
2. 利率 (Interest Rate):贷款或存款所产生的利息比率,通常以年利率形式表示。
3. 存款 (Deposit):个人或企业将资金存入银行或其他金融机构的行为,可以获得一定的利息收益。
4. 投资 (Investment):将资金投入到某种资产或项目中,以获得预期的回报。
5. 股票 (Stock):企业股份的一部分,持有股票的人成为股东,可以获得股息及投票权。
6. 债券 (Bond):企业或政府向公众募集资金的一种方式,持有债券的人可以获得固定利息。
7. 保险 (Insurance):为了避免风险而投保,保险公司在保险合同规定的情况下向被保险人提供赔偿。
8. 财务报表 (Financial Statement):公司编制的反映财务状况和业绩的报告,包括资产负债表、利润表和现金流量表等。
9. 资产管理 (Asset Management):针对个人或机构资产的投资管理,旨在获得最大化的收益。
10. 风险管理 (Risk Management):识别、评估和控制风险,以最大程度地降低损失。
- 1 -。

常见金融英语词汇(一)为大家常见金融英语词汇,希望对你有帮助哦!1.financial turmoil/meltdown ___2.Federal Reserve 美联储3.real estate 房 ___4.share 股票5.valuation 股价6.shareholder 股东7. ___croeconomic 宏观经济saving aount 储蓄帐户8.go under 破产9.take a nosedive (股市)大跌10.tumble 下跌11.big ___cs,big/large-cap stock,mega-issue 大盘股12.offering,list 上市13.bourse 证交所Paris Bourse巴黎证券交易所Stock exchange (or ___rket); securities house; Bourse 证券交易所bourse transaction tax有价证券交易税14.corporate champion 龙头企业15.Shanghai Exchange ___证交所16.pension fund 养老基金17.mutual fund 共同基金18.hedge mutual fund 对冲式共同基金19.underwriter 保险商20er ___ent bond ___债券subscription to gover ___ent bond ___公债amortization of gover ___ent bond ___公债分期偿还 fixed rate gover ___ent bond 固定利率公债21.budget 预算22.deficit 赤字23.delist 摘牌24.mongey-loser 亏损企业25.inventory 存货26.traded pany,trading enterprise 上市公司 state trading enterprise国营贸易企业27.stakeholder 利益相关者28.transparency 透明度29. ___rket fundamentalist 市场经济基本规则30.da ___ge-contral ___chinery 安全顾问31.efficient ___rket 有效市场32.in ___ectual property 知识产权33.opportunistic practi ___ 投机行为34.entrepreneur 企业家35.cook the book 做假帐36.regulatory system 监管体系37.portfolio 投资组合38.money- ___rket 短期资本市场金融市场金融界39.capital- ___rket ___资本市场40.volatility 波动41.diversification 多元化多样化经营多样化42.option 期权43.call option 看涨期权 ___选择权44.put option 看跌期权45.merger 并购46.arbitrage 套利47.Securities and Exchange Commission 〈美〉证券交易委员会安全与交换佣金, SEC (简称), 美国管理营业和公共销售安全的部门48.dollar standard 美元本位制49.bad debt 坏帐50.fiscal stimulus 财政 ___51.a store of value 保值52.transaction currency 结算货币53.forward exchange 期货交易54.intervention currency 干预货币55.Treasury bond 财政部公债56.current-aount 经常项目57.pickup in ri ___ 物价上涨58.Federal Reserve 美联储59.inflation 通货膨胀60.deflation 通货紧缩61.tighter credit 紧缩信贷62.moary policy 货币政策63.foreigh exchange 外汇64.spot transaction 即期交易现货交易65.forward transaction 远期交易模板,内容仅供参考。

1. Asset –资产
2. Liability –负债
3. Equity –权益
4. Revenue –收入
5. Cost –成本
6. Profit –利润
7. Interest –利息
8. Investment –投资
9. Capital –资本
10. Debt –债务
11. Bond –债券
12. Stock –股票
13. Mutual fund –共同基金
14. Exchange rate –汇率
15. Foreign exchange –外汇
16. Futures –期货
17. Options –期权
18. Hedge fund –对冲基金
19. Derivatives –衍生品
20. Credit rating –信用评级

金融专业英语词汇大全(一)小编为大家整理了金融专业英语词汇大全,希望对你有帮助哦! 金融专业英语词汇大全(一):1. a flat percentage rate of income 统一比率的所得税税率2. a long position 多头部位,利多形势3. a long position 多头寸;买进的期货合同4. a put option on a debt security 债务证券的卖出期权5. a sales slip 签购单据,售货清单6. a short position 空头部位,短缺头寸7. a short position 空头;卖出的期货合同8. a tax return 税务申报表9. abnormal depreciation 特别折旧10. abnormal spoilage 非正常损坏11. aboriginal cost 原始成本12. acceptance bank 票据承兑行13. acceptance method 承兑方式14. acceptance risks 承兑风险15. accepting bank 承兑银行16. accessory risks 附加保险,附加险17. accident insurance 意外保险(不包括海上,火灾和人寿险)18. accommodation of funds 资金融通19. accompany vt. 