



CN4090-9120型输入/输出模块∙用于Simplex®4100U消防报警控制器,要求4100U Programmer使用12.06.02或更高版本,SPS/IDNet固件使用3.11.06或更高版本。




















4100U多点外部设备CCCf认证许可CN4090-9120型输入/输出模块1 CN4090-0003-2图1 CN4090-9120型输入/输出模块监视输入:CN4090-9120型输入/输出模块提供四个监视输入,它通过一个短路触点和一个电流限制触点的开启与闭合来指示输入的不同状态。



TSKgel ODS-100V 3um TSKgel ODS-100V 5um
� C18 配体密度相对较低(15% C) ,能提高润湿性并延长极性 化合物的保留时间。 � � 能在 100%含水流动相条件下 使用。 适用于复杂化合物 (包括酸性、 碱性、 两性离子和螯合化合物) 的分析。 � �
TSKgel ODS-100Z 3um TSKgel ODS-100Z 5um
TSK-GEL ODS-100Z 3μm 编号表
2mm 内径
0022726 0022727 0022728 0022729 0022730 0022731 0022732 0022733
3mm 内径
0022734 0022735 0022736 0022737 0022738 0022739 0022740
优点: � � � � � 亲水性化合物的保留强、分离选择性良 好。 比一般的氨基型色谱柱糖类的回收率 高、耐久性良好。 微粒子填料(3μm),实现了高通量, 高分离,高理论塔板数。 显示与反相不同的选择性。 使用富含有机溶剂的洗脱液、因此适用 于 LC/MS(/MS)测定。 � � 亲水性化合物的保留强,分离选择性良 好。 显示与反相色谱不同的选择性。
10nm 5µm 2.0 - 7.5 氨基甲酰 80℃
编号 0021982
分析柱 品名 TSKgel Amide-80 HR 5μm
粒径 5μm
尺寸 4.6mmI.D.×25cm
TSKgel NH2-100
TSKgel NH2-100 3μm 是使用粒径为 3µm, 键合了氨烷基的硅胶填料的高性能正相 /亲水作用色 谱柱。
TSK-GEL ODS-100V 5μm 编号表 规格 1cm 柱长 2cm 柱长 3.5cm 柱长 5cm 柱长 7.5cm 柱长 10cm 柱长 15cm 柱长 25cm 柱长 2mm 内径 0022708 0022709 0022710 0021457 0022711 0022712 0021458 0022713 3mm 内径 0022714 0022715 0022716 0022717 0022718 0022719 0022720 4.6mm 内径 0022721 0022722 0022723 0022724 0022725 0021455 0021456



产品资料03 2014熔断器类产品•Easyline(XLP熔断器式隔离开关(方形•Fastline 熔断器式隔离开关(条形•Inline 熔断器式隔离开关(条形•聚酯电缆分支箱•Slimline(XR隔离开关熔断器组(条形•Fuseline(OFA低压熔断器概述熔断器保护1/1Easyline(XLP 熔断器式隔离开关(方形为您设计的新一代熔断器式隔离开关2/2产品概述2/3技术数据2/5附件2/7订货资料2/9安装方式2/12尺寸图2/13Fastline 熔断器式隔离开关(条形产品概述3/2模块介绍3/5技术数据3/9订货资料3/10尺寸图3/12Inline 熔断器式隔离开关(条形产品概述4/2模块4/3附件4/5技术资料及安装方式4/9订货资料4/10尺寸图4/12聚酯电缆分支箱产品概述5/2订货资料5/3外形尺寸5/4Slimline(XR 隔离开关熔断器组(条形最佳方案是您的明智之选6/2技术数据6/3产品概述6/4附件6/16订货资料6/22外形尺寸图6/33Fuseline(OFA 低压熔断器产品概述7/2订货资料7/6曲线图7/7外形尺寸图 7/8目录1234567ABB | 熔断器类产品 | 1SXF300002C2001 1/11概述熔断器保护高性价比熔断器系统的总成本很低。










熔断器保护功能 - 简单可靠- 高性价比- 选型简便快速- 无需计算工具- 当需要提高功率时,无需改变现有结构- 无活动元件- 响应快,动作时间短- 无灭弧室- 短路时无气体释放无论考虑最大允许分断电流(峰值允通电流还是能量值,熔断器都是一种卓越的短路保护元件。



泰科EV200系列-EV200AAANAEV200AAANA 1618002-7EV200HAANA 1-1618002-8(带辅助触点)泰科电子(Tyco Electronics)公司推出一款小型、低价、密封型继电器——Kilovac EV200,其额定接触电流高达500Adc。







这些继电器满足CE要求,可供EC应用,它们还符合AIAG QS9000指标,通过美国和加拿大UL E208033号文件认证。

电气特点触点额定电流 (A) 0 – 500额定RF 否线圈电压 (VDC) 9 – 36最大额定工作电0 – 2200端子形式螺栓接线端子高压连接(电源)螺钉压接端子触点组合形式 1 Form A, SPST-NO, 1 N/O功率切换仅闭合, 是, 否政府/工业资质否符合RoHS/ELV标准符合RoHS标准, 符合ELV 标准无铅焊接制程手工无铅焊操作RoHS/ELV 符合记录一直符合 RoHS其他河南盛泰科技EV200现货库存如下:EV200AAANA 1618002-7 数量:2300 EV200HAANA 1-1618002-8 数量:400。



