
2019年天津卷理科综合化学试题可能用到的相对原子质量:H-1 C-12 O-16 Zn-651.化学在人类社会发展中发挥着重要作用,下列事实不涉及...化学反应的是()A.利用废弃的秸秆生产生物质燃料乙醇B.利用石油生产塑料、化纤等高分子材料C.利用基本的化学原料生产化学合成药物D.利用反渗透膜从海水中分离出淡水2.下列离子方程式能用来解释相应实验现象的是()实验现象离子方程式A 向氢氧化镁悬浊液中滴加氯化铵溶液,沉淀溶解Mg(OH)2 + 2NH4+ = Mg2+ + 2NH3·H2OB 向沸水中滴加饱和氯化铁溶液得到红褐色液体Fe3+ + 3H2O = Fe(OH)3↓+ 3H+C 二氧化硫使酸性高锰酸钾溶液褪色3SO2+ 2MnO4-+ 4H+= 3SO42-+ 2Mn2++ 2H2OD 氧化亚铁溶于稀硝酸FeO + 2H+ = Fe2+ + H2O3.下列有关金属及其化合物的应用不合理...的是()A.将废铁屑加入FeCl2溶液中,可用于除去工业废气中的Cl2B.铝中添加适量锂,制得低密度、高强度的铝合金,可用于航空工业C.盐碱地(含较多Na2CO3等)不利于作物生长,可施加熟石灰进行改良D.无水CoCl2呈蓝色,吸水会变为粉红色,可用于判断变色硅胶是否吸水4.下列实验操作或装置能达到目的的是()A B C D混合浓硫酸和乙醇配制一定浓度的溶液收集NO2气体证明乙炔可使溴水褪色5.某温度下,HNO2和CH3COOH的电离常数分别为5.0×10-4和1.7×10-5。
下列叙述正确的是()A.曲线Ⅰ代表HNO2溶液B.溶液中水的电离程度:b点>c点C.从c点到d点,溶液中()()()HA OHAc cc--⋅保持不变(其中HA、A-分别代表相应的酸和酸根离子)D.相同体积a点的两溶液分别与NaOH恰好中和后,溶液中n(Na+)相同6.我国科学家研制了一种新型的高比能量锌-碘溴液流电池,其工作原理示意图如下。

祝各位考生考试顺利! 第Ⅰ卷 注意事项:1.每题选出答案后,用铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。
以下数据可供解题时参考:相对原子质量:H 1- C 12- O 16- Zn 65-1.化学在人类社会发展中发挥着重要作用,下列事实不涉及...化学反应的是( ) A. 利用废弃的秸秆生产生物质燃料乙醇 B. 利用石油生产塑料、化纤等高分子材料 C. 利用基本的化学原料生产化学合成药物 D. 利用反渗透膜从海水中分离出淡水2.下列离子方程式能用来解释相应实验现象的是( )A向氢氧化镁悬浊液中滴加氯化铵溶液,沉淀溶解()24322Mg OH 2NH Mg 2NH H O ++++⋅B向沸水中滴加饱和氯化铁溶液得到红褐色液体()323Fe 3H OFe OH 3H +++↓+C 二氧化硫使酸性高锰酸钾溶液褪色2224423SO 2MnO 4H 3SO 2Mn 2H O -+-+++++D 氧化亚铁溶于稀硝酸22FeO 2H Fe H O ++++A. AB. BC. CD. D3.下列有关金属及其化合物的不合理...的是( ) A. 将废铁屑加入2FeCl 溶液中,可用于除去工业废气中的2Cl B. 铝中添加适量钾,制得低密度、高强度的铝合金,可用于航空工业 C. 盐碱地(含较多23Na CO 等)不利于作物生长,可施加熟石灰进行改良 D. 无水2CoCl 呈蓝色,吸水会变为粉红色,可用于判断变色硅胶是否吸水 4.下列实验操作或装置能达到目的的是( ) ABCD混合浓硫酸和乙醇 配制一定浓度溶液收集2NO 气体 证明乙炔可使溴水褪色A. AB. BC. CD. D5.某温度下,2HNO 和3CH COOH 的电离常数分别为45.010-⨯和51.710-⨯。

参考公式:·如果事件A ,B 互斥,那么()()()P AB P A P B =+.·圆柱的体积公式V Sh =,其中S 表示圆柱的底面面积,h 表示圆柱的高. ·棱锥的体积公式13V Sh =,其中S 表示棱锥的底面面积,h 表示棱锥的高. 一.选择题:在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的. (1)设集合{1,1,2,3,5},{2,3,4},{|13}A B C x x =-==∈<R ,则()A CB =(A ){2}(B ){2,3}(C ){-1,2,3}(D ){1,2,3,4}(2)设变量x ,y 满足约束条件20,20,1,1,x y x y x y +-≤⎧⎪-+≥⎪⎨-⎪⎪-⎩则目标函数4z x y =-+的最大值为(A )2(B )3(C )5(D )6(3)设x ∈R ,则“05x <<”是“|1|1x -<”的(A )充分而不必要条件 (B )必要而不充分条件 (C )充要条件(D )既不充分也不必要条件(4)阅读下边的程序框图,运行相应的程序,输出S 的值为(A )5 (B )8(C )24 (D )29(5)已知0.223log 7,log 8,0.3a b c ===,则a ,b ,c 的大小关系为(A )c b a << (B )a b c << (c )b c a <<(D )c a b <<(6)已知抛物线24y x =的焦点为F ,准线为l .若l 与双曲线22221(0,0)x y a b a b-=>>的两条渐近线分别交于点A 和点B ,且||4||AB OF =(O 为原点),则双曲线的离心率为(A(B(C )2(D(7)已知函数()sin()(0,0,||π)f x A x A ωϕωϕ=+>><是奇函数,且()f x 的最小正周期为π,将()y f x =的图象上所有点的横坐标伸长到原来的2倍(纵坐标不变),所得图象对应的函数为()g x .若π4g ⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭3π8f ⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭(A )-2(B)(C(D )2(8)已知函数01,()1,1.x f x x x⎧≤≤⎪=⎨>⎪⎩若关于x 的方程1()()4f x x a a =-+∈R 恰有两个互异的实数解,则a 的取值范围为 (A )59,44⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦(B )59,44⎛⎤⎥⎝⎦(C )59,{1}44⎛⎤⎥⎝⎦(D )59,{1}44⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦2019年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(天津卷)数学(文史类)第Ⅱ卷注意事项:1.用黑色墨水的钢笔或签字笔将答案写在答题卡上。

下列叙述正确的是A.曲线1代表HNO2溶液B.溶液中加水的电离程度:b点>c点C.从c点到d点,溶液中)()(c) (c---⋅A c OHHA保持不变(其中HA、A-分别代表相应的酸和酸根离子)D.相同体积a点的两溶液分别与NaOH恰好中和后,溶液中n(Na+)相同解析:HNO2和CH3COOH相比,HNO2酸性更强,加水稀释,越稀越电离,醋酸电离程度大,曲线1为醋酸,选项A错误;b点PH大,氢离子浓度大,对水抑制程度大,水电离程度小,选项B 错误;C选项表达式只和温度有关,加水稀释过程中温度没变,保持不变,选项c正确;因为HNO2和CH3COOH酸性不一样,在PH相同的情况下,浓度不一样,中和需要的NaOH也不一样。

氧核苷酸,B 错误;分泌蛋白的需要内质网的加工,形成囊泡运到高尔基体,加工、分类
和包装,形成分泌小泡,运到细胞膜,胞吐出去,与脱氧核苷酸无关,C 错误;细胞膜脂
质的流动与物质跨膜运输有关,无需脱氧核苷酸,D 错误。因此,本题答案选 A。
2 / 12
D. 红叶杨细胞中花青素绝对含量可通过“植物细胞的吸水和失水”实验测定 【答案】C 【解析】 【分析】 1、光学显微镜下能观察到的结构有:细胞壁、叶绿体、大液泡和经染色的细胞核和线粒体; 基因突变和基因重组不能在光学显微镜下观察到,但染色体变异(染色体结构变异和染色 体数目变异)可以在光学显微镜下观察到。 2、影响光合作用强度的外界因素:空气中二氧化碳的浓度,土壤中水分的多少,光照的长 短与强弱、光的成分以及温度的高低等,都是影响光合作用强度的外界因素。光合作用强 度可以通过测定一定时间内原料消耗量或产物生成的数量来定量地表示。 3、植物细胞的吸水和失水实验的观察指标:中央液泡大小、原生质层的位置和细胞大小。 【详解】据分析可知,基因突变不可以用普通光学显微镜观察识别,因为基因是有遗传效 应的 DNA 片段,DNA 在普通光学显微镜下观察不到,A 错误;叶绿体基粒类囊体属于生 物膜,不可用普通光学显微镜观察,B 错误;由题干信息可知,要使红叶杨和绿叶杨的光 合作用强度相等,红叶杨需要更强的光照,原因是红叶杨比绿叶杨的叶绿体基粒类囊体少, 光合速率小,因此,两种杨树叶光合速率可通过“探究光照强弱对光合作用强度的影响”实 验作比较,C 正确;红叶杨细胞中花青素的相对含量可通过“植物细胞的吸水和失水”实验 测定,若要测定花青素的绝对含量需要进一步实验,D 错误;因此,本题答案选 C。 【点睛】解答本题的关键是:明确光学显微镜下能观察到的细胞结构和可遗传变异类型, 影响光照强度的外界因素,植物细胞吸水和失水实验的应用,再根据题意作答。 5.多数植物遭到昆虫蚕食时会分泌茉莉酸,启动抗虫反应,如分泌杀虫物质、产生吸引昆虫 天敌的挥发物质等。烟粉虱能合成 Bt56 蛋白,该蛋白会随烟粉虱唾液进入植物,抑制茉莉 酸启动的抗虫反应,使烟粉虱数量迅速增长。下列叙述错.误.的是 A. 植物产生挥发物质吸引昆虫天敌体现了信息传递调节种间关系的功能 B. 植食性昆虫以植物为食和植物抗虫反应是长期共同进化的结果 C. Bt56 基因表达被抑制的烟粉虱在寄主植物上的数量增长比未被抑制的对照组快 D. 开发能水解 Bt56 蛋白的转基因植物可为控制烟粉虱提供防治措施 【答案】C 【解析】 【分析】 1、信息传递在生态系统中的作用:①生命活动的正常进行,离不开信息的作用;②生物种 群的繁衍,也离不开信息的传递;③信息能够调节生物的种间关系,以维持生态系统的稳 定。

(2019年高考天津卷理数)如图,AE ⊥平面A B C D ,,CF AE AD BC ∥∥,,1,2AD AB AB AD AE BC ⊥====.(1)求证:BF ∥平面ADE ;(2)求直线CE 与平面BDE 所成角的正弦值;(3)若二面角E BD F --的余弦值为13,求线段CF 的长.解:依题意,可以建立以A 为原点,分别以AB AD AE ,,的方向为x 轴,y 轴,z 轴正方向的空间直角坐标系(如图),可得(0,0,0),(1,0,0),(1,2,0),(0,1,0)A B C D ,(0,0,2)E .设(0)CF h h =>>,则()1,2,F h .(1)依题意,(1,0,0)AB =是平面ADE 的法向量,又(0,2,)BF h =,可得0BF AB ⋅=,又因为直线BF ⊄平面ADE ,所以BF ∥平面ADE .(2)依题意,(1,1,0),(1,0,2),(1,2,2)BD BE CE =-=-=--.设(,,)x y z =n 为平面BDE 的法向量,则0,0,BD BE ⎧⋅=⎪⎨⋅=⎪⎩n n 即0,20,x y x z -+=⎧⎨-+=⎩不妨令1z =, 可得(2,2,1)=n .因此有4cos ,9||||CE CE CE ⋅==-n n n . 所以,直线CE 与平面BDE 所成角的正弦值为49. (3)设(,,)x y z =m 为平面BDF 的法向量,则0,0,BD BF ⎧⋅=⎪⎨⋅=⎪⎩m m 即0,20,x y y hz -+=⎧⎨+=⎩ 不妨令1y =,可得21,1,h ⎛⎫=- ⎪⎝⎭m .由题意,有||1cos ,||||3⋅〈〉===m n m n m n ,解得87h=.经检验,符合题意. 所以,线段CF 的长为87.。

