

220KV级变压器安装使用说明书 中英文

220KV级变压器安装使用说明书 中英文

Instruction Manual of Installation and Operationfor220kV Power Transformer目录Content1.适用范围 (3)Applicable Scope (3)2.运输及起吊 (3)Lifting and transportation of transformer main body (3)2.1运输要求 (3)Transportation Requirements (3)2.2主体运输 (4)Transportation of Transformer Main Body (4)2.3主体起吊 (4)Lifting of Main Body (4)2.4主体牵引 (5)Traction of Main Body (5)3.验收和保管贮存 (5)Acceptance and Storage (5)3.1到货验收 (5)Acceptance after Transformer Arrival (5)3.2附件开箱检查验收 (6)Inspection and Check of Accessories’ Boxes (6)3.3保管及贮存 (6)Storage (6)3.4 绝缘油的管理 (7)Insulation Oil (7)4.整体复装 (8)Re-assembly (10)4.1整体复装的注意事项 (10)Notes for Re-assembly (10)4.2组装前的准备工作 (11)Preparations before re-assembly (11)4.3整体复装 (11)Transformer re-assembly (11)5.真空注油 (13)Vacuum oil-filling (13)5.1真空注油 (13)Vacuum oil-filling (13)5.2补充注油及静放 (15)Supplementary oil-filling and placing still (15)6.交接试验和试运行 (16)Site Acceptance test and Commission (16)6.1试验前的检查 (16)Check before Site Acceptance Test (16)6.2交接试验 (17)Site Acceptance Test (17)6.3 试运行前的检查 (17)Inspection before Trial Operation (17)6.4投入试运行 (18)Put into trial operation (18)7.运行维护 (19)Maintenance in (service) operation (19)7.1正常运行 (19)Normal operation (19)7.2维护 (20)Maintenance (20)7.3变压器故障分析和排除 (21)Analysis and elimination of transformer faults (21)7.4螺栓紧固外加(最大)力矩 (23)1. 适用范围Applicable Scope本说明书适用于220kV油浸式电力变压器。











警告:请自始至终遵守安装运行说明书规定和安全操作规程!危险电压可能引起电击和火灾在设备上进行任何作业前必须可靠切断电源若对本说明书尚有任何疑问,我们会及时详尽的为您提供资讯11 概述1.1 名称和型号本系列产品全称为YB系列组合式变电站。

产品型号:YB □—□ / □变压器额定容量KVA高压侧额定电压KV设计序号安装场所:户外组合式变电站2 使用条件2.1 海拔不超过1500m;2.2 环境温度:最高气温+50℃,最低气温-40℃(户外),最高日平均气温+30℃,最高年平均气温+20℃;2.3 户外风速不超过35m/s;2.4 空气相地湿度不超过90%(+25℃);2.5 地面倾斜度不大于30;2.6 地震加速度:水平不大于0.4m/s2,垂直不大于0.2m/s2。