DJ系列接插件和AMP系列对照表0.6系列DJ7031-0.6-21 1-967642-1(AMP安普号)DJ621-0.6S-1 928999-1(AMP安普号)DJ621-0.6A-1 963715-1(AMP安普号)DJ621-0.6S/S 962885-1(AMP安普号)DJ621-0.6A/S 965906-1(AMP安普号)0.7系列DJ7061-0.7-21 1-967616-1(AMP安普号)DJ7241-0.7-21 C-1318917(AMP安普号)DJ7401-0.7-21 1318389-1(AMP安普号)DJ7282-0.7-21 1565380-1(AMP安普号)1.0系列DJ7021-1-21 1-967644-1(AMP安普号)DJ3241-1-21 4-1437287-5(AMP安普号)DJ3242-1-21 4-1437287-6(AMP安普号)DJ7161-1-11 174053-2(AMP安普号)DJ624-1S 1123343-1(AMP安普号)1.2系列DJ7041-1.2-21 174966-2(AMP安普号)DJ7161-1.2-20 179054-6锁件(AMP安普号)DJ7161-1.2-21 179054-6(AMP安普号)DJ7201-1.2-21 174047-2(AMP安普号)DJ7242-1.2-21 316371(AMP安普号)DJ7243-1.2-21 316372(AMP安普号)DJ7481-1.2-11 316370-6(AMP安普号)DJ6210-1.2A 173 716-1(安普号) 173 681-1(AMP安普号) 1.5系列DJ7011-1.5-21 282079-1(AMP安普号)DJ7011-1.5-11 282103-1(AMP安普号)DJ7021-1.5-21 282080-1(AMP安普号)DJ7021-1.5-11 282104-1(AMP安普号)DJ7031-1.5-21 282087-1(AMP安普号)DJ7031-1.5-11 282105-1(AMP安普号)DJ7041-1.5-21 282088-1(AMP安普号)DJ7041-1.5-11 282106-1(AMP安普号)DJ7045-1.5-21 444515-1(AMP安普号) 1717892-1(AMP安普号)DJ7051-1.5-21 282089-1(AMP安普号)DJ7051-1.5-11 282107-1(AMP安普号)DJ7061-1.5-21 282090-1(AMP安普号)DJ7061-1.5-11 282108-1(AMP安普号)DJ623-E1.5A 962 876-1(AMP安普号)DJ611-1.5×0.8A 282 109-1(AMP安普号)1.8系列DJ7022-1.8-11 348794-3(AMP安普号)DJ7042-1.8-21 174922-1(AMP安普号) 368501-1(AMP安普号) DJ7044-1.8-21 444046-1(AMP安普号)DJ7163-1.8-21 179631-1(AMP安普号)DJ7201-1.8-11 174936-1(AMP安普号)DJ7201-1.8-21 174952-1(AMP安普号) 368511-1(AMP安普号) DJ7023-1.8-21 348793-3(AMP安普号)DJ7063-1.8-21 174923-1(AMP安普号)DJ7033-1.8-21 174921-1(AMP安普号)DJY7201-1.8-11 175785-1(AMP)DJ614-G1.8A 173 645-1(AMP安普号)DJ624C-1.8A 282438-1(AMP安普号)DJ624C-1.8B 282 466-1(AMP安普号)DJ624B-1.8B 776 001-1(AMP安普号)DJ624-G1.8A 173 631-1(AMP安普号)DJ624-1.8A 282403-1(AMP安普号)2系列DJ7026-2-21 174352-2(AMP安普号)DJ7026-2-20 174353-7(AMP安普号)DJ7026-2-11 174354-2(AMP安普号)DJ7026-2-10 174355-7(AMP安普号)DJ7166-2-20 368049-1(AMP安普号)DJ7166-2-21 368047-1(AMP安普号)DJ3021-2-21 353377-7(AMP安普号)DJ3021-2-21-1 353378-2(AMP安普号)DJ7106-2-21 174655-2(AMP安普号)DJ623-2×0.6A 171 662-1(AMP安普号) 184030-3(AMP安普号) DJ613-2×0.6A 171 661-1(AMP安普号) 171631-1(AMP安普号) 2.2系列DJ7063-2.2-20 936269-1(AMP安普号)DJ7063-2.2-21 936268-1(AMP安普号)DJ7163-2.2-10/20 936203-1(AMP安普号)DJ7163-2.2-11 936211-1(AMP安普号)DJ7163-2.2-21 936201-1(AMP安普号)DJ7163-2.2-11装配体936211-1(AMP安普号)DJ627-2.2X0.6A 368084-1(AMP安普号)DJ627-2.2X0.6S 368085-1(AMP安普号)2.8系列DJ613-2.8×0.8A 962880-2(AMP安普号)DJ616-2.8×0.8A 962883-2(AMP安普号)DJ616-2.8×0.8B 962884-2(AMP安普号)LC968H.1.1-4 962841-1(AMP安普号)DJ614-2.8*0.8A 142754-1(AMP安普号)3系列DJ7021-3-21 610207-5(AMP安普号)DJ7112-3-21 0-144521-4(AMP安普号)DJ7092-3-21 0-144520-2(AMP安普号)DJ7052-3-21 0-144518-1(AMP安普号)DJ7251-3-11 827535-1(AMP安普号)DJ6232-E3A 925590-1(AMP安普号)3.5系列DJ7023-3.5-21 282189-1(AMP安普号)DJ7024-3.5-11 357 972 762 929741-5(AMP安普号)DJ7031-3.5-21 443 906 233 828840-1(AMP安普号)DJ7031A-3.5-21 282246-1(AMP安普号)DJ7033-3.5-21 282191-1(AMP安普号)DJ7041K-3.5-21 144998-5(AMP安普号)DJ7043-3.5-21 282192-1(AMP安普号)DJ7551-3.5-21外壳282092-1(AMP安普号) 85214-1(AMP安普号) DJ7553-3.5-21外壳963534-1(AMP安普号) 1-85121-1(AMP 安普号) DJ7082A-3.5-21 962189-1(AMP安普号)DJ623B-E3.5A-1 964284-2(AMP安普号)DJ623B-E3.5B-1 965999-2(AMP安普号)DJ611-3.5A 928 781-1(AMP安普号)DJ623-E3.5A/S 185 026-1(AMP安普号)DJ623-E3.5B/S 185 027-1(AMP安普号)DJ623-E3.5A/S镀金2-964 286-1(AMP安普号)DJ623C-E3.5S 0-0964280-2(AMP安普号)DJ623C-E3.5S/S 0-0964282-2(AMP安普号)DJ623C-E3.5C 0-0965999-2(AMP安普号)DJ623C-E3.5C/S 0-0964273-2(AMP安普号)4.0系列DJ7021-4-25 142680-4(AMP安普号)4.8系列DJ622-D4.8B 54-01 60430-7(AMP安普号)DJ615-4.8×0.8B 962904-2(AMP安普号)6系列DJ7023-6-21 MG610263(KET)DJ7012-6-11 174195-1(AMP安普号)DJ7012-6-21 172128-2(AMP安普号)DJ7022-6-11 172129-2(AMP安普号)DJ7022-6-21 172130-2(AMP安普号)DJ626-D6B 170 032-1(AMP安普号)6.3系列DJ7019-6.3-21 180984-1(AMP安普号)DJ7022-6.3-21 174198-1(AMP安普号)DJ7068-6.3-21 174204-1(AMP安普号)DJ624-D6.3B 927854-2(AMP安普号)DJ624-D6.3C 154 717-1(AMP安普号)DJ624- D6.3A 0-0927852-2(AMP安普号)DJ6218-E6.3A 964324-1(AMP安普号)DJ6218-E6.3B 969042-1(AMP安普号)DJ6218-E6.3C 964328-1(AMP安普号)DJ628-6.3B 963887-2(AMP安普号)DJ6210-6.3B 170454-1(AMP安普号)DJ6211-6.3B 171632-1(AMP安普号)DJ626-6.3B 170032-5(AMP安普号)DJ6232-E6.3A 927847-2(AMP安普号)DJ612-6.3B 0-0928962-3(AMP安普号)DJ627-D6.3(0.5~1.0平方线) 160861-1(AMP安普号) DJ628A-6.3B 963887-2(AMP安普号)DJ627-D6.3B 2-0180464-1(AMP安普号)DJ622-D6.3B 140760-4(AMP安普号)DJ621-A6.3A 160870-3(AMP安普号)DJ621-A6.3B 160824-6(AMP安普号)8系列DJ7022A-8-11 1544459-2(AMP安普号)DJ7022C-8-11 1544459-1(AMP安普号)DJ7022B-8-11 1544459-3(AMP安普号)9.5系列DJ221-2S 353376-3(AMP安普号)DJ221-1S 1437284-9(AMP安普号)复合系列DJ7811-1.2/3.5-21-1 368290-1(AMP安普号)DJ7811-1.2/3.5-21-3 368333-1(AMP安普号)DJ7811-1.2/3.5-21-4 368293-1(AMP安普号)DJ7811-1.2/3.5-21-5 368294-1(AMP安普号)DJ7811-1.2/3.5-21-6 368297-1(AMP安普号)DJ7161-1.8/2.8-11 967376-2(AMP安普号)DJ7161-2.3/6.3-21 368454-1(AMP安普号)DJ7181-2.3/6.3-21 368497-1(AMP安普号) DJ7201-2.3/6.3-21 368457-1(AMP安普号) 线卡系列JZ-XK-10 345484-1(AMP安普号) 密封堵系列MFD003-2 828905-1(AMP安普号)MFD006-4 828904-1(AMP安普号)MFD005-4 963293-1(AMP安普号)MFD001-8 963530-1(AMP安普号)杂件系列1393449-1 1-1393449-1(AMP安普号)JB214 284352-1(AMP)上一页下一页。

