各种动作。


3. 传感器集成:控制器内置了多种传感器接口,可以与各类传感器进行连接,如视觉传感器、力传感器等。


4. 多机器人协同:机器人智能控制器支持多机器人协同工作。


四、操作说明1. 电源接入:将机器人智能控制器的电源线插入220V交流电源插座,并确保电源稳定。

2. 硬件连接:根据机器人的不同类型,将机器人与控制器通过适当的接口进行连接。


3. 编程配置:根据具体应用需求,编写控制程序并上传到控制器。


4. 运行控制:启动机器人智能控制器,并根据需要选择相应的控制模式。


unit3 智能控制器说明书

unit3 智能控制器说明书

unit3 智能控制器说明书




















二.显示及按键符号 内容1当前星期状态2本地时间24小时制显示3自动运行模式状态显示4设置选择5风量切换6开关(设置状态时:确认)7数字减少或向后选择设置参数8数字增加或向前选择设置参数9自动运行模式:正在运行时段10手动运行模式状态显示11风量显示12环境温度显示三.技术参数输入电源 功率消耗 时段数量 输出方式 外形尺寸A C220V1w每天4时段,每周最多28时段 继电器 ≤1A86m m×86m m×14m m四.操作设置说明1.手动运行模式控制器接通电源后,液晶屏显示温度、时间、星期状态,约五秒后按开关键,液晶屏出现风量图标及手动运行模式图标,风量默认为中。



自动运行时段设定:自动运行模式下连按两次按设置选择键,液晶屏自动运行模式图标A U T O闪烁,进入时段设定。







1. 控制器的安装控制器应安装在通风良好、温度适宜的室内环境。




2. 控制器的设置通过连接控制器的配套手机APP或者网页控制端,用户可以进行多种设置。

以下是常见的设置方法:2.1 灵敏度设置用户可以设置照度灵敏度和动作灵敏度,以达到不同的自动控制效果。


2.2 定时设置用户可以通过设置时间、日程表等方式,使控制器能够在设定的时间内自动开启或关闭某灯具。


2.3 场景设置用户可以将多个相同或不同的灯具分为不同的场景,然后通过命令或者手机APP进行快速切换。


3. 控制器的注意事项为了使控制器能够正常工作且使用寿命更长,用户需注意以下事项:3.1 注意电源稳定请将控制器和灯具连接的电源保持稳定,在供电电压波动大的地方请设置稳压器,免得影响设备寿命并降低性能。

3.2 定期检查请用户在使用一段时间后定期检查控制器的连接是否正常、灯具、散热器是否存在脱落、变形、老化等问题,如发现问题请及时更换。

3.3 谨慎操作请用户谨慎操作,避免误操作及恶意攻击造成设备损坏,同时请勿将控制器拆开进行维护。



kolink 智能控制器使用手册说明书

kolink 智能控制器使用手册说明书

USER MANUAL OF SMART CONTROLLER Read themanual carefully before installing or connecting your Smart Kit (Wireless Module). Make sure to save this manual for future reference.IMPORTANT NOTE:QR CODEDECLARATION OF CONFORMITYHereby, we declare that this AC is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 2014/53/EU.A copy of the full DOC is attached.1.Model: EU-OSK103Standard: IEEE 802. 11b/g/nAntenna Type: Printed PCB Antenna Frequency: WLAN 2400~2483.5 MHz Operation Temperature: 0ºC~45ºC/32ºF~113ºF Operation Humidity: 10%~85%Power Input: DC 5V/300mAMaximum Transmitted Power: 19.8dBm Max∙Applicable system: iOS, Android.(iOS 8.0 or above, Android 6.0 or above)-Please keep your APP up to date with thelatest version.-Due to some situations, we affirm: Not allAndroid and iOS systems are compatiblewith the APP. We will not be liable for anyissue as a result of the incompatibility.∙Wireless Safety StrategySmart kit only supports WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSKencryption and none encryption.WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK encryption isrecommended.Due to different network situation, control process may time-out in some occasions. If this situation occurs, the display between board and APP may not be the same, please don’t get confused.Smart phone camera needs to be 5 million pixels or above to scan the QRcode sufficiently.Request time-out could happen due to different network situation. Hence,it is mandatory to do networkconfiguration once again.The APP system is subject to update without prior notice due to someproduct function improvement. Theactual network configuration processmay slightly be different from themanual, so, the actual process shallprevail.Wi-Fi signal must be strong in order for the Air-conditioning unit to workproperly. If Wi-Fi signal is weak in theroom wherein the AC unit is placed,usage of repeater is advised.3.The following QR code is only available for DOWNLOADING the app.Android iOS∙For Android Phone users: scan Android QR code or go to google play then search“NetHome Plus” app and download it.∙For iOS users:scan iOS QR code or go to App Store then search “NetHome Plus”app and download it.1.Remove the protective cap of the SmartKit (wireless module)2.Open the front panel and insert the SmartKit (wireless module) into the reservedinterface.3.The QR code packed with Smart Kit(wireless module) is attached to the sidepanel of the machine to ensure that it willbe scanned by the mobile phone. Otheroption is to take the picture of the QRcode and save it to their phone. It is alsoavailable on the front page of the usermanual.This interface is only compatible with Smart Kit (Wireless Module) provided by the manufacturer.5. USER REGISTRATIONPlease ensure your mobile device is connected to the Wi-Fi router. The wirelessrouter must be connected to the internet before doing the registration and network configuration.It is better to log-in your email on the box and activate your account by clicking the link in case you forget your password. You can also log in using the Third Party applications (Facebook & Twitter)NOTE:For iOS users, you will receive a verification e-mail with the attached link in your registered e-mail address while for Android users, you can already log in after registration.6.∙It is necessary to forget any other network which is around the premises and make sure your device is connected to the wireless network you want to configure.∙Make sure your device’s wireless function works well and can be connected back to your original wireless network automatically.֍Using Android device to do networkconfiguration1.Make sure your mobile device hasalready been connected to thewireless network which you wish to use.Also, you need to forget other irrelevantwireless network in case it influencesyour configuration process.2.Disconnect the power supply of AC.3.Connect the power supply of AC andcontinuously press the “LED DISPLAY” or“DO NOT DISTURB” button seven timesin 10 seconds.4.When the AC displays “AP”, it meansthat the AC wireless has alreadyentered into “AP” mode.Some type of AC does not need step 2 to be in AP mode.NOTE:The user must finish all the steps within 8 minutes after powering on the AC or else you will have to reset and go back again to step 1.(SCAN THE QR CODE METHOD)(MANUAL SETUP METHOD)1. Make sure yourmobile device isalready connected to the wireless network you want to use. Also, you need to forget all irrelevant wireless networks in case it influences you configuration process.2. Disconnect the power supply of AC (some units).3. Connect the power supply of AC and continuously press the “LED DISPLAY” button or “DO NOT DISTURB” button seven times in 10 seconds.4. When the AC displays “AP”, it means the AC wireless has already entered into “AP” mode.The user must finish all the steps within 8 minutes after powering on the AC or else you will have to reset and go back again to step 1.֍ Using iOS device to do network configuration(SCAN THE QR CODE METHOD)(MANUAL SETUP METHOD)When finishing network configuration, app will display success cue words on thescreen.Due to different internet environment, it is possible that the device status still displays“offline”. If this situation occurs, it isneeded to pull and refresh the device liston the app and make sure the devicestatus becomes “online”. Alternatively,user can turn off the AC power and turn iton again and then the status will become“online” after a few minutes.Please ensure both your mobile device and air conditioner is connected to the internet before using the app to control the air conditioner via internet.Not all function of the app is available on air conditioner. Example: ECO, Turbo, Swing function. Please check the user manual for more information.It Includes: Timer on, Timer off, 8ºC Heat, Sleep, Check and 4 way air direction.If the air conditioner does not support the above function, it will not be shown on the function list.Weekly, the user can make an appointment to turn on or turn off AC on a specific time. User can also choose circulation to keep the AC under schedule control every week.The user can let the AC run under 8ºC heat by one click. When people go outside, this function can protect your furniture from frost damage. (NOTE: THIS FUNCTION MAY NOT BE AVAILABLE TO ALL UNITS)Theuser can customize their comfortable sleep by setting target temperature.The user can simply check the AC running status with this function. When running this procedure, it can detect the normal items, abnormal items and detailed information.The air conditioner can be controlled by multi-users at the same time by “Share device” function.IC: 1 257 5A-MD NA 15This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules and industry Canada’s license-exempt RSS’s.Operation is subject to the following two conditions:1.This device may not cause interference;and2.This device must accept any interference,including interference that may causeundesired operation of the device.Only operate the device in accordance with the instructions supplied.Changes or modification to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.This device complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. In order to avoid the possibility of exceeding the FCC radio frequency exposure limits, human proximity to the antenna shall not be less than 20 cm (8 inches) during normal operation.This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, it may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does not cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:--Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.--Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.--Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.--Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Company will not be liable for any issues and problems caused by internet, wireless router and smart devices. Please contact the original provider to get further help.CS374U-APP-(OSK103)-B16110800000329KPII20190731。



