
店铺整理了在超市买东西的英语对话,欢迎阅读!在超市买东西的英语对话一Jen:May I help you?我能为你服务吗?Jimmy:No, thanks. I'm just browsing.不用,谢谢。
Jen:If you need any help, my name is Jane.如果你需要任何服务,我叫珍。
Jimmy:Fine, thank you. Do you carry tapered shirts?好的,谢谢你。
你们有尺码齐的衬衫吗?Jen:Yes, we do. What size do you need?我们有。
你要什么尺寸的?在超市买东西的英语对话二Shop Assistant:Can I help you?我能帮你吗?Peter:Customer: Yes, I’m looking for a pair of trousers.我想买一条裤子。
Shop Assistant:Shop Assistant: What size are you?你穿多大号?Peter:Customer: I’m a large.我穿大号。
Shop Assistant:Shop Assistant: Ok, try these on in the changing rooms.那你去试衣间试试这条裤子吧。
Peter:Customer: Thanks.谢谢。
在超市买东西的英语对话三Shop Assistant:Good morning, madam. Can I help you?早上好我能帮你吗?May:Good morning. I’m looking for a new jacket.早上好,我想买一件夹克衫。
Shop Assistant:Our jackets are over here next to coats and accessories.夹克衫在这边,在大衣和饰品旁边。

小编精心收集了关于超市购物的英语对话,供大家欣赏学习!关于超市购物的英语对话1店员: Can I help you?需要帮忙吗?客人: I''d like to buy some Chinese cakes.我想买些中式点心.店员: We have cream birthday cakes.ten yuan each. Do you like it?我们有奶油生日蛋糕.十元一个.你要来点吗?客人: Fine. Give me a cream birthday cake and two boxes of famous Chinese cakes.and help me to pick a variety of them.please.好的.给我一个奶油生日蛋糕和两盒有名的中式糕点.请帮我多选点品种.店员: All right. For Chinese style cakes.we have the Cantonese style and the Suzhou style. The skin of the Cantonese style cakes is sweet.soft.puffy palatable and filled with heavy stuffing. The famous Cantonese cakes are moon cakes from Guangdong. Sha-pi-ma..好的.中式糕点我们有广东糕点和苏州糕点.广式糕点的特点是甜.软.蓬松可口又很多馅儿.最出名的广式糕点是萨其玛.苏州糕点的皮酥馅儿全是坚果.我们不仅有甜的月饼.还有肉的月饼.客人: Well.will you wrap them up separately?好的.你能给我分开装吗?店员: Certainly. Any thing else?当然.还需要点什么吗?客人: Nothing more. How much altogether?没有了.一共多少钱?店员: Nineteen yuan and forty-five fen.块4毛5.客人: Here are two ten-yuan notes. Keep the change.给你两张10块的.不用找了.店员: For me?Oh.no. We don''t accept tips. But thank you all the same.给我?哦.不.我们不收小费.不过还是谢谢您.客人: O. K. . Good-bye.好的.再见!店员: Good-bye.再见.关于超市购物的英语对话2Mary:What is the shutter speed on this camera?这款相机的快门速度怎么样?John:It's very fast. You can give it a try. And it is easy to operate.挺快的,您可以试一下。

店铺整理了在超市购物英语对话带翻译,欢迎阅读!在超市购物英语对话带翻译一JOY: Why don't we get you some shirts?LOUIS: I want to leave. We've already been here two hours.JOY: But we should get you some shirts while we're here. You need summer shirts.LOUIS: I would rather buy them somewhere else.JOY: Why? They have everything here.LOUIS: I don't like shopping in malls.I like shopping on the street. There is more variety.JOY: Let's just look and see what they have.LOUIS: Alright.JOY: What about these shirts? Do you see anything you like?LOUIS: The styles here are too boring for me. I told you. I like street shopping.JOY: Oh, come on! Don't be so sour. These are beautiful shirts.I know if we don't buy some today, you will never go shopping by yourself.LOUIS: Sure I would.JOY: Here. Look at this shirt. Try it on.LOUIS: Do they have it in LARGE.JOY: I don't know. Let me look on the rack. Here is one. LARGE. Try it on.LOUIS: Where is the fitting room? I don't see it.JOY: The fitting rooms are over there.LOUIS: Okay, I will try it on.JOY: It looks good on you.LOUIS: I look like a nerd.JOY: No, it looks great.Why are you always like this when you're shopping? You know it looks good.LOUIS: Well, I don't think it's the best style for me.JOY: I think we'll buy this one. And I want you to try on this one too.LOUIS: Alright. Alright.JOY: You should be happy I want you to look good.If I let you shop for yourself, you would never buy anything.LOUIS: Yes, maybe. But I like street shopping. There is more variety.I'm sorry. I just don't like malls.乔伊:给你买一些衬衫吧。

