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如何回复英文论文编辑部的修改意见Response to Editor and Reviewer
Response to Specific Points- Reviewer A:
In part (1) of your critique the major complaint is that no theory is presented, which was discussed above. You continue "Regrettably, not much attention is drawn to specific differences between the chosen examples that would be necessary to pinpoint specificities of perception more precisely", and "if perceptual systems, as suggested, hler (Kindeed act on the basis of HR, there must be many more specific constraints involved to ensure special `veridicality' properties of the perceptual outcome", and "the difficult analytic problems of concrete modeling of perception are not even touched". The model as presented is not a model of vision or audition or any other particular modality, but is a general model to confront the alternative neural receptive field paradigm, although examples from visual perception are used to exemplify the principles discussed. The more specific visual model was submitted elsewhere, in the Orientational Harmonic model, where I showed how harmonic resonance accounts for specific visual illusory effects. As discussed above, the attempt here is to propose a general principle of neurocomputation, rather than a specific model of visual, auditory, or any other specific sensory modality. Again, what I am proposing is a paradigm rather than a theory, i.e. an alternative principle of neurocomputation with specific and unique properties, as an alternative to the neuron doctrine paradigm of the spatial receptive field. If this paper is eventually accepted for publication, then I will resubmit my papers on visual illusory phenomena, referring to this paper to justify the use of the unconventional harmonic resonance mechanism.
审稿流程 英文摘编辑
审稿流程英文摘编辑In the academic world, the peer-review process and the editing of English abstracts play a pivotal role inensuring the quality and impact of research papers. This article delves into the intricacies of the English peer-review process, focusing on its key stages and offering insights into how to effectively edit English abstracts for maximum clarity and impact.**The Peer-Review Process**The peer-review process is the cornerstone of academic publishing, ensuring that research papers meet high standards of quality and relevance. It typically involves several stages, each crucial to the overall quality of the paper.1. **Submission**: Authors submit their manuscripts toa journal, which undergoes an initial screening for compliance with the journal's scope and format requirements.2. **Desk Rejection**: Papers that do not meet thejournal's criteria are rejected at this stage, usually without external review. 3. **External Review**: Papersthat pass the initial screening are sent to external experts in the field for detailed review. These experts, known as reviewers, assess the paper's originality, methodology, analysis, and conclusions. 4. **Reviewer Reports**: Reviewers submit detailed reports to the journal editors, highlighting the paper's strengths, weaknesses, and suggestions for improvement. 5. **Editorial Decision**: Based on the reviewer reports, the editor makes a decision on the paper's acceptance, rejection, or revision. 6.**Revision and Resubmission**: Authors may be asked to revise their papers based on reviewer feedback. Once revisions are complete, the paper is resubmitted forfurther review. 7. **Final Acceptance and Publication**: Once the paper is accepted, it undergoes final editing and formatting before being published online or in print.**The Art of Editing English Abstracts**The abstract is a crucial component of any research paper, serving as a concise summary of the paper's key ideas and findings. Editing an English abstract involves more than just checking grammar and syntax; it requires anuanced understanding of how to effectively communicate complex research findings in a clear and impactful manner.1. **Clarity and Conciseness**: Abstracts should be clear, concise, and focused, highlighting the paper's main objectives, methods, findings, and conclusions. Avoidjargon and technical language that may confuse readers. 2.**Structure**: A well-structured abstract helps readers quickly understand the paper's content. Typically,abstracts follow a structure that includes an introduction, methods, results, discussion, and conclusion. 3.**Keywords**: Ensure that your abstract includes relevant keywords that will help researchers find your paper when searching for related research. 4. **Third-PersonNarrative**: Abstracts are typically written in the third person, using impersonal language to maintain objectivity and neutrality. 5. **Consistency with Paper Content**: The abstract should accurately reflect the content of the paper, avoiding any misrepresentations or omissions.In conclusion, the peer-review process and the editingof English abstracts are integral to the success of academic research. Understanding the intricacies of thepeer-review process and mastering the art of editing English abstracts can significantly enhance a paper's impact and visibility, ensuring that research findings are effectively communicated to a wide audience.**中文审稿流程与英文摘要编辑的艺术**在学术界,审稿流程和英文摘要编辑在确保研究论文质量和影响力方面发挥着至关重要的作用。
1. cover letter(投稿信)SCI论文投稿时为了提高录用率,通常都会写一份cover letter。
cover letter 的作用是有助于稿件被送到合适的编辑和评审人手中。
如果没有cover letter,稿件可能会给编辑造成一些困扰:•这篇稿件是投给哪种期刊的?•何种栏目?•是新稿还是修改稿?•如果是修改稿的话,是哪位编辑负责的?•如果这篇稿件有多位作者的话,哪一位是通讯作者?•通讯作者的联系地址是什么?因此,为了减少给编辑造成的困扰,一份合格的cover letter非常重要。
cover letter的内容必须能够激励编辑继续去读你的文章全文。
因此,你工作中的重要内容(例如创新性和在研究领域的意义)需要在cover letter中呈现出来。
一般情况下,cover letter的长度在5段以内。
一份cover letter通常包括的内容是:1. 向编辑简要介绍一下论文的内容和参与此项研究工作的作者名单。
2. 重点解释为什么该研究是创新性的,并且大家会对此感兴趣。
3. 介绍你和你的研究团队:主要研究人员、实验室的研究方向和这篇文章的关系。
non-linear library of the Matlab/zdimulink toolbox can be used; the initial value of gear gap
in the backlash block is set to zero.
