



2017预测高考英语作文As we approach the 2017 college entrance examination, knownas the Gaokao in China, it's time to consider the potential topics that may appear in the English essay section. The Gaokao is a crucial test for high school students, and the English essay is a significant part of the overall score.Here are some predictions for the essay topics, based on current trends and past examination patterns:1. Cultural Exchange: With globalization, the importance of cultural exchange has grown. Students may be asked to discuss the benefits of cultural exchange or share personal experiences related to it.2. Environmental Awareness: The environment is a perennial topic, and students could be prompted to write about the importance of environmental conservation, their own effortsto protect the environment, or solutions to environmental issues.3. Technology and Education: As technology becomes more integrated into the classroom, an essay might explore the impact of technology on learning or the role of digital tools in education.4. The Role of Youth in Society: Essays may focus on the responsibilities and contributions of young people in society, encouraging students to reflect on their roles and potentialfuture actions.5. Health and Lifestyle: The importance of a healthylifestyle is always relevant. Students might be asked to discuss the impact of diet and exercise on well-being or the challenges of maintaining a healthy lifestyle in modern society.6. Innovation and Creativity: Given the rapid pace of technological and social change, an essay on innovation and creativity could ask students to consider how these qualities can drive progress and solve problems.7. Global Challenges: Topics such as poverty, inequality, or disease might be addressed, asking students to thinkcritically about global issues and propose solutions.8. The Impact of Social Media: As social media continues to shape communication and relationships, an essay might explore its positive and negative effects on individuals and society.9. Lifelong Learning: The concept of lifelong learning is increasingly important in a knowledge-based economy. Essays could discuss the importance of continuous education and personal development.10. Happiness and Success: Personal well-being and the definition of success are always engaging topics. Students might be asked to define what happiness means to them and how it relates to their concept of success.Remember, these are just predictions. The actual essay topics can vary, and it's essential to be prepared for a range of subjects. Good luck to all the students preparing for the Gaokao!。



2017年11月雅思写作预测题目雅思小作文预测类型线图、地图、流程图雅思大作文预测题目1.Many customs and traditional ways of behaviors are not relevant to modern life and are not worthy keeping. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2.Many people believe that scientific research should be carried out and controlled by the government rather than private companies. To what extent do you agree or disagree?3. Human activities have negative effects on plant and animal species.Some people think it is too late to do anything about this problem, while others believe that effective measures can be taken to improve this situation. Discuss both views and give your opinion.4. The differences among countries are rarely evident these days. Everyone in the world is using same brands, movie, and TV channels. To what extent do the disadvantages outweigh the advantages?5. Some museums charge visitors for admission while others are free.What’s your opinion?6.Some people say that it is a government’s r esponsibility to provide financial support to old people after they retire, while others think that individuals should save money for themselves. What is your opinion?7.Too much money has been spent on looking after and repairing old buildings. Therefore, we should knock down old buildings and build modern ones instead. To what extent do you agree or disagree?8. Science tells us some activities are good for our health and there are some unhealthy activities. But millions of people still do those unhealthy activities. Why? What can we do to change this situation?9.Scientists believe computers will become more intelligent than human beings. Some people think the development has a positive impact,while others think it is negative. What’s your opinion?10.Nowadays consumers are faced with the advertisements from competing companies. To what extent do you agree or disagree that consumers are influenced by advertisements? What measures should be taken to protect consumers ? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience?11.Some people think that environmental problems are too big for individuals to solve. Others, however, believe that the problems cannotbe solved if individuals do not take actions. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.12.Rich countries often give financial aid to poor countries, but it does not solve the poverty. So, rich countries should give other types of help to the poor countries rather than the financial aid. To what extent do you agree or disagree?13.Some people think that criminals should not be imprisoned. Instead, education and job training should replace the former to deal with criminals. To what extent do you agree or disagree?14.International travel makes people prejudiced rather thanbroad-minded. What are its causes and what measures can be taken to solve this problem?15.We have entered a throw-away society and fill the environment with rubbish. What are the causes and what are your solutions?16.Some people claim that public museums and art galleries will not be needed because people historical objects and works of art by using a computer. Do you agree or disagree with this opinion?17.Some people believe that some unpaid community service should be a compulsory part of high school programmes (e.g. working ina charity, improving the relationship of neighborhood or teaching sports to children) To what extent do you agree or disagree?18.People have different behaviors and ways of living in different countries. Some people think that visitors should do the same as the inhabitants.Do you agree or disagree?19.Many people want successful career and happy family life together. What problems will arise by combining successful career and happy family life? How to Solve the problem? Give your own Opinion & relevant example.20.In some countries more and more adults are living with their parents after graduation from college, university or even after finding a job. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?Task one : map; bar chart; table.。





17年9月雅思口语预测题目Part 1 题目出行(1T003 P70)经常做公交车吗/你喜欢公交车还是私人车/你认为是否应该鼓励人们使用公交车/你会做公交车去旅行吗/政府如何鼓励人们公共出行/未来你会开车多还是做地铁日常(类似1W001 P73)(1W003 P74)你早上几点起/一般老人和年轻人日常有什么区别/早上和晚上做的事情有什么不同/熬夜会对第二天有影响吗/坐船(P27 1B004)你想要有一艘船吗/你之前做过船吗/人们坐船旅行的多吗/船是一个方便的交通工具嘛/生日(1B003 P27)你生日一般做什么/小孩子生日去干嘛/过去生日干嘛/生日重要吗。