85464609161011Operating InstructionsIntelligent ControllerAccess and Operation by Web BrowserBefore operating the unit, read these operating instructions thoroughly and keep them for future reference.Model No. CZ-256ESMC1U1006 Kadoma, Kadoma City, Osaka, JapanCV6233189659CONTENTSCONTENTS1. COMPUTER ENVIRONMENT REQUIREMENTS (1)2. LOG-IN (1)3. SCREEN DISPLAY AND OPERATION (2)3-1. [Each Tenant] Screen (2)3-2. [Each Tenant Details] Screen (5)3-3. [All Units] Screen (5)3-4. Distribution Ratio/Usage: Data Download Screen (6)3-5. Alarm Log Screen (7)3-6. Mail Send Log Screen (9)3-7. Program Timer Screen (10)3-8. Tenant Holiday/Timer Special Day Screen (12)3-9. Prohibit Remote Control Screen (13)3-10. WEB Settings Screen (14)3-10-1. Server details (16)4. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION (18)Note:This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to providereasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. Thisequipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed andused in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radiocommunications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in aparticular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or televisionreception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user isencouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:•Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.•Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.•Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.•Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.FCC Caution: To assure continued compliance, follow the attached installation instructions.Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible forcompliance could void the user's authority to operate this equipment.ACCESS AND OPERATION BY WEB BROWSER ACCESS AND OPERATION BY WEB BROWSERAccessing the Intelligent Controller from your computer allows you to monitor/operate air-conditioningequipment using a Web browser.1. COMPUTER ENVIRONMENT REQUIREMENTSIn order to use the web browser of your computer to connect to the Intelligent Controller and monitor/operateair-conditioning equipment, the following environment requirements must be met.Supported browser : I nternet Explorer 6.0 or laterJava applet : S un Microsystems Java Plugin Ver 1.4.2 or laterScreen resolution : 1024 × 768 recommended2. LOG-INTo log in to the Intelligent Controller, enter the following into the address bar of the web browser:h ttp://[Intelligent Controller address]/SACWWW/index_[language code].aspFor example, if the Intelligent Controller address is and you want to connect to the English page, enter:h ttp:// the DNS is used and ID name (device name) of the Intelligent Controller is “WindowsCE0”, enter: http://WindowsCE0/SACWWW/index_en.asp.The language codes are as follows.Enter the user ID and password set for the Intelligent Controller to log in.Shows the site name that was set for Intelligent Controller.Enter the user ID that was set for Intelligent Controller.Enter the password that was set for Intelligent Controller.Click the Login button.3. SCREEN DISPLAY AND OPERATION 3-1. [Each Tenant] ScreenAfter you log in to the Intelligent Controller, or when you use the menu to select [1. Status/Control :1. Each tenant], a screen such as shown below appears. (Screen details may differ depending on the user logged in.)NewbuttonUpdates the screen to the latest information.Menu(The menu may differ depending on the user logged in. The following menu appears when logged in as an administrator.) Lets you select one of the following screens.★Administrator Menu★Special User Menu★General User MenuTenant listShows the indoor unit and tenant structure currently accessed by the Intelligent Controller in a list. Select indoor units by clicking different parts of the list.Clicking on the part highlighted in the screen example above will select the individual indoor unit, while clicking on the tenant name (Tenant001, Tenant002, etc. in the example) will select all indoor units for that tenant. Clicking on the top of the list (Tenant in the example) will select all indoor units of the site.Only the tenants that can be operated by the user permission used to log in (administrator, special, general) are displayed. Icon display areaShows icons for indoor units connected to the Intelligent Controller.Clicking on an icon whose frame is shown in reverse will select that unit. Clicking on a tenant name will select that tenant.Notification columnShows information about the connection status of web browser and Intelligent Controller, etc. Alarm code displayShows the alarm code as a tooltip when the cursor is moved over the icon of the indoor unit for which the alarm is occurring. Site nameThe “Site name” set in the Intelligent Controller appears. ⑧ Remote control windowShows the Remote control window. When this window has been closed, clicking on the indoor unit or making another selection will bring it up again.A Status/Control screen sectionShows the status of the indoor unit and the operation condition. When a control operation is performed, the background color of the respective field changes and the Send button becomes available. Clicking the Send button will send all operation steps performed up to this point to the Intelligent Controller. If you instead click the Cancel button or perform a step such as selecting another indoor unit, operation steps performed up to this point will be canceled.ERemote control windowB Control sectionShows controls for possible operation steps such as start/stopswitching, operation mode selection, temperature selection, fanC Send buttonSends the changes made to theIntelligent Controller.D Cancel buttonCancels the changes made.E CHECK buttonsUsed to check the timer setting and remote control prohibitionsetting status.(See “3-7. Program Timer Screen” and “3-9. Prohibit RemoteControl Screen”.)Clicking the Return button will return the display to theprevious screen.Remote control window for general user3-2. [Each Tenant Details] ScreenWhen you use the menu to select [1. Status/Control : 2. Each tenant details], a screen such as shown below appears. (Screen details may differ depending on the user logged in.) Operation principles for this screen are similar to those of the “3-1. [Each tenant] screen”.3-3. [All Units] ScreenWhen you use the menu to select [1. Status/Control : 5. All units], a screen such as shown below appears.(Screen details may differ depending on the user logged in.) A maximum of 256 indoor units are displayed in1 screen. Operation principles for this screen are similar to those of the “3-1. [Each tenant] screen”.3-4. Distribution Ratio/Usage: Data Download ScreenWhen you use the menu to select [3. Distrib. ratio/Usage : 3. Download] while logged in as an administrator,a screen such as shown below appears.You can download files by selecting them and clicking the “Download” button.A cut-off data file appears for each piece of cut-off data that appears on the Intelligent Controller unit. Beaware, however, that the dates that appear on the Intelligent Controller unit appear as file names on this screen.For example, cut-off data that appears as “01/Apr-30/Apr” on the Intelligent Controller will appear as“20070401-200704301.csv” on this screen.When the following message appears after clicking the “Download” button, select “Open” or “Save”.•“Open” ........ Open the selected CSV file using spreadsheet software.•“Save” ......... Select a folder and save the CSV file.3-5. Alarm Log ScreenWhen you use the menu to select [4. Maintenance/Test Run : 2. Alarm log] while logged in as anadministrator or special user, a screen such as shown below appears.When an indoor unit is selected in the tree section, the previous 14 occurrences are displayed.(Same as the display on the Intelligent Controller.)“I/D alarm log”, “O/D comm. error log”, and “Adaptor alarm log” can be selected from the drop-down list.[O/D comm. error log] logs the history of errors in communication between the outdoor unit and the Intelligent Controller or the communication adaptor.[Adaptor alarm log] logs the history of warnings as determined by the Intelligent Controller or the communication adaptor.