The clear height of the case is 6.15 meters; the thickness of the roof is 0.85 meters; the thickness of the bottom is 0.90 meters, the overall width is 26.6 meters, the overall length of the axial cord is 304.5 meters, the length of the jacking section is about 148.8 meters; the weight of the case is about 24127 tons. • Case clearance height • Roof thickness • Bottom thickness • Overall width • Overall length of the axial cord • Length of the jacking section • Weight of the case 6.15 meters 0.85 meters 0.90 meters 26.6 meters 304.5 meters 148.8 meters (approx.) 24127 tons (approx.)
The gear transmission is grade seven. The gear gap, which is 0.00012 radians, has different
英文论文投稿信模板Case 1Dear E ditor,We w ould like to submit the enclosed manuscript entitled "GDNF Acutely Modulates Neuronal E xcitability and A-type P otassium Channels in Midbrain Dopaminergic Neurons", whi c h we w i s h to be considered for publication in Nature Neuroscience.GDNF has long been thought to be a potent neurotrophic factor for the survival of midbrain dopaminergic neurons, whi c h are degenerated in P arkinson’s disease. In this paper, we report an unexpected, acute effect of GDNF on A-type potassium channels, leading to a potentiation of neuronal excitability, in the dopaminergic neurons in culture as w ell as in adult brain slices. Further, we show that GDNF regulates the K+ channels through a mechanism that involves activation of MAP kinase. Thus, this study has revealed, for the first time, an acute modulation of ion channels by GDNF. Our findings challenge the classic view of GDNF as a long-term survival factor for midbrain dopaminergic neurons, and suggest that the normal function of GDNF is to regulate neuronal excitability, and consequently dopamine release. These results may also have implications in the treatment of P arkinson’s di s ease.Due to a direct competition and conflict of interest, w e request that Drs. XXX of Harvard Univ., and YY of Yale Univ. not be considered as reviewers. With thanks for your consideration, I amSincerely yours,case2Dear E ditor,We would like to submit the enclosed manuscript entitled "Ca2+-binding protein frequenin mediates GDNF-induced potentiation of Ca2+ channels and transmitter release", which w e wish to be considered for publication in Neuron.We believe that two aspects of thi s manuscript w ill make it interesting to general readers of Neuron. First, we report that GDNF has a long-term regulatory effect on neurotransmitter release at the neuromuscular synapses. This provides the first physiological evidence for a role of this new family of neurotrophic factors in functional synaptic transmission. Second, we show that the GDNF effect i s mediated by enhancing the expression of the Ca2+-binding protein frequenin. Further, GDNF and frequenin facilitate synapti c transmission by enhancing Ca2+ channel activity, leading to an enhancement of Ca2+ influx. Thus, thi s study has identi f ied, for the first time, a molecular target that mediates the long-term, synaptic action of a neurotrophic factor. Our findings may al s o have general implications in the cell biology of neurotransmitter release.[0630][投稿写作]某杂志给出的标准Sample Cover Letter[the example used is the IJE B]Case 3Sample Cover Letter[the example used is the IJE B]Dear E ditor of the [please type in journal title or acronym]:E nclosed is a paper, entitled "Mobile Agents for Network Management." P lease accept it as a candidate for publication in the [journal title]. Below are our responses to your submission requirements.1. Title and the central theme of the arti c le.P aper title: "Mobile Agents for Network Management." This study reviews the concepts of mobile agents and distributed network management system. It proposes a mobile agent-based implementation framew ork and creates a prototype system to demonstrate the superior performance of a mobile agent-based network over the conventional client-server architecture in a large net w ork environment.2. Which subject/theme of the Journal the material fitsNew enabling technologies (i f no matching subject/theme, enter 'Subject highly related to [subject of journal] but not listed by [please type in journal title or acronym])3. Why the material is important in its field and w hy the material should be published in [please type in journal title or acronym]?The necessity of having an effecti v e computer net w ork is rapidly growing alongside the implementation of information technology. Finding an appropriate network management systemhas become increasingly important today's distributed envi r onment. How ever, the conventional centralized architecture, whi c h routinely requests the status information of local units by the central server, is not sufficient to manage the grow ing requests. Recently, a new framework that uses mobileagent technology to assist the distributed management has emerged. The mobile agent reduces net w ork traffi c, distributes management tasks, and improves operational performance. Given today's bandw i d th demand over the Internet, it is important for the [journal title/acronym] readersto understand thi s technology and its benefits. This study gives a real-life example of how to use mobile agents for distributed network management. It is the first in the literature that reports the anal y si s of network performance based on an operational prototype of mobile agent-based distributednetwork. We strongl y believe the contribution of this study warrants its publication in the [journal title/acronym].4. Names, addresses, and email addresses of four expert referees.P rof. Dr. William GatesChair P rofessor of Information T echnology321 Johnson HallP remier University Lancaster, NY 00012-6666, USAphone: +1-888-888-8888 - fax: +1-888-888-8886 e-mail: w gates@E xpertise: published a related paper ("TCP/IP and OSI: Four S trategies for Interconnection"in CACM, 38(3), pp. 188-198.Relationship: I met Dr. Gate only once at a conference in 1999. I didn't know him personally.Assoc P rof. Dr. John AdamsDirector of Network Research CenterCollege of Business Australian University123, Harbor Drive Sydney,Australia 56789phone: +61-8-8888-8888 - fax: +61-8-8888-8886e-mail: jadams@.auE xpertise: published a related paper ("Creating Mobile Agents"in IEEE TOSE, 18(8), pp. 88-98.Relationship: None. I have never met Dr. Adams.Assoc P rof. Dr. Chia-Ho ChenChair of MIS DepartmentCollege of ManagementOpen University888, P utong RoadKeelung, T ai w an 100phone: +886-2-8888-8888 - fax: +886-2-8888-8886e-mail: chchen@.twE xpertise: published a related paper ("Network Management for E-Commerce"in IJ E lectronic Business, 1(4), pp. 18-28.Relationship: For mer professor, di s sertation chairman.Mr. Frank YoungP artner, ABC Consulting888, Seashore Highw ayWon Kok, Kow loonHong Kongphone: +852-8888-8888 - fax: +852-8888-8886e-mail: fyoung@E xpertise: Mr. Young provides consulting services extensi v ely to his clients regarding network management practices. Relationship: I have worked with Mr. Young in several consulting projects in the past three years.Finally, this paper i s our original unpublished work and it has not been submitted to any other journal for reviews. Sincerely,Johnny Smith。
Cover Letter对于论文投稿至关重要。
以下是小编总结的SCI论文投稿全过程中要用到的cover letter等投稿信模板,供大家分享借鉴。
一、最初投稿Cover letterDear Editors:We would like to submit the enclosed manuscript entitled “Paper Title”, which we wish to be considered for publication in “Journal Name”. No conflict of interest exits in the submission of this manuscript, and manuscript is approved by all authors for publication. I would like to declare on behalf of my co-authors that the work described was original research that has not been published previously, and not under consideration for publication elsewhere, in whole or in part. All the authors listed have approved the manuscript that is enclosed.In this work, we evaluated …… (简要介绍一下论文的创新性). I hope this paper is suitable for “Journal Name”.The following is a list of possible reviewers for your consideration:1) Name A E-mail: ××××@××××2) Name B E-mail: ××××@××××We deeply appreciate your consideration of our manuscript, and we look forward to receiving comments from the reviewers. If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact me at the address below.Thank you and best regards.Yours sincerely,××××××Corresponding author:Name: ×××E-mail: ××××@××××二、催稿信Dear Prof. ×××:Sorry for disturbing you. I am not sure if it is the right time to contact you to inquire about the status of my submitted manuscript titled “Paper Title”. (ID: 文章稿号), although the status of “With Editor” has been lasting for more than two months, since submitted to journal three months ago. I am just wondering that my manuscript has been sent to reviewers or not?I would be greatly appreciated if you could spend some of your time check the status for us. I am very pleased to hear from you on the reviewer’s comments.Thank you very much for your consideration.Best regards!Yours sincerely,××××××Corresponding author:Name: ×××E-mail: ××××@××××三、修改稿Cover letterDear Dr/ Prof..(写上负责你文章编辑的姓名,显得尊重,因为第一次的投稿不知道具体负责的编辑,只能用通用的Editors):On behalf of my co- authors, we thank you very much for giving us an opportunity to revise our manuscript, we appreciate editor and reviewers very much for their positive and constructive comments and suggestions on our manuscript entitled “Paper Title”. (ID: 文章稿号).We have studied reviewer’s comments carefully and have made re vision which marked in red in the paper. We have tried our best to revise our manuscript according to the comments. Attached please find the revised version, which we would like to submit for your kind consideration.We would like to express our great appreciation to you and reviewers for comments on our paper. Looking forward to hearing from you.Thank you and best regards.Yours sincerely,××××××Corresponding author:Name: ×××E-mail: ××××@××××四、修改稿回答审稿人的意见(最重要的部分)List of ResponsesDear Editors and Reviewers:Thank you for your letter and for the reviewers’ comments concerning our manuscript entitled “Paper Title” (ID: 文章稿号). Those comments are all valuable and very helpful for revising and improving our paper, as well as the important guiding significance to our researches. We have studied comments carefully and have made correction which we hope meet with approval. Revised portion are marked in red in the paper. The main corrections in the paper and the responds to the reviewer’s comments ar e as flowing:Responds to the reviewer’s comments:Reviewer #1:1. Response to comment: (……简要列出意见……)Response: ××××××2. Response to comment: (……简要列出意见……)Response: ××××××。
It is noted that your manuscript needs careful editing by someone with expertise in technical English editing paying particular attention to English grammar, spelling, and sentence structure so that the goals and results of the study are clear to the reader.2、未解释研究方法或解释不充分。
◆In general, there is a lack of explanation of replicates and statistical methods used in the study.◆Furthermore, an explanation of why the authors did these various experiments should be provided.3、对于研究设计的rationale:Also, there are few explanations of the rationale for the study design.4、夸张地陈述结论/夸大成果/不严谨:The conclusions are overstated. For example, the study did not showif the side effects from initial copper burst can be avoid with the polymer formulation.5、对hypothesis的清晰界定:A hypothesis needs to be presented。
6、对某个概念或工具使用的rationale/定义概念:What was the rationale for the film/SBF volume ratio?7、对研究问题的定义:Try to set the problem discussed in this paper in more clear,write one section to define the problem8、如何凸现原创性以及如何充分地写literature review:The topic is novel but the application proposed is not so novel.9、对claim,如A>B的证明,verification:There is no experimental comparison of the algorithm with previously known work, so it is impossible to judge whether the algorithm is an improvement on previous work.10、严谨度问题:MNQ is easier than the primitive PNQS, how to prove that.11、格式(重视程度):◆In addition, the list of references is not in our style. It is close but not completely correct.I have attached a pdf file with "Instructions for Authors" which shows examples.