argox 条码阅读器通用简易设定说明书
![argox 条码阅读器通用简易设定说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d08ef5e1f424ccbff121dd36a32d7375a417c68f.png)
非常感谢您购买ARGOX 条码阅读器,为了让您更好地熟悉使用本公司产品,请您在使用前务必先阅读本使用说明书,以确保正确地使用本产品。
如您需要更高阶的编程说明 请至官网 下载设置流程:1. 扫描附表设置条码。
2. 扫描预设定的项目条码,并在选项中选择依其参数值进行设定。
3. 扫描最后的结束条码来确认以上的扫描设定。
4. 设置结束后,扫描退出条码,即可完成设置。
接口选择: Argox 条码阅读器(除AS-8000外),可以改变工厂设定的默认接口,重新设定其它类型的接口。
项目 选项 参数值接口选择Keyboard Wedge RS-232Wand emulation(8110/8150/8250) USBKeyboard/RS232/USB Auto detection00 01 02 0304 *仿真键盘信号:所有的PC 机在开机自检时,都会检查键盘的状态。
如果在没有安装键盘的情况下,建议设定Enable ,可以在PC 机开机时,模拟键盘定时和传递键盘当前的状态给PC 。
项目选项 参数值仿真键盘信号Disable Enable00 * 01RS-232设置 资料流控制:不设流控制-仅使用T×D 和R×D 信号进行通讯,而不考虑任何硬件或软件的握手协议。
RTS/CTS-如果条码阅读器要传送条码资料给主机,它首先会发出RTS 信号,然后等待从主机传来的CTS 信号,接着执行正常的资料交流。
若超过时间仍然没有收到主机的CTS 信号,条码阅读器会发出5声警告信号。
Xon/Xoff-若主机无法接收资料,会发送Xoff 代码通知条码阅读器暂停资料传送,直到Xon 代码恢复资料传送。
ACK/NAK-使用ACK/NAK 协议时,条码阅读器会在资料传送后等待主机传来的ACK (认可接收)或NAK(拒绝接收)信号。
条码阅读器在接收到NAK 信号时,会重新传送资料。
新打储打自出 下上设设监 辅网 建开存印动厂 载载备备控 助络 文文文参连参 参参信功画 工检 档档档数接数 数数息能面 具测
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10. 你可随时按 F1 或选择“Help”,获得在线帮助。
11. 以下用示图加文字的方式介绍各分项的使用方法。
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(快捷键 F10)打开调试窗口,将条码静止置于阅读区域内,如图所示点击 Auto Setup(自 动设置),确保激光正对条码,这时条码阅读器会自动对该条码及阅读距离进行扫描频 率及其他参数的设定,设定完成后会自动保存在条码阅读器中。以上设置完成后再根据 物体(条码)运动速度来进行调整。现提供以下方法,仅供参考,实际设定时需要通过 测试来最好确定扫描频率: 当物体运动速度小于 1 米/秒时,一般不需要再进行参数调整; 当物体运动速度大于 1 米/秒时,可以根据情况将频率增加 100Hz-400Hz,直至达到条码 阅读器最大扫描频率。
ࡾɺ CVL Setup 软件使用说明
1. 请在 Windows 操作系统下安装(版本 3.2 以后须安装在 32 位操作系统下) 2. 运行光盘中 CLV setup.exe 程序进行安装 3. 语言选择英语 English , 单位选择 mm . 4. 安装完成后,运行 “ Clv Setup ” 进入参数设置画面。 5. 在画面右上方的 “ Device ” 栏中选择所用的扫描仪型号。 6. 软件会自动通过串口搜索该设备,若连接成功,右下角或右上角(视软件版本而定)
Distance Configuration / Assignment Table
中文 条码中最细 Bar 条宽度 扫描频率 条码前后的空白区域
点击读码器红色图标4个 点,开启读码器自带光 源。
点击读码器绿色图标, 开启读码器瞄准器
勾选相同代码不读取两次,设置后,相同信息 条码不会读取两次
设置后,点击该 按钮重启设备
点击下拉菜单选择仅USB-HID, 重启后,读码器转换为硬件模式
三、调试读码器 1、选择读码类型
如设置触发为内部(自我),则无法更改 读码类型,需设置为手动(按钮)后,方 可更改读码类型。
输入读码器镜头到条码的距离(可以用尺子测量后输 入),如读码效果不理想,可适当微调。
在HID下双击选择需要返回调试的读码 器,转换为调试模式
读码器与产品角度一般为15°—30°为最 佳读码角度,最大角度不可超过30°。
第一步:选择触发类型为 自我(内部)
第二步:设置触发间隔时间,一般为60000-80000 微秒。时间越短,触发间隔越短。
第三步:选中相对应型 号读码器的固件文件, 双击打开
1、确认更新是所需的版本后点击“是”(可自行选择备份之前版本的文件) 2、更新过程中请勿关闭电源或断开读码器连接,如关闭会导致读码器损坏。
说明 可代表准备就绪、读取成功、 读不到、条码个数大于/小于 设定值、匹配、不匹配、参 考值与限制值的比较等条码 器状态信息,由下拉菜单选 择决定。
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(5)Match Code Parameters 匹配条码参数:
会出现绿色 “Connected” 若出现红色 “ No Connection”即表示连接失败.
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7. 若连接失败,可选择握手图框,自动测试通信协定
8. 若还不能连接,请检查通信电缆是否连接正确,例如: Com Port 是否正确? RS232 中,针角是否按如下连接? RxD → TxD , TxD → RxD GND → GND .