(Duplicate adaptor addresses, communication error between the Intelligent Controller and adaptor, etc.)3-6. Mail Send Log ScreenWhen you use the menu to select [4. Maintenance/Test Run : 4. Sent mail log] while logged in as an administrator, a screen such as shown below appears.No.The entry numbers for the sent mail log. With a maximum of 20 (No. 1 to 20) possible entries, the newest entries appear at the top of the list. When the number of entries exceeds 20, entries are deleted starting with the oldest. As up to three mail recipients can be specified, up to three log entries can be recorded for one alarm occurrence.Rslt“OK” appears when an alarm mail is sent properly, and “NG” appears when sending fails.Send T.The date and time the alarm mail was sent (or sending was attempted).ToThe recipient address the alarm mail was sent to. If the address is too long, only part of the address may appear.Unit nameThe name of the indoor unit for which the alarm occurred.Alarm codeThe code for the alarm that occurred.Stat“Occurrence” appears when a notification of an alarm occurrence is sent, and “Restoration” appears when a notification of an alarm restoration is sent.AddressThe address of the indoor unit for which the alarm occurred.The address follows the format, “adaptor number - link number - system (outdoor) number - indoor number”. When a test mail is sent, “TEST_MAIL” appears.⑧3-7. Program Timer ScreenWhen you use the menu to select [6. Auxiliary settings : 3. Program timer] while logged in as anadministrator, or use the “CHECK” button for timer operation in the remote control window, a screen such as shown below appears. (As non-administrator users can only confirm settings and not configure them, the “Cancel” and “Send” buttons only appear when logged in as an administrator.)When the daily timer number is selected in the tree section, the current setting status is displayed.Click the desired setting item, and you can select the setting from the drop-down list as shown below.Drop-down lists are also displayed for the weekly timer in the same way as the daily timer number.Tree section“Cancel”/”Send” buttonsYou can only configure daily timer settings one number (D1, D2, etc.) at a time. If you attempt to switch to D2 settings in the middle of configuring D1 settings, for example, the message “Send for each daily timer.” appears.In such a case, apply or cancel the current settings by clicking the “Send” or “Cancel” button, respectively, before configuring the next daily timer number.For details on the settings, refer to the operation manual for the Intelligent Controller.The “Check RC prohib.” button appears in the previous page when logged in as an administrator or special user. When you click on this button, a screen such as shown below appears.3-8. Tenant Holiday/Timer Special Day ScreenWhen you use the menu to select [6. Auxiliary settings : 4. Ten.Ho/TimerSp.Day] while logged in as an administrator, a screen such as shown below appears.Tree section “Cancel”/”Send” buttons“Copy” buttonYou can only configure tenant holiday/timer special day settings one tenant at a time. If you attempt to switch to Tenant002 settings in the middle of configuring Tenant001 settings, for example, the message “Send for each tenant.” appears.In such a case, apply or cancel the current settings by clicking the “Send” or “Cancel” button, respectively, before configuring the next tenant.To copy changed settings, click the “Send” button and apply the settings before copying.For details on the settings, refer to the operation manual for the Intelligent Controller.3-9. Prohibit Remote Control ScreenWhen you use the menu to select [6. Auxiliary settings : 5. Prohibit R/C] while logged in as an administrator, or click the “CHECK” button for prohibit remote control in the remote control window, a screen such as shown below appears. (As non-administrator users can only confirm settings and not configure them, the “Cancel” and “Send” buttons only appear when logged in as an administrator.)For details on the settings, refer to the operation manual for the Intelligent Controller.3-10. WEB Settings ScreenWhen you use the menu to select [6. Auxiliary settings” : 10. WEB settings] while logged in as an administrator, a screen such as shown below appears.For details on the settings, refer to the operation manual for the Intelligent Controller.Input values have the following restrictions.Setting ItemInput Range Input Character LimitationsSite nameUp to 40 characters One-byte “=” is prohibitedIP address (each block ) Numbers 0 to 255“” and “” are prohibitedSubnet mask Default GatewayDNS (Primary, Secondary) WINS (Primary, Secondary) Numbers 0 to 255“” is prohibitedDevice Name Alphanumeric characters, “–”, and “_” Up to 15 characters First character must be alphabetic character.“-” and “_” are prohibited as ending charactersSender's SMTP Symbols are “@” “.” “_” “:“ onlySender's account “=“ is prohibitedRecipient account 1 to 3Up to 40 alphanumericcharacters and symbolsTo [3.10.1. Server details] screen“Cancel”/”Send” buttonsIf a value that is outside the input range or input limitations is set, the window below appears.If the network settings have been changed when the “Send” button is clicked, the window below appears. Always check there is no problem restarting the Intelligent Controller unit.When “YES” is clicked for submission, the screen changes as shown below, and the Intelligent Controller unit restarts.When a mail test is sent, the window below appears when the mail settings have been changed.In this case, either click the “Send” button to enable the mail setting changes or click the “Cancel” button to disable the changes, and then send the mail test again.If the Intelligent Controller unit is processing (check configuration, cut-off, backup, etc.), this screen cannot be displayed or updated, mail test cannot be sent, and setting change “Send” cannot be performed. If the Intelligent Controller unit is displaying the initial setting screen (main menu 5) or the Settings screen (main menu 6), setting change “Send” cannot be performed. In either case, the following window appears.3-10-1. Server detailsWhen you click the “Server details” button from the [WEB settings] screen, a screen such as shown below appears.For details on the settings, refer to the operation manual for the Intelligent Controller.To [3-10-1-1 Receiving server settings] screenInput values have the following restrictions.Setting Item Input RangeInput Character LimitationsPort number Numbers 0 to 999999 User ID PasswordUp to 50 alphanumeric characters and symbols3-10-1-1. Receiving server settingsWhen you click the “Receiving server settings” button from the [Server details] screen, a screen such as shown below appears.For details on the settings, refer to the operation manual for the Intelligent Controller.Input values have the following restrictions.Setting Item Input RangeInput Character Limitations Recv. server address (POP3) Up to 40 alphanumeric characters and symbolsSymbols are “@” “.” “_” “:” only User ID Password Up to 50 alphanumeric characters and symbolsPort number Numbers 0 to 999999SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION4. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION■ When connecting the Intelligent Controller via Internet, consider implementing network security measures, such as a firewall.■ Error MessagesErrorCauseRemedySystem configuration change!(when logged in with Administrator privileges)The system configuration of the Intelligent Controller has changed. This is a warning message. Wait a moment and resume operation.Intelligent Controller is nowprocessing, please wait. Please try later.The Intelligent Controller is applying settings. Access from the Web is heavy.If configuring settings with the Intelligent Controller, switch to a non-settings screen (such as screen 1-n).Wait a moment and resume operation.Communication errorThe Intelligent Controller was turned off whileconnected, or a cable was unplugged or the network failure.Try the operation again.Verify that the Intelligent Controller is turned on, and that the network wiring connections are correct.Invalid user IDThe entered user ID is different from the user ID registered on the Intelligent Controller.Verify the user ID that was registered to the Intelligent Controller.Wrong passwordThe entered password is different from thepassword registered on the Intelligent Controller.Verify the password that wasregistered to the Intelligent Controller.All Stop!All units were forced to stop.Do not operate until unit operation resumes.The external all stop input is switched on for the Intelligent Controller unit.When the external all stop input is changed to OFF, the messagedisappears. After changing to OFF, wait for the message to disappear.DC1011-11111 Printed in Japan。