我整理了超市购物英文情景对话,欢迎阅读!超市购物英文情景对话一玛丽:Let`s try to get out of the supermarket quickly.我们快点离开超市吧.约翰:Yeah. I hate spending all day in here, too.是呀.我也讨厌一整天呆在里面.玛丽:What do we need? Let`s make a list.我们需要什么?列一张单据吧.约翰:We need milk, eggs, butter, coffee, vegetables, fruit, bread, cheese, and some snacks.要买牛奶.鸡蛋.黄油.咖啡.蔬菜.水果.面包.奶酪和一些零食.玛丽:I want some pickles, oh, and we`re out of flour. Put that on the list, too.我要买一些泡菜.噢.没有面粉了.把这个也加上.约翰:Anything else?还要其他的吗?玛丽:Not that I can think of. Wait a second, we`re out of breakfast cereal. I think corn flakes are on sale. Get those.还没有想到.等等.早餐麦片也没有了.玉米片正打折出售.你去买那种吧.约翰:No. You get those. I`ll go and get the fruits, vegetables, milk, butter, and eggs, you get the rest.不了.你去买吧.我去买水果.蔬菜.牛奶.黄油和鸡蛋.其他的你买.超市购物英文情景对话二贝蒂: Here, take one of these trolleys. What do you want exactly?这儿.来推一辆手推车.你都想买些什么啊?琼: I`m looking for things to stuff dumplings and spring rolls with;I also need some soy sauce and vinegar. Oh, and some lichens or honeydew melon.我想买一些水饺和春卷馅.还想买酱和醋.哦.回去路上还想买点儿荔枝和蜜瓜.贝蒂: The fruit and vegetables are over there.蔬菜和水果在那边.琼: Capsicums, eggplants, coconuts, pineapples? They do have everything! Look at the price for these bean sprouts-65 pence a pound. Now, that is expensive.辣椒.茄子.椰子.菠萝--这里的东西很全阿!看看这些豆芽的价格-每磅要65美分.这太贵了.贝蒂: You`d probably get them cheaper in Sohu. But that`s a long way to go just to buy vegetables.如果你去Sohu的话可能会便宜一些.但只是为了买蔬菜要跑很远.琼: Where do I pay?在哪儿付钱?贝蒂: Just put what you want in the trolley. We pay at the checkout. What else do you need?只需把你想要的放在车里就行了.在外面的收银台结账.你还需要什么?琼: Over there.那边看看.超市购物英文情景对话三AExcuse me, sir, this is the express check-out lane for people that have fifteen items or fewer. It looks like you have more than fifteen items there.先生,很抱歉。

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小编精心收集了关于在超市买东西的英语对话,供大家欣赏学习! 关于在超市买东西的英语对话1 May:This skirt is overpriced. 这条裙子太贵了。
Salesclerk:We never overcharge. It is a fair price to pay. 我们从来不乱出价。
May:Is it on sale 这条裙子有打折吗Salesclerk:In this season No. But if you come two months later, maybe it will be on sale. 在这个季节没有。
May:Will it still be here then 到那时它还会在吗Salesclerk:Maybe. I can“t guarantee. 也许吧。
May:Could you give us a discount anyway 那能不能给我们一点折扣啊Salesclerk:Sorry, we can“t. This is the lowest price. 对不起,我们不能。
May:Give us a better price, and we"re definitely gonna take this one. 给我们一个合理的价格,我们一定会把它买下来。
Salesclerk:Sorry, lady. We can"t do that. 对不起,小姐。
May:What do I do OK, I will take it then. 我该怎么办啊好吧,那我就买下来吧。