克罗韦尔 FLEX I O 电源模块 数据表

克罗韦尔 FLEX I O 电源模块 数据表

Technical DataFLEX I/O Power Supply ModulesStandard FLEX I/O Catalog Numbers 1794-PS13, 1794-PS3FLEX I/O™ Power Supply modules are used for powering the FLEX I/O adapters and I/O modules that require a nominal input voltage of 24V DC. These modules are available with 1.3 A and 3 A current output.Additional ResourcesThese documents contain additional information concerning related products from Rockwell Automation.Y ou can view or download publications at /literature/. T o order paper copies of technical documentation, contact your local Allen-Bradley® distributor or Rockwell Automation sales representative.TopicPageAdditional Resources1Available 1794 Power Supply Modules2ResourceDescriptionIndustrial Automation Wiring and Grounding Guidelines, publication 1770-4.1Provides general guidelines for installing a Rockwell Automation industrial system.Product Certifications website, /products/certification/Provides declarations of conformity, certificates, and other certification details.FLEX I/O Power Supply ModulesAvailable 1794 Power Supply ModulesFLEX I/O Module TypesType Description1794-PS13The 1794-PS13 power supply provides sufficient 24V DC power to operate 4 adapter modules. Do not attempt to operate an entire FLEX I/O system with the 1794-PS13 power supply.1794-PS3The 1794-PS3 power supply provides sufficient 24V DC power to operate 10 adapter modules. You can use this 1794-PS3 power supply to operate an entire FLEX I/O system.FLEX I/O Power Supply ModulesModule Type Catalog Number PagePower Supply1794-PS1331794-PS32Rockwell Automation Publication 1794-TD020A-EN-E - November 2013Rockwell Automation Publication 1794-TD020A-EN-E - November 20133FLEX I/O Power Supply Modules1794-PS13, 1794-PS3FLEX I/O Power Supply ModulesInput SpecificationsAttribute1794-PS131794-PS3Indicators1 green power indicator Nominal supply voltage 120V AC, 47…63 Hz; 0.62 A 230V AC, 47…63 Hz; 0.42 A 120V AC, 47…63 Hz; 1.4 A 230V AC, 47…63 Hz; 0.8 AVoltage range 85…264V AC Input current, max 0.7 A1.9 AInrush corrent 30 A , 1 AC cycle @ Vin 264V AC, 55 °CInterruptionOutput will stay within specification when input drops out for 1/2 cycle @ 47 Hz, 85V AC with maximum loadOutput SpecificationsAttribute1794-PS131794-PS3Nominal output +24V DCOutput voltage regulation 20.4…27.6V DC (±15%, includes noise and 5% AC ripple)Output current, max 1.3 A 3 A horizontal mount, 2.8 A all other mounting Output power 31.2 W72 WOutput ripple ±5% 1200mV peak-to-peak max Minimum load 0 mA50 mAOutput surge Sufficient to drive 4 adaptersSufficient to drive 10 adaptersOvervoltage protection Output internally limited to 40V DC. Cycle power to reenergize.Leakage current 0.5 mA rms max @ rated input and outputIsolation voltage Isolation will be required between the AC input terminals and the DC output terminals. Isolation voltage requirements: 2500V DC for 1 s Overcurrent protection 1.4 A 3.2 A Thermal dissipation 23.9 BTU/hr 41.0 BTU/hr Power dissipation 7 W 12 WTerminal base screw torque 0.8 Nm (7 lb-in.)Conductors Wire sizeCategory (1)(1)You use this category information for planning conductor routing as described in Allen-Bradley publication 1770-4.1, Industrial Automation Wiring and Grounding Guidelines0.33 mm2…3.31 mm2(22…12 AWG) stranded copper wire rated @ 75 °C or higher 1.2mm (3/64 in.) insulation max 2North American temperature code T3CT3Enclosure None (open-style)Dimensions (HxWxD)87 x 69 x 69 mm (3.4 x 2.7 x 2.7 in)87 x 94 x 69 mm (3.4 x 3.7 x 2.7 in.)Publication, installation instructions1794-IN0694Rockwell Automation Publication 1794-TD020A-EN-E - November 2013FLEX I/O Power Supply ModulesEnvironmental SpecificationsAttribute1794-PS131794-PS3Temperature, operatingIEC 60068-2-1 (Test Ad, Operating Cold), IEC 60068-2-2 (Test Bd, Operating Dry Heat), IEC 60068-2-14 (Test Nb, Operating Thermal Shock):0…55 °C (32…131 °F)Temperature, nonoperatingIEC 60068-2-1 (Test Ab, Unpackaged Nonoperating Cold), IEC 60068-2-2 (Test Bb, Unpackaged Nonoperating Dry Heat),IEC 60068-2-14 (Test Na, Unpackaged Nonoperating Thermal Shock): -40…85 °C (-40…185 °F)Relative humidity IEC 60068-2-30 (Test Db, Unpackaged Nonoperating Damp Heat): 5…95% noncondensing Vibration IEC 60068-2-6 (Test Fc, Operating): 5 g @ 10…500 HzShock, operating IEC 60068-2-27 (Test Ea, Unpackaged Shock): 30 gShock, nonoperating IEC 60068-2-27 (Test Ea, Unpackaged Shock): 50 gEmissions CISPR 11: Group 1, Class A ESD immunityIEC 61000-4-2:6 kV contact discharges 8 kV air dischargesRadiated RF immunityIEC 61000-4-3:10V/m with 1 kHz sine-wave 80% AM from 30…1000 MHz 10V/m with 200 Hz 50% Pulse 100% AM @ 900 MHz 10V/m with 200 Hz 50% Pulse 100% AM @ 1890 MHz10V/m with 1 kHz sine-wave 80% AM from 2000…2700 MHz EFT/B immunity IEC 61000-4-4:±2 kV @ 5 kHz on power portsSurge transient immunity IEC 61000-4-5:±1 kV line-line(DM) and ±2 kV line-earth(CM) on AC power ports Conducted RF immunityIEC 61000-4-6:10Vrms with 1kHz sine-wave 80%AM from 150 kHz…80 MHzCertificationsCertification (1)(When marked on product)(1)See the Product Certification link at /products/certification/ for Declaration of Conformity, Certificates, and other certification details.1794-PS131794-PS3c-UL-usUL Listed for Class I, Division 2 Group A,B,C,D Hazardous Locations, certified for U.S. and Canada. See UL File E194810.UL Listed Industrial Control Equipment, certified for US and Canada. See UL File E65584.CEEuropean Union 2004/108/IEC EMC Directive, compliant with:EN 61326-1; Meas./Control/Lab., Industrial Requirements EN 61000-6-2; Industrial Immunity EN 61000-6-4; Industrial EmissionsEN 61131-2; Programmable Controllers (Clause 8, Zone A & B)European Union 2006/95/EC LVD, compliant with:EN 61131-2; Programmable Controllers (Clause 11)C-Tick Australian Radiocommunications Act, compliant with:AS/NZS CISPR 11; Industrial Emissions KC—Korean Registration of Broadcasting and Communications Equipment, compliant with:Article 58-2 of Radio Waves Act, Clause 3FLEX I/O Power Supply Modules Notes:Rockwell Automation Publication 1794-TD020A-EN-E - November 20135Allen-Bradley, FLEX I/O, RSLogix 5000, Rockwell Software, Rockwell Automation, and LISTEN. THINK. SOLVE are trademarks of Rockwell Automation, Inc.T rademarks not belonging to Rockwell Automation are property of their respective companies.Publication 1794-TD020A-EN-E - November 2013Copyright © 2013 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved.Important User InformationSolid-state equipment has operational characteristics differing from those of electromechanical equipment. SafetyGuidelines for the Application, Installation and Maintenance of Solid State Controls (publication SGI-1.1 available from your local Rockwell Automation sales office or online at /literature/) describes some important differences between solid-state equipment and hard-wired electromechanical devices. Because of this difference, and also because of the wide variety of uses for solid-state equipment, all persons responsible for applying this equipment must satisfy themselves that each intended application of this equipment is acceptable.In no event will Rockwell Automation, Inc. be responsible or liable for indirect or consequential damages resulting from the use or application of this equipment.The examples and diagrams in this publication are included solely for illustrative purposes. Because of the many variables and requirements associated with any particular installation, Rockwell Automation, Inc. cannot assume responsibility or liability for actual use based on the examples and diagrams.No patent liability is assumed by Rockwell Automation, Inc. with respect to use of information, circuits, equipment, or software described in this manual.Reproduction of the contents of this manual, in whole or in part, without written permission of Rockwell Automation, Inc., is prohibited.Documentation FeedbackY our comments will help us serve your documentation needs better. If you have any suggestions on how to improve this document, complete this form, publication RA-DU002, available at /literature/.Rockwell Otomasyon Ticaret A.Ş., Kar Plaza İş Merkezi E Blok Kat:6 34752 İçerenköy, İstanbul, T el: +90 (216) 5698400。