Pentair Intex iAquaLink Wi-Fi 智能控制器使用手册说明书

Pentair Intex iAquaLink Wi-Fi 智能控制器使用手册说明书

* To prevent potential Ethernet signal interference, order and install part# R0616800. Wrap the cable as shown inside the Within 2 minutes, the yellow“LAN” LED will illuminate. When the green LED illuminates, the iAquaLink is connected.3WARNINGTo prevent risk of electrical shock which can result in severe injury or death, ® system is OFF before proceeding with installation.1Ensure all power to AquaLink is OFF, then remove the dead panel. Pass the iAquaLink cable through the low voltage raceway of the AquaLink.3equipment by the jurisdiction in which the product will be installed where such state or local requirements exist, the maintainer must be a professional with sufficient experience in pool equipment installation and maintenance so that all of the instructions in this manual can be followed exactly. Before installing this product, read and follow all warning notices and instructions that accompany this product. Failure to follow warning notices and instructions may result in property damage, personal injury, or death. Improper installation and/or operation will void the warranty. Improper installation and/or operation can create unwanted electrical hazard which can cause serious injury, property damage, or death. Turn off power at the main circuit feeding the AquaLink power center to disconnect the power center from the system.Installation manual (H0433500) and owners manual (H0433600), available online at or by calling:USA: 1-800-822-7933 | CANADA: 1-888-647-4004 | AUSTRALIA: 1800-688-5523My Network Neighbors NetworkNeighbor #23See Helpful Hints #1 for more infoiFrom under the Manage Pool tab, the pool owner should create a user account with their email address and a password. Then they should sign in to their user account.To download the App, go to and select Mobile Apps - this may appear as a drop-down menu on some devices. It will display links for the appropriate apps for the device. The “Web Application” provides the app experience without downloading or installing1315My Network Neighbors Network Neighbor #23。