什么样的生日比较重要交通(P70 1T003)一般出行你会用什么交通工具/为什么/在你国家什么交通工具受欢迎/上学(P69 1T001)你喜欢上学吗/你对上学的第一感受是什么/哪个老师给你留下深刻印象/你现在还和同学们联系吗邻居(1N001 P52)你和你邻居关系好吗/你认为关系好重要吗/如何增进邻里关系/邻居帮助过你什么/邻里有纷争怎么解决大房子小房子(1A004 P24)(1W004 P76)你住公寓还是别墅/你房间里看起来怎么样的/你从窗外能看到什么/将来想住什么样的房子朋友(1F005 P40)(1V001 P73)你经常拜访朋友家吗/一般朋友会用什么招待你/你们一般喜欢在家里玩还是出去玩/通常在一起做什么/喜欢一群好朋友还是就几个很要好的水果(1F006 P42)喜欢吃水果吗/多久吃一次/在哪里能买到水果/中国什么水果流行读书(1R002 P60)喜欢读书吗/什么时候读书/电子书会代替纸质书吗/中国人喜欢读什么书/现在和以前的阅读习惯有什么不同杂志(1N003 P53)喜欢看杂志吗/喜欢报纸还是杂志/看漫画吗/年轻人为什么喜欢漫画电脑(P32 1C006)喜欢用电脑吗/什么情况下会用/现在手机是否可以代替电脑/应不应该教给老人用电脑新闻(P52 1N002)如何获取新闻/一般关注什么新闻/在你家乡的人关注什么新闻/喜欢国内新闻还是国外新闻/你认为新闻跟生活关系大不大礼貌(1P006 P59)礼貌重要吗/有礼貌的人应该是什么样的/你们国家人怎么表现礼貌/有礼貌有什么好处除了给人留下好印象/谁应该交给你礼貌,学校还是家人/没礼貌的人如何受到惩罚/礼貌过去和现在一样吗下雨天(P59 1R007)喜不喜欢下雨为什么/一般下午带雨衣还是雨伞/你住的城市雨水多嘛/年轻人喜欢下雨吗/下雨会给人们出行带来什么问题珠宝你买珠宝吗/喜欢珠宝吗/会把珠宝当作礼物送给别人吗/什么时候戴珠宝名人(1C001 P28)你喜欢名人吗/你想成为名人吗/什么样的人在你国家会有名/很多名人赚很多钱好不好/名人有什么缺点/有在街上遇到名人的经历吗/喜欢演唱会还是听一张过去的CD /有喜欢的明星吗/听过他的演唱会吗/会去听吗家人(P37 1F001)一般会陪家人吗/家人重要还是朋友重要/和家人做什么事情是不能和朋友做的/家人的帮助和朋友帮助有什么不同时间安排(P70 1T002)你个人认为时间重要吗/能做出积极的改变吗/时间够吗/为什么有人喜欢迟到/迟到什么情况下是可以原谅的电邮(P36 1E001)电邮重要吗/以后用得多还是用的少/什么情况下人们还写信/Part 2 题目(带有*的是可能在9月后就不会出现的题目)电视节目*(P164 TV program)电视剧(参考P143 movie)恩爱夫妻休闲场所(P151 leisure center)想做没做的事情(参考P241 something to own in the future)学校的一条纪律水边活动(参考P146 game)收到重要信件(参考P229 letter)驱车之旅(参考P91 Car journey)公园改变世界的发明(参考P208 拓麻歌子或者P228 invention)外国的有意思的人因为广告买东西的经历(参考P237 unsatisfactory product)做过的让自己骄傲的事情(参考P131 success in your life)保持健康的方式(P155 physical exercise)好的决定大家都笑的经历(参考game P146)一幅画或者艺术品*(P246 work of art)传统产品理科课程家具(参考P224 家具)看比赛的经历(参考P155 physical exercise)吃蛋糕(参考P87 birthday)聪明解决问题的人(参考P106 Help)买的让你开心的东西*因为手机而感到快乐的经历*(参考P188 App)理想家园(参考P304 house or flat)兴奋的书(参考P218 favourite book)喜欢的小镇/城市(参考P134 trip或P297 city)不受欢迎的城市*(参考P200 pollution)商场教别人的经历有趣的地方免费礼品(参考P226 gift)陌生人谈话(参考P85 advice)童年趣事(参考story in childhood P221)成功商人好消息*(参考P194 news)大公司*(参考P166 company)好家长搬家的经历听音乐的地方博学的人帮助别人的经历*(参考P106 Help)在学习上帮助过你的人*(参考P256 communicate with)早到经历(参考P103 got up early)积极改变(参考P122 positive change in your life)植物*人少的地方*一件喜欢的衣服*(参考P209 clothes)网站想要了解更多雅思考试相关问题和答案的话,关注学为贵微信号吧,加入学为贵雅思终身会员,留学备考一条龙服务,还有雅思VIP保分班等你加入哦~雅思会员:为全球考鸭打造,服务涵盖专属课程、屠鸭小分队陪伴学习、考题预测、真题解析、写作批改等,我们的目标是让考生屠鸭不走弯路。