◆Before submitting a revision be sure that your material is properly prepared and formatted. If you are unsure, please consult the formatting nstructions to authors that are given under the "Instructions and Forms" button in he upper right-hand corner of the screen.12、语言问题(出现最多的问题):有关语言的审稿人意见:◆It is noted that your manuscript needs careful editing by someone with expertise in technical English editing paying particular attention to English grammar, spelling, and sentence structure so that the goals and results of the study are clear to the reader.◆The authors must have their work reviewed by a proper translation/reviewing service before submission; only then can a proper review be performed. Most sentences contain grammatical and/or spelling mistakes or are not complete sentences.◆As presented, the writing is not acceptable for the journal. There are problems with sentence structure, verb tense, and clause construction.◆The English of your manuscript must be improved before resubmission. We strongly suggest that you obtain assistance from a colleague who is well-versed in English or whose native language is English.◆Please have someone competent in the English language and the subject matter of your paper go over the paper and correct it. ?◆the quality of English needs improving.来自编辑的鼓励:Encouragement from reviewers:◆I would be very glad to re-review the paper in greater depth once it has been edited because the subject is interesting.◆There is continued interest in your manuscript titled "……" which you submitted to the Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part B - Applied Biomaterials.◆The Submission has been greatly improved and is worthy of publication.老外写的英文综述文章的审稿意见Ms. Ref. No.: ******Title: ******Materials Science and EngineeringDear Dr. ******,Reviewers have now commented on your paper. You will see that they are advising that you revise your manuscript. If you are prepared to undertake the work required, I would be pleased to reconsider my decision.For your guidance, reviewers' comments are appended below.Reviewer #1: This work proposes an extensive review on micromulsion-based methods for the synthesis of Ag nanoparticles. As such, the matter is of interest, however the paper suffers for two serious limits:1) the overall quality of the English language is rather poor;2) some Figures must be selected from previous literature to discuss also the synthesis of anisotropically shaped Ag nanoparticles (there are several examples published), which has been largely overlooked throughout the paper. ;Once the above concerns are fully addressed, the manuscript could be accepted for publication in this journal这是一篇全过程我均比较了解的投稿,稿件的内容我认为是相当不错的,中文版投稿于业内有较高影响的某核心期刊,并很快得到发表。
英文科研论文投稿信Cover letter范本
英文科研论文投稿信Cover letter范本Dear [Journal Name/Editor],I am writing to submit my research article entitled "[Title of Your Research Article]" for consideration for publication in [Journal Name]. I believe that this article is a strong fit for your journal due to its relevance to the field and its potential contributions to existing literature.Background and SignificanceIn this study, we aimed to investigate [provide a brief background of the problem or topic], as it has not been extensively explored in previous research. The significance of this study lies in its potential to [explain why this research is important and how it can contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the field].Methodology and ResultsTo address our research objectives, we employed [describe the research methodology used] and collected data from [describe the sample or data collection process]. Our findings demonstrated [concisely summarize the main results and their implications]. These findings provide valuable insights into [explain how the results contribute to the existing body of knowledge and why they are important].Contribution to the FieldFit with [Journal Name]ConclusionYours sincerely,[Your Name][Your Affiliation][Your Contact Information]。
现在Elsevier的绝大多数期刊,增加了Technical Checking这一关,由专门的Editorial office来审查你论文的语言、格式、排版、图片等等,也就是说,审查你的投稿是否符合Guide for Authors中的各项要求。
论文投稿之后,状态是Submitted to Journal,后成为with editor。
注意:这里的Editor实际上不是期刊的主编,而是Editorial office里负责论文格式、排版、语言审查的编辑。
如果你的论文通过了技术性审查,状态重新变为Submitted to Journal,恭喜你,你的论文通过了第一关。
之后,如果不出意外,你的论文状态会再次变成With Editor,这里的Editor才是真正的期刊主编。
到了这一步,你的论文才会进入under review状态。
需要说明的是,如果你的论文没通过Technical Checking这一关,你的论文就会退回,要求做格式、语言上的修改,然后鼓励你再投。
Technical Check就是技术审查,主要检查格式和语法等内容,技术审查所需时间与期刊有关,即使是相同期刊可能也有区别,时间一般在一周左右投稿SCI,需经历哪些状态才发表,请看-学术期刊投稿术语解释-第一次投稿必看:1. Submitted to Journal 刚提交的状态2. Manuscript received by Editorial Office就是你的文章到了编辑手里了,证明投稿成功3. With editor 如果在投稿的时候没有要求选择编辑,就先到主编那,主编会分派给别的编辑。
这当中就会有另两个状态:3.1. Awaiting Editor Assignment指派责任编辑Editor assigned是把你的文章分给一个编辑处理了。
3.2. technical check in progress 检查你的文章符不符合期刊投稿要求3.3. Editor Declined Invitation 如果编辑接手处理了就会邀请审稿人了。
下面准备了几篇英文摘要的论文范文,欢迎欣赏!英文摘要的论文范文一Fortheviolationoflegitimaterightsandinterestsofconsumersava rietyofoffenses,howtoprovideforthecorrespondinglegalrespons ibilitiesandhowthelegalliabilitysystemreflectedthespecialpr otectionofconsumersshouldbe"ConsumerProtectionLaw"keysolved alegalissue.Tosolvethislegalproblem,itisnecessarytofurtherestablishareg ulatedmarketoperatingordertoprotectlegitimateinterestsofcon sumersandimprovingthelegalliabilitysystem.Ontheonehandistoestablishalegalsystemtheconceptofprotection ofconsumers;theotherhand,istoimproveconsumerprotectionlegalliabilitysys tem.对于侵犯消费者合法权益的各种违法行为,如何规定相应的法律责任以及在法律责任制度中如何体现对消费者的特别保护,应是《消费者权益保护法》重点解决好的一个法律问题。