2.7 安装地点无火灾、爆炸危险、化学腐蚀、剧烈振动,并且不应是低洼积水处,同时应留足组变开门所需空间。

2.8 本产品应安装在合适的基础上使用(请参阅5.1.1条);2.9 当环境条件超出上述规定范围,请与我公司联系,我们将根据具体要求,提供特殊设计的产品。

3 吊装及运输3.1 吊装3.1.1 本系列组变一般不应采用叉车搬运,户内产品可采用钢管垫底滚推的方法将产品就位,户外产品应使用吊机吊装就位。

3.1.2 吊装应按照有关起重安全规程进行,并应根据组变铭牌标称重量选择合适起吊设备。



Content1. Introduction1.1 Scope of Application1.2 Product Type Specification1.3 Transformer Structure2. Transporting and Hoisting2.1 Requirement for Transporting2.2 Subject Transporting2.3 Subject Hoisting2.4 Subject Pulling and Lifting3. Acceptance and Storage3.1 Inspection of Merchandise Received3.2 OOBA Acceptance for Accessories3.3 Acceptance Storage3.4 Insulating Oil Management4. Installation and Inspection of Transformer4.1 Preparation for Transformer Inspection4.2 Conditions and Precautions for Transformer Inspection4.3 Scope of Transformer Inspection4.4 Test of Transformer Inspection5. Integral Compounded Installation and Vacuum Oil Filling5.1 Preparation for Installation5.2 Installation Program Flow5.3 Vacuum and Vacuum Oil Filling5.4 Replenishment and Standing5.5 Vacuum Oil Filling of Transformer without Inspection5.6 Installation of Other Components6. Pre-test Inspection and Acceptance Trial6.1 Pre-test Inspection6.2 Acceptance Trial7. Inspection Before Launch and Unload-energization7.1 Inspection Before Operation7.2 Unload Test7.3 Unload-energization8. Operation and Maintenance8.1 Operation8.2 Maintenance8.3 Transformer Failure Analysis and ClearanceⅠ. Introduction1.1 Scope of Application1.1.1 This specification is a document of technological guidance in installation and application, only applicable for oil-immersed transformer of 110kV (including off-circuit tap changing transformer, on load tap changing transformer, auto coupling transformer, and commutator transformer).1.1.2 Scope of Application: Requirements of transformer transporting by railway, road and ship; precautions for field acceptance and storage; field operation flow and acceptance trial; conditions for launch and daily maintenance; failure identification, etc.1.1.3 Application of this specification should be integrated with specific structure of transformer for proper construction according to relevant terms of technological requirements in the specification. For any question, please contact with the manufacturer for appropriate disposal. 1.2 Product Type Specification1.2.1 Type Specification for Oil-immersed Power TransformerS F S Z □ - □/□V oltage Class (kV)Nominal Capacity (kV A)Code of Performance LevelV oltage Regulation Mode:“Yes”means on load tap changing,“No”meansoff-circuit tap changingWinding No.:“Yes” means three windings, “No” means two windings.Cooling system: “Yes” means air cooling, “No” means self cooling.Three-phase transformer1.2.2 Type Specification for Immersed-type high-temperature-resistance power transformerS F S R N Z- □ /□V oltage Class (kV)Nominal Capacity (kV A)V oltage Regulation Mode:“Yes”means on load tap changing,“No”meansoff-circuit tap changingHigh temperature resistanceInsulating (cooling) medium is fire-resistant fluidWinding No.:“Yes” means three windings, “No” means two windings.Cooling system: “Yes” means air cooling, “No” means self cooling.Three-phase transformer1.3 Transformer Structure1.3.1 CoreThe core is wholly made of high permeability grain-oriented cold-reduced silicon sheet steel, automatically assembled by E-shape fully automated card stacker imported from Switzerland. The burr at sheared edge is no longer than 0.02mm. Appropriate set-up colligation is used for orientation of core leg so as to increase mechanical intensity and decrease open circuit losses and noises.1.3.2 CoilHigh-voltage coil is formed by interleaved continuous winding for small capacity and inner-screen continuous winding for large capacity in order to improve the voltage property under impulse voltage and reach even voltage distribution. The stay and bracket are all planed round edges to improve insulation reliability. Twist directed forced oil structure is designed inside transformer winding so that each part can be fully cooled to decrease the temperature rise of winding and its thermal point and prolong the insulation life. High and medium voltage regulator is equipped with individual regulating wingding so that each winding has balanced ampere-turn, and consequently to decrease the axial electromotion at short circuit of transformer and improve its capability to resist sudden short circuit. The winding radial is designed in “0” margin, keeping dry and close fitting between core and low-voltage winding cylinder, stay and boarding set, and among low-voltage, high-voltage and regulating winding so that the entire winding has great tightness and concentricity.1.3.3 Subject InsulationThe winding insulators, such as stay, bracket, and all high-voltage electrode and metal structural components, are planed round angles in order to avoid point discharge; the winding should undergo a second vacuum drying after completion of assembly, and the body shall have another kerosene gas drying, in which way the moisture content is greatly reduced from insulators and the body becomes more cleaner. Partial discharge of product is reduced through the technics mentioned above.1.3.4 LeadIn respect of high voltage lead, high-quality tapping switch is used for on-load tap changing, and the lead is connected by cold press with shielding process for round angle; for off circuit tap changing, single-phase off circuit tap changer is used.1.3.5 Oil ContainerThe transformer is equipped with a bell type tank and detachable finned radiator.Ⅱ. Transporting and Hoisting2.1 Requirement for Transporting2.1.1 Transformer transported with oil filling should be filled with qualified transformer insulating oil with the height of 150mm below the container top, and detach the radiator, conservator, moisture absorber, temperature controller and high and low voltage casing pipe and fan of 10000kV A and above, and make separated casing transportation, taking enough additional insulating oil along with subject transportation.2.1.2 Transformer transported with nitrogen fill shall be filled with nitrogen gas with 99% purity and a dew point no higher than -30℃. Besides, install a nitrogen-filling equipment and steam gage on top of the oil container, and keep the positive pressure inside container of 1.96~2.94×104pa.2.1.3 Transportation loading should be carried according to the rules of relevant transportation department.2.1.4 During transportation, the impact recording instrument should be installed on the wall or cover of oil container. The measuring range is between ±1 and ±5g (g is the unit for acceleration of gravity), and the recording sensibility is 1.5~2 mm/g with 500-3000 times of recording.2.1.5 Transportation with on load tap changer must have oil filling in the height of at least 150mm lower than the container top.2.2 Subject Transporting2.2.1 During the whole process of transportation (despite of by railway, road or ship), the subject obliquity of no more than 15° in direction of long axis and no more than 10° in direction of short axis.2.2.2 Humping impact is prohibited. Acceleration of gravity for transportation: No more than 0.5g for axial acceleration, and no more than 0.3g for lateral acceleration.2.2.3 Less than 15km/h on first-class road, and less than 10km/h on second-class road.2.3 Subject Hoisting2.3.1 The hoisting equipments, tools and groundwork of loading site should be capable of bear the hoisting weight (transporting weight) of transformer.2.3.2 The angle of hoisting sling should be more than 30°.2.4 Subject Pulling and Lifting2.4.1 The working point of subject pulling should be hanging on the appropriate drawplate hole of bottom part of tank, not allowed to hang on such components incapable to bear weight as tube connector.2.4.2 The pulling speed of dolly or rollarounds on the track should be no more than 100m/h.2.4.3 For subject loading on slope, the slope angle should be less than 10° and the length more than 10m as well as with skidproof device.2.4.4 When using a screw jack, it should be place under the hoisting bracket. When lifting and landing, it should keep working in phase with the same speed, preventing the jack from skidding.Ⅲ. Acceptance and Storage3.1 Inspection of Merchandise Received3.1.1 Check and accept according to purchase order the products, nameplates, accessories and spare parts.3.1.2 Inspect the subject and accessories for any shifting or impact and make detailed records. For any problem, contact with the manufacturer and transportation department to find out reasons and make proper disposal.3.1.3 Check the transformer transported with filling for oil penetration or leakage as well as the oil head and make records.3.1.4 Check the transformer transported with nitrogen fill whether the nitrogen gas is kept in positive pressure and make records.3.1.5 Check the accessory packing container for any damages or losses. If any problem is discovered, contact with the manufacturer and verify the damages and losses for proper disposal.3.1.6 Check whether the number of container arrival tallies with that on the packing list, and for any miss delivery or wrong delivery. For any problems, contact with the manufacturer for proper disposal.3.2 OOBA Acceptance for Accessories3.2.1 With respect to the transformer with a capacity of over 90000kV A, it is necessary to contact in advance with the manufacturer and inform the time for OOBA so as to operate together withthe manufacturer.3.2.2 Check the components, accessories and parts in the container according to the packing list of each small container. Any damages or miss packing should be recorded.3.2.3 Check for complete factory document, technological material and certificate of competency.3.3 Acceptance Storage3.3.1 If no miss delivery is found after OOBA, make detailed records and sign in.3.3.2 The components, accessories and parts in OOBA should be stored according to their property character. Measures must be taken to prevent direct access of rain, water, snow and corrosive gas.3.3.3 The equipments, instruments, and components with electric elements (e.g. operation cabinet and general control cabinet) should be stored in ventilated and dry places with dampproof treatment.3.3.4 For the transformer transported with oil filling that shall not be installed within 2 months after arriving in site, it should be equipped with conservator (including conservator with on load tap changer) and filled with qualified insulating oil to the fuel head in relevant conservator temperature, and installed with ventilator on the top.3.3.5 For transformer transported with nitrogen fill that shall not be installed within 1 month, nitrogen gas should be discharged and it will be filled with qualified insulating oil.3.3.6 When the condenser type bushing are stored for over 6 months, it is necessary to lift the bushing end to a horizontal angle of more than 15°, or remove from the packing container and vertically placed.3.3.7 In respect of those mentioned above, an inspection every 3 month is need during the storage period for rust or oil leakage. Besides, sample the oil for test every 6 months and make detailed records.3.4 Insulating Oil Management3.4.1 When the insulating oil is filtered and filled into the oil tank, it should be protected from mixing of impurity, air pollution, humidity and rainwater. Reladling filtration in rainy days is prohibited.3.4.2 The oil tank must be carefully cleaned and inspected for sealing condition. The unsealed tank should be equipped with drying ventilator.3.4.4 Other property indexes are in accordance with GB/T2536-1990 Quality Standard for Transformer Oil.3.4.5 Generally the insulating oil provided by manufacturer should be preferred to use. If it is necessary to make up oil from other resources, it must subject to relevant mixing requirements, and tests by related authority shall be made to verify feasibility of oil mixing. In other cases combined using is prohibited.Ⅳ. Installation and Inspection of Transformer4.1 Preparation for Transformer Inspection4.1.1 As stipulated in Clause 3.4, filter enough insulating oil.4.1.2 When it is necessary to make overall check because of problems or failure occurred during transportation, remove the upper part of tank and make subject inspection, or make inspection through manhole or viewing hole without removing the upper part of tank.4.1.3 For transformer transported by ship, subject inspection is generally necessary.4.1.4 For transformer transported with nitrogen fill that shall not be installed within 1 month, nitrogen gas should be discharged before subject inspection (notice human safety during nitrogen discharging and avoid suffocation)4.1.5 For transformer transported with oil filling, during oil discharging the air must have drying treatment (with dry air producer, such as silica gel tank, the dew point should be no higher than -30℃) before entering the oil tank.4.1.6 When lifting the upper part of tank, for the single-phase off circuit tap changer, remove theoperation rod and record correct order for reassembly; for the three-phrase off circuit tap changer, remove the upper flange and switch relevant core from the on load tap changing transformer according to technic requirements in general assembly drawing and Specification for Switch Application. For specific information, see the Specification for Switch Application.4.1.7 As for the bushing current transformer, remove the lead connected with junction box on the tank, and make proper markings for reassembly.4.1.8 Prepare hoisting equipments, vacuum devices, oil filters, safety lamps, tools and materials, etc. The tools and personnel should be assigned in division of labor.4.1.9 Lifting of upper part of tank must be kept in balance.4.2 Conditions and Precautions for Transformer Inspection4.2.1Outdoor inspection should be carried out with dust prevention4.2.2 The transformer must be cleaned with specific tool, and specific staff shall set down too using. The clothes and shoes entering the tank must be cleaned up, ensuring no foreign body drops into the tank.4.2.3 During subject inspection, the ambient temperature should be higher than 5℃, and self temperature should be higher than ambient temperature. Increase its self temperature to 10~15℃higher than ambient temperature if possible.4.2.4 When entering the tank for inspection in cloudy day, blow heated dry air into the tank continuously.4.2.5 As for the exposure time of transformer in the air, count from the time of oil or nitrogen gas discharging, following the following requirements:a. For relative humidity lower than 65%, 14h at most;b. For relative humidity lower than 75%, 10h at most;c. For self temperature higher than air temperature, increase by 2h.4.2.6 The ladder and tools with sharp edge used in inspection should not be placed on the lead or insulator. It is prohibited to climb on the lead bracket.4.2.7 The coil lead should not be randomly bended but kept in the originally installed position. 