九年级英语寒假计划(人教新目标)专题2.2 Unit 4--Unit 6 测练丨作业
当槐花快到要谢去芳华的时候,我不舍,放学的时候撸下很多,塞进嘴里,咀嚼着,让满口生香,有时候胃里都感到花香蠕动,打着嗝。花谢的时候,蜜蜂才出动,那时还没有养蜂人载着蜂箱到黄 树沟,几只孤单的蜜蜂,找不到它们的蜂巢,每次都好像是空来空去,白白忙碌。曾经从树上摘下一个蜂巢,绑在屋后的一株香椿树上,但没有看到蜜蜂飞来。妈妈说,我儿想吃槐花蜜都想疯了!
பைடு நூலகம்
其实,我是想让我的蜜蜂采下槐花蜜,给时常咳嗽的父亲,据说蜜可疗咳痰,益呼吸,但我没有唤来蜜蜂。我很喜欢去想传奇般的事儿,希望发生在生活里,这是我的性格。就像今天时髦的话所说 的,没有什么,也别没有生活的梦。我的梦,就是希望传奇发生。
读高中,我有了第一次真正的文学创作。写过一篇《五月槐花香》的散文,刻印在校小报上。带回家,神秘地展示在妈妈面前,装模作样地朗读着,希望得到妈妈的喝彩。用眼的余光瞟着妈妈的表 情,故意顿一顿,希望妈妈注意力集中。自始至终,妈妈总是笑,笑若槐花开。
寒假时间规划表九年级英语During the winter vacation, it is important to have a well-planned schedule to make the most of the time off from school. This schedule will help to ensure that I have a balance between relaxation and productive activities. Here is my winter vacation schedule:Week 1:Day 1: Relaxation- Sleep in and have a leisurely breakfast- Watch a movie or catch up on my favorite TV series- Spend time with family and friendsDay 2: Personal Reflection- Take some time to reflect on the past year and set goals for the upcoming year- Write in my journal or participate in some self-reflection activities- Research about different colleges and career paths to help me make important decisions about my futureDay 3: Exercise- Start the day with a workout or yoga session to stay active and maintain a healthy lifestyle - Find a local trail or park to go for a long walk or hike with family or friends- Learn a new dance routine or try out a new sportDay 4: Reading- Spend the day reading books from different genres- Catch up on my favorite book series or start reading a new one- Visit the local library to explore new books and genresDay 5: Arts and Crafts- Engage in some creative activities like drawing, painting, or crafting- Try out a new art technique or create something meaningful as a gift for someone- Take a photography walk in the neighborhood and capture the beauty of winterDay 6: Study- Dedicate some time to review the subjects learned in school- Solve practice problems or work on difficult concepts- Prepare for upcoming exams or quizzesDay 7: Volunteering- Spend the day helping out at a local charity or organization- Volunteer at an animal shelter or help clean up a local park- Teach or tutor younger students in subjects they may be struggling withWeek 2:Day 1: Family Activities- Plan a fun day with the family, such as going to an amusement park or visiting a nearby city- Play board games or have a family movie night- Cook a special dinner together and experiment with new recipesDay 2: Cultural Exploration- Visit local museums, art galleries, or historical sites- Learn about different cultures by trying out their traditional dances, music, or food- Watch a foreign film or documentary to broaden my knowledge and understanding of different culturesDay 3: Science Experiment- Conduct simple science experiments at home or follow science tutorials- Learn about different scientific concepts and principles through hands-on activities- Document the experiments and create a mini science fair projectDay 4: Personal Projects- Work on any personal projects or hobbies that I have been neglecting during the school year- Start a blog or YouTube channel to explore my interests and share my knowledge with others- Learn a new musical instrument or improve my skills in playing an existing oneDay 5: Career Exploration- Research different career options and learn about the skills and education required for each- Conduct informational interviews with professionals in fields I am interested in- Participate in job shadowing opportunities to get a firsthand experience of different careersDay 6: Travel- Plan a short trip to a nearby city or town- Explore the local attractions, try new foods, and immerse myself in the culture of the place - Have fun with outdoor activities such as skiing, ice skating, or snowboardingDay 7: Relaxation and Reflection- Spend the day relaxing and recharging before returning to school- Reflect on the activities and experiences during the winter vacation- Set new goals for the upcoming school term and plan out a strategy to achieve themBy having a well-planned schedule, I can make the most of my winter vacation. This schedule allows me to have a balance between relaxation and productive activities, ensuring that I have a enjoyable and fulfilling break while still preparing for the upcoming challenges in school and beyond.。
a long
3. 我不知道说什么或做什么。
know what
课 题 教 学 目 标
重点 难点
课前 准备
关 星 使用者
Unit4 What would you do? (SectionB1a-2c)
1. 词汇: energetic, confident, permission, herself 2. 短语:in public, give a speech, the whole school,
1. He doesn’t know where
(park 停,泊) the car.
2.If I
(be)you, I
(will)wear a shirt and tie.
3. What would you do if you
(win) a million dollars.
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课 题
教学 目标
设计者 关 星
Unit4 What would you do? (SectionA3a-4)
1. 词汇: pimple 2. 句型 : If I were you, I’d take a long walk before going.
Review the language points in this class and preview new words.
