

Unit 11. disaster2. compelled3. historical4. disciplined5. destruction6. output7. retreat8. abandoned9. trace 10. eternal 11. investment 12. transfer 13. justify 14. nonetheless 15. contributions 16. accelerate 17. threaten1. show signs of2. called upon3. off limits4. in fear of5. slow down6. cut down7. from head to foot8. come by9. lost out 10. As yet 11. reside insmoke + fog; web + log; breakfast + lunch ;medical + care ;motor + hotel; net + citizen ;science + fiction; work + alcoholic2Anthropology: the scientific study of the human race, especially of its origins, development, customs and beliefsArchaeology: the study of the buried remains of the ancient times, such as houses, pots, tools, and weaponsEcology: the study of the relations of plants, animals, and people to each other and to their surroundingsGeology: the study of rocks, soils, etc. which make up the Earth, and of their changes during the history of the worldIdeology: a set of ideas that an economic or political system is based onMusicology: the study of the history and theory of musicPsychology: the scientific study of the mind and how it influences behaviourSociology: the scientific study of the nature and development of society and social behaviour Zoology: the scientific study of animals and their behaviour1. collective individual2. consistent contradictory3. constructive destructive4. irrational rational5. modern primitive6. natural synthetic7. nearby distant8. optimistic pessimistic9. replaceable irreplaceable10. small enormous1. She wished us health and success in the new year.2. He asked how we were getting along with our work.3. Jack said to me that I would be happy to know that his condition had improved.4. Rose asked Jack whether he was sure his mother would like the idea.5. He asked John how long he had been waiting for them.6. She said I needn't have done all that myself.</1. The strikers protested to the police that they had no right to arrest them.2. He promised that he would give us whatever assistance we needed.3. He agreed (that) that was the best solution to the problem.4. My sister admitted that it was she who had broken the glass.5. He declared that he meant what he said and would never go back on his word.6. The man i nsisted that we give an explanation of what had happened.7. Mrs. Don't complained that no one showed concern for the elderly in that country.8. The sales manager explained that he couldn't give us a definite answer because he had not received instructions from his company.(1) realm (2) elemental (3) obtain (4) stubbornly (5) transferred (6) transformed (7) subdued (8) expansion (9) irreplaceable (10) extinct (11) dynamic (12) verge (13) moderate (14) ecological (15) rational1. The village is so close to the border that the villagers live in constant fear of attacks from the enemy.2. In only twenty years the country was transformed into an advanced industrial power.3. This company has evolved into one of the major chemical manufacturing bases in this region.4. Given the current financial situation, it is inevitable that the US dollar will be further devalued.5. The government's call for suggestions about the control of water pollution produced very little response from the citizens.6. The weather showed no signs of getting better so the government called upon us to get prepared for floods.7. At one time scientists thought that there was nothing smaller than an atom but now most people know that an atom consists of even smaller particles.8. The students were all very much concerned about the World Cup, spending at least two hours every day watching the live matches on TV.9. The department store lost out because loans were very hard to come by and it could not start business on time. 10. We can't go there for a walk because there is a navy base there, which is off limits to tourists.Human brings live in the realm of nature. They are not only dwellers in nature, but also transformers of it. With the development of society and its economy, people tend to become less dependent on nature directly, but indirectly their dependence grows. Human beings are connected with nature by "blood" ties. No one can live outside nature. However, the previous dynamic balance between man and nature has shown signs of breaking down. Problems such as the population explosion, ecological imbalance and the shortage of natural resources have become major factors keeping human society from being further developed. Professor Spirkin holds that the only choice for human beings is the wise organization of production and care for Mother Nature.My Understanding of Environmental ProtectionMan and the environment are closely related. Man relies on the environment for water, food and shelter. A harmonious relationship between man and However, man and the environment have never been on such bad terms as they are now. As society develops, man’s transformation of nature has severely polluted his living environment. Deforestation leads to changes in rainfall patterns, causing devastating floods, droughts and sandstorms. The discharge of chemical pollutants endangers our health and the lives of other beings. And mass production has resulted in the shortage of irreplaceable natural resources such as coal and oil. If we take no immediate and effective steps to protect our environment, human beings may be the next species to become extinct. ••••••We should do our best to protect our environment by planting more trees, taking care of wildlife, reducing industrial wastes, using renewable energy, and imposing heavy fines on environmentally-unfriendly activities, so as to preserve the environment for future generations.U21)mass 2)gambled 3)voluntary 4)hunted 5)classified 6)abolished 7)division 8)senseless 9)fashions 10)coordination 11)declarations 12)spanned13)recommended 14)moderately 15)slightest1)stands a chance 2)ruled out 3)worthy of 4)gone through 5)in the strict sense 6)At a guess 7)earns a living 8)coincide with 9)gone in for 10)got their teeth into(1)enjoy (2)physical (3)compelled (4)necessity (5)support(6)mental (7)idealize (8)status (9)values (10)classified(11)essential (12)mind (13)attitude (14)fortunate1、随着她个人生活的细节越来越多地被媒体披露出来,她不得不辞去公司总经理的职务。

P61.Many children at first refuse to eat animal flesh. They later become to eating itjust because their parents persuade them to eat it.2.There are two different and conflicting attitudes towards animals; they arecarefully separated so that the contradiction between the two hardly causes trouble.3.Pictures and stories deliberately avoid presenting the real situation in our modernfarms. Children, therefore, are kept from seeing the reality.4.The difficulty will be that non-vegetarian parents do not let their children knowabout the gruesome side of the story, as they are afraid to refuse to eat meat at meals.5.Unfortunately, non-vegetarian parents will strongly disapprove of their children’sunwillingness to eat meat.P151.It’s a sad fact that those who are against research and those who conductresearch on animals cannot agree with each other at all about the use of animals on research.2.I suggest that those who are against animal research and all those they can getsupport from stop making use of the benefit from animal research.3.My suggestion is to let the proponents of animal rights decline the use of theproducts based on animal research so that there will be no market demand for such products and therefore will end the animal research activities that they consider to be terrible.4.The fact is research in the field of cardiology (relating to heart problems) hasbeen based on animal experimentation for about a hundred years, so I cannot accept cardio logical treatment as it is wrong to do so.5.If I may develop a deadly tumor, do not treat me with chemotherapy, as thosedrugs were first tested on animal.P301.I don’t know how long to jail children who commit crimes or where to jail them, but I thinkthat the trend of pushing them seriously as adults is terrible.2.It appears that a child is more likely to be punished like an adult after they commit a veryserious and hard-to –understand crime.3.When I write about these things, I think it’s important to also write about the victim and howhe lost his life.4.I deeply respect and impressed by people who choose to use their lives to teach children,when they could be doing other things such as selling technology stocks or discussing fool topics on TV.5.Despite all these things, he was tried in the courtroom as an adult, and even given a sentencethat was three years longer than the minimum for an adult.6.Even though these children were considered adults when they were judged in the courtroom,if they tried to defend themselves in the court their arguments would be considered as given by children not adults.7.These adults will have little in common with the foolish boys they were, just as I have little incommon with the foolish boys , I was when I threw that cinder block.P371.Now we can enjoy the benefits and list in what ways we benefit from his death.2.There must be some other benefit by fastening Harding into a chair in a smallroom and poisoning him to death with gas.3.Now even people who are eloquently in support of executing people, such asArizona Attorney Grant woods, who attract a lot of public attention, believe that the death penalty will keep people from committing crimes.4.But even killing a small number of murders will have great impact on people.5.Perhaps the benefit we get from killing Harding is not easy to see.P421.Her voice and her facial expressions show that she is sometimes deep in sorrow andsometimes furious beyond her control.2.This sense of justice, like many other basic beliefs was such a necessary element for us tomaintain our psychological health that we take it granted and hardly ever become aware of its existence until one day justice is severely violated.3.People’s opinions greatly differ as to what is the proper way for correcting behavior.4.Europeans are quite passionate when coming to the issue of taking tough measures onpolitical violence.P471.I carefully examined Tony’s bed to see if he had dirtied it with his body fluids.2.When I looked at the sickly man, I could not imagine that he used to be clean andneat, serious, and determined and that he robbered a bank and killed a cop.3.Many people in the underworld believed that Tony should have done somethingfor his partners, but he did nothing. This had hurt his partners. The underworld people believed that Tony’s partners had been betrayed.4.Words had gon e around that Tony’s wife was murdered that because theunderworld wanted revenge against Tony for the death of his three crime partners.5.The lights shining in the window made the hollows in his dark face look deeper,making his look somewhat evil.P581. (The figures and cases of gun accidents and killing) surely will make people think twice before they insist on having their rights to own guns.2. If it takes longer time to own a gun, then it will reduce the chances of people who use guns to harm or kill other people on impulse.3. A gun safety program should be made a must for gun owners, especially those who buy guns for the first time.4. Opponents of gun control also think that gun control is similar to censorship.However, with censorship, when I cannot speak certain things, my quality of life may be lowered, but I will still be alive.P661. Houses where people live are far apart. Few vehicles are on the roads. The landscape around you is empty and bare, so that you will not be able to find anywhere to hide when in danger.2. Even when I was inside my car, I was still liable to be attacked, and without protection.3. I drove over to him and told him it was a private and legally protected place.4. I am not the type that gets excessively worried about my own security, nor am I willing to take risks, but I thought I needed more protection than what I had.5. Just those words and actions spoke in threats and violence, my gesturing with the pistol was a reply in the same rude and violent style, the only way that they could understand.6. I am a pacifist by nature. That peaceful nature inside me makes me sad at the thought that perhaps women can only be free and equal when they are armed.P711.No serious gun control was made, and the pro-gun senators eroded a 1968 law that limitedbuying 22 rim-fire ammunition.2.If he finds that his wife is not cheating on him, he won’t have wasted $80 buying a gun.3.We would use the newest types of guns ,and we could promise that our guns have barrels andthe newest safety devices.4.If the gun breaks and it is not the customer’s fault, then we will replace the gun for free.5.We believed that the Senate and the White House would not try to control guns more tightly,especially since this year there will be elections.P761.That day my husband Jim Brady-------the press secretary of Ronald Reagan, was(permanently crippled by the assassin’s bullet and therefore) added to the list of the victims of American handgun war.2.Under the circumstance, Congress votes for a salary increase for all thecongressmen.3.The National Rifle Association expects the public to appease their anger so thatthere would be no more anger directed at the policymakers.4.Like me , people in the nation who make sure that laws are obeyed, who put theirlife in danger for us every day, are not willing to hand a handgun to another assassin like John Hinckley.5.Jim Brady knows that it is important to have a waiting time (for people who applyfor purchasing guns). He knows that as he is living through the agony and suffering of his gun wound.P931.The doctor turned down my request of discontinuing the life-supporting services and said thatsomeday I would understand the request was not wise.2.Some can and have cited my experience to argue that it is unwise to grant the request of acritically ill person who wants to discontinue all life-supporting services and die.3.I am scared that I would suffer from another heart attack or stroke and make my family andfriends suffer what they suffered during my first attack.4.However ,it is unnecessary and very upsetting to make my family suffer again for a period oftime when I am dying, or even worse, when I remain alive but turn to a vegetable.5.In a way, my views reflect the reality of those old and sick people who, unfortunately,survived, but are now paralyzed.P111petition plays such an important role in our culture that it is common to seeeven adults shouting and swearing on Sunday afternoons (when watching baseball games). This is ridiculous and I feel bad about it.2.From my ow n experience, I don’t think we can develop deep and fullrelationships by trying to compete and win against a common enemy.3.If my success means that I have to be better than others, I don’t think I’ll everhave real satisfaction because I have to keep thinking of how to outdo others, which is very unpleasant and exhausting.4.Even when I reach the top position, I will not feel safe as all those below me willbe waiting to outdo me and try to grab the position from me.5.I start to see that my confidence in my personal value and worth is dependent onhow much better I am than so many others in so many activities.6.Only when we begin to realize that there is no such a thing as healthycompetition can we begin to live more normal and richer lives.P1151. When one can enjoy competing in a hobby which he/she is not very good at ,he/she has healthy self-esteem.2. A true competition is one in which you don’t know for sure whether or not you’llbe able to achieve your aim.3.For many of us, competition is an additional ingredient that keeps our lifeinteresting, makes us alert and active, and enables us to be more creative and productive.4.It can become a good part of our life and exerts a great (massive) influence onhow we live.5.Parents must also set an example of how to compete pleasantly in their own lives.P120petition can be fun, but we may be overenthusiastic and unreasonable aboutit.2.Candidates who sit in a test performance in order to join certain bands can getundeniably violent and aggressive.3.Feel free to find a gift of yours, develop it, and embarrass those who dare tochallenge you.4.If competition isn’t fun and people find themselves feeling extremely worriedabout an event they are competing in, then why not stop going through it?。