今天由®⽆忧考⽹给⼤家分享了超市购物的英语⼝语表达,赶紧来看看吧!【篇⼀】超市购物的英语⼝语表达 1.I'm going toTesco.我要去乐购。
2.I'm going to Walmart.我要去沃尔玛。
3.I'm heading to the market.我要去商场。
4.The one down the street.在街边的那⼀家呀。
5.Do you have a shopping list.我有⼀份购物清单。
6.It's always so crowded there.那⾥⼀直都很挤啊。
7.Not enough customers.因为去那⾥买东西的⼈不多啊。
8.I always go to that market.我⼀直都是去那⾥买东西的。
9.The market is going out of business.那家商场要关门了。
10.It has a bigger selection of things.那⾥的东西要多很多。
11.Where is the biggest shopping center?哪有的购物中⼼? 12.Is there a department store around here?附近哪有百货商店? 13.I still like the smaller one.我还是更喜欢去⼩⼀点的地⽅买。
14.Excuse me. Where are the dairy products?请问乳类制品在哪⾥? 15.Could you put the eggs in a separate bag?你能把鸡蛋单独放⼀个袋⼦吗? 16.I usually save my bag in the free locker.我通常把包存进免费储物柜⾥。

整理了有关超市购物英语对话,欢迎阅读!有关超市购物英语对话一Louise: Hey, Julia … Look at those desserts! How about baking some cookies today?嘿,茱莉亚。
看那边的甜品!今天烤一些饼干怎么样?Julia: Hmm … Yeah, that's a great idea! While we're here, let’s pick up the ingredients.嗯。
既然到这儿了,我们就买些材料吧、Julia: OK, what do we need?好的,我们需要什么?Louise: The recipe calls for flour, sugar and butter. Oh, and we also need eggs and chocolate chips.食谱上说需要面粉,糖和黄油。
Julia: Why don't you get the dairy ingredients? You'll find those in the refrigerated section in the back of the store. I'll get the dry ingredients ; they're in aisle 10.要不你去买乳制品?在超市的后面冰柜区你能找到的。
Louise: Great! Let's meet at the checkout.太好了。

英语口语对话范文对话1:在超市购物A: 早上好!你来买东西了吗?B: 是的,我需要买些食物和日常用品。
A: 那我们一起去超市吧。
你需要什么东西?B: 我需要一些牛奶、面包、水果和洗发水。
A: 好的,我们先去牛奶区。
你喜欢喝什么牌子的牛奶?B: 我喜欢喝全脂牛奶,你有什么推荐吗?A: 我最喜欢喝特浓的一种牛奶,你可以试试看。
B: 好的,我会试试看的。
A: 你喜欢吃什么口味的面包?B: 我喜欢吃巧克力味的面包。
A: 这里有一种巧克力味道的面包,你可以尝尝看。
B: 好的,我会买一些尝尝看的。
接下来是水果区吗?A: 是的,让我们去水果区。
你喜欢吃哪些水果?B: 我喜欢吃苹果、香蕉和葡萄。
A: 这里有新鲜的苹果、香蕉和葡萄,你可以挑选你喜欢的。
B: 太好了,我需要挑选一些新鲜的水果。
A: 洗发水在日常用品区,我们走吧。
B: 你有用过哪种洗发水吗?A: 我最近在用一种天然洗发水,对头发保护很好,你可以试试看。
B: 好的,我会试试看这种洗发水。
谢谢你一路的帮助!对话2:在咖啡馆进行点餐A: 欢迎光临!你们有预定吗?B: 不,我们没有预定。
A: 没问题。
B: 谢谢。
A: 好的,您想要什么尺寸的拿铁咖啡?B: 中杯的就可以了。
A: 拿铁咖啡和巧克力蛋糕马上就来。
B: 谢谢!A: 这是您点的拿铁咖啡和巧克力蛋糕。
B: 谢谢!味道很棒!A: 如果您还需要任何东西,请随时告诉我。
B: 没问题,谢谢!A: 不客气。
B: 好的。
谢谢你的服务!对话3:在旅行社咨询旅行计划A: 您好,有什么我可以帮助您的吗?B: 是的,我计划明年去旅游。
A: 当然,我会尽力帮助您。
您有任何特定的目的地吗?B: 我对欧洲非常感兴趣,特别是法国和意大利。

