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Lesson Nine

More Work on the Text II Vocabulary

1. 1) to peel the potatoes 2) to decorate the rooms

3) to lift her veil 4) to unbutton the collar

5) to loathe the weather 6) to haunt my memory

7) to draw a deep breath 8) to make a grimace

9) to give a hint 10) not to breathe a word

ll) to stretch one's neck 12) to unfold the map

13) to float on the river 14)to plead with her

15) to prick up one's ears 16)to ripple in the breeze

17) to hover over the trees 18) to lay down the apple 2. 1) hate/loathe 2) unreasonable/absurd/ridiculous 3) unsettled

4) learned/well-educated/knowledgeable 5) unfolded/opened

6) tragic/sad 7) vague/unclear 8) melancholy

9) discontent/dissatisfied/resentful 10) sophisticated/artful/crafty 3.1-5) at, of, out of, up/to, up;

6-10) to, with, for, for, up;

11-15) out/to/at, out, up, in, on

4. l) They all stretched their necks to see what was happening.

2) The desert stretches for nearly a hundred miles.

3) Take a break. Go and stretch yourself a bit.

4) In front of her was a beautiful stretch of open land.

5)He simply loves to hear his own voice. Often he talks for hours at a stretch.

6) If you go beyond that limit the economy will collapse.

7) One glance at the damaged car, and he knew that it was beyond repair.

8) She was then in a terrible fix. She could neither bear him nor leave him.

9) If you still can't fix it this time, you will have to bear the consequences.

10) He swung his stick at the tiger with all his strength. But the stick snapped and the tiger was unharmed. In his panic, he had hit the tree nearby.

11) He only stayed long enough to snap a few pictures.

12) "It is none of your business," he snapped.

13) He snapped his briefcase to, stood up and said, "Then there's nothing more to be said.”

14) He became very curious and began to take the computer apart.

15) The two switch knives looked very much alike. The jurors could not tell them apart.

16) When the accident happened I was standing only a few meters apart from the car.

5. B, B/D, A, D, B, B, C, D

6. 1)孩子们,规矩点,别乱来。












7. 1) shattered; 2) into; 3) realized; 4) just; 5) home; 6) how; 7) loving;

8) must; 9) introduced; 10) well-suited; 11) through; 12) that;

13) probably; 14) proposed; 15) made

More Work on the Text III Grammar

1.1) (1) I guess you don't feel well.

(2) I think the woman might have made a mistake.

(3) Surely you're asking us to accept a pretty incredible coincidence.

(4) That's surely enough for me.

(5) It's surely my turn at life.

(6) I think he would certainly be afraid of being caught.

(7) All that stuff wouldn't matter then.

(8) I could do nothing but/other than say yes.

(9) Christmas no longer had any attraction to us now.