二基本功能对于M型无任何可选功能(加*的项目)时其功能配置为基本功能,如表1所示:表1 基本功能配置2.1.3 通讯功能通讯功能为可选项,对于M型没有通讯功能,对于H型通讯协议可根据需要选择为Modbus,Profibus-DP,Device net.2.1.4增选功能选择增选功能为可选项,M型,H型都可以选择增选功能配置,不同增选功能代号与增选功能内容如表2所示。

表2 增选功能配置表2.1.5 区域连锁及信号单元的选择“区域连锁及信号单元”为可选项,M型、H型都可以选择信号单元的功能配置,当信号单元选择为S2,S3时,控制器具备区域连锁功能。

2.2 技术性能2.2.1 适用环境工作温度:-10℃~+70℃(24h•内平均值不超过+35℃)储存温度:-25℃~+85℃安装地点最湿月的月平均最大相对湿度不超过90%,同时该月的月平均最低温度不超过+25℃,允许由于温度变化产生在产品表面的凝露。









二、产品特点1. 远程控制:通过手机应用或者电脑客户端,用户可以随时随地远程控制家中的各种设备,如灯光、空调、智能家电等。


2. 定时任务:智能家庭自动化控制器支持定时任务设置,用户可以根据自己的需求,设置灯光开关时间、空调温度、窗帘开合等操作,实现自动化的家居控制,提高生活便捷性和舒适度。

3. 情景模式:通过智能家庭自动化控制器,用户可以一键设置家中的情景模式,如回家模式、离家模式、睡眠模式等。


4. 节能环保:智能家庭自动化控制器能够根据环境条件和家庭成员的习惯,智能调整各个设备的使用效率,避免能源的浪费,达到节能环保的效果。

5. 安全防护:智能家庭自动化控制器提供安全防护功能,用户可以随时监控家中的安全状况,如监控摄像头、门禁系统等。


三、使用教程1. 安装控制器:将智能家庭自动化控制器连通电源,并连接到您的家庭网络。

2. 下载应用:搜索并下载与控制器对应的手机应用或者电脑客户端。

3. 注册账号:打开应用,根据提示注册一个账号,并绑定您的控制器。

4. 添加设备:在应用中选择添加设备,并按照说明连接您的家庭各种设备。

5. 连接网络:确保您的手机或电脑连接到网络,并与控制器成功建立连接。

6. 控制设备:在应用中,您可以看到已添加设备的列表,点击对应设备即可进行远程控制。

7. 设置定时任务:在应用中选择定时任务设置,按照提示设置任务时间和对应设备的控制指令。

8. 调整情景模式:根据实际需求,设置各种情景模式,如回家模式,设置灯光亮度和空调温度等。



版本号:202308501010105LDICK-01IC卡智能控制器使用说明书微信公众号目录第一章产品概述 (4)1.1概述 (4)1.2产品特点 (4)第二章产品功能 (5)第三章技术参数 (6)3.1产品外观 (6)3.2技术参数 (6)第四章参数设置 (7)4.1端子定义 (7)4.2安装方式 (8)4.3参数初始化 (9)4.4功能参数 (10)4.5控制器及相关软件使用 (19)第五章常见问题解决办法 (23)附录 (24)版权声明:本使用说明书包含的所有内容均受版权法的保护,未经唐山蓝迪通信科技有限公司的书面授权,任何组织和个人不得以任何形式或手段对整个说明书和部分内容进行复制和转载,并不得以任何形式传播。

