12.00 36.00
12 辅助材料
套 1 720.00 720.00
一 元器件合计 二 铜排 三 CDMNS进线柜(800mm) 四 包装 五 人工费 六 综合费 七 税收 合计 单台价格合计 总计 捌万叁仟壹佰柒拾陆元叁角陆分
18 46379.30 18937.78 2600.00 350.00 3703.84 2453.58 5725.00
3 电流互感器
ALH-0.66 400/5 40I 只 3
33.00 99.00
4 万能转换开关
LW38-16 7节(定位) 台 1 108.00 108.00
5 转换开关
LW38-16 3节(定位) 台 1
70.80 70.80
6 信号灯
12.00 96.00
6 塑壳断路器 T2S160 TMD100 3P 50KA 3P 35KA只FF 7 731.35 5119.45 ABB(中国)有限公司
7 辅助材料
套 1 720.00 720.00
一 元器件合计 二 铜排 三 壳体 四 包装 五 人工费 六 综合费 七 税收 合计 单台价格合计 总计 肆万陆仟陆佰柒拾贰元零陆分
1 网络电力仪表
只 7 1539.00 10773.00
2 电流互感器
ALH-0.66 300/5 40I 只 3
31.80 95.40
3 电流互感器
ALH-0.66 200/5 40I 只 3

CMP 产品说明书:A2e100、RA2e100 电缆夹

CMP 产品说明书:A2e100、RA2e100 电缆夹

CABLE GLAND FOR USE WITH UNARMOURED AND BRAID ARMOURED CABLESINCORPORATING EU DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY TO DIRECTIVE 2014/34/EUTECHNICAL DATACABLE GLANDTYPES A2e100RA2e100INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR A2e100, RA2e100 CABLE GLANDGlasshouse Street • St. Peters • Newcastle upon Tyne • NE6 1BSTel: +44 191 265 7411 • Fax: +44 1670 715 646E-Mail:********************************.uk•Web:Notified Body: Sira Certification Service, Unit 6, Hawarden Industrial Park, Hawarden, CH5 3US, UK0518CABLE GLAND TYPE : A2e100, RA2e100INGRESS PROTECTION: IP66, IP67, IP68PROCESS CONTROL SYSTEM : BS EN ISO 9001ISO/IEC 80079-34:2011C M PD o c u m e n t N o . F I 493 I s s u e 4Logo’s shown for illustration purposes only. Please check certification for detailsEN 60079-0:2012/A11:2013, EN 60079-7:2015, EN 60079-15:2010, EN 60079-31:2014, BS 6121:1989, EN 62444:2013David Willcock - Certification Engineer (Authorised Person)CMP Products Limited, Cramlington, UK, NE23 1WHSCAN FOR INSTALLATION VIDEOSEXPLOSIVE ATMOSPHERES CLASSIFICATIONATEX CERTIFICATION No : SIRA16ATEX3165, SIRA16ATEX4020ATEX CERTIFICATION CODE : ^ II 2G Ex eb IIC Gb, II 1D Ex ta IIIC Da IP66, IP67, IP68^ II 3G Ex nRc IIC Gc IP66 ^ I M2 Ex eb I Mb IP66, IP67, IP68IECEx CERTIFICATION No : IECEx SIR 16.0053IECEx CERTIFICATION CODE : Ex eb IIC Gb, Ex ta IIIC Da, Ex nRc IIC Gc, Ex eb I Mb IP66, IP67, IP68A2e100 - no face seal RA2e100 - with face seal1. Read all instructions before beginning installation. Installation shall only be performed by competent, suitably trained personnel (in accordance with EN/IEC 60079-14) using the correct tools; spanners should be used for tightening.2.Inspection and maintenance shall only be performed by competent, suitably trained personnel (in accordance with EN/IEC 60079-14 (Initial Inspection) and EN/IEC 60079-17).3.Ingress Protection Statement; The interface between a cable entry device and its associated enclosure / cable entry cannot be defined. It is the user’s responsibility to ensure that a minimum protection level (IP54 for explosive gas atmospheres and IP6X for explosive dust atmospheres) is maintained at the interface. Entry component threads may need additional sealing to maintain the ingress protection rating and/orrestricted breathing performance as applicable to the equipment to which it will be attached, such as by either a sealing washer, thread sealant or integrated ‘O’ ring face seal (RA2e100). Reference should also be made to the information from EN 60079-14:2014, Clause 10, Table 10, (Note: When fitted to a threaded entry, all tapered threads will automatically provide an ingress protection rating of IP6X).4. The standard product temperature range is -60°C to +130°C. The equipment should not be used outside of this range.5. Cable glands do not have any serviceable parts and are therefore not intended to be repaired.6. Cable glands are manufactured from Brass, Nickel Plated Brass, Stainless Steel, Mild Steel or Aluminium, with Silicone seals. The end user shall consider the performance of these materials with regard to attack by aggressive substances that may be present in the hazardous area. Consideration should be given to potential degradation due to galvanic corrosion at the interface of dis-similar metallic materials.7.It is the end user’s responsibility to ensure the equipment materials are suitable for their final installation location. If in doubt consult CMP Products Limited.IMPORTANT NOTES FOR INSTALLERSSPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR SAFE USE None INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR CMP CABLE GLAND A2e100, RA2e100CABLE GLAND COMPONENTS - It is not necessary to dismantle the cable gland any further than illustrated below 1. Entry Item 2. Seal 3. Seal NutPLEASE READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE BEGINNING THE INSTALLATION1. It is not necessary to dismantle the gland any further than illustrated below.where required to reveal the insulated conductors.4. Slacken the seal nut (3) to relax the seal (2).5. Only using finger pressure, tighten the seal nut until light resistance to tightening is met.Then either use the seal tightening guide tape or table on the rear of the page to determine how much further to tighten the seal using a spanner (using the outer seal tightening guide is recommended).Wrap the seal tightening guide tape around the cable to show the amount of spanner turns needed (as shown here). Make sure the correct side of the seal tightening guide tape is used depending on the cable gland size.。



J611A-2.2×0.6A7114-4025(YAZAKI矢崎号)J611A-2.2×0.6B7114-4026(YAZAKI矢崎号)A7116-4025(YAZAKI矢崎号)J622A-2.2×0.6A8100-3808(SUMITOMO住友号)368084-1(AMP安普号)740 367-3(KET)6B740 368-3(KET)8240-4862(SUMITOMO住友号)13517856(DELPHI德尔福号)13519984(DELPHI德尔福号)15458363(DELPHI德尔福号)15458364(DELPHI德尔福号)82304282(MSSL)82404422(MSSL)1530-4722(DELPHI德尔福号)1530-4720(DELPHI德尔福号)6B1530-4724(DELPHI德尔福号)N904 886.02(大众号)8240-4050(SUMITOMO住友号)142754-1(AMP安普号)J611-2.8×0.5A15458340(DELPHI德尔福号) J621-E2.8×0.5A15458361(DELPHI德尔福号) J621-E2.8×0.5B82404050(MSSL)J625-2.8×0.8A1360 9538(DELPHI德尔福号) J625-2.8×0.8B1360 9539(DELPHI德尔福号) J625-A2.8×0.8B1360 9537(DELPHI德尔福号)0.6B740 187-3(KET)0.6A15458316(DELPHI德尔福号) J621-F3×0.6A730 383-3(KET)J621-F3×0.6B730 186-3(KET)925590-1(AMP安普号)18002097(MSSL)N 906 844 01(大众号)ST710505-3(KET)ST710506-3(KET)ST710507-3(KET)ST710559-3(KET)1-13-3-062(上海金亭号)1-13-3-066(上海金亭号) 13608457(DELPHI德尔福号) 13609445(DELPHI德尔福号) 81101060(MSSL)81102060(MSSL)81103060(MSSL)81103080(MSSL)1074 8236(DELPHI德尔福号) 0296 2869(DELPHI德尔福号)8100-1236(SUMITOMO住友号) 8240-4242(SUMITOMO住友号) PP0338401(南通号)I2670J1(上海特索号) 311045(上海特索号) 200003/200027(上海特索号) 7.752.112(US)1-13-3-065(国产号)1-13-3-066(国产号)1-13-3-067(国产号)1-13-3-068(国产号)1-13-3-062(国产号)1-13-5-005(国产号)1-13-5W-001(国产号) 157017-001-18-5-041(上海金亭号)1-18-5-042(上海金亭号)1538 5785(DELPHI德尔福号)其它号2173 681-1(AMP安普号)8100-0544(矢崎)35421-6302(矢崎)15383364(DELPHI 德尔福号)962 876-1(AMP安普号)ST730 497-3(KET)184030-3(AMP安普号)171631-1(AMP安普号)8230-4492(YAZAKI 矢崎号)8240-4882(YAZAKI 矢崎号)释和修改权属技术部8100-0461(SUMITOMO住友号)P E165620(DELPHI德尔福号)8230-4282(SUMITOMO住友号)1813 018313519981(DELPHI德尔福号)144 431-1(AMP安普号)964284-2(AMP安普号)927771-3(AMP安普号)144 432-1(AMP安普号)965999-2(AMP安普号)927768-3(AMP安普号) N 906 844 02(大众号)0-0964280-2(AMP安普号)0-0964282-2(AMP安普号)0-0965999-2(AMP安普号)0-0964273-2(AMP安普号)7116-4037(YAZAKI矢崎号)7114-4037(YAZAKI矢崎号)N 904 890(大众号)927854-2(AMP安普号)15458370(DELPHI德尔福号)5458369(DELPHI德尔福号)964328-1(AMP安普号)963887-2(AMP安普号)15356827(DELPHI德尔福号) 8100-0960(SUMITOMO住友号)1-13-5W-002(国产号)。