附带,伴随,陪同20. account charges 账户费用21. account current (A/C,a/c) 往来帐户22. account number (A/N) 帐号23. account statement 帐户清单24. accounting exposure 会计风险25. accounting risks 会计风险26. accounting value 帐面价值27. accounts of assured 保险帐户28. accrued bond interest 应计债券利息29. accrued depreciation 应计折旧30. accrued dividend 应计股利31. acknowledgement of declaration (under op预约保险申报确认书32. active securities 热头股票,活跃的证券33. actual cash value (保险用语)实际现金价值34. actual rate 实际汇率35. adaptive expectations 适应性预期36. additional insurance 加保,附加保险37. additional reserve 追加准备金38. adjustable policy 可调整的保险单39. adjustable premium 可调整的保险费40. adjusted debit balance 已调整的借方余额41. advance payment of premium 预缴保险费42. advance-decline theory 涨跌理论43. adverse exchange 逆汇、逆汇兑44. advice of drawing 提款通知书45. advising bank 通知银行46. affiliated bank 联行47. affiliated person 关联人48. aftermarket 次级市场49. agent for collection 托收代理银行50. Agricultural Bank of China 中国农业银行51. agricultural loans 农业贷款52. agricultural(animal husbandry)tax 农(牧)业税53. allowance for doubtful debt 备抵呆帐款项54. alternative (either/or) order 选择指令55. American Express card 运通卡56. American terms 美国标价法57. amount in figures 小写金额58. amount in words 大写金额59. annual membership dues 年费60. application form for a banking account 银行开户申请书金融专业英语词汇大全(一) 小编为大家整理了金融专业英语词汇大全,希望对你有帮助哦! 金融专业英语词汇大全(一):1. a flat percentage rate of income 统一比率的所得税税率 2. a long position 多头部位,利多形势 3. a long position 多头寸;买进的期货合同推荐度:点击下载文档文档为doc格式。

2021年商务英语国际金融词汇:外汇与汇率(2021最新版)作者:______编写日期:2021年__月__日通汇合约 Agency Agreement通汇银行 Correspondent Bank商业汇票 Commercial Bill of Exchange银行支票 Banker’s Check国外汇票 Foreign Bill of Exchange 关键货币 Key Currency汇率 Exchange Rate直接标价法 Direct Quotation间接标价法 Indirect Quotation汇价点 Point买入汇率 Buying Rate卖出汇率 Selling Rate中间汇率 Medial Rate现钞汇率 Bank Note Rate即期汇率 Spot Rate基本汇率 Basic Rate套算汇率 Cross Rate固定汇率 Fixed Rate浮动汇率 Floating Rate可调整的钉住 Adjustable Peg 单一汇率 Single Rate复汇率 Multiple Rate贸易汇率 Commercial Rate金融汇率 Financial Rate交叉汇率 Cross Rate升水 Premium贴水 Discount平价 At Par固定汇率制度 Fixed Exchange Rate System金本位 Gold Standard纸币 Paper Money贴现率 Discount Rate浮动汇率制度 Floating Exchange Rate System 自由浮动汇率 Freely Floating Exchange Rate 管理浮动汇率 Managed Floating Exchange Rate单独浮动汇率 Single Floating Exchange Rate联合浮动汇率 Joint Floating Exchange Rate钉住汇率制 Pegged Exchange Rate区域性货币一体化 Regional Monetary Integration 欧洲货币体系 European Monetary System (EMS)欧洲货币单位 European Currency Unit (ECU)欧洲货币联盟 European Monetary Union含金量 Gold Content铸币平价 Mint Par黄金输送点 Gold Point官方储备 Official Reserve外汇管制 Foreign Exchange Control。

常用金融英语词汇大全必备单词(3)内部控制 internal control内部审计 internal audit___与 ___ the ___inland and Hong Kong内债 domestic debt扭亏为盈 to turn a loss- ___ enterprise into a profitable one扭曲金融分配 distorted allocation of financial resour___s农副产品采购支出 outlays for agricultural procurement农村信用社 rural credit cooperatives(RCCs)泡沫效应 bubble effect泡沫经济 bubble economy培育新的经济增长点 to tap new sour ___s of economic growth片面追求发展速度 ex ___ssive pursuit of growth平衡发展 balan ___d development瓶颈制约 bottleneck(constraints)平稳回升 steady recovery铺底流动资金 initial(start-up)working capital普遍回升 broad-based recovery配套 ___ conitant(supporting)reforms配套人民币资金 