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(3)Reading Trigger Parameters 阅读触发信号源参数:
英文 Sensor Input (Active High) Sensor Input (Active Low)
Serial Interface Free Running with Timeout OPC-Trigger Reflector Polling Continuous Read
CLV 条码阅读器 使用指南
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1. 条码阅读器的安装步骤----------------------------- (1) 2. 条码阅读器扫描频率设定方法----------------------- (4) 3. CVL Setup 软件使用说明--------------------------- (5) 4. 附录 1:CLV44X 动态聚焦功能使用方法--------------- (23) 5. 附录 2:SICK CAN-SCANNER-NETWORK 介绍------------- (29)
CLV 条码阅读器使用指南目录1.条码阅读器的安装步骤----------------------------- (1)2.条码阅读器扫描频率设定方法----------------------- (4)3.CVL Setup软件使用说明--------------------------- (5)4.附录1:CLV44X动态聚焦功能使用方法--------------- (23)5.附录2:SICK CAN-SCANNER-NETWORK介绍------------- (29)一、条码阅读器的安装步骤1.条码阅读器的对准条码阅读器安装的第一步首先需要将条码阅读器的激光与被阅读的条码对准,这样才能保证阅读效果。
CLV 条码阅读器使用指南目录1.条码阅读器的安装步骤----------------------------- (1)2.条码阅读器扫描频率设定方法----------------------- (4)3.CVL Setup软件使用说明--------------------------- (5)4.附录1:CLV44X动态聚焦功能使用方法--------------- (23)5.附录2:SICK CAN-SCANNER-NETWORK介绍------------- (29)一、条码阅读器的安装步骤1.条码阅读器的对准条码阅读器安装的第一步首先需要将条码阅读器的激光与被阅读的条码对准,这样才能保证阅读效果。
Zebra A730移动条码读取器说明书
![Zebra A730移动条码读取器说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/8ee77c3a26d3240c844769eae009581b6bd9bda3.png)
FE AT U R ES&B EN EFI TSAn optimized solution that combines voice and scanning in a single mobile device. Ideal for workers who occasionally require a scanner for tasks such as order induction or serial and lot number capture.A worker can scanhands free by usinga voice command toactivate the scannerwhen moving boxes withlabels past the scantarget while the deviceis positioned on theworker’s belt.Using VocollectTouchConnect, a workercan quickly pair theSRX2 wireless headsetwith the A730 mobiledevice with a simpletouch, reducing shiftstart-up proceduresfrom minutes toseconds.Two options: a standardbattery, projected tolast 14 hours, and anextended life battery,projected to last 24hours (ideal for freezerenvironments). Eitheroption helps reducework stoppage frombattery changes.Supports a numberof time-savingfeatures, includingTouchConnect,TouchConfig™,RapidStart™ and otherfeatures designed forfaster start-up times,resulting in greaterworker productivity.Vocollect SRX2 BluetoothWireless HeadsetToday’s distribution center (DC) requires solutions that optimize operations and provide business flexibility, while maximizing existing technology investments. That’s why Honeywell Vocollect™ voice solutions are the performance choice for more than one million workers around the world each day. Empowering mobile workers to operate hands free with voice technology has been proven to offer positive worker productivity and business value.The Vocollect A730 mobile device bridges the long-standinggap between voice and scanning. Honeywell is proud to be the first organization in the world to design an ergonomic solutionthat optimizes voice and scanning in a single mobile device. For workers that occasionally require a scanner for tasks such as order induction or serial and lot number capture, it offers an elegant and ergonomic solution.The Vocollect A730 device contains an integrated short-range scanner, which enables workers to use both voice direction and scanning in an ergonomic, wearable form factor that eliminates the need to hand carry a bulky device. It is small and easy to unholster for occasional scanning. A worker can even scan hands free by using a voice command to activate the scanner when moving boxes with labels past the scan target while the device is positioned on the worker’s belt.Designed to deliver consistent performance and ease of use in the most challenging environments, the imager is equipped with a red scanning line and a highly visible pointer to facilitate successful scans in darkness or full sunlight. Its corner framers make image capture and multi-code reading intuitive and comfortable. The Vocollect SRX2 Bluetooth® wireless headset sets a new standard for how workers operate in the DC. It provides the most comfortable and ergonomic wireless headset option available. The SRX2 headset uses Vocollect SoundSense™ voice recognition technology, offering unmatched accuracy. Using Vocollect TouchConnect™, workers can quickly pair their SRX2 headsets with a simple touch, reducing shift start-up procedures from minutesto seconds. The innovative, shareable component design enables shared use of electronics across multiple shifts, reducing both the upfront and ongoing cost of ownership.When used together, the A730 mobile device and SRX2 wireless headset provide the industry’s premier worker experience and enable your team to take productivity to the next level.Vocollect A730 Mobile Devicewith Standard BatteryVocollect A730 Mobile DeviceVocollect A730-DS | Rev B | 02/16© 2016 Honeywell International Inc.Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions 9680 Old Bailes Road Fort Mill, SC Bluetooth is a registered trademark of SIG, Inc.