2017英语高考预测作文1. The Role of Technology in EducationIn the coming 2017 Gaokao, we may see a composition prompt that explores the impact of technology on education. Students will be asked to discuss how digital tools have transformed learning environments and whether this trend is beneficial or detrimental to students' academic development.2. Environmental Awareness and ActionAnother potential topic could be environmental awareness, prompting students to reflect on the importance of protecting our planet and the role individuals play in preservingnatural resources. Candidates might be asked to propose solutions to environmental issues or to share personal experiences related to environmental conservation.3. The Importance of Cultural ExchangeCultural exchange is a significant aspect of global interaction. A composition prompt could ask students to discuss the significance of understanding different cultures and how it contributes to a more harmonious world. Students could be encouraged to share their views on the benefits of cultural exchange and how they have personally engaged with other cultures.4. The Impact of Social MediaSocial media has become an integral part of modern life. A possible essay question might invite students to consider the influence of social media on society, including its advantages and disadvantages. The essay could also explore the impact of social media on interpersonal relationships and the spread of information.5. The Balance Between Work and LeisureThe balance between work and leisure is crucial for a healthy lifestyle. A composition prompt might ask students to discuss the importance of leisure activities and how they contribute to overall well-being. Students could be asked to share their own strategies for balancing work and leisure and to suggest ways to improve this balance for others.6. The Value of VolunteeringVolunteering is a selfless act that benefits communities and individuals alike. An essay prompt could ask students to reflect on the value of volunteering and how it can enrich one's life. Students might be encouraged to share their own volunteering experiences and to discuss the positive outcomes of such activities.7. The Pursuit of Higher EducationHigher education is often seen as a gateway to better career opportunities. A composition prompt could ask students todebate the importance of pursuing higher education and whether it is worth the investment of time and money. Candidates could be asked to consider alternative paths to success and to discuss the merits of vocational training versus academic study.8. The Influence of CelebritiesCelebrities often have a significant influence on society, particularly on young people. A potential essay question might ask students to analyze the impact celebrities have on culture and values. Students could be asked to consider whether this influence is positive or negative and to propose ways to mitigate any negative effects.9. The Challenges of UrbanizationUrbanization brings about many challenges, such as overcrowding and pollution. A composition prompt might ask students to discuss the problems associated with rapid urbanization and to propose solutions to these issues. Students could also be asked to reflect on the benefits of urban living and how to balance them with the challenges.10. The Significance of SportsSports play a vital role in society, promoting physical health, teamwork, and discipline. An essay prompt could ask students to discuss the importance of sports in their lives and in society as a whole. Students might be encouraged to share their own experiences with sports and to consider thebroader implications of sports participation.These topics are speculative and designed to help students prepare for a variety of possible essay prompts. It is important for students to practice writing on a range of subjects to be well-prepared for the Gaokao.。


6. Some people think economic progress is one way to measure a country’s success. Other people think other factors are also important. What are the other factors? Which factor is the most important one?
2017 年雅思大作文预测
本预测根据雅思大作文题库的话题分类和出题规律,精选出 34 道真题,供同学们练习!
社会类: 1. We live in cities or towns which have museums displaying historical and cultural
importance, but people do not visit them. How do you think people do not visit museums in their local areas?What are the importance of museums to society?
1. A huge amount of money goes towards children’s education. In some countries, the government pays some or all of the costs. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
benefits from increased contact and closer relationship brought about by international tourism and business?




(X/Y中,X代表12月出现次数,Y代表2010-2015出现的总次数) 而在过去两个月中,即2016年已经完成的考试中,雅思大作文题材罕见地集中在工作、科技和社会三个方面,因此,2017年大家理应重点关注生活类、教育类和文化类。


模拟题1:Some people think that “vertical city” is the best, where people live and work in tall buildings. Others, however, think that “horizontal city” is better, where there are few tall buildings. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.提示:有人认为城市里有高楼大厦供人们工作和生活更好,其他则认为城市里高楼大厦应该少一些。



模拟题2:Nowadays, people always throw old things away and buy new things, whereas in the past, old things were repaired and used again. What factors cause this phenomenon? What effects does the phenomenon lead to?提示:年关将近,该是清理家中东西的时候了,现在很多直接扔掉旧东西然后买新的,然而过去人们喜欢把旧东西修理修理继续用。



2017会考英语作文预测Dear Students,As we approach the 2017 English exams, it's time to prepare for the essay section by focusing on potential topics that may be featured this year. Based on current trends and past exam patterns, here are a few predictions for the English essay questions you might encounter:1. The Impact of Technology on Education: With the rapid advancement of technology, this topic could explore how digital tools are changing the way we learn and teach.2. Environmental Conservation: Given the global focus on climate change and sustainability, an essay on the importance of environmental conservation and individual responsibility could be a key topic.3. The Role of Social Media in Society: This essay could discuss the pros and cons of social media, its influence on interpersonal relationships, and its impact on news and information dissemination.4. The Importance of Cultural Exchange: In an increasingly globalized world, the significance of cultural exchange programs in fostering understanding and cooperation among nations could be a compelling topic.5. The Challenges of Urbanization: As more people move to cities, this essay might examine the challenges that urbanization poses to infrastructure, social services, and quality of life.6. The Power of Sports in Uniting People: Sports events like the Olympics often bring people together from diverse backgrounds. This essay could explore the unifying power of sports and its role in promoting peace and unity.7. The Influence of Celebrity Culture: The role ofcelebrities in shaping public opinion and the impact of their influence on various aspects of society could be an interesting topic to explore.8. The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence: As AI becomes more prevalent, discussing the ethical considerations surrounding its use, especially in areas like job displacement and decision-making, could be a relevant topic.9. The Significance of Bilingualism: With the rise of multilingualism, the benefits and challenges of being bilingual, and its impact on personal and professional development could be a focus.10. The Future of Work: Automation and the gig economy are changing the nature of work. This essay could predict and discuss the future trends in employment and the skills needed for the workforce of tomorrow.Remember, the key to writing a successful essay is not onlyto address the topic but also to provide a well-structured argument with clear examples and logical reasoning. Practice makes perfect, so be sure to write several essays on these potential topics to hone your skills.Good luck with your preparations, and may you achieve the highest marks in your exams!Best regards,[Your Name]English Teacher。