4.2.8 It is prohibited to replace bulb or repair inspecting tool in the tank.4.3 Scope of Transformer Inspection4.3.1 Check the core for any shifting or distortion, and whether the bolt and drawplate clamped by core become flexible.4.3.2 Check for any shifting of transformer or loose of attachment screw.4.3.3 Check for coil shifting and loose, insulator damage, foreign body between layers and loose axial stud.4.3.4 Check the lead for any damage and distortion, loose and damage in insulation binding, lead position, and whether the root taper insulator is in good condition with correct insulation distance.4.3.5 Remove the lead and use temporary bracket or bracing device.4.3.6 Check the grounding of core, clamp, metal clamping plate and side yoke plate.4.3.7 Inspect all fastening pieces and stud, and check whether it is firmly clamped between bakelite and nut as well as bracket and bolt.4.3.8 Check the changer contactor and make sure the three-phase contactor is in the same position and in accordance with that of factory setting.4.3.9 Inspect inside the tank and shielding facility on tank wall for any burr, sharp edge, foreign body, filth and other substances relevant to transformer, and clean up if any.4.4 Test of Transformer Inspection4.4.1 Check whether the core is one-point grounded (the core is grounded with cable through bushing to the outside of oil tank).4.4.2 Measure the core screw for insulation to iron core and clamp (unless no core screw is fixed) 4.4.3 Measure the action routine of on load tap changer (operate according to Specification for Application of On Load Tap Changer).4.4.4 Check the side yoke plate for suspension and grounding.4.5 After completion of inspection and oil discharging, firstly install all valves of bottom part of tank removed because of off-gauge transportation. As for vacuum and vacuum oil filling, block out the flange valve for the next vacuum filling and component reassembly.Ⅴ. Integral Compounded Installation and Vacuum Oil Filling5.1 Preparation for Installation5.1.1 Clean up and wash all accessories, rinse with qualified oil the component and condenser (radiator), conservator, oil conduit and ascending flanged base that directly touch with transformer oil. No metal net should be used in the pipeline during rinse in order to avoid falling into the tank.5.1.2 Make sealing property test for accessories according to relevant requirements and standards. Any accessory fall short of the required standard shall be disposed or replaced.5.1.3 Check whether each flange interface is clean and the sealing pad is complete and smooth. 5.1.4 Measure the insulation resistance of bushing current transformer whether the transformation ratio and polarity are in accordance with the nameplate and technical document.5.1.5 Refer to specification of condenser type bushing to measure the property index of bushing.5.1.6 Identify the temperature limit value according to Specification of Temperature Controller.5.1.7 Identify the signal and tripping value setting according to Specification of Air Relay.5.1.8 Check the operating contact and restoration according to Specification of Pressure Valve. 5.1.9 Check the oil level according to Specification of Conservator.5.1.10 The operations mentioned above may be carried out before transformer inspection so as to assemble the whole body in time.5.2 Installation Program FlowThe following flow is arranged according to actual situation in installation site. In the absence of exceptional circumstances, integral reassembly should be carried out according to this flow. Each flange interface should be evenly stressed during assembling.5.2.2 The tube line put up by the user or cut and welded in site should be cleaned up and rinsed with qualified insulating oil.5.2.3 Assembly of other accessories shall subject to the Table of Detachment in the factory documents.5.3 Vacuum and Vacuum Oil Filling5.3.1 As stipulated in Clause 4 and 5, transformer that may finish the overall inspection and reassembly should be vacuumed and filled with oil immediately after completion of reassembly.5.3.2 As stipulated in Clause 4 and 5, transformer that may not finish the overall inspection and reassembly should be filled with qualified insulating oil in time. When the oil is discharged on the second day, continue the operation in Clause 4 and 5, or make vacuum and vacuum oil filling after completion of overall reassembly.5.3.3 As for transformer with on load tap changer, discharge the insulating oil in the changer together with the transformer, and use a U-shape tube to connect changer tank and transformer tank in specific position so that the changer tank can be vacuumed at the same time, and meanwhile connect oil filling tube of on load tap changer so as to make vacuum oil filling together with the transformer.5.3.4 Shut off the butterfly valve of conservator, oil refiner, and on load tap changer while the other valves are kept open.5.3.5 Install vacuation pipe and vacuum meter at the φ50 butterfly valve on top of the tank or at the flange of gas relay header pipe, and connect to vacuation equipment.5.3.6 Install oil filling tube at φ80 brake valve of bottom part of tank, and connect to the oil tank through oil filter.5.3.7 Activate vacuum pump and start to vacuumize. Equably increase vacuum degree. Keep the5.3.8 As for vacuum oil filling, fill in qualified insulating oil in vacuum with a duration of ±5% of the table above. Notice that oil in the tank should be heated to 50~60℃, and filled in a speed of 4t/h. The insulating resistance should have no apparent declining during oil filling, or else the oil filling should be slow down.5.3.9 Top filling when the oil head is 100mm below the tank cover. Keep vacuum for at lease 5h, and 10h for over 220kv90MV A. At the same time, fill in qualified insulating oil into the tank withon load tap changer. After that, release vacuum and remove vacuation tube and devices.5.4Replenishment and Standing5.4.1 Mount replenishment filling tube at the φ50butterfly valve on top of the oil tank (as replenishment filling must be carried out on upper part of tank, or else insulating oil with vacuum treatment in the tank should be mixed with air bubble, decreasing the static pressure of oil filter).5.4.2 During installation of air relay, open the conservator, oil filter and other brake valve, butterfly valve to be operated. Localize after the valve is checked open.5.4.3 Remove U-shape tube for connection with on load tap change and transformer tank, and seal the flange in that position.5.4.4 Make replenishment, and gradually open the ascending flanged base, oil conduit and oil collector (radiator) according to the rising height of oil head. Mount air relief cock in the top position, like the conservator, to exhaust air, and turn off the cock after oil discharging.5.4.5 Fill in oil to the oil header of relevant temperature (As for air relief of conservator, refer to Specification of Conservator). Besides, fill oil to conservator with on load tap changer to the oil header of relevant temperature.5.4.6 Integral sealing test should have a pressure below 3.92×104Pa or erected with a 1.5~2m oil column, checking for and oil leakage of the tank.5.4.7 Time for standing should be no less than 24h counted from completion of replenishment, during which time it should have air relief for several times.5.5 Vacuum Oil Filling of Transformer without Inspection5.5.1 Transformer without inspection should be consulted with manufacturer according to transporting situation and relevant regulations.5.5.2 Transformer transported with nitrogen fill should be vacuumed and have vacuum oil filling and replenishment according to Clause 5.3 and As for the transformer transported with oil filling, the vacuum degree should, after oil discharging, be reduced by 20% according to Clause 5.3, and be filled with oil based on that of Clause Installation of Other Components5.6.1 Configure control circuit according to Secondary Control Wiring Diagram in factory document5.6.2 As for forced oil forced air cooled transformer, the control circuit should be connected according to Wiring Diagram for Fan Control in factory document. Active one by one the electric fan or oil-immersed pump, and check the blowing direction of electric fan and oil flowing direction of oil-immersed pump. If the pointer of oil-flow electric relay moves flexibly, it is regarded as in good condition; If the relay does not move or appears trembling or slow reaction, it is regarded connect in reversed phase sequence, which should be adjusted in time.5.6.3 Install the temperature controller after the thermometer seat is filled with insulating oil.5.6.4 As for installation of horizontal axis and vertical axis of on load tap changer, it should subject to the Specification of On Load Tap Changer. Adjust the winding number and spacing performance until they are sensitive, and meanwhile connect the remote display device.Ⅵ. Pre-test Inspection and Acceptance Trial6.1 Pre-test Inspection6.1.1 Check whether the tapping changer is in correct position and three phrases are in accordance. Transformer with on load tap changer should be inspected on the fast mechanism, operating cabinet and distant display device for coincidence of action data.6.1.2 Check the insulating distance if outer space of transformer with the minimal value shown in the following table:Air Insulation Space (mm)6.1.3 Check the oil header of conservator for any false oil header.6.1.4 Check whether the grounding system is correct and reliable, e.g. end shield of condenser type bushing, public neutral of autotransformer, and neutral of on load tap changer.6.1.5 Check the grounding of iron core, ensuring one-point grounding with no circuit.6.1.6 Check whether the oil tank is reliably grounded.6.1.7 Check the valves of components to be operated whether they are open (excluding accident fuel outlet valve) and make air relief again if necessary (such as air electric relay and ascending flanged base, etc.).6.2 Acceptance Trial6.2.1 Ensure that insulating resistance of each coil is no less than 85% of factory set value.During Tgδ measuring, convert to 20℃ according to the following table when the temperature is not equal to 20℃:6.2.4 Measure the DC resistance of each coil and compare with factory set value.6.2.5 Measure the transformer ratio of each tap position.6.2.6 Make sampling test from the sample equipment of bottom part of oil tank according to Clause 3.4.3.Ⅶ. Inspection Before Launch and Unload-energization7.1 Inspection Before Operation7.1.1 Check whether the neutral of transformer power is in reliable grounding (direct grounding in impact).7.1.2 Inspect whether each protecting device, circuit breaker setting and synchronizing sensitivity are in good condition.7.1.3 Check the relay protection, such as air electric relay, thermometer, pressure relief valve and bushing current transformer whether the leads of measuring circuit, protecting circuit and control circuit are properly connected, and make test of short circuit linkage in necessary.7.1.4 Check whether the bushing current transformer without load is short circuited. Open running is not allowed.7.1.5 As for the forced oil-circulated condenser, check whether the auto throw-in and draw back of control system are in reliable condition.7.1.6 Check for free respirator of conservator.7.1.7 Repeat the checking in Clause Check the setting of protecting device. If the system is in unstable voltage, adjust the setting of protecting system to a proper value so as to protect the transformer.7.1.9 During off load switching, the signal contact of air relay should be taken into heavy gas action contact (trip circuit).7.2 Unload Test7.2.1 The following tests can be made only when the aforesaid inspection and test project meet relevant requirements.7.2.2 Transformer should be connected with voltage through power side so as to cut off the supply in abnormal conditions as the power side is equipped with protecting device.7.2.3 Set the time limit of over current protection to instantaneousness.7.2.4 After connection with voltage, the transformer is gradually increased from 0 to nominal voltage and kept for 20min. Measure unload losses and unload current, and compare with factory set value.。