10.20 eV C.1.89 eV.如图,空间存在一方向水平向右的匀强电场,两个带电小球P和Q 板下,两细绳都恰好与天花板垂直,则B.P和Q都带负电荷D.P带负电荷,研制的大推力新型火箭发动机联试成功,这标志着我国重型运载火箭的研发取得突破性进展。
不计空气阻力,则21tt<3C .3<<421t t .如图,一粗糙斜面固定在地面上,斜面顶端装有一光滑定滑轮。
已知M 始终保持静止,则在此过程中.水平拉力的大小可能保持不变所受细绳的拉力大小一定一直增加所受斜面的摩擦力大小一定一直增加所受斜面的摩擦力大小可能先减小后增加.圆环所受安培力的方向始终不变.圆环中的感应电流始终沿顺时针方向.圆环中的感应电流大小为004B rS t 20π4B r t P 的4倍下落过程中弹簧的最大压缩量是P 的4倍.(10分)某同学要将一量程为250 μA的微安表改装为量程为20 mA的电流表。
该同学测得微安表内阻为1 200 ,经计算后将一阻值为R的电阻与该微安表连接,进行改装。
(填正确答案标号).微安表内阻测量错误,实际内阻大于1 200 Ω.微安表内阻测量错误,实际内阻小于1 200 Ω值计算错误,接入的电阻偏小值计算错误,接入的电阻偏大正电的粒子从静止开始经电压某点以垂直于场的入射点与离开磁场的出射点之间的距离为(1的质量;)所描述的整个运动过程中,求物块A克服摩擦力所做的功;)已知两物块与轨道间的动摩擦因数均相等,在物块B停止运动后,改变物块与轨道间的动摩擦因从P点释放,一段时间后A刚好能与B再次碰上。

1.文中加点字的字音和字形,全都正确的一组是()A.瞭(liáo)望天暮(mù)俯瞰(kàn)B.黑魆(xū)魆摇曳(yè)萦(y íng)绕C.皓(hào)月倾泄(xiè)一模(mó)一样D.瑰(guī)丽变换(huàn)莫测苍穹(qi óng)2.依次填入文中横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是()A.飘洒瞬息万变出神入化B.散落瞬息万变鬼斧神工C.散落浩如烟海出神入化D.飘洒浩如烟海鬼斧神工3.下列各句中没有语病的一句是()A.在游客文化体验、特色旅游活动需求日益明显的背景下,利用科技创新对外宣传、深度挖掘旅游文化内涵,扩大我市旅游业的吸引力与知名度。

2019年3月天津高考试题第一卷第一部分:第一节:1.–Everybody is helping out with dinner. Would you clean the fish?--______. I’d rather make the salad.A. A piece of cakeB. No problemC. Couldn’t be betterD. Anything but that2. You should respect the views of others, and at the same time, ______what you think is right.A. care forB. look atC. insist onD. meet with3. –Edward, do you mind giving me a ride to the railway station?--______. I’d be glad to.A. Yes. I doB. Of course notC. Never mindD. Go ahead4. The captain of the ship was advised to turn back ______ a sudden heavy storm.A. due toB. by means ofC. in addition toD. instead of5. Watch out for injuries while exercising. Always stop ______ you begin to feel any pain.A. in order thatB. even ifC. ever sinceD. as soon as6. ______ volcanoes for many years, I am still amazed at their beauty as well as their potential to cause great damage.A. To studyB. StudyingC. Having studiedD. Studied7. Even though we live in a high-tech age, it’s still impossible to predict he weather ______.A. activelyB. accuratelyC. cautiouslyD. originally8. The opinion ______ learning is a lifelong process has been expressed by education experts throughout the years.A. whichB. thatC. whatD. how9. I took notes during the meeting, but I ______ a chance to write them into a report so far.A. didn’t haveB. haven’t hadC. hadn’t hadD. won’t have10. The sign on the wall of the library says, “No magazine is allowed ______ out of the reading room”.A. being takenB. to takeC. to be takenD. taking11. People believe writing poems provides a ______ through which they can express their feelings.A. shelterB. sourceC. channelD. background12. We are determined that our training should ______ the current development in education.A. keep pace withB. take possession ofC. make room forD. give birth to13. Paul did a great job in the speech contest. He ______ many times last week.A. need have practicedB. might practiceC. must have practicedD. could practice14. The course normally attracts about 100 students per year, ______ up to half will be from abroad.A. whoB. of whichC. whenD. of whom15. Mary’s description of the party was so vivid that I felt as if I ______ there.A. would beB. might have beenC. would have beenD. had been第二节:In the summer before I entered middle school, I read the book they Cage the Animals at Night.It’s a story about Jennings, a boy living in various orphanages(孤儿院)with only his stuffed animal(毛绒玩具), Doggie, for companionship. It’s a fascinating book, but little did I know it would __16__ my life and the lives of others.One day, as I looked across my room at the pile of stuffed animals, a(n) __17__ came to me.I would __18__ stuffed animals for children like Jennings. __19__, I contacted agencies that support those children and they said the stuffed animals would certainly __20__ children’s spirits.I named my project “Cuddle Buddies”. I wrote articles for the local and school newspapers, __21__ donations of the “buddies”- stuffed animals. My phone __22__ ringing; schools, families, and toy factories all wanted to help. Much to my __23__, by the second week, my living room looked like a zoo. Whenever Mom and I __24__ the “buddies” to the agencies, the kids would be waiting there with their eyes down, too __25__ to look but shaking with excitement.Six years after its launch, Cuddle Buddies continues to __26__. Now over 25,000stuffed animals have been __27__ to agencies worldwide. Simon, a seven-year-old boy in an African Children’s Home, couldn’t sleep at night after she lost his parents. When asked to choose his “buddies”, Simon __28__a panda and soon after was sleeping through