序 言序 言感谢您选购了本公司SR系列智能控制器,这说明您对本产品有了充分的了解。









注意:1. 手册及机器之专利权属于亚锐电子有限公司,非经许可不得影印或转载本手册全部或部分内容。



1SR Intelligent Controller注意:1.本S R系列严格按照功能块号的先后顺序进行循环扫描执行。


2.本S R系列中扩展模块、语音模块,遥控接收点模块以及前置通讯等模块要在主机模块之前接通电源,最迟应在和主机同时接通电源,不得迟于主机接通电源,否则主机在进行系统配置检测时可能检测不到这个模块而造成系统不能正常工作.2目录目 录第一部分 S R的基本操作与应用第一章 S R简介1.1 SR的结构 (1)1.2 SR系列产品命名规则 (2)1.3 SR系列产品规格型号 (3)1.4 SR特性 (5)第二章 S R的安装与接线2.1 SR的安装 (8)2.1.1 安装方法 (8)2.1.2 安装尺寸 (8)2.2 SR的接线 (10)2.2.1 电源连接 (10)2.2.2 输入连接 (10)2.2.3 输出连接 (12)2.2.4 SR系列产品配合连接 (14)第三章 S R功能块概述3.1 基本功能块(GF),共8个 (16)3.1.1 AND(与逻辑) (18)3.1.2 AND带RLO边缘检测 (19)3SR Intelligent Controller3.1.3 OR(或逻辑) (19)3.1.4 NOT(非逻辑) (20)3.1.5 XOR(异或逻辑) (21)3.1.6 NAND(与非逻辑) (21)3.1.7 NAND带RLO边缘检测 (22)3.1.8 NOR(或非逻辑) (23)3.2 特殊功能块(SF),共14个 (24)3.2.1 延时接通功能块(TOND) (26)3.2.2 延时断开功能块(TOFD) (27)3.2.3 脉冲继电器功能块(SPBL) (28)3.2.4 RS继电器功能块(TPBL) (29)3.2.5 时钟脉冲发生器功能块(BLNK) (30)3.2.6 保持接通延时继电器功能块(MTOD).313.2.7 单脉冲时间继电器功能块(PONS)..323.2.8 万能计数器功能块(UDCT) (33)3.2.9 通用模拟量比较器功能块(CMPR)..343.2.10 时间/计数比较器功能块(T/C-CMPR) (38)3.2.11 时钟开关功能块(SCHD) (40)3.2.12 时序输出功能块(TSEQ) (42)3.2.13 步序输出功能块(SSEQ) (44)3.2.14 小时增减功能块(HOUR) (45)3.2.15 属性脚说明 (45)3.3 SR输入输出点及语音类功能块,共8个 (47)4目录3.3.1 输入点(IN) (48)3.3.2 输出点(OUI) (49)3.3.3 遥控输入点(RCI) (50)3.3.4 电话输出信息功能块(DOUT) (50)3.3.5 电话输入功能块(D-IN) (53)3.3.6 播放语音段选择开关功能块(PMSG) (55)3.3.7 软件编程连接点(CONT) (56)3.3.8 人机界面编辑(SLCD) (57)第四章 人机界面S R-H M I模块的使用说明4.1 与传统控制器LCD的比较 (58)4.2 SR-HMI应用实例 (63)4.3 人机界面的编辑 (66)4.4 虚拟按键的使用 (74)4.5 口令设置 (76)4.6 SR-HMI软件帮助的使用 (77)4.7 SR-HMI使用说明 (77)4.7.1 系统时间的修改方法 (79)4.7.2 修改Counter的参数 (80)4.7.3 修改Timer的参数值 (80)4.7.4 修改Analog的参数值 (80)4.7.5 功能键的使用 (81)4.7.6 主机运行与停止状态的切换 (81)5SR Intelligent Controller4.8 SR-HMI屏幕上的错误信息含义及处理方法 (83)第五章 电话、语音模块5.1 语音模块结构 (86)5.2 语音模块与SR主机的连接 (87)5.3 语音模块使用说明 (88)5.4 语音模块使用举例 (91)5.5 语音软件说明 (95)5.6 语音模块软件使用举例 (98)5.7 录制语音段 (101)第六章 遥控模块与扩展模块6.1 遥控模块 (104)6.1.1 遥控接收模块的结构 (104)6.1.2 遥控模块与主机、语音模块的连接 (105)6.1.3 SR-TC遥控发射器使用 (107)6.2 扩展模块 (107)6.2.1 扩展模块的结构 (108)6.2.2 扩展模块的地址设置 (109)6.2.3 扩展模块的型号与接线 (109)6.3 SR系列产品实体图及其配件 (112)6目录第七章 S R系列技术参数7.1 SR-12MRAC/SR-22MRAC型技术参数 (115)7.2 SR-12MRDC/SR-22MRDC型技术参数 (116)7.3 SR-12MTDC/SR-22MTDC型技术参数 (118)7.4 SR-12MGDC/SR-22MGDC型技术参数 (119)7.5 SR-20ERA/SR-20ERD/SR-20ETD/SR-20EGD扩展模块技术参数 (120)7.6 电话收发号及语音模块 (124)7.7 遥控 (124)7.7.1 遥控接收模块 (124)7.7.2 遥控发射器 (124)7.8 SR系列产品通用技术参数 (124)第八章 SR的应用8.1 楼梯、大厅、走廊照明多功能开关 (126)8.2 自动门控制 (127)8.3 通风系统 (128)8.4 展示橱窗照明系统 (129)8.5 水塔自动供水系统 (130)第九章 品质保证声明7SR Intelligent Controller第十章 SR-WRT编程面板操作及功能10.1 SR-WRT的结构 (134)10.2 SR-WRT显示界面及功能 (135)10.3 SR-WRT的功能界面 (136)10.4 SR-WRT 的编程操作 (137)10.4.1 New Prg操作 (137)10.5 Edit Prg操作 (139)10.5.1 Edit FB操作 (139)10.5.2 Delete FB操作 (140)10.5.3 Insert FB操作 (141)10.6 File操作 (142)10.6.1 Rename操作 (142)10.6.2 Copy操作 (143)10.7 Set up操作 (145)10.8 Test A B操作 (146)10.9 SR-WRT编程举例 (149)8目录第二部分 SR编程软件SUPER CAD第一章 安装与卸载1.1 软件的安装 (158)1.2 软件的卸载 (163)第二章 SUPER CAD简介2.1 操作界面 (165)2.2 编辑窗口 (166)2.3 主要功能 (166)第三章 操作指令和功能块库3.1 功能指令 (168)3.1.1 文件 (168)3.1.2 编辑 (169)3.1.3 控制器 (169)3.1.4 通讯界面 (169)3.1.5 窗口 (170)3.1.6 设置 (170)3.1.7 帮助 (171)3.1.8 查找 (172)3.2 工具栏 (173)3.3 功能块库 (174)9SR Intelligent Controller3.3.1 功能块分类 (175)3.3.2 功能块属性设置及动作演示 (175) 通用属性 (175) 特殊属性设置 (176)第四章 基本操作4.1 开启文档 (187)4.1.1 开启新的文档 (187)4.1.2 开启原有文档 (188)4.2 编写功能图程序 (189)4.2.1 放置功能块 (189)4.2.2 功能块库介绍 (190)4.2.3 功能块表 (191)4.2.4 编辑功能块属性 (193)4.2.5 建立连线 (194)4.2.6 删除功能块或删除连线 (195)4.2.7 模拟运行 (196)4.2.8 存储和打印 (197)4.2.9 修改密码及读取 (198)警告本手册包含了您应该注意的事项以确保您的人身安全,以及保护产品和连接的设备。

