01 What Can a Diver See? 潜水员能看见什么?Divers go under the water.What can a diver see?What can a diver see? starfishWhat can a diver see? fish coralWhat can a diver see? a shipwreckWhat can a diver see? a sealWhat can a diver see? another diver02 Look at the Tree 看这棵树See the roots. See the trunk.See the bark. See the branches.See the leaves. See the flowers.Look at the tree.03Hot and Cold 热的和冷的This cake is cold.These muffins are hot. Muffin 玛芬;(涂牛油趁热吃的)英格兰松饼This fruit salad is cold.These vegetables are hot. 蔬菜This milkshake is cold. 奶昔This cocoa is hot. cocoa[‘kəʊkəʊ] 可可饮料These cornflakes are cold. Cornflake ['kɔ:nfleɪk] 玉米片This oatmeal is hot. 燕麦片This sandwich is cold.This pizza is hot. [ˈpi:tsə]比萨饼What is cold? What is hot?04Making a Hat 制作一顶帽子I can make a hat.I use scissors.I use a stapler. 订书机stapler英[ˈsteɪplə(r)]美[ˈsteplɚ]I use colored pencils.I use tape.I can wear my hat!05Where Are They Going? 他们要去哪里?Some people go by train.Some people go by bus.Some people go by ferry. 渡船Some people go by car.Some people go by bicycle.Some people walk.Where are they going? They are going to the game.06What Lives in a Swamp? 沼泽地里有什么?Frogs live in a swamp. 英[swɒmp] 沼泽湿地Bugs live in a swamp.Snakes live in a swamp.Fish live in a swamp.Turtles live in a swamp.Birds live in a swamp.What else lives in a swamp?07 Toys 玩具What are toys made of?These toys are made of wood.These toys are made of plastic.These toys are made of metal.These toys are made of paper.These toys are made of cloth.What is this toy made of?plastic cloth wood08Wheels 轮子This tractor has big wheels.Trucks have big wheels, too.This scooter has little wheels. 英[ˈsku:tə(r)] 小型摩托车滑板车Skateboards have little wheels, too. 英[ˈskeɪtbɔ:d] 滑板Some wheels are big. Some wheels are little. How are wheels the same?09Shopping with Dad 和爸爸一起购物Sam and his dad go to the card store.They buy a card.Sam and his dad go to the bookstore.They buy a book.Sam and his dad go to the grocery store.They buy food for dinner.Sam and his dad go to the flower store.They buy flowers.Sam and his dad go to the bakery.They buy a cake.Sam and his dad go home. It's Mom's birthday!10Plants and Animals Live Here 在这里生存的动植物This is a desert.Plants and animals live here.This is a plain.Plants and animals live here.This is a mountain.Plants and animals live here.This is a forest.Plants and animals live here.This is a wetland.Plants and animals live here.This is a river.Plants and animals live here.11The Baby Shark 小鲨鱼This is a baby shark.It has eyes to help it see.It has a tail to help it swim.It has fins to help it swim.It has gills to help it breathe.It has a mouth to help it eat.It will grow into a big shark.12When the Rain Comes 下雨了When the rain comes, ants look for shelter.When the rain comes, bees look for shelter.When the rain comes, spiders look for shelter.When the rain comes, lizards look for shelter.When the rain comes, birds look for shelter.When the rain comes, butterflies look for shelter.But ducks stay in the rain.13Wood 木头What things are made of wood?My blocks are made of wood.My chair is made of wood. My table is made of wood. My puzzle is made of wood.Where does wood come from?Wood comes from trees.We use the wood from trees to make things.14The Little Panda 熊猫宝宝The little panda is a new baby.The little panda stays with its mother.The little panda climbs.The little panda walks.The little panda lives in the forest.The little panda eats leaves.The little panda is grown-up.15This Is an Island 这是一座岛屿This is an island. There is water all around the island.There is a waterfall on the island.There is a mountain on the island.There is a forest on the island.There is a beach on the island. There is water all around the island. Picture Glossary beach mountain forest waterfall island16Now and Then 现在和过去This is how we cook now.This is how people used to cook.This is how we keep food cold now.This is how people used to keep food cold.This is how we wash our clothes now.This is how people used to wash clothes.This is how we travel now.This is how people used to travel.This is how we see at night now.This is how people used to see at night.Now Then17Making Raisins 制作葡萄干You can make raisins. This is what you need. grapes. jar rack clothPut the grapes on the rack.Put the cloth on the grapes.Put the grapes in the sun.The sun dries the grapes.You made raisins!18My Friend and I 我和我的朋友My friend Rosa likes eggs for breakfast.I like cereal for breakfast.My friend Rosa likes to walk to school.I like to ride my bike to school.My friend Rosa likes math at school.I like reading at school.My friend Rosa likes to play ball at recess.I like to find bugs at recess.My friend Rosa likes painting at school. I like coloring at school.My friend Rosa and I go home together after school.19Bricks, Wood, and Stones 砖、木头和石头This is my house.It's made from bricks.Bricks come from clay.Clay comes from the ground.This is my house.It's made from wood.Wood comes from trees.Trees grow in the ground.This is my house.It's made from stones.Stones come from the ground. Bricks, wood, and stones make strong houses.20Come to My Party 来参加我的聚会I'm having a party. I want to invite people to my party.I want to invite my friend. I call my friend.I want to invite my grandma. I send an e-mail to my grandma.I want to invite my brother. I give a card to my brother.I want to invite my cousin. I write a letter to my cousin.I want to invite my aunt. I call my aunt on Mom's cell phone.I want to invite Dad. I ask Dad myself.21You Can Make a Pom-pom 你能做毛绒球玩具You can make a pom-pom.This is what you need. yarn cards scissorsCut out two rings.Tie yarn around the two rings.Cut the yarn.Tie yarn around the center of your pom-pom. Take out the rings. Play with your pom-pom.22Some Things Float 一些东西能漂浮Some things float.Some things sink.What floats? What sinks?Will this ball float?Yes. This ball floats.Will this toy float?Yes. This toy floats.Will this rock float?No. This rock does not float. It sinks.What will sink?23What Did They Drive? 他们驾驶的是什么?This is my mom and her car.This is may grandmother when she was young.She drove this car long ago.This is my great grandfather when he was young.He drove this car long ago.This is my great great grandfather when he was young.He drove this car long age.This is my great great great grandmother and grandfather. Do you know what they drove?They drove a horse and buggy.24New Clothes 新衣服Dad and I are shopping for new clothes.I said," I want this shirt, please."Dad said, " Another time. Today we need to buy a shirt that will keep you warm."We buy a warm shirt.I said," I want these pants, please."Dad said," Another time. Today we need to buy jeans that will keep you warm."We buy jeans.I said," I want these shoes, please."Dad said," Another time. Today we need to buy shoes that will keep your feet warm."We buy shoes.I said," I want this hat, please." Dad said," Yes. Today you need a hat to keep your head warm."。
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你来,或者不来 我都在这里,等你、盼你 等你婉转而至 盼你邂逅而遇
你想,或者不想 我都在这里,忆你、惜你 忆你来时莞尔 惜你别时依依
你忘,或者不忘 我都在这里,念你、羡你 念你袅娜身姿 羡你悠然书气
人生若只如初见 任你方便时来 随你心性而去 却为何,有人 为一眼而愁肠百转 为一见而ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ远千里
晨起凭栏眺 但见云卷云舒 风月乍起 春寒已淡忘 如今秋凉甚好 几度眼迷离
感谢喧嚣 把你高高卷起 砸向这一处静逸 惊翻了我的万卷 和其中的一字一句 幸遇只因这一次
