英国文学作品 A Modest Proposal.读后感
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a modest proposal的译文

《一个简明的建议》的译文1. 引言在人类文明历史长河中,许多作品因其独特的情感和观点而被后人传颂。
2. 对于《一个简明的建议》的深度评估我们需要从作品的情境和背景出发,深入探讨作者的用意和观点。
3. 对于《一个简明的建议》的广度评估除了对作品的深度进行评估外,我们还需要对作品的广度进行全面的评估和探讨。

a modest proposal内容概括

文章从多个主题入手展开分析,主题主要包括但不限于:1. 贫困与饥饿问题1.1 描述爱尔兰当时的贫困现状1.2 探讨贫困与饥饿问题的根源1.3 分析贫困对社会的危害2. 过度生育问题2.1 论述过度生育对社会的影响2.2 提出应对过度生育问题的方法2.3 暗示政府对过度生育问题的无所作为3. 英国政府对待爱尔兰的无情态度3.1 揭露英国政府对爱尔兰的剥削和压迫3.2 分析英国政府对爱尔兰问题的态度和政策3.3 提出改变现状的建议和期望文章不仅对当时爱尔兰的社会问题进行了深入剖析,还通过夸张和讽刺的手法对英国政府的无情态度进行了抨击。
4. 贫困与饥饿问题1.1 描述爱尔兰当时的贫困现状当时的爱尔兰社会贫困严重,人民生活贫困,缺乏基本生活条件。
英国文学作品 A Modest Proposal.读后感

I could not believe how graphic and gripping satire can be until I read Jonathan Swift's works, especially A Modest Proposal. When I read this particular satire I was simultaneously shocked, enraged, and sickened. How could such a short piece of fiction affect a person so drastically? I suppose it has much to do with Swift's skillful use of metaphor and irony. The underlining metaphor of Swift's A Modest Proposal is England as a devourer of the Irish people. At this time, England was economically exploiting Ireland for its own profit and in the process, impoverishing the Irish people and condemning them to a despairing existence.Jonathan Swift uses this disturbing metaphor to shock his readers and to show them the true brutality of the condition of Ireland because of England and indirectly because of the Irish people themselves. However, Swift carefully crafted A Modest Proposal with its savage irony and horrific metaphors to strike the sleeping world in the face and make all see this sickening state of Ireland.It is quite obvious that he did not intend that his solution be taken literally (He, among other things, is satirizing the fact that the deplorable conditions make it his erroneous proposal seem somewhat plausible; this was intended as a catalyst for change as people would realize how far things had fallen). I simply have to lead a half hour discussion tomorrow and any help would be appreciated. To give you an idea of the depth I am looking for, I will give you a question that I have come up with:- Swift wrote this essay with a clear purpose and skill. However, it was not well received, and as a general rule his true intent was overlooked. Keeping this in mind, is the burden placed on the author to create a piece that clearly conveys his point, or is it on the reader to properly understand it. Considering your conclusions to this question, was Swift's essay a model piece of literature? I'm looking for open ended, time consuming question.In the end, Jonathan Swift "proposes" in A Modest Proposal that poor Irish babies be used as a food source because it could be profitable to both the English and the Irish. On one hand, the English would profit from the growing market of this new "delicacy." The poor of Ireland, though, could rid themselves of the unwanted children that they cannot afford to feed and get paid handsomely for "breeding." Ultimately, Swift uses this revolting proposal to condemn both the English for taking such advantage of the poor people ofIreland and the Irish for not doing anything to lessen their plight or to rid their country of English dominion. But above all else, Jonathan Swift did not want any of his readers to ever forget the cruelty the Irish poor faced every day under the ravenous hand of England so the world would do something to rid Ireland and the rest of the earth of this immoral and ghastly treatment.。

A Modest ProposalBackground:爱尔兰是一个西欧国家,西临大西洋东靠爱尔兰海,与英国隔海相望,爱尔兰为北美通向欧洲的通道。
极尽反讽之能事,就爱尔兰人口过剩问题,向英国女王建议.. “温和的”解决方法。
a modest proposal读后感

a modest proposal读后感
《A Modest Proposal》是爱尔兰作家乔纳森·斯威夫特于1729年写的一篇讽刺小品。
《A Modest Proposal》是一篇非常有影响力的作品,它不仅揭示了
在现实生活中,我们也可以从《A Modest Proposal》中得到启示。
a modest proposal 读后感

a modest proposal 读后感《A Modest Proposal》是爱尔兰作家乔纳森·斯威夫特于1729年写的一篇讽刺文,通过讽刺提出了一种解决贫困问题的荒谬主张,引起了广泛的讨论和争议。
以下是我对于《A Modest Proposal》的阅读感悟以及相关参考内容的总结。
在阅读完《A Modest Proposal》后,我深感贫困问题需要得到更多的关注和探讨。