英文摘要的论文范文二Titaniumore,electedfrommagiteorTitanmagite,iswidelyusedasth erawmaterialintheproductionoftitaniumdioxide.Titaniumqualit yanditsyieldconstraintsisoftenthebottleneckinthetitaniumind ustry.Thus,wecannotblindlyconsumealargeamountofcapitaltomaintaino rimproveitsqualityandyield.Thispapermakesanattempttoexplore sandoptimizethedevelopmentofthetitaniumindustry,throughinsi deandoutsideobservationandassociation.Inthispaper,flotation testsareconductedtoparetheoriginalpulptitaniumorewithPolyac rylamideandthatwithoutontheconcentrategradeyieldoftitaniumc oncentrates.Inthisprocess,theconsumptionofdrugs,therecoveryrateof,equip mentutilization,theamountandcostofpolyacrylamide(PAM)areall consideredtodeterminewhetheritisaptimizationprogramtoaddPol yacrylamidetotheoriginalflotationpulpoftitaniumore.Finally,wereachaconclusionthroughrelevantdata.Intheexperime ntalprocess,inprinciple,wedonotchangetheoriginalflotationprocessandtherelevantparam eters.Keywords:Titaniumore;Flotation;Polyacrylamide;quality;yield 英文摘要的论文范文三【ABSTRACT】Withthedeepeningoftheglobalization,newshasbeeanimportantpar tofinformationmunicationbetweendifferentcountries.WhetherEnglishnewstranslationisaccurateornotmaydirectlyaffe ctthequalityofourmunicationwithothercountries.InEnglishnews reportdiscourse,theuseofmetaphorexpressionsbeemoreandmore.DuetoEnglishnewsandotherstylisticdifferences,aswellastheEng lishandChineselanguages,ethnicdifferencesinideologyinthepro cessofcross-culturalmunication,makethetranslationofEnglishn ews,especiallyEnglishnewstranslationofmetaphorputforwardgreatch allengetotranslators.SohowtotranslatethemetaphorintheEnglis hnewsisthemutualconcernproblemfortranslationtheoristsandpra ctitionerstodiscuss,therefore,thispaperattemptstofromtheperspectiveofNida'sfunctionalequi valencetheorytodiscussthetranslationofmetaphorinEnglishnews .TheapplicationofmetaphorinEnglishnewsmakeseventsmoredistinc tandvivid,andalsomakeiteasierforEnglishreaderstoprehendandu nderstandthenewscontents.However,duetothedifferencesinEnglishandChineselanguages,the useofmetaphorsinEnglishnewsincreasesthedifficultyoftranslat ion.ThisarticleattemptsfromtheperspectiveofNida'sfunctionalequivalencetheorytodiscussthetranslationofmetaphorinEnglish news,inordertomakeChinesereadersbetterunderstandthesameresponsea ndsenseofbeautyandmeaningofmetaphorsinEnglishnewsastheorigi nalreaders.metaphorRhetoricisnotsimpleoftranslationintoChineseinEnglis hnewsfromtheliteraltransformation,althoughsomerhetoricorare totallythesameinformandcontent,whilethisisjustafew.ThereareculturaldifferencesinEnglishandChineselanguages,inf luencedbydifferentcultures.People'swayofthinkingandexpressi onhavedifferencesinevitably.Whenthetranslatorshouldfirstlyc onsciouslypondertheintentionoftheauthor,digthedeepmeaninghiddenbehindthemetaphorrhetoricofbackgroun d.Underthefunctionalequivalencetheoryregardthetranslatorast heguidance,conformtothelanguagehabitsofthetargetlanguagerea ders,makeChinesereaderscanbetterunderstandthetranslationofm etaphorinEnglishnews.KEYWORD:Englishnews;metaphor;functionalequivalencetheory;translation【中文摘要】随着全球化的深入,新闻成为不同国家之间交流的重要部分。
REASONS FOR MANUSCRIPT REJECTION How to Write a Research Paper: An Editage SeriesbyHelping you get publishedIntroduction1What makes a good research publication?1Why are manuscripts rejected?2 What to do if a manuscript gets rejected4Quick tips for effective research writing5Reading material 5WHAT MAKES AGOOD RESEARCH PUBLICATION INTRODUCTION A vast body of research work is produced globally; however, a significant fractionof it remains unpublished for one reason or the other. This article attempts tohighlight some of the reasons for this anomaly in the publication of research andprovides a few insights and remedial measures for this problem. The first sectionlists the characteristics of a good research publication; the second sectionhighlights common reasons for rejection of manuscripts; the third sectionpresents a few tips and suggestions on how to handle such rejection; and finally,a few quick tips for effective research writing are provided.A good research publication is essentially a combination of quality research and writing. Negligence in either department can affect the acceptance and publication of the results as well as its future application. Thus, quality researchwriting is a key focus area for every researcher -student or principalinvestigator -regardless of his or her research experience.T ypically, the editor of a journal relies on referees (or reviewers) to evaluatemanuscripts. Most peer -reviewed journals use 2-4 referees per manuscript.Referees assess a manuscript based on three functional areas: originality,technical quality, and presentation. A good research publication (individualpaper or journal) delivers impeccable quality in all of the above areas.The following are a few criteria that should be met in order to achieve this levelof excellence in research writing:Originality⏹ The research should be relevant -in time and content.T echnical Quality⏹ The research question should be clearly communicated and addressed in theabstract, discussion, and conclusion.⏹ The study design should be technically sound. The methodology adoptedshould be clearly stated or described. That is, all relevant information shouldbe provided -inclusion/exclusion criteria, methods, materials, etc.⏹The results should be statistically or substantively verifiable and should be How to Write a Research Paper: An Editage Series⏹ A well -structured, logical argument should be presented with due credit toprevious studies. That is, the relevant literature should be appropriately cited.⏹The drawbacks or disadvantages of the study (for instance, limitations of thetechnique and/or methods used) should be discussed or listed.Presentation ⏹ The language should be grammatically correct, concise, and comprehendible.⏹ The findings should be presented in the best possible format, i.e., as figures,graphs, photographs, tables, etc.⏹Headings, subheadings, and figure and table legends should be accurate andinformative, yet concise.Authors should ensure that the time and effort invested in designing, planning,executing, and completing the study are supplemented with a proportional effortin presenting the results.Referees read through several manuscripts to select high -quality research fit for publication; however, the final decision generally rests with the editor. Most journals follow a 4-step recommendation process:⏹ Accept without any revision(s)⏹Accept with revision(s)⏹ Reject, but recommend submission to another journal, with or withoutrevision(s)⏹Reject outright (manuscript is deemed unfit for publication)Most journals have a rejection rate of ~50%; this number depends on theranking of the journal. For instance, the rejection rates of high -impact journalstend toward 80% whereas those of new, upcoming journals range between 10%and 30%.It is extremely important for authors to understand the reasons for rejection asdoing so will help improve future work. An editor or the referees will reject amanuscript if it raises any of the following