FAB2 系列智能控制器用户手册说明书

FAB2 系列智能控制器用户手册说明书







FAB2 Intelligent Controller目录目录第一章F A B2简介1.1 FAB2的结构 (1)1.2 规格型号 (2)1.3 FAB2特点 (3)第二章F A B2的安装与接线2.1 FAB2的安装 (5)2.1.1 FAB2的安装方法 (5)2.1.2 FAB2的安装尺寸 (5)2.2 FAB2的接线 (6)2.2.1 FAB2的电源接线 (6)2.2.2 FAB2的输入接线 (7)2.2.3 FAB2的输出接线 (8)第三章功能模块概述3.1 基本功能模块(GF) (11)3.1.1 AND (12)3.1.2 OR (13)3.1.3 NOT (13)3.1.4 NAND (14)USER'S MANUAL3FAB2 Intelligent Controller目录4.3.1.3 FAB2_Addr 读写/修改地址界面 (38)4.3.2 Set 设置界面 (38)4.4 编辑FAB2功能程序 (39)4.4.1 编程规则 (39)4.4.2 中间继电器 (40)第五章通讯连接5.1 FAB2 的下载口 (43)5.2 FAB2 的485 接口 (43)5.2.1 FAB2 的A1B1 接口 (43)5.2.1 FAB2 的A1B1 接口 (43)5.3 FAB2通讯模块使用说明 (45)第六章应用6.1 学校上课或者工厂上班铃声的控制 (47)6.2 楼梯、大厅或者走廊照明多功能开关 (49)6.3 自动门控制要求 (49)6.4 通风系统 (50)6.5 霓虹灯控制系统控制要求 (51)6.6 展示橱窗照明系统 (54)6.7 FAB2在楼宇管理中的应用 (55)6.8 FAB2在二极管耐压计数及包装流水线上的引用 (56)USER'S MANUAL5FAB2 Intelligent Controller目录3.1.6 帮助 (72)3.1.7 编辑 (72)3.1.8 搜索 (72)3.1.9 FAB2操作 (73)3.1.10 窗体 (73)3.2 工具栏 (74)3.2.1 标准工具栏 (74)3.2.2 控制工具栏 (74)3.3 模块库 (75)3.3.1 模块库操作 (77)3.3.2 模块分类 (77)3.3.3 模块属性的设置 (77) 通用属性 (77) 特殊属性设置 (78)第四章基本操作4.1 开启文档 (86)4.1.1 开启新文档 (86)4.1.2 开启原有文档 (87)4.2 编写功能图程序 (88)4.2.1 放置模块 (88)USER'S MANUAL7FAB2 Intelligent Controller目录2.6 AF-10MR-E2/AF-20MR-E2 (114)2.7 AF-10MT-GD2/AF-20MT-GD2 (115)附录3 保用说明 (117)附录4 关于USB驱动说明 (119)USER'S MANUAL9FAB2 Intelligent Controller第一章 FAB2简介第一章 FAB2简介FAB2系列PLC 是老FAB 系列PLC 的升级版,它也采用功能块FBD (Function Block Diagram)的方式编写程序,比起传统的PLC 编程(梯形图和指令)更为简单易学。

博锐 CL-8500A KTV智能控制器 用户手册说明书

博锐 CL-8500A KTV智能控制器 用户手册说明书


1.2包装清单1)CL-8500A智能控制器1台2)串口转接线1条3)红外发射线2条4)终端电阻线(RJ45)1条2、产品概述2.1产品图示2.2产品简介CL-8500A是一款融合多项功能于一体的KTV智能控制器,其作为KTV综合控制系统的核心组件,可控制照明灯光、DMX512舞台灯具、空调、排风、服务灯、功放等设备,具有卡拉OK 音乐播放控制、摇麦信号检测等功能。

















二基本功能对于M型无任何可选功能(加*的项目)时其功能配置为基本功能,如表1所示:表1 基本功能配置2.1.3 通讯功能通讯功能为可选项,对于M型没有通讯功能,对于H型通讯协议可根据需要选择为Modbus,Profibus-DP,Device net.2.1.4增选功能选择增选功能为可选项,M型,H型都可以选择增选功能配置,不同增选功能代号与增选功能内容如表2所示。

表2 增选功能配置表2.1.5 区域连锁及信号单元的选择“区域连锁及信号单元”为可选项,M型、H型都可以选择信号单元的功能配置,当信号单元选择为S2,S3时,控制器具备区域连锁功能。

2.2 技术性能2.2.1 适用环境工作温度:-10℃~+70℃(24h•内平均值不超过+35℃)储存温度:-25℃~+85℃安装地点最湿月的月平均最大相对湿度不超过90%,同时该月的月平均最低温度不超过+25℃,允许由于温度变化产生在产品表面的凝露。







ykdw1智能控制器使用说明书第一章:产品介绍1.1 产品概述ykdw1智能控制器是一款高性能的智能控制设备,可广泛应用于工业自动化控制系统中。


1.2 主要特点- 高性能的微处理器,快速响应,稳定可靠;- 多种输入输出接口,适用于不同的控制需求;- 内置丰富的控制算法和逻辑,满足各种复杂控制任务;- 具备网络通信功能,支持远程监控和控制;- 简单易用的操作界面,方便用户进行设置和调试。

1.3 技术规格- 输入电压:AC 220V- 输出电压:DC 24V- 输入接口:模拟信号、数字信号、频率信号等- 输出接口:继电器输出、模拟信号输出等- 通信接口:RS485、以太网等- 工作温度:-10℃~55℃- 尺寸:120mm×80mm×40mm第二章:安装与接线2.1 安装要求在安装ykdw1智能控制器之前,请确保以下条件已满足:- 安装位置应干燥、通风良好,并远离强电磁干扰源;- 控制器应安装在固定的支架上,确保稳定性;- 控制器与被控制设备之间的距离应符合通信要求。

2.2 接线方法根据被控制设备的要求,正确接线是确保控制器正常工作的关键。

- 将输入信号源与控制器的输入接口相连接;- 将控制器的输出接口与被控制设备相连接;- 如果需要网络通信功能,可将控制器的通信接口与网络设备相连接。

第三章:操作与设置3.1 启动与关闭- 启动:将控制器接通电源后,按下电源开关,控制器将开始工作。

- 关闭:按下电源开关,控制器将停止工作,断开电源。

3.2 参数设置- 进入设置界面:按下设置按钮,进入参数设置界面。

- 参数调整:根据具体需求,设置各项参数,包括输入输出配置、控制算法、通信设置等。

- 参数保存:设置完成后,按下保存按钮,将参数保存至控制器内存。

第四章:故障排除4.1 常见问题与解决方法- 问题1:控制器无法正常启动。





输出继电器触点容量均为AC220V 7A 或DC24V 10A;(高位报警和控制输出可定义为超高报警及高位报警)6.状态指示:高位报警、控制输出、低位报警;7.设定温度调节范围:测量范围,细度:可设置,温度测量显示分辨率:可设置;缺省0.01。

8.控制回差范围:可设定,缺省0.2;9.外形尺寸:横式 160mmX80mmX160mm(宽X高X长)10.开孔尺寸:横式 152mmX76mm(宽X高)二.面板布局三.使用方法接通电源,仪表开始自检,数码管轮显“-”。

