阅读教程Lesson 2 Leading MenExercises1. Reading ComprehensionRead the text again and choose the best answer to each of the following questions or statements.1)Which of the following statements is true about the Lewis and Clark expedition?A.President Jefferson was pleased when the expedition achieved its originalaim.B.There was no written record of hostility between the two captains.C.Clark was his only choice when Lewis tried to find a co-commander.D.The corps often came into violent conflict with Indians.2)When the two-volume edition of the Lewis and Clark Expedition journals wasfinally published, _________.A.it turned out to be a great successB.the whole country was shockedC.it is most well-known as a great mapD.its circulation was very limited3)Which of the following is not covered in this article?A.The significance of the expedition.B.The disappointments of Lewis and Clark.C.The personalities of the two captains.D.The hardships of the expedition.4)Which of the following was not the result of the expedition?A.Understanding of numerous Indian tribes.B.Trunks of specimens of plants and animals.C. A masterpiece map of the American West.D. A most direct water route across America.5)The author employs materials from the following sources except _________.A.Jefferson’s diaryB.written records of relevant peopleC.details from Lewis and Clark’s journalsD.recollections of family members or relativesKey:1. B(其他三个选项都与课文内容不符。

新世纪阅读教程4答案(真正的完整版)————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:Key toLearning to Read: An English Reading CourseBook IVUnit 1Part II. Reading for information:1.A 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.DII. Translation1.我进入寿险这一行,做得还算不错。
2. 一般的成功人士为了将来的收获,甘坐冷板凳且推迟享受。
3. 我一直在找寻那些有天赋、能自律的人。
4. 有一次,一场盛大的开幕典礼定于周末举行,而我们的大部分家具还在我们与批发商两地之间的卡车上,距这里有数天的车程,于是我们便到外面以零售价购买了价值5,000美元的货品,这样做吞噬了我们大部分的利润,可我们不能让建筑商失望。
5. 美国总统亚伯拉罕.林肯本可能被他貌似的平凡所击垮。
III.1.set their sights high, achieve their goals2.is little related to, university-educated fast-trackers, self-discipline3.overpowering ego, bring out the best in people4.broaden their knowledge base5.stick with, keep your wordPart IIII.1.F 2. T 3. F 4.F 5. TPart IIIPassage 1: F T F T FPassage 2: F F T F TPassage 3: B D C A BPassage 4: A C B C DPassage 5:21. equivalent 22. sponsored 23. goals 24. pays 25. invested26. prospect 27. rated 28. associated 29. pursue 30. barrierPassage 6: 31.mission 32. significance 33. flow 34. ongoing 35. immediately36. indirectly 37. transmission 38. Above 39. foundation 40. thereby Passage 7: 41.headed 42. longings 43. desires 44. self-esteem 45. discrimination46. shower 47. aware 48. Times 49. frustrated 50. veryUnit 2Part II. 1.C 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. B 6. CII.1. 等等!我不管谁把那块馅饼切成两块,但不论谁切,都得给另一方挑选的权力。

College English Reading Course (Book IV)Unit 11 The campers at Kitty HawkIV.Key to multiple-choice questions1.D2.C3.D4.BV.Suggested versions of translation exercise1.1903年12月7日,曾任《宗教瞭望》报编辑的兄弟联合会主教莱特先生在他位于俄亥俄州代顿市霍桑街的木头房子里收到了他儿子威尔伯和奥维尔发来的电报。
2 Treading lightlyIV.Key to multiple-choice questions1.D2.A3.C4.BV.Suggested versions of translation exercise1.不是,德∙拉∙克鲁兹先生和他的队员们在维护丛林,他们就像在竖一块巨大的“禁止入内”的标牌。
新世纪大学英语系列教材(第二版)阅读教程 4 Unit 1-8 答案

新世纪大学英语系列教材(第二版)Unit 8Part IExercisesI. Reading for information 。
A. Reading to find main ideas1.A2. DB. Reading to find major details3.C4. AC. Reading to find relevant facts5.C6.BII. TranslationTranslate the following sentences into Chinese.1 Katia Eliad, a Paris-based artist, was stuck in a rut. She felt blocked in her creativity, out of touch with herself and for some inexplicable reason unable to use green or blue in her abstract paintings.巴黎艺术家凯蒂亚·艾利亚德陷入停滞。
2 This year will be filled with his music, but it will also be a time to re-examine the contradictions and conflicting interpretations of his brief 35-year life.今年会充满莫扎特的音乐,但今年也会重新审视莫扎特短短35年的一生带来的矛盾和冲突的看法。
3 That notion was first given scientific support in a 1993 article in Nature, which found that college students who listened to the first movement of Mozart’s Sonata in D Major for Two Pianos performed better on a spatial reasoning test that involved mentally unfolding a piece of paper.《自然》杂志1993年的一篇文章首次给这个说法提供了科学依据,该文章指出,在一项要求在大脑里想像如何展开一页纸的空间推理测试中,听了莫扎特“D大调双钢琴奏鸣曲”第一乐章的大学生取得了更好效果。

新世纪大学英语阅读教程4答案(1-6单元)Unit 1PartⅠⅠ. 1-6 ADCABDⅡ.1. 我进入寿险这一行,做得还算不错。
2. 一般的成功人士为了将来的收获,甘坐冷板凳且推迟享受。
3. 我一直在找寻那些有天赋、能自律的人。
4. 有一次,一场盛大的开幕典礼定于周末举行,而我们的大部分家具还在商店与批发商两地之间的卡车上,距这里有数天的车程,于是我们便到外面以零售价购买了价值5000美元的货品。
5. 美国总统亚伯拉罕·林肯本可能被他貌似的平凡所击垮。
Ⅲ.1. set their sights high; achieve their goals2. is little related to; university-educated fast-trackers; self-discipline3. overpowering ego; bring out their best in people4. broaden their knowledge base5. stick with; keep your wordPart Ⅱ1. Soccer matches are all about scoring goals and being winners. In everyday life, many humans also want to achieve goals and to be winners in the game of life.2. Words about character and attitude like belief, excitement, confidence, effort and so on.3. This is because great soccer managers are praised and popular when their teams win. They are criticized and even dismissed when their teams fail to win. They know the heights of elation and the depths of despair.4. He used the humor of exaggeration to deal with the criticisms of the media.5. No, he doesn’t. He believes in the power of the team rather than the individual.Unit 2PartⅠⅠ. 1-6 CBDABCⅡ.1. 等等!我不管谁把那块馅饼切成两块,但不论谁切,都得给另一方挑选的权力。

I did notgo in for参加theCampus Tennis Championships校园网球锦标赛held last month because of my injured leg.
8、要是能得到大多数女生支持的话,你赢得选举成为学生会主席的机会是很大的。(stand a chance)
As more and more随着越来越多的details细节of herprivate个人life weredisclosed披露by the media, she wascompelled不得不toresign辞去herpostas职位general manager总经理of thecompany.
13. Nowthat my parents-in-law have decided to live with us, we are now faced with thenecessityto purchase a larger apartment close to the campus.