emma读后感第1篇:Emma读后感Book ReviewEmmaLast week I read “Emma”, a comedy written by a famous female writer Jane Austen.Different from her other works, “Emma” is written in a comic tone.I was attracted by this article style, so I read the whole story without a breath.Emma is a beautiful young lady;she is rich, clever and confident.It seems that her life is full of happine.In fact, her mother died when she was a little girl.Emma swears she will not marry because if she did she had to leave her father.But Emma loves matchmaking.Her best friend Mr.Knightley thinks Emma shouldn’t make a match at will.The fact proves that he is right.Emma makes a wrong match and finally she finds that she has loved Mr.Knighely.Her own thought of love is completely wrong.Emma is so lucky for having Mr.Knigheley.In literal world, author finally gives Emma a happy ending.In a real world, can you make sure you can find your Mr.Knightley? So, don’t put your own thought s on others.Something maybe not is it as it looks like.We can be confident but we should never be arrogant.That’s all what I feel after finishing the book.第2篇:Emma读后感Emma was a novel written by Jane Austen,who was a famous novelist.She lived with her parents and remained unmarried for her entire life.She was specialized(专攻)in satirizing(讽刺)contemporary social prejudice of women.This book told us a story about a girl named Emma.She was kind, clever, and lovely.As she was born in high cla and her family was well off, these elements made her a little presumptuous(专横)andproud.In the story, after matching her tutor and a man by accident, She considered herself very talent in matchmaking and began matchmaking for her best friend Harriet based on her own wishful thinking.She suggested Harriet turning down the proposal(求婚)from Mr,Martin, a poor farmer and at the same time ,tried to bring Harriet and Mr.Elton, a clergy(牧师),together.But Mr.Elton refused Harriet by showing his love towards Emma.However, George Knight ly, Emma’s friend, criticized(批评)Emma that she should not interfere(干预)other’s marriage based on vanity(虚荣)and prejudice, They have a fight ter, Harriet told Emma she fell in love with Mr,Knightly, which confused Emma by making her so struggling.Finally, Emma woke up in jealous(妒忌)that she loved Mr.Knightly all the time.They got married in the end.And Harriet got married with Mr.Martin.Emma is so different from women at that time.When she asked Harriet to refuse Mr.Martin, she provided people at that time an idea that it is not only a man could choose life, but a woman could choose her happine, too.This story also tell us another truth.After making a lot of mistakes, Emma abandoned imagination, and become more and more mature.And we should not be arrogant(傲慢).If we make a mistake, we should correct it on time.第3篇:Emma英文读后感Introduction of the Author Jane Austen(16 December 1775 –18 July 1817)was an English novelist whoseworks of romantic fiction set among the gentry have earned her a place as one of the most widely read and most beloved writers in English literature.Amongst scholars and critics, Austen's realism and biting social commentary have cemented her historical importance as a writer.Austen lived her entire life aspart of a close-knit family located on the lower fringes of the English gentry.She was educated primarily by her father and older brothers as well as through her own reading.From 1811 until 1816, with the release of Sense and Sensibility(1811), Pride and Prejudice(1813), Mansfield Park(1814)and Emma(1816), she achieved succe as a published writer.She wrote two additional novels, Northanger Abbey and Persuasion, both published posthumously in 1818, and began a third, which was eventually titled Sanditon, but died before completing it.During Austen's lifetime her works brought her little personal fame and only a few positive reviews.Through the mid-nineteenth century, her novels were admired mainly by members of the literary elite.By the 1940s, Austen had become widely accepted in academia as a "great English writer".Summary Emma Woodhouse is a twenty-year-old girl living in Highbury who considers herself gifted in conjuring love matches.She determines to find an eligible match for her new friend, Harriet Smith whose parentage is unknown.Emma first sets Harriet’s sights on Mr.Elton, the village vicar.Meanwhile, she