the night. I never dreamed Cuddle Buddies would __29__ this way.Upon graduation from high school, I designed a website, , to __30__ the project. The response was __31__. More and more people joined me and two dozen Cuddle Buddies __32__ were established across the nation.This has been a great experience. I’ve learned how to follow through on an idea and how to __33__ impact a life. I will go to college with these __34__ in mind and continue my work with Cuddle Buddies, even when I __35__ a whole new set of exciting academic and nonacademic pursuits.16. A. touch B. risk C. lead D. save17. A. chance B. idea C. explanation D. word18. A. display B. repair C. purchase D. collect19. A. Previously B. Occasionally C. Immediately D. Gradually20. A. capture B. reflect C. lift D. record21. A. putting aside B. turning down C. asking for D. getting back22. A. delayed B. kept C. stopped D. meant23. A. knowledge B. taste C. regret D. delight24. A. delivered B. applied C. rented D. returned25. A. shy B. content C. weak D. eager26. A. reform B. expand C. dominate D. divide27. A. produced B. adopted C. sold D. donated28. A. picked out B. came across C. showed off D. brought up29. A. decline B. work C. increase D. react30. A. promote B. start C. evaluate D. examine31. A. confusing B. amusing C. automatic D. enthusiastic32. A. companies B. committees C. branches D. institutes33. A. financially B. positively C. socially D. physically34. A. plans B. images C. lessons D. motives35. A. work out B. keep off C. rely on D. engage in第二部分:AWelcome to University of Waikato. Our mission is to create a welcoming environment in which residents feel comfortable, safe and a sense of belonging.Student Village and Waikato ApartmentsWaikato Accommodation Services offers two types of residential accommodation: Students Village and Waikato Apartments.Student Village consists of fifteen independent units. Each contain five bedrooms, toilet facilities, and a shared kitchen with a fridge and cupboard. There is also a games room and a TV room.Waikato Apartments are situated in a three-level apartment building. Each level has four apartments containing six bedrooms, toilet facilities, and a kitchen. Each level has a shared area with a TV, a study desk and easy chairs.Security and SafetyCampus security is available to assist 24 hours, 7 days a week. If you see anything suspicious, please call Campus Security on 0800863800.Please ensure that you have your own insurance for your personal belongings as Waikato Accommodation Services takes no responsibility for any theft or damage to personal belongings. Housekeeping and MaintenanceHousekeeping staff service all shared areas. Residents are responsible for keeping their rooms, kitchens and shower rooms clean and tidy.Maintenance staff ensure necessary repairs to facilities are made. If your room or other shared area needs maintenance, please inform the Accommodation Office. Maintenance staff may be required to enter your room to tend to a maintenance request – this will be prearranged. Termination(终止)of Residence and Checking OutYou are required to pay accommodation fees for the full period of your residency contract. At the end of your contract you must arrange a time with the office staff to check out. A room inspection will take place and you will be responsible for payment for any damage or missing items. If you fail to check out in this manner, the staff will hold an inspection in your absence and assess whether any payment is required.36. What facilities are available in both Student Village and Waikato Apartments?A. Kitchen and TV.B. Study desk and fridge.C. Cupboard and study room.D. Games room and toilet facilities.37. What should you do when you suspect that someone is destroying school facilities?A. Report to the insurance company.B. Contact Campus Security.C. Inform the assistant teacher.D. Call Waikato Accommodation Services.38. The responsibility of the maintenance staff includes ______.A. making plans for Accommodation OfficeB. monitoring the use of kitchen facilitiesC. fixing a broken windowD. cleaning shower rooms39. If you can’t check out in the required way, the staff will ______.A. ask you to pay higher accommodation feesB. assess whether an inspection is necessaryC. still carry out the room inspectionD. wait until you can arrange a time40. Which of the following is the passage probably taken from?A. A technical instruction book.B. A university newspaper.C. A residency contract.D. A student guide.BAn unpleasant smell floated into my nose as the bowl of fried stinky tofu (臭豆腐)settled onto my grandmother’s dinner table. I immediately sat back. The smell ruined my appetite, and I pushed the dish away.