长难句翻译 高英
难长句的翻译:Unit7:1. And one and all they are streaked in grime, with dead and eczematous patches ofpaint peeping through the streaks.They are all marked with long and thin lines of dirt, and boring paint spots like red swollen skin appear dimly from those lines每幢房屋都有一道道垢纹,从这些垢纹中隐约露出一些让人讨厌的像患病皮肤一样的油漆疤痕2.The taste for them is as enigmatical and yet as common as the taste for dogmatictheology and the poetry of Edgar ·A·Guest.人们喜欢这类丑陋图案,就像迷恋教条主义神学和埃德加·A·格斯特诗歌,既不可思议,令人费解,却又司空见惯,习以为常Unit1:1.一阵狂风掀走了整个房顶,在劈头盖脸的雨水中,一家人紧紧地依偎在一起。
A blast of wind lifted the entire roof off the house. The whole family huddled in theslashing rain.2.地震发生时,他明显地感到房屋的晃动,听到窗户破碎的声响。
When the earthquake was taking place, he seemingly felt the shuddering of the houses and heard the shattering of the windows.3.市政府为将到来的艺术节做了周密的准备工作,一些高大的建筑物上挂起了彩灯和彩旗.The city government has made methodical preparations for the coming of the art festival.Some high buildings are festooned with colored lights and banners.4.骚乱之后,街上到处都是被烧毁的小汽车、石块和破瓶子(strew )。
口译实践之 长难句
原文2: 我们主张在互相 尊重主权和领土完 整、互不侵犯、互 不干涉内政、平等 互利、和平共处的 五项原则的基础上, 建立和平、稳定、 公正、合理的国际 新秩序。
• We advocate the establishment of a peaceful, stable, just and rational new international order on the basis of the five principles of mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual non-aggression and noninterference in each other's internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit and peaceful coexistence.
• Shanghai is on the tip of the Yangtze Delta, in the middle of China's coastline running down from the north to the south. It is very well located. Shanghai averages about 4 meters above sea level. It has a tropical monsoon climate, with four different seasons, plenty of sunshine and good rainfall. The third largest island in China, the Chongming Island, is within Shanghai's territory.
Determine the coordinate components in a sentence, such as coordinate sentences, coordinate phrases, etc., to ensure logical clarity during translation.
目 录
Translation Techniques for Long and Differential Sentences
Identify the subject, predicate, and object in a sentence, as well as modifiers such as attributives and adverbials, to understand the overall structure and meaning of the sentence.
Example of translating long and difficult sentence
Translation Techniques for Long and Differential Sentences Analysis of Common Sentence Patterns in Translation Translation Analysis of Long and Differential Sentences in True Questions
Analyze the relationship between clauses, phrases, and modifiers in a sentence to determine the correct translation order.
笔译翻译练习(5.8)一、长难句翻译(分句与合句)1. Behaviorists suggest that the child who is raised in an environment where there are many stimuli which develop his or her capacity for appropriate responses will experience greater intellectual development.行为主义者认为,如果儿童的成长环境里有许多刺激因素,这些因素又有利于其适当反应能力的发展,那么,儿童的智力就会发展到较高的水平。
2. If parents were prepared for this adolescent reaction, and realized that it was a sign that the child was growing up and developing valuable powers of observation and independent judgment, they would not be so hurt, and therefore would not drive the child into opposition by resenting and resisting it.如果做父母的对这种青少年的反应有所准备,而且意识到这是一个显示出孩子正在成长,正在发展珍贵的观察力和独立的判断力的标志,他们就不会感到如此伤心,因此也就没有愤恨和反对的情绪而把孩子推到对立面去。
3. The election which has led to your being chosen to preside over(主持,负责,管理)this Assembly—a very wise choice indeed—is a tribute(礼物)to your great country, which has contributed to the development of the history of free nations a tradition of peace that serves as an example for the legal community that we constitute, a country which has always commanded respect and admiration from all corners of the world.这次选举你被选为主持这个大会,事实上是个非常明智的选择,是对你伟大的国家的献礼,贵国为自由国家的历史发展贡献出了一种和平传统,这一传统是我们法治国家的榜样,全世界都为贵国表示尊敬和钦佩。