被你拥抱过,览了 被你默诵过,懂了 被你翻开又合起 被你动了奶酪和心思
1. 地球的构造:地球由地核、地幔和地壳组成。
2. 太阳系:太阳系包括太阳和八大行星及其卫星,以及数百颗小行星、彗星和流星。
3. 月球:月球是地球的卫星,它围绕地球旋转。
4. 动物世界:动物是生物界中最大的一类,包括哺乳动物、鸟类、爬行动物、鱼类等。
5. 植物世界:植物是地球上最重要的生物之一,它们通过光合作用产生氧气和有机物。
6. 人体奥秘:人体是一个复杂的系统,包括骨骼、肌肉、血液、器官等。
7. 地球历史:地球的历史可以追溯到数十亿年前。
8. 自然灾害:自然灾害是指由自然力量引起的灾害性事件,如地震、火山爆发、台风等。
9. 天文奇观:天文奇观包括极光、日食、月食等。
10. 环境保护:环境保护是当今世界的重要议题之一。
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《国家地理儿童百科》(NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC– Windows onLiteracy)是我社引进―国家地理‖的儿童英语系列读物,共三套:入门级—Emergent,提高级—Early和流利级—Fluent。
另外辅助出版内容有明信片2张、生词卡60 张、挂图一幅以及大量拼图。
国家地理儿童百科流利级文本1. This Is My Street 我的街道This is my street. I live in the house with the blue door. There are many houses on my street. This is my friend Becky’s street. Becky lives in the tall building. She lives in an apartment. There are many apartment buildings on Becky’s street.This is where I play. I play in my yard. Sometimes my friends play in my yard with me. This is where Becky plays. She plays in the park. The park is near her apartment building. Her friends play in the park with her.When I go shopping with my dad, we take the car. We go shopping at the mall. The mall is across town. When Becky goes shopping with her dad, they walk to the stores. The stores are close to their apartment building. There are many stores on Becky’s street. When my mom goes to work, she drives the car. Her office is across town. When Becky’s mom goes to work, she takes the subway. Her office is across town, too. Becky likes to visit my house in t he suburbs. I like to visit Becky’s apartment in the city.2. Our Town 我们的城市Our town used to be very small. Now it is much bigger. Many people moved to the town. The town has grown and changed. There used to be lots of open space around our town. Now there are lots of houses. People built more houses as the town grew. There used to be dirt roads in our town. Now there are paved roads. People built the paved roads as the town grew. There used to be only a few stores in our town. Now there are many stores. People built more stores as the town grew. There used to be onesmall school in our town. Now there are many large schools. People built more schools as the town grew. Do you know how your town used to look?3. Looking for a New House 寻找新房子our family is too big for our house. Mom and dad say that we need to move. We look for a new home. We look at a house. It has two bedrooms. I like this house. Dad says we need a bigger house. We need a house that has three bedrooms. We look at another house. It has three bedrooms. I like this house. Mom says we need a house that is closer to her work. We look at another house. It has three bedrooms. It is close to mom ’s work. I like this house. Dad says the house is too old. It will need too much work. We look at another house. It has three bedrooms. It is close to mom ’s work. It is not too old. I like this house. Mom says we need a house that has a place to park her car. We look at another house. It has three bedrooms. It is close to mom ’s work. It is not too old. I t has a place to park mom’s car. I like this house. My sister says we need a house that has a yard to play in. We look at another house. It has three bedrooms. It is close to mom ’s work. It is not too old. It has a place to park mom’s car. It has a yard to play in. I like this house. Dad says this house is very new. It costs too much. We look at another house. It has three bedrooms. It is close to mom ’s work. It is not too old. It has a place to park mom’scar. It has a yard to play in. It doesn’t cost to o much. I like this house. We all like this house . This will be our new home.4. The Car Wash 洗车房We clean our dirty car at the car wash. We vacuum the insideof our car. Then we drive our car into the car wash. We stop our car when the stop sign lights up. Machines clean our car. A machine sprays water and soap on our car. Fluffy rollers clean the car. As the rollers spin around, they remove the dirt from our car. The rollers clean all over our car. This is how it looks from inside our car. Large round brushes clean the wheels. We dry our car. Our clean car is ready to go.5. Can You See an Insect? 你能看见昆虫吗?Most insects are very small. Most insects have enemies. Their enemies like to eat them. Some insects protect themselves from their enemies by hiding. Can you see an insect hiding here? Some insects protect themselves from their enemies by hiding. Can you see an insect hiding here? A grasshopper is hiding here. This grasshopper is the same color as the bark. Its color and shape help it hide from its enemies. Can you see an insect hiding here?A walkingstick is hiding here. This walkingstick looks just like a twig. Its color and shape help it hide from its enemies. Can you see an insect hiding here? An inchworm is hiding here. This inchworm looks just like the petals. Its color and shape help it hide from its enemies. Can you see an insect hiding here? A caterpillar is hiding here. This caterpillar looks just like the leaves. Its color and shape help it hide from its enemies. Can you see an insect hiding here? A katydid is hiding here. This katydid looks just like the leaf. Its color and shape help it hide from its enemies.6. From Field to Florist 从田野到花商Look at all the flowers. They are for sale in a flower store. A person who sells flowers is called a florist. Where does the florist get all the flowers? In the morning , farmers cut the flowers theywill sell at the market. They put the cut flowers in their truck. They take their flowers to the market. At the market the flowers are kept in buckets full of water. The water helps keep the flowers fresh. Florists visit the market. This is where they get the flowers to sell in their stores. The florist gets the flowers ready to sell at the store. Some of the flowers are made up into bunches. People buy flowers at the flower store.7. Ice Cream for You 为你制作冰激凌We like to eat ice cream. Ice cream is sweat, smooth, and cold. Do you know how ice cream is made? Collecting milk: The main ingredient in ice cream is milk. Milk comes from cows. Milking machines collect the milk from the cows. The machines pump the milk into a tank. The tank keeps the milk cool until it can be collected from the farm. A large truck collects the milk from the farm. This refrigerated truck is called a tanker. The tanker keeps the milk cool on the way to the factory. Making ice cream: at the factory, milk is mixed with sugar to make an ice cream mixture. The mixture is quickly heated and cooled to kill any germs that are in the milk. Then the mixture is stirred to get rid of lumps. Flavors and colors are added. Fruits, nuts, and candy can be added, too. The ice cream is then put into tubs. The tubs of ice cream are put into a freezer to harden. Selling ice cream: A refrigerated truck picks up the ice cream tubs from the factory. The truck takes the ice cream to the store. The tubs go into a freezer in the store. You can choose from all the different flavors of ice cream in the freezer. What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?8. Wind Power 风力What makes waves crash onto the shore? When the wind blows hard, it makes big waves. What makes trees grow bent