“It’s supposed to stink. Just give it a try!” my grandmother said.Holding my breath, I unwillingly took a bite. To my surprise, the tofu beneath the fried skin was warm, soft, and mouthwatering. Since then, whenever I visited my grandmother’s house, I would rush to the kitchen for the stinky tofu with excitement. Thus, stinky tofu became more than a household tradition. It became my favorite dish.Along with the stinky tofu, I would meet my Uncle Chan on every visit. As an immature boy, I never understood my uncle’s condition of Down syndrome(唐氏综合症).He was an unfriendly and terrible creature in my eyes. He constantly walked around the house, talking to himself. Whenever he was within view, I would run away in fear.However, one day, my view of my uncle suddenly changed. I was just getting out of my bed when I heard soft steps approaching. It was my uncle. My muscles froze. He slowly sat next to me and touched my face gently, as a mother would stroke(抚摸)a baby. A wide smile emerged from his blank expression. How beautiful his smile was! I could not help but smile back. My fear disappeared gradually, and my muscles relaxed. For the first time, I could see softness and warmth in his eyes.My uncle very much resembles stinky tofu. Stinky tofu smells unpleasant on the outside, yet feels warm and soft on the inside. Like stinky tofu, my uncle’s Down syndrome made me keep my distance at first. Yet, I learned that deep inside, he is harmless and has a loving nature.Some people tend to look down upon disabled people and regard them as unfit for a regular life. As I was unable to see through the outer surface of the tofu, these people are unable to see through the surface of prejudice(偏见). As a result, they judge the disabled with one glance.The outside and inside of the stinky tofu exist as two extremely different worlds. Perhaps that is what makes it such a tasty dish. Not only is it delicious, stinky tofu offers a valuable lesson: never judge people at first glance, for true beauty comes from the inside.41. Why did stinky tofu become the author’s favorite dish?A. It was related to family tradition.B. It turned out to be quite delicious.C. Grandma encouraged him to try it.D. His appetite for food had increased.42. What did the author think of his uncle at first?A. He was a quiet person.B. He was an energetic person.C. He was an immature person.D. He was a strange creature.43. The author’s attitude towards Uncle Chan changed when ______.A. Chan’s footsteps woke up the authorB. Chan showed his friendliness to the authorC. Chan displayed his love towards the authorD. Chan’s blank expression made the author smile44. The comparison between stinky tofu and the author’s uncle serves to ______.A. highlight the nature of Uncle ChanB. analyze the family relationshipC. describe a childhood memoryD. introduce a traditional Chinese food45. What does the author mainly want to tell us in the passage?A. We shouldn’t judge by appearances.B. A person’s taste changes over time.C. Blood is thicker than water.D. You are what you eat.CEssentially, everyone has two ages: a chronological(按时间计算的)age, how old the calendar says you are, and a biological age, basically the age at which your body functions as it compares to average fitness or health levels.“Chronological age isn’t how old we really are. It’s merely a number,” said Professor David Sinclair at Harvard University. “It is biological age that determines our health and ultimately our lifespan. We all age biologically at different rates according to our genes, what we eat, how much we exercise, and what environment we live in. Biological age is the number of candles we really should be blowing out. In the future, with advances in our ability to control biological age, we may have even fewer candles on our birthday cake than the previous one.To calculate biological age, Professor Levine at Yale University identified nine biomarkers(生物标志)that seemed to be the most influential on lifespan by a simple blood test. The numbers of those markers, such as blood sugar and immune(免疫的)measures, can be put into the computer, and the algorithm(算式,算法)does the rest.Perhaps what’s most important here is that these measures can be changed. Doctors can take this information and help patients make changes to lifestyle, and hopefully take steps to improve their biological conditions. “I think the most exciting thing about this research is that these things aren’t set in stone,” Levine said. “People can be given the information earlier and take steps to improve their health before it’s too late.”Levine even entered her own numbers into the algorithm. She was surprised by the results. “ I always considered myself a very healthy person. I’m physically active; I eat what I consider a fairly healthy diet. But I did not find my results to be as good as I had hoped they would be. It was a wake-up call,” she said.Levine is working with a group to provide access to the algorithm online so that anyone can calculate their biological age, identify potential risks and take steps to improve