local currency funding of…企业办社会 enterprises burdened with social responsibilities企业集团战略 corporate group strategy企业兼并重组 pany merger and restructuring企业 ___班子 enterprise ___nagement企业所得税 enterprise(corporate)ine tax企业效益 corporate profitability企业资金违规流入股市 irregular flow of enterprise funds into the stock ___rket欠税 tax arrears欠息 overdue interest强化税收征管 to strengthen tax administration强制 enfor ___ment action翘尾因素 carryover effect切一刀 partial application收回贷款 clean up and recover loans(破产)清算 liquidation倾斜政策 preferential policy区别对待 differential treatment趋势加强 intensifying trend全球化 globalization权益回报率 returns on equity(ROE)缺乏后劲 unsustainable momentum绕规模贷款 to circumvent credit ___iling人均国内生产总值 per capita GDP人均收入 per capita ine人民币升值压力 upward pressure on the Re ___inbi(exchange rate)认缴资本 subscribed capital软贷款 soft loans软预算约束 soft budget constraint软着陆 soft landing猜你喜欢:模板,内容仅供参考。

金融英语词汇ABS 资产担保证券(Asset Backed Securities的英文缩写)Accelerated depreciation 加速折旧Acceptor 承兑人;受票人;接受人Accommodation paper 融通票据;担保借据Accounts payable 应付帐款Accounts receivable 应收帐款Accrual basis 应计制;权责发生制Accrued interest 应计利息Accredited Investors合资格投资者;受信投资人---指符合美国证券交易委员(SEC)条例,可参与一般美国非公开(私募)发行的部份机构和高净值个人投资者Accredit value 自然增长值Accrediting 本金增值———适用于多种工具,指名义本金在工具(如上限合约、上下限合约、掉期和互换期权)的期限内连续增长。
ACE 美国商品交易所Acid Test Ratio 酸性测验比率;速动比率Across the board 全面一致;全盘的Acting in concert 一致行动;合谋Active assets 活动资产;有收益资产Active capital 活动资本Actual market 现货市场Actuary 精算师;保险统计专家ADB 亚洲开发银行ADR 美国存股证;美国预托收据;美国存托凭证--—[股市]指由负责保管所存托外国股票的存托银行所发行一种表明持有人拥有多少外国股票(即存托股份)的收据。

下面店铺为大家带来银行金融必备英语单词,欢迎大家学习!银行金融必备英语单词:支票单词ordercheque 记名支票bearer cheque 不记名支票crossed cheque 横线支票blank cheque 空白支票rubber cheque 空头支票cheque stub, counterfoil 票根cash cheque 现金支票traveler’s cheque 旅行支票cheque for transfer 转帐支票outstanding cheque 未付支票canceled cheque 已付支票银行金融必备英语单词:银行单词issuingbank, opening bank 开证银行advisingbank, notifying bank 通知银行negotiationbank 议付银行confirmingbank 保兑银行payingbank 付款银行domesticbank 国内银行overseasbank 国外银行unincorporatedbank 钱庄trusteesavings bank 信托储蓄银行trustcompany 信托公司financialtrust 金融信托公司unittrust 信托投资公司creditunion 合作银行creditbureau 商业兴信所银行金融必备英语单词:相关单词economicrecession 经济衰退economiccrisis 经济危机economic recovery 经济复苏inflation通货膨胀deflation 通货收缩devaluation 货币贬值revaluation 货币增值discountrate, bank rate 贴现率gold reserve 黄金储备money (financial) market 金融市场stock exchange 股票交易所commission佣金bookkeeping 簿记bookkeeper 簿记员an application form 申请单clearinghouse 票据交换所public accounting 公共会计business accounting 商业会计cost accounting 成本会计subsidiaryledger 分户帐cash book 现金出纳帐cash account 现金帐journal, day-book 日记帐,流水帐。

金融专业英语词汇大全一、基本金融术语1. 金融(Finance):指货币的筹集、分配和管理活动。
2. 银行(Bank):提供存款、贷款、支付结算等金融服务的机构。
3. 证券(Securities):代表财产所有权或债权的凭证,如股票、债券等。
4. 投资(Investment):将资金投入到某个项目或资产,以获取收益的行为。
5. 债务(Debt):借款人向债权人承诺在一定期限内偿还本息的义务。
6. 股票(Stock):股份有限公司发行的,代表股东对公司所有权和收益分配权的凭证。
7. 债券(Bond):债务人向债权人发行的,承诺按一定利率支付利息并在到期日偿还本金的债务凭证。
8. 利率(Interest Rate):资金的价格,反映资金借贷的成本。
9. 汇率(Exchange Rate):一种货币兑换另一种货币的比率。
10. 通货膨胀(Inflation):货币购买力下降,物价普遍持续上涨的现象。
二、金融衍生品词汇1. 金融衍生品(Financial Derivatives):基于现货金融工具派生出来的新型金融工具。
2. 期货(Futures):双方约定在未来某一时间、按约定的价格买卖某种标的物的合约。
3. 期权(Options):买卖双方在未来一定期限内,按约定价格买入或卖出某种标的物的权利。
4. 掉期(Swap):双方约定在未来某一时间,相互交换一系列现金流的合约。
5. 远期合约(Forward Contract):双方约定在未来某一时间、按约定的价格买卖某种标的物的合约。