小编精心收集了超市购物英语情景对话,供大家欣赏学习!超市购物英语情景对话篇1Amy: Hello, I'd like to buy these 5 cartoon books. I have paid for them, but I suddenly realize that it'll take 7 days for you to send them to me. I want to get them early, because I'll go abroad 5 days later.埃米:你好,我想买这5本漫画书。
Customer Service: Madam, wait a moment please. I'll check your order first. Are you Ms. White? You just ordered 5 English cartoon books half an hour ago.客服:女士,请稍等,我要先查查您的订单。
Amy: Yes.埃米:是的。
Customer Service: May I have your order number?客服:可以告诉我您的订单号是多少吗?Amy: Let me have a look. It's 234-558-90.埃米:让我看看。
Customer Service: OK. I've confirmed your information, Ms. White. I found that you chose to post these books to you which would need 7 days. I can provide you two solutions. First you can choose express which will arrive in 4 days. The second is that you can choose EMS, by which you'll get these books tomorrow, but you have to pay another 20 yuan for this service.客服:好的。

小编精心收集了关于超市购物英语口语,供大家欣赏学习!关于超市购物英语口语1假设你不是一个人住,你可能先要问问室友、爸妈、partner——> I'm going to Walmart. Do you need anything?我要去沃尔玛。
你有什么东东要带吗?I'm going to Tesco. Do you want to go?我要去乐购。
你想一起去吗?Let's go to the supermarket together.咱们一起去逛超市吧。
Do you have a shopping list?你有购物清单吗?到了超市,首先要拿到装东东的购物车、购物篮——>Where are the shopping carts?购物车在哪儿?Where can I find a shopping basket?在哪儿拿购物篮?如果你有购物目标且超市super大,最好还是问一下工作人员——>Where is the fruit section?水果区在哪儿?Where can I find milk?在哪儿可以找到牛奶?Where is the toothpaste?牙膏在哪里?Do you sell seafood here?这里卖海鲜吗?Do you have a bakery section?你们有面包吗?I'm looking for pickles. Can you help me find them?我想买泡菜。
你能帮我找一下吗?Can you point me to the medicine area?可以告诉我药品区在哪儿吗?如果你有如下这些问题,也可以问工作人员——>Can you tell me the difference between A and B?可以告诉我A和B有什么差别吗?Can you help me reach that?可以帮我拿一下那个吗?Do you have any more of this in the back room?库房还有这个吗?要付钱了,优惠券、会员卡什么的赶紧拿出来——>I have some coupons. Let me get them.我有一些优惠券,等我拿出来哦。