一、单词填空Unit 11.The enormous(庞大的) oil spill on Alaska’s North Slope region in 1989 was a disaster(灾难、灾祸) for Alaskan sea animals.2. Due to the lack of labor force, even women in this village were compelled(迫使) to work in the coal mines.3. The travel agency promised to offer foreign travelers everything from historical monuments and castles to modern leisure activities.4. According to the rules set by the company, anyone who is regularly late for work is likely to be disciplined(训导) or dismissed.5. People in that area are already threatened with environmental destruction (破坏)since 60% of the forest there has been destroyed.6. The auto company has seen a huge increase in the output of private cars this year due to the improved working efficiency.7. Under the severe attack from enemy aircraft, the troops were forced to retreated from the front.8. The tennis match was abandoned at half-time because of the harsh weather conditions.9. The policeman searched the building thoroughly but did not find any trace of the criminal.10. Survival of the Fittest is an eternal truth of nature.11. A series of new policies have been introduced in the region in the hope of attracting foreign investment.12. The military government refused to transfer power to a democratically elected civilian government.13. Many people tend to justify the breakdown of their marriage on the grounds of conflict of personalities.14. The substance on the new medicine is believed to be safe,nonetheless, the Food and Drug Administrations is going to examine it all the same.15. It has been a long tradition for businesses in this area to make contributions to the local charities.16. In order to achieve a higher GDP, the government has taken various measures to accelerate the rate of economic growth.17. Deforesting and global warming threaten to ruin the current and future state of our environment.Unit 31.After gold was first discovered at Sutter’s Mill in 1848, many people traveled all the way to California in quest of gold and fortune.2.He had finished his speech, but somehow he remained at the microphone for a few minutes, gazing at the audience.3.Medical research has proved that people who consume large amounts of animal fats are more likely to get cancer and heart disease than those who do not.4.My father’s job is to look through a microphone at viruses day and night, and his biggest wish is that I could follow suit and do likewise.5.They filled a large cooking vessel(容器) with vegetables and let it simmer over the campfire.6.She wanted to improve her English so she could qualify herself as a translator.7.I can’t play the piano like I used to-my fingers have gone stiff from lack of practice.8.He felt as if his whole world had collapsed when he learned that his child had been killed in the accident.9.Some scientists predict that the Earth’s temperature would rise by as much as 5 over the next 20 years if we didn’t take effective measures.10.The worsening economic conditions will inevitably lead to more crimes and more victims.11.He appeared to have grasped what I said in class, but I could not tell whether he had absorbed every detail.12.His proposal of decreasing production was turned down since all the board members thought it was sheer nonsense.13.The company is planing to construct a palm oil refinery with the capacity of refining 300 tons of palms to cooking oil per day.14.The public transport system in the region has been completely paralyzes since the bus drivers started a strike in the morning.15.We thought we’d do an exchange. She’ll come over here at Easter and I’ll go there in summer.Unit 61.It used to be rare to see people sleeping on the street of London, but these days it’s becoming increasingly commonplace.2.Those psychologists believe that one’s childhood experiences will have an enduring influence on his or her future work and personality.3.As the music started, the lights in the theatre began to dim.4.As a fresh graduate, Jim seems to have the ambition to command everything in the world.5.Her colleagues were afraid to work with her, because she won’t tolerate any imperfection in her own or anyone else’s work.6.The girl remains in serious bu stable condition in the intensive care unit in the hospital.7.At the last ring of the bell, all the people at the party joined in with abandon shouting joyfully and merrily, to welcome the arrival of the New Year.8.We should devote our finite life to the infinite cause of serving the people.9.I never thought he was capable of doing such a mean thing to his brother - that was totally disgusting!10.It seems to me that this novelist delights in weaving elaborate and complicated plots in his works.11.Our car broke down, so we had to rent a car, which was an additional financial burden on my family.12.Jim had high aspirations(愿望)to open a law firm even before he graduated from the law school.13.She felt a deep sense of gratitude to the teacher who had financed her through college education.14.His friends deserted him since they were fed up with his endless complaining about his family, colleagues, work, and everything.15.He has remained faithful to the President’s administration when so many others have spoken out against it.16.The president of the university promised that once he had commi t ted to this course of action, he would try his best to have it fulfilled.Unit 71.I don’t think it necessary to furnished our apartment a second time since we will sell it soon.2.He made a firm resolve to give up smoking and drinking as soon as he discovered that he had a heart trouble.3.To reduce the risks of railway accidents, we spend over ten million yuan on maintain the railway lines every year.4.My parents lived a frugal lifestyle all their lives. For one thing, they never discard anything that was still of use; for another, they never purchased things on impulse.5.The government has refused to sanction a further cut in the rate of corporate tax.6.As Linda is a career woman and her husband works abroad, they cannot raise their newborn son all by themselves and have to employ a babysitter on a fixed term of five years.7.My apartment was badly furnished because the workers did not strip the original paint off the walls before they started painting.8.When we learned that the local college had only the bare essentials in terms of equipment, we decided to donate a million yuan so that they could improve their teaching facilities.9.The Jones purchased a second-hand car for $1200;it was a real bargain,, but I wonder how long it will last.10.It is always good to read some English novels in your spare time.If you cannot understand the original,you may read the simplified versions which are also available in the local bookstore.11.Sam said to the girl,”I will trade you some of my chocolate for some of your ice cream.”12.Since you’re decided to simplify your life and have moved into a smaller house,you are going to have to make an effort to downsize your furniture and belongings.13.Representatives from the two nations had worked together on numerous occasions before the peace treaty was signed to end the border conflicts.14.When the factory closed,the machinery was sold off for only a fraction of its true value.15.At the press conference the new president made it plain that he would do his utmost to build “a government of the people,by the people for the people” as advocated by Lincoln.16.Diets that are high in saturated fat tend to block our arteries(动脉), thereby reducing the blood flow to our hearts and brains.17.The children are busy rolling ,folding, and cutting paper in a handcrafting competition.Unit 81.Based on his experiences as a judge and writer during the past 30 years, his new book covers all his reflections on life and justice.2.There is no doubt that the improper medical treatment hasten his death.3.There was only one solitary hotel left standing after the earthquake.4.How the massive stones were brought here from hundreds of miles away remains an unsolved mystery to modern man.5.Emily Dickinson is known for her brilliant flights of fancy in her poems about love,death and natural scenery.6.I’ll not be able to attend the conference in New York unless someone covers my expenses.7.In his talk,the doctor pointed out that many women pursue a slender figure at the cost of their health,by taking pills,having operations,and so on.8.The money from the donors will be used for the purchase of computer equipment for the school.9.There’s a notice outside the building which says “No admission before 12 noon”.10.The play’s message is perhaps too subtle to be understood by the child audience.11.Although she appeared quite cold and harsh ,her smiling eyes betrayed her care and love toward the children.12.Nothing can be more exciting than the first time you receive red roses from the one you love.They have special significance to your youth.13.The boy inherited a big house from his father, but he cannot legally take possession of the property until he is 18 yeas old.14.In the mornings in Disneyland there is always a procession of cartoon figures greeting the children.15.She dropped a few hints about her birthday to make sure that no one would forget it.16.He was taking drugs and trying to conceal it from his parents.二、短语填空Unit11. Shortly after the government‟s new po licy was put into effect , the economy of our country began to show signs of recovery. 后不久,政府的新政策付诸实施,我国经济开始出现复苏迹象。

