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Unit1:单词:cold drink 冷饮feel 感觉,觉得

bun 馒头have 有,吃hungry 饥饿的句型:Can I help you我能帮忙吗

I’d like a cold drink. 我想要一份冷饮。

Do you have any drink card 你有冷饮卡片吗

Yes, I have. /No, I haven’t. 是的,我有。/不,我没有。

Unit2:单词: water水,浇水vegetable 蔬菜soup汤

breakfast 早餐lunch中餐supper 晚餐句型:Do you want some rice 你想吃点米饭吗

Yes, please. /No, thanks. 是的。/不,谢谢。

Here you are. 给你。

Unit3:单词: borrow借tomorrow 明天English book英语书me我(宾格)forget忘记remember记得句型:Can I borrow a pencil 我能借一支铅笔吗

Yes, here you are. 是的,给你。

Thank you.谢谢。

You’re welcome. 不用谢。

Unit4:单词: puppy小狗rabbit兔子pet shop 宠物商店句型:Can I have a puppy 我能养一只小狗吗

Yes, you can. /No you can’t. 是的,可以。/不,你不能。

Unit5:单词:long 长的short短的thick厚的thin薄的expensive贵的cheap便宜的raincoat 雨衣句型:Which one do you want, the long one or the short one


The long one, please. /The short one please.


Unit6:单词:sweet糖果soft软的hard 硬的 a box of 一盒句型:Which one do you want, a soft one or a hard one


A soft one, please./A hard one, please.


Unit7:单词:hobby 爱好Collecting stickers收集贴画

roller-blading 滑旱冰reading stories 看故事书句型:Do you have any hobbies 你有爱好吗

I like collecting stickers. 我喜欢收集贴画。

Collecting stickers is my hobby. 收集贴画是我的爱好。

Unit8:单词:get up起床go to bed 上床睡觉half past one一点半

have English/math/Chinese/music 上英语/数学/语文/音乐课句型:What time do you get up 你什么时候起床”

I get up at 7 o’clock. 我7点起床。

Unit9:单词:make the bed整理床铺cook a meal做饭water plant 浇植物iron clothes 烫衣服clean windows 擦窗户

句型:My mother makes the bed, I help her.我妈妈整理床铺,我帮她。

I water the plant, my father helps me. 我在浇植物,我爸爸帮


Unit10:单词:sign标记;符号mean 意思是cinema 电影院

Guests do not go in.闲人止步。No picking of flowers.请勿摘花。

No mobile phone. 请勿使用手机。No spitting. 请勿随地吐痰。

句型:What does that sign mean 那个标语的意思是什么

It means “Guests do not go in”.它的意思是“闲人止步”。

Unit11:单词:happy快乐的angry 生气的sad 悲伤的shy 害羞的tired 疲倦的clap your hands 拍手

句型:We are sorry. 对不起。

The girl feel s sorry. 女孩感到很抱歉。

I’m happy to hear that. 听到那些我感到很开心。

Unit12:单词:red packet 红包eve of the Spring Festival 除夕

lion dance 舞狮burn firecrackers 放鞭炮

dragon dance 舞龙 a family reunion dinner 团圆饭

句型:The family is shopping for the festival. 家人在为节日买东西。

We wear new clothes. 我们穿新衣服。

We cannot sweep the floor.我们不能扫地。