精心收集了超市购物英语口语,供大家欣赏学习!超市购物英语口语1Excuse me. Can you help me?打扰一下。
能帮我一下吗?I’d like to buy a swim suit. Where can I find it?我想买件泳衣。
在哪能找到?Do you have something special in this area?在这有什么特别的吗?I’m looking for something for my mother.我在为我妈妈找一些东西Hello, may I help you?你好,我能帮你吗?I’m just looking. Thank you.就是看看,谢谢Do you have sweaters?你有毛线衫吗?Could you show me some small sweaters, please?能给我看看一些小号的毛线衫吗?I’d like to see this我想看看这个Could you show me something in my size?能找个我这么大号的吗?Can I pick it up?我能拿下来吗?Do you have one like this?你有像这个一样的吗?I’d like the one in the window我想要个橱窗里的Could you show me another one?能给我看看另一件吗?What kind of colors do you have?你们有什么颜色的?I’m looking for a shirt for a 10 years old boy 我在给10岁的小孩找衬衫Do you have anything smaller?你有一些小号的吗?Do you have any other style?你有其他风格的吗?Do you have a red one?有红色的吗?I’d like something casual.我喜欢随意的风格This is not what I’m looking for这不是我要找的This is too big这个太大拉Do you have a bigger one?你有更大的吗?This is too flashy (plain)这个太浮华拉(朴实)I don’t like this color (design)我不喜欢这个颜色(设计)Do you have the same thing in any other colors? 你有其他颜色的这个东西吗?I’d like something in cotton我喜欢棉制的What would you recommend?你有什么建议?Can I try this on?我可以试穿吗?Where is the fitting room?换衣间在哪?超市购物英语口语2No. that’s all 不,够拉Can I have a paper bag?能给我个纸带吗?I’ll take this我要带着这个How much it all together?一共多少钱?Does it include tax?含税了吗?Could you give me a little discount?能打些折吗?Can I buy it tax-free?我能买它免税吗?Do you accept traveler’s checks? 你们接受旅行支票吗?Do you accept this credit card?你们收这种信用卡吗?What kind of credit cards do you accept? 你们接受什么样的信用卡?Is there a money exchange counter?这有两替所吗?Can I pay in Chinese Yuan and US dollars mixed? 我能付人民币和美圆吗?Is there a mistake in this bill?是不是帐单有错误Could you check it again?你能再检查一下吗?You gave me the wrong change.你找错钱拉Can I have a receipt, please能给我个收条吗?I don’t have my change back yet.还没有找我钱呢I already paid我已经付钱了Could you tell me how to make it tax-free?能告诉我怎么使他免税May I have the form for tax refund?能给我张退税表吗?Where can I get a form for tax refund?我在哪能得到退税表Could you deliver it to Boston hotel?你能把它送到波士顿酒店吗?I’d like to have it today我今天想要What should I do to send this to Japan? 把这个送回日本我需要做些什么?Could you send it to my address in China? 你能送回在中国的这个地址吗?By air (sea) mail, please空(水)运超市购物英语口语3This is just my size.这就是我的号It doesn’t fit这个不适合This is too short (long/tight/loose)太短拉(长/紧/松)May I put it on again?我能在穿一下吗?It feels tight here我感觉这紧What size shirt should I have?我应该穿什么号的?Could you measure me?能给我量一下吗?Do you have a dress in white?你有白颜色的吗?How do I look?我看起来怎么样?What is this made of?什么做的?Could you show me this ring?能看一下这个戒指吗?What kind of stone is this?这是什么石头?This is very beautiful非常漂亮It’s too expensive for me太贵拉Do you have anything else around 80 dollars? 你有大约80圆的东西吗?I’m sorry. I’ll come later.对不起,我就来Could you show me this bag?我能看一下这个包吗?Do you have another design?你有别的款式吗?Do you have one a little smaller? 你有小一点的吗?Do you have something with keys? 你有带钥匙的吗?Can I get a little discount?我能得到些折扣吗?Can you order it for me?你能为我定购吗How long does it take?需要多长时间?I’ll take this我要这个I’d like three same as this. 我要3个这样的This is a present这是个赠品Can you wrap it as a gift?你能把它作为礼物包装吗?Can you wrap these separately?你能分别包装吗?Anything else?。

超市购物英语对话20句Hey there, I need some fresh oranges for my juice. How much are they per pound?Sure, I'd like to try a couple of these. Can you tell me if they're sweet?Excuse me, do you know where I can find the almond milk? It's for my cereal.Oh, I see you have a sale on organic eggs. I'll take a dozen, please.I'm looking for some whole grain bread. Is this the right aisle?Could you help me reach that jar of peanut butter on the top shelf?I'm trying to find some gluten-free pasta. Do you have any recommendations?I'd like to buy some frozen berries for my smoothies. Where's the freezer section?Do you have any vegan cheese alternatives? I'm lookingfor something for my pizza.I'm out of coffee. Can you show me where the coffee beans are?I need to grab some laundry detergent. Is this the best deal you have?I'm hosting a dinner party and need a few ingredients. Can you suggest a good wine?I'm trying to find a birthday cake mix. Do you have any flavors in stock?I'd like to buy some cooking oil. What's the difference between these two brands?I need a new toothbrush and toothpaste. Where are theoral care products?Could you help me find some paper towels? I need them for a party.I'm looking for a birthday gift for my nephew. Do you have any toys for a 5-year-old?I need to buy some batteries for my remote control. What type should I get?I'm out of shampoo. Can you recommend a good brand for dry hair?I'm trying to find some healthy snacks for my kids. Doyou have any suggestions?I need to buy some condiments for my picnic. Where can I find the mustard and ketchup?I'm looking for a new blender. Do you have any on sale?I need to buy some cleaning supplies for my house. Where are the cleaning products?I'm trying to find some new recipes for dinner. Do you have any cookbooks?。