最完整的新世纪大学英语综合教程4课后答案(DOC)U11. disaster2. compelled3. historical4. disciplined5. destruction6. output7. retreat8. abandoned9. trace 10. eternal 11. investment 12. transfer 13. justify 14. nonetheless 15. contributions 16. accelerate 17. threaten1. show signs of2. called upon3. off limits4. in fear of5. slow down6. cut down7. from head to foot8. come by9. lost out 10. As yet 11. reside in IN CREASING YOUR WORD POWER smoke + fog; web + log; breakfast + lunch ;medical + care ;motor + hotel; net + citizen ;science + fiction; work + alcoholicAnthropology: the scientific study of the human race, especially of its origins, development, customs and beliefsArchaeology: the study of the buried remains of the ancient times, such as houses, pots, tools, and weaponsEcology: the study of the relations of plants,animals, and people to each other and to their surroundingsGeology: the study of rocks, soils, etc. which make up the Earth, and of their changes during the history of the worldIdeology: a set of ideas that an economic or political system is based onMusicology: the study of the history and theory of musicPsychology: the scientific study of the mind and how it influences behaviourSociology: the scientific study of the nature and development of society and social behaviour Zoology: the scientific study of animals and their behaviour1. collective individual2. consistent contradictory3. constructive destructive4. irrational rational5. modern primitive6. natural synthetic7. nearby distant8. optimistic pessimistic9. replaceable irreplaceable10. small enormousGRAMMAR REVIEW1. She wished us health and success in the new year.2. He asked how we were getting along with our work.3. Jack said to me that I would be happy to know that his condition had improved.4. Rose asked Jack whether he was sure his mother would like the idea.5. He asked John how long he had been waiting for them.6. She said I needn't have done all that myself.</(2)1. The strikers protested to the police that they had no right to arrest them.2. He promised that he would give us whatever assistance we needed.3. He agreed (that) that was the best solution to the problem.4. My sister admitted that it was she who had broken the glass.5. He declared that he meant what he said and would never go back on his word.6. The man insisted that we give an explanation of what had happened.7. Mrs. Don't complained that no one showed concern for the elderly in that country.8. The sales manager explained that he couldn't give us a definite answer because he had not received instructions from his company. CLOZE(1) realm (2) elemental (3) obtain (4) stubbornly (5) transferred (6) transformed (7) subdued (8) expansion (9) irreplaceable (10) extinct (11) dynamic (12) verge (13) moderate (14) ecological (15) rationalTRANSLATION1. The village is so close to the border that the villagers live in constant fear of attacks from theenemy.2. In only twenty years the country was transformed into an advanced industrial power.3. This company has evolved into one of the major chemical manufacturing bases in this region.4. Given the current financial situation, it is inevitable that the US dollar will be further devalued.5. The government's call for suggestions about the control of water pollution produced very little response from the citizens.6. The weather showed no signs of getting better so the government called upon us to get prepared for floods.7. At one time scientists thought that there was nothing smaller than an atom but now most people know that an atom consists of even smaller particles.8. The students were all very much concerned about the World Cup, spending at least two hours every day watching the live matches onTV. 9. The department store lost out because loans were very hard to come by and it could not start business on time.10. We can't go there for a walk because there isa navy base there, which is off limits to tourists.Human brings live in the realm of nature. They are not only dwellers in nature, but also transformers of it. With the development of society and its economy, people tend to become less dependent on nature directly, but indirectly their dependence grows. Human beings are connected with nature by "blood" ties. No one can live outside nature. However, the previous dynamic balance between man and nature has shown signs of breaking down. Problems such as the population explosion, ecological imbalance and the shortage of natural resources have become major factors keeping human society from being further developed. Professor Spirkin holds that the only choice for human beings isthe wise organization of production and care for Mother Nature.My Understanding of Environmental Protection Man and the environment are closely related. Man relies on the environment for water, food and shelter. A harmonious relationship between man and However, man and the environment have never been on such bad terms as they are now. As society develops, man’s transformation of nature has severely polluted his living environment. Deforestation leads to changes in rainfall patterns, causing devastating floods, droughts and sandstorms. The discharge of chemical pollutants endangers our health and the lives of other beings. And mass production has resulted in the shortage of irreplaceable natural resources such as coal and oil. If we take no immediate and effective steps to protect our environment, human beings may be the next species to become extinct. ••••••We should do our best to protect our environment by plantingmore trees, taking care of wildlife, reducing industrial wastes, using renewable energy, and imposing heavy fines on environmentally-unfriendly activities, so as to preserve the environment for future generations.U21. 1) monitor2) phenomenon3) isolation4) gradual5) opponent6) advent7) genetic8) consciously9) extreme10) nasty11) boom12) formal13) soar14) survey15) Similarly16) modify17) rough2. 1) at the same time2) are stuck with3) for certain4) make no difference5) on average6) when it comes to7) depends on8) built into9) come to mind10) at workIncreasing Your Word Power 1.AdjectivesNounsAdjectivesNouns1) technological technology6) luxuriousluxury2) eternal eternity7) leisurely leisure3) miraculous miracle8) subjective subject4) relevant relevance 9) prosperous prosperity5) analytical Analysis 10) innovative innovation2. 2) multi-faith 3) multiform4) multifunction 5) multi-ethnic6) multilateral7) multi-lingual 8) multimedia9) multimillionaire 10) multinational1) a multi-faith society2) a multi-lingual secretary3) a multimillionaire4) a multinational motor-manufacturing corporation 5) a multifunction video camera6) a multi-ethnic community7) a multimedia dictionary8) multi-cultural education9) a multilateral trade negotiation10) multiform technological cooperation3. 1) j 2) c 3) b 4) i5) a 6) g 7) d 8) e9) f 10) h4.Adjectives Nouns Adjectives Nouns1) creative creativity 6) minor minority2) cruel cruelty 7) original originality3) equal equality 8) pure purity4) locallocality9) regularregularity5) majormajority10) superiorsuperiority1) superiority 2) equality3) originality 4) minority5) Creativity6) purity 7) cruelty Grammar Review1. 1) My mother would not be worried about me if she knew what my life was like.2) They would probably allow you to do the jobif you were in better health.3) They wouldn’t work with such enthusiasm if they didn’t know what they were working for.4) I would have to look it up in the dictionary ifI didn’t know the meaning of the word.5) She would understand what we say if she knew Chinese.6) I would be quite satisfied if you spoke with greater accuracy.2. 1) If we knew where he was, we would try to get in touch with him.2) If it were not for the expense involved, we would go there by plane.3) If we were to miss the train, we would have to wait another four hours.4) If we pooled all our resources, we would have enough money to buy the equipment.5) If he didn’t have a strong love for the handicapped children, he wouldn’t be working so tirelessly for them.Cloze1) emphasize 2) opposite3) improved 4) luxuries 5) benefited6) obviously 7) consciously8) fractures 9) eternal10) groundbreaking11) entitled 12) correlation 13) depends 14) exclusively Translation1. 1) He really knows a lot about theory, but when it comes to actual work, he seems to be quite ignorant.2) The latest survey shows / showed that the majority of the citizens support / supported the government’s plan to build a new library.3) The two countries could reach agreement successfully on scientific and technological cooperation because several factors favorable to their cooperation had been at work.4) I saw the film when I was in the primary school, but the title just won’t come to mind for the moment.5) He has been stuck with heavy debt though he works about twelve hours every day on average.6) Is it necessary to know his height? To me, it is not relevant to whether he can be a good lawyeror not.7) The cupboard is built into the wall so that it both saves space and is convenient to use.8) These workers earn more than we do, but the other side of the coin is their job is more dangerous.9) Helen majors in economics at the university and at the same time she studies philosophy as her second major.10) What is most important is that you must find out and solve the problems by yourselves. It makes no difference whether I go there or not.2.Nowadays, many people are enjoying the benefits brought about by material and technological advances unimaginable inprevious eras. With the development of science and technology, people’s standard of living is getting higher and higher. People’s life expectancy has soared, too.However, oddly enough, many people do not feel happier than they used to be. It can be seen that there is no close correlation between people’s income and their happiness. Happiness cannot, after all, be bought with money.Although the majority of people are not very satisfied with their lives, they are happy to be alive, and the more time they get on earth, the bett er off they feel they’ll be. What is important is that material wealth is far from enough. People need spiritual happiness, too.Theme-related WritingSample Essay:The Impact of the Mobile Phone on People’slivesAmong the many technological inventions, the mobile phone impresses me most.The mobile phone brings considerable convenience to our lives. It not only enables us to keep in touch with each other almost anytime and anywhere but also helps us solve problems or do business efficiently. In emergencies, a mobile phone can even be a life-saver. Besides, its multi-functions add ease and color to our lives. With a mobile phone, we can receive mail, read news, listen to music, play games, and take pictures.Yet, the mobile phone has its disadvantages, too. Most of us have experienced the nuisance of unwanted or wrong calls. We are inconvenienced by calls on occasions when we least expect one. Besides, the technology infrastructure to support mobile communicationhas consumed valuable natural resources and caused significant environmental problems. It is reported that electromagnetic radiation waves from the phone may result in health problems.Despite its negative side, the advantages of the mobile phone outweigh its disadvantages. I believe that with advances in science and technology, improved and safer models of mobile phones will surely serve us still better.U31.quest2.remained3.consume4.likewise5.vessel6.qualify7.stiff8.collapsed9.predict10.nevitably11.absorbed 12.sheer 13.refining 14.paralyzed 15.exchange1.In a way2.act on3.to such an extent that4.opens up5.close off6.look into1.pic2.eates3.ally4.asp5.re6.posite7.ntradictory 8.ality 9.ysical 10.idity11.vidual 12.ility 13.nbow 14.sehood1. Most people strongly believe that the court will no doubt punish the bank robbers severely.2. The medical workers overcame one difficulty after another in their long-term quest for a cure for the disease.3. Acting on the information they received, the police closed off the streets and caught the bank robbers.4. We were amazed at learning that the newly-built TV factory can produce 500,000 TV sets in the first year.5. The government is looking into the causes of so many layoffs and is trying to help the laid-off workers to be re-employed.6. To expand the sales of its product, the company has taken up various measures to open up new markets and to improve its services.7. He has neglected his studies to such anextent that I am afraid it is impossible for him to catch up with the other students in a month.8. The fireworks factory was closed last month for failing to comply with the government safety regulations.9. It remains to be seen whether our football team can beat its opponent.10. Mr. Smith predicted that the recent oil discoveries, together with the use / employment of new technologies, would lead to a decline in the price of crude oil.U 4填单词1.mass2.gambled3.voluntary4.hunted5.classified6.abolished7.division8.senseless9.fashions10.coordination11.declarations12.spanned13.recommends/recommended14.moderately15.slightest填词组1.stands a chance/stood a chance2.ruled out3.worthy of4.gone through5.in the strict sense6.At a guess7.earns a living8.coincide with9.gone in for10.got their teeth into完型填空1.enjoy2.physicalpelled4.necessity5.support6.mental7.idealize8.status9.values10.classified11.essential12.mind13.attitude14.fortunate句子翻译1. As more and more details of her private life were disclosed by the media, she was compelled to resign her post as general manager (or: resign as general manager / resign from the post of general manager) of the company.2. She is very satisfied with her new job as it coincides with her interests.3. I bought this shirt because the price was reduced from 300 yuan to 80 yuan.4. To bring her children up, the mother really went through all kinds of hardships.5. The police have ruled out murder in the case of the old lady's death.6. The municipality (municipal government) promised to take effective steps as soon as possible to solve the problems of air pollution.7. I did not go in for the Campus Tennis Championships held last month because of my injured leg.8. If you can get the support of the majority of the girls, you stand a good chance of winning the election and becoming Chairman of the Students Union.9. Not all the books he wrote were as successful as this one so I recommend that you borrow it from the library and read it.10. At the 2004 Athens Olympic Games Liu Xiang won the championship of the men's 110-meter hurdle and broke the world record,which had been previously held by an American athlete.短文翻译Some people think that they've fulfilled their tasks as long as they go on duty and come off duty on time. They never think about what is meant by "work" and why they should work at all. In fact, "work" involves such qualities as wisdom, enthusiasm, imagination and creativity. To do his work well, a worker must have a spirit of dedication, and be capable of bearing hardships and standing hard work. In addition, he should have initiative and creativity. Having initiative means the worker should be ready to grasp every opportunity to display his outstanding ability. In addition, a worker should make clear the nature and significance of the work he does, be responsible for whatever he is doing and plunge himself into the work with vigorous enthusiasm. If he can do so, he will find a job no longer a burden but an indispensablepart of his life. Whatever he does, he can always find values and pleasure in the work and achieve extraordinary results in otherwise ordinary work.作文范文My Career ChoiceWhen it comes to the choice of career, different people consider the matter from different perspectives. Personally I prefer to be a teacher.I have three reasons for my decision. The first reason is that the profession of teaching is in agreement with my personality. Being an outgoing, patient and understanding person, I think I am able to communicate with my students and understand their feelings easily, which constitutes an important factor in ensuring success in teaching. The second reason is that I am interested in the job. It would always give me great joy and satisfaction to see the happy faces of my students, to share myknowledge and life experience with them and to participate in their process of growing up. The third reason is related to my occupational attitude. I always believe that school teachers all over the world are respected for their profound knowledge and higher social status. I have always held my teachers in respect and I hope I would be respected as a teacher, too, in the future. I think teaching is an ideal career for me. Being a university student now, I will work hard to realize my dream.U5fortune 2)dull 3)chased 4)launched 5)finance 6)reputation 7)libertypublicity 9)sufficiently 10)sympathy 11)target 12)educate 13)commercealike 15)bored 16)audiences 17)regard18)assurethrown out 2)and so on 3)for dear life 4)dedicate himself to 5)was tired ofturn away 7)hang on 8)for the sake ofchase (2)reputation (3)dedicate (4)reward (5)sufficiently (6)measured assure (8)Momentary (9)celebrity (10)target (11)frank (12)libertyillusory (14)regard1、他试图拯救这家濒临倒闭的企业,但失败了。