over? When trees grow in places where there is always a strong wind, the trees grow sideways. What scatters seeds far and wide? Wind blows the seeds of many plants. This helps plants to grow in new places. What moves sand dunes? Sand dunes are always moving. Wind blows sand to new places. What turns these big blades? Wind turns the blades of a windmill. The spinning blades make power for us to use .What fills the sails and blows this boat along? Wind power!9. My Fish Tank 我的鱼缸The water in my fish tank is dirty. I need to clean my fish tank.I use a net to take out my fish. I put them in a bowl of clean water.I take out the rocks and plants. How will I take out the dirty water?I can use a siphon. I fill a rubber tube with water. I pinch the ends of the tube. I put one end of the tube in the fish tank. Then I let go of that end. I make sure the tube stays under the water. I put the other end of the tube into an empty bucket. Then I stop pinching the end of the tube. The water flows out of the tank and into the bucket. My fish tank is now empty. I clean the rocks and plants. How will I put clean water in the tank? I can use a siphon to fill the tank. I fill the tube with water. I put clean water in a bucket. Then I put one end of the tube in the bucket. I put the other end of the tube into the tank. The water flows out of the bucket and into the tank. My fish tank fills with clean water. I put the rocks and plants in the tank. I put a new castle in the tank, too! What else do I need in my fish tank? My fish.10. Corn 玉米Do you like eating corn? Corn is grown from seeds. Corn can be used to make different things. How does corn become all these things? Gasoline, cornflakes, candy, tortillas. Farmers plant the corn seeds. They use a machine called a row planter to plant the seeds in row. This corn plant will take four to six months to grow. Farmers pick the corn with a machine called a corn combine. This machine picks the cobs from the corn plants and takes the corn kernels off the cobs. The corn is loaded into grain wagons. Then it is taken to factories. The corn is used to make different things. Some corn is ground up and used to make food for farm animals. Farmers give this food to their pigs, cattle, and sheep. Some corn is ground up and used to make cornflakes. Some corn is made into cornstarch. Cornstarch is mixed with other things to make paper. Some corn is ground into cornmeal. Cornmeal is used to make tortillas. Some corn is made into corn syrup. Corn syrup is used to make candy. Some corn is used to make ethanol. Ethanol can be added to gasoline to make it work better. Corn is used for othe r things, too. Do you know what corn is used for? It’s used for popcorn.11. Jack’s Boat 杰克的渔船Jack is a fisherman. He has a big fishing boat. Every day Jack goes out to sea. He takes his boat out to sea to catch fish. People work on Jack’s fishing boat. They are called the crew. The crew help Jack catch fish. The crew throw the fishing nets into the water. The crew drag in the nets. Then they sort the fish. At the end of the trip, Jack takes the boat back to the dock. The crew unload the boat. They load the fish onto a truck . .The fish are ready to be sold. The fish are taken to the market. The buyer at the marketchecks the fish. When Jack sells his fish, he gets money. Jack uses some of the money to pay the crew. Jack uses some of the money to buy things he needs. Jack uses some of the money to buy things for his boat. One day Jack will use his money to buy a bigger boat. Then he can catch even more fish.12. When a Storm Comes 暴风雨来临时look at this field. There are no trees or bushes. There is no grass. What will happen when a storm comes? When a storm comes ,the wind can blow the soil away. The rain can wash the soil away. The wind and rain can move the soil to another place. This is called erosion. Sometimes people do things that cause erosion, too. Look at this field. A farmer is clearing the land to plant seeds in the soil. There are no trees or bushes in the field. There is no grass. What will happen when a storm comes? When a storm comes , the soil washes away. Without soil, the crops can’t grow. B ut farmers can stop erosion. Look at this field . The farmer has left some trees and bushes in the field. The trees and bushes will keep the soil from washing away. When a storm comes, the rain will soak into the earth. Only a little bit of soil will wash away. The field is safe and the crops will grow.13. A Cat’s Whiskers 猫的胡须Look at this cat. A cat is built to cake care of itself. A cat feels things with its whiskers. A cat’s whiskers help the cat know if it can fit through small spaces. Do you know that whiskers help a cat feel its way in the dark? A cat hears with its two ears. A cat’s ears can turn different ways at the same time. Did you know that a cat can turn just one ear towards a sound? This helps the cat hear without turning its head. A cat s mells with its nose. A cat’snose helps it recognize people and places. Did you know that a cat’s sense of smell is better than its eyesight? Its sense of smell helps the cat find safe places. A catsees with its two eyes. A cat can see well when it is almost dark. Did you know that a cat’s eyes can see very small movements? This helps the cat when it is hunting. A cat walks on its four paws. A cat’s paws have soft pads on the bottom. Did you know that the pads on a cat’s feet help the cat to move quietly? This helps the cat sneak up on prey. A cat has a long, thin tail. A cat’s tail helps the cat keep its balance. Did you know that if a cat falls, it moves its tail and twists its body? This helps the cat to land on its feet. What is this cat doing to take care of itself.14. Work Vehicles 交通工具How do people decide what kind of vehicle to drive? Many people choose a vehicle that is good for their work. I am a gardener. I mow lawns and take care of plants. Do you know which vehicle I drive at work? I need a vehicle that can carry my lawn mower. I need a vehicle that can carry plants and tools. I drive a pick-up truck at work. I am a messenger. I deliver packages all over the city. Do you know which vehicle I drive at work? I need a vehicle that is easy to park. I need a vehicle that can carry small packages. I drive a motorcycle at work. I am a nurse. I visit patients in their homes. Do you know which vehicle I drive at work? I need a vehicle that can get me to places quickly.I need a vehicle that can carry my work bag. I drive a car at work.I am a electrician. I fix the wiring in people’s homes. Do you know which vehicle I drive at work? I need a vehicle that has lots of space. I need a vehicle that can keep my tools dry. I drive a van at work. I am a chauffeur. I take people places. Do you knowwhich vehicle I drive at work? I need a vehicle that can seat many people. I need a vehicle that is comfortable to ride in. I drive a limousine at work.15. Water Can Change 水能发生变化Ice is hard and cold. Ice is a solid. A solid has its own shape. What happens when you put ice in the sun? The heat from the sun melts the ice. The hard ice changes. The ice becomes water. Water is a liquid. The heat changed the ice to water. The heat changed the solid to a liquid. A liquid is runny. It flows