液舱自由液面对静稳性力矩MS的影响是。A.使静稳性力矩减小B.使静稳性力矩保持不变C.使静稳性力矩增大D.以上均有可能 中国人民银行在国务院领导下,,,维护金融稳定。 在管道施工中,“RH”代表。A.乳化剂管B.循环水管C.氮气管D.热水管 公司的汽油有、。 用3个相同的元件组成如图14-7所示的一个系统。如果每个元件能否正常工作是相互独立的,每个元件能正常工作的概率为p,那么此系统的可靠度(元件或系统正常工作的概率通常称为可靠度)为A.p2(1-p)B.p2(2-p)C.p(1-p)2D.p(2-p)2 隐瞒事故 关于前列腺增生,下列哪项是正确的A.根据前列腺大小,即可判断梗阻程度B.残余尿量与梗阻程度成正比C.都需要手术治疗D.凡前列腺增生者,直肠指诊都可以触及增大的前列腺E.男性老年患者如无排尿困难即可排除前列腺增生 著名的实用主义教育家及代表作是()。A.布鲁纳《教育过程》B.杜威《民主主义与教育》C.赞克夫《教学与发展》D.凯洛夫《教育学》 关于嗜铬细胞瘤错误的是()A.除高血压外,产生多汗、代谢亢进B.只产生去甲肾上腺素,从不产生肾上腺素C.产生类似于原发性高血压的高血压症D.通过苄胺唑啉实验,大多数病理可以确定诊断E.与其他麻醉剂相比,用环丙烷或氯乙烷手术危险性大大增加 工程师无正当理由不确认承包商提出的变更工程价款报告时,则变更工程价款报告自行生效的时间是自变更价款报告送达之日起天后。A.7B.10C.14D.28 大黄后下的目的是。A.清热解毒B.泻热通便C.清化痰热D.活血祛瘀E.凉血止血 诊断十二指肠胃反流的有效方法是A.胃排空功能测定B.肝血池显像C.胰腺显像D.肝-胆动态显像E.以上都不是 为什么说新民主主义社会是一个过渡性的社会? 左侧第12肋斜过。A.左肾的上方B.左肾的下方C.左肾后面的上部D.左肾后面的中部E.左肾后面的下部 医德规范内容有哪些? 对于公路工程注册建造师施工管理签章文件目录中未涵盖的内容,应按照相关,补充表格,并签章生效。A.行政主管部门要求B.业主对项目管理的规定C.监理工程师对项目管理的规定D.建设单位对项目管理的规定E.承包单位对项目管理的规定 主要体现按五行学说确立抑强扶弱兼用治则的治法是A.抑木扶土法B.佐金平木法C.培土制水法D.泻南补北法E.以上都不是 每个线性规划问题需要在有限个线性约束条件下,求解线性目标函数F何处能达到极值。有限个线性约束条件所形成的区域(可行解区域),由于其边界比较简单(逐片平直),人们常称其为单纯形区域。单纯形区域D可能有界,也可能无界,但必是凸集(该区域中任取两点,则连接这两点的线段 正确把握医德评价依据的观点是A.动机论B.效果论C.目的论D.手段论E.动机与效果、目的与手段统一论 某施工单位在安全生产许可证有效期内,共发生两起安全事故,重伤1人,轻伤3人。根据《条例》,说法错误的是()。A.安全生产许可证有效期3年B.该施工单位申请办理安全生产许可证延期手续时,发证机关可以不审查其安全生产条件C.若施工单位发生死亡事故,发证机关应及时吊销其安全生 男患、74岁,以"工作中突然出现左肢无力,伴头痛半小时"为主诉来诊,既往有高血压史。查体:神清、语利,左侧面、舌核上瘫,左侧肢体偏瘫,左侧Babinski(+),颈强直(-)、双侧Kernig征(-)。为帮助诊断,首选的辅助检查是A.脑电图B.脑血管造影C.头颅CTD.脑脊液E.脑超声波 船舶对海洋环境的可能污染源不包括.A、营运产生的废弃物B、海上船舶打捞和拆体C、海损事故造成溢油D、清洁压载水 伤寒杆菌的主要致病因素是A.外毒素B.肠毒素C.内毒素D.H抗原E.0抗原 休克输液治疗的原则是A.血压正常不必输液B.补液宁多勿少C.补充丢失的部分液体,失多少补多少D.视患者的具体情况和心、肾功能E.补液宁少勿多,需多少补多少 血细胞分化 心肌细胞每一次动作电位可分5个时相,每一个时相都有离子流的变化。在心电图上,有相应的改变。动作电位0相的离子流是。A.细胞外Na+快速内流B.细胞内K+外流和细胞外Cl-内流C.开始出现缓慢的Ca2+内流D.Ca2+内流停止,K+继续外流E.细胞内Na+快速外流 男性,20岁。哮喘重度急性发作前来急诊。体检见张口、端坐呼吸,大汗淋漓,叙述病史仅能说些单词或短语而不连贯。为评价病情,下列体征中哪一项预示病情严重A.两肺广泛高响度哮鸣音B.两肺呼吸音低,偶闻散在哮鸣音C.肋间隙增宽D.肺叩诊过清音E.心脏绝对浊音界缩小 下列因素中,不属于急性胃炎的病因是A.急性应激B.非甾体类消炎药C.胆汁反流D.幽门螺杆菌感染E.自身免疫异常 《商业银行法》于1995年5月10日在第届全国人大常委会第次会议上通过,于年月日进行了修改。A、八、十三、2003/12/27B、八、十、2003/12/27C、八、十三、2003/12/28D、八、十三、2001/12/27 异类火燃烧特点是在液体表面燃烧,且燃烧速度快,温度高,已引起爆炸。A.正确B.错误 当地时间12时的时角为0,前后每隔1小时,增加度。 通常情况下,横倾角不同时液舱自由液面对静稳性力臂GZ的影响。A.不同B.相同C.与横倾角无关D.以上均对 康复心理治疗的原则不包括。A.良好的医患关系是心理治疗的基础B.以增强患者的信心、缓解和消除负性情绪为首要目的C.治疗过程中必须尊重患者D.对疾病的诊断和预后等敏感问题要采取灵活的回答E.治疗中医生占主导地位,患者须服从医生 抑制法灭火原理:灭火剂深入到燃烧反应中去,夺取助燃游离基.A.正确B.错误
中学生寒假时间规划表英文Winter vacation is a great opportunity for middle school students to relax and recharge after a busy semester. However, it is also crucial for them to use this time wisely and make the most of it. Therefore, creating a well-structured winter vacation schedule will not only help students better manage their time, but also ensure they have a productive and enjoyable break. Here is a suggested winter vacation schedule for middle school students.Week 1 – Rest and RejuvenateThe first week of winter vacation should be dedicated to rest and rejuvenation. Students should take this time to sleep in, catch up on much-needed rest, and spend quality time with family and friends. This is also a great opportunity for them to indulge in their favorite hobbies, play sports, or simply do activities that bring them joy and happiness. It is important for students to recharge their batteries before diving into academic activities for the rest of the vacation.Week 2 – Pursue Academic InterestsIn the second week, students can start focusing on their academic interests. They can choose a subject or topic they are passionate about and dedicate time to learn more about it. They can read books, watch documentaries, or even take online courses to expand their knowledge in the chosen field. This will not only help them develop a deeper understanding of the subject, but also fuel their intellectual curiosity and broaden their horizons.Week 3 – Enhance Life SkillsDuring the third week, students should concentrate on enhancing their life skills. They can learn a new skill, such as cooking, playing a musical instrument, or coding. They can also take up activities like painting, photography, or writing to explore their creative sides. By developing these skills, students not only gain new abilities but also boost their confidence and self-esteem.Week 4 – Give Back to the CommunityEngaging in community service is a great way for students to develop a sense of empathy and compassion. In the fourth week, students can participate in volunteer work, such as helping out at a local shelter, organizing a charity event, or tutoring younger students. This experience will not only contribute to the well-being of others but also instill a sense of gratitude and responsibility in students.Week 5 – Prepare for the Upcoming SemesterThe fifth week can be dedicated to preparing for the upcoming semester. Students can review their previous notes, organize study materials, and create a study plan for the next semester. This will help them start the new semester on a confident and prepared note, as they will have a clear understanding of their academic goals and objectives.Week 6 – Explore the OutdoorsThe final week of winter vacation should be spent exploring the outdoors. Students can plan a trip to a nearby national park, go hiking, skiing, or participate in any other outdoor activity they enjoy. This will not only provide them with a refreshing change of environment but also allow them to connect with nature and appreciate its beauty.In conclusion, a well-planned winter vacation schedule for middle school students can help them make the most of their break. By allocating time for rest, academic pursuits, life skill development, community service, semester preparation, and outdoor exploration, students can have a well-balanced and enriching vacation. It is essential for students to utilize this time wisely and use it as an opportunity to grow, learn, and discover new interests and passions.。