关于超市购物英文对话去超市购物的英文对话关于超市购物英文对话关于超市购物英文对话随着经济全球化发展,英语在全球范围内被广泛使用,成为国际通用语, 具有国际化。
但是随着英语在世界各地的使用, 不可避免地受到当地文化的影响, 英语又具有本土化。
小编精心收集了关于超市购物英文对话,供大家欣赏学习! 关于超市购物英文对话1 STEVE: We need to buy some beer too. Where is the beer DEREK: They don“t have beer in this supermarket. We have to go to t he liquor store. STEVE: Huh They don“t have beer. How can that be DEREK: It"s a state law. This state doesn"t allow supermarkets to sell beer. Only in liquor stores. STEVE: That"s too strict. It"s silly. DEREK: I know. I agree with you. DEREK: Excuse me. Do you sell organic vegetables here *****E: Yes, we do. They"re right in front of you. The organic vegetables are marked with the blue label. Here. Do you see DEREK: Sure. Thank you. You should have a sign. That way people could identify which are organic and which aren"t. *****E: They"re labeled on the packet, sir. DEREK: One more question. *****E: Yes DEREK: We need to buy some soy sauce. Which aisle is the soy sauce in *****E: That would be in aisle 7, with the condiments. It is right next to the ketchup. DEREK: Thank you.Do you want paper or plastic bags STEVE: Plastic bags. DEREK: And do you want to drive up STEVE: What do you mean DEREK: We can have someone put the bags in our trunk for us. We just drive up to that door over there. STEVE: Wow! That"s convenient. But I think we can take the groceries by ourselves. DEREK: Yes, our car is not parked far away. I"ll tell the cashier we don"t want to drive up. It should be about ninety dollars all together. STEVE: Here is one-hundred. I will go look at the magazine rack, okay 参考翻译:史提夫:我们还需要买一些啤酒,啤酒在哪里狄瑞克:超市是不卖啤酒的,我们要到卖酒的店买才行。

1.Excuse me, but where's the entrance?
2. The checkout counters are very busy.
3. Where are the shopping carts?
4. Where's the dairy food section?
5. In what aisle can!find the cat food?
6. Cash or charge?
Where are the shopping carts?
A:Excuse me,where are the shopping cart?
B:It looks like they are all out. Just a minute, I'll find one for you.
A:Ok,I think I'll pick up some small things first. Where can I find the mouthwash?
B: In the Hygiene Section. It's just over there.
— 1 —。

超市的英语口语对话优选篇超市的英语口语对话 1关于超市的英语口语对话1. Do we have any cookies?我们还有没有饼干?A:Do we have any cookies?我们还有没有饼干?B: No, we ran out of cookies. I'll go get some more in the supermarket.没有了。
2. Did you see my shopping list?有没有看到我的采购清单?A:Tommy. Did you see my shopping list?Tommy,有没有看到我的采购清单?B:It's in your pocket.就在你口袋里!3. Can we get some potato chips?可不可以买点土豆片?A:Can we get some potato chips?可不可以买点土豆片?B:Sure. Why not?当然,为什么不?4. Don't forget that conditioner!别忘了护发素!A:I think we need to buy shampoo.我想该买洗发水了。
B:Yes, and don't forget the conditioner.是啊。
别忘了护发素.5. Which One should I get?到底我该拿哪一个?A:Which One should I get? Frozen or fresh? 到底我该拿哪一个?冷冻的'还是新鲜的?B: I'll take the frozen one, it's a lot cheaper. 我会买冷冻的,便宜多了。
6. Organic products are on sale.绿色食品有大拍卖喔。
A:Organic products are on sale!绿色食品有大拍卖喔!B:Really? We should get some then.真的吗?那我们赶快去买一些。