KeysUnit 11. In the Frozen Waters of Qomolangma, I Learned the Value of Humility Comprehension Exercises1.Decide on the best choice to answer or complete each of the following.1. B2. D3. A4. B2.Put the following into Chinese1.我在想,如果出现意外,那么我那冻僵的身体需要多长时间才能沉到4.2公里深的海底呢?我紧接着意识到,对于一个仅着一条泳裤、试图游完这象征性的1公里人来说,下水前还能有什么比这更糟的念头吗?我的内心深处在颤抖,感到非常恐惧。
2. 我在珠穆朗玛峰上学到了两个基本的经验教训,第一,过去有用的东西并不意味着今天一定有用。
3. 我们已经以某种方式生存了如此之久,我们已经以某种方式消费了如此之久,我们已经以某种方式在地球上居住了如此之久,但这并不意味着,我们过去所做的决定今天依然正确。
4. 我在世界屋脊上的游泳改变了我,在一定程度上,我希望它证明一切皆有可能。
2. Taking Lessons from What Went WrongComprehension Exercises1.Decide on the best choice to answer or complete each of the following.1. B2. A3. C4. C2.Put the following into Chinese1.他们说,灾难会带来惨痛的教训,因为在技术上取得成功的原因往往是随机的、不可见的,而造成某个失败的原因通常是可以被找到、被证明和被修复的,从而达到改进的目的。

Unit.1Shortly after the government’s new policy was put into effect , the economy of our co untry began to show signs of recovery. 后不久,政府的新政策付诸实施,我国经济开始出现复苏迹象。
2. The citizens have called upon the local authorities to minimize environmental destr uction by banning the use of all poisonous chemicals immediately. 市民呼吁地方当局立即禁止所有有毒化学物质的使用,以尽量减少对环境的破坏3. It’s known to all that military bases are off limits to outsiders. 它是已知的限制外人的所有军事基地。
4. She never participated in any violent sports games in fear of getting injured. 她从来不参加任何剧烈运动游戏中得到受伤的恐惧。
5. It seems that all of us are rushing around trying to get things done in a hurry—we all need to slow down and take it easy. 看来,我们所有人都在四处奔波,试图把事情做在赶时间,我们都需要慢下来,很容易。
6. Many trees in this area have been cut down to make room for buildings ,which has worsened our living environment. 在这一领域的许多树木被砍伐,使建筑物的房间,我们的生活环境恶化。

Unit 1 never give in,never,never,never text comprehension I.B II.T T F F T Vocabulary Ⅰ. 1.glad my heart 2.situation, circumstance 3.threat 4.splendid ,heroic 5.a sudden small movement because of pain or fear Ⅱ.1.put ... Through 2.addressed himself to 3.was going through 4.throwing our minds back to 5.yielded to 6.close an account 7.ups and downs 8.misfortune Ⅲ. 1.catastrophically 2.deceptive 3.convictions 4.apparently 5.perseverance 6.desperation 7.unflinchingly 8.courageous IV.CDADB,ACA V.1.threat (danger ) 2.happy (successful ) 3.position 4.seemingly 5.defeat (failure ) 6.retreat (shrink ,withdraw ) 7.praise (commend ,laud ) 8.destroy VI.1.current 2.shown 3.frequently 4.depressed 5.try harder 6.takes in Grammar II.1. Heidi Ross was both rich and powerful. 2. Most of the floggings and lynchings occur at harvest time, when fruit hangs heavy and ripe, when the leaves are red and gold, when nuts fall from the trees, when the earth of fers its best. 3. I have nothing to offer but blood, tears, and sweat. 4. Black people in America have been neglected and underestimated for many years, but their recent accomplishments in a variety of fields have made "black power "real and bla ck pride possible. III.BDDCC,CAB VI.1. It seemed that nobody knew what had happened. It seems to me that I have been neglecting my duty. Ⅰ. 2. She seems an unusually clever girl. It seems to me a marvelous book. Translation Translate the following sentences into English, using the words or phrase given in the br acket. translation I.1.但我们必须学会同样善于应付短暂而干脆与漫长而艰难的局面。