美式箱变主要技术参数如下:●额定电压:10kV±2×2.5%/0.4kV/0.23kV●最高电压:12kV●接线组别:Dyn11●额定容量(kV A):200、250、315、400、500、630、800、1000●额定频率:50Hz●绝缘水平:1分钟工频耐压:35kV雷电冲击耐压:75kV●ELSP后备保护高压熔断器开断容量:50kA●高压负荷开关短路关合电流:12.5kA●线圈及导体材料:铜●环境温度:-45~+40℃(普通油)-20~+40℃(高燃点油)●允许温升:65℃●噪音水平:51~61dB●防护等级:IP57●冷却方式:油浸自冷(普通油或高燃油)●压力释放装置:0.5个大气压(箱体内外压差)●有关阻抗电压、损耗、重量的技术数据见附录15一、安装1.验收检查一旦箱变到货,一定要检查箱变有无破损、脱落、松动、漏油现象,运输中是否发生损坏或装卸不当,把发现的任何损坏或缺陷通知北京科锐公司,以便尽快妥善处理。





变压器安装使用说明书 正文英文)

变压器安装使用说明书 正文英文)

Part One General首先,感谢您使用本公司的产品!本公司将竭诚为您服务!本说明书是针对本公司生产的110kV级油浸式电力变压器,包括无励磁调压和有载调压、自耦变压器等安装使用中的一些注意事项及有可能出现的现象加以说明。


第二部分运输及起吊1 运输方式:本公司产品适合公路、铁路、水路等运输方式。

















血■运行以太网串口 报警跳闸电源
o o o o o o


UNT-WF-200风电场箱变综合测控装置是一款体积小巧、配置灵活、功能完 善、能适应恶劣环境的数据采集、 控制及保护装置。 它适用于风电场中布局分散 的风机升压箱变低压侧的测量、 控制和保护, 可以与其他装置组成光纤环网将采 集到的数据上传到后台监控系统, 为整个风电场风机侧运行的监控提供准确、 实 时的数据支持。


250-315KVA 30KV
400-800KVA 63KA
12KV 40KV 50KV







注:◎在地脚螺钉附件最少预埋2处接地线杆 [地面型]非金属箱式变电站土建基◎基础底面负重不得少于2000kg/m。

础图◎基础中各代号应根据订货产品而定 (供用户参考选用)常用“地面型”非金属箱式变电站箱体示意图半地理型”非金属箱式变电站统底板基础示意图高压主电路常用方案低压主电路常用方案箱式变电站,使用安装注意事项◎箱式站基础四周应预埋接地极,变压器和防雷地可合用,其接地电阻R。


















二产品型号含义X W B — 35(10)/ ()□KVA容量低压侧额定电压高压侧额定电压变电站户外箱式三使用环境条件海拔高度:不超过2000米。














变压器室可选择 S9、S11以及其他低损耗油浸式变压器和干式变压器;变压器(如变压器容量大于1600KVA,变压器敞开布置)设有自起动强迫风冷系统及照明系统。




湖北瑞力YBM、YBP预装式变电站产品使用手册湖北瑞力电气有限公司HUBEIRULIELECTRICC o.,L t d一、产品概述YBM、YBP系列可移动型预装式变电站,是将高压电器设备、变压器、低压电器设备等组合成紧凑型成套配电装置,该型箱式变电站即有普通箱式变电站的功能,又有可移动性的功能,广泛适用于煤矿、铜矿等矿山以及道路施工等用电设备需频繁移动的场所,以满足用电设备要求,作配电系统中接受和分配电能之用。

YBM、YBP 系列可移动型预装式变电站,具有成套性强、体积小、结构紧凑、运行安全可靠、维护方便、以及可移动等特点,与常规土建式变电站相比,同容量的箱式变电站占地面积通常仅为常规变电站的1/10~1/5,大大减少了设计工作量及施工量,减少了建设费用。