persuades Harriet to reject the proposal of Robert Martin, a well-to-do farmer for whom Harriet clearly has feelings.However, Elton makes it clear that his affection is for her, not Harriet.Mr.Knightley, Emma’s brother-in-law and intimate friend, watches Emma’s matchmaking and believes Mr.Martin is fit for Harriet to marry.Then Mr.Weston’s son, Frank Churchill, adopted by his uncle and aunt in London, arrives in Highbury.Emma soon notices his charms are directed towards her.There is another beautiful girl named Jane Fairfax.Emma dislikes her because of her reserve.Everyone aumes that Frank and Emma are forming an attachment, though Emma actually imagines him as a match for Harriet.When Harriet tells Emma shehas fallen in love with a man above her social station, Emma believes she means Frank.Nonethele, news comes that Frank and Jane have been secretly engaged.Emma worries about Harriet, but she soon discovers it is Knightley, not Frank, who is the object of Harriet’s affection.Emma feels upset by Harriet’s revelation, and her distre forces her to realize she is in love with Knightley.Delightfully, Knightley declares his love for Emma.Harriet is soon comforted by a second proposal from Martin, which she accepts.The novel ends with the marriage of Harriet and Mr.Martin and that of Emma and Mr.Knightley.第4篇:EmmaCla5王一多200802070132Emma-the most special one of Jane Austen’s novelsAbstract: Emma, by Jane Austen, is a novel about the perils of misconstrued romance.Emma is the first Austen heroine with no financial concerns, and she has no inducement to marry.This is a great departure from Austen's other novels, in which the quest for marriage and financial security are often important themes in the stories.Emma's ample financial resources make this novel much lighter than Austen's earlier works.A wide array of memorable characters and Austen’s famous wit and sense of irony are created and expreed within the pages of this novel.Key words: marriage;financial security;departure;memorable characters;differEmma, by Jane Austen, is a novel about the perils of misconstrued romance.The novel was first published in December 1815.As in her other novels, Austen explores theconcerns and difficulties of genteel women living in Georgian-Regency England;she also creates a lively 'comedy of manners' among her characters.Emma is the fourth, longest and last of Jane Austen’s books to appear in print during her lifetime.Written almost 200 year a go, it’s inevitable that the dialogue may feel a bit stilted at times.However, this adds dimension and depth to the story which focuses on 19th century social hierarchies and the interaction between various social claes.Mi Emma Woodhouse is a shining example of a 19th century socialite, beautiful, clever and wealthy.Although convinced that will never marry, she imagines herself to be naturally gifted in conjuring love matches.After self-declared succe at matchmaking between her governe and Mr.Weston, a village widower, Emma takes it upon herself to find an eligible match for her new friend, Harriet Smith.Though Harriet’s parentage is unknown, Emma is convinced that Harriet deserves to be a gentleman’s wife and sets her friend’s sights on Mr.Elton, the village vicar.Meanwhile, Emma persuades Harriet to reject the proposal of Robert Martin, awell-to-do farmer for whom Harriet clearly has feelings.Harriet becomes infatuated with Mr.Elton under Emma’s encouragement, but Emma’s plans go awry when Elton makes it clear that his affection is for Emma, not Harriet.Emma realizes that her obseion with making a match for Harriet has blinded her to the true nature of the situation.Mr.Knightly, Emma’s brother-in-law and treasured friend, watches Emma’s matchmaking efforts with a critical eye.He believes that Mr.Martin is a worthy young man whom Harriet would be lucky to marry.He and Emma quarrel over Emma’s meddling, and, as usual, Mr.Knightly proves to be thewisest of the pair.Elton spurned by Emma and offended by her insinuation that Harriet is his equal, leaves for the town of Bath and marries a young woman there almost immediately.Emma is left to comfort Harriet and to wonder about the character of a new