1.请便! Help yourself.Do as you please. (表示不需准许而可取东西,就是请客人自在点,不必太拘束。
) 2.加油! Go for it!e.g. a: Go for it! you can do it!注:这是鼓励他人的话,也就是“ give it a good try. ”“try your best. ”。
3.够了! Enough!stop it!注:也可以加强语气说“Enough is enough!”。
要是对方正在 Fooling around (无所事事),你会骂他“Enough of this foolishness!”(混够了吧! )4.放心! I got your back.e.g. a: Don’t worry, man. I got your bac k.注:这句原本来自“I’m covering you from behi nd ”(我在后面掩护你),是打仗时军人常说的一句话。
5.免谈! No need to discuss! (no need for discussion. )e.g. a: It’s all settled. There’s no need to discuss it anymore. 全都确定了。
所以就免谈了!6.真棒!That’s grea t!7.好险! That was close!e.g. a: I’m so glad you made it. that was close!注:这里的 close 是很接近、幸好的意思,和开门关门( open and close) 的 close 不同。
8.闭嘴! Shut up!9.真巧! what a coincidence!10.花痴! flirt!e.g. a: you are such a flirt! stop kissing up to him! he doesn’t like yo uat all. 你是花痴喔?别再讨好他了。
超实用日常英语大全01居家类桌子table 椅子chair 沙发sofa 地板floor 地图map 茶几门door镜框picture frame 镜子mirror 冰箱refrigerator、fridge、freezer电饭煲electric rice cooker 电费charges for electricity电风扇electric fan 电视television、TV set 电视剧TV play电熨斗electric iron 微波炉microwave 书柜bookcase 书架bookshelf窗户window 窗纱window screening 窗台windowsill窗框window frame 窗帘(window)curtain 窗花paper-cut床bed 床单sheet 床垫mattress 床罩bedspread/counterpan床头beside、the head of a bed 床头柜beside cupboard、beside table床头灯beside lamp 床架bedstead 婴儿床baby crib 沙发床divan02星期&月份星期一Monday 星期二Tuesday 星期三Wednesday 星期四Thursday 星期五Friday 星期六Saturday 星期日Sunday一月January 二月February 三月March 四月April 五月May 六月June 七月July 八月August 九月September 十月October 十一月November 十二月December03颜色类&球类:颜色类:绿色green 红色red 蓝色bule 黄色yellow 黑色black 白色white 紫色purple 粉红色pink 灰色grey 深蓝色darkblue球类:篮球basketball 棒球baseball 排球volleyball 手球handball 保龄球bowlingball 高尔夫球golfball 水球waterpolo 冰球icehockey 气球balloon 网球tennis 乒乓球table tennis 羽毛球badmintom 台球billiards 足球football、soccer04科目语文Chinese 数学Math、Mathematies 英语English 物理pgysics 化学chemistry 生物biology 历史history 地理geography 政治politics 音乐music 美术painting 体育physical education(PE)代数algebra 算术arithmetic 几何geometry 电脑computer05水果水果商fruiterer 罐头水果canned fruit 水果刀fruit knife应时水果fruit of the season 干果dry fruit 早熟的early-maturing 晚熟的late-maturing 分量准足give full weight 缺斤短两give short weight 苹果apple 苹果汁apple juice 苹果核apple core 苹果皮apple skin 梨pear 南美梨avocado 香蕉banana 香蕉皮banana skin 葡萄grape 葡萄汁grape juice 葡萄核grapestone 葡萄皮grape skin 李子plum 杏子apricot 杏肉apricot flesh 杏核apricot pit 无花果fig 海棠果Beijing flowering crab 枣Chinese date 山楂hawthorn 猕猴桃Chinese gooseberry 橙子orange 脐橙navel orange 芒果mango 橘子tangerine 无核桔seedless orange 凤梨pineapple 西瓜waterelon 香瓜muskmelon 哈密瓜honeydew、honeymelon 木瓜papaya 桃子peach 蟠桃flat peach 水蜜桃honey peach 油桃nectarine 樱桃cherry 樱桃核cherry pit 樱桃肉cherry pulp 杨桃carambola 草莓strawberry 黑莓black berry 杨梅red bayberry 橄榄olive 槟榔betelnut 桂圆、龙眼longan 桂圆肉longan pulp 枇杷loguat 荔枝litchi 荔枝皮litchi rind 栗子chestnut 榛子filbert、hazel 核桃、胡桃walnut 柠檬lemon 石榴pomegranate 柿子persimmon 甘蔗sugar-cane 柚子、文旦shaddock 椰子coconut 椰奶coconut milk 椰子汁coconut water06家庭成员&身体部位家庭成员:爷爷grandfather、grandpa 奶奶grandmother、grandma爸爸father、dad、daddy 妈妈mother、mum、mammy丈夫husband 妻子wife 儿子son 女儿daughter媳妇daughter-in-law 孙子grandson 孙女granddaughter姐妹sister 兄弟brother 侄女niece身体部位:头head 手hand 肘elbow 臂arm 胸chest 腹stomach 腰waist 臀buttock 腿leg 膝knee 脚foot07节日&婚礼节日类:春节SpringFestival 建军节ArmyDay 教师节TeacherDay国际妇女劳动节InternationalWorkingDay 清明节Tomb-SweepingDay国际劳动节InternationalLaborDay 中秋节Mid-AutumnFestival端午节Dragon-Boat Festival 重阳节Double Ninth Festival婚礼:结婚典礼wedding ceremony 结婚纪念日wedding anniversary新娘bride 新郎bridegroom or groom 主婚人officiator pastor伴郎groomsman 伴娘bridesmaid 蜜月honeymoon08调味品&零食类调味品:(seasonings)醋vinegar 黄椒yellow pepper 酱油soy 肉桂cinnamon 酱soy sauce 黄油butter盐salt 香草精vanilla extract 加碘盐iodized salt 面粉flour 糖sugar 葱shallot(spring onions) 白糖refined sugar 姜ginger 冰糖Rock Sugar 蒜garlic 砂糖granulated sugar 料酒cooking wine 红糖brown sugar 沙拉salad 辣椒hot(red) pepper 胡椒(black) pepper 色拉油salad oil 调料fixing sauce seasoning 芝麻sesame 芝麻酱sesame paste 芝麻油sesame oil 咖喱粉curry 番茄酱(汁)ketchup redeye 辣根horseradish 耗油oyster sauce 枸杞(枇杷.欧查果)medlar 八角aniseed 酵母粉yeast barm零食类:snack:薄荷糖mint 饼干cracken/biscut 棒棒糖bonbon 话梅prune candied plum 锅巴rice crust 巧克力豆marble chocolate barley 瓜子melon seed 冰棒(冰果)ice (frozen)sucker 冰淇淋ice cream 圣代冰淇淋sundae 布丁pudding 防腐剂preservative09蔬菜类&干果类&中式早点类蔬菜类:番茄,西红柿tomato 南瓜(倭瓜)pumpkin 马铃薯potato 橄榄olive 地瓜sweet potato 木耳agarics 黄瓜cucumber 银耳silvery fungi 嫩黄瓜gherkin 莲藕lotus root 苦瓜balsam 毛豆green soy bean 丝瓜towel gourd 紫菜laver 茄子aubergine, eggplant 香菜caraway 萝卜radish 蘑菇mushroom 胡萝卜carrot 金针蘑needle mushroom 水萝卜summer radish 豌豆pea 圆白菜,卷心菜cabbage 蒜garlic 甜菜beet, beetroot 葱chive 辣椒chilli 洋葱onion 胡椒pepper 蒲公英dandelion 甜椒pimiento 辣根horseradish 芦笋asparagus 菜花,花椰菜cauliflower 韭菜leek 芹菜mushroom, celery 欧芹parsley 苣荬菜chicory 生菜,莴苣lettuce 甘蓝kohlrabi 茴香fennel 菜豆bean 蚕豆broad bean 干果类:dry fruits:腰果cashew nuts 花生peanut 无花果fig 榛子filbert hazel 栗子chestnut 核桃walnut 杏仁almond 果腹preserved fruit 芋头taro 葡萄干raisin cordial 开心果pistachion 巴西果brazil nut 菱角water chestnut中式早点类:烧饼clay oven rolls 油条fried bread stick 韭菜盒fried leek dumplings 水饺boiled dumplings 蒸饺steamed dumplings 馒头steamed buns 割包steamed sandwich 饭团rice and vegetable roll 蛋饼egg cakes 皮蛋100-year egg 咸鸭蛋salted duck egg 豆浆soybean milk10动物马horse 马驹,小马colt,foal 野马mustang 斑马zebra 骡mule 驴ass,donkey 牛ox 公牛bull 母牛cow 水牛buffalo 小牛,牛犊calf 猪pig,swine 种猪boar 阉猪,肥猪hog 猪崽piglet 羊sheep 山羊goat 母羊ewe 羊羔,羔羊lamb 羚羊antilope 公鸡cock 母鸡hen 鸡,雏鸡chicken 火鸡turkey 孔雀peacock 鸭duck 鹅goose 鸬鹚cormorant 天鹅swan 鸽dove 斑鸠turtledove 雉,野鸡pheasant 鹌鹑quail 鸵鸟ostrich 鹳stork 海鸥gull,seagull 极乐鸟,天堂鸟birdofparadise 啄木鸟woodpecker 鹦鹉parrot 杜鹃,布谷鸟cuckoo 乌鸦crow 喜鹊magpie 燕子swallow 麻雀sparrow 夜莺nightingale 金丝雀canary 八哥starling 画眉thrush 知更鸟robin 鹰eagle11交通人行道,便道 sidewalk单行线 one-way street 交叉intersection街角corner 街区block 快车道roadway 沥青asphalt 公共汽车bus 汽车司机driver 双层公共汽车double decker bus 计程汽车,出租汽车taxi, taxicab无轨电车trolleybus 电车,有轨电车tramcar, streetcar 地铁subway 停车站stop taxi rank, taxi stand 计程汽车车站,出租汽车总称taxi rank, taxi stand 招呼站request stop 出租车司机taxi driver, cab driver 售票员conductor 检查员,稽查员inspector 交通Transportation 骑摩托车by scooter 坐公交车by bus 坐火车by train 坐飞机by airplane 坐小汽车by car 步行on foot例句:I go to school by bus .我坐公交车去上学。
1. I see. 我明白了。 2. I quit! 我不干了! 3. Let go! 放手! 4. Me too. 我也是。 5. My god! 天哪! 6. No way! 不行! 7. Come on. 来吧(赶快) 8. Hold on. 等一等。