寒假初三英语学习计划As the winter vacation approaches, it is time to start planning how to make the most of this period for learning and self-improvement. For many students, the winter vacation is an excellent opportunity to build up knowledge and skills in English. In this study plan, we will outline a comprehensive approach to learning English during the winter vacation, covering all aspects of language learning including reading, writing, speaking, and listening.ReadingReading is an essential part of language learning and is crucial for building vocabulary and improving comprehension skills. To make the most of the winter vacation, it is important to set aside time for reading every day. Here are some reading goals and strategies for the winter vacation:1. Read for at least 30 minutes every day. This can be anything from English literature and novels to news articles and online blogs.2. Keep a reading journal to record new vocabulary and expressions encountered during reading. Review and use these new words in writing and speaking activities.3. Join a reading group or book club to discuss and share thoughts on the books you read. This will help improve comprehension and critical thinking skills.WritingWriting is another crucial aspect of language learning that should not be neglected during the winter vacation. Setting specific writing goals and practicing regularly will help improve writing skills and language proficiency. Here are some writing goals and strategies for the winter vacation:1. Set a goal to write at least one paragraph or short essay in English every day. This can bea reflection on your day, a summary of a book you read, or an opinion piece on a current event.2. Use online writing platforms and forums to receive feedback on your writing from native English speakers or other language learners. Incorporate the feedback into future writing to gradually improve your writing skills.3. Start a blog or journal in English to document your experiences and thoughts. This will serve as a regular writing practice and a way to track your progress in language learning. Speaking and ListeningImproving speaking and listening skills in English is often the most challenging aspect for language learners, especially when there are limited opportunities for practice. However, with a structured plan and dedication, significant progress can be made in these areasduring the winter vacation. Here are some speaking and listening goals and strategies for the winter vacation:1. Find a language exchange partner or join an online language learning community to practice speaking and listening with native English speakers or other language learners. Make it a goal to have at least one conversation in English every day.2. Listen to English podcasts, radio shows, or audiobooks to expose yourself to different accents and speaking styles. Take notes on vocabulary, expressions, and pronunciation while listening, and incorporate them into your speaking practice.3. Set a speaking and listening challenge for yourself, such as giving a short presentation in English to friends or family, or participating in a language competition. This will provide a concrete goal to work towards and motivate you to improve your speaking and listening skills.Grammar and VocabularyLastly, understanding and mastering grammar and vocabulary are essential components of language learning. In addition to exposure through reading and writing, targeted practice and study of grammar and vocabulary will help solidify your language skills during the winter vacation. Here are some grammar and vocabulary goals and strategies for the winter vacation:1. Set aside time for daily grammar and vocabulary study. Focus on one or two grammar points or vocabulary themes each day to avoid feeling overwhelmed.2. Use online language learning resources, such as grammar and vocabulary apps or websites, to practice and reinforce your knowledge. Many of these platforms offer interactive exercises and quizzes to make learning more engaging.Overall, the winter vacation is an excellent opportunity to dedicate time to improving your English language skills. By setting clear goals, creating a structured study plan, and being consistent in your practice, you can make significant progress in reading, writing, speaking, listening, grammar, and vocabulary. Keep in mind that language learning is a gradual process that requires patience and perseverance, so be sure to stay motivated and committed to your study plan throughout the winter vacation. Good luck and happy learning!。
二、寒假学习内容概览1. 词汇积累:按照2024人教版九年级下册教材,提前背诵和掌握新词汇,并结合实际情境进行应用练习。
2. 语法学习:深入理解和熟练运用各类重要语法结构,如虚拟语气、被动语态、非谓语动词等,并通过大量习题进行检验和巩固。
3. 阅读拓展:广泛阅读不同体裁、主题的文章,提高阅读速度与理解能力,同时注意培养批判性思维和文化意识。
4. 写作实践:尝试写一些小短文或者日记,运用所学语法和词汇,锻炼书面表达能力。
三、寒假学习方法建议1. 制定科学的学习计划:将寒假时间划分为若干个学习阶段,每个阶段设立具体的学习任务和目标,确保每天有规律地投入学习。
2. 创造良好的语言环境:可以观看英文电影、听英文歌曲或参加线上英语角等活动,增加语言实践机会,提高英语听力和口语水平。
3. 结合数字化资源学习:利用网络课程、学习软件等工具辅助学习,例如“人教社英语点读”APP等,实现个性化、自主化学习。