their health in the long run. “No one wants to live an extremely long life with a lot of chronic(慢性的)diseases,” Levine said. “By delaying the development of mental and physical functioning problems, people can still be engaged in society in their senior years. That is the ideal we should be pursuing.”46. Biological age depends on ______.A. whether we can adapt ourselves to the environmentB. how well our body works compared with our peers’C. when we start to take outdoor exerciseD. what the calendar says about our age47. By saying “ we may have even fewer candles on our birthday cake than the previous one” in Para. 2, the author means ______.A. we don’t have to celebrate our birthday every yearB. we are chronologically older than last yearC. we might be less happy than the previous yearD. we may be biologically younger than the year before48. According to Professor Levine, what is the most exciting thing about her research?A. The measures are not fixed.B. Health services can be set up.C. The problems are not that serious.D. The research results are written in stone.49. What does the author want to tell us by Levine’s example in Para. 5?A. It is necessary to change our diet regularly.B. The test results may give us wrong information.C. Waking up early in the morning is good for our fitness.D. The algorithm can reveal our potential health problems.50. The ultimate goal of Levine’s research is to ______.A. free people from chronic diseasesB. work out a solution to genetic problemsC. keep people socially active even in old ageD. provide people with access to scientific theoryDWhen I graduated from high school, I wanted to major in comparative literature. But, once I found out my friends were going into “real”majors, like marketing, nursing, and engineering, I figured I needed to do the same to ensure a good career. So I changed my mind and choose Business Management as my major. I forced myself to believe that I would enjoy it and succeed in the future, but eventually I exhausted myself understanding the economy and trying new marketing techniques. Coming out of this experience, I realize it is ok to be different from others and to study things like classic art history and other majors offered in the College of Humanities(人文学科).The worries most people have about a Humanities degree and finding a career afterwards are that the majors are too abstract, and one will not obtain any applicable skills. Actually ideas discussed in Humanities classes which are occasionally different from what people commonly believe, offer a broad perspective(视角). How could one effectively be an unbiased(无偏见的)writer with only a knowledge of the popular opinion of society? How could one speak persuasively with closed minds? Only seeing the world through a single perspective leads to missed learning, missed friendships, and missed growth! With a broader perspective, we will be more free, more open-minded, and less limited in what we can become.STEM(science, technology, engineering and mathematics) graduates learn actual skills in their studies while humanities majors learn “soft skills” like communicating effectively through writing critically and speaking persuasively, synthesizing(综合)ideas through gathering and interpretinginformation, and developing cultural awareness. Do those soft skills sound useless and inapplicable to you? Think of it. How often do you communicate with others? Produce ideas? Encounter people from other cultures? Every day. Every SECOND of every day. So why not master these skills?If you choose a major in the College of Humanities, you will be needed. The job market is quietly creating thousands of openings a week for people who can bring a humanist’s grace to our rapidly evolving high-tech future. Your skills will be valuable to any workplace you hope to be in. Chase after your dream major with all your energy, no matter what other people think.51. Why did the author choose Business Management as his major at first?A. He was tired of learning comparative literature.B. He came to enjoy learning marketing techniques.C. He wanted to go to the same university as his friends.D. He believed Business Management was more practical.52. According to the author, what is a possible way to gain a broad perspective?A. Making more friends and learning from them.B. Exchanging ideas in a philosophy seminar.C. Opening your mind to future possibilities.D. Getting to know the popular opinion of society.53. In which of the following situations do soft skills play the most important role?A. Writing a software program.B. Performing a heart operation.C. Playing a musical instrument.D. Negotiating with a business partner.54. The author believes the job market for Humanities graduates is ______.A. recoveringB. depressingC. promisingD. challenging55. What could be the best title for this passage?A. Stick to Your Desired MajorB. Broaden