三、金融机构及监管部门词汇1. 中央银行(Central Bank):国家金融政策制定和执行的机构,如中国人民银行。
2. 商业银行(Commercial Bank):以盈利为目的,提供存款、贷款、支付结算等金融服务的银行。
3. 证券公司(Securities Company):从事证券经纪、投资咨询、资产管理等业务的金融机构。

2021年商务英语国际金融词汇:外汇交易(2021最新版)作者:______编写日期:2021年__月__日即期外汇交易 Spot Exchange Transaction远期外汇交易 Forward Exchange Transaction交割日固定的远期外汇交易Fixed Maturity Forward Transaction选择交割日的远期交易(择期交易) Optional ForwardTransaction掉期交易 Swap即期对远期掉期 Spot-Forward Swap即期对即期掉期 Spot-Spot Swap远期对远期掉期 Forward-Forward Swap地点套汇 Space Arbitrage直接套汇(两角套汇) Direct Arbitrage (Two Points Arbitrage)间接套汇(三角套汇) Indirect Arbitrage (Three Points Arbitrage)时间套汇 Time Arbitrage现代套汇交易 Cash Against Currency Future套利 Interest Arbitrage非抵补套利 Uncovered Arbitrage非抵补利差 Uncovered Interest Differential抵补套利 Covered Arbitrage期货 Futures期货交易 Futures Transaction国际货币市场 International Monetary Market (IMM)伦敦国际金融期货交易所 London International Financial Futures Exchange (LIFFE)“逐日盯市”制度 Market-to-Market期权 Options外汇期权 Foreign Currency Options协议价格 Strike Price敲定价格 Exercise Price期权费/权力金 Premium期权到期日 Expiration Date美式期权 American Options欧式期权 European Options看涨期权(买权,买入期权) Call Options 期权买方 Call Buyer期权卖方Call Seller/Writer看跌期权(卖权,卖出期权) Put Options 期权协议价格 Strike Price敲定价格(履约价格) Exercise Price 期权费(期权权利金,保险费) Premium 期权保证金 Margins期权内在价值 Intrinsic value价内期权 In the Money价外期权 Out of the Money平价期权 At the Money期权时间价值 Time value易变性 Volatility。

金融术语Notes1.Banks provide most of the credit our economy needs by making loans to enterprises, individuals and governments.银行通过向企业、个人和当局发放贷款,提供我国国民经济所需的大局部信贷资金。
(1)(credit) our economy needs我国国民经济所需的〔信贷资金〕此句为定语从句,省略了关系代词which,修饰前面的先行词credit。
(2)economy n.①the system or range of economic activity in a country, region, or community经济体:国家、地域或群体的经济活动体系和范围例:Effects of inflation were felt at every level of the economy.通货膨胀影响到每一经济阶层②a specific type of economic system经济制度:特定经济体系类型例:an industrial economy; a planned economy.工业经济体制;方案经济体制(3)by making loans to enterprises, individuals and governments是介词短语,在句中做状语。
by prep. with the use or help of; through借助于;通过(4)making (loans to…)是动名词,做介词by的宾语。
2.The interest that borrowers pay for their loans or for their notes discounted forms the major source of banks' income.借款人支付贷款或贴现单据的利息形成了银行主要收入的来源。

金融行业常用英语词汇全解金融行业英语词汇1.银行业务储蓄账户 savings account支票账户 checking account定期存款 time deposit活期存款 demand deposit贷款 loan信用卡 credit card银行保证金 bank margin银行短期利率 bank short rate银行资本 bank capital2. 证券交易股票 stock债券 bond证券交易所 stock exchange保证金交易 margin transaction股票期权 stock option市价委托 market order止损委托 stop loss order3. 期货和期权期货 futures期权 options期货合约 futures contract期权合约 options contract交割 delivery权利金 option premium保证金 margin4. 投资管理投资组合 investment portfolio 资产配置 asset allocation风险评估 risk assessment投资收益 investment return 资本增值 capital appreciation 价值投资 value investing成长投资 growth investing 5. 保险产品人寿保险 life insurance健康保险 health insurance汽车保险 auto insurance财产保险 property insurance 责任保险 liability insurance保险单 insurance policy保险费 insurance premium 6. 信贷与债务信贷 credit债务 debt信用评级 credit rating债务人 debtor债权人 creditor抵押贷款 mortgage loan商业贷款 commercial loan 7. 宏观经济指标国内生产总值 GDP消费者物价指数 CPI生产者物价指数 PPI失业率 unemployment rate利率 interest rate通货膨胀率 inflation rate法定准备金率 reserve requirement ratio 货币政策 monetary policy。