2017英语二作文预测英文回答:In the tapestry of life, we embark on myriad journeys, each adorned with unique experiences that shape our destinies. As we navigate the intricate paths before us, we encounter an array of choices, decisions that ultimately define our individual paths and the legacies we leave behind. Some choices may seem inconsequential, mere threads woven into the grand tapestry, while others possess a transformative power, capable of altering the very fabric of our existence.It is in the crucible of adversity that our true mettle is tested. Faced with daunting challenges and unforeseen obstacles, we are confronted with a choice: to succumb to despair or to rise above it. It is in these moments that we discover the depths of our strength, the resilience that lies dormant within us. By embracing adversity, we forge an unyielding spirit, a testament to our indomitable will andboundless capacity for growth.The pursuit of knowledge is an equally potent force in shaping our lives. It has the power to illuminate the darkness of ignorance, to expand our horizons, and to ignite a fire within us that burns with an insatiable thirst for discovery. By delving into the vast ocean of knowledge, we acquire not only facts and figures but also a profound understanding of the world around us. It is through the acquisition of knowledge that we cultivate the critical thinking skills essential for navigating the complexities of life and forging a path that is uniquely ours.中文回答:在人生的画卷上,我们踏上了无数的旅程,每一段旅程都点缀着独特的经历,塑造着我们的命运。



The2017English college entrance examination,known as the Gaokao,is a pivotal moment for students in China,and the English composition section is a significant part of this examination.Here are some predicted topics and a brief outline for each,which could help students prepare for the potential essay questions they might encounter.1.The Impact of Technology on Daily LifeIntroduction:Briefly introduce the prevalence of technology in modern life.Body Paragraph1:Discuss the positive impacts,such as convenience and efficiency. Body Paragraph2:Address the negative aspects,including privacy concerns and social isolation.Conclusion:Summarize the importance of balancing technology use with other aspects of life.2.The Role of Education in Personal DevelopmentIntroduction:Define the purpose of education beyond academic achievement.Body Paragraph1:Explain how education fosters critical thinking and problemsolving skills.Body Paragraph2:Discuss the importance of moral and ethical education. Conclusion:Emphasize the lifelong benefits of a wellrounded education.3.Environmental Protection and Individual ResponsibilityIntroduction:Highlight the urgency of environmental issues.Body Paragraph1:Describe individual actions that can make a difference,such as recycling and reducing waste.Body Paragraph2:Discuss the role of governments and corporations in environmental conservation.Conclusion:Stress the collective effort required for sustainable development.4.The Influence of Social MediaIntroduction:Present the ubiquity of social media in contemporary society.Body Paragraph1:Explore the benefits of social media,such as connectivity and information sharing.Body Paragraph2:Critique the downsides,including misinformation and cyberbullying.Conclusion:Advocate for responsible use of social media platforms.5.Cultural Exchange and GlobalizationIntroduction:Introduce the concept of cultural exchange in a globalized world. Body Paragraph1:Discuss the enrichment that comes from learning about different cultures.Body Paragraph2:Address the challenges of maintaining cultural identity amidst globalization.Conclusion:Argue for the importance of preserving cultural diversity while embracing global interconnectedness.6.The Importance of Physical FitnessIntroduction:Stress the significance of physical health in overall wellbeing.Body Paragraph1:Describe the benefits of regular exercise for mental and physical health.Body Paragraph2:Discuss the barriers to physical activity and potential solutions. Conclusion:Encourage the integration of fitness into daily routines.7.The Challenges of UrbanizationIntroduction:Present the rapid growth of urban areas and its implications.Body Paragraph1:Discuss the economic opportunities and improved living standards urbanization brings.Body Paragraph2:Address the issues of overcrowding,pollution,and social inequality. Conclusion:Propose sustainable urban planning as a solution to balance growth with quality of life.8.The Value of Volunteering and Community ServiceIntroduction:Introduce the concept of giving back to the community.Body Paragraph1:Explain the personal benefits of volunteering,such as skill development and a sense of fulfillment.Body Paragraph2:Discuss the positive impact on communities and society. Conclusion:Encourage more individuals to participate in volunteer work.9.The Pursuit of HappinessIntroduction:Define happiness and its subjective nature.Body Paragraph1:Discuss the role of material wealth in achieving happiness.Body Paragraph2:Argue for the importance of nonmaterial factors,such as relationships and personal growth.Conclusion:Advocate for a balanced approach to finding happiness.10.The Future of Work and AutomationIntroduction:Present the advancements in automation and their impact on employment.Body Paragraph1:Discuss the potential for increased efficiency and productivity. Body Paragraph2:Address the concerns about job displacement and the need for reskilling.Conclusion:Suggest ways to adapt to the changing job market and embrace technological advancements.These topics are designed to cover a range of issues that are relevant to both students and society at large.Practicing essays on these topics can help students prepare for the Gaokao by improving their writing skills,critical thinking,and the ability to express complex ideas clearly and concisely.。



2017预测英语作文Here's a sample of an English essay on predictions for 2017, written in an informal and conversational style, with each paragraph maintaining independence and exhibiting diverse language characteristics:I'm really excited about 2017! I think it's gonna be a year of big changes. For instance, I'm predicting that technology is going to make some huge leaps. You know, like those self-driving cars? I bet we'll see more of them on the roads this year.On the other hand, I'm also thinking that we might see some retro trends come back in style. Like, maybe people will start wearing those retro-style clothes and listening to old music again. It'd be cool to see that, don't you think?Oh, and speaking of music, I predict that we'll have some amazing new albums come out this year. You know, fromthose underground artists who are just waiting to be discovered. I'm really looking forward to that.Another prediction I have is that we might see more people getting involved in social activism. With all the issues we're facing in the world, I think it's importantfor everyone to do their part and make a change.Lastly, I'm hoping that 2017 will be a year of personal growth for me. I want to learn new。