visitor expected in Highbury—Mr.Weston’s son, Frank Churchill.Frank is set to visit his father in Highbury after having been raised by his aunt and uncle in London, who have also adopted him as their heir.Emma knows nothing about Frank, who has long been deterred from visiting his father by his aunt’s illnees and complaints.After Frank saves Harriet from Gypsy beggars,Emma soon dismies Frank as a potential suitor and imagines him as a match for Harriet.But Frank and Jane have been secretly engaged, and in fact, Frank loves the girl all the time.Emma worries that Harriet will be crushed, but she soon discovers that it is Knightly, not Frank, who is the object of Harriet’s affection.Harriet believes that Knightly shares her feelings.Emma finds herself upset by Harriet’s revelation, and her distre forces her to realize that she is in love with Knightly.Emma expects Knightly to tell her he loves Harriet, but, to her delight, Knightly declares his love for Emma.Harriet is soon comforted by a second proposal from Robert Martin, which she accepts.The novel ends with the marriage of Harriet and Mr.Martin and that of Emma and Mr.Knightly, resolving the question of who loves whom after all.When she began the novel, Austen wrote, "I am going to take a heroine whom no-one but myself will much like."[1] In the very first sentence she introduces the title character as "Emma Woodhouse, handsome, clever, and rich." As I read Emma, this evaluation seemed pretty accurate.Emma is a high-handed, overbearing, meddling, self-satisfied, snob of a young woman who dictates, or at leastattempts to dictate, the lives of all her friends and family.Who could like such a person, indeed? Yet despiteher flaws, or perhaps because of them, Emma has become one of Austen’s most beloved heroines.Emma Woodhouse is the first Austen heroine with no financial concerns, which, she declares to the naive Mi Smith, is the reason that she has no inducement to marry.This is a great departure from Austen's other novels, in which the quest for marriage and financial security are often important themes in the stories.Emma's ample financial resources are one of the factors that make this novel much lighter than Austen's earlier works, such as Sense and Sensibility and Pride and Prejudice.Jane Fairfax's prospects, in contrast, are bleak.In contrast to other Austen heroines Emma seems immune to romantic attraction.Unlike Marianne Dashwood, who is attracted to the wrong man before she settles on the right one, Emma shows no romantic interest in the men she meets.She is genuinely surprised(and somewhat disgusted)when Mr.Elton declares his love for her—much in the way Elizabeth Bennet singularly reacts to the obsequious Mr.Collins.Her fancy for Frank Churchill represents more of a longing for a little drama in her life than a longing for romantic love.Notably too, Emma utterly fails to understand the budding affection between Harriet Smith and Robert Martin;she interprets the prospective match solely in terms of financial settlements and social ambition.It is only after Harriet Smith reveals her interest in Mr.Knightly that Emma realizes her own feelings for him.While Emma differs strikingly from Austen's other heroines in these two respects, she resembles Elizabeth Bennet and Anne Elliot, among others, in another way: she is an intelligent young woman with too little to do and no ability to change her location or everydayroutine.Though her family loves and her economic status secure, Emma's everyday life is dull indeed;she has few companions her own age when the novel begins.She determined though inept matchmaking may represent a muted protest against the narrow scope of a wealthy woman's life, especially that of a woman who is single and childleIn addition to Emma, Austen creates a wide array of memorable characters within the pages of this novel.She introduces readers to Emma’s caut ious, querulous father, who is neverthele endearing.There are also the Weston’s, Emma’s dear friends who adore her, Frank Churchill, the charming but foolish son of Mr.Weston, and the beautiful and mysterious Jane Fairfax, as well as a host of others inhab iting Highbury.Austen’s famous