Unit 11.The enormous(庞大的) oil spill on Alaska’s North Slope region in 1989 was a disaster(灾难、灾祸)for Alaskan sea animals.2.Due to the lack of labor force, even women in this village were compelled(迫使)to work in the coal mines.3.The travel agency promised to offer foreign travelers everything from historical monuments and castles to modern leisure activities.4.According to the rules set by the company, anyone who is regularly late for work is likely to be disciplined(训导)or dismissed.5.People in that area are already threatened with environmental destruction (破坏)since 60% of the forest there has been destroyed.6.The auto company has seen a huge increase in the output of private cars this year due to the improved working efficiency.7.Under the severe attack from enemy aircraft, the troops were forced to retreated from the front.8.The tennis match was abandoned at half-time because of the harsh weather conditions.9.The policeman searched the building thoroughly but did not find any trace of the criminal.10.Survival of the Fittest is an eternal truth of nature.11.A series of new policies have been introduced in the region in the hope of attracting foreign investment.12.The military government refused to transfer power to a democratically elected civilian government.13.Many people tend to justify the breakdown of their marriage on the grounds of conflict of personalities.14.The substance on the new medicine is believed to be safe,nonetheless, the Food and Drug Administrations is going to examine it all the same.15.It has been a long tradition for businesses in this area to make contributions to the local charities.16.In order to achieve a higher GDP, the government has taken various measures to accelerate the rate of economic growth.17.Deforesting and global warming threaten to ruin the current and future state of our environment.Unit 21.Patients who had been given the new drug were asked to monitor their progress and report to the doctor down to the smallest detail.2.Private space travel is a relatively new phenomenon . It’s difficult at the moment to assess its effects.3.All of us need to build up relationships with others unless we choose to live in complete isolation from the outside world.4.Since sending her child to the kindergarten, she has been delighted to see a gradual change in the boy’s character;he seems less self-centered now.5.As an active environmentalist, Davis has earned a reputation as an outspoken opponent of any kind of nuclear waste dumping at sea.6.Quills were the chief writing tool form the 6th century until the advent of steel pens in the mid of 19th century.7.Do you think it will ever be possible to alter human genetic code in order to produce the “perfect” human being?8.I don’t think she’s consciously rude to you—she was just lose her new car and feels bad about it.9.His political views are rather extreme;I hate to discuss anything with him.10.The cheap perfume you see on special offer in petrol stations often smells nasty after a couple of hours.11.The consumer boom of the 1980s led to an explosion of shopping center development in big cities around the country.12.You shouldn ’ t use “Yours faithfully”—it’s too formal for this kind of personal letter.13.Temperatures will soar into 38 over the weekend due to thee heat wave, say the weather forecaster.14.According to a survey among 1000 residents, garbage collection service in the city is far from satisfactory.15.The cost of food and clothing has come down in recent years. Similarly, fuel prices have fallen quite considerably.16.The technicians are working hard to modify the design of the new car to make it more competitive in the overseas market.17.In ma childhood memories, we were living a rough but happy life, with no luxuries to speak of.Unit 31.After gold was first discovered at Sutter’s Mill in 1848, many people traveled all the way to California in quest of gold and fortune.2.He had finished his speech, but somehow he remained at the microphone for a few minutes, gazing at the audience.3.Medical research has proved that people who consume large amounts of animal fats are more likely to get cancer and heart disease than those who do not.4.My father’s job is to look through a microphone at viruses day and night, and his biggest wish is that I could follow suit and do likewise.5.They filled a large cooking vessel(容器) with vegetables and let it simmer over the campfire.6.She wanted to improve her English so she could qualify herself as a translator.7.I can’t play the piano like I used to—my fingers have gone stiff from lack of practice.8.He felt as if his whole world had collapsed when he learned that his child had been killed in the accident.9.Some scientists predict that the Earth’s temperature would rise by as much as 5 over the next 20 years if we didn’t take effective measures.10.The worsening economic conditions will inevitably lead to more crimes and more victims.11.He appeared to have grasped what I said in class, but I could not tell whether he had absorbed every detail.12.His proposal of decreasing production was turned down since all the board members thought it was sheer nonsense.13.The company is planing to construct a palm oil refinery with the capacity of refining 300 tons of palms to cooking oil per day.14.The public transport system in the region has been completely paralyzes since the bus drivers started a strike in the morning.15.We thought we’d do an exchange. She’ll come over here at Easter and I’ll go there in summer.Unit 41.Nearly 6 million people in the mid-western area were affected by the flood there is a real danger of mass starvation(饿死).2.It’s incredible that when he gambled, he always won, whether he was playing a card game or betting on horse racing.3.The council is trying to get more people to do voluntary work and render social services in the less developed regions.4.Elephants are dying out because they are being hunted for the tusks(象牙).5.Wines can be classified as dry, medium or sweet according to their sugar content.6.Slavery was abolished in Canada in 1833, and the Canadian authorities then encouraged slaves from America to settle down on their land.7.Some of the developing countries seem to be stuck with a tough situation —the division between the rich and poor has never been so clear and sharp.8.The mass media commented that the young man’s suicide was nothing but a senseless waste of his life.9.The younger generation should not just seek for the latest fashions; they should have long-term commitment and try to livea worthy life.10.There’s absolutely no coordination between the different work teams —we don’t know what others are doing.11.As witnesses to the accident, we were asked to make written declaration of what we had seen.12.Although he pursued a life-time career as a lawyer, his talents and achievements spanned a wide range of subjects in the arts as well as in sciences.13.The local government recommends that the police and the inhabitants join hands to fight against crimes in the neighborhood.Unit 51.There are always people who dream to make a fortune from gambling, even though they know the chances are slim.2.The inventor Thomas Edison was regarded as a dull boy when he was young because he couldn’t work out easy mathematical calculations.3.The police had had chased after the robbery suspect for about two days before they finally caught him in a deserted warehouse.4.The local newspaper has launched a campaign to raise money for the girl who has caught a rare disease.5.As an expert in finance, he was very experienced in advising people where to invest their money.6.The town’s wildlife reserve has gained a reputation as one of the best leisure resorts in the country.7.People fear that the security cameras installed in public places could violate personal liberty.8.There has been a great deal of publicity in the media about the campaign against genetically modified food.9.The coach was relieved that Micheal had recovered sufficiently from his knee injury and he was able to play in the semi-finals next week.10.At the news of the sudden bombing attack, the Prime Minister expressed his deep-sympathy for the families of the victims.11.Due to its inefficiency, the cable TV company has been a frequent traget of criticism from the public these days.12.The government says that they plan to set up more programs to educate the public about the consequences of drug abuse.13.Electronic commerce is the activity of buying and selling goods and services and doing other business activities via the Internet.14.The bank of China is one of the largest banks in China, and is respected by investors and rival bankers alike.15.Kelly got a new job as a secretary, but two weeks later she became bored with the endless office chores, so she quit.16.These two TV programs are bot about news or current affairs, but they have attracted very different audience in the United States.17.Jane’s parents held her in high regard and they supported her decision to be an actress.18.Their performance is a hit,. You should book the ticket early to assure yourself of a good seat in the theatre.Unit 61.It used to be rare to see people sleeping on the street of London, but these days it’s becoming increasingly commonplace.2.Those psychologists believe that one’s childhood experiences will have an enduring influence on his or her future work and personality.3.As the music started, the lights in the theatre began to dim.4.As a fresh graduate, Jim seems to have the ambition to c ommand everything in the world.5.Her colleagues were afraid to work with her, because she won’t tolerate any imperfection in her own or anyone else’s work.6.The girl remains in serious bu stable condition in the intensive care unit in the hospital.7.At the last ring of the bell, all the people at the party joined in with abandon shouting joyfully and merrily, to welcome the arrival of the New Year.8.We should devote our finite life to the infinite cause of serving the people.9.I never thought he was capable of doing such a mean thing to his brother —that was totally disgusting!10.It seems to me that this novelist delights in weaving elaborate and complicated plots in his works.11.Our car broke down, so we had to rent a car, which was an additional financial burden on my family.12.Jim had high aspirations(愿望) to open a law firm even before he graduated from the law school.13.She felt a deep sense of gratitude to the teacher who had financed her through college education.14.His friends deserted him since they were fed up with his endless complaining about his family, colleagues, work, and everything.15.He has remained faithful to the President’s administration when so many others have spoken out against it.16.The president of the university promised that once he had commited to this course of action, he would try his best to have it fulfilled.Unit 71.I don’t think it necessary to furnished our apartment a second time since we will sell it soon.2.He made a firm resolve to give up smoking and drinking as soon as he discovered that he had a heart trouble.3.To reduce the risks of railway accidents, we spend over ten million yuan on maintain the railway lines every year.4.My parents lived a frugal lifestyle all their lives. For one thing, they never discard anything that was still of use; for another, they never purchased things on impulse.5.The government has refused to sanction a further cut in the rate of corporate tax.6.As Linda is a career woman and her husband works abroad, they cannot raise their newborn son all by themselves and have to employ a babysitter on a fixed term of five years.7.My apartment was badly furnished because the workers did not strip the original paint off the walls before they started painting.8.When we learned that the local college had only the bare essentials in terms of equipment, we decided to donate a million yuan so that they could improve their teaching facilities.9.The Jones purchased a second-hand car for $1200;it was a real bargain,, but I wonder how long it will last.10.It is always good to read some English novels in your spare time.If you cannot understand the original,you may read the simplified versions which are also available in the local bookstore.11.Sam said to the girl,”I will trade you some of my chocolate for some of your ice cream.”12.Since you’re decided to simplify your life and have moved into a smaller house,you are going to have to make an effort to downsize your furniture and belongings.13.Representatives from the two nations had worked together on numerous occasions before the peace treaty was signed to end the border conflicts.14.When the factory closed,the machinery was sold off for only a fraction of its true value.15.At the press conference the new president made it plain that he would do his utmost to build “a government of the people,by the people for the people” as advocated by Lincoln.16.Diets that are high in saturated fat tend to block our arteries(动脉), thereby reducing the blood flow to our hearts and brains.17.The children are busy rolling ,folding, and cutting paper in a handcrafting competition.Unit 81.Based on his experiences as a judge and writer during the past 30 years, his new book covers all his reflections on life and justice.2.There is no doubt that the improper medical treatment hasten his death.3.There was only one solitary hotel left standing after the earthquake.4.How the massive stones were brought here from hundreds of miles away remains an unsolved mystery to modern man.5.Emily Dickinson is known for her brilliant flights of fancy i n her poems about love,death and natural scenery.6.I’ll not be able to attend the conference in New York unless someone covers my expenses.7.In his talk,the doctor pointed out that many women pursue a slender figure at the cost of their health,by taking pills,having operations,and so on.8.The money from the donors will be used for the purchase of computer equipment for the school.9.There’s a notice outside the building which says “No admission before 12 noon”.10.The play’s message is perhaps too subtle to be understood by the child audience.11.Although she appeared quite cold and harsh ,her smiling eyes betrayed her care and love toward the children.12.Nothing can be more exciting than the first time you receive red roses from the one you love.They have special significance to your youth.13.The boy inherited a big house from his father, but he cannot legally take possession of the property until he is 18 yeas old.14.In the mornings in Disneyland there is always a procession of cartoon figures greeting the children.15.She dropped a few hints about her birthday to make sure that no one would forget it.16.He was taking drugs and trying to conceal it from his parents.。
新世纪大学英语系列教材综合教程4英语课后题答案(含原句) 精品