2017英语三级作文预测1. I can still remember the first time I traveled alone. It was both exciting and nerve-wracking. I had to navigate through the airport, find my gate, and make sure I didn't miss my flight. But once I was in the air, all my worries melted away and I felt a sense of freedom and adventure.2. One thing I love about traveling is trying new foods. I'm always up for sampling local dishes and street food. Whether it's a spicy curry in Thailand or a fresh seafood platter in Greece, I believe that food is an essential part of experiencing a new culture.3. When I travel, I make it a point to interact withthe locals. I find that talking to people who live in the place I'm visiting gives me a deeper understanding of their way of life. It's amazing how much you can learn just by having a conversation with a stranger.4. Packing for a trip can be a real challenge. I alwaysend up bringing way more than I need, and then regretting it when I have to lug a heavy suitcase around. But I've learned to pack smarter and lighter, and it has made my travels much more enjoyable.5. One of the most rewarding aspects of traveling is the sense of accomplishment I feel when I navigate a new city on my own. Whether it's figuring out the public transportation system or finding my way back to my hotel without getting lost, every small success boosts my confidence and makes me feel more independent.6. I believe that traveling is not just about seeing new places, but also about personal growth. Each trip teaches me something new about myself and the world around me. It's a constant adventure that keeps me curious and open-minded.。



2017英语三级作文预测As we approach the 2017 English Level 3 examination, it is crucial for students to be well-prepared for the composition section. The essay topics often reflect current social issues, technological advancements, and cultural shifts. Here aresome predicted topics for the 2017 English Level 3 composition, along with guidelines on how to approach them:1. The Impact of Social Media on Communication- Discuss the positive and negative effects of socialmedia on interpersonal communication.- Consider the role of social media in breaking down barriers and creating new opportunities for interaction.2. The Role of Technology in Education- Explore how technology has changed the landscape of education.- Evaluate the benefits and challenges of incorporating digital tools into the classroom.3. Environmental Conservation and Individual Responsibility- Reflect on the importance of environmental conservation and the role each individual can play.- Propose practical steps that can be taken to reduceone's carbon footprint.4. The Influence of Globalization on Local Cultures- Analyze the impact of globalization on local traditionsand cultures.- Discuss whether globalization leads to cultural homogenization or enrichment.5. The Importance of Lifelong Learning- Argue for the necessity of continuous learning intoday's rapidly changing world.- Provide examples of how lifelong learning can lead to personal and professional growth.6. The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence- Debate the moral and ethical considerations of developing increasingly sophisticated AI.- Consider the potential consequences for society and the job market.7. The Challenges of Urbanization- Discuss the challenges that cities face due to rapid urbanization, such as overcrowding and pollution.- Propose solutions to manage urban growth sustainably.8. The Power of Volunteering- Highlight the benefits of volunteering for both the individual and the community.- Encourage readers to get involved in community service.9. The Significance of Cultural Exchange Programs- Explain how cultural exchange programs can foster international understanding and cooperation.- Share personal anecdotes or stories that illustrate the value of such experiences.10. The Future of Work in the Digital Age- Speculate on how the rise of automation and digital technologies will affect future job prospects.- Discuss the skills that will be in demand and how individuals can prepare for these changes.When preparing for the composition section, remember to structure your essay with a clear introduction, body paragraphs that explore different aspects of the topic, and a conclusion that summarizes your main points. Additionally, practice a variety of writing styles, including argumentative, narrative, and expository, to ensure you are ready for anytype of prompt. Good luck!。



2017英语b级作文预测IntroductionAs we approach the 2017 academic year, students preparing for their English B-Level examinations are keen to know what topics might be featured in the essay section. While it is impossible to predict with absolute certainty, we can make educated guesses based on current trends, past examination patterns, and societal issues that are likely to be of interest to educators and examiners.Body Paragraph 1: Technology and Its Impact1. The Rise of Artificial Intelligence - Students may be asked to discuss the implications of AI on employment, privacy, and the future of human society.2. Cybersecurity Concerns - The importance of online safety and the measures that can be taken to protect personal information.Body Paragraph 2: Environmental Issues1. Climate Change - The effects of global warming and the steps that individuals, communities, and governments can take to mitigate its impact.2. Sustainable Living - How sustainable practices can be integrated into modern life to preserve the environment for future generations.Body Paragraph 3: Social Dynamics1. The Role of Social Media - The influence of social media on interpersonal relationships, the spread of information, and its role in shaping public opinion.2. Cultural Diversity - The benefits and challenges of living in a multicultural society and the importance of embracing diversity.Body Paragraph 4: Education and Career1. Lifelong Learning - The necessity for continuous education in a rapidly changing job market and the role of technology in facilitating access to knowledge.2. Entrepreneurship - The qualities of successful entrepreneurs and the impact of startups on economic growth and innovation.Body Paragraph 5: Health and Well-being1. Mental Health Awareness - The importance of recognizing and addressing mental health issues and the role of societyin supporting those who are struggling.2. Healthy Lifestyle Choices - The impact of diet and exercise on overall health and the challenges of maintaining a healthy lifestyle in a fast-paced world.ConclusionWhile these predictions provide a framework for potentialessay topics, it is crucial for students to prepare for a wide range of subjects. A solid understanding of various global issues, combined with the ability to articulate clear, well-reasoned arguments, will serve students well in their B-Level English examinations. Remember, practice makes perfect, so engage in regular essay writing to hone your skills and prepare for the unexpected.This essay prediction aims to guide students in their preparation for the 2017 English B-Level exams, focusing on a variety of topics that are relevant and thought-provoking.。