Your PerspectiveC. How to Acquire Soft SkillsD. Humanities vs. STEM第二卷第三部分:写作第一节:My teacher Peter Bullock proved that science wasn’t boring and made physics great fun. In every lesson he would produce one of those worksheets in purple ink that smelled fresh from the machine. Every sheet contained a poem or a joke and we looked forward to them being handed out. I’ve kept them all to show to my children. There was one poem in particular that’s stayed in my memory, which went:In early days Man measured TimeBy sunrise and sunset sublime;As well as being able to turn physics into poetry, Peter had energy and passion and conveyed the sense that science was part of the world around you and not a dull boring academic discipline. I’m sure he was sticking pretty much to the standard topics – waves and electricity and so on – but he managed to convert everything into a joke or a story and did so in a clever and imaginative way.Peter Bullock was not only an exciting teacher, but also the man who founded the debate clubin my school. He encouraged me to take part and express myself in a forceful way that I’ve been doing ever since – and getting paid for it. That made me what I am today – a commercial lawyer.Peter Bullock taught me throughout my secondary schooling and I took physics, chemistry and maths at A-level. Everyone in his class enjoyed learning. He was inspiring. He turned me on to the idea that the things you are interested in might seem dull on the surface, but you can still excite others. For example, when I tell people I’m interested in law, they may think: “How boring.” I guess being a physics teacher is much the same. Peter showed me that what matters is how you convey your own passion so that you excite other people.56. Why did the students expect to get the worksheets in Peter’s class?(no more than 10 words)57. What is the meaning of the underlined word in Para. 2?(1 word)58. What does Para. 3 mainly tell us?(no more than 15 words)59. How did Peter make his students interested in the things that seem dull?(no more than 10 words)60. What do you think is the most important quality of a good teacher? Please explain. (no more than 20 words)第二节:假设你是晨光中学的李津。

参考公式:·如果事件A 、B 互斥,那么()()()P AB P A P B =+.·如果事件A 、B 相互独立,那么()()()P AB P A P B =.·圆柱的体积公式V Sh =,其中S 表示圆柱的底面面积,h 表示圆柱的高. ·棱锥的体积公式13V Sh =,其中S 表示棱锥的底面面积,h 表示棱锥的高. 一、选择题:在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的. 1.设集合{1,1,2,3,5},{2,3,4},{|13}A B C x x =-==∈≤<R ,则()A C B =A .{}2B .{}2,3C .{}1,2,3-D .{}1,2,3,42.设变量,x y 满足约束条件20,20,1,1,x y x y x y +-≤⎧⎪-+≥⎪⎨≥-⎪⎪≥-⎩则目标函数4z x y =-+的最大值为A .2B .3C .5D .63.设x ∈R ,则“250x x -<”是“|1|1x -<”的 A .充分而不必要条件B .必要而不充分条件C .充要条件D .既不充分也不必要条件4.阅读下边的程序框图,运行相应的程序,输出S 的值为A .5B .8C .24D .295.已知抛物线24y x =的焦点为F ,准线为l ,若l 与双曲线22221(0,0)x y a b a b-=>>的两条渐近线分别交于点A 和点B ,且||4||AB OF =(O 为原点),则双曲线的离心率为 A 2B 3C .2D 56.已知5log 2a =,0.5og 2.l 0b =,0.20.5c =,则,,a b c 的大小关系为 A .a c b <<B .a b c <<C .b c a <<D .c a b <<7.已知函数()sin()(0,0,||)f x A x A ωϕωϕ=+>><π是奇函数,将()y f x =的图象上所有点的横坐标伸长到原来的2倍(纵坐标不变),所得图象对应的函数为()g x .若()g x 的最小正周期为2π,且24g π⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭38f π⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭A .2-B .2C 2D .28.已知a ∈R ,设函数222,1,()ln , 1.x ax a x f x x a x x ⎧-+≤=⎨->⎩若关于x 的不等式()0f x ≥在R 上恒成立,则a 的取值范围为 A .[]0,1B .[]0,2C .[]0,eD .[]1,e2019年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(天津卷)数学(理工类)第Ⅱ卷注意事项:1.用黑色墨水的钢笔或签字笔将答案写在答题卡上。

可能用到的相对原子质量:H 1 Li 7 C 12 N 14 O 16 Na 23 S 32 Cl 35.5 Ar 40 Fe 56 I 127一、选择题:本题共13个小题,每小题6分。
那么,与萌发前的这n粒干种子相比,这些黄化苗的有机物总量和呼吸强度表现为A.有机物总量减少,呼吸强度增强B.有机物总量增加,呼吸强度增强C.有机物总量减少,呼吸强度减弱D.有机物总量增加,呼吸强度减弱5.下列关于人体组织液的叙述,错误的是A.血浆中的葡萄糖可以通过组织液进入骨骼肌细胞B.肝细胞呼吸代谢产生的CO2可以进入组织液中C.组织液中的O2可以通过自由扩散进入组织细胞中D.运动时,丙酮酸转化成乳酸的过程发生在组织液中6.假设在特定环境中,某种动物基因型为BB和Bb的受精卵均可发育成个体,基因型为bb 的受精卵全部死亡。

1.文中加点字的字音和字形,全都正确的一组是()A.瞭(liáo)望天暮(mù)俯瞰(k àn)B.黑魆(xū)魆摇曳(yè)萦(yíng)绕C.皓(hào)月倾泄(xiè)一模(mó)一样D.瑰(guī)丽变换(huàn)莫测苍穹(qióng)2.依次填入文中横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是()A.飘洒瞬息万变出神入化B.散落瞬息万变鬼斧神工C.散落浩如烟海出神入化D.飘洒浩如烟海鬼斧神工3.下列各句中没有语病的一句是()A.在游客文化体验、特色旅游活动需求日益明显的背景下,利用科技创新对外宣传、深度挖掘旅游文化内涵,扩大我市旅游业的吸引力与知名度。

2019年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(天津卷)理科数学第Ⅰ卷一、选择题1.设集合A ={-1,1,2,3,5},B ={2,3,4},C ={x ∈R |1≤x <3},则(A ∩C )∪B 等于( ) A .{2} B .{2,3} C .{-1,2,3} D .{1,2,3,4}答案 D解析 由条件可得A ∩C ={1,2},故(A ∩C )∪B ={1,2,3,4}.2.设变量x ,y 满足约束条件+ - , - + ,- , - ,则目标函数z =-4x +y 的最大值为( )A .2B .3C .5D .6 答案 C解析 画出可行域如图中阴影部分(含边界)所示,作出直线-4x +y =0,并平移,可知当直线过点A 时,z 取得最大值.由=- ,- + = ,可得=- , = ,所以点A 的坐标为(-1,1),故z max =-4×(-1)+1=5.3.设x ∈R ,则“x 2-5x <0”是“|x -1|<1”的( ) A .充分不必要条件 B .必要不充分条件 C .充要条件D .既不充分也不必要条件 答案 B解析 由x 2-5x <0可得0<x <5.由|x -1|<1可得0<x <2.由于区间(0,2)是(0,5)的真子集,故“x 2-5x <0”是“|x -1|<1”的必要不充分条件.4.阅读如图所示的程序框图,运行相应的程序,输出S 的值为()A.5 B.8 C.24 D.29答案 B解析执行程序框图,S=1,i=2,j=1,S=1+4=5,i=3,S=8,i=4,满足i≥4,输出的S=8.5.已知抛物线y2=4x的焦点为F,准线为l.若l与双曲线-=1(a>0,b>0)的两条渐近线分别交于点A和点B,且|AB|=4|OF|(O为原点),则双曲线的离心率为()A. B.C.2 D.