4. 定期自我检测与反馈:完成教材配套练习并及时自查自纠,遇到难题时可请教老师或同学,共同探讨解疑。
当我看着网海里的颗颗如珍珠般闪光的文章,那些或美如诗,幻如梦,香如花,或淋漓尽致的生活气息、农村人的淳朴、牛的老实忠厚,或快乐、悲伤,或飘洒一幅凄美的梁祝画卷,或谱写一段直 播唯美旷世情缘,或用泪水浇灌荒芜的心田,或用心叙述对情人无尽的爱恋与思念,或者用微笑坦然的心态稀释心中的不快……在他们的文章里,我看到了一个个关于生活与情感的故事,几多愉悦,几 多忧伤,几多悲愁,几多分离,几多不舍,几多寥落,几家欢喜,几家愁……
我的文字满着绿意盈盈的活力与正能量,只是我的脑子突然短路,回忆着那一篇篇对我来说充满真情实感的文章,我想,那就够了。我不乞求我的文字像春天一样百花怒放,人人称赞;我不乞求我 的文字像夏天那样绚烂夺目,烁烁生辉;我不乞求我的文字像白雪飘飘、天堂一样圣洁的冬日,燃烧芍芍白光。
九年级英语寒假计划(人教新目标)专题2.1 Unit 4--Unit 6 知识梳理丨挖空练
第2课时Units 4-Units 6第一节(词汇活用)1.center(n.)→________(adj.)中心的;中央的2.normal(adj.)→________(adv.)通常;正常情况下3.examine(v.)→___________(n.)考试;审查4.polite(adj.)→________(adv.)礼貌地;客气地→_________(n.)礼貌→________(反义词)不礼貌的;粗鲁的5.humor(n.)→_________(adj.)有幽默感的;滑稽有趣的6.Eur ope(n.)→__________(adj.& n.)欧洲(人)的;欧洲人7.Britain(n.)→________(adj.)英国(人)的8.help(v.)→________(adj.)有用的;有帮助的→________(adj.)无自理能力的;无助的9.interview(v.& n.)→____________(n.)参加面试者;接受采访者→___________(n.)主持面试者;接见者;采访者10.speak(v.)→________(过去式)→________(过去分词)→________(n.)讲(某种语言)的人;发言者→________(n.)讲话;发言11.direct(adj.)→________(adv.)径直地;直接地;坦率地→________(n.)方向;方位12.silent(adj.)→________(n.)沉默;缄默;无声→________(adv.)不说话地;沉默地13.absent(adj.)→________(n.)缺席→________(反义词)现在的;出席的14.exact(adj.)→________(adv.)确切地;精确地15.gene ral(adj.)→________(adv.)普遍地;广泛地第二节(句型再现)1.打扰一下,你能够告诉我如何到书店吗?Excuse me, could you please tell me ________ ________ ________ ________ the bookstore?2.打扰一下,你知道这周围是否有饭店吗?Pardon me, do you know ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ around here?3.你能告诉我哪里有吃饭的好地方吗?Can you tell me ________ ________ ________ a good place ________ ________?4.当你参观外国时,知道怎样有礼貌地求助是非常重要的。
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பைடு நூலகம்
人教版新目标英语9年级unit4-6Unit 4 What would you do?重点、难点、考点及疑点注释1. What would you do if you won a million dollars? (P26)假如你赢了一百万美元,你将用它做什么?动词win和beat 都可以表示“赢,胜”,其区别是:前者后接比赛、奖品、名声、胜利、游戏、战役等;后者接人、队。
I was very glad when the boys won the relay race.男同学们赢得了接力赛跑,我非常高兴。
You beat me in the race, but I’ll beat you at tennis.赛跑你胜了我,但网球我要赢你。
短语链语win a battle打胜仗;win the war赢得战争;win a bet赌赢;win a match比赛获胜;win an election 选举获胜。
2. If I were you, I’d wear a shirt and tie. (P27) 如果我是你,我就穿衬衫戴领带。
He wore a blue tie.他打着蓝色的领带。
He tied his dog to the fence. 他把狗拴在了栅栏上。
3. If I were you, I’d be a little late. (P27) 如果我是你,我就晚点到。
a little可以作状语修饰动词、形容词、副词以及形容词和副词的比较级等,相当于a bit。
Try to help your mother a little. 设法帮你妈妈一点忙。
I feel a little better. 我感觉好一点了。
特别提示a little意为“一点,稍微”,既可作形容词,又可作名词。
高架桥的桥墩支撑着顶上川流不息的车辆,桥墩与引桥形成一个小小的三角形的空间,地面或是种植的,或是自然生长的,满是绿色植物,我叫不出名字。这其中,只有一种,细小藤蔓密密麻麻都 是倒刺一样的植物,令我印象深刻。
小时候,我也经常跟随着父母去农忙,在山丘下的田野里撒欢,在满是麦秆茬的地里抓蛐蛐或者蚂蚱。一脚不慎,麦秆茬从凉鞋边上的空格里扎进去,蹭掉脚底的一层皮。那时候不觉得疼,不过更 多的情况却是把脚底下厚厚的泥巴给蹭掉,伤不到皮肉。蚂蚱跳的极快,我都是拿着树枝条在后面紧紧跟着,小心翼翼靠近,用树枝条上带着的叶子去抓蚂蚱。
在去追一只硕大蚂蚱的时候,在一处滑坡的地方,一个不小心,我随着土块,一块跌了下去。当我站起来的时候,才发现身边全是这种带着倒刺的植物。在我们那里,这种植物有一个非常形藤蔓稍稍碰到一下,就像是章鱼的触手有吸盘一样,迅速贴在身上,那细小茂密的小刺就毫不犹豫扎进皮肤里,只 要一动,身上立马就是一条通红的血印。正因为这一次,疼了好几天,就留下了对这种植物恐惧的印象。
作为一个大型的中央企业,工厂的各类设备多达千余台,而为它们准备的备件,就更多了。这些备件型号复杂,规格众多,形状各异。从大型的丝杆、法蓝盘、夹头到各种规格的齿轮、镙杆、手柄、 镙丝、垫片……应有尽有。
早就听说“设备与备件库”是个适合修养的地方,外线班的师傅们在听到我被调到这里时,眼里都露出了不屑的神情,那神情分明是在嘲笑我,年纪轻轻地,居然寻了个“养老”的岗位。还讲起了 我的前任的那些事情。我的前任是一名中年女工,她在这里时,每天都提着个大布包,里面装着正在编织的毛衣。悄悄地织毛衣,成了她干得最多的事情。菲彩真人了,只有到有人前来领用备件了,才会忙乱一阵。待把领备件的人打发走,那些长长的时间就又是属于自己的了。那个时候我甚至在想,要是我到了这里后该有 多少时候来看书呀。既然打毛衣都没有人干涉,那么看书应该也是可以的吧?
初三英语寒假规划Winter vacation is just around the corner, and I am so excited to have a break from school and enjoy some free time. This winter vacation, I have made a detailed plan to make the most of my time and have a meaningful holiday. Here is what I have planned:1. Reading Books:Reading is one of my favorite hobbies, and I believe that a good book can take you to different worlds and broaden your knowledge. During the winter vacation, I plan to read at least five books from different genres, such as novels, biographies, and self-help books. I will also keep a journal to write down my thoughts and reflections after reading each book.2. Improving My English:English is an essential language in today's globalized world, and I want to improve my English skills during the winter vacation. To achieve this, I plan to watch English movies and TV shows, read English news articles, and practice speaking with my English-speaking friends. I will also solve English grammar exercises and learn new vocabulary words every day.3. Traveling:Traveling is a great way to explore new places, learn about different cultures, and have fun. I plan to visit two new cities during my winter vacation. I will research about these cities in advance and make a detailed itinerary including the famous tourist attractions, local delicacies, and any special cultural events happening during my visit. I will also take lots of photos to document my journey and share them with my family and friends.4. Volunteering:Helping others is always a fulfilling experience, and I believe that volunteering is a great way to give back to the community. During my winter vacation, I plan to volunteer at a local orphanage or an elderly care center. I will spend time with the children or the elderly, play games with them, and listen to their stories. It will not only make them happy but also make me appreciate the little joys in life.5. Learning a New Skill:I believe that learning should never stop, and there is always something new to learn. This winter vacation, I plan to learn a new skill, such as playing a musical instrument or painting.I will enroll in a class or