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.VOCOLLECT A730 MOBILE DEVICEEndcap Description:Short-Range 2D Imager EndcapBest Used for Environments Requiring: Occasional short-range scanning, wireless headsets and peripheralsVOCOLLECT VOICE SOFTWAREDevice Software: Vocollect VoiceCatalyst™ 2.0+ and Vocollect VoiceClient™ 3.9+Device Management Software: Vocollect VoiceConsole™ 5.0+ Voice Processes:VoiceApplications™ and VoiceTasks™Speech Recognizer:Vocollect BlueStreak™ with SoundSenseOperating System: Microsoft ® Windows ® CE 7VOCOLLECT MOBILE DEVICESOperating Temperature: -20°C to 50°C (-8°F to 122°F)Storage Temperature: -40°C to 70°C (-40°F to 158°F)Drop Tested: 24 drops at 1.5 m (5 ft) to steel and 12 drops at 1.8 m (6 ft) to steelVibration: Meets MIL -STD-810F method 514.6Battery Indication: YesHumidity: 100% condensing Rain & Dust Sealing: IP67RADIOWi-Fi: 802.11a/b/g/nBluetooth Version: Class 2 Bluetooth v2.1+ EDR NFC/Vocollect TouchConnect: Yes, with Vocollect VoiceCatalystVOCOLLECT HEADSET SUPPORTConfigurations Supported:Wireless (Vocollect SRX and Vocollect SRX2)WEIGHTTerminal: 186 g (6.7 oz)With Standard Battery: 269 g (9.5 oz)With High-Capacity Battery: 320 g (11.3 oz)SIZEStandard (L x H x W): 150.9 mm x 64.1 mm x 42.1 mm (5.9 in x 2.5 in x 1.7 in)Vocollect A730 Mobile Device Technical SpecificationsFor a complete listing of all compliance approvals and certifications, please visit /compliance . For a complete listing of all supported barcode symbologies, please visit /symbologies .。
Datalogic 固定式工业条码阅读器 Matrix N 系列 DL.CODE 调试说明2021 年 9 月 6 日Datalogic DL.CODE 调试说明目录一、软件下载 (1)二、连接设备 (1)一、控制盒接线 (1)二、读码器接线 (1)3、软件连接 (2)三、参数设置 (4)一、代码设置 (4)1.1肯定视野 (4)1.2选择条码类型 (4)1.3图像读码优化 (5)1.4代码过滤 (5)二、图像设置 (6)3、触发设置(相位设置) (6)3.1相位模式 (6)3.2“慢慢模式”的触发设置 (7)3.3其他触发方式设置···································8 4、阅读成功设置 (8)4.1代码过滤 (8)4.2多个条码输出.......................................9 五、数据格式设置.. (9)5.1输出字符格式设置 (9)5.2输出通道选择 (11)5.3图像保留设置 (11)5.4输出设置···········································12 六、保留配置 (13)四、组网设置 (13)一、接线方式 (13)二、软件设置 (15)2.1更改软件权限 (15)2.2组网设定 (15)2.3配置保留 (16)五、其他字符设定 (17)一、条码距离符添加 (17)二、添加条码坐标 (18)六、设备恢复出厂设置 (19)一、硬件恢复出厂 (19)二、软件恢复出厂 (20)一、软件下载Datalogic 固定式工业条码阅读器 Matrix 410N 系列所应用的调试软件为DL.CODE 。
SICK 公司 | 固定式条码扫描器 — CLV6XX 系列 5
CLV6XX 系列产品概述
利用 SMART 专利解码技术识别污损条码 以太网连接 串行连接 仿真设备
CLV6XX 系列产品采用实用的旋转插接元件,即使在安装、 连接困难的地点也能安装使用。 性能:Speedcon 速连技术结合灵活的安装选项,使得插 接更快捷,组网更方便。
− 开始自动设置 − 匹配条码的设定 − 开始读取诊断
LED 条形图 无需电脑即可检验读取性能
双按钮 LED 条形图
智能自动设置 为所需读取条码自动优化条码读取器。
Micro-SD 闪存卡 使用集成的 Micro-SD 卡插槽可以完成
智能自动 设置
10 0 %
Micro SD 卡
CLV6XX 系列产品订货信息
SOPAS-ET Single Device/ SOPAS-ET 配置
RDT400 远程诊断工具
SICK 公司致力于提供优化的自动识别解决方案
• 通过复制模块或 Micro-SD 卡的参数复制功能即可实现 条码扫描器的快速替换,无需使用电脑主机重新设置。
• 借助紧凑的外壳和灵活的安装技术(配有旋转接头和圆 杆托架),实现简单的安装
完成接线后需要将网络中的第一个接线盒和最后一个 接线盒的 S2(CAN-Term)开关置于 ON 的位置,也就是打开 CAN 网络的终端电阻。扫描器之间的 CAN 总线的网络连线需 要采用屏蔽双绞线。
扫描器 CAN 网络电气连接图
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条码质量设置(Codelabel Quality): 一般设为 Standard,如条码黑白对比度太 小,选用 Low contract;若有斑点,选用 Speckled。
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在 Reading Conf.-Distance Con 下: (一般要修改,根据实际安装距离)
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注: CDB 接线盒到 PC 的 RS232 电缆需要采用带有屏蔽的通信 电缆,电缆长度建议不要超过 10m。
2.2 多台扫描器通过 CAN 总线方式连接 如果需要使用多台扫描器组成 CAN 总线网络的时候,则需要按照以下方式进
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在 Code Confi.下:(一般要修改,根据实际需要选择)
英文 Symbologies Decoder
中文 条码类型 解码方式
Number of Codes Code position
条码数量 条码位置
Min. distance between Labels Symbology Parameters
对已选条码类型的 参数做具体设置
说明 在相应码型前打钩,可多选 可选标准型或智能型(SMART, 可提高对损坏、倾斜或有污点 条码的阅读率,但反应较慢) 设定一次读取的条码数量 若选择比较,满足最小距离条 件的位置不同的条码将作为 新条码读入
Postech 条形码阅读器说明书
![Postech 条形码阅读器说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/77008770ef06eff9aef8941ea76e58fafbb0455c.png)
Bluetooth Setting User ManualFor Postech Barcode Readers•HID mode for IOS and Android OS.1. Turn on barcode reader, read barcode sequences in below. In HID mode theblue LED of the barcode reader will flash rapidly.2. Enable bluetooth on IOS or android devices, and pair with barcode reader. After the pairing is done, the readout of barcode readers can be displayed on a text field where a cursor is highlighted.Note: In android system, if the soft keyboard is not displayed, you need to switch off the physical keyboard. In IOS system, you can double click trigger button to hide and display the soft keyboard.After the connection of Bluetooth is done, the blue LED on the reader will be off.•SPP mode for Android OS.Please note that some Android devices do not support Bluetooth HID protocol properly, therefore the Bluetooth SPP protocol can be used.1. Turn on the barcode reader, and read the barcode sequence below. In SPP mode the blue LED flash slowly. Follow the wizard to pair Android devices with barcode scanner. The PIN number for setting SPP mode is 1234.2. To test the input of barcode readers in SPP mode one can download the APP Blueinput IME for android from the website of Postech, install blueinput.apk to smart phone and run it. For details please refer to pages 6-8 in this manual. After the Bluetooth connection is done, the blue LED on the scanner will be off.⚫USB Mode:If a USB cable is used to connect with the reader, you need to set the output mode to USB mode. Please scan the following barcodes with the reader:⚫Offline mode:The barcode reader can work at offline mode for data uploading, that means, the barcode data scanned and stored in the reader can be uploaded later to smart phone or computer via Bluetooth or via USB cable. To do this follow the steps below:1.Scan "start offline state" barcodes to enter the offline scanning mode. The data scanned will be continuously stored in the barcode reader without output.2.To upload the data one must connect the readers to a computer or mobile device via USB or Bluetooth interface. Set up the right connection (HID or SPP mode). One can either save the data stored to a text field while the cursor is highlighted, scan one of the three barcodes below to select the speed and to trigger the transferring of data. The barcode data will be displayed at the highlighted field.