Unit 11.The enormous(庞大的) oil spill on Alaska’s North Slope region in 1989 was a disaster(灾难、灾祸)for Alaskan sea animals.2.Due to the lack of labor force, even women in this village were compelled(迫使)to work in the coal mines.3.The travel agency promised to offer foreign travelers everything from historical monuments and castles to modern leisure activities.4.According to the rules set by the company, anyone who is regularly late for work is likely to be disciplined(训导)or dismissed.5.People in that area are already threatened with environmental destruction (破坏)since 60% of the forest there has been destroyed.6.The auto company has seen a huge increase in the output of private cars this year due to the improved working efficiency.7.Under the severe attack from enemy aircraft, the troops were forced to retreated from the front.8.The tennis match was abandoned at half-time because of the harsh weather conditions.9.The policeman searched the building thoroughly but did not find any trace of the criminal.10.Survival of the Fittest is an eternal truth of nature.11.A series of new policies have been introduced in the region in the hope of attracting foreign investment.12.The military government refused to transfer power to a democratically elected civilian government.13.Many people tend to justify the breakdown of their marriage on the grounds of conflict of personalities.14.The substance on the new medicine is believed to be safe,nonetheless, the Food and Drug Administrations is going to examine it all the same.15.It has been a long tradition for businesses in this area to make contributions to the local charities.16.In order to achieve a higher GDP, the government has taken various measures to accelerate the rate of economic growth.17.Deforesting and global warming threaten to ruin the current and future state of our environment.Unit 21.Patients who had been given the new drug were asked to monitor their progress and report to the doctor down to the smallest detail.2.Private space travel is a relatively new phenomenon . It’s difficult at the moment to assess its effects.3.All of us need to build up relationships with others unless we choose to live in complete isolation from the outside world.4.Since sending her child to the kindergarten, she has been delighted to see a gradual change in the boy’s character;he seems less self-centered now.5.As an active environmentalist, Davis has earned a reputation as an outspoken opponent of any kind of nuclear waste dumping at sea.6.Quills were the chief writing tool form the 6th century until the advent of steel pens in the mid of 19th century.7.Do you think it will ever be possible to alter human genetic code in order to produce the “perfect” human being?8.I don’t think she’s consciously rude to you—she was just lose her new car and feels bad about it.9.His political views are rather extreme;I hate to discuss anything with him.10.The cheap perfume you see on special offer in petrol stations often smells nasty after a couple of hours.11.The consumer boom of the 1980s led to an explosion of shopping center development in big cities around the country.12.You shouldn ’ t use “Yours faithfully”—it’s too formal for this kind of personal letter.13.Temperatures will soar into 38 over the weekend due to thee heat wave, say the weather forecaster.14.According to a survey among 1000 residents, garbage collection service in the city is far from satisfactory.15.The cost of food and clothing has come down in recent years. Similarly, fuel prices have fallen quite considerably.16.The technicians are working hard to modify the design of the new car to make it more competitive in the overseas market.17.In ma childhood memories, we were living a rough but happy life, with no luxuries to speak of.Unit 31.After gold was first discovered at Sutter’s Mill in 1848, many people traveled all the way to California in quest of gold and fortune.2.He had finished his speech, but somehow he remained at the microphone for a few minutes, gazing at the audience.3.Medical research has proved that people who consume large amounts of animal fats are more likely to get cancer and heart disease than those who do not.4.My father’s job is to look through a microphone at viruses day and night, and his biggest wish is that I could follow suit and do likewise.5.They filled a large cooking vessel(容器) with vegetables and let it simmer over the campfire.6.She wanted to improve her English so she could qualify herself as a translator.7.I can’t play the piano like I used to—my fingers have gone stiff from lack of practice.8.He felt as if his whole world had collapsed when he learned that his child had been killed in the accident.9.Some scientists predict that the Earth’s temperature would rise by as much as 5 over the next 20 years if we didn’t take effective measures.10.The worsening economic conditions will inevitably lead to more crimes and more victims.11.He appeared to have grasped what I said in class, but I could not tell whether he had absorbed every detail.12.His proposal of decreasing production was turned down since all the board members thought it was sheer nonsense.13.The company is planing to construct a palm oil refinery with the capacity of refining 300 tons of palms to cooking oil per day.14.The public transport system in the region has been completely paralyzes since the bus drivers started a strike in the morning.15.We thought we’d do an exchange. She’ll come over here at Easter and I’ll go there in summer.Unit 41.Nearly 6 million people in the mid-western area were affected by the flood there is a real danger of mass starvation(饿死).2.It’s incredible that when he gambled, he always won, whether he was playing a card game or betting on horse racing.3.The council is trying to get more people to do voluntary work and render social services in the less developed regions.4.Elephants are dying out because they are being hunted for the tusks(象牙).5.Wines can be classified as dry, medium or sweet according to their sugar content.6.Slavery was abolished in Canada in 1833, and the Canadian authorities then encouraged slaves from America to settle down on their land.7.Some of the developing countries seem to be stuck with a tough situation —the division between the rich and poor has never been so clear and sharp.8.The mass media commented that the young man’s suicide was nothing but a senseless waste of his life.9.The younger generation should not just seek for the latest fashions; they should have long-term commitment and try to livea worthy life.10.There’s absolutely no coordination between the different work teams —we don’t know what others are doing.11.As witnesses to the accident, we were asked to make written declaration of what we had seen.12.Although he pursued a life-time career as a lawyer, his talents and achievements spanned a wide range of subjects in the arts as well as in sciences.13.The local government recommends that the police and the inhabitants join hands to fight against crimes in the neighborhood.Unit 51.There are always people who dream to make a fortune from gambling, even though they know the chances are slim.2.The inventor Thomas Edison was regarded as a dull boy when he was young because he couldn’t work out easy mathematical calculations.3.The police had had chased after the robbery suspect for about two days before they finally caught him in a deserted warehouse.4.The local newspaper has launched a campaign to raise money for the girl who has caught a rare disease.5.As an expert in finance, he was very experienced in advising people where to invest their money.6.The town’s wildlife reserve has gained a reputation as one of the best leisure resorts in the country.7.People fear that the security cameras installed in public places could violate personal liberty.8.There has been a great deal of publicity in the media about the campaign against genetically modified food.9.The coach was relieved that Micheal had recovered sufficiently from his knee injury and he was able to play in the semi-finals next week.10.At the news of the sudden bombing attack, the Prime Minister expressed his deep-sympathy for the families of the victims.11.Due to its inefficiency, the cable TV company has been a frequent traget of criticism from the public these days.12.The government says that they plan to set up more programs to educate the public about the consequences of drug abuse.13.Electronic commerce is the activity of buying and selling goods and services and doing other business activities via the Internet.14.The bank of China is one of the largest banks in China, and is respected by investors and rival bankers alike.15.Kelly got a new job as a secretary, but two weeks later she became bored with the endless office chores, so she quit.16.These two TV programs are bot about news or current affairs, but they have attracted very different audience in the United States.17.Jane’s parents held her in high regard and they supported her decision to be an actress.18.Their performance is a hit,. You should book the ticket early to assure yourself of a good seat in the theatre.Unit 61.It used to be rare to see people sleeping on the street of London, but these days it’s becoming increasingly commonplace.2.Those psychologists believe that one’s childhood experiences will have an enduring influence on his or her future work and personality.3.As the music started, the lights in the theatre began to dim.4.As a fresh graduate, Jim seems to have the ambition to c ommand everything in the world.5.Her colleagues were afraid to work with her, because she won’t tolerate any imperfection in her own or anyone else’s work.6.The girl remains in serious bu stable condition in the intensive care unit in the hospital.7.At the last ring of the bell, all the people at the party joined in with abandon shouting joyfully and merrily, to welcome the arrival of the New Year.8.We should devote our finite life to the infinite cause of serving the people.9.I never thought he was capable of doing such a mean thing to his brother —that was totally disgusting!10.It seems to me that this novelist delights in weaving elaborate and complicated plots in his works.11.Our car broke down, so we had to rent a car, which was an additional financial burden on my family.12.Jim had high aspirations(愿望) to open a law firm even before he graduated from the law school.13.She felt a deep sense of gratitude to the teacher who had financed her through college education.14.His friends deserted him since they were fed up with his endless complaining about his family, colleagues, work, and everything.15.He has remained faithful to the President’s administration when so many others have spoken out against it.16.The president of the university promised that once he had commited to this course of action, he would try his best to have it fulfilled.Unit 71.I don’t think it necessary to furnished our apartment a second time since we will sell it soon.2.He made a firm resolve to give up smoking and drinking as soon as he discovered that he had a heart trouble.3.To reduce the risks of railway accidents, we spend over ten million yuan on maintain the railway lines every year.4.My parents lived a frugal lifestyle all their lives. For one thing, they never discard anything that was still of use; for another, they never purchased things on impulse.5.The government has refused to sanction a further cut in the rate of corporate tax.6.As Linda is a career woman and her husband works abroad, they cannot raise their newborn son all by themselves and have to employ a babysitter on a fixed term of five years.7.My apartment was badly furnished because the workers did not strip the original paint off the walls before they started painting.8.When we learned that the local college had only the bare essentials in terms of equipment, we decided to donate a million yuan so that they could improve their teaching facilities.9.The Jones purchased a second-hand car for $1200;it was a real bargain,, but I wonder how long it will last.10.It is always good to read some English novels in your spare time.If you cannot understand the original,you may read the simplified versions which are also available in the local bookstore.11.Sam said to the girl,”I will trade you some of my chocolate for some of your ice cream.”12.Since you’re decided to simplify your life and have moved into a smaller house,you are going to have to make an effort to downsize your furniture and belongings.13.Representatives from the two nations had worked together on numerous occasions before the peace treaty was signed to end the border conflicts.14.When the factory closed,the machinery was sold off for only a fraction of its true value.15.At the press conference the new president made it plain that he would do his utmost to build “a government of the people,by the people for the people” as advocated by Lincoln.16.Diets that are high in saturated fat tend to block our arteries(动脉), thereby reducing the blood flow to our hearts and brains.17.The children are busy rolling ,folding, and cutting paper in a handcrafting competition.Unit 81.Based on his experiences as a judge and writer during the past 30 years, his new book covers all his reflections on life and justice.2.There is no doubt that the improper medical treatment hasten his death.3.There was only one solitary hotel left standing after the earthquake.4.How the massive stones were brought here from hundreds of miles away remains an unsolved mystery to modern man.5.Emily Dickinson is known for her brilliant flights of fancy i n her poems about love,death and natural scenery.6.I’ll not be able to attend the conference in New York unless someone covers my expenses.7.In his talk,the doctor pointed out that many women pursue a slender figure at the cost of their health,by taking pills,having operations,and so on.8.The money from the donors will be used for the purchase of computer equipment for the school.9.There’s a notice outside the building which says “No admission before 12 noon”.10.The play’s message is perhaps too subtle to be understood by the child audience.11.Although she appeared quite cold and harsh ,her smiling eyes betrayed her care and love toward the children.12.Nothing can be more exciting than the first time you receive red roses from the one you love.They have special significance to your youth.13.The boy inherited a big house from his father, but he cannot legally take possession of the property until he is 18 yeas old.14.In the mornings in Disneyland there is always a procession of cartoon figures greeting the children.15.She dropped a few hints about her birthday to make sure that no one would forget it.16.He was taking drugs and trying to conceal it from his parents.。