1、 big macs,big/large-cap stock,mega-issue 大盘股2、 offering,list 上市3、 bourse 证交所4、 corporate champion 龙头企业5、 Shanghai Exchange 上海证交所6、 pension fund 养老基金7、 mutual fund 共同基金8、 hedge mutual fund 对冲式共同基金9、 share 股票10、 valuation 股价11、 underwriter 保险商12、 government bond 政府债券13、 saving account 储蓄帐户14、 equity market 股市15、 shareholder 股东16、 delist 摘牌17、 mongey-loser 亏损企业18、 inventory 存货19、 traded company,trading enterprise 上市公司20、 stakeholder 利益相关者21、 transparency 透明度22、 Msnbc:Microsoft national broadcast 微软全国广播公司23、 market fundamentalist 市场经济基本规则24、 damage-contral machinery 安全顾问25、 efficient market 有效市场26、 intellectual property 知识产权27、 opportunistic practice 投机行为28、 WorldCom 世通公司29、 bribery 行贿30、 entrepreneur 企业家31、 cook the book 做假帐32、 regulatory system 监管体系33、 audit 审计34、 accounting firm 会计事务所35、 Great Depression 大萧条36、 portfolio 投资组合37、 money-market 短期资本市场38、 capitual-market 长期资本市场39、 volatility 波动40、 diversification 多元化41、 commodity 期货42、 real estate 房地产43、 option 期权44、 call option 看涨期权45、 put option 看跌期权46、 merger 并购47、 arbitrage 套利48、 Securities&Exchange Commission 〈美〉证券交易委员会49、 dollar standard 美元本位制50、 flight 贬值51、 budget 预算52、 deficit 赤字。

Accounts payable 应付账款Accounts receivable turnover 应收账款周转率Accrual Accounting 权责发生制原则Acid-test ratio 速动比率Additional paid-in capital 附加资本,补缴资本Agency problems 代理问题Agent 代理人Amortization 摊销Asset turnover 资产周转Asset 资产Average tax rate 平均税率Balance sheet (the Statement of Financial Position Reports) 资产负债表Balance sheet 资产负债表Banker’s Accep tance 银行承兑汇票Best efforts 代销Bond indenture 债券契约Bond 债券Bonds payable 应付债券Bonds/preferred stock/common stock债券/优先股/普通股(注意优缺点的比较Broker 经纪人Call option 看涨期权Call provision 提前赎回条款(有可赎回条款的债券要比不可赎回债券的收益率要高)Capital gains tax (deferrable) 资本利得税(可缓缴)Capital markets 资本市场Cash 现金Certificate of Deposit 存款凭证Checking account deposits 活期存款账户Circulation 流通Commercial Paper 商业汇票Commercial paper 商业票据Commodity Money 商品货币Common stock 普通股Common stock/Preferred stock 普通股/优先股(注意两种股权的对比)Compensation 补偿,报酬Competitive markets 竞争市场Complements 互补品Constant 恒定,不变Consumer surplus 消费者剩余Convertible bond 可转换债券Copyright 版权Corporate bonds 公司债券Corporate Income Taxes 公司收入所得税Corporate loss carryback and carryover 公司亏损税前扣减和税后扣减Corporation 公司制企业Coupon rate 票面利率,息票利率Creditors 债权人Creditworthiness 好信誉,有资格接受信用贷款Current (short-term) debt 流动(短期)负债Current asset 流动资产Current liabilities 流动负债Current ratio 流动比率Debt to Total Assets 资产负债率Debt 债务,借款Decentralized 分散的,分散化Deductible 可扣除的,可减免的Default risk premium (DRP) 违约风险溢价Default risk 违约风险Delivery 交割Demand curve/supply curve 需求曲线/供给曲线Demand 需求Denominate 以(某种货币)为计价单位Depreciation 折旧,贬值Derivative markets 衍生品市场Derivatives 衍生产品Designate 指定,指派Direct financing 直接融资Disclosures 公开披露Discount rate (most powerful) 贴现率Discount rate 贴现率Dividend income tax 股息所得税Double taxation 双重税收Earning per share 每股收益Earnings before interest and tax 息税前收入Economic Efficiency 经济效率Elastic/Inelastic 有弹性/无弹性Elasticity 弹性Equilibrium price/ quantity 均衡价格/均衡数量Equilibrium均衡Equity 普通股,权益Equivalent pre-tax yield 等价税前收益率(计算)Euro currency 欧洲货币Eurodebt 欧洲债券Eurodollar Deposit 欧洲美元存款Eurodollars 存于欧洲非美国银行的美金Exclusive previlege 独有的权利Expectations theory 期望理论Expense 费用Expiration