• 环境试验 温湿度 温度循环 热冲击 热老化
• 电气 接触电阻 绝缘介电强度 温度升高与电流对比 电磁干扰(EMI)
• 机械 振动 冲击 张力/压缩 插拨次数 插入/拔出力 法向力 弯曲寿命 变形阻力
我们的工程团队了解机构的标准和规 定,并按其设计和测试我们的产品,从 而通过合格性测试、定期复试以及制作 标签和标记,使您也满足这些要求。我 们遵守ANSI/AAMI、IEC、UL/CSA、 CE、VDE以及其他国际机构所制定的标 准。我们遵守了这些标准,从而保证了 您也能遵守。
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泰科电子公司提供几乎包罗万象的电气和电子互 连产品,如本手册所示。我们不断拓展的能力包 括新型铜质和光纤连接器,其设计目的是满足通 信和计算机行业对更高信号速度和高密度包装的 需求。我们努力为您提供正确的连接器解决方 案,无论是一个简单的导线端子,还是用于您下 一代产品的高度复杂的连接器,无不尽心尽力。
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SQJ402EP-T1-GE3SQJ402EPVishay SiliconixAutomotive N-Channel 100 V (D-S) 175 °C MOSFETFEATURES•TrenchFET ® Power MOSFET •AEC-Q101 Qualified d•100 % R g and UIS Tested •Material categorization:For definitions of compliance please see /doc?99912Notesa.Package limited.b.Pulse test; pulse width ≤ 300 μs, duty cycle ≤ 2 %.c.When mounted on 1" square PCB (FR-4 material).d.Parametric verification ongoing.e.See solder profile (/doc?73257). The PowerPAK SO-8L is a leadless package. The end of the lead terminal is exposed copper (not plated) as a result of the singulation process in manufacturing. A solder fillet at the exposed copper tip cannot be guaranteed and is not required to ensure adequate bottom side solder interconnection.f.Rework conditions: manual soldering with a soldering iron is not recommended for leadless components.PRODUCT SUMMARYV DS (V)100R DS(on) (Ω) at V GS = 10 V 0.0110R DS(on) (Ω) at V GS = 4.5 V 0.0140I D (A)32ConfigurationSingleORDERING INFORMATIONPackagePowerPAK SO-8L Lead (Pb)-free and Halogen-freeSQJ402EP-T1-GE3ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (T C = 25 °C, unless otherwise noted)PARAME ER SYMBOL LIMI T UNI T Drain-Source Voltage V DS100VGate-Source Voltage V GS ± 20Continuous Drain Current aT C = 25 °C I D 32AT C = 125 °C32Continuous Source Current (Diode Conduction)a I S 32Pulsed Drain Current bI DM 75Single Pulse Avalanche Current L = 0.1 mH I AS 31Single Pulse Avalanche Energy E AS 48mJ Maximum Power Dissipation bT C = 25 °C P D 83W T C = 125 °C 27Operating Junction and Storage Temperature Range T J , T stg- 55 to + 175°C Soldering Recommendations (Peak Temperature)e, f260THERMAL RESISTANCE RATINGSPARAME ER SYMBOL LIMI T UNI T Junction-to-Ambient PCB Mount cR thJA 65°C/WJunction-to-Case (Drain)R thJC1.8SQJ402EPVishay SiliconixNotesg.Pulse test; pulse width ≤ 300 μs, duty cycle ≤ 2 %.h.Guaranteed by design, not subject to production testing. i.Independent of operating temperature.Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.SPECIFICATIONS (T C = 25 °C, unless otherwise noted)PARAME ER SYMBOL T ES T CONDI T IONS MIN.T YP.MAX.UNI T StaticDrain-Source Breakdown Voltage V DS V GS = 0 V, I D = 250 μA 100--V Gate-Source Threshold Voltage V GS(th)V DS = V GS , I D = 250 μA 1.5 2.0 2.5Gate-Source LeakageI GSS V DS = 0 V, V GS = ± 20 V--± 100nAZero Gate Voltage Drain Current I DSS V GS = 0 V V DS = 100 V --1μAV GS = 0 V V DS = 100 V, T J = 125 °C --50V GS = 0 V V DS = 100 V, T J = 175 °C--150On-State Drain Current aI D(on)V GS = 10 V V DS ≥ 5 V 30--A Drain-Source On-State Resistance aR DS(on)V GS = 10 VI D = 10.7 A -0.00900.0110ΩV GS = 10 V I D = 10.7 A, T J = 125 °C --0.0170V GS = 10 V I D = 10.7 A, T J = 175 °C--0.0210V GS = 4.5 VI D = 9.5 A-0.01150.0140Forward Transconductance b g fsV DS = 15 V, I D = 10.7 A-54-S Dynamic bInput Capacitance C issV GS = 0 V V DS = 25 V, f = 1 MHz -18292286pF Output CapacitanceC oss -722903Reverse Transfer Capacitance C rss -6278Total Gate Charge c Q gV GS = 10 V V DS = 50 V, I D = 10 A -3451nC Gate-Source Charge c Q gs -6-Gate-Drain Charge c Q gd -13-Gate Resistance R g f = 1 MHz0.65 1.392ΩTurn-On Delay Time c t d(on)V DD = 50 V, R L = 5 ΩI D ≅ 10 A, V GEN = 10 V, R g = 1 Ω-1015ns Rise Time ct r-1015Turn-Off Delay Time c t d(off) -2740Fall Time c t f -711Source-Drain Diode Ratings and Characteristics bPulsed Current a I SM --75A Forward VoltageV SDI F = 7 A, V GS = 0 V-0.771.2VSQJ402EP Vishay SiliconixTransconductanceCapacitanceTransfer CharacteristicsSQJ402EPVishay SiliconixTYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T A = 25 °C, unless otherwise noted)Gate ChargeOn-Resistance vs. Junction TemperatureSource Drain Diode Forward VoltageDrain Source Breakdown vs. Junction TemperatureSQJ402EP Vishay SiliconixTHERMAL RATINGS(T A = 25 °C, unless otherwise noted)Safe Operating AreaSQJ402EP Vishay SiliconixTHERMAL RATINGS(T A = 25 °C, unless otherwise noted)Normalized Thermal Transient Impedance, Junction-to-CaseNote•The characteristics shown in the two graphs- Normalized Transient Thermal Impedance Junction-to-Ambient (25 °C)- Normalized Transient Thermal Impedance Junction-to-Case (25 °C)are given for general guidelines only to enable the user to get a “ball park” indication of part capabilities. The data are extracted from single pulse transient thermal impedance characteristics which are developed from empirical measurements. The latter is valid for the part mounted on printed circuit board - FR4, size 1" x 1" x 0.062", double sided with 2 oz. copper, 100 % on both sides. The part capabilities can widely vary depending on actual application parameters and operating conditions.Vishay Siliconix maintains worldwide manufacturing cap ability. Products may be manufactured at one of several qualified locations. Reliability data for Silicon Technology and Package Reliability represent a composite of all qualified locations. For related documents such as package/tape drawings, part marking, and reliability data, see /ppg?67997.Ordering Information Vishay SiliconixPowerPAK® SO-8LOrdering codes for the SQ rugged series power MOSFETs in the PowerPAK SO-8L package:DATASHEET PART NUMBER OLD ORDERING CODE a NEW ORDERING CODE SQJ200EP-SQJ200EP-T1_GE3SQJ202EP-SQJ202EP-T1_GE3SQJ401EP SQJ401EP-T1-GE3SQJ401EP-T1_GE3SQJ402EP SQJ402EP-T1-GE3SQJ402EP-T1_GE3SQJ403EEP SQJ403EEP-T1-GE3SQJ403EEP-T1_GE3SQJ403EP-SQJ403EP-T1_GE3SQJ410EP SQJ410EP-T1-GE3SQJ410EP-T1_GE3SQJ412EP