必修2 Unit 1 课下作业(一~三)课下作业(一)考点过关针对练I .单词拼写1. Jim insisted that the book Mr.Black referred to was worth (值得的)reading.2. She took one look at the horse and her heart sank (下沉).3. It was not until he removed (摘掉)his sunglasses that I recognized him.4. I' ll be waiting for you at the entrance (入口) to Guangzhou station.5. The coal industry is now barely half its former (以前的)size.6. The door opened and in came a troop of children in all sorts of fancy (奇特的) dresses.7. Some animals are hunted illegally, so they become rare (珍贵的;稀有的).8. To make my room look nicer, I had the walls decorated (装饰)with paper cuts last year.n .语境语法填空1. ? Having removed (remove) from his hometown to the city, Zhang Qiang didn' t know what ? to_do (do)at first.Under the guidance of his friend Li Ping, he made ? a fortune by doing business.He launched a campaign which ? was designed (design) to help those in need in return ? for the society.He has done so much for the poor in his community that we can' t think ? highly (high) of him enough.2. As is known to all, cultural relics belong ? to human beings rather than individuals, so they are well worth ? protecting (protect). However, some people are in search ? _of them and take possession ofthem illegally.Some of them have been damaged while only a few survive.Therefore, every one of us should make all efforts to protect them from ? being destroyed (destroy). There is no doubt ? that it is our duty to protect cultural relics.3. The old piano I bought years ago took up too much room, so ? by the light of the room, I ? took (take) it apart」sold it to a waste recycling center at a low price.川.语境改错1. 文中共有3处错误,每句中最多有两处,请找出并改正。
( )2.红细胞的内环境是血浆;毛细血管壁细胞的内环境是血浆与组织液;淋巴细胞的内环境是淋巴或血浆。
( )3.内环境中含有多种成分,激素、抗体、淋巴因子、血红蛋白、消化酶、呼吸酶、葡萄糖、尿素等都是内环境的成分。
( )4.神经递质与突触后膜受体的结合,各种激素与激素受体的结合,抗体与抗原的作用都发生在内环境中。
( )5.人体局部组织活动增加时,代谢产物增加,组织液增多,淋巴增加。
( )6.过敏反应和肾小球肾炎,使毛细血管壁通透性增加,血浆蛋白进入组织液,组织液渗透压升高而吸水,从而引起组织水肿现象。
( )7.人体内环境的稳态是指理化性质保持相对稳定的状态。
( )8.人体内环境的稳态是在神经调节、体液调节与免疫调节下由各器官、系统协调作用下实现的。
( )9.神经系统结构和功能的基本单位是神经元;神经调节的结构基础是反射弧。
( )10.一个只由传入与传出两种神经元组成的反射弧中只含有一个突触结构。
( )11.离体情况下,刺激传入神经也能引起效应器的活动,属于反射。
( )12.增加细胞外K+的浓度可增加静息电位的值;阻断Na+通道可降低静息电位的值。
( )13.人体在完成反射活动的过程中,兴奋在神经纤维上的传导方向是双向的,而在突触处的传递方向是单向的。
( )14.神经元接受刺激产生兴奋或抑制的生理基础是Na+的内流或阴离子(Cl-)的内流。
( )15.在突触小体内完成电信号—化学信号—电信号的转化。
( )16.神经递质作用于突触后膜使下一个神经元兴奋。
( )17.神经冲动可以从一个神经元的轴突传递到下一个神经元的胞体、树突或轴突。
( )18.神经递质借助膜的流动性进入下一个神经元。
( )19.神经递质可能是小分子有机物,也可能是无机物。
( )20.某人不能正确写字,可能是由于言语区的W区受损造成的。
新人教A 必修一,必修二,必修三,必修四,必修五,选修2-1综合试题(2)
假期作业一、选择题:1.函数)4(log 3-=x y 的定义域为 ( )A .RB .),4()4,(+∞-∞C .)4,(-∞D . ),4(+∞ 2. 设a R ∈,则1a >是11a< 的 ( ) (A )充分但不必要条件 (B )必要但不充分条件(C )充要条件(D )既不充分也不必要条件3.s in14ºcos16º+cos14ºsin16º的值是( )A .23 B .21 C .23 D .-21 4.若集合{}{}084|,51|<+-=<-=x x B x x A ,则=B A ( ) A .{}6|<x x B .{}2|>x x C .{}62|<<x x D . Φ5.某电视台在娱乐频道节目播放中,每小时播放广告20分钟,那么随机打开电视机观看这个频道看到广告的概率为 ( ) A .12 B .13 C .14 D .166.下面为一个求20个数的平均数的程序,在横线上应填充的语句为( )A.i>20B.i<20C.i>=20D.i<=207.在等比数列{}n a 中,)(0*N n a n ∈>且,16,464==a a 则数列{}n a 的公比q 是 ( )A .1B .2C .3D .48.已知a =),sin ,23(αb =)31,(cos α且a ∥b ,则锐角α的大小为 ( )A .6π B .3πC .4πD .125π9.如图所示,一个空间几何体的正视图和侧视图都是边长为2的正方形,俯视图是一个圆,那么这个几何体的体积为 ( ) A .2πB .πC .2πD .4π 10.已知函数b x x x f +-=2)(2在区间)4,2(内有唯一零点,则b 的取值范围是 ( ) A . R B .)0,(-∞ C .),8(+∞- D .)0,8(-11.已知x>0,设xx y 1+=,则( ) A .y ≥2 B .y ≤2 C .y=2 D .不能确定12.三个数21log ,)21(,33321===c b a 的大小顺序为 ( )A .a c b <<B .c a b <<C .b a c <<D .a b c <<13 .已知中心在原点的椭圆C 的右焦点为(1,0)F ,离心率等于21,则C 的方程是 ( )A .14322=+y x B .13422=+y x C .12422=+y x D .13422=+y x(文)设函数f (x )=2x+lnx 则 ( ) A .x=12为f(x)的极大值点 B .x=12为f(x)的极小值点 C .x=2为 f(x)的极大值点 D .x=2为 f(x)的极小值点 二、填空题:本大题共5小题,每小题4分,共20分。
高中生物必修一知识点汇总(填空版)高中生物必修一知识点汇总(填空版)第一章走近细胞第一节:细胞是生命活动的基本单位一、细胞学说及其建立过程1.建立者:主要是两位德国科学家 XXX 和 XXX。
高三 冲刺一练测试题 生物(必修2)