easily. A liquid takes the shape of its container. What happens when you heat water? The heat makes the water boil. The water changes. The water becomes steam. Steam is a gas. The heat changed the water to steam. The heat changed the liquid to a gas. It is hard to see most gases. A gas goes into the air. A gas spreads to fill any space. Heat can make things change.16. More Places to Visit 旅游景点There are many famous places to visit in the United States. Have you been to the Statue of Liberty? It is in New York City. The Statue of Liberty is one of the tallest statues ever built. It is a symbol of freedom. It is on Liberty Island in New York Harbor. Have you been to the Washington Monument? It is in Washington ,D.C.The Washington Monument is named after the first president of the United States ,George Washington.It was built to help people remember him. Have you been to the Gateway Arch? It is in Saint Louis, Missouri. The Gateway Arch stands next to the Mississippi River. It’s known as the gateway to the western half of the United States. Have you been to theGolden Gate Bridge? It is in San Francisco, California.The Golden Gate Bridge is one of the largest suspension bridges in the world.The bridge hangs from cables suspended between two towers.The bridge connects San Francisco to northern California. Have you been to Mount Rushmore? It is in South Dakota. Mount Rushmore is a huge carving on a cliff.The faces of four American presidents are carved into the cliff. they are George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt ,and Abraham Lincoin.Have you been to the Space Needle? It is in Seattle Washington.The Space Needle is an observation tower. It was built for the 1962 World’s Fair.Have you been to these famous places?17. Mighty Machines 重型机器This machine is a bulldozer. It pushes away rocks and dirt. It clears the building site. This machine is a front-end loader. It scoops up rocks and dirt. This machine is a dump truck. It carries rocks and dirt. It dumps its load away from the building site. This machine is an excavator. It digs into the dirt. It makes big holes in the ground. This machine is a concrete mixer. It mixes concrete on the building site. Concrete is used to build tall buildings. This machine is a tower crane. It lifts heavy loads into the air. It helps build very tall buildings. Might machines made these tall buildings.18. Magnets 磁铁These magnets stick to a refrigerator door. What will stick to this magnet? The car and the screwdriver stick to the magnet. They are made from iron or steel. Magnets pull, or attract, things made from iron and steel. These are all magnets. Some parts of a magnet are strong. Some parts are weak. Which part of the magnet will the paper clips stick to? The paper clips stick to the ends. The ends of a magnet are called poles. The poles of a magnet are its strongest parts. These are bar magnets. The blue end is called the south pole. The red end is called the north pole. Will a red end attract a blue end? Yes. A red end will attract a blue end. The north pole and south pole are opposites. Opposite poles of a magnet attract each other. What if one magnet is turned the other way? Will two blue ends attract each other? No. the two blue ends repel, or push, each other. Poles of a magnet that are the same push each other away. Magnets are strong, but they don’t stick to paper. Will the toy car still stick to the magnet? Yes. The magnet’s power passes through the paper. A magnet’s power c an pass through things it cannot stick to. You can test a magnet’s power to see what it will pass through. Use a plastic plate and some iron filings. Move the magnet under the plate. Use it to move the iron filings. You can make words with the iron filings.19. The Key toMaps 地图图例Have you ever used a map? This is a map of a zoo. There are symbols on the map. The symbols are drawings that stand for real things. The map key tells you what the symbols stand for. This is a map of a museum. What can you do at the museum. Lift the flap. Look at the map key. The map key tells you stands fordinosaurs. Are the dinosaurs closer to the gems or the mummies? What else can you do at the museum? This is map of a state park. What can you do at the state park? Lift the flap. Look at the map key. The map key tells you stands for the campground. Is the campground closer to the hiking trail or the waterfall ? what else can you do at the state park? This is a map of a water park .What can you do at the water park? Lift the flap. Look at the map key. The map tells you stands for the giant slide. Is the giant slide closer to the wave pool or the lazy river? What else can you do at the water park? This is a map of an aquarium. What can you do at the aquarium? What would a map key for this map look like? Turn the page.20. Peanuts 花生Peanuts give us peanut butter…roasted peanuts… and peanut oil. Not all peanuts are made into these things. Some are kept as seeds. Farmers plant peanut seeds on long rows. Warm soil and water help the peanuts grow into leafy plants. Little flowers grow on the lower parts of the plants. When the petals die, a special stem grows down from the flower. This stem is called a peg. It pushes itself into the soil. The peanuts grow inside a pod at the end of the peg. When the peanuts are ripe, the farmer uses a machine to pull the plants from ground. The plants are turned upside down to dry in the sun. Another machine picks up the plants. It takes the peanuts off the plants. The peanuts are put into wagons and taken to factories. Peanuts are made into peanut butter.. roasted peanuts…and peanut oil.21. Desert Rain 沙漠雨季This is a dry lake bed in a desert. It hardly ever rains here. Butwhen it does rain, this dry lake bed fills with water. After a week of rain, the dry lake bed becomes a lake. Wildflowers spring up around the lake. Their seeds have been in the ground, waiting for rain. Rivers run into the lake. Fish swim into the lake from the rivers. Pelicans come to the lake, happy to find fish to eat. More birds arrive. All the birds have come to lay their eggs. Desert shrubs burst into flower. Spiders spin their webs everywhere. They want to catch as many insects as they can. After a few weeks , the pelicans take their babies down to the shore. Soon the baby pelicans will learn to fly. Then the water in lake slowly starts to dry up. Without water, the fish die. The birds fly away in search of other food. Then, one day, the lake is gone. Without water, the flowers start to die. But first they drop their seeds for when the next rain comes. When the rain comes, this lake will fill up with water again. Then the fish and the birds will return, and this dry lake bed will be fullof life once more.22The river’s JourneyHave you ever seen a river?A river is a large stream of flowing water.This river is the Mississippi River.It flows through the United States.Look at this map of the United States.It shows where the Mississippi River begins and ends.Let’s follow the Mississippi River on its long journey.Where a river begins is called its source.The Mississippi River begins in a lake in Minnesota.It starts out as a small,clear stream.Other small streams flow into the Mississippi River.The