二、型号含义三、环境条件:3.1 海拨高度:≤2000m。

3.2 环境温度:-30℃~+40℃。

3.3 风速:不超过35m/s。

3.4 空气相对湿度:不超过90%(+25℃)。


3.6 使用地点:不应有腐蚀性、易燃、易爆的危险物品。

3.7 安装地点无剧烈震动,垂直斜度不大于3度。

四、功能特点4.1 本产品由高压配电装置、变压器及低压配电装置联接而成,分成三个功能隔室,即高压室、变压器室和低压室,高、低压室功能齐全。


变压器室可选择S9、S11 以及其他低损耗油浸式变压器和干式变压器;变压器(如变压器容量大于1600KVA,变压器敞开布置)设有自起动强迫风冷系统及照明系统,低压室根据用户要求可采用面板或柜装式结构组成用户所需供电方案,有动力配电、照明配电、无功功率补偿、电能计量和电量测量等多种功能,满足用户的不同要求,并方便用户的供电管理和提高供电质量。







二、使用环境•海拔高度:2000m•周围空气温度:-30℃~+40℃•周围相对湿度:日平均值不大于95% 月平均值不大于90%•户外风速:不超过35m∕s•安装地点:安装在没有火灾爆炸危险,没有严重化学腐蚀及剧烈震动的场所注:超出上述使用环境条件时,请与我公司销售中心联系。



























2)接地网敷设接地装置应符合DL/T 621-1997《交流电气装置接地》要求。










二产品型号含义三使用环境条件3.1 海拔高度:不超过2000米。

3.2 环境温度:上限为40℃;下限为-30℃,高寒地区-40℃。

3.3 风压不超过700Pa(相当于风速34m/s)。

3.4 地震烈度不超过8度。



3.6 超出上述环境条件时,用户应和制造厂协商。

四结构概述4.1 本系列产品系框架结,用型钢经特殊防腐处理后焊接而成。



4.2 所有操作均在柜门关闭状态下进行。


4.3 进出线方式:高压电缆进,低压电缆出;高压电缆进,低压架空出;高压架空进,低压电缆出;高压架空进,低压架空出。

4.4 高压侧一次供电系统可布置成环网供电、终端供电、双电源供电等多种供电方式,还可装设高压计量元件,满足高压计量的要求。

4.5 变压器室可选择 S9、S11以及其他低损耗油浸式变压器和干式变压器;变压器(如变压器容量大于1600KVA,变压器敞开布置)设有自起动强迫风冷系统及照明系统。