SQJ412EP-T1-GE3SQJ412EP-T1_GE3SQJ422EP SQJ422EP-T1-GE3SQJ422EP-T1_GE3SQJ431EP SQJ431EP-T1-GE3SQJ431EP-T1_GE3SQJ443EP SQJ443EP-T1-GE3SQJ443EP-T1_GE3SQJ446EP-SQJ446EP-T1_GE3SQJ456EP SQJ456EP-T1-GE3SQJ456EP-T1_GE3SQJ459EP-SQJ459EP-T1_GE3SQJ460AEP-SQJ460AEP-T1_GE3SQJ461EP SQJ461EP-T1-GE3SQJ461EP-T1_GE3SQJ463EP SQJ463EP-T1-GE3SQJ463EP-T1_GE3SQJ465EP SQJ465EP-T1-GE3SQJ465EP-T1_GE3SQJ469EP SQJ469EP-T1-GE3SQJ469EP-T1_GE3SQJ486EP SQJ486EP-T1-GE3SQJ486EP-T1_GE3SQJ488EP SQJ488EP-T1-GE3SQJ488EP-T1_GE3SQJ500AEP SQJ500AEP-T1-GE3SQJ500AEP-T1_GE3SQJ840EP SQJ840EP-T1-GE3SQJ840EP-T1_GE3SQJ844AEP SQJ844AEP-T1-GE3SQJ844AEP-T1_GE3SQJ850EP SQJ850EP-T1-GE3SQJ850EP-T1_GE3SQJ858AEP SQJ858AEP-T1-GE3SQJ858AEP-T1_GE3SQJ886EP SQJ886EP-T1-GE3SQJ886EP-T1_GE3SQJ910AEP SQJ910AEP-T1-GE3SQJ910AEP-T1_GE3SQJ912AEP SQJ912AEP-T1-GE3SQJ912AEP-T1_GE3SQJ940EP SQJ940EP-T1-GE3SQJ940EP-T1_GE3SQJ942EP SQJ942EP-T1-GE3SQJ942EP-T1_GE3SQJ951EP SQJ951EP-T1-GE3SQJ951EP-T1_GE3SQJ952EP-SQJ952EP-T1_GE3SQJ956EP SQJ956EP-T1-GE3SQJ956EP-T1_GE3SQJ960EP SQJ960EP-T1-GE3SQJ960EP-T1_GE3SQJ963EP SQJ963EP-T1-GE3SQJ963EP-T1_GE3SQJ968EP SQJ968EP-T1-GE3SQJ968EP-T1_GE3SQJ980AEP SQJ980AEP-T1-GE3SQJ980AEP-T1_GE3SQJ992EP SQJ992EP-T1-GE3SQJ992EP-T1_GE3Notea.Old ordering code is obsolete and no longer valid for new ordersPackage Information Vishay SiliconixPowerPAK® SO-8L Case Outlinefor all PartsPackage InformationVishay SiliconixNote•Millimeters will goverLIMETERSINCHESMIN.NOM.MAX.MIN.NOM.MAX.A 1.00 1.07 1.140.0390.0420.045A10.00-0.1270.00-0.005b 0.330.410.480.0130.0160.019b10.440.510.580.0170.0200.023b2 4.804.905.000.1890.1930.197b30.0940.004b40.470.019c 5.00 5.13 5.250.1970.2020.207D1 4.80 4.90 5.000.1890.1930.197D2 3.86 3.96 4.060.1520.1560.160D3 1.631.73 1.830.0640.0680.072e 1.27 BSC0.050 BSCE 6.05 6.15 6.250.2380.2420.246E1 4.27 4.37 4.470.1680.1720.176E2 2.75 2.85 2.950.1080.1120.116F --0.15--0.006L 0.620.720.820.0240.0280.032L10.921.07 1.220.0360.0420.048K 0.510.020W 0.230.009W10.410.016W2 2.820.111W3 2.960.117q0°-10°0°-10°ECN: C15-1203-Rev. A, 07-Sep-15DWG: 6044PAD PatternVishay SiliconixRevision: 07-Feb-121Document Number: 63818THIS DOCUMENT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN AND THIS DOCUMENTARE SUBJECT TO SPECIFIC DISCLAIMERS, SET FORTH AT /doc?91000RECOMMENDED MINIMUM PAD FOR PowerPAK ® SO-8L SINGLELegal Disclaimer Notice VishayDisclaimerALL PRODU CT, PRODU CT SPECIFICATIONS AND DATA ARE SU BJECT TO CHANGE WITHOU T NOTICE TO IMPROVE RELIABILITY, FUNCTION OR DESIGN OR OTHERWISE.Vishay Intertechnology, Inc., its affiliates, agents, and employees, and all persons acting on its or their behalf (collectively,“Vishay”), disclaim any and all liability for any errors, inaccuracies or incompleteness contained in any datasheet or in any other disclosure relating to any product.Vishay makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of the products for any particular purpose or the continuing production of any product. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Vishay disclaims (i) any and all liability arising out of the application or use of any product, (ii) any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages, and (iii) any and all implied warranties, including warranties of fitness for particular purpose, non-infringement and merchantability.Statements regarding the suitability of products for certain types of applications are based on Vishay’s knowledge of typical requirements that are often placed on Vishay products in generic applications. Such statements are not binding statements about the suitability of products for a particular application. It is the customer’s responsibility to validate that a particular product with the properties described in the product specification is suitable for use in a particular application. Parameters provided in datasheets and/or specifications may vary in different applications and performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including typical parameters, must be validated for each customer application by the customer’s technical experts. Product specifications do not expand or otherwise modify Vishay’s terms and conditions of purchase, including but not limited to the warranty expressed therein.Except as expressly indicated in writing, Vishay products are not designed for use in medical, life-saving, or life-sustaining applications or for any other application in which the failure of the Vishay product could result in personal injury or death. Customers using or selling Vishay products not expressly indicated for use in such applications do so at their own risk. Please contact authorized Vishay personnel to obtain written terms and conditions regarding products designed for such applications. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document or by any conduct of Vishay. Product names and markings noted herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.Material Category PolicyVishay Intertechnology, Inc. hereby certifies that all its products that are identified as RoHS-Compliant fulfill the definitions and restrictions defined under Directive 2011/65/EU of The European Parliament and of the Council of June 8, 2011 on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) - recast, unless otherwise specified as non-compliant.Please note that some Vishay documentation may still make reference to RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC. We confirm that all the products identified as being compliant to Directive 2002/95/EC conform to Directive 2011/65/EU.Vishay Intertechnology, Inc. hereby certifies that all its products that are identified as Halogen-Free follow Halogen-Free requirements as per JEDEC JS709A standards. Please note that some Vishay documentation may still make reference to the IEC 61249-2-21 definition. We confirm that all the products identified as being compliant to IEC 61249-2-21 conform to JEDEC JS709A standards.Revision: 02-Oct-121Document Number: 91000SQJ402EP-T1-GE3。