高三分校冲刺一练测试题生物(必修2)时量:90分钟总分:100分一、选择题(1-30小题每题1分,31-40小题每题2分,共50分)1.已知豌豆的高茎对矮茎为显性,现有一株高茎豌豆甲,要确定甲的基因型,最简便易行的办法是()A.选另一株矮茎豌豆与甲杂交,子代中若有矮茎出现,则甲为杂合子B.选另一株矮茎豌豆与甲杂交,子代若都表现为高茎,则甲为纯合子C.让甲豌豆进行自花传粉,子代中若有矮茎出现,则甲为杂合子D.让甲与多株高茎豌豆杂交,子代中若高、矮茎之比接近3∶1,则甲为杂合子2.下列各项有可能存在等位基因的是( )A.四分体B.一个双链DNA分子C.染色体组D.非同源染色体3.下列有关一对相对性状遗传的叙述,正确的是()A.在一个生物群体中,若仅考虑一对等位基因,可有4种不同的交配类型B.最能说明基因分离定律实质的是F2的表现型比为3∶1C.若要鉴别和保留纯合的抗锈病(显性)小麦,最简便易行的方法是自交D.通过测交可以推测被测个体产生配子的数量4.蜜蜂的雄蜂是未受精的卵细胞发育而来的,雌蜂是由受精卵发育而来的,蜜蜂的体色褐色相对于黑色为显性,现有褐色雄蜂与黑色雌蜂杂交,则F1的体色将是()A.全部是褐色 B.雌蜂都是黑色,雄蜂都是褐色C.褐色∶黑色=3∶1D.雌蜂都是褐色,雄蜂都是黑色5.某校高二年级研究性学习小组调查了人的眼睑遗传情况,他们以年级为单位,对班级的统计进行汇总和整理,见下表:子代类型双亲全为双眼皮(①)双亲中只有一个为双眼皮(②)双亲中全为单眼皮(③)双眼皮数120 120 无单眼皮数74 112 全部子代均为单眼皮根据上表中哪一种调查情况,能判断哪种眼皮为显性( )A.第①种B.第②种C.第③种D.三种都可以6.AA和aa杂交所产生的F1通过连续自交直到F n,则在此过程中()A.AA和aa的亲本不含等位基因,杂交结果不符合分离定律B.此过程共发生了n次等位基因的分离C.杂交后代基因型比例保持不变D.A和a的基因频率保持不变7.基因型为AaBbCc(独立遗传)的一个初级精母细胞和一个初级卵母细胞分别产生的精子和卵细胞基因型的种类数之比为()A.4∶1B.3∶1C.2∶1D.1∶18.如图表示某动物的精原细胞,该细胞在减数分裂过程中发生了交叉互换。
高三 冲刺一练测试题 生物(必修3)
将正确答案涂在答题卡上)⒈右图为正常人体内肝细胞与内环境之间物质交换示意图,其中①②③④分别表示体液的成分,下列有关说法错误的是A.肝糖原的生成可发生在③中B.体液①中含有胰岛素和血浆蛋白C.图中②③构成了肝细胞生存的直接内环境D.正常情况下,①②④的化学成分和理化性质保持动态平衡⒉下列过程发生在人体内环境中的是A.神经递质与受体结合 B.葡萄糖脱氢分解产生丙酮酸C.食物中的蛋白质经消化被分解成氨基酸 D.胰岛细胞合成胰岛素⒊人体内环境相对稳定是健康的保障。
由于人体内环境成分发生明显变化而引起的病症是①小腿抽搐②镰刀型细胞贫血症③尿毒症④组织水肿A.①②③B.①③④C.①②④D.②③④⒋人长时间运动后,产生口渴感觉的原因是A.血浆CO2浓度升高 B、血浆乳酸浓度升高C.血浆渗透压升高 D、血糖浓度升高⒌下列有关人体体温调节的叙述,错误的是A.寒冷环境刺激可使肾上腺素分泌增加,机体产热增加B.寒冷环境刺激可使皮肤血管收缩,机体散热减少C.炎热环境刺激可使甲状腺分泌的激素增加,机体散热增加D.极端炎热环境中,人体不能只靠神经和体液调节来维持体温恒定⒍给小鼠注射一定量的某种激素溶液后,该小鼠出现活动减少、嗜睡,甚至昏迷现象,所注射的激素是A.胰高血糖素 B.胰岛素 C.抗利尿激素 D.胸腺激素⒎当人们参加强体力劳动大量出汗时,为了维持内环境相对稳定,机体必须进行多项调节,其中包括①胰岛A细胞的分泌活动增强②胰岛B细胞的分泌活动增强③抗利尿激素分泌增加④抗利尿激素分泌减少A.①③B.①④C.②③D.②④⒏每次注射青霉素前,病人都要先做“皮试”,其目的是( )A.观察病人的体质以决定药剂量 B.观察病人是否患有自身免疫病C.观察青霉素的杀菌效果 D.观察病人是否会发生过敏反应⒐人体大面积烧伤后,容易发生病菌等感染,主要原因是患者的A.过敏反应增强 B.细胞免疫作用减弱C.效应B细胞数量减少 D.非特异性免疫功能下降⒑某患儿胸腺先天性缺陷,与正常儿童相比,该患儿A.仍有部分细胞免疫功能B.仍有部分体液免疫功能C.体内的B淋巴细胞数目显著减少D.体内的T淋巴细胞数目增加⒒艾滋病是HIV感染所引起的人类免疫缺陷疾病。
根据下面图解,回答问题:⑵该图示为 肽化合物,有 个肽键。
⑶该化合物是由 个氨基酸分子失去 分子水而形成的,这种反应 叫。
⑷形成该化合物的氨基酸有 种。
2右图所表示的是两个实验:一个是用玻璃针将一变形虫作一切为二的切割实验; 第二个是将另一变形虫作核、质分离实验。
请据图回答 (6分)(1)过一段时间后发现从 a 、b 、c 、d 中只有一个能正常生存。
请你分析:最可能正常生3.下图为物质出入细胞的 3种方式示意图,请据图回答 ([] 内填序号): (1)物质利用载体蛋白出入细胞的运输方式是图 []和[]。
(2)可能代表氧气转运方式的是图中 [] ;碘进入人体甲状腺滤泡上皮细胞的 过程是图中[] ;葡萄糖进入红细胞的过程是图中 [] 。
(3)甲、乙两种运输方式合称为 。
(4)与细胞表面识别有密切关系的结构是 (5)从细胞膜的功能特性看,它是 膜。
⑴该图中,A 为IB为B(2)生活一段时间后死亡的原因是(3)实验说明细胞只有保持其结构的性,才能正常地进行各项生命活动。
实验也说明细胞核是细胞生命活动的H — c — H3 H —」—CH HINc u oLH — c — H(1)该图所示 DNA 分子正在进行 过程,此过程所需要的条件是 原料、能量和酶。
(2)图中[是以 为原料,按照 原则合成的。
合成后的mRNA 进入细胞质,与 结合,继续进行合成蛋白质的 过程。
78 9 10 11(1) m 8的基因型是。
(2)I 1与I 2再生一个小孩,其正常的概率是。
(3)比9与m10、m 11都表现正常,他们的父亲n5最可能的基因型是(4)该图可不可能是红绿色盲病的系谱图?为什么? ( 2分)8.请根据免疫基本原理回答下列问题:(1)能正确表示病毒或病菌侵入机体后,引起血液中抗体浓度变化的是(①表示第一次感 染,②表示第二次感染)()4.右图是动物某分泌细胞。
高三 冲刺一练测试题2 生物(必修3)
2019-2020高二历史会考必修3专题一测试1.有学者认为:“孔子之道,远传于四域之外,东经朝鲜,波及日本……”外国朋友要了解“孔子之道”可以参阅( )。
那时读书主要是学习( )。
A.老庄之学B.孔孟之道C.墨家学说D.耕作技术3.“知足常乐”源于古代“无为而治”思想,提出这一思想的学派是( )。
下列台词中最合适的是( )。
A.“兼爱非攻,互助互爱”B.“民贵君轻,社稷次之”C.“为政以德,爱惜民力”D.“以法治国,中央集权”5.下列观点与墨家思想相符合的是( )。
A.爱人如己,崇尚和平B.己所不欲,勿施于人C.清心寡欲,顺应自然 D.善用权力,建立权威6.儒学在中国古代被确立为正统思想,这开始于( )。
A.周朝 B.秦朝C.汉朝 D.宋朝7.孔子的思想奠定了中国封建文化的根基。
孔子思想的核心主张是( )。
A.“仁”、“礼” B.“因材施教” C.“为政以德” D.“有教无类”8.春秋战国时期,主张以“仁者爱人”来调整人际关系、稳定社会秩序的学派是( )。
其中强调用“刑罚”加强统治的学派是( )。
A.儒家B.道家C.法家D.墨家10.确切地说,百家争鸣是中国历史上首次( )。
A.文化革命运动 B.社会革命运动 C.思想解放运动 D.学术交流活动11.“未有天地之先,毕竟也只有理,有此理,便有此天地……有理便有气,流行发育万物。
”说这段话的最有可能是( )。
外研版高考英语一轮总复习课后习题 必修第三册 Unit 6 语言运用题组——求精准