find a tutor who can teach me the basics. I am excited about this new challenge and hope that I can develop some proficiency in my chosen skill by the end of the vacation.6. Spending Time with Family and Friends:Winter vacation is the perfect time to strengthen the bond with my family and friends. I will organize get-togethers, movie nights, and game nights at my home or hang out at a café or park. It will be a great opportunity to catch up, share our experiences, and create unforgettable memories together.7. Taking Care of My Health:Health is wealth, and I want to take good care of my physical and mental well-being during the winter vacation. I plan to exercise regularly, do yoga or meditation to relax my mind, and eat a balanced diet. I will also get enough sleep and avoid excessive screen time to ensure a healthy lifestyle.8. Relaxing and Enjoying Myself:Lastly, despite having a well-planned winter vacation, I also want to have some relaxing and leisure time for myself. I will spend time playing my favorite video games, watching movies or TV shows, and pursuing my hobbies, such as drawing and playing the guitar. It will be a much-needed break to recharge my energy for the upcoming school semester.In conclusion, I have planned a productive and enjoyable winter vacation. I will read books, improve my English, travel to new places, volunteer, learn a new skill, spend time with loved ones, take care of my health, and relax. I believe that following this plan will make my winter vacation a memorable and meaningful experience.。
九年级英语寒假学习计划Winter vacation is finally here! It's the time to relax, have fun, and spend time with friends and family. But for many students, it is also an important time to catch up on studies, review what they have learned, and prepare for the upcoming semester. As a ninth grader, this winter vacation is crucial to ensure that you are prepared for the challenges ahead. To make the most of your holiday, it's important to have a well-thought-out study plan. In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive study plan for the winter vacation that will help you stay on track and achieve academic success.Week 1: Review Previous LessonsThe first week of your winter vacation should be dedicated to reviewing the lessons and topics that you have covered in the first semester. Start by going through your textbooks, notes, and assignments from the previous semester. Make a list of the key points and concepts from each subject and prioritize the topics that need more attention. Spend at least 2-3 hours each day reviewing the material. You could also use this time to catch up on any assignments or projects that you may have missed during the semester.Week 2: Set Study GoalsAfter reviewing the previous lessons, it's time to set study goals for the winter vacation. Identify the subjects or topics that you need to focus on and set specific, achievable goals for each of them. For example, you may want to improve your understanding of algebra, expand your vocabulary, or work on your essay writing skills. Having clear and measurable study goals will help you stay focused and motivated throughout the vacation.Week 3-4: Subject-specific Study SessionsOnce you have set your study goals, dedicate a week to each subject. This will allow you to focus on the specific areas that need improvement and ensure that you cover all the essential topics. Create a study schedule for each subject, dividing your study time into smaller, manageable sessions. For example, you could dedicate one hour each day to math, one hour to science, and so on. Utilize this time to work through practice problems, complete sample questions, and review the key concepts in each subject.Week 5-6: Language Skills EnhancementAs a ninth grader, you should also focus on improving your language skills during the winter vacation. Use this time to read books, articles, and newspapers to enhance your vocabulary and comprehension skills. Additionally, you can practice writing essays, letters, and short stories to improve your writing skills. Set a target for yourself, such as writing at least one essay per week, reading a certain number of pages each day, or learning a set number of new words each week.Week 7-8: Mock Tests and PracticeTo gauge your progress and readiness for the upcoming semester, it's essential to take mock tests and practice exams. Use the last two weeks of your winter vacation to take practice tests in each subject. This will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses and provide an opportunity to work on areas that need improvement. You can also time yourself while taking the tests to simulate exam conditions and improve your time management skills.Week 9: Relax and ReflectThe final week of your winter vacation should be dedicated to relaxation and reflection. Take this time to unwind, spend quality time with your friends and family, and do the things you enjoy. Reflect on your study plan and assess your progress. Think about what worked well for you and what you could improve for the next study session. Use this time to set academic goals for the upcoming semester and create a plan to achieve them.In conclusion, the winter vacation is an excellent opportunity to review, refresh, and prepare for the challenges of the upcoming semester. By following this comprehensive study plan, you can make the most of your winter vacation and set yourself up for academic success in the ninth grade and beyond. Remember to stay focused, stay organized, and stay motivated, and you'll be ready to tackle the new semester with confidence and determination. Good luck!。