长难句翻译100句(1)1. The American economic system is, organized around a basicallyprivate-enterprise, market-oriented economy in which consumers largely determine what shall be produced by spending their money in the marketplace for those goods and services that they want most.美国的经济基本是以私有企业和市场导向经济为架构的,在这种经济下,消费者在市场上为那些他们最想要的货品和服务付费,在很大程度上决定了什么应该被制造出来。
2. Thus, in the American economic system it is the demand of individual consumers, coupled with the desire of businessmen to maximize profits and the desire of individuals to maximize their incomes, that together determine what shall be produced and how resources are used to produce it.因此,在美国的经济体系中,个体消费者的需求、商人试图最大化其利润的欲望、个人想最大化其收入效用,这三种欲望相结合,决定了什么应该被制造出来,也决定了如何用资源来制造它们。
3. If, on the other hand, producing more of a commodity results in reducing its cost, this will tend to increase the supply offered by seller-producers, which in turn will lower the price and permit more consumers to buy the product.另一方面,如果大量制造某种商品导致其成本下降,那么这就有可能增加卖方和制造商能的供给,这样反过来又降低了价格,让更多的消费者购买产品。
1、 If you then examined the European national youth teamsthat feed the World Cup and professional ranks, you would find this strange phenomenon to be even more pronounced.参考译文:如果你调查了参加世界杯并且是专业级别的欧洲国家的青年队,你就会发现这种奇怪的现象会更加明显。
2、 This success, coupled with later research showing that memory itself is not genetically determined, led Ericsson to conclude that the act of memorizing is more of a cognitive exercise than an intuitive one.参考译文:这个成功以及后来的研究——这些研究表明记忆本身并不是由基因决定的——导致爱立信得出一个结论,即:记忆活动与其是一个直觉还不如说是一个认知活动。
3、 They gather all the data they can, not just performance statistics and biographical details but also the results of their own laboratory experiments with high achievers.参考译文:他们收集了他们所能收集的一切数据,这些数据不仅包括所统计的表现活动和生物信息,而且也包括了他们的成果极高的实验室的实验结果。
4、 It is not obvious how the capacity to visualize objects and to figure out numerical patterns suits one to answer questions that have eluded some of the best poets and philosophers.参考译文:那些能够形象地描述事物和勾画出无数模式的能力是如何让一个人能够回答那些最好的诗人和哲学家都能不能回答的问题的,这一点还不是很明显。
具体来说,我们要想获得成功的翻译,还应该做到以下几点:(一) 准确;(二) 完整;现在,我们选择一篇英语文章具体讲解在处理长句与难句时我们应该注意些什么,遵照什么样的原则,以及容易犯的错误。
【例文】Nike: Just Don't Do ItFans like its hands-off approach to ConverseThe practice is known as "Beaverizing." It's a term industry insiders use for what Nike, based in Beaverton, Ore., has done to some companies it's acquired through the years. Rather than letting the brands stand on their own, it gives them a Nike makeover. It swoosh-ified the hockey-equipment maker Bauer, for example, and boasted about Nike Air technology in its Cole Haan shoe subsidiary. Many feared the same would happen when Nike bought Converse, maker of the iconic Chuck Taylor All-Stars, a year ago. After all, the two companies seemed polar opposites. Nike made pricey, high-tech sneakers like $165 Air Jordans; Converse was known for cheap, low-tech sneakers that have been the unofficial gear of the anti-establishment for years (Kurt Cobain was wearing Cons when he committed suicide in 1994). The Wall Street Journal sounded an ominous note when the deal broke in July 2003: "The Swoosh is swallowing Chuck Taylor."Surprise, surprise. With Converse, Nike seems to have flipped its own slogan on its head. Meddle? Just don't do it. And the strategy appears to have paid off. Converse still has its retro-rebellious buzz, and its shoes are hot. Check the feet of Avril Lavigne, Blink 182, Kid Rock and the Strokes-they're even the go-to shoe among fashion models in Paris this year. Sales, though still a sliver of the overall market, have surged the last few years (chart). "Converse is everywhere right now," says Marshal Cohen, who tracks fashion for NPD Group, a market-research firm: younger buyers like the hip heritage of Cons. "It's funky and it's lasted this long-it must be good," said Britney Ellis, a New Jersey teenager, after buying a pair of navy Chuck Taylors.Nike execs say they always intended to leave Converse alone. "We let the team in place run the business the way they need itto run," says Scott Olivet, vice president of Nike Subsidiaries. (Converse executives declined to comment.) They learned their lesson from the Bauer experience. After Nike acquired Bauer in 1995, it started selling gear with its distinctive logo, tinkered with the technology and offended traditionalists when it outfitted superstar Sergei Fedorov in snow-white skates. Nike "lost sight of the DNA" of Bauer, and "consumers recognized it immediately。
长难句翻译100句(7)1. But it is a little upsetting to read in the explanatory notes that a certain line describes a fight between a Turkish and a Bulgarian officer on a bridge off which they both fall into the river--and then to find that the line consists of the noise of their falling and the weights of the officers, "Pluff! Pluff! A hundred and eighty-five kilograms."但是让人感到不快的是,我们从注释中得知某诗行讲述的是一个土耳其军官和一个保加利亚军官在桥上动手打架并双双掉进河里的事情,而后我们却发现该行诗中不过只充斥着"扑通,扑通,185公斤重"这类对他们落水时的动静以及对军官们体重的描写时。
2. The coming of age of the postwar baby boom and an entry of women into the male-domiated job market have limited the opportunities of teenagers who are already questioning the heavy personal sacrifices involved in climbing Janpan's rigid social ladder to good schools and jobs.战后婴儿潮的一代的步入成年,女性打入男性主导的劳动力市场,这限制了青少年的发展机会。
口译笔译实战练习:长难句翻译1. The overall result has been to make entrance to professional geological journals harder for amateurs, a result that has been reinforced by the widespread introduction of refereeing, first by national journals in the 19th century and then by several local geological journals in the 20th century.这样一来最终的结果便是业余爱好者想在专业地质学期刊上发表文章就更难了,广泛使用的论文评审推荐制度又进一步强化了这一结果。
2. A rather similar process of differentiation has led to professional geologists coming together nationally within one or two specific societies, whereas the amateurs have tended either to remain in local societies or to come together nationally in a different way.一个颇为类似的分化过程让全国的专业地质学家走到一起,组成了一两个专业学术社团,另一方面,业余地质爱好者们倾向于要么仍留在地方社团,要么以其他方式组成全国性机构。
长难句翻译100句(10)1. Other models exist that are hybrids of these three, such as delayed open-access, where journals allow only subscribers to read a paper for the first six months, before making it freely available to everyone who wishes to see it.还有一些商业模式为以上三种主要模式的综合体,如延迟开放模式,即这些期刊前六个月只允许付费者阅读论文,之后才免费提供给所有想阅读的人。
2. The bodies playing major professional sports have changed dramatically over the years, and managers have been more than willing to adjust team uniforms to fit the growing numbers of bigger, longer frames.这些年来,参加主要职业棒球赛运动员的身材发生了显著变化,俱乐部的经理们更乐意修改队服来满足日益增多的更高、更壮的运动员的需要。
3. For example, changes in the economy that lead to fewer job opportunities for youth and rising unemployment in general make gainful employment increasingly difficult to obtain.比如,经济方面的变化使得青年的就业机会更少,加之失业率的普遍上升,这越发使得赚钱的工作日益难找。
4. As a linguist, he acknowledges that all varieties of human languages, including non-standard ones like Black English, can be powerfully expressive—there exits no language or dialect in the world that cannot convey complex ideas.作为一名语言学家,他承认所有种类的人类语言,包括不规范的语言,如黑人英语,都具有强大的表达能力——世界上没有一种语言或方言不能表达复杂的意思。