必修第三册Unit6语言运用题组——求精准Ⅰ.完形填空A video of a tearful young man bursting with joy,pride and gratitude during his high school graduation recently went popular.Dontrail Spencer was 1 holding his diploma and screaming out the names of his teachers and family members who had 2 him along the way.They had been encouraging him to keep his eyes on the 3 and to push through the 4 days.None of us can 5 life without encouragement— 6 from a parent,best friend,school teacher or spiritual leader.Their 7 keeps us going and believing in ourselves.When someone gives you encouragement,you are given the 8 to do something important.You are made 9 .Even volunteers like myself 10 words of encouragement.Back in February,I was in my fifth week as a community volunteer during the pandemics (大流行病).I don’t 11 meeting Grace,a lady who had been very 12 and in the hospital.But one morning I 13 an email from her:Thank you and all involved forkeeping our community and life moving forward.It makes me sad that our 14 a relationship has been so limited.I enjoy your Wednesday chorus and 15 find you inspirational.I’m 16 to be part of it.Love,Grace.A few days later I received a call that she had 17 .Grace was nearing the end of her life,but she took time to encourage me.Every time I read her email,I’m 18 by her words.When we encourage one another—everybody 19 .Be generous in your20 .We all need it.Some now more than ever.1.A.noticed B.monitoredC.filmedD.heard2.A.helped B.trainedC.warnedrmed3.A.grades B.goalsC.achievementsD.interests4.A.strange B.oldC.toughD.regular5.A.make use of B.pay attention toC.give upD.get through6.A.simply B.especiallypletelyD.originally7.A.patience B.attentionC.serviceD.support8.A.courage B.taskC.moneyD.advice9.A.healthier B.warmerC.smarterD.stronger10.A.prepare B.needC.conveyD.choose11.A.remember B.succeedC.practiceD.appreciate12.A.hopeless B.ordinaryC.sickD.sensitive13.A.recorded B.expectedC.evaluatedD.received14.A.ending B.buildingC.controllingD.accepting15.A.directly B.occasionallyC.trulyD.causally16.A.qualified B.suitableC.eagerD.grateful17.A.moved out B.woken upC.passed awayD.fallen over18.A.inspired B.botheredC.cheatedD.changed19.A.agrees B.winsC.cheersD.hesitates20.A.encouragement B.wealthC.sympathyD.timeⅡ.语法填空Before the high-speed rail,it took around 34 hours to travel more than l,600 kilometers by train from Beijing to Lanzhou via Baotou.For railway fans,the trip was,and still is,really 1. treat.After 2. (leave) at night from Beijing,you wake upthe next morning to be greeted by the sight of the plains of Inner Mongolia.In the distance,to the north you see low mountains,and to the south,hills.The plains themselves are mostly empty,except for grass and periodically sheep,or 3. (end) fields of wheat or sunflowers shining in all 4. (they) glory in the summer sun.Within the sleeper carriage,5. little else to do,people talk or play cards,and soon a small community 6. (develop) among the passengers.Near Baotou the Yellow River winds along the hills south of the rail line.Its waters 7. (fill) with the characteristic silt (淤泥) that gives it its light brownish color.8. the sky grows dark once more,you return to your bed and go to sleep,to be awakened early the next morning 9. (happy) by the sight of a deep desert valley just outside Lanzhou.The train crosses the Yellow River,bidding it goodbye,10. pulls into Lanzhou Station.答案:Ⅰ.【语篇导读】这是一篇夹叙夹议文。
高三 冲刺一练测试题 生物(必修2)答案
高三分校冲刺一练测试题答案1-10:CACDA DCBBD11-20:CACCC DDBDB21-30:DCCBA CBBBA31-40:DCBAC ABDDD41答案(1)乙或丙(2)甲和丙、乙和丁圆形蓝色∶圆形棕色∶长形蓝色∶长形棕色=1∶1∶1∶1 (3)甲和乙、甲和丙、乙和丙乙和丙1/942答案(1)显微镜观察(2)①配制含BrdU的细胞培养基②将某细胞置于BrdU的培养基上,在适宜条件下培养③分别取不同细胞周期的中期细胞制成装片,并特殊染色,以便于显微镜观察(3)在染色体的姐妹染色单体中,一条染色单体染色较深的区域中有染色较浅的部分,而在另一条染色单体的染色较浅的区域中有染色较深的部分43答案(1)28 Z或W 4 (2)①AAbb或Aabb ②13/16 ③AABb aaBb AaBb aabb(3)不能。
因为雌蚕只有Z D W基因型,雄蚕有Z D Z D、Z D Z d基因型;杂交组合Z D W×Z D Z D、Z D W×Z D Z d 均可产生Z D W的雌性后代(或若要让后代只有雄性,则雌性必须全是Z d W,则亲本的杂交组合必须是Z D W×Z d Z d);而Z d Z d的个体不存在44答案(1)同一种限制性内切酶碱基互补配对原则(2)中心(3)3/4 发生性状分离连续自交(4)甲硫氨酸、丙氨酸、丝氨酸45答案(1)自交2/3 (2)Ⅱ(3)C 基因突变频率低且不定向(4)秋水仙素(或低温)诱导染色体加倍100%(5)将矮秆小麦与高秆小麦杂交;如果子一代为高秆,子二代高秆∶矮秆=3∶1(或出现性状分离),则矮秆性状是基因突变造成的;否则,矮秆性状是环境引起的(或将矮秆小麦与高秆小麦种植在相同环境条件下;如果两者未出现明显差异,则矮秆性状由环境引起;否则,矮秆性状是基因突变的结果)46答案(1)3 2 (2)两线粒体、核糖体、内质网、高尔基体(3)通过控制酶的合成来控制代谢过程,从而控制生物性状(4)常隐(5)RR或Rr Rr (6)1/6 如下图。