九年级寒假英语规划Winter holiday is just around the corner and I can’t wait to enjoy a well-deserved break from school. During the winter holiday, I have planned a variety of activities that will keep me productive and help me make the most of my time off. In this essay, I will outline my winter holiday plan, focusing on the activities I have planned, such as traveling, reading, learning new skills, volunteering, and spending time with family and friends.First and foremost, I have planned a trip to a city I’ve always wanted to visit – Shanghai. This exciting metropolis has a rich history and culture, as well as modern attractions that I can't wait to explore. In Shanghai, I plan to visit iconic landmarks such as the Bund, the Oriental Pearl Tower, and Yu Garden. I’m also excited to try the local cuisine and experience the vibrant nightlife. This trip will not only broaden my horizons but also provide me with valuable experiences and memories.Apart from traveling, I believe that reading is a wonderful way to spend my winter holiday. I have prepared a list of books that I want to read during this time. Some of the titles include classic novels like "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen, "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee, and "1984" by George Orwell. Reading not only enriches my vocabulary but also increases my knowledge about the world. It allows me to immerse myself in different eras and cultures and helps expand my perspective.In addition to reading, I also want to learn some new skills during the winter holiday. One skill that I have always wanted to acquire is photography. To achieve my goal, I have enrolled in a photography course at a local community center. This course will teach me basic photography techniques, such as composition, lighting, and editing. I believe that photography is not only a form of art but also a skill that can be applied in various aspects of life. I hope to capture beautiful moments and create lasting memories through my photography.Aside from self-improvement, I also want to give back to society during my winter holiday. I have decided to volunteer at a local orphanage. This will be a meaningful and rewarding experience as I will have the chance to make a positive impact on the lives of disadvantaged children. I plan to spend time playing games, organizing activities, and helping with their daily routine. Through this volunteer work, I hope to bring happiness and support to those in need.Lastly, I want to prioritize spending quality time with my family and friends during the winter holiday. Often, our busy schedules make it difficult to spend as much time as we would like with our loved ones. Therefore, I have planned various activities such as movie nights, board game sessions, and cooking together. These activities will not only allow us to have fun but also strengthen the bond between us.In conclusion, I have a well-thought-out winter holiday plan that includes traveling, reading, learning new skills, volunteering, and spending time with loved ones. This plan will ensurethat I make the most of my time off from school and engage in activities that are both productive and enjoyable. I believe that this winter holiday will be a memorable and fulfilling one, and I look forward to the adventures and experiences that await me.。
九年级英语寒假规划Winter vacation is just around the corner. It is a great opportunity for me to relax, recharge, and rejuvenate myself after a long and challenging semester. There are many things I plan to do during this winter vacation to make it a memorable and fulfilling one.First and foremost, I will spend some quality time with my family. As a student, my parents sacrifice a lot to provide me with a good education. During the hectic school year, I often don't have enough time to spend with them. Therefore, I want to make the most of this winter vacation by cherishing the moments spent together. We will watch movies, play board games, and have meaningful conversations. I am also planning a weekend getaway with my family to a nearby city. It will be a great opportunity to explore new places and create everlasting memories.Apart from spending time with my family, I am determined to improve my skills and knowledge in various areas. Firstly, I want to enhance my English language proficiency. I will dedicate a considerable amount of time every day to practice reading, writing, speaking, and listening. I will read books and newspapers in English, watch English movies, and listen to English podcasts. Additionally, I will set aside some time for writing essays and letters to improve my writing skills. I will also enroll in an online English course to further enhance my knowledge and understanding of the language.Moreover, I am passionate about photography, and I want to make the most of this winter vacation to improve my photography skills. I plan to visit different places with my camera, capturing beautiful moments and stunning landscapes. I will experiment with different techniques, angles, and lighting to enhance the quality of my photographs. I will also research