wit and sense of irony are prevalent within the pages of Emma.Her examination of 19th century England’s complex and confounding social hierarchies and the interplay between the varying social claes is as adept here as in any of her works.The story centers on the theme of matchmaking.Emma fancies herself to be quite gifted at playing Cupid for her friends.Naturally, her intricate schemes to pair everyone off fall through, and events spiral out of control.But through it all, Emma is a lighthearted comedy of manners, and readers are never in doubt as to a happy ending for all.If you’re in search of that warm and fuzzy, happily-ever-after feeling, this novel will deliver.Notes:1.Austen-Leigh, James Edward.A Memoir of Jane Austen.1926.Ed.R.W.Chapman.Oxford: Oxford University Pre, 1967.p.157第5篇:emma watson艾玛拒绝王子追求:自己也可以让自己成为公主!2015-03-10 09:27:06来源:网络编辑:guoyafei点击:101次不背单词和语法,照样流利说英语这样练英语,独自出国没问题英国哈里王子追求艾玛·沃特森,全世界网友都炸了:就算是王子,也不配勾搭我们的女神!还记得《哈利波特》里美貌与智慧兼并的“赫敏”艾玛·沃特森么?据澳大利亚一个杂志爆料,艾玛跟男友分手之后,英国哈里王子就开始对艾玛蠢蠢欲动,还给她发了封邮件说,“好想认识你,有空一起出来玩啊”。
a modest proposal译文

题目:《一个荒谬的建议》译文1. 引言在这个伟大的时代,我们不仅需要思考和解决世界上的各种问题,更需要以开放的心态去深入研究并探索各种看似不切实际的建议。
2. 《一个荒谬的建议》的中文译文《一个荒谬的建议》是爱尔兰作家乔纳森·斯威夫特于1729年匿名发表的一篇政治讽刺小品。
3. 深度解读《一个荒谬的建议》从表面上看似乎是一篇纯粹的讽刺文学作品,然而在深度解读之后,我们会发现其中蕴含着对当时社会问题的深刻揭露。
4. 思考与总结乔纳森·斯威夫特的《一个荒谬的建议》是一部充满深意的文学作品,它不仅仅停留在文字的表面,更是包含了对当时社会问题的批判和思考。
5. 个人观点对于《一个荒谬的建议》,我个人认为这篇作品不仅仅是一篇文学作品,更是一种对当时社会问题的批判和反思。
(完整)A modest proposal赏析

A modest proposalJonathan Swift, one of the greatest writers, is famous for his satiric works, especially his masterpiece, Gulliver’s Travels。
A modest proposal is full of ironies. In this essay, Jonathan criticizes the ineptitude of Ireland’s politicians, the hypocrisy of the wealthy, the tyranny of the English. He thinks landlords and the English government should be responsible for all the misery of Irish people。
Irony1.The title——--a modest proposal(A modest proposal is actually a horrible proposal. This proposal is abouthow to find out a fair, cheap and easy method to deal with the prodigious number of children of poor people in Ireland, making them sound useful numbers of the commonwealth, would deserve so well of the public。
And the solution the author offers is to sell these babies to the wealthy Britain people for food。


【篇⼀】爱玛英⽂读后感 Emma–the fourth, longest and last of Jane Austen’s books to appear in print during her lifetime, Emma is considered a classic romantic comedy and was first published in 1816. Written almost 200 year ago, it’s inevitable that the dialogue may feel a bit stilted at times. However, this adds dimension and depth to the story which focuses on 19th century social hierarchies and the interaction between various social classes. Miss Emma Woodhouse is a shining example of a 19th century socialite. Beautiful, clever and wealthy, she fancies herself a master-matchmaker and sets in motion a laundry list of schemes to pair off the Highbury residents. Convinced a make-over would elevate her new friend Harriet’s social standing and thus her marriage potential, Emma, fueled by her feeling of superiority, plotted and planned, all to no avail. Failing to realize the extent of her shortcomings and the consequences of such hurtful behavior, Emma was finally confronted by Mr. Knightley. Afterwards, embarrassed and ashamed, she reevaluated her life and began to make amends, in hopes of becoming a better person. Emma is a beautifully written, classic, laced with wit and sarcasm. Through a vastly differing cast of characters, each delightfully inspiring in his or her own way, Austen vividly captured the heart of a community. Everything is neatly tied up at the conclusion, as things literally come full circle…ending much the way it began. A sublte, yet very significant messege is hidden just below the surface–the beginning and the ending are just definitive points in the journey, in between is where we write our definition of happiness. There’s a depth and sincere honesty written into the very fabric of this story- that must be recognized to fully appreciate the artistic genius of Jane Austen.Like a vintage automobile, Emma is a slow, leisurely read, perfect for a lazy Sunday afternoon.