(1) Fast Upload means upload data without time interval;(2) Middle speed means upload data at an interval of 1 second;(3) Slow upload refers to at an interval of 3 seconds to upload the data.3.By scanning "statistics storage number" barcodes one can check the number of stored barcodes in the reader.4.After uploaded, the data stored in the reader can be removed by scanning the barcodes “Clear the storage”.5.Scan "Stop Offline State" barcodes to end up the offline scanning mode.⚫User manual for Blueinput IME in Android deviceInstall Blueinput.apk into Android device, and follow these steps:Step1: Activate the Bluetooth Input Method. Click the “choose” as shown in ”The 1st”, select “BIM” , and return.The 1st The 2nd Step2: In the list of Bluetooth, enable bluetooth and click Searching button, smartphone will display “FS01” for example, as shown in “The 2nd” .Click the scanner name, the system will alert to input a PIN number, type 1234, then click OK.The 3rd The 4th Step3: Return to bluetooth keyboard wizard interface, select the paired scanner as IME input source, as shown in “The 4th” .Step 4: Select “BIM” as default input method, as shown in “The 5th”.The 5th The 6thStep 5: Click the test interface, the barcode reader will communicate with host device via Bluetooth. If the connection is successful, “Activation successful” will be displayed on the soft keyboard, as shown in “The 6th”.However, if the smart phone can not connect scanner automatically, please manually connect the scanner by pressing the keyboard “Connect” or ”Disconnect “ button again.Step 6: After the connection is finished, the blue LED on the scanner will be off, then, one can scan barcodes into a highlighted field as shown in “The 7th”. For the same reader and host device, for the next time, the pairing can be done automatically by pressing the keyboard ”Connect” button. In some cases one needs to press “Disconnect” first, and then click “Connect” again, as shown in “The 8th”.The 7th The 8th(8) One can configure the barcode reader by clicking the “Function” key as shown in “The 9th” and “The 10th”.The 9th The 10thBluetooth Barcode Reader Led/Buzzer description and Glove By click “Scanning Setting”, one can set bluetooth name/prefix Character/suffix character/volume/output model and sleep time, shown in “The 10th”.Note: When a barcode reader is configured, please keep the reader in active mode, the y of doing this: click the “scan button” on the barcode reader every 2-3 seconds, but do not read any barcodes.⚫LED and buzzer descriptions:LED and buzzer descriptions MeaningGreen light flashing (w/ buzzer ringing) Decode successfulGreen light flashes continuously (scan standby) Low battery power alarmRed light solid In chargeRed light goes out (When charged) Charging is completeGreen light flashes continuously Scanning built-in battery anomalous Blue light flashing Enter Bluetooth pairing modeBlue light goes out (In bluetooth pairing mode) Bluetooth link successful⚫Finger Trigger Glove Scanner KT2000, scanner MS3392 2D (MS3391 1D optional), left and right hand models.。
2、条码扫描器和条码间的角度不能为 90 度,否则不能正常读码。
本产品提供完整的接口方式以适应各类主机的计算机系统包括:KeyboardWandRS-232Dual RS-232USB OTHERS所有译码器的参数设定都可通条码的扫描来完成,并保存在存储记忆体中,在关闭电源后仍保留设置。
目录自动感应条码扫描器使用说明 (4)扫描功能 (5)输出模式 (5)蜂鸣器 (5)条码正反图像设定 (6)添加条码ID(条码辨别号) (6)条码读取触发模式 (6)键盘接口 (7)PC传输模式 (7)键盘传送速度 (7)世界各国键盘语言 (7)RS-232接口 (8)波特率 (8)握手协议 (8)数据位 (9)停止位 (9)校验位 (9)光笔接口 (10)传送速度 (10)条码正反图像设定 (10)条形码开启与关闭 (10)Code11 (10)Code39 (10)Code93 (11)Code128 (11)Code bar (11)交叉25码 (11)工业25码 (11)MSI/Plessey (12)UPC/EAN (12)条形码符号设定 (13)Code11 (13)Code39 (13)Code93 (14)Code128 (14)Code bar (14)交叉25码 (15)工业25码 (15)MSI/Plessey (16)UPC/EAN (16)编辑设定条形码 (19)条码字符一般/特别设定 (20)条形码末端字符设定 (21)使用高级设定模式设置条码阅读器 (22)设置种类 (23)编辑键值 (24)选项编号和描述 (25)F1-接口选项 (25)F2-Code39选项 (25)F2-UPC/EAN选项 (26)F2-UPC/EAN补充选项 (26)F2-Code93选项 (27)F2-Code128选项 (27)F2-CodeBar选项 (27)F2-交叉25码选项 (28)F2-工业25码选项 (28)F2-MSI选项 (28)F2-Code11选项 (29)F2-激光器/CCD选项 (29)F2-其它译码选项 (29)F2-定义蜂鸣器和LED选项 (29)F4-定义一般按键区表选项 (30)F3-条码编辑设定 (31)F4-格式组合设定码 (32)F5-字符串设定码 (33)附录-A 特殊字符和ALT组合键表格 (34)附录-B ALT组合键的表格 (35)附录-C 故障问题及解决方案 (36)自动感应条码扫描器使用说明:1、自动感应条码扫描器通电时默认为自动感应模式。
“读取环境”为HIGH、工作模式:条码阅读器组建ID‐NET模式,必须将扫描模式设定为“On line”,至于“Triger”选项可以根据现场需求进行设定,如果选“On line 1 inout”则是传感器触发方式;“Serial On Line”则是用指令触发方式。
USB-COM, RS232 serial port baud rate Settings
Suffix setting
CR & LF None
Note:Baud Rate must be same between barcode scanner and serial port APP Eg:Barcode Scanner default Baud Rate is 9600, the APP must choose same Baud Rate 9600
Scan mode
Continuous Auto-Flashing
Auto-sense mode
Disable OFF
Image Inverted
Keyboard language
Prefix F7 before all barcodes
Error Rate Less than 1/5 million
Cable Length 2M
Drop/Shock Resistance
Operating Temperature
Storage Temperature
Relative Humidity
在 Data Strings 下: (一般不要修改,有输出格式要求的,可根据实际需要选择) 英文 Output Format 中文 输出格式 说明 Header:头符 Code-Info/Sep.:分割符 Terminator:结尾符 分条码前、条码后两种 决定条码的那一部分内容可输 出,若不选则全部输出 若要求输出的字符串某位置无 效,就用该码代替 可选择分割符、 错误字符串两者 的任意组合 Char. Count:字符数 可设置输出间隔时间
Free:指条码的长度是随意的,只要是这类条码都识别。 Fixed:指条码的长度是固定的,跟此长度不同的不识别。
在 Host Interf.下:
英文 Destination of result data strings Data Format Buffer Output Interface Protocol Standard (SICK) Protocol Time-out XON/XOFF Block Check
Invert Output Beeper Pulse Width References Limits
在 Match Code Parameters 下: (一般此参数不用,针对有需要条码比较的场合使用) 英文 Code #1--#5 中文 匹配条码#1-#5 说明 可指定条码类型及内容;若选 Not relevant,是指不管条码类 型。 若不选, 匹配结果不影响串口输 出 有动态匹配、 不含医药码固定匹 配、含医药码固定匹配三种