粤教版 必修1第一----三章 综合复习训练(含答案)
粤教版(2019) 必修1第一----三章综合复习训练一、选择题1.我们学习了使用Python程序设计语言解决问题,Python程序设计语言属于()。
A.个性化B.合作性C.问题化D.创造性和再生性7.以下四个数中,最大的数是(注意:B表示二进制,D表示十进制,H表示十六进制()A.11101B B.10111B C.103H D.170D8.《周易》八卦中隐藏着二进制的计数原理,其中包含两个基本元素“—”和“--”。
如右图所示,可将八卦中的两个符号与二进制的“0”和“1”相互对应,如果“巽”对应的二进制数是“011”,则“震”对应的二进制数是()A.110 B.101 C.011 D.1009.在画图程序中,同一幅图片分别保存为BMP格式的四个文件,文件参数如图所示,其中存储容量最小的文件是()A.风景1.bmpB.风景2.bmpC.风景3.bmpD.风景4.bmp10.十进制整数58转换成二进制整数是()A.111101B.111011C.111010D.11110011.二进制数110000是二进制数110的()A.16倍B.8倍C.4倍D.2倍12.二进制数(10011)2转换成十进制数是()A.18B.19C.20D.21二、填空题13.字符“f”的ASCII码值的十进制为102,ASCII码值十进制为98的字符的二进制______。
外研版高考英语一轮总复习课后习题 选择性必修第二册 Unit 5 语言运用题组——求精准
选择性必修第二册Unit5语言运用题组——求精准Ⅰ.完形填空One day I was driving to the marsh (湿地) for bird-watching.The weather forecast called for the possibility of fog.As I 1 the destination,the fog began to 2 .At a turning,I lost 3 of the car and ran into the wetland.I tried to open the door,but it was locked as the water had 4 the electrical system.I remembered I had a fire extinguisher (灭火器).I 5 it and gave the window a 6 hit.It merely bounced off.I hit it again,with the 7 result.The water level had risen,and soon I was swinging the extinguisher underwater.I had to 8 for air and down to take as many 9 as my breath would allow.I was nearly 10 .A part of me just wanted to give up.But then another thought came to mind,“You have 11 more time.What will you do with it?”“I’m going to try 12 ,”I responded.I 13 swinging the fire extinguisher as hard as I could and suddenly the impact felt different.I 14 my left hand and felta hole in the 15 .I knew I was going to live.1.A.sought B.approachedC.choseD.visited2.A.rise B.liftC.decreaseD.disappear3.A.sight B.trackC.touchD.control4.A.operated B.settledC.shortedD.developed5.A.broke B.grabbedC.hungD.closed6.A.gentle dC.directD.sharp7.A.same B.joyfulC.positiveD.different8.A.go out B.go awayC.go upD.go over9.A.fists B.swingsC.cutsD.calls10.A.delighted B.disappointedC.determinedD.desperate11.A.a little B.muchC.plenty ofD.far12.A.weaker B.harderC.betterD.worse13.A.started B.pausedC.continuedD.considered14.A.waved B.shookC.extendedD.took15.A.car B.doorC.extinguisherD.windowⅡ.语法填空Born in China in 1911,Qian ajored in railway engineering at Jiaotong University in Shanghai but switched to aeronautics (航空学) in 1935 1. he came to the United States to pursue graduate studies.He 2.(earn) a master’s degree in 1936 from MIT and then a PhD in 1939.Shortly thereafter,he worked in America and played a contributing role in the American space program.In 1950,3.(he) request for returning to China wasdenied.Eventually,he left with his family for China in 1955 as a result of diplomatic negotiations in Geneva.Upon his return to China,Qian 4. (appoint) as director of the Institute of Mechanics in the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing.In the late 1950s and early 1960s,he helped China conduct the first test of an atomic (原子的) bomb 5. (deliver) by a medium and short range missile in 1966.He furthermore contributed 6. China launching its first satellite in 1970.In his later years,Qian was also credited in China for 7.(provide) critical support for the human space flight program when it faced cutbacks.He was 8.(especial) influential in his promotion of systems engineering in aerospace(航空航天) projects and other 9. (area) until his death in .Qian is regarded as 10. pioneering and foundational figure in the history of China’s space program.答案:Ⅰ.【语篇导读】本文是记叙文。
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1),则 P 的轨迹是一个圆,这个圆称之为“阿波罗尼斯圆”.若 A(1, 0) , B(1,0) ,
C.2x+3y﹣14=0 D.x+2y﹣8=0
7.焦点为 F 的抛物线 C : y2 4x 的对称轴与准线交于点 E ,点 P 在抛物线 C 上,在
△EFP 中, sin EFP 2 sin FEP ,则|EP | 的值是( )
A. 2 2
20.在平面直角坐标系 xOy 中,椭圆 G 的中心为坐标原点,左焦点为 F1(﹣1,0), 离心率 e 2 .