rivergets bigger and faster.At the Falls of St.Anthony,the river flows through locks.Locks raise or lower the water,helping boats to travel on the river.The Mississippi River flows down to lower land.ItFlows more slowly over the flat land.It begins toWind back and forth .The flat land around the river is called its floodplain.The river slows near the end of its journey.It drops the mud and soil that it collected further upstream.The mud and soil form new land called a delta.The Mississippi Delta is very large.The end of a river is called its mouth.A river’s mouth e mpties into another body of water.The Mississippi River empties into the Gulf of Mexico.The river’s long journey has ended.23. The Rain Forest 热带雨林A tropical rain forest is like an apartment building. Just as an apartment building has many floors., a rain forest has many levels. Different creatures live at each level of the rain forest. The ground level is the forest floor. Leaves litter the ground. Many insects live here. Ants look for food under the leaves. Tapirs walk among the trees. They lift up the leaves looking for food. Armadillos scurry around. The next level is the understory. Tarantulas spin their webs to catch insects and birds. Anteaters use their long snouts to sniff out ants. Iguanas hunt for flies. Big snakes like boa constrictors wind around branches. Jaguars climb the lowest branches of the trees and wait for food. Sometimes they catch fish and crocodiles. The next level is the canopy. Macaws feast on fruit and berries. Sloths hang upside down, munching on leaves.Black spider monkeys swing on vines, chasing each other. The top of the rain forest is called the emergent level. Lots of birds live up here. The harpy eagle sits at the top of the tree and watches. It’s looking for a bird or monkey to eat.24. Soil 土壤What is soil? The land is covered with a layer of dirt. This dirt is called soil. Soil can be sandy. Soil can be rocky. Soil can be like clay. Do you know how soil is made? How is soil made? It takes a very long time for soil to be made. Soil is made from pieces of rock. The pieces of rock are mixed with animals and plants that have died and rotted. Some rocks lie on top of the ground. Rain falls on them. Snow and ice cover them. The wind blows them. After a long time, the water, the cold, and the wind help break the rocks into pieces. These pieces of rock then break into smal ler and smaller pieces. After thousands of years, the tiny pieces of rock become soil. Rocks get smaller and smaller over time. Plants and animal also help make soil. Fallen leaves and dead plants lie on the ground. When animal die, their bodies also lie on the ground. Hot sun shines on them. Cold rain falls on them. Snow and ice cover them. After a long time, the heat, the water, and the cold help make the leaves and bodies rot into the ground. The rotting leaves and bodies help make the soil rich with nutrients. When the soil is rich with nutrients, plants can grow there. Leaves and bodies rot into the ground. Who needs soil? Most plants need soil to live. Plants have roots that reach down into the soil. The roots spread out. The soil helps plants stand up. The roots reach down into the soil. Plants get some of their food and water from the soil. Their roots collect the food and water that help the plants grow. Without soil, most plants could notgrow. Plants need soil. Animals need soil to live, too. Some animals eat plants. Other animals eat the animal that eat plants. Without soil, most plants could not grow. Without plants, animals would have nothing to eat. Animals need soil . people need soil to live, too. We use the soil to grow plants that we can eat. We feed plants to animals that we can eat . Without soil, most plants could not grow. Without plants, animals would have nothing to eat. Without plants and animals, people would have nothing to eat. People need soil. Clay: stiff, sticky dirt; nutrients: food necessary for things to grow; rich: full of good things; roots: parts of a plant that grows under the ground; rot: break down into smaller pieces.。
1-6年级百科知识小学生必知一、国家常识1.我国的国旗是什么五星红旗2.美国现任的总统是谁特朗普3.请问我国的教师节是哪一天 9月10日4.世界上最大的海洋是什么太平洋5.我国共有多少个民族 56个6.我国的建军节是哪一天 8月1日7.我国各省的简称答案略:注意云南是滇不是镇8.被称为“万园之园”的我国古典园林是什么圆明园9.世界上使用人口最多的语言是什么汉语10.农历的九月初九是什么节日重阳节、老人节11.法国的首都叫什么巴黎12.“泼水节”是哪个少数民族的重要节日傣族13.我国的陆地面积是多少 960万平方千米14.中国历史上的第二个朝代是什么商朝16.目前;中国的人口大约有多少亿13亿;2015年大陆13.75亿;包括港澳台14亿17.世界上最早、最长的人工河是什么京杭运河18.我国的第一位封建皇帝是谁秦始皇赢政19.“世界环境日”指的是哪一天 6月5日20.农历五月初五是端午节;各地有包棕子、赛龙舟的习俗;请问这是为了纪念哪位爱国诗人屈原21.中国的四大发明是什么指南针、火药、造纸术、印刷术22.我国的五个少数民族自治区是哪五个西藏自治区、内蒙古自治区、新疆维吾尔族自治区、宁夏回族自治区、广西壮族自治区23.NBA是哪个国家的篮球职业联赛的英文缩写美国24.世界上的四大文明古国是哪四个古中国、古埃及、古巴比伦、古印度25.世界上国土面积最大的国家俄罗斯26.布达拉宫是哪个少数民族的着名建筑藏族27.现在世界人口约60多亿;人口最多的三个国家是什么中、印、美28.英国的首都是什么伦敦29.日本首都是什么东京30.意大利的首都是什么罗马31.美国的首都是什么华盛顿哥伦比亚特区32.我国最大的岛屿是什么台湾岛33.被称为“风车王国”的国家是荷兰..34.世界上最早使用地铁的国家是英国..35.世界上有不少城市独具特点;请写出下列城市的名字:世界水城威尼斯、音乐之都维也纳;世界雾都伦敦、世界表城伯尔尼..二、文化常识1.唐代诗人中被称为“诗圣”的是谁杜甫2.丑小鸭这个童话故事是谁写的安徒生3.戏剧中的角色有生、旦、净、末、丑之分;你知道戏曲中的女演员一般被称作什么旦4.“欲穷千里目;更上一层楼”是唐朝哪位诗人的诗句王之涣5.红楼梦的作者是谁曹雪芹6.明朝的医药学家李时珍写的一本医学名着叫什么本草纲目7.世界上第一台测定地震的仪器——地动仪是谁发明的张衡8.“三人行必有我师焉”是哪位古代教育家的话孔子9.“春蚕到死丝方尽;蜡炬成灰泪始干..”这是唐代哪位诗人的诗句李商隐10.活字印刷术是北宋的谁发明的毕昇11.文房四宝指的是什么笔墨纸砚12.我国的第一部字典是什么说文解字13.请说出我国的四大个主要戏剧剧种京剧、越剧、豫剧、黄梅戏14.我国的第一部诗歌总集是什么诗经15.请说出语文中常用的四种修辞手法夸张、比喻、拟人、排比16.苏东坡是宋朝着名的文学家;请背出他写的一首诗或词..17.请说出红缕梦中的三个主要人物..贾宝玉、林黛玉、薛宝钗18.唐宋八大家是哪些人韩愈、柳宗元、王安石、欧阳修、苏轼、苏徇、苏辙、曾巩19.中国的六大古都分别指什么北京、南京、西安、洛阳、开封、杭州20.“读书被万卷;下笔如有神”这句话是谁说杜甫21.1860年;是什么军队烧毁了圆明园英法联军22.“莫等闲;白了少年头;空悲切”这句话是谁说的岳飞23.“赤壁之战”讲的是三国演义中的一个故事;请问“三国”指的是哪三国魏、蜀、吴世界三大宗教分别是什么教佛教、基督教、伊斯教24.“三顾茅庐”是出自哪个历史时期三国25.下面的称号各是谁诗仙—李白、诗圣—杜甫、诗鬼—李贺山水诗人——孟浩然、田园诗人——陶渊明26.按顺序写出我国古代都有什么朝夏、商、周、秦、汉、隋、唐、宋、元、明、清27.谁发明了麻醉术华佗28.书法有哪些种类正书、草书、篆书、隶书、行书、楷书29.哈姆雷特的作者是莎士比亚..30.战争与和平是一部长篇小说..31.“韦编三绝”讲的是孔子勤奋读书的故事..32.我国有文字可考的历史开始于商..33.奸臣秦桧陷害抗金英雄岳飞的罪名是“莫须有”..34.成语“卧薪尝胆”讲的是勾践的故事..35.宋江及时雨、林冲豹子头、吴用智多星、李逵黑旋风、鲁智深花和尚36.王羲之书圣、张仲景医圣、张旭草圣、吴道子画圣、杜甫诗圣37.加拿大渥太华、美国华盛顿、印度新德里、法国巴黎、俄罗斯莫斯科、德国柏林38.刘巧儿评剧、天仙配黄梅戏、花木兰豫剧、赵氏孤儿秦腔39.我国第一位伟大的历史学家是西汉时的司马迁..他着有我国第一部纪传体史书史记..40.中国四大古典名着是:水浒传、西游记、三国演义、红楼梦..41.“人的一生应当这样度过;当他回首往事的时候;不因虚度年华而悔恨;不因碌碌无为而羞耻..”节选自前苏联作家奥斯特洛夫斯基的钢铁是怎样炼成的..42.世界上最古老的寓言是伊索寓言..43.我国古代流传下来诗歌最多的是宋朝诗人陆游;他留下了近万首诗..44.封神演义中有一个可爱的儿童形象;他大闹龙宫;剔骨还父;以莲托身;他的名字叫哪吒..45.维吾尔族民间文学阿凡提的故事讲述了一个叫阿凡提的聪明人的故事..46.我国着名的高原有:青藏高原、黄土高原和云贵高原..47.东周分为春秋和战国两个阶段..48.宋代文体成就最高的是词..49.“鸿雁”在古代是代指书信..50.有一个皇帝;害怕大将军夺权;就摆下酒席;婉转地让各位将军辞官回乡;这就是“杯酒释兵权”的故事;这个皇帝是宋太祖..51.四面楚歌这个成语故事讲的是西楚霸王项羽和汉王刘邦之间的战争故事..52.中国历史上杰出的天文学家是谁张衡53.世界上第一个两次获得若贝尔奖的是谁答案:居里夫人..三、地理常识1.七大洲:亚洲、欧洲、北美洲、南美洲、非洲、大洋洲、南极洲2.四大洋:太平洋、大西洋、印度洋、北冰洋3.我国最长的河流是什么长江4.晚上;天空中出现的形状像勺子的七颗星叫什么星北斗星5.中国位于北半球还是南半球北半球6.我国战国时代出现的最着名的一部军事理论着作是什么孙子兵法7.被称为“五岳”的是哪五座山东岳泰山、西岳华山、北岳恒山、南岳衡山、中岳嵩山8.太阳、地球、月亮这三个星体;哪个是行星、哪个是恒星、哪个是卫星太阳是恒星、地球是行星、月亮是卫星9.我国最大的城市是哪里上海10.我国的三大平原是什么华北平原、东北平原、长江中下游平原11.我国的四大高原是什么青藏高原、云贵高原、内蒙古高原、黄土高原12.中国的哪个城市被称为日光城拉萨13.地球是不是太阳系的九大行星之一是14.地球自转一周所需要多长时间 1天15.我国的第二大岛是什么岛海南岛16.请算一算;一年之中的第三季度有几天 92天17.UFO是什么标志答案:飞碟..18.第一个预报彗星的是谁答案:哈雷..19.月亮围绕什么东西转转一周期多长地球24小时20.什么是流星指太空很小的固体或尘埃闯入地球大气层所产生的光迹..21.尼罗河下游散布着约80座金字塔;其中规模最大的是国王胡夫的金字塔..22.我国最大的淡水湖是什么湖鄱阳湖四、理化常识1.电灯是谁发明的爱迪生2.把水加热;通常到多少度会沸腾 100摄氏度3.矫正近视应该戴的是凸透镜还是凹透镜凹透镜4.空气中支持燃烧的气体叫什么氧气5.水的三种体态分别是什么液体、气体、固体6.工业所说的三废分别是什么废水、废气、废渣7.为什么先看见闪电后听到雷声光波在空气中的传播速度比声速快8.自然界中最硬的物质是金刚石..五、生物常识1.会飞的蝙蝠是属于鸟类还是哺乳动物哺乳动物2.青蛙的幼体叫什么蝌蚪3.潜水艇是模仿哪一种生物来制造的鱼4.人的正常体温是多少 37℃左右5.植物进行光合作用;靠的是叶子中的什么成分叶绿素6.人身上的骨骼共有多少块 206块7.地球上最大的动物是什么蓝鲸8.企鹅主要生活在七大洲中的哪一洲南极洲9.海洋中最聪明的动物是什么海豚10.代表着和平的植物是什么答案:橄榄枝11.巧克力是从哪里来的是从可可树上果实里的种子成的12.人有多少块肌肉一共有600多块肌肉13.鸟类的祖先是什么鸟答案:始祖鸟..14.最大的哺乳动物是什么答案:蓝鲸..15.最早的农作物是什么答案:小麦..16.我国四大油料作物是什么答案:油菜、大豆、花生、芝麻..17.驰名全国的三大饮料是哪三样答案:茶叶、可可、咖啡..18.超声波是人们受到蝙蝠的启发而发现的..19.“岁寒三友”指的是梅、竹、菊;古人常用它们来写诗;比喻人的高尚品德..20.在自然界中;有一种小鸟专门把蛋下在别的鸟的巢中;让别的鸟儿帮它孵化并且养大..这种狡猾的鸟是杜鹃..六、体音美、计算机常识1.二泉映月是一首用什么乐器独奏的曲子二胡2.美术中的“三原色”指哪三种颜色红、黄、蓝3.音乐课中使用的钢琴是民族乐器还是西洋乐器西洋乐器4.我国现代着名画家中;最擅长画马的是谁徐悲鸿5.世界名画最后的晚餐的作者是谁达芬奇6.在参加短跑比赛时;最常用的是哪种起跑方式蹲踞式起跑7.美术中;最基本的透视原理是什么近大远小8.被称为我国“国球”的体育运动项目是什么乒乓球9.号称“花草四君子”指什么梅、兰、竹、菊10.世界上规模最大的体育盛会奥运会是几年举行1次四年11.游泳是一种田径运动吗不是12.中国少年先锋队队歌的名称叫什么我们是共产主义接班人13.如何行队礼请表演..队礼表示什么意思人民利益高于一切14.被称为“足球王国”的是哪个国家巴西15.使用裁判最多的比赛项目是什么答案:羽毛球..16.办公软件Word、Powerpoint、Excel七、人身安全1.飞机上为什么要装黑匣子它是用来记载失事时飞机上的各种情况的;帮助人们了解事故的原因..2.药瓶为什么是浅色的因为浅色能反光;深色的受太阳光一照;吸收光多;药品容易变质3.地震:在学校要听老师指挥;有秩序的迅速离开;避免踩踏;在家里要注意寻找角落藏匿;并寻找柔软物品保护头部..地震停止后向安全地方转移;要匍匐;逆风而进..4.遇到火灾时:趴在地上;用湿毛由捂住口、鼻;切记使用电梯;或者高层跳窗逃生..5.煤气泄漏:不能点火、开灯、打电话;先关闭煤气阀门开窗户;然后撤离到安全地点再电话求助..。