date 截止日期Externalities 外部性Federal funds 联邦市场基金Federal Funds 联邦政府基金Fiat Money 法定货币Financial asset 金融资产Financial intermediary 金融中介Financial markets 金融市场Financing 融资Fiscal period 会计期间Flat 水平Foreign debt 外国债券Franchise right 特许经营权Fraud 欺骗Free markets 自由市场Going-concern assumption 持续经营假设Goodwill 商誉Government bonds 政府债券Gross margin 毛利Hedge Funds 对冲基金Hostile takeover 恶意收购Hyperinflation 恶性通货膨胀Income elasticity 收入弹性Income statement利润表Income 收入Indirect financing 间接融资Individual Income Taxes 个人所得税Inferior good 劣等品Inflation risk premium 通胀风险溢价Inflation 通胀Information Efficiency 信息有效性Initial public offering(IPO)首次公开发行Intangibles 无形的Interest income tax (generally not deductible, with the exception of mortgage interest) 利息所得税Interest payments on municipal bonds are exempt from federal income taxes.Interest rates 利率Intracompany 公司内部Inventory turnover 存货周转Inventory 存货Inverted (Downward-sloping) 倒转,反向Investing 投资Investment banker 投资银行Issuance (flotation) costs 发行成本Junk bond 垃圾债券Lender of last resort 最后贷款人Leveraged buyout 杠杆收购Liability 负债Limited liability 有限责任Liquidity premium theory 流动溢价理论Liquidity risk premium (LP) 流动风险溢价Liquidity risk 流动风险Liquidity 流动性Long-term Debt 长期债务Long-term investments 长期投资Long-term notes payable 长期应付票据Long-term rates 长期利率Managerial compensation 管理者报酬Manipulation 操作Marginal tax rate 边际税率Market maker 做市商Market power 市场力量Market-clearing price 市场出清价格Maturity risk premium 期限风险溢价Maturity 到期Monetary aggregates 货币总量Monetary policy 货币政策Money market funds 货币市场基金Money Market Mutual Fund 货币市场共同基金Money markets 货币市场Money supply 货币供给Monopoly 垄断Mortgage-backed securities 抵押担保证券Mortgages 房屋抵押贷款Municipal bonds 市政债券Mutual funds 共同基金Naked option 裸期权NASDAQ (OTC market) 美国全国证券交易商自动报价系统协会Negligible 可忽略的Negotiable CDs 可转让大额定期存单Net income 净收入Non-current asset 非流动资产Non-current liabilities 非流动负债Normal good 正常品Normal term structure 正常期限结构NYSE/AMEX/CHX 纽约证券交易所/美国证券交易所/芝加哥交易所Obligation 义务,债务Open market operations (FOMCs负责) 公开市场操作Operating 运营Options/ forwards/futures/ swaps 期权/远期/期货/互换Over-the-Counter Market 柜台交易市场,场外交易市场Par/nominal/face value 面值Partnership 合伙制企业Patent 专利Payout ratio 股息支付率Perfectly competitive market 完全竞争市场Physical (organized) exchanges 场内交易所Positive/negative externality 正外部性/负外部性(了解内涵)Preferred stock 优先股Prepaid expenses 预付费用,待摊费用Pre-tax income 税前收入Price elasticity of demand/supply 需求价格弹性/供给价格弹性Primary markets 一级市场Principal 委托人Principal本金Producer Surplus 生产者剩余Profit margin 边际利润Profit maximization 利润最大化Profitability 赢利能力Progressive tax 累进税Property, plant and equipment(Land/Buildings/Computers/Equipment)所有权,厂房,设备Proprietorship 独资企业Provision 准备金Purchasing power 购买力Put option 看跌期权Real asset 实物资产Receivables (or debtors) 应收票据,应收账款(债务人)Receivables 应收票据,应收款项Redemption 赎回Regulation Q Q条例Repayment 偿还Repurchase Agreement (Repo) 回购协议Reserve requirements 储备量Resource allocation 资源配置Retained earnings 留存收益Return on assets 资产收益率Return on ordinary shareholders’ equity 普通股股东权益回报率Risk of cash flows 现金流的风险Risk premium 风险溢价Salaries/wages payable 应付工资Saver/borrower 储蓄者/借款人Savings deposits 储蓄存款Seasoned equity offering 二次增发Secondary markets 二级市场Segmented markets theory 市场分割理论Selling, general and administrative expenses 销售支出,一般性支出和行政费用Semistrong-form