81. Enjoy yourself! 祝你玩得开心!
82. Excuse me,Sir. 先生,对不起。
83. Give me a hand! 帮帮我!
84. How's it going? 怎么样?
85. I have no idea. 我没有头绪。
86. I just made it! 我做到了!
87. I‘ll see to it 我会留意的。
88. I'm in a hurry! 我在赶时间!
89. It's her field. 这是她的本行。
90. It‘s up to you. 由你决定。 91. Just wonderful! 简直太棒了! 92. What about you? 你呢? 93. You owe me one.你欠我一个人情。 94. You‘re welcome. 不客气。 95. Any day will do. 哪一天都行夕 96. Are you kidding? 你在开玩笑吧! 97. Congratulations! 祝贺你! 98. T can‘t help it. 我情不自禁。 99. I don‘t mean it. 我不是故意的。 100. I'll fix you Up. 我会帮你打点的。
英语口语实用篇1、Absolutely not. 绝对不是。
2、Are you coming with me?你跟我一起去么?3、Are you sure?你能肯定吗?4、As soon as possible?尽快。
5、Believe me. 相信我。
6、Buy it. 买下来。
7、Call me tomorrow. 明天打电话给我。
8、Can you speak slowly?请您说慢些好吗?9、Come with me. 跟我来。
10、Congratulations. 恭喜恭喜。
11、Do it right!把它做对。
12、Do you mean it?你是当真的吗?13、Do you see him often?你经常见到他吗?14、Do you see it?=Do you understand?你明白了吗?15、Do you want it?你要吗?16、Do you want something?你想要些什么吗?17、Don’t do it. 不要做。
18、Don’t exaggerate. 不要夸张。
19、Don’t tell me that. 不要告诉我。
20、Give me a hand. 帮我一下。
21、Go right ahead. 一直往前走。
22、Have a good trip. 祝你路途愉快。
23、Have a nice day. 祝你这一天过得愉快。
24、Have you finished?你做完了吗?25、He doesn’t have time. 他没空。
26、He is on his way. 他现在已经在路上了。
27、How are you doing?你好吗?28、How long are you staying?你要呆多久?29、I am crazy about her. 我对她着迷。
30、I am wasting my time. 我在浪费时间。
31、I can do it. 我能做。
日常生活实用英语句子精选1、Do you have some change?你有零钱吗?2、Forget it. 算了吧。
3、Could you take a picture for me? 你能帮我拍照吗?4、Did you have a nice holiday? 你假期过得愉快吗?5、Dont be so modest.别这么谦虚。
6、Dont miss the boat. 不要坐失良机。
7、Can I help? 要我帮忙吗?8、Dont worry about it. 别担心。
9、Easier said than done. 说是容易做时难。
10、Forgive me.请原谅我。
11、Could you speak slower? 你能说得慢一点吗?12、Did you have a good day today? 你今天过得好吗?13、Can I take a message? 要我传话吗?14、Have him return my call.让他给我回电话。
15、Can I take your order? 您要点菜吗?16、Dont give up. 别放弃。
17、Dont mention it. 不必客气。
18、He is in conference. 他正在开会。
19、Can you give me a wake-up call?你能打电话叫醒我吗?20、Can you give me some feedback? 你能给我一些建议吗?21、Do you often work out? 你经常锻炼身体吗?22、Dont make any mistakes. 别出差错。
23、Do you speak English?你会说英语吗?24、Absolutely impossible! 绝对不可能的!25、Better luck next time. 祝你下一次好运。
26、Can you make it? 你能来吗?27、Dont let me down.别让我失望。
生活常用英语口语大全实用带翻译如今没有一口流利的英语,了解一些简单的日常英语口语技巧也是很有必要的!今天店铺在这里为大家分享一些简单的日常英语对话,希望这些实用口语会对大家有所帮助!生活常用英语口语【怎样回答How are you?】1. I feel terrible. 感觉糟透了 2. Fair to middling. 还过得去3. Right as rain. 一切顺利4. I feel like a million bucks! 感觉棒极了!5. Better than ever. 好得不能再好了6. So-so. 一般般 7. Can't complain. 没啥好抱怨的 8. I am hanging on. 还活着【护肤英文词汇】1、各种皮肤:Dry 干性皮肤Oily 油性皮肤Normal 中性皮肤Combination 混合性皮肤2、化妆品各种用途:Firm 紧肤 Nutritious 滋养 Oilcontrol 控油 Repair 修护 Remover 去除、卸妆Hydra 保湿 Anti-wrinkle 抗老防皱 Clean/Purify 清洁。
【各种“钱”的英文表达】1.cash 现金 2.coin 硬币 3.note 纸币4.cheque 支票 5.change 零钱 6.fund 资金 7.tuition 学费 8.cost 成本 9.tip 小费 10. postage 邮资 11.admission 入场费 12.rent 租金13.freight 运费 14.fare 票价 15.dough 金钱 16.banknote 纸币【Heart】1、I hope to win her heart and make her my bride.我希望能赢得她的芳心,娶她做新娘。
2、He returned with a heavy heart. 他心情沉重地回来了。
最实用的日常英语口语对话精选1、Hello, … 你好2、Hi, … 喂,你好。
3、 Good morning/ afternoon/evening. 早上/下午/晚上好。
4、How are you(this morning/afternoon/evening)?你今天早晨/下午/晚上好吗?5、 Fine, thank you/ thanks. 我很好,谢谢。
6、 Not bad, thank you. 不错,谢谢。
9、 Happy birthday! 生日快乐!10、What’s your name, please? 你的名字是什么?11、 Your name, please? 你叫什么名字?12、My name is…/ I’m… 我的名字是…/ 我名叫…13、This is Miss/ Mr/ Mrs… 这位是…小姐/先生/女士。
14、 This is my friend. 这是我的朋友。
16、 How do you do? 你好。
17、 Nice to meet /see you. 很高兴认识/见到你。
18、 Goodbye. 再见19、 Good night. 晚安。
20、 How old is he? 他多大了?21、 Thank you./ Thanks. 谢谢。
先生需要我帮忙吗?Yes.Id like to check in,please.是的,我想登记入住。
Certainly,sir.May i have your name,please?好的,先生请告诉我你的姓名?Yes,its Charlie White.查理怀特Do you have a reservation with us,sir?先生,有向我们预订吗?Yes,for tonight.是的,今晚Just a moment,please.Ill check our reservation record.。
实用英语200句1.Constant dropping wears the stone.水滴石穿2.Do you often go to the a concert?你经常去听音乐会吗?3.Do you offer massages?有提供按摩吗?4.I’m walking on air.我觉得自己快乐得不行了。
5.An aeroplane crashed near the mountain.一架飞机在山附近坠毁了。
6.How do I get to the airport from here.从这怎样去机场?7.Turn off the TV now.现在关掉电视。
8.Do you want economy or business class?你要经济舱还是商务舱?9.I should like you to stay a bit if you have time.如果你有时间,我想要你多留一会儿。
10.The money is to be used for the benefit of the poor.这笔钱被用作穷人的救助金。
11.The jumper is of good quality.这件毛衣的质量很好。
12.It’s across from the opera house?它在歌剧院的对面。
13.Didn’t you finish your lunch at school? Why are you hungry?难道你在学校没把中饭吃完吗?为什么肚子饿?14.You’ve got a cool style.你真有型。
15.All things considered, you had fun tonight.整体而言,你今晚玩得很开心。
16.The baseball game was put off on account rain.棒球比赛因为下雨而被推迟。
17.This needs to be done quickly.这需要赶快完成。
日常生活实用英语词汇汇总词汇分类:一、食物二、住宅三、休闲四、运动五、交通六、社会生活七、随身用品八、动物九、植物十、教学办公十一、艺术十二、医药十三、机构团体十四、宇宙地球十五、军事十六、地名十七、其它食物一.牛排与酒1.牛排: steak2.丁骨牛排: T-bone steak3.菲力牛排: filet steak4.沙朗牛排: sirloin steak5.小牛排: club steak6.全熟: well done7.五分熟: medium8.三分熟: rare9.生啤: draft beer10.黑啤: stout beer11.罐装啤酒: canned beer12.红葡萄酒: red wine13.琴酒: gin14.白兰地: brandy15.威士忌: whisky16.伏特加: vodka17.酒加冰块: on the rocks18.兰酒: rum19.香槟: champagne二.蔬菜与调味品1.蔬菜: vegetable2.四季豆: string bean3.豌豆: pea4.毛豆: green soy bean5.黄豆芽: soybean sprout6.绿豆芽: mung bean sprout7.豆芽: bean sprout8.甘蓝菜: kale9.包心菜、大白菜:cabbrage10.花椰菜: broccoli11.空心菜: water convolvulus12.金针菜: dried lily flower13.芥菜: mustard leaf14.芹菜: celery15.蒿菜: tarragon16.甜菜: beetroot; beet17.生菜: lettuce18.菠菜: spinach19.韭菜: leek20.香菜: caraway21.榨菜: preserved szechuan pickle22.雪里红: salted vegetable23.莴苣: asparagus24.竹笋: bamboo shoot25.笋干: dried bamboo shoot26.韭黄: chives27.白萝卜: turnip28.胡萝卜: carrot29.荸荠: water chestnut30.地瓜: ficus tikaua31.菜瓜: long crooked squash32.丝瓜: loofah33.南瓜: pumpkin34.