该控制器配备了以下主要功能:1. 远程控制:通过手机APP或者云端平台,您可以随时随地远程控制您家中的各种电器设备。


2. 定时任务:您可以根据个人需求,预设设备的开关时间、模式切换等功能。


3. 联动控制:智能家居控制器支持不同设备之间的联动控制。


二、操作指南1. 连接设备:首先,请确保智能家居控制器与您家中的电器设备连接稳定。


2. 下载和安装APP:请在应用商店中搜索并下载我们的智能家居APP。


3. 添加设备:成功注册并登录后,点击“添加设备”按钮,按照提示将您的电器设备加入智能家居控制器的管理范围。

4. 远程控制:在APP界面,您可以看到已添加的设备列表。


5. 定时任务:在APP的设置页面,您可以设置各个设备的定时任务。


6. 联动控制:在APP的联动设置页面,您可以通过选择设备和设定条件来实现设备之间的智能联动。


三、注意事项1. 请保证智能家居控制器的供电稳定。


2. 本控制器仅适用于符合国家标准的电器设备。


3. 在进行远程控制和联动设置时,请确保网络连接稳定。

巨控 GRM530 系列智能控制器 使用手册

巨控 GRM530 系列智能控制器 使用手册

GRM530系列智能控制器说明书使用手册V3.0在安装使用控制器之前,请详细阅读该使用手册!广州市巨控电子科技有限公司2016/07/09版权所有,翻印必究GRM530系列智能控制器说明书 0一. GRM530概述 (5)性能简介 (5)二. 安装说明 (7)GRM530外形安装尺寸图及接口说明 (7)使用要求 (9)免责声明 (9)三. GRMDEV软件安装及模块配置 (10)1.1 使用GRMDEV本地配置模块工程 (10)1.2 本地修改GRM530网口IP的配置方法 (11)1.3 GRM530网口连接外网配置方法 (12)1.4 GRM530通过WIFI连接外网配置方法 (13)1.5 模块远程配置工程方法 (14)四. GRMDEV软件使用指南 (15)1.1 变量 (15)1.2 表达式 (17)工程选项 (19)1.1 基本选项 (19)1.2 短信/4G (20)定时器 (21)事件控制 (23)来电动作 (24)编译和工程下载 (25)在线调试 (25)设备固件升级 (26)五. GRM530 485/232通讯设备应用 (27)GRM530做485/232通讯主机的配置 (27)1.1 配置通讯端口 (27)1.2 添加通讯设备 (29)1.3 设置IO变量属性 (30)1.4 一个串口连接多个PLC (32)1.5 挂在不同串口下的设备之间交换数据 (32)1.6 设备特殊寄存器 (34)GRM530做MODBUS通讯从机的配置 (35)1.1 配置端口 (35)1.2 从机地址映射 (36)1.3 GRM530做MODBUS从站典型应用 (37)六. GRM530 以太网口通讯设备应用 (40)GRM530网络通讯的配置 (40)GRM530网络通讯多协议设置 (43)七. 使用网页监控 (45)1.1 四级模块密码功能介绍 (46)1.2 密码权限管理 (46)1.3 网页访问权限 (47)1.4 WEB扩展属性 (48)1.5 网页划分为多个子表格 (52)1.6 定时历史数据使用 (54)1.7 触发式历史数据记录 (55)1.8 历史报警使用 (57)1.9 使用微信报警 (59)1.10 网页显示界面管理 (59)1.11 模块统一管理 (60)八. 电脑组态软件远程监控 (61)配置GRM网络选项 (61)组态软件访问权限和设置 (62)配置监控端 (63)1.1 安装软件 (63)1.2 配置和刷新GRM设备 (63)GRM设备远程管理 (70)使用巨控组态开发监控系统 (72)1.1 新建组态工程 (72)1.2 添加OPC设备 (72)1.3 添加设备变量 (73)1.4 监视变量值 (76)1.5 OPCServer特殊变量 (78)使用组态王开发无线监控系统 (79)1.1 新建组态工程 (79)1.2 添加OPC设备 (79)1.3 添加设备变量 (80)1.4 监视变量值 (83)1.5 OPCServer特殊变量 (85)使用力控开发无线监控系统 (87)1.1 新建组态工程 (87)1.2 IO设备组态 (87)1.3 数据库组态 (88)1.4 监视变量值 (91)1.5 OPCServer特殊变量 (93)使用WINCC开发无线监控系统 (94)1.1 新建组态工程 (94)1.2 添加OPC设备 (94)1.3 添加设备变量 (95)1.4 监视变量值 (101)1.5 OPCServer特殊变量 (103)如何在一个电脑上同时监控多个模块 (104)开发监控工程完成后的打包 (106)九. 多个GRM模块直接交换数据 (108)1.1 完成远程监控的方法 (109)1.2 如何利用多个模块互相监视在线状态 (110)十. 短信功能 (113)短信用户和组 (113)消息模板 (114)多状态文本 (114)短信报警 (117)1.1 报警基本概念和分类 (117)1.2 界限报警 (117)1.3 条件报警(开关量报警) (124)1.4 故障代码报警 (125)1.5 双电源供电和停电报警 (125)1.6 报警配置范例(轮班值守) (126)1.7 报警配置范例(分级权限) (128)短信命令 (128)1.1 短信命令语法 (128)1.2 短信读变量 (130)1.3 短信写变量 (131)1.4 短信查询 (132)1.5 短信控制 (133)1.6 短信管理用户 (135)1.7 短信查询用户 (135)1.8 短信查询序号,型号 (136)1.9 短信查询余额和流量 (136)1.10 短信进行报警确认 (136)十一. 常见问题 (139)短信报警相关问题 (139)1.1 如何保证短信报警的可靠性 (139)1.2 如何防止用户过多,短信容易丢失 (139)1.3 为什么模块的短信发不出去 (140)1.4 如何防止短信误报警 (141)1.5 如何禁用某一个特定的报警 (141)1.6 如何每天定时发送设备信息 (142)1.7 如何在工作时间定时发送设备信息 (143)GRM逻辑控制举例 (143)GRM530和PLC的485通讯问题 (146)1.1 如何判断485通讯是否正常 (146)1.2 485通讯故障排查方法 (146)1.3 485通讯的其他异常 (146)GRM530无线通讯调试问题 (147)1.1 GRM530设备通讯要点 (147)1.2 用户如何查看GRM的连接状态 (147)1.3 如何使无线监控更为可靠 (149)1.4 如何控制无线监控的流量 (150)1.5 GRM530通过网线上网 (150)1.6 组态软件连接不上OPCSERVER (151)用户手机号配置修改 (154)在国外使用GRM530无线通讯模块 (157)GRM设备安装及维护 (159)1.1 GRM设备安装 (159)1.2 日常维护 (159)一.GRM530概述性能简介GRM530无线通讯模块是巨控科技开发的一款专用于PLC远程维护和监控的通讯模块。

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