efficiency 半强有效Shelf registration 暂搁注册Shifts in the Demand Curve需求曲线的移动(使得需求、供给曲线移动的因素) Shortage 短缺Short-term investments 短期投资Short-term notes payable 短期应付票据Short-term rates 短期利率Social welfare 社会福利Solvency 清偿能力Speculate 投机Stakeholders 利益相关者Statement of cash flow 现金流量表Statement of Changes in Equity 权益变动表Stockholders 股东Striking price 协定价格,执行价格Strong-form efficiency 强有效Subsidy 补贴Substitutes 替代品Supply 供给Surplus (Quantity supplied > Quantity demanded) 剩余Tangible/Intangible asset 有形资产/无形资产Tariff 关税Taxable income 应纳税收入Taxes payable 应付税款Tax-exempt/ Tax-free (municipals bonds) 免税的Term loans 定期存款Term Structure of Interest Rates 利率期限结构The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) 联邦公开市场委员会The Federal Reserve banks 联邦储备银行Times interest earned 利息保障倍数Timing of cash flows 现金流的择时Total surplus 总剩余Trademarks 商标权Transaction costs 交易成本Treasury Bill (T-bill) 短期国库券Treasury bonds 国库券,国债Treasury notes/bonds 中期/长期国库券Turnover 周转Underlying asset 标的资产Underwrite 承购包销Underwritten issues 承销事宜Upward-sloping 向上倾斜Weak-form efficiency 弱有效Wealth maximization 财富最大化Welfare 福利Yield curve 收益曲线Yield to maturity 到期收益率Yield-curve inversion 倒挂收益曲线。
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常用金融英语词汇下面是 ___的常用词汇,希望对大家有帮助。
A安全网 safety按可比口径 on parable basis按轻重缓急 to prioritize暗补 implicit subsidy暗亏 hidden lossB颁发营业执照 to li ___nse;to grant a li ___n ___ to ___存款业务 to take deposits保护农民的生产积极性 to protect farmers'in ___ntive to produ ___备付金(超额准备金) ex ___ss reserves本外币并账 consolidation of domestic and foreign currencyaounts本外币对冲操作 sterilization operation本位利益 localized interest;departmentali ___奔小康 to strive to prosper;to strive to bee well-to-do避税(请见“逃税”) tax avoidan ___币种搭配不当 currency mis ___tch币种构成 currency position变相社会集资 disguised irregular(or illegal) fund raising表目(业务) off-balan ___-sheet items(operation)薄弱环节 weaknesses;loopholes不变成本 fixed cost不变价 at constant pri ___;in real terms不动产 real estate不良贷款(资产) problem loans;non-performing loans(assets) C财务公司 finan ___ panies财政赤字 fiscal deficit财政挤银行 fiscal pressure on the ___ntral bank(over moary policy)财政政策与货币政策的配合 coordination of fiscal and moary policies采取循序渐进的方法 in a phased and sequen ___d ___nner操作弹性 operational flexibility操纵汇率 to ___nipulate exchange rate产品构成 product position;product mix产品积压 stock pile;ex ___ssive inventory产销率 current period inventory;(即期库存,不含前期库存)sales/output ratio产销衔接 ___rketability产业政策 industrial policy___国债 treasury bonds敞口头寸 open position炒股 to speculate in the stock ___rket承购包销 underwrite(securities)成套机电产品 plete sets of equipment;plete plant(s)城市信用社 urban credit cooperatives(UCCs)城市合作银行 urban cooperative banks;municipal united banks城市商业银行 municipal mercial banks城乡居民收入增长超过物价涨幅 real growth in household ine持续升温 persistent overheating重复布点 duplicate projects重置成本 repla ___ment cost重组计划 restructuring plan筹资渠道 funding sour ___s;financing channels初见成效 initial suess出口统一管理、归口经营 c ___ization of exports出口退税 export tax rebate储蓄存款 household deposits(不完全等同于西方的savings deposits,前者包括活期存款,后者不包括。