常州能动电子科技有限公司 EVP30 系列电源模块说明书

常州能动电子科技有限公司 EVP30 系列电源模块说明书

EVP30系列系列----------330W 宽压输入稳压输出DC DC--DC 模块电源模块电源产品产品特性特性特性◆宽输入电压范围: 2:1◆六面金属屏蔽,DIP 封装 ◆隔离1500VDC◆短路保护(自恢复)◆工作温度范围:-40℃~+85℃ ◆符合RoHS 指令 应用范围应用范围无线网络、电信/数据通信、电力系统、工业控制系统、测量仪器仪表、智能化领域等电源系统。


产品型号型号型号 输入电压范围输入电压范围输出电压输出电压//输出电流Vo/Io最大容性负载大容性负载((uF)) 效率(TYP) EVP30-12S05 5V / 6000mA 2000 87% EVP30-12S12 12V / 2500mA 470 88% EVP30-12S15 9 – 18 VDC 15V / 2000mA 400 89% EVP30-24S05 5V / 6000mA 2000 86% EVP30-24S12 12V / 2500mA 470 88% EVP30-24S15 18 – 36 VDC 15V / 2000mA 400 90% EVP30-48S05 5V / 6000mA 2000 86% EVP30-48S12 12V / 2500mA 470 89% EVP30-48S15 36 – 72 VDC 15V / 2000mA 400 91% ★EVP30-12D05 ±5V / 3000mA ±1000 88% ★EVP30-12D12 ±12V / 1250mA ±220 90% ★EVP30-12D15 9 – 18 VDC ±15V / 1000mA ±100 91% ★EVP30-24D05 ±5V / 3000mA ±1000 87% ★EVP30-24D12 ±12V / 1250mA ±220 89% ★EVP30-24D15 18 – 36 VDC ±15V / 1000mA ±100 91% ★EVP30-48D05 ±5V / 3000mA ±1000 89% ★EVP30-48D12 ±12V / 1250mA ±220 90% ★EVP30-48D1536 – 72 VDC ±15V / 1000mA±10091%注:加“★”产品研发中,如有其它规格需求,请直接联系我司。

伊顿 Quik-Spec 电源模块面板 数据表

伊顿 Quik-Spec 电源模块面板 数据表

Product description:The Quik-Spec™ Power Module Panel (PMP) is an all-in-one multi-elevator disconnect switch available in configurations to meet virtually any shutdown and disconnect requirement.Quik-Spec Power Module PanelAll-in-one elevator disconnectFeatures and options:• 400-800 amp bus MLO and/or main fused switch*• 200kA RMS short-circuit current rating • Feeder switches 30-200 amp, 600Vac with Class J clips 1•Copper busOptional features:• Control power transformer with fuses and blocks• Fire safety interface relay • Key to test switch • Pilot light – “ON”• Isolated neutral lug 2•Mechanically interlocked auxiliary contact for hydraulic elevators with battery backup (5 amp 120Vac rated)• Fire alarm voltage monitoring relay (to monitor shunt trip voltage)• NEMA 3R enclosures available (consult factory)• Phase failure and undervoltage relay available (consult factory)•For added safety, use the Bussmann SAMI™ fuse covers to improve maintenance personnel protection [OSHA 1910.335(A)(2)(ii)]3Agency information:•UL 67 enclosed and dead-front switches* Contact Bussmann for applications greater than 800 amps.1Class J fuses not included.2Oversized 200% rated neutral option available where required byexcessive non-linear loads.3Through 100A.Typical control with wiring options for fire safety interface (option R1)LegendN.O.F .A.Normally Open Fire Alarm contacts supplied from the fire alarm system to initiate the shunt trip.Shunt Trip Solenoid for remote trip of switch, which is activated by the closing of the fire alarm contacts or key test switch.Option R1Fire Safety Interface Relay that is operated at 120Vac from secondary of transformer. No additional power needed.CR Control Relay used to isolate the N.O.F .A. contacts from the duty of the shunt trip.FRFire Alarm Voltage Monitoring Relay used to monitor presence of voltage in switch from a remote location (Fire Alarm Control Panel).PL Pilot Light to visually indicate presence of voltage on outside of switch enclosure.CPT Control Power Transformer used to step down line voltage to 120Vac to power shunt trip coil.SW Aux.Normally closed contact when switch is closed. Opens as power switch opens.Key Test Key-to-Test switch used to operate shunt trip from the outside of switch enclosure. Can be used for trouble-shootingand inspection.Mechanically Interlocked Auxiliary Contact – Contact used to disconnect secondary source of power.Terminal block connection point. Pre-wired connection point.Mechanically interlocked aux contact Shunt tripOption F1: Relay terminal configurationVoltage monitoringNote: Contacts for FR are shown inde-energized postion.Wiring diagramOption A: battery backup terminal configurationMechanically interlocked auxiliary contactTo connect the battery lowering for hydraulic elevator, connectto points NC and COM.Note: Contacts for mechanically interlocked auxiliary contact areshown in the energized position.LegendN.O.F .A.Normally Open Fire Alarm contacts supplied from the fire alarm system to initiate the shunt trip.Shunt Trip Solenoid for remote trip of switch, which is activated by the closing of the fire alarm contacts or key test switch.Option R2Fire Safety Interface Relay that is operated at 24Vdc from fire alarm system. May require an additional power source to be needed.CR Control Relay used to isolate the N.O.F .A. contacts from the duty of the shunt trip.FR Fire Alarm Voltage Monitoring Relay used to monitor presence of voltage in switch from a remote location (i.e., FireAlarm Control Panel).PL Pilot Light to visually indicate presence of voltage on outside of switch enclosure.CPT Control Power Transformer used to step down line voltage to 120Vac to power shunt trip coil.SW Aux.Normally closed contact when switch is closed. Opens as power switch opens.Key Test Key-to-Test switch used to operate shunt trip from the outside of switch enclosure. Can be used for trouble-shootingand inspection.Mechanically Interlocked Auxiliary Contact Contact used to disconnect secondary source of power.Terminal block connection point.Pre-wired connection point.Wiring diagramOption A: battery backup terminal configurationMechanically interlocked aux contact Shunt tripVoltage monitoring24Vdc source provided by fire alarm systemMechanically interlocked auxiliary contactTo connect the battery lowering for hydraulic elevator, connectto points NC and COM.Note: Contacts for mechanically interlocked auxiliary contact areshown in the energized position.Typical control with wiring options for fire safety interface (option R2)The only controlled copy of this data sheet is the electronic read-only version located on the Bussmann network drive. All other copies of this document are by definition uncontrolled. This bulletin is intended to clearly present comprehensive product data and provide technical information that will help the end user with design applications. Bussmann reserves the right, without notice, to change design or construction of any products and to discontinue or limit distribution of any products. Bussmann also reserves the right to change or update, without notice, any technical information contained in this bulletin. Once a product has been selected, it should be tested by the user in all possible applications.Eaton’s Bussmann Business114 Old State RoadEllisville, MO 63021United States© 2014 EatonAll Rights ReservedPublication No. 1146 - BU-SB14456 July 2014Eaton is a registered trademark. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.。



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18、40 27、30 30、49、 62 35、40 64、94
28、40、80、 162 37、40、50、 55、65
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2 1.2 3 1.3 4 1.4 5 1.5 6 1.6 7 1.7 8 1.8 9 1.9 10 1.10 11 1.11 12 1.12 13 1.13 14 1.14 15 1.15 16 1.16 17 1.17 18 1.18 19 1.19 20 1.20 21 1.21 22 1.22 23 1.23 24 1.24 25 1.25 26 1.26 27 1.27 28 2.1 29 2.2 30 2.3 33 2.4 34 2.5 35 2.6

