若换40倍物镜观察,所测得钟虫长度的格数、目镜测微尺每格长度依次为A.960格、0.8微米B.96格、0.2微米C.6格、3.2微米 D.240格、0.2微米3.下列化合物中含有氮元素的一组是A.纤维素和丙酮酸 B.脂肪酸和甘油 C.脱氧核糖和ATP D.磷脂和腺苷4.图2中a、b、c为不同浓度的同种溶液,图3是一段时间后装置1与装置2的液面高度变化曲线,a、b 起始液面高度均为H。
则图2中a、b、c浓度的关系是A.a > b > cB.c > b > aC.b > a > cD.c > a > b5.图4为达尔文利用燕麦胚芽鞘所做的实验,其中①示燕麦幼苗植株,②③④示分组实验,该实验研究的目的是探究A.胚芽鞘尖端对光线是否敏感,照光后是否会引起胚芽鞘向光弯曲B.胚芽鞘背光的一侧促进生长的物质含量是否较多C.胚芽鞘是否表现向光性,取决于尖端存在D.生长素是否会受到强光的破坏6.哺乳动物卵原细胞减数分裂形成成熟卵子的过程,只有在促性腺激素和精子的诱导下才能完成。
据图5分析,下列叙述不.合理的是A.次级卵母细胞形成的过程需要激素调节B.细胞Ⅲ只有在精子的作用下才能形成成熟卵子C.Ⅱ、Ⅲ和Ⅳ细胞分裂后期染色体数目相同D.培育转基因动物应选择细胞Ⅳ作为受体细胞7. 某班学生以新鲜菠菜叶为材料,进行叶绿体中色素的提取和分离的实验时,由于各组操作不同,出现了图6所示的四种不同层析结果。
6.以下判断正确的是①大洋板块在X裂②大洋板块在俯冲③板块之间是生长边界④板块之间是消亡边界A.① ③ B.①④ C.② ③ D.②④7.与示意图相符的是A.马里亚纳海沟B.大西洋海岭C.夏威夷岛D.高加索山脉(四)读“我国某地某月等温线图”。
8.图中甲、乙、丙、丁四处,温度相对较低的是A.甲、乙B.丙、丁C.甲、丙D.乙、丁9.M地气温最低的影响因素是A.纬度高B.河流多C.地势高D.离海远10.对图示地区河流特征的正确判断是①径流量丰富②汛期短③流速缓慢④ 含沙量较小A.①④ B.②④ C.①③ D.②③(五)图1是非洲马达加斯加岛示意图,图2是海洋表层海水温度与洋流关系示意图,图中a、b、c 为等温线,a>b>c,箭头表示洋流流向。
11.图1甲处的洋流与图2 中①、②、③、④所示的洋流相符合的是A.① B.② C.③ D.④12.甲处洋流的影响是A.加快途经海轮航速B.形成著名的渔场C .使沿岸大气增温增湿D .缩小海洋污染X 围(六)读“地球大气受热过程示意图”,回答问题。
(3分)2、组织:(2分)时间和重大事件或历史层面准确,按阶段叙述且成结构37. 转型的宋王朝(13分)答案:(13分)(1)涉及政治制度、物质文明、精神文明三个层面(海外贸易、民族关系、思想文化、科学技术、科举制度、新儒学体系形成、文官体制等)(政治、经济、文化……也可)(不同角度任意三个视角即可)(3分)(2)能围绕与问题相关联性较强的核心知识进行回答。
上海市金山区2015届高三一模化学试卷一、选择题(本题共10分,每小题2分,每题只有一个正确选项)1.有关化学资源的合成、利用与开发的叙述合理的是()2.(2分)对于排布在2s轨道上的电子,不能确定的是()C .电子云的形状D.电子云的伸展方向考点:原子核外电子排布..专题:原子组成与结构专题.分析:排布在2s轨道上的电子,则可以判断其在第二电子层,S能级电子云的形状为球形,所以电子云无伸展方向,但不能确定电子的自旋方向,据此分析.解答:解:排布在2s轨道上的电子,则可以判断其在第二电子层,S能级电子云的形状为球形,所以电子云无伸展方向,但不能确定电子的自旋方向,故选:B.点评:本题考查2s轨道上的电子排布,难度不大,注意S轨道的形状、以及无伸展方向即可答题.3.(2分)能确定为丙烯的化学用语是()A.B.C3H6 C.D.C H2=CH﹣CH3考点:电子式、化学式或化学符号及名称的综合..专题:化学用语专题.分析:A.根据球棍模型不一定由C、H两种元素组成;B.根据C3H6有丙烯、环丙烷两种结构;C.根据丙烯的电子式进行判断;D.根据丙烯的结构简式判断.解答:解:A.球棍模型中不一定由C、H两种元素组成,所以不一定为丙烯,故A 错误;B.C3H6有丙烯、环丙烷两种结构,所以不一定为丙烯,故B错误;C.丙烯的电子式为:,故C错误;4.(2分)下列有关共价键的说法正确的是()5.(2分)下列各组物质既不是同系物又不是同分异构体的是()二、选择题(本题共12小题,每小题3分,每题只有一个正确选项)6.(3分)有关物质的性质可以用元素周期律解释的是()7.(3分)NH5属于离子晶体.与水反应的化学方程式为:NH5+H2O→NH3•H2O+H2↑,它也能跟乙醇发生类似的反应,并都产生氢气.有关NH5叙述正确的是()A.NH5也能跟乙醇发生类似的反应,并都产生氢气,则乙醇作氧化剂,NH5作还原剂而被氧化,故A正确;B.NH5的电子式为,N元素的化合价为﹣3价,故B错误;C.NH5的电子式为,1 mol NH5中含有4molN﹣H键,故C错误;D.1 mol NH5与H2O完全反应,转移电子的物质的量=1mol×[0﹣(﹣1)]=1mol,故D错误;故选A.点评:本题易铵盐为载体考查氧化还原反应、物质结构等知识点,正确判断NH5的结构是解本题关键,注意NH5中H元素的化合价,为易错点.8.(3分)某一化学反应在不同条件下的能量变化曲线如图所示.下列说法正确的是()A.化学催化比酶催化的效果好B.使用不同催化剂可以改变反应的能耗C.反应物的总能量低于生成物的总能量D.使用不同催化剂可以改变反应的热效应考点:反应热和焓变..专题:化学反应中的能量变化.分析:A.根据催化剂是通过降低反应的活化能来加快化学反应速率的,活化能越低,催化的效果越好;9.(3分)关于Na2O2的叙述正确的是(NA表示阿伏伽德罗常数)()10.(3分)物质中杂质(括号内为杂质)的检验、除杂的试剂或方法都正确的是()11.(3分)充分利用已有的数据是解决化学问题方法的重要途径.对数据的利用情况正确的是()定律等知识点,明确反应原理是解本题关键,易错选项是D,注意气体摩尔体积适用范围及适用条件,为易错点.12.(3分)分析如图装置,下列说法错误的是()A.虚线框中接直流电源,铁可能会被腐蚀B.虚线框中接灵敏电流计或接直流电源,锌都是负极C.虚线框中接灵敏电流计,该装置可将化学能转化为电能D.若将电解液改成硫酸锌溶液并接上直流电源,该装置可用于铁皮上镀锌考点:原电池和电解池的工作原理..专题:电化学专题.分析:A、在电解池中金属作阳极失电子,被腐蚀;B、有外接电源时为电解池;C、原电池是把化学能转化为电能的装置;D、根据电镀原理分析.解答:解:A、在电解池中金属作阳极失电子,被腐蚀,所以虚线框中接直流电源,铁作阳极时会被腐蚀,故A正确;B、虚线框中接灵敏电流计,构成原电池,Zn活泼性比铁强,Zn作负极,虚线框中接直流电源构成电解池,电解池中没有正负极,故B错误;C、虚线框中接灵敏电流计,构成原电池,原电池是把化学能转化为电能的装置,故C正确;D、若将电解液改成硫酸锌溶液并接上直流电源,Zn与电源正极相连,Fe与电源的负极相连,则可以在铁皮上镀锌,故D正确;故选B.13.(3分)在化学反应中,有时存在“一种物质过量,另一种物质仍不能完全反应”的情况,下列反应不属于这种情况的是()14.(3分)25℃时将10mLpH=11的氨水加水稀释至100mL,下列判断正确的是()A.稀释后溶液的pH=7B.氨水的电离度增大,溶液中所有离子的浓度均减小C.稀释过程中增大D.p H=11氨水的浓度为0.001mol/L考点:弱电解质在水溶液中的电离平衡..专题:电离平衡与溶液的pH专题.分析:A.一水合氨是弱电解质,在水溶液里部分电离,加水促进电离;B.加水稀释促进一水合氨电离,溶液中c(H+)增大;C.加水稀释氨水,促进一水合氨电离,导致溶液中n(NH4+)增大、n(NH3.H2O)减小;D.溶液中氨水浓度大于氢氧根离子的浓度.解答:解:A.一水合氨是弱电解质,在水溶液里部分电离,加水促进电离,将10mLpH=11的氨水加水稀释至100mL,体积增大10倍,pH变化小于1个单位,即稀释后10<pH <11,故A错误;B.加水稀释促进一水合氨电离,溶液中c(OH﹣)减小,温度不变,则水的离子积常数不变,则溶液中c(H+)增大,故B错误;C.加水稀释氨水,促进一水合氨电离,导致溶液中n(NH4+)增大、n(NH3.H2O)减小,则溶液中增大,故C正确;D.一水合氨是弱电解质,在水溶液里部分电离,则溶液中氨水浓度大于氢氧根离子的浓度,则pH=11氨水的浓度大于0.001mol/L,故D错误;故选C.点评:本题考查了弱电解质的电离,明确弱电解质电离特点是解本题关键,注意稀释氨水过程中增大一水合氨电离程度但其电离平衡常数不变,溶液中c(H+)增大,为易错点.15.(3分)对已达化学平衡的反应:2X(g)+Y(g)⇌2Z(g),减小压强后,对反应产生的影响是()A.逆反应速率增大,正反应速率减小,平衡向逆反应方向移动B.逆反应速率减小,正反应速率增大,平衡向正反应方向移动C.正反应速率先减小后增大,逆反应速率减小,平衡向逆反应方向移动D.逆反应速率先减小后增大,正反应速率减小,平衡向逆反应方向移动考点:化学平衡的影响因素..专题:化学平衡专题.分析:对于有气体参加的化学反应,减小压强,正逆反应速率都减小;减小压强,化学平衡向气体体积增大的方向移动.解答:解:2X(g)+Y(g)⇌2Z(g),减小压强后,正逆反应速率都减小,平衡逆向移动,平衡移动后反应物的浓度增加反应速率增大,故选C.点评:本题考查压强对反应速率及化学平衡的影响,明确化学反应为气体体积缩小的反应是解答本题的关键,难度不大.16.(3分)关于下列四个装置的说明符合实验要求的是()A.装置①:实验室中若需制备较多量的乙炔可用此装置B.装置②:实验室中可用此装置来制备硝基苯,但产物中可能会混有苯磺酸C.装置③:实验室中可用此装置来分离含碘的四氯化碳液体,最终在锥型瓶中可获得碘D.装置④:实验室中可用此装置来制备乙酸乙酯并在烧瓶中获得产物考点:化学实验方案的评价..专题:实验评价题.分析:A.电石与水反应放出大量的热,生成氢氧化钙微溶,易堵塞导管;B.制备硝基苯,水浴加热,温度计测定水温,该反应可发生副反应;C.分离含碘的四氯化碳液体,四氯化碳沸点低,先蒸馏出来;D.制备乙酸乙酯不需要测定温度,不能在烧瓶中获得产物.解答:解:A.电石与水反应放出大量的热,生成氢氧化钙微溶,易堵塞导管,则不能利用图中装置制取乙炔,故A错误;B.制备硝基苯,水浴加热,温度计测定水温,该反应可发生副反应生成苯磺酸,图中制备装置合理,故B正确;C.分离含碘的四氯化碳液体,四氯化碳沸点低,先蒸馏出来,所以装置可分离,最终在锥型瓶中可获得四氯化碳,故C错误;D.制备乙酸乙酯不需要测定温度,不能在烧瓶中获得产物,应在制备装置后连接收集产物的装置(试管中加饱和碳酸钠),故D错误;故选B.点评:本题考查化学实验方案的评价,为高频考点,涉及乙炔的制备、硝基苯的制备、乙酸乙酯的制备及混合物分离提纯等,把握有机物性质、反应原理为解答的关键,注意实验的评价性分析及实验装置图的作用,题目难度不大.17.(3分)向100mL 0.1mol•L﹣1硫酸铝铵[NH4Al(SO4)2]溶液中逐滴滴入0.1mol•L﹣1 Ba (OH)2溶液.随着Ba(OH)2溶液体积V的变化,沉淀总物质的量n的变化如图所示.下列说法正确的()A.a点的溶液呈中性B.a点沉淀的质量比c点沉淀的质量大C. b点加入Ba(OH)2溶液的体积为250 mL(OH)30.01mol,剩余0.01molOH﹣恰好与NH4+完全反应,此时溶液中NH4+完全反应,此时溶液为氨水溶液,沉淀达最大为BaSO4和Al(OH)3;继续滴加Ba(OH)2,Al(OH)3溶解,发生反应Al(OH)3+OH﹣=AlO2﹣+2H2O,由方程式可知要使0.01molAl (OH)3完全溶解,需再加入0.005molBa(OH)2,此时溶液为氨水与偏铝酸钡溶液.A、由分析可知,从开始到a点,发生反应为SO42﹣+Ba2+=BaSO4↓,Al3++3OH﹣=Al(OH)3↓,a点对应的沉淀为BaSO4和Al(OH)3,溶液的溶质是(NH4)2SO4,那么该物质水解溶液呈酸性,故A错误;B、a点沉淀的质量=0.015mol×233g/mol+0.01mol×78g/mol=4.275g,c点为硫酸钡的质量,为0.01mol×2×233g/mol=4.66g,所以质量c点>a点,故B错误;C、当SO42﹣完全沉淀时,共需加入0.02molBa(OH)2,则b点消耗氢氧化钡体积==200mL,故C错误;D、至c点完成反应,反应的离子方程式可表示为:Al3++2SO42﹣+NH4++2Ba2++5OH﹣=AlO2﹣+2BaSO4↓+NH3•H2O+2H2O,故D正确;故选:D.点评:本题考查铝化合物的性质及计算,难度比较大,清楚整个反应过程是解题的关键,注意NH4+与Al3+同时存在,OH﹣首先与Al3+反应,而NH4+与Al(OH)3同时存在,OH﹣首先与NH4+反应.三、选择题(本题共5小题,每小题4分,每小题有一个或两个正确选项.只有一个正确选项的,多选不给分;有两个正确选项的,选对一个给2分,选错一个该小题不给分.)18.(4分)与实际化工生产功能相符合的化学方程式是()A.工业合成氨:N2+3H22NH3B.工业合成盐酸:H2+Cl22HClC.工业获取氯化钠:2Na+Cl22NaClD.工业制取氯气:2NaCl+2H2O2NaOH+H2↑+Cl2↑考点:化学方程式的书写..专题:元素及其化合物.分析:A.工业上用氮气和氢气反应制取氨气;B.氯气和氢气在光照条件下发生爆炸;C.海水中含有大量氯化钠,用钠和氯气反应制取氯化钠不符合经济的原则;D.电解饱和食盐水得到氢氧化钠、氯气和氢气.解答:解:A.空气中有大量氮气,氮气和氢气反应合成氨气,与实际化工生产功能相符合,故A正确;B.工业利用氢气在氯气中燃烧生成氯化氢合成盐酸,故B错误;C.钠比氯化钠价格高,不经济,海水晒盐获得NaCl,故C错误;D.电解饱和食盐水得到氢氧化钠、氯气和氢气,俗称为氯碱工业,故D正确;故选AD.点评:本题考查了利用化学反应制取化学物质,题目难度不大,注意是否符合化学反应规律、是否有利于提高经济效益是解答关键.注意化学知识在生产中的应用.19.(4分)已知酸性:>H2CO3>>HCO3﹣将转变为,可行的方法是()A.向该溶液中加入足量的稀硫酸,加热B.将该物质与稀硫酸共热后,再加入足量的NaOH溶液C.将该物质与足量的NaOH溶液共热,再通入足量CO2气体D.将该物质与稀硫酸共热后,再加入足量的NaHCO3溶液考点:弱电解质在水溶液中的电离平衡..专题:电离平衡与溶液的pH专题.分析:已知酸性:>H2CO3>>HCO3﹣,将转变为,则先发生水解反应,然后加入的物质与﹣COOH反应而不与﹣OH反应,据此分析.解答:解:A.在酸性条件下水解生成,故A错误;B.在酸性条件下水解生成,再加入足量的NaOH溶液,﹣COOH和﹣OH均与NaOH溶液反应,故B错误;C.与足量的NaOH溶液共热,再通入足量CO2气体,生成,故C正确;D.在酸性条件下水解生成,再加入足量的NaHCO3溶液生成,故D正确;故选CD.点评:本题考查了有机化合物的转化,侧重于官能团的转化的考查,题目难度不大.20.(4分)常温下,向20mL 0.2mol/L H2A溶液中滴加0.2mol/L NaOH溶液.有关微粒的物质的量变化如图,下列说法正确的是()A.滴加过程中当溶液呈中性时,V(NaOH)≥20mLB.当V(NaOH)=30mL时,则有:2c(Na+)=3c(A2﹣)+3c(HA﹣)C. H 2A在水中的电离方程式是:H 2A→H++HA﹣;HA﹣⇌H++A2﹣D.当V(NaOH)=20mL时,则有:c(Na+)>c(HA﹣)>c(H+)>c(A2﹣)>c(OH ﹣)21.(4分)室温时将100mLH2S和O2的混合气体,点燃完全反应后恢复到原来状况,体积变为40mL.下列叙述中正确的是()由上述计算,可知不可能存在2:3<n(H2S):n(O2)<2:1情况,故剩余气体可能是40mLH2S或者40mLSO2,对应的原混合气体为H2S为80ml,O2为20ml或者H2S为40ml,O2为60ml,故选BC.点评:本题考查混合物计算、过量计算、讨论计算等,难度中等,清楚反应过程是解题关键,对应选择题利用验证法进行解答更简单.22.(4分)6克含杂质的Na2SO3样品与足量盐酸反应,可生成1.12升气体(S、T、P),气体质量为3克,该样品的组成可能是()A.N a2SO3,Na2CO3 B.N a2SO3,NaHCO3C.N a2SO3,NaHCO3,Na2CO3 D.N a2SO3,MgCO3,NaHCO3考点:有关混合物反应的计算..专题:计算题.分析:标况下生成1.12L气体的物质的量==0.05mol,且气体质量为3克,则气体的平均相对分子质量==60,所以混合气体中必含有一种相对分子质量小于60的气体,根据选项,应该是CO2,根据平均相对分子质量可以确定n(CO2):n(SO2)=1:4,所以n(CO2)=0.01 mol,n(SO2)=0.04 mol,由于n(Na2SO3)=n(SO2)=0.04 mol,故杂质质量=6g﹣0.04mol×126g/mol=0.96g,可以生成0.01mol二氧化碳,据此结合选项判断.解答:解:标况下生成1.12L气体的物质的量==0.05mol,且气体质量为3克,则气体的平均相对分子质量==60,所以混合气体中必含有一种相对分子质量小于60的气体,根据选项,应该是CO2,根据平均相对分子质量,[44n(CO2)+64n(SO2)]÷[n(CO2)+n(SO2)]=60,则n (CO2):n(SO2)=1:4,所以n(CO2)=0.01 mol,n(SO2)=0.04 mol,由于n(Na2SO3)=n(SO2)=0.04 mol,故杂质质量=6g﹣0.04mol×126g/mol=0.96g,可以生成0.01mol四、(本题共12分)23.(12分)工业上制取冰晶石(Na3AlF6)的化学方程式如下:2Al(OH)3+12HF+3Na2CO3→2Na3AlF6+3CO2↑+9H2O完成下列填空:(1)反应中四种元素对应的简单离子核外电子排布相同,请按离子半径从大到小的顺序排列这这四种离子O2﹣>F﹣>Na+>Al3+,其中原子序数最大的元素原子核外有5种能量不同的电子,其最外层电子的电子云有2种不同的伸展方向.(2)反应中有两种元素在元素周期表中位置相邻,能比较它们的金属性或非金属性强弱的事实是ac(选填编号).a.气态氢化物的稳定性b.最高价氧化物对应水化物的酸性c.单质与氢气反应的难易d.单质与同浓度酸发生反应的快慢(3)反应中两种金属元素,它们的最高价氧化物对应的水化物之间发生反应的离子方程式为Al(OH)3+OH﹣=AlO2﹣+2H2O.(4)冰晶石在工业上可做电解氧化铝的助熔剂,此反应中若有0.6mol电子转移,则在阴极可得金属铝的质量为 5.4克.(5)工业上不采用电解氯化铝的方法而是采用电解氧化铝的方法获得铝单质的原因是:因为氯化铝为共价化合物,属于分子晶体,晶体中不存在离子,熔融时不能导电,故不能被电解;而氧化铝为离子化合物,熔融状态可以导电.(3)氢氧化铝是两性氢氧化物,能和氢氧化钠反应,反应离子方程式为:Al(OH)3+OH﹣=AlO2﹣+2H2O,故答案为:Al(OH)3+OH﹣=AlO2﹣+2H2O;(4)电解池阳极发生氧化反应,阴极发生还原反应,而铝离子发生还原反应,应在阴极析出;根据电子转移守恒,析出Al的物质的量为=0.2mol,故析出Al的质量为0.2mol×27g/mol=5.4g,故答案为:阴;5.4;(5)因为氯化铝为共价化合物,属于分子晶体,晶体中不存在离子,熔融时不能导电,故不能被电解;而氧化铝为离子化合物,熔融状态可以导电,故答案为:因为氯化铝为共价化合物,属于分子晶体,晶体中不存在离子,熔融时不能导电,故不能被电解;而氧化铝为离子化合物,熔融状态可以导电.点评:本题考查知识较多,涉及微粒半径比较、核外电子排布、元素周期律、离子方程式、电解池原理等,属于拼合型题目,需要学生具备扎实的基础,(2)中b选项为易错点,学生容易忽略O、F没有含氧酸,难度中等.五、(本题共12分)催化剂24.(12分)以下是处于研究阶段的“人工固氮”的新方法.N2在催化剂表面与水发生反应:2N2(g)+6H2O(l)⇌4NH3(g)+3O2(g)﹣1530.4kJ完成下列填空:(1)该反应平衡常数K的表达式K=.(2)上述反应达到平衡后,保持其他条件不变,升高温度,重新达到平衡,则ac.a.平衡常数K增大b.H2O的浓度减小c.容器内的压强增大d.v逆(O2)减小(3)研究小组分别在四个容积为2升的密闭容器中,充入N2 1mol、H2O 3mol,在催化剂条件下进行反应3小时.实验数据见下表:序号第一组第二组第三组第四组t/℃30 40 50 80第四组实验中以NH3表示反应的速率是 3.33×10﹣7mol/(L•h),与前三组相比,NH3 生成量最小的原因可能是催化剂在80℃活性减小,反应速率反而减慢.(4)氨水是实验室常用的弱碱.①往CaCl2溶液中通入CO2至饱和,无明显现象.再通入一定量的NH3后产生白色沉淀,此时溶液中一定有的溶质是NH4Cl.请用电离平衡理论解释上述实验现象饱和H2CO3溶液中电离产生的CO32﹣很少,因此没有沉淀.加入氨水后,促进H2CO3的电离,CO32﹣离子浓度增大,有沉淀产生.②向盐酸中滴加氨水至过量,该过程中离子浓度大小关系可能正确的是ac.a.c(C1﹣)=c(NH4+)>c(H+)=c(OH﹣)b.c(C1﹣)>c(NH4+)=c(OH﹣)>c(H+)c.c(NH4+)>c(OH﹣)>c(C1﹣)>c(H+)d.c(OH﹣)>c(NH4+)>c(H+)>c(C1﹣)(OH﹣)>c(Cl﹣)>c(H+);d、盐酸是1:1的电离氢离子,氢离子被氨水中和一部分,所以c(H+)不可能大于c(Cl﹣).解答:解:(1)反应2N2(g)+6H2O(l)⇌4NH3(g)+3O2(g)﹣1530.4kJ,平衡常数的表达式K=,故答案为:K=;(2)a.正反应为吸热反应,升高温度,平衡常数K增大,故选;b.升高温度,H2O的浓度不变,故不选;c.升高温度,平衡正向移动,容器内的压强增大,故选;d.升高温度正逆反应速率都增加,故不选;故答案为:ac;(3)3小时内根据NH3浓度的变化量,得v(NH3)==3.33×10﹣7mol/(L•h),第四组温度最高但达平衡时,氨气的物质的量最小,可能是催化剂在80℃活性减小,反应速率反而减慢,故答案为:3.33×10﹣7mol/(L•h);催化剂在80℃活性减小,反应速率反而减慢;(4)①通入一定量的NH3后使溶液呈碱性,能够生成NH4Cl,饱和H2CO3溶液中电离产生的CO32﹣很少,因此没有沉淀.加入氨水后,促进H2CO3的电离,CO32﹣离子浓度增大,有沉淀产生,故答案为:NH4Cl;饱和H2CO3溶液中电离产生的CO32﹣很少,因此没有沉淀.加入氨水后,促进H2CO3的电离,CO32﹣离子浓度增大,有沉淀产生;②a、根据电荷守恒,如溶液呈中性,c(H+)=c(OH﹣),则有c (C1﹣)=c(NH4+),此时氨水应过量少许,故a正确;b、盐酸稍稍过量时:c(Cl﹣)>c(NH4+)=c(H+)>c(OH﹣),故b错误;c、体系为NH4Cl溶液和NH3.H2O,氨水过量较多时,溶液呈碱性:c(NH4+)>c(OH﹣)>c(Cl﹣)>c(H+),故c正确;d、盐酸是1:1的电离氢离子,氢离子被氨水中和一部分,所以c(H+)不可能大于c(Cl﹣),故d错误;故答案为:ac.点评:本题考查化学平衡常数表达式的书写,以及影响化学速率的因素和弱电解质的实验探究,利用假设法来分析解答即可,难度中等.六、(本题共12分)25.(12分)(2014•松江区三模)某研究小组利用下图装置探究温度对氨气还原Fe2O3的影响(固定装置略).完成下列填空:(1)实验时中A有大量紫红色的烟气,则NH4I的分解产物为NH3、H2、I2(HI)(至少填三种),E装置的作用是吸收多余的氨气;(2)装置B中的反应方程式:Zn+I2═ZnI2,D装置的作用是安全瓶;某研究小组按上图装置进行对比实验,甲组用酒精灯、乙组用酒精喷灯对装置C加热,反应产物均为黑色粉末(纯净物),两组分别用各自的产物进行以下探究,完成下列填空:步骤操作甲组现象乙组现象1 取黑色粉末加入稀盐酸溶解,无气泡溶解,有气泡2 取步骤1中溶液,滴加KSCN溶液变红无现象3 向步骤2溶液中滴加新制氯水红色先变深后褪去先变红后也褪色(3)乙组得到的黑色粉末是Fe粉;(4)甲组步骤1中反应的离子方程式为Fe3O4+8H+═2Fe3++Fe2++4H2O(5)乙组步骤3中,溶液变红的原因为Fe2+被氧化成Fe3+,Fe3+遇SCN﹣显红色;溶液褪色可能的原因及其验证方法为假设SCN﹣被Cl2氧化,向溶液中加入KSCN溶液,若出现红色,则假设成立;(6)若装置C中Fe2O3反应后的产物是两种氧化物组成的混合物,为研究氧化物的组成,研究小组取样品7.84克在加热条件下通入氨气,完全反应后,停止加热,反应管中铁粉冷却后,称得质量为5.6克,则混合物的组成为Fe2O3和FeO或Fe2O3和Fe3O4.考点:性质实验方案的设计;氨的制取和性质..专题:实验设计题.分析:(1)实验时中A有大量紫红色的烟气,说明生成了碘蒸气,NH4I发生下列反应:NH4I (固)⇌NH3(气)+HI(气),2HI(气)⇌H2(气)+I2(气),则NH4I的分解产物为NH3、H2、I2(HI),E装置浓硫酸的作用是吸收多余的氨气;(2)装置B中锌的作用是吸收碘蒸气,反应方程式:Zn+I2═ZnI2,故D装置的作用是作安全瓶,防倒吸,因为氨气极易被浓硫酸吸收;(3)利用黑色固体可溶于盐酸并产生气体,结合“原子守恒”可知用酒精喷灯的乙组实验得到的固体为Fe;(4)Fe2O3被还原得到黑色固体为Fe3O4,由此可写出反应的离子方程式;(5)步骤4中溶液变红是溶液中Fe2+被Cl2氧化为Fe3+所致、溶液褪色的原因可能是Cl2将SCN﹣氧化,若该假设成立,则溶液中还存在Fe3+,再继续加入KSCN溶液则溶液变红;(6)氧化物样品质量为7.84克,还原成铁粉质量为5.6克,氧元素质量为:7.84﹣5.6g=2.24g,则铁和氧的原子个数比为::=0.1:0.14=5:7,氧化物的平均分子式为Fe5O7;则混合物的组成为Fe2O3和FeO或Fe2O3和Fe3O4.解答:解:(1)实验时中A有大量紫红色的烟气,说明生成了碘蒸气,NH4I发生下列反应:NH4I(固)⇌NH3(气)+HI(气),2HI(气)⇌H2(气)+I2(气),则NH4I的分解产物为NH3、H2、I2(HI),E装置浓硫酸的作用是吸收多余的氨气;故答案为:NH3、H2、I2(HI);吸收多余的氨气;(2)装置B的作用是吸收碘蒸气,反应方程式:Zn+I2═ZnI2,因为氨气极易被浓硫酸吸收,故D装置的作用是作安全瓶,防倒吸,故答案为:Zn+I2═ZnI2;安全瓶;(3)利用黑色固体可溶于盐酸并产生气体,结合“原子守恒”可知用酒精喷灯的乙组实验得到的固体为Fe,故答案为:Fe;(4)利用甲组现象可知Fe2O3与CO在酒精灯加热的条件下,Fe2O3被还原得到黑色固体为Fe3O4,由此可写出反应的离子方程式为Fe3O4+8H+=2Fe3++Fe2++4H2O,故答案为:Fe3O4+8H+=2Fe3++Fe2++4H2O;(5)因Fe3+遇SCN﹣显红色,所以乙组步骤3中溶液变红是溶液中Fe2+被Cl2氧化为Fe3+所致,溶液褪色的原因可能是Cl2将SCN﹣氧化,若该假设成立,则溶液中还存在Fe3+,再继续加入KSCN溶液则溶液变红,故答案为:Fe2+被氧化为Fe3+,Fe3+遇SCN﹣显红色;假设SCN﹣被Cl2氧化,向溶液中加入KSCN溶液,若出现红色,则假设成立;(6)氧化物样品质量为7.84克,还原成铁粉质量为5.6克,氧元素质量为:7.84﹣5.6g=2.24g,则铁和氧的原子个数比为::=0.1:0.14=5:7,氧化物的平均分子式为Fe5O7;则混合物的组成为Fe2O3和FeO或Fe2O3和Fe3O4,故答案为:Fe2O3和FeO或Fe2O3和Fe3O4.点评:本题考查了铁离子、亚铁离子的检验方法、性质实验方案的设计与评价,题目难度中等,试题综合性较强,注意正确理解、分析题中信息,联系所学的知识进行解答.七、(本题共12分)26.(12分)往有机聚合物中添加阻燃剂,可增加聚合物的使用安全性,扩大其应用范围.Mg (OH)2是一种常用的阻燃剂,生产工艺如下:完成下列填空:(1)精制卤水中的MgCl2与适量石灰乳反应合成碱式氯化镁[Mg(OH)2﹣xClx•mH2O],反应的化学方程式为2MgCl2+(2﹣x)Ca(OH)2+2mH2O=2[Mg(OH)2﹣xClx•mH2O]+(2﹣x)CaCl2.(2)合成反应后,继续在393K~523K下水热处理8h,发生反应:Mg(OH)2﹣xClx•mH2O→(1﹣)Mg(OH)2+MgCl2+mH2O水热处理后,进行过滤、水洗.水洗的目的是除去附着在Mg(OH)2表面的可溶性物质MgCl2、CaCl2、Ca(OH)2等.(3)阻燃型Mg(OH)2具有晶粒大,易分散、与高分子材料相容性好等特点.上述工艺流程中与此有关的步骤是水热处理、表面处理.(4)已知热化学方程式:Mg(OH)2(s)→MgO(s)+H2O(g)﹣81.5kJ•mol﹣1Al(OH)3(s)→Al2O3(s)+H2O(g)﹣87.7kJ•mol﹣1Mg(OH)2和Al(OH)3起阻燃作用的主要原因是Mg(OH)2和Al(OH)3受热分解时吸收大量的热,使环境温度下降;同时生成的耐高温、稳定性好的MgO、Al2O3覆盖在可燃物表面,阻燃效果更佳.等质量Mg(OH)2和Al(OH)3相比,阻燃效果较好的是Mg(OH)2,原因是Mg (OH)2的吸热效率为:81.5kJ•mol﹣1/58g•mol﹣1=1.41 kJ•g﹣1,Al(OH)3的吸热效率为:87.7kJ•mol﹣1/78g•mol﹣1=1.12 kJ•g﹣1,等质量的Mg(OH)2比Al(OH)3吸热多.(5)该工业生产的原料还可以用来提取金属镁.请设计提取金属镁的工艺流程(框内写产物名称,箭头上标明转化条件):考点:物质分离和提纯的方法和基本操作综合应用..专题:实验设计题.分析:(1)石灰乳是氢氧化钙,依据题干信息以及元素守恒书写化学反应方程式即可;(2)由化学反应原理以及方程式判断物质残留,然后回到即可;(3)根据氢氧化镁的流程步骤分析即可;(4)根据Mg(OH)2和Al(OH)3受热分解的反应热及其氧化物的熔点分析;根据等质量的氢氧化物分解时吸收的热量相对大小分析.解答:解:(1)石灰乳是氢氧化钙,MgCl2与适量石灰乳反应合成碱式氯化镁[Mg(OH)2﹣xClx•mH2O],依据元素守恒,化学反应方程式为:2MgCl2+(2﹣x)Ca(OH)2+2mH2O=2[Mg(OH)2﹣xClx•mH2O]+(2﹣x)CaCl2,故答案为:2MgCl2+(2﹣x)。