online and read books on photography to gain more knowledge and insights. I am even considering participating in a photography competition to challenge myself and gain recognition for my work.Furthermore, I want to devote some time to physical activities and exercise. Due to the busy school schedule, I often neglect my health and fitness. But this winter vacation, I want to change that. I will join a gym and have a structured workout routine. I will also engage in outdoor activities like cycling, swimming, and hiking, which I have always been fond of. Physical exercise not only keeps me fit but also helps me clear my mind and relieve stress. In addition to all these activities, I also plan to spend some time giving back to the community. I will volunteer at a local orphanage and spend time with the children there. I believe that by spreading joy and happiness to others, I will feel more fulfilled myself. I will organize fun activities and games for the children, read books to them, and assist them with their studies. This will not only make a difference in their lives but also give me a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.Lastly, I will make sure to take some time for myself to relax and rejuvenate. I will read my favorite novels, listen to soothing music, and meditate. Taking care of my mental well-being is crucial, and I want to utilize this winter vacation to achieve inner peace and tranquility.In conclusion, my winter vacation plan is filled with various activities that will help me grow, improve, and make a positive impact. Spending time with my family, improving my English language skills, enhancing my photography skills, staying physically active, giving back to the community, and taking care of my mental well-being are my top priorities. I am optimistic that by following this plan, my winter vacation will be a fulfilling and enjoyable one.。
初三寒假英语规划Winter vacation is approaching, and I am excited about the prospect of having a break from school. This winter vacation is particularly special because it is my last winter vacation in junior high school. Therefore, I want to make the most of it by engaging in various activities that can help me relax, learn, and prepare for the challenges ahead. In this essay, I will outline my plan for the winter vacation.First and foremost, I plan to spend quality time with my family. During the school year, everyone is so busy with their own schedules that it becomes difficult to have meaningful conversations and bond with each other. Therefore, I want to take this opportunity to reconnect with my parents and siblings. I want to have movie nights, cook together, play board games, and simply enjoy each other's company. Additionally, I would also like to visit my extended family members whom I haven't seen in a while. It will be a great chance to catch up, share stories, and create lasting memories together.In terms of my academic pursuits, I plan to use the winter vacation to enhance my knowledge and expand my skills. Firstly, I want to catch up on my reading. I have always been an avid reader, but the demands of school have limited my reading time. I have a list of books that I want to read, including classics, biographies, and science fiction novels. I want to dive into different genres and broaden my understanding of the world. Moreover, I plan to brush up on my language skills by practicing writing and speaking English. I will set aside time each day to write essays, read English articles, and engage in conversations with native speakers online. This will not only improve my language skills but also boost my confidence and prepare me for high school.Aside from academic pursuits, I want to engage in active and creative activities during the winter vacation. Physical exercise is important for our overall well-being, so I plan to take up a new sport. I have always wanted to try ice skating, and the winter season provides the perfect opportunity. I will sign up for ice skating classes and learn the basics. Additionally, I am interested in photography, so I want to dedicate some time to learn more about it. I will enroll in an online photography course and experiment with different techniques. I hope to capture beautiful moments during the winter vacation and improve my artistic skills. Lastly, I also want to use the winter vacation as a time for self-reflection and personal growth. I will devote some days to solitude and meditation. This will allow me to reflect on my goals and aspirations for the upcoming year. I want to set achievable goals and make a plan for how to achieve them. Moreover, I plan to volunteer at a local charity organization. Giving back to the community is important to me, and I believe that helping others during the winter season is a meaningful way to contribute. Whether it is organizing donations, tutoring younger students, or participating in community events, I want to make a positive impact on the lives of others.In conclusion, my winter vacation plan is a combination of spending quality time with my family, engaging in academic pursuits, taking up new activities, and focusing on self-reflection and personal growth. I believe that this balanced plan will allow me to relax, learn, and prepare for the challenges that lie ahead. I am excited about the winter vacation and the opportunities it presents. By making the most out of this time, I hope to start the new year on a positive note and set the foundation for a successful year in high school.。