(1)求椭圆 G 的标准方程;
(2)已知直线 l1:y kx m1 与椭圆 G 交于 A,B 两点,直线
l2:y kx m(2 m1 m2) 与椭圆 G 交于 C,D 两点,且 AB CD ,如图所示.
(1)求椭圆 C 的方程; (2)证明:直线 BD 的斜率为定值; (3)求 ABD 面积的最大值.
19.已知{an}是递增的等差数列,且满足 a2a4=21,a1+a5=10. (1)求{an}的通项公式; (2)若数列{cn}前 n 项和 Cn=an+1,数列{bn}满足 bn=2ncn(n∈N*),求{bn}的前 n 项和.
所以数列{bn}是首项为 4、公比为 2 的等比数列,
第一部分必修二Unit 3Ⅰ.语法单句填空湖南改编)You must learn to consult your feelings and your reason ________ you 1.(2013·reach any decision.答案:before考查连词与状语从句。
2.Brushing straight after a meal may damage the top of your teeth;________ a result, you may feel pain when eating.答案:as句意:饭后立即刷牙会对牙齿表层造成伤害,结果是吃饭时会感到疼痛。
as a result结果。
3.Many difficulties have ________(arise) as a result of the change over to a new type of fuel.答案:arisen句意:由于换成了一种新型燃料,许多困难出现了。
4.Could you tell me how to deal ________ these problems so that I will be able to adapt to the life in Guiyang?答案:with句意:你能告诉我为了适应贵阳的生活,我应该如何应对这些问题吗?deal with“处理,应对”,和how连用。
5.The mother thanked the young man again and again, without ________help her son would have been killed by the passing car.答案:whose考查定语从句关系词。
译林版2020 高一必修一 、二、三语法填空专练(教材改编)附答案,可同步检测或期末专题复习
译林版必修一语法填空专练(教材改编)Class_______ Name_________(1)B1U1 ReadingThe speech made by the principal first gave us an introduction to the school, 1__________ included new subjects, experiences and ways of 2___________(think). He called on us to get hold of every opportunity 3______________ (realize) our potential and told us potential is our natural ability that can 4 _______________(develop) if we try our best.To realize the potential, it is of great 5_____________ (important) to take advantage of our school resources, learn from teachers and classmates and make use of labs and 6______________(library). 7_______ the other hand, good habits, useful skills, clear goals and so on should be 8________put in a critical place.9________ Lao -Tzu wisely said,“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” I believe that if we make 10___________(continue) efforts, we can make the school proud of us.(2)B1U1 Extended reading & ProjectJohn Li is a Chinese high school student who 1________ (come) to the UK as part of a language exchange programme. 2____________ (fortunate) he stayed with a lovely host family and went to school with their son,Daniel. The British school day 3_________ (last) from 9 a.m.to 4 p.m. and students usually have to learn nine subjects including some 4 ___________ (option).The classes are different from 5__________ (that) in China,because each teacher has their own classroom and the students move around for every lesson. He enjoyed most of 6_______ classes but some of them were quite 7____________ (challenge),such as Geography and Biology. He ate at the school canteen and after lunch he often played on the sports field 8________ his friends. Besides,he joined some clubs 9_____________(meet) more British students. In a word,he met some great people 10_________ learnt a lot about life in the UK.(3)B1U2 ReadingTeenagers usually go through physical and mental changes in their growth, 1_________ sometimes get them full of 2____________(anxious) and even argue with their parents 3_____________they live under the same roof. In this special period, teenagers are eager for parents' care and on the other hand, they go after their 4_____________(independent). It can be a tough challenge for them 5_____________(achieve) a balance.However, the solution to 6_____________(improve) the situation is to have regular and honest communication. Whenever arguments come about, you should first choose 7_____________(calm) down and look at it from another angle and make some 8______________(explain) if necessary. If you really do something wrong, you'd better back 9_________.Do remember that the 10_____________(storm) period will not last long and it is wise to deal with the problem together with your parents and everything will turn out fine.(4)B1U2 Extended reading & ProjectMama always sat at the kitchen table and divided the money that Papa brought home into various 1___________ (pile). Each pile had 2______different aim. For example,the big silver pieces were for the landlord. In their 3________(day) life,Mama tried her best not to draw money out 4______her Bank Account,however hard the life was. When Nels wanted to go on to high school,all the family did 5_________(they) best to earn or save money instead of 6_________(go) to the Bank. To get enough money,Nels 7______________ (volunteer) to work in Dillon's store after school,Papa decided 8_____________ (give) up smoking and Katrin planned to look after the Elvington children every Friday night. However,when Katrin 9__________(ask) Mama to put the check of her first story in the Bank Account last year,Mama had to admit that there was no account in the bank at all. 10____________(actual),Mama's Bank Account just made the children feel proud and secure.(5)B1U3 ReadingAmy, along with her best friend, 1_______________(be) close since she was in primary school and they spend most of their time together, whether walking to school, doing homework or just hanging out at the weekend. 2_______________,something happened between them. They 3_____________(plan) to see a film at the cinema last Saturday afternoon, but Amy's friend posted a message on social media that morning 4____________(say) she had a cold and might not be able to make it to the cinema. But several days later, Amy learned that her friend was seen 5_____________(chat) with another girl in a cafe on Saturday afternoon. Receiving this horrible surprise, Amy exploded 6_________anger and now she still doesn't want to reply to her friend's online message. She is in great pain and at a 7_________(lose) what to do next.A girl called Cindy on an Internet forum suggests that Amy should not rush 8______________(judge) her friend. She'd better find a chance to talk with her friend, listen to what she has to say and tell her friend how she feels. David on the forum also shares his views. He seemed to get the same problem once. He advises Amy to rethink the relationship and then 9____________(decide) whether this friendship is still important to her. Anyway, 10________is common that friends come and go in life.