Bar Code Reader User GuideRevision HistoryVersion Date Note Author 1.02012.07.04 Draft Version Sky Chen 1.12012.07.19 First Version Sky Chen 1.22012.08.22 Add WinCE6.0 Sky Chen 1.32012.09.24 Add 1D Laser Reader Sky ChenTable of Contents1.General Information (4)1.1Introduction (4)1.2Bar Code Reader Specifications (4)1.2.1 1D Liner Bar Code Scanner (4)1.2.2 1D Laser Bar Code Scanner (5)1.2.3 2D Image Bar Code Scanner (6)1.3Bar Code Mode Support (7)1.4Bar Code Format Support (8)1.4.1 1D Liner Bar Code Scanner (8)1.4.2 1D Laser Bar Code Scanner (10)1.4.3 2D Image Bar Code Scanner (12)2H/W and S/W Configuration (15)2.1Hardware Block Diagram (15)2.2Software Block Diagram (16)3How to configure Bar Code reader (X86) (17)4How to configure Bar Code reader (ARM-Android) (18)4.1 DEMO AP (embedded) (18)4.2 Setting Tool / AP (WDC) (embedded) (20)4.3 Manual Book (password needed) (21)4.4 SDK Note / Sample Code (password needed) (21)5How to configure Bar Code reader (ARM-WinCE6.0) (22)5.1 Setting Tool / DEMO AP(WDC)(embedded) (22)5.2 Manual Book (password needed) (25)5.3 SDK Note / Sample Code (password needed) (25)6Trouble Shooting (26)1.General Information1.1 IntroductionWith Winmate Bar Code Scanner Solution in hand, your staff canelectronically capture and transmit virtually any type of data to your business systems. Winmate Bar Code supports four S/W solutions to help user develop Bar Code scanner to optimize its performance for particular application:General Advanced(1) DEMO AP(2) WDC(3) Manual Book(4) SDK noteType of Bar Code Scanner Comparison TableType Tech.Based OutdoorUseScan barcodein curveScanDistanceDecodeSpeedSupport major barcode type1D CCD Red LED(Liner)NO No Short Normal1D (UPC/ EAN, Code39/93/128,...),PDF-417 (in stack)1D Laser Laser Good OK Long Normal 1D (UPC/ EAN, Code39/93/128,...), PDF-417 (in stack)2D/1D CameraCMOSCamera(Image)Best OK Medium1D: Normal2D: Fast1D (UPC/ EAN, Code39/93/128,...),2D: QR code, PDF-417, Aztec,DataMatrix,GS1-Databar, Composite code…1.2 Bar Code Reader Specifications1.2.11D Liner Bar Code ScannerItem Characteristics Optical System:2500 Pixel Toshiba CCD sensor. Scan Speed:200 Scans/sec.Light Source:RED LED (Wave length 630~660nm) Resolution:0.1mm (4 mil)PCS Value:30% or moreScan Angle:43°Scan Width:Up to 110mm or more.(PCS90%) Scan Distance:350mm (PCS=90%) Interfaces:RS232HID USB1.2.21D Laser Bar Code ScannerParameter SpecificationLight source650 nm visible red laser diodeScan method Bi-directional scanningScan rate:100 scans/secReading pitch angle:-35 to 0°, 0 to +35°Reading skew angle-50 to -8°, +8 to +50°Reading tilt angle-20 to 0°, 0 to +20°Curvature R>15 mm (EAN8), R>20 mm (EAN13)Min. resolution at PCS 0.9: 0.127 mm / 5 milMin. PCS value: 0.45Tilt of Laser Scan LineMaximum tilt between both ends of laser scan line:Less than1.2°upward tilt from the scan origin.Maximum of 3.1mm when measured at a point150mm away fromthe scan origin. (The skew angle of this measurement was zerodegrees.)Measurement was done from the center of scan line.Curvature of ScanMaximum gap between the straight line connecting both ends of thelaser scan line and the actual laser scan line:Less than1.27°curvaturefrom the scan origin.Maximum of 3.3mm curvature when measured at a point150mmaway from the scan origin.(The skew angle of this measurement waszero degrees.)Measurement was done from the center of scan line.tliT1.2.32D Image Bar Code ScannerItem Characteristics Scan method CMOS area sensor (black andwhite)-Number of effective pixel (H) × (V) 752× 480 dot Image capture speed (*1) Frame rate 60 fps Focal distance From the front edge of scanengine130 mmView angle Horizontal Approx. 40.6° Vertical Approx.26.4°Auxiliary light source (LED × 2 ) Red LED -Peak Wave Length 617 nm Directivity angle 2θ1/2 (*2) 60° Maximum radiation output (*3) 15000mcdLight source for aiming (LED x 1) Green LED -Peak Wave Length 528 nm Maximum radiation output (*4) 18700mcdScanning is done by aiming the Scanner's Aimer to the center of a Bar Code. When scanning from a distance. The conditions for technicalspecifications are as follows, unless otherwise specified in each section. <Conditions>Ambient Temperature and Humidity : Room temperature and Room humidity Ambient Light: 0 lux to 100 lux (on the surface of a bar code) Angles : α= 0°Skew : β = 15°Tilt : γ = 0°Curvature : R = ∞Power Supply Voltage : 3.3 and 5.0 VPCS (1D and 2D) : 0.9 or higherScanning Test : Accept the performance with 90% successrate for 10 tries of scan1.3 Bar Code Mode SupportGeneral Support-If user does not want to implement Bar Code communication,configuration and develop to his ownapplication, Winmate provides two modes as below:-Virtual Keyboard as wedge mode-Bar Code setting AP (WDC)Advanced Support -If user wants to fully control Bar Code scanner operation and does not need any Winmate APincluded, Winmate provide two modes as below:-Bar Code SDK(sample code)-Bar Code Manual Book1.4 Bar Code Format SupportIf default Bar Code format cannot meet your application, you can enable the reader to read a number of bar code types by command table,scanning configuration codes, or WDC AP.It is strongly recommended to select only the required codes.Advantages of selecting only the required codes are:• faster reading • reduced probability of reading errors • no accidental scanning of unwanted bar codes1.4.1 1D Liner Bar Code ScannerBar code types DefaultUPC AUPC EUPCA Add-on 2UPCA Add-on 5UPC E Add-on 2UPC E Add-on 5EAN(JAN)EAN13EAN13 add-on 2EAN13 add-on 5EAN8EAN8 add-on 2EAN add-on 5Code 39Full