苦瓜: bitter gourd35.黄瓜: cucumber36.冬瓜: white gourd37.小黄瓜: gherkin38.山芋: yam39.芋头: taro40.百叶: beancurd sheets41.香菇: champignon42.草菇: button mushroom43.金针菇: needle mushroom44.冬菇: dried mushroom45.蘑菇: agaricus46.番茄: tomato47.茄子: eggplant48.马铃薯: potato; spud49.连藕: lotus root50.木耳: agaric51.白木耳: white fungus52.生姜: ginger53.大蒜: garlic54.蒜头: garlic bulb55.葱: green onion56.洋葱: onion57.青葱: scallion; leek58.调味品: seasoning59.鱼子酱: saviar60.沙茶酱: barbeque sauce61.番茄酱: tomato ketchup; tomato sauce62.芥茉: mustard63.盐: salt64.糖: sugar65.细白砂糖: castor sugar66.砂糖: granulated sugar67.冰糖: sugar candy68.味精: monosodium glutamate;69.Gourmet powder70.醋: vinegar71.甜: sweet72.酸: sour73.苦: bitter74.猪油: lard75.花生油: peanut oil76.酱油: soy sauce77.青椒: green pepper78.红椒: paprika79.八角: star anise80.肉桂: sinnamon81.咖哩: curry82.味噌: miso83.麦芽糖: maltose三.水果1.凤梨: pineapple2.西瓜: watermelon3.木瓜: papaya4.槟榔: betelnut5.栗子: chestnut6.椰子: coconut7.碰柑: ponkan8.橘子: tangerine9.橘: mandarin orange10.甘蔗: sugar-cane11.香瓜: muskmelon12.文旦: shaddock13.水蜜桃: juice peach14.梨子: pear15.桃子: peach16.杨桃: carambola17.樱桃: cherry18.柿子: persimmon19.苹果: apple20.芒果: mango21.无花果: fig22.李子: plum23.哈蜜瓜: honey-dew melon24.枇杷: loquat25.橄榄: olive26.红毛丹: rambutan27.榴梿: durian28.草莓: strawberry29.葡萄: grape30.葡萄柚: grapefruit31.荔枝: lichee32.龙眼: longan33.连雾: wax-apple34.番石榴: guava35.香蕉: banana四.饮料1.冷饮: cold drinks2.豆浆: soya-bean milk3.酸梅汤: syrup of plum4.番茄汁: tomato juice5.橘子水: orange juice6.椰子汁: coconut milk7.芦笋汁: asparagus juice8.葡萄柚汁: grapefruit juice9.蔬菜汁: vegetable juice10.姜汁: ginger ale11.沙士: sarsaparilia12.汽水: soft drink13.可口可乐: coco-cola (coke)14.茶叶: tea leaves15.红茶: black tea16.茉莉(香片):jasmine tea17.茶包: tea bag18.柠檬茶: lemon tea19.冬瓜茶: white gourd tea20.蜂蜜: honey21.绿藻: chlorella22.苏打水: soda water23.冰水: ice water24.矿泉水: mineral water25.蒸馏水: distilled water26.保久奶: long-life milk27.炼乳: condensed milk28.可可: cocoa29.奶精: coffee mate30.咖啡: coffee31.冰咖啡: iced coffee32.牛奶咖啡: white coffee33.纯咖啡: black coffee34.阿华田: ovaltine35.养乐多: chlorella yakult36.鸡精: essence of chicken37.奶昔: milk-shake五.中餐1.熊掌: bear’s paw2.鹿脯: breast of deer3.海参: beche-de-mer; sea cucumber4.海鳝: sea sturgeon5.海蜇皮: salted jelly fish6.海带: kelp; seaweed7.鲍鱼: abalone8.鱼翅: shark fin9.干贝: scallops10.龙虾: lobster11.燕窝: bird’s nest12.烤乳猪: roast suckling pig13.猪脚: pig’s knuckle14.盐水鸭: boiled salted duck15.腊肉: preserved meat16.叉烧: barbecued pork17.香肠: sausage18.肉松: fried pork flakes19.烤肉: bar-b-q20.荤菜: meat diet21.素菜: vegetables22.肉羹: meat broth23.地方菜: local dish24.广东菜 Cantonese cuisine25.客饭: set meal26.咖哩饭: curry rice27.炒饭: fried rice28.白饭: plain rice29.锅巴: crispy rice30.粥: gruel; soft rice; porridge31.大卤面: noodles with gravy32.阳春面: plain noodles33.砂锅: casserole34.火锅: chafing dish; fire pot35.点心: dim sum36.肉包子: meat bun37.春卷: spring roll38.锅贴: fried dumpling39.蒸饺: steamed dumpling40.馄饨: ravioli41.元宵: rice glue ball42.汤团: glue pudding43.烧卖: shao-mai44.肠粉: steamed vermicelli roll45.臭豆腐: bean curd with odor46.腐乳: preserved bean curd47.豆腐: bean curd48.豆豉: fermented black bean49.酱瓜: pickled cucumbers50.皮蛋: preserved egg51.咸鸭蛋: salted duck egg52.萝卜干: dried turnip53.六.西餐和日本料理54.菜单: menu55.法国菜: French cuisine56.今日特餐: today’s special57.主厨特餐: chef’s special58.自助餐: buffet59.快餐: fast food60.招牌菜: specialty61.欧式西餐: continental cuisine62.饭前酒: aperitif63.炸薯条: French fries64.烘马铃薯: baked potato65.马铃薯泥: mashed potatoes66.煎蛋卷: omelette67.布丁: pudding68.甜点: pastries69.奶油: butter70.火腿蛋: ham and eggs71.吐司: toast72.奶油土司: buttered toast73.法国土司: French toast74.汉堡: hamburger75.松饼: muffin76.酪饼: cheese cake77.蛋糕: cake78.煎饼: pancake79.三明治: sandwich80.白面包: white bread81.黑面包: brown bread82.小型法式面包:French roll83.开胃菜: appetizer84.蔬菜沙拉: green salad85.洋葱汤: onion soup86.法国浓汤: potage87.玉米浓汤: corn soup88.蔬菜面条汤:minestrone89.牛尾汤: ox tail soup90.炸鸡: fried chicken91.烤鸡: roast chicken92.泡菜: pickled vegetable93.蟹肉: crab meat95.海螺: conch96.田螺: escargots97.炖牛肉: braised beef98.熏肉: bacon99.荷包蛋: poached egg 100.煎一面荷包蛋:sunny side up 101.煎二在荷包蛋:over102.煎蛋: fried egg103.煎半熟蛋: over easy104.煎全熟蛋: over hard105.炒蛋: scramble eggs106.煮蛋: boiled egg107.石头火锅: stone fire pot 108.日本竹筷: sashi109.日本米酒: sake110.味噌酒: miso shiru111.铁板烤肉: roast meat 112.生鱼片: sashimi七.餐具1.咖啡壶: coffee pot2.咖啡杯: coffee cup3.纸巾: paper towel4.餐巾: napkin5.桌布: table cloth6.茶壶: tea-pot7.茶具: tea set8.茶盘: tea tray9.茶罐: caddy10.碟: dish11.盘: plate12.小碟子: saucer13.饭碗: rice bowl14.筷: chopsticks15.汤匙: soup spoon16.餐刀: knife17.杯子: cup18.玻璃杯: glass19.马克杯: mug20.便当: picnic lunch21.水果盘: fruit plate22.牙签: toothpick八.糖和蜜饯1.糖果: confection2.蜜饯: glace fruit3.果酱: marmalade4.柿饼: dried persimmon5.冬瓜糖: candied melon6.红枣: red jujube7.黑枣: black date8.蜜枣: glace date9.桂圆干: dried longan10.葡萄干: raisin11.口香糖: chewing gum12.牛轧糖: nougat13.薄荷糖: mint14.水果糖: drop15.棉花糖: marshmallow16.牛奶糖: caramel17.花生糖: peanut drittle18.巧克力: chocolate19.九.其他20.肉: meat21.牛肉: beef22.猪肉: pork23.鳮肉: chicken24.羊肉: mutton25.牛肉干: jerky26.牛肉片: dried beef slices27.猪肉片: dried pork slices28.面包: bread29.面包皮: crust30.馒头: steamed bread31.米粉: rice noodles32.河粉: fried rice noodles33.通心粉: macaroni34.冬粉: bean thread35.面线: flour-rice noodle36.面: noodles37.速食面: instant noodles38.面粉: wheat flour40.面筋: wheat gluten41.年糕: rice cake42.月饼: moon cake43.绿豆糕: green bean cake44.爆米花: popcorn45.糖炒栗子: marrons glaces46.小米粥: millet congee47.麦版粥: cereal48.菱角: water caltrop49.杏仁: almond50.奶酥: butter bisbuit51.甜筒: ice-cream cone52.圣代;新地:sundae53.雪糕: ice-cream54.霜淇淋: soft ice-cream55.香草冰淇淋:vanilla ice-cream56.冰棒: ice candy57.杂粮: sundry provisions58.紫菜: agar-agar59.发菜: hair-like seaweed60.韩国泡菜: kimchi61.人工色素: artificial color62.早餐: breakfast63.午餐: lunch64.早午餐: bruch65.晚餐: supper66.宵夜: late snack67.正餐: dinner住宅一.房屋1.地下室: basement; cellar2.一楼: ground floor3.公寓: apartment4.摩天大楼: skyscraper5.别墅: villa; country house6.木屋: wooden house7.茅屋: cottage8.楼中楼: double deck9.