答案 D解析由题意,可得F(1,0),直线l的方程为x=-1,双曲线的渐近线方程为y=±x.将x =-1代入y=±x,得y=±,所以点A,B的纵坐标的绝对值均为.由|AB|=4|OF|可得=4,即b=2a,b2=4a2,故双曲线的离心率e===.6.已知a=log52,b=log0.50.2,c=0.50.2,则a,b,c的大小关系为()A.a<c<b B.a<b<cC.b<c<a D.c<a<b答案 A解析a=log52<log5=.而c=0.50.2>0.51=,故a<c;b=log0.50.2>log0.50.25=2,而c =0.50.2<0.50=1,故c<b.所以a<c<b.7.已知函数f(x)=A sin(ωx+φ)(A>0,ω>0,|φ|<π)是奇函数,将y=f(x)的图象上所有点的横坐标伸长到原来的2倍(纵坐标不变),所得图象对应的函数为g(x).若g(x)的最小正周期为2π,且g=,则f 等于()A.-2 B.- C.D.2答案 C解析由f(x)为奇函数可得φ=kπ(k∈Z),又|φ|<π,所以φ=0,所以g(x)=A sin .由g(x)的最小正周期为2π,可得=2π,故ω=2,g(x)=A sin x,g=A sin =,所以A=2,所以f(x)=2sin 2x,故f=2sin =.8.已知a∈R.设函数f(x)=-+,,-,>若关于x的不等式f(x)≥0在R上恒成立,则a的取值范围为()A.[0,1]B.[0,2]C.[0,e]D.[1,e]答案 C解析方法一当a=0时,不等式f(x)≥0恒成立,排除D;当a=e时,f(x)=-+,,-,>,当x≤1时,f(x)=x2-2e x+2e的最小值为f(1)=1>0,满足f(x)≥0;当x>1时,由f(x)=x-eln x可得f′(x)=1-=,易得f(x)在x=e处取得极小值(也是最小值)f(e)=0,满足f(x)≥0恒成立,排除A,B.故选C.方法二若x≤1,f(x)=x2-2ax+2a=(x-a)2-a2+2a.当a≤1时,可得f(x)的最小值为f(a)=-a2+2a,令f(a)≥0,解得0≤a≤2,故0≤a≤1;当a>1时,可得f(x)的最小值为f(1)=1≥0,满足条件.所以a≥0.若x>1,由f(x)=x-a ln x可得f′(x)=1-=,当a≤1时,f′(x)>0,则f(x)在(1,+∞)上单调递增,故只需1-a ln 1≥0,显然成立;当a>1时,由f′(x)=0可得x=a,易得f(x)的最小值为f(a)=a-a ln a,令f(a)≥0,解得a≤e,故1<a≤e,所以a≤e.综上,a的取值范围是[0,e].第Ⅱ卷二、填空题9.i是虚数单位,则的值为________.答案解析方法一===2-3i,故==.方法二====.10.8的展开式中的常数项为________.答案28解析二项展开式的通项T r+1=(2x)8-r r=r·28-r x8-4r,令8-4r=0可得r=2,故常数项为2×26×=28.11.已知四棱锥的底面是边长为的正方形,侧棱长均为,若圆柱的一个底面的圆周经过四棱锥四条侧棱的中点,另一个底面的圆心为四棱锥底面的中心,则该圆柱的体积为________.答案解析由题意可得,四棱锥底面对角线的长为2,则圆柱底面的半径为,易知四棱锥的高为=2,故圆柱的高为1,所以圆柱的体积为π×2×1=.12.设a∈R,直线ax-y+2=0和圆=+,=+(θ为参数)相切,则a的值为________.答案解析由已知条件可得圆的直角坐标方程为(x-2)2+(y-1)2=4,其圆心为(2,1),半径为2,由直线和圆相切可得=2,解得a=.13.设x>0,y>0,x+2y=5,则的最小值为________.答案4解析===2+.由x+2y=5得5≥2,即≤,即xy≤,当且仅当x=2y=时等号成立.所以2+≥2=4,当且仅当2=,即xy=3时取等号,结合xy≤可知,xy可以取到3,故的最小值为4.14.在四边形ABCD中,AD∥BC,AB=2,AD=5,∠A=30°,点E在线段CB的延长线上,且AE=BE,则·=________.答案-1解析方法一在等腰△ABE中,易得∠BAE=∠ABE=30°,故BE=2,则·=(-)·(+)=·+·-2-·=5×2×cos 30°+5×2×cos 180°-12-2×2×cos 150°=15-10-12+6=-1.方法二在△ABD中,由余弦定理可得BD==,所以cos∠ABD==-,则sin ∠ABD=.设与的夹角为θ,则cos θ=cos(180°-∠ABD+30°)=-cos(∠ABD-30°)=-cos∠ABD·cos 30°-sin∠ABD·sin 30°=-,在△ABE中,易得AE=BE=2,故·=×2×=-1.三、解答题15.在△ABC中,内角A,B,C所对的边分别为a,b,c,已知b+c=2a,3c sin B=4a sin C.(1)求cos B的值;(2)求sin的值.解(1)在△ABC中,由正弦定理=,得b sin C=c sin B,又由3c sin B=4a sin C,得3b sin C=4a sin C,又sin C≠0,所以3b=4a.又因为b+c=2a,所以b=a,c=a,由余弦定理可得cos B===-.(2)由(1)可得sin B==,从而sin 2B=2sin B cos B=-,cos 2B=cos2B-sin2B=-,故sin=sin 2B cos +cos 2B sin =-×-×=-.16.设甲、乙两位同学上学期间,每天7:30之前到校的概率均为,假定甲、乙两位同学到校情况互不影响,且任一同学每天到校情况相互独立.(1)用X表示甲同学上学期间的三天中7:30之前到校的天数,求随机变量X的分布列和数学期望;(2)设M为事件“上学期间的三天中,甲同学在7:30之前到校的天数比乙同学在7:30之前到校的天数恰好多2”,求事件M发生的概率.解(1)因为甲同学上学期间的三天中到校情况相互独立,且每天7:30之前到校的概率均为,故X~B,从而P(X=k)=k3-k,k=0,1,2,3.所以,随机变量X的分布列为随机变量X的数学期望E(X)=3×=2.(2)设乙同学上学期间的三天中7:30之前到校的天数为Y,则Y~B,且M={X=3,Y =1}∪{X=2,Y=0}.由题意知事件{X=3,Y=1}与{X=2,Y=0}互斥,且事件{X=3}与{Y=1},事件{X=2}与{Y=0}均相互独立,从而由(1)知P(M)=P({X=3,Y=1}∪{X=2,Y=0})=P({X=3,Y=1})+P({X=2,Y=0})=P({X=3})P({Y=1})+P({X=2})P({Y=0})=×+×=.17.如图,AE⊥平面ABCD,CF∥AE,AD∥BC,AD⊥AB,AB=AD=1,AE=BC=2.(1)求证:BF∥平面ADE;(2)求直线CE与平面BDE所成角的正弦值;(3)若二面角E-BD-F的余弦值为,求线段CF的长.(1)证明以A为坐标原点,分别以,,的方向为x轴,y轴,z轴正方向建立空间直角坐标系(如图所示),可得A(0,0,0),B(1,0,0),C(1,2,0),D(0,1,0),E(0,0,2).设CF=h(h >0),则F(1,2,h).由题意知,=(1,0,0)是平面ADE的法向量,又=(0,2,h),所以·=0,又因为直线BF⊄平面ADE,所以BF∥平面ADE.(2)解由(1)知,=(-1,1,0),=(-1,0,2),=(-1,-2,2).设n=(x,y,z)为平面BDE的法向量,则即-+=,-+=,不妨令z=1,可得n=(2,2,1).所以cos〈,n〉==-.所以直线CE与平面BDE所成角的正弦值为.(3)解设m=(x′,y′,z′)为平面BDF的法向量,=(-1,1,0),=(0,2,h).则即-+=,+=,不妨令y′=1,可得m=.由题意,有|cos〈m,n〉|===,解得h=,经检验,符合题意.所以线段CF的长为.18.设椭圆+=1(a>b>0)的左焦点为F,上顶点为B.已知椭圆的短轴长为4,离心率为.(1)求椭圆的方程;(2)设点P在椭圆上,且异于椭圆的上、下顶点,点M为直线PB与x轴的交点,点N在y 轴的负半轴上.若|ON|=|OF|(O为原点),且OP⊥MN,求直线PB的斜率.解(1)设椭圆的半焦距为c,依题意,2b=4,=,又a2=b2+c2,可得a=,b=2,c =1.所以椭圆的方程为+=1.(2)由题意,设P(x P,y P)(x P≠0),M(x M,0),直线PB的斜率为k(k≠0),又B(0,2),则直线PB 的方程为y=kx+2,与椭圆方程联立得整理得(4+5k2)x2+20kx=0,可得x P=-,代入y=kx+2得y P=.所以直线OP的斜率为=.在y=kx+2中,令y=0,得x M=-.由题意得N(0,-1),所以直线MN的斜率为-.由OP⊥MN,得·=-1,化简得k2=,从解得k=±.所以直线PB的斜率为或-.19.设{a n}是等差数列,{b n}是等比数列.已知a1=4,b1=6,b2=2a2-2,b3=2a3+4.(1)求{a n}和{b n}的通项公式;(2)设数列{c n}满足c1=1,c n=其中k∈N*.(ⅰ)求数列{a2n(c2n-1)}的通项公式;(ⅱ)求(n∈N*).解(1)设等差数列{a n}的公差为d,等比数列{b n}的公比为q.依题意得=+,=+,解得=,=,所以a n=a1+(n-1)d=4+(n-1)×3=3n+1,b n=b1·q n-1=6×2n-1=3×2n.所以{a n }的通项公式为a n =3n +1,{b n }的通项公式为b n =3×2n . (2)(ⅰ)a 2n (c 2n -1)=a 2n (b n -1)=(3×2n +1)(3×2n -1)=9×4n -1. 所以数列{a 2n (c 2n -1)}的通项公式为a 2n (c 2n -1)=9×4n -1. (ⅱ)a i c i =[a i +a i (c i -1)] =a i +a 2i (c 2i -1)=+ (9×4i -1)=(3×22n -1+5×2n -1)+9×-n=27×22n -1+5×2n -1-n -12(n ∈N *). 20.设函数f (x )=e x cos x ,g (x )为f (x )的导函数. (1)求f (x )的单调区间;(2)当x ∈时,证明:f (x )+g (x )≥0;(3)设x n 为函数u (x )=f (x )-1在区间内的零点,其中n ∈N ,证明:2n π+-x n <.(1)解 由已知f (x )的定义域为R ,f ′(x )=e x (cos x -sin x ).当x ∈(k ∈Z )时,有sin x >cos x ,则f ′(x )<0,f (x )单调递减;当x ∈(k ∈Z )时,有sin x <cos x ,则f ′(x )>0,f (x )单调递增. 所以f (x )的单调递增区间为(k ∈Z ),f (x )的单调递减区间为(k ∈Z ).(2)证明 记h (x )=f (x )+g (x ),由题意及(1)得,g (x )=e x (cos x -sin x ),所以g ′(x )=-2e x sin x .当x ∈时,g ′(x )<0,故h ′(x )=f ′(x )+g ′(x )·+g (x )·(-1)=g ′(x )<0.所以h (x )在区间上单调递减, 所以h (x )≥h =f=0.所以当x ∈⎣⎡⎦⎤π4,π2时,f (x )+g (x )⎝⎛⎭⎫π2-x ≥0. (3)证明 由题意得,u (x n )=f (x n )-1=0,即 cos x n =1.记y n =x n -2n π,则y n ∈,且f (y n )= cos y n = -2n πcos(x n -2n π)=e -2n π(n ∈N ).由f (y n )=e-2n π≤1=f (y 0)及(1),得y n ≥y 0.由(2)知,当x∈时,g′(x)<0,所以g(x)在上为减函数,所以g(y n)≤g(y0)<g=0.又由(2)知,f(y n)+g(y n)≥0,故-y n≤-=-≤-=<. 所以2nπ+-x n<.。