第一章:地球的构造和地貌第一节:地球的构造1. 地球的形状:地球是什么形状?为什么我们看到的是平地和湖泊?第二节:地球表面的地貌1. 山脉、河流和湖泊:世界上最高的山脉是什么?为什么河流总是向海洋流去?2. 平原和高原:什么是平原和高原?它们的特点有哪些?3. 沙漠:为什么沙漠总是干燥和缺水的?第二章:气候和天气第一节:气候1. 气候带:地球上有几个气候带?它们的特点是什么?2. 季节:为什么有四季?为什么不同地区的季节不同?3. 强风和暴雨:台风、龙卷风和暴雨的形成原理是什么?第二节:天气现象1. 阴晴和风:什么是阴天和晴天?为什么会有风?2. 雨、雪、冰雹:雨、雪、冰雹的差异是什么?第三章:动植物的分布第一节:动物的分布1. 陆地动物:为什么有些动物只生活在特定的地区?2. 海洋动物:为什么有些动物只在海洋中生活?3. 潜水动物:什么是潜水动物?第二节:植物的分布1. 森林:森林为什么生长在某些特定的地区?2. 草原和沙漠:草原和沙漠中的植物是如何适应那里的环境的?第四章:世界各国的地理第一节:世界的大洲和洋1. 七大洲:世界上有七大洲是什么?每个大洲有什么特点?2. 五大洋:地球上有五大洋是什么?它们的大小和位置如何?第二节:国家和首都1. 亚洲:亚洲有哪些国家?它们的首都和特点是什么?2. 欧洲、非洲、北美洲、南美洲、大洋洲:这些地区的国家和首都有哪些?第三节:人口和文化1. 世界人口:世界各国的人口有多少?哪些国家人口最多?2. 世界语言和文化:世界上有哪些不同的语言和文化?通过本百科全书的阅读,小朋友们能够了解地球的构造和地貌、气候和天气、动植物的分布以及世界各国的地理知识。
国家地理儿童百科:入门级[适用4-16岁](xx)芬克著,张新元注出版社:外语教学与研究出版社出版时间:2004-11-1印刷时间:2004-11-1纸张:胶版纸ISBN:7-5600-4505-7/G.2376开本:787×1092 xx:58.75包装:平装定价:680元主要内容包含24篇课本、24本练习册、一本评估手册的文本PDF文件和语音WMA文件。
《评估手册》包括四份评估测试(AchievementTest)和一份总测试题(Final Test)。
课文文本(带圈的数字表示页码):01 What Can a Diver See?潜水员能看见什么?②Divers go under the water.③What can a diver see?④Whatcan a diver see? starfish⑥What can a diver see?⑦fish coral⑧What can a diver see?⑨a shipwreck⑩What can a diver see?⑾aseal⑿What can a diver see? another diver02 Look at the Tree看这棵树②Seetheroots.③Seethetrunk.④Seethebark.⑤Seethebranches.⑥See the leaves.⑦See the flowers.⑧Look at the tree.03Hot and Cold热的和冷的②This cake is cold.③These muffins are hot.④This fruit saladis cold.⑤These vegetab les are hot.⑥This milkshake is cold.⑦This coa is hot.⑧These cornflakes are cold.⑨This oatmeal ishot.⑩This sandwich is cold.⑾This pizza is hot.⑿What is cold?What is hot?04Making a Hat制作一顶帽子③I can make a hat.④I use scissors.⑤I use a stapler.⑥I usecoloredp encils.⑦I use tape.⑧I can wear my hat!05Where Are They Going?他们要去哪里?②Some people go by train.③Som people go by bus.④Somepeople go by ferry.⑤Some people go by car.⑥Some people go bybicycle.⑦Somepeople walk.⑧Wherearethey going? They aregoing to the game.06What Lives in a Swamp?沼泽地里有什么?②Frogs live in a swamp.③Bugs live in a swamp.④Snakes livein a swamp.⑤Fish live in a swamp.⑥Turtles live in a swamp.⑦Birds live in a swamp.⑧What else lives in a swamp?07 Toys玩具②What are toys made of?③These toys are made of wood.④These toys are made of plastic.⑤These toys are made of metal.⑥These toys are made of paper.⑦These toys are made of cloth.⑧What is this toy made of? plastic cloth wood08Wheels轮子②This tractor has big wheels.④Trucks have big wheels, too.⑥This scoote r has little wheels.⑦Skateboards have little wheels,too.⑧Some wheels are big. Some whels are little. How are wheelsthe same?09Shopping with Dad和爸爸一起购物②Sam and his dad go to the card store.③They buy a card.④Sam and his dad go to the bookstore.⑤They buy a book.⑥Samand his dad go to the grocery store.⑦THey buy food fordinner.⑧Samandhisdadgotheflowerstore.⑨Theybuyflowers.⑩Sam and his dad go to the bakery.⑾THey buy a cake.⑿Sam andhis dad go home. It's Mom's birthday!10Plants and Animals Live Here在这里生存的动植物②This is a desert.④Plants and animals live here.⑥This isaplain.⑧Plantsandanimalslivehere.⑩Thisamountain.⑿Plantsandanimalslivehere.⒁Thisaforest.⒃Plantsandanimalslivehere.⒅Thisawetland.⒇Plantsandanimalslivehe re.(22)This is a river.(24)Plants and animals live here.11The Baby Shark小鲨鱼②This is a baby shark.③It has eyes to help it see.④It has atail to help it swim.⑤It has fins to help it swim.⑥It has gills tohelp it breathe.⑦It has a mouth to help it eat.⑧It will grow into abig shark.12When the Rain Comes下雨了13Wood木头14The Little Panda熊猫宝宝②The little panda is a new baby.③The little panda stays withitsmother.④The little panda climbs.⑤The little panda walks.⑥The little panda lives in th forest.⑦The little panda eats leaves.⑧The little panda is grown-up.15This Is an Island这是一座岛屿②This is an island. There is water all around the island.④Thereis a waterfall on the island.⑥There is a mountain on theisland.⑧Thereisaforestonthisland.⑩Thereisabeachontheisland.Thereiswaterallaroundtheisland.⑿PictureGlossarybeachmountain forest waterfall island16Now and Then现在和过去②This is how we cook now.③This is how people used to cook.④This is how we keep food cold now.⑤This is how people used tokeep food cold.⑥This is how we wash our clothes now.⑦This ishow people used to wash clothes.⑧This is how we travel now.⑨This is how people used to travel.⑩This is how we see at nightnow.⑾This is how people used to see at night.⑿Now Then17Making Raisins制作葡萄干②You can make raisins. This is what you need.grapes.③jarrackcloth④Putthegrapesontherack.⑤Puttheclothonthegrapes.⑥Put the grapes in the sun.⑦The sun dries the grapes.⑧You made raisins!18My Friend and I我和我的朋友②MyfriendRosalikeseggsforbreakfast.③Ilikecerealforbreakfast.④My friend Rosa likes to walk to school.⑤I like to ridemy bike to school.⑥My friend Rosa likes math at school.⑦I likereading at school.⑧My friend Rosa likes to play ball at recess.⑨Ilike to find bugs at recess.⑩My friend Rosa likes painting at school.I like coloring at school.⑿My friend Rosa and I go home togetherafter school.19Bricks, Wood, and Stones砖、木头和石头20Come to My Party来参加我的聚会②I'm having a party. I want to invite people to myparty.③Iwanttoinvitemyfriend.Icallmyfriend.④Iwanttoinvitemygrandma. I send an e-mail to my grandma.⑤I want to invite mybrother. I give a card to my brother.⑥I want to invite my cousin. Iwrite a letter to my cousin.⑦I want to invite my aunt. I call myaunt on Mom's cell phone.⑧I want to invite Dad. I ask Dad myself.21You Can Make a Pom-pom你能做毛绒球玩具②Youcanmakeapom-pom.③Thiswhatyouneed.yarncards scissors④Cut out two rings.⑤Tie yarn around the tworings.⑥Cuttheyarn.⑦Tieyarnaroundthecenterofyourpom-pom.Take out the rings.⑧Play with your pom-pom.22Some Things Float一些东西能漂浮②Some things float.③Some things sink.④What floats? Whatsinks?⑤Will this ball float?⑥Yes. This ball floats.⑦Will this toyfloat?⑧Yes. This toyfloats.⑨Will this rock float?⑩No. This rockdoes not float. It sinks.⑾What will sink?23What Did They Drive?他们驾驶的是什么?②Thismymomandhercar.④Thismaygrandmotherwhen she was young.⑤She drove this car long ago.⑥This is mygreatgrandfatherwhenhewasyoung.⑦Hedrovethiscarlongago.⑧This is my great great grandfather when he wasyoung.⑨Hedrovethiscarlongage.⑩Thismygreatgreatgrandmother and grandfather.⑾Do you know what they drove?⑿They drove a horse and buggy.24New Clothes新衣服②Dad and I are shopping for new clothes.③I said," I want thisshirt, please."④Dad said, " Another time. Today we need to buy ashirt that will keep you warm."⑤We buy a warm shirt.⑥I said,"Iwantthesepants,please."⑦Dadsaid,"Anothertime.To dayweneed to buy jeans that will keep you warm."⑧We buyjeans.⑨Isaid,"Iwanttheshoes,please."⑩Dadsaid,"Anothertime.Today we need to buy shoes that will keep your feet warm."⑾Webuy shoes.⑿I said," I want this hat, please." Dad said," Yes. Todayyou need a hat to keep your head warm."。