上海市金山区2015届高三上学期期末考试(一模)物 理 试 题考生注意:1. 本卷满分150分,考试时间为120分钟;2.答卷前,考生务必在答题纸上用黑色的钢笔或水笔填涂学校、班级、姓名、座位号。
3.第一、第二和第三大题的作答必须用2B 铅笔涂在答题纸上相应区域内与试卷题号对应的位置。
)1.下列属于物理学中的理想化模型的是( )(A )电阻 (B )电场线 (C )加速度 (D )电场强度 2.下列单位中属于国际基本单位的是( )(A )安培 (B )牛 (C )特斯拉 (D )焦耳 3.下列用电器中,利用静电的吸附作用进行工作的是( )(A )电饭煲 (B )电话机 (C )复印机 (D )电冰箱4.面积是S 的矩形导线框,放在磁感应强度为B 的匀强磁场中,当线框平面与磁场方向平行时,穿过导线框所围面积的磁通量为( )(A )BS (B )0 (C )B/S (D )S/B 5.分子间同时存在引力和斥力,当分子间距减小时,分子间( ) (A )引力增加,斥力减小 (B )引力增加,斥力增加 (C )引力减小,斥力减小 (D )引力减小,斥力增加6.一列简谐波在两时刻的波形如图中实线和虚线所示,由图可确定这列波的( ) (A )周期 (B )波速 (C )波长 (D )频率7.如图所示,由基本门电路组成的四个电路,其中能使小灯泡发光的是( )8.如图,竖直平面内有一半径为1.6m 、长为10cm 的圆弧轨道,小球置于圆弧端点并从静止释放,取g =10m/s 2,小球运动到最低点所需的最短时间为( ) (A )0.2πs (B )0.4πs (C )0.8πs (D )πs二、单项选择题(共24分,每小题3分。
2015年上海市金山区高考物理一模试卷参考答案与试题解析一、单项选择题(共16分,每小题2分.每小题只有一个正确选项.)1.下列属于物理学中的理想化模型的是()A.电阻B.电场线C.加速度D.电场强度分析:理想化是对事物的各个物理因素加以分析、忽略与问题无关或影响较小的因素,突出对问题起作用较大的主要因素,从而把问题简化.解答:解:电场强度,电阻,加速度三个物理量采用了比值定义法,电场线是为了形象的描述电场的强度和方向引入的假想的曲线,属于理想化模型.故选:B.点评:理想化模型是抓住问题的主要方面,忽略问题的次要方面,是物理学中一种常见的研究方法.2.下列单位中属于国际基本单位的是()A.安培B.牛C.特斯拉D.焦耳分析:国际单位制规定了七个基本物理量.分别为长度、质量、时间、热力学温度、电流、光强度、物质的量.它们的在国际单位制中的单位称为基本单位,而物理量之间的关系式推到出来的物理量的单位叫做导出单位.解答:解:牛是由牛顿第二定律F=ma推到出的单位是导出单位,特斯拉是由B=推到出的单位也是导出单位,焦耳是由W=FL推到出的单位也是导出单位,只有安培是电流的单位,是国际单位制中的基本单位,所以A正确.故选:A.点评:国际单位制规定了七个基本物理量,这七个基本物理量分别是谁,它们在国际单位制分别是谁,这都是需要学生自己记住的.3.下列用电器中,利用静电的吸附作用进行工作的是()A.电饭煲B.电话机C.复印机D.电冰箱考点:静电现象的解释.分析:本题考查各种电器的工作原理,从各种实例的原理出发可以得出结论.解答:解:A、电饭煲是利用了电流的热效应,来加热的.故A错误;B、电话是利用电磁波传递信息,利用了电流的磁效应工作的,故B错误;C、复印机复印文件资料,就是利用静电墨粉吸附在鼓上.故C正确;D、电冰箱是利用物态变化时的吸热和放热原理制冷的,故D错误;故选:C点评:本题是常识性问题,只有认真把握它们的定义,才能真正区分它们利用的是哪个工作原理.体现了物理来源于生活,又服务于社会的理念.4.(2分)(2015•金山区一模)面积是S的矩形导线框,放在磁感应强度为B的匀强磁场中,当线框平面与磁场方向平行时,穿过导线框所围面积的磁通量为()A.B S B.0C.D.考点:磁通量.分析:线圈在匀强磁场中,当线圈平面与磁场方向垂直时,穿过线圈的磁通量Φ=BS,B是磁感应强度,S是线圈的面积.当线圈平面与磁场方向平行时,穿过线圈的磁通量Φ=0.当存在一定夹角时,则将磁感应强度沿垂直平面方向与平行平面方向分解,从而求出磁通量.解答:解:当线框平面与磁场方向平行时,穿过导线框所围面积的磁通量为为零;故选:B.点评:对于匀强磁场中磁通量的求解,可以根据一般的计算公式Φ=BSsinθ(θ是线圈平面与磁场方向的夹角)来分析线圈平面与磁场方向垂直、平行两个特殊情况.5.(2分)(2015•金山区一模)分子间同时存在引力和斥力,当分子间距减小时,分子间()A.引力增加,斥力减小B.引力增加,斥力增加C.引力减小,斥力减小D.引力减小,斥力增加考点:分子间的相互作用力.分析:分子间存在相互作用的引力和斥力,引力和斥力都随分子间距离的减小而增加,但斥力增加的更快,故当距离于r0时合力表现为引力,小于r0时合力表现为斥力.解答:解:分子间同时存在引力和斥力,当分子间距减小时,引力与斥力同时增加,但斥力增加的更快;故ACD错误,B正确;故选:B.点评:分子力来源于原子间电荷的作用力,同时存在引力和斥力;分子力做功对应着分子势能的变化,要正确分析分子之间距离与分子力、分子势能的关系.6.(2分)(2015•金山区一模)一列简谐波在两时刻的波形如图中实线和虚线所示,由图可确定这列波的()A.周期B.波速C.波长D.频率考点:波长、频率和波速的关系;横波的图象.分析:波长可波的图象直接读出.根据波的周期性、双向性和波速公式判断周期、波速是否确定,进而判断频率是否确定.解答:解:A、题中未给出实线波形和虚线波形的时刻,不知道时间差或波的传播方向,无法确定周期.故A错误.B、周期无法确定,波长可读出,波速也无法确定.故B错误.C、由波的图象直接读出波长为4m.故C正确.D、f=,周期不确定,则频率不确定.故D错误故选:C.点评:本题画出了两个时刻的波形,如给出时间差,就可求出周期、波速、频率的通项式.要注意波的双向性和周期性,防止漏解.7.(2分)(2015•金山区一模)如图所示,由基本门电路组成的四个电路,其中能使小灯泡发光的是()A.B.C.D.考点:简单的逻辑电路.分析:小灯泡发光说明小灯泡两端的电压是大的,即门电路的输出是高电压,根据门电路性质进行分析即可.解答:解:A、输入高电平后经非门输出低,灯不亮,故A错误;B、输入0、1经与门后输出为低,灯不亮,故B错误;C、输入0、0后经或门后输出为低电平,灯不亮,故C错误D、输入0、1后经或门后输出为高电平,灯亮,故D正确故选:D点评:考查了基本逻辑关系及门电路的基本逻辑关系.注意三种门电路的性质,并要记住带实心点的端输进电压为高电平1.8.(2分)(2015•金山区一模)如图,竖直平面内有一半径为1.6m、长为10cm的圆弧轨道,小球置于圆弧端点并从静止释放,取g=10m/s2,小球运动到最低点所需的最短时间为()A.0.2πs B.0.4πs C.0.8πs D.πs考点:单摆周期公式.分析:由题,由于圆弧两端点距最低点高度差H远小于圆弧的半径,小球在圆弧上的运动等效成单摆运动,小环运动到最低点所需的最短时间为周期.周期为T=2π,R是圆弧的半径.解答:解:将小球的运动等效成单摆运动,则小环运动到最低点所需的最短时间为周期,即最低时间为:t=T=×2π=×2π=0.2πs.故A正确,故选:A点评:本题的解题关键是将小环的运动等效成单摆运动,即可根据单摆的周期公式和机械能守恒等知识求解.二、单项选择题(共24分,每小题3分.每小题只有一个正确选项.)9.(3分)(2015•金山区一模)如图为某质点做简谐振动的振动图象,则()A.质点的振动周期为10s B.2s时质点的加速度最大C.4s时质点的速度为零D.7s时质点的位移最大考点:波长、频率和波速的关系;横波的图象.分析:由振动图象读出周期.由位移的最大值读出振幅.根据加速度与位移方向相反,读出加速度的方向.分析位移的变化,确定速度方向.解答:解:A、由图知质点的振动周期为12s,故A错误;B、根据a=﹣知位移最大时加速度最大,故t=2s时加速度不是最大,B错误;C、4s时处于平衡位置,速度最大,故C错误;D、由图知7s时在负的最大位移处,质点的位移最大,D正确;故选:D.点评:本题考查基本的读图能力.要抓住简谐运动的特征:a=﹣,研究加速度与位移的关系.10.(3分)(2015•金山区一模)如图,用两根等长轻绳将木板悬挂在竖直木桩上等高的两点,木板静止时,F1表示木板所受合力的大小,F2表示单根轻绳对木板拉力的大小.若将两轻绳各剪去一小段,但仍保持等长且悬挂点不变,则()A.F1不变,F2变大B.F1不变,F2变小C.F1变大,F2变大D.F1变小,F2变小考点:共点力平衡的条件及其应用;力的合成与分解的运用.专题:共点力作用下物体平衡专题.分析:木板静止时,受重力和两个拉力而平衡,根据共点力平衡条件并结合正交分解法列式分析即可.解答:解:木板静止时,受重力和两个拉力而平衡,故三个力的合力为零,即:F1=0;根据共点力平衡条件,有:2F2cosθ=mg解得:F2=当细线变短时,细线与竖直方向的夹角θ增加,故cosθ减小,拉力F2变大.故选:A.点评:本题是简单的三力平衡问题,关键是受力分析后运用图示法分析,不难.11.(3分)(2015•金山区一模)某天体的质量和半径分别约为地球的和,地球表面的重力加速度为g,则该天体表面的重力加速度约为()A.0.2g B.0.4g C.2.5g D.5g考点:万有引力定律及其应用.专题:万有引力定律的应用专题.分析:根据星球表面的万有引力等于重力列出等式表示出重力加速度.通过某天体的质量和半径与地球的关系找出重力加速度的关系解答:解:根据星球表面的万有引力等于重力知道G=mg得出:g=某天体的质量和半径分别约为地球的和所以某天体表面的重力加速度g′=g=0.4g故选:B.点评:求一个物理量之比,我们应该把这个物理量先根据物理规律用已知的物理量表示出来,再进行之比.12.(3分)(2015•金山区一模)如图,竖直放置的右管上端开口的U型玻璃管内用水银封闭了一段气体,右管内水银面高于左管内水银面,若U型管匀减速下降,管内气体()A.压强增大,体积增大B.压强增大,体积减小C.压强减小,体积增大D.压强减小,体积减小考点:理想气体的状态方程.专题:理想气体状态方程专题.分析:初始状态P0=P x+P h,若试管自由下落,则p h=0,P x=P0,压强增大,若匀减速下降,加速度向上,超重.解答:解:初始状态P0=P x+P h,若匀减速下降,加速度向上,超重,则右侧水银对气体的压力增大,h高水银柱产生的压强P=,所以压强增大由玻意耳定律知,PV=C,故V减小.故选:B.点评:关键知道失重时,水银柱的压强减小,超重时,压强增大.13.(3分)(2015•金山区一模)特战队员在进行素质训练时,抓住一端固定在同一水平高度的不同位置的绳索,从高度一定的平台由水平状态无初速开始下摆,如图所示,在到达竖直状态时放开绳索,特战队员水平抛出直到落地.不计绳索质量和空气阻力,特战队员可看成质点.下列说法正确的是()A.绳索越长,特战队员落地时的水平位移越大B.绳索越长,特战队员落地时的速度越大C.绳索越长,特战队员落地时的水平方向速度越大D.绳索越长,特战队员落地时的竖直方向速度越大考点:平抛运动.专题:平抛运动专题.分析:根据动能定理、结合平抛运动的规律推导出水平位移的表达式,从而确定何时水平位移最大.根据动能定理比较落地的速度大小,以及落地时水平方向的速度.解答:解:A、设平台离地的高度为H,绳长为L,根据动能定理得:mgL=,解得:v=,对于平抛过程,根据H﹣L=,t=,得水平位移为:x=vt=,则知当L=时,水平位移最大.故A错误.B、对全过程运用动能定理知,mgH=,可知落地的速度大小与绳索长度无关,故B错误.C、落地时水平方向的速度等于平抛运动的初速度,根据v=知,绳索越长,落地时水平方向的速度越大,故C正确.D、绳索越长,平抛运动的高度越小,平抛运动的时间越短,则落地时竖直方向上的速度越小,故D错误.故选:C.点评:本题考查了动能定理与圆周运动和平抛运动的综合,知道圆周运动向心力的来源和平抛运动在水平方向和竖直方向上的运动规律是解决本题的关键.14.(3分)(2015•金山区一模)如图,地面上某空间区域内,水平虚线上方存在场强为E1、方向竖直向下的匀强电场,虚线下方存在场强为E2,方向竖直向上的匀强电场.若质量为m、带电量为+q的小球从上方电场的A点由静止释放,恰好能到达下方电场中与A关于虚线对称的B点,则()A.场强大小关系满足E2=2E1B.场强E1不可能大于E2D.带电小球在AB两点电势能相等C.若AB高度差为h,则U AB=考点:电场线;电势能.分析:根据运动的对称性得出加速度的大小关系,通过动能定理求出A、B的电势差.结合牛顿第二定律得出两电场强度的关系.解答:解:A、A到B的过程:,知道E1<E2,,故A错误,B正确C、对A到B的过程运用动能定理得,qU AB+mgh=0,解得:UAB=,知A、B的电势不等,则电势能不等.故CD错误;故选:B.点评:本题考查了动能定理和牛顿第二定律的综合运用,抓住小球在上方电场和下方电场中运动的对称性入手分析求解.15.(3分)(2015•金山区一模)一物体静止在粗糙水平地面上,现用一大小为F1的水平拉力拉动物体,经过一段时间后其速度为v,若将水平拉力的大小改为F2,物体从静止开始经过同样的时间后速度变为2v,对于上述两个过程,用W F1、W F2分别表示拉力F1、F2所做的功,W f1、W f2分别表示前两次克服摩擦力所做的功,则()A.W F2>4W F1,W f2>2W f1B.W F2>4W F1,W f2=2W f1C.W F2<4W F1,W f2=2W f1D.W F2<4W F1,W f2<2W f1考点:功的计算.专题:功的计算专题.分析:根据动能定理,结合运动学公式,求出滑动摩擦力做功,从而求得结果.解答:解:由题意可知,两次物体均做匀加速运动,则在同样的时间内,它们的位移之比为S1:S2==1:2;两次物体所受的摩擦力不变,根据力做功表达式,则有滑动摩擦力做功之比W f1:W f2=fS1:fS2=1:2;再由动能定理,则有:W F﹣W f=;可知,W F1﹣W f1=;W F2﹣W f2=4×;由上两式可解得:W F2=4W F1﹣2W f1,故C正确,ABD错误;故选:C.点评:考查做功表达式的应用,掌握动能定理的内容,注意做功的正负.16.(3分)(2015•金山区一模)如图甲所示,R为电阻箱,为理想电流表,电源的电动势为E,内阻为r.图乙为电源的输出功率P与电流表示数I的关系图象,其中功率P0分别对应电流I1、I2,外电阻R1、R2.下列说法中正确的是()A.I1+I2>B.I1+I2=C.D.考点:闭合电路的欧姆定律.专题:恒定电流专题.分析:由P=UI结合闭合电路欧姆定律分析便可求解.解答:解:A、由闭合电路欧姆定律得:U=E﹣Ir,输出功率为:P=UI=EI﹣I2r,故有,整理得:I1+I2=,故A错误,B正确;C、根据电功率表达式,P0==,且I=,则有:;整理得:,故CD错误;故选:B点评:用好闭合电路欧姆定律的表达式,结合输出功率的表达式,有一定的运算量.三、多项选择题(共16分,每小题4分.每小题有二个或三个正确选项.全选对的,得4分;选对但不全的,得2分;有选错或不答的,得0分.)17.(4分)(2015•金山区一模)如图,一列简谐横波向右传播,质点a和b的平衡位置相距0.5m.某时刻质点a运动到波峰位置时,质点b刚好处于平衡位置向上运动.这列波的波长可能是()A.1m B.2m C.0.4m D.0.5m考点:波长、频率和波速的关系;横波的图象.分析:a质点经过平衡位置速度方向可能向上,也可能向下,结合波的周期性,得到波长的通项,再得到特殊值.解答:解:据题质点a运动到波峰位置时,质点b刚好处于平衡位置向上运动,则ab间距离与波长的关系为:x ab=(n+)λ,n=0,1,2,3…则得λ===m当n=0时,λ=2m;当n=1时,λ=0.4m;故选:BC.点评:本题关键抓住波的空间周期性,得到波长的通项,考查运用数学知识解决物理问题的能力和分析波动形成过程的能力.18.(4分)(2015•金山区一模)一带正电粒子在正点电荷的电场中仅受静电力作用,做初速度为零的直线运动.取该直线为x轴,起始点O为坐标原点,则下列关于电场强度E、粒子动能E k、粒子电势能E P、粒子加速度a与位移x的关系图象可能的是()A.B.C.D.考点:带电粒子在匀强电场中的运动.专题:带电粒子在电场中的运动专题.分析:根据点电荷的场强公式分析电场强度随x的变化情况,根据动能定理分析动能随x的变化情况,根据电势能与x图线的斜率分析其图象的正误,根据牛顿第二定律分析加速度随x的变化图线的正误.解答:解:A、正电荷的场强公式E=,可知电场强度随x的变化不是均匀减小,故A错误.B、由于电场强度不是匀强电场,电场力做功W≠qEx,则动能不是随x均匀增大,故B错误.C、E p﹣x图线的切线斜率表示电场力,随着x的增大,电场力逐渐减小,故C正确.D、加速度a=,可知a随x的变化图线是曲线,且减小,故D正确.故选:CD.点评:本题关键是明确粒子的受力情况和运动情况,然后结合动能定理进行分析,图象的斜率的物理意义要清楚.19.(4分)(2015•金山区一模)如图,电源内阻为r,两个定值电阻阻值均为R,闭合电键,将滑动变阻器滑片向下滑动,理想电压表V3示数变化量的绝对值为△U3,理想电流表A1、A2示数变化量的绝对值分别为△I1、△I2,则()A.A2示数增大B.V2示数与A1示数的比值减小C.△U3与△I1的比值小于2R D.△I1小于△I2考点:闭合电路的欧姆定律.专题:恒定电流专题.分析:理想电压表内阻无穷大,相当于断路.理想电流表内阻为零,相当短路.分析电路的连接关系,根据欧姆定律分析.解答:解:A、据题理想电压表内阻无穷大,相当于断路.理想电流表内阻为零,相当短路,所以R与变阻器并联后再与R串联,电压表V1、V2、V3分别测量R、路端电压和变阻器两端的电压.当滑动变阻器滑片向下滑动时,接入电路的电阻减小,电路中电流增大,则A1的示数增大,电路中电流增大,电源的内电压增大,则路端电压减小,R的电压增大,所以并联部分电压减小,则通过并联部分R的电流减小,所以通过滑动变阻器的电流增大,即A2示数增大,故A正确;B、V2示数与A1示数的比值等于外电路电阻,则减小,故B正确;C、根据闭合电路欧姆定律得:U3=E﹣I1(R+r),则得:=R+r,不一定小于2R,故C错误;D、A1的示数增大量等于A2示数增大和通过与滑动变阻器并联的R的电流减小量之和,所以△I1小于△I2,故D正确;故选:ABD点评:本题是电路的动态分析问题,关键要搞清电路的结构,明确电表各测量哪部分电路的电压或电流,根据闭合电路欧姆定律进行分析.20.(4分)(2015•金山区一模)如图(a),用力F拉一质量为1kg的小物块使其由静止开始向上运动,经过一段时间后撤去F.以地面为零势能面,物块的机械能随时间变化图线如图(b)所示,已知2s末拉力大小为10N,不计空气阻力,取g=10m/s2,则()A.力F做的功为50J B.1s末力F的功率为25wC.2s末物块的动能为25J D.落回地面时物块的动能为50J考点:机械能守恒定律.专题:机械能守恒定律应用专题.分析:通过机械能随时间变化图线,求出拉力F的大小,根据功的公式求出拉力做功的大小.根据功率的公式求出拉力F的瞬时功率,由撤外力后机械能守恒求得落回地面时物块的动能.解答:解:A、由功能关系可知,力F做的功等于物体机械能的增量,故力F做的功为50J,故A正确;B、物体匀加速上升,设2s末速度为v,则有:W=F×h=F×,故1s末力F的功率为F×故B正确;C、设物体上升加速度为a,高度为h,则有:h=at2,且有v2=2ah,而动能mv2=mah,此时,重力势能为mgh,而a≠g,故此时E K≠E P,故2s末物块的动能不为25J,故C错误;D、撤掉外力后机械能守恒求得落回地面时物块的动能为50J,故D正确.故选:AD点评:本题的关键是通过图象挖掘信息,掌握功能关系和机械能守恒的条件并灵活应用.四、填空题(共20分,每空格2分.)本大题中第22题为分叉题,分A、B两类,考生可任选一类答题.若两类试题均做,一律按A类题计分.(22、23选做一题)21.(4分)(2015•金山区一模)如图为密闭的理想气体在温度T1、T2时的分子速率分布图象,图中f(v)表示v处单位速率区间内的分子数百分率,则T1小于 T2(选填“大于”或“小于”);气体温度升高时压强增大,从微观角度分析,这是由于分子热运动的平均动能增大了.考点:温度是分子平均动能的标志.分析:温度越高分子热运动越激烈,分子运动激烈是指速率大的分子所占的比例大.解答:解:温度越高分子热运动越激烈,分子运动激烈是指速率大的分子所占的比例大,图T2腰粗,速率大的分子比例最大,温度最高;图T1速率大的分子,所占比例最小,温度低.从微观角度分析,当温度升高时,分子平均动能增大,分子的平均速率增大.故答案为:小于,平均动能点评:本题关键在于理解:温度高与低反映的是分子平均运动快慢程度,理解气体的压强与分子的运动的激烈程度之间的关系.22.(4分)(2015•金山区一模)光滑水平面上有两小球a、b,开始时a球静止,b球以一定速度向a运动,a、b相撞后两球粘在一起运动,在此过程中两球的总动量守恒(填“守恒”或“不守恒”);机械能不守恒(填“守恒”或“不守恒”).考点:动量守恒定律.分析:考察了动量守恒和机械能守恒的条件,在整个过程中合外力为零,系统动量守恒.解答:解:两球组成的系统所受合外力为零,系统动量守恒,由于碰撞是完全非弹性碰撞,碰撞过程机械能不守恒;故答案为:守恒,不守恒.点评:本题考查动量守恒定律和机械能守恒定律的适用条件,注意区分,基础题.23.(2015•金山区一模)两颗人造地球卫星运行的角速度之比为ω1:ω2=1:2,则它们的轨道半径之比R1:R2= .若其中一颗卫星由于受到微小的阻力,轨道半径缓慢减小,则该卫星的向心加速度将增大(填“减小”或“增大”).考点:人造卫星的加速度、周期和轨道的关系;万有引力定律及其应用.专题:人造卫星问题.分析:根据万有引力提供向心力,计算轨道半径之比.根据,可知轨道半径减小时,加速度变大.解答:解:根据万有引力提供向心力,得,所以=根据,得,当轨道半径减小时,加速度变大.故答案为:,增大.点评:本题关键是要掌握万有引力提供向心力这个关系,要能够根据题意选择恰当的向心力的表达式.24.(4分)(2015•金山区一模)如图,电源电动势E=3V,内阻r=1Ω,电阻R1=2Ω,滑动变阻器总电阻R=16Ω,在滑片P从a滑到b的过程中,电流表的最大示数为 1 A,滑动变阻器消耗的最大功率为0.75 W.考点:闭合电路的欧姆定律;电功、电功率.专题:恒定电流专题.分析:分析电路明确电路结构,再根据闭合电路欧姆定律求得电流表的最大示数;由功率公式可知当内外电阻相等时功率达最大.解答:解:由图可知,滑动变阻器两端相互并联后与R1串联,当滑动变阻器短路时,电流表示数最大,则最大电流I===1A;把保护电阻看做电源的内阻,电源与保护电阻等效于电源,滑动变阻器是外电路,滑片P从a滑到b的过程中,电路外电阻R先变大后变小,等效电源电动势E不变,由P=可知,滑动变阻器消耗的电功率先变小后变大,当内外电路电阻相等时,外电路功率最大,即当R=r+R1=1+2=3Ω时,外电路功率最大,故此时滑动变阻器消耗的功率为:P===0.75W;故答案为:1;0.75.点评:本题考查闭合电路欧姆定律及功率公式的应用,要注意等效内阻法的应用,明确当内外电阻相等时,外部功率最大.25.(4分)(2015•金山区一模)如图,在匀强磁场中,单位长度质量为m0的“U型”金属导线可绕水平轴OO′转动,ab边长为L1,bc边长为L2.若导线中通以沿abcd方向的电流I,导线保持静止并与竖直方向夹角为θ,则磁场的磁感应强度至少为,此时方向为沿ba方向.考点:安培力;力的合成与分解的运用;共点力平衡的条件及其应用.分析:先对导体棒受力分析,根据平衡条件并结合合成法得到安培力的最小值;然后结合安培力公式F A=BIL和左手定则分析.解答:解:对导体棒受力分析,受重力、安培力和拉力,如图所示:根据平衡条件,当安培力与ab边垂直向上时,安培力最小,为:F A=mgsinθ故磁感应强度为:B=sinθ根据左手定则,磁感线方向沿悬线向上。
