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• 4 向保险公司提出索赔 • We are the holder of the insurance policy no.123 issued by your company on 1000kgs of chemical fertilizer shipped by s/s”------”. s/s”------”. We regret to inform you that during the voyage the ship encountered bad weather and the above consignment incurred heavy loss. We have arranged for loss. the surveyor to investigate the extent of the damage and shall forward his report together with our claim as soon as possible. • Please let us know what particulars you need from us when we submit our claim.
• 5 修改保险条款 • We refer to your L/C no.123 covering --------, which we have just received. • Please note for this article we do not cover Breakage. You have to, therefore, delete the word “Breakage” from the insurance clause in the credit. • Furthermore, we wish to point out that for such articles as window glass, etc. even if additional Risk of Breakage has been insured, the cover is subject to a franchise of 5%. In other words, if the breakage is surveyed to be less than 5%, no claim for damage will be entertained. • We trust that the position is now clear, please fax the amendment at once.

Insure 和insurance 的用法
• 1 Insure/cover sb/sth against +险别 险别 for + 保险金额 with +保险公司 保险公司+at the 保险公司 rate of--% From---to-----/as far as---• 2 Insure sb against +险别 on 险别 sth=insure against +险别 on sth for sb 险别 • 2 insure /cover (against) +险别 险别 • 3 cover/effect insurance on /for sth • 例句(见书223页) 例句(见书 页
• 2 特别附加险 • War risk • Strikes risk 战争险 、兵险 罢工险
• Failure to delivery risk 交货不到险 • Import duty risk • On deck risk • • Rejection risk Aflatoxin risk 进口关税险 舱面险 拒收险 黄曲霉素险
• Fire risk extension clause for storage of cargo at destination Hong Kong, including Kowloon or Macao 出口到港、澳地区(包括 出口到港、澳地区( 九龙) 九龙)的货物存仓火险 • 1、有人认为除war risk 和 all risks 以外的险 、有人认为除 可省略。(不推荐) 。(不推荐 别,risk 可省略。(不推荐) • 2、有时risk 可放前,后加 ,如 risk of 、有时 可放前,后加of 如 leakage • 3、FPA 、WPA前不加 、 前不加against 前不加 • 4、关键字大写 、
• 保险金 insurance money • 保 险 金 额 insurance amount/ insured value /insurance value • 保险费 premium • 保险费率 premium/insurance rate • Coverage 一般意思:新闻报道;覆盖的 一般意思:新闻报道; 范围和程度 • Insurance coverage 保险范围;保险 保险范围; 金额;保险险种(常用) 金额;保险险种(常用)
3 解释保险惯例 We have received your letter of June 20 in regard to insurance. Now we would like to inform you of the following: Normally we cover insurance WPA and War Risk in the absence of the definite instructions from our customers. If you desire to cover All Risks, we can provide such coverage at a slightly higher premium. As to the insured value, our general practice is to insure at invoice value plus 10%. Any
2 回复 In reply to your letter of January 23 asking us to effect insurance on the above order, we are pleased to inform you that we have covered the shipment with the people’s insurance company of china against All Risk for $7000. The policy is being prepared accordingly and the debit note for the premium will be presented by our agents in SP to the consignees in a week or two. For your information, we are making arrangements to ship the bicycles by s.s.”------” which is due to sail for your port on or about February 4.
• When the s.s.”----” arrived at SP on may 2th , it was noticed that one side of case no.12 containing radio receivers was split. We therefore had the case opened and the contents examined by a local insurance surveyor in the presence of the shipping company’s agents. The case was invoiced as containing 21 receiver, eight of which were badly damaged. • We enclose the surveyor’s report and the shipping agent’s statements. As our order was on CIF basis and you covered the
• Intermixture and contamination risks 混 杂、污染险 • • • • Leakage risk 渗漏险 钩损险 Clash and breakage risks 碰损、破碎险 碰损、 Hook damage risk Rust risk 锈损险
• Breakage of packing risk 包装破裂险 • Sweating and heating risk 受潮、受热险 受潮、 • Taint of odor risks 串味险
additional premium for insurance coverage over 110% of the invoice amount, is so required, shall be for buyer’s account. Risk other than All Risks and War Risk can also be covered here, and the extra premium will again be borne by the buyer. We hope the above information will serve your purpose.
1 买方请卖方代办保险 We wish to refer you to our order no.123 for 200”------”brand bicycles, from which you will see that this order was placed on a CFR basis. As discussed in our telephone conversation, we would like to leave insurance arrangements to you. So we shall be pleased if you could have the goods covered against All Risk on our behalf for 110% of the invoice value, i.e. $7000. The premium is to be charged to the consignee and will be paid by them on presentation of the documents by your agents in SP. We sincerely hope that our above request will meet with your approval.

保险的类别( 保险的类别(CIC )
• 一、基本险 basic risks • 1 平安险 free from particular average (FPA) ) • 2 水渍险 水渍险With average (WA) / With particular average (WPA)保由于自然灾害造成 ) 的部分损失。 的部分损失。 • 3 一切险、综合险 一切险、综合险All risk (AR) ) • 二、附加险Extraneous risks /special risks 附加险 /additional risks • 1 一般附加险 • Theft, pilferage and non-delivery risks 偷窃, 偷窃, 提货不着险 • Rain, Fresh water damage risks 淡水雨淋险 • Shortage risk 短量险