1. What can a diver see?Divers go under the water. What can a diver see?What can a diver see? starfishWhat can a diver see? fish ,coralWhat can a diver see? a shipwreckWhat can a diver see? a sealWhat can a diver see? another diver.2. Look at the tree.See the roots. See the trunk. See the bark. See the branches. See the leaves. See the flowers.Look at the tree.3. Cold and hot.This cake is cold. These muffins are hot. This fruit salad is cold. These vegetables are hot.This milkshake is cold. This cocoa is hot. These cornflakes are cold. This oatmeal is hot.This sandwich is cold. This pizza is hot. What is cold? What is hot?4. Making a hat.I can make a hat. I use scissers. I use a stapler. I use colored pencils. I use tape.I can wear my hat!5. Where are they going?Some people go by train. Some people go by bus. Some people go by ferry. Some people go by car. Some people go by bicycle. Some people walk. Where are they going? They are going to the game.6. What lives in a swamp?Frogs live in a swamp. Bugs live in a swamp. Snakes live in a swamp. Fish live in a swamp. Turtles live in a swamp. Birds live in a swamp.What else lives in a swamp?7. Toys.What are toys made of? These toys are made of wood. These toys are made of plastic. These toys are made of metal. These toys are made of paper. These toys are made of cloth. What is this toy made of? Plastic, cloth, wood.8. Wheels.This tractor has big wheels. Trucks have big wheels, too. This scooter has little wheels. Skateboards have little wheels, too. Some wheels are big. Some wheels are little. Hoe are wheels the same?9. Shopping with Dad.Sam and his Dad go to the card store. They buy a card. Sam and his Dad go to the bookstore. They buy a book. Sam and his Dad go to the grocery store. They buy food for dinner. Sam and his Dad go to the flower store. They buy flowers. Sam and his Dad go to the bakery. They buy a cake. Sam and his Dad go home. It’s Mom’s birthday!10. Plants and animals live here.This is a desert. Plants and animals live here. This is a plain. Plants and animals live here. This is a mountain. Plants and animals live here. This is a forest. Plants and animals live here. This is a wetland. Plants and animals live here. This is a river. Plants and animals live here.11. The baby shark..This is a baby shark. It has eyes to help it see. It has a tail to help it swim. It has fins to help it swim. It has gills to help it breathe. It has a mouth to help it eat. It will grow into a big shark.12. When the rain comes.When the rain comes, ants look for shelter. When the rain comes, bees look for shelter. When the rain comes, spiders look for shelter. When the rain comes, lizards look for shelter. When the rain comes, birds look for shelter. When therain comes, butterflies look for shelter. But ducks stay in the rain.13. Wood.What things are made of wood? My blocks are made of wood. My chair is made of wood. My table is made of wood. My pencil is made of wood. Where does wood come from? Wood comes from trees. We use the wood from trees to make things.14. The little panda.The little panda is a new baby. The little panda stays with its mother. The little panda climbs. The little panda walks. The little panda lives in the forest. The little panda eat leaves. The little panda is grown-up.15. This is an island.This is an island. There is water all around the island. There is a waterfall on the island. There is a mountain on the island. There is a forest on the island. There is a beach on the island. There is water all around the island.16. Now and then.This is how we cook now. This is how people used to cook. This is how we keep food cold now. This is how people used to keep food cold. This is how we wash our clothes now. This is how people used to wash clothes. This is howtravel now. This is how people used to travel. This is how we see at night now. This is how people used to see at night. Now ,then.17. Making raisins.Y ou can make raisins. This is want you need. Grapes, rack, cloth, jar. Put the grapes on a rack. Put the cloth on the grapes. Put the grapes in the sun. The sun dries the grapes. Y ou made raisins.18. My friend and I.My friend Rosa likes eggs for breakfast. I like cereal for breakfast. My friend Rosa likes to walk to school. I like to ride my bike to school. My friend Rosa likes math at school. I like reading at school. My friend Rosa likes to play ball at recess. I like to find bugs at recess. My friend Rosa likes painting at school.I like coloring at school. My friend Rosa and I go home together after school.19. Bricks,wood, and stones.This is my house. It’s made of bricks. Bricks come from clay. Clay comes from the ground. This is my house. It’s made from wood. Wood comes from trees. Trees grow in the ground. This is my house. It’s made from sto nes. Stones come from the ground. Bricks, wood, and stones making strong houses.20. Come to my party.I’m having a party. I want to invite people to my party. I want to invite my friend. I call my friend. I want to invite my grandma. I send an e-mail to my grandma. I want to invite my brother. I give a card to my brother. I want to invite my cousin. I write a letter to my cousin. I want to invite my aunt. I call my aunt on Mom’s cell phone. I want to invite Dad. I ask Dad myself.21. Y ou can make a pom-pom.Y ou can make a pom-pom. This is want you need. Cards, yarn, scissors, Cut out two rings. Tie yarn around the two rings. Cut the yarn. Tie yarn around the center of your pom-pom. Take out the rings. Play with your pom-pom.22. Some things float.Some things float. Some things sink.What floats? What sinks?Will this ball float? Y es, this ball floats.Will this toy float? Yes, this toy floats.Will this rock float? No, this rock does not float. It sinks. What will sink?23. What did they drive?This is my mom and her car.This is my grandmother when she was young. She drove this car long ago. This is my great grandfather when he was young. He drove this car long ago.This is my great great grandfather when he was young. He drove this car long ago.This is my great great great grandmother and grandfather. Do you know what they drove? They drove a horse and buggy.24. New clothes.Dad and I are shopping for new clothes.I said,”I want this shirt, please.” Dad said,”another time.Today we need to buya shirt that will keep you warm.” We buy a warm shirt.I said,”I want these pants, please.” Dad said,”Another time. Today we need to buy jeans that will keep you warm.” We buy jeans.I said,”I want these shoes,please.” Dad said,”Another time. Today we ne ed to buy shoes that will keep you warm.” We buy shoes.I said,”I want these hat,please.” Dad said,”Y es, Today you need a hat to keep your head warm.”。