)储蓄分流 diversion of household deposits储源萎缩 decline in the availability of household savings传导机制 tran ___ission mechani ___从价税 ad valorem tax从紧控制 tight control存贷款比例 loan/deposit ratio存款体系 deposit insuran ___ system存款货币银行 deposit money banks存款准备金 required reservesD打白条 issue IOU大额存单 ___rtificate of deposit(CD)大额提现 withdraw deposits in large amounts 大 ___滑坡 wide-spread decline大一统的银行体制 (all-in-one)mono-bank system呆账(请见“坏账”) bad loans呆账准备金 loan loss reserves(provisions)呆滞贷款 idle loans贷款沉淀 non-performing loans贷款分类 loan classification贷款限额管理 credit control;to impose credit ___iling贷款约束机制 credit disciplinary(constraint)mechani ___代理国库 to act as fiscal agent代理金融机构贷款 ___ke loans on behalf of other institutions戴帽贷款 ear- ___rked loans倒逼机制 reversed tran ___ission of the pressure for easing moary condition道德风险 moral hazard地区差别 regional disparity第一产业 the pri ___ry industry第二产业 the secondary industry第三产业 the servi ___ industry;the tertiary industry递延资产 deferrable assets订货不足 insufficient orders定期存款 time deposits定向募集 raising funds from targeted sour ___s东道国(请见“母国”) host country___核算 independent aounting短期国债 treasury bills对冲操作 sterilization operation;hedging对非金融部门债权 claims on non-financial sector 多种所有制形式 diversified ownershipE恶性通货膨胀 hyperinflation二级市场 secondary ___rketF发行货币 to issue currency发行总股本 total stock issue法定准备金 required reserves;reserve requirement法人股 institutional shares法人股东 institutional shareholders法治 rule of law房 ___投资 real estate investment放松银根 to ease moary policy非现场稽核 off-site surveillan ___(or monitoring)非银行金融机构 non-bank financial institutions非赢利性机构 non-profit organizations分税制 assig ___ent of ___ntral and local taxes;tax assig ___ent system分业经营 segregation of financial business(servi___s);division of business scope based on the type of financial institutions风险暴露(风险敞口) risk exposure风险管理 risk ___nagement风险意识 risk awareness风险资本比例 risk-weighted capital ratios风险资本标准 risk-based capital standard服务事业收入 public servi ___ charges;user's charges扶贫 poverty alleviation负增长 negative growth___预算制 double-entry budgeting;capital and current budgetary aountG___试点 reform experimentation杠杆率 leverage ratio杠杆收购 leveraged buyout高息集资 to raise funds by offering high interest 个人股 non-institutional shares根本扭转 fundamental turnaround(or reversal)公开市场操作 open ___rket operations公款私存 deposit public funds in personal aounts 公用事业 public utilities公有经济 the state-owned sector;the public sector公有制 public ownership工业成本利润率 profit-to-cost ratio工业增加值 industrial value added供大于求 supply ex ___eding de ___nd;ex ___ssive supply 鼓励 in ___ntives股份合作企业 joint-equity cooperative enterprises股份制企业 joint-equity enterprises股份制银行 joint-equity banks固定资产贷款 fixed asset loans关税减免 tariff reduction and exemption关税减让 tariff con ___ssions关税 ___ tariff in ___ntives;preferential tariff treatment规范行为 to regularize(or standardize)…behavior规模效益 economies of scale国计民生 national interest and people's livelihood国家对个人其他支出 other gover ___ent outlays to individuals国家风险 country risk分工 international division of labor国际收支 balan ___ of payments国有独资商业银行 wholly state-owned mercial banks国有经济(部门) the state-owned(or public)sector国有企业 state-owned enterprises(SOEs)国有制 state-ownership国有资产流失 erosion of state assets国债回购 gover ___ent securities repurchase国债一级自营商 pri ___ry underwriters of gover ___ent securities过度竞争 ex ___ssive petition过度膨胀 ex ___ssive expansion过热迹象 signs of overheating模板,内容仅供参考。