College English Reading Course (Book IV)Unit 513 Pages from the Life of a Georgia InnocentIV. Key to Multiple-Choice Questions1. C2. B3.B4. DV. Suggested Versions of Translation Exercise1. 有时,它甚至会让主人公落泪,但这泪水不是伤心泪,因为它只是用来证明在虚无世界的某个地方,靠从土里刨食勉强度日的某一家人终于过上了比较像样的日子。
2. 那天晚上我几次试图脱衣睡觉,结果都被撞击声惊醒,他老是像没头苍蝇似地往隔在我们之间的那堵薄薄的墙上撞。
3. 在佐治亚州的自耕农农场上,疼痛使一切——人和动物——降至其最低的共性。
4. 比我的胆怯更糟糕的惟一的东西是我的好奇心,他从不会因同情和怜悯而削弱,这在大多数社会里都被视为严重的性格缺陷,然而,当我还是个孩子时,在佐治亚州,它却是个有利于保全心智的优点。
14 Miss BrillIV. Key to Multiple-Choice Questions1. D2. A3. C4. BV. Suggested Versions of Translation Exercise1.突然传来了一阵长笛般清亮柔和的旋律—真动听呀!-- 宛如一小串晶莹剔透的水珠。
[教材]新世纪大学英语系列教材综合教程4英语课后题答案(含原句)及整句翻译 短语填空
![[教材]新世纪大学英语系列教材综合教程4英语课后题答案(含原句)及整句翻译 短语填空](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/19953fabbe23482fb5da4c3a.png)
Shortly after the government’s new policy was put into effect , the economy of our co untry began to show signs of recovery. 后不久,政府的新政策付诸实施,我国经济开始出现复苏迹象。
2. The citizens have called upon the local authorities to minimize environmental destr uction by banning the use of all poisonous chemicals immediately. 市民呼吁地方当局立即禁止所有有毒化学物质的使用,以尽量减少对环境的破坏3. It’s known to all that military bases are off limits to outsiders. 它是已知的限制外人的所有军事基地。
4. She never participated in any violent sports games in fear of getting injured. 她从来不参加任何剧烈运动游戏中得到受伤的恐惧。
5. It seems that all of us are rushing around trying to get things done in a hurry—we all need to slow down and take it easy. 看来,我们所有人都在四处奔波,试图把事情做在赶时间,我们都需要慢下来,很容易。
6. Many trees in this area have been cut down to make room for buildings ,which has worsened our living environment. 在这一领域的许多树木被砍伐,使建筑物的房间,我们的生活环境恶化。
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Book 4Unit 1I.1.A2.D3.C4.A5.B6.DII.1.我进入寿险这一行,做得还算不错。
2. 一般的成功人士为了将来的收获,甘坐冷板凳且推迟享受。
3. 我一直在找寻那些有天赋、能自律的人。
4. 有一次,一场盛大的开幕典礼定于周末举行,而我们的大部分家具还在我们与批发商两地之间的卡车上,距这里有数天的车程,于是我们便到外面以零售价购买了价值5,000美元的货品,这样做吞噬了我们大部分的利润,可我们不能让建筑商失望。
5. 美国总统亚伯拉罕.林肯本可能被他貌似的平凡所击垮。
III.1.set their sights high, achieve their goals2.is little related to, university-educated fast-trackers, self-discipline3.overpowering ego, bring out the best in people4.broaden their knowledge base5.stick with, keep your wordUnit 2I1C 2 B 3 D 4 A 5 B 6 CII.1. 等等!我不管谁把那块馅饼切成两块,但不论谁切,都得给另一方挑选的权力。
4.相反,我们应该认识到我们真正的利益是互补的,进而彼此相同:“我们该怎样协作,使馅饼更大,大家分得的份额更多?”5 如果那卖主宽容和气,通情达理又富有同情心,他就该把价格谈到497美元,使那对夫妇得到快乐和满足。
III1 mutual satisfaction shift… from…to2 in opposition producing a creative outcome complementary3 uniqueness identical victorious4 satisfy their needs unconscious and unacknowledged5 an exchange of material subjects obtain your objectiveUnit 3I.1. A2. C3. B4. A5. C6. DII.1.,你过着日常生活,这时不知从哪冒出个人告诉你,你患了癌症,一直健康的人如何体会这种状况啊!2.她说:“如今的幸存者是仰仗着早先参加临床试验的人而活下来的”。
III.1.are struck with have a good chance of2.go through introspect and analyze3.sink in4.survivor take an active role informed5.in control options6. optimistic diagnosed challenging situation7. keep the skin whole8. applied tolerate9. worked wonders going forUnit 4I1. C2. B3. A4. B5. D6. AII.1.别去细算这笔账了,这些白领血汗工厂是公司美国最成功的骗局。
III.1.college grads; Ivy League2.Lured; buy in3.savvy; sacrifice4.skip their love affairs; midlife crisis5.handle the stress; wonder; lifestyle6.glamour7.vie for8.sweatshops; lay off; decisionUnit 5I.1. B2. D3. C4. A.5. A .6. C.II.1. 当然,他们最热衷于谈论的话题是人际关系:男人不愿意承诺,女人的独立,啥时候生孩子,或者是越来越多地讨论究竟要不要孩子。
2. 希腊曾被认为是欧洲最为传统的社会之一,正教会要求人们结婚生子的严格戒律在过去占主导地位。
3. 在英国,像《无子无女享人生》这样的书市场越来越大。
4. 事实上,人口学家说,是家庭生活幸福的20世纪50年代和60年代才不把历史规范放在眼里。
5. 在美国和西欧的大城市,成家不要孩子长期以来都很常见,这种家庭模式在更为传统的农村地区也正快速地得到人们的认可。
III.1. childlessness, odd, held sway, barren, cast suspicion on2. timing, given, swath of the population3. shift, disparate, extending, postponing4. spawned, capitalize on, cater to5. product, infertility, a complex combination of factors6. households, gaining acceptabilityUnite SixI1.B2.D3.A4.A5.C6.DII⑴我们的血液藏有我们是谁的秘密。
III⑴Identical; reveals clues to;⑵larger story; collecting; DNA samples; indigenous populations;⑶dictates; footprint;⑷uncover links to; have its limit; the likes; direct descent from;⑸debated; originated in;⑹wary of; have had their share of; distrustful;Unite SevenI1.C2.C3.A4.D5.D6.BII..⑴32岁的格蕾丝张卢卡莱丽拖着长腔、用柔和的得克萨斯口音回忆说:由于她是镇上为数不多的亚裔美国人之一,因此“受到人们的嘲笑”,对此同伴们也是同情她、但更为严肃地点了点头。
III.⑴immigrated; sense;⑵identity;⑶assimilate;⑷urban; instead; isolation; traditional; maintain;⑸steady; Americanization; distinctive; immersion; ethnic roots;⑹foreigners; alienation;⑺commonplace; exclusion; neighbourhoods;Unite EightⅠ1.A2.D3. C4.A5.C 6 BII.⑴巴黎艺术家凯蒂亚艾利亚陷入停滞。
⑶《自然》杂志1993年的一篇文章首次给这个说法提供了科学依据,该文章指出,在一项要求在大脑里想象如何展开一页纸的空间推理测试中,听了莫扎特“D 大调双钢琴奏鸣曲”第一章的大学生取得了更佳成绩。
III.⑴ cast ; roles;⑵decade; controversial; healer;⑶claimed; treat; ranging from;⑷notion; disputed; enchance;⑸main; sparked; academic; trend;⑹influence; activated; spatial;⑺focal; classical; lies in; melodies;。