日式房屋: tatami house10.城堡: castle11.皇宫: palace12.住宅: residence13.起居室: living room14.卧室: bedroom15.客厅: parlor16.大厅: main hall17.客房: guest room18.套房: suite19.厢房: apprentice20.书房: study room21.厨房: kitchen22.餐厅: dining room23.衣帽间: cloak room24.餐具室: pantry25.浴室: bathroom26.庭院: yard27.屋檐: eaves28.玄关: vestibule29.走廊: porch; gallery; veranda30.门: door; gate31.栅栏: fence32.阳台: balcony33.楼梯: stairs34.门铃: doorbell35.信箱: mail box36.电梯: elevator37.烟囱: chimney38.车库: garage39.仓库: store room40.下水道: drainage41.贫民区: slum42.郊区: suburb43.市中心: downtown二.起居室1.家具: furniture2.壁纸: wall paper3.壁橱: closet4.音响柜: stereo cabinet5.书柜: book cabinet6.鞋柜: shoe cabinet7.酒柜: cocktail cabinet8.地板: floor9.百叶窗: Venetian blinds10.窗帘: window coverings; curtain11.接待室: reception room12.沙发: sofa13.茶几: tea table14.折叠椅: folding chair15.摇椅: rocking chair16.花瓶: flower vase17.靠垫: cushion18.藤椅: rattan chair19.安乐椅: easy chair; fauteuil20.躺椅: lounge chair21.地毯: carpet22.烟灰缸: ashtray23.凳子: stool三.浴室1.热水器: water heater2.浴帘: shower curtain3.毛巾: towel4.漱口杯: tooth mug5.漱口水: mouth wash6.牙刷: toothbrush7.牙膏: toothpaste8.剃胡刀: razor9.浴缸: bathtub10.浴巾: bath towel11.浴帽: bath gown12.肥皂: bath soap13.药皂: carbolic soap14.洗发精: shampoo15.盥洗盆: basin16.毛巾架: towel rack17.肥皂盒: soap dish18.体重计: weighing machine19.灭火计: fire extinguisher20.雨伞: umbrella四.小孩用具1.色纸: color paper2.洋娃娃: doll3.婴儿床: baby cot; crib4.婴儿摇床: cradle5.婴孩餐椅: high chair6.推车: stroller7.风车: windmill8.积木: toy bricks9.玩具: toy10.月历: calendar11.图画纸: drawing paper12.相簿: photo album13.痱子粉: prickly heat powder14.书架: book shelf15.书桌: student desk16.小板凳: small stool五.厨房1.冰箱: refrigerator2.水桶: pail; bucket3.冰桶: ice box4.冰柜: ice chest5.碗柜: cupboard6.米柜: rice chest7.畚箕: dustpan8.垃圾桶: trash can9.瓦斯炉: gas stove10.开罐器: can opener11.开瓶器: corkscrew12.餐具柜: kitchen cabinet13.洗涤台: sink14.锅子: pot; boiler15.煤气炉: gas oven16.绞肉机: meat grinder17.砧板: cutting board18.蒸笼: bamboo steamer19.锅铲: turning utensil; pancake turner20.菜刀: chopping knife21.柴刀: hatchet22.漏斗: funnel23.过滤器: strainer24.搅拌器: mixer25.打蛋器: egg-beater26.抹布: duster cloth27.拖把: swab28.围裙: apron29.扫帚: broom; litter sweeper30.抽风机: exhaust fan31.抽油烟机: ventilator32.饮水机: cooler33.去污粉: cleaner34.杀虫剂: insect spray35.洒水器: sprinkler六.卧室1.单人床: single bed2.双人床: double bed3.塌塌米:: straw mattress; tatami4.草席: straw mat5.棉被: quilt6.床单: sheet7.枕头: pillow8.蚊帐: mosquito net9.屏风: folding screen10.梳妆桌: dressing table11.梳妆镜: vanity mirror12.抽屉: drawer13.床垫: mattress14.毛毯: blanket15.电毯: electric blanket16.床头柜: night table17.行李箱: suitcase18.保险箱: steel safe19.衣架: clothes-horse20.香水: perfume七.水电1.自来水: tap water; running water2.淡水: fresh water3.水管: water pipe4.排水管: drain5.水表: water gauge6.滤水器: water purifier7.抽水机: water pump8.电灯: lamp9.台灯: table lamp; desk lamp10.灯泡: bulb11.灯罩: lamp shade12.日光灯: fluorescent lamp13.霓虹灯: neon light14.灯笼: lantern15.电池: battery16.电表: electrometer17.电压: voltage18.电流: electric current八.家庭常用电器1.电视机: television2.录放影机: video cassette recorder3.雷射影碟机:laser disc (LD)4.录音机: Tape recorders5.冷气机: air conditioner6.计算机: calculator7.收音机: radio8.音响: audio; HI-FI9.照相机: camera10.立可拍照相机:instant camera11.手提照像机:portable camera12.电锅: electric rice cooker13.微波炉: micro-wave oven14.烤箱;烤炉:oven15.洗碗机: dishwasher16.烤面包机: toaster17.搅拌器: mixer18.刨冰机: ice crusher19.榨汁机: juicer20.电风扇: electric fan21.洗衣机: washing machine22.烘干机: dryer23.电唱机: record player24.扩大机: amplifier25.四声道唱机:quadraphonic record26.放映机: projectors27.熨斗: iron28.打蜡机: floor polisher29.吸尘器: vacuum cleaner30.吹风机: hair drier31.电动刮胡刀: electric shaver休闲一.音乐1.音乐晚会: musical soiree2.音乐厅: music hall3.乐队: band4.歌词: text; words5.歌调: canto6.古典乐: classical music7.交响乐: symphony8.轻音乐: light music9.爵士乐: jazz music10.摇滚乐: rock and roll11.热门音乐: hot music12.狄斯可音乐:disco13.民谣: ballad14.民歌: folk song15.情歌: love song16.歌曲: song17.主题歌: theme song18.抒情歌: lyric song19.流行歌: popular song二.电视与电影1.大众传播: mass communication2.电视节目表:TV programs3.记者: reporter; journalist4.导播: program director5.制作人: producer6.节目主持人:master of ceremony; MC7.男主角: mal lead8.女主角: female lead9.现场节目: live show10.场场实况: live scene11.现场转播: field pickup12.实况节目: giveaway13.卫星转播: satellite transmission14.电视广播: telecast15.电视台: TV station16.联播: rebroadcasting17.重播: repeat18.新闻气象: news & weather19.音乐节目: musical program20.唱片: disc21.有声电影: sound movie22.成人电影: adult movie23.悲剧电影: tragedy film24.喜剧电影: comedy film25.黑白片: black & white picture26.外国片: foreign picture27.国语片: mandarin picture28.卡通: cartoon29.有线: cable30.闭路: closed-circuit31.录影带: video tape32.录影唱片: video disc33.遥控: remote control34.中文字幕: Chinese captions35.频道: channel36.调频: frequency modulation37.调幅: amplitude modulation38.广告: commercial39.节目: program telecast40.收视率: audience rating41.盛大献映: grand opening42.今日放映: showing today43.放映时间: showing time44.早场: morning show45.夜场: evening show46.日场: matinee47.售票房: ticket office三.旅行1.观光: tourism2.海外旅行: overseas trip3.观光客: tourist4.签证: visa5.出境: departure6.过境: stop over7.旅行社: tourist agency8.小费: tip9.火车站: railroad station10.火车时刻表: timetable11.来回票: round trip ticket12.免税商店: duty free shop13.纪念品店: souvenir shop14.史迹: historic relic15.名胜: famous spot16.竞技场: stadium17.音乐厅: concert hall18.植物园: botanical gardens19.博物馆: museum20.纪念照: souvenir picture21.旅馆: inn; hotel22.机场旅馆: airport hotel23.汽车旅馆: motel24.汽艇旅馆: boatel25.蜜月旅行: honeymoon26.露天式澡堂:open-air bath; public bath27.特快车票: express ticket28.余兴节目: entertainment29.团体旅行: traveling in a group30.旅游指南: guide book31.优待票: coupon ticket32.登山: hiking; mountain climbing33.登山帽: hiking cap四.摄影1.自拍器: self timer2.焦点: focus3.焦距: focal length4.光圈: iris5.曝光表: exposure meter6.距离: distance7.快门: shutter8.单镜头: single lens9.双镜头: double lens10.广角镜头: wide-angle lens11.三合一镜头:zone-lens12.变焦距镜头:zoom lens13.传真照相: telectroscope14.镜头: lens15.镜筒: cone16.摄远镜头: telephoto lens17.反光镜: reflector18.照相器材: photographic-apparatus19.软片: film20.