金山区2014-2015学年第一学期期末试卷英语I、听力(略)II. Gramma r and Vocabu larySectio n ADirect ions:Afterreadin g the passag es below, fill in the blanks to make the passag es cohere nt and gramma tical ly correc t. For the blanks with a givenword, fill in each blankwith the proper form of the givenword; for the otherblanks, use one word that best fits each blank.( A )Most of time blackand whiteappear s as opposi tes. Whitemeanslightand purity. Blackis darkne ss and evil. But not always. Someti mes the wordsare used differ ently.Whitehats and blackhats repres ent the tradit ional meanin g of the words. The hats are the symbol s of the “goodguys”andthe“badguys”inAmeric an wester n movies. Now the tradit ion of whitehats and blackhats is no longer a part of moviemaking. ____25____you stillhear the expres sionwhen people talk aboutgood guys and bad guys.A blacksheepis a person___26_____does things that are not accept ed, the violat e tradit ion. A blacksheepis reject ed____27____ he brings shameto his group. A family may have a member who ___28_____(think)o f as a blacksheep, a person who is not welcom e at family gather ings.Black___29_____(use) in some expres sions is descri bed as good things. Being“intheblack”forexampl e is a good situat ion for anyone. It is a busine ss expres sionthat meansa compan y is earnin g money. When someon e says his busine ssis“inthered”, he meansit is losing money.Whiteusuall y meanssometh ing good. A“whitecolor”job, for exampl e, is the kind of job many people seek. It is a job whereyou work at a desk, usingyour brain__30___ ______your muscle s Someti mes whiteis used in an expres sionthat is not good. Whitew ash is such____31_____expres sion. At firstwhitew ash meantto paintover someth ing with a whitepaintto make____32_____look better. But now“whitew ash”hasadiffer ent meanin g: to hide or coverup mistak es or failur es.( B )I was 9 yearsold when I foundout my father was ill. It was 1994, but I can rememb er ___33_____my mother told me as if it were yester day: "Kernel, I don't want you to take food from your father, becaus e he has AIDS. Be very carefu l when you are around him."AIDS wasn't someth ing we talked aboutin my countr y when I _____34____ (grow) up. From then on, I knew that this wouldbe a family secret. My parent s were not togeth er anymor e, and my dad livedalone. For a while,he couldtake care of himsel f. But when I was 12, his condit ion got ___35____.(bad) My father's otherchildr en livedfar away, so it fell to me to took afterhim.We ___36_____not afford all the necess ary medici ne for him, and becaus e Dad was unable to work, I had no moneyfor school suppli es and oftencouldn't even buy food for dinner. I wouldsit in class___37_____(feel) comple telylost, the teache r's wordsmuffle d as I triedto figure out how I was goingto manage.I did not sharemy burden with anyone. I had seen people reacte d to AIDS. Kids laughe d at classm ateswho had parent s with the diseas e. And even adults couldbe cruel. When my father was movedto the hospit al, the nurses wouldleavehis food on the bedsid e __38____ ________ he was too weak to feed himsel f.I had knownthat he was goingto die, but afterso many yearsof keepin g his condit ion a secret, I wascomple telyunprep ared____39_____he reache d his finaldays. Sad and hopele ss, I called a womana t the nonpro fit Nation al AIDS Suppor t. That day, she kept me on the phonefor hours.I was so lucky____40___(find) someon e who cared. She savedmy life.I was 15 when my father died. He took his secret away with him, having neverspoken aboutAIDS to anyone, even me. He didn't want to call attent ion to AIDS. I do.Sectio n BDirections: Comple te the followi ng passag e by usingthe wordsi n the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that therei s one word more than you need.A. worklo adB. descri beC. pressu reD. sayE. gapF.engagedG. well-rounde d H. increa singl y I. temporarily J. stuffK. headin gInstea d of enjoyi ng the final days of summer by hangin g out at the pool or the mall, many studen ts ate readin g and writin g——crammi ng (填鸭式) to comple te assign ments before____41_____back to school. Summer homewo rk has _____42_____ become a popula r tool used by teache rs to bridge the _____43_____ betwee n the end of one school year and the start of anothe r. But some parent s worry that the _____44_____ is making summer fun slip away. “I don’t know what good this really does,” said Sheryl, a parent of twin 13-year old girls. “Life isn’t always about a test. I thinki t’s import ant for children to be children, to be ____45____.” Sheryl said her daught ers spent weeksi n summer campsand away on vacation before they had a chance to start their summer assign ments. “Basically I have the summer readin g hangin g over my head when I’d like to do other____46,” said her daught er. She said she enjoye d readin g “The Coloro f Water” by JamesMcBrid e, but the assign ments that go with it ——choosi ng five passag e to ____47and analyz e ——seem redund ant(多余的). Some educati on expert s ____48 the “lazy, hazy, crazy” days of summer are over as school s feel increa sed ____49_____ on accoun tabil ity for studen t achiev ement under the federa l No ChildLeft Behind A ct. “It’s really goingto focusattenti on on this period of time when kids aren’t _____50_____ ,”said Ron Fairch ild, executi ve direct or of the Center for Summer Learni ng at JohnsH opkin s University. But parent s from Prince George’s County to Salt Lake City are lately fighti ng back, questi oning the useful nessand of teache rs piling on summer reading and math proble m.Ⅲ.Readin g Compreh ensi onSectio n ADirections:For each blankin the follow ing passag e thereare four wordsor phrase s marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blankwith the word or phrase that vest fits the contex t.BriefH istor y of the World’s FairWorld’s Fairsorigin atedi n the French traditi on of nation al exhibi tions, a traditi on that endedwith the French Indust rial Exposi tionof 1844 held in Pairs. It was soon followed by other nation al _____51_____, in contin ental Europe, and finall y came to London _____52_____ the first real intern ation al exhibi tion was held. Since their starti n 1851, the _____53_____ of worldexposi tions has develo ped gradually. Threeeras can be distin guish ed: the era of indust riali zatio n, the era of cultural exchan ge, and the era of nation brandi ng.Industriali zatio n (1851-1938)The firste ra couldbe called the era of indust riali zatio n and covere d the period from 1851to 1938. In thesedays, worldexposi tions were _____54_____ focuse d on tradeand famous for the displa y of technologic al inventi onsand advancement s. Worldexposi tions were the _____55_____, wherethe stateo f theart in science and technol ogy from around the worldwas brough t togeth er. Inventi ons such as the telephone were first presen ted during this era. An import ant part of the _____56______ of World’s Fai rs stemsfrom this first era._____57_____exch ange(1939-1991)The 1939 New York World’s Fair and the 1949 Stockh olm World’s Fair were different from the original focuso f the exposi tions. From then on, World’s Fairsbecame more strongl y basedon a ____58____themeof cultural signifi cance, and beganto addres s issues of humanki nd. Technol ogyand invent i onsremain ed ____59____, but no longer as the princi pal subject s of the Fair. Cross-cultural dialog ue and the exchan ge of soluti ons became ____60____elemen ts of the expos. It was also during this time, specifi cally in the 1960s, that BIE organi zers starte d callin g World’s Fair “Expos”.Nation brandi ng (1992-presen t)From Expo’88 in Brisba ne onward s, countri es starte d to use WorldExposi tions more widely and more strongl y as a platfo rm to improv e their nation al images throug h theirpavili ons. Finlan d, Japan, Canada, France and Spainare casesi n point. A large studyby TjacoWalvis called“Expo 2000 Hanove r in Numbers”showed that improvi ng nation al images was the primary partici pati on goal for 73% of the countri es at Expo 2000. In a worldwherea strong nation al imagei s a key asset(财产), pavili ons became adverti sing ____61, and the Expo a channel for nation brandi ng. ____62____, cultural and symbol i c reason s, organi zingcountri es (and the cities and region s hostin g them) also use the worldexposi tionto brandthemsel ves.Future exposi tions2017wi ll see a recogni zedexposi tionBiddin g may beginas earlyas 2012 for this smalle r-si zedexposi tion. Alread y, Edmont on, Alberta and Canada have ____63____, to go on with the second stageof puttin g togeth er a bid for Edmont on EXPO 2017. 2020 will ____64____ a regist eredcatego ry of exposition. Biddin g may beginas earlyas 2011 for this larger sizedexposi tion. Thereare citizen _____65_____ in Americ an cities with the intenti on of bringi ng a World’s Fair back to the United States.51. A. organi zatio ns B. shows C. exhibi t ions D. custom s52. A. which B. when C. how D. where53. A. character B. name C. aim D. goal54. A. honestl y B. strangely C. especi ally D. hardly55. A. place B. platfo rm C. area D. hall56. A. representati on B. image C. illust ratio n D. outloo k57. A. Indust rial B. Histori cal C. Cultural D. Origin al58. A. specia l B. specifi c C. strate gi c D. simple59. A. import ant B. equal C. altern ative D. unchan geabl e60. A. honora ble B. communi cati ve C. consid erabl e D. defini ng61. A. purposes B. A. images C. campai gns D. design s62. A. As long as B. As well as C. As far as D. As soon as63. A. moved B. begun C. put D. voted64. A. see B. bid C. mark D. establ ish65. A. compla i nts B. effort s C. energi es D. achiev ement sSectio n BDirections:Read the follow ing threepassag es. Each passag e is follow ed by severa l questi on or unfinishedstatem ents. For each of them thereate four choice s marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best accord ing to the inform ation givenin the passag e you have just read.(A)What is the meanin g of “madnes s”? In the US everyMarch, it’s 64 men’s college basket bal l teamsplayin g 63 gamesi n less than a month. But it’s not just the tourna ment that’s a little crazy——people all over the country also go mad trying to predic t the winner.Even billio naire invest or Warren Buffet seemsto be goingcrazy. In late January, Buffet announ ced that he’ll give $1 billio n (6.1billi on yuan) to anyone in the US who can correctly predic t the winners of all 63 gamesthi s year, Reuters report ed.Each year, in the week before the first roundbegins, people usuall y print and fill out MarchMadness bracke ts. A bracke ts is a kind of diagra m that listsall the teamsthat play each otheri n the first round, leavin g blankspotstor all of the rounds after t hat. In office s and classroomsall over the US, people compet e to fill out the most accura te bracke t. Some people compete for prizes, like moneyor expensi ve gifts, whileothers do it for person al glory.Accord i ng to the Wall Street Journal, the sports media compan y ESPN has held a national bracke t contest everyMarchfor the last 16 years. And in all that time, not a single person has ever correc tly predicted all 63 game result s.So, will anyone win Buffet’s billio n? Whilei t’s unlikel y, the person with the best shot is probab l y CraigGilmore, a busine ss analyst in Virgin i a, US. Last year, Gilmore beat over 8 millio n others in ESPN’s contest, correctly predic ting50 out of the 63 games, includi ng that No 1-ranked Louisville wouldbeat No 4-ranked Michig an for the champi onshi p. Gilmore has said that he filled out that bracke t pretty quickl y——after first drinki ng four glasse s of beer. “I didn’toveran alyze it,”he told ESPN, “I just kind of went with my gut.”That’ funny——he doesn’t soundmad at all, does he?66. Why does the author mentio n Warren Buffet in the articl e?A. To show the excite mentand popula rityof predic tingthe winner of the tourna ment.B. To show how people have triedto make moneyfrom other’s madness.C. To invite reader s to predic t the winner of MarchMadnes s.D. To introd uce the bracke t contest ESPN holdseach year.67. Whichof the followi ng statem entsi s true accord i ng to the articl e?A. MarchMadness has been held in the US for the last 16 years.B. Lots of people compet ed in the bracke t contest held by ESPN in March2014.C. Caig Gillmo re is very likely to $1 billio n awardoffere d by Warren Buffet.D. Most Americans follow Marchmadness because they want to win all kindsof money and prizes.68. The underl ined word “gut” in the second-last paragraph is closest in meanin g to _________.A. luckB. calcul ationC. instin ctD. statis ti cs69. Whichbest descri bes the writer’s tone in the articl e?A. Optimi s tic.B. Humoro u sC. Critic al.D. Doubtful.(B)You have in handsthe next genera tionof ez-link cards that matchthe new Singap ore Standa rd for Contactless ePurse Applic ation s (CEPAS) that can be used for LTA’s new c-paymen t system for publ ic transp ort.NEW ez-link card◆NO TRAVEL DEPOSIT. Balance reflected·at all device s is the actual stored valuei n thenew card.◆CAN BE USED IN THE NEXT GENETA TIONIN-VEHICLE UNIT. For Electroni cRoadPricin g (ERP) and paymen ts in carpark s with upgrad ed Electronic Parkin g System s(EPS).◆$500.00. Maximu m stored value.WHEREYOU CAN USE YOUR NEW ez-link cardsMERCHANT NAME AND/OR TYPE AVAILA BILITYImmedi ately◆All public buses, MRT and LRT trains run by both SBST &SMRT◆School cantee ns, printi ng servic es, F&B outlet s, Privat e buses2nd Quarte r 20153rd Quarte r 2015◆7-Eleven conven ience stores, ERP, EPS, SMRT Taxis, NLBlibrary branch es and McDonal d’s Restau rants, school bookst ores◆Coca-cola vendin g machin es, Singap ore Poolsand Hospit al s 4th Quarte r 2015USE OF NEW ez-link CARD IN TRANSITBUS◆To travel on the bus, you need to have the minimu m stored valueto coverthe cost of travel from the pointyou get on, to the last stop on that servic e.◆If you are unsure of the minimu m amount required, we recommend that you have atleast$3 in your card for basicbus servic e s.◆When the card reader flashe s green,it is a remind er that you have less than $5 inyour card.