【篇⼆】爱玛英⽂读后感 Emma–the fourth, longest and last of Jane Austen’s books to appear in print during her lifetime, Emma is considered a classic romantic comedy and was first published in 1816. Written almost 200 year ago, it’s inevitable that the dialogue may feel a bit stilted at times. However, this adds dimension and depth to the story which focuses on 19th century social hierarchies and the interaction between various social classes. Miss Emma Woodhouse is a shining example of a 19th century socialite. Beautiful, clever and wealthy, she fancies herself a master-matchmaker and sets in motion a laundry list of schemes to pair off the Highbury residents. Convinced a make-over would elevate her new friend Harriet’s social standing and thus her marriage potential, Emma, fueled by her feeling of superiority, plotted and planned, all to no avail. Failing to realize the extent of her shortcomings and the consequences of such hurtful behavior, Emma was finally confronted by Mr. Knightley. Afterwards, embarrassed and ashamed, she reevaluated her life and began to make amends, in hopes of becoming a better person. Emma is a beautifully written, classic, laced with wit and sarcasm. Through a vastly differing cast of characters, each delightfully inspiring in his or her own way, Austen vividly captured the heart of a community. Everything is neatly tied up at the conclusion, as things literally come full circle…ending much the way it began. A sublte, yet very significant messege is hidden just below the surface–the beginning and the ending are just definitive points in the journey, in between is where we write our definition of happiness. There’s a depth and sincere honesty written into the very fabric of this story- that must be recognized to fully appreciate the artistic genius of Jane Austen.Like a vintage automobile, Emma is a slow, leisurely read, perfect for a lazy Sunday afternoon.【篇三】爱玛英⽂读后感 As with any secret, it has a finite shelf life, a sell by date! It does not take long before the activities in Sopron become noticed. Emma is not inherently bad, she just can not control the need for fresh blood. Eventually she explains her dilemma to her fiancée Zoltan, another genetic researcher. The race is on, can they discover a serum to undo the vampire curse? I don’t think it would be fair to readers to reveal more of the plot. As an older reader I left with the feeling that this book lacked the finesse Bram Stoker’s classic 1897 horror novel Dracula. But, the genre is not one that I have a great love for anyway, so I would not take my word for much. In fact my 18 year old step son and his girlfriend are huge fans of this genre, it will be interesting to get their feedback. Almost certainly the Young Adult audience is the focus of Emma Gabor, and it may well work for her. From a technical standpoint I cannot fault the book. It has been well crafted, and great care taken in the editing phase. I suspect that Emma Gabor is going to become a name with a large following. It will be interesting to see what direction she takes next. The YA crowd is a large and influential group, and they are often willing to trade depth for action in a plot. I however think that if the author swaps action for depth in her next book, she will be well on the way to that elusive pot of goldat the end of the rainbow. Predatoress is a clear example of Emma Gabor’s ability to write, she just needs to limit the sweeping plot-line in favor of developing her characters.。

Questions and comments1.John MiltonIn his article To Mr. Cyricak Skinner upon his blindness, John Milton expresses his loyalty to the revolutionary cause. Though he is blind, he is not a bit discouraged. The idea of having lost his eyesight for the revolution makes him proud of himself, and it inspires him to carry on his fight.2.T o be or not to beHere Hamlet is pondering on the question of life and death. He is thinking of committing suicide, that is, to end his own life by a sudden act of ‘bravery’. But he hesitates, for he doubts whether death can give him rest and peace. Besides, he is not sure whether the country would be better than this one. He gives the reasons why he wants to commit