一卷: a roll21.拍照: shoot22.按摆姿势: pose23.对比: contrast24.放大: enlargement25.缩小: reducing26.照片: photograph五.游戏1.陀螺: top2.跳马: jumping over; leap frog3.跳绳: rope skipping4.放风筝: flying kites5.沙包: little sandbags6.呼拉圈: hula hoop7.纸飞机: paper plane8.打弹珠: marbles9.轮盘: roulette10.扑克牌: poker cards11.象棋: Chinese chess12.围棋: GO13.五子棋: gobang14.溜冰鞋: roller skates15.掷镖: darts16.西洋棋: chess17.家家酒: doll’s house18.捉迷藏: hide-and-seek19.跳房子: hopscotch20.跳背: leapfrog21.早操: morning exercise22.踢毽子: kicking shuttlecock23.骑木马: vaulting horse24.积木: building blocks25.七巧板: tangram26.21点: black-jack27.骰子: dice28.吃角子老虎:slot machine29.桥牌: bridge30.宾果: bingo六.钓鱼1.鱼网: fishing net2.钓鱼钩: fishing hook3.手提椅子: portable chair4.鱼笼: portable creel5.钓竿: fishing rod6.钓线: fishing line7.铅锺: sinker8.钓竿套: rod case9.饵: bait10.线轴: reel11.冰盒: portable icebox12.杂物盒: tackle box13.钓竿架: rod stand14.浮标: float15.天秤: scale16.钓鱼帽: fishing cap七.其他休闲1.云霄飞车: jet coaster2.跷跷板: seesaw3.儿童赛车: go-cart4.滑梯: slide5.秋千: swing6.旋转木马: merry-go-round7.吊床: hammock8.太空飞船: astrojet9.单轨火车: mono-rail10.遥控车 remote-control car11.空中飞车: roller coaster12.滑水: water-skiing13.潜水: skin diving14.冲浪: surfing15.溜冰: skating16.轮式溜冰: roller skater17.花式溜冰: figure skating18.拔河: tug of war19.远足: hiking20.竞走: walking race21.赛跑: dash22.接力赛跑: relay race23.骑马: riding24.赛马: horse racing25.打猎: hunting26.划船: rowing27.游泳: swimming28.跳舞: dance29.放风筝: to fly a kite30.钓鱼: fishing31.减肥运动: weight reducing exercise运动一.球类名称1.篮球: basketball2.排球: vooeyball3.棒球: baseball4.足球: soccer5.美式足球: American football6.橄榄球: rugby7.羽毛球: badminton8.桌球: snooker9.网球: tennis10.手球: handball11.垒球: softball12.硬式网球: hard-ball tennis13.软式网球: soft-ball tennis14.水球: water polo15.板球: cricket16.短曲棍球: hockey17.冰上曲棍球:ice hockey18.躲避球: dodgeball19.撞球: billiards20.保龄球: bowling21.高尔夫球: golf22.马球: polo23.推移板: shuffle board24.槌球: croquet25.长曲棍球: lacrosse26.壁球: squash27.回力球: JAI ALAI; PELOTA 二.田径及竞技名称掷铅球: shot putting1.掷铁饼: discus throwing2.掷标枪: javelin throwing3.掷链球: hammer throwing4.慢跑: jogging5.跳远: long jump6.跳高: high jump7.撑竿跳: pole vault jump8.三级跳远: hop step & jump9.立定跳远: standing broad jump10.拳击: boxing11.形意拳: hsing I kung-Fu12.韩国跆拳: Taekwondo13.泰国拳: THAI boxing14.角力: wrestling15.摔跤: wrestle16.相扑: SUMO17.柔道: JUDO18.太极拳: shadow boxing;19.瑜珈: YOGA20.空手道: KARATE21.击剑: fencing22.射箭: archery23.射击: shooting24.刺枪术: javelin throw25.骑术: horsemanship26.举重: weight lifting27.马拉松赛跑:Marathon race28.体操: Gymnastics29.柔软体操: callisthemics三.竞赛人员名称1.短跑运动员:sprinter2.跨栏运动员:hurdler3.跳高运动员:jumper4.掷铅球员: shot putter5.掷标枪者: javelin thrower6.掷铁饼者: discus thrower7.举重选手: weight lifter8.摔跤选手: wrestler9.拳击手: boxer10.射手: archer11.溜冰运动员:skater13.守门员: goal-keeper14.高尔夫球童:caddie15.四.竞赛运动用具16.田赛: field events17.径赛: track events18.跑道: track19.运动场: playing field20.田径场: ground-track and field21.圣火台: sacred fire stand22.颁奖台: award platform23.棉线: tape24.栏架: hurdle25.横杆: cross-bar26.架子: post27.沙坑: broad jump pit28.撑杆跳的竿子:pole29.铅球: shot30.铁饼: discus31.标枪: javelin32.滑雪杖: ski pole33.溜冰场: skating-rink34.雪车: sled35.雪橇: toboggan36.拳击台: boxing ring37.拳击手套: boxing glove38.靶子: target39.网球场: tennis-court40.乒乓球拍: table tennis bat41.高尔夫球棍:golf-club五.比赛与奖品1.公开赛: open game2.邀请赛: invitation game3.友谊赛: friendly competition4.淘汰赛: eliminate game5.循环赛: cycling race6.表演赛: exhibition game7.预赛: trial8.复赛: semi-final9.决赛: final11.职业运动员:professional player12.冠军: championship13.亚军: runner-up14.季军: ternary15.殿军: rear ward16.金牌: gold medal17.银牌: silver medal18.铜牌: bronze medal19.奖状: citation20.卫冕: defend the title21.破纪录: record breaking22.世界纪录: world record23.圣火: sacred fire24.奥林匹克运动会:olympic games六.棒球用语1.击球员: batter2.投手: pitcher3.捕手: catcher4.跑垒员: base runner5.内野手: infielder6.外野手: outfielder7.代打者: pinch hitter8.代跑者: pinch runner9.一垒手: first baseman10.二垒手: second baseman11.三垒手: third baseman12.右外野手: right outfielder13.左外野手: left outfielder14.中坚手: center outfielder15.游击手: short stop16.教练: coach17.主审: chief umpire18.垒审: base umpire19.邻队: delegate20.强打者: swat artist21.四坏球: walk base on balls22.保送: pass23.变化球: knuckle ball24.双杀球: double play25.三杀球: triple play26.快速球: fireball27.开球: serve28.界外: foul territory29.暴投: throwing error30.安打: hit31.直球: straight32.三振: fan out33.分: run34.接杀: assist35.失误: error36.全垒打: home run37.盗垒: stealing bases38.牺牲短打: sacrifice hit39.高飞球: bloop hit40.好球: strike41.下坠球: drop ball; sinker七.篮球用语1.篮板: back board2.假动作: dummy play3.得分: scoring4.阻挡: blocking5.换人: substitute6.中锋: center7.前卫: advance guard8.后卫: guard9.跳球: jump ball10.勾射: hook shot11.运球: dribble12.罚球线: free-throw line13.中声休息: interval14.暂停: time out15.盯人: mark16.犯规: foul17.带球跑: running with ball18.技术犯规: technical foul19.带球撞人: dribble charging20.擦板投射: bank shot21.吃火锅: blocked shot八.游泳与高尔夫球1.自由式: free-stroke2.蛙式: orthodox breast-stroke3.蝶式: butterfly stroke4.仰式: back-stroke5.爬式: crawl stroke6.跳水: diving7.花式跳水: fancy dive8.水上芭蕾: synchronized swimming9.自由式接力:free-stroke relay10.救生员: life guard11.日光浴: sun-bathing12.跳板: spring board13.扩音机: megaphone14.更衣室: dressing room15.泳圈: swimming tube16.耳塞子: earplug17.泳帽: swimming cap18.标准杆: par19.柏蒂(低于标准杆一杆):birdie20.鹰(低于标准杆二杆):eagle21.阿巴措斯(低于标准杆三杆):albatross22.柏蒂(多于标准杆一杆):bogey23.柏蒂(多于标准杆二杆):double bogey24.总杆赛: stroke play25.逐洞赛: match play26.加赛: play-off27.球杆: club28.推杆: putting29.果岭: green九.运动及其它球类用语1.减肥: weight-reducing2.骑自行车: cycling3.斗牛: bull0fight; corrida4.码表: stopwatch5.单杠: horizontal bar6.高低杠: uneven parallel bars7.平衡台: balance beam8.双杠: parallel bars9.吊环: rope quoit10.勾环: shackle11.鞍马: pommelled horse12.翻筋斗: somersault13.综合健美机:universal gym14.跳绳: jump rope15.球棒: bat16.捕手手套: catcher’s mitt17.护腕: wrist pad18.护膝: knee pad19.护肩: shoulder pads20.钉鞋: spiked shoes21.溜冰鞋: skate22.球场: court23.球拍: racket24.保龄球瓶: bowling pins25.全倒;好球:strike26.滑板: skateboard27.滑雪屐: ski28.跳雪台: ski jump29.拳击场: boxing ring30.弯道滑雪: slalom31.雪橇: sleigh32.