2017英语三级作文猜题Sure, I can provide you with some potential essaytopics for the 2017 English Level 3 exam. Remember, your essay should be at least 800 words long and writtenentirely in English.1. The Impact of Technology on Modern Society: Discuss how advancements in technology have influenced various aspects of modern life, such as communication, education, and work. Consider both the positive and negative effects.2. Environmental Conservation Efforts: Explore the importance of environmental conservation and the role individuals and governments play in preserving the environment. Discuss specific actions that can be taken to protect natural resources and reduce pollution.3. The Significance of Education in Today's World: Analyze the importance of education in contemporary society. Consider how access to education affects individuals andcommunities and discuss challenges in ensuring equal educational opportunities for all.4. The Effects of Globalization on Culture: Examine the impact of globalization on cultural diversity. Discuss how increased interconnectedness has influenced traditions, languages, and identities around the world.5. The Rise of Social Media and Its Effects:Investigate the role of social media in modern communication and its impact on society. Discuss both the benefits and drawbacks of social networking platforms, including issues related to privacy, mental health, and misinformation.6. The Importance of Critical Thinking Skills: Reflect on the significance of critical thinking in today's information-rich world. Discuss how the ability to analyze and evaluate information critically contributes to making informed decisions and solving complex problems.7. Challenges and Opportunities of Urbanization:Explore the consequences of rapid urbanization in various regions of the world. Discuss the social, economic, and environmental challenges posed by urbanization, as well as potential solutions for creating sustainable cities.8. Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment: Examine the progress made toward achieving gender equality and empowering women globally. Discuss persistent inequalities and barriers that hinder women's full participation in society and propose strategies for promoting gender equity.9. The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Future of Work: Investigate how advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and automation are reshaping the workforce. Discuss potential implications for employment, skills development, and the economy, as well as strategies for adapting to the changing nature of work.10. The Role of Youth in Shaping the Future: Reflect on the importance of youth engagement and activism in addressing global challenges. Discuss the role of young people in promoting social justice, environmentalsustainability, and political change, and explore ways to empower youth to become agents of positive transformation.Feel free to choose any of these topics for your essay. Remember to structure your essay with an introduction, body paragraphs discussing key points, and a conclusion that summarizes your main arguments. Good luck!。



第1套 Some people believe that parents should take punishments for the crime of their children. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 第2套 The range and quality of food have been improved with the development of technology and scientific advance. Some people think it is good and others think it is harmful. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 第3套 Some people think getting old is entirely bad. However, others think that life of the elderly in modern world is much easier than it was in the past. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 第4套 Some countries achieve international sporting success by building specialized facilities to train top athletes instead of providing sports facilities that everyone can use. Do you think it is a positive or negative development? 第5套 Some people claim that many things that children are taught at school are a waste of time. Other people argue that everything studied at school is useful at some time. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 第6套 Multicultural societies, where people of different ethnic groups live together, can bring more benefits than drawbacks to a country. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 第7套 Educationalists think that the program of international exchange visits would benefit all students. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 第8套 Some people think computer and Internet are important in children's study, but others think students can learn more effectively in schools and with teachers. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 第9套 In many countries, women are allowed to take maternity leave from their jobs during the first month after the birth of their baby. Does the advantage outweigh the disadvantage? 第10套 Some people think it is important to protect all wild animals. Others think that it is only important to protect part of them, not all of them. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 第11套 In modern society, ambition is more and more important. How important is it for people to become successful in life? Is it a positive or negative characteristic for success? 第12套 People believe that by using mobile phones and computers, we lose the ability to communicate with each other face-to-face. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 第13套 Some people think that library is a waste of money and computer technology is replacing its function. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 第14套 People's shopping habits depend more on the age group they belong to than any other factor. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 第15套 In some countries, secondary schools aim to provide a general education across a range of subjects. In others, children focus on a narrow range of subjects related to a particular career. Which is appropriate in today’s world? 第16套 An American writer thinks that tomorrow is more important. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 第17套 Children can learn effectively from watching television. Therefore children should be encouraged to watch television regularly both at home and at school. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 第18套 Some people think teaching children different abilities together benefits everyone; others think intelligent children should be taught separately and given special treatment. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 第19套 Some people believe that countries have a moral obligation to help each other; others are worried that the aid money cannot get to the poor of this world. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 第20套 In some countries old people are highly valued, while in other countries young people are highly valued. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 第21套 International travel sometimes makes people prejudiced rather than broadminded. What are the reasons? What can be done to improve their understanding of the countries they visit? 第22套 In some countries, more people choose to live by themselves in recent years. What are the reasons? Is it a positive or negative development for society? 第23套 Some people think that technology makes life complex, so we should make life simpler without using the technology. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 第24套 Some people think that sport has an important role in society. Others, however, feel that it is nothing more than a leisure activity for some people. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 第25套 It is a good thing for those in the senior management position to have higher salaries than other workers in the same company or organization. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 第26套 Some said teachers’ main role is to transmit information. Nowadays students are exposed to many kinds of information, so the role of the teacher will not work in modern education. Do you agree or disagree with this opinion? 第27套 Human activities have negative effect on plants and animal species. Some people think it is too late to do anything about this problem. Other people believe that effective measures can be taken to improve this situation. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 第28套 Nowadays a large amount of advertising aiming at children should be banned because of the negative effects. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 第29套 People still value artist in the age of advanced science and technology. What are the reasons? Are arts as important as science and technology? 第30套 Nowadays people tend to travel a long distance to work every day. What are the reasons? What are your suggestions for these people?。