ASCII cod 39Codabar(NW7)Industrial 2 of 5Interleaved 2 of 5Code 128EAN 128Code 93MSI/PlesseyMatrix 2 of 5Chinese Post Matrix 2 of 5Code 32Code 11Scan Area and Depth of FieldThe scan area is measured from the front edge of the camera module.1.4.2 1D Laser Bar Code Scanner1D SymbologyBar Code Type Default UPCUPC add-on 2UPC add-on 5EAN(JAN)EAN add-on 2EAN add-on 5EAN-13EAN -13 add-on 2EAN-13 add-on 5EAN-8EAN-8 add-on 2EAN-8 add-on 5Code 39Tri-OpticCodabar(NW7)Industrial 2 of 5Interleaved 2 of 5S-codeCode 128Cod 93IATAMSI/PlesseyUK/PlesseyTelepenCode 11Matrix 2 of 5Chinese Post Matrix 2 of 5Korean Postal AuthorityGS1-DataBarBar Code Type DefaultGS1-DataBar-GS1-DataBar Omnidirectional-GS1-DataBar Truncated-GS1-DataBar Stacked-GS1-DataBar StackedOmnidirectionalGS1-DataBar LimitedGS1-DataBar Expended-GS1-DataBar Expended-GS1-DataBar Expended Stacked2D SymbologyBar Code Type DefaultPDF417MicroPDF417Codablock FScan Area and Depth of FieldThe scan area is measured from the front edge of the camera module.1.4.3 2D Image Bar Code Scanner1D SymbologyBar Code Type Default UPCUPC add-on 2UPC add-on 5EAN(JAN)EAN add-on 2EAN add-on 5EAN-13EAN -13 add-on 2EAN-13 add-on 5EAN-8EAN-8 add-on 2EAN-8 add-on 5Code 39Tri-OpticCodabar(NW7)Industrial 2 of 5Interleaved 2 of 5S-codeCode 128Cod 93IATAMSI/PlesseyUK/PlesseyTelepenCode 11Matrix 2 of 5Chinese Post Matrix 2 of 5Korean Postal AuthorityIntelligent mail Bar CodePOSTNETGS1-DataBarBar Code Type Default GS1-DataBar-GS1-DataBar Omnidirectional-GS1-DataBar Truncated-GS1-DataBar Stacked-GS1-DataBar StackedOmnidirectionalGS1-DataBar LimitedGS1-DataBar Expended-GS1-DataBar Expended-GS1-DataBar Expended Stacked2D SymbologyBar Code Type Default PDF417MicroPDF417Codablock FQR CodeMicro QRData Matrix (ECC 200)Data Matrix (ECC 000-140)Aztec CodeAztec RunsChinese Sensible codeMaxi CodeComposite codeBar Code Type Default Composite GS1-DataBar-CCA-CCB-Limited CCA-Limited CCB-Expended CCA-Expended CCBComposite GS1-128-CCA-CCB-CCCComposite EAN-EAN 13 CCA-EAN 13 CCB-EAN 8 CCA-EAN 8 CCBComposite UPC-UPC-A CCA-UPC-E CCB-UPC-A CCA-UPC-E CCBScan Area and Depth of FieldThe scan area is measured from the front edge of the camera module.2H/W and S/W Configuration2.1Hardware Block DiagramWinmate portable products build-in compact Bar Code scan engine which enables high speed scanning of linear (1D) and 2D symbologies in the industry. Winmate Bar Codereader supports symbologies such as GS1 DataBar (Old: RSS), Aztec Code, EAN, UCCComposite Bar Code and so on.X86ARM2.2Software Block Diagram3How to configure Bar Code reader(X86)For X86 product line, Winmate offers Manual Book only, and the scanner can be set by reading the Label via Recommended Steps as below:4How to configure Bar Code reader (ARM-Android) Winmate offers four type of services to customer under Android:4.1 DEMO AP(embedded)Winmate DEMO AP is an example to collect the data from the Bar Code, user can easily export the Bar Code data by it.This application is based on web page with java scripttechnology as long as the software component can accept the keystroke, it could easily to develop for Bar Code application.1DEMO AP Quick Start Guide:1)Turn on the E430 series PDA.2)Press to open App list.3)Tap to open Winmate Barcode and RFID test AP. The UI will show up as the followingpicture.4)Touch the red square to have the data inputted to this area.5)Keep the top of the PDA around 15cm from the barcode, and press FN key.6)The sensor on the top of PDA will project a green light bar. Aim the green light bar to thebarcode that you are going to scan.7)Approach the E430 PDA to the barcode till hearing a “beep” sound.8)The data scanned will be shown on your PDA.4.2 Setting Tool / AP(WDC) (embedded)WDC is an service running in the Android background. It receives the Bar Code data and convert to keystroke, user can easily set up the trigger mode, scan format, and decoder types.2General SDK1. Get data from EditText2. Get data from broadcast from WDC--force to scan.--receive the WDC data content4.3 Manual Book(password needed)The manual book is intended for setting up your Bar Code reader to optimize its performance for your particular application. The reader can be returned to factory default by reading the default label.Download Link:/TabletPC/rugged_tablet_4.3handheld.htm?showblock=Support#4.4 SDK Note / Sample Code(password needed)Please refer to "Winmate Android 2.3 Bar Code Control Note" documentation.The topics are as below:1. Enable/disable WDC2. RFID/ Barcode power control3. Function button broadcast4. How to access comportDownload Link:/TabletPC/rugged_tablet_4.3handheld.htm?showblock=Support#5How to configure Bar Code reader (ARM-WinCE6.0)5.1 Setting Tool / DEMO AP(WDC) (embedded)3Application IntroduceOpen WDC ApplicationYou can use the Scan button to scan the barcode or RFID cardThe Context Area is the data that you just scan or readThe List Area is the history you scanOpen WDC Application failedIf you see the error message when you open WDC as below, that means no Barcode and RFID device detected.If you see the error Message as below, that means COM port has been occupied, please check your COM port connection then open the application again.Barcode Scanner Selection 1D Barcode Device Screen 2D Barcode Device Screen in 1D 2D Barcode Device Screen in 2DYou can select the barcode what you need, and press SAVE button to save the setting. The setting will be saved in barcode device;even you reboot or close the AP.Set Prefix and SuffixYou can key in the message or character what you like to show on the Prefix and Suffix text area.Press the SAVE button to save them to your barcode device.The setting will be saved in barcode device; even you reboot or close the AP.Extend read time and indicator in advanced settingYou can set extend read time and Indicator in your device.