特技滑水: hot dogging33.冲浪板: surf-board34.风浪板: wind-surfing board35.氧气筒: air tank36.橡皮衣: dry-suit37.防水衣: wet suit38.悬吊滑翔机:hang glider39.降落伞: parachute40.花式跳伞: style jumping41.定点跳伞: accuracy jumping42.登山鞋: caravan shoes43.镐: pick44.冰斧: ice axe45.锺子: hammer46.卡宾枪: carabineer47.体育场: stadium48.运动场: playing field49.哨子: whistle50.信号枪: starting pistol51.预赛: trial; trial heat52.起跑线: starting line十.露营用语1.帐篷: tent2.雨篷: awning; back pack3.露营用炉: camp stove4.煤油灯: lantern5.睡袋: sleeping-bag6.火柴: match7.木炭: charcoal8.太阳眼镜: sun-glasses9.露营背心: down jacket; vest10.短毛线帽: knitted cap; woolen cap11.整套携带炊具:matching cooking set12.燃料筒: fuel container13.锅夹: pot grip14.烤架: grill15.水壶: water bottle16.急救箱: first-aid kit17.杀虫剂: insect repellent18.手电筒: flashlight; torch19.漱洗用具: toilet articles20.应急粮食: emergency rations21.指南针: compass22.行军比赛: back packing交通一.车辆名称1.电车: Tram, Street car2.缆车: cable car3.火车: train4.邮车: mail car5.吉普车: jeep6.军用卡车: camion7.卡车: truck8.巡逻警车: squad car9.工程车: mobile machinery shop10.救护车: ambulance11.跑车: sports car12.汽车: automobile13.防弹汽车: bullet-proof car14.出租汽车: rental car15.公共汽车: bus16.双层巴士: double-decker bus17.小型巴士: minibus, van18.观光巴士: sightseeing bus19.长途客运车:coach20.轿车: sedan21.赛车: racing car22.计程车: taxi; cab23.短距离之小型巴士:shuttle bus; limousine24.交通车/厂车: company bus25.越野车: rally26.垃圾车: garbage truck27.洒水车: street sprinkler van28.消防车: fire engine29.压路车: street roller30.拖吊车: towing truck31.拖车: trailer32.警车: police car33.清洁车: sanitation vehicles34.三轮货车: three-wheel truck35.老爷车: hot-rod; jalopy36.摩托车: motorcycle37.速克达: scooter38.机踏车: motorbike39.脚踏车: bicycle40.快速电车: fast train41.通勤火车: commuter train42.路面电车: street car二.交通标志1.高速公路: freeway2.收费站: toll station3.休息站: rest area4.斑马线: zebra crossing; pedestrian crossing5.人行道: pavement6.入口: entrance7.出口: exit8.大路: avenue9.小路: path10.三叉路: road junction11.隧道: tunnel12.起伏路: rough road13.单行道: one way only14.地下道: underpass15.地下铁: subway16.十字路口: intersection17.天桥: overpass; foot bridge18.交叉路口: cross-road19.不准停车: no packing20.超速: excessive speed21.超载: overloading22.交通警察: traffic cop23.交通大队: traffic police department24.交通裁决所: vehicle supervision department25.罚金: bail26.栅栏: barrier27.停车场: parking lot28.交通标志: traffic sigh29.公路电话箱:call box三.车辆零件1.普通汽油: regular gasoline2.高级汽油: premium gasoline3.无铅汽油: unleaded gasoline4.柴油: diesel oil5.润滑油: lubricant6.机油: engine oil7.煞车油: brake fluid8.蜡: car wax9.自动排档: auto shift10.停车: parking11.牌照: number plate12.普通驾照: ordinary driver’s license13.职业驾照: professional driver’s license14.折旧: depreciation15.保险杠: bumper16.电动天窗: power sunroof17.动力方向盘:power steering18.电动窗: power window19.中央控制锁:central lock20.铝合金钢圈:aluminum wheel21.计程表: cyclometer22.雨刷: wiper23.手煞车: hand brake24.油门: accelerator25.排档: gear26.油箱: fuel tank27.加油器: lubricator28.喷嘴: nozzle29.火星塞: spark-plug; sparking-plug30.消音器: muffler31.齿轮: cog32.车轮: wheel33.车軩: tire34.板手: wrench35.车套: car coat36.工具箱: tool box37.弹缸: tune-up38.闪光灯: flasher; blinker39.方向灯: indicator light40.驾驶盘: steering wheel41.千斤顶: jack42.整流器: selenium rectifier43.头灯: headlight44.保险丝: fuse45.安全帽: motorcycle safety helmet46.离合器: clutch pedal47.避震器: shock absorber48.汽油票: gasoline voucher49.回数票: commutation ticket50.打气筒: tire pump四.船舶与航海1.港口: port; harbor2.船舶: vessel3.竹筏: bamboo raft4.独木舟: dugout; canoe5.帆船: sail boat6.商船: merchant ship7.货轮: freighter; cargo ship8.货柜船: container ship9.灯塔船: light-ship10.橡皮艇: rubber boat11.救生筏: life raft12.游艇: yacht; float13.气垫船: hovercraft14.消防艇: fireboat15.拖船: tug boat16.汽船: steamer17.驳船: barge18.水翼船: hydrofoil carft19.油轮: oil tanker20.汽艇: power boat21.信号旗: signal flag22.舵: rudder23.锚: anchor24.桨: oar25.绞盘: windlass26.锚炼: chain27.缆绳: rigging; cordage28.号笛: siren29.航海: navigation30.航向: course31.航路标志: beacon32.航海日志: log-book33.航海历: nautical almanac; ship’s log34.航行灯: navigation light35.舱单: manifest36.偷渡者: stowaway37.走私: smuggle38.触礁: strand39.救生圈: life buoy40.救生衣: life jacket41.码头: wharf42.领港: pilot43.船长: captain; master44.水手: sailor45.船员: crew46.甲板: deck47.船舷梯: gangway ladder48.救生员: lifeguard49.潜水员: diver50.码头工人: stevedore五.航空1.空勤: air service2.起飞: take off3.着陆: landing4.地勤: ground service5.机场: airport6.管制室: observation window7.跑道: runway; airstrip8.停机坪: apron9.机长: captain10.空中少爷: steward11.空中小姐: stewardess12.全体机员: flight crew13.航空公司: airline14.登机门: departure gate15.下机门: arrival gate16.过境旅客: transit passenger17.飞行时间: flying-time18.头等舱: first class19.经济位: economy class20.商务舱: business class21.国内班次: domestic flight22.国外班次: international flight23.客舱: cabin24.检疫: quarantine25.晕机: air-sick26.防空演习: air defense drill27.空袭警报: air alert28.防空洞: shelter29.行李寄存单:claim-tag30.通关申报表格:customs declaration form31.入境申请表:disembarkation card32.氧气面罩: oxygen mask33.飞机票: airline ticket34.安全带: safety belt35.跳伞: parachute jump36.气流: air current37.滑翔机: glider38.民航机: civil aircraft39.侦察机: reconnaissance plane40.喷射机: jet plane41.超音速机: supersonic transport42.水陆两用机:amphibian六.邮政1.邮局: post office2.邮筒: mailbox; post box3.邮票: stamp4.汇票: money order5.邮戳: post mark6.邮购: mail order7.邮差: mailman8.印花: stamp duty9.投信口: drop10.包裹: package; parcel11.打印机: stamper12.信件: letter13.明信片: postcard。
⽇常⽣活英语(超多情景对话)太实⽤了英语⼝语(超多情景对话)太实⽤了~(⼀)你⼀定要带着⼿机啊1.hey,make sure you have your cell phone with you.嘿你⼀定要带着⼿机啊⽇常英语:我很喜欢吃鱼,我可以来⼀些⽶饭吗?2.I really like fish.我很喜欢吃鱼。
3.Can I have some rice, please?我可以来⼀些⽶饭吗?我今天堵车了。
多少钱肯卖?借点钱给我好吗?4. Can I bum some money off you ?5.I was caught in traffic. 我今天堵车。
我今天看的房⼦相当不错The apartment I looked at today was pretty decent - around 120 m2.我今天看的房相当不错,⼤概得有⼀百⼆⼗平⽶。
茱莉亚,你喜欢做饭吗?L: do you like cooking, Julia?茱莉亚,你喜欢做饭吗?J: I really enjoy it, especially when it ends up tasting good!我很喜欢,尤其是做得好吃的时候.L: how often do you usually cook?你⼀般多久做⼀次饭?J: I usually make a few salads for lunch throughout the week and I make dinner about 6 times a week.我通常每天都做⼀些沙拉当午饭,每周有6天都做晚饭.你的房⼦找的怎么样了?H: how is your house hunting going?你的房⼦找的怎么样了?L: not very well. I haven’t found anything within my price range yet.不怎么样。