Chinese English最小有效匝数minimum number of effective turns 最热点温度hot spot temperature最大振幅highest amplitude最大有效匝数maximum number of effective turns 最大连续输入maximum indicating pointer最大额定通过電流maximum rated through-current最大额定级电压maximum rated step voltage自锁螺母self-locking自攻螺丝self tapping自攻螺丝tapping自动通过位置automatic passage through position 装配螺丝attachment转換选擇器change-over selector触发过程switching signal转换过程switching process主通断触头main switching contacts主弧触头main arcing contact主触头和过渡触头的任务duty on main and transition condition 主触头main contact主触头shunt contact逐级控制原理step-by-step principle逐级控制step-by-step control逐级操作step-by-step operation轴套,轴支撑套bearing sleeve轴套bushing重型heavy duty重启动装置restarting device钟罩式油箱bell-type tank中間位置mid-position中間端子intermediate terminal中間板intermediate plate中间齿轮intermediate bearing中継转換器relay converter中和值neutralization value制动接触器brake contactor指针式指示器pointer instrument纸滤芯paper filter止动螺丝check支撑螺母back支撑法兰supporting flange正常尾normal tail整流变压器electrolysis transformer张力弹簧,拉簧tension spring再生(处理)regeneration远方显示remote indicator圆头铆钉rivet, round head圆头螺丝round head有载分接开关on load tap changer有效值rms有槽螺丝slotted有槽螺母slotted油中占据容积oil displacement volume油温指示器oil temperature indicator油位计oil-level gauges油室oil compartment油面溫升top oil temperature rise油面溫度top oil temperature油浸纸套管oil impregnated paper bushing油侧屏蔽oil side deflector用于中性点for neutral application引出线take-off leads引出环take-off ring引出端子take-off terminal引出导杆take-off bar引出触头座take-off contact case银开关mercury switch易燃性fire hazard移动式两级净油机portable 2 stage purifier移动式工業油净油机portable industrial oil purifier摇杆rocker氧化稳定性oxidation stability扬旗semaphore延时delay time压力释放装置pressure relief device压力释放阀pressure relief value压力释放板pressure relief diaphragm压力监视器pressure monitor压力和真空试验pressure and vacuum tests压力弹簧compression spring压力表pressure gauge压板pressure plate循环电流circulating current询价和订货要求的数据information required with enquiries and orders 选择开关selector switch悬臂负荷cantilever load须序试验sequence test型式试验证书type-test certificate型式试验type test星角接無励磁分接开关star-delta off-circuit changer斜形销,锥销taper pin校准位置adjustment position校准螺丝calibration销轴axle相关级电压relevant step voltage线性调压线段linear tap winding线性调无励磁分接开关linear off-circuit tap changer线圈最热分部温度temperature of the hottest part of wdg..线圈溫度指示器winding temperature indicator线圈溫度传送器winding temperature transmitter线圈排列arrangement of winding线路压降补偿line drop compensator限位开关limit switch吸油管suction pipe无载分接开关no-load tap-changer无励磁分接开关off-circuit tap changer污秽contaminat污层电导layer conductance污层pollution layer蜗杆endless蜗杆perpetual蜗杆worm溫度循环试验temperature cycle test溫度计座thermometer pocket溫度计座thermometer well溫度计thermometer溫度补偿范围temperature comp. Range温度梯度temperature gradient温度传感器temperature sensor温包bulb位置传送器position transmitter微动开关micro switch拖针maximum pointer拖针drag hand拖环drag ring拖车式变压器油净油机mobile transformer oil purifier凸缘螺母flange凸轮驱动触点cam operated contact凸轮开关cam switch凸轮cam头型head variant同步转速synchronous speed通气型外壳ventilated case通断容量making and breaking capacity通断精度switching accuracy通断回程差switching differential调整螺母adjusting调压线圈tap winding调压范围regulating range特殊型式special design台式虎钳bench锁片lock tab锁紧螺丝lock锁紧螺母locking锁紧螺母pinch酸度acidity伺服传送器selsyn transmitter水泥浇铸瓷件cemented porcelain双向开关two way switch双投动开关two-position slide switch双头套筒扳手double-ended socket wrench双头开口扳手double-ended open-jaw wrench双桥接無励磁分接开关double-bridging off-load tap changer 双浮子气体继电器double-float Buchholz relay甩负载load shedding数字式开关digital switch数码显示器digital indication unit释放滑板cocking sledge释放滑板combined filter insert试验的性质nature of tests使用条件service condition实际通过电流actual through-current十进制触点盘contact range, decadic施加试验电压的一般要求application of test voltage设备最高电压highest voltage for equipment上紧滑板wind-up sledge上紧滑板wind-up sledge上紧wind up上动螺丝backing-up上齿轮盒回转范围swivelling range of gear unit上齿轮盒upper gear unit上层触头upper contact plane伞齿輪盒bevel gear伞,伞裙shed软连接flexible connection软导電片flexible current strip热稳定试验thermal stability test热稳定thermal stability热时间常数thermal time constant热模拟thermal image热短时电流thermal shotr time current全波full wave驱动轴drive shaft球轴承ball bearing切換開关芯子diverter switch unit切换试验switching test切换容量试验breaking capacity test切换容量switching capacity切换开关diverter switch桥接bridge气体继电器Buchhoiz relay旗循环flag cycle屏蔽装置screening device屏蔽帽screening cap平头螺丝flat head screw平头螺丝flat平顶螺母flush平板弹簧plate spring偏心轮eccentric cam匹配器matching unit匹配电阻matching resistance配合螺母attaching垫块disc爬距creep age distance內六角螺丝扳手hexagon socket screw key內六角螺丝hexagon socket screw耐震动shock proof耐受电压withstand voltage耐腐蚀corrosion resistance耐大气作用weather-proof模压螺母stamped模压绝缘molded insulation模拟试验线路simulated test circuits铭牌nameplate面接触surface constant密封螺母sealing门折页cabinet hinge毛细管带有不锈钢护套capillary with SS-cover毛细管capillary tubing盲孔螺母blind埋头铆钉,沉头铆钉rivet, counter sunk滤油机filter滤芯filter cartridge滤芯filter insert螺旋压簧helical spring, compression type螺纹规closing螺塞plug六气条件climatic version六角螺母hex(=hexagonal)联管螺帽,连接螺套union連接线connecting lead连续负载continuous duty连续触点盘contact range, continuous连接电阻tie-in resistor雷电冲击電压试验lightning impulse voltage test扣紧螺帽blinding空心螺丝hollow可重整定resetable可调螺丝expansion抗震能力shock resistance铠装电缆armored cable开口锁环circlip lock ring开關柱switching column开关头类型variants of the tap changer head 开关头盖tap changer head cover开关头tap changer head开关瞬态switching transient开关转换时间switching time开缝螺母slit开断容量breaking capacity开断电流switched current开断switching均压环screen cap均压环grading block绝缘筒insulating clingers绝缘水平insulation level绝缘试验dielectric test绝缘强度dielectric strength绝缘条insulating bar绝缘管insulating tube聚结器coalescer局放partial discharge局部放電测量measurement of partial discharge 净油机purifier净化处理purification晶体管逻辑电路transistor-transistor logic紧急跳阐装置emergency tripping device紧急跳阐emergency-off紧固螺丝fastening紧固螺丝holding金属板螺丝sheet metal界面张力interface tension介质损耗dielectric dissipation介损因数dissipation factor截波chopped wave接线柱螺母terminal接线螺丝binding接头,聯轴器coupling触点contact tip胶纸套管bushing in resin bonded paper 交直流变换器A/D converter键feather间距垫圈环sliced spacing ring夹紧螺丝clamp夹紧螺杆threaded clamping stud计数器operation counter棘爪pawl棘轮ratchet极性转換送选择器reversing change-over selector 级电压step voltage基座hub基本图纸inherent drawing基本接线图basic connection diagram机械寿命试验mechanical endurance test机械破环负荷mechanical failing load机械的极限止动装置mechanical end stop击穿电压break-down voltage回动轴drive star回动件drive crank恢愎电压recovery voltage环氧浇注弓型件epoxy segment环境温度ambient temperature滑块slider滑动间距垫圈sliced spacer压紧螺母clamp护板breech cap橫吊具level transverse恒温器thermostat恒磁通constant induction合成绝缘液体synthetic insulating liquid含水量water content过载条件overload condition过压力継电器overpressure relay过弧触头auxiliary arcing contact过渡阻抗transition impendence过渡电阻transition resistance过渡触头transition contacts过電流闭锁装置overcurrent blocking device管接头pipe connection关联桥接parallel bridge关联控制装置parallel control devices关联控制器parallel control unit固有分接位置数number of inherent tapping position固体颗粒solid particles固定式滤油机stationary oil filter固定式净油机stationary purifier固定螺丝setting-up固定螺帽fixing固定导管式fix tube type固定导杆式fix rod type功率因数对开关任务effect of power-factor on circuit-breaking duty 功率因数power factor弓型件bracket compl工作位置service position工作负载切换试验service duty test工作分接位置数number of service tapping position工作方式开关mode switch工业变压器process transformer工频湿耐压wet power frequency withstand voltage工频干耐压dry power frequency withstand voltage工频电压试验power-frequency voltage test高污秽大气high polluted atmosphere干簧继电器magnet contact tube干簧触点reed contact感性负载inductive load附加触点盘additional contact range辅助线路试验auxiliary circuit insulation test辅助变压器auxiliary transformer浮子float峰值peak value分压式触点盘potentiometer contact range分压器potentiometer分接选择器触头数tap selector pitch分接选择器触等级tap selector size分接选择器tap selector分接位置指示tap position indication分接位置数目number of operating position分接位置operating position分接开关型号tap changer type分接开关内绝缘internal tap changer insulation分接开关规格tap changer model分接开关的环境溫度temperature of tap-changer environment 分接电流tapping current分接变换指示轮tap change indication wheel分接变换在进行的指示tap-change in progress indication分接变换未完成显示tap changer incomplete indication分接变换操作tap-change operation非对称旗循环asymmetric pennant cycle放油泵,排油泵oil discharge pump放气裝置bleeder放气塞bleeder screw放气塞air draining plug放气裝置bleeding facility放电距离discharge distance防松螺母blocking防松螺母stop防尘防虫机箱dust and vermin proof housing方向轴cardan shaft方向球铰螺杆ball-jointed反向开关reversing switch发热元件heating element发光二极管LED = light emitting diode二级管矩阵diode-matrix二-十进制编码BCD = binary codedf decimal额定相對地电压rated phase to earth voltage额定通过电流rated through-current额定频率rated frequency额定雷電冲击耐压rated lightning impulse withstand voltage 额定级电压rated step voltage额定工频耐压rated power frequency withstand voltage 额定对地耐压rated withstand voltage to ground多针插座multi-contact jack多针插头multi contact plug對地绝缘水平insulation level to ground對称尖旗循环symmetric pennant cycle短时过负载temporary over-load短路强度short-circuit strength端子排terminal range端子排terminal block动作压力tripping pressure动作時间response time动稳定电流dynamic current动开(常开)触点N/O contact动开(常闭)触点N/C contact动触头movable contact定位螺丝setting定位间距垫圈centering sliced spacer定触头fixed contact蝶形螺丝thumb蝶形螺母butterfly蝶形螺帽wing碟形弹簧cup spring吊攀lifting lug電源装置power supply unit電位开关potential switch垫板rivet plate密封螺帽packing电阻式位置传送器resistance position transmitter电源(装置)power supply电压限值监控器voltage limit supervisory control unit 电压限值监控voltage limit supervisory control电压调整器voltage regulating relay电压梯度voltage stress电压抽头voltage tap电容式套管capacitance graded bushing电容式套管condenser bushing电流私分流current splitting电流互感器空间 C.T. space电缆护套cable gland电机保护开关motor protective switch电弧炉变压器furnace transformer电动机构motor drive mechanism电动机构motor drive unit电动机构motor driver地脚螺丝anchor灯板lamp panel导滾guide roller导杆guide bolt导电片current strip导电环,弧形导电片sartorial connection导板挡块guide block挡板响应时间response time of damper挡板开孔flap value aperture弹簧架,弹簧挂板spring holder单桥接无励磁分接开关single-bridging of-load tap changer 单浮子气体继电器single-float Buchholz relay大小伞small-large sheds粗纹螺丝coarse thread粗级转換选擇器coarse change-over selector粗级选擇器coarse tap selector粗级调压线圈两端across coarse tap winding瓷件porcelain串开联无励磁分接开关series-parallel off-circuit tap changer 传动轴套tubular drive shaft传动轴额定转矩rated torque on drive shaft传动轴布置drive shaft arrangement传动轴drive shaft穿墙套管throughway bushing穿缆套管drew lead bushing穿缆式draw leasd type穿杆式draw rod type触头座contact holder触头组set of contacts触头元件switching element触头预期寿命contact life expectancy触头系统switching system触头温升temperature rise of contact触头寿命contact life触头扇形板switching segment触点系統switching system触点式温度计contact thermometer触点盘数目number of contact range储油柜conservator储油柜oil reservoir出厂试验routine test充油电容器oil condenser冲击记录仪impact recorder沉头开槽内六角螺丝slotted socket screw,recess head超试验overrun test层压胶纸管laminated tube测量精度measuring accuracy槽头螺丝slotted head槽轮机geneva gear行星轮geneva wheel操作循环cycle of operation操作冲击试验switching impulse test拨盘,转换三角杆triangular switching lever标准油箱standard-tank变换操作switching operation变磁通variable induction编织线braid编织线braided contact lead泵效率duty of pump报警精度alarm accuracy保护间隙arcing horns保护管protective tube保护断电器protective relay保护等级protection class保护等级degree of protection半圆头螺丝half-round凹头螺丝socket安装法兰mounting flangeO形密封垫o-ringBCD编码信号BCD encoded signal环氧浇注导板epoxy guid plate(大小)伞對pair of sheds(small-large)专用吊具operating key。



