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Grade level: First grade of High school

Lesson type: Reading

Duration: 45min

Teaching objectives

1)To help students develop their reading skills, such as scanning and skimming for

information, guessing the meaning of strange words

2)Enable students to understand the difficult sentences and new phrases in the


3)Affective objectives:(根据文章内容而定)

Teaching aids

Multimedia devices; blackboard

Teaching important and difficult points:

1)Understand the following sentences:

2)Grasp the usage of the following words and phrases:

3)Enable students to use certain reading skills to help themselves understand the


Teaching procedures

Step 1 Lead-in (5min)

Show students several pictures of …and ask the students to describe the pictures./ Ask students to think about and answer the questions on the blackboard.

(Good morning, boys and girls. How is your day? Fine? Good for you. Ok. Today we will learn a new lesson. Before looking at the textbooks, I’d like to show you some pictures (a video)/ask you some questions/tell you a story.

Describe what you see in the picture

Do you know anything about……?

What’s your opinion about……?

Any volunteers? Ok, please, share your idea with us. Very good/brilliant/excellent! We already know your ideas about the topic. Now let’s try to find out what’s the author’s idea about the topic. )

Step 2 Pre-reading Listening. (5min)

Ask Ss to listen to the tape and answer two questions:

(Listen to the tape carefully and try to answer the following questions.

1)what does the passage talk about?


Ok. You have listened to the whole passage. Do you have your answers to the question? Good, John, please. (复述学生答案) This is John’s idea, how about other students? Ok, Lynn. Good. You think ………. Thank you. I believe you all have got your own answers. You must be curious about whether it’s correct or not. )

Step 3 While-reading (25min)

Activity 1 Skimming & Scanning

Ask the students to read the passage quickly and answer the following questions: (Now read the passage quickly within 2 minutes and find out whether you are right or not. Meanwhile, try to answer the questions on the blackboard.



Have you finished your reading. Yes? Good. First, have you found out the main idea of the passage? How about Lisa? Very good. It is about ………. How about the questions? Have you found the answers? V olunteers? Good, please. You think …….. excellent, thank you. )

Activity 2 Intensive reading

Ask the students to read the passage carefully, and get detail information from the passage.

(As you have got the main idea of the passage, let’s move on to learn some details of the passage. Now you have 5 minutes to read the passage carefully and discuss with you partners about the following questions.



Ok, I’d like to invite group 3 to answer the questions. That’s really impressive. You already have a very thorough understanding of the passage.