◆When the card reader flashe s red, you have insuff icien t valueto travel. Please pay cashfor your journe y.MRT◆With the new ez-link card, you will need at least$3 in your card fore you can startyour journe y on the MRT/LRT.◆This valueensure s that you have the required fare when you exit the gate, even for thelongest trainj ourne y.70. The new ez-link card can NOT be used ______________.A. for LTA’s new e-paymen t system for public transp ortB. for Electroni cRoad Pricin g(ERP).C. in carpark s with upgrad ed Electroni cParkin g System s(EPS)D. to storevaluemore than five hundre d dollars.71. Accord i ng to WHEREY OU CANUSE YOUR NEW ez-link cards, people can use the new ez-link cards______________.A. on public buses, MAT and LRT at once.B. to pay for mealsi n school cantee ns in January,2015.C. to buy booksi n any school bookst ore after July,2015.D. in Singap ore Poolsand Hospit als all year round.72. When transi tingbetwee n BUS and MRT, ___________.A. the greenflashremind s you that therei s only $5 in your card.B. the card reader flashe s greento tell you to pay your fare by cash.C. you’ll pay at most $3 for the longest trainj ourne y on the MAT/LRT.D. you should storeat least $5 in your card for basicBUS or MRT servic e s.73. What’s the main purpose of the poster?A. To show people how to buy a new ez-link card.B. To tell people what’s new about t he new ez-link cards.C. To list the places wherethe new new ez-link cards can be used.D. To introd uce the financi al functi on of the new ez-link cards.( C )How does someon e step up to a cash machin e and withdraw moneyfrom an accoun t holder half worldaway? Even when the debit card is stilli n the victim’s wallet? It is easy, actual ly, say expert s. The recipe for creati ng fake cardsi s right thereon the Intern et.It is often called“white card”fraud. Crimin al s someho w get theirhandson the electroni ci nformation stored on a legiti mate card’s magneti c stripe. Genera lly, it’s stolen from a retail er or paymen t processor’s databa se, as happen ed when thieve s last year brokei nto comput ers at CardSy stems Soluti on Inc. Luckil y for the crimin als, Cardsy stems didn’t storej ust accoun t numbers-it even stored custom er’s secret codesthat were never meant to be copied on magneti c stripe s. Stolen“ mag stripe” data is the holy grai lfor card thieve. Then they take the stolen data and writei t onto a new, blankcard-a card that’s oftenpl ai nwhiteand they are off to the bank.To show me how easy it was, two executi vesfrom MagTek Inc, one of the largest markers of credit card stripe gave a demonstrati on. Within minute s , I was withdrawing moneyfrom my accoun t using a plainwhitepieceof plasti c at an ATM. And the key is to get an encode r.Andy and Paul Deignan are brothe rs who both word for MagTek. Both came by to show me how easily thieve s can manufa cture scores of fake codes. MagTek sellsboth card readers, whichare seen in stores across Americ a, and card encode rs, whichvery few people should ever see. Encode rs actual ly writei nformation onto that mysteri ouspieceof magneti c tape on the back of the card. Banksu se them to create credit cards. Readers cost about $100. Encode rs cost betwee n $1500 and $2000 except on eBay, wherestolen encode rs can sell for as little as $500. Armedwith one, someon e can create and debit cardsthat work exactl y like the cardsproduces by financi al instit ution s.For demonstrati on purposes, the Deigna n brothe rs took my debit card, droppe d it in an encode r, copied the data from the back, and handed the card back to me. Then they took a pieceo f whiteplasti c, a second card, instea d that into the encode r, and essenti ally pasted my ATM inform ation onto the second card. The proces s took less than 15 second s.The walk to the nearest cash machin e took longer. Within a minute, I had taken a whitepieceof plasti c and withdrawn $100 from my own checki ng accoun t. Obviou sly, with slightl y different data and a PIN number, I couldhave takenthe moneyfrom someon e else’s accoun t. With a databa se of stolen information, I couldhave withdrawn moneyfrom hundre d s of accoun ts.74. What does “ white card” fraudrefer to?A. A person who sellsfake credit card to retail ers or paymen t processors.B. Thieve s withdraw moneyfrom a cash machin e with a plaincard and stolen data.C. People buy stolen or salvag ed encode rs from the Intern et.D. People can create credit and debit cards to cheat fi nanci al instit ution s.75. What is an encode r used for accord i ng to the passag e?A. Identi fying accoun t number s from a credit card.B. Creati ng magneti c tape on casset te tapes.C. Steali ng data from a retail er or paymen t proces sor’s databa se.D. Writin g inform ation onto magneti c stripe s on the back of the card.76. The purpose of this articl e is probab l y to________________A. tell people how to make a fortun e.B. explai n how a credit card is used when buying things.C. warn people not to use credit card to pay for anythi ng.D. expose a fraudthat is oftenused thesedays.77. What is likely to be talked abouti n the next paragraph?A. Some other way to withdraw moneyat an ATM.B. Whereto buy card readers and card encode rs.C. How to protec t yourse l f against the whitecard fraud.D. The disadv antag es of usingcredit card on the Intern et..Sectio n CDirect ions:Read the passag e carefu lly. Then answer the questi ons or comple te the statem entsin the fewest possib le words.Sugari s blamed for fuelin g the nation s’ obesit y crisis. Yet many of us don’t realiz e just how quickl y our intake creeps up and the crucia l link it has to health.Therei s nothin g inhere ntly(固有地) unheal t hy about sugar so we should n’t be afraid of it or try to elimin ate it from our diets comple tely. It doesn’t directl y causeheart disease or diabet es(糖尿病) so there ’s nothin g wrong with the occasi onal sweet t reat. The proble m arisebecause most of us are eating far too much.Thereare different typeso f sugarand it’s foundi n all sortsof everyday foods. It occurs natura l ly in fruit and is addedby manufa cture rs to make snacks such as cakesand biscui ts. All typesof sugar, whether foundi n cakesor fruit , will push up your intake of calori es. If you don’t burn them off throug h exercise you are likely to get fat. That’s wherethe real health proble m s begin, includi ng increa se risk of heartdisease, diabet es and some cancers.With sugarfoundnatura l ly in fruit therei s a balance. This sugar can play a role in making us overwei ght but fruiti s also bursti ng with other source s of goodne ss. The addedsugar foundi n snacks and sweets doesn’t contai n many nutrie nts so we are encouragedto get our sugar allowa nce from frui tinstea d.Tom Sander s, professor of dieteti cs and nutrit i on at King’s Colleg e London, says:“we advise people to eat up to threeportio ns of fruit a day but only have confectione ry occasi onall y, because sweet can also tend to be high in better to get most of your carboh ydrat es intake from starch y foods such as bread, ri ce, potato es and pastabecause they also contai n useful amount s of other nutrie nts such as protei ns and vitamins.’ It is recomm ended that no more than 11% or our total dailycalori es intake should come from sugars. Profes sor Sander says:’This transl atesi nto 60g of sugar”Therei s no eviden ce that sugari s addicti ve, adds the professor , but it is habit formin g . “We have specia l tasterecept ors for sugars on our tongue,” he explai ns. “ Sweet tastes give us pleasu re, unlike bitter and acidic flavors.”(Note: Answer the questi ons or comple te the statem entswi th NO MORE THAN 10 WORDS)78. The health proble ms caused by sugar, such as increa sed risk of heart di sease, come from_____________________________________________79. What kind of balance does fruit contai n?_____________________________________________________________________________80. Though a type of carboh ydrat e, sugar doesn’t contai n nutrie nts like _____________________________.81. Why is sugar habit formin g?第Ⅱ卷(共47分)I. Transl ationDirect ions:Transl ate the follow ing senten ces into Englis h, usingthe wordsgivenin the bracke ts.1.时下,网上购物在年轻人中很流行。
【物理】上海市金山区2015届高三上学期期末考试 (精校解析版)
![【物理】上海市金山区2015届高三上学期期末考试 (精校解析版)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/76d6201f16fc700aba68fc0f.png)
2015届上海市金山区高三上学期期末考试理科物理卷1.下列属于物理学中的理想化模型的是()A.电阻B.电场线C.加速度D.电场强度【答案】B【解析】理想化模型:实际现象和过程一般都十分复杂的,涉及到众多的因素,采用理想化模型方法对学习和研究起到了简化和纯化的作用,它抓住事物的主要方面,忽略事物的次要方面.但简化后的模型一定要表现出原型所反映出的特点、知识. 电场线是为了形象的描述电场的强度和方向引入的假想曲线,它在现实中是不存在的,属于理想化模型。
【考点】理想化模型2.下列单位中属于国际基本单位的是()A.安培B.牛C.特斯拉D.焦耳【答案】B【解析】国际基本单位有长度(m)、质量(kg)、时间(s)、热力学温度(K)、电流A.、光强度(c d)、物质的量(mo l),其他单位都是由这些单位导出的,称为导出单位。
【考点】静电现象4.面积是S的矩形导线框,放在磁感应强度为B的匀强磁场中,当线框平面与磁场方向平行时,穿过导线框所围面积的磁通量为()A.BSB.0C.B/SD.S/B【答案】B【解析】试题分析:线圈在匀强磁场中,当线圈平面与磁场方向夹角为θ,穿过线圈的Φ=BS sinθ,由题意可知B选项正确。
【考点】磁通量点评:要记住磁通量Φ=BS sin θ这个公式,并且要明白各物理量的含义即可。
金山区2015学年第一学期期末考试高三化学试卷考生注意:1. 本试卷满分150分,考试时间120分钟。
2. 本考试设试卷和答题纸两部分,试卷包括试题与答题要求;所有答案必须涂或写在答题纸上;做在试卷上一律不得分。
3. 答题前,考生务必在答题纸上用钢笔或圆珠笔在答题纸正面清楚地填写姓名、座位号。
4. 答题纸与试卷在试题编号上是一一对应的,答题时应特别注意,不能错位。
相对原子质量:H— 1 C—12 N —14 O—16 Na—23 S—32 P—31 Ca—40第I卷(共66分)1、在化学的发展史上,许多科学家创建的理论对化学科学的发展起到重大的作用。
有关科学家与其创建的理论对应不匹配的是A •墨子:物质的分割是有条件的B .汤姆生:葡萄干面包模型C.德谟克利特:古典原子论D •贝克勒尔:原子结构的行星模型2、有关碳元素及其化合物的化学用语正确的是2s 2pA . CO2 的电子式::°:C:°:B. 碳原子最外层电子的轨道表示式:C. 淀粉分子的最简式:CH2OD •乙烯分子的比例模型:3、通过化学反应不能实现的是A •生成一种新的离子B •生成一种新的分子C.生成一种新的同位素 D .生成一种新的单质4、下列有关判断的依据正确的是A •电解质:水溶液是否导电B •原子晶体:构成晶体的微粒是否是原子C共价分子:分子中原子间是否全部是共价键D •化学平衡状态:平衡体系中各组分的物质的量浓度是否相等5、学习化学应有辩证的观点和方法。
下列说法正确的是A •催化剂不参加化学反应B.醇和酸反应的产物未必是酯C.卤代烃的水解产物一定是醇D.醇脱水的反应都属于消去反应二、选择题(共36分,每小题3分,只有一个正确选项。
)6、Fe3+、SO4"、Al3+和X四种离子以物质的量之比 2 : 4 : 1 : 1大量共存于同一溶液中,X 可能是——2 —+A • ClB • OH C. CO3 D • Na7、类推是化学学习和研究中常用的思维方法。
15 2015届金山区高三英语一模卷(作文有范文)
![15 2015届金山区高三英语一模卷(作文有范文)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/ec547587bb4cf7ec4afed0ae.png)
金山区2014学年第一学期期末考试高三英语试卷(满分:150分考试时间:120分钟)2015.01第Ⅰ卷 (共103分)I. Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. At a post office. B. At a railway station.C. In a shoe store.D. In a restaurant.2. A. Guide and tourist. B. Husband and wife.C. Manager and secretary.D. Father and daughter.3. A. Yellow sand. B. Calm water. C. Being sad. D. A stormy sea.4. A. Airplane. B. Subway. C. Bus. D. Car.5. A. Jason Daniels isn’t home right now.B. The caller dialed the wrong number.C. Jason Daniels can’t come to the phone right now.D. Jason Daniels doesn’t want to speak to the caller.6. A. The man will probably stay home for his vacation.B. The man will probably go to Mexico for his vacation.C. The man will probably leave for Canada for his vacation.D. The man will probably wait until summer to go to Mexico.7. A. He can speak many languages.B. He can speak French and English.C. He can speak only a little French.D. He can speak only English.8. A. Take some clothing for a cold climate. B. Not go to the places she used to.C. Keep her wallets safe.D. Take fashionable clothes.9. A. She often eats in a restaurant. B. She doesn’t often eat out.C. She enjoys a show very much.D. She doesn’t want to go to a restaurant.10. A. Jim asked others to paint the house.B. Jim’s house was not painted because he was busy.C. Jim’s house was painted by himself.D. Jim’s house has already been painted.Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A. The mother buys far more for her baby.B. The mother wants the best for her baby.C. The mother uses goods to affect her baby.D. The mother saves every possible penny for her baby.12. A. What TV says is always true. B. Commercials on TV are good for children.C. Children need TV while growing.D. What a mother says should be obeyed.13. A. Because manufacturers have direct contact with children.B. Because children watch TV and persuade their mothers to buy what they’ve seen.C. Because children themselves buy what they see on TV.D. Because mothers watch TV and buy what they see for their kids.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following news.14. A. They feel unwell if their pets become sick.B. They take a lot of days off work to care for their pets.C. They buy presents for their pets every week.D. They like their pets better than their partners.15. A. The application procedure. B. The poor lab facilities.C. The lack of research funds.D. The complaints by researchers.16. A. He was helped to climb up from the well.B. The neighbours used a ladder to help him out.C. He was pulled out of the water by the foot.D. His mother saved him from drowning.Section CDirections:In Section C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet.Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation.Complete the form. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.Directions:After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.(A)Most of time black and white appears as opposites. White means light and purity. Black is darkness and evil. But not always true. Sometimes the words are used differently. White hats and black hats represent the traditional meaning of the words. The hats are the symbols of the “good guys” and the “bad guys” in American western movies. Now the tradition of white hats andexpressions is described as good things. Being “in the black” for example is a good situation for anyone. It is a business expression that means a company is earning money. When someone says his business is “in the red”, h e means it is losing money. White usually means something good. A “white color” job, for example, is the kind of job many people seek. It is a job where you work“whitewash” has a different meaning: to hide or cover up mistakes or failures.(B)I was 9 years old when I found out my father was ill. It was 1994, but I can rememberfrom your father, because he has AIDS. Be very careful when you are around him."From then on, I knew that this would be a family secret. My parents were not together anymore, and my dad lived alone. For a while, he couldtake care of himself. But when I was 12, his look after him.unable to work, I had no money for school supplies and often couldn't even buy food for dinner.figure out how I was going to manage.I did not share my burden with anyone. I had seen people reacted to AIDS. Kids laughed at classmates who had parents with the disease. And even adults could be cruel. When my fatherhe was too weak to feed himself.I had known that he was going to die, but after so many years of keeping his condition acalled a woman at the nonprofit National AIDS Support. That day, she kept me on the phone for I was 15 when my father died. He took his secret away with him, having never spoken about AIDS to anyone, even me. He didn't want to call attention to AIDS. I do.Section BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can onlyreading assignments before to a popular tool used by teachers to bridge year and the start of know what good this really does," said Sheryl, a parent of twin 13-year isn't said her daughters spent weeks in summer camps and away on vacation before they had a chancewhen I'd like to do said her daughter. She said she enjoyed reading "TheMcBride, but the assignments that go with it —choosing fiveand analyze —seem redundant(多余的). Some education expertshazy, crazy" days of summer are over as schools feel increasedAct. "It's really going to focus attention on this period of time when kids aren'tsaid Ron Fairchild, executive director of the Center for Summer Learning at Johns Hopkins University. But parents from Prince George's County to Salt Lake City are lately fighting back, questioning the usefulness and of teachers piling on summer reading and math problems.III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections:For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Brief History of the World's FairWorld's Fairs originated in the French tradition of national exhibitions, a tradition that ended with the French Industrial Exposition of 1844 held in Paris. It was soon followed by other national 51 in continental Europe, and finally came to London 52 the first real international exhibition was held. Since their start in 1851, the 53 of world expositions has developed gradually. Three eras can be distinguished: the era of industrialization, the era of cultural exchange, and the era of nation branding.Industrialization (185l-l938)The first era could be called the era of industrialization and covered the period from 1851 to 1938. In these days, world expositions were 54 focused on trade and famous for the display of technological inventions and advancements. World expositions were the55 where the state of the art in science and technology from around the world was brought together. Inventions such as the telephone were first presented during this era. An important part of the 56 of World's Fairs stems from this first era.57 exchange (1939-1991)The 1939 New York World's Fair and the 1949 Stockholm World's Fair were different from the original focus of the expositions. From then on, World's Fairs became more strongly based on a 58 theme of cultural significance, and began to address issues of humankind. Technology and inventions remained 59 , but no longer as the principal subjects of the Fair. Cross-cultural dialogue and the exchange of solutions became 60 elements of the expos. It was also during this time, specifically in the 1960s, that BIE organizers started calling World's Fairs "Expos".Nation branding (1992-present)From Expo'88 in Brisbane onwards, countries started to use World Expositions more widely and more strongly as a platform to improve their national images through their pavilions. Finland, Japan, Canada, France and Spain are cases in point. A large study by Tjaco Walviscalled "Expo 2000 Hanover in Numbers" showed that improving national images was the primary participation goal for 73% of the countries at Expo 2000. In a world where a strong national image is a key asset (财产) , pavilions became advertising 61 , and the Expo a channel for nation branding. 62 cultural and symbolic reasons, organizing countries (and the cities and regions hosting them) also use the world exposition to brand themselves. Future expositions2017 will see a recognized exposition. Bidding may begin as early as 2012 for this smaller-sized exposition. Already, Edmonton, Alberta and Canada have 63 to go on with the second stage of putting together a bid for Edmonton EXPO 2017. 2020 will 64 a registered category of exposition. Bidding may begin as early as 2011 for this larger sized exposition. There are citizen 65 in American cities with the intention of bringing a World's Fair back to the United States.51. A. organizations B. shows C. exhibitions D. customs52. A. which B. when C. how D. where53. A. character B. name C. aim D. goal54. A. honestly B. strangely C. especially D. hardly55. A. place B. platform C. area D. hall56. A. representation B. image C. illustration D. outlook57. A. Industrial B. Historical C. Cultural D. Original58. A. special B. specific C. strategic D. simple59. A. important B. equal C. alternative D. unchangeable60. A. honorable B. communicative C. considerable D. defining61. A. purposes B. images C. campaigns D. designs62. A. As long as B. As well as C. As far as D. As soon as63. A. moved B. begun C. put D. voted64. A. see B. bid C. mark D. establish65. A. complaints B. efforts C. energies D. achievementsSection BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.( A )What is the meaning of “madness”? In the US every March, it’s 64 men’s college basketball teams playing 63 games in less than a month. But it’s not just the tournament that’s a little crazy—people all over the country also go mad trying to predict the winner.Even billionaire investor Warren Buffet seems to be going crazy. In late January, Buffet announced that he’ll give $1 billion (6.1 billion yuan) to anyone in the US who can correctly predict the winners of all 63 games this year, Reuters reported.Each year, in the week before the first round begins, people usually print and fill out March Madness brackets. A brackets is a kind of diagram that lists all the teams that play each other inthe first round, leaving blank spots for all of the rounds after that. In offices and classrooms all over the US, people compete to fill out the most accurate bracket. Some people compete for prizes, like money or expensive gifts, while others do it for personal glory.According to the Wall Street Journal, the sports media company ESPN has held a national bracket contest every March for the last 16 years. And in all that time, not a single person has ever correctly predicted all 63 game results.So, will anyone win Buffet’s billion? While it’s unlikely, the person with the best shot is probably Craig Gilmore, a business analyst in Virginia, US. Last year, Gilmore beat over 8 million others in ESPN’s contest, correctly predicting 50 out of the 63 games, including that No 1-ranked Louisville would beat No 4-ranked Michigan for the championship. Gilmore has said that he filled out that bracket pretty quickly—after first drinking four glasses of beer. “I didn’t overanalyze it,” he told ESPN, “I just kind of went with my gut.”That’s funny—he doesn’t sound mad at all, does he?66.Why does the author mention Warren Buffet in the article?A.To show the excitement and popularity of predicting the winner of the tournament.B.To show how people have tried to make money from other’s madness.C.To invite readers to predict the winner of March Madness.D.To introduce the bracket contest ESPN holds each year.67.Which of the following statements is true according to the article?A.March Madness has been held in the US for the last 16 years.B.Lots of people competed in the bracket contest held by ESPN in March 2014.C.Caig Gillmore is very likely to win the $1 billion award offered by Warren Buffet.D.Most Americans follow March madness because they want to win all kinds of moneyand prizes.68.The underlined word “gut” in the second-last paragraph is closest in meaning to ________.A. luckB. calculationC. instinctD. statistics69. Which best describes the writer’s tone in the article?A. Optimistic.B. Humorous.C. Critical.D. Doubtful.( B )In America, the following birthdays areespecially meaningful:ONE: Whether we remember it or not,most of us had a very happy one-year-oldbirthday, at least our parents and family did.Our first birthday is an occasion for ourparents and loved ones to celebrate and tellthe world that they've had us for one wholeyear. Hooray!SIXTEEN: Sweet Sixteen, Sweet Sixteen? What's so sweet about this birthday? Perhaps because sixteen marks our coming of age, which is the interim10 period between childhood and adulthood. It's a very brief and unique stage in our lives. A time when we are becoming an adult, yet still haven't lost our childhood innocence.EIGHTEEN: This is the day we become legal adults in the eye of the law. We can now assume full responsibility for all aspects of our lives. We no longer need our parents' consent to go on fieldtrips12, to rent a R-rated13 movie, to have a medical procedure done, to get married, etc. If a teacher has a problem with our grades, he comes directly to us. And if a doctor wants to discuss a medical condition, he speaks only to us.TWENTY-ONE: Most Americans celebrate this birthday with excessive partying and drinking. 21 is the legal drinking age in America. In other words, the day we turn 21 is the day we enter a whole new social plane. We can order a glass of wine with our dinner or enjoy a highball16 at a classy cocktail lounge17 without the fear of being charged with underage drinking. In addition, being 21 gives us access to bars, clubs and casinos18. In America, all establishments that serve alcohol require us to show proof of age before entrance is granted or services are rendered.THIRTY: The Big Three-O. What's so special about this birthday? In my opinion, 30th birthday is the day of introspection and reflection for many people. We look back at what we've done with our lives so far and decide if we are happy with where we are? Thirty is a critical age. We are not old but we're also not young. In other words, it's not too late for us to do the things that we've always wanted to do, but we should start on them soon because time is flying by. In other words, thirty is the age of many important questions: Do I want to get married? Do I want to have children? Should I marry the woman I met three years ago? Am I happy with my career? Do I have a future in this line of work? Is it too late to change professions? Should I start saving money to buy a house soon?70. According to the passage, at which age can American enjoy the best of two different stages of life?A. SixteenB. EighteenC. Twenty-oneD. Thirty71. Which of the following is NOT the true meaning of celebrating the birthdays?A. Parents celebrate the first birthday of their babies to express their love.B. The age of 16 stands for a short but sweet transitional stage of life.C. People become physically and mentally mature on their 18th birthday.D. Americans are allowed to drink by the law at the age of 21.72. From the context, we may learn that probably introspection means_________.A. making decisions.B. having new plansC. starting a new lifeD. thinking deeply73. The purpose of writing this passage is _________.A. to tell people how Americans celebrate their birthdays.B. to discuss about the value of American families and their lifeC. to point out the American birthday tradition should be maintained.D. to illustrate the importance of different ages in the American’s life.