XBW(F)-40.5 风力发电用欧式箱变FZB-40.5 功能型风电组合式箱变安装使用说明书Install & user the manual山东泰开箱变有限公司1一、简介 (6)1、概述 (6)2、使用环境条件 (7)3、主要技术参数: (8)二、安全指导 (9)1、警示标语和定义 (9)2、安全操作规程 (9)3、操作人员 (10)三、低压柜 (11)1、描述 (11)1.1、低压柜连接 (11)1.1.1、柜子连接方式 (11)1.2、万龙断路器 (12)1.2.1、产品概述 (12)1.2.2、功能 (13)1.3、变压器温度监控器 (14)1.3.1、概述 (14)1.4、温湿度监控器 (14)1.4.1、概述 (14)1.4.2、工作原理 (14)1.5、干变 (15)1.6、户内电磁锁 (15)1.6.1、概况 (15)1.6.2、产品特点 (16)1.7、技术资料 (16)1.7.1、万龙断路器 (16)1.7.2、断路器 (17)1.7.3、刀熔开关 (18)1.7.4、电流互感器 (19)1.7.5、避雷器 (20)1.7.6、变压器温度监控器 (20)1.7.7、干变 (22)1.8、相序 (22)1.9、重心 (22)1.10、铭牌 (24)2、安装 (24)2.1、安装前 (24)2.1.1、初步澄清 (24)2.1.2、安装尺寸和地面固定 (25)2.1.3、工具/辅助工具 (26)2.2、拆卸与重装 (26)1、WSK-P2T的拆卸与重装 (26)2、低压断路器(NM1)的安装与拆卸 (27)3、BWY-804A的安装与拆卸 (28)3、操作 (29)3.1、低压断路器的使用 (29)3.1.1、手动合闸低压断路器 (29)3.1.2、手动分闸低压断路器 (29)3.2、刀熔开关操作 (30)3.2.1、手动合闸刀熔开关 (30)3.3.2、手动分闸刀熔开关 (31)3.3、远控操作 (31)3.5、开关及仪表的设置 (32)四、高压柜 (32)1、描述 (32)1.1、高压柜连接 (32)1.2、真空负荷开关 (33)1.2.1、结构特点 (33)1.2.2、型号含义 (33)1.2.3、执行标准 (34)1.2.4、安装尺寸 (34)1.3、熔断器 (36)1.3.1、概述 (36)1.3.2、外形 (36)1.4、避雷器 (37)1.4.1、产品特点 (37)1.5、带电显示器 (38)1.6、技术资料 (38)1.6.1、真空负荷开关 (38)1.6.2、熔断器 (39)1.6.3、相序 (40)2、安装 (43)2.1、安装前 (43)2.1.1、初步澄清 (43)2.1.2、安装相关步骤: (43)2.1.3、工具/辅助工具 (44)2.2、安装和更换 (44)3、操作 (46)3.1、控制设备和显示器 (46)3.2、真空负荷开关使用 (46)3.2.1、手动合闸真空负荷开关 (46)3.2.2、手动分闸真空负荷开关 (47)3.3、确定安全断电 (47)3.3.1、断路器面板的开合操作 (47)3.3.2、负荷开关的开合操作 (49)五、货物运输与装卸 (50)1.2、吊装示意图 (51)1.3、货物的运输 (52)六、整机试验和调试 (53)1、整机试验 (53)1.1、主回路绝缘试验 (53)1.2、工频耐压 (53)1.2.1、耐压测试仪操作规程 (54)1.3、低压连接试验 (54)1.4、爬电距离验证 (56)1.5、辅助回路的绝缘试验 (58)1.6、设计外观检查 (59)2、整机调试 (61)2.1、开关设备和控制设备的操作调试 (61)2.2、变电站门及内装柜门的机械操作调试 (61)2.3、变压器油温及液面的检查调试 (62)2.4、电压、电流指示的检查调试 (62)七、箱变的送电与断电 (63)1.1、面板介绍 (63)1.2、初次使用前的准备工作及步骤 (64)1.3、一次回路试送电前的准备工作及步骤: (65)1.4、送电顺序 (65)1.5、断电顺序 (66)1.6、变压器两侧断路器操作 (66)1.7、送电注意事项: (66)1.8、正常操作数据明细 (66)1.9、安全技术措施 (67)1.10、紧急断电操作说明 (67)1.11、紧急状态下报警指示 (68)1.12极限状态值 (68)八、维护保养 (68)1、维护须知 (68)2、一般要求 (69)3、检查与维护 (69)3.1、检查 (69)3.2、维护 (70)3.3、维修 (70)4、对危险物品的处理及安全措施保障 (70)九、整机安装: (71)1、箱变的卸货 (71)2、箱变的安装指导 (71)3、安装误差要求 (73)4、地基图 (73)十、零部件的安装与拆卸 (75)2、低压断路器(NM1)的安装与拆卸 (76)3、BWY-804A的安装与拆卸 (78)4、模拟表头的安装与拆卸 (79)十一、元器件清单 (80)十二、润滑建议与指导 (80)十三、巡视检查 (81)1、巡视检查周期 (81)2、特殊巡视检查内容 (81)4、检修项目及检修周期 (82)2、检修周期建议 (83)十四SAT (85)1、潮湿测量 (85)2、Circuit Resistance (85)十五、箱变常见故障及处理 (86)1、故障及故障检修表 (86)2、详细维修步骤 (87)3、周期性检查及实验步骤 (88)十六、箱变合格证及出厂检验记录 (90)一、简介1、概述风力发电用欧式箱变(简称风电欧变)及功能型风电组合式箱变是一种与风力发电机配套使用的升压变电站设备,它是将风力发电用升压变电站预先在工厂内制造装配,包括升压变压器、高压真空负荷开关-熔断器组合电器、低压开关、内部接线(电缆、母排等)、电源变压器等辅助设备,配置一个公用外壳内,并通过型式试验的一种户外成套变电站。



GCS型低压抽出式开关柜安装使用说明书0ZD.412.320GCS LOW-VOLTAGE DRAW-OUT TYPE CUBICLE INSTALLATION AND USE INSTRUCTION湖南开关有限责任公司2004HUNAN SWITCHGEAR CO., LTD2004GCS型低压抽出式开关柜适用于发电厂、变电所、石油化工部门、厂矿企业、高层建筑等低压配电系统的动力、配电和电动机控制中心、电容补偿等的电能转换、分配与控制用。