翻译技巧英语口译笔译长难句练习Translation Skills: English Interpreting and Translation Practice for Long and Difficult Sentences1. Break it down into smaller chunksWhen facing long and difficult sentences, it can be helpfulto divide them into smaller parts and translate each part individually. This can make the sentence more manageable and improve accuracy.2. Understand the structure3. Identify key words and conceptsIdentifying the key words and concepts in the sentence will assist in grasping the main idea and conveying it accurately in the target language. Pay attention to any specialized vocabulary or idiomatic expressions.4. Consider the contextUnderstanding the context in which the sentence is used can aid in providing an accurate translation. Consider the overall meaning and purpose of the text, as well as any cultural references or nuances.5. Use appropriate connectors and transition wordsUsing connectors and transition words appropriately can help convey the relationships between different parts of the sentence.This can include words such as "however," "therefore," or "in addition." Using these words correctly will enhance the flow and coherence of the translation.6. Seek clarification if neededIf there are ambiguities or uncertainties in the sentence, don't hesitate to seek clarification from the speaker or writer. It is better to ensure an accurate understanding of the sentence before attempting to translate it.7. Practice regularly8. Stay up-to-date with current events and trends。
长难句翻译100句(4)1. The most thrilling explanation is, unfortunately, a little defective. Some economists argue that powerful structural changes in the world have upended the old economic models that were based upon the historical link between growth and inflation.很不幸,这个令人震惊的解释有一点缺陷。
2. The Aswan Dam, for example, stopped the Nile flooding but deprived Egypt of the fertile silt that floods left -- all in return for a giant reservoir of disease which is now so full of silt that it barely generates electricity.例如,阿斯旺大坝使得尼罗河水不再泛滥,但是它也夺去了埃及以前所享有的洪水留下的肥沃淤泥——这些换来的就是这么个病菌滋生的水库,现在这个水库积满了淤泥,几乎不能发电了。
3. New ways of organizing the workplace--all that re-engineering and downsizing--are only one contribution to the overall productivity of an economy, which is driven by many other factors such as joint investment in equipment and machinery, new technology, and investment in education and training.企业重组的新方法——所有那些重新规划、缩小规模的做法——只是经济的整体生产力做提高的一个方面。
口译笔译实战练习:长难句翻译1. The overall result has been to make entrance to professional geological journals harder for amateurs, a result that has been reinforced by the widespread introduction of refereeing, first by national journals in the 19th century and then by several local geological journals in the 20th century.这样一来最终的结果便是业余爱好者想在专业地质学期刊上发表文章就更难了,广泛使用的论文评审推荐制度又进一步强化了这一结果。
2. A rather similar process of differentiation has led to professional geologists coming together nationally within one or two specific societies, whereas the amateurs have tended either to remain in local societies or to come together nationally in a different way.一个颇为类似的分化过程让全国的专业地质学家走到一起,组成了一两个专业学术社团,另一方面,业余地质爱好者们倾向于要么仍留在地方社团,要么以其他方式组成全国性机构。
长难句翻译100句(6)1.But, for a small group of students, professional training might be the way to go since well-developed skills, all other factors being equal, can be the difference between having a job and not.但是,对一个小部分学生来说,专业培训也是条可取的路径。
2. Declaring that he was opposed to using this unusualanimal husbandry technique to clone humans, he ordered that federal funds not be used for such an experiment -- although no one had proposed to do so -- and asked an independent panel of experts chaired by Princeton President Harold Shapiro to report back to the White House in 90 days with recommendations for a national policy on human cloning.他宣布自己反对使用这种非同寻常的畜牧繁殖技术来克隆人类,并下令联邦政府基金不得被用于此类试验——尽管还没有人要求这么做——他还请一个以普林斯顿大学校长哈罗得·夏皮罗为首的独立的专家组在90天内向白宫汇报关于制定有关克隆人的国家政策的建议。