1.Advertising is all around us, it is an unavoidablepart of everyone‘s life. Some people say that advertising is a positive part of ourlives while others say it is negative. Discuss both views and give your ownopinion. Give reasons for your answerand include any relevant examples from yourown knowledge or experience. 或Moreand more people want to buy famous brands with clothes, cars and other items.What are the reasons? Do you think it is a positive or negative development?或The tendency of human beings to copy one another is shown inthepopularity of fashion in clothes and consumer goods. To what extent do you agreeand disagree?Some people think advertising is discouraging us from beingdifferent individuals and makes everyone to be the same. Do you agree ordisagree? 或Advertising encourages consumers to buy inquantity rather than in quality. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2.Some people spend more time reading books, while others preferto watch TV. The former group are more likely to develop creative imaginationsand have a much better grasp of language skills. Do you agree or disagree?或Somemuseums charge visitors for admission while others are free. What is youropinion? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples fromyour own knowledge or experience.或Some peoplethink it is a waste of money to establish libraries since the public can usetheInternet at home to obtain information, do you agree or disagree?或Writes an essay considering and assessing arguments for and againstthe following view: As reading is important for a good education, we shouldencourage our children to read whatever appeals to them.3.In manycountries, the quality of life in large cities is becoming worse. What are thecauses for this problem? What measures do you think should be taken to tacklethis problem? 或As country develops, a large population chooses to live individuallyor live in a small family unit. Discuss the causes and its effects on society. 或者City dwellers seldom socialize with their neighbors today and thesense of community has been lost. Why has this happened and how to solve thisproblem?或People spend more and more time at their workplace and don’t spend enough time with family and friends. Why is th ishappening? What consequences can this have for the family life and society?或Some people think that in this modern world peopleare getting dependent of each other. Others think the modern world gets peoplemore independent of each other. Discuss both views and give your own opinions.4.Men and womenemployed in full-time jobs have to share evenly household chores and caring forchildren at home. Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer andinclude any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.或Nowadays, in some countries around the world men and women are having childrenlate in life. What are the reasons for this development? What are the effectson society and family life?或Nowadays, some workplaces tendto employ equal numbers of men and women. Do you think it is a positive ornegative development?或Somepeople believe that women should play an equal role as men in a country’spolice force or military force, such as the army, while others think women arenot suitable for these kinds of jobs. Discuss both views and give your opinion.5.Nowdays anyone can post informationon the Internet. Some people say most of what we read on the Internet isinaccurate. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 或The typicalteaching situation of a teacher and students will no exist in 2050, to whatextent do you agree or disagree? 或As technologydevelops, more shopping and business is done through the internet whilecommunication face to facebecomes less frequent. Is this a positive or anegative development? 或More and more employees work athome with modern technology. Some people claim that it benefits only workers,but not employers. To what extent do you agree or disagree?6.The best wayto solve the traffic congestion in city is to provide free public transport for24 hours a day,7days a week. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 或In most parts of the world, the volume of traffic is growing at analarming rate. In the form of an assignment, discuss about the main trafficproblems in your country, their causes and possible solutions. 或Recently we are facing increasing number of cars, which poses greatthreat to the pedestrians and cyclists. What’s more, a lot of parks need to besacrificed as a result of the construction of railways and superhighways. Doyou agree or disagree? What do you think is the best solution to satisfyresidents to their heart’s content?7.International community must ensure that allcountries reduce the consumption of fossil fuels such as gas and oil. To whatextent do you agree or disagree?或In the modern world,itis no longer necessary to use animals for food, or animal products for clothingand medicine, for example. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? 或Humanactivities have negative effects on plant and animal species. Some people thinkit is too late to do anything about this problem. Others believe that effectivemeasures can be taken to improve this situation. Discuss both views and giveour opinion. 或Wild animals have no place in the 21stcentury. Some people think that preventing these wild animals from dying out isa waste of resource. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion.8.Some people think job satisfaction is moreimportant than job security. But others believe that people cannot always enjoytheir jobs and having a permanent job is more important. Discuss both views andgive your opinion. 或Competitiveness is a positive quality forpeople in most cities. How does competitiveness affect individuals? Is it apositive or negative quality? 或Some people prefer to dothe same job in the same place, but others prefer to change jobs frequently.You should use specific reasons to compare the advantages and disadvantages ofboth sides. 或Some peoplethink childrenshould learn to compete,but others think that children should be taught to cooperate. Express some reasons of both views and give your own opinion.9.Should governments spend money on art, when theyhave so many other important issues and concerns? You should use your own ideasof knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples andrelevant evidence.或We live in cities or towns which have museumsdisplaying historical and cultural importance, but people do not visit them.How do you think people do not visit museums in their local areas?What is the importance of museums to society?或Nowadays museums have become moreand more important. What are the purposes of places such as museums and howshould they be funded?或Creative artists should be given freedom to express their ideas(words, pictures, music and films. However some people think government shouldtake some restriction with them. To what extent do you agree or disagree withthis opinion? Give your reasons with own knowledge and give examples.10. In some countries, parents expect children to spendlongtime studying both in and after school, and have less free time. Do you thinkit has the positive or negative effects on children and society? 或Somepeople believe everyone has the right to get university education. T o whatextent do you agree government should make it free to all people no matter oftheir financial background?或Many people believe that the main aim for university education is tohelp graduates to find better jobs, while some people believe that universityeducation should aim at cultivating students’overall abilities. What is youropinion?11.Some reports havediscovered the incidence of violence /crimes committed by young women isincreasing. Give possible reasons and recommendations to the situation.或Somepeople believe that if a police force carries guns, this encourages higherlevels of violence in that society; to what extent do you agree or disagree? 或Sending criminals to the prison is not thebest method of dealing with them. Education and job training are better ways tohelp them. Do you agree or disagree?。