参考公式:·如果事件A 、B 互斥,那么()()()P AB P A P B =+.·如果事件A 、B 相互独立,那么()()()P AB P A P B =.·圆柱的体积公式V Sh =,其中S 表示圆柱的底面面积,h 表示圆柱的高. ·棱锥的体积公式13V Sh =,其中S 表示棱锥的底面面积,h 表示棱锥的高. 一、选择题:在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的. 1.设集合{1,1,2,3,5},{2,3,4},{|13}A B C x x =-==∈≤<R ,则()A CB =A .{}2B .{}2,3C .{}1,2,3-D .{}1,2,3,42.设变量,x y 满足约束条件20,20,1,1,x y x y x y +-≤⎧⎪-+≥⎪⎨≥-⎪⎪≥-⎩则目标函数4z x y =-+的最大值为A .2B .3C .5D .63.设x ∈R ,则“250x x -<”是“|1|1x -<”的A .充分而不必要条件B .必要而不充分条件C .充要条件D .既不充分也不必要条件4.阅读下边的程序框图,运行相应的程序,输出S 的值为A .5B .8C .24D .295.已知抛物线24y x =的焦点为F ,准线为l ,若l 与双曲线22221(0,0)x y a b a b-=>>的两条渐近线分别交于点A 和点B ,且||4||AB OF =(O 为原点),则双曲线的离心率为A BC .2D 6.已知5log 2a =,0.5og 2.l 0b =,0.20.5c =,则,,a b c 的大小关系为 A .a c b <<B .a b c <<C .b c a <<D .c a b <<7.已知函数()sin()(0,0,||)f x A x A ωϕωϕ=+>><π是奇函数,将()y f x =的图象上所有点的横坐标伸长到原来的2倍(纵坐标不变),所得图象对应的函数为()g x .若()g x 的最小正周期为2π,且4g π⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭38f π⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭A .2-B .C D .28.已知a ∈R ,设函数222,1,()ln ,1.x ax a x f x x a x x ⎧-+≤=⎨->⎩若关于x 的不等式()0f x ≥在R 上恒成立,则a 的取值范围为 A .[]0,1B .[]0,2C .[]0,e D .[]1,e第Ⅱ卷注意事项:1.用黑色墨水的钢笔或签字笔将答案写在答题卡上。
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2019年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(天津卷)理科综合 物理部分理科综合共300分,考试用时150分钟。
已知月球的质量为M 、半径为R ,探测器的质量为m ,引力常量为G ,嫦娥四号探测器围绕月球做半径为r 的匀速圆周运动时,探测器的( )A 234πr GMB .动能为2GMmRC 3Gmr D .向心加速度为2GMR2.2018年10月23日,港珠澳跨海大桥正式通车。
下列说法正确的是( )A .增加钢索的数量可减小索塔受到的向下的压力B .为了减小钢索承受的拉力,可以适当降低索塔的高度C .索塔两侧钢索对称且拉力大小相同时,钢索对索塔的合力竖直向下D .为了使索塔受到钢索的合力竖直向下,索塔两侧的钢索必须对称分布3.如图所示,在水平向右的匀强电场中,质量为m 的带电小球,以初速度v 从M 点竖直向上运动,通过N 点时,速度大小为2v ,方向与电场方向相反,则小球从M 运动到N 的过程( )A .动能增加212mvB .机械能增加22mv C .重力势能增加232mv D .电势能增加22mv4.笔记本电脑机身和显示屏对应部位分别有磁体和霍尔元件。
如图所示,一块宽为a 、长为c 的矩形半导体霍尔元件,元件内的导电粒子是电荷量为e 的自由电子,通入方向向右的电流时,电子的定向移动速度为v 。
当显示屏闭合时元件处于垂直于上表面、方向向下的匀强磁场中,于是元件的前、后表面间出现电压U ,以此控制屏幕的熄灭。
则元件的( )A .前表面的电势比后表面的低B .前、后表面间的电压U 与v 无关C .前、后表面间的电压U 与c 成正比D .自由电子受到的洛伦兹力大小为eUa5.如图为a 、b 、c 三种光在同一光电效应装置中测得的光电流和电压的关系。
由a 、b 、c 组成的复色光通过三棱镜时,下述光路图中正确的是()二、不定项选择题(每小题6分,共18分。
下列关于聚变的说法正确的是()A.核聚变比核裂变更为安全、清洁B.任何两个原子核都可以发生聚变C.两个轻核结合成质量较大的核,总质量较聚变前增加D.两个轻核结合成质量较大的核,核子的比结合能增加7.一列简谐横波沿x轴传播,已知x轴上11mx=和27mx=处质点的振动图像分别如图1、图2所示,则此列波的传播速率可能是()A.7m/s B.2m/s C.1.2m/s D.1m/s8.单匝闭合矩形线框电阻为R,在匀强磁场中绕与磁感线垂直的轴匀速转动,穿过线框的磁通量Φ与时间t的关系图像如图所示。
下列说法正确的是()A .2T时刻线框平面与中性面垂直 B .线框的感应电动势有效值为m2πTΦ C .线框转一周外力所做的功为22m2πRTΦD .从0t =到4Tt =过程中线框的平均感应电动势为m πTΦ 第Ⅱ卷注意事项:1.用黑色墨水的钢笔或签字笔将答案写在答题卡上。
9.(18分)(1)第26届国际计量大会决定,质量单位“千克”用普朗克常量h 定义,“国际千克原器”于2019年5月20日正式“退役”。
h 的数值为346.6310-⨯,根据能量子定义,h 的单位是______,该单位用国际单位制中的力学基本单位表示,则为______。
A .选用两光学表面间距大的玻璃砖 B .选用两光学表面平行的玻璃砖 C .选用粗的大头针完成实验D .插在玻璃砖同侧的两枚大头针间的距离尽量大些②该小组用同一套器材完成了四次实验,记录的玻璃砖界线和四个大头针扎下的孔洞如下图所示,其中实验操作正确的是______。
③该小组选取了操作正确的实验记录,在白纸上画出光线的径迹,以入射点O 为圆心作圆,与入射光线、折射光线分别交于A 、B 点,再过A 、B 点作法线NN '的垂线,垂足分别为C 、D 点,如图所示,则玻璃的折射率n =______。
①某次用螺旋测微器测量金属丝直径的结果如图所示,其读数是______mm 。
这段金属丝的电阻x R 约为100Ω,画出实验电路图,并标明器材代号。
电源E (电动势10V ,内阻约为10Ω) 电流表1A (量程0~250mA ,内阻15R =Ω) 电流表2A (量程0~300mA ,内阻约为5Ω) 滑动变阻器R (最大阻值10Ω,额定电流2A ) 开关S 及导线若干③某同学设计方案正确,测量得到电流表1A 的读数为1I ,电流表2A 的读数为2I ,则这段金属丝电阻的计算式x R =______。
为了便于研究舰载机的起飞过程,假设上翘甲板BC 是与水平甲板AB 相切的一段圆弧,示意如图2,AB 长1150m L =,BC 水平投影263m L =,图中C 点切线方向与水平方向的夹角12θ=︒(sin120.21︒≈)。
若舰载机从A 点由静止开始做匀加速直线运动,经6s t =到达B 点进入BC 。
已知飞行员的质量60kg m =,210m/s g =,求(1)舰载机水平运动的过程中,飞行员受到的水平力所做功W ; (2)舰载机刚进入BC 时,飞行员受到竖直向上的压力N F 多大。
11.(18分)如图所示,固定在水平面上间距为l 的两条平行光滑金属导轨,垂直于导轨放置的两根金属棒MN 和PQ 长度也为l 、电阻均为R ,两棒与导轨始终接触良好。
MN 两端通过开关S 与电阻为R 的单匝金属线圈相连,线圈内存在竖直向下均匀增加的磁场,磁通量变化率为常量k 。
图中虚线右侧有垂直于导轨平面向下的匀强磁场,磁感应强度大小为B 。
PQ 的质量为m ,金属导轨足够长,电阻忽略不计。
(1)闭合S ,若使PQ 保持静止,需在其上加多大的水平恒力F ,并指出其方向;(2)断开S ,PQ 在上述恒力作用下,由静止开始到速度大小为v 的加速过程中流过PQ 的电荷量为q ,求该过程安培力做的功W 。
引擎获得推力的原理如图所示,进入电离室的气体被电离成正离子,而后飘入电极A 、B 之间的匀强电场(初速度忽略不计),A 、B 间电压为U ,使正离子加速形成离子束,在加速过程中引擎获得恒定的推力。
单位时间内飘入的正离子数目为定值,离子质量为m ,电荷量为Ze ,其中Z 是正整数,e 是元电荷。
以下数据供解题时参考:相对原子质量:H 1 C 12 O 16 Zn 651.化学在人类社会发展中发挥着重要作用,下列事实不涉及...化学反应的是 A .利用废弃的秸秆生产生物质燃料乙醇 B .利用石油生产塑料、化纤等高分子材料 C .利用基本的化学原料生产化学合成药物D .利用反渗透膜从海水中分离出淡水2.下列离子方程式能用来解释相应实验现象的是实验现象离子方程式A向氢氧化镁悬浊液中滴加氯化铵溶液,沉淀溶解()24322Mg OH 2NH Mg 2NH H O ++++⋅B向沸水中滴加饱和氯化铁溶液得到红褐色液体()323Fe 3H OFe OH 3H +++↓+C 二氧化硫使酸性高锰酸钾溶液褪色2224423SO 2MnO 4H 3SO 2Mn 2H O -+-+++++D 氧化亚铁溶于稀硝酸22FeO 2H Fe H O ++++3...A .将废铁屑加入2FeCl 溶液中,可用于除去工业废气中的2ClB .铝中添加适量锂,制得低密度、高强度的铝合金,可用于航空工业C .盐碱地(含较多23Na CO 等)不利于作物生长,可施加熟石灰进行改良D .无水2CoCl 呈蓝色,吸水会变为粉红色,可用于判断变色硅胶是否吸水 4.下列实验操作或装置能达到目的的是ABCD混合浓硫酸和乙醇配制一定浓度的溶液收集2NO 气体证明乙炔可使溴水褪色5.某温度下,2HNO 和3CH COOH 的电离常数分别为5.010⨯和1.710⨯。
将pH 和体积均相同的两种酸溶液分别稀释,其pH 随加水体积的变化如图所示。
下列叙述正确的是A .曲线Ⅰ代表2HNO 溶液B .溶液中水的电离程度:b 点>c 点C .从c 点到d点,溶液中()()()HA OH A c c c --⋅保持不变(其中HA 、A -分别代表相应的酸和酸根离子)D .相同体积a 点的两溶液分别与NaOH 恰好中和后,溶液中()Na n +相同6.我国科学家研制了一种新型的高比能量锌-碘溴液流电池,其工作原理示意图如下。