suicide. Apart from his personal revenge, he cannot bear the social injustices and grievances. He is conscious of his own weakness of thinking too much which makes him dilatory, allowing many opportunities to slip away.3. A modest proposalA modest proposal is a more bitter satire on the policy of the English government towards theIrish people. The article is marked by its fierce irony and mock-seriousness. Swift in this article suggested to the Irish people that the best way to end their misery was to produce children and sell them at market as a delicious dish for the rich. Besides, in the article, Swift also shows his great love and sympathy for the poor Irish, and his fiery indignation for the ruling class.Questions and answers1.Letter to Lord ChesterfieldThis letter of Samuel Johnson’s marks the end of English literature on the patronage of noblemen for support and is a kind of literature declaration of independence. For many years, some English writers depended on their patrons for support. In 1747, Johnson addressed his plan for the dictionary to Lore Chesterfield-‘a distinguished patron of literature’. However, during the years of Johnson’s hard work on the dictionary, Lord Chesterfield offered neither aid nor encouragement. On the eve of the publication of the dictionary he expected that Johnson would dedicate the dictionary to him. Therefore, Johnson wrote this letter to him. 2.The pilgrim’s progressIt is written in the old fashioned medieval form of allegory and drama. The book opens with the author’s dream in which he sees a man ‘with a book in his hand, and a great burden upon his back. It tells how Christian starts his pilgrimage from his home to the kingdom of Heaven, and of his experiences and adventures.In the western world, this book has usually been read and appreciated as religious allegory. It gives a real picture of how life was during the 17th century, which is a faithful panoramic reflection of Bunyan’s age. His satire towards the ruling class which makes the reader be conscious of religious and political persecution. His simple and lively prose style and idiomatic expressions and biblical language enable him to narrate this story and reveal his ideas directly and in a straightforward way.3.The Canterbury T alesThe general prologue is considered the best part of the whole work. It not only provides aframework for the tales but also contains a vivid description of typical medieval figures. All classes of the English feudal society, except the royalty and the poorest are represented by these pilgrims.Significance1)It gives a comprehensive picture of Chaucer’s time2)The dramatic structure of the poem has been highly commented by critics3)Chaucer’s humour4)Chaucer’s contribution to the English languageThrough the whole tales, Chaucer highly praises man’s energy, intellect, quick wit and love of life. At the same time, he attacks the degeneration of the noble and the corruption of the church.4.Romeo and JulietIn this famous garden scene, despite the family feud, a pair of innocent lovers expresses their love for each other. Shakespeare’s humanism is evidently seen in his praise of human love and in his defiance of feudal discord.5. A modest proposalHumanismHumanism is the main ideal and essence of Renaissance, which appeared on the literature scene during the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Humanist scholar took great interest in the welfare of human beings. They argued that man should be given full freedom to enrich their intellectual and emotional life. In religion, they demanded the reformation of the church. In art and literature, instead of saying praise to God, they sang in praise of man and of the pursuit of happiness in this life. Humanism shattered the shackles of spiritual bondage of man’s mind by the Roman Catholic Church and opened his eyes to ‘a brave new world’ in front of him.Neo-classicismNeo-classicism was dominant in English literature for more than a century from about the middle of the 17th century to about the end of the 18th century. It is a tendency towards imitation of the great writers of ancient Greece and Rome, and the attempt to duplicate their