( C )How does someone step up to a cash machine and withdraw money from an account holder half world away? Even when the debit card is still in the victim’s wallet? It is easy, actually, say experts. The recipe for creating fake cards is right there on the Internet.It is often called “white card” fraud. Criminals somehow get their hands on the electronic information stored on a legitimate card’s magnetic stripe. Generally, it’s stolen from a retailer or payment processor’s database, as happened when thieves last year broke into computers at CardSystems Solution Inc. Luckily for the criminals, Cardsystems didn't store just account numbers—it even stored customer’s secret codes that were never meant to be copied on magnetic stripes. Stolen “mag stripe” data is the holy grail for card thieves. Then they take the stolen data and write it onto a new, blank card—a card that’s often plain white and they are off to the bank.To show me how easy it was, two executives from MagTek Inc, one of the largest markers of credit card stripe readers gave a demonstration. Within minutes, I was withdrawing money from my account using a plain white piece of plastic at an ATM. And the key is to get an encoder.Andy and Paul Deignan are brothers who both work for MagTek. Both came by to show me how easily thieves can manufacture scores of fake codes. MagTek sells both card readers, which are seen in stores across America, and card encoders, which very few people should ever see. Encoders actually write information onto that mysterious piece of magnetic tape on the back of the card. Banks use them to create credit cards. Readers cost about $100. Encoders cost between $1500 and $2000 except on eBay, where stolen encoders can sell for as little as $500. Armed with one, someone can create credit and debit cards that work exactly like the cards produced by financial institutions.For demonstration purposes, the Deignan brothers took my debit card, dropped it in an encoder, copied the data from the back, and handed the card back to me. Then they took a piece of white plastic, a second card, inserted that into the encoder, and essentially pasted my ATM information onto the second card. The process took less than 15 seconds.The walk to the nearest cash machine took longer. Within a minute, I had taken a white piece of plastic and withdrawn $100 from my own checking account. Obviously, with slightly different data and a PIN number, I could have taken the money from someone else’s account. With a database of stolen information, I could have withdrawn money from hundreds of accounts.74. What does “white card” fraud refer to?A. A person who sells fake credit card to retailers or payment processors.B. Thieves withdraw money from a cash machine with a plain card and stolen data.C. People buy stolen or salvaged encoders from the Internet.D. People can create credit and debit cards to cheat financial institutions.75. What is an encoder used for according to the passage?A. Identifying account numbers from a credit card.B. Creating magnetic tape on cassette tapes.C. Stealing data from a retailer or payment processor’s database.D. Writing information onto magnetic stripes on the back of the card.76. The purpose of this article is probably to ________.A. tell people how to make a fortune.B. explain how a credit card is used when buying things.C. warn people not to use credit card to pay for anything.D. expose a fraud that is often used these days.77. What is likely to be talked about in the next paragraph?A. Some other way to withdraw money at an ATM.B. Where to buy card readers and card encoders.C. How to protect yourself against the “white card” fraud.D. The disadvantages of using credit card on the Internet.Section CDirections: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.Sugar is blamed for fuelling the nations’obesity crisis. Yet many of us don’t realize just how quickly our intake creeps up and the crucial link it has to health.There is nothing inherently (固有地) unhealthy about sugar so we shouldn’t be afraid of it or try to eliminate it from our diets completely. It doesn’t directly cause heart disease or diabetes (糖尿病) so there’s nothing wrong with the occasional sweet treat. The problem arise because most of us are eating far too much.There are different types of sugar and it’s found in all sorts of everyday foods. It occurs naturally in fruit and is added by manufacturers to make snacks such as cakes and biscuits. All types of sugar, whether found in cakes or fruit, will push up your intake of calories. If you don’t burn them off through exercise you are likely to get fat. That’s where the real health problems begin, including increase risk of heart disease, diabetes and some cancers.With sugar found naturally in fruit there is a balance. This sugar can play a role in making us overweight but fruit is also bursting with other sources of goodness. The added sugar found in snacks and sweets doesn’t contain many nutrients so we are encouraged to get our sugarallowance from fruit instead.Tom Sanders, professor of dietetics and nutrition at King’s College London,says: “we advise people to eat up to three portions of fruit a day but only have confectionery occasionally, because sweet snacks also tend to be high in fat.” Sugar is a type of carbohydrate and Professor Sanders adds: “Sugar is empty calories. Generally it is better to get most of your carbohydrates intake from starchy foods such as bread, rice, potatoes and pasta because they also contain useful amounts of other nutrients such as proteins and vitamins.” It is recommended that no more than 11% of our total daily calories intake should come from sugars. Professor Sander says: “This translates into 60g of sugar”There is no evidence that sugar is addictive, adds the professor, but it is habit forming. “We have special taste receptors for sugars on our tongue,”he explains. “Sweet tastes give us pleasure, unlike bitter and acidic flavors.”(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN 10 WORDS.)78. The health problems caused by sugar, such as increased risk of heart disease, comefrom________________________________.79. What kind of balance does fruit contain?80. Though a type of carbohydrate, sugar doesn’t contain nutrients like___________.81. Why is sugar habit forming?第Ⅱ卷 (共47分)I. TranslationDirections:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.1.练的越多,你的钢琴弹的就越好。
金山区2014-2015学年第一学期期末试卷英语I、听力(略)II. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections:After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form ofthe given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.( A )Most of time black and white appears as opposites. White means light and purity. Black isdarkness and evil. But not always. Sometimes the words are used differently.White hats and black hats represent the traditional meaning of the words. The hats are the symbolsof the “good guys” and the “bad guys” in American western movies. Now the tradition of white hats and black hats is no longer a part of movie making. ____25____you still hear the expressionwhen people talk about good guys and bad guys.A black sheep is a person ___26_____ does things that are not accepted, the violate tradition. Ablack sheep is rejected____27____ he brings shame to his group. A family may have a memberwho ___28_____(think)of as a black sheep, a person who is not welcome at family gatherings.Black ___29_____ (use) in some expressions is described as good things. Being “in the black” for example is a good situation for anyone. It is a business expression that means a company isearning money. When someone says his business is “in the red”, he means it is losing money. White usually means something good. A “white color” job, for example, is the kind of job many people seek. It is a job where you work at a desk, using your brain __30___ ______your muscles Sometimes white is used in an expression that is not good. Whitewash issuch____31_____expression. At first whitewash meant to paint over something with a white paintto make____32_____look better. But now “whitewash” has a different meaning: to hide or coverup mistakes or failures.( B )I was 9 years old when I found out my father was ill. It was 1994, but I can remember___33_____my mother told me as if it were yesterday: "Kernel, I don't want you to take food fromyour father, because he has AIDS. Be very careful when you are around him."AIDS wasn't something we talked about in my country when I _____34____ (grow) up.From then on, I knew that this would be a family secret. My parents were not together anymore,and my dad lived alone. For a while, he could take care of himself. But when I was 12, hiscondition got ___35____.(bad) My father's other children lived far away, so it fell to me to tookafter him.We ___36_____ not afford all the necessary medicine for him, and because Dad wasunable to work, I had no money for school supplies and often couldn't even buy food for dinner. Iwould sit in class ___37_____ (feel) completely lost, the teacher's words muffled as I tried tofigure out how I was going to manage.I did not share my burden with anyone. I had seen people reacted to AIDS. Kids laughed atclassmates who had parents with the disease. And even adults could be cruel. When my father wasmoved to the hospital, the nurses would leave his food on the bedside __38____ ________ he wastoo weak to feed himself.I had known that he was going to die, but after so many years of keeping his condition a secret, I was completely unprepared____39_____he reached his final days. Sad and hopeless, I called a womanat the nonprofit National AIDS Support. That day, she kept me on the phone for hours. I was so lucky ____40___(find) someone who cared. She saved my life.I was 15 when my father died. He took his secret away with him, having never spoken about AIDS to anyone, even me. He didn't want to call attention to AIDS. I do.Section BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A. workloadB. describeC. pressureD. sayE. gapF. engagedG. well-rounded H. increasingly I. temporarily J. stuff K. headingInstead of enjoying the final days of summer by hanging out at the pool or the mall, many students ate reading and writing ——cramming (填鸭式) to complete assignments before ____41_____ back to school. Summer homework has _____42_____ become a popular tool usedby teachers to bridge the _____43_____ between the end of one school year and the start of another. But some parents worry that the _____44_____ is making summer fun slip away. “I don’t know what good this really does,”said Sheryl, a parent of twin 13-year old girls. “Life isn’t always about a test. I think it’s important for children to be children, to be ____45____.” Sheryl said her daughters spent weeks in summer camps and away on vacation before they had a chance to start their summer assignments. “Basically I have the summer reading hanging over my head when I’d like to do other ____46 ,” said her daughter. She said she enjoyed reading “The Color of Water”by James McBride, but the assignments that go with it ——choosing five passage to ____47 and analyze ——seem redundant(多余的). Some education experts ____48 the “lazy, hazy, crazy”days of summer are over as schools feel increased ____49_____ on accountability for student achievement under the federal No Child Left Behind Act. “It’s really going to focus attention on this period of time when kids aren’t _____50_____ ,”said Ron Fairchild, executive director of the Center for Summer Learning at Johns Hopkins University. But parents from Prince George’s County to Salt Lake City are lately fighting back, questioning the usefulness and of teachers piling on summer reading and math problem.Ⅲ.Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections:For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B,C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that vest fits the context.Brief History of the World’s FairWorld’s Fairs originated in the French tradition of national exhibitions, a tradition that ended with the French Industrial Exposition of 1844 held in Pairs. It was soon followed by other national_____51_____, in continental Europe, and finally came to London _____52_____ the first real international exhibition was held. Since their start in 1851, the _____53_____ of world expositions has developed gradually. Three eras can be distinguished: the era of industrialization, the era of cultural exchange, and the era of nation branding.Industrialization (1851-1938)The first era could be called the era of industrialization and covered the period from 1851to 1938. In these days, world expositions were _____54_____ focused on trade and famous for the display of technological inventions and advancements. World expositions were the _____55_____, where the state of the art in science and technology from around the world was brought together. Inventions such as the telephone were first presented during this era. An important part of the _____56______ of World’s Fairs stems from this first era._____57_____exchange (1939-1991)The 1939 New York World’s Fair and the 1949 Stockholm World’s Fair were different from the original focus of the expositions. From then on, World’s Fairs became more strongly based on a ____58____ theme of cultural significance, and began to address issues of humankind. Technology and inventions remained ____59____, but no longer as the principal subjects of the Fair. Cross-cultural dialogue and the exchange of solutions became ____60____ elements of the expos. It was also during this time, specifically in the 1960s, that BIE organizers started calling World’s Fair “Expos”.Nation branding (1992-present)From Expo’88 in Brisbane onwards, countries started to use World Expositions more widely and more strongly as a platform to improve their national images through their pavilions. Finland, Japan, Canada, France and Spain are cases in point. A large study by Tjaco Walvis called “Expo 2000 Hanover in Numbers” showed that improving national images was the primary participation goal for 73% of the countries at Expo 2000. In a world where a strong national image is a keyasset(财产), pavilions became advertising ____61 , and the Expo a channel for nation branding. ____62____, cultural and symbolic reasons, organizing countries (and the cities and regions hosting them) also use the world exposition to brand themselves.Future expositions2017will see a recognized exposition Bidding may begin as early as 2012 for this smaller-sized exposition. Already, Edmonton, Alberta and Canada have ____63____, to go on with the second stage of putting together a bid for Edmonton EXPO 2017. 2020 will ____64____ a registered category of exposition. Bidding may begin as early as 2011 for this larger sized exposition. There are citizen _____65_____ in American cities with the intention of bringing a World’s Fair back to the United States.51. A. organizations B. shows C. exhibitions D. customs52. A. which B. when C. how D. where53. A. character B. name C. aim D. goal54. A. honestly B. strangely C. especially D. hardly55. A. place B. platform C. area D. hall56. A. representation B. image C. illustration D. outlook57. A. Industrial B. Historical C. Cultural D. Original58. A. special B. specific C. strategic D. simple59. A. important B. equal C. alternative D. unchangeable60. A. honorable B. communicative C. considerable D. defining61. A. purposes B. A. images C. campaigns D. designs62. A. As long as B. As well as C. As far as D. As soon as63. A. moved B. begun C. put D. voted64. A. see B. bid C. mark D. establish65. A. complaints B. efforts C. energies D. achievementsSection BDirections:Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several question or unfinished statements. For each of them there ate four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)What is the meaning of “madness”? In the US every March, it’s 64 men’s college basketball teams playing 63 games in less than a month. But it’s not just the tournament that’s a little crazy ——people all over the country also go mad trying to predict the winner.Even billionaire investor Warren Buffet seems to be going crazy. In late January, Buffet announced that he’ll give $1 billion (6.1billion yuan) to anyone in the US who can correctly predict the winners of all 63 games this year, Reuters reported.Each year, in the week before the first round begins, people usually print and fill out March Madness brackets. A brackets is a kind of diagram that lists all the teams that play each other inthe first round, leaving blank spots tor all of the rounds after that. In offices and classrooms allover the US, people compete to fill out the most accurate bracket. Some people compete for prizes, like money or expensive gifts, while others do it for personal glory.According to the Wall Street Journal, the sports media company ESPN has held a national bracket contest every March for the last 16 years. And in all that time, not a single person has ever correctly predicted all 63 game results.So, will anyone win Buffet’s billion? While it’s unlikely, the person with the best shot is probably Craig Gilmore, a business analyst in Virginia, US. Last year, Gilmore beat over 8 million others in ESPN’s contest, correctly predicting 50 out of the 63 games, including that No 1-ranked Louisville would beat No 4-ranked Michigan for the championship. Gilmore has said that he filledoveranalyze out that bracket pretty quickly——after first drinking four glasses of beer. “I didn’tit,” he told ESPN, “I just kind of went with my gut.”That’ funny——he doesn’t sound mad at all, does he?66. Why does the author mention Warren Buffet in the article?A. To show the excitement and popularity of predicting the winner of the tournament.B. To show how people have tried to make money from other’s madness.C. To invite readers to predict the winner of March Madness.D. To introduce the bracket contest ESPN holds each year.67. Which of the following statements is true according to the article?A. March Madness has been held in the US for the last 16 years.B. Lots of people competed in the bracket contest held by ESPN in March 2014.C. Caig Gillmore is very likely to $1 billion award offered by Warren Buffet.D. Most Americans follow March madness because they want to win all kinds of money andprizes.68. The underlined word “gut” in the second-last paragraph is closest in meaning to _________.A. luckB. calculationC. instinctD. statistics69. Which best describes the write r’s tone in the article?A. Optimistic.B. HumorousC. Critical.D. Doubtful.(B)You have in hands the next generation of ez-link cards that match the new Singapore Standard for Contactless ePurse Applications (CEPAS) that can be used for LTA’s new c-payment system for public transport.NEW ez-link card◆NO TRA VEL DEPOSIT. Balance reflected·at all devices is the actual stored value in the newcard.◆CAN BE USED IN THE NEXT GENETA TION IN-VEHICLE UNIT. For Electronic RoadPricing (ERP) and payments in carparks with upgraded Electronic Parking Systems(EPS).◆$500.00. Maximum stored value.WHERE YOU CAN USE YOUR NEW ez-link cardsMERCHANT NAME AND/OR TYPE AVAILABILITY◆All public buses, MRT and LRT trains run by both SBST &ImmediatelySMRT◆School canteens, printing services, F&B outlets, Private buses 2nd Quarter 2015◆7-Eleven convenience stores, ERP, EPS, SMRT Taxis, NLB3rd Quarter 2015 library branches and McDonald’s Restaurants, school bookstores◆Coca-cola vending machines, Singapore Pools and Hospitals 4th Quarter 2015USE OF NEW ez-link CARD IN TRANSITBUS◆To travel on the bus, you need to have the minimum stored value to cover the cost of travel from the point you get on, to the last stop on that service.◆If you are unsure of the minimum amount required, we recommend that you have atleast $3 in your card for basic bus services.◆When the card reader flashes green, it is a reminder that you have less than $5 inyour card.◆When the card reader flashes red, you have insufficient value to travel. Please pay cashfor your journey.MRT◆With the new ez-link card, you will need at least $3 in your card fore you can start your journey on the MRT/LRT.◆This value ensures that you have the required fare when you exit the gate, even for thelongest train journey.70. The new ez-link card can NOT be used ______________.A. for LTA’s new e-payment system for public transportB. for Electronic Road Pricing(ERP).C. in carparks with upgraded Electronic Parking Systems(EPS)D. to store value more than five hundred dollars.71. According to WHERE YOU CANUSE YOUR NEW ez-link cards, people can use the newez-link cards______________.A. on public buses, MAT and LRT at once.B. to pay for meals in school canteens in January,2015.C. to buy books in any school bookstore after July,2015.D. in Singapore Pools and Hospitals all year round.72. When transiting between BUS and MRT, ___________.A. the green flash reminds you that there is only $5 in your card.B. the card reader flashes green to tell you to pay your fare by cash.C. you’ll pay at most $3 for the longest train journey on the MA T/LRT.D. you should store at least $5 in your card for basic BUS or MRT services.73. What’s the main purpose of the poster?A. To show people how to buy a new ez-link card.B. To tell people what’s new about the new ez-link cards.C. To list the places where the new new ez-link cards can be used.D. To introduce the financial function of the new ez-link cards.( C )How does someone step up to a cash machine and withdraw money from an account holder half world away? Even when the debit card is still in the victim’s wallet? It is easy, actually, say experts. The recipe for creating fake cards is right there on the Internet.It is often called “white card”fraud. Criminals somehow get their hands on the electronic information stored on a legitimate card’s magnetic stripe. Generally, it’s stolen from a retailer or payment processor’s database, as happened when thieves last year broke into computers at CardSystems Solution Inc. Luckily for the criminals, Cardsystems didn’t store just account numbers-it even stored customer’s secret codes that were never meant to be copied on magnetic stripes. Stolen “ mag stripe” data is the holy grail for card thieve. Then they take the stolen data and write it onto a new, blank card-a card that’s often plain white and they are off to the bank.To show me how easy it was, two executives from MagTek Inc, one of the largest markers of credit card stripe gave a demonstration. Within minutes , I was withdrawing money from my account using a plain white piece of plastic at an A TM. And the key is to get an encoder.Andy and Paul Deignan are brothers who both word for MagTek. Both came by to show me how easily thieves can manufacture scores of fake codes. MagTek sells both card readers, whichare seen in stores across America, and card encoders, which very few people should ever see. Encoders actually write information onto that mysterious piece of magnetic tape on the back of the card. Banks use them to create credit cards. Readers cost about $100. Encoders cost between $1500 and $2000 except on eBay, where stolen encoders can sell for as little as $500. Armed with one, someone can create and debit cards that work exactly like the cards produces by financial institutions.For demonstration purposes, the Deignan brothers took my debit card, dropped it in an encoder, copied the data from the back, and handed the card back to me. Then they took a piece of white plastic, a second card, instead that into the encoder, and essentially pasted my ATM information onto the second card. The process took less than 15 seconds.The walk to the nearest cash machine took longer. Within a minute, I had taken a white pieceof plastic and withdrawn $100 from my own checking account. Obviously, with slightly differentdata and a PIN number, I could have taken the money from someone else’s account. With a database of stolen information, I could have withdrawn money from hundreds of accounts.74. What does “ white card” fraud refer to?A. A person who sells fake credit card to retailers or payment processors.B. Thieves withdraw money from a cash machine with a plain card and stolen data.C. People buy stolen or salvaged encoders from the Internet.D. People can create credit and debit cards to cheat financial institutions.75. What is an encoder used for according to the passage?A. Identifying account numbers from a credit card.B. Creating magnetic tape on cassette tapes.C. Stealing data from a retailer or payment processor’s database.D. Writing information onto magnetic stripes on the back of the card.76. The purpose of this article is probably to________________A. tell people how to make a fortune.B. explain how a credit card is used when buying things.C. warn people not to use credit card to pay for anything.D. expose a fraud that is often used these days.77. What is likely to be talked about in the