concerns (listed in order ofimportance):1. The research questions lack novelty and/or the research is of insufficientinternational importance or interest.2. The research is redundant.3. The research methodology/study design is biased or flawed. That is, thequality of research is substandard due to poor experimental design and/ormethods.WHY AREMANUSCRIPTSREJECTED?4. Suspected misconduct: duplicate submission, plagiarism, or fabrication of data5. The data is incomplete, inadequate, or incorrect.6. The study objective is not well-addressed or the conclusion is improper.7. Authorship conflict8. The research topic does not align with the journal’s mission statement orobjective. That is, the subject is of insufficient interest to the readership of a specific journal.9. Competing manuscript on a similar topic10. Poor language or presentation of the resultsThe first 5 reasons indicate flaws in study design that label the research work as poor science. Such manuscripts are, of course, difficult to remedy and demand severe revision.Reasons 6 and 7 can possibly be resolved on a case-by-case basis. Effective communication between the author(s) and the referee(s) followed by quick action in terms of providing supporting data or small revisions in content can build a case for reconsideration.Reasons 8 and 9 can be overcome by approaching other journals.Reason 10 seems too trivial an issue to be a cause for rejection. However, rejection of a manuscript due to poor English skills is a significant concern within the research community and should be addressed because it affects the timely acceptance and communication of the research. It is common for authors, especially nonnative speakers, to get demoralized when, despite presenting quality research, their work is rejected due to poor language and presentation. Authors should note that most journals rarely reject a paper solely on the grounds of poor language or presentation. In fact, if the quality of the research is good and it meets the publication criteria of the journal, referees and/or editors usually ask the author(s) to have the manuscript edited by a professional language expert. However, since poor language and presentation can often lead to a referee forming a negative opinion of the research quality, it is beneficial to understand the cause of this problem.Largely, the role of the referee is to comment on the quality of science. Presentation and language are important but are not generally the deciding factors for the acceptance of a paper. Therefore, errors in the latter are a source of immense frustration and irritation to the referee. Very often, a few typographical errors (for example, arrow instead of allow), incorrect presentation of data (for example, 10-7 instead of 10-7), or extremely awkward sentence construction that obscures the intended meaning may lead the referee to form a negative opinion of the work. In the case of nonnative speakers, the main culprit could often be a poor translation. Therefore, it is critical to focus not only on the quality of research but also on the quality of writing.Rejection is not the end of the road. Authors should make a conscious effort to identify and understand the reasons for rejection and find a solution accordingly. An important focus area for authors is communication with the referees and/or the editor. An author’s inability to provide sufficient explanations to the referees’ comments or failure to respond within the stipulated time could lead to outright rejection.Therefore, authors should respond to the referees’ comments and suggestions in a polite and constructive manner -especially when they are convinced that their argument or study design is not flawed.T o ensure resubmission and acceptance⏹ Recheck the manuscript for any missing information such asinclusion/exclusion criteria, patient/equipment details, figures and tables, etc.⏹ Reply to each referee’s comments by listing which changes were made, whichones were not, and why. Authors who respond to referee comments with a positive and constructive approach, rather than a defensive or confrontational approach, stand to gain from the experience of their peers. For effective communication, a point -by -point response by the authors to all the comments is recommended.⏹If the manuscript is a translation, inform the editor and offer to get itretranslated from a reputed, well -qualified translator.If an author is convinced that the reasons for rejection are unwarranted, he/she should adopt any of the following measures:⏹ Request the editor/referee to indicate remedial measures or provideconstructive feedback to improve the work.⏹Check the referee’s qualifications with the editor of the journal.⏹Check if the referee has any competing interest.T o summarize, researchers need to commit themselves not only to good -quality research but also to good -quality writing and presentation. Equal attention to both aspects is the only success route to global visibility and research application.Use the tips and suggestions offered in the article, both while drafting the manuscript and before submission.⏹ Read each section individually to check if it contains all the necessaryinformation and conveys it in a concise manner.⏹ Ensure that the results and discussion sections are clear, concise, andconclusive.⏹ Ask peers to read the manuscript and provide constructive feedback on thepresentation of study design and logical flow of ideas.⏹Once the content and flow have been perfected, focus on the language and TIPS FOR EFFECTIVE RESEARCH WRITING⏹ When using the services of a copy editor, it is helpful to communicate specific areas of attention if necessary. For example, you might want to make the conclusion sound more convincing but are unable to write it well. In such a case, authors should ask the copy editor for suggestions; these suggestions may or may not be applicable as is, but they will help you think better and improvise.Reading MaterialBelow is a list of a few resources that provide detailed information on peer review.Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) has dedicated 4 theme issues on the peer review process followed by biomedical journals.Vol. 263 No. 10, March 9, 1990, http://jama.ama/content/vol263/issue10/index.dtlVol. 