日常英语场景011/日常英语场景·穿鞋袜Put on shoes013/日常英语场景·安慰Giving reassurance019/日常英语场景·打扫房间Helping around the house 023/日常英语场景·表扬Praise025/日常英语场景·早晨的问候Greeting for the morning 027/日常英语场景·生日Birthday034/日常英语场景·看病See a doctor039/日常英语场景·我是谁Who am I040/日常英语场景·节日祝福Holiday phrases050/日常英语场景·使用餐具Use the tableware054/日常英语场景·催促To urge059/日常英语场景·荡秋千Play on the swing075/日常英语场景·捉迷藏Hide?鄄and?鄄seek077/日常英语场景·理想Ideal082/日常英语场景·打电话Calling087/日常英语场景·制止矛盾Break up the conflicts089/日常英语场景·危险警告Dangerous094/日常英语场景·礼貌Manners097/日常英语场景·颜色Color102/日常英语场景·时间Time105/日常英语场景•生病Sick108/日常英语场景•购物Shopping111/日常英语场景•穿什么衣服?Which clothes to put on?124/日常英语场景•作息时间Rest schedules136/日常英语场景•入睡Bed?鄄time141/日常英语场景•整理文具Make the stationery143/日常英语场景•聚会Party145/日常英语场景•天气Weather146/日常英语场景•道歉Apologize152/日常英语场景•季节Season155/日常英语场景•洗澡准备Prepare for bath161/日常英语场景•回答宝宝的问题Answer the baby’s question 172/日常英语场景•表达情感Expressing affection179/日常英语场景•猜猜我有多爱你Guess how much I love you 181/日常英语场景•形状Shape188/日常英语场景•穿裤子Put on pants192/日常英语场景•谈话Talk198/日常英语场景•户外活动Outdoor activity202/日常英语场景•动物园Zoo210/日常英语场景•说英语Speak English228/日常英语场景•照顾小婴儿Take care of an infant234/日常英语场景•农场里的动物Animals on the farm239/日常英语场景•和其他孩子一起玩Playing with other children 247/日常英语场景•催促起床Urge on getting up261/日常英语场景•提醒注意Call attention275/日常英语场景•分享玩具Share in the toys284/日常英语场景•餐前Before the dinner288/日常英语场景•玩追逐游戏Play catch295/日常英语场景•交通安全Traffic safety299/日常英语场景•身体Body301/日常英语场景•鼓励Encouragement303/日常英语场景•玩球Play the ball308/日常英语场景•上厕所Go to the toilet310/日常英语场景•在路上On the go (transportation)313/日常英语场景•打招呼Greetings318/日常英语场景•外出准备Preparation for going out323/日常英语场景?看动画片See cartoons348/日常英语场景?中国传统节日Traditional Chinese Festivals352/日常英语场景?穿衣服Wear clothes360/日常英语场景?扣纽扣和拉拉链Do up the buttons and the zip 364/日常英语场景?在车上In the car366/日常英语场景?坐餐椅Sit on the high chair371/日常英语场景?感受Feeling374/日常英语场景?画画Drawing378/日常英语场景?昆虫Insects388/日常英语场景?洗漱Do some cleaning391/日常英语场景?学习ABC Learn ABC394/日常英语场景?整理玩具Tidy up toys395/日常英语场景?三餐Three meals400/日常英语场景?洗澡Take a bath408/日常英语场景?地点Location411/日常英语场景?洗手Wash hands413/日常英语场景?感叹Sign with feeling415/日常英语场景?洗头发Wash hair426/日常英语场景?食物的味道The taste of food 436/日常英语场景?卫生习惯Hygienic habits438/日常英语场景?不要动Don’t move440/日常英语场景?餐桌礼仪Table manners446/日常英语场景?起浴Get out of the bathtub 451/日常英语场景?吃点心Have some snacks455/日常英语场景?做噩梦Nightmare460/日常英语场景?学前作业Preschool workbooks 463/日常英语场景?询问Ask about日常英语场景·穿鞋袜Putonshoes日常英语场景·穿鞋袜PutonshoesYouputyourshoesonwrong/You’vegotyourshoesonthewrongway.你把鞋子穿错了。
日常生活实用英语词汇汇总以下是一些实用的日常生活英语词汇:1. Greetings 问候语:- Hello/Hi 你好/嗨- Good morning! 早上好!- Good afternoon! 下午好!- Good evening! 晚上好!- How are you? 你好吗?2. Introductions 介绍:- My name is... 我叫...- Nice to meet you! 很高兴认识你!- Where are you from? 你从哪里来?- What do you do? 你是做什么工作的?3. Daily Routine 日常活动:- Wake up 起床- Brush teeth 刷牙- Take a shower 洗澡- Get dressed 穿衣服- Have breakfast 吃早餐- Go to work/school 去工作/学校- Have lunch 吃午餐- Finish work 下班- Have dinner 吃晚餐- Relax/Watch TV 放松/看电视- Go to bed 上床睡觉4. Food 食物:- Rice 米饭- Noodles 面条- Bread 面包- Meat 肉- Vegetables 蔬菜- Fruit 水果- Soup 汤- Coffee 咖啡- Tea 茶- Water 水5. Shopping 购物:- How much is it? 多少钱?- Can I try it on? 我可以试试吗?- Do you have this in a different color? 有别的颜色吗?- I'll take it. 我要买这个。
- Do you take credit cards? 你们收信用卡吗?6. Transportation 交通:- Bus 公交车- Train 火车- Subway 地铁- Taxi 出租车- Bicycle 自行车- Walk 步行- Car 汽车- Airport 机场- Ticket 票7. Directions 方向:- Excuse me, where is the nearest bank? 打扰一下,附近的银行在哪里?- How do I get to the train station? 我怎样才能到火车站?- Can you show me on the map? 你能在地图上给我指示吗?- Go straight 直走- Turn left/right 左转/右转- It's on the left/right 它在左边/右边。
Youhavedialedthewrongnumber.Pleaelookupthecorrectnumberinthe telephonedirectory。
Jane:Thatimpoible.Irememberthenumberclearly.Intthi763-4565 Frank:No,itint.It736-4565.Iteemyouvemidialed。
以下是一些常用的口语表达方式:- 早上好!(Good morning!)- 下午好!(Good afternoon!)- 晚上好!(Good evening!)- 你好,我叫李华。
(Hello, I'm Lihua. Nice to meet you.)- 这是我的朋友,Mike。
(This is my friend, Mike. He is from the United States.)- 你好吗?(How are you?)- 我很好,谢谢。
你呢?(I'm fine, thanks. And you?)- 很高兴见到你。
(Nice to see you.)2.日常生活用语在日常生活中,我们会遇到一些日常用语,以下是一些常用的口语表达方式:- 请给我一杯茶。
(Can I have a cup of tea, please?)- 我正在准备晚餐。
(I'm preparing dinner.)- 你愿意和我一起去看电影吗?(Would you like to go to the movies with me?)- 我在周末通常会去购物。
(I usually go shopping on weekends.)- 我需要一张火车票去北京。
(I need a train ticket to Beijing.)- 你今天晚上有空吗?我们可以一起出去吃饭。
(Are you free tonight? We can go out for dinner together.)- 你能帮我一下吗?(Can you help me, please?)- 我在星期一到星期五的上午有课。
(I have classes from Monday to Friday in the morning.)3.购物和饮食购物和饮食是我们日常生活中的重要部分,以下是一些与购物和饮食相关的口语表达方式:- 我想买一件新衣服。
超实用家庭日常英语口语,果断收藏了(1)Sleep and waking up(睡觉/起床)Its time to go sleepy-bye.(到睡觉的时间了。
)Sweat dreams.(做个好梦。
)Its time to go to bed./Time for bed.(该上床了。
)Its time to have a nap.(该午休了。
)Wake up!(起床。
)Did you sleep well?(睡好了吗?)Time to get up.(该起床了。
)(2)Getting dressed(穿衣)Its time to get dressed(该穿衣服了。
)What do you want to wear today?(今天想穿什么?)This shirt doesnt go with those pants.(这件上衣和裤子不搭配。
) Stand still. / sit still.(站好/坐好。
)Now put on your sweater.(现在穿上毛衣。
)Take your clothes off./ Take off your clothes.(脱衣服。
)Pick up your socks, please.(请把袜子捡起来。
)Put on your trousers/shoes/coat/cap.穿上你的裤子/鞋子/外套/帽子。
(3)Meal time(吃饭)Come sit at the table。
)Stop playing with your food。
)Dont talk with your mouth full。
)Help Daddy do the dishes。
)Help Mommy to set the table。
)Help us clear off the table。
四年级英语作文日常生活(中英文实用版)Title: Daily Life of a Fourth GraderEvery morning, the alarm clock rings, signaling the start of another bustling day for a fourth grader like me.I quickly get dressed, brush my teeth, and have breakfast, all before the school bus arrives.The routine may seem monotonous, yet each day brings its own set of adventures and lessons to learn.每天早晨,闹钟的响起标志着一个像我这样的四年级学生忙碌的一天的开始。