(PS: 2D barcode device support only)e.(1)Extend Read Time SettingWDC has6 different extend read time sections that you can set from 1 second to 1 minute. Press SAVE,the setting will be saved in your device.Read time in single read, after the trigger is pressed or the read command is sent, can be extended. Reading operation stops when no data is output within the specified time.e.(2)Indicator SettingThe setting supports three indicators:Buzzer beep, Vibration, and LED light when code was successfully decoded and the data was output.Default SettingYou can restore all the setting to be factory mode by Default Setting.PS:it’s not support RFID device.5.2 Manual Book (password needed)The manual book is intended for setting up your Bar Code reader to optimize its performance for your particular application. The reader can be returned to factory default by reading the default label.Download Link:/TabletPC/rugged_tablet_4.3handheld.htm?showblock=Support#5.3 SDK Note / Sample Code (password needed)Please refer to "Winmate WinCE6.0 Bar Code Control Note" documentation. Download Link:/TabletPC/rugged_tablet_4.3handheld.htm?showblock=Support#6Trouble ShootingThe trouble shooting diagram can be of help if your reader does not operate asexpected. If any problem is not covered or solved with this diagram you need tocontact with our sales window.Whether the reader operates or not can be checked in the following way:4It should beep after the power has been switched ON5It should either react on a trigger(if any) or it reader (LEDs)。
Thermo Scientific VisionMate 无线条码读机说明书
![Thermo Scientific VisionMate 无线条码读机说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/96e0e877f08583d049649b6648d7c1c709a10b6c.png)
Thermo Scientific VisionMate Wireless Barcode ReaderSecure, versatile and reliable barcode data capture, now with freedom of movementPRoducT SPecificaTionS VisionMate Wireless ReaderThe Thermo Scientific ™ VisionMate ™ Wireless Barcode Reader is a versatile sample tracking instrument that decodes 2d and linear barcodes, as well as QR codes. The wireless reader utilizes Bluetooth ™ technology to allow mobility in the lab, cold room or in the field to yield efficient sample identification and tracking, and for direct input into a paired workstation, LiMS or portable device. The VisionMate wireless reader is capable of reading any barcode of anSi Grade d or betterincluding Thermo Scientific linear and 2d barcodes and those of most major manufacturers, making it well-suited for multi-facility applications. Barcodes on tubes, racks and plates are decoded and imported instantly into any application where you can place your cursor, including spreadsheets, databases and LiMS systems. The instrument’s flat bottom profile allows for convenient scanning while sitting on the benchtop, yet at 12.2 ounces is also easy to handle for field work. The wide button pad allows flexible left- or right-handed scanning as well. The newest member of the Thermo Scientific VisionMate family of barcode readers, the VisionMate Wireless reader is supported by a technical team with along history of expertise in sample tracking applications.Sample collection Sample processing Sample analysis Shipment tracking LiMS inventoryBenefitsMobility while transmitting barcode data• P roductivity gains through the freedom to work away from the bench• Low energy usage for longer battery life Versatile format compatibility• C ompatible with all linear (1D), 2D Matrix and nunc tube and rack formats • C ompatible with 1D and 2D barcodes from most major suppliers • S ecure tracking of valuable samples from external sourcesDirect data output to many applications using keyboard wedge• C ompatible with virtually any storage software application (Excel, Notepad, LIMS, etc.)• E asy to implement into existing lab sample management processesAmbient light diffuser• C an scan in suboptimal lighting conditions • I ncreased productivity in the field Clear high-contrast screen• D isplay key information (battery life, scanned code, connectivity, etc.)• F lexible option to change time, date,add suffix, prefix and other useful dataDimensions (L x W x H)175 x 77 x 27 mm / 6.9 x 3.0 x 1.1 in Weight 345 grams / 0.76 lbs.Battery T ype 1300 ma Lithium ion Battery Battery Run Time > 10 hours of continuous run time Charging Time approximately 6 hoursCharging ConnectionVia supplied uSB port connection Battery Indicator Light4 Bars: 80 - 100% charged 3 Bars: 60 - 80% charged 2 Bars: 30 - 60% charged 1 Bar: 10 - 30% chargedSupported Barcode T ypes any Thermo Scientific Matrix or nunc 2d Barcoded Storage Tube and virtually any other 2D barcode, as well as any linear (1D) code Supported Tube/rack formats 24-, 48-, 96-, 384-tube racksComputer Requirements Pc/Laptop: Microsoft TM Windows TM 7 or Windows 10, with available uSB2.0 portConnection Methods Wireless: via supplied uSB Bluetooth adapter or via built-in Bluetooth Radio Wired: via supplied uSB cable Data Transmission RangeSecure transmission of data between reader and specified Pc or laptopComputer/ Processor 1.5 GHz 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) or higher processorMemoryRaM requirements depend on the operating system used. Windows 