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赛米控丹佛斯电子 SEMiX205GD12E4 数据表

赛米控丹佛斯电子 SEMiX205GD12E4 数据表

© by SEMIKRONRev. 4.0–18.02.20221®5Trench IGBT ModulesSEMiX205GD12E4Features*•Solderless assembly solution with PressFIT signal pins and screw power terminals•IGBT 4 Trench Gate Technology •V CE(sat) with positive temperature coefficient•Low inductance case•Reliable mechanical design withinjection moulded terminals and robust internal connections•UL recognized file no. E63532•NTC temperature sensor insideTypical Applications•AC inverter drives •UPS•Electronic WeldingRemarks•Case temperature limited to T C =125°C max.•Product reliability results are valid for T jop =150°C•Please refer to Semix5p Technical Explanations for mounting conditions •For storage and case temperature with TIM see document TP(HALA P8) SEMiX5pAbsolute Maximum Ratings SymbolConditions Values UnitIGBT V CES T j =25°C 1200V I C T j =175°CT c =25°C 313A T c =80°C239A I Cnom 200A I CRM600A V GES -20 (20)V t psc V CC =800V V GE ≤ 15V V CES ≤ 1200 VT j =150°C10µs T j -40...175°C Inverse diodeV RRM T j =25°C 1200V I F T j =175°CT c =25°C 224A T c =80°C167A I FRM 400A I FSM t p =10ms, sin 180°, T j =25°C990A T j -40...175°C Module I t(RMS)300A T stg module without TIM -40...125°C V isolAC sinus 50Hz, t =1min4000VCharacteristics SymbolConditionsmin.typ.max.UnitIGBT V CE(sat)I C =200A V GE =15V chiplevel T j =25°C 1.80 2.05V T j =150°C 2.05 2.30V V CE0chiplevel T j =25°C 0.87 1.01V T j =150°C 0.770.90V r CE V GE =15V chiplevelT j =25°C 4.7 5.2m ΩT j =150°C6.47.0m ΩV GE(th)V GE = V CE , I C =7.4mA5.3 5.86.3V I CES V GE =0V,V CE =1200V, T j =25°C 2.6mA C ies V CE =25V V GE =0Vf =1MHz 12.5nF C oes f =1MHz -nF C res f =1MHz0.68nF Q G V GE =- 15 V...+ 15 V2087nC R Gint T j =25°C 3.5Ωt d(on)V CC =600V I C =200AV GE =+15/-15V R G on =1ΩR G off =1Ωdi/dt on =4500A/µs di/dt off =1353A/µs T j =150°C 145ns t r T j =150°C 43ns E on T j =150°C 14mJ t d(off)T j =150°C 457ns t f T j =150°C 82ns E off T j =150°C22.8mJR th(j-c)per IGBT0.15K/W R th(c-s)per IGBT (λgrease=0.81 W/mK, thickness 50-100µm)0.055K/W R th(c-s)per IGBT (λ=3.4 W/mK)-K/W2Rev. 4.0–18.02.2022© by SEMIKRON®5Trench IGBT ModulesSEMiX205GD12E4Features*•Solderless assembly solution with PressFIT signal pins and screw power terminals•IGBT 4 Trench Gate Technology •V CE(sat) with positive temperature coefficient•Low inductance case•Reliable mechanical design withinjection moulded terminals and robust internal connections•UL recognized file no. E63532•NTC temperature sensor insideTypical Applications•AC inverter drives •UPS•Electronic WeldingRemarks•Case temperature limited to T C =125°C max.•Product reliability results are valid for T jop =150°C•Please refer to Semix5p Technical Explanations for mounting conditions •For storage and case temperature with TIM see document TP(HALA P8) SEMiX5pCharacteristics SymbolConditionsmin.typ.max.UnitInverse diodeV F = V EC I F =200AV GE =0V chiplevelT j =25°C 2.20 2.52V T j =150°C 2.15 2.47V V F0chiplevel T j =25°C 1.30 1.50V T j =150°C 0.90 1.10V r FchiplevelT j =25°C 4.5 5.1m ΩT j =150°C6.3 6.9m ΩI RRM I F =200A di/dt off =4500A/µs V GE =-15VV CC =600VT j =150°C 250A Q rr T j=150°C37µC E rr T j =150°C 16mJR th(j-c)per diode0.27K/W R th(c-s)per diode (λgrease=0.81 W/mK, thickness 50-100µm)0.065K/W R th(c-s)per diode (λ=3.4 W/mK)-K/W Module L CE 20nH R CC'+EE'measured per switchT C =25°C 1.2m ΩT C =125°C1.65m ΩR th(c-s)1calculated without thermal coupling 0.005K/W R th(c-s)2including thermal coupling,T s underneath module (λgrease =0.81 W/(m*K))0.0081K/W R th(c-s)2including thermal coupling,T s underneath module, pre-applied phase change material -K/WM s to heat sink (M5)36Nm M t to terminals (M6)36Nm Nm w398g Temperature Sensor R 100T c =100°C (R 25=5 k Ω)493 ± 5%ΩB 100/125R (T)=R 100exp[B 100/125(1/T-1/T 100)]; T[K];3550 ±2%K© by SEMIKRON Rev. 4.0–18.02.202234Rev. 4.0–18.02.2022© by SEMIKRON© by SEMIKRON Rev. 4.0–18.02.20225This is an electrostatic discharge sensitive device (ESDS) due to international standard IEC 61340.*IMPORTANT INFORMATION AND WARNINGSThe specifications of SEMIKRON products may not be considered as guarantee or assurance of product characteristics ("Beschaffenheitsgarantie"). The specifications of SEMIKRON products describe only the usual characteristics of products to be expected in typical applications, which may still vary depending on the specific application. Therefore, products must be tested for the respective application in advance. Application adjustments may be necessary. The user of SEMIKRON products is responsible for the safety of their applications embedding SEMIKRON products and must take adequate safety measures to prevent the applications from causing a physical injury, fire or other problem if any of SEMIKRON products become faulty. The user is responsible to make sure that the application design is compliant with all applicable laws, regulations, norms and standards. Except as otherwise explicitly approved by SEMIKRON in a written document signed by authorized representatives of SEMIKRON, SEMIKRON products may not be used in any applications where a failure of the product or any consequences of the use thereof can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury. No representation or warranty is given and no liability is assumed with respect to the accuracy, completeness and/or use of any information herein, including without limitation, warranties of non-infringement of intellectual property rights of any third party. SEMIKRON does not assume any liability arising out of the applications or use of any product; neither does it convey any license under its patent rights, copyrights, trade secrets or other intellectual property rights, nor the rights of others. SEMIKRON makes no representation or warranty of non-infringement or alleged non-infringement of intellectual property rights of any third party which may arise from applications. Due to technical requirements our products may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question please contact the nearest SEMIKRON sales office. This document supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied and may be superseded by updates. SEMIKRON reserves the right to make changes.6。


PACMotion 4轴伺服控制器
用于QuickPanel View的Profibus从属设备通信卡
1.7Versamax Micro PLC


3.17 ± .01 (80.48 ± .26)
2.04 ± .02 DIA (51.94 ± .51)
.55 ± .025 (14.04 ± .63)
2.85 ± .025 (72.3 ± .63)
2.05 ± .02 (52 ± .51) 2.58 ± .02 (65.6 ± .51)
Hold Voltage (Min.)
Dropout (open) Voltage (Min.)
Inrush Current (Max.)
Holding Current (Avg.)
Outline Dimensions
2.29 ± .02 DIA (58.19 ± .51)
A1 "+" POSITIVE TERMINAL .225 ± .01DIA (5.72 ± .26)
1.05 ± .01 (26.67 ± .26)
I Hermetically sealed – intrinsically safe, operates in explosive/harsh environments with no oxidation or contamination of coils or contacts, including long periods of nonoperation.
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