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国家地理儿童百科入门级(带圈的数字表示页码)01 What Can a Diver See? 潜水员能看见什么?②Divers go under the water. ③What can a diver see? ④What can a diver see? starfish ⑥What can a diver see? ⑦fish coral ⑧What can a diver see? ⑨a shipwreck ⑩What can a diver see? ⑾a seal ⑿What can a diver see? another diver02 Look at the Tree 看这棵树②See the roots. ③See the trunk. ④See the bark. ⑤See the branches. ⑥See the leaves. ⑦See the flowers. ⑧Look at the tree.03 Hot and Cold 热的和冷的②This cake is cold. ③These muffins are hot. ④This fruit salad is cold. ⑤These vegetables are hot. ⑥This milkshake is cold. ⑦This cocoa is hot. ⑧These cornflakes are cold. ⑨This oatmeal is hot. ⑩This sandwich is cold. ⑾This pizza is hot. ⑿What is cold? What is hot?04 Making a Hat 制作一顶帽子③I can make a hat. ④I use scissors. ⑤I use a stapler. ⑥I use colored pencils. ⑦I use tape. ⑧I can wear my hat!05 Where Are They Going? 他们要去哪里?②Some people go by train. ③Some people go by bus. ④Some people go by ferry. ⑤Some people go by car. ⑥Some people go by bicycle. ⑦Some people walk. ⑧Where are they going? They are going to the game.06 What Lives in a Swamp? 沼泽地里有什么?②Frogs live in a swamp. ③Bugs live in a swamp. ④Snakes live in a swamp. ⑤Fish live in a swamp. ⑥Turtles live in a swamp. ⑦Birds live in a swamp. ⑧What else lives in a swamp?07 Toys 玩具②What are toys made of? ③These toys are made of wood. ④These toys are made of plastic. ⑤These toys are made of metal. ⑥These toys are made of paper. ⑦These toys are made of cloth. ⑧What is this toy made of? plastic cloth wood08 Wheels 轮子②This tractor has big wheels. ④Trucks have big wheels, too.⑥This scooter has little wheels. ⑦Skateboards have little wheels, too. ⑧Some wheels are big. Some wheels are little. How are wheelsthe same?09 Shopping with Dad 和爸爸一起购物②Sam and his dad go to the card store. ③They buy a card. ④Sam and his dad go to the bookstore. ⑤They buy a book. ⑥Sam and his dad go to the grocery store. ⑦They buy food for dinner. ⑧Sam and his dad go to the flower store. ⑨They buy flowers. ⑩Sam and his dad go to the bakery. ⑾They buy a cake. ⑿Sam and his dad go home. It's Mom's birthday!10 Plants and Animals Live Here 在这里生存的动植物②This is a desert. ④Plants and animals live here. ⑥This is a plain. ⑧Plants and animals live here. ⑩This is a mountain. ⑿Plants and animals live here. ⒁This is a forest. ⒃Plants and animals live here. ⒅This is a wetland. ⒇Plants and animals live here. (22)This is a river. (24)Plants and animals live here.11 The Baby Shark 小鲨鱼②This is a baby shark. ③It has eyes to help it see. ④It has a tail to help it swim. ⑤It has fins to help it swim. ⑥It has gills to help it breathe. ⑦It has a mouth to help it eat. ⑧It will grow into a big shark.12 When the Rain Comes 下雨了②When the rain comes, ants look for shelter. ③When the rain comes, bees look for shelter. ④when the rain comes, spiders look for shelter. ⑤When the rain comes, lizards look for shelter. ⑥When the rain comes, birds look for shelter. ⑦When the rain comes, butterflies look for shelter. ⑧But ducks stay in the rain.13 Wood 木头②What things are made of wood? ③My blocks are made of wood.④My chair is made of wood. My table is made of wood. ⑤My puzzle is made of wood. ⑥Where does wood come from? ⑦Wood comes from trees. ⑧We use the wood from trees to make things.14 The Little Panda 熊猫宝宝②The little panda is a new baby. ③The little panda stays with its mother. ④The little panda climbs. ⑤The little panda walks. ⑥The little panda lives in the forest. ⑦The little panda eats leaves. ⑧The little panda is grown-up.15 This Is an Island 这是一座岛屿②This is an island. There is water all around the island. ④There isa waterfall on the island.⑥There is a mountain on the island. ⑧There is a forest on the island. ⑩There is a beach on the island. There is water all around the island. ⑿Picture Glossary beach mountain forest waterfall island16 Now and Then 现在和过去②This is how we cook now. ③This is how people used to cook.④This is how we keep food cold now. ⑤This is how people used to keep food cold. ⑥This is how we wash our clothes now. ⑦This is how people used to wash clothes. ⑧This is how we travel now. ⑨This is how people used to travel. ⑩This is how we see at night now. ⑾This is how people used to see at night. ⑿Now Then17 Making Raisins 制作葡萄干②You can make raisins. This is what you need. grapes. ③jar rack cloth ④Put the grapes on the rack. ⑤Put the cloth on the grapes.⑥Put the grapes in the sun. ⑦The sun dries the grapes. ⑧You made raisins!18 My Friend and I 我和我的朋友②My friend Rosa likes eggs for breakfast. ③I like cereal for breakfast. ④My friend Rosa likes to walk to school. ⑤I like to ridemy bike to school.⑥My friend Rosa likes math at school. ⑦I like reading at school.⑧My friend Rosa likes to play ball at recess. ⑨I like to find bugs at recess. ⑩My friend Rosa likes painting at school. I like coloring at school. ⑿My friend Rosa and I go home together after school.19 Bricks, Wood, and Stones 砖、木头和石头②This is my house. ③It's made from bricks. ④Bricks come from clay. ⑤Clay comes from the ground. ⑥This is my house. ⑦It's made from wood. ⑧Wood comes from trees. ⑨Trees grow in the ground. ⑩This is my house. ⑾It's made from stones. ⑿Stones come from the ground. Bricks, wood, and stones make strong houses.20 Come to My Party 来参加我的聚会②I'm having a party. I want to invite people to my party. ③I want to invite my friend. I call my friend. ④I want to invite my grandma.I send an e-mail to my grandma. ⑤I want to invite my brother. I give a card to my brother. ⑥I want to invite my cousin. I write a letter to my cousin. ⑦I want to invite my aunt. I call my aunt on Mom's cell phone. ⑧I want to invite Dad. I ask Dad myself.21 You Can Make a Pom-pom 你能做毛绒球玩具②You can make a pom-pom. ③This is what you need. yarn cards scissors ④Cut out two rings. ⑤Tie yarn around the two rings.⑥Cut the yarn. ⑦Tie yarn around the center of your pom-pom. Take out the rings. ⑧Play with your pom-pom.22 Some Things Float 一些东西能漂浮②Some things float. ③Some things sink. ④What floats? What sinks? ⑤Will this ball float? ⑥Yes. This ball floats. ⑦Will this toy float? ⑧Yes. This toy floats. ⑨Will this rock float? ⑩No. This rock does not float. It sinks. ⑾What will sink?23 What Did They Drive? 他们驾驶的是什么?②This is my mom and her car. ④This is may grandmother when she was young. ⑤She drove this car long ago. ⑥This is my great grandfather when he was young. ⑦He drove this car long ago. ⑧This is my great great grandfather when he was young. ⑨He drove this car long age. ⑩This is my great great great grandmother and grandfather. ⑾Do you know what they drove? ⑿They drove a horse and buggy.24 New Clothes 新衣服②Dad and I are shopping for new clothes. ③I said," I want this shirt, please." ④Dad said, " Another time. Today we need to buy a shirt that will keep you warm." ⑤We buy a warm shirt. ⑥I said," I want these pants, please." ⑦Dad said," Another time. Today we need to buy jeans that will keep you warm." ⑧We buy jeans. ⑨I said," I want these shoes, please." ⑩Dad said," Another time.Today we need to buy shoes that will keep your feet warm." ⑾We buy shoes. ⑿I said," I want this hat, please." Dad said," Yes. Today you need a hat to keep your head warm."(注:可编辑下载,若有不当之处,请指正,谢谢!)推荐精选。