GCS low-voltage draw-out type cubicle is suitable for the power of low voltage distribution system of the power plant、transformer substation、oil chemistry industry department、plant mine enterprise and high building etc., for controlling center of distribution and motor, for controlling use of electric power convert and distribution of capacitance compensation etc.,.在大单机容量的发电厂、大规模石化等行业的低压动力控制中心和电动机控制中心等电力使用场合时能满足与计算机接口的特殊需要。

It can fulfill the special requirement at power use place of larger stand-alone capacity power plants、low voltage power controlling center of larger scale petrol chemistry industry and motor controlling center etc.,.本开关柜是根据电力部主管上级,广大电力用户及设计部门的要求,为满足不断发展的电力市场对增容、计算机接口、动力集中控制、方便安装维修、缩短事故处理时间等需要,本着安全、经济、合理、可靠的原则设计的新型低压抽出式开关柜,产品具有分断、接通能力高、动热稳定性好、电气方案灵活、组合方便、系列性适用性强、结构新颖、防护等级高等特点,可以作为低压抽出式开关柜的换代产品使用。



TZBWO-12铁路电力远动智能箱变安装使用与维护手册Railway Remote Compact SubstationInstruction manualOTRD.412.009青岛特锐德电气股份有限公司QINGDAO TGOOD ELECTRIC CO.,LTD始终安全第一Safety first-always!在开关设备安装使用前请先仔细阅读本说明书That’s why our instruction manual begins with these recommendations箱式变电站安装于户外场所。

Compact substation install outdoor suitable for electrical equipment.确保由专职电气人员进行安装、操作和维护。

Ensure that installation,operation and maintenance are carried out by specialist electricians only.必须保证现场电气设备的联接条件和工作规程的适用和安全性。

Comply in full with the legally recognized standards(DIN VDE/IEC),the connection conditions of the local electrical utility and the applicable safety at work regulations.有关开关设备的一切操作,都要遵守说明书中的相应规定。

Observe the relevant information in the instruction manual for all actions involving switchgear and switchboards.危险Danger要特别注意说明书中标有这个危险标志的注意事项。



TZBWO-12铁路电力远动智能箱变安装使用与维护手册Railway Remote Intelligent Compact SubstationInstruction manual特锐德电气TGOOD ELECTRIC CO.,LTD QINGDAO始终安全第一Safety first-always!在开关设备安装使用前请先仔细阅读本说明书That’s why our instruction manual begins with theserecommendations箱式变电站安装于户外场所。

Compact substation install outdoor suitable for electrical equipment.确保由专职电气人员进行安装、操作和维护。

Ensure that installation,operation and maintenance are carried out by specialist electricians only.必须保证现场电气设备的联接条件和工作规程的适用和安全性。

Comply in full with the legally recognized standards(DIN VDE/IEC),the connection conditions of the local electrical utility and the applicable safety at work regulations.有关开关设备的一切操作,都要遵守说明书中的相应规定。

Observe the relevant information in the instruction manual for all actions involving switchgear and switchboards.危险Danger要特别注意说明书中标有这个危险标志的注意事项。

Pay special attention to the hazard notes in the instruction manual marked with this warning symbol.不要超出开关设备在正常工作条件下的技术参数里规定的负载。

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箱式变电站产品Series Compacted Package Sub-station安装使用说明书O peration Manual1.概述GeneralXBJ1系列紧凑型箱式变电站是由天津电气传动设计研究所组织全国百余家企业联合开发的新产品,它吸收了美式箱变、欧式箱变和国产箱变三大派别的优点,采用了新材料新工艺及先进的元器件和高低压自动化技术;其中高压侧能满足电力部门对于配电网自动化的要求,低压侧能满足小区物业管理智能化的要求。



XBJ1 series intelligent package sub-station is new products developed by Tianjin Electric Transmission Project Institution and other hundreds of companies. The new products combine the advantages of package sub-station from US, European, and China to fit in the situation in our country. New materials, new process and advanced components and automatic technology for high and low voltage are used in the products; the high voltage siding satisfies the requirement of the automation of power supply network from power supply departments and the low voltage siding satisfies the requirement of community intellectualization. XBJ1 series intelligent cabinet transformer station is composed of optimizing the configuration of high voltage components, power transformer, low voltage components, measurement components and intelligent system. It is multifunction and has wide applications. It is able to run reliable and environment friendly. It has beautiful outlooks and id easy to be installed. It has the advantage of taking up less land, les maintenance, less investment, long lifetime. It can be used as power transform and distribution equipment in city construction, communities, city facilities, factories, mines, road construction, harbor, oilfields and can be also used as temporary construction power supply equipment.2.型号说明Symbol ExplanationX B J 1 —37 /0.315M J 1000变压器容量Rated power 1000kVA外壳材料Enclosure materialJ:金属;Metal结构形式P:品字Structure低压侧额定电压: (0.315kV) Secondary Rated Voltage高压侧额定电压: (37kV) Primary Rated Voltage方案号Scheme Number设计序号Design Serial NumberJ:紧凑型Compacted变电站Sub-station箱式Package3. 使用条件:Using Condition3.1 海拔高度:一般不超过2000m.3.2 周围气温:-15℃~+40℃(智能型-5℃~+40℃)(特殊订货条件:严寒气候为-50℃~+40℃;酷热气候为-5℃~+50℃.)3.3 相对湿度:日平均值不大于95%; 月平均值不大于90%.3.4 地震烈度:水平加速不大于0.3g.3.5 无经常性剧烈震动场所.3.6 周围空气应不受腐蚀性或可燃性气体等明显污染.3.7 安装倾斜度不超过3度.3.8 风负荷≤34m/s.3.1 Height above sea level: less than 2000m3.2 Ambient temperature: -15℃~+40℃(for intelligent package sub-station: -5℃~+40℃)(special condition: Cold climate-50℃~+40℃;Hot climate:-5℃~+50℃)3.3Relative humidity:Daily value less than 95%; Average month value less than 90%3.4Earthquake intensity: Level speedup less than 0.3g3.5 No recurrent severe vibration places3.6 Ambient air is not obvious polluted by corrosive or flammable gases.3.7 Installation gradient is less than 3 degrees.3.8 Wind load: ≤34m/s.4. 结构简介Structure本设计考虑到供电用户需求的多样性,在箱变本身结构上,采用模块式结构。











Taking g into account diversity of users’ requirements, the structure of the main body of the sub-station is kind of modular structure. One sub-station may be composed by following patterns.Divide by HV switch into the grid: terminal typeDivided by HV& LV equipment layout:“品”or “目”font structureDivided by transformer inside: Dry transformerDivided by HV switch: SHANXITONGLI。

Divided by equipped with intelligent system: impacted XBJ1Material of enclosure: metalDesigning of bottom frame composes with the whole form of the package sub-station and lifting method and adopting the same bottom flame. Bottom flame is welded by channel, I-beam. The sides of the bottom flame are composed of hoisting legs, feet installed, metal chassis, spacing metal plates shell etc.. metal doors connect with ground well. The minimum area of Earthling conductor to connect the metal flame of H.V & L.V equipment and enclosure is 30mm². The terminals under the bottom flame are connecting with earth-line, so customers could choose the connect point randomly.The transformer room is furnished automatic ventilation equipment. There are doors on both sides of the enclosure to install and maintain. Safety insulted doors are installed inside the door. Chain alarm equipment is equipped on door to prevent that workers go into the working area to protect device and workers.5.安装、使用及注意事项Installation, operating and maintenance 箱变按要求运输抵达目的地后,用户对其包装及外表是否完整无损进行检查,并履行交接手续。