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1 Some people believe that health care should be free for everyone, while others think that people should pay for their health care. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.2 Nowadays there are many new towns. It is more important to provide parks and sports facilities than to provide shopping centers in these new towns for people to spend their free time. To what extent do you agree or disagree?3 Some think that “vertical cities” where people live and work in tall buildings are better. Others, however, believe that “horizontal cities” where there are few tall buildings are better. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.4 Once children start school, their teachers have more influence on their intellectual development and social development than their parents. To what extent do you agree or disagree?5 The best way to teach children to cooperate is through team sports at school. To what extent do you agree or disagree?6 Some people think that government funding for schools should be spent on science subjects rather than on other subjects. To what extent do you agree or disagree?7 Some people believe that all young adults should be required to do unpaid work to help their local community. Do you think the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?8 Some working parents believe that childcare centers can provide the best care for their children. Others, however, think that family members, such as grandparents, can do it better. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.9 Today, more and more people choose to live by themselves. What are the causes of this? Is this a positive or negative development?10 Many people are afraid of leaving their homes because of the fear of crime. Some people think that more actions should be taken to prevent crime. Others, however, believe that little can be done. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.11 Today, there are many advertisements aimed at children, such as advertisements for toys and snacks. Some people think that advertisements aimed at children should be banned. To what extent do you agree or disagree?12 The increasing use of mobile phones and computers makes people lose the ability to communicate face to face. To what extent do you agree or disagree?13 The range and quality of food that we can buy has changed because of technological advances. Some people think this change is an improvement. Others, however, believe this change is harmful. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.14 The development of technology has caused many environmental problems. Some people think that we should lead a simpler way of life, while others believe that we should use technology to solve these problems. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.15 Natural resources, such as oil, forests and fresh water, are being consumed at an alarming rate. What problems does this cause? Suggest some solutions.16 It is not necessary for people to travel to other places to learn about other cultures. They can learn as much about other cultures from books, films and the Internet as from travelling. Do you agree or disagree?17 In multi-cultural societies, people of different cultural backgrounds live and work together. Do you think the advantages of multi-cultural societies outweigh the disadvantages?18 Many museums and historic sites are mainly visited by tourists rather than by local residents. What are the causes of this? What can be done for museums and historic sites to attract more local visitors?19 Some people believe that famous people's support for international aid organisations draws attention to the problems in developing countries, while others think that celebrities make these problems less important. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.20 Some people believe that countries and individuals should think about the future rather than focusing on the present. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Part 1:(general Q's about your life)Do you live in a house or a flat? Which is your favourite room in your house / flat?How often do you spend time with your family? How do you spend time with your family? Do you like inviting friends to your home? What do you do with them?What's your daily routine? What're the differences between your daily routine as a child and your daily routine now?How many meals do you have a day? Who do you eat meals with? Do you cook your own meals? How often do you eat out?What's your favourite food? Do you prefer fresh fruit and vegetables or canned fruit and vegetables? What was your favourite food as a child?Do you have a favourite teacher? What qualities do you think a good teacher should have?Do you like spending time with teenagers? What do teenagers in your country like to do in their free time? What do you think is the best thing about being a teenager?How often do you see your neighbours? How do you think neighbours can help each other? Do you prefer to have elderly neighbours or young neighbours?Do you have a computer? How often do you use it? What do you do with it? Is it important to have good computer skills? How often do you use email?How often do you shop online? Have you ever bought jewellery online?Are there any skills you want to learn? What kind of training will you need to develop the skills?Do you like rainy days? Which do you prefer to use on a rainy day, a raincoat or an umbrella? What will you do if you forget to bring a raincoat or an umbrella?Do you like travelling? Do you travel alone or with others?Do you like boating? Do you want to own a boat? How often will you use it?Do you prefer to get news from newspapers or the Internet? Do you think newspapers will disappear in the future? Do you like to share and talk about news with friends? Which are you more interested in, local news or international news?Do you prefer to watch TV alone or with your family? What are your favourite types of TVprogrammes? Did you watch a lot of TV as a child?What's your favourite kind of music? Do you have any favourite pop singers? Do you prefer to listen to their albums to listen to them at a concert?Do you think advertisements play important roles in our lives? Do you like online advertisements?Part 2:城市与建筑Describe a house / flat that you wish to own.Describe a place where people can enjoy music.Describe a shopping centre you like.Describe a city you visited.个人与组织Describe a business person you admire.Describe a large company.Describe a person with a lot of knowledge.Describe an intelligent person.Describe an interesting person from another country.Describe a person who helped you with your studies.Describe a good parent.Describe a couple you know who have a happy marriage.Describe a historical figure who you're interested in.Describe an important historical event in your country.休闲娱乐Describe a leisure facility (e.g. a swimming pool, a sports centre, a concert hall, a cinema, a theatre or a park) you’d like to have in your city.Describe a sport you enjoy watching.Describe a sports game you watched.Describe a good way to stay healthy.Describe a TV show you like.Describe a website you like.自然Describe a park / garden that you visited as a child.Describe an interesting place that few people know.Describe an important plant in your country.Describe something you’d like to do near the sea.Describe a car journey.事件Describe an important letter you received.Describe an achievement that made you proud of yourself.Describe a piece of good advice you received.Describe a recent change in your life.Describe something you want to do but haven't done yet.Describe a piece of good news you heard from someone you know.Describe a good decision made by someone you know.Describe an exciting book.Describe an interesting conversation you had with a stranger.Describe something that made you laugh.Describe a school rule that you agree or disagree with.Describe an occasion when you brought a mobile phone with you.Describe a science lesson that you attended at secondary school.Describe an English lesson that you enjoyed.Describe a time when you helped others.Describe a time when you taught someone a skill.Describe a time when you moved to a new place.Describe an occasion when you had a special cake.Describe a type of foreign food you had.Describe a time when you received something free, such as a free gift, a free meal, a free film ticket or a free sample from a shop.Describe a happy experience in your childhood.Describe a time when you went to a crowded place.Describe an occasion when you arrived early.物品Describe something you bought which made you very happy.Describe an ad that helped you buy something.Describe a piece of furniture you like.Describe a piece of clothing you like wearing. Describe a traditional product in your country. Describe an important invention that changed the world. Describe a work of art, such as a painting or a sculpture.。