characteristics, simplicity, unity, restraint, universality, elegance, uniformity, and correctness. Neo-classicism writers believe that the rules of writing could be derived from the classics to imitate them was to imitate nature. They frowned on irregularities and had contempt for ‘enthusiasm’. The three unities and the heroic couplet in poetry were their literary ideas.Essay writingT o be or not to be-Hamlet (act III, scene 1)This well-known soliloquy comes from Shakespeare’s famous drama Hamlet, which expresses Hamlet’s indecisiveness. The melancholy prince is pondering on the question of life and death, thinking that death may be a good means of escape from this world that is full of ‘slings and arrows’, the injustice, conspiracy and betrayal in the society. But fear of death, ‘the undiscovered country’makes him rather bear the sufferings in this world. It also shows his utter world-weariness and his disillusionment with the corrupt and degenerated society in which he lives. In this play, Shakespeare sings high praise of the noble quality of the prince Hamlet as a humanist thinker.。
a modest proposal 读后感

a modest proposal 读后感《A Modest Proposal》是爱尔兰作家乔纳森·斯威夫特于1729年发表的一篇讽刺性散文。
《A Modest Proposal》带给我更深刻的领悟,让我重新思考什么是人道和公正。



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I could not believe how graphic and gripping satire can be until I read Jonathan Swift's works, especially A Modest Proposal. When I read this particular satire I was simultaneously shocked, enraged, and sickened. How could such a short piece of fiction affect a person so drastically? I suppose it has much to do with Swift's skillful use of metaphor and irony. The underlining metaphor of Swift's A Modest Proposal is England as a devourer of the Irish people. At this time, England was economically exploiting Ireland for its own profit and in the process, impoverishing the Irish people and condemning them to a despairing existence.
Jonathan Swift uses this disturbing metaphor to shock his readers and to show them the true brutality of the condition of Ireland because of England and indirectly because of the Irish people themselves. However, Swift carefully crafted A Modest Proposal with its savage irony and horrific metaphors to strike the sleeping world in the face and make all see this sickening state of Ireland.
It is quite obvious that he did not intend that his solution be taken literally (He, among other things, is satirizing the fact that the deplorable conditions make it his erroneous proposal seem somewhat plausible; this was intended as a catalyst for change as people would realize how far things had fallen). I simply have to lead a half hour discussion tomorrow and any help would be appreciated. To give you an idea of the depth I am looking for, I will give you a question that I have come up with:
- Swift wrote this essay with a clear purpose and skill. However, it was not well received, and as a general rule his true intent was overlooked. Keeping this in mind, is the burden placed on the author to create a piece that clearly conveys his point, or is it on the reader to properly understand it. Considering your conclusions to this question, was Swift's essay a model piece of literature? I'm looking for open ended, time consuming question.
In the end, Jonathan Swift "proposes" in A Modest Proposal that poor Irish babies be used as a food source because it could be profitable to both the English and the Irish. On one hand, the English would profit from the growing market of this new "delicacy." The poor of Ireland, though, could rid themselves of the unwanted children that they cannot afford to feed and get paid handsomely for "breeding." Ultimately, Swift uses this revolting proposal to condemn both the English for taking such advantage of the poor people of
Ireland and the Irish for not doing anything to lessen their plight or to rid their country of English dominion. But above all else, Jonathan Swift did not want any of his readers to ever forget the cruelty the Irish poor faced every day under the ravenous hand of England so the world would do something to rid Ireland and the rest of the earth of this immoral and ghastly treatment.。