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第二课时Units 4-Units6基础达标一、经典句型1.When you visit a foreign country, it is important to know politely.当你参观一个外国国家的时候,知道如何有礼貌地寻求帮助是重要的。
2.Good speakers change the way they speak .优秀的讲话者会在不同的情境下改变他们讲话的方式。
3.This will help you other people.这将帮助你和其他人更好地交流。
4. three years since we last our primary school classmates.自我们最后一次见我们的小学同学已经有三年了。
5.Sometimes he classes and his examinations.有时,他缺课,并且考试不及格。
6.In many countries, it is often not polite to ask very when you meet someone .在许多国家,当你第一次见到某人时,问非常直接的问题是不礼貌的。
7.The expression they use might whom they are speaking to or how well they know each other.他们使用的表达方式可能取决于他们说话的对象,或他们对彼此的熟悉程度。
情景交际礼貌地寻求信息1.—the post office?请问你能告诉我怎样去邮局吗?—Sorry, I m not sure how to get there.抱歉,我不确定如何去那儿。
2.—?打扰一下,你知道我在哪里可以买到一些药吗?—Sure.There's a supermarket down the street.当然。
3.—I wonder .我想知道接下来我们应该去哪里。
—You should try that new ride over there.你们应该去尝试一下那边的新骑乘项目。
谈论某人过去是什么样子的4.—You used to be short, didn't you?你过去很矮,不是吗?—.是的,我过去矮。
/ .不,我过去不矮。
5.I in school.我过去在学校不受欢迎。
6.—?他过去戴眼镜吗?—Yes, he did.是的,他戴(眼镜)。
/No, he didn't. 不,他不戴(眼镜)。
二、中考链接单项填空1. —Would you like some green tea?—No, thanks. I ________ drink green tea. It hurts my stomach.A. almostB. seldomC. onlyD. still2. Lily has lots of ________. She can learn much from them and use them to mail letters.A. newspapersB. toysC. novelsD. stamps3. Lucy worked hard, but unluckily, she ________ the final exam.A. failedB. passedC. wonD. beat4. To improve our reading skills, our English teacher________ we read English newspapers every day.A. encouragesB. suggestsC. offersD. enjoys5. Follow your heart and stick to your dream. Don't let others ________ you.A. promiseB. influenceC. completeD. remind6. The shop manager ________ many phone calls or emails from her customers in time, which brings her good business.A. agrees withB. starts withC. argues withD. deals with7. —David,it's said that Jane moved to another place last week. Do you know her new ________?—Sorry, I don't know. We haven't kept in touch with each other for a long time.A. NeighborB. addressC. directionD. communication8. We all understand that learning a foreign language ________ time and efforts,so we should be patient and try our best to do it.A. requiresB. reducesC. removesD. repeats9. The host(主持人) of Is it True? Huang Xi is so ________ that we laugh all through the program.A. harmfulB. humorousC. necessaryD. absent10. It is ________ for us to buy things in our neighborhood. There is a big store near my house.A. convenientB. softC. stupidD. proper11. —Can I order a super large cake in your shop?—Yes, sir. We will do everything to meet our customers'________.A. wealthB. requestC. wishD. hope12. —How does Peter usually go to work?—He ________ drive a car, but now he ________ there to lose weight.A. used to; is used to walkB. was used to; is used to walkC. was used to ; is used to walkD. used to; is used to walking13. Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the ________?I want to buy a coat.A. bookstoreB. restaurantC. bathroomD. mall14. Tom ________ out of the classroom, and he must have something important to do.A. leftB. climbedC. passedD. rushed15. If you say ________,does it mean “Please say that again” or “I'm sorry”?A. cheersB. pardonC. congratulationsD. meaning完形填空A boy always wanted what wasn't his: his friends' toys, his cousins' clothes, his classmates' books… After some time, even his hair became so jealous(嫉妒的).One day, a hair on his head became __1__. When the other hairs saw this, they all turned green. The next day, a hair on the top of his head was stained(染色) by __2__ blue. Seeing this, all the other hairs turned blue, too. So, day after day, __3__ boy's hair would change color because of great jealousy.Everyone loved the boy's colorful and ever-changing(千变万化的) hair, __4__ the boy himself. He hated the __5__. He wanted to have his hair just like other people had. He was so __6__ that he pulled at his hair hard. One hair couldn't stand the pulling and fell to the floor. Of course, __7__ the other hairs saw this, they all fell to the floor, too. Within a minute, all the boy's hairs fell to the floor. With nothing on the boy's head, the look of __8__ on his face seemed like a terrible joke.Then the boy understood how this had happened, and decided he would try to __9__ what he already had. He would __10__ be jealous about what others had any more. The boy finally developed into one of the world's best artists.1. A. green B. blue C. orange D. purple2. A. nothing B. everything C. something D. anything3. A. a B. an C. / D. the4. A. except B. without C. behind D. among5. A. color B. change C. friendship D. thought6. A. tired B. angry C. serious D. happy7. A. when B. though C. until D. if8. A. excuse B. height C. courage D. surprise9. A. allow B. reuse C. enjoy D. hate10. A. still B. even C. always D. never【答案】经典句型1.how to ask for help2.in different situationsmunicate better with4.It's beensaw5.was absentfromfailed6.direct questionsfor the first time7.depend on情景交际1.Could you please tell me how to get to2.Excuse me, do you know where I can buy some medicine3.where we should go next4.Yes, I didNo, I didn't5.didn' t use to be popular6.Did he use towear glasses中考链接1.【答案】B【解析】考查副词词义辨析。