7: 2GB RaM; Windows 10: 4GB RaM Hard drive space 300 MB of available hard disk space Operating System Microsoft Windows 7, Windows 10Drive cd-RoM driveDisplay Super VGA(800x600) or higher resolution monitor with 256 colorsUSB 1x uSB2.0 port for Wireless Reader connection and 1x uSB2.0 port for the Bluetooth dongle PeripheralsMouse or compatible pointing deviceCat. No.DescriptionQty 3122-V2VisionMate Wireless 2D Barcode Reader with Bluetooth T echnology (includes wireless barcode reader with CodeXML software, USB cable and Belkin Bluetooth device with associated software)1 each374500-BR nunc external Thread universal 1.8 mL Barcoded Tube in Barcoded Latch Rack 3741-BR Matrix 1.0 mL Barcoded Tube in Barcoded Latch Rack3748-BR Matrix Low Volume 200 uL Barcoded Tubes in Barcoded Latch Racks 312800VisionMate High Speed Barcode Reader* representative catalog numbers; contact sales rep for products suited to your applicationFind out more at thermofi/samplestorageSSLSPVMWIRELESS 0816For Research Use Only © 2016 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. Bluetooth is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG, Inc, Microsoft and Windows are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. All other trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. and its subsidiaries.。
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中文 传感器输入,高电平触 发,激光打开 传感器输入,低电平触 发,激光打开 串行口软件触发,激光 打开
说明 要求传感器为 PNP 型输 出,输出为高电平是触发。 要求传感器为 PNP 型输 出,输出为低电平是触发。 用指令触发
第 13 页 共 40 页
Free Running with Timeout OPC-Trigger
第 7 页 共 40 页
扫描器 CAN 网络电气连接图
1、SICK 扫描器的调试和参数设置一般通过扫描器的 Terminal 端口进行。也就 是通过接线盒 CDB420 中的 AUX Interfac(e 9 针插头)将扫描器与计算机相连接。 连接电缆的选用 2-3 交叉串口通信电缆,电缆的连线如下图所示,
第 16 页 共 40 页
说明 可指定条码类型及内容; 若选 Not relevant,是指 不管条码类型。 若不选,匹配结果不影响 串口输出 有动态匹配、不含医药码 固定匹配、含医药码固定 匹配三种
Counter-Reset on Teach-In
在教导式输入新匹配条 码时是否复位计数器
第 14 页 共 40 页
在 Result Output Parameters 下:(一般要修改,根据实际需要选择)
英文 Output 1 Output 2
Invert Output Beeper Pulse Width中文说明输出源自1可代表准备就绪、读取成功、
输出 2
第 2 页 共 40 页
1.1 条码阅读器的对准 条码阅读器安装的第一步首先需要将条码阅读器的激光与被阅读的条码对
1.2 安装距离和角度 扫描器的安装距离是指从扫描器的窗口到条码表面的距离。下图所示为阅读
距离的测量方法,每种型号的条码阅读器的阅读距离都不同,因此安装过程中阅 读距离的确定需要查阅相关型号的技术参数。
第 8 页 共 40 页
AUX Interface
扫描器与 PC 连接电缆示意图
2、确认电缆连接无误后,通过 CLVSetup 软件(可以通过 SICK 网站或者 SICK 公司获得最新版本)通过 RS232 串口连通扫描器,当连接正确时软件下方会显示 扫描器型号并显示 Connected!,这时就表示扫描器与 PC 建立了正确的连接可以 进行设置和调试工作。
第 3 页 共 40 页
如图所示,我们设定条码边缘到货箱边缘的距离为 a,光电开关到条码阅读 器的距离为 b。
第一种情况,当采用沿传送方向先安装条码阅读器后安装光电开关的方式 时,则必须保证 b<a 成立。
第二种情况,当采用沿传送方向先安装光电开关后安装条码阅读器的方式 时,则必须保证 b<a 成立。
在 Code Confi.下:(一般要修改,根据实际需要选择)
英文 Symbologies Decoder
中文 条码类型 解码方式
Number of Codes Code position
条码数量 条码位置
Min. distance between 条码之间最小距离
说明 在相应码型前打钩,可多选 可选标准型或智能型(SMART, 可提高对损坏、倾斜或有污点 条码的阅读率,但反应较慢) 设定一次读取的条码数量 若选择比较,满足最小距离条 件的位置不同的条码将作为 新条码读入
Result1 和 Result2
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References Limits
参考值 限制值
2.2 多台扫描器通过 CAN 总线方式连接 如果需要使用多台扫描器组成 CAN 总线网络的时候,则需要按照以下方式进
行接线。扫描器通过 CAN H(图中 11,21 端子)和 CAN L(图中 12,22 端子) 两条总线电缆进行连接,如果扫描器采用不同电源供电时,则需要将 GND(图中 13,23 端子)相连,另外为了提高线路传输质量,需要将电缆的屏蔽层与 Shield (图中 6,7 端子)相连。
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1. 条码阅读器的安装步骤„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 3 1.1 条码阅读器的对准„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 3 1.2 安装距离和角度„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 3 1.3 光电开关的安装方法„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 3 2. 条码阅读器的电气连接„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 5 2.1 单台扫描器电气连接方式„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 5 2.2 多台扫描器通过 CAN 总线方式连接„„„„„„„„„„„„ 6 3. 单台条码阅读器的参数设置及软件使用„„„„„„„„„„ 8 4. 条码阅读器的常见功能参数设置„„„„„„„„„„„„„23 4.1 CANBUS 调试„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„23 4.2 Profibus 调试„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„29 4.3 菊花链 RS232/422 调试„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 32 4.4 Teach-in 功能的调试„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„34 5. 条码阅读器的常见指令„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 35 6. 条码阅读器的常见故障排除步骤及保养„„„„„„„„„ 37 6.1 常见故障排除步骤„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 37 6.2 维护注意事项„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„ 37
主要参数设置 在 Reading Conf.下:(一般不用修改)
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频率设置(Scanning Frequency): 条码阅读器扫描频率(Scanning Frequency)概念:扫描频率是指扫描器内部旋转镜的转动速度。扫描频率的设定 与条码分辨率(Module Width)、阅读距离以及被扫描物体(条码)的运动速度 有关。具体的设定原则如下: (1)、条码分辨率越小,扫描频率应设定低; (2)、阅读距离越远,扫描频率应设定越低; (3)、物体(条码)运动速度越快,扫描频率应越高。
条码质量设置(Codelabel Quality): 一般设为 Standard,如条码黑白对比度太 小,选用 Low contract;若有斑点,选用 Speckled。 在 Reading Conf.-Distance Con 下: (一般要修改,根据实际安装距离)
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为了避免条码表面对激光直接的反射,条码阅读器一般不采取垂直于条码 表面的安装方式,扫描器的安装角度有如下要求。
图中所示为不同类型条码阅读器的安装角度,单线式和多线式阅读器安装 时出射光线和条码表面保持 105 度的倾角。对于摆动镜式的阅读器安装时取阅读 器的侧面和摆角的平分线为 105 度夹角。
1.3 光电开关的安装方法 通常状况下条码阅读器都采用光电开关来提供触发信号源,因此光电开关的
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2.1 单台扫描器电气连接方式:
SICK条码 扫描器
+24 DC
GND Result1 T+
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在 Device Conf.-Reading Trig Reading Trigger Parameters 下:(一般要修 改,根据实际触发方式选择)
英文 Sensor Input (Active High) Sensor Input (Active Low) Serial Interface
图中最上端一台扫描器为主扫描器,整个扫描器网络通过其中的 Master/Multiplexer 扫描器与主机相连。它的电气连接方法同图所示。
接线盒的 S2(CAN-Term)开关置于 ON 的位置,也就是打开
CAN 网络的终端电阻。扫描器之间的 CAN 总线的网络连线需
Reflector Polling Continuous Read Debouncing Sensor End of Reading Interval Output of Good Read
Free Running Timeout
Laser timeout
First Trigger
在 Match Code Parameters 下:(一般此参数不用,针对有需要条码比较的场合 使用)匹配码可以通过 sensor2 的通断来进行学习。操作步骤将在下面的章节中 介绍。