272 July 13, 1994, /public/peer/7_13_94/toc.htm Vol. 280 No. 3, July 15, 1998, http://jama.ama/content/vol280/issue3/index.dtlVol. 287 No. 21, June 5, 2002, http://jama.ama/content/vol287/issue21/index.dtlCouncil of Science EditorsCommon Reasons for Rejecting Manuscripts at Medical Journals: A Survey of Editors and Peer Reviewers. Science Editor, 2000, Vol. 23, No. 2, 39-44, /members/securedDocuments/v23n2p 039-044.pdfBMJ Peer Review Checklists/advice/checklists.shtmlMedical communications English education and training www.cactus.co.jp/educationEnglish editing www.editage.jp .br www.editage.co.kr Cactus Communications, established in April 2002, is in the business of providing top-notch communica-tion solutions that enable "growth through effective communication."This commitment has helped us serve over 30,000 clients and grow from an organization with a single service offering (editing) to one that offers a diversified portfolio of communication-related services. Today, Cactus provides scientific & technical editing, transcription, medical communications, translation, and training services to researchers, pharmaceutical companies, universities, and corporations across the world.Copyright noteCopyright 2011 © Cactus Communications. All rights reserved.This material is intellectual property owned by Cactus Communications. It is not available for resale or promotion. Unauthorized www.cripton.jp English tape transcription Helping you get publishedby。
投稿英⽂⽂章审稿的⼀些术语EIC-Editor in Chief 主编, 对稿件有最终决定权。
ADM- (可能是)Administrator 协助主编⽇常⼯作的。
相当于编辑部的执⾏编辑(Managing Editor),你会发现编辑部给你的信⼤都是他写给你的。
他是编辑部⾥和你最接近的⼈,给你分配稿件号(Edit the manuscript ID number),修改各种投稿状态和⽇期(Edit the submission date)。
AE-Associated Editor 副编辑(⽂章发表后在⾸页第⼀栏下⽅的contributing editor)。
⼀般主编都会按照AE的意见写最终的decision letter。
Article submitted后1、awaiting admin. procession⼀般3-4天后就会安排主编。
2、awaiting reviewer assignment 等待指定审稿⼈。
3、awaiting reviewer scores 等待审稿⼈审稿意见。
4、awaiting AE assignment 等待AE的指派。
awaiting AE recommendation 等待AE的推荐。
awaiting EIC decision -激动⼈⼼的时刻。
It is noted that your manuscript needs careful editing by someone with expertise in technical English editing paying particular attention to English grammar, spelling, and sentence structure so that the goals and results of the study are clear to the reader.2、未解释研究方法或解释不充分。
◆In general, there is a lack of explanation of replicates and statistical methods used in the study.◆Furthermore, an explanation of why the authors did these various experimentsshould be provided.3、对于研究设计的rationale:Also, there are few explanations of the rationale for the study design.4、夸张地陈述结论/夸大成果/不严谨:The conclusions are overstated. For example, the study did not showif the side effects from initial copper burst can be avoid with the polymer formulation.5、对hypothesis的清晰界定:A hypothesis needs to be presented。
man and nature(人与自然英文论文,辩论)
Man and nature开始的陈述:Many people say that nature's force is irresistible [,iri'zistəbl] 不可抵抗的, but I think that man can conquer nature. First, I want to explain the meaning of “conquer”. I don't mean to defeat and control nature, but tame [teim] 使变得平淡it. Living harmoniously with nature is the goal and we can get it. As we all know, human's intelligence has only been exploited partly, but with so little intelligence, man has changed the world so much. Man is clever enough to make use of nature and has ability to adjust to nature.As you know, man has learned to use many things in nature and this comforts man's life.服务人类的例子:For example, the use of fire makes people warm and supplies cooked food. Can you imagine the life without fire? You will live in darkness forever and suffer from cold in winter. You can only eat cold and uncooked food. Human governs water to avoid overflow and use it to make electricity. Using wind and solar energy to make electricity is another meaningful thing. Turning wind and solar energy into electricity can save energy and is good for environment. With electricity, we can live in light though the night comes. A series of electrical appliance, such as TV sets, computers, microwave ovens, iceboxes, washing machines etc., can be used because of electricity. Our life is colorful and convenient with them.Man can imitate 模仿things in nature and make new things to help us improve our living conditions. 利用自然的例子:Take radar and saw for instance, radar is made on the basis that bat can identify object by searching ultrasonic wave. Radar is used widely in military affairs. It can ascertain object’s shape, material and so on. On the basis of one kind of grass, Lu ban, the famous artisan of our country, invent saw. With saw we can cut off many hard things, make tools and so forth.驳论:Human beings can find, master and follow the regularity of nature. Nature will bestow us good life. Although Napoleon and Hitler were defeated by the cold Russianwinter, this can't mean that human beings can't conquer nature. This is only an individual example. And they could take some measures to avoid the Russian winter and perhaps the results have been changed. At last, perhaps they could defeat the Russia and the Soviet Union.最后的总结:I admit that man has destroyed some parts of nature and nature has paid off us. But man has regretted and done many things to improve its environment. For example, we’ve done many things to tame [teim] 使变得平淡the nature, such as successes in medicine in the fight against disease. We also plant many trees every year to prevent the desert from enlarging. Anyway, we should believe that we can tame the nature and it will forgive us and will be as beautiful as it was, even more beautiful. Man fears nature at first, then wants to defeat nature and finally understands human beings should get well along with nature.In short, our goal is to live harmoniously with nature and we can get it.The car industry in China:Firstly deny this point no China shouldn`t stop industrialization to protect environment.Second withdraw your point: China can go on industrialization and protect environment at the same time.Third state your point:1.industrialization and environment are not opposities of one thing;2.we can do both better if we take care of the ballance;3.give some examples of developing industry along with protecting environment.如果是经济的话,应该着重在发展,也就是开源,因为经济到达一定程度,科技也就会发展到一定程度,新技术成果会对中国环境改善产生很大的效用,这是开源,以英国为例,先破坏再保护,到一定程度后科技就会发挥威力,比如先进的汽车发动机对环境的破化已经大幅减小,新一代燃料电池技术几乎不破坏环境。
