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GET=General English Qualifying Test for Non-English Major Graduate Students 1.入学,录取,开除

enroll v. 注册; 登记; 加入; 招收;

enroll sb in 招收某人入学

sign up for 注册,选课;报名参加;

admit vt.& vi.许可进入; 承认,供认;vt.允许; 确认;vi.承认; 允许;

enlist vt.征募; 赢得…的支持或合作; 赞助;vi.应募,入伍; 积极参与; recruit n.新兵; (机构中的)新成员; 新学生;,征募; 吸收某人为新成员; 动员…(提供帮助); 雇用;vi.征募新兵; 得到补充,得到补偿; 恢复健康; employ vt.雇用; 使用,利用;n.受雇; 服务; 工作;

hire vt.聘用; 录用; 雇用; 租用;vi.受雇; 得到工作;n.租金; 酬金,工钱; [非正式用语] 被雇佣的人; 销售部的两个新雇员;

take on 承担; 呈现; 雇用; 录用;


Take in

Take off

Take over 接管,帮助…学习

Take out 从…中取出,除掉,邀请某人外出

Take up 占据,占领,接收,着手处理某事

Take away 剥夺,减去,使停止

Take to 习惯于…,开始做某事

Take up to 花费多达…的时间或者金钱

Take down 使某人沮丧)

fire n.火,燃烧物; 火灾; 射击,发射; 热情;vt.& vi.开火,射击; 燃烧; 引爆炸药; 充满热情;vt.<口>解雇; 射(箭); 激励; 射出(子弹);


for example

such as

…and so on


3. 另外; 除此之外

also, …(放句首)

He left the class. Also, he didn’t finish his work.


on top of that 再加上;

He lost his job and on top of that his wife left him.


beyond that 除此之外

I mean, beyond that, I'm risking a punch in the mouth.

我的意思是说, 除此之外, 我正在冒嘴巴被打一拳的危险。

moreover 再者; 此外; 而且; 同时;

A talented artist, he was, moreover, a writer of some note.


in addition 另外; 除此之外; 并且; 况且;

Use a good waterproof adhesive in addition to the screws.


furthermore 此外; 而且; 与此同时; 再者

I don't like her because she is too tall and furthermore she smokes too much. 我不喜欢她,因为她太高,另外她抽烟太厉害.

besides 而且; 此外; 以及; 更;

Besides diets, he devised punishing exercise routines.


what’s more 另外,而且;

I don't like pubs. They're noisy, smelly, and what's more, expensive.

我不喜欢酒吧. 那里又吵, 气味又难闻, 更重要的是, 花费太多.


Target/objective/goal 目标

set a goal 制定一个目标

achieve (attain) a goal 达成目标

an achievable goal 一个可以达成的目标

set the timetable 设立进度表/时刻表/计划表


So it is necessary to do sth. 有必要做某事

hence the need to do sth 有做某事的必要

There is no need to do sth. 没有必要做某事

There is the need to do sth. 有必要做某事


learn to be independent 学会独立

rely vi.依靠,倚赖,仗恃;信任,信赖;

reliable adj. 可靠的; 可信赖的; 真实可信的;n. 可靠的人;

Trains are reliable, cheap and best for long-distance journeys.


reliant 常与on连用。adj. 依赖的; 依靠的; 信赖的; 信任的;

They are reliant on a very limited number of exportable products.


self-reliance n. 自恃,倚靠自己;

The Prime Minister called for more economic self-reliance.


self-reliant adj. 依靠自己的,独立的;

She is intelligent and self-reliant, speaking her mind and not suffering fools gladly. 她聪慧自立,大胆直言,对蠢人没有耐心。


gain/acquire/get+ knowledge 获得知识(learn不可以与Knowledge合用而表达)学习知识

update knowledge 更新知识


not yet

Life has not yet returned to normal but we are getting there.



It takes sb/sth to do sth.

It takes a couple of months for me to adapt to college life.

Adapting to college life takes me a couple of months.

I take a couple of months to adapt to college life.

注:take 完成整个过程spend 不一定做完了