next paragraph?A. Some other way to withdraw money at an ATM.B. Where to buy card readers and card encoders.C. How to protect yourself against the white card fraud.D. The disadvantages of using credit card on the Internet..Section CDirections: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.Sugar is blamed for fueling the nations’ obesity crisis. Yet many of us don’t realize just how quickly our intake creeps up and the crucial link it has to health.There is nothing inherently(固有地) unhealthy about sugar so we shouldn’t be afraid of it or try to eliminate it from our diets completely. It doesn’t directly cause heart disease or diabetes(糖尿病) so there’s nothing wrong with the occasional sweet treat. The problem arise because most of us are eating far too much.There are different types of sugar and it’s found in all sorts of everyday foods. It occurs naturally in fruit and is added by manufacturers to make snacks such as cakes and biscuits. All types of sugar, whether found in cakes or fruit , will push up your intake of calories. If you don’t burn them off through exercise you are likely to get fat. That’s where the real health problems begin, including increase risk of heart disease, diabetes and some cancers.With sugar found naturally in fruit there is a balance. This sugar can play a role in making us overweight but fruit is also bursting with other sources of goodness. The added sugar found in snacks and sweets doesn’t contain many nutrients so we are encouraged to get our sugar allowance from fruit instead.Tom Sanders, professor of dietetics and nutrition at King’s College London, says:“we advise people to eat up to three portions of fruit a day but only have confectionery occasionally, because sweet can also tend to be high in better to get most of your carbohydrates intake from starchy foods such as bread, rice, potatoes and pasta because they also contain useful amounts of other nutrients such as proteins and vitamins.’ It is recommended that no more than 11% or our total daily calories intake should come from sugars. Professor Sander says:’This translates into 60g of sugar”There is no evidence that sugar is addictive, adds the professor , but it is habit forming . “We have special taste receptors for sugars on our tongue,” he explains. “ Sweet tastes give us pleasure, unlike bitter and acidic flavors.”(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements with NO MORE THAN 10 WORDS) 78. The health problems caused by sugar, such as increased risk of heart disease, come from_____________________________________________79. What kind of balance does fruit contain?_____________________________________________________________________________ 80. Though a type of carbohydrate, sugar doesn’t contain nutrients like _____________________________.81. Why is sugar habit forming?第Ⅱ卷(共47分)I. TranslationDirections:Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 1.时下,网上购物在年轻人中很流行。
金山区2015学年第一学期期末考试高三历史试卷2015.1 考生注意:1.考试时间120分钟,试卷满分150分。
”材料所体现的罗马法的具体原则是A. 保护弱者原则B.权利平等原则C.侵权行为的归责原则D.注重证据原则5.根据下图所示,其中关于罗马法的说法错误的是()A.《十二铜表法》既是成文法的开端,又可以看作是公民法的典型代表B.当公民法演变为万民法时罗马的成文法已经比较完善,所以万民法基本上都是成文法C.从习惯法发展到成文法、从公民法发展到万民法,根本原因都是平民与贵族的长期斗争D.罗马的公民法存在注重形式、程序烦琐等明显的狭隘性,可能与其存在大量习惯法有很大关系6.关于伊斯兰教,下列说法正确的是①伊斯兰教的产生与犹太教、基督教的关系密切②伊斯兰教是一个世界性的宗教③穆罕默德在伊斯兰教中有着特殊的地位④伊斯兰教属于多神信仰A.①②③④B.②③④C.①③④D.①②③7.“中世纪初期的西欧,罗马时代的城市大多皆告没落,工商业衰败,有的已成废墟,它们在经济上与农村无甚区别”。
高中化学学习材料鼎尚图文收集整理金山区2015学年第一学期期末考试高三化学试卷考生注意:1. 本试卷满分150分,考试时间120分钟。
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相对原子质量:H —1 C —12 N —14 O —16 Na —23 S —32 P —31 Ca —40第Ⅰ卷 (共66分)1、在化学的发展史上,许多科学家创建的理论对化学科学的发展起到重大的作用。
有关科学家与其创建的理论对应不匹配的是 A .墨子:物质的分割是有条件的 B .汤姆生:葡萄干面包模型 C .德谟克利特:古典原子论 D .贝克勒尔:原子结构的行星模型2、有关碳元素及其化合物的化学用语正确的是A .CO 2的电子式:....C OO ................ B .碳原子最外层电子的轨道表示式: 2p ↑↓ 2s ↑↓C .淀粉分子的最简式:CH 2OD .乙烯分子的比例模型:3、通过化学反应不能实现的是A .生成一种新的离子B .生成一种新的分子C .生成一种新的同位素D .生成一种新的单质 4、下列有关判断的依据正确的是 A .电解质:水溶液是否导电B .原子晶体:构成晶体的微粒是否是原子C.共价分子:分子中原子间是否全部是共价键D.化学平衡状态:平衡体系中各组分的物质的量浓度是否相等5、学习化学应有辩证的观点和方法。
上海市金山区2015学年第一学期期末考试高三数学试卷带答案金山区2015学年第一学期期末考试高三数学试卷(满分:150分,完卷时间:120分钟)(答题请写在答题纸上)一、填空题(本大题满分56分)本大题共有14题,考生应在答题纸相应编号的空格内直接填写结果,每个空格填对得4分,否则一律得零分.1.lim3n1. n2n 334i(i为虚数单位),则z. 12i2.已知全集U=R,集合M={x |x2–4x–5<0},N={x | x≥1},则M∩(UN. 3.若复数z满足z4.若直线l1:6x+my–1=0与直线l2:2x-y+1=0平行,则m= .5. 若线性方程组的增广矩阵为23c1x2,解为,则c1–c2.32c2y 16.方程4x– 62x +8=0的解是7.函数y=secx sinx的最小正周期T8.二项式(x163)x展开式中系数的值是. 2xx2y21的中心为顶点,且以该椭圆的右焦点为焦点的抛物线方程是 . 9.以椭圆251610.在报名的5名男生和3名女生中,选取5人参加数学竞赛,要求男、女生都有,则不同的选取方式的种数为.(结果用数值表示)11.方程cos2x+sinx=1在(0,)上的解集是.12.行列式abcd(a、b、c、d{–1,1,2})所有可能的值中,最小值为.213.已知点P、Q分别为函数f(x)x 1 (x≥0)和g(x)和Q两点距离的最小值为. x1图像上的点,则点P14.某种游戏中,用黑、黄两个点表示黑、黄两个“电子狗”,它们从棱长为1的正方体ABCD–A1B1C1D1的顶点A出发沿棱向前爬行,每爬完一条棱称为“爬完一段”.黑“电子狗”爬行的路线是AA1→A1D1→…,黄“电子狗”爬行的路线是AB→BB1→…,它们都遵循如下规则:所爬行的第i+2段与第i段所在直线必须是异面直线(其中i是正整数).设黑“电子狗”爬完2015段、黄“电子狗”爬完2014段后各自停止在正方体的某个顶点处,这时黑、黄“电子狗”间的距离是.二、选择题(本大题满分20分)本大题共有4题,每题有且只有一个正确答案,考生应在答题纸的相应编号上,将代表答案的小方格涂黑,选对得5分,否则一律得零分.15.“直线l1、l2互相垂直”是“直线l1、l2的斜率之积等于–1”的( ).(A) 充分不必要条件 (B) 必要不充分条件(C) 充要条件 (D) 既非充分也非必要条件16.若m、n是任意实数,且m>n,则( ).n 1 m1m1n(C) lg(m–n)>0 (D) ()() 22(A) m2>n2 (B)17.已知,是单位向量,且向量满足|c a b|=1,则||的取值范围是( ). a b0,(A) [21,21] (B) [21,(C) [2,2] 21] (D) [22,22]P18.如图,AB为定圆O的直径,点P为半圆AB上的动点.过点P作AB的垂线,垂足为Q,过Q作OP的垂线,垂足为M.记弧AP的长为x,线段QM的长为y,则函数y=f(x)的大致图像是( ).BMx(A)(B) (C)(D) )三、解答题(本大题满分74分)本大题共有5题,解答下列各题必须在答题纸相应编号的规定区域内写出必要的步骤.19.(本题满分12分)在△ABC中,内角A、B、C的对边分别为a、b、c.已知a=3,cosA=试求b的大小及△ABC的面积S.20.(本题满分14分,第(1)小题6分,第(2)小题8分)在直三棱柱ABC A1B1C1中,AB AC1,BAC90,且异面直线A1B与6,B=A+. 23B1C1所成的角等于60,设AA1 a.(1) 求a的值;(2) 求三棱锥B1A1BC的体积.21.(本题满分14分) 本题共有2个小题,第1小题满分7分,第2小题满分7分.22.(本题满分16分)本题共有3个小题,第1小题满分4分,第2小题满分6分,第3小题满分6分.已知函数f x|x|m1x0. x(1) 当m=2时,证明f(x)在(–∞,0)上是单调递减函数;(2) 若对任意x R,不等式f(2x) > 0恒成立,求m的取值范围;(3) 讨论函数y=f(x)的零点个数.23.(本小题满分18分) 本题共有3个小题,第1小题满分4分,第2小题满分6分,第3小题满分8分.2已知各项均为正数的数列{an}的前n项和Sn满足S1>1,且6Sn an 3an2(n N*).(1) 求{an}的通项公式;(2) 设数列bn满足bn an,n为偶数,Tn为数列{bn}的前n项和,求Tn; an2,n为奇数(3) 设Cn bn1,问是否存在正整数N,使得当任意正整数n > N 时,(n为正整数)bn恒有Cn>2015成立?若存在,请求出正整数N的取值范围;若不存在,请说明理由.金山区2015学年第一学期期末考试高三数学试卷评分参考意见一、填空题(本大题满分56分)本大题共有14题,考生应在答题纸相应编号的空格内直接填写结果,每个空格填对得4分,否则一律得零分.1.3; 2.{x| –1< x <1}; 3. 25; 4.–3; 5. –1;6. x=1或x=2; 7.; 8.–6; 9.y2=12x; 10.5511.325; 14.3. ,; 12.–6; 13.466二、选择题(本大题满分20分)本大题共有4题,每题有且只有一个正确答案,考生应在答题纸的相应编号上,将代表答案的小方格涂黑,选对得5分,否则一律得零分.15.B; 16.D; 17.A; 18.A三、解答题(本大题满分74分)本大题共有5题,解答下列各题必须在答题纸相应编号的规定区域内写出必要的步骤.19.解:因为cosA=63,所以sinA=,………………………………………………1分 33又B=A+,所以sinB=sin(A+)=cosA=,……………………………………………2分 223ab,………………………………………………………………………4分 sinAsinBa sinB所以b==32,……………………………………………………………………6分 sinA又因为cosB=cos(A+3)= –sinA= –………………………………………………………………8分 231,…………………………………………………10分 3132.……………………………………………12分所以△ABC的面积S=absinC=22sinC=sin(A+B)=sinAcosB+cosAsinB=或解:因为a2=b2+c2–2bccosA(2分)即:c2–43c+9=0,解之得:c=33(舍去),c=,(2分)△AB C的面积S=13bcsinA=2.(2分) 2220.解(1)∵BC∥B1C1,∴∠A1BC就是异面直线A1B与B1C1所成的角,即∠A1BC =60,…………………………………………………………………………2分又AA1⊥平面ABC,AB=AC,则A1B=A1C,∴△A1BC为等边三角形,…………4分由AB AC1,BAC90BC2,∴A1B2a22a1;……………………………………………6分(2)连接B1C,则三棱锥B1–A1BC的体积等于三棱锥C–A1B1B的体积,即:VB1A1BC VC A1B1B,………………………………………………………………9分△A1B1B 的面积S1,……………………………………………………………11分 2又CA A1A,CA AB,CA平面A1B1B,所以VC A1B1B11111,所以VB1A1BC.………………………………14分 326621.解:(1)由题意得:圆R的半径为22,因为直线OP,OQ互相垂直,且与圆R相切,所以四边形OPRQ为正方形,故OR222r4,即x0y016① ………………3分。
金山区2015学年第一学期期末考试高三数学试卷(满分:150分,完卷时间:120分钟)(答题请写在答题纸上)一、填空题(本大题满分56分)本大题共有14题,考生应在答题纸相应编号的空格内直接填写结果,每个空格填对得4分,否则一律得零分. 1.3213lim+-∞→n n n = .2.已知全集U =R ,集合M ={x | x 2–4x –5<0},N ={x | x ≥1},则M ∩(U N ) = . 3.若复数z 满足i21i43-+=z (i 为虚数单位),则z = . 4.若直线l 1:6x +my –1=0与直线l 2:2x -y +1=0平行,则m = .5. 若线性方程组的增广矩阵为⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛212332c c ,解为⎩⎨⎧==12y x ,则c 1–c 2= .6.方程4x– 6⨯2x+8=0的解是 . 7.函数y =sec x ⋅ sin x 的最小正周期T = . 8.二项式62)1(xx -展开式中3x 系数的值是 . 9.以椭圆1162522=+y x 的中心为顶点,且以该椭圆的右焦点为焦点的抛物线方程是 . 10.在报名的5名男生和3名女生中,选取5人参加数学竞赛,要求男、女生都有,则不同的选取方式的种数为 .(结果用数值表示)11.方程cos2x +sin x =1在(0,π)上的解集是 . 12.行列式dc b a (a 、b 、c 、d ∈{–1,1,2})所有可能的值中,最小值为 .13.已知点P 、Q 分别为函数1)(2+=x x f (x ≥0)和1)(-=x x g 图像上的点,则点P 和Q 两点距离的最小值为 .14.某种游戏中,用黑、黄两个点表示黑、黄两个“电子狗”,它们从棱长为1的正方体ABCD –A 1B 1C 1D 1的顶点A 出发沿棱向前爬行,每爬完一条棱称为“爬完一段”.黑“电子狗”爬行的路线是AA 1→A 1D 1→…,黄“电子狗”爬行的路线是AB →BB 1→…,它们都遵循如下规则:所爬行的第i +2段与第i 段所在直线必须是异面直线(其中i 是正整数).设黑“电子狗”爬完2015段、黄“电子狗”爬完2014段后各自停止在正方体的某个顶点处,这时黑、黄“电子狗”间的距离是 .APM xyB二、选择题(本大题满分20分)本大题共有4题,每题有且只有一个正确答案,考生应在答题纸的相应编号上,将代表答案的小方格涂黑,选对得5分,否则一律得零分. 15.“直线l 1、l 2互相垂直”是“直线l 1、l 2的斜率之积等于–1”的( ).(A) 充分不必要条件 (B) 必要不充分条件 (C) 充要条件 (D) 既非充分也非必要条件 16.若m 、n 是任意实数,且m >n ,则( ).(A) m 2>n 2(B)1<mn(C) lg(m –n )>0 (D) nm )21()21(<17.已知,是单位向量,0=⋅,且向量满足||--=1,则||的取值范围是( ).(A) ]12,12[+- (B) ]2,12[-(C) ]12,2[+ (D) ]22,22[+-18.如图,AB 为定圆O 的直径,点P 为半圆AB 上的动点.过点P 作AB 的垂线,垂足为Q ,过Q 作OP 的垂线,垂足为M .记弧AP 的长为x ,线段QM 的长为y ,则函数y =f (x )的大致图像是( ).三、解答题(本大题满分74分)本大题共有5题,解答下列各题必须在答题纸相应编号的规定区域内写出必要的步骤. 19.(本题满分12分)在△ABC 中,内角A 、B 、C 的对边分别为a 、b 、c .已知a =3,cos A =36,B=A +2π. 试求b 的大小及△ABC 的面积S .(A))(B)(C)(D)20.(本题满分14分,第(1)小题6分,第(2)小题8分)在直三棱柱111C B A ABC -中,1==AC AB ,ο90=∠BAC ,且异面直线B A 1与11C B 所成的角等于ο60,设a AA =1.(1) 求a 的值;(2) 求三棱锥BC A B 11-的体积.21.(本题满分14分) 本题共有2个小题,第1小题满分7分,第2小题满分7分.圆()()8:2020=-+-y y x x R 作两条切线,切点分别为Q P ,.(1) 若直线OQ OP ,互相垂直,且点R 在第一象限内,求点R 的坐标; (2) 若直线OQ OP ,的斜率都存在,并记为21,k k ,求证:01221=+k k .22.(本题满分16分)本题共有3个小题,第1小题满分4分,第2小题满分6分,第3小题满分6分.已知函数()()01||≠-+=x xmx x f . (1) 当m =2时,证明f (x )在(–∞,0)上是单调递减函数; (2) 若对任意x ∈R ,不等式f (2x) > 0恒成立,求m 的取值范围; (3) 讨论函数y =f (x )的零点个数.23.(本小题满分18分) 本题共有3个小题,第1小题满分4分,第2小题满分6分,第3小题满分8分.已知各项均为正数的数列{a n }的前n 项和S n 满足S 1>1,且2362++=n n n a a S (n∈N *).(1) 求{a n }的通项公式; (2) 设数列{}n b 满足⎩⎨⎧=为奇数为偶数n n a b na n n ,2,,T n 为数列{b n }的前n 项和,求T n ; (3) 设为正整数)n b b C nn n (,1+=,问是否存在正整数N ,使得当任意正整数n > N 时恒有C n >2015成立?若存在,请求出正整数N 的取值范围;若不存在,请说明理由.金山区2015学年第一学期期末考试高三数学试卷评分参考意见一、填空题(本大题满分56分)本大题共有14题,考生应在答题纸相应编号的空格内直接填写结果,每个空格填对得4分,否则一律得零分. 1.23; 2.{x | –1< x <1}; 3. 5; 4.–3; 5. –1; 6. x=1或x =2; 7.π; 8.–6; 9.y 2=12x ; 10.55 11.⎭⎬⎫⎩⎨⎧65,6ππ; 12. –6; 13.423; 14.3.二、选择题(本大题满分20分)本大题共有4题,每题有且只有一个正确答案,考生应在答题纸的相应编号上,将代表答案的小方格涂黑,选对得5分,否则一律得零分. 15.B ; 16.D ; 17.A ; 18.A三、解答题(本大题满分74分)本大题共有5题,解答下列各题必须在答题纸相应编号的规定区域内写出必要的步骤. 19.解:因为cos A =36,所以sin A =33,………………………………………………1分又B=A +2π,所以sin B =sin(A +2π)=cos A =36,……………………………………………2分又因为BbA a sin sin =,………………………………………………………………………4分所以b =ABa sin sin ⋅=23,……………………………………………………………………6分cos B =cos(A +2π)= –sin A = –33………………………………………………………………8分sin C =sin(A+B )=sin A cos B +cos A sin B =31,…………………………………………………10分 所以△ABC 的面积S =C ab sin 21=223. ……………………………………………12分 或解:因为a 2=b 2+c 2–2bc cos A (2分)即:c 2–43c +9=0,解之得:c =33(舍去),c =3,(2分)△ABC 的面积S =A bc sin 21=223.(2分) 20.解(1)∵BC ∥B 1C 1,∴∠A 1BC 就是异面直线A 1B 与B 1C 1所成的角,即∠A 1BC =60︒,…………………………………………………………………………2分 又AA 1⊥平面ABC ,AB=AC ,则A 1B =A 1C ,∴△A 1BC 为等边三角形,…………4分由1==AC AB ,ο90=∠BAC 2=⇒BC ,∴121221=⇒=+⇒=a a B A ;……………………………………………6分(2)连接B 1C ,则三棱锥B 1–A 1BC 的体积等于三棱锥C –A 1B 1B 的体积,即:B B A C BC A B V V 1111--=,………………………………………………………………9分 △B B A 11的面积21=S ,……………………………………………………………11分 又⊥∴⊥⊥CA AB CA A A CA ,,1平面B B A 11, 所以611213111=⨯⨯=-B B A C V ,所以6111=-BC A B V .………………………………14分 21.解:(1)由题意得:圆R 的半径为22,因为直线OQ OP ,互相垂直,且与圆R 相切,所以四边形OPRQ 为正方形,故42==r OR ,即162020=+y x ① ………………3分22.解:(1) 当m =2,且x <0时,1)(-+-=xx x f ,………………………………1分 证明:设x 1<x 2<0,则)12(12)()(221121-+---+-=-x x x x x f x f )22()(2112x x x x -+-=)21)((2112x x x x +-= 又x 1<x 2<0,所以x 2–x 1>0,x 2x 1>0,,所以0)21)((2112>+-x x x x 所以f (x 1)–f (x 2)>0,即f (x 1) >f (x 2),故当m =2时,12)(-+-=x x x f 在(–∞,0)上单调递减的. …………………………4分 (2)由f (2x )>0得012|2|>-+x xm ,变形为02)2(2>+-m x x ,即41)212(2)2(22+--=+->xx x m ,当212=x 即x =–1时, 41]2)2([max 2=+-xx ,所以41>m .…………………………10分(3)由f (x )=0,可得x |x |–x +m =0 (x ≠0),变为m =–x |x |+x (x ≠0),令,⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧<+>+-=-=0,0,||)(22x x x x x x x x x x g , 作y=g (x )的图像及直线y=m ,由图像可得:当41>m 或41-<m 时,y=f (x )有1个零点. 当41=m 或m =0或41-=m 时,y=f (x )有2个零点;当410<<m 或041<<-m 时,y=f (x )有3个零点.………………………………16分23.解:(1)1=n 时,2361211++=a a a ,且11>a ,解得21=a2≥n 时,,2362++=n n n a a S 2361211++=---n n n a a S ,两式相减得:1212336---+-=n n n n n a a a a a 即0)3)((11=--+--n n n n a a a a ,01>+-n n a a Θ,31=-∴-n n a a ,{}n a ∴为等差数列,13-=n a n . ……………………………4分(2)⎩⎨⎧-=-为奇数为偶数n n n b n n ,2,1313,n n b b b T +++=Λ21. 当n 为偶数时,T n =(b 1+b 3+…+b n –1)+(b 2+b 4+…+b n )4)43()18(6342)135(2641)81(4++-=-++--=n n n nn n, 当n 为奇数时,T n =(b 1+b 3+…+b n )+(b 2+b 4+…+b n –1).4)13)(1()18(6342)435(21641)81(411+-+-=-+-+--=++n n n n n n⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧+-+-++-=∴+为奇数,为偶数n n n n n n T n nn 4)13)(1()18(634,4)43()18(6341………………………………10分 (3)⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎨⎧+=-==-+++为奇数为偶数n n a n n a C n a n n n a n n n ,2232,1322131231, 当n 为奇数时,0)]23(6483[212232835313532<+-+=+-+=-+-++n n n n C C n n n n n ,∴C n +2<C n ,故{C n }递减, 2015451<=≤C C n , 因此不存在满足条件的正整数N .……………………………………………………18分。