投稿英文文章审稿的一些术语EIC-Editor in Chief 主编, 对稿件有最终决定权。
ADM- (可能是)Administrator 协助主编日常工作的。
相当于编辑部的执行编辑(Managing Editor),你会发现编辑部给你的信大都是他写给你的。
他是编辑部里和你最接近的人,给你分配稿件号(Edit the manuscript ID number),修改各种投稿状态和日期(Edit the submission date)。
AE-Associated Editor 副编辑(文章发表后在首页第一栏下方的contributing editor)。
一般主编都会按照AE的意见写最终的decision letter。
Article submitted后 1、awaiting admin. procession一般3-4天后就会安排主编。
2、awaiting reviewer assignment 等待指定审稿人。
3、awaiting reviewer scores 等待审稿人审稿意见。
4、awaiting AE assignment 等待AE的指派。
awaiting AE remendation 等待AE的推荐。
awaiting EIC decision -激动人心的时刻。
英文论文演讲稿篇一:英语论文展示演讲稿1、hello everyone!Today I will introduce you a paper, which is called “Effects of corporate governance on capital structure: empirical evidence from Pakistan “2、I will use the following four parts to introduce3、I got this paper from the Emerald reprints The world’s leading publisher of management research and the type of the paper is Research paper纳迪姆阿麦的sheke4、then we can have a simple knowledge of the two authors:Nadeem Ahmed Sheikh and 王宗军one is a Doctoral Degree Candidate in the School of Management, Hua zhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan .the other is a Professor in this college5. About the paper’s outlineFirstly the aim of this empirical study is to investigate whether corporate governance attributes affect capital structure choices of Pakistani firms Then the Design of the paper is Multiple regressionanalysis6、in order to have a good knowledge of the paper We can from the following three aspects to7、Background of corporate governance in Pakistan firms. In one word, it’s weak compared to other developed countries.The attributes of the corporate governance are Background also includes :Measures of corporate governance and their relation to capital structure8、Research designFirstly methodology:it includes three aspects: Data Variables and Methodology Date: This study investigates the significant corporate governance attributes that may affect the capital structure of non-financial firms listed on the Karachi Stock Exchange Pakistan during XX-XX. and the final sample set consists of 775 observations for 155 firms over a period of five years.This study employed panel data methodology(面板数据方式) because sample contained data across firms and over time9、this table is the Definition of variables. Itincludes three parts:10. Dependent variables consist of total debt ratio and long-term debt ratio. This is a basic formula.11、secondly:2. Empirical resultsfrom this table we can see the average total debt ratio and long-term debt ratio for the sample of firms is percent and percent。
SCI投稿过程总结、投稿状态解析、拒稿后处理对策及接受后期相关问答综合荟萃目录(重点是一、二、四、五、六):(一)投稿前准备工作和需要注意的事项、投稿过程相关经验总结(二)SCI期刊投稿各种状态详解及实例综合(学习各种投稿状态+投稿经历总结)(三)问答综合篇(是否催稿、如何撤稿、一稿两投及学术不端相关内容等)(四)如何处理审稿意见(回复意见、补实验、润色、重整数据、作图及调整、申辩及其他)(五)Reject 或者Reject and resubmit后的对策和处理(六)稿件接受后期的相关问题(作者信息、地址版权、单行本、彩图费、版面费、如何汇款、清样相关等)(七)进阶篇(如何选投SCI杂志、各专业方向期刊选择、SCI写作经验)(一)投稿前准备工作和需要注意的事项、投稿过程相关经验总结投稿前准备工作和需要注意的事项:总结提示语:1)第一作者和通信作者的区别:通信作者(Corresponding author)通常是实际统筹处理投稿和承担答复审稿意见等工作的主导者,也常是稿件所涉及研究工作的负责人。
通信作者的姓名多位列于论文作者名单的最后(使用符号来标识说明是Corresponding author),但其贡献不亚于论文的第一作者。
第一作者仅代表是你做的,且是最主要的参与者!通信作者标注名称:Corresponding author,To whom correspondence should be addressed,或The person to whom inquiries regarding the paper should be addressed若两个以上的作者在地位上是相同的,可以采取“共同第一作者”(joint first author)的署名方式,并说明These authors contributed equally to the work。
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The motivation of one’s mate selection decides to his standards. If the motivation is different,the standards are not the same. From the ancient times,people’s standards should follow the natural attributes of marriage,it had to be affected by the social attributes of marriage,too. The natural attribute of marriage determines that the body, economy, religion,morality and many other factors should be considered when people choose their spouses.There can never be a single motivation when people choose their marriage partners, instead, several motivations exist at the same time,but the emphasis is different. The differences of the emphasis show the differences of people’s spouse-choosing standards. According to the differences of spouse-choosing standards, Lawrence Stone, a famous historian, divided the marriage motivation into four categories in his masterpiece 1500-1800 British Family, Sex and Marriage. To consolidate the family economy, political and passional feelings, love and friendship. Sexual attraction and passionate love. The author created several kinds of marriage in Pride and Prejudice, which can mostly find a matching type in it. The combination of Charlotte and Collins conforms to the type of consolidating the family’s economy, political or social status.
In Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen described marriage and a series of activities related to it witty. How did the men choose his wife and how did young women and their mothers choose their future husband
constituted many wonderful scene of the novel. The author strives to portray several different marriage and love relationship in this masterpiece about marital relations. In addition to Charlotte and Collins’s marriage mentioned above, there were some other important marriages, such as Lydia and Wickham, Elizabeth and Darcy and son on. Although they all walked into the siege of marriage, but the happiness of marriage is different because of the marriage portrayed by Austen, not only involves the feelings but also closely related to the economy.“Any single who has the property bound to a wife, and it has become one of the universally acknowledged truth.”The first sentence of the book points out an important factor affecting marriage is money, however is it really a truth?Analyzing the novel, the marriage in the book can be divided into three different state, by comparison, we will have our judgment.
From the end of the 18th century to the early 19th century,。