(6)B1U3 Extended reading & ProjectWhen we walk the “path of life”,social life is very important. More often than not,friendship can help us 1_________ (smooth) out the sometimes rocky road that we 2_______________(mean) to travel. In general,close friendship has three main 3______________(benefit).The first fruit is that it can comfort the heart,because the peace comes from having someone with 4__________we share our joy,sadness,success and 5_____________(fail).The second one is that it can advise the head because we may have better 6___________________(understand) and judgement that are achieved through conversation with well-meaning 7_________wise friends. The third one is that it can help us achieve the goals we set for ourselves because friends may offer help 8______many different ways. Finally,if we want to 9_____________(well) walk the “path of life” with the support,advice and help from our 10_____________(trust) friends,we should choose friends and develop relationships carefully.(7)B1U4 ReadingAccording to the news report, a teenager girl collapsed yesterday at Stonechester High School after skipping meals. Jennifer Jones, 15, fainted in her morning PE class and then 1_____________(rush) to hospital, where she was found 2____________ (have) extremely low blood sugar levels and was treated immediately. Fortunately, the doctor told she 3_______________(recover) in a day or two.Though we are now in a society 4_____________being thin is often seen as being beautiful, Jennifer's case is still a reminder of the dangers of extreme methods like skipping meals to slim down 5___________have been widely used among teenagers. Health experts are quite concerned. On one hand, they are increasing their efforts to educate teens 6___________ the side effects of extreme methods of losing weight. On 7________other hand, they think it is normal for teenagers to be 8___________(slight) overweight. For those who are dangerously overweight, it's important that they lose weight properly.Finally, teenagers are encouraged to follow healthy lifestyle tips because they are in a period 9___________they're still growing and their bodies need enough nutrition to function well. Compared with unhealthy ways to lose weight, regular exercise and balanced diets seem to be 10____________(wise) choices.(8)B1U4 Extended reading & ProjectNow teenagers always have some dark 1____________(think) about their physical appearance. Standards of beauty in the media can have a big influence on 2__________they think of their physical appearance. Teenagers who want to copy the looks of their favourite stars will end up 3____________(feel) worse about themselves. Besides,4__________(they) friends with model-like good looks also influence the way 5__________they view their physical appearance.However,there 6________(be) certainly ways to deal with these external influences. First,it's wrong 7_____________(follow) popular beauty standards 8___________(blind).It's very important to accept what you are. Second,teenagers should believe that they are unique and that their family and friends love them just the way they are. Finally,9________(try) to direct the attention away from negative thoughts. What they should do is to take pride 10_______what they do well instead of worrying about things they cannot change.必修一答案(1)1. which2. thinking3. to realize4. be developed5. importance6. libraries7. On8. also9. As10. continuous(2)1.came2.Fortunatelysts4.options5.those6.the7.challenging8.with9.to meet 10.and(3)1.which2.anxiety3.although/though4.independence5.to achieve6.improving7.to calm8.explanations9. down10. stormy(4)1.piles2.a3.daily4.of5.their6.going7.volunteered8.to give9.admit 10.Actually(5)1.has been2. However3. had planned4. saying5. chatting6. with7. loss8. to judge9. decide 10. it(6)1.(to) smooth2.are meant3.benefits4.whom5.failure6.understanding7.and8.in9.better 10.trusted(7)1.was rushed2. to have3. would recover4. where5. that/which6. about7. the8. slightly9. when10. wiser(8)1.thoughts2.how3.feeling4.their5.that6.are7.to follow8.blindly9.try 10.in译林版必修二语法填空专练(教材改编)(9)B2U1 ReadingThere are three aspects of film making behind the scenes 1____________need a lot of hard wo rk. To begin with, I’d like to draw your attention to a film’s sound effects. They’re often added after a scene 2____________(shoot) and might not be made in the way 3____________you would expect.Another aspect I attach great importance to is visual special effects. For example, CGI has been frequently used in film making. 4____________, this aid of the computer isn’t always 5____________(prefer).Props, another factor 6____________(contribute) to a film’s success, require a lot of efforts. 7____________(make) a film look real, great effort sometimes must be put to research, find and build objects.Just as the poor passengers on the real Titanic saw the tip of the iceberg, 8____________we see on the cinema screen is just the tip of the huge iceberg of film making. 9____________(hope), next time you go to cinema, you’ll spare a thought for all those 10____________have worked behind the scenes.(10)B2U1 Extended reading & ProjectForrest Gump is one of the 1____________classic and excellent films that I have ever seen. It was directed by Robert Zemigis, ____________(star) Tom Hanks, Robin White and others, and was released in the United States on July 6, 1994.The film 3____________(adapt) from the novel of the same name published by the American writer, 4____________ describes the life of Forrest Gump, a man of the innate mental problems. To begin with, it is impossible for us to imagine 5____________achievements he could made. 6____________finally, just as what Forrest’s mother said “stupid is as stupiddo es”, Forrest Gump, 7________seems to get the favor of God, not only survives, but also gains 8____________(expect) fame and success.After the film 9____________(release), it won six awards such as the Oscar for Best Picture, Best Actor Award and Best Director Award in 1995.Not just the talented people can have miracle, those who are not smart but do best by what god gives them can also have miracle, even do 10____________(well) than the former.(11)B2U2 ReadingIf you want to start exercising, you should follow the steps below.First of all, you ought to have a better understanding of the benefits of exercise. Not only can regular exercise make your heart and lungs grow 1____________(strong) over the long term, 2__________ it can also be beneficial to your mental health. In addition, you should plan your exercise routine, of which the first thing 3_______________(consider) is what you expect to improve. Different types of exercise play different 4__________(role) in a healthy routine. Moreover, like cars 5____________(run) on petrol, your muscles burn carbohydrates for energy, so what to eat and when to eat 6________(be) also of great importance. Last but not least, to avoid injury, make sure that you do exercise 7____________(wear) proper clothes and equipment, remember to warm up before beginning a difficult activity and stretch 8_________the end of your workout.In a word, only when you know the benefits of exercise and how to do it safely and 9____________(effective) can you enjoy yourself to the 10______________(full).