3. In a draft preface to the recommendations, discussed at the 17 May meeting, Shapiro suggested that the panel had found a broad consensus that it would be "morally unacceptable to attempt to create a human child by adult nuclear cloning".在5月17日的会议上所讨论的这份建议书的序言草案中,夏皮罗提出,专家组已经达成广泛共识,那就是"试图通过成人细胞核克隆来制造人类幼儿的做法在道德上是不可接受的"。
翻译考试笔译长难句解析2017年翻译考试笔译长难句解析Sow nothing, reap nothing.以下是店铺为大家搜索整理的2017年翻译考试笔译长难句解析,希望能给大家带来帮助!二、英语短语(成语)翻译的多样性例:to be on tenterhooks(心情烦乱、焦急、紧张)1)She was on tenterhooks when she heard of her mother's illness.她得知母亲病了,坐立不安。
2)He was on tenterhooks of expectation during our conversation.在我们谈话时,他因有所期待而如坐针毡。
3)I found him on tenterhooks when he was waiting for his girlfriend.我发现他在等女朋友时显得局促不安。
4)The President,being told of the strong earthquake in his country, was on tenterhooks every minute.得知本国发生了地震,总统一直心乱如麻。
5)His parents were on tenterhooks all the time until they got his letter.他的父母在收到他的信前,一直是那样的心烦意乱。
6)The students were on tenterhooks before the examination began.考试开始前,学生们的心里七上八下。
7)The poor boy was on tenterhooks when his father was searching for a stick.那个可怜的男孩见父亲到处找棍子,感到六神无主。
8)The hen-pecked man was on tenterhooks when his wife scolded her way into the room.当妻子骂骂咧咧闯到房间来时,这个得了“气管炎”的男人便有些手足无措。
英语难句和长句的翻译练习0.But without Adolf Hitler, who was possessed of a demoniac personality, a granite will, uncanny instincts, a cold ruthlessness, a remarkable intellect, a soaring imagination and----until toward the end, when drunk with power and success, he over reached himself----an amazing capacity to size up people and situations, there almost certainly would never have been a Third Reich. 重组然而,如果没有阿道夫·希特勒,那就几乎可以肯定不会有第三帝国。
1.Applied science, on the other hand, is directly concerned with the application of the working laws of pure science to the practical affairs of life, and to increasing man’s control over his environment, thus leading to the development of techniques, processes and machines. 重组应用科学则直接涉及应用问题。
Section 5: Homework
Translate the following long sentences into Chinese. 1. Since the molecules of a gas are much too far from each other to repel or attract each other, it is very easy to compress a gas, while a solid or liquid is almost incompressible, because the repulsion of the electric charges of which its atoms are made up are far stronger than any force we can apply.
It is common experience that a certain amount of regular exercise improves the health and contributes to a feeling of well-being whether or not exercise adds to the length of life. 不管运动是否能延年益寿, 但一定量的运动 可以增进健康并使人精神愉快, 这一点却是 人们共有的体验。
四、重新组合法 所谓“重新组合”, 就是脱离原句的 层次和结构的安排, 按汉语叙事论理的习 惯重新组合成句。运用重新组合法来翻译 可以摆脱原文语序和句子形式的约束, 使 译文自然、流畅, 更加符合汉语的表达习 惯。当原句的表达次序与汉语表达习惯不 同时, 则可打破原文词序和结构, 按照时 间顺序和逻辑顺序重组句子。这是长句翻 译中较难掌握的一种方法, 需要有较好的 母语和外语驾驭能力 。
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1. The overall result has been to make entrance to professional geological journals harder for amateurs, a result that has been reinforced by the widespread introduction of refereeing, first by national journals in the 19th century and then by several local geological journals in the 20th century.
2. A rather similar process of differentiation has led to professional geologists coming together nationally within one or two specific societies, whereas the amateurs have tended either to remain in local societies or to come together nationally in a different way.
3. Sad to say, this project has turned out to be mostly low-level findings about factual errors and spelling and grammar mistakes, combined with lots of head-scratching puzzlement about what in the world those readers really want.。