今天©⽆忧考⽹主要给⼤家分享超市购物常⽤的英语⼝语对话,希望对你们有帮助!【篇⼀】超市购物常⽤的英语⼝语对话 贝蒂: Here, take one of these trolleys. What do you want exactly? 这⼉.来推⼀辆⼿推车。
你都想买些什么啊? 琼: I`m looking for things to stuff dumplings and spring rolls with; I also need some soy sauce and vinegar. Oh, and some lichens or honeydew melon. 我想买⼀些⽔饺和春卷馅。
贝蒂: The fruit and vegetables are over there. 蔬菜和⽔果在那边。
琼: Capsicums, eggplants, coconuts, pineapples? They do have everything! Look at the price for these bean sprouts-65 pence a pound. Now, that is expensive. 辣椒.茄⼦.椰⼦.菠萝--这⾥的东西很全阿!看看这些⾖芽的价格-每磅要65美分.这太贵了。
贝蒂: You`d probably get them cheaper in Sohu. But that`s a long way to go just to buy vegetables. 如果你去Sohu的话可能会便宜⼀些.但只是为了买蔬菜要跑很远。
琼: Where do I pay? 在哪⼉付钱? 贝蒂: Just put what you want in the trolley. We pay at the checkout. What else do you need? 只需把你想要的放在车⾥就⾏了。
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贝蒂: Here, take one of these trolleys. What do you want exactly?
琼: I`m looking for things to stuff dumplings and spring rolls with;
I also need some soy sauce and vinegar. Oh, and some lichens or honeydew melon.
贝蒂: The fruit and vegetables are over there.
琼: Capsicums, eggplants, coconuts, pineapples? They do have everything! Look at the price for these bean sprouts-65 pence a pound. Now, that is expensive.
贝蒂: You`d probably get them cheaper in Sohu. But that`s a long way to go just to buy vegetables.
琼: Where do I pay?
贝蒂: Just put what you want in the trolley. We pay at the checkout. What else do you need?
琼: Over there.
Which aisle is cheese in?
Aisle 15, madam.
Where can I find cheese?
Half a pound of Swiss cheese, please.
A:Do I have to deposit my handbag at the checkroom?
B:No, you do not have to. The handbag can be taken with you. There is the cart at the entrance.
A:Thank you. I'd tike to buy some milk powder for my baby. Is there anything that you can recommend for me?
B:Well, how old is your baby?
A:No more than three.
B:The milk powder on the second level of the shelf is for the kids from 2 ages to 4 ages. I advice that you should buy the Wyeth brand, the source of milk is imported from New Zealand.
A:How about its quality?
B:You can be assured of it. There are various nutritions which are beneficial for the growth of babies' bone and cerebrum.
A:OK, what is this?
B:It is feeding-bottle as the free gift.
A:It is thoughtful. I will take it.
A: Excuse me, but where can I get a shopping cart?
B: Just on the left of the hall.
A: Where can I find cheese?
B: Aisle 15, madam.
A: Thank you.
B: You're welcome.
(Helen wants to buy some cheese. She comes to the counter in a supermarket.)
Assistant: Can I help you, madam?
Helen: Yes. Half a pound of Swiss cheese, please.
Assistant: Sure. Anything else?
Helen: Ah... yes, butter.
Assistant: Yes. How much?
Helen: What's the price?
Assistant: One dollar and ninety cents per pound.
Helen: Two pounds, please.
Assistant: Here you are. Anything else? 海伦:不要了。
Helen: No, thanks.
(Helen comes to the check-out counter.) 收银员:共8美元,女士。
Cashier: 8 dollars total, madam.
Helen: Can I pay cash here?
Cashier: Sure.
Helen: Here are ten dollars.
Cashier: Your change, madam.
Helen: Thank you.。