(12)B2U2 Extended reading & ProjectWhen my friend first suggested we 1_____________(join) the tai chi club, I hesitated for I always believed tai chi was for old people. 2_____________, I had to admit that I had been wrong about tai chi. The most interesting things of the first few tai chi classes 3______________(catch) my imagination were the moves and their descriptive names.Initially, people believed it was Zhang Sanfeng 4___________had invented tai chi after drawing 5_______________ (inspire) from a fight between a snake and a crane. But nowadays Chen Wangting is believed 6_________________(invent) tai chi based on martial arts skills.After learning the basic of tai chi I found myself 7_________(bore) and aching from doing the same moves over and over again. But thanks 8________my coach’s guidance, I learned how to relax my muscles and focus on peace of mind 9__________performing the routine.In a word, after a year of practising tai chi, I was amazed at its significant effect 10_______ my physical and mental health. Meanwhile, tai chi has inspired me to explore Chinese culture behind it.(13)B2U3 ReadingThere are different kinds of customs in the world, 1____________can teach us about the cultures of different countries. For instance, if you are to attend a wedding ceremony in India, you are to have a 2____________(complete) new experience different from that in China. One of the most 3____________(impress) scene is the bridegroom’s entrance on a beautiful white horse. Another is the pa rt when the bride’s father proudly led his daughter to her new husband. 4____________our two cultures are so different, the smiling faces are the same. The customs that followed is so romantic, 5____________the couple would join hands and walk around a small fire and make a different promise about how they were going to support each other and live together happily.If one day you go to Brazil, you simply must seize the chance to take part in the Carnival held 6____________(annual). People in Brazil would take a week 7____________for the happy occasion. If you arrive in time, you could see a group of around 20 Brazilian dancers and a band in fancy costumes standing in the street, some of 8____________carried flagsblowing in the wind. Then there was an explosion of bright colors and lively music, and the group jumped into action. The band started playing an 9____________(energy) samba beat, the dancers twisted and turned, and the crowd began to cheer, clap and sing. The whole group would march down the road, 10____________(dance) all the way. You would be so caught up in the party fever that you could hardly notice time fly by!(14)B2U3 Extended reading & ProjectChinese Spring Festival, celebrating the end of winter and the warmth of spring, 1_________is also called the Lantern Festival, begins in the last day of the lunar year and ends in the 15th day of lunar New Year.During the New Year’s Eve, people use red lanterns and Spring Festival couplets which represent joy, luck and happiness 2_______________(decorate) a house. On the street are dragon and lion dance and some other carnival activities. Then at dinner time, all the family would sit together 3___________(eat) dumplings, fish, meat and other delicious food, as well as watching the New Year’s programme, such as the grand Spring Festival gala 4___________(hold) by CCTV. In the warmth and comfort 5___________fills the room, all the family members would talk with each other about their plans for the future. With the midnight 6____________(approach), people would set 7_______the firecrackers and the whole country would be lit up with the flashes of fireworks.On the first day of the new year, both adults and children would put on all kinds of colored clothes, and visit friends and relatives. The children are looking forward to 8____________(receive) red envelope money, and together they play each other the fireworks 9____________(happy). All over the country, people are celebrating their good fortune, celebrating their family’s togetherness, and celebrating their nation’s 10___________(strong).(15)B2U4 ReadingTo enter and enjoy the literature world, we need to love it and make 1___________(effort) to explain it. We must know 2________whole message behind the written words. Above all, 3_________you should determine is the significant qualities of literature.The first quality of literature is its 4_____________(describe) of truth and beauty, some of which remain 5__________ (know) until a sensitive human soul brings them to our attention.The second quality is its appeal 6______our feelings and imagination, 7____________attraction lies more in what it awakens in us than what it says.The third quality is its permanence, 8____________(come) out of the other two. Good literature not only appeals to the most basic of human nature 9_______also takes on a personal style.In summary, literature is the expression of true and beautiful life, the 10______________(reflect) of man’s minds, and the history of human soul.(16)B2U4 Extended reading & ProjectPearl S. Buck, also 1_______________(know) by her Chinese name Sai Zhenzhu, was an American writer who spent most of her time until 1934 in China. She once lived in Zhenjiang during her early life, and taught English Literature in Nanjing in 1922, 2____________she started writing.Her novel The Good Earth was 3__________best selling fiction in the US in 1931 and 1932, 4____________made her win the Pulitzer Prize in 1932. In 1938, she became the first American woman 5___________________(award) the Nobel Prize(1938) in Literature, for her rich and truly epic (叙事的;史诗的) 6___________________(describe) of peasant life in China and for her biographical masterpieces.Pearl S. Buck is not only a great writer but also a successful 7__________________(translate). Her work All Men Are Brothers 8______________________(consider) the most successful translation of the Chinese novel Water Margin.In her works, there are also some famous sayings such as “Stories are full 9_________hearts broken by love, but10____________really broke a heart was taking away its dream—whatever the dream might be.”