In school, English class is my favorite.We read interesting stories, engage in lively discussions, and sometimes even act out plays.It"s a time where I can express my thoughts and creativity.Math, on the other hand, challenges my mind with its puzzles and problem-solving.在学校,我最喜欢的课是英语课。
日常琐碎英语 简单实用
![日常琐碎英语 简单实用](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/0c9c47c1b9f3f90f76c61bb4.png)
日常琐碎英语简单实用我能为您做些什么?What can I do for you?=Can I help you?A: What can I do for you?我能为您做些什么?B: I'd like to know how to open an account?我想知道怎样开个账户?你们什么时候营业?When do you open?A: When do you open?你们什么时候营业?B: We open at 8:30 am.我们上午8:30开始营业.你们的营业时间是什么?What are your business hours?A: What are your business hours?你们的营业时间是什么?B: From 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.从上午8:30到下午4:30.你们几点下班?What is your closing time?=How late are you open?A: What is your closing time?你们几点下班?B: We close at 4:30 pm.我们下午4:30下班.周末你们营业吗?Are you open on weekends?A: Are you open on weekends?周末你们营业吗?B: We won't be closed to business. 照常营业.我在这个窗口为您服务.I can help you down here.A: Where can I open an account? 我在哪儿可以开户?B: I can help you down here.我在这个窗口为您服务.自动取款机把我的卡吞掉了. The A TM took my card.The A TM won't give my card back. 自动取款机没有把我的卡退出来.A: Can I help you, sir?先生,您需要办理什么业务?B: The ATM took my card.自动取款机把我的卡吞掉了.。
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英语口语(超多情景对话)太实用了~(一)你一定要带着手机啊,make sure you have your cell phone with you.嘿你一定要带着手机啊日常英语:我很喜欢吃鱼,我可以来一些米饭吗?really like fish.我很喜欢吃鱼。
I have some rice, please?我可以来一些米饭吗?我今天堵车了。
多少钱肯卖?借点钱给我好吗?4. Can I bum some money off you ?was caught in traffic. 我今天堵车。
我今天看的房子相当不错The apartment I looked at today was pretty decent - around 120 m2.我今天看的房相当不错,大概得有一百二十平米。
茱莉亚,你喜欢做饭吗?L: do you like cooking, Julia?茱莉亚,你喜欢做饭吗?J: I really enjoy it, especially when it ends up tasting good!我很喜欢,尤其是做得好吃的时候.L: how often do you usually cook?你一般多久做一次饭?J: I usually make a few salads for lunch throughout the week and I make dinner about 6 times a week.我通常每天都做一些沙拉当午饭,每周有6天都做晚饭.你的房子找的怎么样了?H: how is your house hunting going?你的房子找的怎么样了?L: not very well. I haven’t foun d anything within my price range yet.不怎么样。
H: how much are you looking to spend?你想找多少钱的?L: I can only afford about 300 pounds a month.我只能承受月租300英镑以内的。
will you be my wife?你愿意做我的妻子吗?god,im so nervous.老天,我好紧张。
she's a visionian.她真漂亮。
what's the word?怎么说来着?vittles 大快朵颐。
can i get you something to drink.我去给你们拿些喝的吧。
A bowl of beef fried noodles. 一碗牛肉炒面。
That is beef noodles, right? I will have that.那是牛肉炒面,对吧?我要那个。
Who 's gonna eat all this leftover chao mian ? 谁要吃这些剩下的炒面?it was an absolute debacle.我当场崩溃。
he's too arrogant 他太自以为是。
oh,crap,i left it at home again.糟糕,我又忘在家了。
i can't believe you tried to underimne me like this.我不敢相信你居然这么诋毁我。
well,you gave me no choice.你让我没的选择。
because i need to win one 因为我得赢一次.and im sick of it.我受够了。
i'm ok wiht that.那样也好。
oh,my god,how many did you take.上帝啊,你到底拿了多少?a clueless,emotionally stunted workaholic?一个无能的为情所困的工作狂?how about dinner tomorrow night?明天晚上共进晚餐如何?look who's back_mr cocky.看谁又来了,自大狂先生。
you nailed me你看透我了。
i had no right to judge you.我没有权利评价你。
dont say anything,just什么也不说,只要。
stop seeing the person that i've been and start seeing the person i could be.别再看着原来的我开始看看以后的我keep telling you ,i don't remember.我说过多少次了我不记得了she never buses her tables.她从来不抹桌子。
it's okay,i am gonna find a way to make this all work.没事的我会找个法子搞定这一切。
no foam this time.这次没有泡沫。
i tipped the glass just like you told me to.do you have trouble going to sleep.你是不是睡的不好?i'm ,uh ,by the orange stand.我在橙子摊这儿。
you're everywhere these days这几天你可是无处不在啊。
okay,don't panic 好吧,别慌。
you were just gripping me so tight.你刚才把我夹得好紧。
God how could you do this to me!神啊!你怎么可以这样对我!It is easy to get discouraged when things are going we shouldn't lose heart, because God is at work in our lives, even in the midst of pain and suffering.人处于困境时,很容易变得沮丧。
Can you give me a lift? =Can you give me a ride? 载我一程好吗?日常英语:我很喜欢吃鱼,我可以来一些米饭吗?I really like fish.我很喜欢吃鱼。
Can I have some rice, please?我可以来一些米饭吗?A What shall we order? What would you like to eat?A我们来点些什么呢?你想吃点什么?B Well, I really like fish.B嗯,我很喜欢吃鱼。
A OK, we can definitely order fish. They have great fish here.A好的,我们肯定能点鱼类菜肴。
B Good. We can order some meat dishes too– and some vegetables,noodles and soup. B太好了。
当你做了决定要点哪些菜肴后,你可以用We can order . . . /我们可以点 . . .练习:We can order some green tea.We could order some local beer.We can order vegetables and rice.We could order anything you like.我们可以点一壶绿茶。
怎样鼓励别人Don't lose your heart. You are almost there.不要失去信心。
Go for it. You are going to make it.去做呀!你会成功的。
Come on. Just do it.来,做呀。
Trust yourself.相信你自己。
Well done, go on.干得好,继续。
日常英语:这家餐馆太吵了The restaurant was too noisy. I prefer quieter places.这家餐馆太吵了。
A Did you have a good time with Mr. Li last night?A你昨晚和李先生度过了愉快的时光吗?B Yes, it was good to see him.B是的,见到他非常高兴。
A Where did you go?A你们去了哪里?B We went to a very nice restaurant in Houhai.B我们去了在后海的一家非常别致的餐馆。
A You don't sound very enthusiastic...A听起来你的情绪不太热情..B Well, for me the restaurant was too noisy. I prefer quieter places.B哦,对我来说那家餐馆太吵了。
Notes注释1 To ask if friends had a good time together, you can ask: Did you have a good time with Mr. Li last night? / Did you have a good time with Mr. Li last night?要问你的朋友们是否一起度过了愉快的时光,你可以问:Did you have a good time with Mr. Li last night? /你昨晚和李先生度过了愉快的时光吗?2 If you enjoyed being with a friend, but you didn't enjoy where you went, for example,a noisy restaurant, you can explain: For me, the restaurant was too noisy. / For me, the restaurant was too noisy. And: I prefer quieter places. / I prefer quieter places.如果你和朋友在一起很开心,但是你不喜欢你们去的地方,比如,你们去了一家吵闹的餐馆,你可以这样解释:For me, the restaurant was too noisy. /对我来说那家餐馆太吵了。