必修二答案(1)1. which/that2. has been shot3. that/which/不填4. However5. preferred6. contributing7. To make8. what9. Hopefully 10. who(2)1. most2. starring3. is adapted4. which5. what6. But7. who8. unexpected9. was released 10. also(3)1. stronger2. also3. to consider4. roles5. that run/running6. are7. wearing8. at9.effectively 10. fullest(4)1. join2. However3. to catch4. that/who5. inspiration6. to have invented7. bored8. to9. while 10. Meanwhile(5)1. which2. completely3. impressive4. Although/Though5. where6. annually7. off8. whom9.energetic 10. dancing(6)1. which2. to decorate3. eating4. held5. that/which6. approaching7. off8. both9. receiving 10. happily(7)1. efforts2. the3. what4. description5. unknown6. to7. whose8. coming9. but 10. reflection(8)1. who2. and3.where4. the5. which6. to be awarded7. descriptions8. translator9. has been considered 10. what译林版必修二语法填空专练(教材改编)Unit 1 The Amazon rainforest: a natural treasureThe Amazon rainforest, the largest rainforest in the world., crosses into eight countries, including Brazil and Peru, and one overseas region of France, all on the South American continent. It covers 1. area of around 6 million square kilometers. It is named after the Amazon River, 2. is close to 6,400 kilometers in length, 3. (support) many different ecosystems, which give this area the richest biodiversity on the Earth, one tenth known species in the world can be found here.There are 4. (variety) plants in the Amazon rainforest. Of the 390,000 plant species known to us, over 40,000 can be found there. The forest's different levels support an 5. (believe) variety of wildlife. Each level of the forest forms its own little world, home to different kinds of living things.There are more than 1,300 species of birds and over 400 species of mammals living in this forest. This jaguar is one example. When a jaguar dies, a tiny army of microorganisms helps break 6. its body and return the 7. (nutrient) to the earth.The Amazon rainforest is not only home to numerous species o f animals and plants but also known as the “lungs of the planet”, because it breathes life 8.the planet by fixing carbon and producing over 20 per cent of all the Earth'soxygen.But over the past 50 years, about 17 per cent of the rainforest9. (disappear) due to human activities.And some species are also in danger of 10. (extinct). It is time for us to do something to protect it.Unit 2 Natural disastersIn Falmont, Alice Brown was giving a lesson to students 1. an earthquake hit the county. The students reacted 2. (proper) —they moved under their desks and held on 3. the legs of the desks. When the shaking stopped, Miss Brown signalled the class 4. (exit) the classroom covering their heads with their hands. Luckily, only 5 students were slightly5. (injure) at Falmont Primary School, despite the current figures of 7 killed and over 200 injured in the disaster area at large. It was the practice of earthquake safety procedures twice a year6. helped the students during the earthquake.On 20 December, the day began as usual, with people 7. (walk), running or simply sitting on the sandy beach.8. ,_a 10-year-old girl noticed something odd. The water was like the bubbles on the top of a beer and coming in and in and in, 9. were signs of an approaching tsunami. She kept asking her parents to talk to a safety officer about the signs and the officer rapidly cleared the beach of people just before the huge waves crashed into the coast. Thanks to the girl, around 100 people 10. (save).Unit 3 Internet: a world without frontiersThe Internet has the power 1. (connect)people across the world to a single 2. (share) community. We can achieve almost anything online — with access to the Internet come some truly life-changing advantages. One of the greatest advantages of the Internet lies in the quick and easy access to 3. huge amount of information. The Internet has now become the first place 4. the majority of people turn to for information. Meanwhile, it has also made our lives unbelievably 5. (convenience), with all sorts of goods and services 6. (provide) by e-commerce. Above all else, the Internet helps us establish and maintain social ties. 7. the Internet brings many valuable advantages, 8. (connect) has its problems. We must be aware 9. these problems and be careful to use the Internet properly and responsibly. Only in this way can the Internet be a place of discovery, wonder and 10. (inspire) for everyone.Unit 4 Chinese scientist wins 2015 Nobel PrizeBecause of her contribution to the fight against malaria, Tu Youyou has become the first female scientist of the People's Republic of China 1. (receive) a Nobel Prize.Born in 1930, in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, Tu 2. (study) medicine at university in Beijing and acquired a broad knowledge of both traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine. In 1969 she became head of a team that intended to find a cure 3. malaria. 4. (inspire) by an over 1,600-year-old text about preparing qinghao with cold water, she tried extracting the herb at a low temperature in order not to damage its 5. (effect) part. She finally succeeded in making a qinghao extract that could treat malaria in mice. 6. , the trials on patients were likely to 7. (postpone) because they did not have sufficient safety data. To speed up the process and ensure its 8. (safe), Tu and her team volunteered to test qinghao extract on 9. (them) first.The efforts of Tu and her team finally paid off. In November 1972, through trial and error, they successfully discovered qinghaosu, 10. is a key part of many malaria medicines. Tu encouraged scientists to further explore thetreasure house of traditional Chinese medicine and raise it to a higher level.Unit 11.an2. which3. supporting4. various5. unbelievable6. down7. nutrients8. into9. has disappeared 10. extinctionUnit 21.when2. properly3. to4. to exit5. injured6. that7. walking8. However9. which 10. were savedUnit 31. to connect2. shared3. a4. that5. convenient6. provided7. While/Though/Although8. being connected9. of 10. inspirationUnit 41. to receive2. studied3. for4. Inspired5. effective6. However7. be postponed8. safety9. themselves 10. which。
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2. 中国近代史上中国人民第一次自发的大规模抵抗外国侵略的斗争是。
发动这次战争的国家是4. 是日军全面侵华的开始,全国抗日战争由此开始。
3. 的失败导致了运动的爆发,是中国新民主主义革命的开端,促进了主义的的传播。
5. 起义,是创建人民军队的开始,起义后,率领工农革命军到达井冈山,开辟了革命根据地,开创了一条的革命道路,成为红色首都。
专题五1.中华人民共和国从成立的那一天起,就始终奉行着1 的和平外交政策。
1953 年,中国政府会见代表团讨论问题时,首先提出标志着;它成为解决的基本准则。
2. 1954 年,新中国第一次参加日内瓦会议,提高了国际声誉。
3. 1955 年,万隆会议,周恩来在会上提出“”方针(“同”是指都;“异”是指),促成了会议的圆满成功。
4. 年第届联合国大会通过决议,。
5. 年2月,美国总统访华,中美双方在签署了,标志着中美之间结束了二十多年的敌对状态,两国关系开始走向正常化。
2. 是罗马第一部有章可循的的法,是对以往罗马法的汇编,是罗马成文法发展史的起点。
专题八1. 年《》发表,标志马克思主义诞生。
号召“!”使有了科学理论的指导.2. 1871年巴黎公社成立,其政权性质是,最高权力机构是,其失败的根源是3. 建立了世界上第一个无产阶级领导的社会主义国家,政党是在经济上颁布。
3. 年4月,法国联邦德国意大利比利时、荷兰和卢森堡决定建立,1958年,六国又组成和。
1993 年11月1日,正式成立,标志欧洲 1999 年1月,欧洲单一货币——正式启用4.多极化趋势对广大发展中国家来说,既是又是;使世界经济发展出现两个主要趋势:和。
唐代窑的青瓷享有盛名, 19 窑的白瓷制作精美.江西景德镇成为瓷都。